Interesting nominations for rewarding elementary school students. Holiday "Star Square" dedicated to honoring the best students of the school "

Interesting nominations for rewarding elementary school students. Holiday
Interesting nominations for rewarding elementary school students. Holiday "Star Square" dedicated to honoring the best students of the school "

These comic nomination For teachers, I wrote for graduation, but they can also be used on the last call, to congratulate the teachers to their holiday - the day of the teacher, on the day of the birthday of a particular teacher, at the school week of physics (and other items).

The nomination to teachers can be announced, you can write on, or enter into a frivolous diploma, or develop the idea and do. In short, the choice is wide. I am writing, and you adapt to your situation.

Again, I ask: do not pay attention to the sequence of a list at all - as it has been composed, and wrote. This, by the way, is always good: when there are thoughts and ideas - write down all the stream. As soon as you start to rank, sorted - everything, Muse is gone! If, in general, came

Teachers nominate students

(declare, hand awarded) or school leadership. From the mouth of the graduates it will sound more interesting. Like that:

The winner of the nomination "Queen - Mother" for the authority inherent in the queen, and the mother, as well as for the royal patience and maternal concern is the Lydia Vasilievna Ivanov, director of our school. If, we would suddenly forget to declare this, Dear Lydia Vasilyevna would automatically become the winner of the nomination "I did not understand!" And then we no longer know where they were))

It would be nice to combine with the presentation of colors and gifts. And so on in the same vein directly on the list:

Cool leader (woman) - Oooooochin cool lady

Cool leader (man without mustache) - Hero of our time

Cool leader (man with a mustache) - Mustache nyan 11th-and

1st teacher - Second Mom

School Director (Woman) - Queen Mother

School Director (Male) - The King of All Russia on a separate area

- Teachers teaching:

Chemistry - teach chemisy, quickly and efficiently

Native language and literature - ownership of the word and language

Biology - no doubt

Mathematics - Lobachevsky is resting

Astronomy - through thorns to the stars

Drawing - what we have to build a house, let's draw - we will live

Drawing - the same beams, only in profile

English - simultaneously with London

French - Made in France

Physical education - tutor Hercules

Geography - around the world for 267 days ( academic year), or for what aborigines ate Cook

Physics - Newton and his apples

Story - roll past, or back for knowledge

Informatics - Wrong Bill Gates

Music and singing are our school X factor (for those who are not in the subject: the X-factor is an international singing competition, where almost anyone come to participate.

Labor - work made a monkey man (or - so that a person did not turn into a monkey)

The foundations of military training are not Rio de Janeiro.

Basics of Medical Training - Sister of Mercy

Basics of Economics - Economy Class

Fundamentals of Law - Fans of Femis

Ethics and aesthetics - Legend of Style

Special nomination:

For survival in conditions close to combat - class teacher The most terrible class, which is always frightening children and parents (although he is often not so terrible, this class).

You can also take a look at and possibly choose something carefully.

Nomination to teachers from our

active reader Mikhail:

Physical education teacher - But the fact that I am a bad athlete does not mean that I and the coach necessarily bad!

Labor training teacher - warrior flight "Monkey - Man"

Astronomy Teacher - Stargotchik

The teacher of history is not any - do not listen (or it means it was so ...)
Mathematics teacher - Mr. X (Mrs. X)
Music Teacher - Troubadur (Trubadurochka)

Class Leader in elementary school - ABVGDIKA
Cool leader of the same class, starting with high School And before the graduation - Yeklmneka (read as "Ykalememan"))))))

If I forgot - write without constraint! Also complement the comic nominations for teachers themselves so that the choice is more.

I make add-ons - thanks to the reader Elena!

Comic nomination for a school psychologist

  • Mrs. Peacemaker (or Mr.)
  • Custodian of childrens secrets
  • Diagnostics - Proofreader - Optimizer. Or optimist?
  • The heirs of Cota Leopold ("Guys, let's live together!")
  • We take hands, friends!
  • Between the hammer and anvil
  • And who promised, what will be easy?
  • Forward to harmony! Or
  • Teacher - Harmonist. Because teaches harmony.

I hope at least one nomination you liked it!

P.S. Dear friends,

Comic nomination for teachers

continues Elena

School teacher, Mom graduates last year and 17 graduates of the current one. And - on pleasant part-time - the grateful reader of my site. His ideas and practical experienceLena is divided into comments under the article. I specifically noted him in bold italics - use it! I invite you to exchange experience in comic nominance


With a nomination for the school director. The nomination in the comments is also highlighted - use, please our director and thank Nastya!


  • Employees of the library - "Lotsmans of the Book Sea" - for the unmistakably laid course to the bookshelf.
  • The guard - "And the mouse does not slip!"
  • Head of the dining room - "Fairy Pan and Skin" - for the ability to prepare almost everything from almost nothing.
  • Technical staff of the school - "Clean and order" - for the courage to demand from the office not only from students and teachers, but also the director.

Evelina (that is, I am author)

  • individual schools
  • their continuation is.

These nominations for graduates can also be used as comic, and as serious.

Although I love and strive to do everything simple, today I slightly complicated my life (you, I hope, no).

I wanted to do something like, and I wrote the exact names of song hits from the ratings of popular radio stations for 3 recent yearsAnd then he has selected nominations to graduates.

Some of them are suitable for schoolchildren of other classes, i.e. They can use the entire academic year.
How it happened to me, read below. But first - a couple of tips for teachers, parents and other adults who will pick up nominations for the names:

  • The nomination is tied only to the title, but not to the text of the lyrics - declare the children right away so that they do not seek the third meaning (2 We have already found and wrote here).
  • Whatever simple names for the names of the nominations, they are the headlines of songs-hits, which we do not know everything with you, and advanced youth usually knows. And will react more lively. So try, risk, in the end)))
  • If still, I want classics, then look for it in these.
  • If you want to look into the future, read in the geo style.
  • It would be just super-cool if after the name of the nomination sounded the most bright moment From the song-hit, while the graduate goes to the scene - he will go to the music of his nomination!

And we went!

school hit parade:

Lost and not found

- a student who has always lost everything, in particular, diaries)))
The best day

- The most problematic graduate.
The play is over

- Active school artist from produced classes.
We will be together, I know

- If someone remains to work at school (counselor, laboratory, etc.), then it is to him.

- The man "in himself" (from the word strange) or the one who often wandered somewhere during the lessons.
We broke up with you

- any graduate, but it is better for another unforgettable)))
One star

- a student-winner in anywhere, but high level - Champion of the city, region, peace.

Love will save the world

- Almost always in school there is one good couple in love, which, indeed, feelings. This nomination is two.
About you world greenery

- The best girl.
Uncle Pasha.

- Boy with the name Pavel.
Peeling with Ne.

"Misha (Masha), you will finally break up with a habit of nibble in the lesson of the nails (shake your foot, scratching the head, lie, etc.).

- participant of any quartet.
So it does not happen

- Local Tenderkind.
City Boy (City Boy )

- Stylish guy.

Chumacher Spring

- (I barely wrote this word!) Pupils, which in the spring demolides the roof.

- Can play on any keyboard tool.
This love was

- Girl named Luba.
Dial my name in google

- School celebrity.

- The student, to which it was always not to reach out.
Fight club

- A lover-lover or someone who studied combat sports.

Make it louder

"Who who has music just screamed from headphones, or a student, very quietly responded to the board."

- Who can do focuses in the literal sense or in portable.
I will not give up without fight

- most stubborn.
Doll S. human person

beautiful girl With puppet appearance

Wishes good to have fun during the selection of nominations to graduates,

If you do not watch, but only to listen, everyone will have its own story.


Graduation day 2011.

Award Ceremony "Graduate - 2011"

Ved.1: Ladies and gentlemen!

Ved.2: Ladies and gentlemen!

Ved.1: Madame and Monsieur!

Ved.2: Dear comrades!

Ved.1: Senoras and Senorites!

Veda.2: Sudari and Sudari!

Ved.1: Citizens and Citizens!

Veda.2: Friends! Attention!

Ved.1: Allow the Awards Ceremony of the Graduate Premium to be considered open!

Ved.2: This day will be widely covered by all media. Today, representatives of various infrastructures, television and radio companies work in the hall.

Ved.1: Please note how everyone is waiting for the continuation. Frozen photo flash drives, and the camcorders slowly rustle, afraid to skip the most important moment!

Ved.2: Look once again in the hall, there is nowhere to fall apple.

Vedus.1: Today in the hall there are many honored guests: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ved.2: We thank everyone who today came to support our nominees to support, who will divide the joy of victory with the winners of the graduate Prize - 2011

Vedas 1: So, welcome our nominees!

Ved.2: graduates of 11th grades and their mentors are invited to the star track:

Ovchinnikova Lyudmila Ivanovna and Sidorov Evgeny Aleksandrovich.

Bondarenko Maria, Glaozubtsev Sergey

Petrova Julia, Baygulov Artem

Burov Veronica, Tsarev Denis

Sheludko Evgenia, Smirnov Vladimir

Sazonova Elizabeth, Butakov Ivan

Gububeva Evgenia, Nisteruk Andrian

Kurdyukova Victoria, Nastin Paul

Cutcher Maria, Stallov Andrei

Repin Anna, Maxim Serohov

Marchuk Julia, Pankov Ilya

Demshko Victoria, Pousushkin Vitaly

Zyuzkova Ekaterina, Gorkovovenko Sergey

Mochotko Alain, ATOPKIN Konstantin

Swarovskaya Irina, Lavrinenko Dmitry

Ermakova Evgenia, Somatigin Oleg

Chernenko Tatyana, Skalin Anton

Khakimova Olga, Turkish Egor

Karmazova Anastasia, Shadrina Evgenia

Batrakov Daria, Corchago Ksenia

Swarovskaya Marina, Tashkina Julia

Ostapovich Nadezhda, Majorova Julia

Mashegov Ivan.

Ved.1: Thus, 43 students of the 11th grades of the Shegar High School No. 2. The Graduation-2011 Award will be invited to participate in the Graduate 2011 Competition.

Vedus.2: To determine the winners, an independent jury was formed. Counting Commission, considering the result, sealed the name of the winners into envelopes.

Vedas 1: So at the moment, nobody knows the names of the laureates yet.

Vedas 2: In the meantime, we will remember ...

The graduate comes out

Graduate: See guys, what kinda thing I found. This is our old photo album. There are records and photos. 2000, grade 1 ...

(music sounds)

Send photos from grade 1


1. The first grader is very responsible,

Need to learn to "5", respectively,

Need to be polite

Need to be brave

It is necessary to serve a daily example.

2. It is good for us,

What is it glorious

So I want to call her MoMu.

3. And her eyes are kind,

And soft hands

And in the lessons you will not die from boredom.

1.Reallane Arkadyevna - the most kind!

2. Car Markovna - the smartest!

3. Svelana Yuryevna is the most nice!

Together: So I want to call you moms!

(Speech by teachers elementary school)

(Music, first-graders come out)

P1: In ten years we will grow too -

After all, it is for now we are a little younger.

P2: the same we will be all the fashion models,

Boys - in the mustache and suits put on.

Lead 1. : Dear graduates! You have to participate in the game "Baby's mouth." Our younger friends will tell you the meaning of words related to the school. Your task is to guess the word.

P1: There are many windows, tassels and paints. There are many boys and girls, they receive "2" and "5". They read fairy tales, and they become smart, kind and polite. (SCHOOL)

P3: Everyone is running on it. When he goes, it is sitting on it and sit quietly. (LESSON)

P4: You can draw on it, you can mock it, even some of them manage to sleep. (DESK)

P5: This is a little pleasure. Sometimes some students in the lesson ask when she is, and the teacher scolds them, because the lesson just started. And sometimes the student asks to go out, and the teacher says: "When she was, then it was necessary to walk." (Change)

P6: it happens in summer, both in winter, and in the spring, and autumn; When parents give children money to go to the cinema, theater. And it is better if there is no money, a lot of sleep, watch TV or read a book. (HOLIDAY)

P7: it happens first and last. (Call)

P1: What are the good children grew up!

Well, where can you still meet?

P2: And in vain say that the lessons are only tormented:

They will teach a lot in life.

Going roller O. school Life "Listful school album" TRANSITION!

Lead graduates:

1 graduate : So flew the 1st class, flashed the 2nd

2 graduate:

Weight backpacks. Textbooks added.

In the third and fourth grade all

Learn, try.

1 graduate:

I love to go to school,

But the girls do not tolerate.

For the pigtail twine times, and then ....

This girl with a bow

Will run after me rapidly

And complain to the teacher.

2 graduate:

2005, Grade 5

Received again received.

I tried that there are forces:

I took my homework,

All wrote off to the womb

And teacher on Monday

Dad to school invited!

1 graduate:

KVN and conversations,

Striking and victory

Friendship, class, where you strive again,

Our first love!

2 graduate:

Exhibitions, museums and hiking,

Cool clocks and evenings.

In the class were retracted, they were engaged in sports ...

Do not forget to us never!

1 graduate:

The older class

Not to teaching -

All around fall in love! Nothing like people

Not remembered.

2 graduate:

In the ninth grade they walked. Whole year taught.

As the exams passed at once all forgotten.

1 graduate:

In high schools - now attack.

All change the image.

You can faint fall,

How schoolchildren see.

2 graduate:

2010 year 10.

Oh, these lessons-torment!

So the mind will come.

When did the French retreat from Moscow?

What is there equal to hypotenuse?

1 graduate:

Oxides, sulphides, phosphates, acids,

And verbal turns!

Most likely ended this fruit!

Eh, I would give me a certificate ahead of time.

2 graduate:

School life flashed unnoticed.

Enough for the mummy to live unrequited

Time passed to meet us exams

Make your choice only correct

1 graduate:

It's time for a carefree childhood,

And in life it is necessary to find a place!

2. Graduate:

As in each state there is a ruler,

As in every fairy tale there is a princess,

We have cool executives

Lyudmila Ivanovna and Evgeny Aleksandrovich

Recognition to class managers:

11 A class:

Cool our head

We now say goodbye to the school.

And yet thoughts and feelings,

Lyudmila Ivanovna, we return to you.

Sometimes you were strict

And for errors we swear,

You were unhappy with many,

But still a lot of goodbye.

11 B class:

Dear Evgeny Aleksandrovich!

With you, joy and mountain we divided, as friends,

And in any of our dispute you are our main judge.

We are accustomed to being with you, it's hard for us without you:

After all, we are the most beloved, the best of your class.

We will become adults, but as in childhood your

We will mentally talk to you about everything,

To help us again in a decisive hour:

Together: After all, we are the most favorite, the best of your class!

(word to cool leaders)


1 . Cute moms, cute dads!

How good you are near now

In this solemn joyful hour.

Joy we divide your

In life for us you are compass Earth.

After all, for parents, the main thing is children!

We are grateful to you all soul.

2. Cute moms, cute dads!

Do you want thanks to say

For care for what you are with us

Everyone is ready to always help.

3. We moved from class to class,

Knowledge and grew grew.

All that we have taught us at school

You helped you all helped us.

4. But how much work is in front!

Victory, joy, progress ahead!

We are waiting for you to support and care

And promise, you will not let you!

The word is provided to parents

B1: The years went, you grew.

B2: And you step by step approached today's solemn day.

So, we begin the graduate-2011 awards ceremony.

Nomination "Miss Perfection"

How wonderful that there are guys at school,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her
After all, it is about them to say sometime:
You are pride and hope of our days!

To announce the winner in the nomination "Miss Perfection"

invited ... .._______________________________ (Bondarenko Maria)

2. Nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm".
IN 1: If someone smiled you,
And around the shine suddenly broke -
Fortuna suddenly returned to you,
That's what made charm.

AT 2: The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm" is provided by Kolikova Tatiana Aleksandrovna

Petrova Julia, Marchuk Julia, Gorkowovenko Sergey

Available medals, applause. Fanfare.

3. Nomination "Real Gentleman".
IN 1: Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you from God
Gentleman be - calling,
Take it yourself!
2: The right to declare the winner of the nomination is provided by Sidorov Evgeny Aleksandrovich

The winners of the nomination were:Baygulov Artem, Lavrinenko Dmitry, Paushkin Vitaly, Smirnov Vladimir

Available medals, applause. Fanfare.

4. Nomination "Miss and Mr. Sobrot".
IN 1: Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life can not go differently
While there is a kindness in the world.
2: The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss and Mr. Wardness" is provided by Galina Mitrofanovna Zhuravkova.

The winners of the nomination were:Swarovskaya Marina, Batrakov Daria, Tashkin Julia, Sheludko Evgenia, Swarovskaya Irina, Demeshko Victoria

Available medals, applause. Fanfare.

5. Nomination "Miss Artistism".
AT 2. If you are given talent to shine
It is not necessary to burst into the ground.
1. The right to announce the winner of the "Miss Artistism" nomination is provided by Butakova Elena Vladimirovna.

The winners of the nomination were:Drov Veronica, Repin Anna, Sazonova Elizabeth, Kurdyukova Victoria

Available medals, applause. Fanfare.

6. Nomination "Mr. and Miss Independence."
AT 2. How rarely meets in our lives
Man is completely independent.
1. The right to announce the winner of the nomination "Mr. and Miss Independence" is provided by Bondarenko Marina Nikolaevna.

The winners of the nomination were:Golozubtsev Sergey, Mashegov Ivan, Zyuzkova Ekaterina, Ermakova Evgenia, Skalin Anton, Somatagin Oleg

Available medals, applause. Fanfare.

7. The nomination "Mr. Vesselchak".
IN 1: From Handra and all misfortune
Laughter - Here is the main medicine!
2: The right to declare the winner of the nomination "Mr. Messenchak" is provided by Nina Mikhailovna Lauv.

The winners of the nomination were:Butakov Ivan, Nastin Pavel, Pankov Ilya

Available medals, applause. Fanfare.

8. Name and Support Nomination.
IN 1: Life does not seem difficult thing
When you can rely on a friend,
And, despite all changes,
Reliability is valued at any time.
2: The right to declare the winners of the nodation and support nomination is provided by Niwyuk Lyudmila Ivanovna.

The winners of the nomination were:Majorova Julia, Cutcher Mary, Gububeva Evgenia, Chernenko Tatyana

9. Nomination "Faithful friends".
IN 1: We are with you - you and me,
For many years already friends.
Friendship loyal such
Watching anyone.
2: The right to announce the winners of the faithful friends nomination. Granted by Evlanova Oksana Vladimirovna.

The winners of the nomination were:Karmazova Anastasia and Shadrina Evgenia

Available medals, applause. Fanfare.

10. Nomination "Sport Heroes".

IN 1 . Olympic hopes you stripped from them

Look at the guys, yes, not in vain you worked out!

Let them still erase, in perspective eagles!

It does not matter that their Records of the Olympic are not equal!

AT 2. The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Great Athletes" is providedSergey Vasilyevich Ekimov and faith Mikhailovna Soulnikova.

The winners of the nomination were:

ATOPKIN Konstantin, Pankov Ilya, Serohov Maxim, Tsarev Denis, Turkish Egor,Stallions Andrey

"Athlete. Komsomolka. Beauty"

Corchago Ksenia, Ostapovich Nadezhda, Khakimova Olga, Mokhotko Alena

"Great chess players"

Nisteruk Andriyan, Mashegov Ivan

Available medal. Fanfare.

11. Nomination "Golden Feather"

1. In that honest feat

In that happiness of chants,

Which I serve every moment,

My teacher is your miraculous genius,

And the field is a magical language.

2. The right to announce the winners of the nomination "The Golden Feather" is provided by Irina Adamovnne Kubusevich.

The winner of the nomination was Bondarenko Maria.

(music sounds)

Congratulations of gentlemen.

D1: ladies and gentlemen! Dear graduates! Thrilling the half, having visited various educational institutions from St. Petersburg to Uryupinsk, we have accumulated a magnificent material to solve the problems of admission to universities.

D2: As you know, applicants are divided into:

D3: Nothing knowledgeable and not even guessing about it;

D1: Something knowledgeable, but not knowing what it is;

D2: know something, and know what it is;

D3: knowing everything, except what you need;

D1: And finally, knowing everything and even what they do not know.

D2: Determine which group you feel, it will probably help in choosing a university.

D3: But do not forget: those who do not have the shoulders of the university, while they live secure.

Together: Good luck to you, graduates.

Song number

Issue We love you, love can be

In the soul, we did not quite go

But she no longer distorts you

We do not want to peel you nothing.

Issue.2 We will carry your knowledge in life,

We will be different and difficult sometimes

But your all the stales are not in vain,

For our school, we are always mountain.

Issue.3. It happened hard with us, I know exactly

And it's not easy for you to us,

And we still have an exam,

And life is big, so thanks to you

For all you could teach us,

For your good, but strict eyes,

For what was very patient

I really want thank you to say.

Vol.4. For the fact that you sometimes did not notice

What is learned to a two lesson,

Z your outbreaks and sadness,

For the first and last your call.

N.5 for that we will enter the little smarter,

What could, of course without you,

For what we will be kinder

We say: "Thank you!" - every time.

V.6. thank you for your inspiration,

For your sometimes ungrateful work!

And even love beautiful these moments

You will give life strength in the future!

V.7. Let all students and student

You will be grateful without end!

And all your life still have to learn

So that never lose faces!

Vol. eight To become people with a large capital letter,

There are still a lot of lessons.

And at least we get out of the warm your hands,

Let your fire in our hearts burn.

And we for everything: "Thank you!" - We are talking.

Veda: We, graduates of 2011 decided to note the particularly distinguished teachers of our school, those who retained them to exams and helped them to survive them.

1. Honorary diplomas for success in cleaning, levishing and score on chopsticks are handed over to the first teachers of Saransine Vera Markovna, Petrovna Svetlana Yuryevna, Cheeky Svetlana Arkadyevna.

2. For the first time in the history of accurate sciences due to the nomination of candidacy for obtaining Nobel Prize Awarded Mathematics teacher Ivanova Galina Nikolaevna, Artemic Hope Ivanovna.

3. For love, loyalty and dedication to Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky and others awarded teachers of literature Zaitsevaya Tamara Efremovna, Ovchinnikova Lyudmila Ivanovna

4. For the thin synthesis of basketball and historical knowledge In the organisms of students awarded the teacher of the history of Eremin Sergey Nikolaevich

5. For special achievements in the field of pedagogy and the introduction of physical knowledge not only in the heads of students, but also in stone walls Cabinet awarded Teacher Physics Laun Nina Mikhailovna

6. For increased resistance and Olympic tranquility, manifested many times in explosive situations, the Chemistry Teacher Batrakov Lyudmila Ivanovna is awarded

7. A certificate of honor for a significant contribution to the solution of environmental and garden issues is awarded to the teacher of biology of Loguty Alane Valerievna.

8. Honorary diploma with awarding the title of honorary member Geographical society Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation for two thousand Eleventh opening of Magellanov Strait is awarded to teacher geography Kubusevich Irina Adamovna

9. For the invaluable contribution to the heads of students and the development of intersective communications awarded the teacher foreign language Zhuravkova Galina Mitrofanovna, Korzozova Galina Vasilyevna, Evlanova Oksana Vladimirovna.

10. For high achievements of students in running ... from lessons, in jumps .... Through fences, in throwing ... Notes Awarded Teacher of Physical Education and Obzh Sidorov Evgeny Aleksandrovich

11. For increased permeability in the depths of the processor and high-speed swimming in the Internet networks awarded Teacher of Informatics Korolkova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

12. Honorary diploma for strategic talents; For incorporate in the struggle for healthy image life; For the mind, for honor, for the conscience of our era, as well as for harm (in production), the Sidorov SDOROVA administration is awarded, Kubusevich I.A., Eremin S.N.

MOVE.1. After a wonderful tradition -


In this moment brighten your faces

In this moment you are aware of:

Vol.2 Your work was, of course, not in vain

And sometimes happened hard to you

But how is the perfect

Give out to students. (Give flowers to teachers)


If the school has an administration,

So it need someone?

So it is necessary

So that they sat in the silence of their cabinets?!

And underwent in the swamps of progress

Rod into Rono,

Cry ...

They ask for ...

Swear ...

And here is an order !!!

The word for congratulations to graduates and a solemn presentation of certificates is provided to the director of the school, Ereremina Sergey Nikolayevich.

Vol. 2 from all soul, with a bow and love
We wish you happiness, for long years
Girls - Pupils Priests
Good boys, teacher's victories!
Vol.3 Let the school of our sun shine brighter!
Teachers - Health, like granite!
Let you, relatives, please all children
Let God always keep you all in all!

Fastened Waltz Farewell Song

School prom - An event that will accurately remember for life. After all, this is not just a farewell with an educational institution, it is also parting with friends and the unknown, which so scares and at the same time manits former schoolchildren.

About prom

In principle, the graduation evening in all schools is approximately the same. it solemn rule in the walls educational institution, presentation of certificates about the end of school and medals in urban act of the Hall, a small concert, and, of course, a feast and a cheerful disco until the morning. This action is completed by the dawn meeting. Everything seemed to be simple and ordinary. But besides the fact that the school years will remind the certificates and memories, you can change this ceremony somewhat and come up with graduates. They will have to emphasize and point out the most special that is in every schoolchild.


Choosing nominations for graduates, it is worth paying attention to those people who have constantly chewed the whole class and created humorous situations. So, the nominations "Mr. Veschak" and "Miss Hochotushka" will be excellent, which will definitely come to the nominees.


You can also highlight those people who differ in particular beauty in the class. So, it will be relevant to the nomination "Dream of Girls" and "The Dream of Boys", in which people will be presented who fall in love not only the whole class, but also school.


Choosing nominations for graduates, you can allocate that person from class, which everyone tried to help, supported and pleased if necessary. Request in such a situation will be the "Sun class" nomination, which will allocate the best and good student.


Why not give medal and holly, who reluctantly visited school? They will suit the nomination "Mr. Independence" and "Miss Independence", which not only does not offend, but also will try to somehow justify the unworthy behavior of students.

About friendship

It is also worth allocating those people who, throughout the school life, were tightly friends with each other. You can nominate them as " True friend (girlfriend) ", noting the true friendly qualities of a person.

About academic performance

Excellent nomination for graduates - "mind class". Here you can highlight a person who is not only the smartest, but also one who has always helped no longer, and also gave up homework.

About sport

An excellent nominations for graduates - the classroom "athlete" and "class athlete". It is necessary to take into account the achievements of students in sports and physical education and note their honorary medals.


Cool nominations for graduates are also necessary. For example, a "thunderstorm class". Here you can imagine the defenders of classmates, as well as people who constantly invented something, invented not too safe. This nomination can be suitable for both boys and girls, it all depends on the nature of the student.


Also in graduates can already be seen who seeks what, and who has already decided on future profession. Thus, the following nominations for graduates will be appropriate and completely incommodates: "Computer worm" (for an amateur of informatics), "nerd" (for a fan of biology), "Amateur chemistry" (for a specialist in chemistry), etc.

Graduation evening "School Oscar - 2015"

Part 1. Meeting on a red carpet

Ved1: Ladies and Gentlemen!

Veda: Lady and Gentlemen!

Ved1: Hello!

Veda: Good evening!
So the solemn moment came to which everything went on the last 11 years.

Vedas1: And today we are present at the solemn event of the annual presentation of the prestigious Award "Oscar - 2015"

Ved 2: In the nomination of today's celebration, the most interesting moviesCreated over the past 11 years.

Vedas 1: Sometimes sad, and even sad, but always interesting, bright, unusual worthy of the highest award - Awards "Oscar"!

Ved.2: Everyone knows how honorable it is to get this award. Today it will be handed not to the stars of Hollywood. The main heroes of the evening are graduates - 2015.

Ved.1: It is they who are worthy of award for outstanding talents, and they are the stars of this evening!

Veda 2: Graduates of 2015, MBOU SOSH No. 10 of Kirsk, are invited to the red carpet.

Vedas 1. Welcome to name. Our first guests are stepping on the red carpet - this is:

On the red carpet stepsNikulin Igor - the guy for all hands is a geek, artist, dj, and other, and other, filmography who acted "host" in all school productions, Welcome him.

Today we welcome charming inheried fierce and daring, brave and independentIslamov Victoria. Your applause

High, slim beauty, the dance talents of which require development, we believe in a happy starOlga Golden , Welcome her.

Welcome - School sports star: Handsome-guy, with a charming Hollywood smile, showing non-cold artistic abilities in the 11th grade, School Show Star and TV series -Timerkayev Alexander.

On the red carpet steps - purposeful, always achieved its goals, but modest, shying our graduate having the original oriental appearance -Nasibullina Elvina.

But the president of school student governments, an indispensable and very responsible nature, organizer and performer appear creative ideas at school -Karyakina Anastasia.

- Welcome smart, strict, modest, having many hidden advantages, unscrewed talents, handsome guy -Gorbunov Alexander.

On the red carpet, the stepplings of our school girl, still with junior classes No concert has passed without her participation, singing the star of our school, future star world pop -Sakharov Maria.

Meet: kind, smiling girl, whose smile gives everything warm and raises the mood to everyone -Epaneshnikova Tatiana.

On the red carpet appears - charming, kind, overcoming his shyness to KVN on the BDD-Galimov Ramazan

Welcome - Sleepy black beauty, growth and appearance of which to suit for model podium -Kiyamutdinov Elin.

But it appears - the most shy and smallest guy among graduates of 2015, in which the mass of unscrewed talents -Chernova Oleg.

The most slender graduate of 2015, diligent and executive, natural blonde and winner of the most long Spit. Alexandrova Irina

Dear guests, this graduate is not so easy to hide in the school crowd, the temperamental guy with beautiful appearance and the source on his head, of course, it isMusin Arthur

Meet - stylish, extravagant, creative person, girl having creative thinking and your personal approach to all solutions -Nabiyev Ellmira

But there is a gentle, modest, charming beauty, which has a good diction, the future speaker of Central Television -Shevkoplyas-Gurieva Hope

On the red carpet, the last graduate appears ... Welcome to the charming, communicable graduate, its natural modesty disappears on stage, where he shows non-food artistic talents -Shpak Dmitry.

    And here are all graduates of 2015 in front of you, dear guests

(Graduates are built in line)

    Today they are a little disturbing,

Today joyfully a little bit

And they can be understood, of course, you can

After all, before them new way!

    He is waiting for, calling, grieved a little.

Manyat great things

Let them remember the track,

What was led to school every day!

Veda 2: "Listen if the stars light up - it means that someone needs it, it means that every evening over the roofs will shoot at at least one star ..." Today, there is not one star on our festival, but a whole starfall of new graduates of our school.

Ved.1. And opened these stars a cool lady. We invite Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna to the Red Track of the Class Leader of 11th Class.

She is cheerful, knows how to organize well, to aim, rally children. Pupils respect her as a teacher, they are very fond of understanding, support, the ability to give advice on any question of interest. This caring, patient, friendly cool leader, who all his heart is sick for each student in his class.

Applause to the class teacher.

1. The director-true guard of order,

The guarantor, as now they say

Everything has a strict look,

And school is devoted without a balance,

Balbeans thunderstorm and hang

Damoclav Sword Maiden immodest.

Does not notice the views of languid,

With dignity carries its own cross.

We do not see the shortcomings in it.

But the diffilams are all then

After hand in certificates,

Peter Alexandrovich, time! We wait!!!

2. On the red track invited the director of the school Karachun P.A.

    The lot of young people are the joy of flight,
    Knowledge of life, the beginning of the way
    Study, career, paddy and ups,
    Falling, rising, and go again.

2.u youth ringing road,
In the young as a palm path,
They are confident, strong and know a lot,
And God forbid them from the road do not collapse.

Veda1 We start our Film Festival "Oscar" (with a musical dance surprise of our graduates).

Dance Flashmob

Veda. For solemn holding Oscar - 2014 award ceremonies under deafening applause we invite our graduates in the hall.

1. Inlare in the hall of all guests, parents, teachers.

Part 2 Presentation of Oscar Award

Music presentation of the Oscar Award (Certificates)

Veda 2: Oscar-2015 graduation party is announced open.

Anthem of the Russian Federation, RB

Veda1 Started behind school years, it comes true adulthood, not easy, with many obstacles and difficulties.

And only purposefulness, perseverance, hardworking will help you, graduates overcome all the difficulties and find themselves in life.

Leading: Congratulate graduates of 2015 came the connoisseurs of school cinema ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The word is provided ___________________________________________________


What kind of city? Cannes?

- No, Birsk, - I will answer you.

- Here are the nomination

Waiting for this evening.

Vedas 1. Fanfare joyfully sound.

The solemn moment has come!

Now I will give everyone a certificate,

Who was looking forward to him.

Veda 1:
We approach the most solemn moment of our shooting, which you went throughout school years - To the presentation of certificates. In order for the film to be so wonderful, everyone put her arms, head, soul and heart.

Vedas 2. For the award of laureates, we invite you to the scene of the main director of the film "Tired of school 2015" Karachun Peter Alexandrovich

(The word director)

Vedas 1. We declare the first nomination - "Pet of the Director".

Vedas 2 graduates! Are there anyone among you to whom is Peter Alexandrovich? (Pause)
Raise your hand, no - both hands ... Hurry up with them!

Now we learn how disturbing you are!
Open envelope!

Veda 1: Yes, so much here. Name them, Peter Alexandrovich, and!


Irina, Ramazan and Sasha,

Tatiana, Olya and Vika,

Nastya, Elina, Arthur,

Of course, Elmira and Elvina,

Igor, Masha, Ivan not to forget

Sasha, Oleg, Nadia and Dima

I called everyone? I love you all.


Vedas Attention! Awarded certificates about full secondary education graduates of 2015!

(fanfares of certificates

Vedas 1. Certificate - He is in the film by the way:
And his name "big life".
But on this, like on the start,
For a long time you do not lie.

Vedas 2. In the second series, which will soon be.
In the hands of important take keys.
I will go a couple of letokkov.
And diploma diploma.

Vedas 1. There are those teachers at school,

Who else worried about you

Who most often praised, sometimes scolded,

Who from the soul in all helped you.

The 2nd Host: - Graduates of our school - already adults, independent people, they decided to conduct a response to the Oscar Award - Awarding School teachers for merit in front of them.

Graduate: - Dear, infinitely favorite teachers and school workers! Today we have a common holiday. 11 years of collaboration behind. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not keep these wonderful crusts in our hands. Over the years, we have studied you very well. All of you - wonderful peopleBut each of you has special features of the character that we most liked in you and which we sought to imitate. After all, the student is not only the amount of knowledge, but also a person who is formed over the years of study.

Graduate: - Attention! Attention!

Following the classroom, we spend the second part of the premium award "Recognition" . Applicants for "recognition" passed a test for several years on various nominations, including school subjects.

Graduate: - Nomination: "Himself Putin is not a decree" dedicated to a strict and attentive, understanding and to the all-knowing director of the school: Karachunip.A.
Dima Shpak : Our feelings of the uneasured bowl,

And living Spring breaths

And love and appreciation to our

We add to the director we.

From dawn to dawn you in work,

Always in search of you and in care,

Everything worries you, everything worries you,

Heart urgently help anyone.

We wish you just the same

All adversities called to smile

And save the dear house,

For our children to meet you in it.

(Graduates are awarded the medal and diploma to the school director.)

Graduate: - nomination: "everything is in order, everything is fine, all exams have passed" dedicated to the Deputy Director for Educational educational work Yamaeva N.G.
Tanya Epaneshnikova:

You are the goddess of the touch,Passed you staned,So that the lessons are fullyWe would have managed to visit.Where would we not go to work il learnWe are confident that these days are not destined to forget.(Presentation of medals and letters)

Graduate: - Nomination "How long we did not restrain, you tried to educate us" Dedicated to the Deputy Director for the educational work Anisimova L.A.

Sasha Timerkayev : For discipline you strictlyFollow the morningSo as not to smoke at the threshold,So as not to swear.We have fun with you,We painted the floors together,So that these days have forgotten,Medal and let's accept you.(Presentation)

Graduate: - Nomination: "We will remember about you"! Dedicated to the first teacher Zaitseva E.S.

Masha Sakharov : "Everyone in life is the only timeIt happens your first, your memorable classAnd the first mentor, our first teacher,He opened the door to the country of knowledge, discoveries.

Graduate: - The word for congratulations to graduates is provided with the first teacher ....
(Congratulates the first teacher.)

Graduate: - Nomination "I would have learned English for what you taught us" Dedicated to the Russian language teacher and Literature Golden E.N.
Graduates! Note in the futureSo as not afraid of writings,It is enough to haveA set of simple definitions:Write that the poet is a prophet,And Gogol ridiculed orders,That Pharmuses are bad and ugly,

Graduate:And Chadsky is no longer a ride.Bazarov overtook his century,Onegin is a complicated nature,Wild - image of self-director,Gerasim drowned muum ...Here you have all the literature.

Graduate:I will be the most honest rules.I will learn to learnNot only Russians, but everyone,Then Russia is waiting for success.Everyone will know literatureAnd our Russian culture.(Presentation)

Graduate: - Nomination: "You know about the numbers, and we have taught the same" Dedicated to the teacher of Mathematics Cail G.K.
The laws of numbers are very strict,And mathematicians becomeGiven, alas, not so much,Well, we learned to considerIndeed, in the current heavyweight century,It is necessary to count everything in the world.

Geometry and algebra meanNowadays everyone can appreciateBecause for our faithful solutions,We must thank you from the heart.(Presentation)

Graduate: - Nomination: "Columbus opened America, and we will take and close" dedicated to the teacher of history Khramov E.V.

Igor Nikulin:

If in the class of silence,Flies do not flySo, the story of usSomeone cause.

If they rumbled everything,So the teacher is moving,All cheat sheets should be hiddenAnd close all books.In general, we are veryLove all the story!If necessary - "Create"Any territory!(Presentation)

Graduate: - nomination "Do not twist the motley globe, he is still useful" Our award is dedicated to the teacher of geography Mudarisova G.
We looked at the depthsAmong Zybuchi moved sands,We were conquered by mountain peaksAnd the permons of both poles.

And let the discoveries still a lotWe must do in our lives,For the fact that we pointed out the road,We will always thank you!(Presentation)

Graduate: - Nomination "Knowledge of Ohm's laws does not exempt from responsibility" Dedicated to the physics teacher Yatsenko A.V.
Physics for us - like birthday,

With joy we go to the class here!

Tiles, irons, electrollamps -

Physics everywhere and always.

Glory Newton, Amperu, OMA,

Watt is a good man!

Honor praise to you that shielded

With them forever!

Graduate: - Nomination: "Chemistry decorates us and treats and, apparently, will soon feed" dedicated to the teacher of Chemistry Kareynina V.V.


The sorceress we know everyone:
In the test tubes wonders worked
And to chemistry love forever
She, undoubtedly, regained
We also remember
whatH. 2 O. -This is water.

Graduate: - In the nominations "Biology, we know exactly" and "the most, the most cool torch" Victory won Mardanova L.V.

Biology was taught
Strugs, pestles were held,
DNA and ribosomes
Carbohydrates, chromosomes,
As a nature to protect
We will know now on "5".

Seven years we are cool to torment,
Seven years rest did not give.
Although you were the best for us -
Freedom finally came! "

Graduate: - Response word is provided to the class teacher Mardanova L.V.
(Protects class teacher.)

Graduate: - Nomination: "Oh, Sport, I love you, but strange love" Dedicated to the teacher physical culture Soldddinova I.A.

In the young month of April, snow melts near the school,
And physical education teacher drives out on mileage.
The kids rushed with a whistle, heart knocking his heart,
Only something rolling somewhere in the eye in all ripples,
In an effort to the cherished goal, not leading obstacles,
Run, children rushing, almost fly.

Graduate: - Nomination: "Crazy handles" is dedicated to the teacher of technology Krasilnikov V.A.

"Your hands are gold
Can create a lot.
How do you manage it,
It is impossible for us to understand! "

Thank you for love.
It was not easy for you.
Saying goodbye to you, say:
Together). "Thank you so much!"

Song "Our" (Masha, Igor, Sasha and Olya)

Vedas 1.. In the nomination of "our senses of the undistressed bowl" our graduates are.

Focused 1.Dead teachers of our school!

Today this June day
Collect our congratulations
For your loyalty and love
For devotion to your work!

Vol.2 We are as many years old familiar with you,
And you all know about us.
How good that together with us
You smile now!

You are so kind of unusually!
And we are no coincidence today
For all thanks, let's say together

Issue 3 Everyone knows if something needs
Failure you did not allow
Always helped us all!

Issue.4. Let's not talk today
Banal words, duty phrases,
We wish good health!
We really love you very much!

Vedas In the nomination "Childhood last call"Wins the film" Classmates "Let's see his passage. Song I. The film "Odnoklassniki".

And now there is a better humorist of our school, the future artist of the stage, who eclipses his speech by Justin Timberlake-Igor Nikulina himself

Song "Tik-so" performed by I.Qulina


Parents - Holy Word -
In it, the genus burns the fire of the Universe,
It sounds for centuries Novo -
In it, life sings fate with the net.

Graduate. 1 The day before birth, the child asked God:

IN 3 - I am very afraid! I absolutely do not know what I have to do in this world?

IN 1 God replied:

AT 4 - I will give you an angel, he will always be with you. He will guard you from all troubles.

IN 3- What about his name?

IN 1 - It does not matter what his name is. You will call him "Mom"!

AT 2. And now, ongoing school, we would like to sincerely, thank our moms and dads from our hearts, who always stood behind our spins, supporting in difficult moment, they decided to task with you, writing writings, re-passing school Program. Thank you, our relatives, cute, dear, for everything you have done for us, do and you will do.

IN 3. Mom, you always and everywhere,

Dad and Mom are the main people.

The best people On this earth.

If you are near - we know what will happen

Quietly in life and me, and you.

Your warmth in the cold latter will warm

Strong hands will always support

The heart is native when you get sick,

To cure you can easily.

God give you a long life, health,

Brilliance, Zador in happy eyes.

Native you are ours, we invite you

On school farewell parent waltz.

Song for parents on the motive Quest Pistols "I'm tired"

Vedas In the nomination the best retro film defeated the film " Happy childhood" Attention on the screen, gentlemen.

(Film and parents' performance)

Parents' performance - 2015

Film "Happy childhood"

Parents come to the music.

    Graduates of distant years you send your flame hello!

    One frontier is successfully taken - you received a certificate!

    Dear Guys! On behalf of all parents, we congratulate you on the successful graduation of school!

4. How quickly our children rose! They read fat volumes, solve the incomprehensible tasks for us and ask complex questions.

5. Yesterday, my asks: - Dad, for how much could you be read "War and Peace"? I thought, thought and say: - Well, rubles for a hundred!

6. - And my recently taught younger sister Writing a figure of 8:

How do you not understand! This is an infinity sign supplied vertically!

7. - And I say my own, I also studied for two, so it will be fair if I encourage you as your grandfather has encouraged me ... belt.

8. And here I met such a cute woman on the street, she says to me:
- I think you are the father of one of my children ...
I am in horror asking:
- I?!
"Calm down," the woman answers, "I am a teacher."

9.- And how many of the teachers we received written greetings in the diaries:
10.- For example: Thank you for spent a educational conversation with the son. Now he is responsible at every lesson, however, while he is all badly understood, since he began to stutter. "

11. - And here we are: parents! Put the child, I want to look into his eyes.

12.- Yes, and us: Your son at the lesson of physical education resulted in a ram and did not want to jump through the goat.

13.- And I checked my son's diary: Physics - 2, Chemistry - 2, History - 2, Literature - 2, singing - 5. Lord, he also sings.

14. - And I checked the diary, and there are some two, I tell him:
- Nowadays for such estimates, the belt was bought!
And he in response: a cool idea! Come tomorrow after lessons, avenge the teacher!

15. Children bring us some grief. And we - others!

16. - Yes, as unnoticed our children became adults!

17. And today we want to wish you on your graduation evening:

18. When you only seventeen,
Put with a student bench,
Sometimes it is difficult to figure out:
Where to go, what is expensive?
And the way in life will be difficult
So as not to minimize the side paths.
Let there be a conscience for you everywhere
Advisor and compass yours.

19. So that you will always have the rules in life,
Love was clean and bright.
So that each suddenly turned a star
Your dream is cherished.

20. I thank the teachers I am patient,
That our children were selflessly led.
In an effort to replenish the ranks, they first.
We taught life to love, so that you can not pass by.
21. And I will not forget to wish, of course,
What is given to multiply diligently.
To joy to everyone, work unless.
And the walls of school forever do not forget.

22. Dear you happy and easy tasks,
Wonderful finds and new victories!

Happy school you congratulate you

The accomplishments of great and life without trouble!


The final

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,
The fate of the coming only faint sketches,
Oh, how beautiful graduation evenings!

Let you go out of school forever,
But leaves my childhood memory
Do not forget your school years,
Hearts and Shower Beautiful Neighborhood

Yes, your film about childhood is suitable for the junction,

And removed all series, see dreams,

Like a Christmas tree, fairy tales cums.
As a tape in the cinema, breaks down the thread.

IN 1 . We once again want to say thank you so much You, native school!

AT 2 . We want to thank our respected administration and our favorite teachers once again. And also all those who are 11 years old are always with us.

IN 3. We do not say goodbye to you

AT 4. We are talking-

