The story of the paustic string brief content. Review about the story e.permayak "Thin string

The story of the paustic string brief content. Review about the story e.permayak
The story of the paustic string brief content. Review about the story e.permayak "Thin string

The topic of "Olesy" Kurin is an immortal theme of heart relations and flaming passions. She is bright and sincere for his time is shown in a touching tale of Kupper, written in the very center of nature in Polesie.

The collision of lovers from various social groups exacerbates their relationship with a touch of sacrificing themselves, their own life principles and assessments by their other people.

Analysis of "Olesya" Cook

The mysterious girl who was born surrounded by nature, absorbed all genuine and immaculate features of meek and simple character, faced with a completely disliked personality - Ivan Timofeevich, who is considered a spectacular representative of society in the city.

The starting relations between them suggest a joint life where it is headed, a woman is obliged to adapt to the new atmosphere of life.

Olesya, who was accustomed to his fabulous habitat in a relaxed, beloved forest with Manulya, is very hard and painfully perceives changes in her life experience, actually entered by his own principles to be with his beloved.

To the presentation of the fraudity of relations with Ivan, she in the ruthless, poisonous soulless and misunderstanding of the city goes to perfect self-sacrifice. However, until then the relationship of young are durable.

The yarmola describes Ivan the image of Oleces and her aunt, proves to him the uniqueness that magicians and magicians live in the world, encourages him to extremely captivated a mystery of a simple girl.

Features of the work

Very colorful and naturally writer draws a habitat of a magic girl, which can not be noticed when analyzing "Olesi" Kuprin, after all, the landscape of Polesia emphasizes the exclusivity of people living in it.

It is often said that the history of the stories of Kupper wrote the life itself.

Obviously, most young generation will be at first it is not easy to understand the meaning of the story and what the author wants to transfer, but later, after reading some chapters, they will be able to be interested in this work, discovering his depth.

The main problems of "Olesy" Kurin

This is an excellent writer. He managed to express in his own creativity the hardest, high and tender human emotions. Love is a wonderful feeling that a person is tested as if a trial stone. The ability to truly love the ability to love with an open heart. This is the fate of the volitional personality. Just like people are interested in the author. People are correct, existing in harmony with them and the world around the world, are a model for him, actually such a girl creates in the story "Olesya" Kurpric, the analysis of which we deal.

An ordinary girl lives in the vicinity of nature. She listens to sounds and rustling, disassembles the screams of different creatures, quite satisfied with his life and independence. Olesya independently. She is enough to have the sphere of communication, which is what it has. Observing from all sides of the forest she knows and disassets, the girl feels perfectly in nature.

But the meeting with the human world promises her, unfortunately, solid trouble and grief. Citizens think that Olesya and her grandmother - witches. They are ready to dump all death sins on these unfortunate women. One day, the wrath of people had already driven them from a warm place, and from now on the heroine only the desire: to be taken away from them.

However, the moonless human world does not know pardon. In this, the key problems of the "Olesi" Kurpra. It is especially intelligent and intelligent. The girl is well aware that he foreshadows her meeting with the city inhabitant, "Panych Ivan." It is not suitable for the world of hostility and jealousy, benefits and false.

Ensure the girl, her grace and originality inspires in humans, fear, panic. Absolutely in all adversity and misfortunes, citizens are ready to blame Olesya and grandmother. Their blind horror in front of the "sorcerers", which they spoiled them, focus on the violence without any consequences. Analysis of "Olesi" Kurin gives us to understand that the appearance of a girl in the temple is not a challenge to residents, and the desire to understand the human world in which her beloved lives.

The main characters of the "Olesy" Kuprin are Ivan and Olesya. The secondary - yarmola, manuilich and the rest, to a lesser extent important.


Young girl, slim, high and charming. She raised her grandmother. However, despite the fact that it is illiterate, it has a natural mind of centuries, fundamental knowledge of human essence and curiosity.


The young writer, looking for Muse, arrived from the city to the village of official matters. He is intelligent and smart. In the village is distracted by hunting and dating with rustic residents. Regardless of own origin, he usually behaves without arrogant. "Panych" is good-natured and sensitive guy, notable and weakly accuracy.

Schoolchildren, when getting acquainted with the chip and his work, always study the work of Olesya. Let's get acquainted with him and we.

Kubrin Olesya

Of course, not everyone wants Olesy to read in the full version, so we suggest learning the work of Kuprick Olesya in a brief content, and after getting to know the plot, make your records in the reader's diary, so that you can remember the storyline . This will help and on the exam and in the lesson, if you need to write on the work of Kurringe Olesya.

So, in order to facilitate the life of schoolchildren, we offer you the work of Kurrick Olesya briefly on the chapters.

Kubrin Olesya briefly on chapters

Chapter 1

In the story, Olesya Kuprin tells the story of one Barina, Ivan Timofeevich, from whose face and there is a narrative. The will of the fate of Ivan Timofeevich enters the deaf village of Fight. Here he is bored and he tries to treat people, and also teaches a certificate of honor. In his free time goes to hunt.

Chapter 2.

Barin learns from the farm about the witch, which was expelled from the village and now she lives in the forest. Barina wanted to get acquainted with her, but Yarmola refused to spend it to her, because I did not want to meet with the witch.

Chapter 3.

Barin goes on hunting and loses a landmark. Lost, he finds a house, which turned out to be a house, all the same witch, with which he wanted to meet. The old woman is trying to pay Ivan, but he asks to repay. While the grandmother goes, the house includes a beautiful girl called Olesya. She shows Barina the road home and allows you to somehow visit them again.

Chapter 4.

In the spring, the narrator again came to the house in the forest, where he met Olesya. He again wants to pay out, but Olesya says that he already wondered him and it turns out that the woman will be in love with him, which he will suffer suffering and shame. Ivan does not believe, but Olesya says that she sees a lot of things and without cards and her fortune telling always come true.

Chapter 5.

Olesya goes to hold a man and on the road shows his abilities. Saying good, the man first calls his name.

Chapter 6.

Ivan Timofeevich in the house of Manulyhi became a frequent guest. He spoke with Olesy, was interested in her abilities. These meetings brought them closer.

Chapter 7.

A crackrik comes to the woman and Oles, who beats them from the house, so when the narrator came, he saw the depressed and sad faces grandmother and Olesy.

Chapter 8.

Ivan is talking to a leakager and asks that he does not drive out women, in return, Barin gives his gun.

Chapter 9.

Ivan Timofeevich falls and spends six days in bed.

Chapter 10.

After illness, our storyteller again goes to Manuilich, and returning home, Olesya goes to accompany the Barin and they confess in love.

Chapter 11.

Lovers meet, they had a novel and here the narrator thinks about the fact that Olesya became his wife. The girl refuses, as they are different and she does not want to break him fate, but Barina is still. Olesya appoints a meeting in the church.

Chapter 12.

In the morning, Ivan is going on affairs. There he is delayed, and when he arrives, then he does not have time to church, but from the root learns that the villagers beat Olesy, who appeared to the service. Running, Olesya said that everyone will cry. The narrator goes to the forest.

Chapter 13.

In the house, Ivan cares of Oles without feelings, Manuilich blame him and says that it happened because of him. Olesya woke up and says that they will leave the grandmother, since they will not give lives here.

Chapter 14.

At night, there was a hail that destroyed the harvest. People are angry and are going to go to the forest. Ivan learns about this from Yarmol, who and Ivan advises to leave, because people and they did not speak about him. Ivan goes to the forest to warn women, but those no longer. The house was empty. Grandmother with Olesei left, the girl left the red beads, who were a reminder of her and their love.


  • Ivan Timofeevich - Panych (young barin), writer
  • Yarmola - Hollowman, servant
  • Manuilich - Old Witch
  • Olesya - her granddaughter
  • Evpsihih Afrikhanovich - police officer
  • Nikita Nazarych Mishchenko - Customer, Neighboring Research
  • Blind Lirnik - Singer playing on Lira
  • Ryabik - Hunting Dog Yarmole
  • Taranchik - Horse Ivan Timofeevich


The story is unfolding in a deaf Ukrainian village on the outskirts Volyn Polesia Where Ivan Timofeevich came half a year from the Big City. He is overcome by boredom, he is trying to get acquainted with the peasants, tries to treat them, teaches the literacy of his servant Yarmol, but all this turns out to be useless. The only activity that he remains is hunting.

In one rainy evening, Yarmola tells Ivan Timofeevich that the wind rissed - the work of the hands sordlendian , and that Witch Manuilich with his granddaughter lives in the forest. Three days later, Ivan Timofeevich, Ivan Timofeevich, getting out of the way, falls into the hut in the manulya, where he gets acquainted with the young girl Olesya, who helps him find the way back.

In the spring, returning to the forest hut, the hero asks Olesy him repay . She predicts him an impossible future, a lonely life, an attempt of suicide. It says that in the near future it is waiting for the love of "Trephal Lady", brownies, like she herself. Ivan Timofeevich does not believe the cards and asks her to show his abilities, in response, Olesya demonstrates him that he could praise blood and catch the fear. Young Barin becomes a frequent guest in a forest house.

Once he caresses the hostesses in the despondency, it turned out that the Evpsihija Herbwinker Afrikhanovic drives out women from their home. Ivan Timofeevich meets with a policeman and bribing him with a gift, asks to leave women alone. Proud Olesya is offended by such an intercession and communicates with the hero of cooler than before. Soon Ivan falls, and the week does not come to visit Oles. After his recovery, the feelings of young people flashed with a new force. Despite the protests of Manulya, they secretly continue to meet. In a month, Ivan Timofeevich comes to return to the city. He offers Oles to go out for him and go together, but Olesya refuses, explaining this by the fact that he cannot wore in the church, since she is a sorceress, which means it belongs devil.

The next day, the young barin leaves in the neighboring village. Returning after dinner, he meets the clerk Nikita Nazarycha Meschenka, who says that the church has the peasants and beat the witch. She slipped out of the crowd and ran into the forest, shouting curses. Ivan Timofeevich understands that it was Olesya and in a hurry in a forest house, where he finds her, beaten. It turns out that Olesya decided to still go to church, wanting to make a pleasant beloved, but the peasants counted her act for blasphemy and attacked her after the service. Olesya refuses the Doctor and says that soon they will leave with a grandmother - so as not to get an even greater wrath of the community. She is also convinced that she and Ivan it is necessary to part, otherwise they are waiting for only grief. Recharge it is not possible. Young people say goodbye, Olesya asks her to kiss.

At night, a thunderstorm happens with a hail that spoiled the crop. In the morning, the yarmola offers Ivan Timofeevich to leave, because in the village they consider a thunderstorm of the hands of the witch's hands, and also know about their connection. Before leaving, the hero is once again returning to the forest hut, in which only red beads of Olesy are found.

Squeezing and allusions

  • The story mentions a quote from Basni I.A. Krylova. "Cat and cook."

The main characters of the work are Ivan Timofeevich, presented in the image of a young nobleman, and Olesya, depicted by the writer as a simple peasant girl.


The heroine is presented in a story as a twenty-year-old tall brunette, distinguished by a dark beautiful face with thin eyebrows and shiny, big, dark eyes, a strong young figure, elegant healthy breasts, small, slightly underwent hands, fresh voice voice. The girl comes at birth with the name of Alena, but everything in the district call her Olesya.

Olesya does not own a diploma in the form of reading and writing, but at the same time it is expressed with the extraordinary sophistication inherent in the real young lady, demonstrating delicacy, sensitivity and tact. The girl is raised by his grandmother Manulyah, because he has no parents, living in a forest house in which they were due to eviction from the village by solving the locals who consider women wiping. In connection with the current situation, Olesya does not communicate with other people and only once a year go shopping into the village. Life in the forest wilderness does not confuse Olesya, she enjoyed with animals, birds and the surrounding nature.

Characteristic features of the girl are its courage, independence, pride, bordering self-confidence. Olesya is confident that in her nature there are indeed carriage spells, so it does not dare to attend church services. The girl is distinguished by a bright imagination and curiosity, sometimes reminiscent of children's naivety, but at the same time Olesya believes in his witchcraft destination, guessing on the maps and predicting fate.

Ivan Timofeevich

Ivan Timofeevich is depicted in the work of a young bachelor, which is an educated nobleman, a capital official who is fond of writing. By the nature of Ivan Timofeevich is characterized by a quiet, modest, responsive and kind kind of nature, without contempt for communicating with a simple people, helping them in their poverty.

In addition to the writing, Ivan Timofeevich is interested in journey and adores the hunting case. Having become accidentally with Olesya, Ivan Timofeevich flashes to the girl by passionate feelings, although it does not believe in predictions and witchcraft. Olesya folds the fortune-up cards to Ivan Timofeevich and gives him a not very flattering characteristic, believing that his soul is not capable of sincere, real feelings and fate is caked by unfortunate, while remaining the whole life with a steady bachelor, and have not become rich.

Grandma Olesy.

Grandmother of Olesi, the old Maynulich, is in the story of a secondary character and is represented as an unfriendly, angry, poorly hearing old woman, looks like his appearance on Babu Yagu, because it is described by a thin-burning woman with a toothless, faultful mouth, cold, evil eyes, flabby cheeks and coarse fingers. Maynulich is depicted as a smart, knowledgeable woman, which hears the sorcerer, but in fact, which is a good healer, perfectly dismantled in medicinal plants. A woman does not like to communicate with others, because it does not trust people, being in the past slandered and expelled from his native village with a little granddaughter.

Evpsihih Afrikhanovic

One of the secondary heroes of the story is Evpsihih Afrikhanovic, a heavy, large man with thick hairy fingers and a rolling baritone, serving in the local district in the rank of police officer. Evpsihij African arrives in forest land in order to evict Maynulih from the forest house with his granddaughter, because the house belongs to the local landlord. However, with the help of Ivan Timofeevich, who gave a leader as a bribe, a hunting rifle, women remain in their unbelled housing.

Servant Yarmol.

As a nexian character, the work describes the temporary servant of Ivan Timofeevich Yarmol, attached to the guest at the time of his stay in the local district, a simple beggar peasant, distinguished in forestry, distinguished by complete illiteracy, undistonality, exceptional laziness, zealous tendency to drink, and also full The carelessness and indifference to the whole surrounding, but at the same time passionately loving hunting.

Essay all heroes Tale Olesya

The story "Olesya" is one of the first major works of Kurrick, telling about the tragic love of two, was written in 1898 and published in the newspaper Kyivlyanin. This book is the main decoration of the "Polessian cycle" published in 1905. And Alexander Ivanovich himself nourishes to the story of warmth and love. After all, "Olesya" is a product-retrospective, describing events similar to those in which he himself participated in the past.

The center of the narration is the history of the relationship between the main characters: the forest wallery of Olesy and the young man of the noble blood of Ivan Timofeevich. The key characters also include Manulyjah - grandmother of the main heroine.

Olesia - Twenty-year-old girl living in a forest hollow with his grandmother Manuiliche, who raised it. The real name of Heroine Alena. She considers himself a sorcerer, lives in union and harmony with nature. I can not read and write, but quickly learns and incredibly smart.

The girl is very beautiful: it has a strong and slim body, state posture, small beautiful hands, but unusually strong and because of work, dark hair and large, sparkling, impenetrable eyes, originated on top of thin elegant black eyebrows, giving her a mystery and charm . Dressed in a white free shirt, emphasizing her beautiful chest, a red skirt and a cashmere red scarf.

Olesya has an initious strong character: she is proud, self-confident, independent and brave girl. Practically does not appear in humans, because residents of the village despise her mystical abilities. Olesya goes well on the maps and predicts fate. She knows how to really selflessly love. It has strong, sonorous, beautiful voice. This girl is the embodiment of naturalness and natural beauty.

Manuilich - Elderly sorcerer, grandmother of Olesya, who grown her alone in unity with nature; Right from Mtsensk Orlovskaya province. The old woman is unjustly expelled from the village, after which she moved to the forest hut near the swamp and stopped loveing \u200b\u200bpeople and trust them, becoming unfriendly and angry woman.

Baby Yagu reminds with its appearance: it has a sharp flabby chin, a cold look in dull blue eyes, shoulder cheeks and a toothless mouth on a brown face curve. Because of the old age hears badly. But age does not affect her mental abilities: it is unusually wise and schretz. Manuilich Grob, sharp in tongue, but sincerely loving his granddaughter and a caring woman. Loves to drink tea.

Ivan Timofeevich - Narrator, young free intelligent man of noble origin. A beginner writer who came to the country's countryside. Educated and cleaned. He loves hunting and extremely consumer treats nature.

Ivan quiet and modest, kind, but weak character; It is not capable of selfless love, although it was in love with Olesy. Social status and minor bin work was more important for him. But at the same time he is responsive and sensitive. I am not serving and does not want to rely on fate and fortune telling. There is a horse on the nickname Taranchik. Ivan - the full opposite of his beloved, because of him the relationship with Olesei rushes, because he cannot accept her as it is.

Secondary Heroes of Work:

Yarmola Prazhuk - A simple peasant living in the village of Perebryt, works for Ivan Timofeevich. Well knows the forest and passionately loves hunting and often accounts for Ivan Timofeevich. He has a big family, which is constantly starving because the yarmola is very lazy, indifferent and poor, as it spends all the money for drinking. No one in the village is considered with his opinion. He is not surrendering and stingy on feelings and emotions. The appearance of the Yarmol is the most common and nothing noticeable: black eyes are deeply sitting on a dark face, black eyes are growing on the chin, a larger stall beard is growing on her lips. Always goes in the lapties. He has a dog nicknamed Rybikchik, to which he does, as well as everything that happens around him.

Evpsihih Afrikhanovic - Rural Senior School (police officer). Wants to put Olesy and Manulyhu from their huts, periodically comes and trying to drive them out. Married. Drinking a lot, despite its belonging to the spiritual class. It has an unpleasant appearance: he has a high-end torso, small, indifferent blue eyes, forever red face, bald head, swalled on the neck of a large thick fold, big hairy fingers. He dressed in a gray officer chinel and sharovar. He says that he can not be bribed, but takes a gift from Ivan Timofeevich as a gift, who asked for some time from Olesy. Says Rassed Bariton.

Nikita Nazarych Mishchenko "Customer, an office servant in a neighboring village, who told Ivan Timofeefeuc about the beating of Oleas by local residents from the church.

Blind Lirnik - Blind singer, singing with a hen voice and playing on Lira.

Option 3.

In the story of A.I. Kurrin is told about the beautiful, but tragic story of love is simple, but at the same time the mysterious girl of Olesya and the young nobleman Ivan Timofeevich. The love of the main heroes of Chista and Light, but doomed, because of the huge abyss between them and ignorance of cruel people.

The author describes Oles as a girl of twenty-four years old with extraordinary, mystical and original beauty. It is high, statist, dark skin, and the eyes are big and dark, with mysterious glitter. Non-intended civilization, the natural beauty of the girl personifies the wild and primitive life of nature. Together with external attractiveness, it has such qualities as the mind, kindness, curiosity, pride and independence, it is capable of high feelings and brave actions.

The girl lives in the forest among the swamps, in a lonely hut with his grandmother. Olesy has unusual abilities, such as the prediction of the death of another person, the subordination of the will of another person, various conspiracies. Understands what is different from the rest, and that people are not located to it. She is alien to public norms of behavior, does not know how to read and write, however, has a natural feeling of tact and sophistication in speech. The only person from her surroundings is a grandmother, and friends animals, so she despises hunting.

Olesya falls in love with Ivan Timofeevich and is given to the impulse completely, although it is aware that they have no future. Selfless love pushes her for decisive actions for the sake of his beloved, she is not afraid to sacrifice himself.

The urban intellectual Ivan Timofeevich turns out to be in a deaf village on official affairs. Smart and educated, despite his kindness and friendliness, could not find a common language with the peasants and was among them a stranger. The only entertainment of the bored barrine becomes hunting.

After acquaintance with the girl-sorcerer, the days of the young men are transformed. It attracts her charming appearance, how it is easily held and says. All the supernatural skills of the girl explained scientifically and did not believe in witchcraft. And very quickly this interest develops into love. He knew how belong to Oles and grandmother, but still visited their hut, helped and even burned down. It was seriously thinking about marriage, but at the same time did not imagine life with her in society.

Manuilich - an old woman, whom everyone is considered a sorcerer. She, like granddaughter, has a gift for the prediction of the future, for which he suffers all his life and is forced to hide in the forest wilderness. She is very wise and sees the fate of people, including granddaughters, and therefore the dislike of Ivan Timofeevich. Sharp and unrestrained, embittered for the whole world, does not trust anyone. Manuilich sincerely loves Olesy and tries to protect from the suffering that Ivan will bring her.

Yarmola is a simple rustic man, servant Ivan Timofeevich. Like the rest of the villagers, not far away and superstituted, believes in the signs, constantly discouraged the Barin from communicating with witch. The Yarmola is noble drinking and loves the idleness, but at the same time, an otnaya hunter, an expert on the forest and its inhabitants.

Evpikhiy Afrikhanovic-Local boss, police officer. Looking for a reason to evict the old woman with Olesya, justifying it by the fact that they are witches. Rough and cheeky, do not mind drinking and not bent to take bribes.

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