Dynamic type of art. Kinds of art

Dynamic type of art. Kinds of art
Dynamic type of art. Kinds of art

Classification of art

Note 1.

Art should be considered in three main values:

  • art in a broad sense, i.e. artistic creativity as a whole;
  • art in a narrow sense, i.e. as a certain type of creativity;
  • art as a high degree of skill in a certain field of activity.

There are several principles of classification of art.

The first of the methods Classification divides art into two large groups:

  • elegant
  • applied.

Second way divisions depends on the senses to which art affects. Accordingly, painting, architecture, sculpture, design are visual art types. Music refers to audited species, as perceived through hearing. Literature simultaneously refers to the visual and audience form, since when reading the book about we use words, and retelling - we appeal to the audience.

Third way to classify implies two groups:

  • single-main types (painting, sculpture, music, literature);
  • multi-storey types (opera, dancing, architecture).

Main Arts: Painting and Literature


Definition 1.

Painting It is a type of visual art in which works are created using the paints applied to a certain surface. The design of the artist is posted in the topic and plot of works, but embodied by composition, drawing, colors.

Painting, in terms of colors, there are two types:

  • monochrome or monochrome
  • polychrome or multicolored.

By the method of applying paints:

  • one-layer
  • multi-layered.

The expressiveness of painting gives the character of the smear and texture of a colorful surface. The volume and space is transmitted through linear and air perspectives, lighting, due to the use of gradations of tone and specific qualities of warm and cold shades.


Definition 2.

Word literature comes from a combination of two Latin words - litteratus. (studied) and littera. (letter).

Under literature It is necessary to understand the works of writing, which are of social importance, in particular, artistic, scientific and episristolar literature. Most often under literature, artistic literature, so-called elegant literature. In this manifestation, literature is the phenomenon of art, aesthetically expressing and formative public consciousness. At the same time, the memoir, epistolary, documentary literature refers to written works that do not belong, but only closer with fiction literature.

Despite the fact that literature belongs to the written forms of creativity, it appeared much later than the writtenness itself. The first monuments of writing were documents of various content.

Literature was initially represented in the form of oral creativity. Since in ancient times was not enough material suitable for recording, literary works were transmitted in oral prose or song form from one generation to another. Oral folk art began to be collected and recorded at about $ 13 $ 13. Artistic literature as art arises on the basis of mythology and oral folk creativity.

The ancient works set out in verses, and the prose is a later part of fiction. Two areas were equal to their meaning only in $ XVIII-XIX $ centuries. The drama and narrative prose first appeared in the ancient Greeks. The first modern novel is considered the book of Servants "Don Quixote" dated by the beginning of the $ XVI $ century. The golden age of the novel is $ XIX $. It was during this period that the famous works of Dickens, Hugo, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky appeared. The second half of the 20th century is a creative laboratory, where the newest genres, species, themes of prosaic literature are created and disintegrated. For the last century, the relationship of fiction with other types of art, such as movies, radio, television.

Songs are the earliest monument of literature, which stated in an independent literary genre.

Lyrical poetry, as well as the poetic drama, developed by the ancient Greeks, was the beginning of the New Eurchateing Artistic Literature.

Art is a creative process for creating artistic images reflecting the real world in all its diversity. It is divided into separate species in accordance with the specifics of the material embodiment. Multiple arts are performed, in fact, one noble task - serve society.


Modern art historical literature offers a certain system of classification of creative activities. The most common scheme is the conditional separation of art into three groups.

The first group combines spatial arts that are perceived visually:

  • Decorative and applied creativity.
  • Art.
  • Architecture.
  • Artistic photo.
  • Sculpture.
  • Painting.

In the second group included arts of temporary, possessing certain dynamics or stretched in time:

  • Fiction.
  • Music.

Since the types of art are temporary can, under certain conditions, go to another category, it is necessary to take into account. In some cases, literature is synthesized with music (libretto).

The third group includes spatial-temporal types of art, which are perceived as visual and hearing:

  • Choreography, ballet, musicals.
  • Theatrical art.
  • Literary works.
  • Cinema.
  • Circus genres.

Why do not need separate types of art

The existence of different types of art is explained by the fact that it is impossible to reproduce a comprehensive artistic picture in some kind of definite way. After all, something will remain "for the scenes". Fully picture can be reflected only with the involvement of all artistic means of culture as a whole.

Spatial arts

One of the most popular creative processes is decorative and applied art.

The artistic value of products made of primary materials is high, if the crafts are made with authentic masters of their case.

Decorative and applied art is the creation of artistic subjects of household appointment, folklore exclusives from natural materials. It is customary to use wood, clay, stone and bones. In the manufacture of decorative products, a variety of technical techniques are applied.

The process of creating artistic applied articles is focused on the ethnic features of the country or region. In decorative and applied art, as a rule, folk crafts representing local customs and traditions are dominated. In Russia, this is:

  • Tree painting - Gorodetskaya, Khokhloma, Fedoskinskaya, Polhov-Maidanskaya.
  • Wooden carving - Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya, Bogorodskaya.
  • Miniature painting - Palehskaya, Kholuskaya, Mster.
  • Russian Folk ceramics - Gzhel, Skopinskaya, Kargopol and Dymkovskaya toy.
  • Lace Weaving - Vologda, Mikhailovskoye.
  • Painting on fabric - Pavlovoposad's handkerchiefs, capes, shawl.
  • Artistic products made of metal - Velikoyuvyuzhskoy Silver, Zhostovskaya painting, Rostov fingent.
  • Embroidery - Vladimir Goloskaya.
  • White bone carving - Khotkovskaya, Kholmogorskaya, Tobolskaya.

Sculpture - fine, spatial art, reflecting the world in artistic plastic images. Materials used in creating sculptures is marble, bronze, stone, wood. Recently, other, such as concrete, steel are used. As well as plasticized materials. Particularly large sculptures are reinforced with metal rods, to avoid bugs.

Sculpture can be two types: 3D and embossed.

Three-dimensional repeats all the specified parameters and can be performed on any scale. Relief sculptures are divided into three types:

  • the relief is highly reliable;
  • bas-relief - medium or low relief;
  • counter-relief - mortise.

Each type of sculpture has its own classification. It can be monumental, machine or decorative. Monumental is installed on the streets and urban areas. As well as in places that have historical significance. Monumental sculpture includes memorials, monuments. Machine sculptures are museum exhibits. As a rule, they are indoors. Decorative sculptural images can stand in residential buildings, in garden sites, in conversations.


Architecture has appeared long before the Nativity of Christ and gradually began to acquire artistic signs, while remaining a utilitarian structure. Architecture as a type of art has been distributed since the beginning of the 13th century. It was then that architect began to build the grand gothic structures in Europe. Gothic and today is considered one of the most interesting styles of historical importance. Architecture as a type of art takes one of the leading places in the list of cultural heritage of the planet. At the same time, its artistic value is indisputable.

Plastic Spatial Arts

In the world of artistic disciplines, there are directions requiring classification. This includes spatial arts with signs of plasticity. They are characterized by possible movement or transformation in a certain space. The architecture masterpiece is considered plastic, if it can be finalized, expanded, and is also radically changed in terms of color scheme. All this concerns only modern achievements of architecture - historical architectural structures are inviolable. The possibility of artistic transformations of the finished work of art refers it to the category of plastic species. Similar criteria can be applied to other samples of spatial nature.

Theory and practice

At the same time, signs of plasticity are not necessarily confirmed by the possibility of any changes. For example, the art of painting does not need to be adjusted at all, and even more so in transformation. Created already artistic canvases are complete works. Sculpture
Refers to plastic arts. Since it is expected to be changed for the better. But this feature is purely theoretical character and is used to determine the system of classification of art types. Any genre of artistic spatial creativity can be attributed to plastic species, except for the photo.


Spatio-temporal types of art are the most popular and in demand in society. Consider them in more detail.

Literature is a type of art in which the main carrier of meaning, as well as the source of creative inspiration is the artistic word. The writer, sufficiently owning the skill of fiction, uses his gift to create text works. Literature as a type of art can be divided into two categories:

  • art;
  • historical prose.

Literary genres

  • Lyrics are artwork, more often in poetic form, reflecting a variety of human experiences, including love.
  • The drama is literature describing events in the story presentation, usually this is a whole story or individual events from the life of heroes.
  • The tragedy is a work written in a dramatic genre, but with the deadly final.
  • Epos is an artistic story that reveals major historical events, the presentation is possible both in verses and in prose.
  • Novella is a genre of a small narrative form.
  • Roman is a major product consisting of several parts, containing a description of the life of the main and minor heroes during a certain period.
  • The story is a literary genre, less than the novel in terms of the number of characters.
  • The story is a piece of small form with a description of the events that occurred in a short period of time, more common and arbitrary compositions compared to Novella.

Choreography and ballet

Another creative activity from the category "Spatial Arts" is choreography. It consists of artistic meaningful poses and movements of the human body organized in space and time. It is a spent century system. Dance must be combined with music. In this case, a musical and choreographic image is created.

At all times, the dance was associated with the life of a person, imitated certain events. And on stage it, it was to show the audience a ballet art. In addition, dancing are part of various rites and rituals. This is especially common in the African continent in Asian countries.

Types of art, examples of which are given in this article, one way or another are associated with the global Russian culture and are designed to carry it into the people.

The concept of art

Word " art" And in Russian, and in many other languages \u200b\u200bis used in two senses:

  • in narrow the sense is the specific form of the practical spiritual development of the world;
  • in Wide - The highest level of skill, skills, regardless of which they appear in (the art of the cook, doctor, pekary, etc.).

- A special subsystem of the spiritual sphere of society, which is creative reproduction of reality in artistic images.

Initially, art called a high degree of skill in any matter. This meaning of the word is present in the language until now, when we are talking about the art of a doctor or teacher, about combat art or oratorical. Later, the concept of "art" became increasingly used to describe special activities aimed at reflection and transformation of the world in accordance with Aesthetic standards. According to the laws of the beautiful. At the same time, the initial meaning of the word was preserved, as it takes the highest skill to create something excellent.

Subject The arts are peace and man in the aggregate of their relationship with each other.

Form of existence Art is an artistic work (poem, painting, play, film, etc.).

Art also uses special means for Real reality: For literature, this word, for music - sound, for fine art - color, for sculpture - volume.

purpose Dual arts: For the Creator, it is an artistic self-expression, for the viewer - the pleasure of beauty. In general, beauty is as closely connected with art as truth with science and good - with morality.

Art is an important component of the spiritual culture of mankind, the form of knowledge and reflection of the environment of reality. According to the potential of reflection and the transformation of reality, art is not inferior to science. However, the ways of understanding the world by science and art are different: if science uses strict and unequivocal concepts for this, then art.

Art as independent and as a branch of spiritual production grown out of the production of material, it was originally woven into it as aesthetic, but a purely utilitarian moment. By nature, the artist, and he everywhere else or else seeks to make beauty. The aesthetic activity of a person is constantly manifested in, everyday life, social life, and not only in art. Occurs Aesthetic development of the world Public man.

Functions of art

Art performs a number Public features.

Functions of art You can highlight, summarizing said:

  • aesthetic function Allows reproducing validity according to the laws of beauty, forms aesthetic taste;
  • social function It manifests itself in that art has an ideological impact on society, thereby transforming social reality;
  • compensatory function allows you to restore sincere equilibrium, solve psychological problems, "escape" for a time of gray everyday life, compensate for the lack of beauty and harmony in everyday life;
  • hedonistic function reflects the ability of art to enjoy a person;
  • cognitive function Allows you to learn reality and analyze it using artistic images;
  • prognostic function reflects the ability of art to build forecasts and predict the future;
  • educational function It is manifested in the ability of works of art to form a person's personality.

Cognitive function

First of all, it Cognitive function. Works of art are valuable sources of information about complex social processes.

Of course, not everything in the surrounding world is interested in art, and if you are interested, then in different degrees, and the art approach itself to the object of its knowledge, the aid of his vision is very specific compared to other forms of public consciousness. The main object of knowledge in art has always been and remains. That is why art as a whole and, in particular, fiction referred to a person.

Educational function

Educational The function is the ability to have an important impact on the ideological and moral formation of a person, it is self-improvement or a fall.

Nevertheless, cognitive and educational functions are not specific for art: other forms of public consciousness also perform these functions.

Aesthetic function

The specific function of art that makes it art in the true sense of the word is his Aesthetic function.

Perceiving and comprehending the artwork, we do not just assimilate its content (like the content of physics, biology, mathematics), but we skip this content through the heart, emotions, we give sensual-specific images created by the artist, aesthetic assessment as beautiful or ugly, elevated or lowlands , tragic or comic. Art forms in us the ability to give such aesthetic estimates, to distinguish with a truly beautiful and sublime from all sorts of Erzatsians.

Hedonistic function

Cognitive, educational and aesthetic merged in art. Thanks to the aesthetic moment, we enjoy the content of the artistic work and it is in the process of pleasure that we educate and bring up. In this regard, talk about gedonistic (Translated from Greek - pleasure) functions art.

Many centuries in socio-philosophical and aesthetic literature continues a dispute about the ratio of beautiful in art and reality. At the same time, two main positions are detected. According to one of them (in Russia, I was supported by N. G. Chernyshevsky) The beautiful in life is always always in all respects above the beautiful in art. In the body of the case, art appears copies with the typical characters and items of reality itself and the surrogate of reality. It is preferable to obviously an alternative concept (G. V. F. Hegel, A. I. Herzen, etc.): Beautiful in art above the beautiful in life, as the artist sees more precisely and deeper, feels more and brighter and that is why he can inspire his The art of others. Otherwise (being surrogate or even duplicate) art would not need to society.

Works of art, Being the subject embodiment of human genius, become the most important spiritual and values \u200b\u200btransmitted from generation to generation, the property of aesthetic society. Mastering the culture, aesthetic education is impossible without admission to art. In the works of the art of past centuries, the spiritual world of thousands of generations is captured, without the development of which a person cannot become a person in the true meaning of this word. Each person is a kind of bridge between the past and the future. He must master what he left him the past generation, creatively comprehend his spiritual experience, understand his thoughts, feelings, joy and suffering, upshots and falls and convey all this to descendants. Only this is how the story moves, and in this movement it belongs to art, expressing the complexity and wealth of the spiritual world of man.

Kinds of art

The primary form of art was special Syncretical(abused) complex of creative activity. For a primitive person, there was no separate music, or literature, or theater. Everything was merged together in a single ritual act. Later, individual types of art began to stand out from this syncretic act.

Kinds of art - It is the historically established forms of the artistic reflection of the world who use special tools to build an image - sound, color, television, word, etc. In each of the art types there are their special types - childbirth and genres, which together provide a variety of artistic attitude to reality. Briefly consider the main types of art and some of their varieties.

Literature Uses verbal and writing tools for building images. There are three main sorts of literature - drama, epos and lyrics and numerous genres - tragedy, comedy, novel, story, poem, elegy, story, essay, fellow, etc.

Music Uses sound tools. Music is divided into vocal (intended for singing) and instrumental. Music genres - Opera, Symphony, Overture, Suite, Romance, Sonata, etc.

Dance Uses plastic movements to build images. Allocate ritual, folk, ballrooms,

modern dances, ballet. Dance directions and styles - Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Samba, Polonaise, etc.

Painting Displays reality on plane with color tools. Painting genres - portrait, still life, landscape, and household, animalistic (image of animals), historic genres.

Architecture Forms a spatial environment in the form of structures and buildings for a person's life. It is divided into residential, public, garden and parking, industrial, etc. Also the architectural styles - Gothic, Barochko, Rococo, Modern, Classicism, etc.

Sculpture Creates artworks having a volume and three-dimensional form. Sculpture is round (bust, statue) and embossed (convex image). The size is divided into machine, decorative and monumental.

Decorative and applied art associated with applied needs. This includes art items that can be used in everyday life - dishes, fabrics, tools, furniture, furniture, decorations, etc.

Theatre Organizes a special stage action by playing actors. The theater can be dramatic, opera, doll, etc.

The circus Represents spectacular and entertainment with unusual, risky and funny numbers on a special arena. These are acrobatics, equilibristics, gymnastics, djigitovka, juggling, focuses, pantomime, clownade, animal training, and so on.

Movie It is the development of theatrical act on the basis of modern technical audiovisual funds. Types of cinema include playing, documentary cinema, animation. According to genres, they allocate filmcomy, drama, melodramas, adventure films, detectives, thrillers, etc.

The photo Fixes documentary visual images with technical means - optical and chemical or digital. Genres of photography correspond to the genres of painting.

Stage Includes small shapes of scenic art - diamature, music, choreography, illusions, circus numbers, original performances, etc.

You can add graphics, radio complishes to the listed art types, etc.

In order to show the general features of different types of art and their differences, various reasons are proposed for their classification. So, highlight arts:

  • by the number of funds used - simple (painting, sculpture, poetry, music) and complex, or synthetic (ballet, theater, cinema);
  • by the ratio of art and reality - visual, depicting reality, copying CE, (realistic painting, sculpture, photography), and expressive, where fantasy and imagination of the artist are creating a new reality (ornament, music);
  • in relation to space and time - spatial (visual art, sculpture, architecture), temporary (literature, music) and space-temporary (theater, movies);
  • by the time of emergence - traditional (poetry, dance, music) and new (photography, cinema, television, video), usually use enough complex technical means to build an image;
  • according to the degree of applicability in everyday life - applied (decorative and applied art) and elegant (music, dance).

Each type, genus or genre displays a special side or a face of human life, but collected together, these components of art give a comprehensive artistic picture of the world.

The need for artistic creativity or enjoyment of artwork increases with the growth of human cultural level. Art becomes the more more necessary, the further the person comes from an animal state.

4.1. The concept of art

4.2. Spatial Arts:

· architecture;

· sculpture;

· painting;

· the photo.

4.3. Dynamic arts:

· literature;

· music..

4.4. Synthetic arts:

· theatre;

· the circus;

· movie;

· stage;

· choreography;

· a television.

4.1. Art is a form of public consciousness, a specific type of spiritual and practical development of the world. Art is one of the most important areas of culture. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the life of people.

The root of the artistic activities of mankind is celebrated in primitive society, long before the emergence of science, philosophy. Nevertheless, the problem of the essence and specifics of art is not fully solved. What is the meaning invested in the concept of "art". You can highlight 3 different meanings of this word.

1. Art - skill. -In this sense, "art" acts as skillfully, technically performed activities, the result of which is something artificial compared to natural, natural. The highest degree of skill, skill in any field of activity. It is this meaning that follows from the ancient Greek word "techne" - art, skill.

2. Art - creativity under the laws of beauty.

Such creativity relates to a wide range of activities:

· Creation of beneficial things, machines;

· Registration and organization of public and personal life;

· Culture of everyday behavior;

· Communication of people, etc.

Object of art - Like science, philosophy - the world around.

Piece of art - Reality, life in its widest public value.

3. Art - artistic creativity,products of which are social, spiritual, aesthetic values.

Art has an impact on the formation of a person, enriches its sensual-emotional and intellectual-thought potential.

Art improves the creative abilities and human capabilities, encouraging him to activities under the laws of beauty.

The difference of art from science:

1. The object of science is the truth, and the object of art is beauty.

2. Reflection of reality: in science - in the form of abstract concepts, in art - in the forms of artistic images.

Art exists in specific species, is an model activity Personality I. reflection peace in certain historical conditions, it classovo and politically oriented, national and internationally.

Art exists in specific types: architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Theater, Literature, Music and etc.

4.2. Art types are historically established, sustainable forms of creative activity, which have the ability of the artistic realization of life content and differ in the methods of material incarnation.

Each type of art has its own specific arsenal of visual means and techniques.

Art types differ from each other:

· The subject of the image;

· Using various visual means.

Attempts to study the structure of the world of the arts were undertaken in ancient times. First An attempt is mythological Classification of art types, which includes: tragedy, comedy, « technical art»: Architecture, medicine, geometry; " music art": Poetry, music, dance.

In the era of Renaissance, the differences between visual art and poetry were examined. L. Ya Vinci in the "Book of Painting" and Lessing in Laoconne, Sh.Batte in the Treatise "Fine Arts" Dalited the first deep analysis of art.

At the beginning of the XIX. Hegel in the "System of Individual Arts" outlined the relationship between five major art types - architecture, sculpture, painting, music and poetry; Analyzed the patterns of separation of poetic art for childbirth: epic, lyrical and dramatic.

Starting with XIX. World aesthetic thought (Hegel, Shelling, Wagner, Scriabin, etc.) proved equality and necessity existence and development of all types of arts.

In aesthetic and artistic literature, certain schemes and art classification systems have developed. The most common scheme is its division into three large groups:

1 groupspatial or plastic kinds of art:

· Architecture;

· All genres of fine art;

· Art photography.

2 group - temporary or dynamic Types of art: literature and music.

3 Group: spatio-temporal types: Theater, cinema, television, choreography, pop, circus.

In modern conditions, an artistic start in various spheres of human activity is noticeably rising. Sports festivities are increasingly turning into holistic theatrical ideas, and in certain sports (figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics) the skill of athletes rises to the level of real artistic creativity. The appearance, exposition, advertising of various exhibitions, fairs are aesthetically filled with artistic creativity.

Architecture (From Greek. Builder) is a kind of art, the purpose of which is to create structures that meet the utilitarian, spiritual and aesthetic needs of people.

Following the definition, in it together merge benefit and beauty, technical and aesthetic principles.

Architecture, many consider art historical. After all, in order to hide against bad weather, a primitive man had to build some housing, and this is her beginning.

In ancient Egypt Huge tombs, pyramids, temples with many columns were built. For this architecture, the geometric clarity of forms, the irresistibility of the scales of structures and humans, monumentality, an overwhelming personality.

Grand facilities were created not to meet the real needs of the people, but in the name of the cult goals, in the name of the exaltation of the despotic authorities of Pharaoh.

In ancient Greece Architecture acquires a democratic appearance .. The cult facilities lose their oppressive character. Thus, the Temple of Parfenon with its beauty approves beauty, freedom, the dignity of man. New types of public buildings and buildings arise: Theaters, stadiums, Skoda. Architectural structures are built on the humanistic principle of beauty, which was formulated by Aristotle: the wonderful should not be too big and not too small. A person is a measure of all things, in the architecture there is a measure of beauty and scales of the structure.

In the Middle Age in architecture dominated gothic style. In the Gothic Cathedrals, not only a religious rush to God, but also a passionate earthly dream of happiness was expressed.

In the Renaissance Epoch Style starts to develop baroque. Buildings built in this style, differed ready, large amounts of stucco decorations, internal painting. The architecture of this time is inherent pafos, elevation, contrast of forms. Examples of this style: Versailles Palace, Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Ansumples of the Tsarist village (Architect Rastrelli).

In the era of the new time (starting with XVIIIVStyles arise rococo (sink) I. ampir. Specific traits rococo: rich painting, big mirrors, Creating the impression of the lightness and intangibleness of the walls.

In style ampir (empire) Expressed monumentality and majestity, The aesthetic tastes of large bourgeoisie are embodied (Triumphal Arch in Paris).

From the XVI to the 30s of the CHW has three-time style stories classicism. His features: proportionality, proportionality, clarity achieved by simple structural and artistic means. These are different types of buildings: industrial, administrative, multi-storey residential buildings. All this required from the architect to solve the following tasks: Creating a convenient building and aesthetically completed form.

In chkv. The most important thing is starting to acquire "Architecture of small forms": kiosks, urns, courses for advertising, lamppost poles, etc.

In the context of the global environmental crisis, an artistic and meaningful "Green Architecture", those. "Garden-park" culture.

In the conversion of the objective environment, it has great importance "Architecture of monumental forms": Roads, bridges, triumphal arches, television masts, etc. They are distinguished by the scale and complexity of the technical design.

The architecture is rightly called the chronicles of the world. After all, she speaks when legends are already silent about the irrevocably past people and his culture. On the pages of this "stone book" captured entire epochs of human history.

art includes: painting, graphics, sculpture, artistic photo.

Painting is a type of visual art, the works of which are created on the plane with the help of paints and color materials.

Painting happens:

monumental - Picturesque works of a large scale: painting on walls, vaults, pillars, etc.

Its varieties:

mosaic - Monumental painting, in which an image or an ornamental motive is performed from individual, very tightly fitted colored stones, marble, multi-colored glass paste cubes - smalts;

fresco - painting on crude plaster with paints divorced on a lime solution;

stankovaya - Painting, which has independent importance, paintings of various genres, written on the canvas (less often on cardboard, paper), most often with oil paints.

The main genres of painting:

· Landscape - image of nature;

· Portrait;

· Still life - image of natural items: fruits, colors, things, etc.;

· Scene-thematic paintings - an image of historical, battle and household scenes.

Miniature is a picturesque piece of small format, performed on paper, metal, ceramics, china, wood.

Graphics - monophonic drawing. She is happens in the form engravings (Engraving - Printed printing of a relief pattern applied to a wooden or metal board)., Caricatures, lithographs (Flat printing method on stone (limestone)).

Sculpture is a type of visual art that reproduces reality in a spatial form.

The main materials used: stone, bronze, marble, wood.

Types of sculpture:

1. Monumental - monuments, monuments.

2. Stankovaya - works of painting, sculptures and graphs that have independent meaning.

3. Sculpture of small forms - toys, medals, stone carving.

Artistic photo - relatively young art type. Today, the photo is not just a copy of the appearance of the phenomenon on the film. An artist-photographer by choosing an object, lighting, a special position of the camera can create an artistic image. At the end of the twentieth century The art photography took its special place in a number of visual arts.

Decorative and applied art is an ancient type of creative activity on the creation of household items intended to meet both the practical and aesthetic needs of a person.

This kind of art is very ancient, it was used to decorate the items. The artistic and figurative meaning of decorative and applied art - an ornament, which is becoming a sign of a certain national identity, on which we can easily learn what nationality it owns: ancient Greek paintings on clay vases, Turkmen and Chinese carpets, West Ukrainian, Russian furnaces, etc. d. This type of art contributes to the improvement of the subject crop, the artistic design of things should be strictly agreed with its practical value.

4.3. Literature is a written form of art, one of its main types.

The term "literature", starting with the XVIIIV, displaced the concept of "poetry". "Poetic Art." The main expressive and visual means of literature is word. It reveals the plot, shows literary images in action, and also directly forms the copyright position and makes it an accessible reader.

Being the most analytical of all kinds of art, literature with the help of a word creates a real living being and what is called "artistic reality".

Types of literary works:

1. Epos - novels, stories, stories, essays.

2. Lyrics - poetic genres, elegy, sonnet, sides.

3. Drama - comedy, tragedy.

The history of world literature rises from deep antiquity, folklore. The oldest literary monuments are "Bible", "Tale of Bygone Years", "Ramayana". They became the foundation of world culture.

Music is a type of art that uses sound images as a means of incarnation and human feelings.

His ability to speak in music about many ways, not to mention a word, express a lot without using visual images.

Music genres: Opera, symphony, chamber music, instrumental, vocal instrumental, etc.

Music is able to influence the most unprepared people, to influence music on the growth of plants, to do disease of the disease, change the mood in the right direction. Works of world classics recommend listening to reducing irritability, anxiety, from headaches. Music and national, and international, it does not know borders

As a diverse, the real world is so numerous types of art. Each type of activity has an artistic form of display and various ways of reincarnation of life in it: in the literature, this word, in music - sound, flask and plastic in the visual species, movement in choreography, etc.

Three groups for full picture of the world

There is no single classification of arts, there are many of them, and they are all relative. Most often occurs a division scheme into three groups. The first is space and plastic. Fine and decorative and applied arts, architecture and photography. This can be said by century. The second one includes dynamic, that is, temporary arts in which the main thing is a composition deployed in time: music, literature. The third group is synthetic, spectacular types, also spatially temporary: choreography, theater, movies. Only major arts are listed here. Why humanity so many diverse types? None of them will be able to convey a comprehensive picture of the world, all artistic culture as a whole. Just all together.

Main Arts: Characteristics

Architecture (from the Greek - "Builder") - type of monumental art. These are structures and buildings for human life, for the needs of utilitarian and spiritual. Fine art presents a whole group of subspecies of artistic creativity: painting, graphics, sculpture. Decorative and applied most often has a national character of creativity, it is possible to attribute products from metal, clay, wood, stone, bones, fabrics. That is, embroidery, painting, chasing, carving, etc. Literature materializes through words and is divided into artistic, historical, educational, reference, scientific. The main genres are Lyrics, Drama, Epos, Roman, Tale, etc. Music makes up its huge part of the universe from sound images. It is also divided into many clans, species and genres. These are only the most important types of art.

The main directions of modernity

Modern art types The new classification scheme does not require. Within the framework of the same species, childbirth and genres, other directions, flows and schools appear. Here, for example, sand animation or body art, graffiti or art installations - they are, with all their novelty and distinctive features, do not go beyond, and for them there are long-known species of art. Who knows, maybe these applied hobbies will someday stand on a separate step. It is still difficult to judge that drives contemporary: the search for alternative worlds, shocking or simply an expression of the discomfort of the surrounding life. Moral and risky food, probably necessary. The main formula of creativity has been preserved: imagination - the illusions of life equal to her itself. The greatest sin of the artist is notching, and it is not terrible that the breakthrough in the unknown has not yet happened. Let's wait.