Ukr lit prepare for zno. How is it estimated in the Ukrainian language? Features of the examination work

Ukr lit prepare for zno. How is it estimated in the Ukrainian language? Features of the examination work
Ukr lit prepare for zno. How is it estimated in the Ukrainian language? Features of the examination work

For negligent disciples, the situation is also complicated by the fact that in recent years it is quite possible to "fill up". If earlier the certificate with minimal scalls was issued to schoolchildren anyway, then in 2018, in order to get a cherished document in the hands, you will have to score at least 24 primary points. Especially important in this regard is one of obligatory objectsSubmitted for final control - Ukrainian language and literature.

Ukrainian reader: Ukraine, let's, Ukraine - a documentary cycle, in which 16 leading Czech, Slovak and Polish directors tell the story of one Ukrainian writer and its works. Television premiere on two. List of separate parts.

Oksana Zabuzko - director Lucy Kralova. Alexander Irvanets - director Martin Malinova. Pavel Korobobchuk - director Jan Gogol. Peter Milanka - directed by Philip Remund. Khalina Kruk - director Marcin Bradke. Serhi Jadan - director Aniela Astrid Gabriel. Andrei Bondar is directed by Angei Yodvik.

On the one hand, the Language Examination is considered simple signs - students who cannot cope with this subject, are extremely rare. On the other hand, a high score can only be obtained if the student understands language norms and rules, has excellent wimples And enthusiastically reads the recommended literature. And in order to simplify the process of preparing for this subject, we will tell what will be known ukrainian language and literature in 2018, and how to hand it over to the highest score.

Yuri Vynnychuk - Director Agneshka Warching. Lyubko Deresh - director Peter Kerkesh. Artem Chapai - directed by Marek Sholik. Larisa Denisenko - director of the solder Bekarchik. Grigory Semenchuk - directed to Zuzan Liova. Natalka Syadanko - Director Vladimir Mereshek. Taras Prokhasko - Director Bogdan Blahovets.

Concert in Park, Slovakia - Ukraine: cooperation across the border. For visitors, cultural performances of famous ukrainian artists and related events. The goal of the festival is to bring the slopov and Ukrainians to the culture of each other, as well as promote cross-border cooperation.

Demonstration version ZNO

Date Sign-2018 in the Ukrainian language

What will be killed in 2018?

The maximum of primary points, which can be obtained for the exam in the Ukrainian language and literature, is 104. Work is written for 180 minutes. The examination on this subject does not imply the use of additional items or reference materials. Just below, we will describe the requirements put forward to students, and also list sections whose knowledge will provide you with a high score for examination work.

Formulas on two sheets

In times of pressing complex situation In Ukraine, this campaign shows our interest and concompliance with citizens living in Ukraine. This year, we decided to strengthen the recognition of the Ukrainian roots of culture, so we added a special dance workshop, art workshop and reading Ukrainian children's fairy tales in the Spisch Castle.

We will continue to write on topics associated with Ukraine and its culture. Martin in the Spiser Capitol. Spectacular and beautiful mezzo-soprano from Ukraine, Katerlin Puchna, works great. The game on this tool is a specific right to Ukraine. Katerlin is one of the few artists who play professionally, adds Shushtyakov. The festival is not only the isolated activities of the Association, but over the past two years there were events aimed at supporting the development of relations with the Ukrainian themes and the relationship of various youth associations.

Program zno in part of the Ukrainian language

Each student will have to be shown how successfully he mastered sections dedicated to phonetics, orphoepies and spelling, mastered the vocabulary and phraseology, understands the structure of words and features of their formation, mastered morphology and syntax. In addition, to obtain high points a graduate must have developed speech And understand the stylistics of the literary Ukrainian language. When checking the work, the Commission will evaluate the following parameters:

These development activities are supported by partners: Speshki undergraduate, Prelvsky self-governing region and the Slovak National Levoche Museum. If you are interested in any additional InformationContact us at any time. During the remainder of the period, he conducted a number of events that contributed to the development of cultural and tourist life under the castle of Spis.

Winter training hall should take place by October

The first hockey academy with a washer will be created in Prelbia. With the solemn tapping of the base stone, May began to build a training hall with an artificial ice surface. The supplier has already started working from the first technology, since the entire design must be completed in five months - by September. "This is a mysterious term, but he can grab it," said Robert Strame owner.

  • knowledge of the alphabet, as well as the rules of pronunciation and alternation of sounds;
  • the ability to apply orthoepic standards when arranged an alignment, recognize spellings and apply rules;
  • ability to explain lexical norms Ukrainian language, select words of synonymic and antonymic nature, as well as competently apply phraseological units;
  • understanding the structure of words, the ability to identify one-sized words;
  • the ability to differentiate nouns, adjectives, verbs, particles, prepositions, numeral, communion, verbalia and exclamations as part of speech;
  • mastering the skills of the rigging of verbs, the decline of nouns, adjectives and numeral, and also proper use parts of speech in language structures and understanding of the classification of speech parts;
  • skills in building proposals with various emotional color and grammatical structure, the ability to distinguish offers and phrase, the ability to disassemble a proposal for composite parts;
  • mastering the skills of the transformation of direct speech into indirect speech;
  • ability to recognize various styles speeches, as well as use speech tools to achieve certain purposes;
  • the ability to memorize and relay the meaning of the read, separating the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe minor expressions, as well as the skills of critical reflection, analysis and recovery.

Program zno in part of the literature

Do not regret the preparation time! It is necessary to solve 58 tasks for 180 minutes to be solved, which is impossible without careful pre-work!

In this part, ZNO students will have to show that they are oriented in oral folk creativity, as well as Ukrainian literary writings XVIII, XIX, XX centuries, the work of immigrants and writers created by postmodernist authors. Checking this part of the work, the Commission will evaluate:

To build an educational sports room with an artificial ice area, funds in the amount of 1, 6 million euros of three sources. Podzeravinskaya, where the hall will stand. It will be a new educational hall that has no point of view, but will be equipped with the most modern technology cooling. It will use worked warm both for heating and for hot water in shower.

As part of the project, concrete foundations and concrete area will be built, the hall. Galvanized steel design with mineral wall panels, changing rooms, technological equipment, parking, asphalt communication surface, and should also be purchased and installed with indirect cooling from spent heat, pillows, air conditioning and engine to adjust ice.

  • the ability to analyze literary works in terms of their main thoughts, characters and their motives, as well as artistic agents used by the author;
  • knowledge artistic works various genres;
  • understanding the following literary concepts: Romanticism, Realism, Epos, Drama, Lyrics, Satire, Grotesque;
  • the ability to find in the work of epithets, comparisons, metaphors, allegories, hyperboles;
  • the ability to navigate in the modernist and postmodern directions of Ukrainian literature;
  • skills in the use of rhetorical issues and poetic syntax, including inversion, tautology, parallelism.

Features of the examination work

Graduates have to solve 58 tasks distributed into three parts:

Ukraine - How to finish Maidan?

The choice of the supplier was complex. State procurements Through the electronic contract system, which the investor has implemented since December, gradually three unsuccessful rounds and the fourth round were concluded in April. It was this week that the company completed the Arena "Srsen" - a new winter stadium in Kosice. Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia invites you to the discussion of the cake and the cup called "Ukraine - how to finish the Maidan?". In which we will discuss the current political situation in Ukraine, the current reforms and the development of relations with Russia.

  • the first part is 33 tasks in the Ukrainian language;
  • the second part is 24 tasks on Ukrainian literature;
  • the third part is 1 task in the form of an essay.

All tasks from the first and second parts have a different complexity:

  • in the tasks below the numbers 1-23, 29-33 and 34-53, it suffices to select one correct answer from the list of proposed;
  • in the tasks with numbers 24-28 and 54-57, conformations between the two columns should be established by creating "logical pairs";
  • task number 58 assumes that the student will write a small essay On a discussion theme, writing your thoughts on a separate form.

What criteria is an essay?

The writing is a part of the work that can bring up to 20 points, so special requirements are presented to it. Pupils will evaluate several criteria:

Student Tatyana: She teased her skulls

The following questions will be discussed: - Alexander Duleba - Valery Kupko. Coffee, tea and cake - at our expense! Clay was so fascinated that beautiful items could do. Shevchenko with the Ukrainian language in Prashov Tatiana Pubvice produces all articles manually and does not use forms in modeling. I like modeling and ceramics, and it caught me about a year ago. Simulation takes place every weekend when it returns home to Ukraine, in Uzhgorod. According to her, she is a lot of tips. I started visiting primary school Arts, and Master Victor offered me something new, the possibility of modeling clay.

  • the first group of criteria covers the content and composite design of thoughts. Members Commission will verify how well the schoolboy knows how to formulate thesis (this skill is estimated at 2 points), arguments (2 points), use literary examples (2 points) and examples of historical or life character (2 points), keeps the logic and sequence of work (2 points), can draw conclusions (2 points);
  • the second group of criteria concerns the speech design of the text. Spelling can bring 4 points student if it made no more than 1 errors, 3 points, if the errors were from 2 to 6, 2 points if there are 7-11 errors, 1 point - if the student allowed 12-16 errors. More Errors means that this part of the work will be estimated in 0 points. Separately evaluated lexical, grammatical and stylistic components. If the student managed to allow no more than 1 errors, it will earn 4 points, from 2 to 4 errors - 3 points, from 5 to 7 errors - 2 points, from 8 to 10 errors - 1 point. If the number of errors exceeded 11, this part of the work is estimated at 0 points.

Separately, it is worth saying that the student will need to write a work of at least 100 words - the compositions of smaller volume will not be evaluated.

Day of lively doors in the united school. Shevchenko

Tannina Collection We found several skulls. Why the skull? I like it, it is interesting to me. One part is sometimes made ten hours, and then burned in a ceramic furnace. From the director of School Igor Andreyakaka, we learned that in the summer the first exhibition of work in the gallery will be held in Tala. I'm so glad that I did not count on it. City cultural and educational center in Snyne.

We invite you to the Cologne and Wine concert. The optimal number of children in the group: Approximately. Cultural and historical exposition. He had several collective and independent exhibitions in Ukraine, Austria and Poland. The exhibition is very impressive, it attracts the color of life, attracts flowers, flowers, landscapes, folklore, but also incomprehensible, tasteful actions.

How is it estimated in the Ukrainian language?

High score can correct a low assessment for the subject in the certificate

Based on the outcomes, Zno students put the final mark, which directly affects the school certificate. At the same time, not all the ticket tasks are taken into account, but only points obtained for Jobs No. 1-23, 29-33 and 58. Translation of points in a 12-point scale is as follows:

The exhibition can be seen. Discount: Sergey Glayzh, Emilia Kaminsk, Josef Kaminsky Orest Chickko. And this year the number of visitors to the festival significantly exceeded the number of residents in which it says that local residents Love to return to the place of your childhood, I love you in a circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances, with good music and wonderful singing remembered the together who survived years not only their youth. Also this year, as it is already becoming a tradition, the celebration began in the morning solemn liturgia orthodox church in the chapel B. pilgrimage "Three wells", located above the village, in which nine spiritual, not only domestic, but from neighboring Poland took part.

  • 0-5 points correspond 1 score on the school system;
  • 6-10 - 2 points;
  • 11-15 - 3 points;
  • 16-20 - 4 points;
  • 21-26 - 5 points;
  • 27-32 - 6 points;
  • 33-38 - 7 points;
  • 39-43 - 8 points;
  • 44-49 - 9 points;
  • 50-55 - 10 points;
  • 56-61 - 11 points;
  • 62-68 - 12 points.

If the student cannot recruit at least 24 primary points, its work is estimated at 0 points, which means that the certificate is not issued. Modern system The receipts are arranged in such a way that it is difficult to understand in advance what the passing score will be on the budget. The final distribution of seats depends on what is the current competition in the university to the specialty chosen by you, which points other applicants boast, and how they distributed their priorities.

The Hungarian Museum of Culture took second place

In the evening the festival continued folk music in local cultural house. The Hungarian Museum of Culture in Bratislava was the second on attendance by the National Museum last year. Our country is known for its rich offer of historical and museum monuments. In addition to national history, Slovaks can also learn about the history, culture and traditions of our national minorities.

There are eight in the Slovak National Museum national Museumsthat really need to imagine. Among the three most visited national museums for last year - those that are devoted to Ukrainian, Hungarian and Jewish minorities. Last year, Slovaks were most interested in the Ukrainian culture, which more than 20,000 visitors visited in the museum of Ukrainian culture in Swidnik.

Of course, students with high points are unlikely to "fly" past budget places (excluding those cases when university gives only 1-2 budget places). Thus, for the guaranteed enrollment on the budget, it is worth gaining at least 92 primary points out of 104 for zno in the Ukrainian language and literature.

How to prepare for the examination?

Download past years and use them to prepare for the exam!

Combining in one tilt of the language and literary part means that there will be a lot of days to prepare for this. Success when surrendering knows a lot depends on whether you will follow our recommendations.

In this museum, visitors could see besides permanent exhibition, exhibition in nature - Museum under open sky. The second most visited museum was about 12, 5 thousand visits a year, the Hungarian Culture Museum in Bratislava, who prepared 13 exhibitions.

The Museum of Jewish Culture in Bratislava is closed by three of his favorite museums, in which almost 11,000 people pass 12 exhibitions. The Museum of Hungarian Culture in Bratislava is concentrated on the development of the history of material and spiritual culture of Hungarians in Slovakia.

The museum is located on Bremer Street on Zizhkova Street 18, and opening hours - from 00 to 00 hours a day per week. Today you can see a permanent exposition on the first floor in a partially preserved undergraduate. On the first floor there are office space and a conference room, which also serves as a gallery.

  • Take the textbooks for all the years of learning the Ukrainian language or methodical development To prepare for knowing, carefully repeat all the rules and exceptions;
  • Fight books on literature to comprehend terminology and learn to recognize artistic techniques;
  • Download and rewrite last year's tickets (see links at the beginning of the article). So you can understand the evaluation criteria, as well as the structure and content of the sign;
  • Take off the use skills language norms - Regularly write dictations, trying to perceive not only pronunciation, but also syntactic and punctuation moments. Such an exercise will help you develop a sense of language;
  • Write a dozen essays on topics that were offered to students in the tickets of past years. At the same time, strictly follow the criteria, on the basis of which the Commission will evaluate an essay on the real exam. So you will bring compliance with these standards to automatism;
  • Make a plan for study literary worksbrought to zno. The authors whose works may appear in tickets: Skovorod, I. Kotlyarevsky, T. Shevchenko, P. Kulish, I. Nechu-Levitsky, P. Mirny, I. Karpenko-Kari, I. Franco, M. Kotsyubinsky, . Kobyl'anskaya, L. Ukrainka, P. Tychina, M. Rylsky, V. Sosyr, O. Vishnya, A. Dovzhenko, V. Simonenko, O. Gonchar, V. Stus, L. Kostenko. In addition, the exam is an oral folk art, Writers-Postmodernists and the ancient works of the "Words about Igor's regiment" and "Tale of the past years." Such an impressive list assumes that the works will have to read from the very beginning of the year;
  • It will not be superfluous to read the criticism of the works made in the program know - so you can better understand the works of philosophical orientation and identify main thoughtembedded in them by the author;
  • Do not forget to pass tests on online simulators knowing - this will allow the terminology to consolidate and teach you to quickly make decisions.

Underground spaces - basement gallery. There are exhibitions on various topics, such as art, literature, ethnography, cultural history and others. Marian Gaidosh - Stanislav finite. Both the program and the number of guests will be very limited, and everything will be done only on the Slovak part of the border - on the road of the customs border crossing through the convolution. The program will start at 00 o'clock. And the protocol on cooperation between the Ukrainian and Slovak regions will be signed by about 30 hours.

In case of interest, we organize an improvised briefing on the spot with the highest representatives. Due to the fact that the meeting will take place in Slovakia, there is no need to specifically indicate passport numbers. Passengers from Prague to Kiev or in the opposite direction do not have to be closed from the bus in Kosice.

Participants who have chosen the basic level of the test in the Ukrainian language and literature have completed two tasks out of five in optimal mode. Psychometric indicators of the results of these tasks correspond to the values \u200b\u200bacceptable for tasks that are complex. Three tasks have unsatisfactory psychometric characteristics.

After a short transplantation in half an hour, during which the riders will leave new arriving passengers, the route will continue on the second plot from Kosice to Kiev or back to Prague. We firmly convinced that the economic situation in Ukraine will improve.

At the same time, we are convinced that direct air connection between Koshitsa and Kiev will have a positive impact on the further development of trade relations between Slovakia and Ukraine, the one added. Karl Dandler, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Kosice Airport: The new airline Kosice-Kiev confirms that Kosice Airport is a real gate to Eastern Slovakia. After Prague, Bratislava, Vienna, London, Milan and Sheffield, Kiev will become the seventh European city with which Kosice has a straight air canal.

Given the results of express analysis, Ukrainian estimation center It was decided to entrust the subject professional commission on the Ukrainian language to consider the feasibility of taking into account the results of the tasks that have unsatisfactory psychometric characteristics, for the state final certification in the Ukrainian language.

This opens up new horizons of international cooperation in the field of trade and tourism. Richard Rashi, the mayor of Koshitsa: these days the days of Ukraine and Slovakia will end in Kosice - the Ukrainian business forum. The Kosice-Kiev air line gives a completely new meaning to these events and their potential continuation.

Zdenko requested, chairman of the Kositsk region: Direct aerial service Kosice - Kiev Excellent news, not only in the strength of historical and geographical connections between Eastern Slovakia and Ukraine, but also taking into account the possibilities that lie ahead. We cordially invite you to the ceremony dedicated to Taras Shevchenko and Ludusite of the Thrings.

Also, the subject Professional Commission of the Uzoko in the Ukrainian language separately will consider the possibility of considering the answers that the participants of the external assessment perform the specified tasks close to the right one.

In addition, the Appeals Commission Utsoko is instructed to consider the mechanism for assessing tasks to the text of the writer Pagutyak "Small way - not for people ..." Taking into account their psychometric characteristics according to the results of express analysis and on the basis of decisions of the subject professional commission on the Ukrainian language.