Business plan for the production of sweet wool.

 Business plan for the production of sweet wool.
Business plan for the production of sweet wool.

The main seats selling the product: children's cafes, amusement parks, buffets on the territory of the circus, recently shopping centers (where), rides with attractions. It is necessary to organize a sugar wool point in those places of children's and family holidays.

Happy faces of the main group of consumers :)

What equipment is necessary for the manufacture of sugar wool?

For the manufacture of delicacy you will need the following equipment:

  1. apparatus for the production of sugar wool;
  2. a protective dome that prevents the "leakage" of the air product and protects the metal drum from dust;
  3. trolley under the device if you are going to open a mobile point (for example, in the park);
  4. tent for street trading.

Raw materials for the production of sugar wool

Sweet cotton wool is made of conventional refined sugar: you can use both cane and beet. For one portion, there are enough 2 teaspoons of sand - this is 15-20 g. Sugar is saturated in the central part of the drum, in a special recess. After the launch of the sand apparatus is melted, forming a web, which is sprayed towards the sides. At this time it must be assembled, wound on the wand. The product can be harvested by the future for further implementation through the store.

Allowed dyes can be used, taste additives. Before using sand, mix it with other components.

Requirements for the room

Special requirements for the premises in which wool will be produced, no. It is possible to organize a sales point with instant product on the street. The main thing is that equipment and raw materials meet the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor - certificates of conformity are necessary. If it's still decided to settle down in the room, then pay attention to such aspects as:

  • humidity (should be dry so that the product does not slip);
  • ventilation system.

It is best to put the device in the premises of the current catering company: a cafe, a buffet ,. In this case, you will not have to execute permits.

Wati love not only children, but also adolescents: placement of the trading point in the challenges of their location will be successful

If you place production on the street, take care of the tent, in the extreme case buy dome is the basic requirement of the sanitary service. The lease agreement will also be required and equipment storage facilities. It is best to open up next to any enterprise of catering - in step accessibility there must be running water and, if possible, the direction in which you will store equipment. Also need to hold electricity to the tent. Or, as an option, you can buy a generator.

Economic indicators

The cost structure is designed in this way (see Tables 1, 2 and 3).

Table 1 - Equipment Cost

Table 2 - Other expenses

Table 3 - Operating expenses

Thus, the equipment will cost 59 thousand rubles., Rent and transportation (if you take a maximum) - 20 thousand rubles. Total: 79 thousand rubles. To this cost, it is necessary to add salary costs if you are going to hire the seller. Question price - 15 thousand rubles. therefore it is desirable to start with the amount of at least 100 thousand rubles. As a rule, in the first month, entrepreneurs traded themselves to understand all the nuances of work.

Business seasonal. You can put a tent from May to August. If solar weather is holding in September, you can stand another month.

Now about revenue. The average performance of the apparatus is 3 kg of sugar per hour. This means that within 60 minutes you can prepare 150 servings, if you work without interruptions. At the same time, the average amount of revenue in shift is 5 thousand rubles. Taking into account that the cost of 1 portion of sugar wool is 100 rubles, 50 pcs are made per day. (1 kg of sugar). 1 portion costs: 1.65 rubles:

  • 0.5 rubles. (sugar),
  • 0.25 rub. (additives),
  • 0.9 rubles. (wand).

Putters of polyethylene packages are enough for a month, because They will not always be needed. Taking into account the fact that it is impossible to sell sugar wool in rainy days - it will stick together - count on 20 working days per month.

  • The average monthly costs are 60.8 thousand rubles. (Consumables + Rent + s / n of one Seller + Social deductions)
  • The average monthly income is 98.4 thousand rubles.
  • Profit tax - 5.6 thousand rubles. (USN, 15%)
  • Entrepreneur's profit - 32 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment will pay off in 2 months.

This is the case for the season (May-September) at the production and sale of sugar wool you will earn 160 thousand rubles, in the first season - 101 thousand rubles. In parallel, you can put the apparatus for the production of popcorn or. Such a neighborhood will increase profits.

With the onset of the first truly warm spring days, residents of the city begin massively spending time in places of recreation - parks, squares. This time of year can be used to make a profit by organizing their own business for the production and sale of sweet cotton wool. Sugar wata is very popular, she likes both adults and children. There are no huge funds for the start of work, so if you are really interested in this offer, already now you can begin to postpone small amounts to create a small one.


Small initial capital;

Fast payback and exit to net profit for one summer season;

Lack of need for special technical knowledge;

Easy organization.


There is a seasonality, not pronounced. The period in which the significant income will be output is 5-6 months;

In some regions there may be high competition;

Lease question. There are a number of problems with which you may have to come together. To speak more specifically, you will have to work pretty to choose a good place on an attractive rent. Currently this is true for any sphere of trade.

Sugar cotton sales came to us from Soviet times. People of all ages poodly bought sweet sugar cotton while walking in the parks. This fact suggests that at the present time you will always be provided with customers, again, subject to a competent selection of the location of the sales point. The popularity of this dessert is not lower than that of the "workshop" colleagues, and. So why should you do this particular thing?

Calculations of the cost of serving sweet wool

Now is the time to return to the main topic of our article - the calculation of the cost of one portion of sugar wool. The costs of one portion of the wool constitute 30 grams of sugar and 2 grams of special Flossine food additive and, of course, a wand. As a result, we get the following numbers: - One wand will cost you 1.5 rubles. - A pack of taste additive Weight in Polkilogram will cost 1300 rubles (that is, one portion costs will be around 6 rubles) - Sugar kilogram costs 50 rubles (1.5 rubles portion.).

We summarize and get about 9 rubles per portion of the delicacy. Suppose that the day you will implement at least 50 servings at a price of 60 rubles per unit of goods, we get 3 thousand per day and 90,000 per month. 90 thousand rubles is our revenue. Now we consider our income less expenses for the ingredients. 90 000 rubles - ((9 rubles x 50 portions) X30 days) \u003d 90 thousand - 13.5 thousand \u003d 76.5 thousand. From the amount received, it remains to deduct tax, rent and salaries to the seller, net profit will be 40-50 thousand per month. Attractive numbers, isn't it? Having spent about 30 thousand on the device, you can recoup it in the first months of work. There are not so many of these highly profitable cases.

  • Personnel search
  • How much money is needed for the start of the sale of sweet wool
  • What kind of OKVED indicate when registering a business for the sale of sweet cotton wool
  • What documents are needed to open a self-selling of sugar wool
  • Do I need permission to open the trading point selling sweet wool
        • Related business ideas:

For the first time, sugar wool began to produce in Italy in the 16th century, but it was available only for the most influential people. And only a few centuries later, with the advent of machines for the production of sugar wool, in 1897 it began to produce and sell it everywhere. Today, sugar wool is a favorite delicacy for children and adults. Mint, cherry, orange, banana - before such a taste to resist not possible. With a successful location of the outlet, the sale of sugar wool is profitable and cost-effective.

One of the main advantages of business on sugar or sweet (folk name) cotton, in addition to low starting attachments, is high profitability. The calculation is extremely simple. Wholesale price of 1 kg of sugar averages 25-30 rubles. From 1 kg of sugar, you can get 70 small portions of sweet wool at a price of 50 rubles per piece. Yes, it is also necessary to take into account the costs of taste additives, but they are very insignificant (150 rubles per 1 kg of sugar). As a result, spending on average 30 rubles on raw materials (sugar and additives), we can produce and realize sweet wool by 3,500 rubles.

The main advantages of business on the trade of sweet cotton

  • Minimum investment on business opening. The main starting costs are to buy a sweet cotton apparatus (20-30 thousand rubles).
  • Minimum retail requirements. To accommodate the equipment, an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 3m2 will be connected to a network connection to 220V.
  • Mobility of the trading point. The ease and compact equipment for the preparation of sweet wool allows you to quickly change a less profitable place for more profitable.
  • High payback of business. According to players in the case of a successful location, the equipment pays off already on the 3rd week.

What equipment to choose for cooking sugar wool

The basis of the design of the apparatus for cooking sugar wool is a metal box. A special bowl is installed on top of it, where thin threads are wrapped on a stick, forming an appetizing com. The perfect bowl material is stainless steel, as it does not oxidize the product. The cup of the apparatus is equipped with a special grid, not allowing cotton to scatter in different directions.

Suggestions on the market for cooking sweet cotton wool quite a lot. From here and different prices for devices. Price, by the way, largely depends on the performance of the equipment. Conventional semi-professional devices with a capacity of 1-3 kg of sugar wool per hour cost 10 - 20 thousand rubles. More powerful professional apparatus, with a capacity of over 8 kg / hour, cost no less than 60-80 thousand rubles, but the acquisition of such equipment is justified only in the event of a high passability of the trading point.

The production technology of sugar wool is extremely simple and does not require special preparation. The process of cooking sweet wool directly at the point of sale is as follows: a sugar portion is covered into the cavity of the apparatus and after the equipment is turned on, the sugar begins to melt. Air fibers Sugar begin to form under the action of centrifugal force. The operator remains only to drive with a wand inside the instrument bowl for the formation of a delicious coma of sugar wool.

Color filler is added to the device in the device container. With the help of dyes, sugar wool acquires a bright and attractive color for the buyer. Due to these "penny" ingredients, sales of sugar wool rises several times. The color filler attaches sugar taste and smell of various fruits: apples, banana, raspberries, melons, cherries, etc.

Cooking process of sugar wool:

Area information Points for installing the apparatus of sweet wool

The best points for the installation of a sweet cotton apparatus are places with high passability of children: children's facilities, zoos, circus, amusement parks, entertainment centers. It does not require large areas to install one device. Small equipment dimensions allows you to open a full-fledged sales point by 2-3 m2. Rent often does not exceed 5-10 thousand rubles per month. Rent of the municipal (state) plot will cost even cheaper (1-3 thousand rubles).

Not a high weight of the equipment (8-12 kg) makes it easy to transport it, which solves the issue of protecting equipment and allows you to organize trade at festive events.

The issue of business seasonality is solved by installing the apparatus in trade and shopping and entertainment centers. Although the cost of renting in places and above, but business brings income and in autumn-winter time.

What taxation system to choose for the sales of sugar wool sales

Organizational-legal form of business selling sweet wool may be ordinary individual businessOpened in local tax. This is perhaps the most optimal option for such a small business, as it requires minimal paper rolls and financial costs for registration. OKVED code for sweet cotton trading: 52.24.22 - "Retail sale of sugar confectionery products, including chocolate."

Optimal taxation system Sugar Wobile trade point is a single tax on imputed income (UNVD). In this case, the entrepreneur pays the tax based on the size of the retail space, and this is only 2-3m2. The tax is completely insignificant. Plus to all, this special. Taxation regime exempts income tax, property and VAT tax. The transition to UNVD is carried out at the request of the entrepreneur within 5 days from the date of business registration.

Personnel search

To organize one trading point for the sale of sweet wool, it will be necessary to employ a minimum of 2 sellers. Work schedule - 2 After 2. Wage is recommended to be installed as a salary plus a percentage of sales. The work of sellers is subject to strict control - theft of revenue in this matter is not uncommon.

Since business is associated with the production and sale of food, sellers are obliged to have medical records with them confirming the passage of medical examination. In order to avoid problems in the case of checking the traffic point by police officers or representatives of the SES.

How much can you make money on sale sweet wool

Imagine an exemplary calculation of the yield of one trading point selling sweet wool.

Monthly permanent costs:

  • Rent of land - 5 thousand rubles;
  • Salary (2 people) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Insurance deductions - 13 thousand rubles;
  • Tax (UNVD) - 4 thousand rubles;
  • Transportation costs (equipment supply) - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Total ~ 82 thousand rubles.

Now we calculate the monthly revenue of the trading point. The average sales of sugar wool in high-passable places (parks, circus, shopping center) is at least 200 servings per day. Per month, taking into account rainy and rainy days, the shopping point will work on average for 20 days. Accordingly, the average number of serving portions during this time will be 4,000 pieces. The price of one portion is 50 rubles, hence the monthly revenue is 200,000 rubles. To increase the turnover of the outlet, in addition to sugar wool you can sell popcorn, ice cream, cold drinks.

Taking into account the costs of raw materials (~ 4 thousand rubles) Monthly profit of one trading point will be about 100 - 110 thousand rubles. To someone this amount will seem too high, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that the sale of sweet cotton is exclusively seasonal business. In the middle lane of Russia, the main earnings entrepreneur receives from May to September, and this is about 4 months of work. The essential income of the business owner receives at the opening of at least 3 outlets.

Step-by-step plan of opening a trading point for the sale of sweet wool

The implementation of a business project for the sale of sugar wool must be started with the study of the market situation in this direction of commercial activities. You must know exactly where trays will be placed, how much potential buyers go to normal / holidays in this place, whether you can compete with similar dots, etc. If you were convinced that this idea "has the right to life," then you can proceed to the decision of the following questions:

  • Creating a business plan.
  • Paperwork (including local authorities).
  • Buying equipment.
  • Search sellers.

If you plan to organize the activities of a whole network of outlets for the sale of sweet wool, then it makes sense to think about creating external attributes and organizing promotional activities. Bright sign, beautiful sellers and high-quality product uniforms will help you create a decent customer base and a positive image of the company, which is the main guarantee of successful business.

During summer holiday, sugar wool enjoys considerable demand: she loves children, and adults. And if for children the process of making sweet wool is just entertainment, then some adults seriously think of opening such a business.

To start selling sweet wool, you need to think over each detail to the smallest detail. The main issues that will need to be solved at the initial stage will be:

  1. Acquisition of the necessary equipment.
  2. Search for a suitable place in which the shopping point will be installed.

In addition to these issues, it will be necessary:

  • Make official documentation.
  • Examine the production technology of this product.
  • Find suitable products to be used for the manufacture of wool.
  • And, of course, it is detailed to calculate how much money will need to open your own business, after what period of time they will pay off, and what a result will be profitable.


Sweet wool is a food product. To sell it, you need to go through the procedure for making a list of official documents and get permission. The main part of the documents issues a sanitary-epidemiological instance.

To obtain permission to this service, you must provide the following documents:

  • The medical book of the face that will sell cotton wool. If sellers are somewhat, then the bearings will be needed for each of them.
  • Contract concluded with an organization specializing in
  • A contract with an organization that will supply a trading point of electricity.

It will also be necessary to contact the city council to obtain permission to trade. The validity period of such documents is exactly a year, but if necessary it will be possible to extend.

Production and sale of sugar wool as a business tips and recommendations in this video:

Selecting a place for a traffic point

Beginner entrepreneurs need to be borne in mind that 99% of profits from the product being realized depends precisely from the place where the trading point is located.

For sale sweet wool you need to choose such places where there is a continuous flow of people. Ideal options for this can be:

  • Park recreation area.
  • City Beach.
  • Exhibition.
  • Circus room or zoo.
  • Buffet.
  • City park with attractions.

Another ideal place is a moving entertainment park with attractions. As a rule, coming to a certain city, such parks remain in it about two weeks.

In order to be able to realize a large number of sweet wool during their stay in your city, you will need to agree in advance with the leadership of the amusement park. This will make it possible to get much bigger profit than during trade in the usual city park.

Such contracts are beneficial not only to entrepreneurs who implement their products on the territory of entertainment parks, but also their leadership. Many kids attracts not only an interesting attraction in the park, but also your sugar wool.

Thus, the presence in the territory where attractions are carried out, different goodies, makes the rides themselves more in demand.

Requirements for equipment installation

The apparatus for the manufacture of air wool can be placed on the street and in any room. In the latter case, it is necessary to take into account that the humidity in the room should not be too high - this can lead to the sticking of the wool and the loss of its commodity type.

If there is no possibility of supplying the trading point of electricity, you should take care of the purchase of the generator. It will not be superfluous to acquire a protective dome that prevents the dust to the drum.

What equipment to choose for the production of wool?

Choice and purchase of equipment

When choosing equipment, you need to pay attention to its manufacturer. The device of domestic production will cost much cheaper, but the quality of wool made on such equipment is greatly inferior to imported models.

The lack of domestic devices is in frequent formation of blockages in boilers. This leads to the combustion of sugar and the receipt at the exit of poor-quality wool.

Therefore, a more appropriate solution will be the investment of funds in the purchase of imported apparatus - they differ simplicity in the maintenance and manufacture of high-quality wool.

Cost and types of equipment

Currently, such devices offer different manufacturers. This allows you to choose more expensive or opposite - cheap models.

So, some of them cost about $ 200, but if desired, it is possible to purchase and more expensive, for example, for $ 1500. How much is the equipment for the production of Lavash - read

For example, consider several models from different manufacturers:

  • ECONO - Currently one of the most popular devices. This device from the American manufacturer has quite compact dimensions (65:65:40 cm), and relatively low cost ($ 780). The performance of a carcaste preparation machine is about 400 servings per hour. The power of this device is 1.2 kW.
  • HRB-5 pony - the unit from the Ukrainian producer is significantly low cost ($ 250). Its size - 350: 410: 460 cm. Performance - up to 100 servings per hour, power - 1.25 K W.
  • CM 001 - device from the manufacturer of the PRC. Size - 700: 700: 520 cm, cost - $ 275. The performance of this machine is about 150 servings per hour, power is 1.2 kW.
  • TTM - a car from the Russian manufacturer. Its size is 660: 660: 500 cm, cost - $ 710, productivity - about 150 servings per hour, power - 1.45 kW.

Dyes, sugar and chopsticks for sweet wool

The advantage of modern cars is the possibility of cooking not by the usual, habitual white wool, but of non-ferrous and fragrant delicacy. So, if you wish to sell attractive and unusual wators with a taste of cherries, raspberries or orange, food dyes will be required.

The cost of one 500-gram packaging of good quality dye is $ 15-40. But such a jar is enough for 50 kg of sugar, and these are as many as 5,000 servings.

The cost of sticks to which wata is winding up depends on their type. So, for children it is possible to prepare wands in the form of a cone with drawings, for example, a clown.

The cost of 1000 pieces of such products will be $ 29. Conventional cardboard sticks can be purchased for $ 25.5 per pack containing 1000 pieces. You can also use cocktail sticks from plastic - 1000 pieces will cost only $ 10.

For one portion of sugar wool requires from 7 to 20 g of sugar, depending on the size of the portion. About 1 kg of sugar leaves for preparation of 50-60 servings.

Business Plan Production

To launch a business for the production of sugar wool, it will take approximately 95-170 thousand rubles. The scheme of their distribution is approximately as:

  1. Machine for cooking wool - 35 - 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Tent, gasoline generator, dome, or truck for the transportation of the device in the city - 60-70 thousand rubles.

Per month, the entrepreneur spends:

  • On the salary of two sellers - 75 thousand rubles.
  • Rental of premises - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Accountant services - 5 thousand rubles.
  • Raw materials and consumables - 3 thousand rubles.

In total, 93 thousand rubles are obtained. How to make a business plan yourself yourself you can learn

How to make a business plan for the production of sugar wool?


  • One device produces 200 servings per hour.
  • The second is 350.
  • Portion Wat costs 100 rubles.
  • One tent for the day sells products by 5-6 thousand rubles.
  • One unit per day produces from 50 to 60 servings.

To work out such a number of servings, you will need:

  • 1 - 1.2 kg of sugar.
  • 50-60 sticks.
  • 8-9 gr. additives.

It is necessary to consider that several days per month for any reason trade will not be made (for example, due to cloudy weather).

When calculating the estimated monthly profits, the payment of taxes should also be taken into account. On average, profits per month before their payment will be from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, they will recoup the initial investments in the business in about 3-5 months, even when it receives the minimum profit itself.

Benefits and Disadvantages of Business

The advantages of this type of business can be attributed:

  • Small start-up capital.
  • The ability to recoup the initial investments, and at the same time earn over the invested funds for the first season of work.
  • Easy business organization.


  • The ability to earn only in the warm season.
  • Possible presence of competitors.
  • The need to search for trading places.

Sweet Wool Production Technology

For cooking, watts do not require special knowledge and education. The technology of its production is quite simple.

  1. In the hole located in the center of the tank, a small amount of sugar is falling asleep.
  2. In a preheated capacity, sugar begins to melt, and the constant rotation and the action of the centrifugal force contributes to the spraying of the molten sugar through the holes in the drum of the machine.
  3. The seller remains to turn wat on a wand, forming a ball, and sell the finished product to the buyer.

How much can you earn at the production of sweet wool - see this video:

As a rule, difficulties arising in the process of establishing this type of activity are associated with the choice of the unit for the preparation of watts. Experienced entrepreneurs who are engaged in selling it, recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • Russian and Ukrainian equipment leaves much to be desired. When choosing Chinese machines, it is necessary to carefully check the information declared by the manufacturer.
  • The purchase can be considered successful if you manage to purchase a Chinese device with high performance for a relatively small cost.
  • It is best to stop the choice on American devices - they are characterized by good performance, but most of these cars are very expensive. Therefore, such a purchase will be appropriate only if you plan to sell cotton in a fairly crowd and make very large sales volumes.

It is quite simple to implement the business idea for selling sweet wool, with such a type of activity with a successful choice of place of trading can bring good profits.

Due to the simplicity of transportation of the cooking device, you can easily change the place of sale if necessary. And trade in closed premises will make a profit not only in the summer season, but also throughout the year.


The idea of \u200b\u200bopening a business on a sugar car is a great way to earn decent money in the summer season. The work process itself is quite light, does not require the cost of physical forces. Starting capital requires a small one. In order to sell sweet cotton, you do not need to have special skills and special knowledge is not required, it is enough to accommodately approach the issue of becoming your own profitable business.

How can I stand out among competitors

Before opening a business at a delicacy, you need to decide on the title. It must be memorable, which can play an important role in further expansion in the city. Important and exterior design:

  • main materials should be different quality - wood, plastic or metal;
  • all colors are bright and saturated;
  • the workplace should always be clean and neat (for this you can additionally pay the salesman to the product).

The realization business is not much different among the others, therefore the basic principles of creation and successful prosperity are the ability to stand out among such competitors and offer something new to the buyer. Special attention should be paid to the product itself. The idea of \u200b\u200boffering it on a bright colorful wand with various drawings or ornaments is a great way to stand out among competitors with the familiar wooden "holders" from ice cream. The product can be any color or several shades immediately, if you can buy two special devices at once.

The product will be much more interesting and tempting for the buyer, if you add inexpensive flavors and natural dyes to it. Procurement price for them is low, special skills for use are not required.

Where you can start working

The idea of \u200b\u200bdiscovering the implementation of such cotton is perfect for someone who does not have experience in making sweets and never tried to create their own business from scratch. The best time to start this business is spring warming (the second half of April or the beginning of May). You can sell sugar wool all summer season and whole September. If the business is successful, close the outlet is optional: you can continue in a large shopping center with a lot of daily permeability.

To start work, suitable places are:

  • various art exhibitions;
  • amusement and recreation park;
  • resort area;
  • embankment of the city;
  • plots in front of supermarkets of children's goods;
  • the circus;
  • entertainment center;
  • summer cafe;
  • zoo.

In cases where it is not possible to find a good place to sell such a wool, there is an option to buy a special branded trolley and carry it from different urban areas and squares, inside large shopping centers.

This method can significantly increase sales and, accordingly, profit.

Mandatory equipment

The main thing is required for the sale of delicacy - a special apparatus for the production of this product. And this is the most cost of everything that will be required to create such a type of business. Small expenses will cost the design of individual entrepreneurship for the implementation of legal work, as well as verification in SanEpidemstation, which gives consent to the production of the product and its sale. The check is necessary for the seller to be guaranteed to be protected from problems associated with the quality of its goods, with the possible complaints from buyers.

The machine for making the product should be chosen as powerful as possible. It is recommended to acquire American-made equipment - the most reliable of all. The speed of portions of portions depends on the power of the aggregate. The optimal option is 300 pieces in one hour. There is a more powerful technique issuing up to 700 servings, but such a device is required for very large settlements. It is not necessary to leave the quality of raw materials without attention, since sales directly depends on this. Bad low-quality sugar is unlikely to leave a satisfied buyer.

The cost of white sugar is not very high, experienced businessmen advise to choose a reliable supplier who, depending on the time of year, can provide significant discounts on the product.

Approximate costs

In order to open its business to sell a delicacy, it is necessary to have about 30,000 rubles. This is enough to buy special equipment. The import version is considered more reliable compared to domestic counterparts, much longer will last without serious breakdowns. In addition, money will be required for the following (in rubles):

  • registration of the enterprise is about 7,000;
  • monthly rental rental rental - 4,000;
  • monthly electricity costs on which the technique works - about 1,500;
  • acquisition of a cart for mobile business - 15,000;
  • buying decorative wands for wool will be about 2,000;
  • purchase of food dyes: 1 Packaging is designed for 400-500 servings - 600.
  • colorful signboard with product name - 2,000.
  • acquisition of the umbrella from the Sun, a color bright, attracting the attention of adults and small clients - 2,500.

Sugar is best to buy on wholesale bases at minimum cost.

Profit from business selling sweet wool

In the very first month of work, the profit profit will become more than it was originally invested in this business, even subject to the sale of goods in the amount of 100 pieces per day. If one portion costs, about 30 rubles, then the revenue will be equal to 90,000 rubles per month. At the cost of one portion, equal to 60 rubles., Monthly income will be 180,000. Such numbers are considered minimal, especially for the summer season, when up to 400 servings can be sold per day. It all depends on the scale of settlement, the location of the point of sale, passability. The income from the sale of delicacy can reach 500,000 - 600,000 rubles. per month.

Lease expenses are deducted from the amount obtained, the costs of equipping the device with electricity, an additional purchase of mandatory ingredients. In general, more than 20,000 rubles should not leave for all of the above. Everything else remains at the owner of a profitable business. In order to successfully continue to work, it is not necessary to organize a large advertising campaign in order to increase sales of your product. It is enough to equip your trading point and buyers will not be able to pass indifferently without buying cotton. You can attract attention by making it multicolored, to provide it with attractive bright sticks.

Disadvantages of business selling sweet wool

The advantages of the opening of the enterprise's implementation of the product are obvious: minimum costs, fast payback, big income. However, there are a number of "minuses", which may be negative and even critically affect the success of their own business. This is primarily the danger of buyers poisoning by the final product of production due to poor-quality unverified raw materials. In such negative cases, the entrepreneur must be responsible for law or to incur corresponding punishment.

It is important to choose space for sugar procurement from suppliers who comply with all the necessary product storage requirements. Overpayment will be insignificant, and quality is guaranteed. If the owner decided to sell this Wat on his own, then there is a problem of extensive costs of physical forces, since all the working day is in the legs in a strong heat enough hard. If the entrepreneur has a hired employee, it is impossible to accurately track the good faith of his work, which involves considerable losses for the owner.

Safe cottage, of course, a profitable and successful case that does not require significant investments, a large number of equipment and all sorts of accessories. With the right definition of the territory on which the product will be implemented, and the competent organization of the workplace, the business will go up, and buyers will remain satisfied with the purchased goods.