Passage of the game Life Max. Passage Life Is Strange: Before Storm

Passage of the game Life Max. Passage Life Is Strange: Before Storm
Passage of the game Life Max. Passage Life Is Strange: Before Storm

Passage of the game - Page 3

Frank van

We leave from the car and go after Chloe. We approach the edge of the cliff and look at the dead whales. We do one snapshot . We approach the church, we talk with her and a girlfriend knocks on the door of the van. If you have not shot in Frank, the conversation can end the world on both sides, even if Chloe has no money to pay with Frank. Frank will return the shoe pistol and even the check then friendly message. If you still "shot" in Frank, then it is tuned to Max unfriendly. The first conversation ends the tragedy, because Chloe kills Frank and his dog. I wonder the time ago, and now we build phrases in a conversation politely and neatly:

Get rid of the pistol

Give money

Close the door

You scared me

Heard you saved dogs

What are you hiding?

During the fight chloe wounds Frank's leg with its own knife. We get a list of Frank customers, and leave the beach.

House Chloe Price

Chloly Room

We look at the board with evidence, and try to explore the hooks that we have received from different characters.

We study Frank's hooks.

First stage

Choose notebook Frankthat we need to decipher. We view the rest of the hooks, and choose list With assigning dog breed customer names. We draw attention to the fact that in the upper right corner of the screen, the number of necessary documents is indicated.

Second phase

And now we need to find such evidence that would point out Frank's deals with a neutane or club "Cyclone". First we study the leaf with the names and the dog breed assigned to them. Then we exploring the first document, and we see that two transactions were immediately concluded with neutan in one day. We find and choose two other documents.

We study David's hooks

First stage

Choose the coordinate lists, cars with license plates and the Neutana car.

Second phase

We find the coordinates of the machine with the number sign SXFTNDR, then find the car with the same license plate. We apply a photo of the Netan SUV. Take the evidence of the Clace, and ask her to drive the coordinates to track the address. While Chloe is engaged in search, proceed to the study of the hooks derived from Neutan.

First stage

Our task: Find prompts to unlock the neutana phone. We choose the phone itself, a SIM card, a piece of paper with some four-digit numbers, and a dossier on the neutana itself.

Second phase

The first option of the hacking phone of Netan.

We look at the selected documents, trying to calculate the four-digit number that would serve as a code to open the phone. Drive three times in the phone any four-digit numbers, confirm them so that Max exclaims that she blocked the phone. On the SIM card, it is for such cases that there is a PUK with an eight-digit number. Open the phone again and drive 87897808. I confirm the entered numbers to the right at the bottom of the screen. This is one option unlocking the phone.

In the second variant, you can enter the code 0829 (August 29) is Netan's birthday, and this date is in his dossier. This code also confirm.

Now telephone Unlocked. We proceed to the main stage of analysis.

The final stage

The evidence on the board is divided into three parts. In the upper rows are excerpts from SMS-messages neutana. In the middle part are located on small leaves information from Frank's hooks about the sale of drugs Netane. In the lower rows there are photos of those places that Netan's car visited. It was useful for us to hook with coordinates from David. The printout of photographs along the coordinates of David made Chloe. We ask a girlfriend to find out who is owner This structure. We look at the video of the arrival of the girlfriends on the place calculated by them.

The average passage of 3 episode Life is Strange: 2 hours

Women's hostel

Max wakes up from the nightmare of the previous episode. There is nothing interesting in the room, come out of it and go to the corridor.

The light is turned off, Max tries to use the phone as a flashlight. Start towards the shower room to find Taylor. If in the second episode with her there was a friendly dialogue, then there will be the same now, trying to identify any information about Victoria, then rewind time, we complement our dialogue with freshly information and get even more.

Conversation with Taylor Kristensen

At the end of the conversation, we learn that Victoria is not in the hostel, and therefore we can get into her room, it is one of your room.

As soon as we get into her room - shine a flashlight on the phosphoric figure, standing on the table for a laptop, make a photo.

We leave the Victoria Room, we go to the room are given, go to her, we communicate and go outside.


View of the hostel

On the street we find once again a protein from the previous episode, we make another photo, the squirrel will be on the same shop, but do not fit close, it can escape. If suddenly scare it - rewind time.
More on the street there is nothing more, we go in the direction of exit from the territory. On his way we will meet the rector, he will sit on the steps and "not give" to us.

To go past the rector, it is enough to rewind time at the time when it is deployed to the door and mumbles something, at this time quickly run past him.

School - evening

Finally, we meet Chloj, our waiting for a small catzen, after which we see Victoria and Mr. Jefferson, as soon as the conversation end, and the passage will be free we will be able to enter the school.

Victoria and Mr. Jefferson

Chloe decide to open the door of the rector until she tries to hack our task will take a walk around, search the keys.

Start in the class of science, the teacher's table will lie the project Warren and its test score with an assessment "and with a minus", you can raise it or leave it as it is.

Evaluation sheet Warren

In the same class there is an aquarium with fish, go to it and turn on the light in it, make a photo.

We will make another photo: you need to approach the skeleton, with a cigarette standing in the corner of the class, it is still a bit like a photo from Max.

Time to hold chloe, go back to the office of the school principal. Since the keys simply do not find that, Chloe asks us for help, Max will decide to call Warren for advice on the hypothetical undermining of teacher doors. Warren kindly transfers Max a list of things to create a homemade bomb that should help solve our problem.

List of things and their location:

  • Gazing Bank is a vending machine in the lobby.
  • Scotch - in the corner of the Cabinet of Mr. Jefferson, behind the printer.
  • Sodium chlorate - it's not so easy to find it. We go to the scientific laboratory, there is a wardrobe with different chemicals next to the yield, at the very top there is a herbicide bank, the sodium chlorat needs we need, we substitute the chair to the closet and remove the jar from the cabinet.
  • Sugar - as well as a scientific laboratory on the teacher's table.

Homemade bomb

As soon as we have collected all the items, we go back to the chloe to undermine the door. As soon as the door falls - the fire alarm will sound, quickly go into the room and wrap the time back until the door is undermined. And here you are in the office of the director, the siren is no longer buzzing, and the door stands on the spot, now we can simply open the door to turn the castle and let the chloe.

Once inside, take a photo of Chloe sitting in the director's chair.

Time to collect information about the disciples, go through the office, look into different folders.

After collecting data, go to the lobby, after a small dialogue you will find in the director's desk an envelope with money, you will see an important choice to leave money or pick up.

Max and Rachel found an envelope with money

Adventures in the office will end up, put forward in the pool.


After a small wandering in a building with a swimming pool, you will be stumbled upon the chloe waiting for you in a while, she will ask you to find the light switch and turn it on. Go to the room located behind Chloe, there will be a panel with switches. Turn on the light and return back. Ahead is a small catzen swim in water and conversations.

Conversation in the pool

As soon as the scene end, the girls will get out of the water and hear that someone goes, Chloe is able to quickly hide, but it is not so easy for us. So that Max remains unnoticed we will have to hide in the lockers, and when the guard is approaching - to go to other lockers.

When the guard leaves - we go to the room with the pool, we go out through it.

House Chloly

You wake up together, it's time to get dressed, raise things from the floor.

Morning at Chloe, Time for Selfie

Max notices that they strongly admitted by Chlorine, and Chloe in turn invites us to take her things, for her things we climb into the closet. In the process, there will be a dialogue between you, during which you will be an important choice, kissing chloe or not, this choice will be taken into account in the further development of the storyline.

We dress and go to the bathroom, we stand opposite the mirror and make a photo.

Go down to the living room. A bird will sit on the right on the closet with cups, you need to swipe it, it will fly toward the fireplace, but before scaring it once again, open the window on the left and then bother to scare the bird, only in this case it will fly away.

Do not give a bird to die

We leave home through the rear glass door. In the courtyard on the fence, the same bird will sit, make it a photo.

Return back to Joyce, she will offer you to have breakfast and ask you to find the ingredients.


  • Milk - on the table in the living room.
  • Eggs - in the hallway, in a bag near the entrance door.

While you will collect ingredients, you can listen to the corridor and remove the entry from the answering machine, it will save chloe from problems.

Collect the ingredients Return to Joyce, breakfast you will cook together.

Cook tomorrow together with mom Chloe

Once you understand cooking - sit down at the table, Joyce will bring your breakfast, after a while she will sit next to you and start showing photos. A little later, Chloe will join you, they will have a quarrel with her mother, in the process Max will move to the garage away from this vertier.

You are in the garage, in front of you a computer, and you don't have a password, time to look for possible tips for the password. Password from David's laptop we will find in the car. Under the sun visor will be a check from the diner, where David met Joyce.

Password: 11-27-08

Password from David's laptop in visor

Go to your computer, unlock the password that we just found.

Return to the living room, after a few moments, David will enter, he will not be in the spirit and again the quarrel will flash in the room, in the process of which you will be an important solution that will affect the further plot. You can support both David and Chloe.

Regardless of the decision taken, you will leave the house with Chloe.


Chloe will want to get into the Frank van, she will offer Max to take the keys. Before going inside, do all the tasks on the street.

A trucker will stand at the entrance to the diner, come to him and speak. In the process of dialogue, you will learn that he rides a red truck, which stands across the road. Right time and mention about its truck, it will offer you to take a picture. Photograph!

Max and trucker

By walking the diner, on the right, you will see a dead bird, and there is a steam of ants around it, take a photo.

If you go even further, a homeless woman will lie near the fence, talk to her. You will learn a lot of interesting information and can even tell her about your visions. This conversation she is remember and this is can change future!

On the street finished, time to go to Frank in the diner. Speak with Frankom, it will open new branches in dialogues with police and neutane. A policeman will talk about the precott family, mark the time, mention this family and find out even more information. Further go to Neytan, he sits at one of the tables. We tell him about the fact that they found out from the policeman and we receive new details, we wrap the time, repeat and learn about the oath on the blood, repeat the process again. After that, Neut will tell us how to approach Frank.

Let's get inforation from neutana

Now you can safely go to Frank and tell him the information from Neatana about the photo from Rachel or about the dog from the policeman. This will make it put the contents of the pockets on the table. Take the keys to the table, it will certainly be angry, but we just rewound the time and we leave with the keys.

We go to the chlo, it will open the door immediately after you throw the bone to distract the dog.

Thinking bone, you make an important choice:

  • Throw on the road - the dog will perish.
  • Throw to parking - the dog will stay alive.

Whatever you choose, you will find yourself inside the trailer. Your main task is to find a knife, it lies in a box from under the pizza, and she near the dishwasher at the entrance to the trailer. As soon as you choose a knife - head to the back of the trailer, at the bottom will be the vent holes, the knife will help us open them. Inside, we will find a notebook in which there will be information about the missing Rachel. Give her lobby, it will warm it very much, you will leave.

Chloe throws the keys to the trailer in an enlusion

Memories or back in the past

The episode final will begin with Max peering in old photos when suddenly its ability will play with a new force.

Now you can move in time through the old photos you are depicted.

Max and children's memories

And so you moved to the past, first of all, make photos of William and Chloe.

In the living room you can leave the inscription on the fireplace, this will affect the future. You also hear how Max is trying to stop the father of Chloe from leaving the house, after some time he will take the phone, keys and leave.

His keys lie on the table under the cap. Remote time and have time to take them before will have time to William. You can hide the keys by throwing them into the dishwasher, if you hide into another place - it will find them using a special locator for keys.

Throwing the keys to the sink, you will break the sensor installed on the keychain keys and William will not be able to find them, which will provoke it to travel by bus.

Max will be very pleased to change the dysfunctional events and saved William, but after the final scene it will be clear that it will not be possible to change the future so much, and changes may affect not only those things that we would like to change.

Photos and achievements

# 1 - Achievement of Paraludlax effect

Glowing doll on the table at Victoria in the room

Video of receipt

# 2 - achievement "lenscrafted"

Another photo of the squirrel

Video of receipt

# 3 - Achievement "Reflex"

Aquarium with fish in the classroom

Video of receipt

# 4 - Achievement "Histogram"

Skeleton with cigarette in teeth

Video of receipt

# 5 - Achievement "Bokeh Effect"

Photo Chloe in the chair of the Academy Director

Video of receipt

Hello everyone, fans Life Is Strange.! Today we have the passage of the fourth episode called "manifestation". Passing the previous episodes are looking for, well, we start!

The effect of the episode begins on the beach, where Max and Chloe are strolled. Here Max learns that Chloe fell into an accident and broke the spine.
Now the best girlfriend Max feels nothing and is forever tied to a wheelchair ..

After walking on the beach, the girls will go home. Chloe will tell about his life and about parents who barely reduce the ends meet, in order to earn money for her daughter.
Chloe wants to drink, so take a glass from the table and drink a girlfriend. Next Chloe will offer Max together to watch the movie "Running By Blade". Find the disc in the table under the TV and insert it into the DVD player.

Morning will come. Chloe will hurt a head and she will ask Max to bring her morphine. Go to the second floor in the bath, and in the locker, find an anesthetic. You can also talk to Chloe's parents (Mom you will learn that the killy have a breathing system and it becomes worse and worse).
Return to the chloe and enter her morphine. After, Chloe will ask for a photo album together. Take the album on the bedside table on the left and go back to the chlo.

Video Passage Life Is Strange Episode 4 (Show) - Series 1

Fragling the photo album, Max will take a photo, with which she fell into the past and saved William. Mouse over the focus in the photo and Max will return to its place: Willlem will die, and Chloe will not be tied to a wheelchair.

Returning everything to its places, Max firmly will hug his best girlfriend and will not tell her about trying to change everything for the better. Next, the girls will again deal with the investigation of the missing Rachel.
Inspect the board in the room, and then go to the garage. There are lockers that are closed by lock. There is no time to selection code, so take scrap on the table and break the castle. After Max get the desired information, let's see the castle to be intact, and come back to the chlo.

Now the girls will go to the hospital in order to spend Kate. Inspect the room and talk to Kate about Victoria. Next, go out of the room and, together with Chloe, go to the hostel to penetrate the neutana room.
In the courtyard, find the girl named Brooke (it stands near the bench) and find out of her, whether she saw Nytan. She will tell that neutan in the morning came out of the campus, so it's not in the hostel.
Go to the church and go to the hostel together. After hitting the floor for boys, find the Netan room - its number 111.

Video Passage Life Is Strange Episode 4 (Show) - Series 2

In the Room of Neutana, find scratches on the floor. Next, inspect the sofa and Max will find a cache in which the phone needs we need. After, return to the chlo.
When Max will talk to Chloe, Neanan will enter the door. Combankered, however, the girls will come in Warren and the fight will begin. Stop Warren so that he does not beat Neutan.

After the foul in campus, Max and Chloe will go to Frank. In a conversation with Frank, be benevolent and will give you the desired list of customers.
Returning home to the chloe, inspect the boards with evidence. Match the evidence and find out that after the Neutan party brought Rachel to some old barn (more details on the comparison of the evidence, see the video below).
Finding out where Neanan was taking Rachel, Max and Chloe would go to the very place.

Video passage Life is Strange Episode 4 (development) - Series 3

Find the entrance to the old barn. It is located on the left.
Penetrating inside, look for something strange. Pay attention to Earth in the barn. You must find a secret door on which the castle hangs.

To remove the castle, bring the rope from the pole to it on the right. Next, take up the top. Remove the time back to the heavy thing that you threw out down, it turned out to be in my own place. Next, tie to it the second end of the rope and Max will throw out this thing down. The castle will be faded, so descend down and follow in a secret place.
You will fall into an abandoned bunker, however, you will be armored door. Go to the panel on the left and enter the following code: 5-4-2. The way inside is open!

In the bunker, inspect the computer, and then climb into the closet. There you will find a huge bunch of folders with the names of the girls. After examining several folders, the girls will find photos of Rachel, Kate and an empty folder for Victoria. Perhaps Victoria will be the next victim ...
Chloe is very engaging, seeing the photo of Rachel lying on the ground. She will find out the place where the photo is done, so go to the landfill.
At the landfill, Max and Chloe will find the very place where Rachel lay. Girls will start digging the ground and find the body of the dead Rachel ..

It is time to deal with neutane. Chloe has already decided, and she wants to kill him ..
You will go to the club "Cyclone". Before the entrance, Max will meet Warren and talk to him a little, and Chloe will go to the club. Talking with Warren, go to the club for Chloe.

Find the VIP zone. You will not be empty there, so, bypassing the pool on the other hand, find another entrance.
There you will meet Victoria. You can try to warn it about Neutane, but it will not really believe you.
Here will come chloe. Go to her and get together Club.

Video passage Life is Strange Episode 4 (development) - Series 4

On the street, Chloe will receive SMS from Netan. It will be said that he wants to get rid of all evidence. Girls will go to the landfill again ..
Arriving at the landfill, go for Chloe. On the spot where the body of Rachel is buried, there will be no one. However, unexpectedly, someone will sue Max Needle in the neck, and Chloe will receive a bullet right in the head. Wrapped, Max will see that it was Mr. Jefferson ..

Video passage Life is Strange Episode 4 (development) - Series 5

That's all, friends. On this shocking note, the penultimate episode Life Is Strange. Completed. I wonder what will be in the fifth episode? Can Max be able to fix everything? And, what kind of apocalypse is coming on their streets? In general, everyone will soon find out. It remains only to wait ..

Meanwhile, Max must be aware of all responsibility of power over the time and the power of its abilities. She is Must quickly find out that the change in the past can sometimes lead to a destructive future.

Episode 1: Chrysalda

high school

The episode begins with the fact that we see the main character lying on the ground in the forest, while the storm is raging around it. We go to the lighthouse. When we get closer to Him, the storm will attribute the boat directly in the lighthouse, which after the collision will collapse.

Max decides that to get Victoria to crash, we must spoil her day. To do this, first break the handle from the bucket with the paint, which is a little left of Victoria, then run into the room of the maintenance room. We turn on the sprinklers, and it will make girls get up, and then their paint falls. We have about 15 seconds to turn everything, so you rewind time and try to do it until it turns out.

As soon as we get the desired result, we speak Victoria.


  • Motion over Victoria
  • Support Victoria

We can try to console her or offend. Again, these elections will affect your game, so you choose with the mind.

Women's hostel

Now we can go to your room. There are several posters in the corridor to see. Our room is located at the far end, right. In the room, we can interact with a lot of items (take a picture of yourself in the mirror, ( 5/10 )), We read a note by a laptop, in which it is written that the USB flash drive took the neighbor Max and leave the room. We go along the corridor and see the scornful girl.

We begin the conversation, but she does not want to talk, as we are not familiar. We say that her surname Watson and the girl will tell what is happening. We go to Victoria's room. When we enter, turn right, and we see a collage of photos. We can rearrange photos in some places to be slightly shaking, then we take pictures and get the achievement for add. Photo ( 6/10 ).

We approach the computer, print the letter you are interested in and carry it back to the girl to calm her and enter the room.

Hostel - with Flashka

We go outside and notice a student sitting on a bench, after a few seconds the ball will hit her head. We rewash the time and warn it about the danger, with the result that the ball gets into the window. The girl will be grateful, and we will be able to make add. Photo ( 7/10 ). Leaving from the area of \u200b\u200bthe hostel we see that the guard is interrogated.

To help her or not we decide for yourself.


After that we run through the campus in the parking lot to meet with Warren. But before that we can talk to several other students. You can also approach the parked car and pour your finger on dusty glass - add. Photo ( 8/10 ).

After that, we meet with Warren. During the conversation, Max with threats flies. Warren stands up for a girlfriend and a fight begins.

Suddenly drives the car behind the wheel of which the same girl with blue hair, which we helped to avoid death in the toilet. It turns out this chloe - a long-standing girlfriend Max. Max sits into the car, and the girls leave away from the scuffle.

House Chloly

We find yourself in Chloly's room. As in your own room, there are many things with which you can interact with, we strongly recommend that it.

We can pull the box by breaking the snow ball, then read the paper with school estimates. Make sure that you turned back the moment when I got a box, otherwise the commemorative snow ball of Chloe will remain broken.

Then open the chest under the bed to get a CD. When we do this, Chloe commetes some moments from your life.

Run the disc in the player and come out of the room. Coming out of the room, we need to go to the garage, however there are several other things that we can do before that.

In the parents' bedroom we will see how the bird got into the window and crushed. We rewind the time, open the window and the bird will remain a mustache, unless of course we want it. In the room you can find out even more information, viewed.

Garage with tools

After that go to the garage. There are several key places that it is worth viewing. The first is a pistol rack. We come to her, we turn on the light, we notice that one gun is missing. The next thing to check - cabinets. In one of them there is a TV, and if we turn on it, we find out that the house is stuffed by chambers of tracking. Finally, at the very top of the cabinets several packages. We are trying to grab one of them and randomly drop on the floor, right in the oil stain. After examining the package, we see that Chloe's father followed Kate. Make sure that you have been writing time after inspection photos so that it is not noticeable that they were touched.

Next, go to the washing machine. The tools we are looking for are at the very top, and the growth does not allow us to get to it there. To take them, we must first look down on a cardboard sheet and move it under the table. Then turn on the washing machine. This will lead to the fact that the tools will fall into the cardboard and we can easily extend them. After that turn off the washing machine.

We return upstairs and begin to chat with chloe, which will ultimately lead to dancing with loud music.

But here the stepfather of Chloe is returned.

Girlfriend will tell us to hide. We approach the bed and interact. Max, says it is too adult to hide under the bed. Then only the closet remains. But before opening the door, move the flooring, otherwise when opening, the door will attain it and the passage to the closet will be blocked.

Going to the room, stepfather asks about his missing gun, and then about the jamb on the table.

If you are not hidden in the closet, Chloe will accuse Max.

If you hide in the closet.

Any choice will have consequences.


We turn out to be in the same place where the game began, but now there is no hint on the storm. It is a warm quiet weather and we can quietly wander and picked up. Return back and take a picture of the bird on the stone ( 9/10 ). Then make the latest add. Photo in the first episode - take a picture of chloe from the back against the background of the sunset ( 10/10 ).

Sit on the bench near Chloe, starting the conversation, basking in the warm rays of the sunset. How suddenly we dramatically find yourself at the lighthouse in the midst of the swirling storms. Phantomelle silhouette flashes ahead, the wind breaks the trees. We approach the lighthouse and see the newspaper. It captures the date October 11.

We see how the crushing tornado comes to the city, despicable everything on their path, as suddenly they appear around Chloly again, and there is silence and calm around. Begins to fall light snowball. We understand that it is a terrible storm.

The first episode is completed.

Episode 2: Communion

Women's hostel

The episode begins with how Max wakes up from the sound of alarm clock. Stand up, we will drag the bed. You can explore the room for interesting things, but we have already seen a lot in the first episode.

Attention!If you mocked Victoria in the first episode, when they poured it with paint, then on the bedside table you will find a memorial photo.

We take toiletries and leave the room. In the corridor we will see how Alice arrives on the head of the roll of toilet paper. We will see the time and warn it. This action will have consequences. Further on the corridor you can go to the room of Dana, which will dance on the bed and talk to the girls on the corridor.

In the shower Max will meet Kate. Depending on whether you helped her in the first episode or photographed, the conversation would be appropriate. Next, Kate will ask Max to bring her a book that needs to be needed in class.

We go into the booth and begins the cat scene. At this time, Victoria with a friend is included in the shower and begin to mock Kate, mentioning some video from the party. From the conversation it turns out that Nathan Oda Kate and Victoria leaves a link to the video on the mirror. Erase the link or leave - to solve you.

Return to the room.

Attention!If you told the truth to the director Wells about Naitan, then inside you are waiting for a threatening message. Walls will be written and in general there will be a complete mess in the room.

The book Kate will lie on the bedside table near the bed. But when Max tries to get to her, she is a bunch of a glass and all the liquid will bow the book. I wrap the time with a slight movement of the hand and move the glass. We change clothes on weekends and go to the Kate room.

Examine the room to find out the latest news about Kate's life. Immediately you can find the first extra. Photo - take a picture of a rabbit in a cage ( 1/10 ).

Next, let's talk to Kate. She will tell that David is a wild paranoid and thinks that she is a member of the Cyclone club, then you can ask her hanging with them and what kind of video is. Kate tells that she went to the club of the club Cyclone and something happened to her. To this, according to her, Nanitan was involved. Well, of course! After the conversation, we put a book in place.

We leave out of the room and we get SMS from Chloe, which will wait for us at breakfast in the diner. Go there.


We go to the courtyard, there are three people with whom you can talk. First, run into the back and find photos of Rachel, then go to Samiel and ask him about it.

The second person is Taylor, the same girlfriend Victoria. Let's come and talk to her. We learn information about her mother, we wrap the time ago and begin the conversation from this topic.

At the exit from the courtyard is Warren. It will be possible to thank him for the fact that he stood up for Max in the first episode, and then accept his invitation to the cinema ... or not. Also tell the truth about Nathan or not. All this will also have consequences.

By the way, there is the second extra. Photo - Take a donut from the urn and put on the bench. Go away and when the squirrel approaches food, go and take a picture of it ( 2/10 ).

The next chapter will be entirely given under the cat scene. Max comes to a bus stop and sits on the bus to the diner. On the way he is listening to music, well, together with it, we see the action on the street on the street. The mysterious lighthouse is visible ...


Here we are in place. On the street you can talk to various characters, for example, the interest of the old man, when he said that he was a millionaire on the floor. For the diner, you can talk with a homeless woman, and learn how it has become and what happened at all. By the way, you can also take a picture of the dog, add. Photo ( 3/10 ), as well as a signboard at the entrance to the diner ( 4/10 ).

Inside in the toilet, take the inscription on the mirror ( 5/10 ). We go to the end of the diner and sit down at the table. Joyce is suitable for Max - the mother of Chloe, and begins a conversation. The conversation came to a jamb, which David found in Chloe's room. All the same, we give to choose from what to order: Omelet with bacon or Belgian waffles? What do you choose?

While the order is carried, we can drink a coffee house and see the menu. Once breakfast appears on the table, Chloe appears. Here we are watching the "wonderful relationships" of mother and daughter.

Chloe is impressed after yesterday's events with a tornado. And she is looking for evidence of the superconductors of the girlfriend. To begin with, Max can list that the Chloe is in his pockets. First, choose any answer, because the correct everything will not turn out to be correct. After the girlfriend shows that she really has, remember every detail. This is a key chain in the form of a panda, 7 cigarettes in a pack, 86 cents, parking card at 10:34 am.

Further more. Now we must predict the future. Carefully look at the events of the near time and then tell about this church. First, the trucker drops a cup; Cope will receive a challenge, and the partner will leave without him; Justin and Trevor will be held, and Joyce varies them; Because of the cockroach, the musical machine will go crazy.

After all this overexcitation, Max flowed blood from the nose. Chloe offers to test her strength in full in his secret shelter. Near the phone spawn. This is Kate. Before us comes to another choice.


Chloe still can't hurt and wants to look at what else is capable of Max. While the Synevosa is preparing a shooting range, she asks to find 5 bottles.

The first will lie on the red pelvis. From the first attempt to get it not to work out, so after the failure I wrap the time ago and enjoy the drawer standing nearby. To get a second, we need to climb the elevation and shifting the board to get to it. The third will be in shelter Chloe. The fourth behind the shelter is hidden in the corner. Well, the last, fifth, stand near the "entrance" to the territory behind the bus. On this location you can make 3 add. snapshot. First - take a picture of the bus at a certain angle ( 6/10 ), the second is a ghostly lan that will run after the bus ( 7/10 ) And the third is chloe lying on the car, but it will be after you shoot on the bottle.

When all the bottles are found, come to the chlo. She hopes not to lose any wasting cartridge. Let's help her make this venture. For a start, look where a girlfriend will shoot, and then wrap the time and guide it in the right direction. This sequence is: to the right, up. Next, select another target. You can try everything, but the faithful will be a wheel rim. And another bottle is broken. Go to a rusty car. The correct option will be shifted into the wheel. But the rest are no less interesting, try them first. So, bottles are destroyed. After this session, Max begins to pour blood from the nose again and it loses consciousness.

After waking up, Max asks time to come to himself. Now we can sfotku chloe ( 8/10 ).

As soon as the turn is Max to have fun with a cannon, a certain Frank appears. The purpose of his visit is Chloe's debt. She accidentally notices the bracelet of the missing girlfriend - Rachel. There begings, threats, etc. Max decides to pop up for chloe and aims a gun on Frank.


Meet the chloe about the railway paths. Cat scene will begin. After a cute conversation, Max is moving into photograph and suddenly appear vision of hurricane. Having come to themselves, she hears his girlfriends. She got stuck my leg. The sound of the approaching train is heard away. Time is little. There are two ways to release Chloly. The first is rough, is to take a mount and to push the backup into a large coil. To push TU and it breaks the control panel.

The second is to take the mount, hack the door to the warehouse and take pliers in the drawer. Open the control panel and cut the red wire. Then I drag behind the shooting lever arrows and ready.

high school

Tus with chloe ends and it brings Max to campus. Going to Courtney, you can sign up for a club of the Cyclone club. True, she is from the first attempt to depart, so we use the ability to start a conversation with the right words.

On the way to the class, you can look at Warren and help him with an experiment. He will ask which substance to add to the flask. Select any answer, and then ask the correct ingredient from Miss Grant and tell me to a friend. After that, it will be possible to photograph it ( 9/10 ). Near the entrance to the class you will meet Mr. Jefferson, talking to Kate, after which she will leave in tears. When talking with Jefferson can tell about Paranoire David.

We go into class and make the last additional. Photo in this episode - standing by the window Alice ( 10/10 ). We run from your place Nathan with Victoria and sit down at the table. After a time, the call rings. The teacher begins to chat, well, we can still reiterate and see what else you can interact, and it is very soon for the order and urgently calls everyone to the street.


The crowd gathered near the female hostel. On the roof it costs Kate and ... jumps down. I wonder the time ago. But forever we can't unwind. Max detects a new ability - a stop of time. While everything froze, go to the entrance to the building. Once on the roof, Max loses the ability and will now have to cope. Kate notices the girl and they are tied dialogue. It is important to answer correctly, otherwise after an unsuccessful attempt by Kate jump down. The main answers: "You are my girlfriend", "be stronger than them", "Your Father", "Matthew 11:28" and on this everything will end.

Office rector

We turn out to be on the Council.

  • Blame Natana
    If you blame Naitan, then in the conversation Max will mention the trunk in the toilet. If you hid the truth from the director in the first episode, he will want to talk to the parents Max. Also, if you have taken blame for yourself in the case of a jammer in the house of Chloe, then David will also add that she smokes a fool, which is also good for nothing.
  • Blame Jefferson
    If you blame Jefferson, then he will not represent Blackwell at the "Hero of the Day" contest.
  • Blame David.
    If David, then it will be removed from the service for a while.

Choose yourself, and when the decision will be accepted to sign the application.

Max and Warren sit on the steps and discuss the latest events that occurred in the day, looking at the beautiful sunset.

The second episode is completed.

Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Women's hostel

Max fell asleep at her desk. Soon she comes SMS from Chloe. She wants to meet. You can look in the room, then go to the corridor. We can go to the room are given. There we learn that I recently washed off from the dorm. This is a reason to step in her room. In Victoria's room, you can make the first photo - phosphoric figure ( 1/10 ). In the garbage bucket you can find a check from dry cleaning, where Victoria passed things to wash the paint. We remember the first episode.

You can go to the shower before leaving and talk to Taylor.


In the courtyard there will be a second photo - a squirrel on the bench ( 2/10 ). Then go to the exit, there is nothing more interesting here. The exit will be the rector Wells, and he will not let us go through if notice. I wrap your time and quietly slip by him.

School - evening

Girlfriends have entered the school and want to open the office of the rector. While Chloe tries to crack the door, we need to find anything you can open with an adversary way. We will examine the rack with the keys, there will not be there. Max comes up to contact Warren and make explosives to open the door. We will need: Sugar, Bank Soda, Scotch, Chlorat Sodium.

Sugar can be reached immediately on the shelf near the reception. We go out and turn the right, we collect soda in the machine. We go into the office of chemistry further along the corridor. At the end of the cabinet on the cabinet will stand chlorat.

In this office you can make two photos - the included aquarium ( 3/10 ) and skeleton ( 4/10 ), standing near the exit. We leave from the class and go to the door opposite. In the office you will find the last object - Scotch. We return to the shoe and try a self-made bomb. But unfortunately alarm is activated. Come to the Cabinet and wrap the time ago. After that, open the door from the inside for chloe.

The last photo of the chapter - you need to take a picture of Chloe behind the rector's table ( 5/10 ).

So, our task is to get interesting information on someone. Turn on the lamp on the table and inspect the Kate dossier. Then inspect the rack with the documents to the right of the director's desk. And only it remains to look in gray lockers, where there will be still a dossier. When the inspection is completed, we speak Chloe. She found interesting info on the computer. The real dossier of Neutan and a bunch of different incomprehensible. Before leaving, Chloe wants to grab a souvenir. In the drawer of the table, they find a large amount of money.


  • Do not take money
  • Take money

Chloe this money is needed to pay with Frank. Decide to take or leave. Get out of the Cabinet.

Swimming pool - evening

We choose the locker room through which we will get into the pool. I don't care what to choose, everything will be smoothly then you can go and inspect both. In the locker rooms you can explore lockers. There will also be a lot of graffiti, while even funny. In the shower, you can notice on the wall of the ME Gusta popular meme. We come to the collapse of the water. She will say to turn on the light in the hall. The chopper is in the command of the rescuers.

Turning on the light, approach the chlo. Max undresses and jumps into the water. When girls get out of the water, a security guard will enter the pool. It's time to carry legs. I hide in one of the toilet cabins. When David passes by, run out of the shower.

Chloe House - Second Floor

Only heroes woke up, a mandatory procedure - immediately Selfie. After a small conversation, we get up and inspect the room. Old clothes will not wear clothes, because She failed chlorine. Chloe will suggest to wear things left from Rachel. Come to the closet and open it. In a conversation with Chloe there will be a choice.

We dress up, come out of the commands. We go to the bath to make a photo - take a picture of yourself in the mirror ( 6/10 ). Go down to the first floor.

Chloe House - First Floor

To make the following photos, you need to open the window, scare the bird on the closet, and after it crashes into the window, go to the backyard and take a picture of it ( 7/10 ).

After approaching Joyce and choose what we will be for breakfast: pancakes or bacon eggs.

If the pancakes chose, then bring eggs and milk. If bacon eggs are eggs and bacon. Eggs you will find at the entrance to the house in the package, milk on the table, bacon in the refrigerator.

We give the Joyce Ingredients and wait for the bike. Sit down at the table. Seed breakfast and then Joyce with Max will be nostalgic at the former times. Here a chloe appears and gripped, Max gets a setting to check the David garage.

We must climb into the laptop David, bypassing the password. After trying to enter a password, a lot of items will be available to interact in which the password may hide. After several unsuccessful attempts, the computer will be blocked. I wrap the time and everything will be still.

Password - Family\u003e 11/27/08

I find it in the visor of the car. The laptop hides a lot of information on each of the suspects. Return to the chlo. Call David and disassembly will begin.

After the roller, we approach the lore and leave the house.


Heroes found the closest connection of Frank with Rachel, they want to check his van in search of new information. First you need to pull Frank's keys.

In this chapter, you can make two photos - trucker truck ( 8/10 ), bugs near the bird corpse ( 9/10 ).

We go to the dnish. Let's talk to Frank, but he says nothing. Then we head to talk with a cop and neutane. From Copa, you can find out that he concluded a deal with the Prescott family and now you have to look at Neutane. Now you can cast a pair of words with neutane and mention information from the corop. Then he will say that Raulch and Frank binds blood oath. Let's see a little back and ask him about blood oath. Now with all the information approach Frank.

This time, Frank will be more conversation and show a photo of Rachel. Together with her, he will get the keys to the van. We take them and wrap their time ago. Keys of us, we leave from the diner and go to the van.

Opening the door, a dog runs out of the van.


  • Throw straight on the road
  • Throw parking

At the end of the van we find a ventilation grille. It will not work out with your hands, so we take the knife on the table near Pizza. Behind the bars will be notes, photos, letters of Frank and Rachel. They were more than friends. Take a book of chloe. Then we watch the video with a trip to the academy, all the way the heroes will talk, argue.

In the hostel, Maxin will discover a new ability - traveling to the past. We look at the photo and configure sharpness. This is done by [A] / [D] buttons, then [LKM] / [PCM].

Max falls into the past when she was 13 years old. William is still alive. Here there will be a full photo in this episode - take a camera from the table and take a picture of the father with my daughter ( 10/10 Gospadi! 1).

Mini-choice: Also, you can leave the mark on the fireplace.

Joyce will soon call and ask for her to take her from work. We must stop William and do not let him go by car. We wait until William finds their keys, they will be under the cap. Now we wrap the time and hide them. There are two options: throw out to the street or throw into the sink with water.

Max found himself in another world. She has new fashionable clothes, friends from the club cyclone, Warren is found with Stella. Max comes to the House of Chloe. David became the driver of the bus. William remained alive, but ... oh God, no, chloe in a wheelchair, paralyzed.

On this third episode ends.

Episode 4: Manifest

Alternative beach

Max with Chloe walking around the beach in an alternative world. Chloe fell into an accident on a donated car. Someone cut her and she broke her back. Having woke up in the hospital, she could not even move. So she found himself in a chair. In this world, Chloe is not even familiar with Rachel. Yes, Chloe has become completely different, does not even tolerate martial words. Girlfriends decided to return home.

Alternative room

Chloe will ask the water. Take a glass next to the shelves and give a batch to drink. Many of the friends turned away from Chloe after injury. She missed her old girlfriends girlfriends for the movie and decided that she had to see something. We find a disc with a film in the box under the TV, insert into DVD.

Alternative House Chloe - First Floor

Waking up in the morning, Chloe asks to bring her a morphine container. She hurts his head terribly. It's funny, but in the present on the place where the garage lies in the chloe. We go into the living room. It seems Max is popular among people already familiar to us, SMS comes from Victoria.

In the kitchen, we can talk to William and learn about the latest events in their family. Everywhere scattered accounts and letters about non-payment of debts. All money goes to care for her daughter. We rise to the second floor.

Alternative House Chloe - Second Floor

We go into the bath and take the syringe in the left drawer on the wall. We can also go to the former Chloe Room and see how it changed.

Here we will find a couple of letters, boxes with things and in general everything. You can go to Joyce's room and talk to her. After conversations, we return to the chlo. She will ask her to file a photo album where they are still very children.

Alternative House Chloe - down with morphine

Looking at the album, Chloe will ask for one favor, namely, after a well-spent time and old memories, she wants to "leave" and asks to help this Max.

Regardless of choice, you will need to return to the present. Focus on the photo. History with William will repeat.

Chloe House - Second Floor

We will transfer to the present. Chloe sits at the table - the first photo, which will have to do in this episode ( 1/10 ). We will look at the board with evidence. It remains to find three more things. Go down to the garage.

Chloe House - First Floor

Below we will meet David, who leaves the house. We go into the garage and find metal boxes. On one will hang the castle. In the third episode, you could see this castle on the table and the code was written on it.

But if you do not remember, you can use the mont. There Max will find a folder with documents. In the garage you can take a photo - nest with eggs (2/10 ).

We rise to the chlo.


On the way to the Academy, Max decided to visit Kate in the hospital. Talk to her and inspect the room. Leave the hospital, as you finish here.


While Chloe chatting with Justin, it is necessary to find out where Neanan lives. Here you can make two pictures - sculptures from stones ( 3/10 ) and take a picture of the protein ( 4/10 ) Talking with Daniel, you can persuade him to go to the club of the club Cyclone - "End of Light".

Talk to Brooke and ask about Netan, so you will learn that it is not in the campus. Now you can return to the chlo. But there are still interesting people for conversation, take, for example, Samuel. He can tell what happened to animals that die. Some birds even buried, putting a bunch of stones on that place. In fact, this man knows about the abilities of Max. Phrases indicate "... while time is on your side", "... if Rachel wants to find it".

Male hostel

In the hostel there will be one photo - immediately on the first turn, turn right and take the tracks on the ground through the window ( 5/10 ).

Sight will come sms from Kate, which will say that the neutana room at number 111. Max has no keys, so there is a fire extinguisher. On the floor in the room you will find scratches, move the sofa to find hidden things. Having found a mobile phone and other things, we leave the room.


At the next location, girls will meet with Frank and solve long-standing problems. There will be one photo - take a picture of whales on the coast ( 6/10 ). Write on the door of the van. You can give money or leave for yourself. If further in the conversation it comes to extremes, then a dog runs out of the van, and Chloe if there is a gun, it will shoot it, then she will shoot Frank, because He will attack her. We wrap the time (if you do not suit this option of holding the events) and we say the church to throw away the gun. Also, let Frank closes the door of the van. Now, if you do everything too, Frank will be injured in the foot with a knife. If you close the door and do not throw away the gun, it will be wounded in the foot of the bullet.

For a successful completion of the conversation, first apologize in front of him, then tell me that they were frightened. When he asks about the dogs, say that they stumbled as he saved dogs. After you select the "Photo Rachel" option. After that, Frank will give a list of customers.

Chloe House - Investigation

Having gathered all the necessary evidence, it is necessary to compare them.

Let's start by S. Franca. Step 1: Select customer book and leaflet with rashifice. Stage 2: You need to find in the list of Netan's buyers. We write his name with a nickname in the list of customers and choose those sheets where you have a nickname "mouth". Frank is finished.

Go to K. David. Stage 1: Select the photo of the neutana machine, coordinates, and the photo of Nytan and Warren fights. Stage 2: Select the coordinates on the right, the photo of the neutana car Right and top photo of the car.

Now it remains only Neutan. Step 1: SIM card, telephone, pin codes and neutana dossier. Stage 2: There are two ways for hacking the phone:

  • you can find a PIN code - 0829, month and date of his birth from personal cause (August, 29, 1995)
  • enter 3 times incorrect IDUs, and then when it is possible for water Pak code, enter it. It can be viewed on the map.

After all this, you need to select one hook from each line to find out the location.

Finding out the address of the place, the heroine is moving right there.

Old Sarai.

In this location you can make two photos - a bird on the fence ( 7/10 ) And the owl inside the barn ( 8/10 ) Go around the shed on the side and find the entrance. We will examine the floor at the end of the barn. Max will find there a passage. But how to get inside? Penitize the hook on the column near the castle. To do this, you must first turn with the castle. Then we climb on the platform, chloe will help us. Pull the engine to get up with it. Then look at the time to return it to the place. Tie the rope to the engine and collide it down. Voila!

Under the door there will be an entrance to the bunker. You need to enter the code. The benefit of the keys used are already wiped and can be easily recognized - 542. Inside inspect the lockers, there we will find a file for each student of the Academy. Chloe will find out the place in the picture with Rachel, this is a dump. Go there with chloe. I excavator the earth, the girlfriend will understand that there is Zakopan Rachel.

Pool - Party

At the party you can make the last two photos - Double Moon ( 9/10 ) From the window near the pool and an intersert photo from graffiti in shower ( 10/10 )

We need to go into the VIP zone, but the bitch at the entrance does not allow there. Let's go to Courtney and let it figure it out. Come to Victoria in the VIP zone and tell me that Neanan is dangerous.


  • Tell about manifest
  • Don't warn it

Talking with Victoria, approach the chlo. On the way you will meet Mr. Jefferson. See the video with award in the "Hero of the Day" contest.

We go with Chloe to the landfill. At the site of the burial Rachel Max, there is a sedative, and Chlow will be killed. Later, Jefferson will appear in the frame.

At such a note, the fourth episode ends.

Episode 5: split


Waking up, Max discovers itself in a developing stool. Near the floor lies Victoria.

She is unconscious. It is necessary to get out of here. Free the right leg and pull the trolley. The pictures that Jefferson made will be lying on it. With the help of the snapshot, you can move back and see what happened at all. We look at the photo and configure sharpness. This is done by [A] / [D] buttons, then [LKM] / [PCM].

Development - first focus

We are transferred at the time when Jefferson at work, the "artist" is creating, a photo session of the poor, Vermana Max in full swing. Along the way, he carries his nonsense. After introducing the next dose of the drug, the journey into the past ends. Victoria Slowly comes to himself. You can talk to her and tell what happened. On the trolley you can find more pictures, on them Max in consciousness and maybe it will be possible to learn more if you move at the time. Again focusing and voila.

From a conversation with a teacher, it turns out that he is an ordinary movement of a psychopath, which is satisfied by capturing the emotions of girls at the time of transition from one state to another. According to him, Max was lucky enough to become his model, he chose her. It was also that Nathan was only a pawn, Jefferson used him for his own purposes. All equipment manifest bought for money Prescott family. What about Rachel, then this is a tragic chance. Nathan introduced her a deadly dose of drugs, as a result, the one had happened. By the way, Neanan himself later found himself in the grave from Jefferson's hands.

It's time to act. Psycho goes to see pictures and leaves Max one. On the table we find a diary in which there should be a lot of pictures. Take a look at it. I wrap your time back and speak with him. Select the bottom with the diary. He will throw him under the feet of Max, with an open photo. Hurray, worked! Focus on the snapshot. Max is already falling into a dream in a dream. "

Cabinet Art - Focus

We find ourselves in the class, from where the whole story began, and the whole story began. The teacher's question can be answered in different ways. In any case, she first checks out, and then give the correct answer. When the call is called, Max must warn David about Jefferson. Take the bag and find David's phone, it will be on the last page along with the rest of the contacts. Now it remains only to dial SMS.

The first photo in this episode will wait after the jump in time. In the Jefferson class after the call, talk to Kate, after which you can take a picture ( 1/10 ). Come to Jefferson and talk to him. When Vick will leave, Max will give a photo to the teacher at the "Hero of the Day" contest.

Another transition and here we see the events that contributed to the SMS sent by David.

Airplane - Between Realities

Max is wounded in an airplane flying in San Francisco. You can look around. This time everything went better. Psychopath teacher arrested, chloe alive. After a while, the heroine begins to flow blood from the nose. All this is the consequences of overload during travel time.


Flash and Max are already in a huge gallery. Near the stairs will be the passage to the room where the girl sits and looks at the paintings. Come and take a picture of it ( 2/10 ). In the center of the hall you will notice the work of Max. Again blood, vision, noise ... After the respite, Max calls the church. The vision turned out to be true, at Arkady Bay comes a tornado, he will distribute everything in his path. We must save the situation. We go back to the photos Max and focus. It moves to the room and to prevent a trip to San Francisco, you need to tear a photo to the competition.

Again, Max is sitting tied to the chair in the manifestation. In this embodiment, Victoria's events are dead, and the diary with photos Max Jefferson decided to destroy.

Show - Dravel

Here you can get another achievement. To do this, ask Jefferson to take a picture of Max ( 3/10 ). The teacher prepares the syringe to spread in finally with the cute Morka Marsh. In recent seconds, it saves some kind of noise. Someone penetrated the manifestation. This is David. We look at what is happening. As a result, Jefferson kills David from the pistol without our help. I wonder the time ago and warn the guard when the teacher will stand at the wall. Further extend the wire from Softbox so that the psychopath stumbled and fell. Then David will cope. Max remembered the photograph that Warren did. She needs it. Max takes Jefferson's car and leaves. You can also talk to David.

On the street, Max binds to Warren and he says that he is in the "two whales" - the institution where Joyce works. On the way, Max listens to Netan. He feels danger and he did not want any harm to anyone. He is scary. Jefferson is already followed by him.


Arriving on the Snack Street, you need to get to the building. Chaos is on the street: everywhere envelied buildings, debris, people in trouble. We can help some inhabitants.

First, find Evan, the guy who wants to capture the hurricane on the camera. He will betray the flying debris. Warn it in advance. Then pulling from under the fragment near the truck truck truck. In one of the buildings, you can notice the Alice constantly falling into trouble. Rear to the ledge and throw it nearby standing board.

To go to another part of the card, you need to find a break in the wall. We fall into the store room. To go through fire, you need to activate the sprinkler. To do this, in the left part of the store, turn on the fuse block. The water will fire the fire, but the poor female hit the current. Go to it in the room and wrap your time ago, thereby saving his life. Then activate the fuses again.

After entering the diner, quickly running towards it and gasima sand chosen to the building. This chapter can also be done 2 photos: take a picture of a dead whale on the road ( 4/10 ) and the stuck car on the roof of the building near the diner ( 5/10 ).

The main entrance is littered, so we enter through the side.

After talking with Frank and Joyce, go to Warren and take photos from him.

Focusing in the photo and we are transferring to the club of the club cyclone. Max tells the church all the truth about Jefferson. They decide to tell about all this David.

Another movement and girlfriend on the coast at the time of hurricane. After a long conversation, the girls decide to move to the lighthouse, away from the tornado.


Max again bleeding and throws us at another time. Again in class to Mr. Jefferson. All of us is already familiar, the action is repeated. But unexpectedly, the windows begins to throw paint, a sharp call and all in the class disappear.

Here you can make one photo: Go to the table, on which the inscription carved, take a look at it 2 times, and then take a picture ( 6/10 ). The exit Max will stop the teacher and starts to carry nonsense. Select any answer option. Outside the window, by the way, you can see the earth chosen by the corpses of birds. Moving to exit.

The door will lead to a hostel. We go along the corridor and on the turn to the soul on the table will lie the key. Immediately you can make an additional photo - gigantic proteins outside the window ( 7/10 ). We take and go into the room under this number. We turn out again at the beginning of the corridor, posters about the disappearance on the walls. Find Rachel on the map and go to it. Imagined to Victoria, go to her room. After that, we play again for Max, and on the walls hangs photos. At this point, you can make another additional. Photo: Take a picture of the giants in the window at the entrance to the shower. Now we go to my room. Outside the door turns out the academy corridor, the time here seems to be wounded back. We go along the corridor, then right and approach the skeleton. Wait and when to appear with a press - the eighth additional photo in this episode ( 8/10 ).

Go to the toilet door. Max enters the simulation. I hide behind the walls and avoid shacks with Jefferson. Having reached the lighthouse lighthouse, hiding behind the paintings, moving to installation from lockers. Other heroes are met on the way: Warren, David, Wells, Samuel. Seeing the latter, turn to the right and go for an angle. There you can find a cabinet Warren. We open and make a photo ( 9/10 ). We return to the True path and pass to the landfill. For the last photo ( 10/10 ) It will be necessary to find 5 bottles on the dump and at the end take pictures of them.

The first - near Jefferson on the coil, the second - in the shelter of Chloe, the third - on the hood of the car near the exit, the fourth - next to the trunk of another car, and the last fifth - on the car near the school bus. Sit on the bench and watch the scene. Max turns out to be in a glass bowl in Chloe's house. The moment is repeated as David leaves to pick up Joyce. In the phone, opening the SMS window, you can see strange messages from the heroes. Max is again in the manifestation, they are seen by flash moments with chloe. Next, Max is wound in the toilet, on the door code lock. We enter the wrong code, then thousands of combinations are displayed on the walls. We need the one that is reflected in the mirror. Go to the dining room of the diner and move to the table for which it sits, you will not believe, yes, Max itself.

We go along the path to the lighthouse from the memories of Max. At the top we look at the roller. It will be possible to make a choice that will complete this long and interesting story:

Congratulations! The game is passed.

Life Is Strange is a new adventure game of the serial format. In total, the future is scheduled to release five episodes. In the meantime, we bring to your attention the first two episodes.

The plot leads a story about the young girl, which is called Maxin Colfield (short max). She returned to the native city of Arkady Bay for learning in the Creative Academy.

As often happens in such cases, the dreams of the average girl do not come true - Max has become a murder witness. In addition, she discovered an interesting feature - rewind time. This makes her strong and at the same time, does not allow us to live a common life.

During the game you have to talk a lot with other characters, make various actions. You will also save the life of your girlfriend and throw a challenge not the best girls.

Life Is Strange: Episode 1

See the starting roller. Go to the lighthouse. You need to follow the stairs top and not stop. Go closer to the cliff. You will see a tornado there. Well, then watch the roller. It is worth paying attention to the photo, which lies on the table. Listen to all that the teacher will say.

Then you need to use the camera for Selfie. If you are interested in some things that lie on the table, you can take them to play. To select the correct answer, you need to take the offer "I DID KNOW:". Look at the table. Do not forget about the magazine. To the right of you there is an inscription on the table. Take a picture of it. Now talk with a classmate. These are the options for the answer you should choose: "You Seeem Quiet Today" and "Want to Go Grab A CUP O 'TEA?". Then go to the teacher and negotiate with him. The best answer option for this case: "Do I Have To?". Stroll a little by class, read it. Well, and then leave the room.

With the further passage of the game Life Is Strange: Episode 1 Follow right along the corridor. You need your locker, which is located on the right side. It is red. Open the locker. Go further. So the first part of the corridor will remain behind. You will meet the poster on which Missing is written. It is on the left side. Your task is to pass into the ladies room. To solve it, turn right. Go to the sink and work. Make a photo of the butterfly. See the video.

So you are in the classroom. You must reverse time. It will be needed to repair the camera. When a teacher pays attention to you, choose "I Feel Sick". A small conversation will end that you will receive an offer to return to the top of the conversation and choose another option. In this case, choose "The Daguerreian Process". On the table you will see a notebook. We must read it. On the way from the class you are stopped by a teacher. So that everything is normal to answer: "John Lennon Said."

How to leave the class, go to the toilet. Move the boxes, use the hammer. So you can split the signal from the alarm. Get out of the toilet, go to the director. Tell him "Hide The Truth". Everything, when passing the game Life Is Strange can come out of school.

How to find out on the street, you can talk with classmates. So you will get a lot of interesting and useful information. After negotiations with all, roll to the left of the central doors of the school. Here you will meet the janitor. Need to come to him. Here are what phrases will be useful: "What's with these posters?", "What happened her", "You Knew What Rachel, What Was She Like?" And "See You Later".

When you find yourself on the stairs, we talk with the girls that they stand there. Take advantage of paint, which is located next to you. Go to the cleaner at the moment when it goes away. You need to run inside the pantry and turn on the sprayer. It is worth shouting until the cleaner will climb up. He will randomly drop paint. On the stairs you will see a standing girl. It is necessary to talk to her. Here is the best answer option: "Comfort". Then go to the female hostel.

You need to enter the room at number 219. It is located at the very end of the corridor. Immediately look around, go through the room. The passage of the game Life is Strange: Episode 1 continues. Put on the bed. Well, after leaving the room. Meet the girl in the corridor. With her it will be necessary to talk. Here are the options for the conversation: "What Did She Do?", "Juliet Watson", "How Do You Know?".

221 room is directly opposite your room. Go inside. You must go to email. To do this, look at the computer and print the necessary documents. Do not forget to take the printed paper, so as not to return back. Get out of the room. Give a letter that was printed by you. Then go to the girl's room. At her computer you will see a flash drive. Take it. During a conversation with the girl, choose the following phrases: "Juliet Gets Her Rageon", "What do you mean?". Then you can go to your room and insert a USB flash drive into your computer. Go out of the room, go to the street.

Go to the school courtyard. You will see a girlfriend and guard. Choose Intervene. Then go to the courtyard. You will meet a girl who sits on the step. It is necessary to approach her and say: "Sorry About Zachary". With the further passage of the game Life Is Strange, go straight to the guy and give the flash drive. You need to choose the following answers: "Really?", "Daniel Posted It Online?", "Yeah, Thanks", "Seen IT," Faster "," Pyssycat! KILL! Kill! "," I Need to Talk to Somebody ".

You are going on a guy with a bunch of claims. You need to answer: "Nothing," Take a Step Back ". After that you eat by car.

You are waiting for a conversation with chloe inside the car. These are some options choose: "I have no idea", "I Guess", "of Course", "I'm sorry:".

Inspect the Chloe Room. You see the wardrobe, which is located on the left side of the door. This cupboard lies the box. Take it, read the letter. That it will allow you to go back time. Turn on the adapter that is on the right side of the door. The bed girl will have a box. Move it and find a disc. Then there will be a conversation, during the conversation it is necessary to choose the following phrases: "That's Rachel Amber:", "SO Rachel Took My Place", "SO, What happened?", "What about Her Parents?". Go to the player, turn on the music. Leave their rooms, go down.

Follow straight, roll to the right. See the workshop. There on the floor at the washing machine will be a folder. Move it. Go to the locker, which stands on the right side. There is still a TV, which must be turned on and off. With the further passage of the game Life Is Strange, follow the top. Tell me that you have what it was necessary. You need to use the following proposal for a monologue: "I WAS There", "Not At All," Just A Bit: "," No ". Then you need to take a photo chloe. When the chloe dad will appear, say: "Take the Blame" and jump through the window to the street.

Climb the stairs. You will meet Chloe on the bench. Go to her. She will start asking questions. Here's how to answer them: "My Pleasure", "I Should've Taken HIS Photo", "Files?", "What's Nathan Secret?", "How Much?", "That is Fucked Up", "He's Still Dangerous. " Go for deer. Time will be returned back if you allow mistakes. Climb up, read the newspaper. How to browse the short roller and read the credits, you can enjoy beautiful music. Well, that's all, the passage of the game Life is Strange, the first episode is completed.

Life Is Strange: Episode 2

The main heroine named Max is lying in the hostel, in his room. We must get up and look around. It is worth pouring a flower that brought. Take the cosmetics for the soul, go to wash.

In the shower room you will endure Kate. Remember how we put up for her in the first episode? It costs to say hello. When Max will enjoy the shower, the evil Victoria is performed there along with his girlfriend. Two beasts will talk to Kate, after which Victoria on the mirror will write the address to the video. In this video there is Kate, as they claim.

It is necessary to erase the inscription from the mirror and go to your room. Dress up, find the book that must be attributed to Kate in the room. Talk to the girl and leave the book next to her bag. Then you need to check the phone Max. It is necessary to meet with Chloe in the cafe. For this reason, go to the bus stop, on which to add to the cafe.

When you go to the cafe, you will not see any chloe there. You will need to sit down at the table, which is located on the right. A waitress will come to you, which is the Chloe's mother. Take it off with her and order something to have breakfast. Wait.

After some time, Chloe will appear in the cafe. The girl will want to check the abilities of Max. To confirm the ability, it will be necessary to say that in the pockets of the girl. That's what is there:

  • 7 cigarettes;
  • parking Coupon - 10:34 am;
  • money - 86 cents;
  • keys with a keychain in the form of a panda.

With the further passing of the game Life Is Strange: Episode 2 you need to show the girl that Max is able to control the time of time, as well as to predict the future. To do this, predict 4 events that will occur in the next 30 seconds. Here is what sequence of events:

  • the trucker drops the mug;
  • police officer will cause a radio, and the partner will leave without him;
  • Justin and Trevor will come back. Joyce will cool their fervor;
  • the machine will go crazy when the cockroach crawls into it.

While girls will come out of the cafes, the Max will call Kate. In order for Chloe not offended, it is better not to raise the phone. All this will then have certain consequences. Max, together with Chloe, will be held on the landfill, in order to have fun. Lay for Chloe 5 empty bottles.

When you find them, then give the girl. Then help her aim in the bottles. After Chloe is shot, the maxi becomes bad and it will go blood. Pottle on the landfill will appear some kind of guy. He's on his hand wearing a bracelet Rachel. Max brings a gun on him. You better not shoot. In general, after time, Max will take off the gun. The passage of the game Life IS Strange continues.

After the girls lie on the rails, the leg will get stuck at Chloe. You need to quickly go to the house, which is upstairs. On the left side, take a scrap to open the door. Inside the room on the right side, find itching and quickly run to the shield on the railway. You need to cut the wire of red. After that, move the arrow.

Then Chloe will decide to ride into the Academy Max. There it is necessary to find Warren in the laboratory, try to assist him in the experiment. Then go to the art class. Cabinet in class must be accepted with Mr. Jefferson. Then go to the Panel Max.

During the lesson, the guy will fly to the class and says that there is something very interesting next to the female body. You need to go for everyone. Come to the crowd. You will understand that Kate stands on the roof. There will have to stop the time and climb to the girl on the roof. Your task is to dissuade Kate to commit suicide. So, you will save Kate!

During the conversation with the rector, Max will ask what she knows about the case with Kate. You need to turn on the chapter of protection, after which sign the testimony. Well, let everything go to her to do.

Well, the passage of the game Life is Strange, the second episode is completed! Now it remains to wait for the third episode of this interesting and exciting game!