How Grushnitsky died. Pechorin and Pereshnitsky: characteristics of heroes

How Grushnitsky died. Pechorin and Pereshnitsky: characteristics of heroes
How Grushnitsky died. Pechorin and Pereshnitsky: characteristics of heroes

In the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" There is a conflict between the Pechorin, the main character of the work, and the Hushchnitsky, who plays the role of Pechorin's friend. So why did the duel of Pechorin and the Pereshnitsky turned out to be inevitable?

First, Pechorina could not be buddies, and even more so friends. He is not capable of friendship or affection.

Pechorin is an egoist, which is indifferent to the feelings of other people.

Secondly, the main cause of the duel is jealousy. Grucnitsky was passionate about the prince Mary, but she paid his own attention to Pechorin, to whom the whole game had delivered pleasure. He was amused by how Gruchnitsky tries to return the attention of the princessed Mary. He comes crazy from jealousy and progressive pride, the Pereshnitsky becomes dangerous.

In fact, disagreements between the Pechorin and Grushnitsky began much earlier. They always had a place to be. Heroes are the exact opposite. Lermontov opposed them to each other in order to once again emphasize the bright personality and the extraordinary character of Pechorin.

Despite the position of Pechorin, the Grushnitsky is also far from a positive hero of the novel. He is self-confident. Hushnitsky loves Paphos, always seeks to play the role of a disappointed hero. Pechorin immediately notices all weaknesses and vices of the pears.

Thus, a duel between the pechers and the pears is the disclosure of the conflict of two heroes, which was necessary and inevitable. Lermontov encountered heroes "on one path where you can not dispay the two."

Updated: 2017-03-02

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How many lives took duel! The progressive honor necessarily required weapons interference, and the hot young heart fought her. Someone honored the honor, and the enemy received a bullet or a sword punch. The theme of satisfaction touched the heroes of the magnificent novel Mikhail Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". The matching of Pechorin and Hushnitsky could not have a different outcome as death. To understand the reason for such a junction, it is worth referring to the history of the relationship between the heroes of the novel.

  1. So, Pechorin Grigory Aleksandrovich is the central axis of the Roman who keeps the entire plot. He is an extraordinary personality, proud, proud, and at the same time we see him as a lost person, a person without a goal and place in the world. The task of the life of the hero is to understand who he is and why exists.
  2. Grushnitsky is a man with a fervent soul, but with a weak and cowardly character. He is capable of a beautiful speech to conquer the ladies, ready to wave a chass in the battle. But it does not make it weak. Our hero is weak due to the fact that he does not know how to recognize her wrong. He is a kind of progressive person who tries to cover their slack of Farc and the seduction.

The story of their friendship

It would seem that such two natures simply can not be next to each other. But at first, the heroes lead the service, and then the healing water of Pyatigorsk. They cannot be called friends, rather they are familiar due to the fault of the circumstances. Pechistan friendship is not needed, he believes that it does not have the ability. His alleged "comrade" he sees through, all its shortcomings and weakness. Hushchnitsky sees in it who can tell about his love intrigues or talk about the service. But he also in secret hates his "friend" for the fact that he fully diluted his miserable dusk.

A strained relationships arise between the pechers and pears, which are poured into the incident with the sad finals.

Cause Duel

A duel between our characters is the most stressful scene of the whole novel. What is it, actually happening? The answer to this question is the immoral act of Hushchnitsky in relation to the Princess and the Pechistan itself. The fact is that a love triangle arose between the heroes. Grucnitsky is in love with Mary, she loves Pechorin, but he is completely cold to her, the girl's love for him is only a game. The pride of Juncker is lean.

For the fact that Ligovskaya refused him, hero sow gossip about Princess and Pechorin. It could completely spoil the reputation of the ladies, and at the same time her further life. Having learned about this, Grigory causes a dealership to a duel.

Preparation of the fight

Hushchnitsky continues to revenge, using even a challenge to a duel, and plunges meanness. Even more he may be disgraced by Pechorina, giving an uncharged gun. But fate is not on the side of the hero, and the vile intent is revealed.

It is worth noting the spiritual state of Grigory in front of a duel. The hero understands that he may die without fulfilling the purpose of life. Pechorin's mood eats nature.

Duel Description

Let's turn to the duel itself. During her Grigory gives an opponent a chance to correct. This gesture he hints that he does not want the death of the enemy. But the stupid chivalry prevents the Grucnitsky to understand this, because he is convinced that meanness will be saved. Then the Pechorin requires a charged pistol, and the opponents shoot on equal.

Everything ends with the death of Hushchnitsky, so stupid and terrible.

The meaning of the episode and his role in the novel

Obviously, the author added this fragment is not just like that. In it, he most fully reflects the character of Pechorin. The main feature of the work and its innovation is psychologism (a detailed description of the inner world of heroes and their feelings through the situation, gestures and appearance, the interior of the house, etc.), so Lermontov was very important to reveal the soul of Gregory Alexandrovich. All the characters and events are subject to this purpose. Fight - no exception.

How did Duel revealed the character of the hero? She showed his composure and indifferent attitude towards the surrounding. Even for the honor of Mary, he joins because he guarded his skeletons in the closet, namely the novel with a married guest of Ligovsky. Grigory was on their territory in the late hour in front of the Hushnitsky, but not because it was going to Mary. He left the rest of faith. The fight became an excellent means of getting rid of unnecessary guesses that could put on the reputation of the Pechorin itself. It means that it can be called an exclusive egoist and a hypocrite, because he cares only about the external observance of decency. Also, the hero can be characterized by such qualities as revenue and cruelty. He killed a man for the fact that he tried to deceive him and did not recognize it. He did not regret the act of this act.

In the novel "Hero of Our Time", the reader sees a clear oppression of two images: the main character and Juncker.

Of course, both hero have similar features of character, such as egoism and self-love. But it should not be noted that in Pechorin it is a real one, and the Pereshnitsky has all through the impregnated with false. He only tries to seem to be a romantic hero, while Pechorin is.

Miscellaneous for each other was formed at the heroes almost immediately at a meeting in Pyatigorsk, but none of them showed that. It is impossible to name any of the heroes absolutely positive or negative. Pechorin ruthlessly cost the prince Mary, with his long-standing beloved faith and her husband only for fun. Not from some inner natural malice, but only boredom, the main character of the novel decided to fall in love with the young Mary, and thus cause a feeling of jealousy in the pears. Pechorin is depicted by the author like a selfish nature and very contradictory. It refers critical not only to the society surrounding it, but also to himself. The main character is deprived of false in its character and actions. It can not be accused of meanness or cowardice.

Grushnitsky is depicted by M.Yu. Lermontov, as mediocrity. The junker is not so sophisticated in communicating with women, like Pechorin, and behaves quite timidly and modestly. First, the reader might think that the love of Hushchnitsky to Merie is sincere, but subsequently it becomes clear that this is also false. He easily slandered his beloved when he saw Pechorina next to her window, just because of a vulnerable pride, not even trying to understand the situation.

Duel is a critical moment of collision of cowardice and courage two characters. Young Junker Grushnitsky led himself very much. Together with his new friend, Dragun captain, he decided to put the main character of the mixture. The plan was to leave pistols uncharged. The junker is trying to prove to himself that Pechorin is not ideal, and maybe there is a fear and cowardice. Hushnitsky waited for a convenient case to cause Pechorin on a duel. But the will of the chance, the main character heard what Dragun captain and young junker were talking about.

Soon an incident occurred, which led to a duel. When the main character was noticed in front of the window of the Princess Mary, the Grushnitsky publicly climbed him. For that Pechorin caused a duel. Dragun captain again made an instigator again and suggested to charge only the Pushnitsky pistol, thus a cold-blooded murder was planned. It was the fear that pushed the young Juncker to such forge actions. He was afraid to lose her superior in all the Pechistan.

The main character, on the contrary, was not afraid of death. He suggested to make the conditions of the duel even more severe, transfer the duel to break the rock to anyone, even a minor wound, became deadly. Grushnitsky shot first, and only hurt the leg of Gregory. Then the main character announced that his pistol was not charged, and asked to recharge. Poju Pechorina was deadly for a deadly janker. Gregory did not manage to overcome Grigory, even with the help of a cunning plan. But Pechorin did not experience satisfaction from his victory over cowardice, on the contrary, he was hard on his soul.

The interference of this confrontation was very tragic:, the heart of the princes Mary is broken, the life of faith and her husband is broken.

In the novel "Hero of our time" M. Yu. Lermontov depicts Pechorin in the most different social environment: in the Caucasus, among the Circassians; Among the officers in the Cossack Stanza; Among smugglers in Tamani, among the highest society, which gathered on the waters in Pyatigorsk. Pechorin in the novel is surrounded by the most different characters, each of which in its own way shaves the inner look of the main character.

So, Dr. Werner, being a friend of Gregory Alexandrovich, emphasizes that the best thing is in the hero, - sincerity, education, high intelligent requests, analytical mind. At the same time, when compared with the Werner, the cruelty and the insensitivity of Pechorin become more notable. After a duel with Gruchnitsky, Werner does not serve his hands.

Maxim Maximych also to some extent is opposed to Pechorin. With all his simplicity, headquarters-captain kind and humane is capable of friendship and love. This, according to the expression of Belinsky, "Wonderful Soul", "Golden Heart". Against the background of Maxim Maximich, the selfishness of Pechorina, his closedness, individualism, loneliness is particularly clearly visible.

The initiality of the personality of Pechorin, the "authenticity" of his spiritual quest and at the same time the very night of the hero opens in the history of his relationship with Hischnitsky.

Grushnitsky in the novel is a peculiar twin of Pechorin. He in a certain sense parods the Migra Treatment of Gregory Alexandrovich, speaking as "disappointed."

Most of all, in the world, Grushnitsky craves to assure everyone in its own exclusivity, in unusual life circumstances. He puts on a mysterious, mysterious species, constantly drapes "into unusual feelings, sublime passions and exceptional suffering." The manners and the behavior of this character are designed to be spectacular: "He throws his head back when he says, and he thrusts his mustache with his left hand," he says soon and persistently, "the Pear of Passion to declare. Ricovka and false behavior in the Grushnitsky border with vulgarity. According to the comment of Pechorin, such people are made to the old age, "either peaceful landlords, or droves, sometimes and others ...".

Grushnitsky not only embodies the "fashion to be missed", but it is also a sneous, immoral, vengeful and envious person, prone to lying, intrigues, gossip. Grushnitsky is trying to care for Mary Lithuanian, but she rejects him. And now he is ready to overlook the good name of the girl, the blossom of gossip about her secret dates with the people.

Grushnitsky weave intrigue against Pechorin. Considering it with a happy rival, he dreams of revenge, kill him on a duel, prepare for the enemy a pistol with idle cartridges. However, it is soon becoming a victim: Pechorin will find out about the conspiracy and coolly kills the Hushnitsky on this duel, reloading his weapon in time.

It is characteristic that Grushnitsky is experiencing some embarrassment during the fight, something like cross-country engines. However, he does not refuse his plans, even realizing that his conspiracy is exposed. "- Shoot! - he answered, - I despise myself, and I hate you. If you do not kill me, I will drop you at night from behind the corner. We are on Earth together there is no place ... "

"The Pereshnitsky does not only have a character, but ... his nature was not alien to some kind of good sides: he was not able to be a valid good, nor to the actual evil; But the solemn, tragic position in which his pride would have played himself, it was necessary to initiate an instant and bold impulse of passion in him ... The pride forced him to see his opponent and the enemy in Pechorin; Self-died solved him on a conspiracy against the honor of Pechorin; The same prubency focused the full strength of his soul ... and made it preserves the right death to be loyal through recognition. This person is the apotheosis of petty pride and weakness of character, "wrote Belinsky. Approximately the same character estimates S. P. Shevyrev. "This is in the full sense of the word empty small. He was vain ... Without having something to be proud, he proud of his gray junker coin. He loves without love, "the critic notes.

However, Pechorin in the scene duel behaves unworthy: he chooses such a place for the fight, where one of them is doomed to inevitable death. An annals of offended pride, contempt and evil - here are the feelings experienced by Gregory Alexandrovich during a duel. In the soul it is no place for generosity. Playing his fate, he gladly play the fate of other people.

So, during Duele, Pechorin is ready to forgive his meanness to him, if he has been repent of his act. "I decided to provide all the benefits to the pear; I wanted to experience it; In his soul, he could wake up the spark of generosity, and then everything would have arranged for the better; But pride and weakness of character should have triumphant ... I wanted to give myself a full right not to spare it if fate had pardon me. Who did not conclude such conditions with his conscience? " - Pechistan reflects in his diary.

However, even being ready to forgive his opponent, Grigory Aleksandrovich subconsciously hopes for the fact that it is not necessary to forgive the Grushnitsky. Perfectly dealing with human psychology, Pechorin is confident in the facilitates of his rival, in his stubbornness, in his painful pride. It seems that these thinking of the hero about the possibility of repentance and rescue of the pearshnitsky to a greater extent - the sinusiness in front of themselves. In fact, Pechorin does not want to spare his opponent.

Gregory Alexandrovich is not a fatalist, he loves to "doubt everything," but here he goes on doubts, showing his complete contempt and disrespect for providence. Instead of gratitude to the fate for his own salvation, thanks, giving birth to generosity and mercy in man as feelings the most natural, Pechorin is experiencing contempt and hatred that generate another villain.

Grushnitsky annoying Pechorin from the very beginning. "I also don't like it: I feel that we will encounter a narrow road with him, and one of us is uncomplete," says Grigory Alexandrovich already at the first meeting with a Junker in Pyatigorsk. The reason for this hatred of Pechorin very clearly denoted S. P. Shevyrev. "He plays the role of disappointed - and that's why he does not like Pechorin; This latter does not like the Husknitsky on the same feeling, in which we should not like to not love the person who mysteriously and turns it into an empty mask that there is lively significantness, "the researcher notes.

Thus, in history with a pearshnitsky, the hero is revealed by its new faces. Against this character, there are more noticeable advantages of Pechorin - sincerity, strong will, determination, deep intelligence. At the same time, the whole abyss of Pecherinsky pride is exposed here, his individualism and self-person.

Provider and visionary?

P.Zaboloti portrait M.Yu.Lermontova 1837

The fact that Lermontov was a duelist, and how it all ended, I wrote in the post "Duele in Painting". Here I consider the duel of the most famous characters Mikhail Yurevich - Pechorin and Pereshnitsky. Contemporaries of the poet, including V.G. Belinsky, identified Pechorin with Lermontov himself. It is very much his behavior and actions resembled a daring, ironic poet. Although the author of the "Hero of Our Time" himself wrote that "Pechorin is a portrait made up of the defects of a whole generation." I will not go into the analysis of the work and characters, but just imagine them.

So, get acquainted with the duelists:

P.Boklevsky Pechorin Illustration to the novel "Hero of Our Time"

Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin
Young man 25 years old. "Recently in the Caucasus, translated from Russia." Having heard on the ball like the Pearhrick Pour the name of the Princess Mary, causes the last on a duel.
In detail the characteristic of the image of Pecherin:

Mikhail Vrubel Merie and a pear illustration to the novel "Hero of our time"

He is 21 years old. He Juncker, however, already has a St. George Cross. Located on vacation. According to Pechorin, "he suffers from romantic fanaticism."
He was familiar with Grushnitsky Pechorin, being in the existing detachment. Pereshnitsky drove on the waters of previously Pechorin, after wounded in his leg. "He is only a year in the service, wears, according to the special kind of smartness, a thick soldier's chinel. It is well complicated, Muckle and Chernovolos."
He says soon and persecuted: he is from those people who have ready-made magnificent phrases for all occasion of life, which just does not touch and which are important to be draped into unusual feelings, sublime passions and exceptional suffering. Make effect - their enjoyment; They like romantic provincials to madness. He is pretty Oster: His epigrams are often funny, but there are never tags and evil: he will not kill anyone in one word; He does not know people and their weak strings, because he was engaged in a whole life in one way. His goal is to become the hero of the novel. He so often tried to assure others that he is a creature not created for the world, who was doomed by some secret suffering that he himself had almost believed in this. Pechorin writes in his diary: "I understood it, and he doesn't love me for it, although we are external in the most friendly relations. The Pereshnitsky will hear a great traveler; I saw it in the case: he waves her checker, shouting and rushing forward, his eye clouded. This is something not Russian bravery! .. I also do not like it: I feel that we will ever encounter it on a narrow road, and one of us is not uncomplicated. "Grushnitsky is in love with the Princess Mary.

The story "Princess Mary" is written in the form of diary records. On May 11, Pechorin comes to Pyatigorsk. On June 17, his duel is happening with Grushnitsky.
The story of the duel is stacked at ten days.

June 5th.
The pearshnitsky appears from Pechorin and "Pretty Cleverly" asks: "You say, these days ... Did you do it for my prince?" He refutes this hearing.
On the pool, Pecherin dancing with Mary and kisses her hand. Grucnitsky is going to take revenge on him, and he managed to unite several people against Pechorina, among whom Dragun captain. Pechorina is pleased, as it is eager for sharp sensations.

June 12th.
Pechorin through the window of the house Slobodki is watching the military female, on which the Dragun captain, getting tasty, requires: "Pechorina must be learned!" The assembled discusses how they do it. It was decided that the Pereshnitsky should cause Pechorin on a duel. There will be no bullets in the guns, but the Pechorin will not know about this. Grushnitsky supports conspirators.

June 15th.
In Kislovodsk, the magician of the Apfelbaum comes. All are going to the presentation. Pechorin passes by the windows of faith and raises the note in which faith invites him to him in the evening. Closer to the appointed time it rises and leaves. On the way, he notices that someone follows him. He spends the whole evening at faith. About two hours of the passion, he descends from the top balcony to the bottom and glances to the window of the Princess Mary. When Pechorin jumps on Dern, he is enough of the Grushnitsky and Dragoon captain and try to delay, but it breaks away.

All the rest you "announce" the source.

Postcard with a view of the surroundings of Old Kislovodsk. Place Duel Pechorin with Pereshnitsky

I will continue my magazine interrupted by so many strange events.
I reread the last page: funny! I thought to die; It was impossible: I have not yet drained the bowls of suffering, and now I feel that I still live for a long time.
How all the past clear and sharply differ in my memory! Not a single feature, no shade erased time!
I remember that in continuation of the night preceding the fight, I did not sleep a minute. I could not write for a long time: I woke up a secret concern. From an hour I went around the room; Then I sat down and opened the Roman Walter Scott, lying on my table: I read "Scottish Puritans", I read first with the effort, then I forgotten, enthusiastic with a magical fiction ... Isn't the Scottish bard on that light they don't pay for each at the same time, which gives His book?..
Finally later. My nerves calmed down. I looked in the mirror; The dull pallor covered my face, which stored traces of painful insomnia; But the eyes, although surrounded by a brown shadow, shone proudly and inexorably. I was satisfied with myself.
Welers Sad horses, I dressed and escaped to the bath. Immersing in cold boiling water Narzan, I felt like my bodily and mental strength returned. I got out of the bath, fresh and cheeky, as if going to the ball. After that, say that the soul does not depend on the body! ..
Returning, I found a doctor. It had gray rates, Arhaluk and the Circassian hat. I looked around, seeing this little figure under a huge boat cap: His face is not at all militant, and this time it was even longer than ordinary.
- Why are you so sad, doctor? - I told him. - Didn't you spend a hundred times for the world with the greatest indifference? Imagine that I have a biliary hotness; I can recover, I can die; both in the order of things; Try to look at me as a patient, obsessed with the disease, you still unknown - and then your curiosity will be excited to the highest degree; You can now need to make several important physiological observations ... Waiting for violent death is there already a real disease?
This thought struck the doctor, and he slept.
We sat down; Werner clung over the reins of both hands, and we were settled, - MiG had slipped past the fortress through the slobbus and drove into the gorge, for which the road washed, having seen high grass and every minute intersected by a noisy stream, through which the Doctor had to be recreated, to the great despair of the doctor, because What horse stopped him in the water every time.


Mikhail Vrubel Duel Pechorin and Grushnitsky 1890-91 g.

There the way everything became already, the cliffs are blue and worse, and finally, they seemed to converge in a impermeable wall. We drove silently.
- Have you written your testament? - suddenly asked Werner.
- Not.
- And if you killed? ..
- Heirs will find themselves.
- Do you really have no friends who would you like to send your last sorry? ..
I shook my head.
- Is there really no woman in the world, whom you would like to leave something for memory? ..
- Whether, doctor, - I answered him, - so that I reveal you my soul? .. You see, I survived from those years when you die, uttering the name of my kind and visiting a friend of a blockel or non-visual hair. Thinking about close and possible death, I think about one of myself: others do not and that. Friends who will forget me tomorrow or worse, will be erected to my account God knows what non-residents; Women who hugging another will laugh at me, so as not to initiate jealousy in him to the mustache, - God with them! From the life storm I made only a few ideas - and not a single feeling. I have long lived not with heart, but my head. I weighed, deal with my own passion and actions with strict curiosity, but without participation. In me, two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thinks and judges him; First, perhaps, after an hour, I will say with you and the world forever, and the second ... second? Look, Dr.: Do you see three figures on the rock a right? It seems to be our opponents? ..
We have broken trot.
Three horses were tied to the rocks of the cliff in the bushes; We were tied here, and on a narrow path climbed to the site, where we were expected by the Grushnitsky with the Dragoon Captain and another of his second, whose name was Ivan Ignatievich; I never heard my last name.
"We have long expect you for a long time," said Dragun captain with an ironic smile.
I took out the clock and showed him.
He apologized, saying his watch leaves.
A few minutes launched a difficult silence; Finally, the doctor interrupted him, turning to the pear.
"I think," he said, - that, showing both willingness to fight and paying this debt to the conditions of honor, you could, gentlemen, to explain and finish this business is loved by.
"I'm ready," I said.
The captain migrated to the pear, and this, thinking that I was a dross, took a proud look, although before this minute the dull pallor covered his cheeks. Since we arrived, he raised his eyes for the first time; But in his view there was some kind of anxiety, who was overwhelmed internal struggle.
- Explain your conditions, - he said, - and all I can do for you, then be sure ...
- Here are my conditions: you now publicly refuse your slander and ask me apologies ...
- The gracious sovereign, I am surprised how you dare to offer me such things? ..
- What could I offer you, besides this? ..
- We will shoot ...
I shrugged.
- perhaps; Just think that one of us will certainly be killed.
- I wish it to be ...
- And I'm so sure of the other ...
He was embarrassed, blushed, then I had forced.
The captain took him at hand and took to the side; They whispered long. I arrived in a rather peaceful arrangement of the Spirit, but it all started to infect me.
Doctor approached me.
"Listen," he said with obvious anxiety, "You, right, forgot about their conspiracy? .. I do not know how to charge a gun, but in this case ... you are a strange person!" Tell them that you know their intention, and they will not dare ... What kind of hunting! Let's shoot you like a bird ...
- Please do not worry, doctor, and wait ... I'm all so arranged that there will be no benefit on their side. Give them to sput ...
- Lord, it becomes bored! - I said to them loudly, - fight so fighting; You had time yesterday arguing ...
"We are ready," the captain answered. - Become, gentlemen! .. Doctor, if you please measure six steps ...

M.Zichi Duel Pechorin with Pereshnitsky

Become! - repeated Ivan Ignatich's squeaky voice.
- Let me! - I said, - one more condition; Since we will fight to death, then we must do our best, so that it remains secret and so that our secundants were not responsible. Do you agree?..
- Completely agree.
- So, that's what I came up with. Do you see on the top of this sheer cliff, right, narrow platform? from there to the bottom will be seventeen thirty, if not more; Downstairs sharp stones. Each of us will be at the very edge of the site; Thus, even a light wound will be fatal: it must be in accordance with your desire, because you yourself have appointed six steps. The one who will be wounded will fly away and break into the smithereens; Poule Dr. will turn out. And then it will be possible to be very easy to explain this sustainable death as an unsuccessful jump. We will throw the lot who first shoot. I declare in conclusion that otherwise I won't fight.
- Perhaps! Said the Dragun captain, looking expressively on the Huschnitsky, who nodded his head as a sign of consent. His face changed every minute. I put it in a predicament. Sooting under ordinary conditions, he could heal my leg, I easily hurt and satisfy my revenge thus, not burdened too much; But now he had to shoot the air, or to deal with the killer, or finally leave his mean idea and to be the same with me the danger. At that moment I would not want to be in his place. He took the captain aside and began to talk to him something with great heat; I saw me trembling his lips trembled; But the captain from him turned away with a contemptuous smile. "You're a fool! - He told the pear rather loudly, - do not understand anything! Let's go, gentlemen! "
A narrow path led between bushes on a steepness; Rock wreckage was the shaky steps of this natural staircase; clinging to the bushes, we began to climb. Huschnitsky walked ahead, behind him his seconds, and then we and the doctor.
"I wonder you," said the doctor, shook me hard. - Let the pulse! .. Oh! Fevering! .. But nothing is noticeable on the face ... Only your eyes are brightly ordinary.

Frame from the movie 1928.

Suddenly, small stones with noise rushed to our feet. What is it? Hushnitsky stumbled, the branch for which he climbed, loomed, and he would slip down on his back, if his seconds were not supported.
- Beware! - I shouted to him - do not fall in advance; This is a bad sign. Remember Julia Caesar!
So we climbed to the top of the outstanding cliff: the site was covered with small sand, as if there was purpose for the fight. The circle, lost in the gold fog, the tops of the mountains were crowded, as countless herds, and the ellubrus in the south got up with white huge, the closure chain of ice vertices, between which fibrous clouds were wandered from the east. I walked over to the edge of the site and looked down, the head of a little bit did not turn me, there seemed dark and cold at the bottom, as in the coffin; Mossy cliffs of cliffs dropped in a thunderstorm and time, expected their prey.
The playground on which we had to fight, portrayed almost the right triangle. From the outpathed corner, six steps were measured and decided that the one who would have to meet the enemy fire would be at the very corner, back to the abyss; If it is not killed, the opponents will be changed in places.
I decided to provide all the benefits to the pear; I wanted to experience it; In his soul, he could wake up the spark of generosity, and then everything would have arranged for the better; But pride and weakness of character should have triumphant ... I wanted to give myself a full right not to spare it if fate had pardon me. Who did not conclude such conditions with his conscience?
- Throw the lot, doctor! Said Captain.
The doctor took a silver coin from his pocket and raised it up.
- Grill! - He shouted the pearshnitsky hastily, as a person who suddenly woke up a friendly push.
- Eagle! - I said.
The coin swayed and the link fell; All rushed to her.
"You're happy," I said to the Pearhnitsky, "you shoot first!" But remember that if you do not kill me, I will not miss - I give you a honest word.
He blushed; He was ashamed to kill the man unarmed; I looked at him intently; For a minute it seemed to me that he would rush to my legs, begging for forgiveness; But how to confess in such a lie down intent? .. He remained one tool - to shoot the air; I was sure that he would shoot the air! One thing could prevent this: the thought that I would require a secondary duel.
- It's time! "The doctor whispered to me, pulling the sleeve," if you now don't tell you that we know their intentions, then everything was gone. " Look, he is already charged ... if you say nothing, then I myself ...
- For nothing in the world, Doctor! - I answered, holding him by the hand, - you will spoil everything; You gave me the word not to interfere ... what do you care? Maybe I want to be killed ...
He looked at me with surprise.
- Oh, this is another! .. Only on me in that light, do not complain ...
The captain between the fact that the pistols charged, filed one sadness, whispering something with a smile; Another thing to me.
I became at the corner of the platform, firmly by lying left in the stone and leaning a little in advance so that in the event of a light wound, do not tip back.
The Pereshnitsky became against me and on this sign began to raise a pistol. Knees trembled. He choking me right in the forehead ...
Inexplicable rabies boiled in my chest.
Suddenly he lowered the blow of the gun and, pale as a canvas, turned to his Secundant.
"I can't," he said a deaf voice.
- Coward! - answered the captain.
The shot was heard. The bullet scratched my knee. I unwittingly made a few steps forward, so that it would be quick to remove from the edge.

Pechistan duel with pears

Well, Brother Pereshnitsky, sorry that she missed! - said Captain, - Now your turn, become! Hug me before: we will not see you too! - they hugged; The captain could hardly resist laughter. "Do not be afraid," he added, she looked at Hisnitsky, - all nonsense in the world! .. Nature is a fool, fate - turkey, and life - a penny!
After this tragic phrase, he said with decent importance, he moved into his place; Ivan Ignatich hugged her throat with tears, and so he was left alone against me. I still try to explain to myself what kind of feeling was boiling in my chest: it was the annoyance of an offended pride, and contempt, and anger, born at the thought that this person, now with confidence, with such a calm audacity to me , two minutes ago, without exposing yourself to any danger, I wanted to kill me like a dog, for a little stronger wounded in the leg, I would certainly fall out of the cliff.
I looked at him a few minutes in my face, trying to notice at least a light shot of repentance. But it seemed to me that he kept a smile.
"I advise you before my death pray to God," I told him then.
- Do not take care of my soul more than your own. I ask you to: Shoot more.
- And you do not give up your slander? Do not ask me for forgiveness? .. Think good things: don't you tell me something?
- Mr. Pechorin! - shouted the Dragun captain - you are not here to confess, let you notice ... End ratings; Equally, anyone will pass the gorge - and they will see us.
- Well, Doctor, come to me.
Doctor approached. Poor doctor! He was paler than the pearshnitsky ten minutes ago.
The following words I said on purpose with the arrangement, loudly and clearly, how to pronounce the death sentence:
- Doctor, these gentlemen, probably a hurry, forgot to put a bullet in my pistol: I ask you to charge it again, - and pretty!
- Can not be! - Captain shouted, - can not be! I charged both pistols; Is that from your bullet rolled out ... it's not my fault! - And you do not have the right to recharge ... no right ... This is completely against the rules; I will not let...
- Okay! - I said the captain - if so, then we will shoot with you on the same conditions ... He jumped.
Harshnitsky stood, lowering his head on his chest, embarrassed and gloomy.
- Leave them! - He finally said the captain, who wanted to pull my gun from the hands of the doctor ... - After all, you yourself know that they are right.
In vain, the captain did him different signs, - Huschnitsky did not want to watch.
Meanwhile, the doctor charged the pistol and filed me. Seeing it, the captain spilled and cooked foot.
"The fool you, a brother," he said, "the vulgar fool! .. I've gotten on me, so listen to everything ... fake you!" Crane yourself, like a fly ... - He turned away and, leaving, murmured: - And yet it is completely against the rules.
- Grushnitsky! - I said, - there is still time; Excuse your slander, and I will forgive you everything. You failed to think of me, and my pride is satisfied; - Remember - we were once friends ...
His face broke out, the eyes flashed.
- Shoot! - he answered, - I despise myself, and I hate you. If you do not kill me, I will drop you at night from behind the corner. We are on Earth together there is no place for ...
I fired ...
When smoke scattered, the pearshnitsky was not on the site. Only the dust with a light column still at the edge of the cliff.
All in one voice screamed.
- FINITA LA Comedia! - I said to Dr..
He did not answer and turned away with horror.
I shrugged and crushed with Pereshnitsky seconds.
Going along the path down, I noticed the rocky corpse of the Grushnitsky between the Rasseks of the rocks. I unwittingly closed my eyes ... Turning the horse, I went home with a step. I had a stone on my heart. The sun seemed to me dim, the rays were not racing me.
Do not reach Slobodki, I turned right on the gorge. The kind of person would be me painful: I wanted to be alone. Throwing the reins and lowering his head on the chest, I drove for a long time, finally found himself in place, I am not familiar to me; I turned the horse back and began to search for the road; The sun was sitting when I drove up to Kislovodsk, exhausted, on the exhausted horse.
My lackey told me that Werner came in, and filed two notes: one from him, the other ... from faith.
I printed the first one, it was the following content:
"Everything is arranged as much as possible: the body was brought disfigured, the bullet from the chest is removed. Everyone is confident that the reason for his death is an accident; Only the commandant who probably knows your quarrel, shook his head, but said nothing. There is no evidence against you, and you can sleep well ... if you can ... Goodbye ... "

The text of the novel M.Yu.Lermontova "Hero of Our Time",
Materials from the site.