The worst executions in the history of mankind. The most terrible torture in the history of mankind (21 photos)

The worst executions in the history of mankind. The most terrible torture in the history of mankind (21 photos)
The worst executions in the history of mankind. The most terrible torture in the history of mankind (21 photos)

The attitude to crimes and criminals in different epochs and in different countries was different, so that the rigor of punishment differed. But if a person sentenced to execution, she was very cruel. The most cruel execution for the history of mankind is horrified, since the sentence could die in the terrible torment to the weeks.

10 most cruel executions in the world

1. Chinese execution. Oddly enough, with the special cruelty of the executioner treated women. One of the most terrible executions in history was practiced in China. The sentenceded donaga and, having deprived the supports on the feet, fastened from her feet of the saw.

Execution "sawing"

Woman's hands tied to the ring. Under the influence of gravity, the victim was descended down on the cutting edges of the saw, so her body was slowly sawned from the wander to the sternum. The reasons for such a terrible punishment for us are incomprehensible, for example, prepared by the cooking rice turned out not so snow-white, as required by the color of the wisdom of the owner.

2. Quartification. In Russia, and on the territory of all of Europe, in India, China, Egypt, Persia and Rome, this penalty implied the tearing or dismemberment of the human body into several parts. Parts themselves after completion of the execution were exhibited for everyone to review. Options for dividing the criminal on a lot of things - it was ruined the horses, bulls, the tops of the trees. In some cases, the executioner was used, which cut off the limb.

Execution "Quartification"

And it is impossible to even allocate, for what type of crime such punishment was appointed. It was often used when it was necessary to make an execution execution. Therefore, quenched deserters and members of their families, state criminals, rapists, Christians in ancient Rome, etc.

3. "Tin Soldier". The prison "Alcatras" entered the story as one of the most terrible prisons in the world of executions. The leadership of the correctional establishment had an unhealthy fantasy, otherwise explaining the appearance of the "tin soldier" is simply impossible.

The condemned prisoner received the injection of heroin, after which it was watered by preheated paraffin. At the same time, the warders put a person in a funny pose from their sick point of view. When Paraffin froze, the man simply could not move more - the "Tin Soldier" was obtained. After that, the warders cut off the prisoner limb. Death from shock and blood loss lasted for hours that the executed experienced in terrible torment.

4. "Cradle Judah." Another equally cruel version of the killing of prisoners in Alcatrase is the "cradle of Judah." Salted to execution put on the pyramid, fixing the hands and body. The tip of the pyramid was placed in anus or in the vagina, so the design gradually broke the body. To speed up the process, loaded cargo to the feet of sentenced, increasing pressure.

This slow and painful death from bloodstures and sepsis took up to several days, the process accelerated to several hours with weight loss. The leadership of the famous prison borrowed this barbaric method among medieval inquisitors.

5. Keyful. For pirates, a separate set of executions was used, the terrible of which was a curse. The man was associated and stretched at the rope under the keel of the vessel.

Execution "Kelezing"

Since it lasted for a long time, then a man had time to choke, not to mention the blows about the kil himself, covered with sharp mollusks, - with a person sniffed the skin. However, such a type of punishment for disobedience to the captain, who owned absolute power on the vessel, practiced in the English fleet.

6. Uninhabited island. Another famous pirate version of the execution of the Bunovshchikov did not kill, but landed on an uninhabited island that proceeds the criminals.

A lot of unfortunate rebellies remained over the years to hold a miserable existence on the ground blocks without normal food and amenities.

7. Walking on the board. Such an embodiment of pirates is described in adventure novels.

Execution "Walking on the board"

The team captured ship was not needed by robbers, so I went to the sea. The board was put up over the board of the ship, so the person, having passed on it, fell into the sea in the mouth of the speaking sharks.

8. execution for treason. In many cultures, punishment for treason for a woman means death. The ways of execution will differ. In Turkey, the adulteress was sewn into a bag with a cat and poured on a bag. The distracted animal was spreading a woman, and convictedly died of blood loss and beatings.

In Korea, the promotion was forced to drink vinegar, and then the swollen body of the adultery beat with sticks until the weak floor was died.

9. Execution in Igil. The types of punishments adopted in ISIL (forbidden on the territory of the Russian Federation of the Organization), also belong to the discharge of cruel, but occupy far from first in the list of top 10 terrible executions.

Representatives of the group willingly distribute photos in the media photos and video of executions through the burning, decapitation, which differs little from the medieval set of torture and executions.

10. Exciration for rape. Excirations for rape often much less cruel than adultery, especially for representatives of weak gender. Nevertheless, Death to the rapist threatened not only in the Middle Ages, is relevant now in Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Pakistan, Sudan.

However, Muslim delicate right sometimes becomes the cause of strange solutions. There are precedents when, after rape executed the girl, scoring stones, because the victim allegedly seduced the rapist. In other countries, the crimes of the sexual nature of the criminal is a sentence of imprisonment from 1 to life imprisonment.

In the time of the USSR, rape carried out by a recidivist, rape, resulting in grave consequences, or the rape of the young sacrifice dealt with the death penalty. This law acted until 1997. By the way, a similar measure for rape of a child in the US state of Louisiana was canceled only in 2008.

In the old days, they were sentenced to death for all sorts of crimes: from murder to small stealing. Most often, executions were public, therefore, to attract more ZEVAK, the death act was trying to make more spectacular. And in this human imagination there was no borders.

Copper Bull

Before execution, the language was sliced, and then locked it inside the copper bull. Under the bang they burned a huge bonfire, and the poor was practically roasted in it alive. In connection with the absence of the language of screaming, he could not, so everything that he had remained is to fight the hot walls. From the blows bull rushed and, it seemed, came to life, causing a rapid delight of the crowd.

Execution of peplov

The person was locked in a close embarrassing room filled with ashes. The criminal died in long torment, which lasted sometimes several days or weeks.

Elephant penalty

Sentenced to the death penalty was given to the confusion of a specially trained elephant executioner. He felt the sacrifice, and that died of injuries. Andver the criminals that an elephant occurred on the head can be said, it was still lucky - they died quickly and without torment - while other elephant could be tormented by hours.

Bamboo execution

The famous bamboo property is a rapid growth - the sick human imagination also used torturing sentenced to death. The body of a person had over the shoots of a young bamboo, and the plant sprout through it, causing unthinkable suffering to the victim.

Milk and medical

The convict was placed in a boat, fastening his body in such a way that he could not move. For a long time, poor fell folling with milk and honey. If he refused to eat, he was poketed with a sharp stick as long as he opened his mouth. The skin of the sentence was also failed with honey. Soon the hordes of insects attracted by the sweet smell, they pounced on the body and literally eaten the poor man alive.

Bloody eagle

At the same time, the method of execution of the sentenced and put on the stomach. Then the skin on the back was plowed and overtaken by the ax, all the ribs so that they stick out the outside, like the wings. After that, a person is usually still alive. For a mellowing wounds sprinkled with salt. And only after some time, a person finally was given to die, pulling out the heart and lungs from the explosive body.


This kind of execution invented today. On the neck or waist, a man dressed a rubber tire filled with gasoline, and ignited. Sentenced to death suffocates from ugly smoke and burns alive.

Humanity has always tried to punish criminals so that other people have remembered and under the fear of tough death they would not repeat such actions. To quickly deprive the convict, which could easily be innocent, there was little life, therefore, and invented various painful executions. With such ways to execute you will introduce this post.

Garrota - penalty through a stroke or a fracture of Kadyk. The executioner twisted the thread so tight as he could. Some varieties of the garment were equipped with spikes or bolt that broke the spinal cord. Such a penalty was widespread in Spain, and in 1978 it was announced outside the law. Officially, garrot was used for the last time in 1990 in Andorra, however, according to some data it is still used in India.

Skafism is a cruel method of execution invented in Persia. The person was placed between two boats or extended tree trunks laid down on each other, so that his head and limbs remained outside. It was fed only with honey and milk, because of what a strong diarrhea was assumed. Also cooked with honey, in order to attract insects. After a while, the poor fellow was allowed to a pond with standing water, where there was already a huge number of insects, worms and other creatures. All of them slowly eaten his flesh and left the larvae in the wounds. There is also a version that honey attracted only stinging insects. In any case, a person was doomed to long flour, launched several days and even weeks.

Assyrians used freshness for torture and execution. Like a caught beast, with a person sniffed the skin. Piece of skin or all.

Ling chi was used in China, starting from the VII century and ending in 1905. This method assumed death from cuts. The sacrifice was tied to the columns and deprived some parts of the flesh. The number of cuts could be the most different. Could make some small cuts, cut off part of the skin anywhere or even deprive the victim of the limbs. The number of cuts was determined by the court. Sometimes the condemned was given opium. All this happened in a crowded place, and even after the death of the bodies of the dead for some time, left in front of everyone.

The wheel was still used in ancient Rome, and in the Middle Ages began to be used in Europe. By new time, the wheel was distributed in Denmark, Germany, France, Romania, Russia (legislatively approved under Peter I), the United States and other states. The man tied to the wheel already with broken large bones or still integer, after which they broke them with scrap or batons. Another living person was left to die from dehydration or shock, depending on what would come before.

Copper Bull is a favorite instrument of execution of Falaric, Tirana Agrigent, who ruled in the second half of the 6th century BC. e. Surprised to death was placed inside the copper hollow statue of the bull made in full size. Under the bang bred fire. It was impossible to get out of the statue, and the observers could look like from the nostril the smoke and hear the cries of the dying.

Evisceration was used in Japan. The convict removed part or all internal organs. The latter cut out the heart and lungs to extend the suffering of the victim. Sometimes the evisceration served as a ritual suicide method.

Boil began to apply about 3000 years ago. Used it in Europe and Russia, as well as some Asian countries. A sentenced to death was placed in a boiler that could be filled not only with water, but also fat, resin, butter or molten lead. At the moment of diving, the liquid could already boil, or she boils over. The executioner could accelerate the onset of death or on the contrary to prolong the flour of man. It also happened that boiling fluid poured onto a person or poured into his throat.

Place on the count for the first time began to use Assyrians, Greeks and Romans. The cola thickness could be on the stake in different ways and different. The amount itself could be inserted either into the rectum, or in the vagina, if it was women, through her mouth or through a hole, which was done in the field of genitals. Often, the top of Cola was blunt, so that the victim did not die immediately. Number with a convicted person planted on him raised up and sentenced to painful death slowly descended down under the action of gravity.

Hanging and quarters were used in medieval England to punish the traitors of the Motherland and criminals who have committed a particularly serious act. The man was hanging, but so that he stayed alive, after which they deprived the limbs. It could reach the point that the unfortunate was cut off the genitals, the eyes swore and the internal organs cut out. If a person was still alive, then he cut off his head in the end. I existed such a penalty until 1814.

Many unfortunate in the history of mankind experienced all the horrors of torture, but the worst thing is not that these terrible methods of man bullying existed. Worse, how the authors of torture sophisticated, wanting to deliver the maximum of torment to their victims.

1. Seat in the bathroom

The convict was seated in the tub, from which he was sticking out only his head. After the executioner smeared the face of the unfortunate milk and honey so that flies flies on him. The victim also regularly gave food. Ultimately, the person actually bought in his own feces and rot alive, and his flesh was eaten flies and worms.

2. Copper Bull

Copper, he is also a Sicilian bull was designed by the ancient Greeks. This is a copper design, hollow inside, and with the door on one side. Through the last part of the bull, the man was planted. After the doors were closed, the fire was bred under the construction. The bull was shaking, the victim was not his voice, and these screams resembled a bullish roar.

It was a favorite method of torture Vlad Chaining. The stick was sharpening and robbed to the ground, and a convict was placed on the edge. Under the weight of his own weight, the victim gradually moved down the coke and pierced their internal organs. Death during plantal on the thief did not occur immediately. Some died for three days. And Vlada delivered a special pleasure. Once he executed 20 thousand people and calmly watched their torments, enjoying the meal.

4. Fork Yeretika

The torture adaptation consists of a metal bar with forks at the ends. One end was put under the chin, and the second is on the collarbone. The plug was attached to the neck strap. The victims were not to fall asleep. As soon as they smeared them, the head fell, and the plug looked into the throat and the chest.

Very blasting and painful look of torture. Collar from metal and wood put on the victim on the neck. After that, for several days, a person could not lie, lower his head, is. Otherwise, his throat pierced sharp spikes.

This is one of the most famous torture, in some countries practiced to this day. It is in tied or navigation by nails of human limbs to a wooden cross. After that, the unfortunate leaves to hang out in the fresh air without food and water, almost naked. Death as a result of the crucifix comes soon. It takes several painful days to exhaustion.

Torture - pyramid on high legs. The convict was planted with crotch on the edge and tied for limbs. The man asked the cone deeper and deeper under the severity of his own weight. For the night, he was filmed from the pyramid and left in suspended state by bleeding, and the morning torture continued. Death fell within a few days, and often the reason for it was infection - the tip of the cone nobody never soap.

8. Irrings

Inside guns, as a rule, melted lead, boiling water, resin or hot oil were poured. After the mace was attached so that the contents of her droplet sacrifice on the belly or eyes.

Cabinet with a folding front wall and a huge number of spikes on the lid. A person was placed inside the Virgin, and when the lid closed, he almost could not move - every movement brought hellish pain.

10. Coffin of torture

A favorite method of torture during the Middle Ages. He was that the sacrifice was placed inside the cell size with the human body. Full people were deliberately planted in smaller cells. The closed "coffin" was suspended on a tree and left on the street to eat birds and beasts.

There are many different types of this torture, but the principle of operation of all of them is the same. Visks are intended to crush the fingers on their hands and legs, knees, elbows. There are even vice for the cranial box. At the time of the Middle Ages, this method of torture was very popular.

12. Torture Rope

The rope is the simplest, but multifunctional torture torture. People found him many applications. The rope was used on the gallows. Rafted victims were tied to the trees and left for wild beasts. The rope was used for fastening the limbs of the unfortunate horses, which were subsequently allowed to escape in different directions, and man ruined into parts.

13. Pear of suffering

Another terrible torture torture was a pear with petals dropping when spinning screw. The pear was inserted into the mouth or anal hole with the victim (girls often in the vagina) and the screw twisted gradually, thereby breaking the internal organs. The victim was dying a long painful death.

This is one of the most painful and terrible torture in the Middle Ages. The gun is a frame with ropes. The victim was tied and placed on the platform. After that, the executioner began to twist a handle that pulled the ropes attached to the limbs of the victim. As a result, the muscles rushed with the bones, the joints popped up. But even after that, the executioners continued to stretch the ropes until the limbs of the sacrifice were disappeared from the body.

Huge scissors easily cut out people languages. The mouth for the "procedure" opened forced with special stretch marks.

For someone to be in the same room with rats - it is already torture. The very essence of this method is that the sacrifice is made by the sacrifice with rodents without one wall. After attaching the construction, it was started to heat up on the other hand, and rats, trying to escape from the heat, threw themselves to their freedom through the person.

17. Toify stool

Or the chair of Judah. It is located on its surface from 500 to 1500 spikes. The sacrifice is held on a chair with hard belts. Sometimes under the chair put the heat source. The torture stool was often used to intimidate, and many he forced to "split".

18. Cement boots

The method is invented by American mafia. When mafiosi executed their enemies, they poured their legs with cement mortar. As soon as the last hardened, the man was thrown into the river.

19. Tongs - "Bibs"

Women were subjected to the same methods of torture as men. But this instrument is created specifically for them. The tongs entered the flesh and pulled out or slowly pulled out. Death fell as a result of strong blood loss.

20. Crocodiles scissors

They were used for the execution of those who rebelled against the king and tried to kill the monarch. Before crushing and cut off the sacrifice of the testicles, the scissors warmed up.

Popular torture at the time of the French revolution. Victims - a man with a woman. They were undressed, they were tied in that kind they threw sink.

The wheel of Catherine allowed to kill the victim painfully slowly. The unfortunate tied to the to the gun and began to rotate slowly. At that moment, the executioner struck the hammer on the limbs. When all the bones were broken, a living victim with a wheel was raised to a high pillar, where birds could eat its flesh.

23. Spanish Donkey

The naked sacrifice was put on the construction of wooden boards with a blade at the top. The limbs of the martyr are tied by weights. The weight increases until the blade can raise the flesh.

24. Sawing

The sacrifice was suspended upside down so that the blood was touched to the head, and she remained longer in consciousness. After that, the unfortunate began to cut in half from the perineum. Many were cut only to the abdomen to enhance the torment and extend the agony.

25. Fucky, recessed, dismembered

For the state treason in England, the times of the Middle Ages man hung, treated and quartered publicly. The victim was placed in a framework for executions. After that, the accused was suling up to death, castrated and burned in the genitals in his own eyes, and in the end quartered and cut off her heads.

From the "Hellic fork" to the egoration of insects alive - these terrible old methods of torture prove that people have always been cruel.

It is not always easy to get recognition, and to sentence someone to death, there are always many so-called creative ideas. The following terrible methods of torture and the execution of the ancient world were intended to humiliate and dehumanization of victims in their last minutes of life. Which of these methods, in your opinion, the most cruel?

"Dyba" (began to apply in ancient times)

The sacrificial ankles tied to one end of this device, and his wrists - to another. The mechanism of this device is: during the interrogation process, the limbs of the victim in different directions stretch. During this process, the bones and ligaments make astounding sounds, and while the victim is not recognized, its joints turn or worse, the victim is simply torn apart.

"Cradle Judah" (Origin: Ancient Rome)

This method was widely used in the Middle Ages to get recognition. This "cradle of Judah" feared throughout Europe. The victim was tightened by belts to limit the freedom of action, and lowered a pyramid on a chair with a seat. With each raising and lowering of the victim, the top of the pyramid lasted the anal hole or vagina more stronger, often caused septic shock or death.

"Copper Bull" (Origin: Ancient Greece)

This is what can be called hell on earth is the worst thing that may be. "Copper Bull" is a device for torture, it is not from the most complex structures, it looked just like a bull. The entrance to this design was on the stomach of the so-called animal, this is a kind of camera. The sacrifice was put inward, the door was closed, the statue was heated, and it all went on until that moment until the victim was fried to death.

"Fork Yerechika" (began to use in medieval Spain)

Used to knock out recognition during the Spanish Inquisition. On the fork of heretics was even engraved inscription on the Latin "I repent." This is a double-sided plug, a simple device recorded on the neck. 2 spikes clapped to the chest, and the other 2 to the throat. The victim could not speak or sleep, the frenza usually led to confession.

"Throttle Pear" (origin is unknown, the first mention was in France)

This device was intended for women, homosexuals and liars. Formed in the form of ripe fetus, it had a rather intimate design, and in the literal sense of the word. After it was injected into the vagina, anus or mouth, the device (which had four sharp metal sheets) revealed. Sheets expanded all wider and wider, thereby broke the victim.

Torture rats (origin is unknown, possibly United Kingdom)

Despite the fact that there are many options for torture rats, but still the most common was the one, which was in fixing the victim, so that she could not move. The rat was placed on the sacrifice body and covered with a container. The container was then heated, and the rat was desperately started looking for a way and breaking the person. The rat was digging and sinking, slowly buried in a man while he was not dying.

Crucifixion on the cross (the origin is exactly unknown)

Despite the fact that today is a symbol of the greatest religion of the world (Christianity), the crucifixion was once a cruel form of humiliating death. Surprised to nailed to the cross, they often did it in public, left hanging that all the blood from his wound wounds left and he died. Death sometimes fell only in a week. Most likely, the crucifix is \u200b\u200bstill used today (although rarely) in places such as Burma and Saudi Arabia.

Skafism (most likely appeared in ancient Persia)

Death fell because the victim was eaten by insects alive. The sentence was placed in a boat or simply tied the chains to the tree and forcibly fed with milk and honey. It happened until the victim did not begin diarrhea. Then she was left to sit in their own excrement, and insects were flown on this stench. Death usually occurred from dehydration, septic shock or gangrene.

Torture saw (began to apply in ancient times)

All, ranging from Persians and ending with the Chinese, practiced such a form of death as the sawing of the victim. Often, the victim was hung upside down (thereby enhanced blood flow to the head), between which they placed a large saw. The executioners slowly saw the human body in half, stretching the process to make death so painful as possible.