Saints of Russia. Pilgrimage is a trip to the holy places: history and modernity

Saints of Russia. Pilgrimage is a trip to the holy places: history and modernity
Saints of Russia. Pilgrimage is a trip to the holy places: history and modernity

Posted PND, 02/22/2016 - 14:59 by CEP

Which point of our immense country, we would not have headed - everywhere we have a bell tower and churches. Almost every one has its own special story.
Somewhere this is the White Cathedral of the XII century, somewhere resting the net relics of the saint somewhere, and somewhere there is a holy source with gracious and healing water. Near the miraculous icon of God's mother or the honorable saint! But a completely new temple, the money for the construction of which was collected by the whole world.
The stimping in their campaigns visited many interesting and beautiful places of the epic saint Rus: from the Caucasus to the White Sea!
We will tell about the most famous shrines of Russia.

In the XVII century in the Ipatiev Monastery, the beginning of the cessation of the Great University, threatened by the destruction of Russian statehood. In 1613, the monastery was covered in his walls of the young Mikhail Romanov. In the holy monastery, the glorious three hundred years of reign of the house of Romanov began. From that moment on the monastery, the name - the "cradle" of the house of Romanov.

Located in one of the most picturesque corners of Kostroma. The place where the Kostroma River flows into the Volga, Kostromichy sincecorable called the "arrow", and with the appearance of the monastery here it was called "Ipatiev (Ipack) Cape."

Currently, in the late 2004th year of the Russian Orthodox Church, the monastery is restored, a spiritual, prayer life is reborn, without which all other types of monastery activities will not be able to bring real benefits. And the mission and social work here begin with prayer.
A few breeds of the monastery actively supports the youth projects of the diocese, participates in the work of the diocesan media.
Sacredarchimandrite of the Holy Trinity of the Ipatiev Men's Diocesan Monastery is the excreant Ferapont, Bishop of Kostroma and Galichsky, and his governor - Igumen Peter (Yeryshalov).

In the summer of 1397, two ink Moscow Simonov Monastery - Cyril and Ferapont appeared on the shore of Siversky Lake. They passed a long way, overcoming forest crates, swamps and rivers. The final place of the journey was known to Kirill in advance, it appeared in a vision in one of the nights, when the old man of the mother of God prayed. During the reading of the Akathist, the most grate, when Kirill reached the words: "The strange Christmas of Wishovshi, you will be preparing to the world and the mind on the sky," he heard the voice: "Kirill, I'm getting out of here and go to Beloozero, Tamo Bo treat the place in it, you can escape " This voice was accompanied by an eldest light that penetrated the celi window. Looking out, Kirill saw that the radiance comes from the north where Belozero was located. Great joy covered Cyril, because he understood that he heard the preching prayer for him.
Shortly after this amazing night in Simonov, the monastery returned Monk Ferapont, who committed an economic trip to the north by decree of Archimandrite. Kirill questioned a detail asked Ferrapont about the unknown Territory, especially interested him, whether, suitable for deserted. Fera Pont not only confirmed that such places are enough, but also agreed to accomplish Kirill, since it had long had a desire to go away from the Moscow bustle.

For settlement, the monks chose a high hill on the shores of Siversky Lake. On the slope of this hill dug up the dugout, in which the year lived. In 1398, Ferapont left Cyril, went further to the north, where he chose a place for his own monastery, called him later by his name.
Under the life of the founder, the development of two nearby hills on the shores of Sievorsky Lake and the construction of wooden temples, keels, office space, fences, which in the next two centuries changed stone structures. But the location of the main monastery territories, the cathedral, the principles of the formation of the monastery complex were carried out in strict accordance with the place defined by once founder.
After the prespiracy of St. Cyril in 1427, his abode became the place of comprehending many covenants of the monastery existence and tonsure many founders of northern monasteries: Nila Sorsky, Kornilius Komelsky, Alexander Oshchevsevsky, Ignatia Lomsk.

Kirillo-Belozersky (also Kirillov) Monastery - Male Orthodox Monastery on the shore of Siversky Lake. Located in the city of Kirillov Vologda region, which rose from the Sloboda during the monastery. In the XV-XVII centuries, one of the largest and richest monasteries of Russia, the center of the spiritual life of the Russian North. Since 1924, the historical and architectural and art museum-reserve.
The abode arose on the wave of the foundation of new monasteries at the end of the XIV and the beginning of the XV centuries by the followers of Sergius Radonezh. In 1397, Monk Kirill Belozersky drew a cave on the shore of the Siemer Lake, with which the history of the future monastery began. His companion Ferapont Belozersky subsequently founded a nearby monastery near Ferapontov. The charter of Belozersky monasteries was distinguished by a special rigor.

Over time, Kirillov, the monastery was in the center of the whole network of monastic monastery: Ferapontov, Goritsky, Resurrection Monastery (7 km from Cyrilova), Nilo-Soviet desert (15 km) and others. These incompaired land are relatively recently included in the Moscow principality, which was Interested in their early economic development. Moscow princes traditionally supported close ties with Belozersa inhabitants; Preserved posts of the PSP. Cyril Sons Dmitry Donskoy.

Traveler's eyes on the Volga involuntarily attracts a white-mounted handsome monastery to themselves, located on the left bank, near the ancient city of Yaroslavl. The history of the founding of the monastery transfers us to the distant past, during the time of domination in Russia Tatars.
The constants of the princes, in which Russian blood was continuously pulled and weakened the Russian power, were the reason for Rus, and in particular over Yaroslavl, difficult, it is difficult to imaginable, for long times the dominion of the Tatars has fallen. Hashed hordes of nomads wandered around the Russian land, betraying all the fire and sword.
The silent northern chronicle is rarely launched in details, but on the pages it is too often we meet with briefs, but the sinister marks, in kind, for example, of that: "And the inversion of tall tomorrow", or "the Great Pump (Tatars) of the Creatual People"; The occasion is breaking through the scream of indignation, followed by terrible, wild scenes, such as, under 1283: "Beyond the videos of shamefully and Velmi is scary to swearing from the appearances of Orthodox Christianity and the bread in the mouth of the fear."
In addition to physical and moral flour, the brutal Igo Tatars caused Russian and huge spiritual harm. Eternal fear brought up physical and spiritual slave, the eternal blood fiercely and outlined people. In view of the general shame and death, faith and hope disappeared, by changing the feeling of indifference or despair. A Russian man could finally coil with the eternal form of blood and a fire, could be deregulated spiritually, to forget his honor under the Tatar blow, if he had no treasure, which he could not pass the enemy for money, nor for flour, possession of which saved him from Moral death, this is the belief of His ancestors, which he kept, as the only legacy that put an impassable abyss between him, a defeated slave, and his winner, "Pogan Tatarin, ancient crust." "The Most Madamy The Mother of God," Then the Russian people appeared in the cry of despair, "you saved the genus Christian from Adovs of Poving and now save us from finding the dies and zlago and disabled captivity and insertion!"
Under such circumstances, a joyful event was made for exhausted physically and morally living in the eternal fear of the residents of the country of Yaroslavl. In August 1314, with the Splitelnaya Yaroslavl Holy Prince David Feodorovich, in the dense forest, among the night of August of August, Zasiail, illuminating the entire inserted country, the light from the newly informed icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who poured the life-giving balm of faith and hope to the well-made heart of a man who attached to him new Forces for transferring new suffering. On this occasion, the monastic monastery was founded on this holy place. This is how it happened is a wonderful in the history of our church and confused event in the history of the Yaroslavl region. Tolgsky Monastery

Information about the first insecakes belongs to the 30s of the XIX century.
Maiden Eviefmy Gerasimovna Ovsyannikova, who lived from an early age in monastic cells of Kirsanova Tambov province twenty years, was forced to come along with his parents in p. Mikhailovka Buzuluk County, when those moved here for permanent residence. But in the world she could not live and went to Buzuluk.
A man gathered 10 women inclined to monotte anyone, and, united, they began to perform monastic rules, teach the guys, read the psalter on the deceased, intending to arrange a female monastery.

Where is located, how to get there:
Orenburg region, Buzuluk, ul. Sergo, house 1
Type of monastery:
Language of Services:
Church Slavonic
Prisons - Absumption Panteleimon (Krivenkova)
Throne holidays:
Tikhvin Icons of the Mother of God - July 9 [by N.S.]

Icon "Mammal"
Icon of the Apostle Andrei First Called with a Particle of Power
Icon Navy. Healer Panteleimon
Icon PrP. Seraphim Sarovsky with a particle of his sv. Power
Icon SVT. Feodosia Chernigovsky
Icon of St. Nicholas
Pebbles from the scene of the MCh. Vasilisk
Cross Power
Milk Schimonach Maxim
Shrine from Pocheev
Tabyan icon of the Blessed Virgin
Tikhvin icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In February 2005, on the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexy II and the Graceland Longin, Bishop of Saratov and Wolish Irgiz's Resurrection Male Monastery began to restore his former power and beauty.
The lamp of spiritual life was shown here. On February 12, 2005, the goal of the former chapel was served in the walls of the former chapel, and after three weeks, March 6 - the first divine liturgy was committed. At the same time, two vintage shrines appeared at the monastery: the icon of the apostle and the evangelist of John the Theologian, in the name of which consecrated the church consecrated from the ruins, and the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Troorchitsa".
In this, the inhabitants of the monastery see God's blessing for their work on recovery. On August 7, the first sacrament of baptism took place. In September, on a turn from the Balakovo-Pugachev highway, the worshiper of the cross was installed on the road leading to the monastery.

Now the only temple of the monastery, consecrated in the name of the Apostle and the evangelist John the Bogoslev, is still restored and decorated. Installed iconostasis with patterned carvings and writing icons, one of which Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God. In 2007, the exterior decoration of the temple was completed: the dome was installed, the roof and the porch decorated all the same patterned thread.

Much work is underway to clean the monastic lake, at the end of which the chapel will be erected on its shore. Already, the descent to the alleged chapel is equipped with a multi-stage wroughtted staircase. But this descent to the lake is not the only one. Recently, the efforts of novices who are not so much here, another road was laid through the forest bowl, and the work of two pious laity in the monastery appeared a source of pure drinking water - a well.

After a small repair for staying pilgrims who come here for prayer and for helping to restore the monastery from different places in Russia, a two-storey celon fraternal case became suitable.
On its first floor there is also a big winter refectory. Why winter? Because in 2007, a small, cozy summer refectory, located in a separate house was repaired. In the summer of the same year, the ancient wall of the monastery and the place of burial place of the monks of the Irgiza monastery was found in the arrangement of the coast of the monastic lake.

The celebration in honor of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Troyorukha" on July 11, was a special event in the life of the monastery. In 2006 and 2007, the Divine Liturgy on this day was headed by the Bishop of Saratov and Wolish Longin (there were no 150 years before the bishops in the monastery). After, in front of the temple, the solemn prayer served in front of the icon of Vladyka. The last visit to the monastery became doubly noteworthy: Bishop Longin made the first in the modern history of the monastic posture.

The dual holiday in the monastery is also considered Easter, the bright resurrection, in honor of which the abode is called. Already traditionally, on this day, many believers from Saratov, Samara, Pokrovsk (Engels), Balakov, Pugacheva and surrounding villages come here. It seems that the temple cannot accommodate everyone, but that it is impossible to man, maybe God. The first, the night hours of Easter almost every one standing in the temple ends with the adoption of the Holy Tyne. And the outflow does not stop the bell, carrying the Easter joyful news of the whole district, Christ is resurrected!

In 2007, 850 years old became one of the oldest monastery of Russia - the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery, located in the territory of the ancient Vladimir Land.
This anniversary is a particularly significant event for us, because the future glory of Vladimir, as the capital of the ancient Russian state began precisely from here - from Bogolyubov Gradov, Bogolyubova Monastery.
In 1155, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, obeying revelation over, left Kiev to Northeast Rus. Having drove through the small, "Mizine" as it was called in those days, the city of Vladimir, the prince was soon forced to stop. In 7 versts from the city, on the steep bank of the Klyazma River, the horses who were carrying the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, suddenly stood up and could not move on. He had done the tall, the prince spent the whole night in prayer before the icon. At midnight, he was the Holy Mother of God, and commanded his miraculous icon to put his own in Vladimir, and at this place to build the temple and establish the monastery. The prince fully fulfilled the commandment of Our Lady - in 1157 the construction of the monastery began. The miraculous icon was named after the city - Vladimir and from that time to this day is the main shrine and symbol of Holy Rus. In addition, on the command of the prince, the icon of Our Lady was written in memory of the night vision, called Bogolyuchive or Bogolyubskaya.

This icon is the first written in Russia, because until all the icons were brought from Byzantium. For centuries, there were many miracles from the icon, the main of which was the salvation of 1771 residents of Vladimir from shine ulcers in the fall, in memory of which since 1772 the annual congestion was established with a vigil icon, which is currently committed on July 1.

St. Andrei Bogolyubsky was the first after St. Equal to the Great Grand Duke Vladimir Coredel and the organizer of the Russian Earth. From his famous grandfather Vladimir Monomaha, Prince Andrei inherited many character traits: courage, nobility, generosity to enemies, the integrity of nature and perseverance in achieving the goal. For his wonderful piety, Prince Andrei received nickname Bogolyubsky.

He knew the whole church litrolery circle (sacrais), was an eyewitness of the phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary and gave Russia the two miraculous icons, built over 30 churches and monasteries. Prince possessed and a commander gift - he made several military trips to the Volga Bulgaria, which made devastating raids on Vladimir-Suzdal Earth. The Lord miraculously helped the prince to win the victory, and in honor of this it was established to celebrate the all-consutational sauce and the Most Holy Virgin 1 (14 by N.St.) August. In addition, in memory of the older son of Izaslav, the died in battle, Prince Andrei built the temple in honor of the cover of the Most Holy Virgin at the site of the merger of two rivers - Nerlie and Klyazma. He himself found the Celebration of the Pokrov of Our Lady 1 (14 by N.St.) in commemoration of the fact that the Mother of God takes the land of Russian under his Omophore, his defense. (Later at the temple, a female monastery was arranged, which existed until 1764, and then there was a skete from the Bogolyubsky male monastery.)

In the XIX century, one of the most beautiful and richest monasteries of the Lower Volga region was standing among the picturesque chalk mountains with their mysterious caves, among the ancient mighty oaks, the Belogorsky Kamennikovsky Holy Trinity Monastery (Olkhovka).
He starts since 1860, the Holy Trinity Kamennskaya Women's Community was founded in Stone Brody (Olkhovsky District), when Perside's landowner and the Persidian Speaker and Supervisory Advisor allocated her for the foundation of 455 tents of his land with an old oak forest (officially This land will be presented later by his wife).

From all sides, this place is surrounded by chalk white mountains, on the shores of Ilovly there were century-old oaks, and juniper was fine. On the north-western outskirts of Sloboda Olkhovka is a Kurgan, called the Holy Mountain or Holy grave, and a spring beats near him. Old-timers say that once there was a church, left underground from the Istrive prayers.

The history of the future monastery began with the fact that PI Persian rides from Olkhovka to Moscow, where three icons acquire: transfigurations, the Virgin and the Virgin Mary of all the mournful joy and two large icons of the Trinity in Silver and Golden Squares. Returning, the landowner shared with his wife Seraphim's thought about the foundation of the community, and she, having supported her, herself joined the work. She went to Saratov to the bishop of Joranniki, and received a blessing for construction. Vladyka offered her the first priority. First, the communities by the number of up to 60 people lived in a private house with. Stone Brod near Olkhovka. But soon the number of sisters increased to 90 people.
Next to Olkhovka, they found a non-freezing healing source, in total, they counted 9 springs (even radon and hydrogen sulfide), the water of some of them filled a special pool. Construction continued - the nuns erected a horse for cattle, a stable, pigsty, a purse, a bakery with a celon and hiding for bakeries, a hotel for pilgrims appeared. The monastery settlement has grown, where pilgrims and local services and clarifiers lived.

In 1887, 9 nuns and 7 obedients will be launched here. The strengthening of the spiritual, economic and human base of the community led to the consideration of the case on the renaming of the stone-Brodsk women's community into a hostel monastery with the name of Belogorsk Nikolaevsky. But they returned to this issue later - only in 1903 the spiritual authorities argue the name of the change of the status of the community in Olkhovka and the name of the Belogorsky Kamennsky Holy Trinity Monastery.
In the 30s, the Belogorsky Kamennsky Monastery (Olkhovka) was in an abandoned state, but, according to the stories of local residents, several monks were hiding here. Later were destroyed by the temple and many buildings of the monastery. In the territory of the monastery in the building of the baptism, there is a MTS with a fleet of tractors, and in the refectory building kept cattle. During the war, the hospital is arranged, and after - the state case.

If you go from Astrakhan to the sea, in the direction of the village of Color, not far from the village of Big Mogray, on the hill, planted with trees, you can see some abandoned stone buildings. This is all that remained from the once famous high-custoral-Nikolaev Churkin desert. The history of this monastery goes to their roots deep into centuries.
In 1568, the Churkin Island, with a nearby escort, was transferred to the possession of the Astrakhan Trinity Monastery. In the monastery legend, the first church was built here by the founder of the Trinity Monastery Rev. Igumen Kirill. The church was consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas Wonderworker, the patron of all over the sea floating. Rev. Kirill himself donated for this temple the image of St. Nicholas. This icon has been famous for many wonders and healings.
In the middle of the XVII century, another shrine appeared here in the will of God - the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Mother of God. As the legend tells, in 1669, when the robbery of Watha Stepan Razin robbed in the lower reaches of the Volga, some of the robbers stopped at the Bugre near Churkin Study. The icon of the Smolensk Mother's Smolensk Mother of God, which the villains, and her Riza, wanted to burn. But as soon as they burned on the Bonfire icon, the fire shrugged on them, blinding the robbers, which were sore in horror. Icon wonderfully went through the water and was on the monastery study, where the monks with honor put it in the temple of Nikolai Wonderworker. Subsequently, many miracles occurred from this icon, so that residents of the surrounding villages often took her to her home, for serving prayers to her.

In the XVII century, Churchinsky Pochech moved to the possession of the Astrakhan Savior-Preobrazhensky Monastery, who was carrying the title of Patriarch. The monks constantly lived here at the church standing on the shore of the cat's chocks.
In the 70s of the XVII century, a new unusual statement appeared here. As the monastery legend tells part in the execution of the Sacred Martyr Joseph Metropolitan Astrakhansky, the executioner of the stall, who felt on the fire, unexpectedly received the inspection through the disease, and realizing that he was punished for sins, retired from everyone here, in the lower Volga, breathing out the cave on Bugre, standing near Churkin Study. Having received for the fact that the saintly tied to the log (chock), the nickname of chocks, this former executioner, and remained in the memory of the people with this name. Having hooked around for many years in the post and prayer of the Czave Chouk died here, and was buried by monks.
From this time, after him, other devotees began to dig caves in Bugre, and now, according to the locals, there are plenty of moves inside the boogue, the passage to which is closed from prying eyes. At the beginning of the XVIII century, the Nikolsk Church itself was transferred to the "high mountain", as the people called Churkin Budgorm, for its superiority over all other beatings in the district.

The temple is located on the Mountain Mount Beshtaugorsk Ring - here it is very convenient to get on the car.
The Second-Afonov Male Monastery was founded in 1904. Russian monks from Athos. The abode was laid in place, where in the ancient times of Alanya (9th century) there was a Byzantine temple. After the consecration of the monastery, which took place on November 28, 1904, more than 50 monks came here.
Because of the revolution of 1917 and broke out in the country of the Civil War, many statements became victims of repression, some were simply expelled from the monastery. In 1927, the Second-Afonov Monastery was finally closed. In the next decades, he slowly, but destroyed: first did not become the temple, then the rest of the construction disappeared. But despite the ruin, people regularly gathered on the ruins for general prayer.

The abode began to prepare for the solemn day. First of all, the Great Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich was notified about the upcoming important event. Unfortunately, he could not come to the consecration of the temple, but answered the congratulatory telegram. On the eve of the holiday, the monks met the famous guests. From the Pyatigorsk Spassky Cathedral here came the procession. And at the same time, Jeroshimona Gerasim was elected the abbot of the Second-Afonovsky Assumption Monastery.

The celebrations began on November 28, 1904 at 9 am. All clergymen gathered in the temple. According to the bishops, they met at the entrance to the Eminence Gideon, Bishop of Vladikavkaz and Mozdok, as well as all high-ranking guests.
The congestion began around the newly marked temple, which was represented by the majestic sight. Ahead carried Khorugvi, behind them - icons and crosses. Following the 16 priests in bright vessels, two in a row. The procession concluded an archpastor who carried on the head of the cozer with saints. They were supposed to invest in the throne of the newly agreed temple. Also carried the world to induce the throne and antimine. Over the archpasture walked officials - parade form, two in a row.

According to the generally accepted Orthodox custom, the procession bypassed around the new temple, stopping in front of the Western entrance, where the object was pronounced, the people were convinced by the holy relics and read the gospel.
The most exciting moment came when the Vladyka exclaimed the temple with closed gates: "Take the prince's gates of your! And the eternal gates will bring the king of fame!" And in response, the choir from the inside of the temple: "Who is this king of Glory?" Twice repeated these words, and then the doors opened, and the procession ended with a prayer.
Consecration of the temple began with the singing of Psalms. The throne was consecrated, made its watering, ablution and vestments. In the upper part of the cross under the throne, holy power was invested, and under the cross - the names of the benefactors. They were recorded in the synod to eternal commemoration.

And then the hurt Gideon solemnly served in the temple the first liturgy, after which thanked the builders, ktitor, benefactors and visitors. "No matter what kind of difficulties, the bishop said," the abode was revived, and she now, like a young child, need constant support. "
The new abode of the significant blessing from many abode of Athos and Russia received a significant blessing. The elders of the Hylandarkan Lavra on Athos blessed the brachia to the icon of the Mother of God "Sweet Kissing", Patriarch of Jerusalem - the icon of the Resurrection of Christ; Metropolitan in the coffin of the Lord - the manner of the Assumption of the Mother of God from the coffin of the Queen of Heaven; Archbishop of the Sinai Mountain Porphyra - the icon of the Mother of God and the righteous Elizabeth; The igumen of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Athos Nifont - the icon of the Great Martyr Panteleimon; The igumen of the Russian Andreev Skeit is the icon of St. Andrei First Called; The igumen of the Russian Ilyinsky Skita is the icon of St. Prophet Elijah; Elders of the Brotherhood of the Afonov Residents - the icon of the Mother of the Mother "Spearless"; Abbot of the monastery of St. Trinity on Athos Hieromona nifont - the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin; The abbot of the monastery in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord of Sofonius - the icon of the Iverland of the Mother of God; The abbot of the desert is St. Mitrofania Faddey - the icon of St. Mitrofania of Voronezh; The abbot of the desert is St. Dmitry Solunsky - icons of the Pochaevsky of God and Dmitry Solunsky; The abbot of st The theological desert on Mount Athos sacrificed 12 icons of large size (from 2 Arshin and less). Among them is one of the main shrines of the new monastery - an ancient miraculous icon of St. John Forerunner.

There is one of its main attractions - the acting holy-introduced female monastery, created in 1685 and having a long and glorious past. Initially, he settled on the left bank of the Orlik River, where the ancient Afanasyevsky graveyard was.

The terrible fire of 1843 destroyed everything dot, leaving without a roof over his head of two inhabitants, and the monastery was moved to the southeast of the eagle.
The opening of it on the edge of the city was carried out on October 31, 1848 in the 60s. The 19th century, the introduced monastery was upset to 75 kesels, was consecrated by the notework church in the name of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God (1865). In 1870, they built the meal from the tree, opened the hospital, staged a riddle in the monastery, later turned into a guest school, even later crossed in the parish Holy Olginsky biennial school for a hundred and twenty students (free of charge). The temple (already stone) with a chapel-tomb in honor of the Sunday of the word was built and sanctified in 1885
Orthodox shrines are kept here: a list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, presented in 1712 by the Archbishop of John (Maksimovich), a particle of the Tree of the life-giving Cross of the Lord, the ark and more than fifty icons with particles of the relics of saints.
Already by 1901, the monastery became one of the best and equipped monastery in Russia, in which there were 583 people (nuns, risor, obedients).

During the years of its existence, the Holy Introduction Women's Monastery was awarded to visiting prominent personalities: Empress Elizabeth (1744) and Catherine II (1787), the presets of the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna Romanovova, the Holy Righteousness of John Kronstadt, Religious Writer Sergey Nipus.
In the post-revolutionary period, the monastery, like many others, was banned and were destroyed. Partially survived the church of the Sunday of the word, in honor of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God and two chapels. In the postwar years, there was no: artel, shop, warehouse, rubber products plant, as well as ordinary people lived in the cells.
In 1993, Archbishop Orlovsky and Livensky, highly intended Paisius gave his blessing - and the revival of the monastery began. Today, the holy-entered women's monastery is closed for visits, go inside it is very difficult, to do some shooting there is generally prohibited.
To get into the temple to the miraculous list from the icon of God's mother Balykinskaya can only during the Divine Services, between which the temple is closed. In the church bench near the monastery there is everything you need.
Orthodox shrines are kept here: not surviving icon of introduction to the temple of the Virgin from the city of Karachev (17th century), a list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, donated in 1712. Archbishop John (Maksimimovich), a particle of the Dreve of the life-giving cross of the Lord, Ark and more fifty icons With particles of power of saints.
The monastery is a religious enlightener of special bolt, colonies (female and children), kindergartens and boarding schools, nursing homes and veterans.
Having visited, if I succeed, the holy-entered female monastery, hitting his temple for worship, you can feel the former greatness and a calm benevolent atmosphere of this ancient place, leading to the Duma about the eternal.


Source of information and photo:
The team is wetting.

sites of these monasteries and temples.

Saints of Russia.

Temples and monasteries of Russia.

Monasteries and temples of Central Russia.

Russia is often called the Holy Earth. Judging by the number of saints for representatives of different religions of places, then this is true.

1. Diveevo

Where is? Nizhny Novgorod region, Diveevsky district.
What is holiness? Diveevo is called the fourth daft of the Mother of God on Earth. The main shrine of the Diveevsky monastery is the relics of the St. Seraphim of Sarovsky. The holy old man is invisible, but clearly consults, he instructs, heals, opening the live people who come to him for Divine Love, and leads to the Orthodox faith, to the Church, which is the basis and approval of the Russian Earth. Pilgrims come for holy water out of 4 sources, bow the relics and go along the holy groove, which, according to legend, cannot cross the antichrist.

2. Optina desert

Where is? Kaluga region.
What is holiness? Holy-Vvedenskaya Optina Desert is one of the oldest monasteries of Russia, located on the banks of the Slady River near the city of Kozelsk. The origin of optical remains unknown. It can be assumed that it was built not by the princes and boyars, but the devotees themselves by calling over the repeated tears, labor and prayer. Optina elders have a huge influence on the minds of people of a variety of estates. Three times here were Gogol. After visiting the optical desert, "Brothers Karamazov" Dostoevsky was born. Special relationship with the abode (as, however, and with the church at all) were in the Lion Tolstoy.

3. Nilo-Council Desert

Where is? Stolform island, Svetlitsa Peninsula, Lake Seliger.
What is holiness? The monastery is named Nilovoy Desert named Rev. Neil, who lived on the island of 27 years and bequeathed to build a monastery. In 1555, Nile was pressed and was buried on the Stolform Island. According to the death of the reverend near his grave on the island began to settle herds-prayer rooms, and the monastery was founded. Before the revolution, the Nilo-Stolobensky monastery was among the most revered in Russia, thousands of people arrived here every year. In 1828, the abode was visited by Emperor Alexander I.

After the revolution, the monk was not easy fate. He managed to be both a colony, and a hospital, and a camp for prisoners of war and a tourist. In archaeological excavations on the territory of the monastery, it was found that in the XVIII century, the largest workshop for the production of native crosses at that time was worked. Only in 1990, Nilova Desert was again transferred to the Orthodox Church, and in 1995 the relics of the Recent Nile were returned.

4. Kizhi.

Where is? Kizhi Island, Lake Onega.
What is holiness? Many believe that Kizhi is a beautiful temple somewhere in the north. In fact, this is a whole reserve, which carefully retains life and unique wooden architecture. The center and main monument of the museum was the Kizhsky graveyard with the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It was laid in 1714 and built without a single nail and foundation. The most remarkable thing is that even in the Soviet years, the shrine did not touch - even left the iconostasis from one hundred and two images. The entire Kizhsky ensemble is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. You can get to the island in summer on a rocket from Petrozavodsk and in winter at the ice track from s. Great lip.

5. Solovetsky Monastery

Where is? White Sea.
What is holiness? Back in the pagan times, Solovki Islands were covered with the asphalt, and the ancient Saama considered this place to saint. Already in the XV century, the monastery arose, which soon became a large spiritual and public center. Pilgrimage to Solovetsky Monastery has always been a big feat, which only a few dared. Due to this, until the beginning of the 20th century, monks managed to maintain a special atmosphere here, which, oddly enough, did not disappear during the years of Lhacety. Today, not only the Bogomolians, but also scientists, researchers, historians come here.

6. Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra

Where is? Moscow region, Sergiev Posad.
What is holiness? This monastery is rightfully considered the spiritual center of Russia. History of the monastery is inextricably linked with the destiny of the country - here Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing for the Kulikovsky battle, local monks together with the troops for two years defended from the Polish-Lithuanian intervention, here he taught the boyar's future king Peter I. To this day, pilgrims from all Orthodox world Come here to pray and feel the grace of this place.

7. Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery

Where is? Pechora.
What is holiness? Pskov-Pechersk Monaty is one of the oldest and most famous Russian male monasteries. In 1473, the cave church of Assumption was consecrated, digging by the St. Ion in a hill of sandstone. This year is considered the year of the founding of the monastery. The hill in which the Assumption Church and the God of the Caves are called the Holy Mountain. On the territory of the monastery there are two holy sources with a peculiarity of Pskovo-Pechersk Monastry is that he never closed in his entire history. In the interwar period (from February 1920 until January 1945), he was within Estonia, thanks to which he was preserved.

8. Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

Where is? Vologda region, Kirillovsky district.
What is holiness? Kirillo-Belozersa Resident is a city in the city, the largest monastery in Europe. The gigantic fortress has more than once withstood the siege of the enemy - two cars can safely be quietly drunk on its three-storey walls. Having taken the richest people in their time here, and the sovereigns of the criminals were held in the caasemates. Ivan Grozny himself favored the monastery and invests considerable funds into it.

There is a strange energy that gives a peace. In the neighborhood there are two more pearls of the North - Ferapontov and the Goritsky monasteries. The first is famous for its ancient colors and frescoes of Dionysia, and the second - nuns from noble childbirth. Those who visited the vicinity of Kirillow at least once - return back.

9. Verkhoturier

Where is? Sverdlovsk region, Verkhneur district.
What is holiness? Once there was one of the main Ural fortresses, from which several buildings left (the local Kremlin is the smallest in the country). However, this small town became famous for a glorious history, but a large concentration of Orthodox churches and monasteries. In the XIX century, Verkhoturier became the center of pilgrimage. In 1913, the third largest cathedral of the Russian Empire was built here - Cross-Promotional. Not far from the city, the Wonderworker Simeon Verkushino lived in the village of Mercushino - the patron of the Urals. Pray for the relics of the saint, people come from all over the country - it is believed that they cure diseases.

10. Valaam

Where is? Ladoga lake.
What is holiness? Valaam is one of the two "monastic republics" existing in Russia. The base time on the Orthodox Monastery Islands is unknown. At the beginning of the XVI century, the monastery already existed; In the XV-XVI centuries, about a dozen of future saints lived in the monastery, including, for example, the future founder of another "monastic republic" Savvathi Solovetsky (until 1429) and Alexander Svirsky. It was at this time that the neighboring islands appeared in a large number of monastic beds.

Unlike Solovetsky archipelago, where the owner is a museum-reserve, on Valaam monastic traditions were revived almost to the fullest. All the shelves operate here, the monastery performs on the islands and administrative functions, and the vast majority of Valaam's visitors are pilgrims. Over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe island there are skates, "branches" of the monastery, just about ten. The unmatched nature of the Valaam archipelago is a peculiar "quintessence" of the nature of South Karelia - contributes to the desire of the pilgrim to move away from the worldly bustle and come to him.

11. Popozersk

Where is? Actually nowhere. Epos - disappeared city in the lower current Pechora, in the Polar region of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Located 20 km from the current city Naryan-Mar.
What is holiness? The emptyersk was a place where the Avvakum Protopop lived in a link in the earthen day of 15 years, wrote his live and was burned. Popper and today is the place of old-supplied pilgrimage and worshiped them like holy place. There is a chapel and refectory here, there are memorable crosses.

12. Rogozhod Sloboda

Where is? Moscow.
What is holiness? Rogozhodskaya Sloboda - the historical spiritual center of Russian Old Believers. In 1771, the Rogozhsk found was founded by the Old Believer Rogozhsky cemetery, a quarantine, hospital and a small chapel were built here. Then, at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, two Cathedrals were built - Pokrovsky and Christmas, the Nikolsky chapel was rebuilt in stone, near the temples were erected at home for clergy and having a lot of private and merchant houses. Two centuries, the Pokrovsky Cathedral was the largest Orthodox Temple of Moscow, which accommodates at the same time up to 7,000 believers. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of residents living in the vicinity of Rogozhsky reached 30,000 people.

13. Great Bulgary

Where is? Republic of Tatarstan, 140 km from Kazan.
What is holiness? Bulgar, one of the greatest cities of the Middle Ages, today is an important place for worship of Muslims of Russia. In addition to the ancient ruins, the village of Bulgarians and the walls of a big mosque with a minaret of the XIII century remained from the Great Bulgaria. Through the road from the entrance to the mosque, the well-preserved northern mausoleum is located. East Mausoleum is east of the mosque. A white mosque is located close to the entrance to Bulgaria, at the southern gate of the Bulgarian Museum-Reserve. The architectural complex is the building of the mosque itself, the residence of the mufti and the madrasa, and the surrounding chapel area.

14. Source Aulia

Where is? Republic of Bashkiria, Mount Auxutha.
What is holiness? Aulia from Bashkir is translated as "saint". It is believed that this source has healing properties. He flows just over 30 days at the end of May and early June and collects tens of thousands of people every year. People bathe in it in the spring and drink sacred water, which, in their opinion, can get rid of kidney stones, as well as treat respiratory diseases and stomach diseases. In the spring water of the source, as they say, acquires its healing properties only after May 15.

The lift to Mount Aushtela consists of two stages: the first is to achieve a sacred source, the second is to raise on the top of the mountain, where there are three graves in which, according to legend, the remains of three Islamic missionaries from the city of Osh, killed in the XIII century by local residents are stored. After repentance, the same locals buried Sheikh Muhammad Ramazan Al-ears and his satellites on the top of the mountain, on the slopes of which a sacred source appeared.

15. Mausoleum Hussein-Bek

Where is? Republic of Bashkiria, 40 km from Ufa.
What is holiness? Mausoleum is in the Cemetery Akzirate. According to legend, it was built in the XIV century for Haji-Hussein-Bek, the first imam on the territory of modern Bashkiria. The order to build a mausoleum was given to Tamerlane. Not far from the mausoleum there are several tombstones with inscriptions in Arabic. It is believed that the commanders of Tamerlan were noted.

Hussein-Beka Mausoleum is one of the most sacred Muslim places in Russia. Just 10 km from this place is another ancient mausoleum - Tombuan's grave. According to some historians, he was a descendant of Genghis Khan. According to historians, Turukhan, like Hussein Beck, was an enlightened Muslim ruler.

16. Zirayarate Cunta Haji Kishyeva

Where is? Chechen Republic, the village of Haji.
What is holiness? In Chechnya, there are 59 saints of burials, ziharatov. Kunta-Hadji Kishiyei's ziyarate is the most revered of them. In the XIX century, the village of Haji was the birthplace of the Sufi Sheikh Kunta-Haji Kishiev, the Chechen holy and missionary preaching ZIKR ("remembering Allah"). Next to the place where Kishyev's house was standing, there is a holy source, water from which has therapeutic properties. Those who want to also visit the Mother of Kishyev's grave. It is located near the mountain Ertina, which Chechens consider the sacred place.

17. Fortress Cala Kurashitov

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, 120 km from Makhachkala.
What is holiness? The mosque of the fortress of Kala Kurashitov is one of the oldest mosques in Russia, it was built in the 9th century. Also on the territory of the fortress there are an ancient tomb and a museum. The fortress is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

Because of his appearance, Kala Kurayshitov is sometimes called Dagestan Machu Picchu. Koreyshitis, or Kurayshita was considered the closest relatives and descendants of the Prophet of Mohammed himself, so the Kala Korean founded by them became the most important center for the distribution center of Islam. By the XX century, Kala Korean actually turned into a ghost city. The surrounding residents argue that in the 1970s, two women and one man lived in Kala Korean. These were the last inhabitants of the ancient city of descendants of Mohammed.

18. Mausoleum of Tui-Beach

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, Derbent.
What is holiness? The Mausoleum of Derbent Khanov is the only of the Mausoleum preserved in Derbent - built in 1202 the Hijer of Muslim Souls (1787-1788) over the grave of the Government of Derbent Tui-Beach. In addition to her, her sons are buried in Mausoleum, as well as Hasan-Khan's wife HYP-Jahan Khanum. The rulers of Derbent Tui Beach - a figure is very significant in the history of Dagestan.

In 1774, during the assault of Derbent Kaitagsky Udi Emir-Gamza, Tui Beach personally took part in the defense, was on the city wall, managing the acts of artillery. During the siege of the city, she did not interrupted the prayers and at its end, going out into the courtyard of Juma-mosque, where the enemy squad burst, the strike of the dagger killed their leader. The legend states that women amazed by courage, the enemies ran away. In the immediate vicinity of Mausoleum, there is a kyrocyca ("forty" on Turkic). This is the burial place of Islamic martyrs.

19. Mausoleum Borg Kash

Where is? Mausoleum is located on the northwestern outskirts of the modern rural settlement of the Plylujo of the Nazranovsky District of the Republic of Ingushetia, on the left hilly shore of Sunii, which is the extension of the Sunzhensky ridge.
What is holiness? Historians still diverge in opinions as to how and why this mausoleum was built. Borg-Kash translates as "Borgan's grave". According to one of the versions, Mausoleum was the tomb of Beksultan Burachan, one of the main leaders of the Ingush in the fight against Timur's troops, who invaded local lands in 1395. Burakan did not die in the war with Timur, and died after ten years, which corresponds to the time of the construction of the Mausoleum 600-year-old Mausoleum is an important place of pilgrimage and one of the most valuable Ingush historical monuments. Until now, an inscription in Arabic has been preserved on the Mausoleum building.

20. Ivolginsky Datsan

Where is? Republic of Buryatia, Village Upper Oriole. 30 km from Ula-Ude.
What is holiness? Ivolginsky Datsan - Chief Datsan of Russia, Residence Pandito Hambo Lambo - Head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha Russia, a large Buddhist monastic complex, a monument of history and architecture. In Ivolginsky Dacan, there is a body of one of the main devotees of the Buddhism of the twentieth century, the heads of Siberia Buddhists in 1911-1917 of the Hambo Lama ITIGELOVA. In 1927, he sat down in a lotus pose, gathered students and told them to read prayer-prosperity for the deceased, after which, in Buddhist beliefs, Lama went to the state of Samadhi. He was buried in a cedar cube in the same lotus position, having bought a sarcophague in 30 years before his departure.

In 1955, Cuba was lifted. The body of Hambo Lama turned out to be immense, and the analyzes conducted by scientists already in the year 2000 showed that protein fractions have a lifetime characteristics, and the concentration of bromine exceeds the norm 40 times. Immediately, in the Ivolginsky Dacan you can see the magic stone. Near him the inscription: "According to the legend, it was to this stone that the Nehoon Dari Ehhe (Green Tara) touched and left his hand imprint on him.

21. Nilovsky Datsan

Where is? In the Tunkinsky valley, 4 km above the river from the resort "Nilow desert" in the forest for 10 km of the road on the mountain Hill-Ula.
What is holiness? According to an ancient legend, at this place the mythical god Khan Shargai Neyon landed, head of Haatov, squeezing on the crests of the Sayan mountains. In honor of this, in 1867 a small log house for prayers was built here. Subsequently, two wooden datsan were built here. On the territory of Nilovsky Datsan there is a tower from a long and smooth log with a round wooden barrel at the top. This design is no longer found in any of the Datsans of Buryatia.

Local old-timers say that when Lama paid the local population to Buddhism, they collected all the shamans in this place and convinced them to accept the Buddhist faith. All the tambourines and shaman costumes were burned. Barrel put sacred relics and silver coins and raised upstairs to the Buddha seen gifts. Sand at the landing site, Han Shargai Neuon is considered to be holy. It is believed that the sand taken by a man gives him strength.

22. Mount Beluha

Where is? The highest point of the mountain altai. Located on the territory of the Ust-Koksinsky district.
What is holiness? Many researchers relate the highest Altai Mount Belukha with the Sacred Mountain Mode. In particular, the Russian philosopher Nikolay Fedorov tried to confirm this theory. On the map depicting the sacred mountain measure, dated II century BC, Türcologist Murat Aji supplemented a popular hypothesis. At an equal distance from the measure were four known ocean, and Belukha was equally removed from the Indian, Pacific and Northern Ocean.

Beluha is considered a sacred mountain from Buddhists, here, in search of the legendary Belovenia, went to escape from the world of the Old Believers. According to Belukhigh, the goddess Uma, the Supreme Women's Deity, which is compared to his importance with Tangri, inhabitants of Altaians.

23. Olkhon Island

Where is? Olkhon is the largest island on Lake Baikal. Located in 256 km from Irkutsk.
What is holiness? One of the main religious places is the rock shaman. The cave located in the rock is prohibited by the entrance to women and children. There was once a Buddhist sanctuary. Olkhon is revered not only by Buddhists, but also by representatives of traditional Buryat beliefs. Shamans from all over Russia are gather on the island, and sometimes from abroad, for holding their rites-Kamlany. At this time, the shamans communicate directly with spirits, and if lucky, you can learn answers to your questions. The main thing at that time is not to watch Shaman's eyes, otherwise, according to local beliefs, the Spirit may leave his body and move to a careless staff.

24. Mount Barhan-Uula

Where is? Barhan-Uula or Baraghan is one of the highest mountains of the Barguzinsky ridge. The mountain rises near the village of Baraghan and Yarikta, to which 20 kilometers of the way.
What is holiness? According to the results of the contest of the republican scale, "Seven Wonders of the Nature of Buryatia", Baraghahan recognized the main Buryat natural miracle. Mount Ancondition is honored as the shrine and Barguzinsky Buryats, and mog-speaking peoples. Buryat mythology tells about the owners of Mount Baabai and Khazhar-Sagan-Neuone - Heavenly Vladyki, who came to the ground. There is also a legend that a notable Khan from the Golden Rozhiginov was buried on Barhan-Wool.

There is a legend and about soda lame, great yoga who chose Baraghan for his meditations. It is believed that that climbed on this mountain will be associated with the many mystical strength, and the righteous can see the Buddha image on her slopes. Hospitality on the mountain is usually held on the success of the monks of the Ivolginsky Dácan, in honor of Baraghana on Sanskrit written a huge prayer. On the Tapetehei Plateau, at the very top of the mountain, there is an ancient and sacred stone structure of obscene spirit.

There is a lamaist sacred sign here and symbolizing the eternity and infinity of the universe. Nowadays, Buddhist prayers are carried out on Barhan-Uula and carry out rites. The pilgrimage ascents to the top of the mountain take place every year. But not everyone can rise to the mountain. To do this, you need to get the permission of Lama in Kurumkan Dacan. Women are forbidden to climb to Barhan-Uula.

25. Merkitsky Fortress

Where is? In the south of Buryatia, in the Mukhorsibirsk district, 110 km from Ulan-Ude on the right bank of the mouth of the river. Tuggy.
What is holiness? According to the legend, it was here that the first fights of Genghis Khan with Merkitami, who once inhabited these lands. Merkites from 1177 to 1216 were fierce fighting against Genghis Khan and Khan Jochi, until they were broken.

Merkitsky fortress today is not a fortress in the usual sense of the word. These are the scans on which elements of the former fortifications, recesses for signal lights, well, observational sites are preserved. In the Merkitsky fortress there are two so-called "buzzing stone", which, according to believe, are able to heal the woman from infertility and bring good luck in love. Pilgrimages are held to the Merkitsky fortress, shamans and lamas come here. In 2010, Buddhist scrolls and a tank icon were discovered here, who hid Lama here in the years of persecution of religion. Since it is impossible to take anything from the mountain, the scrolls were examined and returned to the place.

Zadonsk, Lipetsk region

By train from Moscow (from Paveletsky or Kursk Station), first to Lipetsk, from where the buses and route taxis go to Zadonsk. Another, no less convenient option - a long-distance bus "Moscow - Voronezh", departing from Paveletsky railway station. The price of a ticket to Zadonsk 832 rubles. Motorists can drive from Moscow by the Federal Date of M-4 "Don" (about 400 kilometers).

Pechora, Pskov region

In one of the largest men's monasteries in Russia, Holy Assumption Pskovo-Pechersk, the relics of the St. Brand, Ions, Lazarus, Vassa, Simeon (Zlin) are resting, and the icons of the Assumption of the Mother of God and the Mother of God are kept. The monastery was founded in 1473.

The city Pechora is located 43 km from Pskov. Therefore, first from Moscow, by train, donate to the railway station Pskov. Ticket price from 1,344 rubles. From the bus station almost every hour a regular bus is sent. Fare price is 106 rubles.

Solovki, Arkhangelsk region

Faster to get to Solovkov through Arkhangelsk. Flight from Moscow will cost 5,932 rubles. Next, you need to make a transplant to Solovetsky flight, the price of a ticket is about 13,000 rubles. The second option is to go through Karelia. This way is possible only in the summer. First, you should take a train from Moscow to Belomorsk for 3547 rubles. There is a ship. Fare price 1 500 rubles.

Ipatiev Cape, Kostroma region

In the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatiev Monastery, located on the banks of the Kostroma River not far from her sign in the Volga, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is kept. The monastery was founded in 1330.

You can get to Kostroma from Moscow in 6 hours by train or for 7 hours by bus. The price of a rail along the railway will be from 615 rubles, and a ticket for a bus from 913 rubles.

Bogolyubovo, Vladimir region

The Bogolyubskaya icon of the Mother of God is kept in the Holy Bogolyubskoye Monastery. The monastery occupies the territory of the Palace-Castle Andrei Bogolyubsky. These choirs are the only civilian building of the times of ancient Russia, who has reached our time, at least partially. Near Bogolyubovo is the church of the Intercession to Nerlie.

You can get to Bogolyubovo from Vladimir on a city bus No. 18 or No. 152 in just 22 rubles. From Moscow to Vladimir, trains, trains and buses go. On the electric train the path will take just over three hours. The train costs from 539 rubles. The bus departures from Schelkovsky bus station, the fare from 388 rubles.

Optina Desert, Kaluga region

In the introduced men's monastery, the deserts founded at the end of the XIV century, the relics of St. Ambrose and Nectarians - Optina Optina, and the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God are kept.

Optina desert is located next to the city of Kozelsky. You can get there from Moscow in 5 hours by bus, it leaves every day from the Teply Stan bus station. Ticket price - 676 \u200b\u200brubles. From the bus station in Kozelsk to the monastery - about three kilometers. This distance can be held on foot, and you can drive on the minibus.

Valaam, Republic of Karelia

In the Valaam Savior-Preobrazhensky monastery, located on the most beautiful islands of the Valaam archipelago in Lake Ladoga, the relics of St. Sergius and German Valaamsky are resting. The monastery itself is founded in 1407 and is now under the supervision and canonical administration of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

To get to Valaam from Moscow before the start of navigation on Ladoga can be from St. Petersburg by helicopter, but this pleasure is not cheap. In the summer, most pilgrims get to the island on the heaters or meteors from the coastal ports of the northern ligation either on the heights serving from the Northern Capital. The cost of such a trip is about 3,000 rubles. The cost of tours on the heat supply from Peter begins from 7,000 rubles.

selo Godenovo, Yaroslavl region

In the temple in the name of St. John Zlatoust, located in Godenovo, near the town of Pereslavl-Zalessky, there is a life-giving cross of the Lord.

From Moscow to the village of Godenovo can be reached by buses or by car on the Yaroslavl highway. The bus from Moscow to Petrovsk departs from the metro station "Schelkovskaya", then in Petrovsk you need to make a transfer to the bus, the next to the village is preparing, and go to the "Godenovo" stop. Tickets to Petrovsk are 1352 rubles.

Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region

In the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveev monastery, founded in 1780, resting the relics of St. Seraphim Sarovsky.

Diveevo village is located 180 km from Nizhny Novgorod. From Moscow, you can get a plane or high-speed train "Swallow". Ticket price from 4,800 rubles. From the bus station, which is located on Lyad Square once a day, go buses to Diveev. The cost of the ticket is about 400 rubles.

Sergiev Posad, Moscow region

In the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Sergiye Lavra, located in the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, the relics of the founder - Rev. Sergius of Radonezhsky are resting.

Bus route №388 Sergiev Posad - Moscow goes every 10-15 minutes from the Metro station VDNH. The fare of 200 rubles. You can also get the electric train from the Yaroslavl railway station. Trains depart every 20-30 minutes. The fare is 132 rubles.

Text: Pavel Ustinov

Orthodox holy places of Russia. Pilgrim tours, churches, monuments and religious attractions of Russia.

  • Tours on May to Russia
  • Burning tours around the world

Pilgrimage in itself is a very logical thing: here it is not necessary to invent anything, it is enough to understand why and where the person wants to go. After all, genuine pilgrimage is not just a trip "there and back." The pilgrim is not only and does not travel so much in the usual meaning of this word - it is convinced by some personal and necessary event for him. It is necessary that the pilgrim felt that all his thoughts and desires coincide with the upcoming journey.

Practical moments

As you know, the level of accommodation objects in our country is very uneven, which is directly reflected in the selection of hotels for pilgrimage tours in Russia. Most often they imply accommodation in low-cost hotels. But sometimes it turns out that there are simply no such in the district: then there are either very expensive accommodation options, or overnight in monasteries or in the "private sector".

One of the most important practical moments that must always be taken into account are nutritional features (compliance with posts, environments and fridays) and the organization of liturgy. As a rule, the movement time is calculated so that the pilgrims come to place in the evening, they could defend the all-sleeping and spending the night. And in the morning - liturgy and departure. All programs are built in such a way that over the journey there is one or two mandatory liturgy.

Travel duration

By duration, all pilgrim tours in Russia can be divided into one-day (mainly the Moscow region), "weekend tours" and multi-day trips - mostly from 3 to 7 days. The maximum number of days in the tour, as a rule, is not more than 12. Most often it is either routes on the ship, or a pilgrimage to remote regions of Russia, when the road occupies a sufficient time - for example, Ekaterinburg, Tobolsk and Altai.

A good pilgrimage route should be logical and complete. For example, if the pilgrim decided to visit holy places in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg or Tobolsk, it has a direct meaning to go on a comprehensive trip, covering all the main shrines of the Urals.

Here is an example of such a route. Moving from Moscow to Tobolsk takes about two days, depending on the selected train. Most often is expected to stop in Tobolsk for 2-3 days and the inspection of nearby attractions. Then - moving to Yekaterinburg by bus or train and inspection of the neighborhood of the city. In addition, from there not far to Perm, where the Monastery of Belogorier is located - a kind of "Ural Athos". Thus, in one journey, you can combine the holy places of the Northern and Central Urals, as well as to "attach" the whole path of royal martyrs in the Urals and in Siberia.

Where and when go

If you share pilgrim tours on a regional basis, then you can highlight directions in which pilgrims are most often sent. This, first of all, the North-West and the center of Russia, the most developed part of the country, which was still in the Middle Ages, during the origin of Christianity and its development in Russia. A lot of pilgrims go on a trip to the Golden Ring, Zadonsk (Lipetsk region), Kursk and Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod region) and, of course, to the North-West region.

North-West is not only Karelia (Valaam and Kizhi), as well as Arkhangelsk (Solovki) and the Vologda Earth, Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. Pskov is interesting not only by Pushkin Mountains and Pechora - besides them, a lot of pilgrims visits the Talap Islands, where the father of Nikolay Guryanov lived and served.

Most cities entering the Golden Ring of Russia are inextricably linked with the stories of Orthodoxy in Russia: many shrines are concentrated in them, and almost every temple and the monastery is a pilgrimage object. The most visited cities - Alexandrov, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Great, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Kostroma, Suzdal and Vladimir.

In addition, such southern directions such as Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Arkhyz have been noted - many monasteries have been restored there. Altai occupies a special place, the pilgrimage is inextricably linked with the study of the traditions of local residents.

Some of the most favorable time to travel is difficult. In the summer, driving everywhere and for a longer time - from 3 to 7-12 days. In the fall and spring, as a rule, choose relatively short programs for 2-3 days. Exceptions are only major holidays: there is already a weekend or not, it does not have much.

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A brief overview of the holy places of Orthodox Russia

All monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church have uniform principles of organizing monastery life. But it is also necessary to note that each monastery has its own history and spiritual appearance. This is most clearly and brightly noticeable in the ancient monasteries - Kirillo-Belozoan (Vologda region), Valaam (Valaam), Pskovo-Pechorsky (Pskov region), Holy Trinity-Sergiye Lavre (Moscow region).

Savior Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery Monastery is located at the Big Solovetsky Island in the White Sea, and Skits and Deserts - on other Islands of the archipelago. It was the geographical position in many respects affected the history of the development and fate of the monastery. The monastery was a kind of border fortress: he endured the siege of the Livons, the Swedes and the British, and from the end of the 16th century it was also used as a place of reference. After its closure in 1920, there were a camp and a special purpose prison.

Flying over Kolomna

The shrines of the monastery: the relics of the founders of Solovetsky - Zosima, Savvatiya and German (the noteworthy church of the Annunciation), particles of the relics of many distortions of the saints, the relics of the Relative Eleazar Anzero (Holy Trinity Anzersky Skit) and St. Job Anzersky (Calval-Creation Skit). Holidays Residents: The Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19, Rev. Zosimima, Savvatia and German - August 21, Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints - August 22, the Cathedral of Novomartvikov and Solovetsky confessors - August 23.


Monasteries: Holy Danilov - part of the relevant prince Daniel Moskovsky, Donskoye - Patriarch Tikhon's Patriarch, Zaktyuvsky - Icon of the Mother of God "Sleepy", Novospassky - Icon of the Mother of God "Allzaritsa", Holy Pokrovsky - the relics of Blessed Matronov Moscow, Novodevichy - God's mother Smolensk and Tikhvinskaya.

Shrines: The relics of the righteous Alexia of Moscow (Mesiam) in the temple of St. Nicholas on Malaseke, Poklonnaya Kyussia Cross with particles of the relics of more than 300 saints in the temple of the St. Sergius of Radonezh in the wretch.

Moscow region

Monasteries: Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra, Vysotsky Bogoroditsky in Serpukhov - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Inspromandable Bowl", Savvin-Studrodezhevsky in Zvenigorod - with the relics of St. Savva Stlavshevsky, Iosifo-Voloq, Voskresensky in the new Jerusalem - with part of the relevant Tatian martyr.

Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

St. Petersburg

Monasteries: Holy Trinity Alexander-Nevskaya Lavra - the relics of Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. Johnsky - the relics of the righteous John Kronstadt.

Shrines: the relics of the Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg in the chapel of Ksenia Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "of all the funny joy with grossiks" in the temple in honor of this icon on Zelenotsky Pozdav, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Sign" Tsarskoselskaya in the Academic Church of St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy.

Other regions of Russia

Altai Territory: The Mother of God-Kazan (Korobenikovsky) Monastery is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

Kaluga region: Optina Desert, Holy Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery, Holy Tikhonov Assumption Desert.

Kostroma region: Holy Trinity Makariyevo-Untine Monastery.

Lipetsk region: Zadonsky Christmas-Bogoroditsky monastery.

Nizhny Novgorod Region:

Trips to holy places help the believer person to join the richest Orthodox culture, expand its spiritual experience. Visiting temples and monasteries, a Christian gets the opportunity not only to comprehend logically, but also to feel the soul of the essence of Christian faith. Pilgrimage is to cultivate faith in the soul, it has no less influence on a person than prayer or observance of the post.

Moscow's pilgrimage services are developing their own routes for Orthodox. Their goal is to help a person to visit the centers of Orthodoxy from the point of view of believers, to see and touch the shrines. Pilgrimage trips from Moscow are thought out to expand knowledge and spiritual experience, familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of life in the monasteries, with temples.

Orthodox trips make it possible to deepen into the spiritual life of people who have dedicated all their lives to the ministry to the Lord, refused by worldly goods and worries. In pilgrimage, a worldly bustle disappears from consciousness, a new world opens - spiritual joys, self-denials and ministry. A man's soul is updated, feelings of light water and rest appear.

The pilgrimage service "Enlightenment" develops unique routes of Orthodox trips, returning from which, people start a new stage of life - in love towards the neighbor and ministry to God. You can familiarize yourself with the routes, schedule and impressions of pilgrims on our website. If you are interested in a trip to the holy places of Russia, you can sign up by filling out a special form.

Call, and we will be happy to answer all your questions.

Etc. № 21-S. 2019.

  • Check in: 22/09 - 29/09/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 22/09 Thessaloniki - Uranapoli

2 day. 23/09 Uranapoli - Thessaloniki - Pieria

Breakfast. Cruise on the ferry along the shore of the Holy Mountain Athos, Monastic Orthodox Republic. At a distance of 500 meters from the coast will be able to see the Athos monasteries, including the Russian Holy Panteleimonov monastery. Return to uranopoli. Moving from Uranapoli to Thessaloniki. On the way, visit the ancient monastery of St. Anastasia scholars, where the power is stored. Feeonov, Metropolitan Solunsky. An informational tour of the city of Thessaloniki. A visit to several temples with the most important spiritual meaning where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are stored:

3 day. 24/09 Pieria - Kalambak - Meteors - Igumeenitsa - Corfu

4 day. 25/09 Corfu - Igouenitsa - Bari (Italy). Overnight on ferry

5 day. 26/09 Bari. Overnight on ferry

6 day. 27/09 Patras - Mega Spilion - Eviemy

7 day. 28/09 EVBEY - Thessaloniki

8 day. 29/09 Thessaloniki. Airport "Macedonia"

The price of the tour includes:

The price of the tour does not include:

At extra charge:


Etc. № 19-S. 2019.

  • Check in: 8/09 - 15/09/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 8/09 Thessaloniki - Uranapoli

Meeting at the city of Thessaloniki with the Orthodox Guide of the pilgrim center Solun. Departure in uranopoli. On the way, visiting the monastery of John the Bogoslov, where the grave of the St. Pair of Svyatogorz is located and the relics are stored. Arseny Cappadocian. Arrival in Uranapoli. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. 9/09 Uranapoli - Thessaloniki - Pieria

Breakfast. Cruise on the ferry along the shore of the Holy Mountain Athos, Monastic Orthodox Republic. At a distance of 500 meters from the coast will be able to see the Athos monasteries, including the Russian Holy Panteleimonov monastery. Return to uranopoli. Moving to thessaloniki. On the way, visit the ancient monastery of St. Anastasia scholars, where the power is stored. Feeonov, Metropolitan Solunsky. An informational tour of the city of Thessaloniki. A visit to several temples with the most important spiritual meaning where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are stored:

  • Church of St. The Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky, the Heavenly Patron of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a cancer with his relics, as well as the power of St. Programmer Anxia and St. Gregory (Callidis), Metropolitan Heraclia. A crypt was preserved under the altar where St. Dimitri, and where he accepted martyrdom.
  • Catacomb temple with St. The source of John the Forerunner, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral SVT. Gregory Palama, where his sv is stored. Power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora Solunskaya, where her St. PRES and PRP power. David Solunsky.

Moving to Pieria. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

3 day. 10/09 Pieria - Kalambak - Meteors - Igumeenitsa - Corfu

Breakfast. Moving to Kalambaku. Pilgrimage in the monasteries Meteor, visiting the two of the following monasteries: St. Varvara (Women's Monastery) or St. Stephen (female monastery), big meteors (male monastery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Moving to Igumeenitz. Dinner. Crossing on the ferry on about. Corfu. Hotel accommodation.

4 day. 11/09 Corfu - Igumeenitsa - Bari (Italy). Overnight on ferry

Liturgy in the SVT temple. Spiridon trimifuntsky. Breakfast. A visit to the monument to the righteous Admiral Feodoru Ushakov at the fortress. A visit to the shrines: the Cathedral Temple of the Greek Queen Feodora, where its St. Relics, the temple of John the Forerunner, the burial places of the Russian warrior, the temple of the Virgin of Strangeles, the temple of the apostles of Jason and Susipatra, where their holy power is kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, a visit to the church, where the miraculous icon of the Voroshannskaya Various icon is. Departure to Paleokastritsa. A visit to the amazing paradise - the monastery of Paleokastric. Free time to relax. Return to ferry in Igumeenitsa. Dinner. Departure to Bari (Italy) at 24:00.

5 day. 12/09 Bari. Overnight on ferry

Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). Arrival in Bari. Liturgy in Basilica SVT. Nikolai Wonderworker, where his holy power is located. Dinner. Visit to the Russian church Svt. Nicholas Wonderworker. In the evening, sailing in Patras (Peloponnese, Greece). Dinner is not provided (optional on the ship).

6 day. 13/09 Patras - Mega Spielion - Eviemy

Arrival in Patras (12:30). Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). A visit to the Cathedral Temple of the City, where the relics of the apostle Andrei and the First Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified. Here, in Kripte, there is a holy source of the Apostle Andrei. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without check-in in the city), which runs along the Corinthian Bay of the Ionian Sea, visiting the male monastery of Mega Spyleon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Silver Ark, referred to as "Great", the creation of the Apostle Luke. Here is a large collection of particles of St. The relics of the waters of God. Moving to about. EVBEY. Later arrival and accommodation in the hotel. Dinner is not provided.

7 day. 14/09 Evie - Thessaloniki

Liturgy in the temple of St. John Russian. Breakfast. Visit the monastery of St. David Evobysky, where the honest head of SVT is stored. Vasily the Great and honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the St. Jacob Eviesky and his cell. Sailing on ferry on the mainland. Moving to thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

8 day. 15/09 Thessaloniki. Airport "Macedonia"

Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

all moving programs on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels Cat. C, B, food in the program, excursions and services of the Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenica - Corfu - Igumeenitsa, Ferry of Igumeenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater inner cabin, steam Eviea - Mainland.

The price of the tour does not include:

visa, insurance, airfare, visa, insurance, airfare, state tax, which is paid by a guest at the hotel in check-in (about 10 euros, depending on the type of accommodation in the hotel)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to Monasteries Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - every monastery), contribution to Basilica Nicholas Wonderworker in Bari (1 €).


A group besides a guide with theological education accompanies a Russian-speaking priest throughout the path.

When the group is abides, (the group consists of at least 23 people) pilgrims are offered the following date of arrival.

After the program is completed or before it began, a man can visit the holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

Etc. № 17-S. 2019.

  • Rake: 9/08 - 16/08/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 9 / 08Saloniki

Meeting at the city of Thessaloniki with the Orthodox Guide of the pilgrim center Solun. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. 10 / 08Saloniki- igumeenitsa - Corfu

  • Church of St. The Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky, the Heavenly Patron of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a cancer with his relics, as well as the power of St. Programmer Anxia and St. Gregory (Callidis), Metropolitan Heraclia. A crypt was preserved under the altar where St. Dimitri, and where he accepted martyrdom.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the power of SVT is stored. Vasily, Metropolitan of Fesalonian.
  • Catacomb temple with St. The source of John the Forerunner, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral SVT. Gregory Palama, where his sv is stored. Power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora Solunskaya, where her St. PRES and PRP power. David Solunsky.

A visit to the monastery of John the Bogoslov, where there is a grave of an elder Pairia Svyatogorz and stored by St. The relics of the Arches Cappadocyssic. A visit to the ancient monastery of St. Anastasia scholars, where the power is stored. Feeonov, Metropolitan Solunsky. Moving to Igumeenitz. Dinner. Crossing on the ferry on about. Corfu. Hotel accommodation.

3 day. 11/08 Corfu - Kalambac

Dry bucks. Festive liturgy in the SVT temple. Spiridon trimifutsky. Looking with the relics of SVT. Spiridon. Breakfast. A visit to the monument to the righteous Admiral Feodoru Ushakov at the fortress. A visit to the shrine: the Cathedral Temple in the name of the Greek Queen Feodora, where her St. Power, the temple of John the Forerunner, the burial places of the Russian warrior. Return to ferry in Igumeenitsa. Moving to Kalambaku. Hotel accommodation. Dinner

4 day. 12/08 Meteors - Kefalonia

Breakfast. Pilgrimage in the monasteries Meteor Visit two of the following monasteries: St. Varvara (Women's Monastery) or St. Stephen (female monastery), big meteors (male monastery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Departure to Port Astako. Crossing on the ferry on about. Kefalonya. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

5 day. 13 / 08Kofalonya

Breakfast. Visit the monastery of St. Gerasima, Patron Island. In the abode there is a cave, where the rest of the reverend, and to the right of the altar in the cancer they reveal his holy power. On this day, power is carried to the center of the temple, because The next day the memory of St. Gerasima. Saint Gerasim helps to heal from many diseases. According to his prayers, relief and healing get obsessed with unclean spirits. Then a visit to the monastery of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called, where his foot is kept, presented by the monastery in the XVII century princess Roxana. Return to the hotel. Free time. Dinner.

6 day. 14 / 08Kofalonya

Breakfast. Free time. Moving to the village of Markopulu, in the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary Fidus to the evening worship. Return to the hotel. Dinner.

7 day. 15 / 08Kofalonya - Thessaloniki

Festive liturgy in the temple of Panagi Fidus.

The temple is known in the Orthodox world an event that is performed here from year to year during the days of celebrating the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (according to a new style). Small snakes with crosses on the head slide to the temple from the mountains. The miraculous icon of the Virgin is performed a large number of healing. Further, moving to the temple of the village of Peratat, where every year the miraculous icon on the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Miracle is made a miracle of the flourishing of dry stems of lilies. Breakfast. Crossing on the ferry on the mainland. Moving to thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

8 day. 16 / 08Saloniki - Macedonia Airport

Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

all moving programs on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels Cat. With, food program, excursions and services of the Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenica - Corfu - Igumeenitsa, ferry mainland - Kefalonya - Mainland

The price of the tour does not include:

visa, insurance, airfare, visa, insurance, airfare, state tax, which is paid by a guest at the hotel in check-in (about 10 euros, depending on the type of accommodation in the hotel)


A group besides a guide with theological education accompanies a Russian-speaking priest throughout the path.

Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

When the group is abides, (the group consists of at least 23 people) pilgrims are offered the following date of arrival.

After the program is completed or before it began, a man can visit the holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

Etc. № 15-S. 2019.

  • Check in: 7/07 - 13/07/19
  • 7 days / 6 nights

1 day. 7/07 Thessaloniki - Corfu

Meeting at the Salonik airport with the Orthodox Guide of the pilgrim center Solun. Moving to Igumeenitz. Dinner. Departure for ferry on Corfu. Hotel accommodation.

2 day. 8/07 Corfu - Igouenitsa - Bari (Italy). Overnight on ferry

Liturgy in the SVT temple. Spiridon trimifuntsky. Breakfast. A visit to the monument to the righteous Admiral Feodoru Ushakov at the fortress. A visit to the shrines: the Cathedral Temple of the Greek Queen Feodora, where its St. Relics, the temple of John the Forerunner, the burial places of the Russian warrior, the temple of the Virgin of Strangeles, the temple of the apostles of Jason and Susipatra, where their holy power is kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, a visit to the church, where the miraculous icon of the Voroshannskaya Various icon is. Departure to Paleokastritsa. A visit to the amazing paradise - the monastery of Paleokastric. Free time to relax. Return to ferry in Igumeenitsa. Dinner. Departure to Bari (Italy) at 24:00.

3 day. 9/07 Bari. Overnight on ferry

Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). Arrival in Bari. Liturgy in Basilica SVT. Nikolai Wonderworker, where his holy power is located. Dinner. Visit to the Russian church Svt. Nicholas Wonderworker. In the evening, sailing in Patras (Peloponnese, Greece). Dinner is not provided (optional on the ship).

4 day. 10/07 Patras - Mega Spielion - Eviemy

Arrival in Patras (12:30). Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). A visit to the Cathedral Temple of the City, where the relics of the apostle Andrei and the First Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified. Here, in Kripte, there is a holy source of the Apostle Andrei. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without check-in in the city), which runs along the Corinthian Bay of the Ionian Sea, visiting the male monastery of Mega Spyleon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Silver Ark, referred to as "Great", the creation of the Apostle Luke. Here is a large collection of particles of St. The relics of the waters of God. Moving to about. EVBEY. Later arrival and accommodation in the hotel. Dinner is not provided.

5 day. 11/07 EVBEY - Thessaloniki - Suroti - Thessaloniki

Liturgy in the temple of St. John Russian. Breakfast. Visit the monastery of St. David Evobysky, where the honest head of SVT is stored. Vasily the Great and honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the St. Jacob Eviesky and his cell. Sailing on ferry on the mainland. Moving to thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner. Departure to Suroti, to the monastery of St. John the Theologian, where the grave of St. Pairius. Night worship service with Liturgy in memory of St. Pairi Svyatogort. Return to the hotel.

6 day. 12/07 Thessaloniki - Vasilika - Thessaloniki

Breakfast. An informational tour of the city of Thessaloniki. A visit to several temples with the most important spiritual meaning where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are stored:

  • Church of St. The Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky, the Heavenly Patron of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a cancer with his relics, as well as the power of St. Programmer Anxia and St. Gregory (Callidis), Metropolitan Heraclia. A crypt was preserved under the altar where St. Dimitri, and where he accepted martyrdom.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the power of SVT is stored. Vasily, Metropolitan of Fesalonian.
  • Catacomb temple with St. The source of John the Forerunner, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral SVT. Gregory Palama, where his sv is stored. Power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora Solunskaya, where her St. PRES and PRP power. David Solunsky.

A visit to the Stavropigial Monastery of St. Anastasia scholars, where the power is stored. Feeonov, Metropolitan Solunsky. Moving to Kalambaku. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

7 day. 13/07 Thessaloniki. Airport "Macedonia"

Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

all moving programs on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels Cat. C, B, food in the program, excursions and services of the Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenica - Corfu - Igumeenitsa, Ferry of Igumeenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater inner cabin, steam Eviea - Mainland.

The price of the tour does not include:

visa, insurance, airfare, visa, insurance, airfare, state tax, which is paid by a guest at the hotel in check-in (about 10 euros, depending on the type of accommodation in the hotel)

At extra charge:

contribution to Basilica Nicholas Wonderworker in Bari (1 €).


A group besides a guide with theological education accompanies a Russian-speaking priest throughout the path.

Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

When the group is abides, (the group consists of at least 23 people) pilgrims are offered the following date of arrival.

After the program is completed or before it began, a man can visit the holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

Etc. № 12-S. 2019.

  • Check in: 2/06 - 9/06/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 2/06 Thessaloniki - Vasilika - Suroti - Thessaloniki

2 day. 3/06 Thessaloniki - Veria - Kalambac

Breakfast. An informational tour of the city of Thessaloniki. A visit to several temples with the most important spiritual meaning where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are stored:

  • Church of St. The Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky, the Heavenly Patron of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a cancer with his relics, as well as the power of St. Programmer Anxia and St. Gregory (Callidis), Metropolitan Heraclia. A crypt was preserved under the altar where St. Dimitri, and where he accepted martyrdom.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the power of SVT is stored. Vasily, Metropolitan of Fesalonian.
  • Catacomb temple with St. The source of John the Forerunner, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral SVT. Gregory Palama, where his sv is stored. Power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora Solunskaya, where her St. PRES and PRP power. David Solunsky.

3 day. 4/06 Kalambak - Meteora - Igumeenitsa - Corfu

4 day. 5/06 Corfu - Igumeenitsa - Bari (Italy). Overnight on ferry

Liturgy in the SVT temple. Spiridon trimifuntsky. Breakfast. A visit to the monument to the righteous Admiral Feodoru Ushakov at the fortress. A visit to the shrines: the Cathedral Temple of the Greek Queen Feodora, where its St. Relics, the temple of John the Forerunner, the burial places of the Russian warrior, the temple of the Virgin of Strangeles, the temple of the apostles of Jason and Susipatra, where their holy power is kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, a visit to the church, where the miraculous icon of the Voroshannskaya Various icon is. Departure to Paleokastritsa. A visit to the amazing paradise - the monastery of Paleokastric. Free time to relax. Return to ferry in Igumeenitsa. Dinner. Departure to Bari (Italy) at 24:00.

5 day. 6/06 Bari. Ascension of the Lord. Overnight on ferry

Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). Arrival in Bari. Festive liturgy in Basilica SVT. Nikolai Wonderworker, where his holy power is located. Dinner. Visit to the Russian church Svt. Nicholas Wonderworker. In the evening, sailing in Patras (Peloponnese, Greece). Dinner is not provided (optional on the ship).

6 day. 7/06 Patras - Mega Spilion - Eviemy

Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). Arrival in Patras (12:30). A visit to the Cathedral Temple of the City, where the relics of the apostle Andrei and the First Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified. Here, in Kripte, there is a holy source of the Apostle Andrei. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without check-in in the city), which runs along the Corinthian Bay of the Ionian Sea, visiting the male monastery of Mega Spyleon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Silver Ark, referred to as "Great", the creation of the Apostle Luke. Here is a large collection of particles of St. The relics of the waters of God. Moving to about. EVBEY. Later arrival and accommodation in the hotel. Dinner is not provided.

7 day. 8/06 Evie - Thessaloniki

Liturgy in the temple of St. John Russian. Breakfast. Visit the monastery of St. David Evobysky, where the honest head of SVT is stored. Vasily the Great and honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the St. Jacob Eviesky and his cell. Sailing on ferry on the mainland. Moving to thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

8 day. 9/06 Thessaloniki. Airport "Macedonia"

Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

all moving programs on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels Cat. C, B, food in the program, excursions and services of the Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenica - Corfu - Igumeenitsa, Ferry of Igumeenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater inner cabin, steam Eviea - Mainland.

The price of the tour does not include:

visa, insurance, airfare, visa, insurance, airfare, state tax, which is paid by a guest at the hotel in check-in (about 10 euros, depending on the type of accommodation in the hotel)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to Monasteries Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - every monastery), contribution to Basilica Nicholas Wonderworker in Bari (1 €).


A group besides a guide with theological education accompanies a Russian-speaking priest throughout the path.

Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

When the group is abides, (the group consists of at least 23 people) pilgrims are offered the following date of arrival.

After the program is completed or before it began, a man can visit the holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

PR.-№10-S. 2018.

  • Check in: 19/05 - 26/05/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 19/05 Thessaloniki - Igumeenitsa

Meeting at the airport of the city of Thessaloniki with a guide of the Orthodox pilgrim center Solun. Moving to Igumeenitz. Dinner. Hotel accommodation.

2 day. 20/05 Igumeenitsa - Corfu - Igumeenitsa - Bari (Italy). Overnight on ferry

Dry Paja. Crossing on the ferry on about. Corfu. Liturgy in the SVT temple. Spiridon trimifutsky. A visit to the monument to the righteous Admiral Feodoru Ushakov at the fortress. A visit to the shrine: the Cathedral Temple in the name of the Greek Queen Feodora, where her St. Relics, the temple of John the Forerunner, the burial places of the Russian warrior, the temple of the Virgin of Strangeles, the temple of the apostles of Jason and Susipatra, where their holy power is kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, a visit to the church, where the miraculous icon of the Voroshannskaya Various icon is. Return to ferry in Igumeenitsa. Dinner. Departure to Bari (Italy) at 24:00.

3 day. 21/05 Bari - Alberobello

Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). Arrival in Bari. Visit to the town of Alberobello, which is protected by UNESCO. The unique appearance of this amazing town give houses - Trulli, small buildings with bizarre roofs recognized by the global cultural heritage. Finding in Alberobello, as if you find yourself in a revived fairy tale. Visit to Alberobello Temple of St. Bescas and Damian debris, where there are particles of their relics. Return to Bari. Veligid vigil in Basilica SVT. Nicholas Wonderworker. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

4 day. 22/05 Holiday St. Nicholas Wonderworker.Bari. Overnight on ferry

Festive liturgy in Basilica SVT. Nicholas. Dinner. Visit to the Russian church Svt. Nicholas Wonderworker. Free time. Sail to igumeenitz. Dinner is not provided (optional on the ship).

5 day. 23/05 Patras - Mega Spielion - Eviemy

Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). Arrival in Patras (12:30). A visit to the Cathedral Temple of the City, where the relics of the apostle Andrei and the First Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified. Here, in Kripte, there is a holy source of the Apostle Andrei. On the way to Athens (without check-in in the city), which runs along the Corinthian Bay of the Ionian Sea, visiting the male monastery of Mega Spyleon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Silver Ark, referred to as "Great", the creation of the Apostle Luke. There is also a large collection of particles of the power of the Rogue. Moving to Isle of Evbey. Hotel settlement. Dinner.

6 day. 24/05 EVBEY - Thessaloniki

Liturgy in the temple of St. John Russian. Breakfast. Visit the monastery of St. David Evobysky, where the honest head of SVT is stored. Vasily the Great and honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the St. Jacob Eviesky and his cell. Sailing on ferry on the mainland. Moving to thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

7 day. 25/05 Thessaloniki - Vasilika - Suroti - Thessaloniki

Breakfast. An informational tour of the city of Thessaloniki. A visit to several temples with the most important spiritual meaning where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are stored:

  • Church of St. The Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky, the Heavenly Patron of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a cancer with his relics, as well as the power of St. Programmer Anxia and St. Gregory (Callidis), Metropolitan Heraclia. A crypt was preserved under the altar where St. Dimitri, and where he accepted martyrdom.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the power of SVT is stored. Vasily, Metropolitan of Fesalonian.
  • Catacomb temple with St. The source of John the Forerunner, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral SVT. Gregory Palama, where his sv is stored. Power.

A visit to the monastery of John the Bogoslov, where there is a grave of an elder Pairia Svyatogorz and stored by St. The relics of the Arches Cappadocyssic. A visit to the Stavropigial Monastery of St. Anastasia scholars, where the power is stored. Feeonov, Metropolitan Solunsky. Return to the hotel. Dinner.

8 day. 26/05 Thessaloniki. Airport "Macedonia"

Breakfast. Moving to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

all moving programs on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels Cat. C, meals for the program, excursions and services of the Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenica-Corphu - Igumeenitsa, Ferry Igumeenitsa - Bari - Igumeenitsa: 4-seater inner cabin, steam Eviemy - Mainland.

The price of the tour does not include:

visa, insurance, airfare, visa, insurance, airfare, state tax, which is paid by a guest at the hotel in check-in (about 10 euros, depending on the type of accommodation in the hotel)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to Monasteries Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - every monastery), contribution to Basilica Nicholas Wonderworker in Bari (1 €).


In addition to the guide with theological education, a Russian-speaking priest is accompanied by a guide with theological education throughout the path.

Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

After the program is completed or before it began, a man can visit the holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

Etc. № 8-S. 2019.

  • Rake: 8/05 -12/05/19
  • 5 days / 4 nights

1 day. 8/05 Arrival in Thessaloniki - Larisa

Meeting at the city of Thessaloniki with the Orthodox Guide of the pilgrim center Solun. Moving to Larisa. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. 9/05 Larisa - Wound (Festive liturgy) - Kalambak - Igumeenitsa - Corfu

Moving to the village of Wound, where he accepted the martyrdom of St. Nikolay New with his associates. Every spring here is a miracle: a tree that has been tortured by Saint, begins to "bleed" - to exude a dark red liquid. Many patients receive healing from this "blood" fluid. Festive liturgy. Breakfast. Moving to Kalambaku. Pilgrimage in the monasteries Meteor Visit two of the following monasteries: St. Varvara (Women's Monastery) or St. Stephen (Women's Monastery), or big meteors (male monastery), or St. Nicholas (male monastery). Departure to Igumeenitz. Dinner. Crossing on the ferry on Corfu.

3 day. 10/05 Corfu - Thessaloniki

Dry Paja. Liturgy in the SVT temple. Spiridon trimifuntsky. Visit the monument to St. Righteous Feodoru Ushakov in the fortress. A visit to the shrine: the Cathedral Temple in the name of the Greek Queen Feodora, where her St. Power, the temple of John the Forerunner, the burial places of the Russian warrior, the temple of the Virgin of Strangeles, the temple of St. Apostles Iason and Susipatra, where their saints are stored. Moving to the town of Kanoni, a visit to the church, where the miraculous icon of the Voroshannskaya Various icon is. Return to ferry in Igumeenitsa. Moving to thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

4 day. 11/05 Thessaloniki

Breakfast. An informational tour of the city of Thessaloniki. A visit to several temples with the most important spiritual meaning where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are stored:

  • Church of St. The Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky, the Heavenly Patron of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a cancer with his relics, as well as the power of St. Programmer Anxia and St. Gregory (Callidis), Metropolitan Heraclia. A crypt was preserved under the altar where St. Dimitri, and where he accepted martyrdom.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the power of SVT is stored. Vasily, Metropolitan of Fesalonian.
  • Catacomb temple with St. The source of John the Forerunner, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral SVT. Gregory Palama, where his sv is stored. Power.

Next, departure to the Stavropigial Monastery of St. Anastasia scholars, where the power is stored. Feeonov, Metropolitan Solunsky. A visit to the monastery of the Apostle John the Bogoslov, where the grave of the elder Paisius Svyatogorz is located and stored the power of St. Arseny Cappadocian. Return to the hotel. Dinner.

5 day. 12/05 Thessaloniki - Macedonia Airport

Breakfast in the hotel. Arrival at the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

insurance, airfare, all moving on a program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels Cat. C, meals half board, excursions and services of the Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenitsa - Corfu - Igumeenitsa, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenitsa - Corfu - Igumeenitsa

The price of the tour does not include:

visa, insurance, airfare, visa, insurance, airfare, state tax, which is paid by a guest at the hotel in check-in (about 10 euros, depending on the type of accommodation in the hotel)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to Monasteries Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - every monastery), entrance to the Temple Piappa (2 €)


A group besides a guide with theological education accompanies a Russian-speaking priest throughout the path.

Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

When the group is abides, (the group consists of at least 23 people) pilgrims are offered the following date of arrival.

After the program is completed or before it began, a man can visit the holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

Pilgrimage from thessalonik

Etc. № 7-S. 2019.

  • Check in: 24/04 - 1/05/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 24/04 Thessaloniki

Meeting at the airport of the city of Thessaloniki with a guide of the Orthodox pilgrim center Solun. Browse tour of the city. A visit to several temples with the most important spiritual meaning where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are stored:

  • Church of St. The Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky, the Heavenly Patron of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a cancer with his relics, as well as the power of St. Programmer Anxia and St. Gregory (Callidis), Metropolitan Heraclia. A crypt was preserved under the altar where St. Dimitri, and where he accepted martyrdom.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the power of SVT is stored. Vasily, Metropolitan of Fesalonian.
  • Catacomb temple with source of sv. John Forerunner, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral SVT. Grigory Palama, where his power is stored.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora Solunskaya, where her power and power of the PRP are resting. David Solunsky.

Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. 25/04 Grand Fourth. Thessaloniki - Vasilika - Suroti - Kalambac

Liturgy in the temple of all saints in thessaloniki. Return to the hotel. Breakfast. Moving to Kalambaku. Hotel accommodation. Visit ancient in Greece Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin (XI Century) Cambacha's city, where at 19:00 the morning of the "Crucifixions of our Lord Jesus Christ" begins (reading 12 gospels). Return to the hotel at about 21:30 (15 minutes of peaceful walking). Dinner.

3 day. 26/04 Great heels. Meteors - Igumeenitsa - Corfu

Breakfast. Pilgrimage in the monasteries Meteor, visiting the two of the following monasteries: St. Varvara (Women's Monastery) or St. Stephen (female monastery), big meteors (male monastery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Moving to Igumeenitz. Ferry crossing on the island of Corfu (Greek Kerkira). A visit to the monument to the righteous Admiral Feodoru Ushakov at the fortress. Worship of the Savior Corporation in the Cathedral Cathedral of Corfu Island. A visit to the temple of St. Spiridon and the worship of his holy relics. Participation in the rank of burials passing in Greece with special solemnity. At this time in the capital of the island, an alternate congestion is performed with the plates from 15 churches of the city. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

4 day. 27/04 Great Saturday. Corfa

Breakfast. Departure to the city center, for participation at 9 am in a solemn procession with the relics of St. Spiridon. After Litania, at 11 am, with decorated in red fabrics and the korfiotios of the balconies of the Old Town, clay vessels filled with water, which are broken about the pavement. This local pre-traditional tradition is respected as a sign of the joyful waiting for the Great Celebration - the Resurrection of Christ, which will be celebrated at night. A visit to the historic temple of John the Forerunner, the burial places of the Russian warrior, the temple of the Virgin of Strangeles. Moving to the picturesque town of Canoni, a visit to the temple, in which the miraculous icon of the Varhranian Vellaner is. Moving to the hotel, dinner (optional) and rest. In the evening, about 22 hours - moving to the capital. At this time, all residents and guests of the island for celebrating the Resurrection of Christ are gather on the main square of the spianate. At about 12 o'clock in the morning, the Metropolitan of the island of Kerkira makes a gracious fire from one of the temples of the old town, which is transmitted to everyone who wait on the square and hears the joyful news - Christ Annie - Alichos Anestia! This follows the festive Easter liturgy. Return to the hotel. Meal.

5 day. 28/04 Light Easter !!! Corfa

Breakfast. In the morning there is a procession with the icons of the Resurrection of Christ from 15 churches of the capital. Participation in the second (morning) Easter liturgy in the church of St. Spiridon (optional). At 10:30, departure from the hotel and moving to the oldest temple of the island - the Holy Apostles from 70 Jason and Susipatra. The worship of their holy relics. Moving to the old town in order to worship the relics of the Holy Empress Theodore in the Cathedral. Festive lunch in the hotel. Free time. Return to the hotel. Dinner.

6 day. 29/04 igumeenitsa - Patras - Mega Spilion - Athens

Breakfast. Departure to the port. Crossing on the mainland, in Igumeenitz. Moving to patters. A visit to the Cathedral Temple of the City, where the relics of the apostle Andrei and the First Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified. Here is the holy source of the Apostle Andrei. On the way to Athens, which runs along the Corinth Gulf of the Ionian Sea, attending the Male Monastery of Mega Spyleon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is kept in the Silver Ark, called "great", the creation of the Apostle Luke. There is also a large collection of particles of the power of the Rogue. Arrival in Athens and hotel accommodation. Dinner.

7 day. 30/04 Athens - Evie - Thessaloniki

Breakfast. A visit to the Areopagu under the Acropolis, the places of sermons are up. Paul. The descent through the Old District of the Cafe to the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, where the power of the Constantinople Patriarch is kept - Martyr Gregory V. Moving to Evieya Island. Visit the temple of the righteous John Russian, where his holy power is kept. Sailing on ferry on the mainland. Moving to Pieria. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

8 day. 1/05 Thessaloniki - Macedonia Airport

Breakfast. If the time to visit the monastery of John the Bogoslov in Suroti, where the grave of St. Pairius Svyatogort. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

all moving programs on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels Cat. C, meals half board, excursions and services of the Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenitsa - Corfu - Igumeenitsa, Ferry Evie - Mainland.

The price of the tour does not include:

visa, insurance, airfare, the public tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel during the settlement (about 10 euros, depending on the type of accommodation at the hotel for the entire tour).

At extra charge:

admission tickets to Monasteries Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - every monastery)


A group besides a guide with theological education accompanies a Russian-speaking priest throughout the path.

Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

With the non-blank group (the group consists of at least 28 people) pilgrims are offered the following date of arrival.

After the program is completed or before it began, a man can visit the holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

Etc. № 6-S. 2019.

  • Check in: 7/04 - 14/04/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 7/04 Thessaloniki - Vasilika - Suroti - Thessaloniki

Meeting at the Salonik airport with the Orthodox Guide of the pilgrim center Solun. A visit to the monastery of John the Bogoslov, where there is a grave of an elder Pairia Svyatogorz and stored by St. The relics of the Arches Cappadocyssic. A visit to the Stavropigial Monastery of St. Anastasia scholars, where the power is stored. Feeonov, Metropolitan Solunsky. Return to thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. 8/04 Thessaloniki - Veria - Kalambac

Breakfast. An informational tour of the city of Thessaloniki. A visit to several temples with the most important spiritual meaning where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are stored:

  • Church of St. The Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky, the Heavenly Patron of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a cancer with his relics, as well as the power of St. Programmer Anxia and St. Gregory (Callidis), Metropolitan Heraclia. A crypt was preserved under the altar where St. Dimitri, and where he accepted martyrdom.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the power of SVT is stored. Vasily, Metropolitan of Fesalonian.
  • Catacomb temple with St. The source of John the Forerunner, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral SVT. Gregory Palama, where his sv is stored. Power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora Solunskaya, where her St. PRES and PRP power. David Solunsky.

Moving to the skete of John the Forerunner in the area of \u200b\u200bVeria. This ancient monastery is currently a coup of the Athos Monastery of Simonopetra. The head of SVT is kept here. Clement Ohrid, student SVV. Kirill and Methodius, as well as a part of the hand of St. John the Baptist. Here, near the Skit, there are Celi of the Great Movings: Grigory Palamas (where he lasted 5 years) and Dionus Olympic. Moving to Kalambaku. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

3 day. 9/04 Kalambaca - Meteors - Igumeenitsa - Corfu

Breakfast. Pilgrimage in the monasteries Meteor, visiting the two of the following monasteries: St. Varvara (Women's Monastery) or St. Stephen (female monastery), big meteors (male monastery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Moving to Igumeenitz. Dinner. Departure for ferry on Corfu. Hotel accommodation.

4 day. 10/04 Corfu - Igumeenitsa - Bari (Italy). Overnight on ferry

Liturgy in the SVT temple. Spiridon trimifuntsky. Breakfast. A visit to the monument to the righteous Admiral Feodoru Ushakov at the fortress. A visit to the shrines: the Cathedral Temple of the Greek Queen Feodora, where its St. Relics, the temple of John the Forerunner, the burial places of the Russian warrior, the temple of the Virgin of Strangeles, the temple of the apostles of Jason and Susipatra, where their holy power is kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, a visit to the church, where the miraculous icon of the Voroshannskaya Various icon is. Departure to Paleokastritsa. A visit to the amazing paradise - the monastery of Paleokastric. Free time to relax. Return to ferry in Igumeenitsa. Dinner. Departure to Bari (Italy) at 24:00.

5 day. 11/04 Bari. Overnight on ferry

6 day. 12/04 Patras - Mega Spielion - Eviemy

Arrival in Patras (12:30). Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). A visit to the Cathedral Temple of the City, where the relics of the apostle Andrei and the First Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified. Here, in Kripte, there is a holy source of the Apostle Andrei. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without check-in in the city), which runs along the Corinthian Bay of the Ionian Sea, visiting the male monastery of Mega Spyleon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Silver Ark, referred to as "Great", the creation of the Apostle Luke. Here is a large collection of particles of St. The relics of the waters of God. Moving to about. EVBEY. Later arrival and accommodation in the hotel. Dinner is not provided.

7 day. 13/04 EVBEY - Thessaloniki

Liturgy in the temple of St. John Russian. Breakfast. Visit the monastery of St. David Evobysky, where the honest head of SVT is stored. Vasily the Great and honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the St. Jacob Eviesky and his cell. Sailing on ferry on the mainland. Moving to thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

8 day. 14/04 Thessaloniki. Airport "Macedonia"

Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

all moving programs on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels Cat. C, B, food in the program, excursions and services of the Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenica - Corfu - Igumeenitsa, Ferry of Igumeenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater inner cabin, steam Eviea - Mainland.

The price of the tour does not include:

visa, insurance, airfare, visa, insurance, airfare, state tax, which is paid by a guest at the hotel in check-in (about 10 euros, depending on the type of accommodation in the hotel)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to Monasteries Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - every monastery), contribution to Basilica Nicholas Wonderworker in Bari (1 €).


A group besides a guide with theological education accompanies a Russian-speaking priest throughout the path.

Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

When the group is abides, (the group consists of at least 23 people) pilgrims are offered the following date of arrival.

After the program is completed or before it began, a man can visit the holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

Etc. № 5-S. 2019.

  • Check in: 24/03 - 31/03/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 24/03 Thessaloniki - Surity - Thessaloniki

Meeting at the Salonik airport with the Orthodox Guide of the pilgrim center Solun. Hotel accommodation. Dinner. Festive Night Vigil Vigil and Liturgy on the Afonov Charter at the opposite of the Afonov Monastery Grigoriat. Return to the hotel.

2 day. 25/03 Thessaloniki - Vasilika - Kalambac

Breakfast. An informational tour of the city of Thessaloniki. A visit to several temples with the most important spiritual meaning where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are stored:

  • Church of St. The Great Martyr Dimitry Solunsky, the Heavenly Patron of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a cancer with his relics, as well as the power of St. Programmer Anxia and St. Gregory (Callidis), Metropolitan Heraclia. A crypt was preserved under the altar where St. Dimitri, and where he accepted martyrdom.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the power of SVT is stored. Vasily, Metropolitan of Fesalonian.
  • Catacomb temple with St. The source of John the Forerunner, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral SVT. Gregory Palama, where his sv is stored. Power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora Solunskaya, where her St. PRES and PRP power. David Solunsky.

A visit to the Stavropigial Monastery of St. Anastasia scholars, where the power is stored. Feeonov, Metropolitan Solunsky. Return to thessaloniki. Moving to Kalambaku. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

3 day. 26/03 Kalambaca - Meteors - Igumeenitsa - Corfu

Breakfast. Pilgrimage in the monasteries Meteor, visiting the two of the following monasteries: St. Varvara (Women's Monastery) or St. Stephen (female monastery), big meteors (male monastery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Moving to Igumeenitz. Dinner. Departure for ferry on Corfu. Hotel accommodation.

4 day. 27/03 Corfu - Igumeenica - Bari (Italy). Overnight on ferry

Liturgy in the SVT temple. Spiridon trimifuntsky. Breakfast. A visit to the monument to the righteous Admiral Feodoru Ushakov at the fortress. A visit to the shrines: the Cathedral Temple of the Greek Queen Feodora, where its St. Relics, the temple of John the Forerunner, the burial places of the Russian warrior, the temple of the Virgin of Strangeles, the temple of the apostles of Jason and Susipatra, where their holy power is kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, a visit to the church, where the miraculous icon of the Voroshannskaya Various icon is. Departure to Paleokastritsa. A visit to the amazing paradise - the monastery of Paleokastric. Free time to relax. Return to ferry in Igumeenitsa. Dinner. Departure to Bari (Italy) at 24:00.

5 day. 28/03 Bari. Overnight on ferry

Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). Arrival in Bari. Reading akafist SVT. Nikolai Wonderworker in Basilica, where his holy power is located. Dinner. Visit to the Russian church Svt. Nicholas Wonderworker. In the evening, sailing in Patras (Peloponnese, Greece). Dinner is not provided (optional on the ship).

6 day. 29/03 Patras - Mega Spilion - Eviemy

Arrival in Patras (12:30). Breakfast is not provided (optional on the ship). A visit to the Cathedral Temple of the City, where the relics of the apostle Andrei and the First Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified. Here, in Kripte, there is a holy source of the Apostle Andrei. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without check-in in the city), which runs along the Corinthian Bay of the Ionian Sea, visiting the male monastery of Mega Spyleon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Silver Ark, referred to as "Great", the creation of the Apostle Luke. Here is a large collection of particles of St. The relics of the waters of God. Moving to about. EVBEY. Later arrival and accommodation in the hotel. Dinner is not provided.

7 day. 30/03 Evie - Thessaloniki

Liturgy in the temple of St. John Russian. Breakfast. Visit the monastery of St. David Evobysky, where the honest head of SVT is stored. Vasily the Great and honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the St. Jacob Eviesky and his cell. Sailing on ferry on the mainland. Moving to thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

8 day. 31/03 Thessaloniki. Airport "Macedonia"

Breakfast or dry paja. If the time to allow the time, visit the monastery of John the Theologian, where there is a grave of an elder Pairius Svyatogort and stored by St. The relics of the Arches Cappadocyssic. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

all moving programs on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels Cat. C, B, food in the program, excursions and services of the Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry of Igumeenica - Corfu - Igumeenitsa, Ferry of Igumeenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater inner cabin, steam Eviea - Mainland.

The price of the tour does not include:

visa, insurance, airfare, visa, insurance, airfare, state tax, which is paid by a guest at the hotel in check-in (about 10 euros, depending on the type of accommodation in the hotel)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to Monasteries Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - every monastery), contribution to Basilica Nicholas Wonderworker in Bari (1 €).


A group besides a guide with theological education accompanies a Russian-speaking priest throughout the path.

Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

When the group is abides, (the group consists of at least 23 people) pilgrims are offered the following date of arrival.

After the program is completed or before it began, a man can visit the holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

  • Check in: 13/12 - 18/12/19
  • 6 days / 5 nights

1 day. TBILISI

2 day. TBILISI


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

The price of the tour does not include:

insurance, airfare

At extra charge:

At extra charge:


Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

  • Check in: 22/11 -29/11/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovia is located, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints. At the temple, the cell was preserved, where he lived in recent years and took an endless flow of spiritual children and pilgrims. The father of Vitaly, famous in the Orthodox world, a chicken eyelid in the Orthodox world, was buried.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, offering a magnificent view of the city and surroundings. Visit the temple of the PSP. David Garegi, built on the site of the cave, in which holy saint.

  • The Temple of Metera, built in the XII century. Here there is the burial of the first Georgian martyr - Chushanik, the queen of the Ranskaya (V c.);
  • SAMEBA - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, is located on the hill of St. Prophet Elijah. In the cathedral 13 of the throne, the lower temple - in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Separately there is a bellow. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The Cathedral is the Department of Holy and Blessed Patriarch-Catholicos All Georgia, Archbishop of the Mtskhetsky and Tbilisi - the Primate of the Georgian Church of Elija II;


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

The price of the tour does not include:

insurance, airfare

At extra charge:


Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

  • Check in: 3/11 - 8/11/19
  • 6 days / 5 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. TBILISI

Breakfast. An introductory excursion in the capital of Georgia. A visit to the temples with the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • SAMEBA - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, is located on the hill of St. Prophet Elijah. In the cathedral 13 of the throne, the lower temple - in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Separately there is a bellow. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The Cathedral is the Department of Holy and Blessed Patriarch-Catholicos All Georgia, Archbishop of the Mtskhetsky and Tbilisi - the Primate of the Georgian Church of Elija II;
  • The Temple of Metera, built in the XII century. Here there is the burial of the first Georgian martyr - Chushanik, the queen of the Ranskaya (V c.);
  • Zioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named after the Zion Mountain in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The main shrine of the cathedral is the cross of equivalent to the apostle, the enlightenment of Georgia, made of a grape vine and the holy hair bandaged.
  • Ancheshati is an ancient temple of the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovia is located, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints. At the temple, the cell was preserved, where he lived in recent years and took an endless flow of spiritual children and pilgrims. The father of Vitaly, famous in the Orthodox world, a chicken eyelid in the Orthodox world, was buried.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, offering a magnificent view of the city and surroundings. Visit the temple of the PSP. David Garegi, built on the site of the cave, in which holy saint.

At the request of the Group and for an additional fee, a visit to the Gold Foundation of the Museum of Art, where the ancient miraculous icons are stored. Dinner.

3 day. Tbilisi - Samtavro-Mtzhet - Svetitskhovseli - Jvari - Shio Mercvime - Tbilisi

Meeting in the hotel lobby with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrim center Solun. At 8:30, departure from Tbilisi in the north-western direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. A visit to the female Monastery Samtavro, founded in the IV century by the king of Mirian on the spot in the royal garden, where Holy Nina lived. In this monastery there are many shrouds: a part of a life-giving pillar, a copy of the miraculous Iberian icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of Holy Nina. There are also the graves of the saints of Mirian and Nanna, the relics of the Holy Shio Maximsky, as well as cancer with the relics of the newly illuminated in the face of the Saints of Gabriel. Festive liturgy in honor of St. Gabriel. Breakfast. Further, a visit to the Cathedral of the XI century Svetitzhoveli (Life-giving pillar) dedicated to the twelve apostles. At this place for the blessing of equivalent Nina's equivalent king, Mirian was built the first Christian church in Georgia. The church is kept by the Great Shrine - Hiton Lord. In the right chassion of the temple there is a cloak of the Prophet Elijah, discharged by him during the ascension on the chariot on the sky. A visit to the acting Javar monastery (cross), founded in the VI century on the spot, where the first Cross of Holy Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia erected. Visit to the male monastery Shio. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The Temple of the Monastery of the VI century is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.

4 day. Tbilisi - Martkopi - Gareci - Telavi

Breakfast. Departure in Martcopy. A visit to the monastery founded by Anthony Martkopsky, where his holy power rests. Departure to Kakheti. Moving to the Monastic Complex of David Gareghi, located from Tbilisi by 60 km. Gathery is a lot of cave monasteries cut down in rocks, with a length of 25 km. The first one was founded by David Hareghi, one of the 13 Assyrian fathers of missionaries, in the first half of the 6th century. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner at the hotel.

5 day. Tbilisi - Hirsa - Bodbe -tbilisi

Breakfast. A visit to the Khir's monastery based in the VI century. One of the Assyrian elders Stefan Chirsky, where his holy power rests. Moving to the Women's Monastery Bodbe (IV - XI century), where there is a grave of equivalent Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia. The monastery was founded by the first Christian king of Georgia Mirian. In Bodbe, there is a holy source, which appeared on the spot where the Holy Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy source. Next to the monastery is a picturesque town associated with the famous artist Pirosmani, which we also visit. Moving and visiting the ninocminda women's monastery. At this place some time lived with St. Nina. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals on the basis of breakfast and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, the national musical and dance program during one of the dinners;

The price of the tour does not include:

insurance, airfare

At extra charge:

At extra charge:

tickets: Cableway in Tbilisi (1 $), Admission to the Gold Font Museum of Arts ($ 7)


Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

  • Check in: 18/10 - 24/10/19
  • 7 days / 6 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. Tbilisi - Garezhzhi - Telavi

Breakfast. An introductory excursion in the capital of Georgia. A visit to the shrines having the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovia is located, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints. At the temple, the cell was preserved, where he lived in recent years and took an endless flow of spiritual children and pilgrims. The father of Vitaly, famous in the Orthodox world, a chicken eyelid in the Orthodox world, was buried.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, offering a magnificent view of the city and surroundings. Visit the temple of the PSP. David Garegi, built on the site of the cave, in which holy saint.

We should then move to Kakhetia, to the Monastery Complex of David Gareghi, located from Tbilisi by 60 km. Gathery is a lot of cave monasteries cut down in rocks, with a length of 25 km. The first one was founded by David Gareghi, one of the 13 Assyrian fathers-missionaries, in the first half of the VI century.

3 day. Telavi - Bodbe - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. A visit to the current Women's Monastery Bodbe (IV - XI century) Here is the grave of equivalent Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia. The monastery was founded by the first Christian king of Georgia Mirian. In Bodbe, there is a holy source, which appeared on the spot where the Holy Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy source. Return to Tbilisi. Continuation of the visits to the shrines having the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • The Temple of Metera, built in the XII century. Here there is the burial of the first Georgian martyr - Chushanik, the queen of the Ranskaya (V c.);
  • Zioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named after the Zion Mountain in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The main shrine of the Cathedral is the cross of equivalent Nina, Georgian enlightened, made of grape vines and holy hair bandaged.
  • Ancheshati is an ancient temple of the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • SAMEBA - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, is located on the hill of St. Prophet Elijah. In the cathedral 13 of the throne, the lower temple - in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Separately there is a bellow. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The Cathedral is the Department of Holy and Blessed Patriarch-Catholicos All Georgia, Archbishop of the Mtskhetsky and Tbilisi - the Primate of the Georgian Church of Elija II;

At the request of the Group and for an additional fee, a visit to the Gold Foundation of the Museum of Art, where the ancient miraculous icons are stored. Dinner at the hotel.

4 day. Tbilisi - Jvari - Mtskheta - Svetitskhoveli - Samtavro - Shio Mercvime -tbilisi

Breakfast. Meeting in the hotel lobby with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrim center Solun. At 8:30, departure from Tbilisi in the north-western direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. A visit to the acting Javar monastery (cross), founded in the VI century on the spot, where the first Cross of Holy Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia erected. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the Cathedral of the XI century Svetitzhoveli (Life-giving pillar) dedicated to the twelve apostles. At this place for the blessing of equivalent Nina's equivalent king, Mirian was built the first Christian church in Georgia. The church is kept by the Great Shrine - Hiton Lord. In the right chassion of the temple there is a cloak of the Prophet Elijah, discharged by him during the ascension on the chariot on the sky. Next - a visit to the female Samtavro monastery, founded in the IV century by the king of Mirian on the spot in the royal garden, where Holy Nina lived. In this monastery there are many shrouds: a part of a life-giving pillar, a copy of the miraculous Iberian icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of Holy Nina. There are also the graves of the saints of Mirian and Nanna, the relics of the Holy Shio Maximsky, as well as cancer with the relics of the newly illuminated in the face of the Saints of Gabriel. Visit to the male monastery Shio. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The Temple of the Monastery of the VI century is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.

5 day. Tbilisi - Kanda - Samtavi-Athenis Cion - Urbnisi - Ruisi - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Moving to the village of Kanda, where there is a monastery, which hosts the service in the Aramaic language, which was talked by the Lord Jesus Christ. If possible, participation in worship. Further, you should move to the monastery of Samtavirev, built in 1030 by Samontavissarian bishop Hilarion. Today is a female monastery. Moving to the monastery of Athena Cion, VII century, where the frescoes of the XI - XII centuries are preserved. The following should be visited by two ancient temples with frescoes VI - XI centuries. In the ancient regions of Urbnisi and Ruisi. In Urbnisi, the relics of the saints are stored, among which are a particle of the relics of George Victorious. In Ruedi in the iconostasis of the temple there are icons that are starting to make peace from time to time. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.

6 day. Tbilisi - Shuamta - Alaverdi - Gremi - Hareba - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. A visit to the monastery complex of the Shuumpy, which consists of two parts - earlier, belonging to the VII century. and later, XVI B, founded by St. Queen Tina, in the future we who accepted in it. A visit to one of the highest temples of antiquity in the Akhmetsky district of Kakheti. Alaverdi Monastery was built by Assyrian fathers, namely Joseph Alaverd, who came here in the middle of the 6th century, built a temple, laughed here. He soil in 570, and was buried here, in the temple. The cathedral is consecrated in honor of St. George Victorious. Moving to Gremi, the former capital of Kakheti. A visit to the ancient fortress with the temple of the Saints Saints. Tsar Levan, who built this temple was buried on the territory of the fortress. The remaining part of this day will be devoted to acquaintance with Georgian traditions. In the manor, in autumn, the time of Sanawardo of our pilgrims is waiting for the harvest of grapes. Next, they themselves will be able to suppress collected grapes in an old way. Further, training should be prepared by the preparation of Georgian bread in special furnaces of tone, training and cooking Hincali and Churchhel's own hands (Georgian sweetness from grape juice and nuts.). And everything will be completed with the traditional Georgian feast. If the pilgrimage falls at the time of year, when the harvest of grapes do not collect, the pilgrims will take part in the master classes only. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


The price of the tour includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals on the basis of breakfast and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, the national musical and dance program during one of the dinners;

The price of the tour does not include:

insurance, airfare

At extra charge:

tickets: Cableway in Tbilisi (1 $)


Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

  • Check in: 4/10 - 11/10/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. Tbilisi - Garezhzhi - Telavi

Breakfast. An introductory excursion in the capital of Georgia. A visit to the shrines having the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovia is located, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints. At the temple, the cell was preserved, where he lived in recent years and took an endless flow of spiritual children and pilgrims. The father of Vitaly, famous in the Orthodox world, a chicken eyelid in the Orthodox world, was buried.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, offering a magnificent view of the city and surroundings. Visit the temple of the PSP. David Garegi, built on the site of the cave, in which holy saint.

We should then move to Kakhetia, to the Monastery Complex of David Gareghi, located from Tbilisi by 60 km. Gathery is a lot of cave monasteries cut down in rocks, with a length of 25 km. The first one was founded by David Gareghi, one of the 13 Assyrian fathers-missionaries, in the first half of the VI century.

3 day. Telavi - Bodbe - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. A visit to the current Women's Monastery Bodbe (IV - XI century) Here is the grave of equivalent Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia. The monastery was founded by the first Christian king of Georgia Mirian. In Bodbe, there is a holy source, which appeared on the spot where the Holy Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy source. Return to Tbilisi. Continuation of the visits to the shrines having the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • The Temple of Metera, built in the XII century. Here there is the burial of the first Georgian martyr - Chushanik, the queen of the Ranskaya (V c.);
  • Zioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named after the Zion Mountain in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The main shrine of the Cathedral is the cross of equivalent Nina, Georgian enlightened, made of grape vines and holy hair bandaged.
  • Ancheshati is an ancient temple of the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • SAMEBA - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, is located on the hill of St. Prophet Elijah. In the cathedral 13 of the throne, the lower temple - in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Separately there is a bellow. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The Cathedral is the Department of Holy and Blessed Patriarch-Catholicos All Georgia, Archbishop of the Mtskhetsky and Tbilisi - the Primate of the Georgian Church of Elija II;

At the request of the Group and for an additional fee, a visit to the Gold Foundation of the Museum of Art, where the ancient miraculous icons are stored. Dinner at the hotel.

4 day. Tbilisi - Jvari - Mtskheta - Svetitzhoveli - Samtavroo - Shio Mercvime - Samtavi - Borjomi

Breakfast. Meeting in the hotel lobby with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrim center Solun. At 8:30, departure from Tbilisi in the north-western direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. A visit to the acting Javar monastery (cross), founded in the VI century on the spot, where the first Cross of Holy Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia erected. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the Cathedral of the XI century Svetitzhoveli (Life-giving pillar) dedicated to the twelve apostles. At this place for the blessing of equivalent Nina's equivalent king, Mirian was built the first Christian church in Georgia. The church is kept by the Great Shrine - Hiton Lord. In the right chassion of the temple there is a cloak of the Prophet Elijah, discharged by him during the ascension on the chariot on the sky. Next - a visit to the female Samtavro monastery, founded in the IV century by the king of Mirian on the spot in the royal garden, where Holy Nina lived. In this monastery, many shroud are stored: a copy of the miraculous Irvsk icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of Holy Nina. There are also the graves of the saints of Mirian and Nanna, the relics of the Holy Shio Maximsky, as well as cancer with the relics of the newly illuminated in the face of the Saints of Gabriel. Visit to the male monastery Shio. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The Temple of the Monastery of the VI century is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Departure to the Monastery Samtav'vis, built in 1030 by Samontavissarian bishop of Hilarion. Today is a female monastery. Moving to the town of Borjomi, known to the production of mineral water. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

5 day. Borjomi - Tyimetes Ubani - Green Monastery - Vardzia -Akhaltsikhe

Breakfast. Visiting the city park with a source of mineral water. A visit to the Tõmimes Uban monastery, founded by St. Chalva in the XIII century. The monastery survived the frescoes of the XIII century. Moving to the monastery in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, referred to as the "Green Monastery". Transfer to the ancient stone city Vardzia. With this cave city-fortress associated with the name of Queen Tamara, glorified in the face of saints. Moving in Akhaltsikhe. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

6 day. Akhaltsikhe - Zarry - Ubsova - Bagrates - Kutaisi

Breakfast. Departure to the monastery of Zarzzz, founded by Zarznian semicrine. Until today, the X century bell tower has been preserved here, and the temple dates back to the XIV century. In the monastery there are non-relics of an unknown saint, as well as the Knights, where the remains of the monks are stored. On the way to Kutaisi, the stop in the Ubsov monastery, where there is a temple George Victorious IX century. It survived the unique frescoes of Saints George and Damian XV-XVI centuries. In this monastery, the son of David Builder - Dimitri, in Monastic - Damian. Moving to Kutaisi. Inspection of the Temple of Bagrates, built in 1003 by the king of Bagrat III. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

7 day. Kutaisi - Gelati - Mozyamete - Prometheus Cave - Tbilisi

Breakfast. A visit to the Gelantian monastery - the tomb of the royal dynasties founded by David builder. Moving to Mozymete. Here, in the temple of the VIII century, brothers martyrs Konstantin and David - Princes of Aragvetsky. Visiting Prometheus Cave, which is located in the vicinity of Kutaisi. It consists of 16 underground halls with stalactites and stalagmites. Here, if desired, you can ride boats along the underground river. Departure to Tbilisi. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals on the basis of breakfast and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, the national musical and dance program during one of the dinners;

The price of the tour does not include:

insurance, airfare

At extra charge:

tickets: in Vardzia ($ 3), Rabat Fortress ($ 3), Prometheus Caves ($ 5), Park in Borjomi ($ 1), Cableway in Tbilisi (1 $)


Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

  • Check in: 20/09 - 27/09/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. TBILISI

Liturgy in one of Tbilisi temples. Breakfast dry solder. Next follows a study tour of Georgia. A visit to the temples with the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • SAMEBA - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, is located on the hill of St. Prophet Elijah. In the cathedral 13 of the throne, the lower temple - in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Separately there is a bellow. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The Cathedral is the Department of Holy and Blessed Patriarch-Catholicos All Georgia, Archbishop of the Mtskhetsky and Tbilisi - the Primate of the Georgian Church of Elija II;
  • The Temple of Metera, built in the XII century. Here there is the burial of the first Georgian martyr - Chushanik, the queen of the Ranskaya (V c.);
  • Zioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named after the Zion Mountain in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The main shrine of the Cathedral is the cross of equivalent Nina, Georgian enlightened, made of grape vines and holy hair bandaged.
  • Ancheshati is an ancient temple of the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovia is located, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints. At the temple, the cell was preserved, where he lived in recent years and took an endless flow of spiritual children and pilgrims. The father of Vitaly, famous in the Orthodox world, a chicken eyelid in the Orthodox world, was buried.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, offering a magnificent view of the city and surroundings. Visit the temple of the PSP. David Garegi, built on the site of the cave, in which holy saint.

At the request of the Group and for an additional fee, a visit to the Gold Foundation of the Museum of Art, where the ancient miraculous icons are stored. Dinner.

3 day. Tbilisi - Jvari - Mtskheta - Svetitzhoveli - Samtavro - Shio Merczyme - Samtavi - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Meeting in the hotel lobby with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrim center Solun. At 8:30, departure from Tbilisi in the north-western direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. A visit to the acting Javar monastery (cross), founded in the VI century on the spot, where the first Cross of Holy Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia erected. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the Cathedral of the XI century Svetitzhoveli (Life-giving pillar) dedicated to the twelve apostles. At this place for the blessing of equivalent Nina's equivalent king, Mirian was built the first Christian church in Georgia. The church is kept by the Great Shrine - Hiton Lord. In the right chassion of the temple there is a cloak of the Prophet Elijah, discharged by him during the ascension on the chariot on the sky. Next - a visit to the female Samtavro monastery, founded in the IV century by the king of Mirian on the spot in the royal garden, where Holy Nina lived. In this monastery there are many shrouds: a part of a life-giving pillar, a copy of the miraculous Iberian icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of Holy Nina. There are also the graves of the saints of Mirian and Nanna, the relics of the Holy Shio Maximsky, as well as cancer with the relics of the newly illuminated in the face of the Saints of Gabriel. Visit to the male monastery Shio. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The Temple of the Monastery of the VI century is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Departure to the Monastery Samtav'vis, built in 1030 by Samontavissarian bishop of Hilarion. Today is a female monastery. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.

4 day. Tbilisi - Bodbe - Hirs - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. A visit to the ninocminda women's monastery. At this place some time lived with St. Nina. Moving to the Women's Monastery Bodbe (IV - XI century), where there is a grave of equivalent Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia. The monastery was founded by the first Christian king of Georgia Mirian. In Bodbe, there is a holy source, which appeared on the spot where the Holy Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy source. Next to the monastery is a picturesque town associated with the famous artist Pirosmani, which we also visit. And at the end of this pilgrim day, a visit to the Church Monastery, founded in the VI century. One of the Assyrian elders Stefan Chirsky, where his holy power rests. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.

5 day. Tbilisi - Ananuri - Kazbegi - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Departure to Northeast Georgia. On the way, inspection of the ancient fortress of Ananuri, then the picturesque Zhinvalsk reservoir follows. Pilgrims will have the opportunity to see the amazing phenomenon of nature, merging into one White and Black Aragvi River. Arrival in Kazbegi, which is located in the Alpine zone. Here we will visit the Women's Monastery, referred to as the Gerghet Trinity in Hevi. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.

6 day. Tbilisi - Shavnabad - Bolnisi - Dnanisi - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Departing to the south-east of Georgia. Visit to the male monastery Shavnabad dedicated to the Navy. George Victorious founded in the XVIII century. On the site of an ancient church. Moving to Bolnisi. A visit to the most ancient cathedral of the V c., Referred to by the Bologna Zion. Moving to the Dmanis district, a visit to another ancient temple - Dmanis Zion. On the territory of the ancient fortress, the remains of the most ancient people on Earth were found - men and women. Scientists called their Mysia and Mzzza. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.

7 day. Tbilisi - Gareci - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Departure in Martcopy. A visit to the monastery founded by Anthony Martkopsky, where his holy power rests. Moving to the Monastic Complex of David Gareghi, located from Tbilisi by 60 km. Gathery is a lot of cave monasteries cut down in rocks, with a length of 25 km. The first one was founded by David Hareghi, one of the 13 Assyrian fathers of missionaries, in the first half of the 6th century. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner at the hotel.


Breakfast. Free time in Tbilisi. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; Food on the basis of breakfast and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, a national musical and dance program during one of the dinners

The price of the tour does not include:

insurance, airfare

At extra charge:

tickets: Cableway in Tbilisi (1 $), SUVs (5 $)


Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

  • Check in: 6/09 -11/09/19
  • 6 days / 5 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. TBILISI

Breakfast. An introductory excursion in the capital of Georgia. A visit to the temples with the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • SAMEBA - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, is located on the hill of St. Prophet Elijah. In the cathedral 13 of the throne, the lower temple - in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Separately there is a bellow. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The Cathedral is the Department of Holy and Blessed Patriarch-Catholicos All Georgia, Archbishop of the Mtskhetsky and Tbilisi - the Primate of the Georgian Church of Elija II;
  • The Temple of Metera, built in the XII century. Here there is the burial of the first Georgian martyr - Chushanik, the queen of the Ranskaya (V c.);
  • Zioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named after the Zion Mountain in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The main shrine of the Cathedral is the cross of equivalent Nina, Georgian enlightened, made of grape vines and holy hair bandaged.
  • Ancheshati is an ancient temple of the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.

At the request of the Group and for an additional fee, a visit to the Gold Foundation of the Museum of Art, where the ancient miraculous icons are stored. Dinner.

3 day. Tbilisi - Jvari - Mtskheta - Antioch - Svetitzhoveli - Samtavro - Shio Merczyme - Samtavi-Tbilisi - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Meeting in the hotel lobby with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrim center Solun. At 8:30, departure from Tbilisi in the north-western direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. A visit to the acting Javar monastery (cross), founded in the VI century on the spot, where the first Cross of Holy Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia erected. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the Antioch's Women's Monastery, where the temple of the IV-V centuries has been preserved. At this place, the fusion of the Arags and Kura rivers, the baptism of Georgia's people occurred. A visit to the Cathedral of the XI century Svetitzhoveli (Life-giving pillar) dedicated to the twelve apostles. At this place for the blessing of equivalent Nina's equivalent king, Mirian was built the first Christian church in Georgia. The church is kept by the Great Shrine - Hiton Lord. In the right chassion of the temple there is a cloak of the Prophet Elijah, discharged by him during the ascension on the chariot on the sky. Next - a visit to the female Samtavro monastery, founded in the IV century by the king of Mirian on the spot in the royal garden, where Holy Nina lived. In this monastery there are many shrouds: a part of a life-giving pillar, a copy of the miraculous Iberian icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of Holy Nina. There are also the graves of the saints of Mirian and Nanna, the relics of the Holy Shio Maximsky, as well as cancer with the relics of the newly illuminated in the face of the Saints of Gabriel. Visit to the male monastery Shio. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The Temple of the Monastery of the VI century is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Departure to the Monastery Samtav'vis, built in 1030 by Samontavissarian bishop of Hilarion. Today is a female monastery. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.

4 day. Tbilisi - Bodbe -tbilisi

Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. A visit to the current Women's Monastery Bodbe (IV - XI century) Here is the grave of equivalent Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia. The monastery was founded by the first Christian king of Georgia Mirian. In Bodbe, there is a holy source, which appeared on the spot where the Holy Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy source. Return to Tbilisi. Free time. Dinner.

5 day. Tbilisi - Garegi --Tability

Breakfast. We continue to get acquainted with the shrines of Tbilisi:

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovia is located, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints. At the temple, the cell was preserved, where he lived in recent years and took an endless flow of spiritual children and pilgrims. The father of Vitaly, famous in the Orthodox world, a chicken eyelid in the Orthodox world, was buried.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, offering a magnificent view of the city and surroundings. Visit the temple of the PSP. David Garegi, built on the site of the cave, in which holy saint.

Next should move the monastery complex David Gareghi, located 60 km away from Tbilisi. Gathery is a lot of cave monasteries cut down in rocks, with a length of 25 km. The first one was founded by David Hareghi, one of the 13 Assyrian fathers of missionaries, in the first half of the 6th century. Return to the hotel. Dinner.

6 day. Tbilisi - Airport

Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The price of the tour includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals on the basis of breakfast and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, the national musical and dance program during one of the dinners;

The price of the tour does not include:

insurance, airfare

At extra charge:

At extra charge:

tickets: Cableway in Tbilisi (1 $), Admission to the Gold Font Museum of Arts ($ 7)


Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.

  • Check in: 23/08 - 3/09/19
  • 12 days / 11 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2 day. Tbilisi - Garezhzhi - Telavi

Breakfast. An introductory excursion in the capital of Georgia. A visit to the shrines having the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovia is located, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints. At the temple, the cell was preserved, where he lived in recent years and took an endless flow of spiritual children and pilgrims. The father of Vitaly, famous in the Orthodox world, a chicken eyelid in the Orthodox world, was buried.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, offering a magnificent view of the city and surroundings. Visit the temple of the PSP. David Garegi, built on the site of the cave, in which holy saint.

We should then move to Kakhetia, to the Monastery Complex of David Gareghi, located from Tbilisi by 60 km. Gathery is a lot of cave monasteries cut down in rocks, with a length of 25 km. The first one was founded by David Gareghi, one of the 13 Assyrian fathers-missionaries, in the first half of the VI century.

3 day. Telavi - Bodbe - Tbilisi

Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. A visit to the current Women's Monastery Bodbe (IV - XI century) Here is the grave of equivalent Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia. The monastery was founded by the first Christian king of Georgia Mirian. In Bodbe, there is a holy source, which appeared on the spot where the Holy Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy source. Return to Tbilisi. Continuation of the visits to the shrines having the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • The Temple of Metera, built in the XII century. Here there is the burial of the first Georgian martyr - Chushanik, the queen of the Ranskaya (V c.);
  • Zioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named after the Zion Mountain in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The main shrine of the Cathedral is the cross of equivalent Nina, Georgian enlightened, made of grape vines and holy hair bandaged.
  • Ancheshati is an ancient temple of the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • SAMEBA - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, is located on the hill of St. Prophet Elijah. In the cathedral 13 of the throne, the lower temple - in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Separately there is a bellow. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The Cathedral is the Department of Holy and Blessed Patriarch-Catholicos All Georgia, Archbishop of the Mtskhetsky and Tbilisi - the Primate of the Georgian Church of Elija II;

At the request of the Group and for an additional fee, a visit to the Gold Foundation of the Museum of Art, where the ancient miraculous icons are stored. Dinner at the hotel.

4 day. Tbilisi - Jvari - Mtskheta - Antioch - Svetitzhoveli - Samtavro - Shio Mercvime - Self-Devy - Borzhomi

Breakfast. Meeting in the hotel lobby with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrim center Solun. At 8:30, departure from Tbilisi in the north-western direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. A visit to the acting Javar monastery (cross), founded in the VI century on the spot, where the first Cross of Holy Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia erected. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the Antioch's Women's Monastery, where the temple of the IV-V centuries has been preserved. At this place, the fusion of the Arags and Kura rivers, the baptism of Georgia's people occurred. A visit to the Cathedral of the XI century Svetitzhoveli (Life-giving pillar) dedicated to the twelve apostles. At this place for the blessing of equivalent Nina's equivalent king, Mirian was built the first Christian church in Georgia. The church is kept by the Great Shrine - Hiton Lord. In the right chassion of the temple there is a cloak of the Prophet Elijah, discharged by him during the ascension on the chariot on the sky. Next - a visit to the female Samtavro monastery, founded in the IV century by the king of Mirian on the spot in the royal garden, where Holy Nina lived. In this monastery, many shroud are stored: a copy of the miraculous Irvsk icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of Holy Nina. There are also the graves of the saints of Mirian and Nanna, the relics of the Holy Shio Maximsky, as well as cancer with the relics of the newly illuminated in the face of the Saints of Gabriel. Visit to the male monastery Shio. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The Temple of the Monastery of the VI century is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Departure to the Monastery Samtav'vis, built in 1030 by Samontavissarian bishop of Hilarion. Today is a female monastery. Moving to the town of Borjomi, known to the production of mineral water. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

5 day. Borjomi - Tyotnes Ubani - Vardzia - Green Monastery - Akhaltsikhe

Breakfast. Visiting the city park with a source of mineral water. A visit to the Tõmimes Uban monastery, founded by St. Chalva in the XIII century. The monastery survived the frescoes of the XIII century. Moving to the ancient stone city Vardzia. With this cave city-fortress associated with the name of Queen Tamara, glorified in the face of saints. Moving to the monastery in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, referred to as the "Green Monastery". Moving in Akhaltsikhe. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

6 day. Akhaltsikhe - Rabat - Slags - Bagrati - Kutaisi

Breakfast. Visit to the fortress Rabat XIII century. This amazing, majestic history monument, restored a few years ago, accommodates the museum, and the palace, and the Orthodox church, and the mosque, and small shops, as well as fountains, pools and other facilities. Departure to the monastery of Zarzzz, founded by Zarznian semicrine. Until today, the X century bell tower has been preserved here, and the temple dates back to the XIV century. In the monastery there are non-relics of an unknown saint, as well as the Knights, where the remains of the monks are stored. Moving to Kutaisi. Inspection of the Temple of Bagrates, built in 1003 by the king of Bagrat III. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

7 day. Kutaisi - Gelati - Mozyamete - Prometheus Cave - Tbilisi - Ureki

Breakfast. A visit to the Gelantian monastery - the tomb of the royal dynasties founded by David builder. Moving to Mozymete. Here, in the temple of the VIII century, brothers martyrs Konstantin and David - Princes of Aragvetsky. Visiting Prometheus Cave, which is located in the vicinity of Kutaisi. It consists of 16 underground halls with stalactites and stalagmites. Here, if desired, you can ride boats along the underground river. Departure in Ureki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

8 day. BY THE RIVER - Batumi - Gonio - Mahunzeti - Ureki

Breakfast. Moving to Batumi. A visit to the Greek Church of St. Nikolai Wonderworker 1865, where the service is currently leading in two languages: Russian and Georgian. Next, visit the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, built as Roman Catholic in late XIX. in. Today is the Orthodox Church. Moving to a picturesque place with a majestic Waterfall Mahunceti, there is a beautiful bridge, built in the XII century. The most queen Tamara. In the fortress Gonio, according to legend, the relics of St. Evangelist Matthey chosen instead of Judah. Moving above to the mountains to visit the temple of Andrei of the First-Called, built, by legend, at the place where the apostle set the cross during his visit to Georgia. Return to the hotel. Dinner.


Breakfast. Rest on the sea with magnetic sands. Ureki - the place is special, it is a resort with black sand having special healing properties. The town of Ureki is approximately an hour's drive from Batumi, it is rightly called one of the most popular Black Sea resorts of Georgia. The black sand creates a magnetic field here, which heals the body during diseases of the heart and blood vessels, during injuries, has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Magnetotherapy is recommended for nervous diseases, rickets and cereals, but it also has contraindications. Therefore, before traveling in Ureki, it is worth consulted with a doctor.

10 day. BY THE RIVER

11 day. BY THE RIVER

Breakfast. Rest on the sea with magnetic sands. Dinner.

12 day. Ure- Batumi - Airport

Breakfast. Transfer to Batumi to the airport. Departure.

Cost of the program per person (in $)

Group Double Room Triple Room Single Room

8 people 665 645 885.

The price of the tour includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; Food on the basis of breakfast and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, a national musical and dance program during one of the dinners

The price of the tour does not include:

insurance, airfare

At extra charge:

tickets: in Vardzia ($ 3), Rabat Fortress ($ 3), Prometheus Caves ($ 5), Park in Borjomi ($ 1), Cableway in Tbilisi (1 $)


Pilgrimage Center "Solun" reserves the right to change the sequence of visiting the shrines envisaged under the program.