Abnormal zones of the world: Unidentified and incredible or unexplored and forgotten? The most terrible and mystical places on the planet Earth.

Abnormal zones of the world: Unidentified and incredible or unexplored and forgotten? The most terrible and mystical places on the planet Earth.
Abnormal zones of the world: Unidentified and incredible or unexplored and forgotten? The most terrible and mystical places on the planet Earth.

Today, science has reached the highest development, scientists can explain almost everything that happens on our land. At the same time, there are places on the planet that to this day keep their little secrets.

Some corners of our globe are so impregnated with mystery that it is almost impossible to find a reasonable explanation of the processes there. We invite you to get acquainted with some mysterious, in our opinion, plates planet.

Canyo Crystales is a river located in the Sierra de la Maparen mountains in Colombia. This is an unusual river. It is called the most beautiful river in the world. Most of the time a year, it looks like the most ordinary river, but in a short time interval between September and November, when the transition from the wet climate to dry, it becomes multi-colored. Red, pink, blue and green colors mainly appear thanks to the unique types of flora growing in the river bed.

This mountain is the Taoist shrine. It is often mentioned as the "Garden of the Gods". It consists of many interesting in the unusual form of forest granite columns and protrusions. Against the background of frequently changing weather conditions and permanent fogs (about 200 days a year), the Sanquin Shan mountain has a truly unearthly appearance. Visitors to this place marked the appearance of feelings of peace and peace in this zone.

Geyser, located in the Nevada State Desert, consists of three large colorful tubercles, of which it constantly shoots up 5 feet of water. This miracle was created randomly in 1916 in the process of the next drilling of wells. He worked normally until the 60s of the last century, while the heated geothermal water did not start riding through the well. Dissolved minerals began to accumulate and over time turned into large colorful mounds that you can observe in the photo. Flying geyser is a very secret place. Tourists and excursants do not allow here.

Located at the foot of Mount Fuji, Aokigahar is the most famous Japanese forest. The forest extends 3,500 hectares. It consists of twisted coniferous trees. About this place there are legends that ghosts, ghosts, spirits, demons are found here. Unfortunately, for a number of unknown reasons, this forest is the second most popular area where suicide occurred. Since the 50s of the last century, 500 people committed with them.

It is impossible to imagine a list of mysterious places without mentioning the Bermuda triangle. For those who still do not know, we remind you that the Bermuda triangle is called the territory of the triangular form in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean between Miami, the Bermuda Islands and San Juan. For many years, many inexplicable phenomena associated with the disappearance of aircraft, ships and people occurred in this place. Nobody could not explain what happened in cases in the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. Some associate such events with the advent of the mysterious sea monster, others say about the abduction by aliens, and some argue that the cause is the weather conditions.

Mopusen is the desert located in the Xinjiang Uygur district of China. The literal translation of the name is the "city of Satan" or the "City of the Devil". Going along the desert to the old abandoned city, people often reported strange inexplicable phenomena. Many visitors to this place were told that they heard the mysterious sounds and melodies, for example, guitar solo or child crying or a roar tiger. From a scientific point of view of explanation by these sounds, so far have found.

This structure is often called Sugara's eyes. It looks like a circular geographical object in the Sahara desert. Its width is about 30 miles. You will not even notice anything, being inside it. Only from a bird's eye view you can see the picture as in the photo. It was originally believed that this structure was created as a result of the fall of the asteroid, and later began to think that the cause could be the eruption of the volcano. The appearance of this object is covered by a mystery. After all, it is still not possible to explain why the structure is the perfect circle, and its rings are equidist to each other.

This miracle of nature is pleasantly pleased with the eyes. Creation was created for many years. Water saturated with white travertine flowed on the slopes of the mountains, forming the purest natural pools.

Valley are one of the most mysterious places on the planet. Such a little learned area belongs to the desert with the most extreme conditions and, perhaps, the most arid place on Earth. Every year only 4 inches of precipitation drops here. These valleys are located very strange - in the middle of ordinary ice and snow of Antarctica. They have nothing, they are absolutely naked. Even there is no vegetation. Scientists have proven that dry valleys are very similar to the surface on Mars.

This mountain is unusual, since at its top instead of a peak formed a huge plateau. It is believed that such a plateau was created as a result of geological formations under the influence of rain and wind. The plateau is often shrouded with clouds, it is a unique flora and fauna, which is no longer anywhere on Earth. Explanation of why there is a plateau of huge sizes until there is no.

Incredible facts

Our planet is full of interesting and mysterious places, whose history continues to capture us over the centuries.

And although many are trying to explain incomprehensible phenomena with the help of science, there are places that continue to surprise us with their magnificence and mysterious beauty.

Heops Pyramid, Egypt

The largest pyramid in the world, called Heops pyramid, was built about 2550 BC. By order of the Egyptian pharaoh of Heops, which was buried inside. The massive triangular tomb consists of 2.3 million stone blocks, each of which weighs somewhere between 2.5 to 15 tons. The construction of the pyramid was required by about 20,000 workers.

Some pyramid mines were left open, perhaps in order for the ideas of Egyptians, Heops could rise to the stars in the afterlife. Despite the fact that a lot has already been able to learn about the pyramid of Heops and the Giza complex, many facts about the construction and origin of the pyramid are still covered by a secret.

Roswell, New Mexico, USA

In June 1947, in Roswell, a small town in New Mexico in the United States, an estimated collapse of an unidentified flying object occurred. It is believed that the remains of aliens found there. The US Armed Forces argued that such guesses are simply nonsense and in the mid-1990s made a statement that the detected fragments were a super-secret government probe of the project Mogul.

Supporters of the UFO did not agree with this opinion, presenting claims to the government in the fact that they are trying to cover the case. It is difficult to say whether the incident was a massive cover of the government, but Roswell is still considered a mysterious place. Now the city is ready to enjoy the alien guests. To form a UFO support committee and conducting an annual UFO festival.

Giant Road, Ireland

The Giants Road is mysterious expanses of 40,000 basalt columns located on the rocky shores of Northern Ireland. Its origin is associated with an ancient volcanic explosion. But in the Irish legend there is its own version of this geological riddle in Atrim County. One of the versions, warrior giant Finn Mc Couve Built the bridge to attack his main rival Scottish giant Benandonner. According to another version, Mak Kul Used this bridge in order to save your favorite from Hebrid Islands.

By the way, the road of the giants is a few steps from the old liquor-vodka plant Bushmills, which suggests whether these myths have become the result of the unnecessary glass of whiskey.

Cappadocia, Turkey

The landscape in Cappadocia seems very strange. Thanks to volcanic eruptions, this area has become similar to the lunar landscape, which became a real find. In the second century, Christians, fleeing from Roman pursuers, carved these caches in the form of surrealistic cones and pipes Cappadocia. They remained here for years, and their original rooms turned into intricate cities with winery, bathrooms and churches.

Since the Roman Empire has fallen, and Christians dispersed, this underground city became empty. Today Cappadocia is experiencing a revival, opening its doors to numerous tourists.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is the best preserved city since the Empire Incas, solemnly recreation on the fog-covered Peruvian Andes. Perhaps it was thanks to the clouds this place was so long hidden, which acquired him the name " lost city Incov"A design that was created in about 1440 AD was abandoned during the Spanish invasion. However, his hidden location became protection against conquistadors and the place itself was in privacy until 1911, when an American historian stumbled upon him High Bingham..

Many believe that this place of Inca was a mountain shelter for the time ruler Pachati.. Landscape itself: Rocky Mountains, Emerald Greens and Swirling Clouds create an indescribable mysterious atmosphere here.

Easter Island

Stone faces located along the coast look at Easter Island, a small piece of land in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. These giant sculptures, weighing 14 tons, were called "MOAI", and their meaning of existence puzzles scientists from a long time.

Why thousands of years ago, the locals of Rapa-Nui spent so much time and energy to create these gigantic faces? There were no written evidence, but one archaeologist Joe Ann Van Tilburg It believes that these sculptures performed as mediators between the leaders of Rapa Nui and the gods, as well as heaven and earth.

Gorggy, USA

The mysterious monument was argued by Georgia, about 6 m tall, is located in the northeast of Georgia in the United States. Five granite slabs engraved in different languages, from English to Swahili, and their alleged destination was to instruct the survivors in the apocalypse on how to rebuild society. One of the instructions is reading: " Reasonably adjust the fertility, increasing the value of life preparation and manifold of humanity".

So how was this monument built? In 1979, unknown under the pseudonym mr. Christians I instructed this work of the company on the processing of stone, but his identity to the pore remains a mystery.

Stonehenge, England

At about several hours from London, one of the true global riddles is located - Stonehenge. The legacy is a prehistoric monument consisting of large standing stones whose weight reaches up to 50 tons caused a lot of assumptions.

Some argue that Druids built Stonehenge as a temple, others associate its construction with indigenous people who lived thousands of years ago. There is also an opinion that it is associated with the myth of King Arthur, in which it is argued that Merlin's wizard moved stones into this place. No one can say who built them, not to mention how they were delivered here and what the very purpose of the monument was delivered. Stonehenge still remains the most mysterious place in the world.

My home is my castle. So says the famous saying, and this is how the most people perceive their homely focus. But in any rules there are exceptions, and such strange things that cannot be not told about them. What do the most dangerous houses look like in the world? Let's try to make a dozen "horrors".

Under the Sight Lightning

The Kifuka village, located on the territory of the Republic of Congo, is no special feature against the background of the remaining settlements of the country. But it is only at first glance. If you look good for its locals, you can see that no one uses them by mobile phones, tablets and other modern gadgets. And the point here is not at all in poverty, although I will definitely not call the wealthy village.

The secret of such technical "illiteracy" lies in the natural anomaly of the area, attracting lightning on the principle of magnet. Scientists have brought interesting statistics - it turns out that for the year per square kilometer of the unfortunate settlement accumulates up to 150 lightning strikes. It is not surprising that, in order to safety, people prefer to remain cut off from civilization, but alive than those who died under the discharges of the heavenly "electricity".

Chernobyl Aborigines

Since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, more than 30 years have passed, but the tragedy echoes are still aumed. There is no time noisy and energeticly developing city with a population of more than 100 thousand people turned into a deserted "ghost" that is frightening with its silence and run. During the evacuation, the locals supremely left at home, leaving property, pets, personal transport. Then they did not know that the roads back will never be back.

Although some desperate extremals still went against all the prohibitions and after some time returned to their native land. They are called self-moving. In total, about 80 such people live in the territory of the 30-kilometer zone of alienation. These are mainly pensioners living due to the maintenance of natural economy and gardening.

In recent years, excursions have been organized in Chernobyl, so there are no one who wants to ripped their nerves to have a chance not only to look at the destroyed power plant, but also to communicate with the local population.

Lake with Surprise

Lake Kivu in Central Africa is impressive with its beauty and painting. There are many exotic fish in its transparent waters, and the coastal landscapes are worthy of the brush of artists. The terrain around the lake is far from deserted, on the contrary - there will live about 2 million people in his shores. And everything would be fine, if not huge methane reserves and carbon dioxide, which can explode at any time and cause the strongest earthquake.

Further running of events to predict is not difficult. All who will not die under the squall of the tsunami will be poisoned by poisonous gases. The saddest thing is that no one can say how much time this freshwater bomb of a slow motion will be silent - everyone hopes for the best and live one day. In 1948, a small underwater eruption was recorded, as a result of which the fish in the lake simply welded. When the next "Iks Hour" comes, it is unknown.

Rainy village

Indian mountain village Malsilas is recognized as the most wet place on the planet, and officially with data in the Guinness Book of Records. Each spring and summer it is attacked by monsoons coming from the Bengal Bay. Air can be twisted, like bed linen, rinsed in the river. Local residents to such capricted nature have long been accustomed to and in advance with large bamboo umbrellas, under which you can completely hide from the rain.

Due to high humidity, agriculture in the village is not developed. All vegetables and fruits are imported, so the peasants do not have to bend the peasants on the vegetable garden. Oddly enough, but frequent showers bring tangible benefits. They contribute to the formation of waterfalls decorated with no chic flora.

Water knocks in soft lime rock whole caves with suitivated labyrinths and creates underground lakes. Natural beauty attract numerous tourists, and those in their own, the money is money.

And in the eternal Merzlot there is life

The Yakutsk village of Oymyakon is at least the most terrible place, but definitely in the list of mysterious settlements on the planet. It is difficult to imagine how people can live in such severe climatic conditions. In winter, the thermometer mark can fall below 60 degrees. The maximum limit is recorded in the area of \u200b\u200b-77 degrees, and this is despite the fact that in the summer the heat reaches + 30-35 degrees. This is what "trained" should be the body to withstand the temperature differences at 100 ° C?

In total, about a hundred people live in the village. Live in the old man - in simple wooden houses heated with stoves. Provide centralized water supply and sewage is simply impossible here. The soil is wicked so deeply that the pipes are technically impossible. Nevertheless, people are accustomed to natural anomalies, and even school classes are canceled only if the temperature falls below 50 degrees.

At the top of the Andes.

The city of La Rinconada in Peru, lost in the mountain tops of the Andes, is another unique place where life will be warm. It is located at an altitude of 5 thousand meters above sea level, and in order to get there, you need to be a real extremal. Not only will you have to climb on the rocky slopes of the mountains, experiencing your own endurance organism, so still breathe with sparse air. In such conditions, even one hundred meters can become a long road, to overcome which will be needed for several hours.

But the awesome adventures are not frightened by such prospects. Most of them attract the beauty of the Andes and not even the romanticism of travel, and the mining mines and the opportunity to get rich. True, it will be necessary to work in Spartan conditions - hard, long and exhaustive. There are no sewage, water pipes, garbage utilization and any infrastructure in general. But even SMRArad and dirt does not push the gold kits from their goal. Proof of this is the permanent growth of the population, which increased over the last decade of the years in half.

Today, about 50 thousand people live on the territory of La Rinconada.

Life on a volcano

Indonesia is not only a popular tourist destination, but also one of the most dangerous places on the planet. Being located in the seismically active zone, it simply "dries" in earthquakes. Due to frequent underground jolts, the plain territories often suffer from strong hurricanes and tornadoes. The local population lives like on a powder barrel - you never know where the first will come from: from the mountains or the ocean.

About 50 million people live on Sumatra Island, and it remains only to guess what they manage to adapt to such unstable climatic conditions. Java Island is not less "famous" with his leprosy. The vulcan of Merapi holds everyone in constant tension, so badly release the tons of fiery lava again. He even has his own "schedule" of eruptions - about once every 7 years, it is drawn up in large, and small earthquakes happen on the island of about twice a year.

Dragon Island

The Komodo Island, which is part of Indonesia, can be called the most exotic places on the planet. And the point is not in chic sandy beaches, transparent warm water and palm landscapes, and unusual local "residents". An unprepared tourist may seem that he fell on the shooting of the film "The Park of the Jurassic period" or at least in a strange zoo. Wherever you look, the giant varana is packed everywhere - terrible, clumsy, but very prompt reptiles.

In total, there are about 1700 of them on the island, and this is despite the fact that the local population is about the same amount - about 2000 people. It is not known how prehistoric lizards fell into the dresser, and most importantly, as managed to adapt to modern life.

But the fact remains the fact - the Varana feels like full owners of the island. They feed in mostly shallow and medium scourge, they do not attack people, but cases of aggression still happen.

Sands are coming

There are one village called Sheina in the Nenets Autonomous District. The morning of each inhabitant begins with digging your home from the sand. It sounds strange, but for the local population it has already become the usual daily routine. In the god forgotten village there is only about 200 people today, but once the fisheries fishery flourished here.

Stormy and irresponsible human activity led to a sad outcome. Once-rich in the water of the water of the White Sea exhausted their reserves, moreover, fishermen due to the use of heavy trawls completely destroyed the bottom vegetation. Tundra suffered, with the result that the sands began to attack the village. The sand dunes are absorbed roads and the streets, coastal houses and state-owned buildings. And only by the efforts of the remaining residents for a couple with the only one in the village of the tractor, it is possible to leave Shein on the map of Russia.

Away from people - closer to God

The suspension monastery of Suankun-Sy, laid down another 1500 thousand years ago, retained his architecture almost unchanged. As if glued to a sheer cliff, he was reminded by a card house. To go through the hard river, the Hun, now the bombing dam, the pilgrims needed to go through the boardwalk, swinging over the abyss. Today, this bridge is closed, so as not to give reckless tourists to experience their fate.

The temple includes a complex of buildings, interconnected by tunnels and stairs cut down right in the rock. Until now, modern architects are lost in guessing, as Buddhist monks were able to build such a miracle of light, without having appropriate equipment and working instruments.

The most mysterious places in the world

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On our beautiful planet, there are places that cause a mystical horror. Many of them are the activities of the person himself, like abandoned cities and zones of accidents, but the nature itself created even more. And in those and other places, travel companies offer trips, because a person is so arranged that it attracts not only all the beautiful and interesting, but also terrible and mysterious.

The most terrible places on the planet Earth

Swamp Manchak

Such a swamp is located in the American site of Louisiana. Abandoned place with a huge number of alligators, fed and rotten trees. It makes mystics from him, many tourists see ghosts, the guides explain this by the fact that in the swamp they have found their death a lot of slaves who sometime from their owners. In 1915, a terrible hurricane worn here, who also added victims - a few villages were cleaned into the swamp together with people and animals. The swamp is therefore called the ghost site. Especially terribly there at night.

Suicide forest in japan

At the foot of the famous Mount Fuji lies a dense forest of Aokigahar, who attracts suicide. And the fact is that since ancient times, this forest was considered the "place of residence" of ghosts and were overwhelmed here with patients and weak people on the right death. Basically it was old men, children and disabled. Yes, the morals were then such if a person cannot feed himself, then his place is in this quiet and gloomy forest, where full of dark rocky caves. The forest is literally saturated with dark energy, the suffering of people abandoned here. No wonder people who want to reduce the scores with life, choose this place.

Not many tourists risk watching the forest of Aokigahar, mainly suicides come back there, who are trying to find them and dissuade from the fatal mistake. They also set signs with inscriptions about the value of life and left houses of relatives. But, it seems, it stops that it stops, since more than hundreds of corpses are found in the forest every year, which Marauders have already managed to be seen. And since it is very easy to get lost in the forest, then the bruises of marauders are added to suicides.

Chernobyl Ukraine

Here, the human factor played a tragic role. In 1986, an accident occurred at the Chernobyl site of the nuclear power plant. Within two days, the city of Pripyat and adjacent to the station settlements were urgently evacuated. People were confident that leaving their homes for a few days, therefore, they left not only the acquired good, but also animals. To date, the level of radiation has significantly decreased and short-term excursions are held in the excursion zone. Tourists are invited to inspect the sarcophagus and walk through the streets of the abandoned city. A very painful impression is left abandoned in a hurry residential buildings with children's toys, empty kindergartens and schools in which for a long time, and may never return people.

Desert Danakil

This is the Ethiopian desert, which is also called "hell on earth." She received this name because of his strange landscape, similar to Martian. All this is aggravated by the lack of oxygen, the fettered smell of saturated gases, burning air. They give birth to boiling under their feet Earth and melting stones. Traveling into a fifty-fertilous heat, suddenly awakening mini volcanoes, harmful evaporation of sulfur, militant semi-tribes - all this amounts for amateurs of acute sensations of great health harm. But this is not many stops, because the African desert Danakil is very beautiful and mysterious.

Babi Yar.

Another terrible place in Ukraine is a place in Ukraine - Babi Yar tract. Here during World War II, mass executions of the Jewish population of Kiev were carried out. The German invaders drove the Jews here, the Gypsies and those who were hiding them and, according to eyewitnesses of those events, did not stop the shootings for several months. Historians argue that more than one hundred thousand people died here. Those tragic events left their mark on the entire terrain.

Today there was installed Memorial "Menoro in Babi Yar" and many monuments with the most different inscriptions. So the site was perpetuated by the memory of all knowlessly dead.

Hell Gate

In 1971, after the accident, the Soviet drilling rig in Turkmenistan remained a rift of 100 meters wide. Gazes began to go out of the cracks, which were decided to set fire. But no one could calculate their number and since then a fire rages in the well. It can be seen for many kilometers and, it seems, it will be burning there for a very long time.

An island of abandoned dolls

In Mexico, among many islands, only one is marked with a terrible feature - the island of dolls (La Isla de Las Muñecas), the territory of which is striking forgotten or thrown into debris dolls. It all began with the death of a girl who drowned in one of the water bodies of the island. The guy who witnessed this tragedy, retained the doll of the drowned child and hung her on a tree, allegedly in memory of the deceased. With those website, he constantly found the thrown dolls and brought them to the island, and in 2011 he himself drowned in the same lake, becoming shortly before this washer and the only inhabitant of the island. Toys are mostly broken and disadvantaged, from the whole territory reigns a terrible and ominous atmosphere.

Catacombs Capuchins

In the Italian city of Palermo, there are catacombs with mummified remains of monks, numbering about five thousand. Last burial here dates back to 1990. Since then, the catacombs are open to tourists.

Overto Bridge

The arched bridge near the Scottish city of Glasgow became known not because of his beauty, and because of the strange suicide of dogs, began in the middle of the 20th century. Mystic is that every month in the same day with a fifteen-meter bridge jumped dogs. Under the bridge there is a site with a variety of stones, so almost all animals died. The same that they survived, rose again to the bridge and jumped off it.

This behavior of dogs Scots explain the legend about how his father dropped his son from this bridge and now the child's ghost calls the dogs to himself on the very day when he drowned. Most likely, the boy's ghost see only dogs and hurry to help him.

Scientists also explain the fact of suicide of dogs by the fact that all of them are hunting breeds and, passing through the bridge, they see the minks living under the bridge, and so obeying the instinct is dying. But there were skeptics that refute such the theory, saying that dogs jump from the bridge on a certain day, and not spontaneously. The question remains open, although all new and new versions of the strange behavior of animals are constantly arising. One of which is completely incredible - the opening of the portal site in other worlds. But everyone is not at all, and the dogs continue to die.

Paris catacombs

Unlike Italian catacombs, Paris is much more and famous for the whole world. They are a chain of winding tunnels with a variety of caves and descents. The length of the catacomb about 300 kilometers, they pass under all Paris. According to experts, more than 6 million people rest here.

Despite the fact that such places have a negative impact on a person, hundreds of tourists attend such terrible corners in search of acute sensations.

People imagined centuries sought to get bright impressions. Amazingly, but the most profound are experiences affecting the very essence of a person. In particular, the instinct of self-preservation also includes.

The phenomenon of horror

Speaking about the mysterious and mysterious places of the world, people usually mention ghosts or six-grade stories about the atrocities of the former owners of certain buildings. Today we will try to illuminate such which are not related to the action of ghosts.

More Sigmund Freud highlighted a special human attraction, which he called "Tanatos". The great psychologist thus explained the desire of people to death and especially dangerous events and activities.

Name the most terrible place on the planet every reader will be able to name it. Since they scare local legends alone, and enough of the glance abandoned with a glimpse, all nightmares come to life in imagination. Others are not preying anything. Therefore, we tried to select a variety of abnormal zones.

It is possible to distinguish 5 most terrible places associated with poltergeist, ghosts or tectonic activity. We will talk about such objects that look outwardly, maybe it's not entirely noteworthy, but they leave an indelible and deep track for life after visiting.

House of Winchesters, San Jose, USA

In the course of our virtual excursion, we consider the worst places in the world. The sample concerns not only artificial objects created by people, but also inexplicable natural phenomena.

The first place in which we will eat will be an extravagant mansion in California. Today, there is a tourist attraction. But earlier it was Sarah's house, Widow William Winchester. His father invented the famous rifle. Soon he died, as well as his son with his granddaughter.

When a woman visited the audience at the medium, he handed her message from William. According to the deceased, she should have to buy in San José a plot of land and build a specific planning mansion there. It should have many rooms, traps and snaps to confuse meallous ghosts of people killed from hard drives.

He spent all the multi-million state to build this shelter. It has interesting moments. For example, stairs to the second floor, ending with the wall, or doors without rooms. Also, this mansion is pierced by a magical number 13. So many steps in each of the stairs, in many rooms there are such a number of windows, in the building of the "Drawn dozen" bathrooms.

A total of more than one hundred sixty rooms, forty stairs, six kitchens, but only one shower. Also number about two thousand doors, but only four hundred fifty doorways.

We decided to start our excursion exactly from this estate, since it is the most extravagant and unusual. It was even filmed a feature film based on the biography of Sarah Winchester.

Forest Aokigahar.

Probably the most terrible place on the planet is a suicide forest in Japan. In the original it is called Aokigahar (Valley of Green Trees). This reserve is at the foot of Mount Fuji. In principle, landing can only please in clear sunny weather. During the rest of the time, she just breathes doom, gray and meaninglessness.

Aokigahar loses only a little bridge in San Francisco in terms of cases of information of bills with life. Interestingly, the forest has long been considered the inhabitants of evil spirits and demons. To the beginning of the twentieth century, poor families were brought to die old people and children whom they could no longer provide food.

Later, from about the middle of the last century, many lowest and middle workers stretched here. Apparently, the impressionable Japanese find only such a way to break out of the "rat runs" of society.

Every year about hundreds of suicides are found here. Recently, even the unofficial detachments of Marauders appeared. They firmly burned in search of bodies and bother their pockets, remove decorations. Thus, the mysterious places of the planet help not only the development of tourism, but also enrich local fraudsters and thieves.

The Government of Japan allocates funds for cleaning tel. According to eyewitnesses, the most common ways of ending life are poisoning medication and hanging.

Local authorities took a series of measures to help the maximum number of people abandon the stupid decision. On the perimeter of the forest, there are signs with a call to drag and the phone of trust. Also on many paths leading to the trap, video cameras are directed. And the service personnel working in nearby institutions has already learned to calculate potential suicides. They immediately report information to the police.

It is noteworthy that in Japan several books and films telling about the specifics of this place. And the "Suicide Guide" written by Tsurumi often find near the corpses in the forest.

Overto Bridge

The docks of the soul are incomprehensible to another person, and even the most resistant and sensible individual can be angry in the scan of inflamed illusions. But what makes some animals resort to suicide - this is an interesting question.

We continue to consider the worst places in the world. And the next one in turn is the overwun Bridge, near the settlement of Milton, in Western Dambartonshire. Around the middle of the twentieth century, interesting cases are fixed here. Almost every month from the bridge in the water jumps at least one dog.

Most dies immediately, and the survivors return after a while to repeat the attempt.

It is noteworthy that animals live as instincts, and they do not have such deviations. That is why there were several times a commissions several times came to investigate such an unusual anomaly.

Today there are two versions that cover the cause. One of them is offered by ethnographers and gatherers of folklore, the second - zoologists.

According to the first, a man with a child came to the bridge. He declared his son to give birth to satanic forces and dropped the baby into the water, and after a couple of days he jumped himself. Since then, it turned out that the ghost boy calls the dogs to play. Animals because of their ability to perceive the subtle world, which is not suspected, go for ghost and die.

A more rational explanation was put forward by scientists after many months of research. According to their theory, mink is to blame. These rodents live along the banks of the river, and for many years these places just adhed them. Dogs, focusing on the intensity of the smell, rush to pursue prey and fall from the bridge to the water.

We consider the most terrible places in the world. And no one can fully explain their specificity, otherwise they would cease to be mysterious. So with the bridge Overtoon.

Even if the reason lies in minks, why dogs who survived after falling from fifteen meters, come back and rushed again? These animals have a very developed memory of the places and people who hurt them.


Thus, it is impossible to hide from some earth anomalies, even rising high in the air. For the first time about an unusual phenomenon, a English tea plantator and researcher of plants E. Ji spoke. He described the strange period at the end of August, when large flocks of birds begin to fly to the Gatings Valley and to break up the Earth.

At first, nobody believed him and found his record with fiction. But one orientologist decided to keep up the legend. It turned out that the chavoda spoke the pure truth. So Senguput became the first scientist who recorded the unusual August "poultry".

According to this researcher, the birds are in a certain trance, "id Somnambula. " They rush to the light of fires and lamps of a local village. If you take an animal that did not crash to death, it does not resist, but completely refuses food and water. It is noteworthy that after three or four days, madness, the backed bird flies like anything happened.

But the terrible places of the world are often perceived ambiguously. Tourists and travel researchers see them an abnormal threat, the local inventing the myth, justifying the event. So, the aborigines of this valley say that the gods for the righteousness were awarded with such a "poultry". They can collect a bunch of carcasses and use them into food. It turns out a certain analogue of the "manna of heaven" for the Indian village.

Telem Abbey, Sicily

Discussing the most terrible places in the world, we return to the creation of human hands. The next attraction, which we will talk about is a one-storey house in Cefal's town on Sicily Island.

Once he acquired Alister Crowley, one of the most famous and ambiguous occultists of the beginning of the twentieth century. Here he was going to create the basis for the future civilization, purified from Christian darkness and obscurantic.

It was in these walls that Crowley resumed satanic rituals, as well as the practice of witchcraft using narcotic drugs. So, the initiation included the simultaneous reception of marijuana with the heroin and the night of reflections in a special room, which was called "the hall for visions" or the "nightmare room". In this room, the walls are painted with gloomy frescoes depicting different circles of hell and paradise.

The abbey was closed after the famous British aristocrat Raul Lavda died on its territory. Presumably, he was poisoned by drugs mixed with feline blood. So ended the history of the commune living under the slogan "Do anything - this is the only law."

There are many terrible abandoned places on the planet, but only attracts the crowds of informal visitors. Fans of witchcraft and activities of Alistair Crowley are coming here every year. They seek to touch the ruins to get a powerful energy charge from their idol.

Damn cemetery. Krasnoyarsk region

Natural terrible places are in the Russian Federation. Let's start with a remote territory in Siberia. In general, Ethnologists gathered a lot of materials about the most incredible features and terrible secrets that the taiga keep in themselves. But now it will be discussed that it was indeed recorded by various groups of researchers in the form of photographic and video, and not simple stories.

Presumably the Devil Cemetery appeared as a result of unusual space activity related to the fall of the memoirs of Old-timers, one day a certain item was falling from the sky, and the edge of the rounded form was formed in the forest. Earth became black and from it at times began to appear smoke. In the summer, the grass is not growing at this place, only a little moss, and there is no snow in winter.

Any animal that gets inside the damn circle is dying within minutes. People, according to eyewitness testimonies, there are an inexplicable feeling of longing, and as I approached the urration itself, irrational fear is growing, gradually turning into a panic.

Thus, terrible places on Earth may not be just natural, but also of cosmic origin.

Sablin caves

Speaking about the most terrible place on the planet, it is especially worth staying on here there are no bloodthirsty monsters, inexplicable and oppressive horror at visitors or satanic symbols. Just a fairly large underground natural education. For example, the length of one of the catacombs is more than seven kilometers, and the height of the halls is up to five meters.

In Soviet times, the object was classified, as all sorts of criminal individuals who are outlawed were hidden under the ground. They called themselves dissidents. It was even formed about ten different gangs. Every month several people disappeared here and still disappears. At the same time, all the well-known "political" hiding under the ground have long left a wicked place. Today, according to official data, there is not a single "underground resident".

Extremals and amateurs visiting Russia are constantly coming to Sablin caves. They do not even frighten the facts of frequent disappearance of curious zooak.
The cause of this anomaly scientists see in underground bulk sands and movements of the earth's crust. A group that has seen in one of the tunnels may be buried under the sand tons in a second. All these data are based on the stories of gang members who have once lived in these caves.

Death road. Lyubertsy-Lytkarino

Let's talk about the mysterious places near Moscow. In principle, around Moscow, researchers of the anomalous zones number about a dozen highway sections with an increased danger of fatal accidents.

But the part of the track Lyubertsy - Lytkarino, near the village of Pekhork, is considered the most unsafe. If you go through this road, you can see on the trees along the asphalt coating many wreaths marking the deaths of drivers.

Most accidents are dated from 1990 to 2002. A sudden decline in mortality after 2003 is explained by the fact that at this time the governor took up for an "anomaly". Being before the military general, he did not wonder. On this site, the concrete coating of the road was replaced by the asphalt of excellent quality, as well as four "lying policemen".

After such preventive measures, the chauffeur was not able to get involved in the highway.

Skeptics and realists often say that terrible places are fatally dangerous only for those who neglect common sense and local tell the legend that "dear death" this segment was because the coating was put on top of the old cemetery. Here are the ghosts of the deceased and revenge with unlucky drivers, which turned out to be not in the wrong time.

House Beria

We talked about the mysterious places of the Moscow region, at the end I would like to note another strange building in the capital itself. In Soviet times, this house was hardly the most terrible place of the district. Passers-by tried to bypass the street with the Tenth Dear, and if it was necessary to go exactly on it, they crossed on the opposite direction.

What is for such a terrible building? House of the Commissioner of the State Security Region of Lawrence Pavlovich Beria. This man was one of the organizers of Stalinist repression. The building is in an amphibian lane. Today, his premises occupy the Embassy of Tunisia.

According to eyewitnesses (local residents and researchers), a couple of times a month about three o'clock in the morning you can hear ghostly sounds. It is said that this is a distinct noise of a powerful motor. The invisible car "drives up" to the door of the building. Heard how his doors open, a male voice says something. After the door slams and the car leaves. All incident takes about three minutes.

Thus, in this article we talked about the terrible places of Russia and the world. We met both safe objects that are able to interest ufologists or adolescents and fatal formations to which it is better not to approach.

Good luck to you, dear readers! Travel with mind.