Organization of the Russian army during the period of Ancient Rus. Russian squad - Military history

Organization of the Russian army during the period of Ancient Rus. Russian squad - Military history

Composition and evolution

The prince and the princely squad, along with the city veche, personified the most important state institutions of Kievan Rus.

As I. Ya. Froyanov, the word druzhina is common Slavic. It is formed from the word "friend", the original meaning of which is a companion, a comrade in a war.

In Russian historical science, under the squad it is customary to understand a detachment of soldiers ("Svyatopolk, and Volodymyr and Rostislav, having executed the squad, poidosha") or the prince's immediate entourage ("love the squad very much").

When and how a squad appears among the Eastern Slavs, it is difficult to say. The origin of the squad can only be speculated on the basis of indirect data and analogies. As a rule, when it comes to such issues, they attract early evidence of the squads of the ancient Germans. In the 1st century. AD among the ancient Germans, the warriors constituted a special group. She lived separately from her community with the leader. The guards existed thanks to military campaigns in which prey was captured, as well as thanks to gifts from their fellow tribesmen and neighboring tribes. The leader had the right to distribute the funds received in this way. He was tied to the squad by mutual obligations of personal loyalty. The squad was recruited from noble youths and valiant warriors. Tacitus also mentions some hierarchical division among the vigilantes.

Apparently, the East Slavic squad had similar characteristics. However, we can only draw such a conclusion by analogy. Moreover, in the sources the word "squad" is clearly not unambiguous. So, in the story about the Kiev uprising in 1068, two different squads are mentioned: “Inachash people speak to the voivode on Kosnyachka; I went up the mountain, went to the veche, and came to the Kosnyachkov yard and did not find it, stash at the Bryachislavl yard and decided: "Let's go and drop our squad from the cellar."<…>Izyaslav, however, is sitting on Senekh with his squad ... "As we can see, in addition to the prince's squad, here is also mentioned" own "squad of the rebellious Kievites. It is difficult to say who it consists of in this case, but it is obvious that in addition to the princely squads there were others. Nevertheless, in the historical literature it is customary to call the princely detachment of soldiers as a squad.

The allocation of the princely squad, according to A.A. Gorsky, is facilitated by the destruction of the tribal structure that swept the Slavic ethnos in the 5th-6th centuries. S.V. Yushkov believes that the princely squads as a circle of his closest associates and collaborators have existed since the very inception of the Kiev state. I agree with both of them, since I consider the armed detachments of the tribal leaders of the 5th-7th centuries to be the prototype of the princely squad of Kievan Rus.

Despite the paucity of sources, it can be assumed what the size of the squad was and who it consisted of. One of the earliest mentions of the size of the squad of Russian princes is a fragment from the notes of Ibn Fadlan, who says that “together with the Tsar of the Rus in<…>the castle constantly houses four hundred men from among the heroes, his companions. " A.A. Gorsky supports the opinion of T. Vasilevsky that the squad consisted of two or four hundred people, with which I.N. Danilevsky, but M.B. Sverdlov believes that the number of soldiers reached five hundred to eight hundred people.

There is a consensus on the issue of the composition of the squad in the historical literature. The main contingent of the squad, according to S.V. Yushkov, one can consider "a clan nobility, but anyone whom the prince considered valuable in military affairs could be included in the number of vigilantes." From this it is clear that the prince could receive people of different nations and tribes, which is confirmed by the sources. In addition to the Slavs and Varangians, the Ugrians (Hungarians), and the Torks, and other tribes also belonged to the squad. I. D. Belyaev believes, and one cannot disagree with him, taking into account the Varangian origin of the Rurik dynasty, that initially the squad consisted only of Varangians. But already under Vladimir Svyatoslavich, this element loses its primary importance, since, according to I.D.Belyaev, these free and restless warriors could become an obstacle in the exercise of his power, and after the death of Yaroslav, the chronicles do not at all mention the Varangian warriors. However, already under Oleg, the Vikings perceive themselves as an indigenous population (as Slavs). Such assimilation is depicted in front of us by Oleg's agreement with Byzantium in 911, in which his warriors swear by "Perun, their god, and Volos, the god of things." I. D. Belyaev also says that Hungarians, Pechenegs, Poles, Polovtsians and others now served in the squad.

It is indisputable that the princely squads had a hierarchical structure. As a rule, it is divided into “senior”, “junior” and “middle” - a group of “husbands” that cannot be attributed to either the first or the second.

The "senior" squad consisted of those who served the father of the prince (the "take-away squad"). She passes to the younger generations of princes, armed with the former influence and authority in the squad and social environment. Most often, this group of warriors includes boyars, less often husbands, S.V. Yushkov believes that "thousands, mayor and other representatives of the princely administration are leaving its ranks." The chronicles are full of stories about the princes who are in the boyar company in a variety of life situations, social and domestic: "... and the liturgy was served, the brothers dined on stingy, each with their boyars",<…>and all the bolyare, and the blessed Metropolitan John from the monarchs and from the nicknames. And all the Kiyans are great crying over him "," Svyatopolk called the bolyar and the kiyan, and told them, he told him Davyd<…>... And solving bolyare and people ... ". The old tradition of the duma of the prince with the retinue was fundamental in the relationship between the prince and the boyars. Whatever the prince was up to, he always had to "reveal" his plan to the boyars who served him, risking otherwise losing boyar support, which threatened him with failure. The princes sometimes neglected the advice of the boyars, but such facts were rare. However, over time, the prince prefers to focus on the "average" squad, not listening to the advice of the boyars, but from the "senior" squad the commanders of the "war" invariably stand out, because they are the most experienced and valiant.

The "middle" layer of the squad was made up of a gridba, according to S.M. Soloviev and I.E. Zabelin, or princely men (S.V. Yushkov, I.A.Porai-Koshits). It is possible that, unlike the boyars, who were involved in management, the men were only engaged in military service. These warriors constituted the main combat contingent of the prince's personal military forces. Gradually, the prince prefers to rely not on his father's vigilantes - boyars, but on his peers. Perhaps this is precisely why the numerous reproaches of the chroniclers against the princes are connected with the fact that they listen to the advice of the "unnyh", neglecting the opinion of the elders: to the prince of truth, start robbing the union, selling people, this I do not lead in my illnesses. " Perhaps behind this is a gradual strengthening of the role of the prince, who sought to get rid of the influence of the squad. The layer of the "middle" squad was made up of the prince's peers. According to I.N. Danilevsky, they grew up and were brought up with the prince from the age of 13-14. Together with these warriors, the prince studied military affairs, went on the first campaigns. Hence it is clear why their position was closer to the prince, why he sought support among his peers.

Likewise, strong ties tied the prince with the "younger" squad, which included youths, children, almsmen, stepchildren, who, depending on the individual duties entrusted to them, were swordsmen, metalmen, virniks, and others. The sources acquaint us with the youths earlier than with the rest of the representatives of the "younger" squad - in the 10th century: "There are seasons where the derevlyans are going to drink, and according to Olga's orders to serve as her own," ... They are with the prince, one might say, relentlessly. The youths are, first of all, the servants of the prince. This can be judged by the interconnection of the words "boy" and "servant": "and behold, having heard howling, disdaining from him. Boris is standing with his youths<…>and behold, the beast attacked near the tent, and shoved and spears, and pierced Boris, and his servant, falling on him, walking with him. " The office assignment of adolescents is revealed quite easily in written records. The Tale of Bygone Years tells about the youths who served Olga and Svyatoslav. In the Extensive Pravda, the prince's youth is placed in a row with the groom and the cook: "even in the prince's youth, or in the groom, or in the cook." On the basis of the material of the Extensive Pravda, we can conclude that the youth performed the functions of an assistant to the virnik (“And behold, they beat the virnies under Yaroslav: take seven buckets of malt for a week, but the ram could weed, either two legs; Friday the same<…>then a virnik with a youth ... "), a bridge man (" And this is a lesson of bridge workers "), in the opinion of M. B. Sverdlov, and a swordsman, and an independently acting person for collecting vir. The youths are not only domestic servants, but also military servants of the prince. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich had 700 youths ready for battle: “He [Svyatopolk Izyaslavich] said:“ I have 700 of my own ”. The data on the youths indicate their belonging to the princely house. But the question of their freedom remains open. Most likely, some of them were slaves in the past, however, I think that there were also free ones among them, because the youth could occupy the usual for a free position of assistant virnik and, in general, be in the service.

Many researchers combine adolescents and children, which is not entirely correct, since they differed in their functions and position. According to article 86 of the Extensive Truth, “pay forty kunas for iron, and five kunas for a swordsman, and half a hryvnia for a child; then you are an iron lesson, who can eat in something. " It follows that the child watched the testing of iron at the trial, which means that he was the main executor of the sentence in court. According to Article 108 of the Extensive Truth, "even the brothers stretch out in front of the prince about the ass, which the child walks and shares, then take the hryvnia kun." It turns out that in the event of a judicial division of the inheritance between the brothers, the child is entitled to a small payment. "During the uprising in Vladimir in 1178, not only princely mayors and tiuns were killed, but also children and swordsmen" and the houses of their pograbish ", which means that the children had a home like tiuns and mayors." From the above material, it is clear that the activities of children are much more limited, hence their unequal position.

Since the end of the XII century. you can see how the "younger" squad is gradually absorbed by the princely court. The term "nobles" appears in the sources. Over time, the princely squad began to collapse, attach to the ground, losing its ability to fight, because most of the soldiers, in order to preserve traditions, must be freed from administration and service at the princely court.

S.V. Yushkov believes that “by the beginning of the 11th century. the process of decomposition of druzhina relations was outlined, which manifested itself in isolation from the princely court of the most influential druzhina ”. I am also of the opinion that with the split of the squad into "senior" and "junior", with the constant growth of differences between them, symptoms of the collapse of the squad began to appear.

Summing up, it should be noted once again that within the Old Russian squad there was a hierarchical division into "senior", "middle" and "junior". Within each specific social stratum, only its specific functions were inherent. Over time, the role of the squad in political affairs and its influence on the prince changed. The old Russian squad existed until the 13th century.

Prince and squad

In the written monuments of Ancient Russia, the prince invariably appears against the background of the squad, in the company of his comrades and assistants, who shared both successes and defeats with him.

As A.A. Gorsky, the squad “is recruited and built not according to the generic principle, but according to the principle of personal loyalty; the squad is outside the community structure; it is divorced from it socially (vigilantes are not members of separate communities) and territorially (due to the isolated residence of vigilantes). " At the same time, the princely-retinue relations were a continuation of the social relations of the period of military democracy. The old Russian squad was a kind of military community, led by a prince - the first among equals. The community gave rise to relations of equality, which were outwardly reflected in druzhina feasts, reminiscent of peasant "brotherhoods", in an equalizing order of division of booty (later transformed into a division of tribute) - the main source of existence of the squad.

Breaking away from the community, the squad first copied its order in its internal structure. The squad should be understood as professional warriors, who were recognized as nominal collective ownership of lands from which they had the right to collect tribute.

The Tale of Bygone Years provides enough information to solve the problems of this section. The prince decided many issues not on his own, but with his retinue. “In the summer of 6452. Igor, having copulated many warriors, Varangians, Rus, and glades, Slovenia, and Krivichi, and Tivertsy, and Pechenegs naa, and hoisted with them, went to the Greeks in boats and on horseback, although he would take revenge on himself.<…>Behold, the tsar heard the ambassador to Igor luchie bolyare, praying and verb: "Do not go, but take a tribute, even Oleg had it, add to that tribute." It is the same with the Pecheneg ambassador, there are a lot of poultry and gold. Igor, who reached the Danube, convened a squad, and began to think, and told them a speech to the Tsarev. Resha, however, Igor's squad: “Yes, if the tsar speaks, then what do we want more than that, not beating imati gold, and silver, and shavings? When who knows; who will prevail, are we, are we? Who is light with the sea? Behold, we do not walk on the ground, but along the depth of the wrinkles: we hate everybody. " Having listened to them Igor ... ". As you can see, the question of whether it is worth continuing the campaign or is it better to conclude peace on fairly favorable terms (if you trust the chronicler), the prince decides not on his own, but with his retinue. It is her opinion that turns out to be decisive. Let us note in passing that the refusal of the forcible seizure of all the riches that the Greeks offered Igor to Igor was most likely regarded negatively by the chronicler's contemporaries. Nevertheless, the prince agrees with the squad and goes to sign peace with the Greeks.

However, the prince did not always agree with the opinion of the squad, but, on the contrary, the squad supported the prince's decisions. "In the summer of 6479 ... And the ambassador [Svyatoslav] heard the tsar in Derevstr, for be that tsar, r'ka sice:" I want to have peace with you firm and love. " Behold, hearing, the king was glad to be and the gifts sent to him are greater than the first. Svyatoslav, on the other hand, accepted gifts, and thought about thinking with his retinue, ryk: “If we don’t dissolve peace with the king, but leave the king, as there are not enough of us, they will stumble in the city. And Ruska, the land is far away, and the pechenez men are with us, and who can help us? But let us dissolve peace with the king, we are afraid to pay tribute, and then we will be happy. If it’s possible not to manage the tribute, but from again from Russia, having bought many more, we will go to Tsaryugoroda. ” Lyuba was quick to speak to the si squad, and sent the clown men to the Tsar ... ”.

The question arises as to why the prince had to be guided by his soldiers. The answer can also be found in The Tale of Bygone Years. For example, the chronicler explains Svyatoslav's refusal to be baptized in this way. “In the summer of 6463 ... Olga lived with her son Svyatoslav, and she became more and more baptized, and not scolding, but swearing [mocked] at that.<…>... Yako bo Olga often says: “Az, my son, I know God and I rejoice; If you know, you will be happy to know. " He didn’t listen to that verb: “How do you want the other law of acceptance to be the same? And the moa squad will start laughing at this. " She said to him: "If you are baptized, all have to open it too." He is not obedient to the mother ... ".

Perhaps this was due to the fact that his status in the retinue environment was not yet unconditional. Apparently, the attitude of comrades to their prince was largely determined by how much his actions corresponded to what was included in the concept of honor, and honor could be awarded if the behavior was approved by the “comrades”.

But, as already mentioned, there were cases when the prince acted at his own discretion, and the squad followed him, and this shows that not only the prince was guided in his actions by the squad, but also the squad followed the prince. “In the summer of 6496 ... By God, I will arrange for Volodymer to get sick at this time, and if you see nothing, you feel bad, and will not think of what to do. And the ambassador to him is the queen [the Byzantine princess Anna, whom Vladimir wanted to marry], rushing: "If you want to sow this disease in excess, then you must not have it in abundance." And when he heard Volodymer, he spoke: “If the truth be, then truly great will God be a Christian.” And he ordered to be baptized. The bishop of Korsun from the priests of the tsaritsina, having announced, baptize Volodymer. Yako put your hand on n, abye see. Seeing behold Volodimer's vain and healing, and glorify God, rivers: "Topervo have taken away the true God." Behold, when his squad saw him, they were baptized ”. Perhaps this passage marks a certain turning point in the relationship between the prince and the squad. If before the authority of their leader, now the actions of the leader are a certain pattern of behavior for the vigilantes.

The relationship between the prince and the retinue was also based on the transfer of some material values ​​to the latter. Moreover, values ​​are not important in and of themselves. The resulting wealth, apparently, did not carry an economic essence. I think the vigilantes were more worried about the act of transfer, rather than enrichment as such. “In the summer of 6583 ... they came from the German to Svyatoslav; Svyatoslav, glorifying, showed them his wealth. They saw an abundant multitude, gold, and silver, and dragged, and deciding: “Behold, what is there, behold, be lying dead. This is the essence of the ray. Men are afraid to search for more than this. " This was praised by Ezeki, the Caesar of Yudeysk, to the ambassador of the Caesar of Asurian, all of him was taken to Babylon: so and by this death all property was scattered differently.

It is noteworthy that the complaints of the vigilantes were focused on the outward signs of wealth. At the same time, in contrast to Western European chivalry, they never spoke about land grants, which indicates the underdevelopment of feudal relations. As you know, feudal relations are based on corporate land tenure and on the distribution of land plots to soldiers on the condition of their service to the owner of the land. On the one hand, there was an abundance of land in Russia, on the other hand, there was a constant deficit in the developed areas (the need to constantly change the cultivated land due to the fact that the lands cleared from the forest were quickly "plowed"). Under these conditions, land grants were largely meaningless. It was impossible to fix their borders somehow. It was this for a long time that prevented the development of "normal" feudal relations. In Russia, feudalism, with its characteristic estates, benefits, immunities and regulation of vassal service, began to take shape only at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. and was fully developed in the 16th century. Until that time, ties, conditionally correlated with the vassal-suzerain relations of Western Europe, existed in a more patriarchal form of personal relations associated with the centralized exploitation of lands that were in corporate ownership. This late appearance of feudal relations is due to the fact that the emergence of early feudal relations was interrupted by the Mongol invasion.

In Russia, the formation of a corporation of professional warriors was based not on conditional land ownership, but on the personal connections of the prince-leader and his soldiers. They were based on a donation system, one of the forms of which can be considered the feasts of the prince and the squad. Everything that the prince gave to the vigilante made the latter dependent on the donor. The same applies to princely feasts. The prince's treats to the vigilantes strengthened the personal ties that had existed since childhood: “Behold the packs [Vladimir Svyatoslavich] with their own people: for the whole week set up a feast in the courtyard in the gridnitsa and come with a bolar, and a grid, and a bogeyman, and a ten-man, and a deliberate husband, when princes and without a prince. There were many from meat, from cattle and from animals, but from abundance from everything. " Apparently, at such feasts, rituals of accepting new vigilantes and meetings, "thoughts" of the prince with the retinue also took place. This "thought" was almost a daily occupation of the prince, as appears from the Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh; and the opinion expressed by the warriors is by no means obligatory for the prince. He could act in his own way, which was facilitated by the fact that disagreements arise in the squad when discussing issues, and the prince could choose one of the many decisions of the squad.

The squad also received money from the hands of the prince or used deductions from the volost feed and various payments from the population, while fulfilling the police, judicial and administrative orders of the prince. Thus, the squad of Kievan Rus lived largely on princely funds, therefore the prince who generously gifted his warriors was considered ideal, but if the vigilante for some reason was dissatisfied with his prince, then he could leave.

Over time, however, the relationship between the prince and the squad began to change, as can be judged from the above story about the arrangement of the feast. The property stratification of the squad led to the formation of a new social group - the boyars, which also influenced the relationship between the prince and the squad.

Drawing analogies between the Old Russian squad and the German one, a number of characteristics characteristic of both traits can be identified. The military community is united around the overlord, this group follows the leader, where he is the first among equals. The military community models itself according to the family model, which can be traced in the names of the groups of the squad and its members. The gift system is more sacred than economic. But the German squad was cut off from the community, any valiant warrior could become its leader, which cannot be said about the Slavic one.

Summing up, it should be noted that the relationship between the prince and the squad was built on personal ties, consolidated by a developed system of "gifts" in various forms. At the same time, the prince acted as "the first among equals." He depended on his warriors no less than they did on him. All state issues (about the structure of the "land", about war and peace, about the adopted laws) the prince decided not independently, but with his retinue, accepting or not accepting its decisions.


Summing up, it should be noted that neither the princely power, nor the squad, nor the veche meeting remained unchanged.

The origins of the studied political institutions lie in the era of military democracy. It is difficult to say which of them was formed earlier.

The princely power originates in the era of military democracy from the power of the tribal leader, a squad was already formed around him, from which the prince's squad subsequently grew. The question of the existence of the veche during this period remains open. The chronicles do not yet speak of popular assemblies in tribal reigns, but some researchers believe that at this time the veche already existed.

With the growth of the population of the tribe, the clans included in it gradually turn into a number of related tribes, which already form a tribal union (tribal reign). At the head of each union are the leaders (princes), who towered over the leaders of the tribes. The "Super Union" arises after the creation of the Old Russian state and the subordination of a number of East Slavic tribes to Oleg - the tribal reigns are united into one large union. Tribal reigns were liquidated by Vladimir Svyatoslavich after he put his sons in the largest cities - the centers of the tribes. Each rank of the tribes had certain functions. The tribal leader was elected only for the duration of the war. The status of the leader of the tribal union is permanent. His duties include foreign policy, internal construction of the union, organization, command of the troops he has assembled, and the administration of religious rites. The functions of the prince of the "union of unions" include all the duties of the above-named leaders. The development of the institution of princely power was facilitated by the disintegration of the tribal system, the vocation of the Varangians, the creation of the Old Russian state. In the X century. new princely functions are formed - legislative and judicial. Subsequently, the prince's functions deepen, except for the religious one, which he lost after the adoption of Christianity.

As already mentioned, the squads began to form around the tribal leaders. By the time the Old Russian state was created, the squad was growing from a small armed detachment of soldiers into a squad layer, built not according to the generic principle, but according to the principle of personal loyalty. The squad lived on the gifts of their fellow tribesmen and the prince and war booty. It consisted of 200-400 people and was recruited from noble youths and valiant warriors, anyone could get into it if the prince was interested in him. After the calling of the Varangians, the Varangian element becomes the main contingent. But the Varangians very quickly "became glorified", although they gave an impetus to the detachment of the squad from the communal basis, another reason was the destruction of the tribal structure. There is no doubt that the princely squad had a hierarchical structure. The "elder" initially had a greater influence on the prince. Most often, boyars are referred to this community of warriors, less often husbands. Perhaps thousands, posadniks and other representatives of the princely administration are leaving its ranks. Over time, the prince prefers to focus on the "average" squad, which was the main combat contingent of the prince's personal military forces. It was composed of a gridba, possibly princes. Also, strong ties tied the prince with the "younger" squad, which included youths, children, almsmen, stepchildren, swordsmen, metal workers, etc. From the end of the 12th century. "Junior" vigilantes are gradually absorbed by the princely court. The term "nobles" appears in the sources. The princely squad began to collapse as soon as it began to "settle" to the ground and lose its mobility.

By eve, most researchers understand a meeting of city people. I am inclined to believe that the veche has always existed, even in the period of military democracy, since its absence would indicate an uncharacteristically high development of other political institutions for this era. It is rather difficult to determine the composition of the participants in the evening. The party is not chaotic, but quite orderly. It takes place in compliance with the traditional rules: those who have come together sit down, wait for the beginning of the meeting, which is led by the prince, the metropolitan, the thousand. Veche took part in solving a wide range of problems: issues of war and peace, the fate of the princely table and administration, issues related to the collection of money among the townspeople, the management of city finances and land resources. It is only unclear whether the veche always dealt with such problems, or whether the sources recorded exceptional cases, usually associated with emergencies.


The Tale of Bygone Years. M .; L., 1950. Part 1: Text and translation / Prepared. Text and transl. D.S. Likhachev and B.A. Romanov.

The Tale of Bygone Years. M .; L., 1950. Part 2: Commentary / Prepared. Text and transl. D.S. Likhachev and B.A. Romanov.

True Russian. M .; L., 1940.

Tacitus Publius Cornelius. Germany / Workshop on the history of the Middle Ages. Voronezh, 1999.Part 1.

Belyaev I.D. Lectures on the history of Russian legislation. M., 1879.

A.A. Gorskiy Old Russian squad. M., 1953.
Read completely:

In the written monuments of Ancient Russia, the prince invariably appears against the background of the squad, in the company of his comrades and assistants, who shared both successes and defeats with him.

As A.A. Gorsky, the squad “is recruited and built not according to the generic principle, but according to the principle of personal loyalty; the squad is outside the community structure; it is divorced from it socially (vigilantes are not members of separate communities) and territorially (due to the isolated residence of vigilantes). " At the same time, the princely-retinue relations were a continuation of the social relations of the period of military democracy. The old Russian squad was a kind of military community, led by a prince - the first among equals. The community gave rise to relations of equality, which were outwardly reflected in druzhina feasts, reminiscent of peasant "brotherhoods", in an equalizing order of division of booty (later transformed into a division of tribute) - the main source of existence of the squad.

Breaking away from the community, the squad first copied its order in its internal structure. The squad should be understood as professional warriors, who were recognized as nominal collective ownership of lands from which they had the right to collect tribute.

The Tale of Bygone Years provides enough information to solve the problems of this section. The prince decided many issues not on his own, but with his retinue. “In the summer of 6452. Igor, having copulated many warriors, Varangians, Rus, and glades, Slovenia, and Krivichi, and Tivertsy, and Pechenegs naa, and hoisted with them, went to the Greeks in boats and on horseback, although he would take revenge on himself.<…>Behold, the tsar heard the ambassador to Igor luchie bolyare, praying and verb: "Do not go, but take a tribute, even Oleg had it, add to that tribute." It is the same with the Pecheneg ambassador, there are a lot of poultry and gold. Igor, who reached the Danube, convened a squad, and began to think, and told them a speech to the Tsarev. Resha, however, Igor's squad: “Yes, if the tsar speaks, then what do we want more than that, not beating imati gold, and silver, and shavings? When who knows; who will prevail, are we, are we? Who is light with the sea? Behold, we do not walk on the ground, but along the depth of the wrinkles: we hate everybody. " Listening to them Igor ... "... And the ambassador [Svyatoslav] was heard to the tsar in Derevstr, for the tsar, r'ka sice:" I want to have peace with you firm and love. " Behold, hearing, the king was glad to be and the gifts sent to him are greater than the first. Svyatoslav, on the other hand, accepted gifts, and thought about thinking with his retinue, ryk: “If we don’t dissolve peace with the king, but leave the king, as there are not enough of us, they will stumble in the city. And Ruska, the land is far away, and the pechenez men are with us, and who can help us? But let us dissolve peace with the king, we are afraid to pay tribute, and then we will be happy. If it’s possible not to manage the tribute, but from again from Russia, having bought many more, we will go to Tsaryugoroda. ” Lyuba was quick to speak to the si squad, and sent the clown men to the Tsar ... ”.

The question arises as to why the prince had to be guided by his soldiers. The answer can also be found in The Tale of Bygone Years. For example, the chronicler explains Svyatoslav's refusal to be baptized in this way. “In the summer of 6463 ... Olga lived with her son Svyatoslav, and she became more and more baptized, and not scolding, but swearing [mocked] at that.<…>... Yako bo Olga often says: “Az, my son, I know God and I rejoice; If you know, you will be happy to know. " He didn’t listen to that verb: “How do you want the other law of acceptance to be the same? And the moa squad will start laughing at this. " She said to him: "If you are baptized, all have to open it too." He is not obedient to the mother ... ".

Perhaps this was due to the fact that his status in the retinue environment was not yet unconditional. Apparently, the attitude of comrades to their prince was largely determined by how much his actions corresponded to what was included in the concept of honor, and honor could be awarded if the behavior was approved by the “comrades”.

But, as already mentioned, there were cases when the prince acted at his own discretion, and the squad followed him, and this shows that not only the prince was guided in his actions by the squad, but also the squad followed the prince. “In the summer of 6496 ... By God, I will arrange for Volodymer to get sick at this time, and if you see nothing, you feel bad, and will not think of what to do. And the ambassador to him is the queen [the Byzantine princess Anna, whom Vladimir wanted to marry], rushing: "If you want to sow this disease in excess, then you must not have it in abundance." And when he heard Volodymer, he spoke: “If the truth be, then truly great will God be a Christian.” And he ordered to be baptized. The bishop of Korsun from the priests of the tsaritsina, having announced, baptize Volodymer. Yako put your hand on n, abye see. Seeing behold Volodimer's vain and healing, and glorify God, rivers: "Topervo have taken away the true God." Behold, when his squad saw him, they were baptized ”. Perhaps this passage marks a certain turning point in the relationship between the prince and the squad. If before the authority of their leader, now the actions of the leader are a certain pattern of behavior for the vigilantes.

The relationship between the prince and the retinue was also based on the transfer of some material values ​​to the latter. Moreover, values ​​are not important in and of themselves. The resulting wealth, apparently, did not carry an economic essence. I think the vigilantes were more worried about the act of transfer, rather than enrichment as such. “In the summer of 6583 ... they came from the German to Svyatoslav; Svyatoslav, glorifying, showed them his wealth. They saw an abundant multitude, gold, and silver, and dragged, and deciding: “Behold, what is there, behold, be lying dead. This is the essence of the ray. Men are afraid to search for more than this. " This was praised by Ezeki, the Caesar of Yudeysk, to the ambassador of the Caesar of Asurian, all of him was taken to Babylon: so and by this death all property was scattered differently.

It is noteworthy that the complaints of the vigilantes were focused on the outward signs of wealth. At the same time, in contrast to Western European chivalry, they never spoke about land grants, which indicates the underdevelopment of feudal relations. As you know, feudal relations are based on corporate land tenure and on the distribution of land plots to soldiers on the condition of their service to the owner of the land. On the one hand, there was an abundance of land in Russia, on the other hand, there was a constant deficit in the developed areas (the need to constantly change the cultivated land due to the fact that the lands cleared from the forest were quickly "plowed"). Under these conditions, land grants were largely meaningless. It was impossible to fix their borders somehow. It was this for a long time that prevented the development of "normal" feudal relations. In Russia, feudalism, with its characteristic estates, benefits, immunities and regulation of vassal service, began to take shape only at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. and was fully developed in the 16th century. Until that time, ties, conditionally correlated with the vassal-suzerain relations of Western Europe, existed in a more patriarchal form of personal relations associated with the centralized exploitation of lands that were in corporate ownership. This late appearance of feudal relations is due to the fact that the emergence of early feudal relations was interrupted by the Mongol invasion.

In Russia, the formation of a corporation of professional warriors was based not on conditional land ownership, but on the personal connections of the prince-leader and his soldiers. They were based on a donation system, one of the forms of which can be considered the feasts of the prince and the squad. Everything that the prince gave to the vigilante made the latter dependent on the donor. The same applies to princely feasts. The prince's treats to the vigilantes strengthened the personal ties that had existed since childhood: “Behold the packs [Vladimir Svyatoslavich] with their own people: for the whole week set up a feast in the courtyard in the gridnitsa and come with a bolar, and a grid, and a bogeyman, and a ten-man, and a deliberate husband, when princes and without a prince. There were many from meat, from cattle and from animals, but from abundance from everything. " Apparently, at such feasts, rituals of accepting new vigilantes and meetings, "thoughts" of the prince with the retinue also took place. This "thought" was almost a daily occupation of the prince, as appears from the Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh; and the opinion expressed by the warriors is by no means obligatory for the prince. He could act in his own way, which was facilitated by the fact that disagreements arise in the squad when discussing issues, and the prince could choose one of the many decisions of the squad.

The squad also received money from the hands of the prince or used deductions from the volost feed and various payments from the population, while fulfilling the police, judicial and administrative orders of the prince.

Thus, the squad of Kievan Rus lived largely on princely funds, therefore the prince who generously gifted his warriors was considered ideal, but if the vigilante for some reason was dissatisfied with his prince, then he could leave.

Over time, however, the relationship between the prince and the squad began to change, as can be judged from the above story about the arrangement of the feast. The property stratification of the squad led to the formation of a new social group - the boyars, which also influenced the relationship between the prince and the squad.

Drawing analogies between the Old Russian squad and the German one, a number of characteristics characteristic of both traits can be identified. The military community is united around the overlord, this group follows the leader, where he is the first among equals. The military community models itself according to the family model, which can be traced in the names of the groups of the squad and its members. The gift system is more sacred than economic. But the German squad was cut off from the community, any valiant warrior could become its leader, which cannot be said about the Slavic one.

Summing up, it should be noted that the relationship between the prince and the squad was built on personal ties, consolidated by a developed system of "gifts" in various forms. At the same time, the prince acted as "the first among equals." He depended on his warriors no less than they did on him. All state issues (about the structure of the "land", about war and peace, about the adopted laws) the prince decided not independently, but with his retinue, accepting or not accepting its decisions.

1) a detachment of warriors, united around the tribal leader during the disintegration of the tribal system, and then the prince and constituted a privileged stratum of society;

2) armed detachments under the prince in Kievan Rus, who participated in wars, governing the principality and the prince's personal economy.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


1) In the most ancient sense - a community, an association of people. In this sense, D. were called members of Old Russian. Vervi communities; in the 14th and 15th centuries D. named members of the icon-painters' artels, etc. 2) A detachment of mounted warriors, united around a tribal leader, and then a king, a prince; military an organization characteristic of the structure of military democracy, for the period of disintegration of the tribal system and the emergence of a feud. relationships. Among the ancient Germans, D. appeared in the first century. BC NS. as temporary, and from 1 century. n. NS. already as permanent soldiers. associations and constituted the core of germ. troops. The leader and D were bound by mutual obligations. D. had to protect the leader, the latter - to contain D. D. members, enriching themselves at the expense of the military. robbery, gradually turned into a military aristocrat. the top of the tribe. In D., Engels wrote, "... the embryo of the decline of the ancient people's freedom was already lurking ..." (The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, 1963, p. 161). Contributing to the rise of the tribal leader, thereby D. contributed to the emergence of queens. authorities. During the invasion of the Germ. tribes on the territory. Rome. empire (4-6 centuries) vigilantes, as a result of conquests and subsequent queens. awards, acquired means. land possession ("settlement of D. on the ground") and in the process of development of the feud. relations turned into feudal lords. D. was often owned not only by the king, but also by private individuals - large lands. owners. As a military man. organizations of D. (as well as the people's militia) gave way to the feud. militia seniors. Rus the term "vigilantes" corresponded to the terms: levdy (literally - people) among pl. Germans, antrustions - among the Franks, Gezites, then tenes - among the Anglo-Saxons, Gazindas - among the Lombards, sayons - among the Goths, etc .; sometimes in germ. laws used by Rome. (lat.) terminology (bucellaria, fideles - true, - the emergence of retinue relations occurs in the period of the Roman Empire). In China, the terms close to the concept of "vigilante" are chen, shi (in their original meaning), among the Mongols - nukers. Lit .: Neusykhin AI, The emergence of a dependent peasantry in Western Europe VI-VIII centuries, M., 1956; Korsunsky A.R., On the development of feudal relations in Gothic Spain, in collection: Wed. century, 1961, century. 19. See also lit. at Art. Germans. In Kievan Rus, the prince stood at the head of the D. Entry and exit from D. were free for personally free husbands-warriors. D. was the closest support of the princes. authorities. T. n. The "senior" D. consisted of a small number of the most distinguished warriors who were close advisers to the prince. Senior warriors often received from the prince the right to collect tribute in certain areas in their favor and had their own D. "Younger" D consisted of "gridis", "youths", "children" and other soldiers who made up the main. a lot of D. and who were also involved in the execution of various court-adm. errands. With the development of the feud. land tenure vigilantes turned into landowners - boyars and were one of the founders. components in the formation of dominance. class of feudal lords. D. princes existed until the 16th century, when the specific princes were liquidated. Lit .: Sreznevsky I.I., Mat-ly for a dictionary of ancient Russian. language, t. 1, M., 1958; Grekov B.D., Kievan Rus, (M.), 1953. A. M. Sakharov. Moscow.


FRIEND, a detachment of warriors, united around a tribal leader, then a prince, a privileged stratum of society. Armed detachments led by princes in Ancient Rus took part in wars, governing the principality, and the personal economy of the prince. They were divided into "senior" (the most noble and close persons - "princely men") and "young" - "greedy" and "youths". At the end of the 12th century. D. was replaced by the so-called. yard (see. GOSUDAREV YARD).

A source: Encyclopedia "Fatherland"

originally a princely army, formed on a voluntary basis and had the right of self-government. "The princes' squad" was, albeit a smaller, but nevertheless the main, central part of the entire mass of soldiers. In peacetime, the warriors accompanied the prince "in the polyudye", collected tribute for him, helped him in the administration of the regions and in the administration of justice, served in the courtyard service, etc. The income received by the prince from the volost, and part of the military booty went to the maintenance of the squad. The relationship of the squad with the prince was built at the beginning of the contract: there was no obligation to serve, the prince and the squad were tied by material and moral ties, in case of dissatisfaction, the guards could always leave the prince's service. With constant strife and strife, the princes feel the need to rely on the squad, therefore they value it, take care of the best possible composition and, once they have made it, try to tie it to themselves. Hence, we see a special kind of attitude of the prince to the squad: he feasts with her, favors her, tries to please her, for which he willingly listens to all her desires; from here follows the custom of the prince to confer with the squad, a custom that gradually turned into a rule, the non-observance of which was reproached to the prince. Chroniclers, among the merits of the famous prince, always mention his solidarity with the retinue and frequent meetings with it. Caring for the best selection of the squad, the princes did not pay attention to its tribal composition; therefore, foreign elements penetrate into it, especially under the first princes, when among the warriors we meet Finns, Ugrians, Polovtsians, Khazars, Poles, Torks. In terms of their position and importance, the warriors were not the same: already in the XI century. we meet the division of the squad into two categories: into the oldest squad, large, legged, or front squad, and into a small, young squad. The oldest difference between them was mainly in age, but over time, another one was added here, rooted in the actual difference between the best and the worst people. The eldest squad was made up of men, princes and boyars. This was the force that the prince had to reckon with. Men and boyars formed their own squads, with whom they served the prince; from among them senior officials were appointed (posadniks, tysyatskie, voivods), they were also the main advisers of the prince in his duma. It happened that the princes had to accept the opinion of the older squad, refusing their own, with which she did not agree. The senior squad enjoyed some legal advantages that gave it the character of a privileged class. The main one consisted in a more careful protection of personal safety by law: for the murder of the prince's husband, the law threatened twice as serious a fiend as for the murder of a junior warrior. The younger squad bore the general name of Gridy, Gridby; the lowest rank was made up of youths who performed various kinds of official duties at the prince's court; if necessary, they armed themselves and were then called friendly youths; between the youths there could also be unfree people, slaves. The highest category of the junior squad was made up of children, which were of an exclusively military nature; between them, swordsmen are mentioned who stood closer to the prince. To the end of the XII century. the terms "gridba" and "children" disappear, around this time a new term appeared - "boyar children", which, as it is believed, began to be used in the same sense as "children", i.e. to designate the highest category of junior vigilantes. The word squad was also synonymous with community, artel, gang.

A source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"


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