Biography Soso Pavliashvili: personal life, kids, photos. Pavliashvili: Ira appeared when I was very hard personal life Soso

Biography Soso Pavliashvili: personal life, kids, photos. Pavliashvili: Ira appeared when I was very hard personal life Soso
Biography Soso Pavliashvili: personal life, kids, photos. Pavliashvili: Ira appeared when I was very hard personal life Soso

For the famous singer Soso Pavliashvili, the glory of real jigita has long been entrenched. In an exclusive interview with two years ago, the singer said: "If any woman in my environment or in the hall thinks that I am in love with her, that I adore her, is beautiful! Let it think so! But I'm not a womanik and I do not chase every skirt. "

And that is, good grounds. For ten years, the heart of the "singer of love" has been given to one single woman - the former dancer and singer of Pavliashvili's musical team and just a wonderful person - Irina Pollch. Two years ago, they were born daughter Lisa. Now in their family - complete harmony. But she was preceded by a whole series of tests, misunderstandings and perekov.

Soso and Irina overcame all the difficulties and today in the most exclusive interview with our portal in detail talk about their relationship - without utensils and constraints.

- Tell us about the first impressions as you saw each other ...

Irina: Tell me!

Soso: No, tell me! Well, come on, come on!

Irina: It was in the Poland of Pioneers, where I went to engage in a dramatic studio. Nearby was still the Studio Soso. Once I saw him, I decided to take an autograph. It came up, said: "Hello!" He sat back to me. And so slowly slowly turned. With a serious face - and broke into a smile. And I thought: "That's the cool one! Not pathetic! "

Soso: Although Ira was young at all, I immediately noticed that she was a very beautiful girl, saw her rounded. I remember she stood on how

their enormous heels like irons - then there was such a platform in fashion. And at first thought: "Caught! But appetizing! " She was sixteen then. And after the first minutes of communication, I hurt me another. This girl, a representative of a new generation, said that her songs like her insanely, especially one of the most lyrical songs - "I'm with you!"

Irina: In principle, I came to ask me to give me a phonogram of this song, because I also sang and wanted to ask permission to fulfill this composition.

Soso: I was very nice. Because then we all listened to "Affectionate May", and here the young girl is suitable and just asks good music. Do not think, I will not praise myself: just the music I write, I'm coming from the space, I skip it through myself. Something worse, something better ...

- Which of you first began to show activity in relationships?

Soso: As a man, of course, I began to take the first initiative. But as a girl, for his part, Irina also did not inactive. It was obvious to me that our interest is mutual to each other.

Irina: Oh! He was very initiative! But I, as far as possible, restrained this initiative. Although it was not easy (smiles).

- SOM.

What did you like in Ira most?

Soso: her parents! When I met her relatives, I realized that these were very advanced, modern people. And we somehow have made friends without much effort. If it were not for this - we would not stay with Irishka together.

- What did Soso struck you?

Irina: I remember how on the first day I stayed at the studio when he wrote down the song "I and you." We were sitting until the night, and I communicated with his musicians, watched him. Then I understood what he was well done, what a creative person and what he does in music. It attracted me strongly. Only so I understood what an expressive and bright man is.

- Did you make him surprises?

Irina: Initially, we communicated, as if they were going to intelligence. Everything was interesting for me in this adult man, artist. For my part, I tried to hit him somehow, embrace. I came to the concert under the guise of a journalist and pretended to take interviews from him.

- What about the distance between you?

Irina: He was too temperamental, and I had to restrain this pressure. But it was a pleasant feeling - that he is delighted with me.

"Didn't you scare that he has a lot of women, a lot of experience and a lot of fans?"

Irina: A.

why should I scare it? (Smiles) On the contrary, I was pleased that among all the fans he chooses me. And why do I need an abandoned man who is not needed to anyone? I, on the contrary, relied on his experience, and the development of our relationship I was interested. It was immediately obvious that he was a sincere person that he would not be a meanness. And everything else is fine, when a real passion, a novel between people!

- Why did you need such a young girl? It was impossible to choose a more experienced lady?

Soso: If we are talking about sex now, I can sleep with any. But Irka was special. I can't even hold parallels. She became not just a girl for me, the location of which I achieved. I was pleased to feel her immediacy. This girl had a sincere response to me, she was all like a palm. And I, together with a purely male interest, from the first minutes of communication with her he was responsible for her as a senior. It was an unusual, beautiful feeling for me. Our relations developed not only as a stormy novel, but also as friendship. She was interested with me, and me - with her.

Irina: just during this period of serious courtesy in Soso Nach

there were health problems. And then I no longer doubted what he was needed.

Soso: I could call at three in the morning, say that I feel bad, and not even hint: come! She came herself. Despite its beautiful rounded shapes (smiles), Ira still turned out to be a true friend. And this friendship was needed much more than sex. Ira will not give to sit: then I tried my best to make it get used to me to me. Not tied to truly. I considered myself a lonely wolf, a person around which too many problems. And I did not want it to constantly enter the circle of these problems. But Irka in character is stubborn, I cannot defeat this stubbornness and now. It if a goal is set - it will just achieve.

- So who of you sought the location?

Soso: I achieved that it was overwhelmingly "bud", and she achieved this state: today we are the real family for today and our little daughter.

- Ira, and you boiled before girlfriends, what do you have an affair from Pavliashvili?

Irina: And I never had real girlfriends. Most of my peers are not too purposeful, many have fallen in bad companies. And I

not shared with them my life, because we were as it were from different planets.

Soso: But I put my hand to all her girlfriends left us alone. Because even the few friends who surrounded it, they usually called when they had difficulty difficulties. And I just sent them to three letters (smiles). We are together. And we do not need anyone in life. Irka, indeed, in education and the mind differed from his peers. And one of the first of our conversations with her parents was just about it. I said: "Look at her classmates, peers! Do you want her to repeat their way? So that in the entrance watched, how do they smoke or drink beer? Let it be better with me, will learn a lot of good things, will be protected! "

- They believed you?

Beloved! Give them a health god that entrusted to me your daughter, although there was no speech about any guarantees. The question of marriage was not even discussed. But I felt a huge responsibility for Iru. I just could not offend her under any circumstances. She was not just a girlfriend - she was a daughter, a child ... And she trusted me much more than her parents.

- Ira was at that time

why are you the only one?

Nobody bold on my personal freedom to encroach. I continued to meet with women. But, apparently, such a serious feeling was already born in me, which I myself did not understand. Irka has already become a truly native. And if I were an ordinary pop singer, I would like it all the same, what happens to this girl. But I just did not have the right to offend her. I needed her devotion.

- Would you like to have a relationship not immediately?

Gradually, with tests. When I did not have a penny of money, but only some problems, I told her: "You're a young beautiful girl, your father is a secured person, plays with Yeltsin in tennis, it works in prestigious places ... You will find your happiness, you will go abroad ... Do not bring me to me. It is impossible! I am a person without tomorrow. " I had exactly the feeling of life at that time.

- How did Ire react on it?

She spoke in response: "But I am not interested in tomorrow. I live today. I am happy with you today! " And she did not move away from me. And then gradually everything began to develop a little bit. You know, in principle, I deserved a good attitude: because I was not a drug addict, al

spirit, psychopath. I am an artist who needs understanding. And grateful to this young stubbornness and loyalty (smiles).

- Is it really for so much time she did not give rise to jealous? After all, a young girl loves to fool, flirt, koking ...

On the horoscope I am cancer. Jealousy - the lot of each cancer. And this is a normal phenomenon. If you do not like - do not jealous. We have been together for ten years. And, probably, the outbreaks of jealousy do not allow us to fall asleep and get bored with each other. Jealousy is a good paint in relationships. Orgasm from jealousy brighter. And I don't even think about treason!

- You can say, did you help Ira in an adult look at the relationship between a man and a woman?

At Ira, the character of such: she wanted to show him in front of me. Not even as a woman, but as a teenager. And I had to gain patience to raise her, as I brought up my son Levan. And this is not just a relationship between a man and a woman, but a completely different approach. There was a time: I pressed on her, and showed aggressiveness. But now, looking back, I understand: if I didn't do it - we would not be together.

- And Ira had enough wisdom not to be offended and not accustomed to the offense?

okay! She is too purposeful. She just wanted to be with me, and everything else did not matter. I then did not understand why she was necessary. And now grateful to her for patience and natural wisdom: we are all together - happy people. And this is our common world. And with us Lisa.

- It is believed that every song of the composer is a love story. Some composers say that all the songs in their lives are dedicated to one woman. And how are you?

If I say tomorrow: "Ira, besides you, I do not recognize a single woman!" - She plins me in the face. My work belongs to all people. My songs are my heart. And I put all my male creature there. Ira is absolutely correctly looking at it. I would like women to always believe me and cried only with happiness. All my songs are written for this. Irka was always proud that women love me and trust me. She herself always for women, in any conflict it becomes for the feminine side - so that no one has oppressed, not humiliated.

- How did Ira found a common language with Levan?

They did not look for a common language, just grown together. Ira, Levan and Irquin Brother Danya. And when the time has come to explain something, I planted with myself Levan

asked: "Want me to be happy?" He answered consent. And I said then: "Wait for my sister."

- Who decided to live together with one family? And how did you decide to live with the parents of Ira?

And we like it! And we found a common language a long time ago. And now, when it became possible to build a family country house, where everything is good and spacious, it is generally beautiful. Mom Ira, Larisa, especially for me I bought a piano, as I miss my piano, which remained in my apartment. We also go to relax the whole family. And we are very good together. Now I have my own flock.

- We can say that in the family of your girl you brought the traditions of the Georgian family?

Sure! I am a Tbilisi man. And in Moscow, I really lacked such a family life. My heart remained in Tbilisi. And the more friendly we live, the better! We are now building new apartments in Moscow, and I intend to still transport mom with dad from Tbilisi.

- What does the passion of passions in the family depend on? How not to bother each other in relationships?

Soso: It all depends only on the woman! If I wake up in the morning and wonder every day, what is it terrible, I'd rather get away from her. Why husband

ranks start something somewhere? Because in your lair they do not see joy.

- At the beginning of your relationship, Ira danced and sang in the team. Now she completely forgot about creative activities?

Soso: This creative activity was invented later to be what was doing (smiles). And at first I just fell in love with her as a man. I had a simple desire to master a beautiful girl. Well, then I have already done everything to ensure that this beautiful woman would have been with me as much as possible - and on tour, and in Moscow.

Irina: I never ceased to be a creative person. I like to sing and dance. And in Moscow, I am now again speaking with Soso, and on tour We go together when it is possible to take with you Lisa, and the conditions allow you to live families.

- Soso, are you happy man?

As a man, I am absolutely happy. I know that not only I get happiness, but also deliver happiness and pleasure to your loved ones. The main thing is that I am not alone, as it was a few years ago.

- Ira, and you?

I have the same feelings and thoughts. But I would like to realize yourself more in creativity. Now I am a favorite mother, your favorite daughter, a loved one. I have everything chic.

But still, I really like to sing and want to do it further. But this does not mean that I want to become a star star ...

Soso: You are the Star! Trust my word ...

Irina: You witness a starting family scandal ... (overlooking, laugh)

- What can you wish couples that are just starting to live together?

Soso: Do \u200b\u200bnot look for yourself. Everything will come by itself. I believe that two anyone can get along with each other if they are united by the main goal - to be together. If someone does not want to give up, but wants to prove something - this is the cause of all conflicts. At the beginning of a joint life, I had a conversation with Ira: if we want to be together - then we will be together. And if you do not want - it is not necessary to torment each other. And the point is not in the child, not in some kind of responsibility: if you do not want to live with a person, I should not do that.

Irina: The mistake of many young people who are starting a joint life is that they are trying to understand everything "on the shore", to each other, arguing something forgetting about compromises. No need to run ahead of the locomotive, do not invent conflicts when they are not. All let him go. You just need to be able to enjoy each other.

Popular Georgian and Russian singer.

Soso Pavliashvili released albums " Waiting for you Georgians!», « About my love», « Best songs for you" other. Removed in the episodes of several Russian TV series, participated in the programs " Two stars», « You are superstart"And others.

Biography Soso Pavliashlivi

Soso Pavliashviliborn on June 29, 1964 in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR. The father of singer - Ramin Josephovich Pavliashvili, an architect by profession, and the mother - Aza Alexandrovna Pavliashvili. At the age of six, the future musician began learning to play violin, and after graduation, he entered the conservatory in the class of violin.

Soso Pavliashvili was joined in the army and after a two-year-old service, at the age of 24, began to seriously engage in vocals. Soon he got into the ensemble " Iveria", A well-known vocal instrumental team in Tbilisi, which has been widely popular in the USSR in the mid-1970s. In Iverei, Soso Pavliashvili worked for a year. Already in 1989, it was at the contest of performers in Jurmala and received the Grand Prix.

The full name of the musician - Joseph Raminovich Pavliashvili.

Soso Pavliashvili about his victory at the competition in Jurmala: "Then I believed finally in my own strength, because I did a bet on this contest very serious. He said to himself that if I did not win the victory, I will no longer sing. In fact, I was scary worried about this contest. I do not like all sorts of competition, because too proud. And, thank God, it happened that I immediately managed to take the first prize. This is the main reward for my whole life, I think so. "

Creative Way Soso Pavliashvili

The first album of the singer called " Music friends"Released in 1993. A year earlier Soso Pavliashvili took the Grand Prix of the festival " Step to Parnas." Next disk, " Sing with me"I saw the light in 1996, and the video clip was removed on the title song of this album.

Soso Pavliashvili is the author of the majority of the compositions that he performs, but sometimes it attracts to the work of other composers. Singer collaborated S. Ilya Reznik, Simon Osiashvili, Mikhail Tanyash and others.

Soso Pavliashvili about his songs: "Basically it comes itself, and it does not matter any life, neither the mood or well-being. Many songs, for example, I wrote under the shower. Or, let's say, at night, I woke up because there was some melody, and in a half-condition I wrote down her on the voice recorder, which I always lies next to the bed. In the morning I did not remember anything, but it remained on the cassette. So most of my songs were born. "

In 1997, Soso Pavliashvili starred in a music film " The newest adventures of Buratino"In which many Russian pop singers were occupied. So, the role of Pinocchio executed Kristina Orbakayte , Malvina became Natasha Koroleva , and other heroes played Larisa Valley, Bogdan Titomir, Arkady Ukupnik other.

Also in the filmography of Soso Pavliashvili, telepostects and films, like popular Sitkoms "33 square meters", "Daddy's daughter" and "My Favorite Witch", "New Year's Shatts", " New Aladdin's adventures"," Kiss through the wall "," 8 first dates "," swing ".

Soso Pavliashvili releases on average one by one alb once every two or three years. To date, in its asset, eight disks and about two dozen video clips.

Soso Pavliashvili about music: "Now with the stage, men completely disappeared, capable of expressing a truly strong feelings of love, passion, tenderness. The feelings sing frivolously and often love is without signs of sex or with signs of perversity. I am sure that real men may suffer because of love, and must express it in the songs, as the time impertons expressed serenades under the window of their beloved. I am close to the musical Lyrics of Vysotsky, Rosenbaum, romances performed by Kobzon, Kikabidze. "

Personal life Soso Pavliashvili

From 1985 to 2003, Soso Pavliashvili was officially married to Nino Pizhashshvili. On August 21, 1987, the Son was born in a couple Levan. Soso decided that his son had strict upbringing, so the boy gave in the Suvorian school, at the end of which the young man came and successfully studied at the Military Technical University under the Federal Agency for Special Construction.

Soso Pavliashvili had a novel with the famous Soviet singer Irina Ponarovskaya, who ended with parting in 2002.

Even before the divorce with the official wife of Nino, in 1997, Soso Pavliashvili began to live in a civil marriage with a back-in-vocalist group " Mironi.» Irina Plukh. Soso and Irina had two daughters - Lisa (December 4, 2004) and Sandra (June 2, 2008). The singer does not get tired of confessing in love Irina and after 20 years stayed. He constantly publishes tender posts with mental confessions in social networks. He lived in a civil marriage with a singer.

Meet: it's - Irina Patlach - Dancer from my team. And that's Nino - my favorite spouse, - introduced Soso Pavliashvili Full of women.

Nino smiled Ira. Then, in 2000, none, nor the second could not even imagine what the fate would play with them! Just two years between 38-year-old Soso. and 20 years old Ira A novel will be spinning, which will change the life of the whole Trinity forever!

"Do you really have a woman on the side?"

- At first, I, of course, did not know anything, - I admit 49-year-old Nino Pizhashshvili. - From where? After all, I am with our son Levan lived in Tbilisi, and Soso.was in Moscow. Back in the 90s, my husband went to earn money in Russia. Called me with me. But I could not - it was necessary to take care of the sick mom. So we began to live apart. Although they were official marriage. At first Soso. often called and came. Then we began to see more often. And the press began to leave articles about the novels of my husband.

First allegedly with singer Irina Ponarovskaya, then - with a dancer Irina Plukh.

- I was silent for a long time, - continues the former spouse Pavliashvili. "But one day she could not stand and asked her husband:" Do you really have a woman on the side? " Soso.lowered his eyes: "No!"

But sewed in the bag do not hide. Soon Nino nevertheless learned: her husband really meets with that dancer Irinain Moscow. For the singer's wife it was a strong blow!

- I don't even want to remember about this time! - Sighs now Nino. - I can only say one thing. Any woman tolerate this is not easy!

But Pastechshvili I found the strength in myself and was able to get out of this situation adequately. It's incredible! But for the sake of his love Nino I forgave her husband to betray! I did not arrange scandals, curse the traitor and threaten the ruiner. On joy Soso. Wife even ... made friends with his mistress! Friends of the Georgian Macho were only surprised: how did he manage to be happy in such difficult life circumstances? And the secret was that Nino Still hoped for the return of her husband in the family. Alas, this did not happen.

"Soso went like a real man"

"In 2003 we officially divorced," the first wife of the 50-year-old artist says. - But Soso went as a real man! I left me an apartment in Tbilisi and still helps materially. Although now he has another family. Irina - Beautiful woman, gave birth Soso. two charming daughters - Lisuand Sandru. We are all in good relationships.

When Nino It happens in Moscow, it necessarily drives to a former husband and his family. On such days Pavliashvili comes home with two bouquets of roses: one - for the ex-wife, the other - for the current, civil, so that no one is offensive ...

High! High relationships!

Based on:

Soso Pavliashvili, the full name of Joseph, a popular Georgian and Russian singer and actor. The most famous songs Pavliashvili are considered to be "delight", "I and You", "pray for parents." What only nicknie, epithets and titles singer did not receive hot fans! Pavliashvili is called the King of Eastern Music, Knights of the Mountains, Guardian Angel, Tamper Georgia.

Soso was born in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi in the family of Architect Ramina Iosifovich and the housewives Aza Alexandrovna. The musical biography of Pavliashvili began in the distant childhood of the boy. Another preschooler, the boy entered the music educational institution, where he began to master the violin. Persistent work and many hours of classes gave a rapid result: Soon the little musician began to perform in regional and republican competitions and festivals.

The violin was actually carried away by Joseph, so after the end of the musical and general education schools Pavliashvili entered the Tbilisi Conservatory, it was in the direction of a violin game. But during the mandatory service in the army, Soso moved away from classical music and joined the stage. Therefore, after receiving a university diploma, the musician is arranged to the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Iveria".

A young man worked there for only a year, because once Pavliashvili had to postpone the tool aside and approach the microphone. This happened in Canada as part of a concert dedicated to the Winter Olympic Games in Calgary. Soso presented to the public his own performance of the famous Georgian song "Suliko", and this speech literally shocked those present.

Soon Pauliashvili, already as a solo artist receives the Grand Prix at the Vocal Festival in Jurmala and is gradually gaining increasing popularity. A remarkable feature of the repertoire of Soso Pavliashvili was that the singer writes music to the overwhelming majority of their own hives, occasionally resorting to the services of the most famous Russian and Georgian composers.


Success Soso Pavliashvili's Success is that the musician refers to a few performers who can express a strong passion, tenderness, love with a male position. The first studio album of the artist "Music Friends" came out in 1993 and immediately attracted the attention of the female audience. The following plates "sing with me" and "I and you" only strengthened Pavliashvili's popularity.

Just today, Soso Pavliashvili released more than ten full-length albums and collections, in each of which there is a love lyrics, spiritual texts and delicate romantic melodies. Snaggers "please", "I and you", "pray for parents", "Sky on Palm", "I'm not called you named" in different years I became big hits. By the way, Soso often acts in a duet with other stars.

For example, together with the love of Uspenskaya Pavliashvili, he performed the song "stronger than before," with hit "Some thousand years old", and in a pair of sang a mental composition "I love you." In 2015, at the concert "New Wave" Soso Pavliashvili executed the composition "Without you" together with the team.

The solo hit of the same year for Pavliashvili became the song "Do not guess for love", as well as a music video clip that came to her.


I tried Soso Pavliashvili my own strength and in cinema. Moreover, it was not only participation in the format of Kameo, which happens from other musicians. Pavliashvili played full-fledged roles in the comedy Sitkom, the ironic series, the criminal film "Ice Age".

But most of all on the score of the musical festive fairy tales, such as the "newest adventures of Buratino", "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors", "New Adventures of Aladdin" and others.

Personal life

Soso Pavliashvili is not a frequenter of yellow press pages. On the contrary, if they write about him, mainly about creativity: as a singer, composer and actor. The fact is that in the life of the Georgian vocalist there were only three women and no third-party novels.

The first wife of the famous singer was Nino Parenti, with which Soso supports warm friendships and after a divorce. Moreover, these people unites the overall child, the son of Levan. Paraviashvili's firstborn, by the way, did not go in the footsteps of the Father. He graduated from the Suvorov School, then the Military University and became a serviceman.

The second love of Joseph was a pop star. The official agreement did not conclude, and several years have lived in actual marriage. And since 1997, Pavliashvili lives together with the singer Irina Pollch, from which he has two children - Favorite daughters Elizabeth and Sandra. Soso and Irina lived in the civil union for 17 years, and in 2014, right from the stage, on which the singer made his beloved proposal to marry.

Today the musician's wife often appears on stage along with his spouse. Irina dancing until Soso Pavliashvili sings. Musician fans regularly refer to a spouse with a beauty and fall asleep a couple of compliments.

Soso Pavliashvili now

In 2016, Soso Pavliashvili finished the construction and arrangement of a new house in the Moscow region, where he moved along with his wife and children. This is a two-storey mansion, in which, except for eight rooms, there is another pool and its own gym.

In 2016, Soso Pavliashvili wrote a letter to the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan, asking the ministry to abolish the ban for the singer to perform in the country, which Soso Pavliashvili received back in 2004, when, together with other artists, he made a concert on the territory of the unrecognized state of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic together with other artists.

The Azerbaijani government condemned the action of artists and recognized such a statement by the threat to the development of relations between Russia and Azerbaijan. After that, it was decided not to invite musicians in Azerbaijan who spent in Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan, as well as prohibit the radio and television broadcasting of their speeches in the country.

After the letter of Pavliashvili, in which the singer acknowledged the value of Azerbaijani culture and expressed respect for the traditions and people of the country, and also noted the famous hospitality of Azerbaijanis, the musician received permission to perform in the country.

After a month after receiving the permission of Soso Pavliashvili spoke in Baku in the palace name. The musician gave a solo charity concert.

In the summer of 2017, the musician again performed in Baku, this time Soso Pavliashvili became a member of the International Music Festival "Heat".

In 2018, Soso Pavliashvili presented the composition "My Melody" and engaged in filming the clip on this song.

In 2018, the producer of the musician Georgy Gabalaev, who is also a singers, who is also a skeleton of a singer, was strongly injured during the conflict. The producer arrived in the capital at work and stopped at acquaintances in a communal apartment, where, after the conflict, the neighbors beat a man with a metal pipe, and then shot it.


  • 1993 - "Music to friends"
  • 1996 - "Sing with me"
  • 1998 - "I and you"
  • 2001 - "About my love"
  • 2003 - "Georgians are waiting!"
  • 2005 - "The best songs for you"
  • 2007 - "remember Georgian"
  • 2010 - "Eastern Songs"
  • 2013 - "The Best"
  • 2014 - Caucasian
  • 2014 - "Jubilee"


  • 1997 - "The latest adventures of Buratino"
  • 2002 - "Ice Age"
  • 2003 - "At the corner of the Patriarch-3"
  • 2004 - "33 square meters"
  • 2004 - "Lost Sun"
  • 2006 - "First Smell"
  • 2007 - "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors"
  • 2007 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2008 - "Happy together"
  • 2009 - Golden Key
  • 2010 - "New Year's Shatta"
  • 2011 - "Kiss through the wall"
  • 2011 - "New Adventures of Aladdin"
  • 2012 - "8 first dates"
  • 2013 - "The Last Magician"

Mom grafted his son love music. By six years, the little Soso masted the violin and began to take an active part in various contests and youth concerts. After graduating from school, Pavliashvili entered the Tbilisi Conservatory. At the final exams, the dream received the highest ball and became one of the most famous graduates of the Tbilisi Conservatory for all the time of its existence.

After graduating from the university Soso Pavliashvili was called upon service in the army, where he began to perform in the ensemble. It was there that he first discovered himself as a vocalist, and not only as a violinist. After the end of the service, he decided to make a quarry of the pop artist, but did it not immediately.

After demobilization, Soso Pavliashvili soon became one of the musicians of the legendary Georgian team "Iveria", whose fame occurred in the 1970s. Together with the ensemble of Soso, it took an indispensable experience, touring throughout the Soviet Union.

In 1989, Pavliashvili went to the music contest in Jurmala, deciding to show himself as a vocalist, where the main prize of the festival was awarded. The victory brought him popularity, and in 1993 he released his debut album called "Music Friends".

In 1996, he recorded the second plate "Sing me", which, as the first success, was waiting for success. In 1997, Soso fulfilled the role in the film "The New Adventures of Pinocchio".

In 1998, he left the next, the third album of the artist "I and you", followed by the intervals "about my love", "Georgians are waiting for you!", "Best songs for you", "remember Georgian" and "Eastern songs" .

Pavliashvili also took part in the filming of several feature films and TV shows - this is: "Ice Age", "Friendly Family", "on the corner of the Patriarch - 3", "33 square meters", "Lost Sun", "First Spent", " Kingdom of the curves of the mirrors, "" Papina daughter "," happy together "," Golden Key "," New Year's Shatta "," Kiss through the wall "," New Adventures of Aladdin "," 8 first dates "and" Last Magician ".

Now the artist continues to lead an active concert activity and touring, fulfilling with the joy for his loyal fans who loved their hits: "White Fata", "Pray for Parents", "please", "Sky on Palm" and others.

Personal life

He was married to Nino Parenti, who born his son Levan. Now the artist is in a civil marriage with Irina Polls, a back-vocalist group "Mironi". With Civilian wife, Soso was born two daughters: Lisa in 2004 and Sandra in 2008.

Interesting Facts

Cooperates with Ilya Reznik, Simon Osiashvili, George Karapetyan, Konstantin Rubin, Karen Kavaleria and others

Loves Football and KVN

His birth like a vocalist occurred in Calgary, in 1988, during the Winter Olympics. Soso played a violin in the ensemble "Iveria" and decided to sing on stage the song "Suliko" installed on the square in the city center. His singing caused a flurry of applause from the 50,000th public

After he performed in 2004 on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, the decree of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, the artist and performances were banned in the country

Mahmoud Esambaev called Pavliashvili "Kameton Georgia"

He is dedicated to the song "Hello from Soso" Ukrainian Duet "Carlos and Pindos"