Onegin and Lensky comparative characteristic in the form. Brief description of the work

Onegin and Lensky comparative characteristic in the form. Brief description of the work

What is he, contemporary Pushkin? When you read, or rather, you enjoy reading Pushkin's masterpiece, it seems that Alexander Sergeevich wrote about himself.

He calls his main character "good my friend", among the friends of Onegin - friends of the Pushkin himself, and Pushkin himself is invisibly present in the novel. However, too primitive would be the statement that Onegin is a self-portrait. It is too complex and incomprehensible Pushkin's soul, too multifaceted and contradictory to reflect in one "typical representative" of the Golden Age. Probably, therefore, I lived in the novel my brief bright life The young idealist Lensky is also part of the soul of the poet. Onegin and Lensky, both favorite author, such similar and different, close and distant, as the poles of one planet, like two halves of one soul ... How inevitably the youth ends, how the maturity of the mind is inevitably comes, and with her and conformism, so inevitable for Pushkin In the novel, the death of young romance.

Evgeny Onegin receives typical aristocratic education. Pushkin writes: "First, Madame went behind him, then I changed it to the Monsieur." We taught him everything jokingly, but Onegin still received the minimum of knowledge that was considered mandatory in the noble environment. Pushkin, making sketches, as if recalling his youth:

* We all studied little by little
* Something and somehow,
* So raise, thank God,
* We have no wonder shine ...

* He is in French perfectly
* I could express and wrote;
* Easy Mazurka dance
* And lay at ease;
* What do you like more?
* I decided the light
* That he is smart and very mil.

In his mind, Onegin is much higher than its peers. He knew a little classic literature, had an idea of \u200b\u200bAdam, he read, read Bairon, but all this does not lead to a romantic, flame feelings, like Lensky, nor to the sharp political protest, like Griboedovsky Chatsky. Sober, "chilled" mind and suggesting the pleasures of light led to the fact that Onegin loses interest in life, he flows into a deep Handra:

* Handra waited for him guard
* And she ran after him,
* Like the shadow Ile is a faithful wife.

From boredom Onegin tries to seek the meaning of life in any activity. He reads a lot, tries to write, but the first attempt did not lead to anything. Pushkin writes: "But nothing came out of his feather." In the village where Onegin is going astray, he takes another attempt of practical activity:

* Jar he is an old bar
* Light replaced the lifestyle;
* And the slave of fate blessed.

* But in the corner I was inflated,
* Seeing terrible harm,
* His calculating neighbor ...

But the Baroous disgust for the work, the habit of freedom and peace, brightly and brightly pronounced egoism is the heritage that Onegin received from the "highest light."

In contrast to Onegin in the image of Lensky, another type of noble youth is given. Lensky plays a significant role in comprehending the nature of Onegin. Lensky -Dantery, by age he is younger than Onegin. He was educated in Germany: he from Germany a foggy brought the scholarships of the fruit, the spirit is fervent and rather strange ...

The spiritual world of Lensky is associated with romantic worldview, he "Fans of Cant and Poet." He takes his feelings over the mind, he believes in love, in friendship, in the decency of people, this is an irreparable idealist who lives in the world of beautiful dreams. Lensky looks at life through pink glasses, it naive finds native soul'In Olga, the most ordinary girl. The deception of Lensky was indirectly appeared by Onegin, but in fact he dies from rude contact with cruel reality. What is common between Onegin and Lensky? Both belong to a privileged circle, they are smart, educated, in its internal development, stand above those who surround them, Lensky's romantic soul everywhere looking for a beautiful. Onegin through all this passed, tired of hypocrisy and debauchery secular society. Pushkin writes about Lensky: "He was a cute heart, he had a nadezhda, and the world was a new shine and noise." Onegin listened to the ardent speeches of Lensky with the smile of the senior, he tried to keep his irony: "And I thought: I stupid to interfere with his minute bliss; And without me it will come; Let me bending, he lives yes believes the world to excellence; Forgive hot young years And young fever, and young nonsense. " For Lensky friendship - the acute need of nature, Onegin is also friendly "boredom for", although in its own way to Lensky. Not knowing life Lensky embodies no less common type of advanced noble youth, as well as Frustrated in the life of Onegin.

Pushkin, opposing two young people, nevertheless notes common features character. He writes: "They agreed. Wave and stone, poems and prose, ice and flame are not so different in themselves. " "Not so different among themselves." How to understand this phrase? In my opinion, it unites them that they are both egocentric, these are bright individuality that focus only on their allegedly unique personality. "The habit of all is considered zeros, and units - ourselves" sooner or later it was supposed to lead to a rupture. Onegin is forced to kill Lensky. Preparing light, he still values \u200b\u200bhis opinion, fearing ridicule and reproach in cowardice. Because of the false concept of honor, he ruins an innocent soul. Who knows how the fate of Lensky would have begun if he stayed alive. Perhaps he would become a Decembrist, and maybe just a man in the street. Belinsky, analyzing the novel, believed that Lensky was waiting for the second option. Pushkin writes: "In many ways, he would have changed, broke up with muses, married, in the village of happy and horns would wear a quilted robe."

I think Onegin was still internally deeper than Lensky. Its "sharp, chilled mind" is much more pleasant than the sublime romanticism of Lensky, which would quickly disappear, as the flowers disappear in late autumn. Will dissatisfaction with life are capable of testing only the deep, Pushkin is closer to Onegin, he writes about himself and about him: L was embittered, he sullen, the passions of the game we knew both, tomil the lives of both of us, in both hearts the fever is faded.

Pushkin is openly admitted in sympathy for him, many lyrical deviations In the novel dedicated to this. Onegin is deeply suffering. This can be understood from the lines: "Why am I a bullet in the chest not injured? Why not sickly I am an old man, how is this poor spider? I am young, life in me is strong; What should I wait? Tosca, longing! .. "Pushkin embodied in Onegin, many of those traits that Lermontov, Turgenev, Herzen, Goncharov and other writers, will be expanded in Onegin. And such romance, like Lensky, can not resist the strikes of life: they are either reconciled with it or die.

Parallel "Onegin-Lensky" fast and rapidly. They become friends from boredom, although alien to each other. For the opposite, the "ice and globe", the relationship between them is versal, they spend a lot of time together, but their friendship is doomed.

Evgeny Onegin-beautiful, well-kept secular lion, 26 years old. Hiring: "Heir to all his relatives." Born on Breges Neva. "Bachelor, enviable fiance:" Free, in the color of the best years. "

Dress up in the last fashion, follows my appearance. It has a mirror up to 3 hours a day.

"Outlined by the last fashion;

How dandy London is dressed. "

I can like people, seduce women:

"The light decided that he was a smart and very nice."

Quickly loses interest in people, yaws from boredom, cold and calculated.

Home education and education, spoiled by teachers, does not show interest in teachings.

"He is in French perfectly

He could express and wrote. "

Disappointed in life, corrupted luxury.

"Neither gossip lights nor Boston

Nothing touched him. "

Understands all the emptiness and deceit of the highest light. "He was bored by the light of noise."

Great, gloomy and closed character, solid and cold.

"sullen, languid

He appeared in the living rooms. "

I do not believe in love, rejects friendship, despises people with their weaknesses.

"No: early feelings in it cooled."

She misses in the village, looking for something to do. "And in the village of boredom the same."

He does not like the Earth, since he grew up in the capital, Onegin does not understand the peasants, landlord life, she is not interested in him. "His laziness."

Avoids the neighbors, allows Lensky to start a friendship with him, but not getting closer to the rest. "Friends and friendship are fed up."

Tongue: "How he is ultra of gossip!"

Pushkin condescendingly applies to Onegin, as a near person:

"I'm not so in the old years

Spent in inaction in the shadow

My happiest days? "

Vladimir Lensky-young provincial nobleman, 18 years old. Timber, lightweight healthy blush. Cherry Handsome, Static and Further, Romantic and Dreamer. "Handsome, in full color years. And curls black to shoulders."

Open, kind and naive young man, Robing in the presence of the ladies. He is spoiled by light, avoids balls and secular events:

"I hate fashionable light;

Mile to me homemade circle. "

Forky young man, smart and educated.

"Spirit ardent and rather strange,

Always enthusiastic speech. "

Noble upbringing, received a wonderful education in Germany:

"He is a foggy

Brought fruit scholars. "

Romantic philosopher, with dreamy views on life:

"Our goal of our life for him

Was a tempting mystery

Over her he broke his head

And I suspected miracles. "

Believes in a good, honest and disinterested young man. It's easy to love, admires beauty, writes poems:

"Yes, believes the world to excellence;

Forgive the young youth. "

And young fever and young nonsense

Believes friendship, devoted and honest:

"He believed that friends were ready

For the honor of a bid of the shackles. "

Bogatvit love, believes in the sincerity of the feelings:

"He believed that the soul was native

Connect with it should

What, without wasteless,

He is waiting for his daily.

Noble, courteous young man, with liberal views on life: "That was a pleasant, noble."

Writes enthusiastic poems, loves poetry. He hiding his feelings,

devotes poems to their ideal love, Olga Larina.Romantic,

sensitive and sublime:

"Takes a feather; his poems,

"A little of infant clothes, faded!"

Such people do not survive in a soulless and empty world, Lensky dies on duels. The author sympathizes the hero, but quickly forgets about him:

"But now ... a monument is sad

Forgotten. To him the familiar track

Stalls. Wreath on the branch not. "

Lensky causes Onegin on a duel, since he insulted his feelings. When it was insignificant, but Lensky Romantic and believes in nobility, ideals and ready to do, like a knight, "save the ideal". Duel honest, all according to the rules, only rivals are not equal, Onegin experienced, cold-blooded and for him a duel, just entertainment, impetus to a new stage of life.

The ice and the flame, they are incompatible! Onegin kills a friend for a duel, regrets and repents, but a friend is not to return, he buried and quickly forgotten. The monastery ruined the holy soul, killed the perfect person of that time, Onegin is alien to a sense of compassion, he is boring and busy with himself . Lensky's death is a blow to Onegin, who did not take seriously this fight to the last, he almost slept a duel. He did not refuse the shot, considering that everything that was happening was not serious.

Meaningless death of a friend gave a rethinking life principles For Onegin. It is unable to be friends, he is alien to the ideals of the partnership, he does not know how to give up and be noble. It killed a friend just like that, without reason. Nobody needs to be friends that he doesn't need onegin, he considers himself higher than others.

Onegin and Lensky, despite the fact that both belong to, got different education. Grew in St. Petersburg under the supervision of French governors, received a home education.

Monsieur L'Abbé, French wretched,
So as not to be angry with the child,
He taught him everything jokingly,
Did not bother morally strict
Branled slightly
And B. Summer garden Walk drove.

What did Yevgeny want to teach the "Frenchman"? Primarily, frenchHe, as a native speaker, has owned perfectly. The child has not yet been able to speak, and the French Madame stick to him, which, communicating with him, taught the baby to French. Evgeniya's parents: a father-busy father, and preferred to do not interfere with his mother, did not pay due attention to his son, did not communicate with him on his native language. Therefore, it can be assumed that Eugene did not know Russian for a long time, as, however, Pushkin himself. Monsieu taught Eugene to dance Mazurka, and behave in a secular society. It was enough to impress the smart and cute young nobleman.

Pushkin clearly gave the merit of the French teacher. Onegin under certain limits of his knowledge could support the conversation, and when he felt that his knowledge was not enough, then with a smart species preferred to praise. The ability to explode in time is also given not to everyone. He knew Latin a little, could quote some ancient Roman poets.

Onegin knew the very heart of witty epigrams, which did not miss the case to shine before the female sex, was a storytellor funny jokes "From Romula to this day."

Eugene did not understand the poetry, "Rugal Homer, Feokrita," probably for a severe poetry line. But he was fond of economic issues, Adam Smith read.

Finally, Eugene received freedom from parental care and governors. Once B. supreme LightHe saw a hypocrisy who reigned in society, flattery, the game in love. He easily accepted these rules of behavior and communication.

But we will not concern his education in the field of "science of passion gentle", especially since the sphere love relationship It has a rather distant relationship to its upbringing, but it is better to go to.

In Russia, there is a little young people who received university education. It was not accepted by the nobles to send their offspring in educational establishments. It can be assumed that after the death of Vladimir's parents, his relatives decided to send a child to study to Germany in order not to engage in his upbringing.

Whatever, Vladimir Lensky received its upbringing and education, he received Vladimir Lensky in the University of Göttingen, where he communicated with the same as he himself, young people who believed in love and friendship, and ready for his victim's friendship. Dustiness and sincerity were the main features in the character of Lensky.

Fans of Kant and Poet.
He from Germany foggy
Brewing fruits:
Wolno-loving dreams,
Spirit, fervent and rather strange,
Always enthusiastic speech

Unlike Onegin, who could not distinguish Yamba from Khorora, Lensky disassembled in poetry, was a fan of Goethe and Schiller, composed Elegia.

They were different - Onegin and Lensky. At the age, upbringing and worldviews gave rise to disputes.

And the reflection attracted:
Tribes of the past contracts
Fruits of science, good and evil,
And prejudices of centuries
And mystery fathers
Fate and life in their twread
Everything was subjected to the court.

And the more interesting it was together.

Onegin did not go to the neighbors. Moreover, envy that someone rides him, he demanded a horse and just ran out of the house. Lensky, unlike Onegin, inflicted the visits of politeness, but the conversations about "Crane and wine" were boring him. The only family to which he traveled with pleasure almost every evening was the Larina family. His beloved lived there. The girl is simple, infertility, but alive, and energetic. Vladimir dedicated to Olga his poems, dreamed of marriage. And all foreshadowed a quick marriage between them.

But this is why Evgeny Onegin and Vladimir Lensky in their education and upbringing, so these are their passionism in any occupation, the lack of utility to the state and society. If Lensky could still apply his knowledge in practice - to become a good poet or journalist and publishes in magazines, then Onegin was not at all adapted to any work. Hence his throwing, chanda and boredom.

Coupling-comparison of Lensky and Onegin

Thanks to Alexander Pushkin, Russian literature became richer on many wonderful works. His novel in the poetic form "Eugene Onegin" admire and many, since the poet in his creation handed the life of Russia in 19 centuries, and also showed the noble youth of that time.
In his work, Pushkin collided two enough different people - Onegin and Lensky, although something in them was similar. Evgeny owner of aristocratic education, that is, he has a stock required knowledgethat are needed for secular society. He disassembled B. foreign languages And with dancing well coped, and his manners had the right.
As for the mind, Eugene is much more educated than his peers. But at the same time, although Onegin and read the classics, but still it did not resurrect any romance in his soul, but in Lensky opposite.
Eugene's life proceeds with no burdened. He visits balls, goes to theaters, and also participates in love adventures. However, it comes soon it is all bored, and he understands that such a life is empty. He begins to think that the world is filled with boredom, envy and squeezing, and people waste themselves on trifles, so their life does not make any sense. And because of his understanding of Onegin overcomes Kandra, and he loses any interest in life.
To overcome such its state, he is trying to read a lot, write. However, all this has no desired success. Even the work does not save him and therefore he becomes an egoist who does not think about anyone besides himself, he is far from feelings, for him the main thing only own pleasure and interest. But still he suffers because of such a state.
The opposite of Eugene is Lena. He is nobles and a little younger Onegin. Vladimir got his education in Germany. Lenskaya is a real romantic, he likes to dream and dream, and also never ceases to believe in a large, clean and strong love, exhibits the concept of friendship. He considers Olga his companion, native soulHowever, the girl is empty and quickly quickly forgets when he dies on duels.
At first glance, it seems that Lena and Onegin are completely different, but they have some similarity. So, they are both nobles, have excellent education, smart. Besides, they do not like both savorAnd they consider it empty, as well as both are much better developed than those people who surround them. They both believe in friendship, but Lensky exceeds it, but Onegin resorts to her only to quench his boredom, but he is still tied to Vladimir.
As you can see, these two completely opposite personalities are similar, but Onegin kills Lensky just because it is afraid of ridicule of society and that he is accused of cowardice. A great influence has a great influence and also makes unhappy smart, as well as the noble heroes of the novel.

Studying the works of A.S. Pushkin, we are increasingly penetrating with respect for his literary activity. A constant interest in his works makes us get deeper and deeper into the world of his creations. All that belongs to Peru Pushkin, Cement, beautiful, impressive. His immortal works Will be studied not yet one generation of readers.

Evgeny Onegin is a novel that Pushkin dedicated to many eight years. The value of this novel for our cultural and spiritual life is indisputable. The novel is written in new canons - it is a novel in verse. Roman "Evgeny Onegin" - Roman philosophical, historical.

Onegin and Lensky - two central figures of the novel. In order to understand what these heroes are, to understand the concept of the identity of these people, to penetrate the author's intent deeper, we will give them a comparative characteristic.

The comparative characteristic of the heroes is given in the following criteria:
attitude to poetry
Attitude towards love
attitude to life.


Eugene Onegin. Onegin, on the right of birth, belongs to noble family. Under the start of Gvernera-Frenchman Onegin, "Fun and Luxury Child," was brought up in the spirit of aristocracy, far from truly Russians, national oblasts.

"First Madame went for him,
Then Monsieur changed her ...
Branled slightly
And in the summer garden went to walk "

Vladimir Lensky. Human attractive character. Handsome, "Kudri black to shoulders", rich, youth enthusiastic and ardent. On which ideals was brought up Lensky, the author is silent.


Eugene Onegin
"We all studied little by little, something and somehow," Mudro notes A.S. Pushkin. Onegin was taught in this way, "so as not to the voice of the child."

Prince P.A. Izzemsky, friend A.S. Pushkin, wrote in his time that the canons of that time was not enough deep knowledge Russian language, but not allowed to know French.

"He is completely in French
Could express and wrote "

What other knowledge shine Evgeny? He was a little familiar with classic literature, Roman, Greek. I was interested in history ("from Romula to this day"). He had an idea of \u200b\u200bsocial sciences ("I knew how to judge how the state is riches, and what lives"), Politheconomy ("Read Adam Smith").

"Scientist small, but pedant:
He had a happy talent
Without forced in conversation
Touch everything slightly
With a scholar type of construct. "

In general, Onegin can be described as a man of smart, critical reality, who knows how to weigh everything "for" and "against."

Vladimir Lensky
"Poliusky" student of the University of Göttingen. Pretty smart, passionate about philosophy ("Fans of Kant") and poetry.

"He from Germany foggy
Brought fruit learning ... "

Perhaps he was shining a brilliant future, but most likely

"... poet
Ordinary waited for the lot. "


Eugene Onegin. In order to understand the ideals of Onegin, it is necessary to deal with the concept of "ideal". The ideal is what we strive for. What did Onegin stripped? To harmony. What would he go? The path of Onegin is the struggle between the eternal (national) and temporary (by settled in the character of the hero, thanks to the society and ideals of someone else's introduced philosophy).

Vladimir Lensky. Ideal Lensky - eternal love And Holy Friendship to the Coffin.


Eugene Onegin. The character of Onegin is contradictory, complicated, as difficult and contradictory time.

What is he, Onegin?
Onegin is lazy ("What occupied his whole day to his thanks to laziness"), proud, indifferent. He is a hypocrite and a smoothie, a hunter to blame and criticize. Loves to attract attention to yourself, spiltily. On the feast of the life of Onegin - extra. He clearly stands out from his crowds surrounding his, seeks to seek the meaning of life. He is ugliest work. Boredom, kandra, loss of landmarks in life, skepticism - the main signs " unnecessary people"Coim applies to Onegin.

Vladimir Lensky. Lensky - complete opposite Onegin. In the nature of Lensky there is nothing rebar.

What is he, Lensky?
Enthusiastic, winsted, dreamy. He is a romantic, a man sincere, with clean soulnot spoiled by light, straight, honest. But Lensky is not ideal. The meaning of life for him is a mystery.

"Our goal of our life for him
Was a tempting mystery ... "

Lensky and Onegin are different. But at the same time, they are similar: both have no worthwhile business, the reliable prospects, they lack the hardness of the Spirit.

Attitude to poetry

Eugene Onegin. "Yawning, for the feather took, I wanted to write ..." For what literary material Decided to take Onegin? It is unlikely that he was going to write poems. "He could not Yamba from Chorea, as we fell, distinguish ...". At the same time, it is impossible to say that Onegin was alien to poetry. True destination He did not understand poetry, but she was engaged in poetry. He wrote epigrams. (Epigram is a small satirical poem, ridiculeling any person or public phenomenon).

"And to excite a smile
Fire unexpected epigram "

Vladimir Lensky. Lensky's attitude to poetry is the most supportious. Lensky - Poet, Romantic, Dreamer. And who is not a romantic in eighteen years? Who secretly does not write poems, does not awaken Liru?

Attitude towards love

Eugene Onegin. "In love, believed disabled, Onegin listened to an important form... "Attitude of Onegin to the love skeptic, with a certain fraction of irony and pragmatism.

Vladimir Lensky. Lensky - Singer of Love.
"He sang love, obedient love,
And his song was clear ... "

Attitude to life

Eugene Onegin. Views of Onegin on life: life is deprived of meaning, empty. There is no worthy goal in life to which you could strive.

Vladimir Lensky. Romance, with fermented spirit and enthusiastic speeches, alien to a deep view of life.


A.S. Pushkin - the Great Son of the Land of Russian. He was given to open new page In Russian literature.

Onegin and Lensky - antipodes. Onegin is a man in which a good start, but his apparent "ideals" leads to constant conflicts, internal disharmony.

Lensky - winsted, dreamy and enthusiastic, he sacred believes in his ideals. But he is cut off from his native soil, he does not have an inner rod.