Dismissal of their own accord tk rf. The procedure for dismissing an employee according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Dismissal of their own accord tk rf.  The procedure for dismissing an employee according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Dismissal of their own accord tk rf. The procedure for dismissing an employee according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

“Voluntarily” is the most common reason for dismissal. In this case, the employment contract is terminated at the initiative of the employee. The mechanism of such a procedure has been perfected for years. But, even with seeming simplicity, dismissal under this article requires compliance with clearly defined rules.

The procedure for dismissal of your own free will

The procedure for voluntary dismissal is governed by Articles 77, 80 of Chapter 13 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employee has the right to make a decision to terminate the employment contract at any time, while he does not have to give arguments in his favor.

Dismissal stages

Stages Contents of the procedure
Writing a statementThe application form is free, but the document must contain the required details (date of compilation and dismissal, basis, employee signature). The application can be personally taken to the HR department or sent by registered mail.
Formation of an orderBased on the application, the employer forms a dismissal order. The order is usually drawn up according to a unified one. The employee must sign the order that he is familiar with it. If for any reason it is impossible to familiarize the resigning person with the document, a corresponding entry is made about this in the order itself.
DismissalAfter the order for dismissal has been issued, and the employee is familiar with it, the employer performs the appropriate and makes a full calculation in accordance with Art. 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

How do I apply?

The procedure for submitting a letter of resignation of one's own free will provides for its preparation in two copies. The most common case is when an employee hands over one copy personally to the employer or an authorized person, and keeps the second one with a note of receipt.

On the second copy of the application, the employer must write approximately the following: “One copy of the application received (date). Signature and transcript of the recipient's signature "

It often happens that the relationship with the employer has deteriorated, and it is not possible to hand over the application in person for various reasons. In this case, it can be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

How to draw up a statement (sample) correctly?

Despite the fact that there are no strictly defined application templates, its arbitrary form is widespread, the document must meet certain requirements.

In the application, you must indicate the basis for dismissal, which in this case is one - "of your own free will."

It is not necessary to reflect the reason for dismissal in the application, no matter what motives prompted it. Such a need arises when an employee plans and has the right, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to quit without work (urgent relocation, retirement, admission to full-time education, etc.). In this case, it will be legitimate for the employer to ask the employee to document the need for urgent dismissal.

The phrase with the request for dismissal must be formulated as clearly and understandably as possible. It should follow from the statement that the employee wants to quit, and not move to another position or temporarily rest. This will further prevent the possibility of its double interpretation by the parties to the employment contract.

If the employer has received such a statement in which the employee's desire is not clearly expressed, then it is necessary to ask him to rewrite the document.

This can be done:

  • in oral form;
  • in writing, if there was no reaction to the oral appeal.

A written request to the employee is drawn up in the form of an order from the head, with which he obliges the employee to confirm that his application expresses a desire to dismiss. When delivering the order, it is necessary to obtain the employee's signature that he is familiar with the order.

In accordance with Article 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the day of dismissal of an employee is the last day of his work. To avoid additional misunderstandings, you need to record in the application the exact date of termination of the employment contract. In specifying the terms of dismissal, it is recommended not to prescribe the preposition "from", in this case, there remains the possibility of a double interpretation of the date of dismissal.

For example, the phrase "I ask you to fire me from June 20" can be understood so that the resigning person plans to work the last day on June 19 and not go to work on June 20. But from the same proposal, one can decide that the last day of work will be June 20. The phrase “I ask you to count as the last working day….” Would be more correct. This nuance is important for both the employee and the employer.

Examples of 2 formulations, of which the second is the most common:

Dismissal period of your own free will

In accordance with article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee is obliged to notify about his dismissal no later than two weeks. The countdown starts the next day after the employer receives the application. If a seasonal or temporary employee leaves, then this time is reduced to 3 days, and for the head of the organization it increases to 1 month.

In order to avoid misunderstandings in understanding the term of dismissal, it is still necessary to clearly spell it out in the application. The fact is that the labor code contains the obligation of the employee to notify the dismissal "no later than two weeks in advance."

It turns out that if the application does not specifically indicate from what date the employee would like to quit, then we can talk about any period of time, more than two weeks. Just as in the case of the reason for dismissal, the employee can be asked orally or in writing to indicate the exact date from which he would like to terminate the employment contract.

Within a two-week period, the employee, as before, performs his duties. Unilateral termination of an employment contract by him may legally be qualified by the employer as (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When the warning period has expired, the employee has every right to leave the workplace and demand payment. In this case, any attempt by the employer to detain him is illegal.

When can you not work for two weeks?

The need to perform work duties within two weeks after applying for dismissal does not always persist.

You can not work out the deadline in the following cases:

  • the employer does not see the need for this;
  • the employee has serious valid reasons that do not allow him to work for two weeks (admission to full-time studies, urgent relocation, etc.);
  • the employer violated the employee's rights or the terms of the employment contract.

Of course, the only guaranteed option for dismissal without two weeks' work is only the first one. The other two options can be challenged in court, since both the seriousness of the valid reasons and the violation of labor legislation by the employer still need to be proved.

If, after submitting the application, the employee falls ill, then it is not transferred. After 2 weeks, in accordance with the law, labor relations are subject to termination, regardless of whether the resigning person worked or was sick.

What if an employee changes his mind about quitting?

Because life circumstances change frequently, sometimes a situation arises when an employee has changed his mind about quitting. What to do in this case?

If the statutory warning period has not yet expired, then the employee has every right to withdraw the application.

But if another candidate is already invited to this workplace in writing, then the possibility of staying is excluded.

Dismissal during vacation and illness

Dismissal of an employee who is or, possibly, on his initiative. If such an action is performed at the request of the employer, then it is illegal.

If agreed with the employer, the employee may be granted leave with subsequent dismissal. The day of dismissal will be the last day of the vacation. But all calculations related to the termination of an employment contract and the issuance of a work book are made on the last day of work.

If the date of dismissal indicated in the application fell into the period of the employee's illness, then the termination of the employment contract with all due payments is made on that day, and the work book can be taken after recovery.

Sick leave payments will be calculated within 10 days after it is provided to the employer, and made - on the next day the wages are issued, set by the organization (IP).

What if the employer forces you to quit?

Sometimes your own desire when you leave is not so. The employer forces the employee to resign and indicate his own desire as the reason. Often the employer offers dismissal under such an article if he does not have enough grounds for the legal termination of the employment contract unilaterally. In this situation, one can agree, or compete for a job, or defend more favorable terms of dismissal.

The easiest psychologically, but the worst financial option would be to agree with the employer's proposal. If an employee decided to compete for a job, then the main problem may be that the employer will in every possible way look for an excuse for unilateral termination of the contract, so the psychological climate at work will not be the best.

You can follow the thorny path of litigation with the employer. Then it is worth recording the fact of pressure from the employer. In this case, a dictaphone recording or testimony of colleagues may come in handy.

If an employee decides to bargain for more favorable terms of dismissal, for example, the provision of time to search for a new job, it must be borne in mind that it is better to record all agreements reached in writing, since they do not mean anything orally.

In the event of a conflict situation with the employer, you should not give in to emotions and make a decision about dismissal in the heat of the moment. It is worthwhile to first obtain legal advice or seek the help of a trade union.

This article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the procedure according to which it is possible to dismiss employees (termination of the employment contract) at the initiative of the employer.
In some cases, it is possible to do this immediately (without any disciplinary penalties before that), namely:

- part 1 (paragraph 6, subparagraph b) - coming to work drunk;

- in the first part (clause 6, subparagraph d), the procedure for dismissal for theft is provided. In this case, severance pay is paid only if its amount exceeds the amount of damage that the employee must compensate;

- part 1 paragraph 7 - dismissal if the worker has committed any actions that provoked the termination of his access to the object (loss of confidence and the employer can no longer admit him to work).
A link to an article with comments, where this text can be downloaded for free, can be found at zakonrf.info

with comments 2018 - dismissal of employees (reduction)

Part 1, paragraphs 1 and 2 provide for the dismissal of the staff (the staff is reduced, that is, the number of employees or a specific position) or all in connection with the liquidation of the organization. The specific wording is also in the work book. The reduction procedure (termination of the employment contract) must be provided with timely communication. The employee must know when the contract will be terminated (the day and month are clearly indicated). Time (at least three months) is given to find a job. If the organization does not close completely, then the company must offer other vacancies to employees before dismissal.

In addition, according to the Federal Law, this is the last thing for maternity and disabled people. In this case, the Law promises guarantees and compensation, and the laid-off employee must be immediately registered so that he can receive benefits. The rules for the payment of such benefits assume that for the first three months a person will receive benefits in the amount of almost the same as their salary. The code clearly defines how this benefit is paid. Labor book with a record - the basis for obtaining it.

It is worth noting what you need to know and how to correctly formulate claims in resolving labor disputes. These norms do not apply if the date is clearly indicated in the contract (if the contract is valid until December, then the citizen Grigorieva is not fired under this article!).

You will be interested: Article 162 as amended in 2018

Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - changes 2018

The main change is the procedure for carrying out certification, which confirms the suitability of the position held (once a year). Non-compliance is a good reason for the employment relationship to be terminated, but, as practice shows, it is quite difficult to prove it (too many nuances). Reason - paragraph 3 part 1.

For positions provided for in paragraphs. 7.1 of part 1 to pass such certification is a duty. This type of employee assessment should be carried out for all state. employees. Failure to pass it will be considered a reason for dismissal within the prescribed period (on the day the results are announced).

Termination of an employment contract (dismissal) at the initiative of the employer, Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Knowledge of the TC is a guarantor of the protection of their rights (both parties must know the right).
For example, if the work is educational, then the employee must control the action outside the workplace. What is the threat of immoral behavior? Such a violation threatens to be fired and the employer's initiative will be completely legal! Paragraph 8 of Part 1 directly provides for this.

It doesn't matter where the gross offense was committed, within the walls of the organization or not. The only thing is that the procedure has a limitation period! Namely, the case (more precisely, the moment when the employer found out about him) should have happened no earlier than a year ago at the time of dismissal. The latter may not be directly connected to the workflow.

Dismissal for absenteeism, Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employment record, sample

Dismissal for absenteeism or termination of an employment contract (part 1, paragraph 6, sub. A) provides for an entry in the work book. An order is printed in which it is necessary to indicate:

- reason for dismissal;
- when exactly was the absence from the workplace (date and for how many hours).

For example, the loader Silkin was fired from his job, etc.
Example (sample) of the order and its execution

Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dismissal for absenteeism

In the absence of a due period of time (full change or four hours in a row), the employee is dismissed on the basis of this article (part 1, clause 6, subparagraph a). It can also be done if there were three times delays of one hour. Everything must be documented (an act must be drawn up). After that, he and the employee's explanation must be entered into a personal file.

As jurisprudence shows, this happens if discipline is not violated for the first time (one-time absenteeism and if there was a notification from the chief, most often it is not recorded).


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The procedure for terminating an employment contract on the initiative of an employee In certain situations, an employee may decide to leave the organization of his own free will. To do this, he must write a statement of termination ...

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It would seem, what could be faster and easier than quitting of your own free will? You submit an application, work out for two weeks, get a calculation and - "to freedom with a clear conscience"!

Nothing like this. And not everything is clear with working off. And the employer is not always calculated on time and correctly. And most importantly, the desire is not necessarily one's own ...

But first things first.

Dismissal of their own free will-2013

The procedure for terminating labor relations for this reason is now somewhat different from the similar procedure that was in force before February 1, 2002. Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in its main provisions is quite similar to article 31 of the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation of 1971.

The main difference is that, according to the Labor Code, such a dismissal could occur only for a valid reason such as illness, disability, if the employer violated labor laws or contract conditions.

According to the Labor Code, the basis for dismissal of the employee's own will does not matter. He can terminate the contract at any time. Both urgent and imprisoned for an indefinite period.

This is the most common way to terminate a contract.

The procedure for dismissal of your own free will

The procedure for terminating an employment contract of its own free will consists of several stages: the employee's decision to quit, his written application, working off, an order from the administration, and the final payment.

Reasons for dismissal of their own free will

An employee's decision to quit can be caused by a variety of reasons. A vacancy was found for a job that was more suitable in terms of salary, prestige, correspondence to the received education or previous work experience, in a more convenient area (let's say, closer to home). Not satisfied with the psychological atmosphere in the team.

We are going to move to another region. This is how family circumstances developed: perhaps there is no one to sit with a newborn child or a first-grade grandson. The state of health does not allow. The person believes it is time to retire.

These are options for conflict-free dismissal of your own free will.

From the point of view of the law, it does not matter why the applicant wants to terminate the employment contract. Only the voluntariness of the decision is important.

In the event of his compel, if the employee was put in a situation where he cannot but quit, we are talking about a conflict dismissal of his own free will. You can and should go to court. The process is not always unpromising. Lawyers give an example when a correspondence student was not signed a letter of leave for study leave. The employee was forced to resign in order not to interrupt his studies, and by a court decision he was reinstated at work.

Resolution No. 2 of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2004 (paragraph 22, subparagraph "a") imposes the duty of verifying the assertion of coercion to submit an application for termination of the employment contract of its own free will to the court. But the employee must prove the coercion himself.

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Collecting such evidence is not easy. We need documents (which are often hidden by the administration) and testimonies of the employees who remained in the team (who want to stay there further). But we will repeat that there are precedents for restoration at work.

It is sometimes useful to record a conversation with the director made on a dictaphone, in which threats were voiced. The chances of winning are also increased by testimonies from colleagues who quit, who have nothing to lose.

Another thing is that it is almost impossible to continue working with a damaged relationship with the employer. Usually, an employee still submits a letter of resignation, being satisfied with the court-appointed monetary compensation for unpaid wages and moral damage in the period from the moment of dismissal to the time of recovery (the process usually lasts six to one year).

The situation of a lockout or selective layoff is quite common, when an enterprise or organization close to bankruptcy is trying to improve their financial affairs in this way.

In order not to spend severance pay, substantial compensation payments and an average salary for the period of employment, employees are forced to apply for resignation on their own initiative. And in fact, those dismissed do it obediently. But in vain! The judicial outcome of such cases is quite predictable and favorable for those affected by the actions of the administration.

There are frequent cases of dismissal of pregnant women of their own accord, under which the banal getting rid of an “unpromising” employee who will drop out of the team for a long time and then will often and for a long time go to sick leave is disguised.

Such claims, of course, are a win-win, but few expectant mothers, fearing for their health and their baby, dare to file it.

So it turns out that, having labor legislation that is more or less protective of the employee, we are absolutely powerless and helpless.

A separate topic for conversation is the early dismissal of servicemen at their own request. Military legal relations are not regulated by civil jurisprudence, but by the Law on Military Duty.

He requires the contract soldier to indicate a valid reason why he cannot undergo further service.

The soldier submits a report to the immediate commander, which he sends to the certification commission. Her findings can be positive if the commission considers the grounds for dismissal to be sufficient. The final decision is made by the unit commander.

There are no clear criteria for defining the concept of valid reasons, the list of them is not legally fixed. Practice shows what is most often called the lack of money in the family budget, the inability to serve in accordance with the received higher education, the need to care for seriously ill or minor family members.

The complexity of the position of a soldier lies in the fact that he must be very convincing in order to prove the uneasy compulsion of his intention to three instances at once: the commission, the commander, the court.

Dismissal of your own free will: sample application

The voluntary dismissal procedure begins with a notification of the intention to terminate the employment relationship, that is, with the submission of a written application.

It is written in the name of the general director of an enterprise or institution in any form. But it must have indicated the surname, name, patronymic, position, signature of the employee; the wording on voluntary dismissal is clearly expressed; the dates of writing the document and the alleged dismissal are indicated.

The administration has the right to terminate the employment relationship at the initiative of the employee only if all these requirements are met. The statement should look like this:

Director of LLC "Osnova"
Savelyev G.N.


Terms of termination of an employment contract on the initiative of an employee

The Labor Code prescribes notifying the employer at least two weeks before dismissal. This date must be indicated in the application.

It should not contain the preposition "from" ("from May 23, 2013"). Otherwise, it will create confusion over time. The countdown starts from the day following the submission of the application, and the last working day is considered the date of dismissal.

When neither the employee nor the employer has any objections, it is possible to terminate the contract in a shorter period of time, and without any work at all. But the administration has a decisive vote here.

If an agreement has been reached in words, it is better to draw it up in writing. However, the employer's visa at the corner of your application with the exact date of dismissal without working off is enough.

An employee has the right to demand immediate dismissal if the director clearly violated labor laws or the terms of an employment agreement.

As for the rest, Article 80 vaguely stipulates “the impossibility of continuing to work for them” and names as examples only enrollment in an educational institution, retirement “and other cases”.

A later Supreme Court ruling adds a further assignment of a husband or wife to a new duty station or to work abroad.

The lawyers are perplexed. Is it only about full-time studies, or are we talking about evening and part-time studies too? Why is it just about enrollment, if the start of classes comes much later? Is it a one-time right to quit without working for an employee who has just reached retirement age, or do pensioners who continue to work also have it?

And most importantly, the three listed cases do not come suddenly, the employer can be warned about them in time. What is the reason for choosing them to illustrate the need to quit quickly?

Terms other than two weeks are stipulated by labor legislation also for those who have not yet completed their probationary period (three days); for company managers (one month); for those employed on the terms of a fixed-term employment contract - up to two months - and seasonal workers (three days).

If the employer does not accept applications

A boss who is harshly opposed to a subordinate may refuse to accept his application. How to be?

Send the document by letter or even telegram. When calculating the expected date of dismissal, it is important to consider the sluggishness of the mail. Even within the same city, letters can be sent within three days. Telegrams, however, are somewhat faster: they are delivered today, in the worst case tomorrow.

It is better to use the services of registered mail or with a notification. In the event of any claims, you will have documentary evidence that the addressee has received the message.

The employee may change his mind

An employee has the right to consider himself / herself dismissed when two weeks have elapsed after the application was received and the date of the desired termination of the employment relationship arrives, even if the dismissal is not documented of his own free will. The same will happen if this date is not included in the application.

At any time before the expiration of the term, if agreed, the employee can change his mind, take the application back and continue to perform his official duties. The administration has the right to prevent this only if another employee is officially registered in his place.

Application cancellation statement

In addition, for safety reasons, the employee who has changed his mind has the right to withdraw his application within two weeks between the warning of the employer and the issuance of the order of dismissal. Also with the help of a written statement, so that in the event of claims up to a lawsuit, there is documentary evidence of the withdrawal of the former.

The application form is as follows:

Director of LLC "Osnova"
Savelyev G.N.


In accordance with part 4 of article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I withdraw my resignation letter of my own free will dated June 06, 2013.

Dismissal of their own free will: order

The next step in the procedure for dismissing an employee of his own free will will be the signature in the order issued by the director of the enterprise in the form of T-8.

How to correctly fill out an explanatory note according to the attached sample and how to accept it correctly ?:

Dismissal of their own free will: entry in the work book

On the last day of the labor agreement, the resigning person receives a work book with a corresponding entry.

Both documents must contain the wording “dismiss at will”.

Final calculation

At the verbal request, the employee is given other documents and their copies provided at the time of employment or issued later (copies of orders related to a career at this enterprise or organization, salary certificates, insurance contributions, 2-NDFL).

No later than this day, the final financial calculation of wages must be made, taking into account the unrealized part of the vacation.

This is what the Labor Code dictates, let us note in parentheses, but it rarely happens in practice. Even when a company or institution pays salaries to staff on bank cards and the recipient does not even need to come to his former job for him. Administration and accounting are usually discouraged by a lack of funds at the cash desk.

But according to article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if the calculation was not made on time, the employer must not only pay every penny, but also pay interest for the delay!

The law does not oblige the director to charge a retiring employee with amounts that he considers unlawful to be paid. But the employee is not obliged to agree with the legality of the undelivered and can file a claim in court for the collection of wages.

The administration does not have the right to forcibly keep at work a terminating employment contract who has a debt to her, or in the case when the employee, being a financially responsible person, did not transfer the affairs to his successor. All problems are resolved after the dismissal, again in court.

But it is important to know that in the end, the boss can arrange an extremely unpleasant "surprise" for the subordinate. For two weeks of working off, it is quite possible to bring to disciplinary responsibility and even dismissal. Let's say for absenteeism.

Interesting video: Dismissal of an employee of his own free will

Dismissal is an important and responsible stage not only for an employee of a particular organization, but also often for his family and friends. Russian legislation comprehensively regulates all aspects of dismissal. No. 77 establishes the legal basis for the termination of the contract. Labor law also defines the aspects of dismissal and the required formal procedures.

Comments on Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

This article, as mentioned above, establishes the reasons why an employment relationship can be terminated. Article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. 77 is a legal guarantee of labor law that does not contradict the Constitution. Termination of the contract is possible when three conditions are simultaneously met:

  1. There are reasons established by law.
  2. The order of dismissal is observed.
  3. There is a dismissal order.
  1. Unsatisfactory passage of the probationary period.
  2. Changes in working conditions.
  3. Expiration of the contract validity period.
  4. Liquidation of the enterprise.
  5. The real
  6. for medical reasons or according to the results of certification at the enterprise.
  7. Change of the owner of the enterprise.
  8. One-time gross or repeated failure to fulfill labor obligations.
  9. Loss of trust.
  10. It is immoral for an employee to perform parenting work.
  11. Unreasonable decisions resulting in losses, or gross violations by the management.
  12. If during employment the employee provided the manager with false information or false documents.
  13. The expiration of the validity period of access to classified data, if the work with them is associated.
  14. According to the circumstances stipulated in the employment contract.
  15. For other reasons established by this legislation.


Clause 1 (Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) informs that the contract can be terminated by agreement of the parties. This can be done regardless of the period of validity of the contract.

In practice, employers themselves propose to terminate the contract on this basis when there are no other legal grounds for dismissal. However, this also requires the desire of the employee. By agreement of the parties, both the employee and the employer can inform about dismissal orally or in writing. The end date of the contract is also agreed.

Dismissal procedure

The procedure for terminating relations is also regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the last working day is considered the date of dismissal. The employee is given a work book and other documents related to employment, and the calculation is made.

If the employer does not fulfill at least one of these duties, this threatens him with financial liability. And the entry in the work book must necessarily contain an article of the Labor Code, according to which the labor relationship was terminated.

Dismissal order

Regardless of the reason for the termination of the employment relationship, the employee must familiarize himself with the order of dismissal against signature. If the termination occurs at the initiative of the employer, the employee is sent a notification and also against signature. An employee of the organization may require a copy of the order and notice of dismissal.

Thus, Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains 11 points. It is she who is the legal guarantee of labor law in the Russian Federation.

The list includes:

  • employee illness;
  • retirement;
  • an urgent need to care for a disabled child;
  • an application for resignation was submitted by a specialist who has already reached retirement age;
  • the employee's family decided to move to another city;
  • a person should start caring for a seriously ill relative;
  • the employee entered the university.

It is not necessary to personally submit an application to the chief executive officer of the enterprise. The specialist can give the paper to the employee of the personnel department. It should be remembered that the current legislation does not enshrine the above reasons in normative legal acts. However, if the employer refuses the employee's request to leave earlier in the presence of the indicated circumstance, the person has the right to file an application with the court. The state body will make a positive decision on the case in favor of the specialist.

How to quit on your own without working off

The employer, however, during this period searches for another employee to replace the quitting one, thereby minimizing the possible damage associated with the employee's departure. When dismissal without working off is obligatory It is not necessary to work off the prescribed period if:

  1. The employee finds himself in a situation that prevents the continuation of the work process and the performance of labor functions;
  2. Violations on the part of the company of the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the terms of an employment contract or internal documentation, for example, a collective agreement (late payment of wages, refusal to provide guarantees under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - vacation, sick leave).

In these paragraphs, the employee forms a statement stipulating the desired date of dismissal, which will carry out this procedure. The application must contain the appropriate basis for the absence of working off, documented.

Accounting info

The employee must check the information for compliance with reality and current legislation. The entry must contain a link to Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If a person notices that the inscription does not meet the established standard, he can sue.


If a person leaves of their own free will, the deadline for calculation is the day following the day of dismissal. If the company does not have time to transfer the balance of funds that should be accrued as wages in the specified period, this is a reason for contacting the appropriate authority. For the period of delay, the employee has the right to collect a penny.

Online magazine for an accountant

If an employee is going to quit of his own free will, do not expect that he will necessarily work the allotted 2 weeks. Labor law rules in 2018 allow for the absence of working off. For example, he may use his vacation to not work until he is fired.
Who has the right to dismiss without working An employee must warn you about dismissal of his own free will at least 2 weeks before the termination of the employment contract and work them out. You can agree and shorten this period (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but there are circumstances that exempt an employee from working off. An employer does not have the right to demand work for two weeks from a pensioner or full-time student.
An employer does not have the right to demand work for two weeks from a pensioner or full-time student.

Is it possible to dismiss an employee without working off

The text includes:

  • Request for dismissal;
  • The reason for this (for example, own desire due to retirement);
  • The date on which the dismissal must pass;
  • A link to the clause of the legislative document giving the employee the right to demand dismissal by the specified date (3 h. 80 of Art. Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The stated information is confirmed by the employee by means of a signature and its decryption. The document should be dated on the day of writing. Application for dismissal of their own free will without working off - an example Download an example of an application for dismissal of an employee of their own free will Download an example of an application for dismissal of their own free will without working off Mutual consent of the parties to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows you to terminate the relationship before the end of the term of employment, if both parties agree with this.

Mutual consent must be documented.

Dismissal of your own free will without working off

This wording can be applied to a disabled person if his disability does not make it possible to perform the duties prescribed for the position held, and interferes with the continuation of the work process. At the same time, a disabled person should be provided with documentary evidence that, due to his disability, he cannot continue to work, and therefore he should be dismissed on the day specified in the application. Such a document may be a certificate received from the attending physician.


When determining the possibility of resigning ahead of the deadline for the completion of work, the nature of the work performed should be taken into account. After all, the reason for the established disability may interfere with the performance of functions at one job, and not create any restrictions at another. For example, the absence of a leg will not allow working as a loader, but it does not interfere with working in sedentary jobs, for example, in the position of an accountant.

How to quit without working two weeks?

When an employee is dismissed of his own free will, the law seeks to protect the employer. It obliges a person who wants to leave their previous place of work to notify the official acting as the employer 2 weeks before the planned termination date. During this period, the owner of the company must find a replacement employee and make a calculation. However, in practice, an employee may not always be able to stay at the enterprise for a specified period. For this reason, a person who wants to end his labor activity has a question: how to properly quit of his own free will without working 2 weeks? We will try to consider it as fully as possible in this article.

How to properly resign of your own free will without working off

If the resigning person does not fall into any of these categories and does not have valid reasons for leaving the company on the day the relevant application is submitted, then the only option for him is dismissal by agreement of the parties. In this case, it is enough just to negotiate with the employer, write an application and receive your documents. For those who do not know whether it is necessary to work out 2 weeks upon dismissal, or if you can limit yourself to one day, this information is of great importance, because if there are grounds for canceling the working off, then they should be used. This will allow you to go to another job on time or start other business that was the reason for such a quick departure from the old place.

Instructions: how to quit without working two weeks?

Partially other cases are deciphered in acts, some of which were adopted back in the days of the USSR, but which are still valid. For example, such cases include: If the employer does not consider these reasons to be valid, you have the right to file an application with the court or the Federal Labor Inspectorate.

  • Moving to another region or city;
  • The spouse of the employee is transferred to work in another region or abroad;
  • The impossibility of living in this area, confirmed by the conclusion of the medical commission;
  • Inability to continue working at the enterprise due to illness (also confirmed by medical documents);
  • The need to care for a disabled child or other sick family member;
  • Pregnancy.
  • A retiring employee has the right not to appear at work during working off if he is on sick leave.

Dismissal without working off ─ myth or reality?

For example, the state labor inspectorate and the prosecutor's office are among the bodies exercising state supervision and control over the observance of labor legislation. The order of inspections by the state labor inspectorate is somehow regulated. The inspector draws up an inspection report and from the date of its drawing up, the violation can be considered established.

And what if the inspector was mistaken and this will be established by the court or a higher inspector in the future? What to do in this case? The procedure for the prosecutor's inspection is regulated only by the law on the prosecutor's office. Based on the results of the prosecutor's inspection, it is not envisaged to draw up any inspection report or other document that would record all the violations identified.