The main stages of statistical research. Organization of statistical research

The main stages of statistical research. Organization of statistical research
The main stages of statistical research. Organization of statistical research

obtained materials.

generalizing indicators.

Each observation is carried out with a specific purpose. When conducting it, it is necessary to establish what is subject to a survey. We must solve the following questions:

Object observation

Observation unit



The observation program is drawn up in the form of forms (questionnaires, formulas), in which primary data are entered. The necessary supplement of the forms is an instruction that explains the meaning of the issues.

observation periods;

preparatory work;

For example, the critical moment of micro-camerapisi 94g. It was 0.00 h. On the night of February 13-14. By establishing a critical point of observation, m. With photographic accuracy to determine the true state of affairs.

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Stages of statistical research. Collected in the process of the first stage of statistical research - statistical observation - data on the magnitude of any sign of the studied aggregate

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Collected in the process of the first stage of statistical research - statistical observation - Data on the magnitude of any sign of the common set must be processed so that the exact and thorough answer to all the questions posed by the goal of the study. The task of the second stage of statistical research - statistical processing (summary) - It is to streamline and summarize the primary material, to reduce it in the group and on this basis to give a generalized characteristic of the aggregate. The quality of the original statistical material predetermines the quality of generalizing indicators obtained as a result of a statistical summary.

Distinguish summary simple and complex (statistical group).

Simple summary - This is an operation to calculate the overall results for the set of observation units. Sophisticated summary - This is a complex of operations, including a grouping of observation units, calculate the results for each group and throughout the totality and representation of the summary and grouping results in the form of statistical tables.

Statistical grouping is reduced to the dismemberment of the combination of groups selected significant assembly for units (grouping sign ). Selection of a grouping feature, i.e. Sign on which the unification of the units of the total combination of the group is carried out - one of the most essential and complex questions of the theory of grouping and statistical research . The results of the entire statistical study often depend on the right choice of a grouping feature.

Statistical observation. Stages of statistical research

The grouping allows you to obtain such results by which you can identify the composition of the totality, characteristic features and properties of typical phenomena, detect patterns and interrelations.

The simplest and most common way to summarize statistical data are rows of distribution . The statistical range (law) of the distribution is called the numerical distribution of the units of the aggregate on the studied attribute. Let some sv is discrete, i.e. can take only fixed (on some scale) values X. i. In this case, a number of probability values P.(X. i) for all ( i.=1, 2, …, n.) The permissible values \u200b\u200bof this magnitude call it the distribution law.

Depending on the grouping feature used, statistical rows can be attributed and variational (quantitative).

Attribute rows distributions reflect the qualitative state of units of aggregate (half of a person, marital status, industry affiliation of the enterprise, his property form, etc.), and variational - They have a numerical expression (production, family income, human age, performance score, etc.).

An example of an attribute row can serve as the distribution of group students on the floor.

Variational (quantitative) grouped rows can be discrete or interval . The discrete variational series of distribution is a series in which the numerical distribution of units of the aggregate on a discrete sign is expressed by a whole finite value. An example is the distribution of workers in discharges, the distribution of families of the city by the number of children, etc. The interval distribution range is a series in which the character values \u200b\u200bare specified in the form of an interval. The construction of interval variational series is suitable primarily primarily for random variables characterized by continuous variation of the feature (i.e., when the value of the sign in units of aggregate can take any values, at least within certain limits).

So, the law of distribution of probabilities of discrete sv carries all the information about it. This law (or simply - the distribution of a random variable) can be set in three ways:

- in the form of a table of values \u200b\u200bof the magnitude and corresponding to them probabilities;

- in the form of a diagram or, as it is sometimes called, distribution histograms;

- in the formula, for example, for normal, binomial, etc. distribution.

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Stages of statistical research

Stages of statistical research.

Statistical research - This is a scientifically organized for the Unified Program, a summary and analysis of data (facts) on socio-economic, demographic and other phenomena and public life processes in the state with the registration of their most significant features in the accounting documentation.

Distinctive features (specific) of statistical research are: focus, organization, massiness, systemicity (complexity), comparability, documentation, controllability, practicality.

Statistical research consists of three main stages:

1) Collect primary statistical information (Statistical observation) - observation, collecting data on the values \u200b\u200bof the sign of the status of the Stat-Oh owned units, CT is the foundation of the future of stat analysis. If an error or material was made when collecting primary status data, it turned out to be poorly disabilities, it will affect the correctness and reliability of both theoretical and practical conclusions.

2) Statistical summary and processing of primary information - The data is subjected to systematization and grouping. The results of the static grouping and summary are set out in the form of static tables is the most rational, systematic, compact and visual form of representation of mass data.

3) generalization and interpretation of statistical information - An analysis of statistical information is carried out ..

All these stages are interconnected, the absence of one of them leads to the rupture of the integrity of the statistical research.

Stages Static Studies

1. Sowing a goal

2. Determination of the observation object

3. Determination of observation units

4. Drawing up the research program

5. Suitable Instructions for Filling Blanca

6. Summary and grouping data (brief analysis)

Basic concepts and categories of statistical science.

1. Statistical aggregate - These are a lot of phenomena with one or more general features and differing from each other by other signs. Such, for example, a totality of households, a combination of families, a totality of enterprises, firms, associations, etc.

2. Sign - This property, a characteristic feature of the phenomenon, subject to statistical study

3. Statistical indicator - This is generalizing the quantitative characteristic of social eco-econ phenomena and processes in their qualitative definiteness in conditions of a particular place and time. Statistical indicators can be divided into two main types: accounting and estimated indicators (dimensions, volumes, levels of studied phenomenon) and analytical indicators (relative and average values, variation indicators, etc.).

4. Unit of owl- This is each separate, subject to static study.

5. Variation - This is the variability of the sign of the sign in individual units of the phenomena.

6. Pattern - Call repeatability and order of change in phenomena.

The main stages of statistical observation.

Stupid - This is a scientifically based collection of data on the social economy phenomenon of public life.

Stages CH:

1. Preparation to statistical observation - involves the use of the method of mass observations, the CT is nothing but the collection of primary static information. (solution of scientific and methodological and organizational and technical issues).

2. Summary and grouping of primary status data - The collected info using the method of static groupings in a certain way is generalized and distributed. Core work, begins with sending census sheets, questionnaires, forms, forms of static reporting and ends with their surveillance after filling in organs conducting observation.

3. Analysis of stat inflation - With the help of the method of generalizing indicators, it is an analysis of the statistics of info.

4. Development of proposals for improving CH - The reasons are analyzed, CT led to incorrect filling of stat blanks and detected proposals for improving observation.

Obtaining information during CT CT requires considerable costs of financial labor as well as time. (public opinion polls)

Grouping statistical data.

Grouping - This is the separation of owl into a group of essential features.

Causes of grouping: The originality of the object of static research.

Using the grouping method, the task is solved: allocations of social economy types and phenomena; study of the structure of the phenomenon and structural shifts occurring in it; Detection of communication and relationships between phenomena.

These tasks are solved With the help of typological, structural and analytical groups.

Typology - Identification of types of social ekone phenomena (GR of industrial enterprises in the form of ownership)

Structural GR - Heating structure and structural shifts. Using such G-ok, it can be studied: the composition of us - I am on the floor, age, place of residence, etc.

Analytical GR - identifying the relationship between signs.

Stages of construction of the SG:

1. Selection of a grouping sign

2. Determination of the required number of groups, on the CT, it is necessary to smash the studied owl

3. Install the boundaries of the grief intervals

4. Installation for each GR-ki indicators or their systems, CT should be characterized by dedicated groups.

Grouping systems.

Grouping system - This is a number of interrelated statistical groups according to the most essential features, comprehensively reflecting the most important parties studied phenomena.

Typology - This is a division of the studied qualitatively heterogeneous owl into classes, social econ types (GR of prom and property forms of ownership)

Structural GR - characterizes the composition of homogeneous owl according to certain features. Using such G-ok, it can be studied: the composition of us - I am on the floor, age, place of residence, etc.

Analytical GR - Used when studying the relationships between the signs, one of the CT factor (has an impact on the change in performance), the other productive (signs that are changed under the influence of factors).

Construction and types of distribution series.

Stat a number of distribution - This is an ordered distribution of owl units on a group by a specific characteristic feature.

Distinguish: Attributes and variational distribution ratings.

Attributive- It is R.R., built according to quality features. R.R. It is customary in the form of tables. They characterize the composition of the Soviet according to the existing features taken over several periods, these data allow you to investigate the change in the structure.

Variational - It is R.R., built by a quantitative basis. Any variational series consists of 2 elements: options and frequencies.

Options Separate values \u200b\u200bof the feature are considered, it takes in the variational series, i.e.

the specific value of the variation sign.

Frequency - these are the numbers of individual variants or each group of variational series, i.e. These are numbers showing how often certain options in R.R are found.

Variational series:

1. Discreto - characterizes the distribution of units of owl on a discrete sign (the distribution of families by the number of rooms in separate apartments).

2. Interval - the sign is presented in the form of an interval; It is advisable primarily with the continuous variation of the feature.

More convenient for R.R. Analyze using their graphic image that allows you to judge and about the form of distribution. The visual idea of \u200b\u200bthe har-re change of the frequencies of the variational series is given by a polygon and a histogram, there is a row and cumulative.

Statistical tables.

Art - This is a rational and common form of presentation of static data.

The table was the most rational, visual and compact form of the representation of the static material.

AUTO TECHNICATIONS defining the technique of formation of START:

1. T should be compact and contain only those initial data, CT directly reflect the socially studied phenomenon in the ST-KE.

2. The heading of the table and the names of the graph and lines must be clear, brief.

3. Infination is located in columns (graphs) of the table, completed the final string.

5. Graphs and lines are useful to numbered, etc.

According to the logical content of Art, they are "stat proposal", the OSN is the elements of the rally subject to both.

Subject to Catching an object is characterized by numbers. This is MB One or more owls, separately the units of owl.

Predicate Articles are indicators, CT characterize the study object, i.e. subject to table. This is the upper headlines and the condition of the content of the graph from left to right.

9. The effect of absolute value in statistics .

Stat Pot - This is a qualitatively defined variable, quantitatively characterizing the object of the study or its properties.

A.V. - This is a generalizing indicator characterizing dimensions, scale or volumes of a phenomenon in specific conditions of place and time.

Methods of expression: Natural units (T., PC., Number); Labor dimension (slave BP, time consuming); Cost Expression

Methods for getting: Registration of facts, summary and grouping, calculation of the methodology (GDP, ratings, etc.)

Views of AV.: 1. Individual AV - characterize individual elements of total phenomena 2. Total AV - HAR-T indicators for owl of objects.

Absolute change (/ _ \\) - the difference between 2 AV.

Stages and methods of statistical research

Statistical research consists of three main stages:

Statistical observation - This is the first stage. In the course of its primary statistical information and data, which will be the basis for future statistical analysis. Methods of statistical observation are represented by censuses, statistical reporting, questionnaire, selective supervision.

Statistical summary - This is the second stage. In the course of its processing of primary information; Socurate single information forming a set in order to identify typical traits and patterns inherent in the studied phenomenon as a whole are summarized. The main method of the statistical summary is the grouping when the studied phenomena are divided into essential types, characteristic groups and subgroups for essential features. The results of the statistical group and summary are outlined in the form of tables and graphs.

Generalization and analysis of statistical information - This is the third stage. Statistical analysis is the final stage of statistical research.

The main stages of the analysis are the following:

1. Establishment of facts and their assessment;

2. Establishing characteristic features and causes of phenomena;

3. Comparison of the phenomenon with basic phenomena - regulatory, planned and other;

4. Formulation of hypotheses, conclusions and assumptions;

5. Statistical verification of hypotheses extended using special generalizing statistical indicators.

Generalizing indicators - Absolute, relative, average values \u200b\u200band index systems are used in this stage. General features of the formation of generalizing indicators are set by measuring their deviations and bringing to the averaged indicator. The study of deviations - "variations" - together with the use of medium and relative values, has great practical and scientific importance. Indicators of deviations of "variations" characterize the degree of homogeneity of the statistical aggregate in the desired basis. Indicators of "variations" determine the degree and boundaries of the variation. Significant interest is the relationship of signs of "variations".

All of these three stages are inextricably linked with organic unity. Thus, the conduct of statistical observation is meaningless without further analysis, and the analysis is impossible without information obtained at the stage of primary data processing.

The processing of empirical data research is usually divided into several stages:

1) Primary data processing:

- drawing up tables;

- transformation of the form of information;

- Data checking.

2) Statistical data analysis:

- analysis of primary statistics;

- assessment of the accuracy of the differences;

- normalization of data;

- correlation analysis;

- Factor analysis.

In most cases, data processing is advisable to start with compiling summary tables.

Summary data table - This is a kind of "battery" of all data obtained as a result of the study, ideally, it must contain the data of all subjects for all research methods. Usually, the summary tables are compiled in the Microsoft Office Excel program, or Word, Access.

The basis for the summary table of the source data is the following form. Each string contains the values \u200b\u200bof all indicators of one subject. In each column (field), the values \u200b\u200bof one indicator on all subject are recorded. Thus, only one value of one indicator of one subject is recorded in each cell (cage) of the table. In the upper line, the number of the test in order is given, full name (or some other identifier), measured indicators, scale estimates, etc. This line facilitates orientation in the table. In each subsequent line, the name of the subject and the values \u200b\u200bof all the parameters measured from it are recorded; Of course, for all the indicators in the same order.

The subjects can be listed in alphabetical order, but it is better to use this principle at the lowest level of division. First, it is better to divide the subjects on their belonging to any subgroups that will be compared with each other. Inside these subgroups are useful to streamline the tests on the floor, age or another, important for you, the parameter.

Transformation of information form.

It is advisable to make all the signs of decimal in the form of a decimal number that interest you in the form of a decimal number, that is, to first recalculate minutes in decimal lolts of the hour, seconds - in decimal shares of the minute, the number of months is in the decimal fraction of the year, etc. This is necessary because the data format for most computer programs used now imposes their limitations. Try also without much need not to enter various text symbols (points, commas, dash, etc.).

All information that can be encoded by numbers is better to translate into a numeric form. It will give more features for different types of data processing. The exception is the first line in which the names are recorded (more often brief names - abbreviations) measured indicators. In the form of numbers in the table, you can enter information and about those sample parameters that may alone may be significant factors, but you have in qualitative indicators.

Methods and main stages of statistical studies

The most simple operations can be: numerical coding (men - 1, women - 2; past learning - 1, not past - 2, etc.) and the translation of high-quality indicators in ranks.

Data checking.

After creating a table on paper or computer, you must check the quality of the data obtained. For this, it is often enough to carefully inspect the data array. Start checking follows from identifying errors (zone), which are that the order of the number is incorrectly written. For example, 100 written instead of 10, 9.4 - instead of 94, etc. With a careful viewing on columns, it is easy to detect, since it is relatively rarely rarely the parameters that vary greatly. Most often, the value of one parameter has one order or coming orders. When typing on a computer, it is important to comply with the data format requirements in the statistical program used. First of all, this refers to the sign that should separate the whole part of the fractional (point or comma) in the decimal number.

The use of methods of mathematical statistics in the processing of primary empirical Data is necessary to increase the reliability of the conclusions of the scientific research. It is not recommended to be limited to using such indicators as medium arithmetic and percentages. They most often do not give sufficient grounds for reasonable conclusions from empirical data.

The choice of the method of statistical analysis of the resulting empirical data is a very important and responsible part of the study. And it is better to do it before the data is obtained. When planning a study, we must think in advance which empirical indicators will be recorded using which methods will be processed, and which conclusions can be done with different processing results.

When choosing a statistical criterion First of all, it is necessary to identify the type of variables (features) and the measurement scale, which was used in measuring indicators and other variables - for example, age, family composition, level of education. Any indicators that can be compared with each other can be performed as variables (that is, measure). It should be borne in mind that in studies can be widely used nominative and ordinal scales: verbal and non-verbal behavioral reactions floor, the level of education - all this can be considered as variables. The main thing is to have clear and clear criteria for their assignment to this or that type depending on the hypotheses and tasks.

When choosing a statistical criterion, it is also necessary to focus on the type of data distribution, which turned out in the study. Parametric criteria are used in the case when the distribution of the data obtained is considered as normal. The normal distribution is more likely (but not necessarily) it turns out when sampled more than 100 subjects (it may turn out and with less, and may not work and with more). When using parametric criteria, the distribution normality is needed.

For non-parametric criteria, the type of data distribution does not matter. With small amounts of sampling of the subjects, it is advisable to choose non-parametric criteria that give greater reliability of the conclusions, regardless of whether the normal data distribution was obtained in the study. In some cases, statistically substantiated conclusions can be made even with samples in 5-10 subjects.

In many studies, there is a search for differences in the measured indicators from the subjects, which have certain features. When processing the relevant data, criteria can be used to identify differences in the level of the studied feature or in its distribution. To determine the significance of differences in the manifestation of a sign in studies, such indicators are often used as a pair criterion for Wilcoxon, the manna-white-criterion, the Criterion X-Square (X2), the exact Fisher criterion, the binomial criterion.

Many studies are searching for the relationship of the studied indicators in the same subjects. Correlation coefficients can be used to process the corresponding data. The connection of the values \u200b\u200bwith each other and their dependence is often characterized by the Pearson linear correlation coefficient and the river correlation coefficient of the spirit.

The data structure (and, accordingly, the structure of the studied reality), as well as their relationship is detected by factor analysis.

In many studies, interest is an analysis of the variability of a sign under the influence of any controlled factors, or, in other words, an assessment of the influence of various factors on the studied sign. For mathematical data processing in such tasks, U-criterion can be used by the Mann-Whitney, criterion of Wallis, T-Criteria, Criteria? 2 Friedman. However, to study the impact, and even more so the mutual influence of several factors on the parameter under study it can be dispersible analysis. The researcher comes from the assumption that some variables can be considered as causes, while others as consequences. The variables of the first kind are considered factors, and the variables of the second kind are effective features. This is the difference between dispersion analysis from the correlation, in which it is assumed that changes in one characteristic are simply associated with certain changes in the other.

In many studies, the significance of changes (shift) of any parameters and manifestations for a certain period of time, under certain conditions (for example, under conditions of corrective impact) is detected. Forming experiments in practical psychology solve this particular task. For processing the corresponding data, coefficients can be used to assess the reliability of the shift in the values \u200b\u200bof the studied feature. For this, the criteria of signs, T-criterion of Wilcoxon are often used.

It is important to pay attention to the limitations that each criterion has. If one criterion is not suitable for analyzing the available data, you can always find any other, possibly changing the type of presentation of the data themselves. Before conducting a statistical analysis of empirical data, it is useful to check whether critical values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the quantity and type of your data exist. Otherwise, you can wait for disappointment when your counts will be in vain due to the absence of critical values \u200b\u200bin the table with the size of the sample that you had.

After acquaintance with the calculation procedure, the criterion can be held "manual" data processing or use the statistical program of a personal computer.

SPSS and Statistica programs are most popular for computer processing.

The use of statistical programs in computer processing by several orders of magnitude accelerates the processing of the material and provides the researcher such analysis methods that cannot be implemented in manual processing. However, these advantages can be used if the researcher has the necessary level of preparation in this area. Usually, the more powerful computer programs (the wider of it is possible), the more time it requires to master. Thus, to spend time on its study with rare appeals to a powerful statistical apparatus is not entirely effective. Very often, the use of such programs to solve even simple tasks also requires a certain amount of skills.

In order to avoid unnecessary difficulties and time costs, it is much more efficient to turn to professionals. They will qualitatively and professionally hold the entire necessary mathematic-statistical analysis of these studies: Analysis of primary statistics, assessment of the reliability of differences, normalization of data, correlation and factor analysis, etc.

After carrying out the necessary statistical analysis, it is necessary to relate the results with the initial hypothesis, with theoretical justifications of the authors who investigated this topic and previous researchers. Formulate conclusions and interpret the results obtained.

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The main stages of statistical research

Consider the most important method of statistics - statistical observation.

Use of various methods and techniques of statistical methodology

suggests exhaustive and reliable information about studying

object. The study of mass social phenomena includes the collateral stages

statistical information and its primary processing, information and grouping

results of observation in certain aggregates, generalizations and analysis

obtained materials.

At the first stage of statistical research, primary

statistics, or source statistical information that

it is the foundation of the future statistical building. To be the building

sturdy, good and qualitative should be its basis. If at the collection

the primary statistical data is made an error or material turned out to be

ill-quality, it will affect the correctness and accuracy of

theoretical and practical conclusions. Therefore, statistical

observation from the initial to the final stage - to obtain the final

materials - should be carefully thought out and clearly cited.

Statistical observation gives the starting material for generalization, the beginning

which is a summary. If with statistical observation of each

unit receive information characterizing it from many sides, then data

summies characterize the entire statistical aggregate and its separate parts.

At this stage, the aggregate is divided by the differences and combines

signs of similarities are calculated by the total indicators for groups and in

overall. Using the grouping method, the studied phenomena are divided into the most important

types, characteristic groups and subgroups for essential features. Via

groupings limit qualitatively homogeneous substantially

aggregate, which is a prerequisite for definition and application

generalizing indicators.

At the final stage of analysis with the help of generalizing indicators

relative and average values \u200b\u200bare calculated, a consolidated assessment is given.

variations of signs, the dynamics of phenomena are characterized, indices are used,

balance constructions, calculated indicators characterizing tightness

ties in changing signs. For the purpose of the most rational and visual

the presentation of the digital material is presented in the form of tables and graphs.

3.State observation: concept, main forms.

This is a scientific organization. Procedure for collecting data. Forms: Stat. 1) reporting, cat. Based on the duty. With 98 g, 4 uniforms were introduced. Feder.Gos.nabliya: FP-1 (Release of Prospect), FP-2 (Investment), FP-3 (Fin. Org-Qii), FP-4 (Numbers -Net slave, work), 2) specially organisers. Instrument (census), 3) Register is C-Ma Poh Lee, Kota.Hark-T each , Pr-Tiy, Building and a contractor. Org-cyn, Roshn.I wholesale. Types of recruitment: 1) solid, unpaid (selective., Value based on the OSN method. Massive, monographer.). Navel is current, period., One-time. Methods of recruitment: just., Documents., Poll (Expedition., Ankrug, Underworld, Corresponds.). Stat. The cloves are carried out according to the plan, the cat. Include: a software and methodologist. Associations (goals, tasks), organises. Associations (time, place). In the resorts carried out by embosses arise errors, the cat reduces the accuracy of recruitment, therefore data is monitored (logical and calculated). In the residue checks. Data identified a trace of errors: Tempel. Errors (errors of registration), premedifiable errors, unintentional. (Systems. And notiss.), Representative errors (representativeness).

Program and methodological issues of statistical observation.

Software-methodological issues of statistical observation

Each observation is carried out with a specific purpose.

When conducting it, it is necessary to establish what is subject to a survey. We must solve the following questions:

Object observation - A combination of objects, phenomena who must have information. When determining the object, its main distinguishing features (features) are indicated. Any object of mass observations consists of their individual units, so it is necessary to resolve the question of what is the element of the aggregate, which will serve as an observation unit.

Observation unit - This is an integral element of an object that is a carrier of signs to be registered and the basis of the account.

Cents - These are certain quantitative restrictions for the observation object.

Sign - This is a property that characterizes certain features and features inherent in units of the aggregate.

Organizational issues of statistical observation.

The observation program is drawn up in the form of forms (questionnaires, formulas), in which primary data are entered.

The necessary supplement of the forms is an instruction that explains the meaning of the issues.

The organizational issues of the Program include:

observation periods;

critical point of observation;

preparatory work;

The observation period to which the recorded information belongs. It is called objective observation time. This is MB A certain period of time (day, decade, month) or a certain point. The moment to which the recorded information includes is called a critical point of observation.

For example, the critical moment of micro-camerapisi 94g. It was 0.00 h.

on the night of February 13-14. By establishing a critical point of observation, m. With photographic accuracy to determine the true state of affairs.

Preparatory work provides for providing observation by documents, as well as drawing up a list of reporting units, blanks, instructions.

Documents m. Fill in the course of observation or by its results.

An important place in the training system has the selection and training of personnel, as well as the conduct of briefing with those who will participate in surveillance.

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Stages of statistical research.

Stage 1: Statistical observation.

2 stage: Minimizing and grouping of observation results into certain aggregate.

3 stages: Generalization and analysis of the materials obtained. Identify the relationships and scales of phenomena, determining the patterns of their development, the development of forecast estimates. Important is the presence of exhaustive and reliable information about the object being studied.

At the first stage of statistical research, primary statistical data is formed, or source statistical information, which is the foundation of the future statistical "building".

Stages of statistical research

In order for the "building" to be durable, good and high-quality should be its basis. If an error or material was assumed to collect primary statistical data, it turned out poorly, it will affect the correctness and accuracy of both theoretical and practical conclusions. Therefore, statistical observation from the initial to the final stage should be carefully thought out and clearly organized.

Statistical observation gives the starting material for generalization, the beginning of which serves summary. If, with statistical observation, each unit receives information characterizing it from many sides, then these reports characterize all the statistical aggregate and individual parts. At this stage, the aggregate is divided by the differences and combines the signs of similarities, the total indicators in groups and in general are calculated. Using the grouping method, the studied phenomena are divided into essential types, characteristic groups and subgroups for essential features. Using groups, limit quality homogeneous aggregate, which is a prerequisite for determining and applying generalizing indicators.

At the final stage of analysis, with the help of generalizing indicators, relative and average values \u200b\u200bare calculated, the evaluation of the characterization of the signs is given, the dynamics of phenomena are characterized, indices, balance constructions are used, indicators characterizing the tightness of the ties in the change in the signs. In order to the most rational and visual presentation of the digital material, it is presented in the form of tables and graphs.

Cognitive value of statistics thing is:

1) statistics gives digital and meaningful lighting of studied phenomena and processes, serves as the most reliable way to assess reality; 2) statistics gives the evidence power of economic conclusions, allows you to check the various "walking" approvals, individual theoretical provisions; 3) Statistics have the ability to disclose the relationship between phenomena, show their shape and strength.

1. Statistical observation

1.1. Basic concepts

Statistical observation this is the first stage of a statistical study, which is scientifically organized by the Unified Meeting of the facts that characterize the phenomena and processes of public life, and collect the data obtained on the basis of this accounting.

However, not every collection of information is statistical observation. On statistical observation can only be said when statistical patterns are being studied, i.e. Such, which manifest themselves in a mass process, in a large number of units of some kind of aggregate. Therefore, statistical observation should be systematic, mass and systematic.

Spacery Statistical observation is that it is prepared and carried out on a developed plan, which includes issues of methodology, organization, information collection, con controllement of the quality of the collected material, its reliability, the design of the final results.

Mass The nature of statistical observation assumes that it covers a large number of cases of the manifestation of this process, sufficient to obtain truthful data, characterizing not only individual units, but also the entire totality in general.

Systematism Statistical observation is determined by the fact that it should be carried out or systematically or continuously or regularly.

The following requirements are presented to statistical observation:

1) the completeness of statistical data (the completeness of the coverage of the units of the aggregate, parties of a phenomenon, as well as the completeness of the coverage in time);

2) credibility and accuracy of data;

3) their uniformity and comparability.

Any statistical research must be started with the wording of its goal and tasks. After that, the object and the observation unit are determined, the program is being developed, the view and method of observation are developed.

Object observation - A combination of socio-economic phenomena and processes that are subject to research, or accurate boundaries, within which statistical information will be registered . For example, when the population census, it is necessary to establish which population is subject to registration - cash, i.e., actually in this area at the time of the census, or permanent, i.e. living in this area constantly. When examining the industry, it is necessary to establish which enterprises will be attributed to industrial. In some cases, to limit the observation object, one or another value is used. Cents - Restrictive sign that must satisfy all units of the aggregate. For example, when census manufacturing equipment, it is necessary to determine what is attributed to production equipment, and what is the manual tool, which equipment is subject to the census - only acting or also under repair, in stock, backup.

Unit of observation It is called an integral part of the observation object, which serves as the basis of the account and has features subject to registration when observed.

For example, when a census of the population is a single observation unit, each individual person is. If there is also a task to determine the number and composition of households, then the unit of observation along with a person will be every household.

Observation program - This is a list of questions for which information is collected or a list of signs and indicators to be registered. . The observation program is drawn up in the form of a form (questionnaires, the form), which includes primary information. The necessary supplement to the forms is the instruction (or instructions on the forms themselves), which clarifies the meaning of the issue. The composition and content of the issues of the observation program depends on the objectives of the study and on the characteristics of the public phenomenon under study.

The result of the first stage of statistical research - statistical observation is the information characterizing each unit of a statistical aggregate. However, the ability to reflect the patterns and trends in the dynamics of studied phenomena with the help of even the most complete characteristics of single facts are limited. Such data is obtained only as a result of a statistical report. Summary is an ordering, systematization and generalization of statistical data obtained during statistical observation. Only the proper processing of statistical material makes it possible to identify the essence of socio-economic phenomena, characteristic features and essential features of individual types, detect patterns and trends in their development. There are a summary of a simple and group, or a summary in a narrow and wide understanding. A simple summary is counting common results in groups and subgroups and the design of this material in the table. As a result, a simple report of statistical data can be determined by the number of enterprises, the total number of personnel, the volume of manufactured products in monetary terms. These general results are mainly informative. They give a generalized characteristic of a totality in the form of absolute values.

A group summary, or a summary of a wide understanding, is a complex process for multilateral processing of primary statistical data, i.e. Data obtained as a result of observation. It includes a grouping of statistical data, the development of a system of indicators for the characteristics of groups, counting group and general outcome, the calculation of generalizing indicators. The task of a statistical summary as the second stage of statistical research is to obtain generalizing indicators for information and reference and analytical purposes. A summary of mass statistical data is carried out according to a previously developed program and plan. In the process of developing the program, the subject and leaky reports are determined. This is the object of the study, dissected on groups and subgroups. Taken - indicators that characterize the subject to reports. The report program is determined by the tasks of statistical research.

The statistical summary is performed according to a predetermined plan. In terms of summary, questions are resolved about how to carry out information on the generalization of information - manually or by a mechanized manner, about the sequence of individual reports. The timing of the execution of each stage and the summary as a whole, as well as the methods of presenting the results of the summary are set. These can be distribution rows, statistical tables and statistical graphs.


1. Methods for obtaining source data

2. Statistical summary and grouping of primary data

2.1 Grouping

2.2 Determination of the average arithmetic and structural medium

2.3 Histogram and Cumulat

2.4 Cost of fixed assets

2.5 Product volume

3. Correlation analysis

3.1 Research of communication between factor and effective features. Building a correlation table

3.2 Determination of the degree of tightness

4. Regression analysis

4.1 Modeling

4.2 Prediction


Used literature and programs


A statistical study of phenomena of public life begins with a stage of statistical observation, during which, in accordance with the cognitive objectives and tasks, an array of source data is formed about the object being studied, i.e. An information base of the study is formed, on which accounting and control, planning, statistical analysis and management are carried out. At this stage, methods of mass observation are used, based on the "Law of large numbers", because The quantitative patterns of mass phenomena clearly manifest themselves when studying only a sufficiently large number of socio-economic phenomena and processes.

Any statistical observation should be prepared and is carried out on a well-developed plan, which includes issues of methodology, organization and technology collection techniques, controlling its quality and reliability. Thus, statistical observation must have a program and organizational plan. At the same time, it is necessary to solve questions about the method, form, form, means, timing, location of the organization and conduct of observation, etc., than, in turn, it is determined by its planning.

Statistical observation should be carried out not spontaneously, on occasion to occasion, but systematically: either continuously or periodically - at equal intervals. This is determined by the space-time variation of the studied socio-economic phenomena and processes.

Statistical observation can be conducted by state statistical authorities, research institutes, economic and analytical services of various organizational structures.

The second stage of statistical research is the statistical summary and grouping of statistical observation data. As a result of statistical observation, information about each unit of aggregate is obtained, which possesses numerous signs varying in time and space. Under these conditions, there is a need to systematize and summarize the results of statistical observation and obtaining on this basis the summary characteristics of the entire object with the help of generalizing indicators in order to determine the characteristic features, specific features of the statistical aggregate as a whole and its separate components and detect the patterns of the studied socially -Economic phenomena and processes. From the above, the need to report primary statistical material.

The statistical summary is carried out on a specially developed program that provides the completeness and accuracy of the results obtained. This program contains a list of groups to which the set of observation units may be broken down by individual features, as well as a system of indicators characterizing the totality of phenomena as a whole and its separate parts.

The third stage of statistical research is an analysis of statistical information. At this stage, according to the results of statistical research, conclusions are obtained, useful for practical actions, and is also predicting the studied phenomenon or process.

1. Methods for obtaining source data

In order to study the dependence of the volume of products from the value of fixed assets for the period 2006-2007. The territorial authority of state statistics in the Chelyabinsk region was organized a statistical study of instrument-making enterprises.

Percentage of 20% typical sample.

The object of statistical observation is a set of instrument-making enterprises in Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region. The reporting unit of statistical observation is instrument-making enterprise.

In order to improve the system of sample surveys of instrument-making enterprises, the Gositomstat of the Russian Federation has developed a target program.

According to the program in order to save resources, 20% of the total number of enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region acting on the date of work will be investigated. The activities of the program included a number of organizational and methodological and technological work, ensuring the preparation and conduct of selective surveys of instrument-making enterprises, the subject of which covers such a question as the dependence of the volume of products from the cost of fixed assets. In order to ensure proper procedures for the preparation of sample surveys of enterprises, the activities of the Program also includes issues of training personnel on survey and conducting outreach work. The implementation of the program is assumed to be implemented during 2008-2009. The results of the sample surveillance of instrument-making enterprises in Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region in two indicators (the volume of products and the cost of fixed assets) are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 . Main indicators of instrument-making enterprises in Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region for the period 2006-2007.

Plant number

The cost of fixed assets,

Volume of products, million rubles.

Plant number

The cost of fixed assets,

Volume of products, million rubles.

2. Statistical summary and grouping of primary data

2.1 Grouping

According to statistical observation, it can be seen that the variation of features is manifested in comparatively narrow boundaries and the distribution is uniform. In this case, the grouping is built with equal intervals. The number of groups depends primarily on the degree of seducing the characteristic: the greater the sections of the sign (variation variation), the more groups can be formed. Below are formulas for building a statistical group.

T. K. The volume of the selective aggregate is not large, then to determine the number of groups we use the formula:

The magnitude of the interval h. according to the formula:

The value obtained by formula (1.2), which will be a step of the interval, are rounded (rounding should not differ from the source value by more than 10-15%). At the same time, for the first interval, the lower boundary will be, and the top - (+ h. ) etc. Thus, the lower boundary of the interval is equal to the upper boundary (I -1) interval. Abstract \u003e\u003e Philosophy

... stages. 1.Maintenance stages Development of sociology 1.1 day stage ... , "Maintenance Marxism questions, "art and public a life", "K ... Naturalistic interpretations public phenomena. Essence ... confidence statistical Information in sociological research ". ...

  • Marketing research in tourism

    Cheat Sheet \u003e\u003e Physical Culture and Sport

    Tourism region, scientific and statistical research in the sphere of tourism, preparation ... (commission member). 3. Main stage: Organization of work attestation ... etc.). Method - Method of knowledge, research phenomena public life, reception or reception system in ...

  • Methods statistical research (2)

    Examination \u003e\u003e Economy

    Cost life. Index... statistical research Statistical study consists of three basic Stages: statistical ... stage research; The organizational plan of its conduct is drawn up; The object is defined (a set public phenomena ...

  • Statistical Methods for analyzing macroeconomic indicators (1)

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Marketing

    ... statistical Studies ............................................................................................... ..4 2.2. System statistical Macroeconomics indicators .................. ..6 2.3. Maintenance ... level life Population ... stage statistical research Apply the method statistical ... public phenomena Reflected ...

  • State General Education

    Higher professional education

    "Altai State Medical University"

    Federal Health and Social Development Agency

    Department of Economics and Management


    in the discipline "Medical Statistics"

    on the topic: "Stages of statistical research"



    Barnaul - 2009.

    Introduction ........................................................................................3

    1.1 Statistical observation ............................................. ......... 5

    1.1.1 Classification of statistical observation on various features ....................................................................................... 7

    1.1.2 Software-methodical issues of statistical observation ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12

    2 Summary and grouping of statistical monitoring materials. The concept of a statistical summary, its tasks and content ........................ ..15

    3 rational forms of presentation of statistical material ... ... ...... .18

    3.1 Statistical Table and its elements ............... ... ..................... 18

    3.2 Graphic method for studying commercial activities ...... ..... 19

    4 Solution of the problem ....................................................................................20

    Conclusion .................................................................................... .21

    List of used literature ............................................. ... ....... 22


    Sanitary (medical) Statistics studies issues related to medicine, hygiene, health care. It is an important part of social hygiene and health care and at the same time constitute one of the statistics industries.

    Sanitary statistics distinguish three main sections: population health statistics, health statistics and clinical statistics.

    Sanitary statistics:

    identifying the peculiarities of the state of health of the population and factors defining it;

    study of data on the network, activity and frames of the LPU, as well as data on the results of therapeutic and recreational activities;

    the use of sanitary statistics methods in experimental, clinical, hygienic and laboratory studies.

    Materials of sanitary statistics are aimed at finding ways to improve public health and improving the health system.

    Health statistics are used for:

    one). Currently, the development of in-depth medical and biological, physical, and other research methods, the introduction of new diagnostic techniques leads to the accumulation of numerical data characterizing the state of the body and the environment. Taking into account the amount of information about the body, you can understand the need for data synthesis using statistical methods;

    2). Determining the norms of sanitary and hygienic nature, calculating doses of drugs, determination of physical development standards, evaluating the effectiveness of the methods of prevention and treatment used.

    Accounting and estimated indicators reflect the volume or level of the phenomenon under study; Analytical indicators are used to characterize the characteristics of the development of the phenomenon, prevalence in space, the ratio of its parts, the relationship with other phenomena.

    Statistical methodology represents a combination of general rules (principles) and special techniques and methods of statistical research. General rules of statistical research proceed from the provisions of the socio-economic theory and principle of the dialectical method of knowledge. They constitute the theoretical base of statistics. Based on the theoretical base, statistics applies specific methods of digital lighting of the phenomenon that find their expression in three stages (stages) of statistical research:

    1. Mass scientific and organized observation, with which the primary information about individual units (factors) of the phenomenon is obtained.

    2. Grouping and a summary of the material, which are the dismemberment of the entire mass of cases (units) for homogeneous groups and subgroups, calculation of the results for each group and subgroup and the design of the results obtained as a statistical table.

    3. Processing of statistical indicators obtained during the summary, and analysis of the results to obtain substantiated conclusions about the state of the studied phenomenon and the patterns of its development. This is the concept of science - statistics. The subject of statistics, like science, is the study of the quantitative side of mass social phenomena in an inextricable connection with their qualitative characteristic. From this definition, three main features of statistics can be distinguished:

    1. The quantitative side of phenomena is investigated;

    2. Mass social phenomena are investigated;

    3. The quantitative characteristic of mass phenomena is given based on the study of quality parameters.

    Statistics implies the use of a set of dialectical methods of knowledge. In the process of statistical research, special methods are also applied invented for better presentation of statistical aggregates.

    The statistical aggregate is the mass of units combined with a single qualitative basis, but differing among themselves for a number of varying signs. Variation (change) of signs (more often quantitative) can occur in time, in space, in a mutual change in one attribution from the other. For example, the size of the wages of the working on the number of products issued by it.

    1.1 Statistical observation

    Statistical observation is a planned scientifically based data collection or information about socio-economic phenomena and processes. Statistical observation is the initial stage of economic and statistical research.

    1) Statistical observation must meet the following requirements: the observed phenomena must have scientific or practical value, express certain socio-economic types of phenomena;

    2) The direct mass collection must ensure the completeness of the facts relating to this issue, as the phenomena are in constant change, development. If there are no complete data, analysis and conclusions may be erroneous;

    3) to ensure the accuracy of the static, careful and comprehensive inspection of the quality of collected facts is needed, which is one of the most important characteristics of statistical observation;

    4) The scientific organization of laborement is necessary in order to create the best conditions for obtaining objective materials.

    Becoming the task manager determine the purpose of the observation. The overall goal of the lany-binding is in the management of management. The goal determines the object object - a set of phenomena, objects covered by observation. The observation object consists of certain units. The unit of aggregate can act a person, fact, subject, process, etc. The observation unit is a primary element of the statistical observation object. This element is a carrier recorded when observing the signs. The observation unit is an element of the aggregate, which is collected by the necessary data. Selecting an object and units of observation depends on specific conditions. Surveillance units have many different signs. The correctness that manifests itself is not individually phenomenon, but in the mass of homogeneous phenomena, when generalizing these statistical aggregate is called statistical pattern. To study the statistical patterns, the law of large numbers is fundamental. In a large number of observations, random multidirectional deviations are mutually repaid. In the process of observing, to register data, use the most significant or interconnected features. The clarity in determining the observation unit makes it possible to reasonably determine the recorded signs of observation with the minimum number of features related to the problem under study, phenomenon. Clarification and formation of signs of observation unit is carried out on the basis of the following general rules: these common approaches in determining signs of the observation unit are complemented by the specific features of the processes studied.

    Unit of observation should not be confused with the reporting unit. The reporting is such a unit from which the reporting data on approved forms is observed. If observation is carried out by representing reporting, the reporting unit, mainly, can coincide with the unit of observation. The reporting unit is also called informing. It may not coincide with the unit of observation.

    After determining the object, the researcher must highlight the boundaries that determine the totality studied, phenomenon. To limit the object, specific values \u200b\u200bor indication limits are set. Such quantitative limitations of the signs are called the value. This is a number of features whose quantitative value during statistical observation serves as a basis for accounting (or incompressions) of a unit in the common aggregate.

    The moment or period of observation is the time, as of which the data is recorded. The point of observation is established in accordance with the purpose, features of the phenomenon. In practice, it is also called a critical moment. Some phenomena, processes have seasonal or other cyclic components.

    1.1.1 Classification of statistical observation on various features

    Statistical observation is divided:

    1) by type of observations into 2 groups:

    On the coverage of units of aggregate on solid and unpaid;

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    Methods and main stages of statistical studies.

    Work performed student

    Gribanov A.S.



    1. Concept of statistical research

    2. Methods of statistical studies

    3. Organization and stages of statistical studies


    List of used literature


    Statistics know everything, "said Ilf and Petrov in his famous novel" Twelve Chairs "and continued:" It is known how many foods to eat in a year a medium citizen of the republic ... It is known how many hunters in the country, ballerinas ... Machines, bicycles, monuments, lighthouses and sewing machines ... How much life, full of dust, passions and thoughts, looks at us from statistical tables! .. Why do these tables need, how to make them and process, what conclusions on their foundation can be done - Statistics are responsible for these questions (from Italian Stato - the state, Latin Status - state). Thestaticism is the science studying, processing and analyzing quantitative data on a wide variety of mass phenomena in life.

    Statistical studies are firmly entered into our daily life. State and commercial structures regularly collect extensive information about society and the environment. This data is published in the form of tables and diagrams. Each person must be well oriented in the flow stream. It means, he must extract, analyze and process information, make decisions in a variety of situations.

    In my work, I will consider statistical studies that they represent, what are the methods of statistical research, how these research is organized and from what stages consist.

    1. Concept of statistical research

    Observation as the initial stage of research is associated with the collection of source data on the issue studied. It is characteristic of many sciences. However, every science has its own specifics, differing in its observations. Therefore, not any observation is statistical.

    Statistical research is a scientifically organized collection, summary and analysis of data (facts) on socio-economic, demographic and other phenomena and public life processes in the state with the registration of their most essential signs in the accounting documentation.

    Distinctive features (specific) of statistical research are: focus, organization, massiness, systemicity (complexity), comparability, documentation, controllability, practicality.

    In general, the statistical study should:

    * have a socio-beneficial goal and universal (state) significance;

    * refer to the subject of statistics in specific conditions of its place and time;

    * express the statistical type of accounting (and not accounting and not operational);

    * to be conducted according to a previously developed program with its scientifically based methodological and other security;

    * carry out the collection of mass data (facts), which reflects the entire set of causal and other factors, versatile characterizing the phenomenon;

    * register in the form of accounting documents of the established sample;

    * guarantee no observation error or to reduce them to a possible minimum;

    * providing certain quality criteria and methods for monitoring the collected data, ensuring their accuracy, completeness and meaningfulness;

    * Focus on cost-effective data collection and data processing technology;

    * To be a reliable information base for all subsequent stages of statistical research and all users of statistical information.

    Studies that do not satisfy these requirements are not statistical.

    Are not statistical studies, for example,

    observations and research: Mother for a playing child (personal question);

    viewers for theatrical formulation (no accounting documentation on spectacular);

    scientist for physicochemical experiments with their measurements, calculations and documentary registration (not massive-public data);

    doctor for patients with medical records (operational accounting);

    accountant for cash flow on the bank account of the enterprise (accounting);

    journalists for public and personal vital activity of public individuals or other celebrities (not subject to statistics).

    The statistical aggregate is a set of units with massiness, typical, high-quality homogeneity and the presence of variation.

    The statistical aggregate consists of material objects (employees, enterprises, countries, regions), is the object of statistical research.

    Statistical observation is the first stage of a statistical study, which is a scientifically organized collection of data on studied phenomena and public life processes.

    2. Methods of statistical studies

    It is necessary to focus on the fact that statistical materials will be called, which are specifically created by predetermined principles and methods, are subject to further processing by mathematical methods, i.e. The quantitative characteristics of the object being studied will be studied. They are created in two stages:

    1) primary documents (primary sources) - questionnaires, polls, questionnaires, etc.;

    2) consolidated statements, final tables that are processed by methods of mathematical statistics; These summary documents are usually called "statistics".

    Any statistical research involves the following:

    1) serious pre-work;

    2) direct data collection;

    3) work on the analysis of the data obtained.

    The study is conducted on a specific algorithm, while the passage of each stage requires the use of special methods and is closed on the content of the work being performed.

    The algorithm for conducting statistical research can be represented as follows.

    1. Development of a study program or observation program. At this stage, the objectives and tasks of the survey are determined, coverage of objects studied, the degree of object coverage, chronological and geographical framework, units of observation, indicators that are subject to fixation, the first source form for filling data, and also thought out mechanisms for collecting information, control the quality of information collection quality, processing and analyzing the data obtained.

    The observation program is a list of signs to be registered. Observation Registration Accounting Documentation

    The observation period is the time during which information is recorded.

    Critical date of observation is the date, as of which information is reported.

    2. Conducting statistical observation may be short-term or long-term (carried out throughout a period), solid or selective. As a result, as a rule, a complex of mass documents appears.

    3. Summary and grouping of statistical data - accounting and grouping of collected data, as a result of which the latter turn into a system of statistical tables and intermediate results.

    4. Analysis of the data providing for the preliminary setting of tasks carried out by methods of statistical analysis.

    5. Data interpretation is an explanation of the results obtained, comparing them with similar indicators.

    Types of statistical documents and their subsequent processing methods are determined in accordance with data collection methods, all this is reflected and is determined by the previously developed program and depends on the objectives of the study.

    At the data collection phase, statistical observation has two main forms:

    1) reporting based on the current observation, the current (permanent) registration of facts and events;

    2) Specially organized statistical observation.

    Statistical observation can be carried out by the following methods.

    1. By the time:

    1) current (continuous) observation conducted systematically;

    2) periodic observation repeated after a certain period of time (livestock census);

    3) One-time observation, carried out as necessary, without taking into account the time interval (consideration of document management).

    2. Updated observation units:

    1) solid observation, as a result of which all units of the common aggregate are examined (the general population census);

    2) not solid observation when a part of the units of the object being studied is examined in a certain way; species not solid observation are:

    a) the method of the main array, when a part of the units of aggregate is examined, which has the most obviously expressed studied signs;

    b) questionnaire observation when a set of features is being studied using a survey sheets, which is then extrapolated to the entire set;

    c) monographic observation, i.e. identifying various tendencies in the development of phenomena and characteristics in one compatibility;

    d) selective observation - a part of the studied units treated by randomly (family budget);

    e) Direct observation at which the fact is established to be registered, and on this basis, records in the registration log (form).

    In statistics, there is the following classification of information collection methods:

    Correspondent, carried out by the staff of voluntary correspondents;

    Expeditionary, implemented by orally specially trained workers;

    Questionnaire (as a questionnaire);

    Self-registration (filling the formulas by the respondents themselves);

    Jaw (marriages, children, divorces).

    Processing information obtained from primary sources is usually in systematization of information. Over time, information processing methods have changed significantly.

    Appearing initially as a system of a numerical description, which had consistent with the population and land, in the XVIII century. Founding in legislation, domestic statistics has undergone significant evolution in the XIX and XX centuries, formed as a complex, branched system based on scientific mathematical methods and computer technologies.

    By the beginning of the XX century. In the field of statistics there were serious experience, the basic principles of collecting and analyzing information were formed. The main directions of statistics, its methods (reports, surveys, census; Statistical material structure and statistical research system), laid down and tested in the XIX century, developed throughout the XX century.

    Statistical (quantitative) descriptions within the regions using the simplest arithmetic calculations were gradually changed by complex mathematical and computer methods, allowing to obtain detailed statistics, as well as predict and simulate the development of statistical indicators based on it.

    The first objects of research were the population and the land, the tasks of taxation were solved, for which the calculations of the total number of inhabitants were carried out, regular census were detected in the development of population. The main demographic characteristic was the total population. Data on the born, dead, the number of marriages, the mortality table was made up, lived to a certain age, by calculating the difference, the average population growth was determined by the amount of born and the dead over the year.

    Today, statistics use massive statistical observations, grouping method, average values, indexes, balanced method, graphic image method and other methods for analyzing statistical data.

    Gradually changed types of documents. Military-statistical descriptions and descriptions of the province "in historical, statistical and ethnographic relations", the screening books and revisions were replaced by complex selective and universal censuses ("The first universal census of the population of the Russian Empire of 1897," an agricultural census and a census of industry), a system of multi-factor reports and development of intersectoral balance of national economy by year.

    3. Organization and stages of statistical studies

    To obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bone or another phenomenon, draw conclusions, it is necessary to conduct a statistical study. The subject of statistical research in health care and medicine may be the health of the population, the organization of medical care, various sections of the activities of medical and preventive institutions, the factors of the external environment affecting the state of health.

    The methodological sequence of the statistical study is made up of certain stages.

    Stage 1. Drawing up a plan and research program.

    Stage 2. Material collection (statistical observation).

    3 stage. Material Development, Statistical Grouping and Summary

    4 stage. Statistical analysis of the studied phenomenon, formulation of conclusions.

    5 stage. Literary processing and registration of the results obtained.

    Upon completion of statistical research, recommendations and management decisions are developed, the implementation of the research results are being implemented, effectiveness is estimated.

    In statistical research, the most important element is observing strict sequence in the implementation of these stages.

    The first stage of the statistical study - the preparation of the plan and program is the preparatory, which determines the purpose and objective of the study, the plan and the research program is drawn up, the program of the statistical material report is being developed and organizational issues are being developed.

    The goal determines the main direction of the study and is, as a rule, not only theoretical, but also practical. The goal is clearly formulated, clearly, unequivocally.

    For the disclosure of the goal, the objectives of the study are determined.

    An important point of the preparatory stage is the development of the organizational plan. The organizational plan of the study provides for the definition of a place (administrative and territorial borders of the observation), time (specific timing of monitoring, the development and analysis of material) and the subject of the study (organizers, performers, methodological and organizational management, sources of financing research).

    The study plan includes:

    Determination of the object of the study (statistical aggregate);

    The scope of the study (solid, not solid);

    Species (current, one-time);

    Methods for collecting statistical information. The research program includes:

    Definition of observation unit;

    List of questions (accounting) to be registered with respect to each observation unit *

    Development of an individual accounting (registration) form with a list of issues and signs subject to accounting;

    Development of table layouts in which the results of the study are then entered.

    A separate form is filled with each unit of observation, it contains a passport part, clearly formulated, supplied in a specific sequence of the program and the date of filling out the document.

    To ensure the possibility of a statistical data development of these documents, it makes a drawing of information on specially designed accounting forms, the content of which is determined in each individual case in accordance with the objectives of the study.

    Currently, in connection with the machine processing of observation results using a computer, the programs of the program may be formalized when the questions in the accounting document are put in the form of an alternative (yes, no), or are offered ready-made answers from which a certain answer should be selected.

    At the first stage of the statistical study, along with the observation program, the summary program is drawn up, which includes the establishment of the principles of grouping, the allocation of grouping features, determining the combinations of these signs, drawing up statistical tables.

    The second stage - collecting statistical material (statistical observation) - is to register individual cases of the studied phenomenon and characterizing their accounting signs in registration forms. Before and during the implementation of this work, instructions (oral or written) observation performers are carried out, providing them with registration forms.

    By time, statistical observation may be current and one-time.

    Under the current observation, the phenomenon is studied for some separate period of time (week, quarter, year, etc.) through everyday registration of the phenomenon as each case occurs.

    With a one-time observation, statistics are collected on a certain (critical) moment of time. One-time registration reflects the state of the phenomenon at the time of study. This type of observation is used to explore slowly changing phenomena.

    The choice of type of observation in time is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study.

    Depending on the completeness of the coverage of the studied phenomenon, it is distinguished by a solid and not solid study.

    With a continuous study, all those part of the observation unit are studied, i.e. General population. A continuous study is carried out in order to establish the absolute sizes of the phenomenon. The solid method applies and in cases where the information is necessary for operational work.

    With a continuous study, only part of the general population is studied. It is divided into several types: a questionnaire, monographic, main array, selective.

    The monographic method - gives a detailed description of individual associations characteristic of any respect and deep, comprehensive description of objects.

    Method of the main massif - involves the study of those objects in which a significant majority of observation units are concentrated. The disadvantage of this method is that the part of the totality remains a non-engaged study, although a small size, but which can differ significantly from the main array.

    A questionnaire is a collection of statistical data using a specially developed questionnaire addressed to a certain circle of persons. This study is based on the principle of voluntaryness, so the questionnaire is often incomplete. Often the answers to the questions are imprinting subjectivity and chance. This method is used to obtain an approximate characteristic of the phenomenon under study.

    The selective method is reduced to the study of some specially selected part of the observation units to characterize the entire general population. The advantage of this method is to obtain a high degree of reliability, as well as a significantly lower cost. The study employs a smaller number of performers, in addition, it requires less time.

    By the method of obtaining information during the statistical observation and the nature of its implementation, several types are distinguished:

    1) direct observation

    2) sociological methods: interview method (full-time survey), questionnaire (permanent survey - anonymous or not anonymous), etc.;

    3) Documentary research.

    The third stage - grouping and a summary of the material - begins with checking and clarifying the number of observations, completeness and correctness of the information obtained, identifying and eliminating errors, duplicates of entries, etc.

    For proper material development, encryption of primary accounting documents is applied, i.e. The designation of each character and its group is familiar with alphabet or digital. Encipher is a technical technique that facilitates and accelerating the development of a material that improves the quality, development accuracy. CIFRES - CONDITIONAL SUBBOTS - are produced arbitrarily. When encrypted diagnoses, it is recommended to use the International Nomenclature and Classification of Diseases; With the encryption of professions - profession in the dictionary.

    The advantage of encryption is that, if necessary, after the end of the main development, you can return to the material for development in order to clarify new links and dependencies. The encrypted accounting material allows you to make it easier and faster than unencrypted. After checking, a grouping of signs is carried out.

    Grouping is the dismemberment of the totality of the data under study for homogeneous, typical groups for the most essential features. The grouping can be carried out according to quality and quantitative features. The choice of a grouping feature depends on the nature of the common aggregate and objectives of the study.

    The typological group is made according to high-quality (descriptive, attribute) features.

    Grouping on quantitative (variational) features are carried out based on the numerical dimensions of the feature. Quantitative grouping requires a solution to the issue of the magnitude of the grouping interval: the interval may be equal, and in some cases unequal, even include the so-called open groups.

    When determining the number of groups, research is based on the purpose and objectives. It is necessary that the groupings can open the patterns of the phenomenon under study. A large number of groups can lead to excessive crushing of material, unnecessary detail. A small number of groups leads to the simplicity of characteristic features.

    Having finished grouping material, proceed to the summary.

    Summary - a generalization of single cases obtained as a result of a statistical study, in certain groups, their counting and making tables.

    A summary of statistical material is carried out using statistical tables. The table, not filled with numbers, is called a layout.

    Statistical tables are lugged, chronological, territorial.

    The table has to be both faithful. Statistical subjects are usually located along the horizontal lines on the left side of the table and reflects the main, the main feature. Statistical faithful placed from left to right along vertical graphs and reflects additional accounting.

    Statistical tables are divided into simple, group and combinational.

    In simple tables, the numerical distribution of the material is presented on one basis, the components of it. A simple table contains usually a simple list or result over the entire totality of the phenomenon under study.

    When drawing up tables, certain requirements must be followed:

    Each table must have a title reflecting its content;

    Inside the table, all graphs must also have clear brief names;

    When filling out the table, all table cells must contain appropriate numeric data. The remaining blanks due to the lack of this combination of the cell cells are firing ("-"), and in the absence of information in the cell, "N.S." is affixed or "...";

    After filling the table in the bottom horizontal row and in the last right, the vertical column is summed up by the vertical graph and horizontal rows.

    Tables must have a single sequential numbering.

    In studies with a small volume of observations, the summary is carried out manually. All accounting documents are laid out into groups in accordance with the cipher of the feature. The following is calculated and recorded data into the appropriate table of the table.

    The fourth stage is a statistical analysis - is the responsible stage of the study. At this stage, the statistical indicators (frequencies, structures, the average sizes of the phenomena study) are calculated, their graphic image is given, the dynamics, trends are studied, the links are established between phenomena. Prognoses are given, etc. An analysis involves the interpretation of the data obtained, assess the reliability of the results of the study. In conclusion, conclusions are made.

    Fifth stage - literary processing is the final. It implies the final design of the results of a statistical study. Results can be decorated in the form of article, report, report, dissertations, etc. For each type of registration, there are certain requirements that must be respected in the literary processing of the results of a statistical study.


    To explore various public and socio-economic phenomena, as well as some processes occurring in nature, special statistical studies are held. Any statistical study begins with a targeted collection of information about the studied phenomenon or process.

    The purpose of a statistical study, like any scientific study, is to reveal the essence of mass phenomena and processes, as well as inherent patterns. A distinctive feature of these patterns is that they are not related to each individual unit of aggregate, but to the entire mass of units as a whole. The general principle underlying the study of statistical patterns is the so-called law of large numbers.

    To summarize and systematize the data obtained as a result of statistical observation, their signs are divided into groups and the results of the group are reduced to the tables.

    When a statistical study, after collecting and grouping, data is transferred to their analysis, using various generalizing indicators for this.

    List of used literature

    1. Eliseeva I.I. Social statistics Tutorial 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. -M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003.

    2. Statistical research methods / Electronic source (

    3. Legal statistics: Tutorial / Ed. B.C. Lyalina, A.V. Simonenko. -2-e ed., Pererab. and add. M.: Uniti-Dana, 2010.

    4. Sawyuk L.K. Legal statistics / textbook, M.: Lawyer, 2004.

    5. Statistics: Tutorial for bachelors / Ed. I. I. Eliseeva. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Publishing House Yurait, 2014.

    6. Encyclopedia of statistical terms. T.1. Methodological bases of statistics. FSGS, 2012.

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