Vintage names: choose a beautiful name for a child. The value and origin of old Russian names

Vintage names: choose a beautiful name for a child. The value and origin of old Russian names
Vintage names: choose a beautiful name for a child. The value and origin of old Russian names

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The time of the human name was given a huge sacred value, it was believed that it brings the imprint of fate. So, at birth, a whole direction of life was chosen.

Male names should have been awarded the owner by force, courage, power. Women, on the contrary, had to bring the owner of femininity, beauty, harmony, higher patronage and family happiness.

How do you choose names for girls

The choice of name for the girl is often turning into a dispute among relatives. Sometimes you have to resort to hardware, church calendar and even astrology.

And here is preserved
subconscious desire to choose for a girl with the name of the most favorable destiny.

Women's names are popular today. Modern Russians, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual. List and meanings look below.

What names should not be given to children

In the choice of the name of the most reasonable things to be guided by the understanding of how comfortable to the child will live with him in a social environment. It is desirable that the name corresponds to the traditions of this area, nationality, customs.

The absence of prohibitions caused a tendency in society to give the most unimaginable names to their offspring. And yet, you should not call a child so that later he became the object of ridicule in society.

Most Popular Women's Names

  • Sophia or Sofia;
  • Anastasia;
  • Darina or Daria;
  • Victoria;
  • Pauline;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Ksenia;
  • Barbarian;
  • Maria;
  • Veronica;
  • Alyona;
  • Alexandra;
  • Ulyana;
  • Alina;
  • Margarita;
  • Arina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Milan;
  • Kristina;
  • Alice;
  • Kira;
  • Diana;
  • Anna.

These statistics are found in 75% of all registered newborn girls.

Songs with women's names

Love for a woman at all times inspired poets and composers, and, as a result, a huge number of beautiful songs with female names appeared. They were always loved all over the world.

The most famous Russian songs of different times:

  • "Pink roses (Flood Sokolova)" (fun guys);
  • Katyusha (Blanter - Isakovsky);
  • "Ksyusha" (Alena Apina);
  • "Stewartes named Jeanne" (Vladimir Presnyakov);
  • "Alexandra" (from k / f "Moscow does not believe in tears");
  • "Natalie" (Mikhail Shufutinsky);
  • "Olesya" (Syabra);
  • Faina (on-no);
  • Lisa (Andrei Gubin).

In Russia, there are always songs dedicated to the woman, they were very loved, and not only with us. In the world, there are also many songs with women's names. This is the most favorite topic with songwall poets.

The most famous overseas songs in English:

  • "MICHELLE" (The Beatles);
  • "CARRY" (Europe);
  • "Nikita" (Elton John);
  • "Maria" (Blondie);
  • "Susanna" (Adriano Celentano).

Women's names: Modern Russians, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual. List and meanings

Slavic beautiful female names

Slavs had the main purpose of the woman motherhood and family. In the name of the girl, this main meaning was invested: she had to become a custodian of a family hearth in the future.

Women's names: Modern Russians, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, list and values \u200b\u200bof these names do not contain completely not one names, they are countless.

Women's names: Modern Russians, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, ancient - list and values \u200b\u200bof their very extensive.

Women's names Russian modern

Modern Russian women's names have, mainly Slavic, Greek, Jewish, Latin and German origin.

Greek, Jewish and Germanic names appeared in Russia with the arrival of Christianity from Byzantium in the X century, some Latin - in the period of Petrovsky transformations.

Slavic names are the most ancient, but some of them still enjoy popular:

  • Arina or Yarina - dedicated to the God of Sun Yaril;
  • Belized - God gifted, God or blessed;
  • Bronislav - Protecting Nice;
  • Faith - knowledge, faith;
  • Vladislav Vladislav owns fame;
  • Darina - Dar of the gods;
  • Zlata - Golden;
  • Lada - Flood, kind;
  • Love or Lubava - giving love;
  • Lyudmila - sweet people;
  • Milan - she is sweet;
  • Miroslav - the world is glorious;
  • Nadezhda - Hope;
  • Radmila - caring, happy, cute;
  • Snezhana is cold and snowy.

Interesting fact! Svetlana's name, very popular from the second half of the 20th century, has a controversial origin. For some unconfirmed versions, this is the Slavic name. But the truth is more close, according to which the name Svetlana was invented in the XIX century by Russian poets eastern and Zhukovsky.

After the release of the ballads Zhukovsky "Svetlana" the name has acquired enormous popularity. Gradually, they began to call girls, and it firmly went into use.

With the arrival of Christianity on Russia, new women's names were rootedwhich we now consider the Russians from the Russians. Today they are familiar to our ear and are quite common throughout Russia.

But their Greek origin is not entirely definitely. The fact is that the names are formed on the basis of cultural and trade relations, therefore not only Greek, but also Syrian, Latin, Egyptian, Persian, German, Babylonian and other names existed in the Byzantium itself.

The most beautiful and common Russian names that came from Byzantium:

  • Alexandra (Greek.) - Human Defender;
  • Alena (Greek) - light;
  • Alice (Germans.) - Defender;
  • Alla (Greek.) - Next;
  • Anastasia (Greek) - Resurrection;
  • Anna (Jewish.) - God's mercy;
  • Antonina (Latinsk.) - Walking into battle;
  • Valentina (Latin) - Healthy and strong;
  • Valeria (Latinsk.) - Strong and strong;
  • Varvara (Greek) - Inozka, barbart;
  • Vasilisa (Greek.) - Majestic, royal;
  • Galina (Greek) - serenity, silence, marine smooth;
  • Daria (PERS.) - Possessing Blessing;
  • Catherine (Greek) - Pious, Immaculate;
  • Elena (Greek.) - Bright, Favorites;
  • Eugene (Greek) - Highway;
  • Elizabeth (Jewish.) - Valo God;
  • Zhanna or Yana version of the name John (Jewish.) - God's mercy;
  • Zoya (Greek) - Living, Life;
  • Irina (Greek) - peace and peace;
  • Inna (Latinsk.) - Stormy fast stream;
  • Karina (Latin) - dear, cute;
  • Ksenia (Greek) - Stranger, Strank;
  • Christina (Greek) - dedicated to Christ;
  • Larisa (Greek) - Seagull;
  • Maya (Greek) - Mother, Kormilitsa, goddess;
  • Margarita (Greek) - Pearl;
  • Maria (Jewish.) - desirable, serene, bitter;
  • Marina (Latinsk.) - Sea, living in the sea;
  • Natalia (Latinsk.) - Native, given by God;
  • Nina (Georgian) - Queen, Madam;
  • Olga - (has a Scandinavian origin from Helga) sacred;
  • Sofia or Sophia (Greek) - wisdom, science;
  • Tatiana (Latinsk.) - Lady, organizer;
  • Tamara (Jewish.) - Palm tree, fig tree;
  • Taisiya (Greek) - wise, late;
  • Ulyana, Iulianna, Julianna and Julia (Latin) - belonging to the genus Yuliyev;
  • Evelina or Eve (Jewish.) - Life force;
  • Emilia (Latin) is not a inferior rival.

Interesting fact!Name Victoria - Victory, has a Latin origin. It is firmly in Russian everyday life after Russia's victories in the Northern War (1700-1721).

Orthodox Russian women names - Saints

The Russian Orthodox Church has its own unique names, these are the sacnesses who came to us from Byzantium. They contain the names of the Orthodox saints, each of which is associated with the Velomicious and Righteous Entition.

Until 1917, the names of the newborn gave the church in baptism. Part of them today are actively used. The rest are rarely used or separated. Each name in the saints has its own day per year, sometimes not one.

Here is some of them:

  • Agnia is defective;
  • Anonya - accomplishment, success;
  • Anfisa - blooming;
  • Evdokia - Fale;
  • Efrosinia - joy;
  • Zinaida - Divine;
  • Ilaria is clear, joyful, quiet;
  • Capitolina - born on the Capitol;
  • Claudia - chrome;
  • Nonna - dedicated to God;
  • Parashev, Russian version of Praskovya, Friday, celebration of the holiday;
  • Raisa - careless, light;
  • Rimma - Romans;
  • Rufina - reddish;
  • Seraphim - fiery;
  • Faina - light;
  • Fotinia, Fotina (analogue of Russian Svetlana) - light.

It is interesting!The popular name of Polina or Paulina today originates from the male name Paul, which in turn is a French version of Paul's biblical name.

There is no this name in Orthodox Schaints, but there is Apollinaria (Greek) - dedicated to God Apollon.

Old Russian women's names

Old Russian names were formed not only on a Slavic basis. The cultural relations of our ancestors contributed to borrowings from the traditions of neighbors. It affected and names, some of which had a Scandinavian origin.

Today, not all ancient Russian names are forgotten, some are very relevant. Recently, in connection with the restless interest in its roots, many call their children according to the Old Russian tradition.

There are such names more and more often, especially:

Ukrainian women's names

Most Ukrainian women's names have common roots with Russians. This is due to the Slavic origin of both peoples, a common story, as well as with the Orthodox tradition.

The lion's share of names in the Ukrainian nameslorsal coincides with the Russians. The only difference is their writing and pronunciation.

For example, some Russian names in the Ukrainian tradition are written through "O" -: Olena, Oleksandra, Orina. And there is also differences in writing the letter "and", in the Ukrainian language its Latin analogue "I" is used. This is due to the influence of Polish culture.

Some Ukrainian names with pronunciation features:

Belarusian female names

Belarusian female names are similar to the Russian and Ukrainian. Here, instead of "and" used "I", and the letter "U" also has its own characteristics of pronunciation.

Features of writing:

There are traditional Belarusian names, very beloved in the people and having their meaning:

  • Alesya, Lesya, Olesya - Forest;
  • Alena is a wonderful torch;
  • Ulada - Flood, peaceful;
  • Yana - God's mercy;
  • Yarina, Yaryna - Sunny.

Czech women's names

Czechs, though they are the Slavic people, their traditions are somewhat different from Russians, Belarusian and Ukrainian.

Czech Republic is a country with mainly Catholic culture. Therefore, Czech female names are a mixture of Slavic, Catholic and European. They are very unusual and interesting.

Some of them have their own unique features and meanings:

  • Abena - the one that was born on Tuesday;
  • Bar, Baranca, Barbara, Barka - Strange Foreign;
  • Branca is a magnificent protector;
  • Vlasta - power;
  • Duska - Soul;
  • Iva - Good God;
  • Kaika is a small stork;
  • Libena, Libuz - Love;
  • Otoli is rich;
  • Radial - happy;
  • Sark - forty;
  • Stepanka - crowned;
  • Headwick - struggling;
  • Tsjwzka - come from Sidon;
  • Evika - Life;

Bulgarian female names

Traditional Slavic names enjoy the greatest popularity in Bulgaria. Although from the XX century, the Bulgarian names are enriched with various Western European borrowings.

According to the tradition of children they are called in honor of the ancestors. There is another feature: the names are given universal both for boys and for girls, such as Spa and saved, giving and alive.

Some traditional Bulgarian names and their meaning:

  • Vasilka - Queen;
  • Yordanka is the current down;
  • Marika - an analogue of the biblical name Mary;
  • Rosica - Dew;
  • Stefka - crowned;
  • Parking - standing.

Polish female names

In Poland, children traditionally give Latin, Slavic and Greek names. Here, too, there are its own characteristics of pronunciations that make these names unique.

For example, names are popular:

  • Agneshka is immaterial;
  • Beat - Blessed;
  • Wanda - from the tribe of the Venedov;
  • Wojsench - consolation of soldiers;
  • Vaclav - more than fame;
  • Casimir - Mirodatrian;
  • Mallgeta - Pearl;
  • Franciska - Frenchwoman;
  • Jadigiga - Battle of rivals.

Rare female names

Now beautiful rare names are very popular. They come from other cultures, films, songs, etc.

Some of these rare names:

  • Bella (Europe.) - Beautiful;
  • Venus (Latinsk.) - Roman goddess of love;
  • Helium (Greek) - solar;
  • Daniela (Jewish.) - Divine Judge;
  • Ida (Greek) - fertile;
  • Ia (Greek) - violet;
  • Carolina (Germans.) - Queen;
  • Liliana (Latinsk.) - Lily;
  • Melanya (Greek) - Double;
  • Nelli (Greek) - new, young;
  • Olympiad (Greek) - Olympic;
  • Palmyra (Latin) - Palma;
  • Regina (Latinsk.) - Queen;
  • Stella (Latinsk.) - Star;
  • Hellen (Greek) - Helleka, Grekhanka;
  • Yuni, Yunna, Junon (Greek) - Goddess of Marriage and Love;

Unusual female names

A large number of modern Russian children call very unusual names. Some of them belong to fabulous characters, part comes from the names of cities, countries, historical events, animals, plants, etc.

Here is a small list:

  • Byzantium;
  • Moon;
  • Russian;
  • Cherry;
  • A fox;
  • Joy;
  • Ocean.

Elf Women's names

Elf names today are found quite often. These are the names of the elves from the amazing world created by the English writer John Ronald Tolkin.

The invented heroes presented a new fashion on the names that possess excellent sound and secret meaning.

Some of them:

  • Amanael - daughter of Aman;
  • Anariel - the daughter of the Sun;
  • Eariel - the daughter of the Sun;
  • Lairiel - Summer daughter.

Finishing -Iel denotes daughter.

Also there are names consisting of two words, for example:

  • Arvel is a noble virgin;
  • Irvil - sparkling shine;
  • Nimlot is a white flower.

Funny female names

At all times, people showed fantasy in the name of name. Now it is a very common phenomenon. But sometimes fantasy brings to frankly funny and ridiculous selection.

Some funny names:

  • Aria;
  • Villa;
  • Kazdoy;
  • Nuechia;
  • Scanddural.

The happiest women's names

Parents always wish to give daughters the name that will bring her happiness. All their criteria for happy names, but there are general views on this question.

Most people hold the belief that Russian names Tatiana, Natalia, Elena, Olga, Irina and Catherine are the most happy.

Although no one has proven, and no research and observations were conducted. Probably a favorable sound of these names for many centuries fill them with light energy.

Biblical female names

Biblical legends contain a large number of beautiful female names. And many parents are inclined to call daughters by the names of pious biblical heroines.

The most beautiful of these names and their meaning:

  • Sarah - Rhodonachal;
  • Rebekka - a faithful wife;
  • Leah - Telica, Telet;
  • Rachel is a sheep;
  • Dina - reminiscent;
  • Dalila - Curly;
  • Susanna - Lily;
  • Magdalene is a resident of Magdala.

The most common female name in the world

From the variety of names the most common and favorite name in the world is Anna.

In each language it sounds especially, and nevertheless, this is the same name. Anna may sound in different languages \u200b\u200blike Ann, Annenet, Anita, Hannah, Ansh, Gann, Anika, etc.

Mythical female names

Myths, especially ancient Greece and Rome, die with a huge number of gorgeous female names. These are the names of the goddesses, queens and beautiful maids.

The most beautiful names and their meaning:

  • Aphrodite - Greek Goddess of Love;
  • Artemis - Greek goddess of hunting;
  • Grace - the Roman beauty goddess;
  • Diana - Roman goddess of hunting;
  • Cassandra - Trojan Tsarevna and Predictor;
  • Muse - Greek patroness of art and science;
  • Selena is the goddess of the moon.

Strange female names

There are also very strange names, which, as a rule, are the result of creative thinking of parents. The peak of their popularity came to the Soviet era, when workers professions and revolutionary ideas were glorified.

Some strange and amazing names of that era:

  • Tractor;
  • Stalin.

Among the foreign bohemians, there are also parents with fantasy who called children with rather strange names.

Translated from English, they sound like this:

  • Apple - Daughter Gwyneth Paltrow;
  • Forest - daughter Julia Roberts;
  • Bells - Madonna's daughter;
  • Ireland is the daughter of Kim Bessnjer.

Strong female names

It is believed that some names have a special energy of power and are overalls for owner. Mostly, these are the names, in the decoding of which there are strength, and fortress, and health, and protection, and victory.

It is believed that the highest patronage is carried by the Russian names:

  • Alexandra;
  • Victoria;
  • Valeria;
  • Valentine;
  • Eugene;
  • Olga;
  • Vera;
  • Catherine;
  • Daria.

Invented female names

In the creative Soviet era, parents created very interesting names with their fantasy. They were half of the abbreviations formed from the names of the leaders and revolutionary slogans.

Some of them:

  • Gertruda - labor heroes;
  • Grand - Great Workforce;
  • Vilen, Vlalen - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin;
  • Krarmia - Red Army;
  • Water - district typography;
  • Dazepperm - Long live the first of May;
  • Dinera - a child of a new era.

Women's names of the people of the world

English women names

In England, children are often given a double name, which gives space for parental fantasy. However, traditional names are also popular.

The most common female names in England:

  • Olivia - olive tree;
  • Deborah - Bee;
  • Scarlet - fabric saleswoman;
  • Jennifer is a sorceress;
  • Kimberley - born at the royal meadow;
  • Britney - Little Britain;
  • Monica - Soviet.

Brief Russian women's names are very popular in England and the United States, and even some men who have become women there. For example: Sasha, Natasha, Nikita, Misha, Tanya.

Irish women's names

The traditions of the Irish are rooted in Celtic culture, so the girl name they attach great importance. It reflects both beauty, and piety, and all the wonderful qualities of a woman.

The most interesting traditional Irish names and their meaning:

  • Abiagil - pleasing father;
  • Aerin - peace;
  • Brida - exalted;
  • Kaiolinn - Fair and slim;
  • Morrigan - Big Queen;
  • Orleitis - a nice princess.

German female names

There is an opinion on the inactivity of the German language, and, nevertheless, German women names are very beautiful.

In Germany, it is customary to give complex names, their quantity can reach 10.

The most beautiful German names and their meaning:

French female names

According to tradition, French female names have always been considered very beautiful. They are popular far beyond France. And indeed, the French language caresses her ear with their pleasant nasal pronunciation.

This people gave the world of the most beautiful women's names, such as:

  • Adele - Giving good;
  • Blanche - White;
  • Vivien - Live;
  • Brigit - majestic;
  • Jacqueline - Rocking;
  • Emmanuel - God with us.

Jewish female names

The traditions of the Jewish people are closely related to the Christian culture. European and Russian names are partially taking place from Jewish culture. But there are also invalid national names.

The most beautiful:

Italian women's names

Italians are extremely emotional and passionate people. This feature is manifested in everything and even in the names.

The most interesting of them:

  • Adriana - a resident of Adria;
  • Bianca - white;
  • Gabrriella - the power of God;
  • Ornell - blooming ash;
  • Lucretia is rich.

Tatar women names

From Tatar names are in demand:

Swedish female names

Swedes are often called girls with such names:

  • Agneta - chaste;
  • Bottle Battle;
  • Greta - Pearl;
  • Inger - body;
  • Frederick is a peaceful government.

Lithuanian women's names

Names are popular in Lithuania:

  • Lyme - goddess of life;
  • Yumante - insightful;
  • Saule - sun;
  • Gintare - Amber.

Greek names for women

Beautiful Greek names:

Spanish female names

The Spanish people often nursts women with such names:

  • Dolores - sadness;
  • Carmen - dedicated to the Carmel of Our Lady;
  • Pilar - column;
  • Letia - joy;
  • Consuela - persistent.

Georgian women's names

In Georgia, you can often hear such names such as:

  • Aliko - all-knowing;
  • Dariko - the gift of God;
  • Maghelia - Wolf;
  • Nani - baby;
  • Salome - peaceful.

Turkish women's names

Name options are popular in Turkey:

Armenian female names

In the corners of Armenia, you will often hear the girls call:

  • Anush - Sweet;
  • Gayane - earthly;
  • Siranush - love;
  • Shushan - Lily;
  • Ether - ether.

Korean women's names

In Korean villages, parents call their daughters:

  • Mi - beauty;
  • Jung - love;
  • Mei - flower;
  • Kim - Golden;
  • Jong - Brave.

Japanese women's names

Interesting Japanese names:

Chinese female names

Among Japanese ladies can be heard the names:

  • Venling - purified jade;
  • Jeing - household;
  • KSIU - elegant;
  • Meirong - composure;
  • Xiangjiang - fragrant.

Scandinavian women's names

Scandinavian girls are often cleaned:

  • Asgrad - the protection of the gods;
  • Ingeborga - fertile;
  • Alva - Elf;
  • Astrid - Divinely beautiful;
  • Brungilda is militant.

Azerbaijani female names

Options for such names can be heard among girls and women of Azerbaijan:

  • Aise - Live;
  • Diamond is beautiful;
  • Billura - Crystal;
  • Zulfiya - Curly;
  • Leila - Night.

Arab women's names

Arabs often call their baby similar name versions:

  • Lamia is shine shine;
  • Aziza - expensive, valuable;
  • Fatima - the prophet's daughter;
  • Khalida - Immortal.

Egyptian women's names

The Egyptian population in his female part has such names:

Chechen names for women

Interesting options for Chechen names:

  • Amir - leader;
  • Jamil - Beautiful;
  • Nazira - equal;
  • Ruema - smoothly running;
  • Salima is healthy.

Kazakh female names

Popular names in Kazakhstan:

  • Ayansha - Luper-like;
  • Balbala is a smart child;
  • Dylara - Beloved;
  • Karlygash - Swallow;
  • Margean - Pearls.

Indian names for women

Picturesque India is famous for such female names:

Uzbek women names

You will often encounter such names in Uzbekistan:

  • Asmir - the first princess;
  • Guldasta - a bouquet of flowers;
  • Intizor - long-awaited;
  • Alma - Apple;
  • Farhunda - happy.

Gypsy female names

The progress gypsy people squeeze their girls like this:

  • Moel - admiring;
  • Lala - tulip;
  • Flaming - flower of life;
  • Esmeralda - Emerald;
  • Jofranca is free.

At all times, parents, giving her daughter's name, wanted to give her beauty, love, happiness, wealth, fecundity, protection with him. This desire was reflected in the names of almost all nations of the world.

From this video you will learn modern Russians, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual other female names, their list and meanings.

Interesting article. Some clarifications would still like to make. What about Georgian names. "Melika" ("Volchonok"), or "Maghelia" (wolf), is a non-secretive, pagan name; now is used in the form of "gela"; This is a male name. Popular Women's Names: Tamari, Nino, Ketevan, Hatun, Hatia, Nateli ("Bright", Svetlana Svetlana), Mariami ... By the way, Tamari is a Georgian "Temple".

Beautiful name - Maayan .... I would call, I, though my grandmother, but brave))

With the adoption of Russia, the Slavic names were gradually supplanted by the names that had the Byzantine origin: we carry these names and in modern times and consider them the most as ordinary, Russians: Olga, Elena, Konstantin, Alexander. However, fashion for names has changed, and, as a result of constant thrust to the ancient Russian culture, today rare, Slavic names for children again gain their relevance. After all, in the names there is a significant part of culture, traditions, customs and history of the entire people.

The main thing in the article

Name popularity for children

So, fashion for Slavic names is returned, and today this process is gaining all the big turns, since the names that came from Western countries begin to arrive, people want something exotic, new, but still native, having Slavic origins. At the same time, parents and girls give parents not only old-Russian names: those who have Bulgarian, Serbian or Polish origin are actively used.

How to explain the increased demand for rare male and female names, the tendency of which is observed in recent years in our country? It is not easy to feel special, if in addition to you in the class four more Dima or three Aleshi, and before that, there was no one to surprise anyone, the newborn babies were called Lena or Katya.

Mare son or daughter an unusual, exotic name Parents, first of all, seek to highlight the child, to provide him with increased attention to others, rid of possible complexes, make it that he felt individuality and was confident.

How to choose a child's name?

Choosing a name for a child, moms and dads often face serious dilemmas and disagreements. Young parents, before choosing one-sole name to their son or daughter, take tens and even hundreds of men's and female names. Today, rare names for children are increasingly found even in the most common families, because each parent wants to allocate his child from the total mass. Therefore, options for how to infant the child are selected not only from modern and known in society, but also from vintage, even ancient names.

For a couple of decades ago, such benevolent and courageous names were considered rare, as Matvey, Yaroslav, Egor, Fyodor or David, and so beautiful and feminine how Milan, Zlata or Glafira. Today, such names are no longer surprised, and from the discharge of unusual they moved into the category of well-known and widely used. But such names like Vedagor, Ovid, Orest or Evsei And today they can cause bewilderment and surprise.

However, giving the baby a rare, unusual name, it is necessary to take care and that it is harmoniously combined with very ordinary and ordinary patrols and the same ordinary Russian surname: the inconsistency of exotic and "commonplace" can spoil the impression even from the most beautiful and extravagant name "with highlight.

Traditions associated with Slavic names

Before adopting Christianity, the Slavs used the names consisting of two parts. Often the second name was given a child when he reached adolescent age, the main features of his character have already managed to form. It was based on them that the name duplicating the main one was chosen. Then the girl could call Chernoy (black, dimly), Bywood (that, what is getting with everyone), Malusha (younger in the family), Veselina (cheerful), Envy (Slender) and other names that reveal the features of a person.

Such names are used in our time, but most of them are mentioned only in the ancient chronicles. Tradition to give children composite names persists today, and manifests itself in the fact that at the birth of a child, they are numbered by one name, and when baptized - another, which is chosen along the church calendar. Thus, parents protect the child, because it should protect it from damage or evil eye.

With the adoption of Christianity, part of the name was banned by the Church, because many of them were formed from the names of the ancient pagan gods, which contradicts the canons of Christianity.

There are names that do not belong to Slavic, but are considered as such and are widely used in modern days. They are formed from the Slavic roots, but in fact they have a Greek origin. These names include Faith, love and Hope. But such a name is a girl like Gorislavmay cause bewilderment of relatives and acquaintances: why didn't the child named the usual Russian name - Ira, Lena or Katya? In fact, such names like Gorislav, Radoslav or Tsvetna They are invalid Russians, but long-failed names for the names.

Rare names and society

It is worth thinking about the fact that the baby with a very rare name does not have discomfort in society and communicating with other children, which, as you know, are very cruel and can give offensive and unfair nicknames, deliberately freaking even the most beautiful and rare name.

It is important that the child does not hesitate his name, and being adults who have already experienced more serious problems (for example, constant mistakes in documents due to incorrect writing name others).

A person who has a rare name, but not sharpening on this feature and some "chosenness" of unnecessary attention, causes respect from the surrounding. He acquires the fame of a strong spirit, a special, extraordinary person, walking in life with proudly raised head and, thanks to this, often reaches great heights on his life path.

If the parents taught the baby rare, the original name, they need to repeat it more often, tell the child the story of his origin, tell about the reasons why it was precisely it, to reveal its meaning. It is necessary to help the child be proud of his name and love it. It is important to take care of and despite all the rare name for the child was not too bizarre. It will be very disappointing if it causes ridicule of classmates, forcing a small person to complex and feel "White Voronene", understating his self-esteem.

Beautiful Ancient Russian Names of Girls

Thanks to its own fellowship and good importance, newborn girls today are often given such Slavic names as:

  • Milan. or Milena (Pretty);
  • Zlata (golden);
  • Darina (cute gift);
  • Zarina (fiery, hot);
  • Lada (beautiful, ok);
  • Snezhana (snow, cool);
  • Mira (peaceful);
  • pleased (the one that gives joy);
  • Rostislav (giving glory);
  • Yanina (river);
  • Evention (Clear);
  • Mayan (the one was born in May);
  • Yarina (sunny).

How to choose a name for a girl for the church calendar for months, see photo:

What is the rare name to choose for a boy?

You need to choose rare names for boys with the mind: such a name may sound both elegant and cute, so and ridiculously, ridiculous and even ridiculous. Pick up the baby name will help the statistics of the names of children over the past years: having familiarized yourself with it, you can not get to see, choosing the crumbs too banal or too fierce name.

If such names like Alfred, Askold, Heinrich, Dionysius, Ismail, Yerast, Agafon, Osip, Leopold, Camil, waiting or Lavrentin It seems too unusual and ancient, you can give preference to the following rare, but very harmful names that are already adapted to modern society and have not managed to become ordinary. These names include:

  • Archup
  • Luke,
  • Kuzma,
  • Demid
  • Zakhar
  • Plato,
  • Ostap
  • Lukyan
  • Mitrofan,
  • Borislav,
  • Makar
  • Martin;
  • Savely,
  • Efim,
  • Elisha,
  • Klima
  • Gregory
  • Tikhon
  • Illarion
  • Zinovy
  • Yakov,
  • Gabriel.

You can choose for a baby and a more exotic name, calling it Ratmir, Camille, Robert, Oscar, Samvel, Elmir, Milan, Marat, Rustam or ErnestHowever, the surname in a child in this case should be appropriate.

How to choose a name for a boy for the church calendar for months, see photo:

Values \u200b\u200bof Slavic Names Girls

Often parents give their children names, proceeding not only from his sound, but also considering its semantic characteristics, that is, pay special attention to the meaning of the name, for example:

  • If the daughter was very long-awaited and born after many years of appeals to the Lord, she numbered her Bogdayan, Bazhenoy or Bleslavor as an option Waiting (long-awaited).
  • If the baby was born at the dawn, it gives her beautiful Vine Slavic name Zeeslav.
  • If they want the girl to be fun to the cheerful temper - it is called it Fun.
  • If you want it to grow a cute, kind, ok, peaceful girl - put on her Ladomily, Miroslav, Temple, Tikhomira or Moldova.
  • If parents want their daughter to always and all be loved, she gives names with the corresponding values \u200b\u200b- Lyubava, love, loved or Lyudmila.
  • If the baby wanted to glorify or she was born on the eve of an important event, she was given name Radonitsa, Radoslav, Slavina, Dobroslava or Zvenislav.

When parents want their daughter to always be in the spotlight and enjoyed success in men, it was attractive and good, they numbered her name, which embodies their wishes:

  • Belyan (bright, clear),
  • VERE (attracting, attractive),
  • Glafira (Important, Home),
  • Goluba (loving),
  • Dina (light),
  • Dobrina (kind, earthly),
  • Successful (desirable),
  • Krasava or Krasimyra (beautiful),
  • Ladomila (cute beauty),
  • Litiza (giving tenderness),
  • Medea (pleasant),
  • Svetrug (having a light face),
  • Prelstant (cute, beautiful),
  • Vasilisa (having power).

Select the name for the girl can be according to any characteristics important according to parents.

Values \u200b\u200bof Slavic names boys

The son of the son of the Old Slavovsky name, the parents want to give it the features of the character inherent in the heroes of the ancient military or biblical legends. Basically, it is the power of the spirit and will, power, a sharp mind and charisma, perseverance, kindness, the desire for glory and leadership, nobility and greatness. The values \u200b\u200bof some of the ancient names we will tell you, will help you make the right choice:

  • Bazhen - desired, long-awaited;
  • Belosar - White dawn;
  • Belogor - enlightened;
  • Berislav. - the one that takes care of glory;
  • Bleslav - glorifying kindness.
  • Bogolyub - Honor God.
  • Veligor - Great.
  • Vezseyslav - crowned with glory.
  • Gorislav. - Flame, high.
  • Darimil - merciful.
  • Dobroslav. - Glorifying, giving kindness.
  • Lyubomir - Loving world.
  • Miloslav - Pretty mercy.
  • Radimir (Radomir) - Booter world.
  • Lights - turning;
  • Svezar - illuminating light.
  • Yaropolk - Commander of the sunny army.

What are the names of choosing and why?

Nevertheless, not many parents are extremes and consider it possible to impose a child too unusual Slavic name. Such original Slavic names of girls like Alatka, Amelf, Valkyrie, Dastament, Dragan or Ragosna Not used in modern use of names.

In addition, the name for the boy should not sound too pretentious or pathetic, cause unpleasant associations like parents and other family members. For instance, Adolf, Caesar, King or Friedrich Can cause an ambiguous reaction from society: do not create a child problems from birth.

Statistics of ancient Russian names for children in Russia

Since the demand for rare names is steadily growing, giving such a name today, the child's parents are not insured at all from the fact that in a few years the chosen it will not be as popular as today Daniel and Nikita. The same story happened with such incredibly beautiful names as Kirill, Timofey, Nazar, Gleb, Matvey, Ilya or Arseny - Despite its external rarity, unusualness and oldity, they are quite widely used today without being amicable or rare.

And yet while the most popular name for boys remains Alexander. In the top ten most popular Egor, Kirill, Timofey, Maxim, Ivan, Artem, Daniel and Nikita. Girls are most often called Sofya, Maryami, Barbars, Miroslavami and Grats. Do not give way to popularity such names like Anastasia, Eva, Alice, Alexander, Daria.

Today in our country, the original Slavic names receive about 7% of newborn babies, but this trend from year to year is becoming increasingly distributed.

With peculiar tops of the names of boys and girls in recent years you can familiarize yourself with the video presented below.

Eva's name is considered the most ancient biblical name, and belonged to the first woman who appeared on Earth by the will of God, so that Adam was not bored. Today, women's names are calculated hundreds of various variations, and each has found a place in the nameslo women's names ...

Women's names in different cultures of the world

In each individual country and in every culture, their rules and traditions regarding the naming of future women. Women's names are chosen in accordance with different rules: somewhere the centuries-old traditions are based on, somewhere parables and giving, and somewhere, as in Western civilization, the names of the girls give only out of standard considerations, given the factors such as the beauty of the sound , pronunciation speed, fame and popularity.

Take, for example, Slavic culture. Then there was only one single tradition, the name of the girls, as well as boys, was given exclusively at the achievement of nine years, when the child could already be associated with any craft (the name was closely related to him). Before that, the child could be called on his order number (what accepted in the family), or simply "child" or "child."

In Muslim culture there were only a few rules. The first - the feminine name does not have to be listed in the nameslo of female names, the main thing is that they were the word in translating the fate. For example, Alia's name was translated as "sublime", and Samih - "generous".

And so in each individual culture there were traditions in their time, which adhered to, endowed with the name. Somewhere with the time of tradition, they exhausted their significance, and somewhere they adhere to this day. However, church names, like traditional national, are popular to this day. Yes, and giving and signs also have weight and in today's modernity.

So, in Iceland there is only one single rule today - the name of a woman cannot begin to begin in English as such a letter "C", because in local culture, in the Icelandic alphabet, this letter does not exist.

Modern traditions naming

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In the Slavic culture, the naming tradition is partially preserved. Thus, a tradition has been preserved, based on which the church female name should be given, taken from the nameslov in the sacraticles, in which the martyrs and the saints, who defended the once becoming the Orthodox religion. In modern times, this tradition is far from every family, and nevertheless, everyone knows about it without exception, especially since during baptism is still given by the girl's female Orthodox name from the number of saints.

Catholics have a similar tradition, and accepted in accordance with it also give names to women from the list revered in the church. True, it is worth noting that the naming of newborns today in Catholic culture is suitable more responsibly, rather than in Orthodox.

In Islam, it is still considered to be mandatory to call the future woman with a name that could be determined by its translation of her fate. There are no biblical or church names, and only one unique name is in the Quran. As a result, they call girls with the variations that translated some quality (generous, bright, noble, etc.), or the name of the flower.

But in the same France there is one only tradition - to call children the names of the ancestors. So, earlier acted on one simple scheme. The name of the girl should consist of the names of grandmothers on the paternal and maternal line, as well as, revered on the day of the baptism of the saint. In modern times this tradition is hard to follow. Therefore, they are mainly given the same names of relatives: the godfather, mothers, grandmothers, to theme, etc.

Name and religiosity: The main criterion of division

All "Girls" are divided into several categories and based on them, for a small amount of subcategories. But the most important criterion from all available is the criterion of religiosity. Based on the issue of religion, women's names are the most famous:

  • Orthodox;
  • Catholic;
  • Muslim;
  • Jews.

How in modern times choose a suitable female name?

Naturally, ideally, you need to follow the traditions, in the conditions of which the girl is born. Being an Orthodox family, it is necessary to call the Orthodox name, and in the Catholic, Catholic and in accordance with the traditions of Catholics. But if traditions do not fall to you, then you can resort to standard schemes common worldwide.

So, in modern times you can choose a female name, based on five important parameters: the patronage of the element, the zodiac sign, the year on the eastern calendar, the planet is a patron, and religion.

With the last, everything is clear - it is desirable that the name relate to that religion to which the family and a newborn girl has a direct relationship. If you feel about the Orthodox category of people, then it is desirable to choose from among the Orthodox female names.

That to the other parameters, so everything is simple. Each sign of the zodiac and each animal from the Eastern calendar actually affects its energy to certain names.

In the same way, each name may have a different energy in the Union with one way or another. The element is determined by the sign of the zodiac and the date of birth of the child, but just also every name is patronized by one or another elements. It is desirable to pick up a name that will meet all the above parameters without exception.

By the way, on our website, in the list presented, as if you can, you can sear the names of the elements, signs of the zodiac, years, and even the time of the year.

Many names that we consider relatively relatives, in fact appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and most of them do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rites and the life of the ancient Slavs. Such names can be attributed: Dobroslava - sensible; Fun - mischievous, cheerful; Mstislava - Declaring; Snezhana - modest, tender.

Most Popular Modern Names for Girls

According to the statistics of the management of the registry office of Moscow, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alice, Elizabeth, Alexander, Daria. Therefore, if you are looking for beautiful and rare names for girls, pass by this list of 10 female names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the value of the female name. We are accustomed to believe in what you call the ship, so he sails. For example, if you want your girl in life with the winner, you can call her Victoria. But remember that this name is now very popular!

Here are some examples, what values \u200b\u200bare in female names.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means "blooming". In childhood, calm, mature, becomes decisive and stubborn. Never make rapid acts, knows how to find a common language with people.

Valeria translated from Latin means "strong, strong". It is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed fantasy and excellent shaped memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, economic and hospitable wife. Carefully approaches the choice of a professional area in which it will become a real specialist.

Dominica in Latin means "Mrs.". Girls with such name have intuition, man's manner lead and edit. Dominica is confident in himself and can bring to the end of the most impossible and difficult matter. The most prone to a senior position, even if it is associated with risk. It achieves success in painting, architecture, in the field of design and clothing modeling.

Rare Names for Girls

Statistics says that many parents seek to choose a child name that is not particularly popular. If you stick to the same looks, then I keep in mind that quite recently small Aurora, Lyubava, Lyia, Ustinya, Emily, Bozhen, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Spring, Malvina, Blancatra have already appeared.

Loving and responsible parents, waiting for the birth of a child, try to foresee everything - they pick up a doctor, to maintain pregnancy, make repairs in the children's room, buy a crib.

But one of the most responsible and exciting moments in anticipation of the appearance of his most expensive person in the world is a choice of a name for his child. When the daughter is born, parents, turning over the most tender, the most beautiful names for girls, try to choose the most suitable name for their daughter.

The name will accompany a person all his life. It will make an imprint on his fate, from how the child will be called, it may be all his future future. Often, close relatives, grandparents are connected to the selection of name.

The name is chosen according to the most different criteria, the child is called:

Cases are common when the child himself chooses what his name will be. For example, responding to a certain name of movements and jogging. Sometimes the name is chosen by the child, focusing at the time of year.

During the time of Ancient Russia, the choice of the child was influenced by certain events - thunderstorm, dawn, the attitude of parents to the child - fun, Lyubava, Zhdanan, Otrada, as well as the desire of parents to give the daughter of certain qualities - Bogmila, Lyudmila, Dobroslav, aumed, Radosvet.

Even after the spread of Christianity in Russia, a long time a child, along with the church name received by him when baptized, the relatives were given and the second name - Staroslavansky, believing that it would help protect the baby from the troubles and diseases.

There was a custom for the protection of often sick or weak children - the parents from the hut was carried out by a child with sentences, that here is a child with a certain name, and we bring another to the house, which was already called another, new name.

And so that the unclean power completely lost interest in the baby, the name in this case tried to choose the ungually - nonsense, unexpected, or called the name denoting some animal - swan, pike, forty.

Choice of the Church Calendar

With the advent of Orthodoxy in Russia, the name of the child chose a clergy, calling the child according to the church calendar. The church was successfully fought with the pagan rites and soon church names almost displaced the names of pagan origin.

In the sacrament of baptism, the child began to squander, confidently with the soles. Saints, or - Moliteoslov, this is a church calendar of the Orthodox holidays and the days of honoring the Orthodox saints. Giving the name of the child of that saint, the day of which is close to the birthday of the kid, parents expect he will protect the child, help him during his life.

Parents in prayer tried to choose not only the most significant names for the saint, but also choose the most beautiful names for girls. The day he is honored by the saint, the name of which the girl is named, will be the day of her angel. Angel's day does not always coincide with the birthday of the kid. There are more than 1,700 saints in the saints of various saints, both female and male.

Choosing a name for baby from prayer, you need to remember:

The double name is given by the girl if it was already named after the name that is not used in the salty, if this name is not Orthodox. Or if the father advises to choose for the girl the name of that saint that is most suitable for her birth.

Beautiful Orthodox Names for Girls

List of the most consumable, most beautiful names for girls in the Orthodox calendar:

  • January - Ulyana, Anastasia, Susanna, Eva, Elizabeth, Evgenia, Christina, Maria, Antonina, Irina, Polina, Melania, Tatiana.
  • February - Rimma, Avdota, Anna, Inna, Maria, Ekaterina, Evdokia, Martha, Ustinya, Olga, Pelageya, Juliana, Agafia, Vasilisa, Svetlana, Sophia, Vera.
  • March - Maria, Olga, Avdoty, Elizabeth, Anna, Serafima, Ustigna, Marianna, Ulyana, Olga, Hope, Raisa, Elena, Natalia Maria, Galina.
  • April - Sophia, Tatiana, Alexandra, Daria, Maria, Galina, Praskovya, Vasilisa, Ulyana, Aglaia, Anastasia, Ulyana, Lydia, Anna, Evdokia, Anastasia, Arina, Svetlana, Antonina, Irina.
  • May - John, Marfa, Antonina, Alexandra, Pelagia, Elizabeth, Anastasia, Taisiya, Luchery, Anna, Maria, Ustinya, Arina, Tatiana, Pelageya, Irina, Avdaty.
  • June - Alena, Anastasia, Elena, Pelagia, Sophia, Maria, Antonina, Vera, Ulyana, Ustinya, Sophia, Tatiana, Anna.
  • July - Anastasia, Pelagia, John, Maria, Anna, Avdota, Olga, Elizabeth, Ulyana, Evdokia, Tatiana, Valentina, Alyona.
  • August - Maria, Lydia, Anna, Elena, Raisa, Antonina, Avdaty, Irina, Axigna, Tatiana, Ulyana.
  • September - Love, Raisa, Elizabeth, Tatiana, Serafima, Natalia, Anna, Marfa, Focla, Avdoty, Maria, Sophia, Evdokia, Vera.
  • October - Irina, Sophia, Arina, Raisa, Ustinya, Pelageya, Feda, Taisiya, Maria, Elizabeth, Ulyana, Antonina.
  • November - Elizabeth, Anna, Pelagia, Agafia, Elena, Ulyana, Evdokia, Elizabeth, Anna, Serafima, Ustinya.
  • December - Barbara, Catherine, Polina, Maria, Focla, Lucher, Ulyana, Anastasia, Anice, Vera, Anna, Sophia, Elizabeth.

Choosing a name on the horoscope

In the modern world, the choice of the name on the horoscope is popular. At the same time, the girl chooses a name for certain character traits inherent in representatives of that sign, under which she was born.

Astrologers believe that the correctly chosen name will not only help a person in the future, will determine his fate, but will affect the formation of a person, intensifying the owner of the names of his zodiacal sign.

Also, in astrology, the big emphasis is on the karmic connection of a person with his ancestors, therefore embare the baby in honor of any relative, astrologists recommend with great caution. In their opinion, you should not give the child the name of a relative with unfortunately established fate or with difficult features of character, even if the name really likes the parents.

Numerologists, - followers of the teachings on the effect of numbers on universal energy and all life manifestations, advise when choosing a name to rely on the name of the name with a karmic number.

Names of girls for signs of the zodiac

Each zodiac sign is inherent in its features and its temperament.

Before attributing a name to a certain horoscope sign, astrologists make up a star map by calculating the interaction of names with heavenly luminaires, their influence, tracking the fate of famous personalities, which, according to star, could become famous and influential thanks to the successful combination of the name with their sign horoscope.

For example, in astrology it is believed that the names that are able to strengthen their individuality will be suitable, and at the same time smooth out some nature of character - Alexander, Alice, Lyudmila, Alena, Anastasia, Belvah, Alla, Valeria, Nadezhda, Varvara, Svetlana Olesya.

Persistent, hardworking and leaving calves are suitable for names capable of adding romanticism to the nature of the tanks, dreaminess, such as - Beat, Angela, Tatiana, Marina, Nadezhda, Tamara. Gemini will add sustainability and self-confidence such names like - Eugene, Olga, Oksana, Larisa, Margarita, Regina, Elena.

Dreamy cancer, tormented in their cozy sink, add bright individuality such names as - Natalia, Selena, Lily, Yana, Victoria, Elizabeth, Diana, Olesya.

Fiery target lionesses are suitable for names that fully satisfy their royal requests and at the same time adding romanticism and softness, this is Catherine, Elena, Alexander, Jeanne, Snezhana, Love, Laura, Rosa, Maria. For practical, very thinly feeling devices, such names as - August, Diana, Christina, Natalia, Elizabeth, Inessa, Irina, Kristina are suitable.

Harmonious, gentle and wise weights are suitable for names - Yana, Natalia, Elena, Svetlana, Veronica, Olesya, Zlata, Violetta, Pelagia, Lily, Polina. The insightful, who can correctly calculate the scorpions, add confidence in themselves - Alevtina, Elizabeth, Alexander, Agatha, Vasilina, Raua, Rosa, Diana, Zinaida, Catherine, Lyudmila, Love, Svetlana.

For proud and extraordinary contractors, such names are suitable as - Vera, Irina, Oksana, Vladislav, Alice, Sofia, Stella, Tatiana, Marina, Tamara, Zhanna. Restrained, leaning and targeted Capricorn, add tenderness and optimism names - Alexander, Ksenia, Wanda, Varvara, Maria, Ekaterina, Olga, Natalia, Rimma, Daria, Irina, Dina, Inga, Inna.

Sociable, having a sense of humor Aquarius, are suitable for names - Anna, Valentina, Galina, Lyudmila, Evelina, Alina, Anita, Svetlana, Larisa. The insightful and faithful fish will suit such names as - Raisa, Martha, Natalia, Elena, Rimma, Polina, Maria, Tamara, Nina, Irina, Eva, Lily, Vera.

Selection of the Year of the Year

Choosing the most beautiful names for girls from all the most beautiful names for girls, you can use not only a phrase or horoscope, the name can be chosen in time of the birth of the baby. The relationship of a person with nature is not just huge, a person himself is part of nature.

And of course, the person's name should also fit into this circle and harmonize with those phenomena of nature, which accompanied the birth of the baby. Especially if the girl is born in the light - the same future mother as a mother-nature.

Girls born in the harsh winter months have persistence, purposefulness. Cold and short days, small sunny days, - all this imposes its mark on the formation of the personality and subsequent life cycles.

To soften the winter severity and add tenderness and serenity to the female fate of girls born in winter, they are picking up more tender and romantic names - Svetlana, Tatiana, Lyudmila, Marina, Catherine, Polina, Melania, Nina, Inna, Christina.

Girls born in the spring, during the awakening of nature after winter hibernation, choose names that help them become more decisive, symbolizing health, fortress - Christina, Maria, Aurora, Martha, Maya, Vasilisa, Larisa, Daria, Eve, Anna, Irina, Victoria .

Emotional, impressionable and charming girls born in the hot summer months of the yearThe name is required that can reduce their impulsiveness, add them to generous and hot-tempered nature of facilitation and restraint. Girls born in summer will suit such names like - Valentina, Sophia, Anna, Julia, Elena, Nonna, August, Elizabeth, Jeanne, Evdokia, Raisa, Vera.

Girls, born in the autumn months, often stand out by their talents and the ability to show their best character traits, - prudence, thrift, wisdom.

Such girls choose names that enhance their leadership qualities and helping the most fully reveal all their talents - Victoria, Elena, Natalia, Lyudmila, Evgenia, Marianna, Zlata, Irina, Anastasia, Elizabeth, Feodora, Praskovya, Zinaida, Vera, Olga, Alice.

Select the name for the girl for its meaning

Each name symbolizes a certain value - character traits, personal qualities. The history of many names has centuries, or even the Millennium - Alexander, Cleopatra, Maria. Time proven, they carry a century-old folk wisdom. Recall how the Indians called the most distinguished members of their society - a temper eye, a faithful hand, coyote, pursuing a deer.

At least poetic names, the Indians called their girls - a silver moon, a sweet bird, a strong deer, a mother of grain. So the names of our modernity, and those that are called from century to century, and new ones that appeared at the dawn of the new millennium, Contain a brief designation:

  • August - the majestic, sacred, there was a name from the title of the Roman emperor;
  • Alevtina - "rubbing incenses, alien to bad", Orthodox Greek name;
  • Alice - noble, noble origin;
  • Anastasia - Resurrection, Immortal, who came from ancient Greece, name means "Return to Life";
  • Apollinary - the literal interpretation of the name - "dedicated to Apollon";
  • Valentina - Healthy, strong, who came from ancient Rome, it means "be healthy";
  • Varvara - "Inaemka, Dickard";
  • Vera - Truth, belief, borrowed from Greek, it means "serving to God, having faith";
  • Violet - Catholic name, literally translated from Latin, as "violet";
  • Galina - This name means peace and serenity, the name of marine nymphs, with ancient Greek translates as "maritime surface";
  • Diana - from the ancient Roman language is translated as "Divine", the name of the goddess of hunting;
  • Danyan - Hebrew name, meaning "God-judge";
  • Daria - Strong, fiery, defeating, with ancient Parsida literally translated as "Fire Great", in ancient times the name was given to royal or influential persons;
  • Eve - "life principle, ancestry, life" - so this name is literally translated from the Hebrew, in modern interpretation meaning "live";
  • Catherine - a name meaningless, with ancient Greek translated as "clean, purity";
  • Elena - Meaning "The God of Sun", having ancient Greek origin, in the modern interpretation translates "Bright, Light, Favorites"
  • Eugene. - the name is equally, both Orthodox and Catholic, with ancient Greek translates "the descendant of noble kind", means - noble, hurry ";
  • Elizabeth - Sounding in Hebrew Elisheva, the Hebrew name is translated by the "God I swear", has a modern interpretation - honoring God, a breed of God;
  • Evdokia - a name having ancient Greek roots literally means "incense";
  • Zinaida - having ancient Greek roots, the name is interpreted as "it is from the genus Zeus", on another version, the name means "caring";
  • Inna - translated from Latin has a broken stream interpretation;
  • Irina - the name having ancient Greek roots means "peace, peace";
  • Maria - one of the most popular names in all languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the world, literally means "Madam";
  • Kristina - has a "Christian" interpretation;
  • Natalia. - borrowed from the Latin language, the name means "Christmas";
  • Olga - the name borrowed from the Scandinavian language, the interpretation of the name means "Holy";
  • Raisa - having Arab roots, the name literally means "leader, an important boss";
  • Sophia - one of the most popular female names, the ancient name of ancient Greek origin, means "wisdom";
  • Tatyana - an old Russian name having ancient Greek origin, the interpretation of the name means "founder";
  • Yana - having ancient European roots, the literal interpretation of the name means "the mercy of God."

Modern popular names for girls

The most beautiful names for girls are often the most popular.

From time to time, fashion for certain names is formed, so at the beginning of the 20th century, Maria, Anna, Evdokia, Anna, Praskovia, Aksinha, and at the end of the same century, were formed by the most used and frequent names, and at the end of the same century, the very first lines of the popularity of female names occupied names - Elena, Natalia, Victoria, Ekaterina, Tatiana, Marina, Olesya, Olga.

After the revolution of 1917, during the ideology of building a new world, the newly created names were popular - Okabrina, a revolution (Lucius), Leninian, Dazeperma (Long live the first of May), Damira (Give the World Revolution), Karmia (Red Army), Spark , Energy.

At the beginning of the XXI century, fashion was returned to the ancient girl's names of Yaroslav, Elizabeth, Anna, Maria, Daria, Sophia, Evdokia, Anastasia, Praskovya, Ulyana.

Modern top-level lines of female name ratings, occupy such names as Elizabeth, Sophia, Ksenia, Anastasia, Alice, Daria, Polina, Catherine, Ulyana. The most popular name is the name Sofia, 63 girls out of 1000 are called Sofia, a sofya, soni.

  1. Sofia;
  2. Anastasia;
  3. Daria;
  4. Maria;
  5. Anna;
  6. Victoria;
  7. Pauline;
  8. Elizabeth;
  9. Catherine;
  10. Ksenia.

Unusual Russian Names for Girls

Some of the most unusual Slavic Russian names are the names of Bazhen and God.

These two close on the sound, but still different names, have various interpretations:

  • Bazhena - Favorite, cute, desirable, Staroslavlyansky Russian name, literally interpreted, as - "desired child";
  • Bozhen. - Gifted by God, the Slavic name borrowed from Byzantium, and by them from ancient Greece, denotes - "blessed".

In Russia, they always tried to highlight a person via the name, and the girls also tried to choose the names of the most unusual and most beautiful, but in their meaning, or protecting it, or empowering her personal qualities or providing assistance in its female destination - Creating a family and in motherhood:

  • Yarina - dedicated to Yaril, the Old Slavonic God of the Sun;
  • Bronislav - semi-forgotten in Russia, the Slavic name most popular in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, meaning "defense of a glorious";
  • Vladislav is a glorious, owning glory;
  • Darina - the old Slavonic name denoting the "gift of the gods";
  • Zlata is the Slavic name, common not only in the territory of ancient Russia, but also in many other Slavic peoples, meaning "Golden, Gold";
  • Zlatoceta - "Colors of Gold", is interpreted as "gold, blooming gold";
  • Yaroslav - Slavs Yaril; bright having bright fame;
  • Lada is a very common name in Russia, meaning a bulky, sweet;
  • Aelita - appeared in 1923 due to the novel by A. Tolstoy, the name literally means "the last star visible";
  • Lyubava - the old Slavonic name denoting "giving love", later consumed in the form of love;
  • Miroslava - the famous world, the famous world;
  • Radmira is an old Slavonic name, meaning "Radent, caring about the world";
  • Radmila - literally meaning "cute joy", interpreted, as - the joy is pretty, the joy of carrier;
  • Alena - literally "sunlight, sunlight", the name is interpreted as a solar, shining, affected;
  • Vasilisa - royal, queen;
  • Vasilina - the literal meaning of the "Ruler's wife", the name was distributed on the territory of Ancient Russia, in other Slavic countries - Vasilika, Vasilica, Vasily, Vasilida;
  • Fun - cheerful; Giving fun;
  • Svetosar - the old Slavonic name, means "illuminating the light";
  • Yaga - shouting, noisy, noisy.

Vintage names for girls

Part of the names, which were called their daughters of the peers of the pyramids and the ancient temples, reached our time. Some of them have undergone small transformations, others remained unchanged. Although the progress and development of civilization did their job and many names that were popular in their good old days remained in handwritten archival volumes, or mentioned in fairy tales and legends.

Modern vintage names that are popular and today:

  • Alexandra - the name has ancient Greek origin, means "courageous, reliable, protector of people";
  • Maria - Hebrew name, literally denotes "Madam", is interpreted as the holy, high (on another interpretation - bitter, stubborn);
  • Olga - the old Slavonic name having the Scandinavian roots indicates the "holy";
  • Eva - "PRATEPENT", the name that is considered the very first female name in the world;
  • Aurora - Morning Star, Goddess Morning Dawn;
  • Helium - sun;
  • Hell - ancient European name denoting "decoration";
  • Ariadne - an ancient Greek name having interpretations "one that really likes" and "faithful wife";
  • Lola is an ancient Greek name, meaning "Weed Grass";
  • Victoria - the name that occurred from the Latin word and denoting "victory";
  • Evdokia - means "good glory";
  • Zoya is an ancient Greek name meaning "life";
  • Muse - the name of ancient Greek origin, literally the "goddess of the arts";
  • Nonna - ancient Egyptian name, meaning "net dedicated to God";
  • Olympiad - Olympic;
  • Seraphim - ancient European name, meaning "Fire, burning";
  • Sarah - the beginning of the kind;
  • Faina - from the Hebrew translated as "light".

Vintage names that are no longer used in modern life:

  • Aglaid - ancient Greek, meaning "shine";
  • Andron - winner;
  • Dliphea - literally "given by God", ancient Greek origin;
  • Kalery - Latin name, meaning "fervent, hot";
  • Epistimia - meaning "Science, Knowledge";
  • Isis - the ancient Greek name of the goddess of fertility;
  • Leonia - meaning "lioness";
  • Chonya is an ancient Greek name, treating as "snowy, snow";
  • Malusha (Mlada) - Staroslavansky, denoting "the youngest girl in the family"
  • Bereginina is a protective house and a family hearth that protects it.

Interesting Islamic Names for Girls

As in Christianity, in the religion of Islam, the names have different origins and interpretation. Many of them are borrowed from another culture - the Jewish, Egyptian, Christian.

In Muslim traditions, the poetic and flowery of speech is welcome and highly appreciated, Therefore, often Islamic names are distinguished by beautiful sounds and interpretations. The most popular, most beautiful Islamic names for girls are successfully borrowed by other peoples too.

List of most well-consumable and beautiful Islamic names:

  • Amir - Arab name, meaning "Princess":
  • Amal - literally "seeking";
  • Gulnara - the common Islamic name of Persian origin, is translated as "grenade flower";
  • Leyla is weightless, twilight;
  • Rashida - Arabic name, literally "wise";
  • Jamalia - literally translated as "beautiful";
  • Khan - the name has ancient European origin, is interpreted as "grace, strength, courage";
  • Camille - Arab name, meaning "perfect";
  • Rabab is a snow-white cloud;
  • Delfusion - the interpretation of the Arab name means "Silver Soul";
  • Giannat - Arab name, meaning "paradise abode";
  • Lamis - the name has the interpretation "that that is pleasant to the touch";
  • Asmir - literally - "Home Princess";
  • Dinoor - Interpretation of the name - "Golden Coin";
  • Haifa - the name of the Arab roots, means "slender, beautiful body."

Beautiful names for girls by nationalities

Each people have their own unique development history, their ethnos. Customs, legends, fairy tales of peoples have their differences enriching the general world culture. And every people have their own special names created on the basis of the cultural heritage of ancestors of one or another nationality.


In the Caucasus, special emphasis is on the interpretation of the name, as it is believed that the name given at birth will determine the fate of the newborn girl and will have an impact on the continuation of the kind.

The names of girls often mean tenderness and impurity, purity and loyalty, in the Caucasus, it is customary to endow girls with the names of flowers:

  • Varda - literally "rose bud";
  • Gulfia - interpreted as "that that is like a flower";
  • Gulnaz - translates as "elegant, tender. graceful ";
  • Slave - means "Paradise Garden";
  • Yasmin - literally "jasmine flower";
  • Sholpan - literally "Morning Star;
  • Camille - meaning perfection.




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  • {!LANG-f00773987d48fa21fd28ce35b54246dd!}{!LANG-64ae148062e8117aa4d1abbe6d04eda7!}
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  • Maria{!LANG-66c871cd52e16d9b1bd869c1699eab62!}
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  • {!LANG-aa0ba3bf765ac7ee9d32c37c6523e4a0!}{!LANG-e3cdb162b6c4035f7e13b50001ae0bda!}
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  • {!LANG-a1ef42e448940e4c477b8bf31df34ffb!}{!LANG-56c319e35bd5c40bf21c361d4c02ff8f!}
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  • {!LANG-8f9e8169e4ea67a7fb3f5185585e0f5e!}{!LANG-616782ef0cba3a4984b7b63966a78573!}
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  • {!LANG-8f1c12e9069ca3b6d7cbb473094afb07!}{!LANG-50bba9fa5e9198d1d42d7336ef08025b!}
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  • {!LANG-7823143e830d5f2ed7eb9ecba4505a87!}{!LANG-41d9c8ab28554ef32bf6320174e08f0d!}
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{!LANG-175685cad09f56558ca87d35c7b277bb!} {!LANG-b19a833d3f2392de78b72f6ce13bc02a!}

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