Pensioners in Thailand: Totton for old and karaoke on the cemetery. Funeral King Thailand in October - Full Information

Pensioners in Thailand: Totton for old and karaoke on the cemetery. Funeral King Thailand in October - Full Information
Pensioners in Thailand: Totton for old and karaoke on the cemetery. Funeral King Thailand in October - Full Information

Motion weeks, even more colorful holidays and such similar to carnival processions ... Funeral - all this about Thailand. In an exotic state in last way They accompanied on Buddhist traditions and with characteristic Buddhists calm. But the procession itself is so replete with flowers, cheerful (even despite mourning) by Thais, and sometimes even fireworks that it can be easily confused with the holiday.

According to the customs of Thailand after the death of the deceased remains at home 7 days

It all starts with training

Every day a few monks come to the house for funeral and reading prayers. At the same time, relatives and friends who wish to say goodbye to neighbors come out. Arrivals light incense and put them in the head of the coffin as an enduring of the deceased.

The rectangular coffin is thickly decorated with flowers, make garlands, next to the photograph of the deceased. While guests are forgiven, in the yard covered on the table, so that at any moment you can eat and drink local rice vodka. If you bury the prosperous Thai, they hire waiters who, during a farewell, distribute drinks and light snacks.

Funeral themselves pass on 8 day

Head the monk procession dressed in Saffron, they read prayers.

Behind the coffin is carried. IN lately Coffins began to carry on the car, and if the deceased was a wealthy person, for him a special platform is built.

It is decorated with flowers, LED ribbons, drapering, and the procession itself is accompanied by an orchestra.

In Thailand, only cremation is considered acceptable

Crematoriums are located under the monasteries, but sometimes Thais burn the deceased right under open sky Together with a dressed platform.

The dust can be buried in Columbia, the wall of the monastery or in the ground, noting the place of an unusual, filigree allocated a monument, which himself appears to the temple itself.

By tradition, 100 days after the funeral, the relatives of the deceased are visiting the temple. They bring money in envelope and small household gifts - clothes, soap, fruit.

Characteristic feature The funeral in Thailand is calm, even an ordinary attitude towards the death of all participants in the procession.

Death here is just the transition to another condition: such a philosophy is being taken from childhood to everyone who is brought up in the traditions of Buddhism. Only close relatives can cry, and you will see it infrequently. Basically, everyone is very calm, talk a lot, even laugh, and some are photographed on the background of the coffin.

The inhabitants of Thailand are so incurred in terms of death, that even without fear of falling into a coffin, still in good health

Funeral failure

In one monastery there is such a tradition popular with Thais and attracting tourists from around the world - to bury failures.

In this temple, everyone will invite everyone to part with old life. Here they are waiting for elegant and pretty comfortable coffins. The participants of the ritual are stacked in these coffins, and there is a monk around them.

He reads special prayers that immerse all the participants in the ceremony in Trans. Then the monk wakes sleeping, but it is believed that he woke up already new personAnd all his failures are successfully buried.

By the way, Buddhist funeral is sometimes arranged in Russia. This is not surprising: our country is multinational and keeps hundreds and thousands of a wide variety of customs and traditions.

In general, today I will tell you about the funeral in Thailand. More precisely, how Thai graves, crematorium and so on look like. You can also read and see photos of the ritual of the funeral in Thailand.

To burn the body of the deceased in Thailand is not accepted. Therefore, it is first burned in the crematorium.

For example, one of the cemeteries on the territory of the monastery on Samui.

Another type of gourmet is in the wall of the monastery. By the way, the pleasure is quite expensive)

Another burial method.

And here is Thai crematorium. Such is almost every temple.

How are the funeral in Thailand

First day.

We come to the village home to the grandmother, kilometers of 100 from Chiang Mai, Pohau place (Phrao). There already gathered a hundred people of relatives and neighbors, all are busy preparing for the funeral. I did not notice special sadness, on the contrary, all the fun, they work with a light, joking, having fun. We are happy to meet us.

We go to the house. The fact that the house is worth a coffin, I guessed later. In the corner of the room - something like a table, on which flowers and grandmother's portrait are. In front of him on the floor they smoke incense. We sat down with ei, lit our wands. There is also a conversation between the relatives - many have not seen each other for a long time, came from all over the country, are having fun.

We go to the courtyard. Or even into the courtyards. On the tables of food and local rice moonshine. In the process of work, citizens are suitable, drink and eat. One already snapped and fell asleep in one of the houses. Above it all fools, invite the table, drink, chatting. By the way, only men drink.

Mostly the courtyard mastering the house from bamboo, walls of foam, windows, door, steps. All this case is decorated with foam-colored painted Arabesques, colored foil, the house paint, hang garlands, curtains, backlight - new fluorescent lamps Toshiba. "

"The yard brought the yard. It is beginning to build another complex design to install the coffin. It turned out something high in 3 full-fledged floors, arabesque, bells, everything painted, mass small details, backlight, lanterns. Top stretch tent. After all, some kind of festival! "

"I go to the other courtyard. There E is busy filling bamboo sticks rice. Near the wooden dump of meat. I remove the shoes, I sit on the platform, ruble. Only men are engaged in meat. I'm having fun, in the process of work we bring a drink and snack so that it worked more fun.

From meat, in the end, you need to get almost minced. We take a piece of meat (beef and pork), cut into pieces, add liver and blood and begin to chop all this case with Tesakov to the state of the minced meat. I am doing this for about an hour, we gradually gain with guys.

Or calls, let's go, like, to say goodbye to grandmother. The guys thank me for the help, they already call Somkah. I give up the patter:

- Schaya Pen Nong Sompong, Sompong Pen Pi Soma, - all lying around.

Uh warns: "Thirak, you don't get a lot, the main booze will be in the evening, beat yourself."

The house opened the table turned out to be a white carved coffin. All relatives passed, said goodbye, women lost a stingy female tear, the coffin was closed. We take the coffin, take out of the house and put on the boat. There is already a favorite grandmother's pillow, her handbag and some personal things.

In the courtyard there is a concert acoustics kilowatt for 10. Here, I think, there will be a disco. The last columns are drained with stairs - yes with such sound you can pump the neighboring villages! Musicians arrived, brought tools and equipment. Cooking are suitable for the end. Everyone diverges to relax and change clothes to the praz ... uh ... event.
In the evening all illumination on the boat, a house and trees are lit. Four monks arrived, everyone sit, listen to Sutta. Then move to the house. There are already Sutta in random order for those who want. I get the wagon on my hand.

Second day.

All day Sutta, music, food, drink, fun. There are bottles from under Red Bull, filled with specials, it is "sprinkling" present.

Day Three.

We are going to final funeral.

This morning, no one drinks, all are busy with bustle.

We take a house in the arms and carry to the temple. In the house food. To me, as the most healthy one of those present, all the time gets the credibility of carrying the most difficult items. I hear all the time: "Farag ... Farang ..." - the people are having fun. Everyone is being photographed with me on the backdrop of a boiler, as with a marvel - Faras in these places, it seems, never happened. Then it became clear that the reason for increased interest was still different.

After an hour, Sutr in the temple we return to the deceased, we prepare for the movement of the fauthete with the design and the coffin to the cremation site. Two ropes of 50 meters are tied to the yoke. All those present (already more than 100 people) are taken for the rope. Before the place of cremation near a kilometer. On the way, the fireflows explode, the roar is terrible, the Virgin young squeal, children are having fun. Arrived. "

"The coffin with the body is removed from the boiler and carry on a special concrete slab. Specialists open the coffin, take out the body. The coffin is carried away and knock off his legs. The body in ordinary clothes are put on the stove. Responsible comrade splits over the head of the departed 2 coconut and watering the body with coconut juice. Further, the most closest relatives, among whom I also turned out, watered the body with water from the circle of the circle - the last ablution in front of the expensive in eternity. The crash is put back into the coffin.

We attribute a coffin on a pedestal with firewood, the entire healthy design from the boiler is installed on top, to which the cable is running and the pyrotechnics is installed.

Last speeches, last honors, prayers. On the cable to the design, the rocket is launched, the pyrotechnics on the designs, fireworks, sparks, fire ... "

"As soon as the fire engaged, everyone sit in the car and ride a snack. Later ashes disks the wind. The death festival (more precisely the funeral in Thailand) came to an end.

Why, actually, sad? The woman lived a decent life, gave birth and raised a bunch of children, died worthy, and reborn again in the new status, based on life merit. In this, none of those present doubts. "

In Thailand, the real royal funeral is held - a five-day farewell to the late king of Thailand Phumiphon Adulyady (Rama IX), which ruled 70 years. It all started on Thursday from the Buddhist ceremony of reading Mantra in the Throne Hall dusit Maha Prasat Big Royal Palace in Bangkok.

However, see ourselves.

During the reign of King Rama IX, Thailand, from mostly agrarian society He became the second largest economy in Southwer. In Thailand, more than 4,000 royal projects aimed at the development of the economy and human resources are implemented.

1. This is the royal crematorium in Sanam Luang built exclusively for the solemn funeral ceremony of the king frame IX. He is decorated with the statues of deities and mythical beingsAnd the royal crematorium itself symbolizes Mount Sumera, the center of the Universe according to Buddhist cosmology. After five-day funerals, this masterpiece crematorium will be simply demolished. (Photo Kittinun Rodsupan):

2. Thousands of people in black are waiting for the beginning of the funeral ceremony, October 26, 2017. The ceremony will pass In strict accordance with the traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism and brahmanism. (Photo Christopher Furlong):

Officials said that according to preliminary calculations, the cost of the funeral ceremony of the King of Thailand Phumipon Aduwadet will be 500 million bahms. If necessary, the budget can be increased

3. Royal security. (Photo by Anthony Wallace):

The five-day farewell with the late King of Thailand Phumiphon Adulted (Rama IX) began on Thursday from the Buddhist ceremony of reading Mantra in the Throne Hall dusit Mach Prasat Big Royal Palace in Bangkok.

4. The icon with the image of the king. (Photo Damir Sagolj | Reuters):

5. Photo Aaron Joel Santos):

6. People in black, some smiling, with the photos of the king, October 26, 2017. By the way, the Board of Phuymipon Aduwadeta is one of the longest in world history. (Photo Christopher Furlong):

7. The weather experienced the strength of people. (Photo YE AUNG THU):

8. The monarch cremation was preceded by many funeral processionIn the course of which the coffin urn with the body of the king was delivered to the Sanaam Luang Square. Thailand, October 26, 2017. (Photo Soe Zeya Tun | Reuters):

9. Royal Guard at the Big Royal Palace. Here, on the top of the built funeral surgery will be hoisted by a sobility urn. (Photo Damir Sagolj | Reuters):

10. Bowl of the emergence of the king. (Photo Damir Sagolj | Reuters):

11. Royal doctor. In general, not only the weather experienced the strength of people who came to spend a loved monarch: thousands appeared for medical help To doctors-volunteers throughout the day on Thursday, night and morning on Friday. (Photo by Anthony Wallace):

12. Guard - Elite and the pride of the army. In battles, she cuts the troops on the hottest plots, and in peacetime her beautiful form And impeccable learning serves as an example for other soldiers. But the Royal Guard of Thailand appeared in 1859 as a special service for ... Reversing Raven in royal yard. Today, Thai Guards arrange an annual spectacle for tourists and are an important part of the country's military tradition. (Photo Soe Zeya Tun | Reuters):

13. All colors and elements of the guards form are very thought out. In bright red and white uniforms, carry the personal bodyguards of the King Thailand, in the form yellow color Dressed artilleryrs, and the fabric of heavenly shade is used for sewing the shape of the guardsmen of the air force. (Photo Soe Zeya Tun | Reuters):

14. And that's new king Thailand Maha Vacralylongcorn, he is the only son of the late ruler of Phuymipon Aduwadeta. (Photo Damir Sagolj | Reuters):

15. Bowl king. (Photo Soe Zeya Tun | Reuters):

16. Meanwhile, the funeral procession moves on. (Photo Jorge Silva | Reuters):

17. (Photo Kittinun Rodsupan):

18. High caps are borrowed from the British Guards, but instead of bearish, Thai skins use feathers: after all, the climate is different here. (Photo by Anthony Wallace):

19. The royal chariot of Phra Maha Fitch Ratcharmo, or the "Great Victory", was built back in 1795 for the funeral of the father of Frame I. Since then, almost all Thai rulers went on her last way, as well as especially revered members royal Family. (Photo Damir Sagolj | Reuters):

20. Huge chariot Great Victory Weigh almost 14 tons, it is pulled by 222 servicemen of the royal army. (Photo Jorge Silva | Reuters):

21. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

22. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

23. Sandal soblovaya urn. It consists of 30 thousand carved elements and decorated with predominantly images of the Garuda bird, on which it is believed to be the soul of the monarch will go on the last path to the top of the sacred mountain. (Photo Roberto Schmidt):

24. The body of the deceased in the metallic sarcophage was placed in the coffin urn, in which cremation was performed without open fire. The urn itself remained untouched. (Photo Wason Wanichakorn):

25. (Photo Jorge Silva | Reuters):

26. Royal Crematorium near Big Palace in Bangkok, October 26, 2017. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

When someone dies in Thailand, the corpse is customary to maintain in the house 7 days before the moment of cremation. For six days, the monks come every night and make a molebar over the departed. The coffin is usually decorated with garlands and photograph of the deceased. If the Different family is not rich, the corpse can be prepared for the burning a little earlier, between 3 and 7 days. The fact is that formalin used for body balsamation, not everyone affordable.

The invited to commemoration are riveted in dark clothes, but a white shirt can be relevant. Everyone welcomes each other. Waiters are invited to accompanying the waiters offering the water or Coca-Coke present. For six first days every night, around 19:00 monks come to the house. Usually their four. But often from the number varies depending on social status The deceased. For 30 minutes, they utter prayers in the Pali language (Pali). After that, the car delivers them back to the temple. In the seventh day, cremation can be assigned at any time during the day.

On the commemoration of all guests treat food. It is customary to talk. Many chat even while reading prayers. Contrary to universal opinion, the atmosphere is not so sad, loud tears are not accepted. Family, relatives, neighbors and even unknown people can join memorial prayers. Sometimes an old distinguished monk is invited. But then he is only present without taking part in the ceremony. His presence indicates that the deceased belonged to high rank.

In the seventh day by tradition, the funeral procession is organized. The first in it are monks, trail - men and then women. Men carry a coffin. But in our time, the coffin is often transported to the temple on the car.

Then the procession, including guests, arrives in the temple. Everyone gives gifts and money to the family of the deceased.

A counterweight european countries The funeral ceremony is not considered a sad event. Everyone is talking. For Buddhists, death is only a transition to the next reincarnation. Cremation is designed to free the spirit of the deceased.

In some families, it is customary to print a small memorial book, which guests are distributed during the ceremony. This book contains the history of the late person, poems, some personal letters. This custom is highly appreciated in Buddhism. His goal is to transfer the wisdom and knowledge of the departed to other people. In Bangkok in the Church of Wat Boniwet, there is even a small museum of memorial books. For some time, dirty business has even grown out on this: some people go to the funeral, even if they were not familiar in the dead man, only then to get a memorial book and sell it on the specialized market.

At the lush funeral, the departed family can invite a traditional Thai orchestra. Musicians play xylophone or all tools of National Gamena.

In Thailand, the problem of deceased, unclaimed by relatives, is sharply. If a person had no relatives, no one to pay for their cremation. Cremation of corpses is one major aspects of Buddhism, because for believers burning the body is the liberation of the soul, which rushes to heaven and is there in anticipation of the next reincarnation.

In Thailand there are several charitable organizations that take care of unclaimed bodies and bury them in a private cemetery. Each year then the corpses are digging on the appointed day, monks are invited and a massive burnt ceremony is organized. In 1998, 40,000 remains were burned at once during one of these ceremonies. In connection with the general economic downturn charity organisations in currently Do not have enough money to buy land and expand temporary cemeteries. Morges of some hospitals are overcrowded and their leadership does not know what to do with unclaimed bodies. There are even talk about allowing the use of land burning facilities to solve this problem!

But back to the cremation ceremony. During her, all the hands present several times in a respectful gesture - Wai (WAI) - palms are folded together in front of the neck. This gesture is repeated several times and during prayers of monks that resemble the impermanence of life.

For cremation of corpses in the temples equipped crematorium. It can be identified on high chimney.

If the temple has no specially equipped crematorium on site, the corpses are harvested outdoors. This action can often be accompanied by rather terrible scenes, when the coffin explodes from behind the fire and the dead fell out of it like the living dead. That is why earlier participation in such ceremonies was prohibited by pregnant women, so that the appearance of such scenes would not harm the future child.

On funeral influential people Behind the cremation process can simultaneously observe up to 1000 people or more. Making the gesture "Wi" to read the deceased is always taken with sandwiched between the palms of the aromatic wand. For the dead, they always enhance one wand, and to offer a Buddha - three.

After 100 days from the day of death, the moment comes the moment of another final commemoration ceremony. This Buddhist ceremony is arranged for rewarding final prayers. It is called "there is 100 van." Buddhist monks on this day make envelopes with money and Sang Khatan (Sang Khathan). These are various minor gifts, which can be equipped with toiletries, including washing powder and soap, as well as medicines, monastic clothes, fruit juice, candles, matches, umbrellas, sandals, lighters, milk, aromatic sticks, toothpaste and brush, toilet paper, water and the like. On this day, the "Sat Nam" ceremony is also arranged, during which the holy water is poured on the floor. This action is designed to bless the spirit of the deceased and give him strength in the last way. It is believed that this reduces the time of waiting for the souls of their next rebirth in a new body.

On the road from Samui to Malaysia in the border town of Sadao, they decided to fit in finishing in the Buddhist monastery. The abbot of the monastery accepted us as the most honored guests. We were allocated not just a celle, but a whole home. Only a few monks lived in the monastery.

While we were hazardous, fed up and disassembled things, it's already beginning to try out.

Let's go walk! - suggested Natalia, who traveled to Thailand only two weeks and still retained thirst for turbulent activities.

Yes, you can go to examine the territory, - I agreed.

It has become completely dark when the three "white monkeys" went for a walk. After 300 meters to us, the sounds of music were flown, and then the lights appeared.

There is some kind of Tus! - girls exclaimed. - I wonder what it is? Let's go there!

Going closer, we saw the scene, where the live orchestra played behind the White Screen, and the theater of the Shadows turned on the screen. Near the cauldron there were tables. There were quite a lot of people. I have not seen this yet, but for 6 months already in Thailand traveled. This is clearly some kind of holiday, all fun, laugh.

Maybe it's a rustic disco? - suggested Natalia

Yes, they play fun, only the music itself is a bit strange, - noticed Olga.

Well, that, normal music, you can dance, - Natalia did not lose, and immediately depicted several dance movements.

Wait, maybe you can not dance here, "I tried to calm the girls," there are all looking at us.

We simply could not stay unnoticed, and two young guys with joyful faces and chairs hurried to meet us.

Hello! Sit down please!

We were handed over to the cup of Coca-Cola.

Do you have a holiday here? Disco? - tried to ask Natalia

The level of the English Thai friend left much to be desired.

Holiday ... Music ...

Yes Yes…

And dance! Disco?!

Disco? .. No, no disco!

Not? Why?

Tapet only shook his head, shrugged and spread his hands, which meant: "Sorry, my English is very bad."

Well, okay, no disco so even listen to music, "Natalia calmed down. - There is probably also a kaau give.

"Kean-kau" in Thai means there (if you translate literally, then "there is rice"). Hearing magic word Our, Thai friend revived:

Want kine kau? - and pointing to big Pans The wall, offered to take what I want.

Thille thinking, we scored different dishes and joined the funny feast.

Well, let's have a dinner, I adore Thai cuisine, "I said.

Yes, it's great that we came here, I wonder just what they still celebrate? - answered Natalia.

Maybe what a Buddhist holiday today, "I suggested," it's a pity that they almost don't speak English in English, you won't ask.

Here, near our table, the Tapet invited us.

Want beers?

Wow with their Tus! - I was surprised. - No, thanks, we do not drink beer. Tea, coffee - approx.

A, you are from Russia, then here ... vodka.

We did not expect such a turn:

Yes, no, thanks, we better tea... Is it possible to drink on the territory of the monastery?

In general, it is impossible, but today you can drink, today we ... my family big holiday- answered Tapet.

He himself, judging by the form, has already taken advantage of the above-mentioned opportunity and this, oddly enough, has noticeably improved his English.

What is it for the event that you can drink even in the Buddhist monastery, probably something special, for example, a wedding, I noticed in Russian.

Today is a very big holiday from my grandmother, "our Thai friend came into contact again. - My family has a big holiday!

And what is your grandmother celebrate? Is her birthday?

My grandmother died yesterday, and therefore we have a big holiday today. My grandmother is going on there. Come look!

With open from the mouths of the mouth, we followed the grandmother of the celebration of the celebration. Wow Gold! Beautiful, I would not refuse this myself! ..

This is my grandmother, "the grandson pointed to the photo. - And this is my family ...

Sitting on the sofa relatives fun greeted us. Here you and the disco ...

Can we take a picture on the background of the coffin? - I asked.

Yes, of course, there is no problem, - without hesitation agreed to Tapet.

And we immediately noticed that the music with a strange tint. There are fun here on the last path, not like with us, immediately and do not discern, where I got - for a birthday or funeral. In Malaysia, in principle, the same thing is that the wedding is that funerals differ little.