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"World Funk Festival" - Music portal. Funk

The collapse of the once popular duo Smash !! put an end to the friendship of Sergei Lazarev and Vlad Topalov. At least once they performed together then, according to rumors, they do not speak outside the stage now.

Sergey and Vlad were asked the same questions separately in order to better understand how the former “smash” soloists are similar and how they differ.

Despite the fact that since childhood you sang in professional groups, everyone had attempts to “turn aside”: Sergei at the age of 16 opened the doors of the Moscow Art Theater School and became a certified actor, Vlad, having studied for 3 years in England, entered the law faculty of the Russian State Humanitarian University ... What is the reason for such throwing?

Lazarev: - Since childhood, I have not only seen myself as a singer, - replies Sergey "MK". - And theatrical education is a good basis, the foundation for an artistic career: both singing and acting. After all, these are classes in stage speech, and a literary base. And you can study vocals separately, for example, by inviting teachers. And for this it is not at all necessary to go to a music school. Yes, I do not play an instrument, but if I want to - and I will.

Topalov: - I would not say that this is metania. In childhood, we all try ourselves, we search. I was sent to England because my parents always wanted me to know perfect English. A legal education will always come in handy.

Do you see yourself in the future as singers only?

Lazarev: - It is very important for me that, in addition to my singing career, I also play in the theater. And when I received the "Seagull" award in two nominations at once - "Breakthrough of the Year" and "Best Love Scene" - the play "Borrow a Tenor", at first I didn't even believe it. Then it seemed that two-statuettes wouldn't give me anything. But when they handed the second one, for the “breakthrough of the year”, I was shocked. I thought it was my complete triumph. After all, directors, theater critics knew me more as a pop singer. But justice triumphed. And I showed that I am not only a pop performer, that four years at the theater institute were not in vain, I did not disappoint my teachers, who believed in me.

Topalov: - Music takes almost all the time. I live it.

You both once said - albeit in different interviews - that you dream of playing at Wembley Stadium. Is Russia not enough?

Lazarev: - No, Russia is definitely not enough for me. But understand correctly, I need Russia, it is just that Wembley means some kind of international show, a huge number of Western fans. And I want a big colorful world tour. In general, now I dream of a good international career.

Topalov: - I don't remember saying that. Dreaming is not harmful. The main thing is that there is something to strive for.

How do you remember the time spent in Fidgets?

Lazarev: - (Laughs.) Of course, bright. One such very bright multicolored stripe. It was childhood! Such a truly working, adult childhood. I have been engaged in real business since childhood. And I really liked that.

Topalov: - Merry and kind.

It's no secret that the former "fidgets" still continue to communicate ...

Lazarev: - We often meet with Volkova. And she was one of the first to introduce me to her young man - together with Parviz, Julia came to the first shooting of the "Circus with the Stars" program. Avot we communicate with Lenka Katina less often and less.

Topalov: - Yes, we communicate. But very seldom. Everyone's got things to do. Everyone lives their own life.

Musically, do you and the Tatu girls criticize each other, give you advice?

Lazarev: - We can suggest something, express our opinion. But Yulia understands perfectly well that I am a professional of my own, and I, in turn, understand that she is in the music of the dock. Therefore, from what I tell her, roughly speaking, nothing will change dramatically. In general, we express our friendly opinions to each other and often argue.

Topalov: - No.

We can say that you are following the careers of your girlfriends in a friendly way?

Lazarev: - We are following one way or another, of course. (Smiles.)

Topalov: - Honestly - I don't follow!

Have you tried to sing a duet with Yulia?

Lazarev: - We often do a duet with her, but only in karaoke. (Laughs.)

Topalov: - No, I haven't tried it. And there was no thought.

Smash !! hit hard in 2002 and you became famous overnight. Why, then, at the very peak of the duo's popularity, they decided to leave? And the parting was not very friendly, what is the reason?

Lazarev: - Everyone has their own truth. We made a bunch of mistakes. You can admit them for me, but Vladik was also to blame, because of his dad. In general, everyone was to blame! (Laughs.) I believe that it is impossible to blame everything on one person ... Just an internal explosion occurred, which did not allow us to continue working together. Unfortunately, this happened in public. And this is a big minus for us. There was a lot of dirt on the pages of newspapers, there were many invented things. By and large, everything that was written about the reasons for the disintegration of Smash !! is an invention of journalists. And they showed me from the bad side, and Vlad. Many ridiculous reasons for my departure were discussed. But I believe that our ceiling was already visible at that moment. The fact is that we matured very quickly, turning from kids to young people. And everyone's interests have changed.

Topalov: - All this is in the past. This issue has long been closed to me.

They say you haven't even spoken to each other for a long time ...

Lazarev: - It's just that everyone needed to build their own world. And we distanced ourselves from each other. No wonder they say that in order to become independent, you need to leave your parents. Only then will you understand what an independent life is. In our case, too, it was necessary to understand your independence, to what extent you can or cannot work solo. To tell the truth, it was rather cruel for us not to communicate with each other for a while. But it helped everyone to quickly "acclimatize" in the situation of solo creativity. Time passed, somehow it worked out for Vlad, somehow for me, so the relationship is now calm.

We definitely have nothing to share. Everything has already been divided. There is no enmity. Conflict is over!

Topalov: - Each of us has our own path, but I don't want to remember the past.

Do you follow each other's successes and hardships?

Lazarev: - How can I not follow, this is a person close to me. That Yulka, that Vladik - friends from childhood. But I can’t say that I am typing his name on purpose in an Internet search engine: “And what is happening there with Vladik?” If I see materials with him, I read.

Topalov: - No.

How do you feel about various ridiculous rumors about yourself?

Lazarev: - People are always interested in loud headlines. We fall for it, we buy the edition, and there is nothing in the article about it. "Voiced" caps are placed so that people buy the publication, so that the circulation is larger. We still have nothing, but in America it has already become prohibitive. It's a shame that it is very easy to trample a person in the mud, nullify his work, pass off his unprofessional opinion as an axiom. For example, I recently read: "Lazarev sings badly, and everyone agreed with this!" Small loss, but a shortcut has already been hung.

Then it is very difficult to get rid of them. But the fate of the artist sometimes depends on the fantasies of journalists.

Topalov: - No way.

As I understand it, now you react to such materials already calmly ...

Lazarev: - Here is a story that happened after my performance with a panther at the show “Circus with the Stars”.

One journalist wrote that the cat was without teeth, claws, and was under the influence of sleeping pills. And in general, she is not a wild animal, but a pet tame. Say, my work with her is trash, they say, anyone present could repeat my number with her in the arena. That's why I wanted to fill this man with a real face. Because that kind of thing is offensive to my job. I went to rehearsals for this panther every day for three months. The work was hard. And you can't just take it and nullify it with the words “anyone can do that!”.

In the same way, some critics write, after listening to a few songs of the album, or without putting it in the player at all, that the artist's disc is completely free. There were many times when a person wrote about my concerts without coming to them. Or they wrote about my fans based on a generalized image of a fan in general. They say they are crazy and fools, and Lazarev is an idol of reckless youngsters. And raztak, then what can these girls do, according to the speculations of the scribblers? Just throw panties and bras on stage.

By the way, about the panties. It was the same “yellow” journalists who subtitled that my fans go to the performance and also throw bras and panties, only now on the stage. What nonsense ?! And theatrical people already have a certain attitude: “Oh, I won't go to this performance. There are crazy Lazarev fans throwing their underwear on the stage! ” Maybe some of them have such fans, but you can't just scratch everyone with the same brush. So there are a lot of rumors about me. (He grins.)

Topalov: - I'm always calm!

At one time you sort of wanted to go to Eurovision, but now?

Lazarev: - About three years ago I really wanted to go there. It's already burned out. There is no inner desire. The same Bilan last year, for example, he wildly WANTED to go there! His eyes were burning madly! Yes, at that time, the young man was not doing well with his career. Perhaps he had a real chance to "give it all out!" Well, he gave it, as a matter of fact. (Laughs.) The result is obvious! He was lucky, he performed well, so now he has no problems. As for me, I have already taken a different path. And I don't really like the level of the competition. On the other hand, they say to me: "Come on, defend the honor of Russia!" I don’t know if Russia needs this competition, and if so, why? Unclear.

Topalov: - I didn't even think about it.

Is it true that you guys are funny, like jokes and practical jokes?

Lazarev: - I like to make fun of, laugh at someone, but kindly, without offending people.

Topalov: - Yes, it is. Smiling helps to live and cope with difficulties.

And the appointed date of Lazarev's wedding - is that also a good joke? And you, Vlad, also kind of named the exact date?

Lazarev: - I said that everyone loves loud headlines: "Lazarev has appointed a wedding day!" But I just told the interview that maybe in six years, when I’m thirty, I’ll be ready to consider some candidates more specifically. But it was half a joke, half a laugh.

Topalov: - I hear it for the first time.

Now, after a lapse of time, you, Sergei, do not care that you have agreed to participate in the "Circus with the Stars" project? And why Vlad was never seen in similar projects?

Lazarev: - In no case! I am glad that I agreed and that everything worked out. I really liked everything, but now I don’t know how to apply in life the skills that I received in the circus. It is hardly possible to somehow use it.

Topalov: - Unfortunately, I did not take part in the TV show "Stars on Ice", there was no time at all.

A busy schedule, so it didn't work out to participate. I also did not participate in boxing. I was preparing, but I never entered the ring. They didn't find an opponent for me. I continue to do Nobox now.

If you are invited to such projects, will you agree?

Lazarev: - In similar - it's already banal. This should interest me. But if I am offered to participate in a new project tomorrow, I will refuse, no matter how interesting it may be. Two projects in a year is a lot. Yes, and amazed by your professional activities! (Laughs) It is clear that for people I opened up in a different role, on a different side, but the main thing for me is the scene.

Topalov: - I am really looking forward to the proposal.

Participation in such events is a gamble. Is adventurism in your blood?

Lazarev: - Yes, it is interesting for me to plunge into the unknown from time to time. The main thing is that the organizers do not deceive, so that the action really captures. These are new emotions, impressions that are then manifested in creativity! And although in life I think more with my head, before doing something, I still agree to such adventures.

Topalov: - No. It's just that I'm interested, and I always do what I enjoy.

But such ventures are associated with injuries that can interfere with a career?

Lazarev: - It's all there. But they always get injured when it comes to sports. It doesn't scare me. The injuries were on the ice, and here, in the circus. And this is only because it is simply impossible to learn how to do everything professionally in a short time.

Topalov: - You should always take risks.

Well, finally, answer, friends, that's what the question is. Here you are - professional singers, in the sense that by doing this you earn your living. Do you sing at karaoke? Can you see you in some club singing your own hits?

Lazarev: - In the circus, I threw a party in a cafe. There were probably fifty people. There was simply no strength for a certain skit. I just wanted to relax, eat, drink, relax. The only thing we sang was karaoke. But it ended quickly. Karaoke always has a limited repertoire. And he clearly did not suit our mood.

Yes, I made the circus artists sing songs. I just thought that lately I am constantly immersed in their profession, and then let them try to be in my shoes! But they were somehow shy at first, so the songs ended and the dances began. We walked until morning. But do not sing your songs in any way.

Topalov: - I am not a fan of such a vacation. Sometimes I go out with my friends. But I don’t sing my own songs.

Last update: 05/11/2016

The debut year for Russia at Eurovision was 1994 year... The honor of becoming the first participant of the competition, representing our country, was awarded to the singer Masha Katz, also known by her pseudonym Judith... In Dublin, Irish, she sang the song "The Eternal Wanderer" and took 9th place.

Masha Katz was a member of such groups as "Quarter" and Blues League and also a backing vocalist of many famous Russian performers. She gives concerts, teaches vocals, takes part in dubbing films and cartoons. Has the title of "Voice of Russia".

In the next, 1995 year, at Eurovision, which again took place in Dublin, Russia was represented by a popular pop singer Philip Kirkorov... With the song "Lullaby for a Volcano" he took 17th place.

Philip Kirkorov is one of the most famous Russian performers, People's Artist of Russia, winner of many prestigious awards, ex-husband of the famous singer Alla Pugacheva... Today Kirkorov is engaged in producing and performing with concert programs.

V 1996 year a singer and composer was supposed to go to the competition Andrey Kosinsky, however, his song "I am me" did not pass the additional qualifying round.

Andrey Kosinsky is a composer from St. Petersburg who has written songs for many famous pop performers such as Valery Leontiev, group "A" Studio ", Alena Apina, Laima Vaikule, Mikhail Boyarsky.

V 1997 year country represented Alla Pugacheva... Having performed the song "Prima Donna", she took 15th place. Initially, it was supposed to be performed Valery Meladze however he fell ill.

Alla Pugacheva began her singing career back in the 1960s, and later became famous throughout the country. Her repertoire includes over 500 songs. She is the People's Artist of the USSR, has many awards, in particular, she was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

The next time Russia took part in the competition only in 2000 year... A young singer from Tatarstan took part in Eurovision from our country Alsou, which at that time was not yet 17 years old. Alsou was in for a triumph - her song "Solo" took 2nd place in the competition.

Alsou, daughter of a businessman and former senator of the Federation Council Ralifa Safina, began her musical career at the age of 15 and became popular almost immediately. Until 2006, no one could repeat her achievement at Eurovision.

V 2001 year Russian rock group went to Eurovision "Mummy Troll" with the song "Lady Alpine Blue" ("Lady of the Blue Alps"). She took 12th place in the competition.

The Mumiy Troll group was created Ilya Lagutenko in Vladivostok back in 1983, but it became popular and widely known only in the late 1990s after the release of the album "Morskaya". Today the group continues to tour.

V 2002 year a Russian pop group performed at the song contest "Prime Minister"... With the song "Northern Girl", the quartet became tenth.

The group "Prime Minister" was formed in 1998, and gained popularity in 2000. It included Jean Grigoriev-Milimerov, Pete Jason, Viacheslav Bodolika, Marat Chanyshev... Since 2005 they are known as "PM Group"... A new composition was recruited into the "Prime Minister" group.

In Eurovision 2003 year a popular group both in Russia and abroad participated "T.A.T.u."... At the competition in Latvia, the group sang the song "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask" and took 3rd place.

Group "t.A.T.u." was created in 1999 by the producer Ivan Shapovalov... The group included Yulia Volkova and Elena Katina... Originally "t.A.T.u." shocked the public with the image of gay girls, but later abandoned it. This group achieved recognition far beyond the borders of our country, however, since 2010, Volkova and Katina began performing solo, although they performed together in 2012.

V 2004 year a graduate of the TV project "Star Factory - 2" went to the most popular music competition in Europe Yulia Savicheva... Her song "Believe Me" took 11th place.

Singer Yulia Savicheva became famous after she got into the final of "Star Factory - 2" in 2003, and although she did not become a winner, her career was quite successful. Today she continues to record albums, act in films, and participate in television projects.

Another member of the "Star Factory", singer Natalia Podolskaya, represented Russia at Eurovision in 2005... With the song "Nobody Hurt No One" ("Nobody will hurt each other") she became the 15th.

In the early 2000s, Belarusian pop singer Natalya Podolskaya actively performed at various music festivals, such as "Slavyansky Bazar" in Vitebsk, and in 2004 she got to "Star Factory - 5", after which she became famous in Russia. Podolskaya is the wife of a famous pop singer singer Vladimir Presnyakov and often performs with him.

V 2006 year to the Eurovision participant from Russia Dima Bilan not enough was enough to win the famous competition. Having performed the song "Never Let You Go" ("I will never let you go"), he became the second. Europeans liked the costumed rock band that year. Lordi from Finland.

Singer Dima Bilan (real name - Victor Belan) began his career in pop music in the 2000s and gained immense popularity. He went to Eurovision as a famous performer and continues to tour today.

V 2007 year to defend the honor of Russia went at that time a little-known group "Silver"(SEREBRO), who performed quite successfully with the song "Song # 1" - she became the third.

The group "Silver" (SEREBRO) was formed in 2006 by the producer Maxim Fadeev and a member of the "Star Factory" Elena Temnikova... In addition to Temnikova herself, the group included Olga Seryabkina and Marina Lizorkina... Before Eurovision, the group did not perform anywhere, however, thanks to a bright start, it immediately became quite popular. In 2009, Marina Lizorkina left the team, she was replaced Anastasia Karpova.

V 2008 year went to Eurovision again Dima Bilan and this time he returned to his homeland as a triumphant. His song "Believe" took 1st place - Russia won the competition for the first time. On stage, Bilan did not perform alone, a figure skater took part in the performance Evgeny Plushenko and Hungarian violinist and composer Edwin Marton.

V 2009 year Eurovision was first held in Moscow. Russia at the competition was represented by another graduate of the "Star Factory" - the singer Anastasia Prikhodko... She sang the song "Mamo" in Russian and Ukrainian and ended up in 11th place.

Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko took part in the TV show "Star Factory - 7", after which she gained fame.

V 2010 year the national qualifying round passed the singer's musical group Petra Nalich... Nalich went to Eurovision with the song "Lost and Forgotten" and took 11th place.

Peter Nalich did not participate in the TV show and did not have eminent producers. He became famous thanks to the Internet - after in 2007 he posted on YouTube a video made by him for his own song "Guitar". The video entered the Top-20 most viewed Russian clips of the portal in November 2007. After that, the musical group began to give concerts and record studio albums.

V 2011 year a singer from Russia participated in Eurovision Alexey Vorobyov with the song "Get You". Vorobyov's participation in the competition was accompanied by a number of scandalous incidents; as a result, he was far from successful, taking 16th place.

Alexey Vorobyov began his musical and acting career in the mid-2000s. In 2005, he reached the final of the "Secret of Success" competition on the Rossiya TV channel, and in 2006 he starred in the television series "Alice's Dreams" on MTV. A year later, he received the MTV-2007 Discovery Award.

V 2012 year the team went to Eurovision "Buranovskie grandmothers"... Singing grandmothers in national costumes were considered favorites even before the start of the competition. They made a huge impression on the audience and with the song "Party for Everybody" they became the second.

"Buranovskie Babushki" is a folklore musical group from the village of Buranovo, Udmurtia. Grandmothers perform songs in Udmurt and Russian, including famous hits.

In 2013 Russia was represented by singer Dina Garipova- the winner of the "Voice" TV show on Channel One.

Every year the Eurovision winners add their countries to the list of the most singers in Europe. Over the past ten years, the participants have repeatedly set records and opened up new directions in the show. The editorial board decided to remember what the Eurovision winners of the last decade, which can rightfully be called the brightest period in the history of the competition.

Smashing stereotypes (2006)

The most criticized component of Eurovision is this. For many, Eurovision is a pop competition with no place for other genres. But the 2006 Eurovision winners shattered this stereotype.

The Finnish band "Lordi" with the rock song "Hard Rock Hallelujah" won in Athens. The eccentric costumes and the enchanting show on stage amazed the European audience, which gave the rock group 292 points (a record until 2009).

Best debut (2007)

The winners of Eurovision 2006 brought the competition to northern Finland, where the southern Balkan country triumphed. Serbia in 2007 for the first time participated in the competition as an independent state, the status of which had received only a year before.

The victory was brought to Belgrade by the song “Molitva” by Maria Sherifovich. In addition to a successful triumph, the minor composition became the first victorious ballad in the past few years to displace dance motives.

Second attempt (2008)

Eurovision is a disease that infects many participants. And it is not surprising that many contestants try their luck several times. But, as a rule, after the debut it is impossible to achieve a successful result. This stereotype has smashed to smithereens.

In 2006, the Russian took second place, behind the Finnish rockers. But two years later Bilan returned to Eurovision and won the first and so far the only victory for Russia.

Absolute record (2009)

With his performance Rybak proved that not all Eurovision winners travel at the expense of a huge budget, enchanting special effects, and expensive productions. Its simplicity and sincerity conquered all of Europe.

Hope "BIG 5" (2010)

Another “tradition” of recent years has been the failure of the founding countries of “Eurovision.” Due to the failures that were associated with the status of the founder of the contest, Italy left Eurovision in 1998. But the victory of the German Lena Mayer-Landrut in 2010 gave hope “BIG 5” (Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain and Spain) Rome in 2011 returned to the competition.

Lena brought victory and hope to “BIG 5” with the unpretentious song “Satellite”. Her performance, like that of the previous winner, was simple, which once again emphasized the uselessness of pathos.

The long-awaited triumph (2011)

The winners of Eurovision from Azerbaijan El and Nikki brought their country a long-awaited triumph in 2011. Baku participates in the European competition relatively recently, and every year Azerbaijani performers were among the leaders, but only a little bit was not enough for the first place. Therefore, the victory of El and Nikki was a real treat.

The duo managed to win the sympathy of the audience and the jury with the song "Running Scared". Despite the bookmaker's forecasts and the ratings of the pre-chats, which gave primacy to other performers, Azerbaijan still managed to win in the fourth year of participation.

"Shvedyatina" (2012)

Over the years, a new concept has taken root at Eurovision - “Swedeatina”. It is Sweden that is the locomotive in musical genres at the European competition. The songs of the Swedes are always different from the rest, they set the tone, they are guided by them.

Another “Swedish triumph” was the victory of Loreen in 2012, who won the musical battle with the song “Euphoria”. The unique composition set the trend in the song contest for several years.

Regularity (2013)

Of course, Eurovision is an unpredictable competition. But sometimes a certain pattern can be seen in it. So, the victory of the Danish woman Emmily de Forest was expected, because the competition was held in Sweden.

It was in Sweden in 2000 that Denmark won its previous victory, therefore bookmakers did not doubt in their forecasts that Copenhagen's next triumph would take place here. It is possible to argue a lot about whether the location of the competition is related to the victory of Denmark, but fans of the competition continue to look for patterns in the final results.

Year of outrageous (2014)

The Austrian Eurovision winner has become the most controversial participant in the history of the song contest. Despite the fact that dressing up at Eurovision is no longer unique (in 1998, drag queen Dana International also took first place), the victory of the woman with the beard caused a real resonance.

Vlad Topalov's father and the group's producer Mikhail Topalov explained Lazarev's departure simply: Sergei allegedly suffers from "star fever" and demands to pay him more money. But Lazarev has his own point of view regarding what is happening.

"It's just that the soloist Sergei Lazarev no longer works with the collective for the banal reason of skipping the concert and in full accordance with the Labor Code," Topalov the stranger explained at the time. live "music and started rehearsing a new solo program ..."

The fact is that Mikhail Topalov considers all instrumentalists and vocals to be an integral part of the group and generally avoids the term "duet", writes "Moskovsky Komsomolets".


The Truth About Smash's Disbandment !!

Group Smash !! broke up

Soloist Smash !! robbed

Smash !! looking for brides abroad

Group Smash !! conquers Asia

"Everywhere in the world it is called" session musicians ", - objected Sergey Lazarev. - These artists did not even participate in the recording of the album. What kind of Smash !!? Smash !! has always been a duet, and not just a duet of boys, but a duet of specific people. There can be no Smash !! with Vlad and Petya or with Serezha and Petya. Smash !! - these are Vlad and Sergey ".

Sergei categorically disagrees with Topalov's words about "star fever", lack of discipline and demands to raise wages. "It's not true," he says. "It wasn't like that."

Lazarev believes that "because of the policy of Topalov Sr." in Smash !! a "suffocating atmosphere, far from creativity and creativity" arose.

“The emotional and family cohesion that had always distinguished our relationship from the very beginning, when Vlad and I recorded Belle for his dad’s birthday, began to lose,” says Sergey. “Probably, this happened after Topalov decided to say goodbye to producer Simon, whom recommended by our publishers, and take everything into their own hands. Simon kept telling Vlad's dad: "Misha, don't kill the creativity in them, they have something to say." Simon once did Wham! go Smash !!. However, in the end, a lot of people appeared on the stage, and the aura of Smash !! began to get lost. Live sound is very cool, but the atmosphere is more important. We argued, clashed, we were called jerks who do not understand anything and really do not made for Smash !!. At some point I began to feel an openly hostile, alienated attitude towards myself ... I did not demand any fees, I did not skip anything. It's just that in Kiev, Vlad's father threw a newspaper in my face where they were printed some rumors about my supposedly solo project and personal life, he rudely scolded in the presence of many people and punched me in the face. We returned to Moscow. I expected from Topalov not so much an apology, but at least a conversation. There was a week of silence, and it became clear that most likely they did not need me. And then I found out that I had already been fired. I think now I will definitely start working on a solo album, and return to the theater for one or two performances. If necessary, I will record and shoot a video for Smash !!. But the group will no longer be a priority for me. "

mari 2006-02-18 08:07:12

sergej ti prosto klasny paren

well done!
Lychiano 2006-04-06 23:30:09

Well done Seryozha. If everything happened the way you said, then I am completely on your side, since I myself got into such a situation. I am a journalist by profession and I would very much like to describe the breakup of the group from my point of view. I fully support your decision to work solo and wish you great success in this. I am completely on your side. I would only like to know more about Vlad's opinion about your leaving the group, otherwise the question arises: is it possible that so many years of working together with you, having such overwhelming success and friendship, he remained indifferent to this situation or could not assess the loss of such a person like you. Still, the producer of the group is Vlad's father ...

Smash is a Russian pop group that existed in 2000-2006.


In 2000, Sergei Lazarev, together with his friend and longtime colleague from Fidgets, Vlad Topalov, became a member of the Smash musical project. The idea to make their own duet project came to the guys while they were working in the "Fidgets" ensemble. The idea passed into concrete execution when Vlad's mother invited the boys to record together a composition from the musical Notre-Dame de Paris as a birthday present for dad.

In April 2002, "Smash" filmed their first video for the song "Should have loved you more". And in August of the same year, the group took first place in the competition for young performers in Jurmala "New Wave".

In March 2003, the first album of the group "Smash" was released under the name "Freeway", which became popular not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also in Southeast Asia. The album went platinum and went through two re-releases.

In 2003 and 2004, Smash applied to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest. After the national selection in 2004, information was leaked to the media (including from members of the Tatu group) that it was Smash who had been elected to represent Russia, but ORT at the last moment denied this statement.

Sergey Lazarev: “They promised that we would go in 2003 with the hit“ Talk To Me ”. We canceled several tours, tuned in - then it was decided to send Tatu, then they were at the peak of their popularity in Europe. Now the story is the same. We changed our concert schedules, planned to “bring” there a new song “Obsession”, but ... everything turned out strange. Julia Savicheva came as a complete surprise. Well. The one who sent it knew better. "

In December 2004, the last album of the group "Smash" was released under the name "2nite". Immediately after the release of the album, information appeared that the duo had disbanded. The reason for this was the departure from the team of Sergei Lazarev. Leaving Smash, Lazarev promised to fulfill his obligations under the contract with Universal, according to which the band members (in the person of Vlad Topalov and Sergey Lazarev) pledged to release three albums. By the time the duo broke up, two discs had already been released by Sergey and Vlad together. After some time, Sergei refused to fulfill the terms of the contract. Therefore, the third disc had to be recorded by Vlad alone. All the songs included in this album were recorded by Topalov anew, after the departure of Sergei Lazarev. It was doubly difficult for Vlad to work on this disc, since his father left work on "Smash". Mikhail transferred the direct management of the group to the management of Ego Works in the summer of 2005.

Sergey Lazarev and Vlad Topalov fulfilled the long-standing dream of their fans and admirers on November 16 at Crocus City Hall - the singers reunited for one evening to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Smash group.

Many years later, Vlad and Sergey performed together as in the good old 2000s. Forgetting old grievances, the former members of the group, or rather the duet, "Smash", decided to celebrate the jubilee of the collective to which they gave their youth and which gave them the cherished "ticket" to big show business as solo performers.

The festive reunion took place at the first solo concert of Sergei Lazarev in Moscow. The artist presented the program “Heartbeat” to the public and the appearance of Vlad Topalov on the stage was a great but pleasant shock for all fans of the country's main Lazerboy.

“This year the group Smash celebrated its tenth anniversary. I was overwhelmed by these emotions and therefore I would like to remember the work of this group, ”said Sergey Lazarev.

Having performed an accompanying “cut” from operas, the hero of the occasion said that “only today and only for the audience, in honor of the band’s anniversary, he will perform together with Vlad Topalov”.

Together with Vlad Sergey performed the "golden" hits of the group "Smash" - the song "Prayer" and the English-language single "Freeway". Of course, the audience was delighted with the surprise and, despite the fact that many years have passed since the band's rotation, the audience knew the lyrics by heart.

It is worth noting that the creator of the popular duet, Vlad Topalov's father, producer and businessman Mikhail Topalov came to the stage to congratulate Sergey on a bouquet of flowers.

After two duet songs, Vlad left the stage, wishing Sergei new creative achievements. “I am insanely and sincerely proud of you. You have been walking towards this evening and this concert for many years. You are now standing on this stage, performing in front of this hall, and you really deserve the love of your audience. I am sure you will achieve a lot more, ”said Vlad Topalov.

Recall that the Smash group existed from 2001 to 2005. During this time, the band released hits such as "Belle", "Freeway", "Talk To Me", "Prayer" and "Obsession". The group has won dozens of music awards, as well as two full-length albums - "Freeway" and "2nite".

Duet (2001-2005)

  • 2001-2005: Sergey Lazarev, Vladislav Topalov


  • 2003 - Freeway. Photo and design: Studio .. others ..
  • 2003 - Reprinted. Photo and design: Studio .. others ..
  • 2004 - 2nite. Photo and design: Studio .. others ..


  • Belle (Freeway)
  • Talk To Me (Freeway)
  • Freeway (Freeway)
  • The One To Cry (Freeway)
  • Faith (2nite)


  • Should Have Loved You More (Freeway)
  • Belle (Freeway). Photo and design: Studio .. others ..
  • Talk To Me (Freeway)
  • Freeway (Freeway)
  • Faith (2nite)
  • In the teenage series The Elephant and the Princess, the main character's group is also called Smash.
  • There is a similarity between the song "Talk to me" performed by Smash and the song "Talk to me" by the Taiwanese group Fahrenheit. However, the song Smash was released in 2003, and Fahrenheit only appeared in public in 2005.


  • 2002 - first place in the international music competition "New Wave" (Latvia)
  • 2003 - Prize of Muz-TV in the nominations "Discovery of the Year" and "Best European Sound"
  • 2003 - Prize "Euro-hit" radio "Europe Plus"
  • 2003 - awards "Golden Gramophone", "Stopudovy Hit", "LOVE RADIO", "Soundtrack"
  • 2004 - awards "Golden Gramophone", "Stopud Hit", "Soundtrack"
  • 2004 - the MTV Russia Music Awards in the category "Best Pop Project"
  • 2005 - "Golden Bee" award in the category "Best group"