Death to spies passing part 1. Passage Death to Spies

Death to spies passing part 1. Passage Death to Spies
2008 The release of add-ons to the game took place - death to spies: the moment of truth. On June 12, 2010, 1C-Softklab and Haggard Games announced the development of the project "Death Spies 2". Release took place in 2016, but with a foreign publisher.

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    ✪ Diversian Spetsnaz Smered in the case! Stealth game about war death to spies

    ✪ Passage Death Spies \\ Death to Spies ♕ cannibal 1

    ✪ The coolest stealth action about the Second World War! Game death spies


Game process

The gameplay was worked in detail. The attention of the enemy can be distracted by a cast of small pebbles or plates from the dining room in the window. Soldiers of the enemy, having heard the ringing of the glass, turn on the sound, or go to see. In addition, the drop of plates can be stunned by the enemy from a distance of several steps. Knives are preferable to use as a silent throwing weapon, while they can be removed from the corpse and use again. The knife can also be used for the silent killing of the enemy, submits from behind, but it remains a lot of blood, which does not make it possible to use the outfit killed for dressing up for the purpose of disguise, and the detection of the hero with the knife in the hand leads to its failure. The machines, as such, are, but it is recommended to use them in accordance with the disguise (one can change in different shape, removed from stunned or sleeping opponents). Almost perfect silent melee weapons - Remove or chloroform. The first kills quickly, but noticeably in hand. The second weapon requires a little more time, but a chloroform handkerchief can be squeezed into a fist (there is really visible in the game how the hero squeezes the fist). The amount of doses of chloroform in the bottle is limited. The player can break safes with light castles and door locks.

Masking plays a huge role. The initial camouflage camouflage suit is suitable in nature - in high grass hero is almost impaired. In some missions, he dresses in a civil suit, giving himself for civilian. To change clothes, you need to perform a number of requirements - kill without damage to the body, drag the body into an opponent's hidden from the eye and change yourself there. If the dyeing corpse is discovered by the enemy, the disguise will be disclosed. If you get an inappropriate weapon, the hero will quickly fall under suspicion. In this case, the machine is recommended to quickly throw away, the gun, the knife or the removal to hide under the clothes. The behavior of the hero also plays an important role. To behave in the crowd of civilians should be calm, not to attract attention, not to see for forbidden for civilian zones. The use of the enemy uniform gives a substantially more efficient disguise. And the use of the officer shape makes it possible to penetrate objects where the access of the opponent is prohibited. In the officers you can give orders to other characters.

If the hero was still discovered, the enemies of the Germans tormented to throw grenades, which leads to an inevitable defeat, if the hero does not have time to leave the scope of fragments. In the game, garnets are preferable to apply against the enemy groups, but they are most effectively used as a min-"traps" by installing enemies on the doors or corpses. When opening the door or examination of the newly discovered corpse of the enemy, located in the damage zone, is guaranteed to be destroyed.


On April 19, 1943, the Martial Directorate of Military Counterintelligence "Serer" was created at the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR. The tasks of the structure included the struggle against the intelligence and divergent activities of foreign, and first of all the German Nazi special services. The reconnaissance and counterintelligent work was carried out by operatives of the 4th department of the GUK "Seres". The most complex and dangerous tasks fell to their share: espionage, counterintelligence, sabotage, the establishment, abduction and elimination of particularly important people of the enemy.

July 1951. Arrested Minister of State Security of the USSR Viktor Abakumov. In Lubyanka, the MGB investigator interrogates the main character of the game Seeds of Strogov, which tells in detail about the secret operations of the Samers, led by Viktor Abakumov during the war.


  • Street Semen Alekseevich - the main character, captain 4 of the Council of the Counterintection
  • Investigator MGB of the USSR - In the course of the game, interrogated the seeds of Strogov in connection with the case of Viktor Abakumov.
  • Dietrich Meltzer -
Death to Spies

Passing to the game death to spies

Remember how many times we had to remain unnoticed. And what is interesting, never we were in the fields of World War II. But this is at least strange. So many scouts - and not a single game. But, fortunately, domestic developers decided to correct the situation and created a pretty good game about our, Soviet intelligence officer. Ready to show the fascists Kuzkin Mother? Then forward!

Game control

Office is not new. We have seen a lot in other games of the genre, but there are also fundamental differences. Let's look more in more detail.

  • Most of the action in the game is made using a special menu. It is called by the E button. For example, to stun the enemy, you need to go to the back, click on, select the "Stun" item in the menu, then again press E. Stunned can be seen, seize or simply transfer somewhere. All this is done in the same way - using the E. key
  • We shoot, as it is, the left mouse button. Well, of course, it is better to shoot from the "target mode", which is included with the right button.
  • The inventory opens with the I key. Our hero is not mule and is not able to drag half-thin on themselves from Skarba, besides, some items can be worn only in a backpack.
  • Current tasks and full map of the area can be seen on the "Briefing" screen, which is called by the OH button. To each task there is a comment without which one cannot fail the mission.
  • At the top of the screen is a danger scale. It appears only when the character threatens something - for example, he noticed by a patrol. The stronger the scale is filled, the suspiciously our actions from the point of view of the enemy and the greater the chance that it will be hot.

Under the scale, additional icons are shown. There are four of their four types:

  • "Eye" - at least one enemy sees the character. You should not make suspicious actions when someone looks at you, - immediately will open the fire.
  • "Exclamation mark" - the current actions of the character will reveal it. For example, you should not walk in German form with Russian weapons. The Soviet backpack behind the shoulders of the German soldier will also attract attention.
  • "Ruor" - the security has gathered to raise the alarm. That is, while it is not raised, but someone is already going to include Sirena.
  • "Character with weapons" means that your cover has come to the end and, most likely, the security is already looking for you to shoot.
  • Map and zones of visibility. Each opponent has a specific visibility zone. The zone consists of two parts: the first denotes the state of the enemy, the second is the range of its vision. States differ in color: red - hostile, yellow - alert, green is a calm condition. Remember that in the "gray", the second zone of the opponent does not see you, but hears, it can notice, etc.

Enemies on the map are also marked by different colors: red - hostile, green and light green - friendly, gray - neutral. "Green" enemies cannot declassify you, the red, on the contrary.

Jobs are displayed with numbers with numbers. Depending on the difficulty level, different interesting places can be marked with an exclamation mark.

  • Hacking castles - Someone in the plot will have to open doors and safes without a key, and it will have to do it quickly. The hacking system in the game is simple and beautiful: it is only possible to choose a suitable mold. Move the mouse with the laddows are moved, and leaving the castle with the left button.

Spy weapons

Each self-respecting spy has a set of some of his special stuff. Our agent is also not scolding. Consider all special types of weapons encountered in the game. The usual, like COLT-1911 and PPS, we will not take into account, let the army be fighting in the open.

Knife - Major means of quiet murder. It flies far, kills the first time, you can remove from the corpse. Perhaps the main weapon in the game, just do not forget to take your knives after the throw, their number is limited. With the murdered knife, it is impossible to take out the form, traces of blood remain.

Drove - The usual string and two handles, kills even quieter than the knife. Unlike a knife, the form does not dock, time for stroke - a few seconds.

Chloroform - shifts the goal literally in a few seconds. The noise level is minimal, it is only necessary to come from the back to the close and press the button. Clothes or shape does not pack. The only drawback is the onset of chloroform much longer than suffocation.

Nagan with silencer - Old good revolver, but with an attached muffler. Absolutely silent, you can shoot the enemy's shoulder, and he will not hear anything. Docks clothes, and the ammunition is limited, we recommend using only in extreme cases.

Delisle Carbine. - English carbise with a built-in silencer. From Nagan qualitatively distinguished by the range of defeat, but it cannot be hidden under the clothes, so the silent rifle loses relevance as soon as you need to change into an enemy uniform.

Sten Mk. III- The only one in the game is a silent gun-machine gun. Slightly smaller than the carbine, range and accuracy. Again, it is impossible to hide under clothes, and the German with an English weapon looks very suspicious.

Sniper rifle Mosina with silencer - Beautiful weapon! Kills any opponent from the first shot, while silently. Of the minuses - little ammunition, and it is impossible to hide under clothes.


Missions in the game worked on fame - every one can pass in various ways. Of course, we will not write them all. After all, in some cases there are ten different ways to achieve success. Therefore, we tried to choose the most interesting options for passing, not focusing on some one.

Mission 1. Cannon

This mission we will try to pass with a knife. We will remove the gun with the silencer to the side - we are still incurred with him. And do not waste throwing weapons in vain, take it later there will be no place.

Well, we are in the rear of the enemy, and they demand from us ... Miracle. More precisely - find "Language". It is, which is interesting, at the military base, where the fascists are darkness. However, scouts do not complain. Therefore, forward and with the song.

Although it is just not necessary to make noise. After tiping down, we move to the small post of Germans. On the way, we will meet three groups of fascists. You can even shoot them from the automaton, the benefit of anyone. But on the approach to the checkpoint, it is best to take the knives. Just throw them in the trees do not advise, three knives - it's insanely little. Although there was a moment when we had to pass the game of everything with one knife. This is also possible, yes.

If you kill passing past guards, try to hide their bodies for a tree - yes away from patrols. If the corpse is found, the mission failure is provided. Perhaps it is better to once again deal with the fascists on a belly, than to start all over again.

We approached the first goal: Bunkera. Nearly two enemy. One walks around, another will fit the passage. In principle, they can not be touched. True, it is difficult and meaningless: to hide the Germans is not a problem, so they attack. We cling the knife and, by following the back, we throw. We boar the guard on the shoulders and carry to his companion at the bunker. It is not necessary to throw a knife into it, you can and strangle. Now I instantly run into the bunker and beat the driver while he did not notice us.

It is important: It is not necessary to beat. You can also strangle or sleep. The main thing is that there is no blood. Otherwise, we will not be able to change clothes.

But the bodies remained at the top, and they may notice. Where better to hide? Of course, in the bunker. Let's give them to the wall on the right, and everything, nothing can be seen. Now you can not rush. We change clothes into the form of the driver and go to the truck.

It is impossible to approximately approach officers - it is broken. How do not ask. Maybe we have a pronounced not an Aryan appearance, or are we Russian spirit and ruus smell?

Truck near. We run up to him, we start the motor - and drove. I always knew that the Germans are proud people, but so that they are so ... they are not inferior to the road with a huge truck. Therefore, very neatly, slowly bypass them. However, if you are not peculiar to the excessive mercy, and the desire to ride normally, instead of getting every counter, Veliko - along the way, we will meet a pair of patrols. Here they can be crushed, nothing is fear.

Driving up to the database, we park somewhere nearby and go to a warehouse, a marked digit 3. Soon there will be a "language" and his guard with the check. When they enter, we are stunned one and kill the other. The main thing, accidentally not kill the "client", otherwise you will have to look for another "language", and this is more difficult.

It is important: The guard is also not killing, you can change clothes in his clothes. And then we can learn only a few people on the street and with a dozen in the headquarters.

Taking the key, go to a large building in the center of the base. We need to open a safe, but it is on the second floor. And let go there only officers. Well, hello with them, let's go across. Left door leading to a long corridor. On him there is one patrol officer, so we are waiting for it when he woined the corner, and kill the German near the door. Opposite it will be another door, there is also a fascist. We throw the knife and in it. I hide the corpse first near the second and wait until an officer passes. And as soon as he turns back to the corner, we run to the next door. There, there was some woman with a gramophone - her knife, and behind the next door an officer - it is also worth killing him. Now you can finish the patrol.

The road to the second floor is open. But there again is full of officers. Unfortunately, to kill everyone do not succeed (although if you take an automatic and experience luck ...). And it remains to be content with the fulfillment of the mission. While the patrol turned around, we run into the room marked on the map. In the corridor, two fascist will stop us. They are allowed inside the only elected. We close the door behind you and throw two knives in them. If you have only one knife, you have to suffer. We approach the first enemy and, catching the knife, immediately throw it. As soon as he reached the goal, pull it out of the corpse and throw in the second Fritz. So so that there are no such curiosities, the knives should be preserved.

Taking everything you need in a safe, we run to the truck. It must be adjusted to the warehouse number 3 closely. So that the Germans do not see how we endure the "language" and ship it in the body. All - the mission is fulfilled, it remains only to get to the point of start. On the way, with a special desire, you can crush someone.

Mission 2. Package

And again in the rear of the enemy - in the snowless Vitebsk. This mission is one of the most complicated in the game and we will pass it in several ways, changing them along the game. Immediately warn it, this is not the easiest method, you can go a little easier. True, in this case, lose a lot of interesting things.

The task is as follows: We meet with a courier and we receive from it the scheme of defensive structures. All would be nothing, but the fascists around so much that even though the wolf howl. Therefore, we act very accurately. We look left - there is a group of soldiers slowly moving towards houses. We approach the fence and move in parallel to them. It is best to crawl on a belly. So safer. Climbing to the first house, waiting. Soon there will be a fascist, and we are a tack of head (or not less than a knife throw) by eliminating our first German in Vitebsk. Thinking it to the fence and squatting moving on. The house lives an officer who can borrow shape. If you want to simplify the passage, run into the building and quietly sneak up to the officer. It is impossible to kill it, otherwise the uniform is blocked by blood. It is best to strangle, and then change yourself. In this pass, we do not use the form and move on.

We go to the big street. There are two Germans, one of which is going forward, and the second stops and is waiting for something. Barrel go around and moving after another. Seeing a small opening between the fence and the house, dive there. No one will notice us here. But on the approach to the house scheduled on the map you can meet guards. And here you have to be careful. We are waiting until the soldier turns his back, and run past him.

It turns out, the courier captured the enemies and we will have to go to the city center. Oh-ho-ho, there are so many Germans ... The first thing is the elusive guard at the exit, best of all the knife. It is necessary to save cartridges, you will not find them on the map, and many places do not pass without a pistol with a silencer.

Coming out of the house, inspect - if there is no one in the area, running the road and hiding in the ruins. The fascists are circling around, and we must very carefully sprinkle to a small funnel. Near her will pass patrol - kill it, so as not to interfere. Now the main thing is in the mission - we need to run into the next house. It is very difficult to do it, but there is no choice. We crawl along the ruins and try to attract the attention of the protection, only carefully, not so that the fire immediately discovered. As soon as Fritz goes away from the door, we run to her. Probably you have to repeat it several times. After hitting inside, we kill everyone and one of the corpses lay near the entrance to the building. Patrols will take turns to notice the corpse and approach it. Every such curious should receive a bullet from us in the forehead. Thus, we will clean the passage to the building on the left. We run there and kill an officer who protects the courier. There will be transferred to us and tell about the new task. Therefore, we go to the next home. Close to soldiers do not fit - find out.

The house has two officers and several soldiers. The German we need periodically goes to the street. Here at this moment we clean the house and disappear the corpses around the rooms. Once the goal goes to the house - I bullet in his forehead. Understand the body and run to the stairs leading to the exit from the city. There is one officer who can learn us. However, if you take a machine ... It remains a little on the sleepers, and everything is victory.

Mission 3. Beauty

Our colleague, Soviet spy, captured the Germans and sharpened in one of the fortresses of the Gestapo. We need to either rescise it or just kill. But we will not throw a combat comrade and try to pull it out of the enemy's paws. Although the devil knows what is better: die or go back home.

To fulfill the mission, we need:

  • get the form of commandant;
  • find tolerance from the investigator Gestapo;
  • get papers at the Shturmbannfürera SS for interrogation resolution.

We start in the cellar. Around the wine barrels, two drunk and one sober fascist. Give the gun and slowly kill all three. It is impossible to run by, notify anyway. However, why do we regret our enemies?

We leave the cellar and see near the doors of another German. I will not kill it - we need clothes, so just overlooking it. True, the guard will hear us from above and go down, here we will meet it a bullet in the head. Now we change clothes, hide the bodies and climb the stairs. If you look at the keyhole, you can see the corridor and the patrol officer. So he can not come across his eyes. Therefore, we wait until it goes away from the door a few steps, and squatting moved behind him. On the right there will be a staircase, here on it and you need to collapse. True, there is an officer at thenime, and we can not attract his attention. So we balancing between the fascist from the bottom and patrol.

When he again goes to the door, from which we ran out, rushing to the right. Ordinary soldiers are not afraid, you can even approach them. Before us again the door to the new corridor, and there again patrol. Right near the entrance, on the left, there is a room. There, however, also an officer, but you can easily die from behind and strangle. We change clothes in his form, so that we did not know everything to be lazy, and go back to the corridor. We run a little further and hiding in another room. When the German will pass by, it is necessary to run near the door, interest the enemy. And then open the door and hide behind it. An interested officer should get a bullet in the forehead, immediately as soon as we appear in our eyes. Holding it into the room and hide. All, now we have no obstacles, and you can change to a new form. To do this, we go to the first goal in the Cabinet. Open the door, tie and remove from the gun in the head of the guard. The commandant will not hear anything, and we can quietly strangle it, and then change yourself into his shape.

Now many do not recognize us, and virtually nothing to risk - you can run in the open. The next goal is to get documents. We are successful to the necessary room, open the door, crawling and lock it over. On the left is a very inattentive guard - he does not see us in a lying position. This uses it. We shoot it, and then in two Germans by the fireplace. One of them will have the necessary paper.

Everything - left the last officer we need. We run into the hall and go down the stairs to the first floor. Further moving to the point marked on the map. Opening the door, find ourselves in a huge cozy room. Of course, it is a sorry to soak carpets, but will have to. Two shots are two corpses. Attach them and go to jail.

It is important: Rights past the post of fascists, it is necessary to stop at the first requirement. The second time they warn the queue in the back.

We need to show documents and call for interrogation Boris Polyakova. Remember where we took the form? That's where it is necessary to proceed. If you forgot, not a problem, you can just go behind the cordon, they will lead it to you. There is a choice: either shoot it or everyone else. Choose the second. Initially, we run two guards, and then run left and shoot in all who we will see. The benefit of the people is a bit, so you can quietly and imperceptibly all. Then they rush back and offer Polyakov to run. Together with him descend down the stairs and wait. Mission completed.

Mission 4. Hotel

We were given a small respite. No rear, Germans, winters, castles and other things. Russia, Hotel, Foreign Agent.

First of all, get the pass. It does not have to rush here and hide: we get to the point marked on the map, take a pass and slowly, we are moving at the diplomat. He will often look around, but not trouble - hiding behind the walls. The enemy for some reason is inspiring exclusively in the places suitable for us.

In the end, he comes to the library. In principle, we can take away there first - it is not reborn. In the reading room we depict an inventive reader, looking at the shelves with books, and watch the spy of the back of the head. As soon as he receives secret documents, the first task will be fulfilled. And we will get the following - replace the secret documents for fake.

But at first we need to change clothes. We will not be allowed into the closed parts of the buildings in this dress, but if you caught up with a cook or a waiter ... we run into the kitchen (it is marked on the map) and squatting rushing to the chair with dishes. Easy push, and Ba-Bach - fragments scattered in different directions, and the staff is already going to watch what happened. Taking advantage of the stir, we run into the storage room on the contrary, just entered the cook. Close the door and quietly sleep culinary. There is no need to kill, still we are not monsters, but he is not a fascist. Disguise, go to the diplomat number.

The papers lie in the safe, safe in the room, room in the room, and his watchman three armed guards, and the opponent goes back every five minutes and back. We are waiting for a foreign spy from the room and will not begin to descend the stairs. Close the door to the corridor - so we will go out of sight, and only one guard will remain in front of us: a shot in the head - and we remained alone. Opening the number of the enemy and drag the killed there. Now you can steal documents and hide the body. No, no, not in the room. Just we climb the body, go straight along the corridor and at the very end I throw the corpse near the door. Everything can run to the exit. The task is made.

Mission 5. Payout

And again we are sent to the mouth of the enemy. On the outskirts of Russian villages. True, the outskirts turned out to be very far from the village itself, so we will not prevent transportation. And on the horizon just worth a motorcycle, though, with three Germans ...

It is necessary to lie down at an acceptable distance and aiming from the machine to the first enemy to the head. He shifting into it, immediately open fire by the rest. They should not have time to react, otherwise you will try to throw a grenade and blow up a motorcycle to hell. You don't want to go on foot ...

Having arrived at the village, the first thing will be changed. First, in the clothes of some old man. For example, what is standing near the well. Let him sleep and hide nearby. Soon the fascist will fit and starts looking for a criminal. Here we are behind to him and pour. Strangle or put it to be inserted from us hardly. But on the head you hit - the most. Disguise, thawing body. For example, to the river, it is far away, but no one goes there. Unfortunately, nor in the well, nor in the river to throw the bodies ...

Now you can run to the first enemy. Walk to his house and look in the window. Our client kisses some lady. It is a pity to get into it is impossible, so let's shoot in the glass - let them go check what happened. The first will seem a woman - bullet in the forehead, and then pick up the officer - he too. No one will hear anything, and you can run on. To the second goal.

Perhaps we will change the officers. So it will be easier to get to the enemy. We go to the house marked on the map. He is guarded by two patrol and one guard at the door. When the patrol goes away (they should not notice us), we kill the guard and hide it into the house. The officer will sleep, so just strangle him and change clothes. Perhaps someone will enter the house. I hide behind the door. Here we will wait for enemies and throw knives in them. Cartridges just do not waste!

We run to the house and enter the door to the side. To the main entrance of us, unfortunately, will not miss. After interrupting everyone in the "pre-tribades", hiding the boding body. Soon one of the officers will come. We wait for it behind the door and, as soon as it seems, we kill. Then you can already be slaughtered and the main goal.

The last of the enemies remained. He is in a big house in the middle of the card. Here and run. Rising to the second floor, squatting make your way into the room on the right. We kill radio player and porter technique. Now the enemy will compete himself. As soon as he enters - shoot.

Now you need to get back to the start point. On the street before the entrance is a truck - here in it and climb. Gas and base! Mission completed.

Mission 6. Project-Y

Back in 1940, in the USSR, they knew about the intentions of the United States to construct nuclear weapons of ultrahigh power, but the values \u200b\u200bdid not attach it. It was believed that in the coming years Americans will not be able to go to practice from the theory. After a year and a half, the situation has changed dramatically. Agency data from all over the world testified to serious success of the United States. In 1943, the operative of Sverded squad penetrates the secret base in Los Alamos to get information about American nuclear weapons ...

We start at the entrance to the base. Ahead door, no one, you can see a list of tasks and to think calmly. You need to photograph four tablets with drawings and pick up two folders with documents. The difficulty is that the documents are hidden in the safes. It's small - find keys.

Please note that our character is dressed in civilian clothes. Such an outfit is not allowed on the secret base. So, the first thing will arrange masquerade. We go out on the door and immediately turn left until the guard costs us back. The room has a scientist. He stands almost all the time to the door back. Stun it and take clothing.

It is important: It is impossible to kill right and left. Protection will raise anxiety, and only three minutes will remain on the fulfillment of the mission. You can only kill a few people; If there is too many "missing", the protection will suspect nonladnoe.

But in the outfit, the scientist is not allowed into some rooms. The next goal is the clothing of an officer. Find it easy. Let's go out of the room with scientists and go straight, then on the stairs down and immediately right. On the side will be the door, go inside. The officer is peacefully in front of the mirror, then we are now too flashing.

Open the door of the toilet cabin in advance, because at any time one of the scientists can go, and this means anxiety and failure of the mission. We look at the card, and if no one goes in our direction, beat the officer on the head, hiding it in the booth and take clothing. Now most of the base can not learn us.

The first two drawings are directly opposite to the toilet. A scientist who works in this room and interferes calmly take pictures, often comes out of need. It remains to wait for this moment and calmly take a picture of the drawings.

It is important: To appear "take a picture", you need to get up in a certain place. For example, between the tables in the room opposite the toilet.

The remaining two rooms do not deserve close attention. Remove when the scientist turns back to you. Only and everything.

The following goals are much more interesting. First, we advise you to deal with Colonel Becker, figuration 3 on the map. In the room five people, everything is in sight of each other. As soon as the colonel gets back to us - act. Stun the becker, we catch Nagan, we kill the soldiers, and then scientists, taking the key and clothing from the body of the colonel. There is no alarm, the colonel is alive, one task is fulfilled, and in new clothes we can find out only four people throughout the database. It is time to execute the second task.

The head of the laboratory works inside the huge cyclotron. Outside it is not visible, it is easy to deprive him, but it is difficult to penetrate inside. Corridors in front of the cyclotron patrol officer who will certainly recognize you and will open fire. The easiest way to get around it is to go behind his back to the cyclotron and at a convenient point slip by.

In the indoors itself there are only two officers. One inspects the territory, another costs near the staircase on the cyclotron. The first is not dangerous, it is easy to get around the back. It is more difficult with the second, it turns away from the staircase for only a few seconds. Hold on to the stairs as close as possible, but so that you are not declassified, and when the officer turns out, run up. Carefully operate in the center of the cyclotron and degrade the scientist, take the key and go back.

Safe 2 is located in a small glass room in which a scientist works. It is impossible to deprive her feelings, hear the guard before the door. There is another way - we get up before the safe and look at the top of the screen. When the visibility indicator disappears, open the safe, take the documents and run from all legs.

Safe 3 right near the entrance to the building, from where we started the mission. Before the door guard. Come on, but do not open the safe. The soldier will go after you; Skip it forward and stun. Now you can safely open the safe. We return to where they came from. Mission Complete.

Mission 7. Intelligence

It is necessary to penetrate the interval of the Abver and destroy the boss. In addition, it is necessary to eliminate his deputy and steal all the card files with data on agents. The task is not easy, the school is very well guarded.

To begin with to change. In the upper right corner of the card stands soldiers and glue some posters. The most interesting thing is that no one sees him, and he is not hostile for us. Stun and disband the body away, we change clothes. MP-40 can also be grabbed, it will not be superfluous.

Now you can safely go to the basement on the left side of the map. Upstairs calmly, but at the bottom will have to run. Some soldiers can learn spy in us, so run them from the back. Or kill, but only knives or with a silencer. At the end of the corridor there will be a ladder upstairs.

The school has a lot of soldiers, and many may find out you, so it would be nice to get a good form. For example, the form of the chief of school. He is one in the office, the main thing is to wait until he turns out, go to and stun, shoot in the head - anything, do not forget to close the door behind you. After dressing up, we recommend to commit to the deputy chief of the school, since he is only two steps. Do not forget that he can recognize you, wait until it turns his back, and go.

The card file is divided into two parts. One in the safe, the second in the boxes. Safe will have to hack. So that no one prevented you, stun or kill everyone who is in the room, but so that the protection does not hear it outside. With the boxes of the card files, it is quite simple: Wait for the moment when no one will look at you, and take the documents.

Now we need to leave the area. We return through the basement and calmly leave. Exit point - in the north of the card.

Mission 8. Dolka.

The task is to blow up the bridge. To do this, it is necessary to lay dynamite in the points marked, but there is a snag: snipers on the towers of the bridge will not allow to lay explosives. We offer two options.

The first - with the help of a rifle to scratch snipers with the highest, the rest to send to that light using MP-40. Lay explosives where it is necessary and washed away.

The second is quietly dealt with snipers and lifting bombs even quieter.

With the first way, everything is clear, it's only in the ability to shoot, and the second is much more interesting.

So, we have eight sniper towers for each. Each tower has several floors. What is the most difficult - there are soldiers on the floors that can learn you. But first it is necessary to change the weather "on the weather." Carefully make your way to the nearest tower to you, it makes no sense to catch someone from the crowd of protection to change clothes.

Large towers, by the way, are equipped with cellars - we are there. Stun the lonely security guard and climb upstairs. Look at the map - they saw the "red" opponent, immediately push into it a bullet from Nagana. Snipers can be stunned or killed calmly, because of the teeth of the towers, no one sees them.

It is interesting: In the tower on the other side of the bridge there is a room of an officer - he is there alone.

Little turrets that closer to the center of the bridge are equipped with screw staircases. Be careful, the enemy, going down, can see you earlier than you. In principle, the firepoints of snipers are similar as twins, and there is no need to paint the passage of each separately. After neutralizing snipers, you need to lay explosives. Please note that the bridge sides are patrols. Wait until they turn away, and lay the bombs. Place for bookmark 3 is on top, and you can get there by the stairs in the center of the bridge, but only from its lower part.

This is advice: Laying bombs, be careful. Fell into the water - the failure of the tasks.

We install explosives and run away to the outlet point. There are several of them, choose the one that is closer to you and where the least of all enemy soldiers. To go away, we are given only two minutes, and this is not so much.

Mission 9. Withdrawal

The task is to paint an important informant from the concentration camp. In words, everything is simple, and in fact, the camp is guarded with a huge number of soldiers. Moreover, it is impossible to raise anxiety, otherwise our informant will be supplied to the wall.

The task consists of two parts:

  • find the informant;
  • release it.

The camp itself is divided into two zones. Barracks, radio, barn and actually camp. In the first zone, we need to find documents marked on the map number 1, but first it is necessary to penetrate the territory of the camp. We run on the right side exactly to the barn, cut through the fence and run to the wall of the house. On the right side of his guard of only one soldier, which then goes inside, but another patrol goes in the barn itself. The plan of action is: We wait until the clock will enter inside, go for him, stun, catching Nagan and send the second bullet to the head. We change clothes, hiding both corpses in the box. By the way, you can bind you so that the patrols went to the barn. Here we will relieve them with the same way: one fist, another - from the pistol. The meaning of the "fraternal grave" of the guards is to calmly eliminate the watch at the house with the documents. When it won't, you can neutralize the officer without noise, which time from time to time comes to check these documents.

It is important: Rifle and backpack throw out immediately after penetration into the camp. The plugs will no longer be useful, "barley" around the barracks under the current.

We run away from the territory of the first camp through the northern exit and go to the territory of the second. We run along the fence exactly to the railway tracks. Do not worry about snipers, of course, they can recognize you, but only in a direct zone of visibility - that is, almost close. Go around patrols marked with red, the rest do not pose a danger.

So, you can rescue the informant in two ways:

  • Change the overseer;
  • Change the doctor.

We advise you to choose the warder. In the camp there are two of them, we need extreme. The remaining applicants for salvation are guarded too well. We go to the blue label 2 at the far end of the camp. The label actually indicates the presumptive location of the warder. He is most likely standing nearby, and in the barrack a whole bunch of prisoners and three soldiers. Our task is to destroy all three silently. We are waiting for all three to turn to us with your back, blowing the first and second, the third can be shot from Nagan. It remains to lift the warder. Sweistim until he goes to Barack, we are straightened with him and change clothes.

This is a trick: The corpses can be used as bait. Seeing the corpse, the guard immediately forgets about all his works and runs to him, and at this moment you can immediately deal with the opponent.

In the clothing of the warder, we are practically safe. Those who can recognize us can be counted on the fingers, and they can get around them easily. We go to the Barack with a label 2, he is near, we find a bald prisoner there and taking with you. There are only two outputs from the camp, one is the main, near the railway, and the second from the forest, it is necessary for us. We run past the medical club, we find the door in the corner of the fence and exit from the camp territory. It's small - reach the specified point. Watch out the informant, it's not so jump as you, and can be lagging behind.

Mission 10. Embassy

One of the agents, named Volkov, decided to run to the British. He owns important information, in particular data about other agents. It is impossible to let him give information to the UK, it is necessary to kill it in quiet directly on the territory of the embassy.

The building is small, but this is all the difficulty - there are a lot of people. Only the first floor is open to visitors to the embassy, \u200b\u200bwe need to find a hidden weapon, and for this you should take the key to the archivist, which can be found in the archive. Archive in the basement, but it is impossible to get there in the initial closure. We go to the toilet on the right, we find on the wall out of order on the wall, now we go to another toilet - on the left. There are several options here. You can wait until the guard goes there, and cut it out, and you can undress a simple worker. The choice is yours. Wasting, we enter into the booth, close the door, we change clothes, hang the plate on the door and go out. Nobody will find the corpse, and we go down to the basement. We run past the archivist and go to the angular room on the left side. Quickly wasting an archive worker and carry his body into a central passage between racks. Now we are waiting for, the archivist will definitely come here, he will see the body and runs up to him. At this moment we must give him a head or put to sleep. Sharyim on pockets, take the key and go.

Next should take the weapon. It is on the ground floor in the room on the left. Now we must get the form of the guard, which is easiest to do again in the basement. Put and fog the watch. We will have enough bullet to Volkova, so it's not scary if someone has to shoot your head.

It is important: In this mission we have a limit on murder. In no case do not touch diplomats. In general, try to stun, and not kill.

In the form of a security guard climbing the top floor. We need a room on the left. But you need to go there only after a special security agent - they are in black tuxedo, and the map is marked in red. It should turn out like this: a diplomat at the table, the guard to us back and behind the secretary. I cut the agent, catch the gun and kill the secretary. The diplomat will fall on his knees and closes his head. He will not be able to argue to call, so come back and stun it. Now you can change the agent tuxedo and be sure to transfer all the corpses into a large room with flags. It remains only to wait. After a couple of minutes, the wolves will come to us. Bullet in the head - and on the first floor. The mission is completed, and with it and the game.


Left mouse button - Shooting (if in the hands of a character's arms), stroke (if the character's hand is in the hands of the character), have to sleep (if in the hands of a handkerchief character impregnated with chloroform).
Right mouse button - targeted shooting mode.
W., S., A., D. - traffic.
Caps Lock. - Change of motion mode (running / walking).
E.- Menu action.
C. - sit down.
V. - Rush.
F.- Clean.
Space. - jump or climb to the barrier.
Z., X. - Head slope left and right.
I. - Inventory.
O. - Briefing.
M. - map.
Tab. - Switching the map mode.
T. - whistle.
G. - throw away the selected item.
K. - Install explosives.
Q. - Emergency braking of a car or motorcycle.
1 - Take into your hands or hide the knife.
2 - Remove or chloroform.
3 - pistol.
4 - automatic or rifle.
5 - Grenades and other throwing weapons.
6 - Mines, dynamite.
B. - Binoculars.
L. - First aid kit.
0 - Hide the weapon.
Backspace. - throw away weapons.
F5. or Ctrl+S. - Fast saving.
F8. or or up - Change position: stand, sit, lie.

AND Metal Gear Solid , this slogan is not at all suitable for " Death of spyamas" It is much better characterized by words from the story Vladimir Bogomolov "Moment of Truth", made by the epigraph for the cover: " Counterintelligence is not mysterious beauties, restaurants, jazz and all-in-one, as shown in films and novels. Military counterintelligence is a huge hard work ...»

Semyon, yes not that

Semyon Street, the operative of the 4th department of the GUK "Smered," is forced to plow from dawn to dawn, and at the same time they are poured up with him and players who were waiting to meet the Russian Sam Fisher or Agent # 47. Our hay is heavy to make a twine between the walls, five sizes are less than forty-seventh, and charming, like a Soviet machine with lemonade for three kopecks.

Although outwardly, everything seemed smoothly. The first domestic "stealth" -Exteed took a lot of successful ideas from colleagues. Cooking with dressing and context menu of action in the corner make you remember Hitman. . Enemies in the form of red and green arrows with "cones of view" on the mini card send to Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines . A simple puzzle on hacking locks - to Splinter Cell. . The screen for choosing a weapon where tons of nice "trunks" are added (after all, the main friends of the saboteur - a knife, leaving, chloroform and nagan with a silencer) causes in memory Hidden & Dangerous 2 .

Missions - ten pieces, and the tasks are different. "Calculate" and eliminate the traitor, steal the documents, destroy the heads of the Abver school, to minister the railway bridge, take a picture of the secret American drawings, to seize the "language" in broad daylight on the fascist basis ... Juggling with historical facts and events, SSH scenarios attach to operations raid like Reception worthy Tom Clancy.

The picture contributes to illusion and the picture. Creation of Haggard Games bribes with a weathered style of that era and frequent change of decorations. Warning to detail is felt everywhere: in the abundance of good textures and small items, skillful laying, dynamic shadows and shader special effects. Belarusian village, a fashionable hotel "Metropol", raw caasemates of Gestapo, Snow-covered Vitebsk in the ruins look convincingly.

And drunken Achtung ...

The impression spoil an unnatural animation and a lazy approach to creating an outer. I do not know who is to blame for and what is the reason, but compound, sometimes clumsy capabilities of strict and his opponents cut out of the same merciless, as well as two people who are passionate about the mute conversation. Citizens wave their hands and moved lips, but you will never know what the guy officers are discussed. Loud they say strictly at the moments of danger, shouts "Scheiße!", "Diversant!" And "Donnerwetter!" (Marketmen guarding Los Alamos, and this did not get) Hinting that it would be time to ship the last "Kviksayiv". The life of the intelligence fragile is the queue from MR-40 sends it to a well-deserved rest.

Of course, the essence of the problem is not only in the absence of trep. There is still a backpack, which can be thrown out by opening the inventory and dragging the icon outside the window (and in no way!). Too narrow sector behind the backs of the victims, where the menu offers to stroke / stun / put it, - I have more than once and didn't repeat the attacks, for the enemies have noticed me faster than I felt the "hot zone". Coarse NPC, which plug the passages or brazenly shifted the strict lobby.

The same sharp zanozoz - in design. Eight years ago Death to Spies"Would thwart the ovations for the absence of competitors. Today, after Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and four incarnations Hitman. She does not avoid unpleasant comparisons. Rostov product establishes rules (it is impossible to shoot clothes from the corpses - even if you hit the shoes in the forehead, it is "blood"; Soviet "trunks" and uniforms - the right road to failure; unusual behavior leads to suspicions, alarm and, as a result, doubling Patrols) and ... helplessly leaves the bison, barely comes on freedom of action.

The trouble is that we have already learned to think creative. The bald killer and the unshaven AMS agent came up with a lot of beautiful methods of violence over the villains, allowing to complete the halter without unnecessary noise. Hitman: Blood Money - And at all "sandbox", in which there is good heels of options, from a banal descent from the staircase to spoiled gas tiles and fall chandeliers on the head.

Spy on leash

And what about the Russian version? The first way is a suicide: not changed in someone else's shape, we can half on the map to the goal and swallow lead, because sentries - crowds, and the game does not take into account shadows, bushes and grass when calculating the area of \u200b\u200bview. The second method is "breasts on the ambrusura." Sound in " School"It spreads far away, so any shot of a machine gun, sniper rifle or a pistol without a silencer Migomes turns the sleepy fascist kingdom into the steamed Beehive of the Scarlet" Arrogors ". Frightened Gansa, when they do not interfere with a slightly stuttering AI, are not shooting and adore pomegranates. Giveted to show a moderance, " School"Squeezes the player as if lemon. But permits mining body and doors. Cheerful fun, but does the invisibility of the professional, the adept of pure "stealth" do that?

Another question: why Haggard Games introduced controlled transport in the gameplay, since it is not needed on the script? Semyon sits down the Branca only once to take out a "language" on the truck. Motorcycle with a stroller with a farm - useless decoration. By mail, I ask, you may have, screwing and debugging this piece of code? I hope not for an advertising line on the box.


To " School»You can find fault for the lack of scripting scenes during missions to the lack of scripting scenes during the missions, to be surprised at how a person in the Civilian enters the US Nuclear Research Center, to demand a normal hand-to-hand fight, to ironize the clone-beables and clone devices ...

At the official forum, the authors recognized a bunch of flaws, promising to correct something with patches. Cardinal changes they slipped into the sequel, so that Russian seven still has a chance for the best outcome. Still " Spyami."You have to recruit under your banners of very ampful and unpretentious fighters.

You are on the game page. Death to spies created in the Action genre, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game is released studio Haggard Games. Found we have the passage of the game. Death to spies will help solve in-game problems faster and get tips for complex moments. Also to the game death spies codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who loves to receive free bonuses.

The game of death to spies in Russia localized the company 1C, but it does not cancel the need for a crack, because sometimes the errors show themselves along the game, and the original version is always better converted. Yes, and the passage in the native language is more pleasant. You will play alone by passing every stage without any help.

Reviews and reviews readers will help you understand whether the game is worth your time. Given that the game was published 2007-10-16, we can say that it refers to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use additions when tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Fashion and patches will help to diversify and correct the gameplay. You can download them in our file store.

The game was passed at the difficulty level "difficult."

Mission 1. Cannon.

Run forward until we drink in the rock, turn left and continue running. Moving the first patrol, go to the other side of the road and continue to move to the first goal. The second patrol (or rather two German soldiers who organized the halt), go to the left (so as not to be too prominent, falling into the field of view of the Nazis, go crop or enjoy). To get around the third patrol that will soon meet you, follow the soldiers, keeping the distance, and when they will unfold, hide behind any way to the left of the road. Since Fritz moves, you, too, try to move to the left around the trunk, so that they are always from the opposite side of the tree. Danger passed - we continue the way. Soon you will arise a single patrol. First, pass behind him along the road to the right, and when it turns, you will turn on the back. Go further along the cliff. With the last patrol, who will meet you on the way, you can not bother: just when he, turning his back to you, will go to the side of the bunker, follow him, holding the onset, and when it is possible to leave the field of his vision and arouse Bunker. See the soldier guarding the entrance? He will be our first victim. Surride to it from behind and sue chloroform. Hide the body behind the bunker so that the patrol was not visible. Slide to descend to the bunker and sue the truck driver. Take its shape and hide into the bunker left on the surface of the body, leaning it against the wall, to the right of the stairs. Sit into the truck and go to the goal 3. The only problem on your way can be a patrol on the road that can identify you (he was the third on your way). Circle it on the side of the road, when that soldier who can identify you, turns away. Arriving at the base, leave the truck and go or on the warehouse that is left from the gate (in it one "green" soldier), or on the one that is located to the right of the headquarters (it is empty). In both cases, the action plan is the same, except that in the first case you will need to stop the goal to stun the soldier and hide his body in a secluded corner, and later it will be more difficult to bring the body from the warehouse and immerse in the truck. In any case, after you penetrate the warehouse and complete all the preparations, wait for Meltzer, hiding to the left of the door and when he will come inside with the bodyguard inside, sleep the last chloroform and stun the goal. Take the key from Melletzer, and the guard has clothing. Go to the headquarters. In the building, only one entrance and you need to get to it on the left of the grass so that the officer who can learn you will notice you. On the first floor, go to the room in which an officer sits (on the map he is red). From the hallway of his office, in which the radio operator works, go to the office itself, sneak to the officer, moving along the walls, and suck it with chloroform. Take the shape and climb to the second floor. Go to the Cabinet Meltzer. Whip a soldier guarding the safe directly, and take the documents. Return to the warehouse where the body has left, pon the truck close to the doors and load Meltzer into it. Take it to the point indicated on the map, and the mission will be passed.

Mission 2. Parcel.

Walk the destroyed home to the left, skipping a group of soldiers, and weigh further along the brick fence. Wait until the German will leave between the houses between the houses and the fence, and go there. You can (but not necessarily), waiting for his return and strangling, pick up the form. Now we swear through a small barricade from the bags (by the way, if you still killed the soldier, then the body needs to be leaning to it), set up the rooms under the windows in which the officer is located, whistle when he stays in the chair and drop the corner a little ahead. Wait until he comes out, jump again and swell even further, to a snowdrift. When only one soldier will remain on the street except the officer (and better, if there is no one at all), strangle the Germans / EB and take an officer's form (do not leave the body near the door - notice). The above-described procedure may not work and may have to repeat the attempt. When you finally get a form, go to the goal. In the house, noted, on the map you will find an old woman who will report that the courier is captured. Go to the revenue! Going to the house where it is kept, climbing, climb the stairs and when the "green" soldier will go back to the long room, strangle what's behind you. Make the body into the room where the prisoner sits, and strangle the remaining guard (put his body next to the bodies of a comrade). The courier will report that the documents in the Standardfürera P. Deber. Go to the house where it is located. Weber from time to time leaves to just follow how to repair his car. When after the next time he will go back to the house, follow him to the room in which another officer sleeps. Go to it when Weber approaches the window, and strangle it. Take the schemes and leave the terrain.

Mission 3. Beauty.

Going to the barrel ahead on the right, make a mistake of the Germans, Postess. Stun it and take the shape. Climb the screw staircase to the second floor. When the soldier, patrolling the corridor behind the door, will suit it, and then turn his back, sign in and sue it chloroform. Put the body in a niche in the wall on the right and go further along the corridor, without turning anywhere. Going to the hall, sneeze and go to the balcony to the door on the other side. Enter this door and begtepo the corridor behind it to the door. Go to the passage on the right when patrols come out of it, then turn to the corridor right and immediately dive into double doors on the left. Go to the room marked with an orange label on the map when patrol will go away. Closing the doors behind you, sleep first standing at the door of the soldier, and then the commandant himself. Take the form of the latter and go, not forgetting to close the doors. Combine "red" patrol, hiding in the room. Return to the hall and go down to the first floor. Go to the room marked with a green label. It has three people: soldiers, officer and investigator. First, when an officer comes out to the next room, follow him and sleep. Now suck the soldier and the investigator. Take the body to the neighboring room, to the body of the officer. Sweetstow, attach the patrol in the room. Stand on the left of the door and when it goes - suck. Go to prison (for this climb the stairs to the left of one floor). Go to the camera with prisoners, showing the appropriate permission, and shoot \\ strangle it. Leave the castle (the room in which the output is guarded by the two soldiers, one of which can learn you, so go to the room after it and proceed to the exit).

P .s In this task you have a choice: or kill the agent, or help him get out. In the passage, the first option was described, since otherwise you will not be able to get the highest rating.

Mission 4. Hotel.

To begin with, set up at the hotel, going to a person behind the counter. Now go to the diplomat (it is marked on the map). Take care of him to the library and wait until the "Mole" will not give him documents. When the meeting is over, follow the "mole" (it is now also marked on the map). When he will wash his hands, strangle it. Go to the second floor in the diplomat number (he should now be there). When he leaves, and one of the guards standing on the stairs will come, sit on the chair and leaves, stun the number guarding the room (for this try to run up to him and stun when he has not had time to turn or run around him, trying to achieve the same effect). After that, hide the body in the bathroom and hack the safe. Apply the documents and go if the diplomat has not yet returned (otherwise it will have to sit down in the bathroom for some time).

Mission 5. Payback.

First, degrade a lonely German, standing at the church. Take it out the form and go on a motorcycle to the village. By remembering the place where you left it, go deep into the village along the main road. Soon you come to the house in which the officer is sleeping (next to the house two more hours). You need to get up not far from the entrance and when the clock will go down to the tree, sneak inside. In tiptoe, go to the bedroom and sue the officer. Take it with the form and quietly leave the house. We go to the target 2. Peel into the house through the side entrance to the right, close the door behind you and stun the soldier. Please poison vodka and hide behind the stove, the body is pre-carried there. Soon the officer will come and take the vodka. Leave, moved the body of a soldier to where he stood. By the way, when our goal with a comrade will be poisoned, the soldiers guarding the room where they drank, can, how to go to them and see the body, so do not notice anything. In any case, if you take your legs in time, it will not matter. Go to the goal 1. Climb the second floor of the main building, penetrate the room there (it is opposite the stairs, and the entrance through the corridor). Stand on the right of the door, cooking Nagan with a silencer. Wait for your goal, close the door behind it and shoot. Go to the last goal. There's nothing complicated here: quietly enter the house, in the room with a stove, we are waiting for a radio system that will come to see what's the matter, we put it. If someone else goes into the house, put the body to the right of the door and feel the one who comes. It remains only to strangle the target and fold all the bodies under the window near the cradle (be careful - patrol can see you with a body on the shoulders through the window). It remains to leave the area (I advise you to use the motorcycle that you took away from the Germans at the very beginning, if, of course, you do not want to stroll through the forest, listen to birds singing ...).

Mission 6. Project - Y.

Climb the stairs and immediately turn left. The room has a scientist. He stands almost all the time to the door back. Stun it and pick up clothes. Get out of the room with scientists and go straight, then on the stairs down and immediately right. Go to the door on the side. While the soldier standing in front of the mirror, pick it up and hide the body into any cabin, except for the open (be careful - a scientist can enter the toilet at any time). Now go to the room where the colonel is located. Before the disinfection chamber costs the clock, which will not miss you for anything, so wait when he goes to the toilet, and quietly go on. The most complex and most responsible stage of the operation has come. To neutralize the becker, you must first neutralize its environment. At first, as quickly as possible, climb the bridges and sue the scientist standing at the console. Not talking from the place, wait for the soldier in the middle of the bridge on the left, and sleep him, hiding the body behind the console (Try not to run so as not to attract the attention of the colonel). Go down, go for the glass doors and, hiding behind a white column, wait for the bexer to look at the bomb. Now sue the remaining scientist and the colonel itself. Take away from the last form and key. Now take a picture of the drawings. In principle, it is not difficult: you only need to wait, when no one will look at you and make your own business, while getting up in a certain place, so that the action "take a picture" appears (by the way, where the drawing is in a glass cabin, you can distract the scientist , breaking one of the devices to the right of the entrance). Having finished with the drawings, go to the Backer's office. Come on quietly, but do not rush to open a safe - first you need to put the guard that entered you. Now go to the cyclotron, but be careful - the corridors in front of him patrol officer who will certainly recognize you. The easiest way to get around it is to go behind his back to the cyclotron and at a convenient point slip by. In the indoors itself there are only two officers. One inspects the territory, another costs near the staircase on the cyclotron. The first is not dangerous, it is easy to get around the back. It is more difficult with the second, it turns away from the staircase for only a few seconds. Hold on to the stairs as close as possible, but so that you are not declassified, and when the officer turns out, run up. Sprinkle the scientist and take the key. Take the documents from the safe in the laboratory and go.

Mission 7. Intelligence.

Go forward to the corner and turn left. Come to the autocolonne and, when one of the soldiers go away to smoke, whistling, attach it to the extreme truck, stun, take the shape and hide the body into the body. Pick the other truck to the main entrance to the school, putting it to the right of the black car, so that it was not visible from the porch (it would be not bad to put it in parallel to the sidewalk, but at an angle to it). Hide behind the first protrusion of the wall (counting from the entrance), wait for the officer who comes to smoke (and he will not smoke), sneak up to it from the left side and sleep as soon as he turns face down (this operation may not work out from the first times, so be prepared that you may have to repeat everything again). Immediately we take the body and drag away from the porch, take the shape and hide the body into the truck. Go to the windows in a small snack (right from the main entrance). In one of the windows you will see the officer sitting at the table. Sweetstowev around the corner, distract the soldier's hoarse there, get a nagan with a silencer and shoot an officer through the window (if it does not turn out to distract the soldier, you can stun it and hide the body into a truck, pre-unloading it at the point of starting mission). Hiding the weapon, go to school through the main entrance. First I advise you to deal with the school chief. Now he is on the second floor. Climb there and stand up on the left of the double doors in the hall. Wait until the goal with the bodyguard will not come out, and follow them into the office. Entering there without losing a minute, close the door behind you, sleep the bodyguard when he stops, and kill the school chief. Now we will deal with a card file. Return to the first floor and go to the desired room. Go inside after a radio line and wait until she leaves, staying outside the field of sight of the officer (for this, when he leaves the middle of the room, stand outside the table to the left of the safe). When she leaves, sleep the officer, put his body to the right of the door and go out. Go back behind the radio station, covering the door, and stun her when it is suitable for your table. Take the key from the officer, take the first part of the card file and go, folding the body to the right of the door. Climb on the second floor on the stairs in this wing of the building. Go to the toilet (it is left). Stun the frit there, hide the body into one of the cabins and hide themselves there. Wait for another German and too stun. Go to the right room. Close the door behind you and feel the officer there. Take the second part of the card files, put the body to the right of the door and go. Last goal - deputy. Chief of school. Go down to the first floor. You need to get into the room marked with a green label, when all officers in the hall will stand in a circle, and the soldier guarding this room will go away. Close the door and read the magazine lying on the table, followed by the corpse. When the situation in the lobby happens, go out, not forgetting to cover the door, and climb the second floor. Go to the office following the officer marked on the map, close the door and sleep it. Take the form from him, then climb the third floor. By telling the German staircase about the arrival of a friend of our goal, go back to the office on the second floor and stand up to the right. When nothing is suspected deputy. He will come and get up by the window, strangle it. It remains to leave the terrain to complete the mission.

Mission 8. Doll.

By choosing a weapon for this mission, take three additional charges of dynamite (in total you should have six). So, go the road and come to the w / d ways. It is not far worth a small house, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich several Fritz. You need to get inside when soldiers come out from there. Sprink out what sleeps inside, pick it up and take the body into the neighboring room. Go to the bridge. Go down to the road beneath it, go around the yellow support and move on the other side of the river on technical bridges. On them from the opposite side there is one "red" patrol. It is very easy to get around: just go the bridge, looking at him in the back. Once again of the supports, climb on the right staircase and enter the tower when the soldier guarding the entrance will leave the post. Close the screw staircase until you see the entrance to the room, and look inside. There two: officer and soldiers. When the latter goes away from the cabinet, sneak to the officer and sleep it, and then the soldier. When taking an officer shape, go to neutralize snipers. Everything is simple: rising to the very top of the tower and stunning a sniper (if when approaching it does not appear "stunning", try to bump into the room on the last floor to stir it). The complexity may occur only with two towers: with the one in which the "Red" sniper and with the one in which the sniper is in full combat readiness near the teeth. In the first case, go to the tower through the door on the bridge and immediately right, on the stairs. Slimming, climb on the second floor, turn right and, moving along the wall, go to the soldier sitting on the chair, sleep it. Rising to the top of the tower, sneak up on the way to the right of the stairs to Snieper and stun. In the second case, you need to approach the snapyr as possible and, when no one will see you from the ground (follow the visibility indicator at the top of the screen), put it on. Next, go directly to the charge laying. With two on the edges and at the very top (there is a staircase from technical bridges) There should be no problems: wait for you when no one will see and act. With charges in the center more difficult to: to the places where you need to lay, one German looks slowly. To drive it down, go down to technical bridges, go as close as possible to it and pump. Return to the bridge and laid charges in the very center and from the side where the German stood when none of the patrol will see. Railing away, wait until the "red" patrol will not start up their routes, and only after that gently laid the last charge. Now you need in two minutes reach one of the points of completion of the mission.

Mission 9. Withdrawal.

Go to the right along the w / d way to the camp. When the gray task (at the entrance to it, two soldiers) will begin to go up two patrols on the side, use them in parallel to them along the fence and, being approximately opposite the middle of the wall, bring over the fence, cutting the hole in it with nipples. Let the soldier standing around the corner right when he goes inside. Now disappear with a soldier patrolling the warehouse. It is easiest to get on the right of the rack in the center, wait for it when he sees the body and suggests him, and sleep. Take the shape of any of the satisfied soldiers, throw a backpack with nipples and go through the door, which included (without forgetting to close it by me). Run to the left, to the house marked on the map. Trying not to fall into the eyes patrol, wait for the officer (you should be on the wall at this time, after which the soldier will run away, and the officer will turn to the entrance back. Along the walls, we will take care of the doors, then inside and immediately (so that the officer who turned to the sound of the steps did not have time to see you). Closing the door, stand up to the left of the entrance (if you stand back to it), wait for the soldier, then the officer and sue them both. Take the form of an officer, study the documents lying on the table and go to that part of the camp where contains prisoners. The entrance to it is not far from the place where you cut the hole in the fence. Having passed through it, turn left. The nearest right barak sometimes enters the overseer. Go there when it will not be there, sleep a soldier, drag his body away from the entrance and stand up to the right of the door, jumping on the bench. When the warden will go, sleep it and take the form. Go to the informant. Having told him to go for you, go to the medical center (you passed by him on the way). Passing through the gate, separating it from the barracks (two soldiers guard it - do not confuse), turn right and go through one more. Pass between the canopy and the fence to the gate and stop. When the guard, patrolling the trail behind her, turns his back, go out, move across the earthen shaft, take a large hole in which the prisoners work, from the other side where there are no Germans, and continue running deep into the forest, to the point of completion of the mission.

Mission 10. Embassy.

Take the "out of order" from the toilet to the right. Go to another toilet (to the left of the main entrance). Hanging a sign on one of the cabins, wait for the guard to the toilet, sleep it, take the shape and hide the body into the cab with a sign. Do not forget that at the same time in the toilet besides you, two should not be anyone, so you may have to touch the guard when it goes to the toilet for the first time, but wait for the next one. In the end, having got shape, go out and climb to the second floor on the stairs to the right. Go to the first door to the left, making sure that there is no "red" agent. Hiding behind the chair to the left of the door, wait for the agent from the adjacent room, talk to the secretary, and will leave back, and follow him. By closing the door behind you, sleep first the usual guard when it is suitable for the door, then the agent. When taking the latest clothes, fold the body at the safe, to the left of the door and go. Rising on the third floor, go to the recreation room ("!" On the map). Standing where neither - be on the right of the entrance, wait for someone to start playing the piano, everyone will gather to listen to music, and wolves will enter the room and become a challenge over the radio, poison coffee on the table with his back and calmly go away. It remains to wait when the goal will choose, after which leave the embassy.