The script for the ceremonial line on September 1. Scenario "September 1

The script for the ceremonial line on September 1. Scenario "September 1

Knowledge Day 2013.

September has come, which means goodbye, summer!And hello, a holiday of school, knowledge and marks!The school doors will open again today

Alessons will begin tomorrow morning - Teachers will begin to give light to the teachings ...Happy Knowledge Day, we congratulate you, friends!


    Good morning, dear students, dear parents and beloved teachers! Today - September 1 - the beginning of the new academic year, new encounters with the wonderful world of knowledge, which our teachers will open before the students. May this year be good for everyone - for those who cross the threshold of our school for the first time, and for those who come here not for the first time.

    For many years, on September 1, we have been gathering near our home school to hear the solemn and exciting first bell. After a long summer separation, we are glad to see the family faces of teachers and classmates, but today there are new faces on our lineup - these are first graders and their parents who have come to take their children to a new school life for them and introduce them to a new school family.

    Today we are accepting a new squad of first-graders into our school family. By tradition, they will enter the festive lineup accompanied by the oldest - our future graduates - grade 9.

Fanfare sounds.

EXIT 9 and 1 grades

2. The right to open the holiday of the Day of Knowledge is given to the school director Shamina L.N.(director's speech)

1. There are guests at our celebration ... (guest performance)

Summing up the results of the competitions: "Class of the Year"

"Most Athletic Class"

2nd leader.

Hello school!

You are not just a building

You are like a home for us!

Every day in the early morning we are goodbye

We prepare carefully with you.

1st presenter.

Hello school!

About you with excitement

We write awkward poems.

Replenishment comes every year

And only graduates leave.

2nd leader.

Every year comes here

First graders a merry round dance -

Noisy, brooding, smart,

And the teacher leads them all to the class.

1st presenter ... We congratulate you, dear guys, on this memorable day in your life and wish you that our wonderful school will become your second home. Our guests congratulate you ... the guys from the kindergarten !!!the mostclose friends of first graders -. Let's welcome them!

Come out to the music of Kapitoshka

We came to you today
escort everyoneto the first grade.
It's time!

Two-we want to wish you
Become all excellent students!

Three-sighs very hard
Cipollino with Cheburashka ...

Do not forget about them,
Run to us in kindergarten,
We will play together
School books to read.

And four, we promise
What's in the native garden without you,
We won't break the flowers
We will save all toys.

We give five gifts to you,
We made them ourselves,
Painted and glued.

2nd presenter ... Our first graders were also preparing for school, and now they will tell you about it.


    The doors to the kindergarten are open - He is happy with the kids today!But we are not kids anymoreWe have come to study at school!

    There was a garden behind
    Carefree days.
    First estimates soon
    We'll get the diaries.

    Dad and mom for some reason
    We were very worried.
    They say they didn't sleep at night
    They were afraid for me.

    We greet all of you,

Before you is the first class.

We stood, waited a long time

And pondered the speech.

Already half of the speech we said

Phew, a mountain fell off my shoulders.

    Said goodbye to the doll at home - I went to school!There is no time to play at school - Here I will read books!

    Toys are given to my sister Barbie has a new mistress.I am learning the ABC book of the page,To become an excellent pupil-know-it-all!

    At last dreams have come true

Ahead is study.

Bright flowers everywhere

Today is a special day.

    Daddy cleaned my shoes And the grandfather stroked the suit.I should as a first graderBe smartly dressed!

    Dad sighs: "Not ready!" Mom drinks valocordin - As if they were going to school todayFor the first time, go by yourself!

    The whole family has a large portfolio Collected all day.And then I dreamed of books - They walked on their own, went to the portfolio!

11. I sculpt from plasticine,

Studied the alphabet

I'll tell you without stress

You all add up a table,

I know the north, I know the south

I will draw a circle with chalk.

12. I will study at school,

And I dream about

To excel in studies,

And, like a dad, become a doctor.

13. To learn business,

It takes a lot of work

We will be taught everything at school

Educate our will.

14. Even an important general

I started everything from school.

True, he did not know then

That he will be a general

15. Not a drop for us, friends,
It was not a shame
When they said, "First class
Not visible because of the flowers! "

ALL: We promise not to be lazy,(in chorus) Come on time,Diligently learn everythingAnd love the school family!

1 MODERATOR: Every family has a mother, and a school family has her too. From this day on, our first-graders will also have a school "mother" - their first teacher, she has the floor.

And now the solemn moment is coming - and the first graders will receive their first marks.

What grades do you want to receive at school?

Your first "5" is not easy, the headmaster will put it right on your palm.

(Graduation, five marks)

Moderator 2: It seems as if yesterday our school mothers joyfully met their new children, but four years passed unnoticed - and already other teachers are accepting matured pets into their families. The new cool mother of our 5th graders is ...

1 ved: The word for "newly minted" high school students.


Now we are fifth graders And that means - high school students! We matured right away They wanted to sing the song.

They sing to the melody of the song "The Magician - Dropout" muses. A. Zatsepina.

We know that grade 5
Still not grade 9
But still now
All respect us!
This year, believe me
Many teachers
Everyone will teach us
Drive to your office

Chorus: Wise teachers
I listen to everyone attentively
School is a family for us,
I became a fifth grader!
Cute teachers
I listen to everyone attentively
All that taught me a lesson
I will do it right on time!

Congratulations to everyone on the Day of Knowledge! We wish you all success and health!

And we present these flowers to you, Dear, dear teachers!(E.A. and E.G.)


There is noise, crackling, crashing. Baba Yaga and Barmaley ride a bike.

To the soundtrack from the movie "The Diamond Hand" they sing the song "The Island of Bad Luck"

An island for idlers

The planet has

There these bums

Just do not count.

Everything here is allowed to them,

There are no prohibitions for them,

They do not know science,

Eat a lot of sweets….

Baba Yaga: - I can smell the first graders! Oh, I don't like all this! I do not like people, especially small children. Oh, yes, there are older people here ... They are celebrating something again! I feel bad when they smile. Well, nothing, while you were lisping here, but performing, I am your key ... that ... bye-bye ... so the holiday is over, you can go home. I need peace, I am an elderly woman, faint of heart ...

Goblin: Look at you, Yagusya!

First graders over there

Satchels are kept, cherished.

You and I are very quiet

Let's get closer to them

And we will ask all the children ...

Give us money soon!

Yaga: And at the same time a pencil case, notebooks….

We will sell, and everything is in order!

Goblin: Here they are, let's go!

Let's take something away! (trying to take away backpacks from children)

Don't give it up! Nothing works!
Yaga : Fi, so what do you want to study? Will you stay here at school? Are you waiting for lessons? You will not wait! (shows the key)

Moderator 2: Guys, are we really going to let Baba Yaga ruin our holiday? This will not happen!

1 MODERATOR: It is imperative to take the key to the country of knowledge from her! Are you ready for the challenge? (Yes)

Goblin: Check it out now!

Yaga : Here I, along with the key, grabbed the congratulatory telegrams, guess who they are from, then I will return the key to you. Barmaley, start the test!

Goblin: I wish from the bottom of my heart

Health to you, kids!

So that they are not afraid of vaccinations,

Tempered daily

So that bronchitis does not torment you.

Good doctor ... (Aibolit.)

Yaga: I wish you a gift

Get a huge cake,

Chocolate and biscuits

Marmalade and jam,

Get thicker, higher

I look forward to hearing from you on the roof. (Carlson.)

Goblin: I want to wish you

Only get fives.

Good books to love,

To be on friendly terms with mathematics.

On behalf of Pierrot, Malvina

Your friend ... (Pinocchio.)

Yaga: But this telegram is to my liking the most.

May you have an academic year

Only carries nasty things!

Get only deuces

Very rarely you can - threes,

Hit the windows and shop windows

Don't go shopping

Have more fights

Hello, Old Woman ... (Shapoklyak.)

- Friends, will you fulfill the wishes of my old friend Shapoklyak?

Goblin: Some of them are too correct. They read poems, perform tasks, we will be bored with them!

Yaga: Take your key, we have to go, and youbreak a leg! (give the key to the first graders and leave)

2 LEADER : On the line, among the students of our school, completely adult faces are visible - these are those who for the last time come to the walls of their native school on September 1, who will hear the trill of the school bell announcing the beginning of the school year for the last time. The beauty and pride of our school are our 9th graders!


For you, both sad and cheerful
A general holiday is knowledge day,
After all, with him today comes
And your last school year.


From us and all teachers
Wishes for you: dare
Go dear,
Find your calling!

1. Finally, autumn has come!
And the summer time is over.
Summer gave us a lot of sun,
There is a whole mountain of flowers and berries.

2. We need to start studying again:
We have a lot of knowledge to comprehend.
And the school is waiting for us in the walls again,
After all, she keeps a lot of knowledge in herself.

3. Again we will be together with friends.
We will sit again in the lessons.
And we will discuss many important topics.
At breaks, you can make some noise.

4. We still have to study the whole year.
Should please their teachers ...
It is imperative to achieve success
And become a little smarter.

5. How long have you been without school?
And now it has come, the time has come,
Which you have been waiting with us for a long time,
It's time for lessons, breaks and programs.

6. They missed you, looked forward to meeting you
And even the first class is waiting for lessons.
We will not get tired, even in a month,
Teach, decide and listen to you.

7. The doors are wide open for us -
This school meets us.
And we, having climbed the steps,
Let's go into a cozy quiet classroom.

8. We enjoy the moment -
We will be at school for the last year.
It makes it a little sad
Time has its own turn.

9. Let them fly carelessly
Three summer months as a moment
We are happy to meet today
Native teachers.

10. Smart, discreet, and again
Already calling us to a lesson
With such a familiar chime
Last Our first call.

2 MODERATOR: From this day on, a loud bell will sound for the students of the school. And now he is looking forward to the opportunity to notify all those present about the beginning of the new academic year.

1 MODERATOR: The honorable right to give the first call in this academic year is given to a 9th grade student Egor Tikhomirov and a 1st grade student
………… Diana
(9th grader with first grader give the first call)

HOST: Ring, links! Ring, rings!
Dear, cheerful, sonorous!
Hurry everyone to the lesson
With its loud sound!

MODERATOR: Ring, bell! Ring, bell!
Fill up with a ringing trill!
We are going to the holiday of knowledge,
Open the doors to our school!

(the melody "School waltz" sounds, the school doors open, students take turns entering it)


Surname, name, patronymic of the author: Shergina Svetlana Alekseevna
Place of work: MBOU "School No. 12", the city of Mariinsk
Position: teacher of fine arts, computer science
Solemn line on September 1- a festive and significant event for schoolchildren and teachers. For some, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, it is important to hold the solemn line in an interesting, bright, positive way.
I suggest a scenario for a solemn lineup on September 1 at your school for grades 1-9
The venue is a gym or playground near the school.

The song "Back to School" is played
/ Dasha Yakovleva _________________________________ /

Lead 1:
Good morning, dear students, dear parents and beloved teachers!

Lead 2:
This morning can be called good not only because of the clear sky and bright sun, but above all - thanks to the good that it brings to us, the students.

Lead 1:
Indeed, today - September 1 - is the beginning of a new academic year, new encounters with the wonderful world of knowledge that our teachers will open before us.

Lead 2:
May this year be good for everyone - for those who cross the threshold of our school for the first time, and for those who come here not for the first time.
Good luck to all the participants of our holiday and our guests!

Leading 1
September has come, summer has ended
The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.
Children, parents, teachers!
Happy holiday to you, friends!

Lead 2
It seems like we were standing yesterday
We met a merry vacation time,
Which after the school year
How long has it started? But the queen of nature
Unrelenting, and the months of summer
In past. And the school uniform is on.

Leading 1
A couple of minutes - and the first call
You will be called back to the lesson.
School doors will swing open again
The school days will begin tomorrow.
Well, today is a festive hour!

Happy Holidays, we congratulate all of you!

Lead 2
An unusual day in the world today
Music is everywhere, smiles and laughter -
The school opened its doors to everyone.
And don't be sad girls, boys,
For games, undertakings and fairy-tale books
In school life, the magic does not end
The tale continues here too.

Leading 1
Where are the lesser of you?
Let it come out here now
The very first, first class!

Lead 2
School, meet your youngest students, your first graders!

Leading 1
To loud applause, we invite first-graders led by our first teacher - Abdulkhakova Elena Ivanovna, and ninth-graders led by class mother - Morozova Vasilisa Aleksandrovna

(Music No. ___ is played, accompanied by 9th graders, first graders enter)

Lead 2
The heart beats more joyfully
If in the morning soared to the zenith,
The flag of Russia is proudly winding
The anthem of my country sounds!

Leading 1
School! Attention!
Stand at attention while singing the national anthem of Russia!
The Anthem of Russia No. ____ is played

Lead 2
The long-awaited September has come
Especially desirable for schoolchildren,
After all, the school opens the doors again
With love and special trust.

Leading 1
Vacation ends
We rested a lot
Friends meet again
At the school doorstep.

Lead 2
To the one who cares for the school,
Takes care of night and day -
To the director of our school
We are happy to give our word.
The melody No. ___ "Director's exit" sounds
Director's speech, grade 9 presents flowers

Leading 1
We have a lot of guests today
The road is open to everyone here
The guest of honor is in a hurry now
Happy Holidays to all of you!

Lead 2
The word for congratulations is provided __________________________________________________________________
Speech of the guests, 9 cl presents flowers
Song "Hello, our school" _________________________

Leading 1
Autumn swirls golden leaves,
And in a beautiful golden rain
Chrysanthemums are white, large
Blooming stars everywhere.

Lead 2
This is the first graders bloom
At the time of golden, wonderful days.
These are new stars glow
And the flights of white doves.

Leading 1
The floor is given to the youngest students who begin their exciting journey to the Land of Knowledge today.

Lead 2
Welcome our dear first graders with friendly applause!
Outlet of "First graders" No. _____ Performance of first graders

School doors today
Are opening up for us.
The first time we came to school
We entered the first grade.

I won't go to school without my beloved mother,
I can't find my way to school without her.

I will not part with my grandmother,
My grandmother will cry without me.
With my little sister, we are everywhere together,
Without her, going to school is not fun for me at all.

Mom gave birth to a brother for me that year.
If I go to school, who will help them?

I'm not against knowledge at all
Not now
Another summer beckons with a river
And does not pull in the class.

At home I have a computer, TV, dvd,
Well, and in the school office there are only tables and books ...

Well, these are excuses
Frivolous showdowns.
They just got scared
Schools got scared ...

School is the same house.
It will take us a long time to study in it.
And mom and dad know:
Best friends at school
And your teacher - it couldn't be better!

Yes, how she appeared,
Immediately I fell in love with her ...
Smart and kind

It's actually good here!
I went to the dining room
Well, and there - attention-
Everything is like in a restaurant.

Here are such offices-
Beauty is like in space!
There are such toilets-
Just like at McDonald's!

Well, I would say so:
I liked the gym.
They say he's new
And already ready.
In general, to be honest,
Our school is wonderful!
Our second home will be here
Here we will live gloriously!

Admire us all,
And you will remember us.
We promise the best
Will be at school ...

Everything: First grade!
Nursing "First-graders" No. _____

Leading 1
Well done, first graders!

Leading 1
To find out how big the earth is,
To discover sciences, like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Proven captains.

Lead 2
The floor is given to the first teacher Elena Ivanovna

Leading 1
On behalf of dads and moms, grandmothers and grandfathers, he addresses
Parents' speech
The background sounds "Baba Yaga's exit" No. _____ Baba Yaga flies out under the whistle

Baba Yaga:
And Baba Yaga is against!
Plundered you to the holiday!
Who's in charge here? (addressing the director)
Are you naughty girl?
How much can you every year
Gather all the people here?
As if someone wants to go to school!
Quite the opposite!
(addresses any boy on the line)

Yes, you would again
Go to "Archekas" to rest,
And they drove you to school
Stand on the ruler!
I say from all the guys:
They don't want to study here!
And who wants - for God's sake-
Let them sit at the desk.

Lead 1:
Hey beauty, calm down

Lead 2:
Calm down, don't be angry!

Lead 1:
Why are you mad?

Lead 2:
Al toadstools chewed on?

Baba Yaga:
You did not invite to the holiday.
You didn't let me speak!
Do you know, my soul,
As I hoped ?!
Well I was going for six months,
I combed my hair once every five hundred years!
I am the only tooth
I washed it with soap and water.
I don't have in the forest
Neither Kva - fresh, nor Blendamet.
Do you see everyone at school,
Have you picked up any knowledge?
I'll sit in the woods as a dumbass -
A foolish girl?
No reading or writing?
I do not want to lag behind you!
I'm Yaga, not a silly girl!
Right now, without knowledge, nowhere!
I want to learn a lot
The institute to enter.

Lead 1.
Calm down, finally

Lead 2.
Well, she came - and well done!

Baba Yaga:
I can't, my soul!
I was so offended!
Look how everyone's dressed up here
Have washed and powdered!
I've been walking in this for a hundred years
And in the winter in one, and in the summer!
I have no more strength to endure!
So you can get sick!

Lead 1:
Calm down, there is a way out!
School pantries are countless
For such "beauty" outfits.
Well, go, you will be glad!
Dress up soon
Come back to the guys!
You will be our student
You will become a wise girl.
music "At the school desk" No. _____
Baba Yaga leaves, changes into a school uniform

Lead 2:
Graduates hurry to congratulate the first graders, for whom the Day of Knowledge is the last one within the walls of our school.
Music sounds graduates number _____


We rested over the summer and grew up a little,
And today we came to the lineup in our school.
Here we seem to be in a very friendly, understanding family,
Hello school dear, we missed you!

We are very happy to meet all the teachers today,
And we want to go back to the desks - to study as soon as possible!
We know, this is not for long: soon the zeal will pass.
But today is a special day - the school is calling us!

Eight years ago they came here to study for the first time.
Years passed quickly - graduation now we are a class.
We are saddened by parting more and more every day.
If they are allowed to stay, we will not leave the school!

We are a little sad, looking at the first graders ...
Ah, if only for a moment to return childhood!
But we know that we need to go forward.
And we know that the path will be beautiful!

School, we are about you with excitement
We write our first poems,
Replenishment comes every year -
Your new students.
So let us turn to
For those who are just starting to learn.
We congratulate you, first graders
We wish you excellent academic success!

We wish you a fast
Whirling school days
Interesting events
Kind, loyal friends,

To homework
Completed right on time
To gladly, with desire
Came to class

To understand that the main thing is
Not grades, but skills,
A quick mind and a kind heart.
Good luck and patience to you!
music giving gifts to grade 1 № _____

student 1/9 cells /
In our school, the best in the world
What a teacher is a star
And in all of Russia it is better
You will never find!

pupil 2/9 cells /
Our souls understand
Do not be afraid to love us,
They do not suppress their kindness,
They can give a heart!

student 3/9 cells /
You are great talents
But clear and simple,
Today we will give you
All autumn flowers.
song number _____ "Teacher" sounds, on the third verse of 9th grade he gives flowers to teachers
Baba Yaga appears, dressed in a school uniform.

Lead 1.
Guys, look how our guest has changed, now you won't recognize her.

Baba Yaga.
Now I understand! Brothers, I respect you!
The holiday can be continued! I will not bother you!
I see that your kids are wonderfully good!
I want to check them: are they able to study?
First-graders, do not yawn, answer questions!
If we are talking about you, "Yes!" shout the same hour.
Since there is no talk about you, say "No!" in reply.
- You got up early today?
- You didn't become capricious?
- Did you come here to study?
- Will you be lazy at school?
- Will you always fight?
- Well, then tease, huh?
- Will you study at "five"?
- And also get "deuces"?
- Do you want to find friends here?
- Then bon voyage!

Baba Yaga.
As a sign that I love you, I will give you a bell.
The bell is not simple - it is ringing and mischievous!
If you ring it, open the door to the world of knowledge!
Hands the call to the first graders, leaves.

Lead 1.
Thank you, this gift is very useful to us, because today the first school bell of this school year will sound for all the children.

Lead 2.
Let the very first bell ring now
And the long-awaited lesson will begin with us.
You will keep these moments in your hearts
And bring joy from them through the years!

Lead 1.
Ring, bell! Ring, bell!
Cheerful, sad, impudent!
Another lesson awaits you in life,
Childhood is quietly leaving! ..

Lead 2.
Ring, bell! Ring, bell,
Opening lessons!
We are moving forward to knowledge,
Not knowing fatigue!

Music sounds no. _____ "Calls" The bell rings

Lead 1.
Well, a start has been made ...
And on time according to plan from the pier
We go sailing for a whole year!

Lead 2.
Let him bring discoveries!

Lead 1.
Dictation for five ...

Lead 2.
... solved problems ...

Lead 1.
So that everything goes well!

Lead 2.
Our holiday ends, but let the joy of meeting be endless!

Lead 1
Well, in a good hour and in a good way,
Smile, schoolboy, do not forget!
School invites us to the Land of Knowledge,
And the year begins its demo account!

Lead 1:
And the first to leave our line, the students of the first grades, to our loud and incessant applause.

Lead 2:
Hold hands tight
And go to the classes.

Lead 1 and 2:
Good luck, friends, forward!
The school is looking forward to it!
Song number _____ "September 1st" is playing

An interesting and detailed scenario of the line for the day of knowledge for schoolchildren.

Script for the "Hello School" line

Characters: Leading (school director), Dunno, First student of the school, Queen of knowledge, First page, Second page.

Holiday progress

Children, their parents and teachers are lining up near the school.

Songs are played. The presenter approaches the microphone. The horn signal sounds.

Leading. Hello dear guys! I address with words of greeting to you, the smallest and most elegant first-graders, who today will cross the threshold of the school for the first time, going on an exciting, albeit sometimes difficult, journey - a journey to the Land of Knowledge. You will not find this country on any globe or map. This country will be opened for you by the teachers of our school. It depends on you who you will become in this country: knowledges or dunno.

This is the last time eleventh graders are present at our lineup. From year to year we were happy to meet them. 11th grade students are the pride of the school. This is our hope.

Hello, all students of our school! I sincerely want the Knowledge Day to be the most desired holiday of the year after your birthday. Indeed, on this day, new hopes and ideas are born. Someone vows to study only well and perfectly. Someone seriously decides to do physics or astronomy. Someone dreams of enrolling in a football or shooting section in order to eventually become an Olympic champion. Yes, this is a day of big plans and expectations. May they come true!

Hello, dear parents, school graduates who have come to our holiday. Hello everyone who came to this celebration today. Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of the teaching staff of the school on the beginning of the new academic year and wish you ... Wait a minute, I hear some kind of noise. What is it?

Pushing the guys aside, Dunno makes his way to the leader in his usual and familiar outfit to all the guys.

Dunno... Well, this is a disgrace! It's impossible to get to you! They also say that access to knowledge is open to everyone.

Leading. Of course, everyone. What do you, Dunno, want to enter our school?

Dunno... No! I came for the key.

Leading... What is such a key? Have you lost your apartment key?

Dunno... And I didn't lose anything. I'm for another key. I was told that at the beginning of each school year, one boy or girl is given a special Key of Knowledge. And the one who gets it, for a whole year studies only well and excellently and may not do his homework at all. So I want to get this key and immediately become the smartest.

Leading... Now it is clear. But you, Dunno, will have to wait a bit, because today the Key of Knowledge will be handed over by the holder of the supreme power, whose will all those present will have to obey. This right is given to the best student of the school at the end of the last academic year ... (names).

The orchestra plays a march. The best student of the school comes out to the sound of a march in a mantle, with a large book in his hands. The music stops.

Leading. On this, you guessed it, my powers have been exhausted. In the future, the holiday will be commanded by the one who is entitled to it according to the rank - the best student of the school.

The presenter leaves. The first student of the school approaches the microphone.

First student.

Study, hello! School, hello!

We go on a hike for knowledge.

It is a holiday today!

School holiday!

We meet the school year!

- Hello, fellows on the school desk! I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! On this occasion, I am announcing a decree. Listen everyone!

Horns sound.

First student. Decree "On the celebration of the Day of Knowledge." In commemoration of the beginning of the new academic year, I declare:

Point one: to produce a festive fireworks display in five volleys in classes 11 a, 11 b, 11 c (and so on).

The guys, who were given crackers in advance, fire five "salvos" each.

First student. Point two: Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Immediately congratulate each other and pay tribute to the teachers, and do not forget the youngest students who came to our school for the first time.

Children give flowers to teachers, eleventh graders give gifts to first graders.

First student. Third point. Start the Knowledge Day holiday. I invite the Queen of Knowledge.

The Queen of Knowledge comes out with her pages.

First page.

School, you welcome guests again

Kind, reliable, loyal friends!

May it be warm and cozy

You are within the walls of your school.

Second page. Guys, today we have a holiday: September 1st - Knowledge Day.

One simple sign

We will recognize this day:

For children going to school

Towns and villages.

And let there be a lot of glorious ones

Different days on the calendar

But one of the most important is

The very first in September! (


I hope you recognize me, friends,

I am called the Queen of the land of knowledge.

I am very glad to see you all.

Your knowledge will sweep away all obstacles.

But in order for all of you to go to this country,

Let the exam take place now.

You will be able to quickly answer -

All children will learn!

The song "What is taught at school" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky) is played. Dunno. Well, when you can get the key. Queen. Take your time, but rather take the book from the First Disciple and give it to me.

The Queen opens the book, reads tricky questions, riddles.


On the ABC page

Thirty-three heroes.


Everyone knows a literate.

They are famous, famous

And their names are ...

Children. Alphabet!

First page.

If you hone it

Draw whatever you want:

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?

Children. Pencil.


Sweeter than honey, softer than down.

Have a rest! - all whispers in your ear.

The one who will be friends with her,

It will be very bad to live.

Maybe he'll sleep all day.

And the name of a friend ...

Children. Laziness!

Second page.

The neck is so long

Crochet tail.

And it's no secret:

She loves everyone who is lazy

And her lazy people - no!

Answer smartly

What is this?

Children. Deuce!


There is a house:

Who will enter it,

That and the mind will gain!

Children. School!


I'll give you more difficult tasks.

Don't solve them in forty days.

What's the fastest in the world?

Children. Thought!

Queen. What's in the middle of the Volga?

Children... Letter L!

Queen. What goes without moving "

Children... Time!


Passed the exam

All of you are excellent.

You are smart people,

Very cute.

Dunno. Now give me the key.

Queen. The key of knowledge is not just a key, but something big and sonorous. This is the school bell and is given to all the brooms.

First page.

The bell will ring soon

Will invite us to a lesson!

Knowledge is needed everywhere -

On land, in space and on water.

Popular wisdom for hundreds of years,

It reads: "Learning is light!"

And you did not come to school to rest -

Second page.

There are many schools in the city, but this one is

Like an undiscovered planet for you

Which you will have to open -

The first student hands the school bell to the first grader. A high school student lifts a first-grader girl onto his shoulder. She cheerfully rings the school bell.


The bell rings like a lark trill -

Opens the door to the world of Knowledge for all of you!

A song on a school theme sounds. The Queen leads the children to the school entrance. Guests, teachers, parents go along with the children.

MBOU "Krasnomayakovskaya OOSh"

Clip "Time to School".


Good morning, dear guys, dear teachers, parents, guests! Today is the day of the beginning of classes, new kind meetings with the world of knowledge.


Good morning to everyone who came here for the first time and to those who have lived some interesting and useful years at this school.


September has come, summer has ended

The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.

Children, parents, teachers!

Happy holiday to you, friends!


A couple of minutes - and the first call

You will be called back to the lesson.

School doors will swing open again

The school days will begin tomorrow.

Well, today is a festive hour!


Happy Holidays, we congratulate all of you! ...


An unusual day in the world today

Music is everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And don't be sad girls, boys,

For games, undertakings and fairy-tale books

In school life, the magic does not end

The tale continues here too.


Where are the lesser of you?

Let it come out here now

The very first, first class!


Attention, school!

We invite first graders to the lineup.(Music sounds) ... Clip "Hello, school!"


Let it sound fanfare, but it depends on us

All Russia. Love for her is mutual.

And not just a melody will strike now -

The power and pride of the Russian Anthem!The Anthem of Russia sounds.

The festive line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is announced open.


The long-awaited September has come
Especially desirable for schoolchildren,
After all, the school opens the doors again
With love and special trust.
Vacation ends
We rested a lot
Friends meet again
At the school doorstep.


To the one who cares for the school,
Takes care of night and day -
To the director of our school
We are happy to give our word.

The floor is given to Elena Vladimirovna Zelenova (speech of the school director.)


We have a lot of guests today
The road is open to everyone here
The guest of honor is in a hurry now
Happy Holidays to all of you

I give the floor to _________________________________________________________

Song _______________________________________________


On the solemn ruler
The first graders are in a row.
Here's the trouble, because of the bouquets,
Only the noses stick out.


The floor is given to our first graders.


Make way, honest people
First grader in front of you
I have a big portfolio
The satchel is new behind the back.


Who got up early today?
Did you come to school quickly?
Well of course it's me
And my family is with me.


I go to school for the first time.
This is the first time I'm carrying a briefcase.
I open the book boldly-
I am a student now.


I have a holiday today.
There has never been a better day
Because the "first grader"
Everyone calls me.


We must now learn
Don't yawn and don't be lazy
On "four" and "five"
Answer in the classroom.


And on a bright autumn day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: "Cozy class,
Make us feel welcome! "


I will not be lazy

I will have time for everything

I want to learn


Now life is different

It will come with me.

Oh mom dear!

What an adult I am!


We walk to school together

All together as one.

We need to learn a lot,

We want to learn!


Before all honest people

I promise firmly

What will be proud of soon

I am all my relatives.


We are our teacher

We will love with all our hearts.

If it's hard, even

Let's teach at night!


The floor is given to our ninth graders:

Kids, you are sturdy
How good you are.
But you are at school for the first time
So listen to us.

The school has its own rules:
You can't tear notebooks here,
You can't push, fight here,
And tease and pinch.

You won't be able to sleep here during the day!
Don't yawn in class
And, of course, you can't go to dolls
In the lesson you play.

And, having learned about all the orders,
You will run away without looking back.
And we will stay at school
Grieve very much
Wait for you guys.

Well of course it's a joke
There will be minutes at school
Where can you scream
Jump, fun to play.

Well, and the main thing is to study!
You don't have to be lazy.
You will need to know a lot
To get fives.

Not an easy way to get to A's
Don't forget about it
And his, my friends,
Start with an ABC book

The first in life is the best holiday.

The heart beats in a small chest.

You are no longer a mischievous and not a prankster,

All your fun is over. (Music, ninth graders presenting gifts) ...

6 muses- "About footprints" -Masha and the Bear

(Suddenly, music from the popular animated series "Masha and the Bear" sounds. A breathless and agitated Bear appears in his hands, holding a knapsack)

BEAR: Phew! Suffocated! Hello guys! Oh, how many of you! And they all look like my Masha! Masha! Masha! Where are you?! I brought you your knapsack! I forgot, as always! ! Well, come out, what are you hiding !?

Masha: Oh, Mishenka! You brought me my satchel! Thank you, thank you! (He thanks him violently, almost knocking him off his feet) And I was looking for him, I was looking for him ... I thought where did he run away from me? ...

Bear: How are you, such a little fidget, are you going to study? You can't sit quietly for a minute! I feel sorry for you !!! Let's go from here, huh?

Masha: What are you, Mishenka! I'm already an adult! Although I am a fidget, I will definitely try and will, I will definitely receive only two of my favorite ones!

Bear (laughs) Oh hilarious, Masha, I made fun of ... twos ... beloved ... oh I can't! I even know ... not two, but these, how can they ... I remembered FIVE!

Mashenka: Well, let it be! Well, let it! Just think mixed it up ... The guys, too, probably still do not know everything, that's why they came to study!

Bear: Oh well ... Look what smart eyes they have ... they already know a lot, not like you! ... Let's check it now ... (unfolds a piece of paper with riddles, reads.)

You colored pencil
Color all the pictures.
To correct them later
Very useful ... (eraser)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the master today -
I have…. (plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my knapsack ... (diary)
I'm ready for training starts,
Soon I will sit at ... (desk)

Bear: See how smart they are!

Mashenka: But I know, I know such a difficult game that they will definitely not cope!
you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, stomp your feet!

Textbooks and books,
Toy mouse,
Clockwork locomotive,
Color plasticine,
Brushes and paints
New Year's masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
Stapler and notebooks,
Schedule, diary.
The student is ready for school!

Bear: Well ... you see how smart and attentive!

Masha: Okay, okay! And I will be! You will see!

Bear: Well, okay ... I'm calm now ... because next to you these guys also study will be! Really guys! Will you help Masha? (soundscartoon melody. Bear and Masha leave)

song about school with words


Opening the academic year,

Let our school bell ring

Bell ringing meeting

Everyone who came to the first lesson.


It's time for learning, hurry up kids!

There are many clear roads ahead!

So the links are more fun for happy children,

Our silver school bell!


The right to make the first call is granted


It's a pity the wonderful holiday ends!

But the bell sounds and worries.

And the doors and classrooms are wide open.

The first lesson begins!


Good luck to everyone in the new school, strong friendship, many joyful and unforgettable moments of school life!


MBOU "Krasnomayakovskaya OOSh"

Scenario of the "Teacher's Day" holiday

Background music is playing, the presenters are coming out.

Kormilitsyna Masha:

I love school calls for a long time ...
However, it cannot be otherwise,
The live connection of the line begins with them,
And the first thoughts on the task.

Maslova Katya:

They always bail goodbye -
With the unknown, mysterious and new,
With the vastness of open roads
And with a magical, semi-precious word.

Sorokina Alisa:

Any route goes far away from them
And in them joyful discoveries begin,
This is how the rockets probably take off
And the ships depart from the pier.

Motyavina Regina:

We have gathered in this hall to congratulate our respected and beloved teachers on their professional holiday - Teacher's Day. And we congratulate you!

Masha K .: With each season of the year, certain associations are born in us. For example, What is winter?

Katya M .:

What is spring?

Alice C:

What is summer? ..
Regina M .:

And what do they teach at school? ..

(converted words of the song "What do they teach at school" to music by V. Shainsky). Grade 6 is coming out.

Team of teachers -
The best friend of children
Teaches at school (3 times)
Well, it's time for us to understand
They teach us all here by five
Teaching at school (3 times)

To be kind to us

Do not forget honor and conscience
Teaching at school (3 times)
A beautiful world to discover
Do not forget about friends
Teaching at school (3 times)

A teacher for everyone is an example
At school and in everyday life, believe
We know something (3x)
Everyone loves us with their hearts
And the bad and the best class
We know something (3x)

Teacher's day now
We sing a song for you
In our school (3 times)
We will always love you
Carry on your hands
In our school (3 times)

We will stand together now
Low bow to you from us
In our school (3 times)
Attention everyone, friends! (pause)
To all teachers: Hurray!
In our school (3 times)

Regina M .: To the one who does not sleep at night,

Alice C: To someone who always knows everything about school,

Katya M .: To the one who cheers for us with all his soul,

Masha K .: We ask you to congratulate the teacher system.

Regina M .: The floor is given to Elena Vladimirovna Zelenova.

Alice S .:

Teacher! - Timeless word! Always fresh and always new! While the earth is spinning in the universe. The teaching profession is imperishable!

Katya M .: Everyone remembers their favorite teachers all their lives, which means that

nobody today will remain indifferent to this holiday!

How many good faces come to life in the memory of people today,

Masha K .: And may the city not be colored today,

Let the fanfare and fireworks not thunder, -

In the soul he is marked with special joy,

He is dear to everyone, indisputably, absolutely -

Together: Teacher's Day!

Together: Alice and Katya:And now, dear teachers, primary school students are in a hurry to congratulate you on their professional holiday:

Egor E.: Our dear - both teacher and friend,
Your holiday is coming today!
And do not count your most difficult merits,
After all, each of us is like a prankster!

Lisa M .: Everyone offends you, not knowing that
That you put your soul into us ...
We want to wish you so much
You deserve all the best!

Maxim K .: And health, and many beautiful years,
And patience in hard work!
And there is no more noble profession,
The one that you carry so worthily!

Olya K .: Happy teacher's day, a glorious holiday!
We congratulate you today!
And we wish to teach us regularly,
As you can every time!

Dima Ts.: You always understand humor,
Though you are always serious too.
After all, while we are inexperienced, young,
And we have all the years ahead.

Vika B .: So teach us, teach us more,
Together you learn to live with us!
And for all of us, of course, forgive me,
We didn't want to upset you!

Artyom P .: Be kind, nice and honest!
Let your world be better around!
It's always interesting to be with you!
Happy teacher's day, our dear friend!

Masha K .: Our dear teachers, please accept our most sincere congratulations on the holiday and from us ...

Katya M .: And from all past, present and future students.

Alice S .: Accept heartfelt congratulations from red and blondes,

Regina M .: Brunettes and Compositae,

Masha K .: Swirling and combed,

Katya M .: Obedient and, to put it mildly, not very ...

Alice S .: Excellent students and, to put it mildly, not very ...

Together: But very, very loving you!

Regina M .: Health, happiness, our dear teachers to you!

Scene: (a janitor comes out to the music, sweeps the floor and sings)

Ouch! Ducks and two geese are flying, Whom I love in that fight!

(MOM 1 appears, leads her son by the hand)

Mama: Please tell me, are they enrolled in school here?

Janitor: Tuta, mulberry!

Mama : Who is the oldest here? I need to enroll the boy in school.

Street cleaner : I am the oldest. Only Pushkin is older than me. Have you prepared your child for school?

Mama : Of course we did! The boy knows three languages, higher mathematics, the theory of relativity ...

Street cleaner : Well, what about skipping, lying, snarling with teachers and spitting chewing gum on the ceiling?

Mama : Ouch! No, we haven't done it yet! But he's capable!

The janitor: So, boom to teach!

Out of breath mom 2 runs in, leads her daughter.

Mama: Ouch! Where can a girl be enrolled in school here?

Street cleaner : Tuta! Tuta! Capable?

Mama : Ouch! I'll tell you a secret, I have a very gifted girl. At the age of three she wrote the opera "Pampers of my dreams." And all this year she worked on a monumental canvas ... Here!

The janitor: Aha! Hippo with carrots! How alive!

Mama : What kind of hippo is this? Immediately it is clearly written: Mom! (With pride) It's me! In general, the child needs an individual approach. Creative! But the girl herself does not yet know what to create such a thing?

Street cleaner : So, boom to teach what to create!

(Dad runs in, drags his son, hung with a weapon, by the hand.)

Dad: Hurry! Hurry up to enroll this juvenile delinquent in first grade! The kid is perfect for learning! In the brain - a complete vacuum, an absolute emptiness, one might even say - a real virgin soil. So sow - reasonable, kind, eternal ...

(Sonny points a machine gun at the janitor. She raises her hands, sings J

The janitor: Boo-boom-boom sow. Ouch! Ducks and two geese are flying!

the participants of the scene leave to the music.

Masha K .: In aviation, they strictly consider how many hours the pilot has flown,
About the teacher, few people know how long he stood at the blackboard!
How many notebooks did I check at night,
How many plans I wrote in my life
How many times has a person believed and punished himself for him.

Katya M .: For kindness and sensitivity ...

Alice S .: For endless patience ...

Regina M .: For wisdom and knowledge ...

Masha K .: For charm and beauty ...

Katya M .: For amazing optimism ...

Alice S .: For adherence to principles and exactingness ...

Regina M .: For honor and dignity ...

Masha K .: For love of life and faith ...

Together: Thank you thank you thank you! (leave)

Katya Maslova performs with the song __________________________________

Masha K .: Let in this hall at this hour

The lights burn brighter!

And again we congratulate you,

Your teachers!

Regina M .: From A to Z, to any discoveries

The path begins with you.

May the work of the teacher be glorious,

Glorious Teacher's Day.

Your day, teachers!


MBOU "Krasnomayakovskaya OOSh"

Last call script.

The melody of the song "Alsou" (Video Last Call) sounds.


Leading : Dear friends! Dear graduates, their parents. Dear

Teachers, dear guests.

Leading : We welcome you to the cozy hall of the Krasnomayakovskaya school on a wonderful holiday of the last bell.

Leading : In the rain or in the heat,
But on time,
every new spring
There is a final call!
He's an exam like,
He sums up the results
Nine school years.
He's the prelude to the entrance
Into the boundlessness of roads
He is in any weather
Will call to the threshold.

Leading : He is beautiful, desperate,
Ready to become a springboard
It honks to the start
The main steps in life.
How many promises are in it!
In the distance this ringing calls
It contains the bitterness of goodbyes,
And a million hopes.
In the rain or heat
But on time,
Each new spring
There is a final call!

To the music "Wait, steam locomotive", graduates come out and sing.

Wait a locomotive, don't knock the wheels,
Conductor hit the brakes.
We are dear school with the last greetings,
We are in a hurry to show ourselves.
Forgive us, school, foolish children,
After all, we are not the same as yesterday.
A difficult moment is coming for us
Say goodbye to you forever.
Beloved teacher we are all grateful
To you over the past years.
But a new road beckoned us
Wish us "No fluff, no feather."

Graduate: Spring triumphs in this world

And the school is like the mother of its children

Graduate: May day is famous for different trills,

But for everything in the world, its own term has been chosen.

Everybody goes to school with empty bags

Graduates on the last call.

Graduate: My village smile, I'm ready to laugh

Because I came

Graduates all together: The day of the last calls.


Leading: A solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the Last Call

Graduate: This day is almost summer

The last bell will ring

He is both sad and cheerful

Goodbye, let's say school.

Graduate: The last lessons will take place now

And everyone will hasten to give us advice

But the first parting word

We will ask the director to speak.

Leading: Word for reading the order for admission to the state

final certification is given to the school director Elena Vladimirovna Zelenova.


(Announcement of the order and congratulations)

Leading: There are guests at our celebration today.Congratulations are given: ___________________________




Graduate: Native school, I'm sorry that I didn't grow up like that

With which everything is easy and simple

You understand the costs of growth

And I was loved by you.

Graduate: Native school, you are like a mother

Sometimes she scolded, then forgave

Frequent abuse is of little use

You taught us to understand.


Leading: Now that first teacher of yours,
Like a mother, other children fell in love.
Meet your shift - First Graders.
Not so long ago, you were like that.

(PHONOGRAM school waltz)

1st: Here we are!

2nd: You weren't expecting us?

3rd: And here we took it and came!

4th: We have come to say the words for you,

Even though we are kids against you!

5th: You were babies too,

When we entered our first class,

And having received a notebook with pencils,

They sat down at the desk for the first time.

6th: Everything was here, as in a wonderful new fairy tale:

And the immense class, and the trill of the bell,

And the first word read

And the first jagged line.

7th: Graduate! How impressive this word is for the first time!

Let's eat more porridge to grow faster!

I can’t believe that we will be the same as you!

Let's grow up and become four heads taller.

8th: The first bell rang at our school

On a warm autumn day.

He was the first for us, but for you

Became a farewell call.

9th: How much excitement, anxiety and success

Left behind.

Tears of joy, tears of goodbye

Wipe it down as soon as possible.

10th: You were brought here by moms by the hand

The teacher gave you the knowledge.

But your science does not end,

Out of the school threshold.

11th: Once upon a time you learned to count

And he added 3 + 2 on his fingers.

I wrote ovals, sticks in a notebook,

With difficulty dictating words to myself.

12th: You wrote dictations with mistakes.

And the equations were hard for you.

But only then you didn’t know yourself

That you will want to remember childhood later.

13th: But childhood will never be repeated

It leaves everyone forever.

And I want to - and cry and laugh,

And I want not to part with anyone,

But if it were possible sometimes ...

14th: Each of you has memories
You went to school together for many years.
But that moment has come, the time has come for goodbye,
One more call - and we part!
10th: Ending our performance,

We wish you to cross the mountains,

Soar into the clouds, swim through all the oceans!

ALL: Until next time! Have a good trip!

Leading: The answer is given to our graduates

Graduate: Clouds are watching through the school window
The lesson seems endless!
You can hear the feather creak slightly,
And the lines fall on the sheet.

Graduate: Time, unfortunately, is fleeting.
Year after year, 9 years have flown by ...
Childhood will leave you forever
Leaving a good mark in my memory.

Graduate: Yes, the story of childhood is coming to an end
Chapters completed, dreams examined.
No longer hoping for someone's clues,
You yourself must solve all the problems.

Graduate: Not every trail will be smooth
Not all tests will be easy.
And life lies in front of you like a notebook,
In which there is not a line yet.

Graduate: School, seeing you off,
I wish you a good road
Bright, happy fate,
Looks with hope and believes
That, having closed her doors,
You can find yourself in life
Full of anxiety and struggle.

Leading: Do you remember how 9 years ago we stood in a row in the classroom,

And because of them you could hardly be seen ...

But now you are so solid! ..

Today again with you your most important,

Your first teacher, your second mother.

Leading: The floor is given to the first teacher of our graduates Shvetsova Larisa Viktorovna.


Graduate: Now our last bell will ring
And there was also the first one.
Do you remember this -
Our class, our very first lesson in life,
And a school full of sunshine.

Graduate: That light has guarded us all for many years
Do you remember. If an offense is a fountain,
We ran to your class. She sheltered from troubles
Always our first school mom.

Graduate: Thanks for your amazing work!
For sincerity, generosity of the soul - without deception,
For the fact that even though the years go by,
You will remain forever for us a school mom.

(Graduates give flowers to Shvetsova L.V.)

Leading: From elementary school, you, today's graduates, ended up in a large school, with a large number of classrooms and a large number of teachers. How easy it was for you to get lost in this noisy school sea, if you were not met and supported by your class teacher.

Leading: The floor is given to the class teacher Anna Alekseevna Nikerova.


Graduate: Our dear cool mom. So our school years have come to an end. A little more and we will leave these walls. You were everything to us - a caring mother, a strict teacher, a wise educator. We only now understand what it was like for you with such tomboys like us. We played naughty and skipped classes, did not do our homework and sometimes were cocky.

Graduate: But one thing we always knew for sure - we love you. You always knew how to rein in us and find a common language with everyone, you coddled with us and put a piece of your soul into everyone. We will leave, but in our hearts we will forever retain love and respect for our class teacher. Thank you for everything and a deep bow.

(Graduates give flowers to A.A. Nikerova)

Leading: As in every state there is a ruler,
So each school has its own leader.

Graduate: Our feelings are not wasted cup,
And the living breath of spring
Both love and our gratitude
We address the director.

Graduate: Our worries, worries, sorrows
You have always noticed.
How many times have we seen you at work -
You are always on the lookout, always on the lookout.

Graduate: We wish you to stay like this,
And never change for anything.

(Graduates give flowers to E.V. Zelenova)

Leading: Who is used to fighting for victory

Let her sing with us:

Who dared - will break through with the ball,

Who is strong - will wring out,

Who is dexterous will walk along the log.

The song "About hares"

The bell rang. For a physical education lesson,

And I have a soul. She went back to her heels.

What awaits us today, I look forward to with fear,

And I hum at the same time. Words to myself.


Be patient, buddy, take a long jump,

Throw a grenade, pull yourself up a hundred times.

This is not a problem, This is nonsense.

You hand over, and everything is for you. There will be tryn grass.(Graduates give flowers to A.A. Ershov)

Leading: The teacher gets up early in the morning
He can't be late by eight.
Again he takes the pointer in his hands,
He looks at the poster with the children.

Graduate: It's a shame, we were naughty then,
And the teacher wanted one thing -
So that we remember forever:
ALL: Safety comes first.

Song "Black Cat"

Once upon a time there was an OBZH around the corner.

He scared us that there would be a rout,

That the school and class will collapse,

And that it is necessary to hide now.


They say no luck

If a stone suddenly falls on your leg.

Think about it for a year:

Leave school, or vice versa?(Graduates give flowers to Shturmin A.E.)

Leading: Yes, what a wonderful subject - the Russian language and literature! This is life itself.

Graduate : Thank you for all your efforts,

For all the worries for us,

Thanks for the hard work!

New children will come to you ...

And we, of course, remember you,

And don't you forget us!

Graduate: Always fit, does not know fatigue,

She teaches us guys literature.

Sometimes it throws at each of us

A pensive and slightly anxious look.

Graduate: And she thinks, believe me guys,

About us, worries with all my soul,

So that our life is warm and holy,

So that knowledge will bring great success.

(Graduates give flowers to Chelpanova L.G.)

Leading: Who, when, why and how much -
She will give the answer to everything.
For any problem in life,
Give balanced advice.

to the tune of the song "Weather in the House"

What is our forecast in the world today?
Who became president this year?
And why is all of Asia with Europe
Does the United States follow the lead?

Most importantly, the historian at school,
And everything else is vanity.
And in the world everything that happens
She will always explain to us. (2 times)(Graduates give flowers to Kulikova V.A.)

Leading: You are a friend, teacher and mentor,

Always kind and cheerful

And, without a doubt, they deserve

You are of the highest praise.

Graduate: We learned a lot with you.
Thank you now
For being into biology
You opened the door
Keys to invaluable knowledge
By distributing it to the students.
You have not suffered in vain.
Thank you for everything!
(Graduates give flowers by T.A. Koroleva)

Leading: He was the soul of all undertakings,
And, taking care of your soul,
I went into the heaps of affairs with my head,
Sometimes forgetting about yourself.

Graduate: How good a computer is to know!
He will help in life.
Internet penetration -
An unquenchable light of progress!

Graduate: And interest turned
Into continuous progress.
No wonder they loaded us cool -
We have become a hundred times smarter.
(Graduates give flowers to Shturmina A.V.)

Leading: Thanks to those who lead us to knowledge,

Who chose the difficult path of the road.

Thanks to those who proudly wear the title:

Teacher, educator, educator.

Graduate: Many exciting minutes have passed here,
Sadness and joy - we all know here.
Steps to knowledge and the ladder of sciences,
We walked together with the teachers.

Graduate: Well, that's all, the school path is over.
The last time we are here with the teachers.
We understand that time cannot be returned,
But the heart remains with you!

Graduate: You taught us kindness, patience,
Mindfulness, honesty and loyalty to friends.
For all the lessons of the wisdom of life
We all, believe me, are grateful to you!

Graduate: Teachers "Thank you!" we say
And with a fiery heart we thank you for everything.
We kneel before you,
We wish everyone health for hundreds of years!

(Music sounds. Graduates give flowers to teachers. Vanicheva S.N., Maslova E.N., Ershova N.V., Timofeeva I.A., Nazarova S.M., Yulaeva V.K., Postnova N.P. )

Leading: A fairy tale is reflected in children's eyes
Gullible light is pouring in rays
Light of kindness, irrepressible caress,
There is no better reward for a counselor!

Graduate: We look into each other's eyes
And we feel the strength of the shoulder
It's great that the whole shift
We lived like a family
Today our circle is closer
We can say everything at once
"We have become dearer to each other
What more could we want? "
(Graduates give flowers to E.V. Kozlova)

Leading: Well, how can you not say warm words to our cook.

Graduate: We lived a carefree long time
After all, here until the evening in the morning
You fed us all deliciously
School kitchen master.

Graduate: Now we are in a trance, how difficult it is for us
When and what will they feed?
We are so sorry that it is impossible
We take our kitchen with us.
(Graduates give flowers to Sosnovyagina D.A.)

Leading: Who cleaned our school

All these are long days

So that the class always shines with gloss

Was to be clean everywhere.

Graduate: Did you know who you are talking about?

And who greets us with a smile?

The warmth of the soul easily carries

He remembers everyone by name - does he know?

Graduate: Who is like a small bird

Flutters all over the school in the morning?

Our answer will be for you - technical

Everyone knows this for sure!(Graduates give flowers to G.N. Perekhvatova)

Leading: Think school days are gone
Childhood is now only a dream
You want to tell him: "Childhood, come back,
Say goodbye to this line. "

Leading: Holding on to my mother's hand securely,
Then we went to class for the first time,
For your very first lesson in life,
And here he is today - The last call.

Graduate: Our dear parents,

Thank you for shedding tears

For the nights that you sat awake

Protecting our peace and dreams,

Above the cradle of the child is recognized.

Graduate: For the first breath, for the first smile,

For the first step that we went through

For birthdays and the first mistake

For all the surprises that were presented.

Graduate: For helping us rise

And find the connecting thread.

And in a difficult hour from life you can't break,

Graduate: - You helped to gnaw the granite of science,

We were guided with a firm hand

Thank you for everything: for the pain, for the torment, for our happiness and for the peace above our heads.

Leading: Well, how not to remember today about those

Who shared with you joy, sorrow, laughter,

Who gathered us to school every day

And sometimes he burned out of shame for us.

Parents! We are nowhere without them!

Any trouble - it’s not a problem with them!

And joy, so full to have fun-

After all, together we study and study!

Leading. Parents follow us invisibly.

And in joy, and in the hour when trouble came.

They seek to shield us from sorrow

But we, alas, do not always understand them.

I give the floor to ________________________________________________________

(Speech by a parent, a gift to the school)

Congratulations from parents __________________________________

Host: So n towards the end of our performance,the most touching and solemn moment of our holiday will come.

Graduate: The parting hour has come
The bell will ring now
And we will understand later that there is a lot,
School meant to us
Friendship and love sometimes
We found it at the school doorstep.

Everything perform the closing song.

Who comes and winds this clock
As if you are lifting the sun on the scales of our days -
Parting soon ...
How we lived - and appreciated every bright hour,
How many years we have been together, we will not forget you -
Teacher, our beloved ...


Over and over ...

In the early morning with a call, we will enter the classroom noisily,
With sad eyes we will present you flowers,
Teacher, our beloved.
Believe me, we will not forget our favorite class,
After all, you became the best everything that we have,
Teacher, our beloved.

You know it won't be easy for us to say goodbye
Let's go by different roads
Not easy, but still we will remember your love Again and again ...
It will be so hard to break us with the elements
And in our souls there is always warmth
And no matter what, we will remember your love,
Over and over again…

Host: A solemn and sad moment,

a moment of growing up, farewell to childhood,

the moment of opening new roads -

it's called "the last call!"

Host: We can't get away from these minutes,

And everyone is familiar with these feelings,

Your school childhood is leaving you,

Leaves you with this cute call.

The right to call for the last lesson of this academic year is given ______________________________________________________________________

Leading: At this, the solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the last bell is declared closed!


create conditions for adaptation to school life after summer holidays;
maintaining a friendly atmosphere.
1) Maintain a festive mood in children by meeting with the school;
2) create a mood for educational activities;
3) promote the unity of the teacher and the children's team.
Event form: holiday.
Participants: teacher, students, parents.


1 Vedas: Today the school doors are wide open in the morning.
The summer has passed. Children are walking to school again!
2 Vedas: Study, hello! School, hello!
We go on a hike for knowledge.
Today is a holiday, School holiday!
Together: We meet the school year!
MODERATOR 1: How are you guys!
Both girls and boys!
We will count you now.
And we will find out everything about you.
There are a lot of us in school now!
Primary school guys, are you here? (Here!)
MODERATOR 2: Fifth graders, are you here? (Here!)
So we will be friends!
Sixth graders, are you with us? (With you!)
And the seventh, as always,
We are glad to see you again, right? (Yes!)
MODERATOR 1: And what about the eighths?
Have you lost the habit of studying?
This, brothers, does not matter!
We all want to learn? Yes? (Yes!)
HOST 2: Grade 9 is not easy,
He's almost a prom.
Well, give us an answer:
Will there be a lot of twos? (No!)
1B: The whole school gathered in the square to hear the first bell of the new school year. Start new interesting business and continue the traditions of the school.
2 Vedas: A particularly joyful and exciting day today for those children who first crossed the threshold of our school.
Every year comes here
First graders a merry round dance -
Noisy, brooding, smart,
The first teacher leads them to the class.
We are very glad to all guests!
The holiday knocked on our house!
First graders, come in!
We look forward to welcoming you.
2 Vedas: We invite our first-graders and their cool mother to the solemn assembly dedicated to the First Bell!
(First graders enter. To the song "first grader"
2 Vedas: School, attention! The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the school year is considered open!
(The Anthem of Russia sounds.)
HOST 2: The situation is not new
And quite understandable,
If the director took the floor,
Everything is in complete silence.
We are waiting with excitement every time
What will he tell us now?
The floor is given to the director. For guests.
Leading... First teacher,
Leading... First call
Leading... First letter,
Leading... First lesson,
Leading... The first word burns on the board
Leading. The first primer and problem book in hand.
Leading. The orchestras are playing
Leading... Speeches sound -
Leading... The school welcomes new children. (O. Suvorova)
Solemn music sounds. First-graders approach the microphones.
1st first grader.
For a whole year I dreamed of school
And I couldn't wait
How will I put the books in my portfolio

And I'll go to the buffet, friends!
3rd first grader.
I was going to school too,
Picked up all the outfits!
Only, apparently, I tried in vain:
Forms are in fashion, they say!
4th first grader.
I taught the letters with diligence
And he brought the score to a shine.
I will not brag too much,
But I read Harry Potter.
1. On the "five" we learn
We promise to all together.
And don't be lazy at your desk,
And not to cause problems.
2. Look at me:
How happy I am!
I'm already going to first grade
And I am friends with the guys.
3. We will go in for sports,
In order not to get sick often
So that our teacher
You didn't have to blush for us!
4. Accepts often school
Children in first grade
But today is a special day:
We came! Meet us!
5. 2. Hello, hello, our school!
We are now students.
We have a notebook, pencil cases,
Satchels, pens, diaries.
6. 4. I was in the portfolio yesterday
I put my notebooks down
And pencils in the pencil case
I inserted it in order.
7. 5. Dad and mom for some reason
We were very worried.
They say they didn't sleep at night
They were afraid for me
Leading. After such recognition, it remains for us to accept a new replenishment of first-graders into the school family! A word to ninth graders
1. Dear first graders!
Everyone is happy and cheerful now.
I came to wish you success
Our friendly ninth grade graduation. (unfolds the scroll)

2. You will remember this day forever:
The school will receive you for the first time.
Opens its doors wider -
And the school week will begin

4. Dear our first class,
We give this instruction:
Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck at the desk with your nose.
Train yourself to be in order.
Don't play hide and seek with things.
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.
Dress neatly
To make it pleasant to watch ..
Do not tease, do not be arrogant.
Try to help everyone at school.
Take care of our school
And love the teachers!
That's all our advice.
They are not wiser and simpler.
You, my friend, do not forget them.
Start your school journey! Give gifts
School doors will swing open again
The school days will begin tomorrow.
Well, today is a festive hour!
Happy Holidays, we congratulate all of you!
Cartoon music
BEAR: Phew! Suffocated! Hello guys! Oh, there are so many of you! And they all look like my Masha! Masha! Masha! Where are you?! I brought you your knapsack! I forgot, as always! Well, come out, what are you hiding !?
MASHA: Oh, Mishenka! You brought me my satchel! Thank you, thank you! (He thanks him violently, almost knocking him off his feet) And I was looking for him, I was looking for him ... I thought where did he run away from me? ...
BEAR: How are you, such a little fidget, will you study? You can't sit quietly for a minute! I feel sorry for you !!! Let's get out of here, huh? takes the hand and drags
MASHA: What are you, Mishenka! I'm already an adult! Although I am a fidget, I will definitely try and will, I will definitely receive only two of my favorite ones!
BEAR (laughs) Oh hilarious, Masha, I made fun of ... twos ... my beloved ... oh I can't! I already know ... not two, but these, how can they ... I remembered FIVE!
MASHENKA: Well, let it be! Well, let! Just think mixed it up ... The guys, too, probably still do not know everything, that's why they came to study!
BEAR: Oh well ... Look what smart eyes they have ... they already know a lot, not like you! ...
MASHENKA: Let's check it now ... (unfolds a piece of paper with riddles, reads it.)
2. I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the master today -
I have…. (plasticine)
3. I'm big, I'm a student!
In my knapsack ... (diary)
4. I am ready for training starts,
Soon I will sit at ... (desk)
6 if you hone it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach!
What is this? (Pencil)
7. Pachyderm takes hay with a trunk ... (elephant)
8.He lifted his head more often, howling with hunger ... (wolf)
9. Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown ... (bear)
10. Who likes to run around the branches? Of course, redhead ... (squirrel)
BEAR: Well ... you see how smart and attentive!
Masha: Okay, okay! And I will be! You will see!
BEAR: Well, okay ... I'm calm now ... because next to you these guys will also study! Really guys!
And now the solemn moment:
Call - and you are already a student!
Call - and the countdown will run,
And the school year is coming.
Opening the academic year,
Let this first bell ring
Bell ringing meeting
Everyone who came to the first lesson!
Leading... The right to make the first call for the first lesson is granted ...
Leading... School graduate (full name) and first grade student (full name).
The named students ring the bell.
Day after day, lesson after lesson
A scattering of knowledge will be good for you.
Everything in the world from "az" to "yat"
You must surely find out.
We want to congratulate today
Those who give knowledge to others.
Leading. Those who receive them for a reason.
Together. Happy Knowledge Day to all of you, friends!
Like a small school planet
We are launching this balloon.
Fly, fly into the depths of the universe.
Today is our holiday - the Day of Knowledge!
Leading... For the first lesson, we invite ...
Leading. Grade 1, head (full name).
Leading. Grade 9, head (full name), etc.
Strive for the Knowledge of objects to go,
So that wings, like birds, can be found.
Learn more boldly the science of good.
Let's hit the road! Good luck! On a glorious path
Leading. We wish you all success in your studies!
Leading... We invite all of you to go to school.
Together. Happy school year to everyone.
2B: This concludes our line.
1B: Goodbye!