Zoe Doych meets. Danil Kozlovsky about filming in the film "Academy of Vampires"

Zoe Doych meets. Danila Kozlovsky about filming in the film
Zoe Doych meets. Danil Kozlovsky about filming in the film "Academy of Vampires"

Her hyseride in her blood. And this is not just a beautiful turnover of speech. Remember Mama Michael Jay Fox in the movie "Back to the Future"? In real life, this is Mom Zoe, Actress Lia Thompson. And her father - director of the cult tape "Milashka in Pink" in 1986 Howard Doych. If her name and face are still not talking about anything, just look at one of the recent comedies with the participation of Zoe and James Franco "Why is he?" - Melting couple. Or raise from the archives of the Vampire Academy to assess her duet ... with Danila Kozlovsky! Critics to Hollywood heiress are favorable and have already cleaned the future star "A +" in it. Its abilities were appreciated in Max Mara - this year Zoe Doych received the "Future Future" award in the framework of the traditional Women in Film project.

Elle Your uncle is a famous dancer, my mother started a career with a ballet, and you also have been dancing. What place this kind of art takes in your life today?

Zoe Doych I was a terrible ballerina. (Laughs.) But the dance is still a huge part of my life, my father's ballet has a ballet. This is absolutely clean in its beauty type of art - the ballet artists are able to tell the whole story only by the language of the body and can without a single word, only movement, cause strongest feelings. For me in ballet, everything is tied to artists - it requires a tough physical and emotional discipline, and only due to their enormous work this art becomes so spectacular.

Ell in big cinema is also spinning around the actors?

ZD I think, now the era of women comes into the cinema - and no matter, actresses they or producers, scripts or edges. Here you go to the movie on the "Wonder Woman" and see it on the screen. But this is a fictional character, and real superheroids, after all, behind the scenes too. And it is very important to show girls, girls and women that they can achieve large heights. One my girlfriend wrote me straight from the cinema when I watched a "wonder-woman": "Now I understand why guys are always so confident." If the world existed as many films about superhero women, as about men, I would, maybe, too, went down the street with proudly raised head and thought that there were no problems that I could not mascel.

Ell Nevertheless, competition among women is great. It was previously muses for all times, and today one actress replaces the other for the month. Are not afraid of such speeds?

ZD No, not particularly. I have never had a goal to become a superstar. I'm just an actress and want to play - on stage, in the cinema or in the TV shows. The main thing is to find an inspiring role and feel the same as my character. Therefore, I am not afraid to be irrelevant, rather, I am terribly losing interest in my work.

Elle point of view, a worthy winner of the "face of the future" premium Max Mara!

ZD This award is a huge honor. It is fun to me that Max Mara saw this potential in me, and I will definitely work more diligently to prove: I am worthy of this title. The clothes itself of this brand - the uniform of modern women, something like armor or armor. You have always confident gait, and you hold the head above, and the back is straight. I checked it on myself when for the first time put on the Black Broken Suit Max Mara. Hmm ... I have not seen him for a long time ... Most likely, my sister stole him!

Elle I can't not ask this question: how do you work with Danil Kozlovsky?

ZD He is cool, kind and very, very beautiful! When we starred in the "Academy of Vampires", I could not think that he was so famous! I remember, it was in London, and every time we went outside, girls at the sight of Danil simply could not keep themselves in their hands. I then joked: "What didn't you say that you were Russian Brad Pitt!" There was still a funny case - I took an interview with a Russian journalist in Milan, and it was worth it to mention the name of Danil, as she immediately blushed. I ask: "Do you know him?" And then she became Punchova as a tomato and barely whispered: "Yes ..." So officially Danila is a thunderstorm of all women. Personally confirm this!

"Faces of the Future" Max Mara

Haley Steinfield, 2013

And so, if you do not mind we can start.

Danila Kozlovsky:

So, the first question: Why did you hide your relationship for so long and what caused them to put them in the light?

D. K.:
Honestly, I do not understand. Maybe I was afraid that the native zoe would not perceive me as her daughter's worthy man.

Is it connected with the fact that when you wanted to spin the romance with Elizabeth Boyarskaya, her father rejected you?

D. K.:
Maybe. With Lisa everything was different, her father was very worked out. Perhaps some were silent, but in truth, the spread staged us both. Honestly, I am pleased with what happened. It helped to realize me that before seeking the girls to show her that you would be a faithful defender and support for her, always and everywhere. In any situations, be it robbery on the street or help with the choice of dresses.

As far as we all understood, you are in a relationship in Zoe since the beginning of 2014. At that time she was only 18 years old. You have a big difference in age. Does it not bother you?

D. K.:
Niskolachko. So you will be embarrassed if a hundred-year-old man is married or meet with a thirty-year-old woman? Here. For us, this is the same.

As we have already discussed, you and Doych since 2014. But at that time you met with Julia Snigar. Danila, what are you thinking? Two girls at the same time?

D. K.:
Let's start with the fact that I am unpleasant to the topic of the conversation about Snigar. And I do not swim. We parted even when my foot stepped on Los Angeles Earth. Therefore, if you wanted to reproach me in treason, it did not come out.

What was the reason for parting with Yulia?

D. K.:
Did you count on the fact that I will give you an answer to this question?

I at least tried.

D. K.:
It seems to me or for almost 10 minutes, we are not talking about what you need?

What was your Motive "Union" with Zoe? Why did you decide to make a relationship? Yes, such relationships.

D. K.:
We have them completely ordinary. Like all couples in love. Perhaps we were inspired by the history of Dmitry and Rosa. There, too, as you think "big" age difference. Even if so, then "the forbidden fruit is sweet."

Do you consider yourself a couple in love?

D. K.:
Sure. I fall in love again and again, every time I see my zoe. And I believe that it happens to her the same.

Why do you think that Doych relations will not bring you the same results that were with your past partners?

D. K.:
She is not like my other girls. Zoe is very difficult to tame. More precisely, it is impossible. This is one of the details that attracts me in it. Zoe is a big baby, and I also really like it.

Do you consider her baby?

D. K.:
In the shower, yes. She always creates an atmosphere of a children's coziness. From it constantly blows energy, Zoe as a small bunny Energizer. Always ready for everything.

How did you manage to hide the relationship so long? Or still someone knew about them?

D. K.:
How did you manage so long? The first year we had ordinary relationships at a distance. We saw a maximum of 4 times a month. Mostly I flew to her. And then we went secret from everyone to the resort. Our personal resort. Located next to Zoe was a pleasure. I was able to leave it, to forget about work and just relax as an ordinary person! And no one knew about our relationship, although they guessed, except our director - Waters Mark. Good man.

Did you have sex with a young actress?

D. K.:
Sure. I think it is so obvious. We meet for almost three years. Of course we had sex.

And how did Mark know about your relationship? What, he approached tight and asked "you meet"? Because replaced, how strange you behave on the site?

D. K.:
Actually. Hahah ... everything was wrong. We are late for the platform, we had to take a new scene for the film, but were passionate about sleep after a rapid night. And when Mark went into the Doych trailer, he was a little bit from what he saw.

How? Danila, did you get into bed to eighteen a summer girl?

D. K.:
Well, why immediately got? Moreover, the girl herself was not against. But then I got a pretty from her for what Mark was caught.

And what did he tell you?

D. K.:
Like "You are adults, deal with yourself."

And how does Doych refer to your relationship?

D. K.:
At first, I saw in her uncertainty, as if she had a dual opinion. Perhaps she was afraid of discussions from the audience of the audience and relatives.

But not now?

D. K.:
Do you think why I'm sitting here?

So, is this Zoe insured in secret relationships?

D. K.:
Partly. I also believed that it is better to wait and understand if we need each other or not.

And what is your opinion?

D. K.:
I need her. Over the years, we managed to attach each other. If I can't see my zoe at least a week, it is unlikely that I can live quietly on this white light. Isn't that love?

In the magazine "Psychologies" you said "I understand too little about love." Is something changed for such a short time?

D. K.:
Absolutely nothing. Our love with Zoe is, as an open book ... About quantum physics in Japanese ... but open!

So all the same love?

D. K.:
I perceive it like love. According to youth, in stupidity ... Beautiful and in something passionate. Even now, I regret that she did not come, or that I did not go with her.

Where if not a secret?

D. K.:
To your relatives. Mom and sister. They staged a bachelorette party, girls ...

In honor of what?

D. K.:
How? And what are we discussing here now?

Do you have serious intentions on the actress?

D. K.:
Yes. I think this girl I will not miss. Not for that in the world. And probably, Zoe is the only girl next to which I feel easily and freely. Zoe, I love you!

- Danila, they say that the actors in Hollywood are monstrously demanding to others, monstrously punctual ... managed to somehow feel it on yourself?
- I managed to feel what people in Hollywood are and actors, and producers, and directors, - megaprophessional, talented and punctual. Demanding in the sense of profession, returns and devotion to their work and very grateful if you really work for the film. They all understand that everything is dependent on each other. They can not substitute each other, do not want it, because everyone will value with their reputation, their place and affair. All this love. And if they are going for something, they do it as well as possible.

Zoe Doych and Danil Kozlovsky in the film "Vampire Academy"

- And how did it turn out that the most cash Russian actor after and got into such a vampire story?
- I was in New York a year and a half ago and there met several casting directors. It was just a meeting, without any obligations on both sides, simply bought for a possible future. And left from there. Six months later my agent called me and said: "You can enjoy a new film." I tried. Samples were skype. Mark in the name of time saving decided to act directly. All materials were sent to Los Angeles, and there already made a major solution with producers. I was approved. And after some time it turned out that Marsi - Casting-Director, who all the time he works with Mark Waters, - met with one of his colleagues, which, in turn, friendly with one of the casting directors, with which I met, When was in New York. And they just sat and talked, Marti complained that he could not find the actor on such a role, told, what's the matter, and she said: "One Russian artist came to my girlfriend a year and a half ago, maybe it makes sense to you Try? " Thus came to me, through my agent, and so I got into the project.
- That is, it turned out sort of Handshake?
- Maybe Handshake ... But it turned out like this, in a completely surprising way.
- Since not everyone read the book, tell us about your role. Is this the role of bad Russian? What is this character?
- Here is your question myself says that almost all the last Russian heroes in films are only bad. No, this is a major male role, this role is positive, romantic, so to speak, hero, mentor at the Academy. This is a person who falls in love with passion, has the most wonderful human qualities and repeatedly proves it.
- That is, the stereotype, that Russians should be taken only on the role of bad Russians, in this case did not work?
- Fortunately, no, and this is a big joy for me, that my country and my nation are presented in a somewhat excellent image than the one to which everyone is accustomed.
- How did you get ready for the picture? Watched reading books?
- I did not watch the Twilight specifically, firstly, because these are completely different stories, and secondly, so as not to fall, so to speak, in the mood. Of course, I read books. I was engaged in the hall, I was engaged in English teacher, with a teacher of dialects, it was already directly when I worked on the text of the script. There were rehearsals with cascaders, a special diet. Well, rehearsals with Mark Waters.
- Diet? I had to lose weight for the role?
- I had to rake, become more. Be a pumped hero. He is still a fighter.

Frame from the movie "Vampire Academy"

- I understand correctly that, in mood, is it all the same closer to what to "twilight" or?
- Probably, yes ... Although neither to that, neither to another, in fact. This is more to, there is something from this film in it, because Mark is wonderful able to work with this aesthetics, culture, with this naked texture, with older classes. Only heroes at the same time vampires. They have a feature. There are a lot of action, two love lines, complementing, as it seems to me, each other and developing not quite in the usual way.
- Why it turns out that in Russia more removed "seriously and for a long time", with the edification of descendants, and in Hollywood, even independent director of such experiments are not shy? Vampires, zombies ... We go take away. Only if somewhere in Vladivostok independent directors ...
- I do not know, honestly. First, there, with such material, know how to work. Secondly, there is already a certain mythology, its culture of this kind of films, and people allow themselves to be in a good sense serious in all this, although with a healthy feeling of irony. Playing, they believe in it really, and this is wonderful, because the cinema is a magical thing, and here you need to be a child, you need to look at it, so to speak, with a children's eye. Professional, but childish. Americans in this sense to share themselves more than we. We are somehow too condescending to this. Maybe this is one of the reasons, although I probably mistaken.
- said you, together with the already started to take off from him. Is it possible about this project in more detail?
- The first project in which I will try to speak in a very unusual role for myself. Like a producer. Well, more familiar, as the performer of one role. We are trying to tell the wonderful story in this film, which Pasha Rumynov wrote. I am very waiting for this. We will start in March. The working title of the film is, this, if we talk quite simply, about how the boy threw the girl, and he tries to cope with it. There are three phases. The first - when he hates, a very understandable phase. The second - when he tries to return it, and the third - when he with her help understands that there is a lot of wonderful in their parting, no matter how terribly sounded, and many positive and correct meaning - in the future, naturally, when everything has already ended. And that you do not need to be afraid to part when it is impossible to return anything that you need to go further. And sometimes you become with this person much closer, you acquire incredibly important experience, feelings, emotions, which in the future helps you move on.

Danil Kozlovsky in the role of blind albino in the movie "Hardcore"

- With everything completely different?
- Ilya Naisuller is completely different, an unusual story for me, this is such a first person, and this is my first experience when I depict a completely negative hero, a scoundrel and a bastard. Blind Albino, which owns telekinesis. Let's see at the end of next year.
- What about?
- We write the script. Ready not yet.

On the eve of the premiere of the new film Mark Waters, one of the roles in which our decent answer Hollywood Danil Kozlovsky, the actor met journalists to tell about the shooting at the Hollywood director

When a message appeared in February last year about the start of the shooting of Danilovsky in the Hollywood screening of the novel "Academy of Vampires" writer Rachel Foreign Ministry, we hid a breath in waiting for the first news about the new film. Of course, his partners in the film in the face of Zoe Doych and Lucy Fry, as well as the director's chair Mark Waters felt a bit, but still Hope did not hurt.

The first trailer of the picture confirmed our fears: the next continuation of the "Twilight", "Enchanted" will soon be released. and other vampire nonsense, suitable only for unformed adolescent consciousness.

To deal with the fact, and what prompted Danil to agree to the film, we went to a press conference with the actor on the eve of the premiere of the new story about dumping, seooys, strigoi and other nonless.

The meeting with Danila was appointed in the Publishing House "Kommersant" on the street of Lunned. The punctual actor, having time to visit the photo photo in the hotel "Metropol", for the appointed time arrived at the place ready to answer all the questions of journalists.

It is not surprising that more than half of the meeting participants were female professionally, admiringly looking at the perfect sample of male beauty, strength and charm. In such an atmosphere, questions to the actor about, to put it mildly, the unstable cinema was not relevant.

We chose the most interesting answers of Danille Kozlovsky, who sounded at a press conference:

About Casting:

"For a year and a half ago, I had an inner crisis. I realized that I need a pause. Intuitively I wanted to New York. My English Agent, when I learned that I was going to come, I decided to arrange meetings with casting directors. A few months later Richard (Agent) I gave me samples on Skype with Mark Waters, who at that time was in Los Angeles. And I am in the Moscow apartment. The window was minus 30 degrees. And 10 am on the clock. "

About English:

"When I was told that I was approved, I did not understand this in English. So I nodded. I always nod, when I do not understand what it is about (laughs)."

About the shooting:

"If you signed a contract, you all support you in an amazing way, help, inspire. Of course, they took it wonderful, the level of professionalism is incredible! You create the maximum conditions of comfort, but you, be kind, work."

"The work in the prevoy period happens as follows: you get a schedule for which you take a car at 7.30 in the morning every day. Up to 8 pm, the day is scheduled for a minute, with an hour break for lunch."

About Zoe Doych:

"Zoe is 19 years old. Sometimes her shooting lasted on 14-15 hours. She always worked with a huge return. I never heard she complained."

About London:

"The shooting took place in London. I came to the city, and it was like Chekhov:" I move to Paris: cold, dirty, dirty. "Is the same: cold, dirty, but not dirty. And a huge storehouse of observations: people, characters, A whole collection of types. Absolute center of the world. "