Crazy science of Nicolas. "Scientific Show Professor Nicolas": business in worms, dry ice and chemical experiments

Crazy science of Nicolas.
Crazy science of Nicolas. "Scientific Show Professor Nicolas": business in worms, dry ice and chemical experiments

Amazing - Near! Exactly a year ago I became acquainted with Crazy professor in . And today Kolya invited me to his show, which he spent in the offended boarding school under Tula.
Kolya and Olya (his assistant) gave a small, but a real holiday to children and teachers who gathered in school act of the Hall.
They write about it often, but I will say again: such grateful eyes and such emotions, as we saw today, you see infrequently. All children, of course, rejoice in holidays. But children who are not spoiled by diversity are doubly rejoiced. Today they were happy. For what thanks Kola and his team!
Thanks and director of the school Timur Nadarovich Tsorudavu, who decided to invite professors and please the children. Timur Nadarovich works for 19 years children's house. Arrived in Tula Oblast From Abkhazia in distribution, yes it remained. The director told a lot about the children, the life of the village and about himself. But I struck me to the depths of the soul in one phrase: I, though atheist, but I believe in God!

As soon as we arrived in a handy and entered the hall, the guys began to prepare for the speech, collect props for experiments. Everything is worked out. Therefore, literally after 15 minutes everything was ready. It remains to be in the "workwear".

Numerous photographers fixed every step of the professor

... and his assistant Olga))

Charging the Sweet Education Apparatus.

"Look what funny pipping ..." & Copy

Everything is ready, you can start.

But, first of all, you need to eat)) I treated us director Timur Nadarovich with a true Caucasian welcome.

School walls are painted.

Everywhere order and cleanliness.

Nicolas makes a professorship.

Real Professor: Although on the stage, at least at the meeting of the Academy of Sciences))

How are the audience?

Everything is fine!

Both phones Nikolay call continuously. From those who want to order a show there is no penalty. But ... Kohl and his whole team is painted for many days ahead.

Well, everything, you can go to the scene.

Spectators in the field.

The show starts!

Simple, but spectacular experience with dry ice.

Another "smoky" experience - crazy soda)

Preparing " deadly room"Assistant from the Hall is going to pour the contents of a glass on the head of the professor.

And pours! But ... the gel in the glass does not want to pour out))

Next number - Kohl iokin.

Who will have to crawl through a narrow neck flask and return back.

Experiment with multicolored liquids. Everything goes again!

Experience with endangered ink.

So make snow.

Everyone wants to touch the resulting snow.

Which of the two arcs are longer?

And now?

It turns out that the ball can be inflated not only, blowing air, but also blowing it.

Kohl is amazingly artistic and emotional. I think it feels half of his success.

Soapy super bubbles.

But what kind of experience, I did not remember.

Another nail of the program is gel worms.

Singing pipe.

Sings if it is cooled to promote it.

Another kind of shank-dodge.

Giant smoke!

Kolya and Olya are completing the basic program.

And go to the final - cooking in front of the amazed public sweet Wati.

In order to have time to cook wool at all (and at today's presentation there were about 80 people!), I have to work on two devices in four hands.

The results of this experience are edible.

That of course pleases the audience.

Someone came with a sword, someone with wings)

Distribution of wool continues.

Boys have boys! Staged a battle on wool chopsticks)

Vata is eaten, the show is over. Group photo For memory. And I will remember the guys what!

And this one of the boys asked the camera and photographed me with his comrades.

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Public Offer (offer) online store "Shaw Professor Nicolas" for the sale of goods

1. Terms and definitions.

1.1. In this offer, if the context does not require another, the terms below have the following values \u200b\u200band are an integral part of this offer:

Seller - Merry Science LLC. Legal address: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, d. 4 p. 1.

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2. General provisions.

2.1. This Public Offer (hereinafter - "Treaty") is the official proposal of LLC "Merry Science" to anyone individualwith legal capacity and necessary powers to conclude from LLC "Merry Science" Agreement of the purchase and sale of goods on the conditions defined in this offer and contains all essential conditions contract.

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5.2. The seller has the right:

5.2.1. Change this Agreement, the price of goods and tariffs for related services, methods and terms of payment and delivering goods unilaterally by placing them on the pages of their online store. All changes come into force immediately after publication, and are considered to be brought to the attention of the buyer from the moment of this publication.

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5.2.4. Before the delivery of the goods ordered by the Buyer, the seller has the right to demand 100% prepayment from the buyer. The seller has the right to refuse the buyer in the delivery of goods in the absence of such payment or in the absence of goods in the seller's warehouse.

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6. Delivery of goods

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6.2. Delivery to the buyer of goods, ordered in the online store, in agreed quantity and assortment, is carried out by the delivery service or by self-delivery. The minimum order amount in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region is 2,000 rubles. The cost of courier delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region is 500 rubles. Pickup from the office / from the warehouse - for free. When ordering in the amount of more than 5,000 rubles, delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region - free. Delivery to the regions of Russia is from 500 rubles, depending on the weight and distance - on the tariffs of the delivery service, which the buyer is reported additionally.

6.3. The shipping costs are paid by the buyer.

6.4. If the goods are ordered together with a scientific show (the service provided by LLC "Merry Science"), then the minimum volume and cost of the goods does not have restrictions, delivery is free, and the discount on the entire range of goods is 20% without limiting the order amount.

6.5. The buyer is obliged in the presence of a courier of the online store to make an acceptance of the ordered goods by quantity, quality, assortment and completeness of the goods.

6.6. The fact of acceptance of the goods by the buyer is the payment of goods (payment of the total amount of the order and the amount of expenses for the delivery of goods to the buyer) and the signing of the UPB (universal transfer document on the goods).

6.7. The buyer is not obliged to compensate for the expenses of the online store associated with the delivery of the order, if when accepting the goods it will be found that the goods are delivered inadequate quantity, range or completeness.

6.8 The seller is not responsible for the violation of the delivery time caused by delays in the work of the delivery service or Russian Post.

7. Feedback Offer

7.1. Offer review (contracts) can be made by the Seller at any time, but this is not a basis for refusing to refuel the seller's obligations under contracts already concluded. The seller undertakes to place a notice of the revocation of the Offer, in its online store, indicating the exact time (4th time zone (Moscow)) of the Offer's reviews, not less than 12 hours before the event of the response event (suspension) of the actions of the offer, except Cases When the goods in the seller's warehouse ends suddenly.

8. Force majeure.

8.1. Upon the circumstances of the insurmountability of the force that the Party under this Agreement could neither foresee nor prevent reasonable measures, the deadline for the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement is moved proportionally time during which such circumstances continues to be effective, without compensation for any damages. Such events of emergency, in particular, include: floods, fire, earthquake, explosion, storm, soil settlement, other phenomena of nature, epidemic, as well as war or hostilities, terrorist acts; Voltage differences in the power grid and other circumstances that led to the failure of the technical means of any of the Parties to the Treaty.

8.2. The Party for which the situation was created at which it became impossible to fulfill its obligations due to the occurrence of force majeure of force, is obliged to promptly (but no later than 5 (five) working days) to notify the other in writing side

8.3. In the event of a dispute about the time of the offensive, the deadlines and the end of the circumstances of the force majeure, the conclusion of the competent authority at the location of the relevant party will be appropriate and sufficient confirmation of the beginning, the term and the end of these circumstances.
Failure or late notice of the Parties to the beginning of the circumstances of the insurmountability of force deprives it in the future right to refer to them as a basis for the basis of liability for the non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

8.4. If the circumstances of force majeure and / or their consequences continue to act more than 30 (thirty) calendar days In a row, the contract can be terminated on the initiative of any of the parties by sending a written notice to the other side.

9. Responsibility of the parties.

9.1. For non-fulfillment or improper performance of the Terms of this Agreement, the parties are responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. All text information and graphic imagesPlaced in the online store and on the site - belongs to LLC "Cheerful Science", or have a different legitimate rightholder, and therefore the illegal use of this information and images is prosecuted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. Warranty

10.1. The warranty period for the goods establishes its manufacturer.

11. Return of goods

11.1. The buyer has the right to abandon the goods received proper quality and return the goods to the seller within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of the goods, subject to the safety of the goods, the commodity and consumer qualities of the goods, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions for the purchase of the specified goods and other documentation transferred to the buyer with a commodity.

The buyer is obliged to return the goods to the seller on its own and at its own expense at the address: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, d. 4 p. 1, from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00.

The return of the amount paid by the buyer for the goods is carried out in cash in the office when returning the goods or the current account specified by the buyer.

11.2. The following products are not exchanged and refund:

Non-periodic publications (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and motor editions, Sheet iszza, calendars, booklets, editions reproduced on technical information media)

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2002 N 81).

11.3. Claims on the goods of improper quality. Under the product of inadequate quality implies a product that is faulty and cannot provide execution of its functional qualities. The resulting goods must comply with the description on the site. The difference in design elements or design from the declared in the description on the site is not a malfunction or non-functionality of the goods. Appearance and a completeness of the goods, as well as the completeness of the entire order must be tested by the recipient at the time of delivery of goods (except delivery by mail or third-party delivery service / courier service). When delivering the goods, the buyer puts his signature in the delivery act, in the line: "The goods are transferred in proper condition, in full set, external mechanical damage does not have in brand package." After receiving the order of the claim to external defects of the product, its number, completeness and mainstream are not accepted. If the buyer was transferred to the goods of inadequate quality, and it was not stated in advance by the seller, the buyer is entitled to take advantage of the provisions of Art. 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights. Buyer has the right to demand the replacement of goods, refuse to execute the contract of sale, return the goods of improper quality and demand the return of the goods paid for the goods monetary sum. The seller is obliged to accept the goods of improper quality from the consumer and check the quality of goods (examination) within 20 days from the date of presentation of the specified requirement. Any of the listed requirements should be brought by the Buyer in writing.

11.4. For refund money The buyer's bank card must be filled with "a statement of money return", which is sent at the request by the Seller to the email address of the buyer, and send it together with the application of a copy of the buyer's passport to the seller at: 141707, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, D . four . p. 1.

To return funds enrolled on the seller's current account, erroneously, through payment systems, the buyer must apply with a written application and an application for a copy of the passport and checks / receipts confirming the erroneous enrollment. This statement must be sent to the seller at: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, d. 4 p. 1. After receiving a written application with a copy of the passport and checks / receipts, the seller produces a refund over time to 10 (ten) Working days from the date of receipt of the 3rdments to the buyer's current account specified in the application. In this case, the return amount will be equal to the size of erroneously credited funds for the seller's current account for the minus of the Bank's commissions.

The term of consideration of the application and return of funds to the Buyer begins to calculate the seller of the application and is calculated in working days without taking into account holidays / weekends. If the statement was received by the seller after 18.00 of the day or on a festive / day off, the next business day is considered the moment of receiving the application.

Buyer's return requirement must provide the seller either in writing at the address: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, d. 4 p. The requirement can be compiled in free form with a mandatory indication of the buyer's contact data that coincide with the specified When ordering the goods, the name of the returning goods and the reasons for the return. The buyer has the right to ask all the questions that arose the seller by phone +7 495 617-41-11.

When returning the goods inadequate quality, the seller reimburses to the buyer the cost of returning goods and the cost paid by the buyer's delivery. When returning the goods of proper quality, the returned amount of funds will be reduced to the commission for transferring funds to the buyer's account, as well as the cost of shipping goods from the buyer to the seller.

In the case of payment of a bank card, the return of funds is made in full, without the holding of the Commission, if the Bank does not charge this commission.

12. Other conditions.

12.1. All disputes associated with non-fulfillment, or inappropriate execution of their obligations under this Agreement, the parties will try to decide during the negotiations.

12.2. In case of not reaching agreement during the negotiations, disputes will be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

13.revizes of the seller.

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Then I realized that it was time to go to new level. "The show of Professor Nicolas" by that time began to bring stable incomeAnd it was difficult for me to cope with a large flow of orders. I hired two assistants-leading, taught them and removed the office. Now, four years after the start, in the Moscow team 23 people, of which are 12 leading.

We have in season (September, January and May) for 200 shows per month. Leaders spend 15-17 programs per day. In the usual months, there is a decline. I seriously come to choosing the leading: 97% of those who came on the casting. We arrange real acting samples once or twice a year. 100 people came to the last casting, everyone had to be interested to show the proposed experiment and get out of complex situation. As a result, five copied with the task, and only three were able to work. We immediately decided that we would not take professional animators, because they had to be retracted.


The starting capital was 100,000 rubles, which I took four years ago. I spent this money for the purchase of chemical reagents and the apparatus for the manufacture of sweet wool, and then told "no" loans. Until now, I adhere to such a policy: I will invest money from free.

Our services are not seeing: in Moscow, the price per speech varies from 8,000 to 60,000 rubles depending on the length of the show. IN small cities The price, as a rule, does not exceed 8,000 rubles.

Very proud of our Nicolas-Mobile brand Peugeoton which leading driven. For Moscow, we purchased three cars - new machines maintain more profitable than repairing used and pay taxi drivers. Branded cars benefit: new customers often call after seeing bright cars of Professor Nicolas in traffic jams. We spend on contextual advertising most of all, about 100,000 rubles per month - it brings 30% of orders. I do not save on the development of the brand - these are my long-term investments. The result suits me: compared with last year, the revenue increased by 50% and is about 25 million rubles. Franchising gives about 25% turnover, the rest - Revenues from the show, sales of sets for home experiments A la "Young Chemist" and channel monetization on YouTube by advertising.

Nikolay Ganaylyuk, a man with a disheveled hair, an insane look, in a white coat and a bright green tie, pours water into one glass, the white powder pours into the other, and asks: "Who wants to try?" Two dozen children who are sitting in front of Ganayluk, before that, I havenotnively who have followed each of it, at once they raise hands and scream: "I, I!" Ganaylyuk calls one, suggests him to mix water powder, to take up to three and pour the contents on his head. A boy in indecision freezes.

Ganaylyuk goes down on one knee: "I'm going on my head then." The boy submoldly mixes, believes, turns the glass of ... and nothing has been poured out of it. "That's focus!" - An enthusiastically shouts some girl. "It's not a focus, but a scientific experiment," Ganaylyuk straightens and patiently explains why the powder is a superabsorbent - so well absorbs moisture. In his company "Show crazy professor Nicolas "Ganaylyuk has long introduced taboo on the word" focus ". After all, what the company is engaged in, is a real science, albeit like magic.

With decay Soviet Union and reduction in financing russian sciencehave ceased to go out "horizons for children", "in the world of science" (the publication resumed since 2003), "home laboratory" and "quantum" (the publication is resumed in in electronic format). The circulation of popular science literature has decreased to 20 million copies in 1991 and up to 8 million in 1999. All-Union contests "Young physicist" and mugs "Young Chemist" have ceased (in 1970, 140 thousand people participated in them), and the eponymous set, the former in the house seems to have each soviet schoolchild, lost in competition with LEGO and transformers.

A new life in the science, cable and satellite television, the number of subscribers of which, according to "national cable networks", has increased seven times from 2004 to 2011. According to TNS Russia, the top 15 of non-ester TV channels include five scientific and popular: Discovery Channel. (15 million viewers Monthly), Animal Planet (14 million viewers), "My Planet" (10 million) and others. But media projects are not the only opportunity to make interest in the screenshot.

Crazy science

In 2006, Valery Mityakin, the owner of a small firm for the production of rubber coatings, leafed by a franchise catalog and suddenly stumbled upon the offer of the Canadian company Mad Science. Since 1986, she has satisfied scientific show for children - with all sorts of chemical "focus", which is quite scientific explanation. Mityakin inspired and bought a franchise. She cost "tens of thousands of dollars plus royalties," remembers Mityakin. He scored the team of managers and began to organize performances in entertainment centers And in children's holidays.

Two years later, Mityakin brought the company to payback. Today, its turnover is, according to SF, more than 30 million rubles. in year. In 2008, the leading show 24-year-old Nikolai Ganaylyuk came to Russian Mad Science - a graduate of the Moscow Physics and Technology consulting company For the sake of dreams to become an actor. Ganayluk came up with a pseudonym a crazy professor of Nicolas and quickly won the recognition of the audience.

Crazy Professor Nicolas

In 2009, Ganaylyuk demanded an increase in salary. Holidays for the client cost an average of 10 thousand rubles, but the presenter received only the tenth of this money. In the "crazy science" he was denied, Ganaylyuk quit and opened his own company - "The Show of the Crazy Professor Nicolas". To buy a franchise from his former employer Ganaylyuk refused. For this, Mityakin still pays offense at him (even refused to be photographed with a competitor for this article). However, Mityakin himself stopped paying for the Canadian franchise Mad Science, renaming his company to "crazy science."

"I had customers who went with me, they recommended me to friends and farther on the srangian radio," says Ganaylyuk, artistically swinging his hands. "After a year, I realized that I could not cope with orders alone. I had to hire a person, then another. One, and more. " Now the company employs nine leading (in white coats, with green ties and bright hairstyles), accountant, administrator, three driver, storekeeper and director - Ganaylyuk himself. TOTAL 16 people. Revenue "The Show of the Crazy Professor Nicolas" for 2011 amounted to, according to the SF, 15 million rubles, that is, two times less than that of "crazy science." True, Ganayluk promises Mityakina in 2013 to catch up. Prices for the hour program for both competitors range from 10-15 thousand rubles.

40 magazines and eight dozen TV channels "plunge" today scientific and popular topics. Resumed the growth of grants of cognitive literature resumed

In this business, much is built on Harizme, so leading Ganaylyuk selects among the actors, and not teachers. Conducts real theatrical castings: candidates give props and ask to show experiences. When there are no experiments (what happens almost always, because the actors are usually not too pitched in terms of chemistry), the presenter must twist: Ganaylyuk believes that the most important is the ability to improvise, and it shakes his head offended when I call him employees " Animators. " "These are not pirates that jump with the ropes around the children, it is the leading. And they have a salary of them," says Ganayluk. Now he pays his lead more than "crazy science," - from 20% to 25% of the order amount.

Ganaylyuk has no competitors, except for "crazy science", but there are six franchise partners - in Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara and Chelyabinsk. Mityakin Unlike Professor Nicolas Franchise does not sell - he himself was as a franchisee, he knows. That's former partner Ganaylyuka from Yekaterinburg, who bought the Franchise first, broke the contract with the "professor" a year ago and opened his show "Opener".

Competitors are distinguished not only by attitudes towards franchise, but also sales channels. If the "crazy science" focuses on children's holidays, then the "show of the crazy professor Nicolas" prefers to perform in schools, as a rule, instead of chemistry lessons. Leading distributing leaflets to students and then often receive invitations from parents.

The status of the "crazy professor" Ganaylyuk was pleased: in the end, he fully implemented his children's dream.

Traction for experiments

In the Museum of Interesting Sciences "Experimentanium", which is designed to tell the children and remind adults as it works the world From the point of view of physics, chemistry and biology, almost everything can be touched. A huge eye, which has to keep two hands, and plastic embryos, demonstrating the development of the child at different times of pregnancy, is an anatomical part of the museum. And if you approach the table enlarged several times and chairs, it immediately becomes clear how a three-year-old child feels in an adult world. Nearby you can play a piano with a glass front wall and at the same time see what is happening inside the tool, wander around the glass labyrinth, studying optical illusionsAnd also to watch the Tornado is born: American setting worth $ 10 thousand. Models this process in miniature.

For the co-founder of the Museum of Natalia Potapova and its three university friends, the creation of the Museum of Entertaining Sciences is the main experiment in life. As a child, they were all engaged in the Moscow Palaces of Pioneers, read out with the magazine " Young technician"And" entertaining physics "Yakov Perelmann. And when they have grown up, it turned out that there were too few places in Moscow, where you can have fun and with benefit to spend time with the whole family. During travel abroad, partners noticed: Western museums are much interactive than Russian. "If something is not, it means that you need to do it yourself," Potapov decided and its partners and the autumn of 2010 removed the room 2 thousand square meters. M on the territory of the former plant on Butyrskaya Street in Moscow.

For the year they made overhaul, partially bought abroad, and partly collected 250 exhibits for the museum on their own scientific and production base. Starting investments ( own funds Founders) amounted to several million dollars. According to Spark-Interfax, the co-owners of the company are Same Potapov, which in the past was engaged in real estate management in Interros and VTB, and three top manager of the LIFE banking group - Yaroslav Alekseev, Konstantin Sulieev and Philip Samaret.

All profits, assures Natalia Potapov, co-owners reinvest in museum collection. In January, they purchased ten more expensive exhibits that will be placed on additional 500 square meters. m second floor. Children's ticket costs 250 rubles. on a weekday and 350 rubles. on the weekend, adult - 350-450 rubles. At weekday, the museum attends about 300 people - mostly school excursions.

Interesting weekdays "Experimentanimum"

On the weekend audience "Experimentanima" - parents with children, their number can reach up to 500. The Museum co-owners are actively developing other areas - master classes and lectures on "entertaining sciences" and even experimental cinema. Due to this, partners are trying to attract the Museum and the youth audience for which they arranged, for example, a student party for Tatiana's Day. In addition, the museum has a store where puzzles and thematic books are sold, including the famous "entertaining physics" Perelman. According to the calculations of the SF, the "Experimental" revenue may be about 50 million rubles. in year.

In December, partners opened a branch of the museum in Saratov, solving rip out the reduced model "Experimentanium" (its area of \u200b\u200b600 square meters. M) in one of the typical million-square cities. If the experiment succeeds, partners will open branches in other Russian and Ukrainian cities, because the project becomes cost-effective, counts Potapov, you need to create at least five museums.

Nikolay Ganaylyuk is looking for no chemists for his show, but actors. But it is refused by their animators to refuse them, removes almost in the rank of scientists. Of particular talented salary reaches 100 thousand rubles. per month

We offer to your attention 10 stunning focus experiments, or scientific shows that can be made with your own hands at home.
At the birthday of the child, on the weekend or on vacation, spend time with the benefit and become the center of attention of the set of eyes! 🙂

In the preparation of the post, we helped the experienced organizer of scientific show - professor Nicola. He explained the principles that are laid in a particular focus.

1 - Lava lamp

1. Surely, many of you have seen a lamp, which has a liquid that imitating hot lava. Looks magic.

2. Water poured into sunflower oil and food dye (red or blue) is added.

3. After that, add a sipic aspirin to the vessel and observe a striking effect.

4. During the reaction, the sump water rises and lowers oil without mixing with it. And if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight - "True Magic" will begin.

: "Water and oil have a different density, moreover, they have a property not mixed, no matter how you shake a bottle. When we add inside the bottle of effervescent pills, they, dissolving in water, begin to highlight carbon dioxide and lead fluid in motion. "

Want to arrange a real scientific show? More experiences can be found in the book.

2 - Experience with gas

5. Surely at home or in a nearby store for the holiday there are several cans with gas. Before drinking them, ask the guys the question: "What will happen if you load banks with gas production into the water?"
Drown? Will you swim? Depends on the soda.
Offer children in advance to guess what will happen with a bank and carry out experience.

6. We take banks and gently omit in the water.

7. It turns out despite the same volume, they have different weight. That is why some banks are drown, and others are not.

Professor Nicolas comment: "All our banks have the same volume, but here are the mass of each can, which means that the density is different. What is a density? This is a mass value divided into volume. Since the volume of all cans is the same, then the density will be higher in that one whose mass is more.
Whether the bank will swim in the container or drown, depends on the ratio of its density to the density of water. If the density can be less, then it will be on the surface, otherwise the bank will go to the bottom.
But due to which the bank with the usual cool is tight (heavier) than the bank with a dietary drink?
It's all about sugar! In contrast to the usual cola, where sugar sand is used as a sweetener, a special sugar substitute is added to the dietary, which weighs much less. So how many sugar in the usual jar with soda? The difference in the mass between the usual soda and its dietary analogue will give us the answer! "

3 - paper cover

Ask the question present: "What will happen if you turn the glass with water?" Of course she will turn out! And if you press the paper to the glass and turn it over? Paper will fall and water all the same on the floor? Let's check.

10. Gently cut out the paper.

11. We put on top to the glass.

12. And gently turn the glass. Paper stuck to a glass, as magnetized, and water does not pour out. Wonders!

Professor Nicolas comment: "Although it is not so obvious, but in fact we are in the real ocean, only in this ocean is not water, but the air that gives on all items, including us with you, we are simply so accustomed To this pressure that we do not notice it at all. When we cover a glass with water sheet of paper and turn over, then the leaf on one side presses water, and on the other hand (from the bottom) - the air! The air pressure turned out to be more water pressure in the glass, here is a sheet and does not fall. "

4 - Soap Volcano

How to arrange a house eruption of a small volcano?

14. You will need soda, vinegar, some detergent chemistry for dishes and cardboard.

16. We divorce vinegar in water, add detergent liquid and type all iodine.

17. Wut all the dark cardboard - it will be the "body" of the volcano. A pinch of soda falls into the glass, and the volcano begins to erupt.

Professor Nicolas comment: "As a result of the interaction of vinegar with soda, a real occurs chemical reaction With the release of carbon dioxide. BUT liquid soap and dye, interacting with carbon dioxide, form color soap foam - Here is the eruption. "

5 - Candle Pump

Can a candle change the laws of gravity and raise water up?

19. We put a candle on the saucer and light it.

20. Pour the tinted water on the saucer.

21. Cover the candle with a glass. After some time, the water will draw inside the glass contrary to the laws of gravity.

Professor Nicolas comment: "What makes the pump? Changes pressure: increases (then water or air begin to "run away") or, on the contrary, reduces (then gas or liquid begin to "arrive"). When we covered the burning candle, the candle was dead, the air inside the glass was cooled, and therefore the pressure decreased, so the water from the bowl and began to be absorbed inside. "

Games and experiments with water and fire is in the book "Experiments of Professor Nicolas".

6 - Water in Serete

We continue to study the magic properties of water and surrounding items. Ask someone from those present to pull the bandage and span through it water. As we see - she passes through holes in Bise without any work.
Again with the surrounding that you can make that water will not pass through the bandage without any additional techniques.

22. Cut a piece of bandage.

23. Wrap a glass bandage or a glass for champagne.

24. Over the glass - water does not fall out!

Professor Nicolas comment: "Thanks to such a property of water, like a surface tension, water molecules want all the time together and they are not so easy to solve (these are the wonderful girlfriends!). And if the size of the holes is small (as in our case), then the film does not even rush under the severity of water! "

7 - Diving Bell

And to secure you honorary title Magician Water and Lord of the Elements, promise that you can deliver paper to the bottom of any ocean (or bath or even a basin) without seeing it.

25. Let those present write their names on a sheet of paper.

26. We turn the leaf, remove it into the glass so that he rests on his walls and not slip down. Immerse a leaflet in an inverted glass on the bottom of the tank.

27. Paper remains dry - water can not get to it! After pulling out the leaflet - give the audience to make sure that it is really dry.