When they pass the heat of the year, the schedule. ZNO for special children. New required subject

When they pass the heat of the year, the schedule.  ZNO for special children.  New required subject
When they pass the heat of the year, the schedule. ZNO for special children. New required subject

The ZNO 2018 program is compulsory for all Ukrainian schoolchildren, despite the fact that many say that new method testing students' knowledge is worse than the old Soviet system. Based on the results of independent testing, graduates are issued certificates, without which they cannot become university students.

The reform that is being carried out in the educational sphere is designed to minimize abuses that occur both in school administrations and in institutions. Thanks to her, interferences in the examination process will stop. Pupils do not have to take disciplines twice - upon graduation and upon admission.

Key innovations

Based on the results of passing the VNO 2018 in Ukraine, eleventh graders will receive a certificate, which is presented along with documents to the institute or university. Since 2016, it has operated for three years. Now the question is about how to reduce this period by 3 times. Those graduates who do not go to university in 2018 will have to be tested again in 2019.

The modern concept of education provides for several cycles of education, primary school students receive 1-4 grades, basic pass from 5 to 9, followed by profile, when children are engaged in a gymnasium, college or lyceum.

When moving from one level to another, students take tests that are developed by the ministry. The order and procedure for passing the exams is subject to publication 6 months before the due date. independent assessment.

The innovations of ZNO 2018 in Ukraine will affect children who graduate from the fourth and ninth graders, who are going to study at a lyceum or college in their chosen profile. They are transferred to high school based on their exam results. Graduates are admitted to prestigious institutions by competition.

Mandatory testing discipline is the national language of the country and literature. In addition, knowledge in other subjects is assessed in the form of:

  • mathematics;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • Ukrainian history.

Those interested can take French, German and Spanish. Russian is being tested.

New required subject

In 2016, the Ministry of Education decided to check whether it makes sense to take the ZNO on foreign language... Research began to be carried out in the metropolitan area and Lviv.

The tasks included questions of two levels of difficulty. In the first case, training took place on standard program... The second test option was intended for children who attended special classes. The results of the study were far from satisfactory.

The commission that carried out this testing came to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the listening skills. It was decided to re-involve schoolchildren in the experiment in 2017.

The compulsory subjects in ZNO in 2018 will most likely include a foreign language, and knowledge will be assessed according to a testing system consisting of two levels.

Mathematics is on the list of such disciplines. Instead, you can take biology or history, depending on the chosen profession. Ukrainian Literature and the language is not replaced by anything. The third subject for ZNO is chosen based on the requirements of the university or institute, of which the graduate wants to become a student. The fourth compulsory discipline will be a foreign language.

Innovations for children with special needs

Schoolchildren who have serious problems with motor functions. The audiences tested were not wheelchair friendly. Now they have ramps installed.

For some reason, assignments for students with poor eyesight were printed in too small letters. This was also taken into account by adding lighting. Braille will be used. There will be much more time for responses.

Passing points

Not all graduates can receive the certificate in 2018. Students should not hope for this that they went to school not for knowledge, but for entertainment. The new grading system assumes that the road to universities will open only to those who get at least a minimum score in the subject being examined.

According to statistics, 9% of graduates were unable to recruit it. Ukrainian language, 13% - by history.

ZNO test 2018 will save the highest educational establishments from applicants with knowledge at the zero level.

The tasks of the ticket in mathematics, and there are 33 of them, must be solved by graduates in three hours. They include:

  • choice of the correct answer out of 5;
  • determination of the correspondence of logical pairs;
  • solution of examples;
  • building graphs.

The commission does not give more than 62 points in this discipline.

The ticket for the Ukrainian language consists of 58 tasks. More than half is devoted to spell checking; 24 tests are provided for assessing knowledge of literature. In the third part of the work, the student must express his thoughts on a specific topic. For an essay, a graduate can receive up to 20 points, in total in this discipline they gain up to 104.

History testing is carried out in order to find out what schoolchildren know about Ukraine from ancient times to the present day.

Anyone who wants to enter a technical university passes the ZNO in physics. Future doctors and pharmacists choose biology, where you can get 76 points for 50 tasks. Graduates who want to work in travel agencies decide to assess knowledge from geography.

The testing, which was carried out in 2017 in four foreign languages, consisted of 3 parts, the skills of writing, reading, and the ability to use in practice were tested. However, schoolchildren who are going to take the ZNO in such disciplines in 2018 must prepare for the assessment on a two-level system.

Changing the rules

Now it is impossible to enter a university without a certificate. It is received only on the basis of the results of an independent assessment. Since 2017, the applicant is allowed to apply for only 4 specialties that interest him more. Beneficiaries, which include orphans, disabled people, children of soldiers who participated in the ATO, immigrants cannot become students out of competition. Instead, quotas of 10 and 20% are now provided.

The second option is intended for residents of Crimea who have moved to Ukraine since 2017. Ten percent of the number of applicants admitted under the state order are given to orphans and children, which due to illness do not undergo malignant neoplasms. The third quota is provided for those who go to institutions that are financed from local budgets.

Since 2017, the addition of points for training on preparatory courses... This practice will continue only in universities where there are not enough applications for some specialties. There is a deficit of the country's enterprise in qualified programmers, ecologists and lawyers, there is an excess.

Based on the new system, on the basis of which points are formed based on the results of independent assessment, the ZNO rating of 2018 is established. Its minimum value for obtaining a certificate is likely to be 20%, and according to the results of attestation - at least 10.

Examination rules for bachelors are changing. In order to get to the magistracy, they will have to undergo independent assessment, as it is now provided for schoolchildren. Students who do not have an international qualification will take a foreign language and a subject in their specialty.

Over the past few years, the practice of external independent assessment of knowledge (ZNO) has become one of the most radical reforms in the field of education in Ukraine. A similar exam is mandatory for every 11th grade graduate and takes the form of testing. The result of the points earned on the ZNO is entered into a special certificate, with the help of which the doors are opened for further learning child in universities.

To find out exactly how the ZNO will take place in 2017-2018, preparation for which has already started, you should more carefully study the modern standards of this section. school knowledge.

Subtleties of carrying out ZNO

The main feature of such testing is considered to relieve schoolchildren of the need to pass similar exams twice. According to representatives of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, only with the help of such a method it is easy to minimize the abuse of powers of the school or university administration, making the exam more objective.

Already in 2018, representatives of the 11th grade will face a number of some innovations. A previously issued certificate of passing an external independent assessment was considered valid for at least 3 years. Now there is information that such a document will be reduced to 1 year. It turns out that if a graduate does not submit documents to the university in 2018, the next year he will have to take the ZNO again.

Back in 2016, the frightening news became known: a foreign language may appear in the list of compulsory subjects for passing the ZNO. At that time, it was decided to test the reasonableness of such a government decision only in a few Ukrainian regions: Kiev, Odessa and Lvov. It was attended by 3 thousand students. Test result: Two-level tests were identified as an appropriate tool for measuring school knowledge. True, it was decided to finalize the exam tasks in order to re-test it with other Ukrainian regions in 2017. There is a possibility that from 2018 a foreign language will indeed become compulsory for passing the ZNO.

On this moment the list of compulsory disciplines consists of mathematics (history or biology), Ukrainian language and literature. The fourth test is determined by students independently, based on the requirements of the previously selected university. The inclusion of 4 compulsory disciplines in the list of subjects was already mentioned earlier.

ZNO for special children

According to the rights of Ukrainian children and the gender equality of the country, from 2018 onwards, the ZNO for children with visual impairments will take 30 minutes longer. Better audience coverage is arranged for them, while for some the tickets will have to be printed in Braille. In the future, the Ministry of Education of Ukraine will also take into account the needs of children traveling in wheelchairs.

Passing score

At the very beginning of the birth of ZNO, absolutely all schoolchildren passed a new exam for students, which was explained by the lack of a minimum passing score... Last year, the situation has changed - according to the new assessment system, the student has to show the commission at least minimal knowledge of the subject. If, according to the results of the ZNO, the minimum number of points is not scored, you can forget about obtaining a certificate until next year. With the help of such a step, the majority of Ukrainian universities protect themselves from graduates with a zero level of basic knowledge. For example, in 2016, schoolchildren had to reach the following thresholds:

Sample tests

Each Ukrainian graduate has the opportunity to test in advance the level of their own knowledge who signed up for a trial ZNO. Such tests are paid and cost from 130 hryvnia for one subject. Next year, if there is a difference in price, it will be no more than 20-30 hryvnia. It is worth recalling that by trial assessment knowledge is allowed only to persons who have submitted a corresponding application in advance. Registration for 2017 took place from 10 to 31 January. The date of the trial ZNO is set 30-45 days before the main exam. In 2017, tests were scheduled for April 1 in the Ukrainian language, while all other subjects are indicated by the 8th of this month. According to official statistics, the data of the mock exam do not differ much from the main section of knowledge.

Features of ZNO-2018 in subjects

To make the upcoming exam as easy as possible, you should learn in advance about all the intricacies of each of its types. Of course, for now, the information below will only concern 2017, but usually the structural part of tickets rarely changes.

ZNO in Ukrainian language and literature

To solve 58 tasks of the ticket, 180 minutes are allocated. The work is divided into 3 parts:

  • by language - consists of 33 tasks;
  • literature - includes 24 tasks;
  • the student's expression of his own considerations, according to the topic indicated in the only assignment.

The tasks of the ticket are distributed in such a way that for the test part with one correct answer, the student can earn no more than 1 point, matching is estimated at 4 points, while the essays promise to reward its author with an additional 20 points. The maximum number of points on the basis of the completion of all tasks is 104.

ZNO in mathematics

The exam ticket for the declared subject consists of 33 tasks, the solution of which will take the same 180 minutes. The ticket contains 4 different kinds assignments:

  • simple, with a choice of one correct answer out of 5 presented; there are 20 such tasks and they are estimated at 1 point;
  • setting a logical pair - 4 tasks for which you can get from 1 to 4 points;
  • open form with the need for a mandatory solution - 6 tasks, with a maximum of 2 points;
  • open form of the expanded type, with the obligatory construction of graphs or the image of a visual drawing - 3 tasks, the first two of which are evaluated at 4 points, while the last - at 6.

The maximum number of points that can be earned on the ZNO from mathematics is 62. The final grade is transferred to the certificate from the corresponding subject.

ZNO on history

One of the most voluminous tickets of all types of exams, consisting of 60 different tasks. Only 150 minutes are given to complete them. The work is divided into 2 parts:

  • knowledge check on the section History of Ukraine of the XX-XXI century, consisting of 30 tasks, the result of which is counted as the final grade of the 11th grade graduate;
  • assessment of the level of knowledge about the history of the state from the beginning of time to late XIX centuries - 30 tasks.

All questions are provided as tests.

1. One answer - 46 tasks, for which you can earn only 1 point for the correct answer.
2. Logic pairs - 6 tasks, 4 points for each correct one.
3. Establishing the sequence of factors or events - 4 tasks, estimated at 3 points.
4. Choice of 3 correct answers out of 7 options proposed in the text - 4 tasks, 3 points for each correct one.

The maximum number of points earned on the basis of the ZNO in history is 94.

ZNO in physics

The examination committee invites applicants for a certificate to solve 34 problems, for which 180 minutes of time are allotted. The ticket consists of a series of tasks presented in 3 different forms:

  • choice of one correct decision- 20 questions with 1 point for each correct answer;
  • installation of logical correspondence - 4 tasks, 4 points each;
  • independent formation of the answer in short form- 10 tasks, 2 points for each correct one.

The maximum number of points earned on the exam is 56.

ZNO in biology

The ticket from the marked item consists of 50 tasks, for the solution of which only 2 hours are given. Inside the ticket you can find tasks in 3 different forms of submission:

  • choice of the only correct answer - 40 tasks, 1 point for each correct one;
  • establishing a logical correspondence - 6 tasks for which you can earn 4 points;
  • selection of 3 correct answers from whole group the proposed options - 4 tasks, 3 points each.

The maximum number of points that can be obtained for passing the exam in biology is 76.

ZNO in geography

The subject exam consists of 58 test items, which take 150 minutes to solve. All of them are divided into 4 forms:

  • one answer option - 42 tasks, 1 point each;
  • logical pair - 6 tasks, 4 points each;
  • open answer form with a short answer - 4 tasks, estimated at 2 points;
  • choice of 3 answers out of 7 proposed - 6 tasks of 3 points.

The maximum number of points for passing the ZNO in geography is 92 points.

ZNO in a foreign language (English, Spanish, French and German)

In 2017, such a ZNO should consist of 43 tasks of a trial type, for the solution of which no more than 120 minutes are allotted. All work is divided into 3 components:

  • reading skills test - 22 tasks;
  • assessment of the skills of using language knowledge in practice - 20 tasks;
  • monitoring writing skills - one open-ended task.

The question form provides for the choice of one correct answer, filling in the gaps in the text and writing a detailed answer.

Submission of documents to the university

As mentioned earlier, the test in the form of passing the ZNO is necessary for school graduates to be able to enter the next link of education for budgetary places. This year the number of potential specialties and the number of applications themselves is sharply reduced. Now it is allowed to submit only 9 applications, while choosing 4 specialties. Cancellation at the "specialist" and "junior bachelor" levels is possible, while the category " Junior Specialist"Is still preserved.

Change of admission rules for the preferential category of graduates

Applicants with disabilities, children of the military and displaced persons, as well as orphans have every right to enroll in the previously selected university, taking into account some quotas established by the Ministry of Education.

1. 10% of the number of state order places are allocated to orphans who participated in hostilities, and to schoolchildren who cannot pass ZNO due to medical reasons.
2.20% of the state order will be allocated to Crimean migrants who moved to live in Ukraine after January 1, 2017.
3. The quota of restrictions on the action provided for the universities of the communal type - financed with the help of the regional budget.
4. The quota is used within the framework of international obligations and is intended exclusively for foreigners.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all current and future graduates of Ukrainian schools good luck and more perseverance during the difficult learning process.