How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar. Selection of strings for acoustic guitars

How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar. Selection of strings for acoustic guitars
How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar. Selection of strings for acoustic guitars

This article will give you the necessary information about different types of strings for acoustic and electric guitar. Further will be described in detail about the thickness of the strings, about the types of strings for the acoustic guitar and electric guitar, about strings with a coating and without it, about nylon strings, strings with flat and round winding, about materials from which strings are made, and their effect on the sound.

Thickness strings

Strings differ in size, and more specifically - in thickness. It is usually measured in thousands of inches. As a rule, the thickness of the string in the set is indicated by the first string. Sometimes from guitarists you can hear something like: "I play a dozen." This means that they use a set of strings, where the thickness of the first string is 0.010 inches (10-ka).

In acoustic guitars, strings are usually used with thickness from 9 to 13. The most common is the strings of very light tension - 10, and light tension - 11. Thick strings publish a more rich and loud sound, but it is more difficult for them to play. They will fit well if you love really dense and loud sound of your acoustic guitar. Using thin strings will make the game easier, but you will donate for this volume and completeness of sound.

The thickness of the electric guitar ranges ranges from 8 to 13. You can find and thicker strings, but they are either going with flat winding, or made for bariton guitars. In most electric guitars installed 9 or 10. For jazz and heavy rock, strings are installed thilling. Thick strings are also helpful if you play low.

Packaging indicates the thickness of the string

Strings for acoustic guitar: bronze and phosphor bronze (Bronze, Phosphor Bronze)

For bronze strings, it is characterized by a more ringing and bright sound, compared with phosphoric bronze. Golden color gives them alloy from which they are made: 80% copper and 20% tin. Bronze is softer than steel, it is also well resisting corrosion, which is useful for a wet climate.

Strings from phosphoric bronze have a soft and warm sound, in contrast to ordinary bronze. Many guitarists believe that therefore they are better suited for their fingers. As for color, they have a red, copper shade. In composition, phosphoric bronze resembles the usual, but it has a small proportion of phosphorus. It prevents the rapid oxidation of the metal. Approximate composition: 92% copper, 7.7% tin, 0.3% phosphorus.

Bronze (left) and phosphoric bronze (right)

Strings for Electric Guitar: Nickel, Clean Nickel and Steel (Nickel Plated, Pure Nickel, Stainless Steel)

Nickel plated strings are probably the most common type of electrohydrous strings to date. The winding on thick strings is made of nickel-plated steel, i.e. Nickel coated steel. Steel, from which the string is made, has good magnetic properties and is ideal for magnetic pickups, while nickel coating helps to balance its bright sound. Nickel also makes a string smooth for fingers and protects it from corrosion. It is softer than steel, therefore nickel-plated and strings from nickel will be less erased by the LADA compared to steel strings.

Strings made of pure nickel have a softer and warm sound than steel and nickel-plated strings. If you play blues, jazz or classic rock, then you truly rate the fatty sound of clean nickel. Nickel is very well resisting corrosion and is well suited for magnetic pickups.

Steel strings have the most bright and ringing sound from all types of strings for the electric guitar. They also retain their sound for a long time, because Made of stainless steel, which is well hampered corrosion. Stainless steel is truly felt by the player, unlike other strings. Some say that they are "dry" and not so slippery as nickel. Steel is a rather solid metal, so the frets with such strings will be fastened a little faster, but if you want to get a bright, ringing sound, then it is worth it.

Nickellated strings

Strings with polymer coating and without it (coated, non-coated)

The strings with a polymer coating have a film on the surface of some kind, which prevents the oxidation and corrosion of the string, and also does not allow dirt between the winding coils. It helps the string sound as new for a long time. Such strings are more expensive than those that without covering, about 2 times, but if you do not want and do not like to change the strings, they will cost their money. They remain fresh, the new sound for the period is about 3 times greater than the string without coating. They will suit you if your hands are the thrill, you play very often or live in a climate with high humidity.

Strings without coating are cheaper, but retain their original sound of a smaller time interval.

Strings with polymer coating (left) and without it (right)

Nylon strings

The strings from the nylon are indicated and differ in the power of tension, and not in the fractions of an inches, like metal strings. For them, there are 3 tension levels: medium (Normal), strong (hard) and very strong (Extra-Hard). On the average tension strength, it is fairly easy to play, but they may seem too flexible if you play loudly and quickly. Strong tension nylon strings are better suitable for performance of spending and fast music, but b aboutthe next tension force can negatively affect the comfort of the game. Strings with very strong tension are needed to perform even faster and loud music. They cause more inconvenience to the fingers when playing than other nylon strings.

There are two main ways to mount nylon strings to Bridge Guitar: balls and nodules. Usually, if you look at the guitar with nylon strings, you can see the attachments with knots. They require a little more action when replacing strings, but they are more popular.

Nylon strings attached balls, on the end there is a small plastic or metal ball, a coil, thanks to which it does not have to tie the nodules for mounting to Bridge. Such strings are less popular and find them harder.

Strings are attached to Bridge classic guitar with nodes

Fastening strings with balls

Round and Flat Strings Winding

Strings with a circular winding are that most of us see, representing a conventional guitar string. The winding usually have thicker three or four strings (the winding is around Steel Cord) and on the strings of this type, as can be seen from the name, it has a round shape in the diameter. The sound of such strings calls than a string with a flat winding.

In a string with a flat winding, the sound has a warmer and soft shade. That is why they are commonly used in jazz and some types of blues.

The winding of them, respectively, flat, resembles a flattened wire. These strings are more durable, because there are fewer gaps on their surface, where the dirt from the fingers can be clogged.

Round string winding (top) and flat winding (bottom)

How to determine what time to change the strings to new

There are three factors with which it is possible to determine whether the strings should be changed: their sound, appearance and how they feel with their fingers when playing. Of course, the most important of them is the sound of strings. If it seems to you that the strings sound quite good, then there is no need to change them. If you think that they sound deaf, it is unclear and dim, it will be a good idea to replace them with new ones.

As for the feeling of strings with fingers, the good strings must be smooth and clean, they do not need to change them. Dirty, coated with rust and dry to the touch string should be replaced.

They should look shiny, as if glossy. Dwelled, stained, rusty strings should also be replaced.

Strings are erased about the Lada

How often do you need to change strings

It depends on many things: how often do you play, in which climate you live, how much the thump your hands and how you care for the purity of the strings - all this can affect the life expectancy of strings.

Some guitarists change their strings every week or even after each concert, while other months play on the same. From how much you play, the frequency of the change of strings will depend.

How to extend the life of strings

There are several rules that will help strings not to lose good sound for a long time. First, wash your hands every time you play the guitar. Due to this, there will be less dirt from the hands between the turns of the winding, and the sweat will not subject them to corrosion.

Secondly, after the game, wipe the strings with a rag or a special polishing cloth for strings. These two things will help you reduce spending on new strings.

Hi to all lovers of electric guitar. In this article, let's try to answer such an interesting question: "How to choose strings for electric guitar?" And the question is so sooner or later, the correct answer to it will rise, this is the key to success in mastering the equipment of the instrument. So let's deal with what strings are better for electric guitar.

Since the guitar strings are a direct source of sound, the change in any characteristic of the string will invariably affect the sound. More or less experienced musicians already know what strings they need, but how are you to be newcomers who only recently purchased their first electric guitar? I hope this article will help you.

Immediately I want to remind you that after purchasing a new musical instrument, you will need to immediately think about replacing the strings, because Strings that are installed on the guitar in the store are demonstrative. Play them, and even more so learn is not possible. For example, when I bought my first electric guitar, I decided to leave old strings. And after two weeks, the first string "ordered a long time to live." Even if your guitar just lay in a coffee maker, and you didn't play on it, after six months, get ready to change the strings, because Old strings have already become unusable.

Caliber Strings

The first and most important, in my opinion, the moment is the thickness of the string or their caliber. As a rule, the ruin caliber is indicated in inches. The manufacturer indicates the packaging of the thickness of the first and last string. For example, for a six-string guitar on the package will be depicted.008-.038, it means that the first string has a thickness of 0.008 inches, and the sixth string is 038 inches, respectively. Such strings, for convenience, is customary called "eight", strings 0.009 "Nine", etc.

What does the thickness of the string affect? First of all, the comfort of the game. Thin strings (eight and nine) can not boast their sustain and sound density. The main advantage of such soft strings is that the novice guitarist will be able to do various games of the game without much difficulty, such as bands and vibrato without prejudice to their fingers. This is relevant for a beginner guitarist, since they have no finger pads.

The strings of the thickness of the first string 0.010 can be called the "golden middle". They have sufficiently dense sound with not a big thick. Such strings are suitable for electric guitar, both beginner and a more experienced guitarist.

Thicker strings 0.011, 0.012, 0.013 Suitable for playing in heavy directions: metal, heavy rock. Starting to study on such strings should not be if you are the roads of your fingers.

String manufacturers

The next moment to pay attention to is a manufacturer. Before choosing the strings for the electric guitar, you must represent that the strings producers are a lot and the price can be very different from each other. Do not be carried out at the low price of a set of strings of a non-known manufacturer. Such strings are able to reduce to "no" accurate tuning tool and risk torn from any touch. There are several proven manufacturers: d'Addario, GHS, Ernie Ball, La Bella, Dean Markley. The strings of these manufacturers are better suitable for your electric guitar. The kit from these manufacturers will cost you from 300 to 500 rubles.

Coating strings

On the packaging of guitar strings, the manufacturer indicates the presence of a special coating of thick strings. You probably paid attention to the fact that the third (not always), the fourth, the fifth and sixth strings have a winding. To protect the winding from the effects of the external environment, it is applied to it. coating.

Most often there are strings with nickel coating. Such strings characterize a softer and warm sound, suitable for most musicians. There are strings without coating, i.e. And the core and the winding are made of steel. On such strings it is customary to play a heavy rock and metal. Because They sound very sharply and aggressively.

There are strings and with other coatings, but they are rarely found, and the cost of the kit will cost more than one thousand rubles.

Summarizing all of the foregoing, summarize. If you have noticed that the sound of your favorite electric guitar has changed, began to break the system, the strings lost their shine and become dirty, then you need to think about buying new strings.

An unambiguous answer to the question, "what strings are better for electric guitar?" You will not find, because every guitarist is only by the method of trial and mistakes, chooses those strings that are most suitable for him.

Now you have learned how to choose the strings for the electric guitar. Try to play strings of different manufacturers and with time you will find exactly what you need. Thanks for attention! Good luck to all!

To be able to play the guitar was always an honorable job. Even having learned about several chords, you can already in the yard or near the fire Play simple songs to raise the mood and martial spirit. But there are moments when by negligence or from long-term operation strings on the guitar are rushing. In order not to break the holiday, you must always have a spare string set. This is where the main question arises: "But how to choose strings for an acoustic guitar?"

Types of strings

For an acoustic guitar there is a choice: set nylon or metal strings (on the same electric guitar it is possible to install only metallic). These are two opposite camps. There are still disputes, which strings are better for an acoustic guitar. In fact, it all depends on the person. Strings for acoustic guitar sound differently. That is why there are a huge amount of them. There are so many different sets that differ from each other by different parameters affecting the sound and quality of the game. You should not forget that, in addition to other factors, the acoustic guitar itself also affects the game. What strings are best fit for beginners?

Strings for newcomers

The first steps in the mastering of the guitar are always difficult. It is very important that from the very beginning a person liked to play the guitar, otherwise he will soon throw it. Since the main element of the guitar is strings, the approach to their selection should be in the first place. For beginners, it is best for nylon, since it is they who possess all the parameters for them.

Pros and cons of nylon strings

For beginners, it is best for nylon strings, as it is much easier to play on the synthetics. Metal is significantly more solid than synthetics, so clap your first chords on such strings is harder. Synthetic, in turn, is a softer material, so learning to play on it will be much easier.

For the untrained fingers, the first loads will be pretty great, so you need to do everything possible to reduce the load on them. In addition, the synthetic is not so damage to the skin: even though at first it will hurt the freight, but then quickly get bored.

But everything is not as simple as it seems. Synthetic - soft material, which is why it is prone to deformations. Because of this, the properties of acoustics need to constantly adjust, since the strings are stretched. They are also less durable, so it is worth being careful and try not to break them.

Nylon on the guitar sounds not so angry like metal. Its sound is more muted, but soft. Therefore, when playing "Forte" you need to apply more effort.

Pros and Cons Metal Strings

Metal strings are made of more durable material, which gives them such strength. They are more durable and unpretentious to other conditions. They are also not so deformed. This makes it possible to keep them strained (you do not need to configure them every time). The best strings for acoustic guitar are metal. They are rightfully considered, for their sound is more ringing and loud.

But they have a number of flaws. Due to the strength, metal strings make more subtle. Especially beginners it is poured into thick corn on the left hand. If it is rebunted on a mental impulse, you can erase your fingers into the blood, and it is not just words. That is why it is important for yourself to choose the norm, a few hours a day to avoid overwork and bloody corns. In addition, pinch chords will be much more complicated than on the synthetics, since the metal is more solid. Here you need to apply all your power to publish the sound.

What strings to choose

So what strings are better for an acoustic guitar? Well, for this it is worth considering all the factors. If a person is just starting to engage in music, then it is better to put nylon strings, since they are easiest to learn, if with experience, then metal, for they have a painful sound.

How to change strings on an acoustic guitar

If suddenly the purchased guitar was with a set of metal strings, and the nylon was required, not trouble. The question of how to change the strings on the acoustic guitar is solved very quickly.

First of all, you need to buy a new string set. They are sold at any music store, they are still fully on the Internet. After that, it remains only to remove the old and consolidate new ones.

Old strings need to be removed from the flasks (such things that are attached to the grip head). By reducing the tension, it can be easily unraveling with your fingers and remove from the rod. Then the node on the bridge is simply unleashed (the base on which the strings are attached near the right hand). Then, having done an inverse procedure, put on new strings, starting from the lower bridge and ending with the slices.

Valuable Council: Strings for an acoustic guitar are best changed not on the principle from top to bottom, but on the sides. That is, first put on the sixth and first string, then the fifth and second, but only then the fourth and third. The grip head is made so that the pairs of the flasks hold the strings in this order. The farthest pair of rings is responsible for the first and sixth. Also with the middle and third pair of the flashes.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, it is only a little bit to practice.

Top strings

I always want to have something very high quality and reliable. The same applies to strings. As a rule, strings for an acoustic guitar installed during its purchase are not shaking quality. That is why it is recommended after purchasing the tool to change the strings. The best option will be the famous brand dedicated to the guitars, "FENDER". He collected the best in himself. It costs such a pleasure more than other strings, but it is worth it.

Many guitarists both beginner and more experienced, are concerned about the search for a better sound, as a result of which they expose their tools of different kinds of modifications.

Musicians are replaced with a replacement of the shooters, potentiometers and other electronics, replacement of the thresholds on brass, bronze or bone, and sometimes even replace such essential parts of the tool, like a deck or neck in the hope of changing the tree of the tree to change and tone (and more likely on the rocks of the wood we talked to article).

These manipulations certainly affect the sound of the guitar, however, often such cardinal measures are unnecessary, because it was possible to get closer to the desired tone only by changing the caliber and alloy strings, but it is not known for what reason many guitarists neglect such a simple and inexpensive procedure.

It is for this reason that in this article we will talk about various types of strings, both for electro and for acoustic guitars, consider various alloys and coatings, type of winding, manufacturing technology, caliber and the most important impact of this sound.

Caliber Strings

First of all, all strings differ in size, as a rule, for a standard building, the thickness of the first string in the set may vary from 0.008 to 0.012, and for low buildings it does not rarely reach 0.013-0.014 inches.

From the thickness of the string, the wealth of the tone and the volume of the instrument depends, because the thicker the string, the riche of the overtones and louder the sound, especially the acoustic instruments, however, as the law of equivalent exchange: if you want to get something, then you need to sacrifice something That is equal, in this case, we directly sacrifice the convenience of the game, because the thicker the string, the more physical efforts it goes when playing.

In this regard, there is nothing surprising that the virtuoso performers in the music of which emphasis is primarily made on the filigree technique, use kits with a caliber 0.8, as an example of Ingvi Malmstin.


Round braid

The round braid is simple in manufacturing and is available at the price, as a result, is the most popular solution for both acoustic and electric guide. It is a round in cross section wrapped over a spiral on a round core. It has a ring tone and medium tension.

Due to the rough surface, the slides is a bit more complicated than on strings with a flat braid, but it is easier than with hexagonal, the round braid is smoothly in the middle of the middle.

Flat braid

Strings with flat braid have a complex production technology and a fairly high price. The braid of such strings is wound on a round core, but the wire itself has a square with rounded angles in cross section.

Strings with such a braid have a rich velvety tone with a beautiful bottom and smoothed riding, often used jazzmen. It should also be noted that the use of a flat winding has a beneficial effect on the resource of the lads. However, if you want to use the overloaded guitar sound, then these strings are not for you.

Hexagonal braid

The manufacture of strings with hexagonal braid is not much more complicated than with a round, and the price is about the same. The design is a hexagon core with a wound braid, most often a hexagon in cross section.

The tone of such strings is very bright and expressive due to the more dense fit of the braid to the core. Durability is also at the height. However, the stiffness and sharp fins of the braid, adversely affect the resource of the lands and can deliver discomfort when playing.

Types of strings for acoustic guitar

To begin, it should be noted that in spite of the overall term "acoustic guitar": classical-Spanish and Western (Jumbo) are essentially two different tools for which different strings should be put in order to avoid breakdowns.

Strings for a classic guitar

Strings are made from the guts of sheep, often referred to in housing. Nowadays, it is no longer so common as in the past, however, there are enthusiasts who in small quantities bring these strings to our country. Use them as a rule lovers of folk music.

Synthetic strings (nylon)

Synthetic strings running in production in the 40s in the United States, quickly crowded off the intestinal market, as they were cheaper and possessed greater wear resistance.

The basis for such strings is nylon, and copper alloys are used as an external metal winding, which differ in durability and matte sound.

Western guitar strings

Strings from bronze

It is not difficult to guess the braid of such strings is made of bronze, or rather 80% of copper and 20% tin, as a result of which the color of such strings is very similar to gold. Such strings are durable and have good anti-corrosion properties. The sound can be described as a ringing and bright.

Strings from phosphoric bronze

The phosphoric bronze strings differ from the bronze presence of phosphorus 0.3% and a large amount of copper about 90-92%. Thanks to this amount of copper in the composition of the alloy, the strings have a red shade. The sound of such strings is very soft and warm, not possessing such brightness as pure bronze.

Types of strings for electric guitar

Due to the fact that the electric guitar transmits not acoustic, and electromagnetic oscillations, the use of strings for acoustic guitars can not be used, but there is no problem in this, since the types of strings for the electric guitar is just a huge amount.

Steel strings

Steel strings are made entirely of steel like a core and winding. They have a bright and piercing sound, however have greater rigidity and very mediocre (especially without polymer coating) anti-corrosion properties, add strong wear wear from such strings to this, and it becomes clear why they do not use much popularity.

The winding of such strings consists of nickel, they are much softer steel, less wearing the frets and have a soft but rich tone. However, nickel strings quickly lose their acoustic properties and cease to sound for 2-3 weeks of the active game, but despite this are the most popular strings for electric guitar in the world.

How often do you need to change strings

First of all, it depends on the intensity of the game, the professionals change the strings before each performance, but most guitar lovers retains the freshness of the strings from 1 to 1.5 months, of course, if you limit the game on the instrument, you can increase these times.

However, there are several factors that will help you understand when strings should be changed. Part of the tips are taken from the course Mikhail Rusakov:

  • First of all, it is visual signs of wear, such as discontinuities in the winding, dents on strings and corrosion.
  • The second is the sound if your tool began to sound not as bright as usual or frankly deaf.
  • And the last is a system if it floats, the guitar setting becomes uncomfortable or even impossible, the strings should be changed.


Such an abundance of various alloys and calibers suggests that there is no ideal strings. Therefore, you need to think that it is most important for you: the brightness of the tone, the convenience of the game, durability, or even appearance and on the basis of this to make your choice.

Strings - the main working element of the guitar, which determines the comfort and quality of the game. Each musician has its own preferences on this occasion developed on the basis of many years of experience. It is more difficult for beginners - they only have to start searching, which cannot always be completed successfully. How to reduce the percentage of errors? What should I pay attention to?

How to choose strings for acoustic guitar

Strings give the guitar individuality. The feature of the game has the effect of their thickness - it contributes to the appearance of the sound of volume. Under this criterion, all strings are divided into three groups:

  1. Thin. Do not require excessive pressure during the game, but sound quiet.
  2. Middle. Represent the optimal balance between the power of clamping and the pleasant of the sound.
  3. Thick. Designed for experienced guitarists with trained fingers of the left hand. Demonstrate saturated and juicy sound.

The beginners usually advise the strings of the middle thickness. Kits 0.10-0.48 and 0.11-0.52 are considered the best in terms of sound transmission.

The second criterion when choosing strings for acoustics - type of winding. It is characteristic of the fourth, fifth, sixth and sometimes the third string. Winding happens:

  • flat - characterized by matte, slightly muted sound;
  • round - distinguished by bright and ringing sound.

The third string can be both without winding and with it (in the sets are thickening). In the latter case, the sound becomes more beautiful and rich, but due to the subtleties of the winding, it regularly has to change together with the rest of the strings.

Strings without winding are more durable, but there are a smaller number of overtones, which is why the sound is perceived as not halmon. It should be remembered - the more often the winding, the more deaf and the "bass" sound turns out.

Much depends on the material used. Usually there are such options:

Material Benefits disadvantages
Yellow bronze
  • sound brightness
  • "Slashing" effect
  • good percussion
  • loud and beautiful sound
  • requirement for storage (it is necessary to keep the strings in dryness and necessarily in the case)
  • a tendency to oxidation, because of what the winding may be slightly green
Phosphoric Bronze
  • smooth and deep sound
  • clean bass
  • good wear resistance
  • elasticity, thanks to which the sound of the lads is extended
  • lack of "clanging"
  • high price
  • sound brightness
  • durability
  • less than a long pedal than bronze
  • horregious
  • comparative cheapness
  • clean sound
  • deep sounding sound
  • lack of individuality characteristic of bronze strings
  • approximately the same sound in all brands
  • softness, which is why the use of copper is relevant only for thick bass or synthetic strings
  • beautiful appearance
  • clear and subtle sound
  • beability
  • multonality to the packet of fingers
  • the need for proper storage (in a dark place), otherwise the strings may sweep
  • softness, negatively affected by product durability

The choice of strings is a purely individual. You need to try and compare. It is recommended to explore the "habits" of their favorite musicians and play with the same strings that they use.

Many newbies decide to dwell on copper. This material, by virtue of its good performance and low cost, is in constant popularity.

Carefully approach the purchase of strings with silver winding. Most often it is just copper wires covered with a very thin layer of silver, which is quickly erased (especially if the product of Korean or Chinese production). It is believed that such a winding mainly affects aesthetics, and not on the quality of the sound. Although some musicians are confident in the indispensability of silver in the performance of the combustion. If it is possible, it is better to try such strings to independently and make your own conclusions.

The choice of strings influences the type of acoustic guitar - classic or pop. Classic models are mainly used when learning the game. For such tools, the following strings are used:

Type of strings Features
  • softness
  • easy clamping
  • horregious
  • big density than nylon, thanks to which the thickness of the string decreases
  • softness
  • increased brightness and sound bellivity in the first three strings that do not have winding
  • high price
  • softness
  • nonclination to stretching
  • fast response to the rotation of the flask, which makes it easy to change the height of standing
  • winding of all strings
  • horregious
  • softness
  • sound brightness
  • fast setting
  • durability
  • the ability to make "suspenders"
  • saving settings for several months

Pop tools involve working with such strings:

  1. On a monolithic steel basis with copper or bronze winding.
  2. With a semicircular or flat winding. Subspecies of the previous version. Do not publish a characteristic "whistle" with a slip of the fingers, differ in mattiness on the bass strings and the wallery on the wam.
  3. Steel coated with a layer of fine synthetics.

The pop guitar suggests that the user already has some experience of the game, so the strings are used more solid and tough, which has a positive effect on the brightness of the sound.

How to choose the strings for the electric guitar

All electrical strings are based on a steel core. It may have a winding of such materials:

Strings with nickel coating are greater popularity, steel models are much less common.

Several varieties of winding:

  1. Round. The easiest and most inexpensive version that has pronounced flaws in the form:
    • misunderstanding to the core, which becomes the cause of "rash" winding in case of damage to the string;
    • a relief profile provoking the occurrence of the "whistle" when sliding the fingers;
    • the roughness, due to which the wear of the vulture of the corpuscle lining and the lade thresholds is accelerated.
  2. Flat. Advanced type of winding, not showing the "whistle" and providing less wear of the lining and the lads. Strings are obtained by comfortable for the game, but they are not typical of themselves as a bright sound as for models with a round winding.
  3. Semicircular. Combines a bright sound of round strings with tactile sensations of flat.
  4. Hexagonal. Due to the close contact of the core with winding, the best sound quality is achieved. True, the wear of the lining and the thresholds is accelerated (the process occurs in less time than in the case of a round winding). Also, hexagonal strings are not too comfortable.

You need to pick up the winding, guided by our own ideas about what the sound should be, as well as the budget allocated to buy. Any option can be a good choice in a specific case.

The best caliber of the electrohytural strings is "dozen" (0.010). It is such a thickness that allows you to combine the sufficient level of stiffness with a saound density. "Eight" (0.008) are suitable only during the period of study, long to linger on them should not: the strings are very soft and thin, which affects the sound. Strings from 0,011 and "older" refer to difficult due to their thickness, but they demonstrate a volumetric and powerful sound.

Learning your instrument is the main task of the musician. Therefore, the selection of strings must be experimental notes. "Like" guitar? Has she sounded? Only by samples and errors can find the "the most" strings that will help achieve their own sound and develop it.