Choose Email service mailings. How to make an email mass mailing? How to create and configure mailing on Mail RU

Choose Email service mailings. How to make an email mass mailing? How to create and configure mailing on Mail RU

Welcome letter for a new mailing recipient - an element is incommensurable important. Perhaps even more important than all advertising, target messages and trigger messages combined.

Welcome letter - your best opportunity to turn ordinary mailing subscribers to customers, and long-term.

A good example of a distribution letter can provide you with a sales growth since the first day.

Well thought out welcome letter beats at three points:

  • provides a quotation subscriber, a valuable offer promised at the registration stage (for example, a discount of 15%);
  • offers the subscriber to go a little further: create a full-fledged account, complete the download, purchase something - in a word, make a couple of steps to your strategic goal;
  • immediately build a picture of the interaction. Seriously, pull?

But not all welcome letters are so good.

You might think: mess around with greeting letters to anything, my automated platform sends everything in itself as soon as a new subscriber confirms its email address. Everything is so good, though?

Not necessary.

Still, at least some welcome letter is better than any (yes, it's you, service users). But you can expect the best result from a welcoming letter, which will be strategically developed taking into account the strengths and "voices" of your brand; Letters with content that works with the three listed baits. In the end, it is that - thoughtful - there must be a real email marketing!

Below you will see how, using the same Mailchimp, you can improve your newsletter using a spectacular welcome letter. So, to the point!

More than half of the brands were missing

Statistical data on the number of brands that send welcome letters will differ. Basically, an indicator of 50% is stated, plus-minus 5%. In the Salesforce control study conducted in 2015, the figure of 42% has already been established. From this fraction of 72% were estimated as highly efficient. The survey conducted by the marketers of Great Britain and the United States in 2017 showed that 44% of entrepreneurs sent welcoming letters - which is strange, because with the general proven success of such an approach, the figure fell by 2% compared with 2016. Among the top 100 retail online stores, 87% send welcome letters, and 49% is even more than one such letter.

It is also worth noting that 3 of 4 subscribers are counting on a welcome letter after subscription to the newsletter.

Answer their expectations!

Welcoming letters to future customers is important

Statistical data (all values \u200b\u200b- average) demonstrate that competent welcome letters can give you:

  • 45.7% - view level (compared with 18.8% in promotional letters);
  • 9.7% - the level of clicability (compared with 3.8% in promotional letters);
  • 1% - conversion coefficient (compared with 0.17% in promotional letters);
  • 60 rubles of income on each letter (compared with 10 rubles from the promo). Income can grow up to 200 rubles with optimized mailing lugs.

Given this statistics, it becomes clear that sending a greeting letter of great difficulties will not cause. Moreover, in our you can send such letters to your customers automatically.

In the next section, you will read several tips to help you create an excellent welcome letter and start earning more by increasing the loyalty of our customers.

6 simple ways to optimize a welcome letter

Follow these tips to raise the value of your letters and invite subscribers to start communicating with you.

1. Send your welcome letter as soon as possible.

In real time, email welcoming messages lead to ten times better results than messages sent in a day or even in a few hours. Start chat with your subscribers while you are still on their mind.

Here's how the guys work from Bombtech Golf: you get on their website, they push you to register via email - so you will get an immediate discount, which is recommended to use for sixty minutes - isn't it brilliant?), Then you get (immediately! ) Welcome email.

Works? And how.

2. Use your branded images

We do not have anything against our colleagues from the IT-sphere, but we will be honest: they are not marketers. Their letters simply state the facts: "Your subscription is confirmed," "You have successfully created an account." It's just confirmation letters, no wreering letters. It is better not to send such new subscribers.

People are social creatures, so your message should create a sense of dialogue. It is this that encourages the recipients to interact with your brand (and, ultimately, you have something to purchase something).

Make sure your "welcome" email template is well combined with other email templates. And do not forget to enable images that are synchronized with your site - it helps strengthen your brand.

Here is an excellent example from Tommy John. See? Before us, a welcoming letter, and not some dry confirmation there.

3. Ask the recipient to do something ...

... just not too much. In no case too much. You do not want to scare anyone, asking to fill out the questionnaire with a huge number of eaten questions? Invite a subscriber to make the next step with you.

That is, let him go to your site and look at your products. Or will pass a short survey (two or three simple questions, no more!), The results of which you can subsequently use for segmentation and targeting.

Call for action should fully respond to the brand. Call of Jeweler Judith Bright - it's golden (sic!) Button with the inscription "Forward, for new decorations!"; So how to resist?

4. Track the subscriber's behavior at once to prevent inactivity

If you do not want your subscribers to become "dead souls," do not expect for several months or even years before running the reactivation program.

The interest of subscribers can fade for several days or weeks.

Examine a list of your new subscribers and see who opens your letters and goes on your links, and who is not. Send a welcome letter to everyone who did not open your first few letters, or did not send a subsequent message with the question, do they have problems with email or the site.

5. Rename a welcoming letter according to your purpose

In secret you want your welcoming letter more than just congratulated the subscriber with a subscription. You want it to prompted him to take action that will increase its value for you, for example, pushed him to the first purchase or to create an account.

No, we do not encourage you to give up ordinary warm words of greeting. But you should definitely think strategically about the purpose and objectives of the letter, to calculate its filling and "shock" parties in advance.

Browse the examples of letters already given by us. "Welcome to the team - what now?", "Welcome to Tommy John + Get 15% OFF", "Hello, a stranger, we are glad to you ... In the promotion get 10% of the purchase" See Trend? Well, then go to ...

6. Give bonuses and promotion in a welcoming letter.

If you offer a discount, freebie or other incentives in exchange to an email address, notify this immediately in a welcoming letter.

Let it be cynically, but to build you a fake or one-time email address, and then take gratitude from the page on your site and clean up - quite easily. Therefore, use this very "thankful" page to notify the subscriber that he sent another, special welcoming letter - with important information and promised promotion.

6 examples of email mailing for customers of your online store

On the Internet, fully wonderful examples of welcome letters. Below are exceptionally successful. Examples of mailings online stores.

1. Josie Maran Cosmetics

Subject: Welcome to Josie Maran Cosmetics!

Subtitle: Get 10% discount on the following purchase

Why it works: This welcoming letter affects all highlights. The topic welcomes the new subscriber, and the pre-headset calls for action.

The letter is stated about the rates of the company and the competitive differences, it also has a clinging look image. Plus, the subscriber is sent back to the site, attracting it a 10% discount.

Want to see the difference between welcoming and writing and confirmation letter? Here is the first message sent by Josie Maran Cosmetics (confirmation letter):

2. Camelbak

Subject: Welcome to Camelbak!

Pre-headset: Our news tape is tips and announcements of new equipment

Why it works: In a welcoming letter from this kind of companies, they usually expect to see advertisements and photos of goods. But attention you should pay attention to this letter because Camelbak skillfully uses a valuable offer in the pre-headset.

In the letter you will find an explicit call to action: "Visit" If you want to create a message without excess load, it should look like this.

3. Kelty.

Subject: Welcome to #kelty.

Why it works: The images show people using the goods so that the subscribers understand and were hosted. Perhaps you will not be able to conquer Kilimanjaro, but to climb the nearest hill and spend time with friends in comfortable conditions - always.

Before I show you examples of letters for mailing and tell you how to use them, a pair of phrases.

Any person who writes with the purpose of sale is the so-called swipe files. This is something like notes, where you have been collected by the examples of headlines, textures of texts, paragraphs and revolutions.

All this is going with one goal - to speed up and facilitate writing texts. Each professional has its own swipe file.

And I want to offer you a similar swipe file (or checklist out of 5 steps), how to write letters to the newsletter. I myself use it regularly, I am sure that it will be useful to you. So, proceed.

In other words, sometimes we helmet content letters, and sometimes selling. Therefore, in this article I will give you examples and those and others. To be honest, they will differ only in several elements.

For those who love the video more:

Content letters

The purpose of such letters to give people some useful content on the topic. For example, if we prepare the launch (by the way, my report on how I did a launch of 2 million rubles), then such letters can be used for heating.

Important: If we share with other people with free content, this does not mean that it does not need to "sell."

We should interest people and motivate that they will consume your content. Otherwise, how people will understand that you give them value. "Come" them to consume this value.

Letter heading

His only goal is to motivate open a letter. By the way, you will find templates of the 50 most successful headlines from the world of online business.

Your title may be associated with history in a letter or you can build it pattern type:

For Central Asia (for bachelors)

For Central Asia, who wants to benefit (for bachelors who want to have fun at the weekend)

Or you can use the templates of other headlines that I wrote about the article on the structure of the selling text. It can be

First Proposition / Paragraph Letter

His goal is the same - open letter and additionally: interest.

In this paragraph, it is best to use any of these triggers: fear, benefit, curiosity.

I am sure that it will have direct impact on you (curiosity)

I just recorded the video for you and it is shown in it how to get (benefit)

If you do not read this post, but will remain one to one with your (fear)

By the way, in this paragraph you can highlight some phrase and make it clickable. This will be a link for the fastest, those who do not want to read the entire letter entirely.

Picture (optional)

If you send people from your letter to view a video, then it is best to insert a video screen to insert a screen - and make this screen with a link to click on it, people can go to the view page.

Well, in general, insert sometimes in the letter pictures - they increase clichelism in letters.

History (optional)

And now simply take and write a letter or post according to this structure. Wange, that you will succeed 😉

The first erroneous thought that arises in the head in an inexperienced entrepreneur who decided to develop a business online. It seems like a working site with information posted on it enough. You may seem that you can communicate, get the opportunity through the site to inform the audience everything that just wants, but it is not. Let's figure out.

Suppose 100 people came to your site. You "greeted them" face. They examined, read something (if you, for example, blog), made a purchase (if you have an online store) and left. Everything. If they want, "contact you" with you - will go to the site again. If not, then you lost the audience, because your visitors remain unbelief for you. You can not contact them, they can. The very pager. Now imagine that these 100 people left you their email addresses.

Email is a direct analogue of the phone number, contact, thanks to which you can contact your visitors. Real bilateral communication, as a telephone. It remains only to get Email.

How to get email

The fundamental problem is over the decision of which the guru marketing was fought. To answer the question, you need to get on site visitor site. Just so email addresses do not give. Compulsion? Will not work. Cheating? Even worse.

The only effective way to get email is to make sure that the person himself wants to give it to you.

  • Stay up to date. In many cases, the user, if your website relevant his interests, will not be against the subscription to the alerts on new events on the site, whether it is the release of a new material, the appearance of a new product and so on. The same function can be filed under sauce "so more convenient."
  • All the best. A good sentence will be sent a selection of the best thing that happens on your site. Best articles, best products.
  • Exclusive. A more aggressive, but very effective method referring to the peculiarities of human psychology. Access to something is provided only to subscribers. This can be anything: unique "most useful" materials, contests, special conditions and functionality. Think about the list of your suggestions, which could be attributed to the category of exclusive, and give only "Favorites".
  • Discounts and promotions. This information objectively useful to your audience. Who wants to skip a favorable offer? In part, this item intersects with a more abstract alert function, but here the motive for the visitor is financial, more specific and attractive.

The motifs listed above should be shown to visitors in a simple and visual form. Put the static and pop-up subscription blocks on the site. Without cunning long texts. Clearly, obviously, is available, understandable. The effect does not make himself wait, and soon you will have a suggestion base of contacts.

What to do with email addresses

The presence of email addresses allows you to talk with your audience by mailing. It is necessary to use this feature correctly, because inept work with subscribers will not only do not help, but also harm you.

Rules good email mailing

So, you appeal to the audience. Appeal is a speech. It should be beautiful and elegant, which means that your letters are obliged to attract each element every.

If the subject of the letter is not interested in the recipient, then before the content he will no longer get. The topic should not repeat last, but must arouse curiosity originality.

The address to which I trust

Tell me what the sender name is less doubt: [Email Protected]? Your company name is your name, and it must be in the address of the sender. He must be recognized. That is why marketers make focus on brand recognition.

Life is too short to read long letters

And in a mobile era, when people look at your content from small screens of smartphones, the size requirements have become more rumbling. No more than 50 signs on the title - strict rule. Ideally, key phrases, calls and theses should fit in 28-39 characters.

Without capslock

Excess of the upper case will not help you interest the reader. Rather, on the contrary. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of perception. Caps can be perceived as a cry. No one loves when screaming on him.

I appeal to you, buddy!

Personalization in circulation is the strongest tool to increase loyalty and the interest of the recipient of the letter. It seems as if the letter came not from a soulless robot, but from a friend who knows your name. What attention! It brings closer, incredibly brings closer. Personalization in the sentence is an even more advanced tool that works on the basis of the history of the visitor's actions.


It is impossible to consider email in the separation from the general business process. The letter is the first stage in the chain, and therefore should perform a strictly defined goal. For example, go to your site, shop, specific page. The content of the letter must sum up the recipient to this at the expense of a clearly formulated Call-to-Action (calling to action). As a rule, it is an element that stands out in the body's body like a button, and the text acts as a catalyst for attractiveness to press it.

A / B-Testing

Have you decided to make several letters options because you are not sure which one will be the most efficient? No need to doubt. Using the right tool, you can send all versions of the letter by distributing them so that, for example, 33% of the recipients saw the first option, 33% - the second and 34% - the third, after which to evaluate the effectiveness of each option.

The wizard always comes on time

And in the context of email mailing "on time" means the best time from the point of view of recipient's response. There is no perfect minute, in which all people in the world suddenly want to read the letters and move on the links. Everything is very individual, and find the best days and hours will help simple practices and observation over the next activity.

Thanks to this, it is not too cunning techniques. You will turn the email newsletter into an effective communication channel through which a loyal audience is coming to your site, interested by your offer.

However, there is a problem, and you already understand it well. How, for example, personalize hundreds and thousands of letters? How to make a beautiful letter? The same with A / B tests and analytics as a whole. In the end, not every entrepreneur already owns its own website, and therefore the priority for him is to find a simple and inexpensive way to get a high-quality beautiful "digital office" for your business.

With the advent of site designers, the life of small businesses and private entrepreneurs became much easier. No need to contact programmers and designers. No sysadmin is needed to support the server. It is enough to choose that do not require specific skills to configure, and independently refine it under your needs.

It remains only to add an application for email mailing. A minute for installation, a couple of clicks for creating a beautiful letter, a convenient choice of recipients, and your newsletter is ready to send.

"Subscribe to the newsletter!" - screens up pop-up windows on information sites. Not in vain scream, because every subscriber is a weight of gold, especially in young projects. Each subscriber is a permanent reader who will come to you also.

That's just if you run a new project, there may be a problem - letters need to be sent somehow. Do not sit down and do it manually!

No, you do not need to bother with such a routine work. Because there are special services for mass mailings.

There are a lot of them, and today we will introduce you to dozen most popular. Let us dwell first of all on the tariffs of each, but a detailed analysis of features and advantages is the topic of another article :)

Mad Mimi is a simple service for creating, sending, exchangeing and tracking electronic letters on the Internet. Founded in 2008.

More than 40 million emails are sent to it every day.

The service offers 4 tariff plan:

Forms, templates, themes of letters are available. Mad Mimi uses SSL to protect the transmitted information - this is the most technology that enjoys banks and large electronic stores to prevent eavesdropment, falsifications or fakes.

Without exaggeration, the most popular service is primarily due to pleasant rates. Working since 2001, he trusts more than 12 million users.

Chromasters Russian-language version of the site, so it is better to contact here if you have at least the basic knowledge of the language.

If you have 2000 or less subscribers, you can send up to 12,000 letters per month for free.

Another foreign service for email mailing, with a convenient and understandable interface. Uses cloud software technology.

Streamcontact is distinguished by reliability: an email will be delivered to the necessary time without delays.

Using the service, you can plan a newsletter, create new, test before sending, track address mailing, send messages automatically.

Domestic service postal service, founded in 2002. Extremely popular among small and medium businesses in RuNet.

Tariffs for services are quite acceptable:

Provides a visual editor, detailed statistics, full management of subscribers, automatic newsletter, polls and testing, and many other useful functions.

Domestic project, founded in 2008. Unisender allows you to do both email and SMS mailing, install letters, embed social networks in the newsletter.

Service tariffs are very democratic:

For mailings from 50,000 contacts, the conditions are discussed individually.

Unified platform for email mailing, SMS, push notifications and transaction letters. The service is easy to use, suitable for solving most of the standard tasks: Send e-mail newsletter available for viewing, including from mobile devices; Make a series of letters, create letters templates, conduct testing, and much more.

Newsletter via email is considered a convenient and inexpensive way to attract customers. It is actively used by Internet entrepreneurs and not only. How to make email newsletter, how to increase its efficiency, what myths are connected with it - read in the article.

Basic delusion

It is believed that mailing is easy and simple. It is enough to have a database of addresses and regularly send letters with proposals to buy something or another. However, look into your box. How many letters are you going to spam? How much do you delete without even opening? When did you last buy something, having received a similar letter?

Technical knowledge of how to make a mass email newsletter is clearly not enough to have a good result.

First, the address of the addresses should be legal, bought subscribers or received from the partner will not meet your expectations. Ideally, a target audience should be collected.

Secondly, in letters there should be interesting and useful information. No less important form of material feed. You need to write so that the letter wanted to read. Headlines are extremely important, otherwise no one will open the newsletter.

The plan is important. You need to know in advance when and what will be to tell your readers.

This should be simple output. How to make an email newsletter correctly, you need to learn. Read books, take part in the trainings and, of course, try in practice, look for their approaches and methods.

How to make email newsletter correctly

The purpose of letters from the company is to sell your goods. But you can come to this in different ways.

  1. The first way is gaming. A kind of fictional character is created - the hero of letters. From his behalf, history is told, he can also share his opinion or impressions about something. The task of such letters, first of all, to entertain the reader, but also to offer the product too. The game and sale must be separated. As an analogy, you can recall an interesting transmission with advertising blocks.
  2. The next way is informative. It is such a strategy that adhere to Megaplan's newsletter. Letters are a kind of business magazine filled with useful information. Articles are written by the authors or reprint them from other sources. Thanks to this approach, the loyalty of the audience and the expert image of the company is formed.
  3. The third option is direct sales. It is considered the most ineffective of all possible. These letters most often fall into spam. Even with this approach, only 20% of the information must be selling, and 80% is useful. Otherwise, the method will not work.

How to form a base and not to become a spammer?

Choosing the newsletter, you get on slippery path. Letters are this invasion of personal space. People do not like it, so they hise the "Spam" button and complain. It is important to ensure that the information is interesting and relevant to readers.

How to make a newsletter on email useful? Do not write about your company or how good is your product. Take wider themes that will engage the audience. About success, about life around, share working secrets and techniques. Let your letters help people solve problems, even if they have not bought anything else.

Mailing efficiency is associated directly with the quality of the base. Please accept the fact that the maximum of 20% of addresses will be working, and 80% are dump boxes that do not even check. The base will be better if people who subscribe themselves will be included in it, because they are interested. To collect precisely such addresses, you need to refer to the mailing list as a serious project that requires the investment of forces and time.


Naturally, you need to contact the audience regularly. If you do not plan it, it is not worth starting. Most often, letters come once a month or once a week. It is better to send high-quality material, but less often than poor quality, but often.

It is believed that the most efficient regularity is in the range of two letters a week to one letter in two weeks. Frequent appeals are perceived as a manifestation of annoying, and if reminding themselves too rarely, they can completely forget.

Technical moments

So, you decided on the filling of letters and regularity, gathered the database of the addresses. What's next? How to make email newsletter?

If the base is small, then a real task is to send letters without attracting paid services. How to make an email newsletter yourself? Very simple.

When you finish the letter, fill in the "To" fields, "Copy" and "Hidden Copy". Addresses need to be separated by commas. On the number of addressees there is a limit. For example, in they can not be more than thirty.

In addition to the fact that this method is consumed in time, it has another danger. Spam filters Letters with a large number of recipients are perceived as unwanted. To get around this protection, you need to send messages not massively, but each sent separately. With a large base, it is simply impossible to perform this manually. How to make an email-newsletter yourself in such a situation? We will have to resort to the help of special mailing services.

How to make everything email newsletter: Links to services

The most popular three are three: SmartResponder, Subscribe, Unisender. All three are domestic. Thanks to this, they have a Russian-speaking interface and technical support Russian-speaking, which is very convenient.

All of them provide official documents for services, which is extremely important for legal entities.

Unisender and Smart Responder differ by democratic. If the base is small and letters a bit, it is possible to use the services for free.

In addition to electronic, you can make sending via SMS through these services. It is still very important that there are access to statistics: how many letters are open, how many sent to spam, how many people have made transitions to the site, etc.

Another advantage of the services is that they are actively engaged in the training of their users how to make email newsletter unfamiliar subscribers effective. You will receive articles, books are the next day after you pass the registration procedure.

Now you not only know how to make an email database, but also have information about how to achieve it to be interesting, efficient and helped to promote your business.