What is it like to be the wife of a Georgian? The most beautiful Georgian women (37 photos).

What is it like to be the wife of a Georgian?  The most beautiful Georgian women (37 photos).
What is it like to be the wife of a Georgian? The most beautiful Georgian women (37 photos).

Georgians are proud and courageous inhabitants of the Caucasus, keepers of the golden fleece, the world's best winemakers and noble drinkers. Even a half-joking legend about the creation of the world says that when God was distributing to all the peoples of the earth, the Georgians were late, because they celebrated the universe and glorified its name. For the Georgian sincerity, God decided to give them a piece of land that he left for himself - the most beautiful in the whole world.


Georgians call themselves Kartvelebi, or Kartveli, and the country - Sakartvelo, which means "country of Kartveli". The name of the nationality comes from the name of the area of ​​Kartli, the main region of the country where its origin took place. Its first mention dates back to 800 AD.
The exonyms “Georgia” and “George” have Persian roots and come from the word “gurg”, which until the 10th century was used to refer to the inhabitants of the region. The Georgians themselves believe that this name came to them from the name of St. George, although there is no historical confirmation of this.

Where live

Most of the nation's representatives live in Georgia. The country is located in the western Transcaucasia and is washed by the Black Sea. The capital of the state is the city of Tbilisi. Georgians make up 86.8% of the country's population.
Among the nation stands out a number of ethnographic groups, differing from each other by areas of residence, dialects, partly by elements of culture and traditions. The following small groups are distinguished:

  • Adjarians - live in the south-west of Georgia in the region of Adjara;
  • Mingrelians - a sub-ethnic group of the Georgian people, has its own language and significant cultural differences;
  • Svans - live in the historical mountainous part of Georgia Svaneti, speak Georgian and Svan languages;
  • Lazy, Chveneburi, Imerkhevites - they live in Turkey, mainly profess Sunni Islam;
  • Gurians and Imeretians - live in the west of Georgia in the regions of Guria and Imereti;
  • Ingiloys are part of the Azerbaijani diaspora;
  • Fereidans - live in Iran, faith - Shiite Islam.

During the years of the USSR, Georgians actively moved across the Soviet space, most of the migrants settled in Russia, quickly assimilating.

Number of

The number of representatives of the nation around the world is more than 4 million people. According to the 2014 census, most of them - 3.2 million people - live in Georgia. According to the 2010 census, a little less than 160 thousand Georgians are officially registered in Russia, however, according to unofficial data, their number is about 350-500 thousand. In total, about 1 million Kartvelians migrated to Russia during the Soviet years.
In addition, there are large diasporas in:

  • in Turkey - about 152 thousand people
  • in Iran - 62 thousand people
  • in Abkhazia - according to various estimates, from 40 to 70 thousand people
  • in Ukraine - about 34 thousand people
  • in Azerbaijan - 9.9 thousand people


The Georgian language belongs to the Kartvelian family, which is widespread in the western part of the Caucasus. The peculiarity of the language is a large number of long words and an abundance of consonants. There are no accents, however, to express the meaning and highlight the main root, intonation is actively used: therefore, sometimes it seems that during a conversation Georgians are swearing. The language is quite simple: there is no masculine and female, no capital letter is used, and all words are written in the same way as they are heard.

Writing in the region originated in ancient times: some monuments dating back to the 5th century were created in the ancient Georgian language. However, the language itself began to form much earlier, back in the second millennium BC. The language is based on the speech of the inhabitants of the Kartli region, and the alphabet goes back to the ancient Aramaic or Greek script. Modern language based on a phonetic principle, it is spoken by over 4.2 million people worldwide.


The modern territory of Georgia was inhabited by the ancestors of people millions of years ago. In 1991, a hominid was discovered near the small Georgian town of Dmanisi, which was named Dmanisi. It is the oldest known Homo outside of African territory.
It is not a fact that it was from this type of hominids that Georgians originated, however, without a doubt, the nation traces its roots from the region of the modern location of Georgia. Many tribes lived here already in the Neolithic and Paleolithic eras, building dwellings, engaging in primitive agriculture and cattle breeding, hunting and gathering.

"Golden Fleece" in Georgia

In the 5th-4th centuries BC, the region was first mentioned in written sources. Then on east coast The kingdom of Colchis was located in the Black Sea, and Iberia in the east of modern Georgia. The first was mentioned by Herodotus, Aeschylus and Pindar, but most of all she became famous thanks to the legend of the Argonauts. The myth of the golden fleece, sent by the Greek gods, said that it was lost in Colchis. Then the hero Jason went to a distant kingdom, as a result of which he obtained both the fleece and his wife Medea, the daughter of the Colchis ruler. There is even a sculpture dedicated to this in the center of Batumi: "Medea with the Golden Fleece".

Iberia and Colchis did not last long: they were captured by the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Arabs. However, it was during this period that the region adopted Christianity, and Tbilisi became the capital of Kartli, the central region of the region. Only in the 9th century did the Bagration dynasty drive out the Arabs, unite the feudal states and form a single - Kartli. From this moment, the countdown of the formation of the Georgian statehood can begin.

Renaissance and modernity

XI-XII centuries are considered the "Georgian Renaissance", the era of construction and prosperity. During this period, the famous Queen Tamara ruled, who established the economy and relations with Kievan Rus... There was a flourishing of painting, literature, philosophy, architecture, metalworking. After a period of decline began, associated with endless wars with the Tatar-Mongols, the Ottoman Empire, the Persians, Iran, Tamerlane invaded the country eight times.
This situation persisted until the second half. XVIII century until the Georgians turned to To the Russian state eventually becoming a part of it. After the October Revolution, the people did not want to join the Soviets, but the unrest was suppressed. After the collapse of the USSR, interethnic conflicts began in the country, which led to the separation of the historical regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.


Anthropologically, most Georgians belong to Caucasian race representing her Caucasian type. Among his distinctive features include:

  • high or medium height;
  • strong physique;
  • brown, blue or green eyes;
  • dark blond, black or brown hair;
  • "Aquiline" or straight nose with a slightly curved tip;
  • bright skin;
  • a wide face with a narrowed chin and a convex jaw.

For a long time, Georgians were considered one of the most beautiful Caucasian peoples. Foreigners noted the athletic build of men and the slenderness of girls, who kept their shape even with age. Immanuel Kant and Charles Darwin noted the incredible beauty of Georgians and the fact that many Persians, Arabs, and Turks dreamed of marrying one of them in order to “refine” their blood and appearance.


Georgian men's costume is known far beyond the borders of the country: its elements are found in collections modern designers all over the world. The traditional version consists of wide trousers tied with tassels, a chintz shirt and a short caftan. The main element of the outfit is the chokha, which is an outer garment like a caftan with wide, often split sleeves and a deep wedge-shaped cut in the front.

Every Georgian should have a chokhu, as it was considered a symbol of courage and courage. Usually chokha was black, less often red, and beige or white could be worn for a wedding. Often, pieces of cloth with rich embroidery were attached to it, on which the family coats of arms were depicted. Required element chokhi - gazyri, compartments for storing cartridges. In winter, the look was complemented by a burka and a sheepskin hat.
Women's traditional costumes varied depending on the region, but they also had common features... The underwear consisted of a shirt and pantaloons; a dress was worn on top: tight-fitting at the chest and wide, down to the floor at the bottom. A high velvet hat acted as a headdress, to the back of which a piece of light cloth was attached. Rich Georgians complemented the look with a velvet cape and an elegant leather belt.


The man at all times occupied a leading role in family and social life. He decided everything public affairs, was responsible for the upbringing of his sons, fully provided for his relatives. In the family, the man was in charge, the wife had to obey him in everything.
Men were distinguished by a warlike and hot-tempered character, but at the same time they had a cheerful disposition, they adored jokes and big companies. One of the important elements in the life of any man is the presence best friend... He is called "jigari", which translates as " internal organs". Georgians believe that living without a best friend means living without a heart.


Georgians loved and revered women, even in early mythology, the sun was female, just like mother earth. In many ways, the attitude towards women was influenced by the famous Queen Tamara and Saint Nino, who, according to legend, was one of the first to bring Orthodoxy to Sakartvelo.
At the same time, a woman until the 20th century had practically no rights: she could not vote, participate in the discussion of public affairs, be in the company of men and give them advice, take an oath and be a surety.
The main purpose of a woman is to deal with family and household affairs, to bring up children. Infertile women were not respected, cheating and even ordinary communication with strangers were also considered a shame. The main thing for Georgians is to preserve the rules of decency and a good reputation in society.

Family way of life

Since ancient times, the mentality of Georgians has been based on the veneration of elders. They preferred to live in large kindred communities, the number of which could reach 100-150 people: several generations lived together with new families. Over time, there is a decrease in families to 30-40 people, and in cities young families even prefer to settle after the wedding separately from their parents.

The patriarchal way of life flourished in the family, and after marriage the bride moved to her husband's house. For her, there was a ban on talking with her parents and older relatives of her husband, she was charged with housekeeping. The birth of a boy was a special holiday in the family, but the appearance of daughters, especially in large numbers, was undesirable.


The dwellings of the Georgians varied depending on the place of settlement. The mountains were dominated by stone one-story buildings, located crowded, fortified by towers and other defensive structures.

In flat areas, stone houses with earthen or thatched roofs, as well as wooden ones with gable roofs, were built. Some of the villages were crowded and chaotic, while others were located spaciously, stretching along the rivers. On the plains, the Georgians had vast estates with outbuildings and the main house.
Stone dwellings usually consisted of one large room. Opposite the entrance there were sleeping places, and in the center there was a large hearth with a hanging cauldron around which they dined, feasted and warmed themselves. Later, they began to build two-story houses with covered terraces and awnings in front of the entrance. Usually in the basement there was a basement for wine production or storage of supplies, on the first floor there was a living room and a kitchen, on the second there were bedrooms.


Traditionally, mountain Georgians were engaged in cattle breeding: more often they raised sheep, less often they raised horses and cattle. Arable farming prevailed on the plains. The main crops were wheat, rice, rye, lentils, oats, millet, and corn. The Georgians were engaged in beekeeping, gardening, and collecting wild herbs.
Winemaking has always played a special role in the life of Georgians: some researchers believe that it was the ancestors of the Kartvelebi who were the first in the world to learn how to make wine. Neither a feast is complete without him, they are obliged to treat guests and make them for their own use. There was also a culture of wine drinking. For example, a glass should always be drunk to the bottom; for special occasions, a hollow goat's or ram's horn was used as a glass. There was also a saying: if you feel sad because of wine, then you are not Georgian.

In the 20th century, exotic crops began to be grown: laurel, tobacco, citrus, tea. It was not for nothing that during the Soviet years Georgia was called “the main one for the holidays”: by the New Year it provided the country with tangerines and oranges, and by other holidays - with wine, tobacco and tea.
Crafts flourished: men were famous for the skill of processing metals, wood and animal horns, and made magnificent jewelry dyeing. Women were engaged in weaving, woolen and silk fabrics, and artistic printing of fabrics. In all regions, luxurious gold thread embroidery was prized.

The culture

The culture of Georgians is unusually rich. Folk art is represented by legends, stories, songs and dances. The dance is famous all over the world kartuli, spectacular and reflecting the mentality of the people. The woman plays a central, but indirect role in it: she moves smoothly, in small steps, as if floating with a timid expression on her face and eyes fixed on the floor. Her partner, on the other hand, demonstrates confidence and masculinity, makes wide and sharp movements with his arms, and jumps high.

Georgians are no less proud of their musical creativity: Not a single feast is complete without lingering, incredibly beautiful-sounding songs. Most of the songs are sung in polyphony, where the choir sings in the lower voice. The songs are dedicated to friendship, heroic past of the people, love, devotion, honor.


Georgians were among the first to adopt the Christian faith: according to legends, it was brought to the region by the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Most of central Georgia fully adopted the faith in the III-IV centuries, most often 319 is mentioned. In Western Georgia, Christianity finally took root only by the 5th century.

The Church in Georgia is autocephalous, that is, independent and completely autonomous: it managed to achieve this only in the 11th century. It is valuable that the people managed to preserve their religious identity, despite centuries of oppression by Islamic states: in the Middle Ages, all of its neighbors were of the Muslim faith.
The 12th century Georgian chronicle "Kartlis tskhovreba" mentions a legend about the biblical origin of the people. According to her, the Kartvelebi descend from Targamos, the son of the biblical Japheth: he was the son of Noah and escaped with him from the Flood in the Ark.


The whole world knows Georgian hospitality: according to an old custom, anyone who asks for shelter must be welcomed into the house with honors, fed and given an overnight stay. A rich table is laid for the guests and always treated to wine: you cannot refuse.
In Georgia, there is a whole culture of feasts: their people consider them their favorite pastime. The hostess of the house was always responsible for the abundance of dishes. At the same time, women were sitting separately from men: at the other end of the table or at a separate one.
For each feast, a toastmaster is selected: he must make sure that the guests do not get drunk early, say toasts and pass the word on to other participants. By the way, the myth about long Georgian toasts is unfair: the average length of a drinking speech does not exceed 80 words.
Until now, wedding traditions have remained practically unchanged. Usually, the wedding took place by collusion, and kidnapping was practiced only if they wanted to save money. According to tradition, in the event of the theft of the bride, a lavish feast was not arranged, celebrating only in a close circle. Usually, the wedding was held on a grand scale: all relatives from both sides were invited to it, and their refusal was considered an insult.

After the wedding, the bride was brought to the groom's house: in front of the entrance, it was relied on luck to break a painted plate. The newly made husband climbed onto the roof of the house and released into the sky white dove as a symbol of peace in the house. The spouse, having entered the house, had to touch the hearth and walk three times around the pot with grain or oil.


Georgian cuisine is one of the most popular in the entire post-Soviet space. It is noteworthy that most of the dishes have come down to us practically unchanged. Since ancient times, flour and dairy products have been the basis of the diet of Georgians:

  • cheese made from sheep, cow or goat milk, including suluguni;
  • yogurt;
  • cottage cheese and cream;
  • lavash, puri, shoti - bread made from wheat, rye, oatmeal or barley flour;
  • mchadi — unleavened cornmeal bread;
  • khachapuri - a puff pastry cake with cottage cheese or cheese.

They ate a lot of vegetables (eggplants, tomatoes, beans, corn), herbs and herbs: they were added to all dishes and served separately. The traditional everyday dish is gomi porridge made from corn or millet. The main drink was, of course, wine; in the mountains, araka vodka and barley beer were popular.
Meat dishes were served only during feasts: they are the most popular in modern Georgian cuisine. Among them:

  1. Khinkali: large bags of dough with a thick "tail". They are eaten by hand, biting off the bottom to feel the broth.
  2. Lamb, turkey, beef or chicken shashlik.
  3. Satsivi - a dish with a sauce of nuts and herbs with poultry.
  4. Chakhokhbili is a spicy chicken stew.
  5. Kharcho is a flavored beef soup.

Among the vegetarian dishes, it is worth noting lobio - a bean-based dish, pkhali - a mixture of greens, spinach and nuts, and ajapsandal - an eggplant appetizer with aromatic spices and herbs.

Famous Georgians

Georgians gave the world a lot outstanding personalities... Among those born in the 20th century, one can note a whole galaxy of talented people of art and culture. In the field of cinema, the actor Vakhtang Kikabidze, who became a popular favorite after the film "Mimino", the imposing Oleg Basilashvili, directors Giorgi Danelia and Otar Ioseliani became famous. The latter received an award at the Cannes Film Festival for the film Falling Leaves, and Danelia made his beloved films “I walk around Moscow” and “Kin-dza-dza!”.

Grigory Chkhartishvili has become a cult writer, although most people know him under the pseudonym Boris Akunin. No less famous are the sculptor Zurab Tsereteli, the outstanding ballet dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze and the popular dancer Yevgeny Papunaishvili.

Georgians are also noted in politics: the names of Joseph Stalin, Lavrenty Beria and Grigory Ordzhonikidze are known all over the world. The surgeon Leo Bokeria made a huge contribution to medicine, who developed a unique technique for performing heart operations.

The Georgians, known all over the world for their vocal abilities, conquered the stage. Among the famous names it is worth noting Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Zurab Sotkilava, Soso Pavliashvili, Konstantin and Valery Meladze, Keti Topuria, Grigory Leps (Lepsveridze).

In the field of television and the media, one cannot fail to mention the shocking Tina Kandelaki and Otar Kushanashvili.


This slippery topic was prompted by a conversation with my neighbor Zina. So, an early morning meeting on the street.

- All the same, these visitors are arrogant. They just steal our men. Imagine, one pensioner came from Moscow and married a Georgian widower. And now, with pressure and groaning, he is preparing chakhokhbili for him. She cannot even utter a word of this, but she sausages something. And he calls him, you know what?

- "Atari"! I would just take it and strangle it. The invader is.

- And what, I say, is the problem? Let them rejoice in their health. "Atari", probably, turns a la chakhokhbili and does not complain. Why didn't you yourself marry this starving widower?

- I AM??? Are you kidding me? I never got married. And now even more so. At 70, it's time to get ready for the next world, and not get married. People have neither shame nor conscience!

And we went our separate ways. Nevertheless, the conversation sunk into my head and I began to question different people How can one explain the phenomenon that many Georgians marry Slavic women, while local women, for all their merits, do not know why they remain unclaimed. Or it just seems to me.

Here are some opinions.

Tamriko Kiknadze: My older brother moved to Russia 30 years ago. First he studied, then he served in the army. At first he lived in a hostel, then he needed a residence permit and he moved to his classmate from Tambov, who already had one-room apartment... Lived with her for several years.

My father was nervous and called Achiko here. Still, the only son, great hopes were pinned on him, they were looking for girls from good families. Then Achiko announced to us that he would marry Valya, since she was pregnant. My father almost went crazy on the basis of nervousness. Marrying a woman with a child from his first marriage was beyond his comprehension. He suffered a stroke, but Achiko did as he decided anyway. He announced to us that Valya is the best. In the end, we had to come to terms and accept Valya with wooden smiles. Valya visited Tbilisi, but did not want to live here in any. Achiko also kept repeating to her:

- What have I lost here? I’ll do a great job in Russia.

Indeed, he made good money, sent money to his parents every month and did not forget us, two sisters. Sometimes he came with his son and stepdaughter, who called him "my daddy" and did not even know that he was not her father.

We asked him why he did not marry a Georgian woman, and named specific girls who corresponded to him in all respects. He spoke something like this:

- Russian women are more beautiful than ours both in faces and in figure. It's easier to communicate with them. Georgians are more pretentious. I lived with different women, and no one demanded anything from me.

What can I say after so many years? My brother, apparently, is happy, he is a crazy father, he loves his son very much. With his wife they have different ways, Achiko is cheating on her on the sly, and Valya turns a blind eye to it. Their marriage took place. It’s a pity for my father, who can’t come to his senses after a stroke, can barely walk, can barely talk. It was necessary to accept Achiko's choice more philosophically.

As for our women ... In my building, exactly half of the girls never got married, although they are all beauties, hardworking and good housewives. Although there are those who got married two or three times.

David: I have a Georgian wife. We live normally, we have two children. Several of my friends have Slavic wives. This, of course, has its advantages. It's much easier with them than with ours. And visually immediately attract the eye. We, men, do not like it when we are pressured and loaded with responsibility. I didn't have time for a month just to walk with a girl, a movie, a cafe, back and forth, her parents already look at you as an official son-in-law, and try not to marry. The whole thing. And my friends lived with their loved ones for several years, and no one dragged them to sign. They could "jump off" at any moment. For example, my sister never married, although she is a wonderful hostess, a beauty and an excellent specialist in her field. But she would not let a man come close to her with any suspicious proposals.

Maiko Gagnidze: Yes, there is such a trend. I also notice that our men marry Russians. Either they bring them here, or they get to know tourists here. Personally, I like Russian women too. They have a lot to learn. They are beautiful, disciplined, good-raising children and very relaxed. No complexes. I think that's why our men like them.

Ruslan Strizhak: Another option. At the level of instincts, two are fighting, one requires a close and dear type to reproduce offspring, and the other is as excellent as possible, for the introduction of fresh blood. Both instincts work in each, and which one will be stronger depends on external factors.

Elena Kucherenko: In my opinion, Georgians are ideal wives. And the Slavs are just a brain removal.

Julia: Maybe the lack of candidates a large number relatives? Our men are spoiled. Drunk, thin, does not work and drinks. But you still run after him, and he turns up his face - yes, you are fat, but you have children from your first marriage ... And the Georgian runs after you, and generally loves children more than the average Russian - his own and others. And he will help, and will utter compliments, and is always ready for intimate relationships. So our ladies are in favor of Georgians, they know what to compare with. Sometimes they are ready to carry such a handsome man in their arms. And they see a good attitude.

Alyona: I myself am a native of Tbilisi, but I did not notice such a trend. Marrying both those and others is good enough. They don't marry someone. Very often it depends on the woman's desire. By the way, not everyone wants to get married.

Tatiana Leon: Yes, I am in general for mixed marriages, I am a child from a mixed marriage, my child from a mixed marriage. I don't agree to say that they only marry Slavic women, I have an acquaintance who is married to a Japanese woman. It's just that those Georgians who are married to Japanese women, Italians, French women, etc., are almost invisible in Georgia, they just don't live there! Why are Slavs visible, so the near abroad is more accessible, then in Georgia, I think so, after the 90s, a massive depression began: everywhere it is good, except for Georgia, and many left, who went where, and since it was easier in the near abroad, that's got such marriages where you live there and fall in love. Then there was a wave of tourist boom with the groaning and gasping of the Slavs, how they adore Georgia and how they would like to live in Georgia, well, the enchantments are being used. About the fact that it is easier to live with Slavs, it is difficult to stick the same labels on everyone, everyone has their own character, but if you ask the Europeans who ate the dog about this, they will say that it is the Slavs who are more capricious, but I don’t want to generalize that Georgians get more brains, it is difficult to generalize, there are different. But, probably, in the beginning it is more difficult to take care of Georgians, because they grew up with beautiful words and know that often it is dust in their eyes, beautiful conversations, so men do not want to waste their energy.

Anna Masterkova: Parents of Slavs interfere less in their choice. They also don’t look at economic conditions. The girl’s responsibility to the family is less, especially at the initial stage of acquaintance. It is more painless to step back, but in practice it leads to marriages faster.

Anna Puchkova: Georgian men often fall in love with Slavic women, because the behavior is different and the attitude is different. Now, if a man grabbed all the bags and carried, then the Georgian woman would not blink: "He's a man, he is obliged." And a Slav, especially from Moscow, will say: "Wow, how nice, thank you very much." She knows that there are men who don't. If a man offers a Georgian woman to take her somewhere, to bring her from somewhere, then she takes it for granted, and a Slav woman as a super caring man. If a Georgian woman is counting on a serious relationship, then she can bother a guy for months without having an intimate relationship, a Slav woman, in most cases, for the sake of decency will withstand two weeks, and then she will have a full-fledged relationship. For a Georgian woman, children and parents come first in most cases. For a Slav, a man is almost always in the center of her attention. At the same time, of course, Georgians devote a lot of time and effort to household chores and concerns, and this cannot but amaze. All of this is not without exception. Meet and reverse examples... But men explain it all like this.

Temuri: I have not noticed anything like it. As it was, so it is. The main thing is not in origin, but in finances. If everything is financially stable in the family, then there will be no problems. Now men, if they see that a woman earns well, then they gladly marry such a woman. And women think the same way. For example, my neighbor married a Chinese man and already has a child. The Chinese have business here. They live normally, there is definitely no misunderstanding. I'm a different person. I would never marry anyone except a Georgian woman. I really respect our traditions, culture and history. And I think that you can't mix with anyone.

Many respondents repeated what was said before them. All this can be summed up in one simple truth - there are no ready-made recipes for happiness.

I would like to end this impromptu survey with one story.

Marina Kulikova: I want to tell my story.

On July 3, 2008, I also met a young and handsome guy via the Internet. I knew little about Georgians, and indeed about Georgia in general, we talked all day long on Skype, strong feelings appeared, and then on 08.08.2008 the war began. I bought tickets, but the borders were closed, how many worries there were, how many nerves - it's all just beyond words. And, lo and behold, two days before my departure the border was opened! I did not hesitate for a minute and flew from St. Petersburg to Tbilisi, of course, in transit. At the airport I was told that my flight from Kiev was postponed for 12 hours. There was no connection such as now, I managed to convey a message that I was late. As a result, when I was flying, on the plane I was Russian, there was NOT a single sidelong glance, and this is September 11 !!! All would be fine, but while I was in Kiev, they lost my luggage, and when I arrived, everyone had already left, and I was still writing a statement about the loss, I could not go to Gio. He was waiting for me 12 hours at the airport! Neither he nor I knew exactly when I would arrive, there was no connection either.

We spent ten amazing days together, and then, when I returned, I decided all my business and two months later I arrived at all.

08.08.2009, exactly one year after the sad events, our Sandra was born to us, and a year later - Gio, my son. We have been happily married for nine years, for us every day is like the first day!

So you cannot equate everyone with the same brush: there are both good and bad people in every country! Decency does not depend on nationality!

Girls, don't be afraid to love and be loved.


I join Marina Kulikova's wishes and wish all Sputnik readers to find their half and, most importantly, to preserve mutual feelings for life.

Gamarjoba! Please do not take the text written below as the ultimate truth and treat this post with humor, but there is a certain grain of truth in my words! So why don't you need to ride on?

    • You get fat

It is not Georgia that is to blame for the fact that I gained 3 kg in a month and a half in Georgia, but my lack of willpower, but this effect in the form of additional kilograms is observed not only with me.

The food in Georgia is very tasty. Juicy, fresh, and most importantly - oily! Khachapuri on margarine, cheeses, khinkali, lavash and huge cakes will seduce even the most strong-willed person at every step.

Impossible to resist!

    • You start drinking

There is a cult of wine in Georgia. Literally in every village and in every house you will be treated to chacha and homemade wine. When I first came to Georgia, for a long time I did not drink any alcohol at all, but after three days I drank my first glass of wine when I ended up in.

Behind him was the second, third and fourth. We were given wine as a greeting in the apartments that they rented, poured chacha for meeting with the words that chacha is good for digestion.

Over time, I developed the habit of carrying a bottle of pomegranate or apple juice with me so that I could add a soft drink to my glass under the table without offending Georgians. At the same time, the wine was poured into the bushes. Ugly, but what can you do?

You order a glass of wine at a restaurant, and you get a whole decanter!
  • You will eat animals

Even if you are a convinced vegetarian, in Georgia with such a life position you will not go far. You need to either sit at home and not communicate with anyone, or be prepared for the fact that you are not, no, yes, they will feed you a delicious barbecue, palm off on khinkali with meat, or be treated to fried chicken.

Of course, in Georgia you can eat vegetables, fruits and side dishes, but the basis of Georgian cuisine is meat dishes and, to feel Georgia, you have to eat them!))

Offtop. I am periodically asked about vegetarianism, so I will answer here. During my first trip to Georgia in 2013, I still somehow held on, but this year I let go of the situation and ate whatever I wanted. Over the past couple of years, my perception of this world has changed, and any extreme has ceased to fit into the concept of normality.

Long-term communication in Asia with vegans, people who practice or dry fasting, home-grown yogis and celibate lovers in order to conserve energy made it possible to make sure that happiness is not in what you eat or do specific exercises, but in not rushing into extremes, turning into a fanatic of a doctrine often imposed from outside.

The main thing is to listen to yourself, your body and do what is comfortable for you personally. My path is running (not yoga) and great food (including Brunswick sausage and chicken in cheese). Thus, although I rarely eat meat, I eat it.

If it is more pleasant for someone to starve, eat plant roots, engage in philosophy and conserve sexual energy - this is your right, just do not judge others, but you will not be judged.

  • You will start talking to strangers on the street

My first trip to Georgia
  • You will fall in love with a Georgian and your heart will break!

I am writing this item for girls. If you can take the previous lines as a joke, then what will be written below, I ask you to take it seriously.

Don't fall in love with Georgians! Georgian men are handsome, passionate and sexy. They can compliment you, give you flowers, and groom you lavishly. Unfortunately, as practice shows, most beautiful words remain words and deeds are not supported in any way.

Georgians catch fire very quickly and burn out just as quickly, so do not rush to sell your property and move to a Georgian village to your newly acquired beloved. Look at actions, not words. Concept of marital fidelity Georgian men are also very vague.

I made similar conclusions based on personal experience, as well as the experience of communicating with dozens of people. She asked her questions about relationships, romance with foreign women and marital fidelity to Georgian men, Georgian women and girls who had relationships with Georgians.

Based on the answers of people, she formed the following rule for herself: “You can start a holiday romance with a Georgian without deep feelings for the sake of entertainment, if you really want to, but serious relationship- better not. "

Of course, dividing someone along ethnic lines and looking at a group of people from the bell tower of their own stereotypes is an imprudent business. Each has its own unique qualities, each has gone his own way, which is in no way connected with the country in which a person was born, however, the environment, upbringing and the example of other people have a certain impact on the formation of personality, and therefore there is such a thing as mentality.

I am used to writing on the blog only the truth and my personal opinion, do not blame me if you do not like it. With my last point, I don't want to offend anyone. I have Georgian friends whom I sincerely love with all my heart. These are wonderful sympathetic kind people who respect the guests of their country, but if we talk about love between a Georgian man and a woman from another country, then a number of questions already arise.

About my new friend and dentistry in Georgia

How a Georgian bred me for $ 2,000

I would be sincerely glad if in the comments to this post you want to smash my skeptical attitude and give examples from life in which you or your friends have developed long-term relationships with Georgians, or just share your knowledge and thoughts on this matter.

Flights to Georgia

If after all this you still decide to fly to Georgia, you can compare the ticket prices in the plate. Here are the lowest prices for tickets Moscow Tbilisi Moscow (round trip) by month. You can select your city in the search conditions, as well as adjust the number of days and buy tickets online at the lowest price.

See you in Georgia! Sincerely,

8 reasons why you shouldn't go on vacation in Georgia or fall in love with a Georgian!

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    • Mila Demenkova

  4. Georgian girls are distinguished by their incredible beauty and striking appearance. Georgia is a country that is rapidly developing in a European manner, but the local population still honors and abides by the traditions of their ancestors. How do Georgians live today and how do they noticeably differ from women of other nationalities?

    Georgian families

    For many centuries in Georgia, women were raised in and men. Even today, complete patriarchy reigns in the overwhelming majority of Georgian families. The wife is still lucky if her husband is the eldest child. According to the customs of this country, younger sons must live with their parents even after marriage. Moreover, their wives completely and unquestioningly obey not only their husbands, but also their mother-in-law, who in this situation plays the role of “senior mistress”. All this sounds too unusual for a European person, doesn't it? Historically, the solution of all everyday issues rests on fragile women's shoulders. In mountain villages today, every family has a large farm. At the same time, the function of a man is to work and provide for his family. Real Georgians do not help their spouses around the house. A woman should be not only an excellent housewife, but also an excellent housekeeper.

    Education of Georgians

    Without exception, all women in Georgia are wonderful housewives. Many families in modern cities choose a European lifestyle. But even in this case, it is a real shame for the mother if her daughter does not know how to cook national dishes and look after the house. Today, all girls in Georgia receive secondary education. City dwellers often graduate from college. Particular attention is paid to the upbringing of children at home. Georgian girls are distinguished by pride, high morality, incredible love for their homeland and their own family. In this country, highly respected Georgians often look soft and uncomplaining, but most of them are different incredible strength spirit and have a steely character.

    Etiquette of Georgian women

    It is not customary in Georgia to look strangers, especially men, in the eyes. This behavior is considered defiant. Many Georgian girls from childhood know how to look "through people", this is the view that is considered acceptable and acceptable. During a conversation in this country, it is customary to keep a distance of at least a meter. Only close relatives or good acquaintances can come closer to each other. We should also mention the norms of everyday clothing. The traditional color for Georgians is black. Most often, women wear skirts below the knee. They also choose sweaters and blouses in dark shades. Accordingly, the accessories are matched to the tone.

    Beauty in Georgian

    How very pretty girls in Georgia? Georgian women are beautiful by nature. Thick dark hair, dark skin and expressive eyes. It is simply impossible to find a clearly unattractive person among the representatives of this nationality. Many Georgians value their hair and grow long braids. Short haircuts among local women are not popular. By nature, Georgians are slim and have very feminine figures. However, in adulthood, many women begin to gain extra pounds. The most common reason for this is infatuation. national cuisine combined with a slowdown in metabolism. For body shaping, beautiful Georgian girls choose diets, but sports activities in this country are considered non-feminine. Many Georgian women are happy to wear bijouterie and jewelry. Residents of many provinces of Georgia use cosmetics only on major holidays. The situation is quite different in big cities. Here women paint every day, black eyeliner is very popular. Without exception, all Georgians are not indifferent to perfumery.

    Female Georgian names

    Many Georgians, even today, take very seriously how to name a newborn baby. National in Georgia are often borrowed from ancient legends and traditions. In this country, it is important not only how musical a personal appeal to a person sounds. Georgians believe that a name can influence a person's character and destiny. Jamalia ("beauty"), Mariam ("decisive"), Mzevinar ("sun"), Tinatin ("reflection of the sun"), Theona ("thought of God"), Aliko ("all-knowing") - this is what the girls are called in this country for many generations. However, it should be noted that old names young people don't like it very much. And often from full and complex names they come up with abbreviations used in Everyday life... Many "modern" parents in Georgia call their daughters the same as Europeans or Russians. Diana, Christina, Ekaterina, Marina, Maya, Natalie, Nelly, Polina, Sofia are modern Georgian names girls. Most Georgians are Christians. Many families choose biblical names for their babies.

    Relationships with men and wedding traditions

    Most Georgian girls get married at a young age. In some regions of the country, it is still common ancient custom, involving the kidnapping of the bride. And yet, most marriages in this country are concluded by mutual consent and agreement between the newlyweds. Young Georgian girls should be modest and chaste. Young Georgian women are advised to behave in such a way that none of the neighbors could even think of something bad. A wedding in Georgia is a special event. They have been preparing for the celebration for some time, all relatives and friends are invited to it. Even in large cities, many old customs... A wedding in Georgia is very colorful and interesting event with traditional dances and songs, beautiful toasts and an atmosphere of general fun.

    Features of life in cities and villages

    Modern Georgia is a country of contrasts. Small villages and hamlets live the same way as decades ago. But large cities are not much different from European megacities. The upbringing of Georgian girls largely depends on how strict the father is in the family. In most villages, you should even swim in ponds while wearing your clothes. At the same time, fashionable boutiques, cafes and nightclubs are open in the cities. Many representatives of modern youth dress the way they want and look quite extravagant. But, of course, this behavior is unacceptable in rural areas. The actions and appearance of Georgian girls in the provinces have been discussed for years. Mistakes are unacceptable, because even today, for most young Georgian women, a successful marriage is a priority goal. This means that the local population is trying to take care of its own reputation from a young age.

    Legendary Queen Tamara - the perfect image of a Georgian woman

    Many creative people looked for inspiration in the landscapes of Georgia and the beauty of local women. The main muse and the real Georgian is Queen Tamara. This woman went down in history thanks to her wisdom and great achievements. The queen built cities, made significant government decisions, and in her free time from political affairs, she was personally involved in raising children and handicrafts. If you believe the words of famous poets, Tamara was incredibly beautiful and feminine. She was often referred to simply as "perfection." Many modern very beautiful girls in Georgia strive to develop their character and dream at least remotely to become like the great Queen Tamara.

    History of Georgia (from ancient times to the present day) Vachnadze Merab

    Origin (ethnogenesis) of Georgians

    Problem origin (ethnogenesis) of Georgians is extremely complex and controversial. There are several reasons for this. The formation of any nation or any people is a long process taking place in such a distant past that it is naturally out of the question to talk about any written sources testifying to the historical authenticity of the origin of this or that people. Historical sources to study the origin of the people, the reports of historians serve more late period and their statements and thoughts on this topic. Some of this information is highly questionable. In addition to everything, there is no absolutely pure race, since ethnogenesis is a complex and lengthy process in which many tribes and nationalities participate.

    This process sometimes involves completely different ethnic groups, which, although they undergo assimilation, but, on their part, have an impact on indigenous population.

    When studying the problem of ethnogenesis great importance have archaeological, ethnographic and linguistic data and other materials. Analysis and comparison of existing sources does not always lead to an unambiguous conclusion. The question of the origin of Georgians has always been controversial, it is still not fully established, since there is no consensus and generally accepted theory on this issue.

    1. Sources on ethnogenesis of Georgians. The Georgians showed interest in their own origins even in ancient times. According to the Georgian historian of the 11th century Leonty Mroveli, the Caucasian peoples had one ancestor - Targamos... He was a son But I and grandson Yafeta... Targamos had 8 sons, who were considered the ancestors of all Caucasian peoples. The ancestor of Georgians is considered Kartlos, a son Targamosa... It is clear that this theory is related to Noah: according to the Bible, the nations of the world are the descendants of sons But ISeema, Hama and Yafeta... But something else is interesting, the main thesis of Leonty Mroveli's theory of kinship of all the Caucasuspeoples and theirethnysanchezwhat community... Here it is necessary to take into account that the author of this theory is a figure of the XI century. At that time, despite the difficult situation, the development of the country followed the path of growth. The soil was created not only for the unification of the country, but also for assimilationthe striving of the Caucasian peoples under the banner of a united Georgia... The implementation of this task required an ideological foundation, which was partly served by the theory of Leonty Mroveli. Although, it is possible that there was a tradition or idea, according to which the peoples of the Caucasus descended from one ancestor. Interesting information about the ethnogenesis and the original place of residence of the Georgians has been preserved in the annals. "Appeal of Kartli" ("Moktsevai Kartlisai ")... After the occupation of Mtskheta, Azo goes to Arian-Kartli and returns from there with his compatriots, whom he settles in Kartli. Based on this information, the Georgians (more precisely, the indigenous inhabitants of Eastern Georgia) came from Arian-Kartli. This refers to the territory of Eastern Georgia, which was part of Achaemenid Iran (the upper reaches of the Chorokhi River). It is interesting that the movement of individual Georgian tribes from the south towards Kartli is actually confirmed. Flies (meskhi) from Anatolia they are moving northeastward towards Kartli. On the way of their promotion, and now you can find the names: Samtskhe (Samtskhe, Sa-meskhta, Sa-meskhe) and Mtskheta (Mtskheta, Meskh-ta).

    We also find information about the origin of Georgians in foreign sources. Greek historian of the 5th century BC NS. Herodotus claimed that colchians are descendants Egyptians... This statement has nothing to do with reality. With regard to the population Kartli, or Iberia, as the Greeks called it, then, according to the Greeks, from western Iberia, or Spain on Caucasus resettled the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar... The Greeks also called the Iberian Peninsula Iberia. It is assumed that this consideration was based on the identity of the names of the two geographic regions. Apparently, this point of view was widespread among the Georgians.

    2. Scientific theories about the ethnogenesis of Georgians. Outstanding Georgian historian Ivane Javakhishvili put forward the idea of kinship of the Georgian people with the Caucasian peoples, since he believed that the Kartvelian languages ​​(Georgian, Megrelo-Zanian, Svan) are genetically related to other Caucasian languages ​​(Abkhazian-Adyghe and Veinakho-Dagestan). This point of view is generally accepted and widespread. Kartvelian and Caucasian languages make up one group Iberian-Caucasian languages... Ivane Javakhishvili believed that georgian and other kavsKazakh tribes came from the south and settled Kavkaz in stages. This resettlement began in the XIV century BC. NS. The last wave of Georgian tribes arrived in the Caucasus in the 7th century BC. However, after carrying out new archaeological excavations and obtaining new materials, this hypothesis has lost its relevance.

    On the ethnogenesis of Georgians, Georgian scientist Simon Janashia expresses a different point of view. In his opinion, 5-6 thousand years ago, most of Asia Minor, North Africa and Southern Europe(Iberian, Apennine and Balkan peninsulas) were inhabited by kindred peoples. Then came to Europe Indo-Europeans who were influenced by these ancient peoples: Basque- in the Pyrenees, Etruscan- on the Apenines, pelazgov- in the Balkans, Hittites and subar- in Western Asia. Subars occupied the territory from Mesopotamia to the Caucasus. Hittites and subars were the ancestors of the Georgians. In the 13th century BC, the population of Khet-Subareti scattered in different directions. Of these, the most powerful tribes were flies and tubals... Later, in the XI-VIII centuries BC, the tribes Hittite Subar formed a state Urartu.

    After the fall of Urartu in the VI century BC, a large public educationIberia and intensified even more - Colch.

    Simon Janashia says nothing about the relocation of tribes from the south, but points to a relocation state and cultural center from south to north... All this took place on a large territory inhabited by people of the same origin. The hypothesis about the relationship of Georgians and Basque has its supporters and opponents. The relationship of the Georgian tribes with Hittites and Khurites.

    In solving the problem of the ethnogenesis of Georgians, first of all, a large role belongs to archaeological materials, on the basis of which the continuous historical process of the development of the Georgian tribes, who have lived in the territory of the Caucasus since ancient times, can be traced.

    3. Some aspects of the linguistic and ethnic processes of the Georgian people, the territory of historical residence.

    Georgian people went through very a long period its development and is one of the most ancient peoples existing in modern times, distributed since antiquity over the vast territory of the Caucasus.

    In modern science, starting with S.N. Janashia and B.A. Kuftina, as indicated, rejected the previously widespread opinion that the ancestors of the Georgian, as well as other Caucasian peoples, came to the Caucasus from the south, from Asia Minor only in the first half of the 1st millennium BC. Study of ancient Georgian names of plants, animals, etc. era of existence common Kartvelian language basics (III millennium BC) or Georgian-Zan (Megrelo-Chan) unity (II millennium BC) indicates that Georgian tribes already in this era lived on the territory of the Caucasus, in particular in its mountainous strip.

    V III millennium BC, supposed existence language-basics of Kartvelian languages, as well as the language-basis of other groups of Caucasian languages ​​(East Caucasian, i.e. Nakh-Dagestan, and West Caucasian, or Abkhaz-Adyghe, languages). Some researchers believe that these groups of Caucasian languages ​​are related to each other, descended from one ancestor - a common language-base, from where a number of ancient (now dead) Western Asian languages ​​(Sumerian, Proto-Hittite, Hurrian, Urartian, Elamite) originated through linguistic differentiation , as well as the current Basque language, but this hypothesis currently causes a very skeptical attitude towards itself from many scientists and does not have a strictly scientific justification.

    Researchers date the beginning of the disintegration of the common language-basis of the Kartvelian languages ​​to the beginning II millennium BC... At this time, the first impulses were released Svan, the Kart-Zan (Megrelo-Chan) linguistic unity, which existed for a long time and after that, apparently disintegrated into ViiIv. BC.

    It should be noted that many lexical innovations of Kart (Georgian) and Mingrelo-Chansk, in which they jointly differ from Svan, could have arisen only in the post-middle era. II millennium BC We are talking about the designation of technical and cultural achievements, with which these tribes got acquainted only in the indicated period, as well as lexical phenomena that appeared as a result of contact with the southern Hittite-Hurrian world.

    Since the Kart-Zan group of Kartvelian tribes have contacts with the southern Near-Asian world (Hittites, Hurri-Urartians), it apparently occupied the comparatively southern regions of present-day Georgia and partly territories located even further south (in particular, in northeastern Asia Minor, where later we also find the Kartvelian tribes). As for the Svan group, it is already in II millennium BC should be localized in the northern part of the spread of Georgian tribes, although at this time, as well as in the 1st millennium BC, they were apparently widespread not only in the mountainous, but also in the low-lying parts of Western Georgia. This conclusion leads us, in particular, the study of the ancient toponymy of this region. For example, even the name "Lanchkhuti" is considered Svan. Svan etymology is found in the names of large centers - Sukhumi (Georgian Tskhumi - cf. Svan. Tskhum - rtskhila). An analysis of the information of ancient writers also leads to the conclusion about the wide distribution of the Svan population on the territory of Western Georgia; it turns out, in particular, that the Svan element is implied mainly in the Geniokh tribes often mentioned in antiquity in Western Georgia.

    On the issue of the spread of Georgian tribes in the southern direction, one cannot but draw on material about the Asia Minor flies and tabals. They are known to be often mentioned first. Assyrian inscriptions of the 8th – 7th centuries.dabout AD In these tribes, we can see individual Georgian tribes spreading far to the southwest. Having been largely hattized, later they (in particular flies) played a certain role in the emergence of the East Georgian statehood.

    Currently, the Georgians, like many other peoples, have subethnographic groups, in particular, there are such as: Mingrelians, Kartlians, Kakhetians, Khevsurs, Pshavs, Tushins, Mtiuls, Mokhevs, Javakhs, Meskhi, Imereti, Rachintsy, Lechkhumis, Svans, Gurians, Adjarians, Ingiloys, Taois, Shavshets, Parhalians, Imerkhevs, etc.

    The indicated names of Georgians, in fact, are related and derive from the name of a particular locality of their historical residence on the territory of Georgia. (See attached "Map of the main historical provinces of Georgia").

    It should be noted that such sub-ethnographic groups of Georgians as the Svans and Mingrelians, knowing the state and national Georgian language, also use the Mingrelian and Svan languages, which constitute the invaluable linguistic and cultural wealth of the entire Georgian people.

    Georgians have been widespread since antiquity, both within the modern borders of Georgia, and in the wider territory of the borders of historical Georgia.

    In particular, even now, ethnic Georgians (Parhalians, Taois, Shavshets, Imerkheis, Adjarians, etc.) live, already in a significantly reduced number, in the territories of "Tao-Klarjeti" in the historical part of South-Western Georgia. These vast territories of Georgia with a Georgian population are included in the state borders of the modern Republic of Turkey.

    In addition, since ancient times, Georgian tribes (in particular, the Khalibs, which are mentioned in the Bible as the creators of the metallurgical culture) lived in the direction of the Eastern part of Anatolia, in northeastern Asia Minor, covering the Pontine Mountains and nearby territories, which in modern Republic of Turkey.

    This territory is inhabited by the descendants of Georgian tribes, which are the current Laz (Chans), which are widespread along the Black Sea coast in its southeastern part, who (like the Georgians Mingrelians) speak the related Georgian Mingrelo-Laz (Mingrelo-Chan) language, and are bearers of the Kartvelian culture.

    The so-called "Ingiloy", a relatively small ethnic group of eastern Georgians, lives in the historical part of Eastern Georgia (Hereti), in the present Republic of Azerbaijan (present-day Zakatala region).

    Georgians, as evidenced by the Armenian historical chronicles (Favstos Buzand, Hovhannes Draskhanakerttsi, etc.), traces of material culture, were distributed in the original Georgian territories in the southern part of Georgia (Kvemo-Kartli), in the regions of Lore and Tashiri, which now make up the northern part of the Republic of Armenia.

    Currently, a significant number of ethnic Georgians live in Iran, in a number of its provinces Feyredan, Mazandaran, Gilan and others, forcibly resettled there from the eastern part of Georgia (Kakheti-Hereti) at the beginning of the 17th century by the Iranian Shah Abass I. This group of Georgians despite the fact that it is long time(about 400 years), far from the historical homeland, and in modern times, retains its ethnic identity, Georgian language and culture.

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