Arkady Kobyakov's wife and children. Personal life, singer biography

Arkady Kobyakov's wife and children. Personal life, singer biography
Arkady Kobyakov's wife and children. Personal life, singer biography

Singer Arkady Kobyakov, his biography in Wikipedia, personal life (who is his wife), the cause of death is interested in many fans of creativity of this wonderful chanson.

Arkady Kobyakov - biography

Arkady was born in 1976 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). The boy since childhood showed musical abilities, so parents gave it to Nizhny Novgorod choral chapel, where he studied singing and playing the piano. But as for his behavior, it was not exemplary. Arkady was a hooligan and affected street, which gave its results, and at the age of 14 he made theft, for which he was convicted. For three years he spent in an educational and labor colony for minors, and before going out of her life, he was presented with another terrible "surprise" - parents who have fought towards him to the colony died in an accident.

Arkady began to compose his first songs to the colony, and leading to freedom, decided to still get a musical education and entered the state philharmonic them. Rastopovich. True, it was never possible to finish learning, because in 1996 he was again deprived of his freedom, this time for a period of 6.5 years for a robbery attack.

No matter how sad, but from that time, Kobyakov did not get into place of imprisonment, and spent most of her life. In 2002, he was convicted for 4 years for fraud, and in 2008 it was again behind the bars, but for 5 years for the same article.

It is not surprising that most of its works was written in places of detention. They created dozens of songs and even lifted video clips to the most popular of them, and gradually he became popular not only among his models, but also became known to lovers of chanson Russia. When in 2006, Arkady was released, it was already quite famous and began to work as a chanson at corporate parties and in restaurants. Yes, and famous criminal authorities often invited Arcadia to gathering to listen to his songs. Despite the fact that in 2011 he once again hit the bastard, he managed to release his album - "The Arrest Soul".

When, in 2013, he was again released, he had already had a rather wide popularity among the fans of Chanson. The singer began to tour with solo concerts, repeatedly speaking in clubs in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and also released a few more unofficial albums "convoy", "Skripach", "Favorites" and "The Best Songs".

Arkady Kobyakov - Personal Life

Moreover, in the will, the singer had to be not so often, he managed to arrange his personal life. After another liberation in 2008, he met Irina Tukhbayeva, who was not frightened by his criminal past and agreed to marry him. In 2008, a couple had a son of Arseny, whom the singer considered the chief gift of fate. Arkady loved his son and his wife insanely, devoting her a lot of his songs.

Coming out to freedom from the last conclusion, Kobyakov moved with his family to Podolsk and completely devoted himself to creativity. It seemed that life began to improve - next to the singer were his beloved wife and son, and his popularity grew, about which numerous speeches were told at that time, but fate ordered otherwise.

On September 19, 2015, at the age of 39, the singer died. What caused death and where Arkady Kobyakov was buried, they asked all those who loved his work. The cause of death was bleeding, which opened as a result of the old stomach ulcers.

Farewell to chanson took place in Podolsk, and buried him at home in Nizhny Novgorod.

The biography of Arkady Kobyakov and the causes of death worry many fans of the activity of this famous singer. His life was filled with many different events. It is known that he died in autumn in 2015. The end of this person has become a real loss for his family, relatives and fans. It is known that he made a great contribution to the "Chanson" music, and his songs were valued for beautiful performance and truthful content.


Date of birth Arcadia Kobyakova - 02.06.1976. He was born in the city of Gorky, now it is Nizhny Novgorod. His training was held in high school in his hometown, and the ability to music and creativity were discovered in kindergarters.

When he was six years old, he began to learn to play the piano, but the boy's character was unusual - and for the first time he got into the colony when he was 14. His father died early, the loss of one of his parents was perceived by Arkady.

After serving the term, the young man successfully entered the philharmonic, but it does not have time to finish it, hitting the prison for the second time. In total, this person went to prison four times. Until his death, he wrote songs and engaged in creative activities.

Childhood and family

Arkady was born in a simple family - his mother worked at the factory, which manufactures goods for children, and his father worked as a senior mechanic on the automotive base. In addition to his parents, the boy communicated in childhood and with a grandmother who taught his grandson to love creativity and engage in music, and also relate to his fate easier using philosophy.

At the boy, when he went to kindergarten, educators paid attention to his unique abilities to creativity, and in particular, music. It was the teacher of Arkady that advised the father and mother of the boy to give him to the music school, since the child has to this predisposition. This idea was approved by a boy's grandmother.

As a result, the boy was given to an educational institution where he studied to play the piano. It is known that Kobyakov loved communication, but his character was hot enough, he had a reputation of a hooligan and was influenced by the street. His behavior and nature led him to the first departure in the children's colony of 3.5 years.

All this time, the teenager had to spend in the Ardatovian colony for minor criminals. Shortly before Arkady was supposed to leave the term, his father dies. This sad news has become a real tragedy for the young man, leaving a serious imprint.

At the time of staying in the colony for minors Arkady began writing songs. After he learned about the sad news, the future chanson wrote the text of the song "Hello, Mom". It was one of the first serious works that penetrated his fans, forcing it to feel the whole pain he experienced.

In the future, it was for his unique creativity of Arkady to receive glory - almost all his works are melodious and truthful, he wrote them, relying on his sad life experience.

When the singer came out of the colony, he continued to learn, enrolling in Philharmonic, but he could not complete learning. However, his past and imprisonment was prevented by him, he did not have parental support, and he again began to engage in unlawful actions. In the mid-90s. He again fell behind the grille for robbery.

Musical Career and Recognition

Based on the biography of Arkady Kobyakova, the cause of the death of which was health problems, he spent most of his life in prison. At the beginning of zero, he was convicted of fraud, and at the end - for five years for the same crime.

He most seriously engaged in writing songs in the period of serving the third term, in the camp called "South". In the whole 4 years he spent in this place, and during this time they were written many works.

About the singer, having a heavy destiny, began to recognize not only those present in prison, but also fans of Chanson. After liberation in the middle of zero, the singer worked as a chanson in various public institutions, such as restaurants, and also invited to various corporate parties and businesses of authorities.

After A.Kobyakov again went to jail, he did not throw music and continued to engage in creativity, and in 2011, with Yuri, the bone gave an idea for prisoners. They were released several collections of their songs.

Prison and exemption

The first time was in Arkady prison in 1990, when he was 14 years old. He was convicted more than three years for theft, and he sat in a colony. He came out of the conclusion in 1995, wanting to enter an educational institution and make music. He succeeds, but he did not have time to finish it.

The second time I went to prison in the mid-90s for robbery. He was sentenced to six and a half years. He was published in 2002, however, according to media reports, he was again in prison in the same year for fraud for four years.

After going to liberty in the middle of zero, Arkady worked as a singer in various public institutions. However, in 2008, he receives his fourth term for 5 years for fraud.

Thus, most of his life he spent behind bars. He came to freedom in 2013. Arkady Kobyakov devoted his biography of creativity, but the cause of death in 2015 was bleeding, and he died very early - at the time of death he was only 39 years old, and he managed to live on freedom at all.

Work after liberation

At the time when the singer was released after his last period in 2013, he had already gained fame among chanson fans. Many of his songs were popular and in demand by fans.

05/24/2013 Arkady K. gave a concert in a famous club in Moscow. A lot of people gathered who liked the creativity of the singer. Kobyakov played in many famous cities of Russia - St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, and of course, the capital of Moscow, as well as other places.

He performed in a duet with other chanson, which were famous and recognizable for fans.

Personal life

It is known that the singer spent most of his life behind bars, and he died very early. Despite this, he had his own family. In 2006, after liberation, starting his career, chanson, he met his future wife Irina T.

Tukhbaeva Irina was not afraid that the past singer was criminal, and agreed to become his wife. As for the children, Arcadia in 2008 was born a son, which was called arsion.

For chanson, the main thing in life was a family, it can be understood from the photo that is on the Internet. The pictures can be seen how Kobyakov hugs with his wife as he looks at her. Most likely, it was the separation from his relatives who became a real test for the singer when he was put in prison for the fourth time. During his time, Kobyakov's career devoted his wife the work in which his love for her was described. According to close chanson, he loved his family - his wife and child, was tied to them and wanted to become a great dad for her son.

The death of Arkady became a real grief for his wife and the son of the artist. Irina for a long time did not announce the details of the funeral and farewell with her husband.

The music that the artist composed was truthful and was a reflection of his difficult fate. It is thanks to his talent and truthful songs he received respect for his fans. He is famous enough, according to the latest news of 2018, his songs and clips are typing views so far.

His works make the listener imbued with the situation and empathize the singer, most of the works are sad, some of them he dedicated to his spouse. In 2012, he released My Soul album, in which almost all songs were written in prison. There in their works is told about the tragic destiny of the prisoner.

In the album "convoy" songs are written specifically for fans of creativity. There works are devoted to the fact that people are evil and unfair. The album "The best" contains ten most successful songs.

Death and funeral

The death date of the singer - 09/19/2015. In the last year, the singer lived in front of the tragic event in Podolsk. There he continued to engage in creativity and write works. He was invited to various celebrations and events, built a successful crason career.

The biography of Arkady Kobyakov Draw - the cause of death was the disease of the stomach, which caused bleeding. At the time of death, a man was 39 years old. I said goodbye to him in Podolsk, but the funeral was held in his hometown.

Is the singer really spent most of his life in prison?

Biography and personal life of this early from the life of the artist Chanson is unknown by the secret - it is not known whether Arkady Kobyakov's wife really existed, or she, like some of his life, only fiction, who worked, who tried to create a certain image of the singer. And Arkady Kobyakov, most likely, no, at least about their existence, no information is given anywhere.

Arkady was born in Nizhny Novgorod, then the city of Gorky, in June 1976 in the family of workers. His mother also worked in production, and the boy's upbringing was mainly engaged in her grandmother.

Arcadia's vocal abilities manifested themselves early - in the kindergarten, teachers immediately paid attention to this and included the speeches of Arkashi Kobyakov in Mountains and concerts.

According to one of the versions, at six years he began to learn the game on the piano, but it is not known how much this training lasted.

In the school, Arkady did not show much interest in his studies, he was more interested in entertainment with friends. According to one of the legends, made about the early biography of the artulter of Chanson, Mother Kobyakov left the family, throwing his son to his father and grandmother, and on the other - his parents died in a car accident, but what happened in the personal life of Arkady at that time complicated.

The lack of parental attention and proper education, as well as the influence of the street led to the fact that at fourteen years Arkady Kobyakov got into the children's colony under Ardatov, in which he spent three and a half years.

He began to compose songs in school years, did not throw this classes and in the colony, where he wrote one of his most piercing songs "Hello, Mom". The song was so soulful and melodic, which immediately liked his first listeners.

They say that coming to freedom, Arkady Kobyakov decided to start a biography again, and entered the Academy. Rostropovich, but whether it was actually, again it is unknown.

On the freedom of Kobyakov, only two and a half years later and went to jail again, now not for theft, as for the first time, and for a robbery attack, having received a longer period - six and a half years.

But it was not the last period received by the Chanson performer - he twice went to prison, where he spent nine years old, and all this time he continued to compose songs. For the third time, the punishment of Kobyakov was serving in the camp "South", and in four years stayed there he recorded not one dozen songs.

The work of the prison musician attracted the attention not only by his cellmates, but also other music lovers in the genre "Chanson". After liberation in 2006, Arkady continued his creative activity, began to perform in restaurants, on corporate parties, and everywhere he was able to successfully success.

In 2011, the first album was released with the songs of Arkady "The Arrest Soul", followed by four more. After her last period, ending in 2013, and from the prison dashes of Kobyakov came out by the already famous performer of thieves and prison songs.

He continued to work in restaurants, gave a solo concert in the metropolitan club "Butyrka". In addition, Arkady went to tour, and his songs sounded on the radio.

Considering that most of the life of Kobyakov spent behind bars, he failed to arrange his personal life. In some online publications, you can find information that the singer married, and the wife of Arkady Kobyakova was a certain Irina Tuhbayev. However, the Concert Director of the Contractor claims that no wife, and even more so children Arkady Kobyakov never existed.

For your short life, this famous executor of Chanson managed to record over eighty compositions. In 2014, Arkady Kobyakov's cooperation began with Gold Chanson, which helped him reassine the already famous songs, record new, remove several clips.

With its concerts, the singer visited more than a hundred Russian cities, performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Kobyakov died on September 19, 2015 due to bleeding caused by the exacerbation of the stomach ulcers - this was the official conclusion of doctors. Last years, Arkady lived in his apartment in Podolsk, where he found his body. The police began investigating the causes of this tragic incident, but no crime in the death of the singer was found.

After the death of Kobyakov, rumors appeared that he was alive, and death is just a staging, arranged by Arkadyan himself in order to disappear from the field of view of certain people. Arkady Kobyakov buried at his small homeland, in Nizhny Novgorod.

The sustainable end of Arkady Kobyakov caused interest among many of his fans not only for creativity, but also to the biography, and the personal life of the famous singer Chanson. In September 2015, he was found dead in his apartment. Doctors stated death from internal bleeding, the reason for which the ulcer served. Care from the life of this talented author of songs, and an excellent artist has become an unexpected and severe loss.

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Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich was born on June 2, 1976 in Nizhny Novgorod (at the time of birth, the city was called bitter). His father is Oleg Glebovich, and the mother - Tatyana Yurevna, were simple people, as the "workers" said. Father worked as a bus in the position of senior mechanics, and Mom was at the factory of children's toys. In the family, the child was one - Arkady. There was still a grandmother who and instigated the boy love for music.

The boy in the usual Nizhny Novgorod high school studied. An unusual musical abilities were, on which teachers appealed in kindergarten. And in 6 years he gave the Nizhny Novgorod choir chapel of boyswhere he studied to play the piano. But I did not have time to make it possible. Ros Arkady, though sociable child, but rather hot, "hooligan" - the most common description of the teenager. In 1990 (at the age of 14), he was sentenced to 3.5 years due to its hot character. It was his first prison sentence that was serving the guy in a children's colony.

Shortly before liberation in 1993, his father was completely ridiculous and tragicly died, hitting a terrible accident, driving on a date to his son. This incident left a deep mark in the soul, and most likely in creativity, Arkady Kobyakov.

In 1995, Arkady is serving a sentence and comes out of prison. In the same year he enters the academic state philharmonic named after M.L. RostropovichBut it will not have time to finish it. In 1996, he is in prison for the second time. Committing to freedom in 2002, did not have time to help you enjoy freedom, he sits in prison for the third time for four years.

In 2006, immediately after liberation, Arkady shason begins to workHe sings on corporate and restaurants. But it continues for a long time, in 2008 he receives the fourth term for five years. Most of his and so short life Arkady spent in prison:

  • 1993 - 3.5 years (theft),
  • 1996 - 6.5 years (robbery),
  • 2002 - 4 years (fraud),
  • 2008 - 5 years (fraud).

In the spring of 2013, he receives long-awaited freedom and fully immersed in creativity. Until the death, in September 19, 2015, at 5:30 am, the life of Arkady Kobyakov will turn around. Since the last years Arkady lived in Podolsk, there was a farewell with an artist, but buried him next to his parents in Nizhny Novgorod.

Personal life

Arkady all his life was an open person, such "Rubai-guy"who could position any person to himself. So, in 2006 (already after three prison deadlines!), Speaking on corporate countries, he meets the charming girl - Irina Tukhbaeva. Not frightened "Dark" past chansonIrina comes out married him. In 2008, their son is born - Artemy.

Arkady never hid his personal life, and everyone can find numerous photos of his family on the net, on many of whom he is gentle and with delight looks at his wife. Perhaps separation from the family in 2008 (fourth imprison time) was such a serious test that there will be no violation of the law Arkady, the fourth term will be the last for him.


In various sources it is written that the artist has become interested in the colony for youngsters. But it will be more accurate to say that there he did not forget his love for music and continued to do it. Of course, life circumstances impose their imprint, and his songs are chanson. The brightest song of those first years of imprisonment became the song "Hello, Mom". Piercing and sad, written immediately after the death of the Father, it seemed to define the subsequent style of all his songs: soulfulness, melodiousness, personal soulful experience.

But the formation of Arcadia as an artist of Chanson was in its third term in the "Southern" camp. Over the years (2002 - 2006), he wrote about 80 songs, video clips were removed on the most famous. Arkady becomes a famous performer not only among the specific public of the prison (prisoners and warders), but also beyond, among ordinary people, chanson lovers.

From 2006 to 2008, chanson successfully worked. Sang not only at parties from "criminal authorities", but also on ordinary corporate countries.

Does not cease to write the songs of Arkady and in its last fourth conclusion. And in 2011 it acts for convicts with a concert, together with the famous chanson Yu.I. Bone. At about the same time (being in conclusion), he released his first official album "The Arrest Soul". When in 2013, Arkady enters freedom, he gives the first solo concert on May 25 in the Moscow club "Butyrka".

From the summer of 2014, he cooperates, quite actively and successfully, with Gold Chanson. Within the framework of this cooperation, the old songs were not only reissued, but new ones were written. In 2014, music clips were shot on songs "If you love", "the flickering of stars", "I'm only passage", "I will not forget", "there is no way to run", "everything is behind", "on the chance", "thousands planets "and" breeze ". In the same period, 2014, the second album Kobyakov "Veterok".

In 2015 (in just six months), Arkady traveled with concerts of more than 100 cities of Russia. In September, shortly before his death, another clip was filmed on the song "Lead at Dawn". So arkadium left, as "promised" in the song at dawn, in a shelter morning.

After his death in 2016, his work was published:

  • album "Hello, Mom",
  • new album "I'll throw the world to your feet",
  • video clips on the song "Lead at dawn", "such as a lot" and "Girl at the River".

In contact with

Arkady Kobyakov was born in Nizhny Novgorod on June 2, 1976 (then this city was named bitter). Parents of the future chanson were people simple: Mom, Tatiana Yurevna, was a working on the enterprise for the manufacture of children's toys, and father, Oleg Glebovich, worked by the senior mechanic of the Avtobaz. The family of the artist included not only parents, but also a grandmother, who judging by the interview, since childhood instigated the grandson of love for music and taught him philosophically to relate to life.

Group VK

When Arkady Olegovich was still a small boy Arkasha, the teacher of a kindergarten, in which his parents were distinguished, drew attention to the musical abilities of the future artist. She strongly recommended Tatiana and Oleg to identify a child to school with a musical bias. The grandmother Arkady was supported by this idea, and, ultimately, at the sixth age, he became a student of Nizhny Novgorod choral chapel for boys in the class of piano.

Group VK

Kobyakov grew to sociable and, alas, a rather hooligan "shirt-guy", quite easily influenced the street. What led him, because of its hot and hooligan, to the first criminal term.

Group VK

For three and a half years, the Ardatov Educational and Labor Colony for minors became over the head for Kobyakov. But after that, the history of the life of the famous artist never ceased to present unpleasant "surprises". Shortly before his liberation, in December 1993, the Father Arkady dies with ridiculous circumstances.

Start of a creative path

Even during the rejection in the children's colony, Arkady Kobyakov began writing songs. The most striking example of his work of that period was the song "Hello, Mom", written shortly after the death of the singer's parents. Piercing and sad, she absorbed all that fans later loved the artist: mental pain, melodiousness of the musical component and the basis on the sorrowful experience of Kobyakov.

Committing to freedom, Arkady decided to continue his musical education. He successfully enrolled in the academic state philharmonic. Mstislav Rostropovich, but, alas, and did not finish training in this educational institution. The prison past gave itself to know, and the parents who would have been releasing a matured son from the final transition to the curve of the criminal track, there was no longer there. And in 1996, Kobyakov again went to the seats not so distant - this time for the robbery attack, for six and a half years.

Musical Career and Recognition

Alas, and subsequently Arkady Kobyakov conducted a significant part of his life in imprisonment. So, in 2002 he was condemned for four years for fraudulent frauds, and in 2008, according to the same article, Arkady went to prison for five years. Therefore, it is not surprising that a significant part of his work was created precisely in places of detention.

The most seriously the artist was carried away by musical creativity during his third rejection, in the camp "South". For four years, held in this camp, Kobyakov recorded several dozen songs and even removed seven video clips to the most popular of them. Not only the cemers and warders learned about the young singer and composer with difficult fate, but also lovers of chanson from all over Russia. Freed in 2006, the artist worked for chanson in restaurants and on corporate parties, as well as on the gatherings of domestic criminal authorities.

Once again, hitting the grille, Arkady continued to write music. Moreover: in 2011, together with the famous chanson from Tyumen Yuri Ivanovich, Kostyakov gave a concert for prisoners camp. At about the same period, the first official album of the artist was released, called the "Arrest Soul". Subsequently, the artist released a few more plates: "My Soul", "Convoy", "Best", "Favorites".

Work after liberation

From its latest conclusion, Arkady Kobyakov was released in the spring of 2013. By that time, the artist was already very famous and popular among the fans of Chanson. His compositions "all behind", "I'm only passing", "breeze", "go at dawn", "And over the night camp", "I'll become wind", "don't call me", "It's time to say goodbye", "Frog" And many others turned out to be very in demand.

On May 24, 2013, the Contractor gave a solo concert at the Moscow club "Butyrka", which was literally filled with fans of Kobyakov's creativity. Also, the artist repeatedly performed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen, Irkutsk and other cities of Russia.

In his creative career there were duets with such chanson, like Alexander Kurgan ("Ah, if you knew") and Grigory Gerasimov ("Look in the soul").

Personal life

Despite the fact that Arkady Kobyakov, for his short life, turned out four times behind the bastard on the timing of three and a half to six and a half years old, was not lonely in his personal life. In 2006, coming out of prison and starting to speak at parties and corporate parties, he met a charming girl Irina Tukhbaeva. Irina did not frightened the difficult past of his beloved and answered "yes" on his proposal of his hand and heart.

In 2008, his wife made Kobyakov the main gift that loving and beloved man can dream of: the son of Arseny was born. Family and children have always been the main priority of chanson, about which the photos on which Kobyakov gently hugs his spouse and looks at her invariably enthusiastic look. Perhaps it was the separation of the family with the greatest test during the last sentence. Perhaps this is why the fourth time really became for the latter last.

Arkady Kobyakov |