Male women's young millionaires 20 01. "Young millionaires" on the first channel

Male women's young millionaires 20 01. "Young millionaires" on the first channel

While one lying on the sofa, they think how to become rich and successful, others are young and creative - just get up and do.

In the film, we will tell you through what had to go through our heroes to earn their first capital. We will visit the entrepreneurs at home, we will meet with loved ones and friends, follow the history of our heroes. Find out what motivated them to succeed that they acquired, and what they lost on the way to financial success.

In addition to those who have earned their first big money, we will talk about the heirs of major capital. Let's try to understand who was easier to start: to the one who started from scratch or the one who had a "papin base".

Emin Agalarov determined his way. But the direction, the vector, asked his father, the famous entrepreneur and businessman - Aras Agalarov. He sent her son to learn at the beginning in Switzerland, and then to America. And he did it intentionally. Because the management of the Moscow school constantly asked: "They will repair the pool, then paint facades, and so on." What could you learn at school, which dad "practically bought"?

At 14, Emin was abroad. One. For a teenager, this is the moment of truth. And freedom of personal choice: in which direction will you turn?

He, like all American teenagers, earned his pocket expenses, working on a handyman in the mall. At the age of 16, he already had his own business. More from my father he did not take a penny. Now Emineu is already 34 and this principle is not to ask for a dad - it is still working.

Kira Plastinina began to engage in model business at the age of 14, and now she is the youngest designer, known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Critics frankly doubted that a good one could turn out from a 14-year-old girl who sewed outfits for their dolls and dressed in a favorite dog of Kitty? Everyone was waiting for a large failure, and then parents decided to progress, invited Valentina Yudashkin himself to the forejunction. After his criticism, half the collection had to remake, but the failure did not happen. Master supported Kiru and gave her several valuable advice - as a designer designer.

Now it's no secret that the Kira Plastina brand is a big family business, but Kira herself is not just a sign. It works in his company from morning to late evening, learns the history of the arts in Dallas, conducts shows in New York and Moscow, sleeps for 5 hours, gets up at 7 am. Her responsibility is surprised by many adults.

Olga Nazarova only 27, but she is already a millionaire! And the most famous person in Lipetsk and the Lipetsk region. She wanted to become an actress or singer, even a casting on the "Star Factory" passed, but then it was still cut off ... And now Olga is able to plow and famously enter the Tractor with a heavy plow. The urban lady, herself teaches rural mechanisters to plow, explains how to achieve accurate parallel driving and ideal symmetric rows using a space navigator.

Now Olga has 19 thousand customers across the country, and in the technique it understands as easily as with a set for manicure.

The film takes part:
Emmin Agalarov, Kira Plastinina, Dmitry Yurchenko, Vsevolod Fear, Olga Nazarova, Donald Trump, Oleg Tinky and others.

Publishes materials with the exposure of kapperov selling their forecasts for thousands and tens of thousands of rubles, you tell us: "Why, after all, and so everyone knows that it is not necessary for this?!" Here you have a fresh example of what is not all know about it.

On January 20, the ether of the first channel (!!!) was released by the TV program "Male / Women's". The program seems to be dedicated to the relationship between men and women, however, this issue was about a friend - he was called "young millionaires" and told about people who managed to earn millions of rubles for even 20 years. One of the leaders - Alexander Gordon. You can relate to it in different ways, but to be honest, we thought he was smarter ...

Guest Program - Supercapper Adel Suleimanov

One of the heroes of this program was ... Adel Suleimanov. A person who, according to his own statement, very well plays at the rates and earns from 2 to 5 million rubles a month. The program mentioned that part of this money is earned by selling outlook forecasts (or, as Alexander Gordon said, advising other people about "how to put not to lose"). True, what part of the income of the Adele is precisely selling forecasts, it was not said in the program.

The leading programs were admired by such skills together and even called Mr. Suleimanov man, "who sees 100 steps forward." Showed the apartment in which he lives, the house he built for his mother, as well as the cars on which he rides.

In fact, everything was shown so that the audience think: "Hmm, rates on the sport? Can I pay someone and get rich? "

You can see the release of the program entirely on the site of the first channel. The program lasts 45 minutes. And those who want to save time can only look after the excerpt of this issue. For the convenience of such users, Adel Suleimanov himself cut off a piece with his participation and posted on its channel.

How to popularize the activity of the sellers of forecasts?

This is the first channel guys! The channel, which calls himself "the most popular Russian-speaking media resource on the planet", and the size of its audience is assessed in 250 million viewers.

Suppose this figure is exaggerated. Suppose the "Male / Women's" program is watching not all the audience of the first channel. But even if the off town is only a third of this indicator and assume that this release of the program viewed only this amount ... it is more than 83 million people. Plus more than 55,000 people viewed the release of the program on the site of the first channel. And we are already silent about the authority of the channel, which is preserved, no matter what.

That is, tens of millions of people, reviewing this release, it will be easy to bring to the conclusion that somewhere in Kazan there is such a megalism, with which you can become a young millionaire. Or not young. Tens of millions of people can hear that there is some kind of "system", which allows this megalumu to beat bookmakers on an ongoing basis.


In the release of a program dedicated to young millionaires was not only Adel Suleimanov. There was a guy who earns a million in a month promotion of groups in social networks. There was a girl for 14 years old, the actress, who began to work for 8 years and also earned his first million on it.

And there was a guy-inventor. He invented several gadgets that could very easily ease the life and life of visually impaired people. To be honest, we are outspoken that it was put on a par with the seller of sports forecasts and the promotion of accounts in the bookmakers. Because we know how many sellers of forecasts work and especially bill promoters. Leading Program Alexander Gordon, unfortunately, does not know. Like the leadership of the first channel, most likely. What did not prevent them from inviting a supercapper to transfer.

What you say here ... Bravo, Channel One! Very careful selection of heroes and a very careful study of the topic, which enters the ether. It is possible that one day the main television channel of the country will begin to broadcast us millionaires selling "contractual matches" on the Internet. Or maybe in one of the releases "let them say" is to wait and Eduard Kwaraceliya? ..

Soon Intelbet plans to release another material with funny (not for all, truth) cases from the practice of Adele Suleimanova. In this regard, we declare the collection of feedback!If you ever used the services of its so-called Capper-Analytical Center, please email in the comments to this post about your experience!

Nikita Smirnov from St. Petersburg earned his first million in 16 years. Now he is 18, and he continues to increase his capital, spinning groups in social networks. Valentina Lyapin from Moscow is famous since childhood - she was a face of fashion magazines, starred in the cinema, went through the podium. At 11 years old, she began to earn more than her parents. Adel Suleimanov - a sports analyst from Kazan - earned the first million at 18, and now, when he 25, owns a huge state.

All these people found their way to earn a lot of money at an early age, doing a favorite thing. How did they live before they became rich and famous? And what is the secret in kids millionaires?

« Male / feminine"- a project that will try to help men and women understand their relationship. This is what the co-supporter Alexander Gordon Julia Baranovskaya says: "This is a project about the relationship, feelings, about emotions. I think myself is a fairly outdoor person in order to feel every family and every situation separately. I believe that there are no similar situations. There are two people who create a family, and these two people are individual and unique. Personally, I will always fight for what you need to work on relationships, save them in difficult moments, and not run away at the first of the current crisis. This point of view is clearly not divided by my co-host Alexander Gordon. We will have something to argue. "