Alexandra Shepp's biography: model, show men or extrasens? Alexander Sheps - a bright biography of Personal Life of Psychic Alexander Sheps.

Alexandra Shepp's biography: model, show men or extrasens? Alexander Sheps - a bright biography of Personal Life of Psychic Alexander Sheps.

Sheps was born not in the most ordinary family, as his mother, Lyudmila, was famous in the city of a terrist, spirit, clairvoyant and a doctor. From childhood, Alexander Sheps, whose biography as clairvoyant just started to develop, however, it was already able to find contact with the invisible entities of intangible nature.

The world of mysterious mysticism and supernatural forces always attracted the attention of ordinary people. Against the background of the ordination, they were all brighter than those who could somehow come into contact with a different reality. Today we will try to deal with this issue on the example of a person named Alexander Sheps, whose biography is inextricably linked with otherworldly.

Oleg Shepp - what is known about him

Alexander Sheps - everywhere seeing the dead and practicing dangerous rituals, which he does not want to talk about, Medium (Spirit) from Samara. Born on November 26, 1986 the abilities inherited at Mom (famous Samara Spirit, Tarologist). To read recommended a certain site, demonstrating the estimate of 4.8 out of 5. Okay, it is on their conscience, although no one will return to the morning spent morning. The book did not disappoint me, gave a lot of different thoughts. Very many biographical moments of Alexander.

Psychic Alexander Shepp could compose his biography and warm up interest in herself. But he decided that his talent was quite enough. Therefore, we know that interest in magic in the clairvoyant appeared not from childhood. During participation in the "battle of psychics", Sheps used a considerable number of witchcraft attributes. He recently began to hold seminars in Moscow and published the book "Choices Choices" - a fantastic novel. It is positioning itself as extrasens, a terrologist and a medium, studying parapsychology.

Perhaps Elena, Oleg is not ready for testing. Oleg - the youngest child in the Sheps family. Higher education he gets in MGIMO. In parallel with learning helps Alexander in an esoteric store and other projects. Evil languages \u200b\u200boften say that Oleg Sheps - Gay. This is not the case, he has a serious relationship with an unknown public to the girl Olga. The whole Christian world during the Christmas Eve will last until the first star in heaven will turn around, after which the whole family sits down to trape.

I watch the battle of psychics me Alexandor Sheps surprises more and more

I mean not the magic of a priori, but the fact that the battle is shown. There, after all, everything is scenario, look around - these grief are psychics bad actors, such nonsense is shown.

Our today's hero is an attractive guy and a strong psychic Alexander Sheps. Is your biography you know?

Home »Society» Alexander Sheps Latest news. It was expected, but it didn't make sense to think so in advance, because no one knows how to distribute the voices of the audience. Of course, during the season, some polls were held on social networks on the one of the participants most likely. Is it possible to meet a new year without learning who will be the winner of the "battle of psychics"? The answer is unequivocal - no. The final of the 18th season "Battle" was the most unusual in the entire history of the project, because for the title of the best this time the five project participants are committed immediately. Ecstashens argues that Clinton does not accept the defeat with the defeat, therefore it will be in every way to build a goat Donald Trump, but as a result will be in his own tramp.

How to get to the reception to Alexander Sheppos. Receptions via the Internet Alexander Shepp does not lead, no money is not asked. Official page of VKontakte Alexander Sheppa - In this, Sasha finally made sure after what he was written in the story (silent the skull of a spear) was carried out in reality in a week (they struck the head scrap to a friend). But when you really desperate people go hoping for help without sorry for all savings ...

Safronov, according to rumors, will no longer accompany the participants of the show in their difficult struggle, watching the cleanliness of their work and the deception of deception on the set. Surprise can also bring the composition of the participants - it can live familiar to all names. For example, Marilyn Kerro, who held a second place in the project three times, may again come for victory. Promotional - this is a fairly new marketing move, but it undoubtedly like consumers, as it gives a lot of advantages. The victim appealed to one of the low-cost clinics of Khatyayi with a request to make rhinoplastics (nose correction). However, doctors brought her infection.

Alexander Sheps took part in the 14th season of this project - and made brilliantly. Alexander Sheps: "I had a dream that I was walking in the forest and heard the voice:" Yes, when you finally decide?! " When I woke up, the first thought was about the "battle of psychics". It was not for the struggle, but to help those who need this help. I watched almost all the issues of the "battle of psychics".

1 series of 14 battle ... GM ... Cute scored, well, you can at least watch for them. I watch the transfer from the first season, so I can say a fan of ... From myself I can say, he reminds me of Kadoni. Only here Kadoni is more Pozer and Clown, and this one still produces a more serious impression.

The date of birth of Alexander Sheps - November 26, 1986. He was born in Samara, but she had long been living in Moscow. Almost all people who possess paranormal abilities have been seen any oddities at birth.

Only in 12-13 years old, Alexander Shepps accurately began to understand that others do not see those who are trying to come to contact him. Lyudmila Shepps since school times saw the deceased dad. So communicating the son with the dead world does not scare and does not alarming it. Mom does not like to spread about what and how. Before her death, Alexander Shepps, Alexander Shepps, had a vision about how he stands at a grandmother's coffin with a ring. Demons with cunning people lie, right? The future will clarify everything for everyone. The winner of the 9th season of the "battle of psychics" Natalia Banteaeva said Sasha at the ceremony of his awards: "We experience fate and play with very terrible things.

In the rustling of feelings, Alexander wanted to give the main award ("Crystal Hand") of his beloved. The girl recognized the fact that Sheps was the best of the best psychics. It was this evening that a couple declared his relationship to the whole country.

Alexander Shepps Biography / Aleksandr SHEPS

Interest in the entire Schper appeared not immediately. Like many adolescents of his age, he has been "gothic" for a long time - even wrote the appropriate stories. Seeing this not only the passion, but also the calling, began to develop extrasensory abilities. Alexander Sheps: "None of the psychics never looks at himself! But there are extreme situations when all receptors are reflexed.

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Alexander Shepps, the biography carefully hides, as well as real surname, but there is no penalties, they write to him in social networks, they are confessed in love, they care and many of them ask for help. Thanks to the battle of psychics, Alexander Shepps, the biography and personal life began to be interested in, he became truly famous. The personal life of Alexander Shepps is hidden from outsiders, there is no reliable sources. Does he have a girl, is unknown, but he hinted that he was free. Upon arrival at the shooting of the "Battle of Psychics", he met many predecessors on this field, and with Ilona Novoselova, shot in the seventh season, even had a rather close relationship.

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On the official website of the extrasens, the information blog is located, where Sheps also publishes poems of own essay, photo gallery and video, contact list and poster of the nearest events. In the online store on the site you can buy similar amulets and charms, as well as grimuars, relics, a set of copyright "Tarot Shepp and Kerro" and a new book by Alexander Sheps "Medium: in search of life." Also, Alexander Shepps leads a personal account in "Instagram".

But the facts about the wedding of Alexander Sheps and Merilin Kerro are not, there are only rumors about the secret marriage. Gossip about the fact that Marilyn Kerro is waiting for the child with a lie. The child in the photo is nephew Marilyn, for him the couple chose a gift in a children's store. At the beginning of the shooting of the 18th season "Battle", information about Shepsp's novel and his student Elena Sinylova appeared. In the life of a former beloved, a new love also appeared - Mark Alexander Hansen.

A curious fact of the biography of psychics is that in 2007 an attempt was made at him, according to Sheps himself, but random and unintentional. The prototype for the creation of the main character of this story was the best friend Alexander.

Our today's hero is an attractive guy and a strong psychic Alexander Sheps. Is your biography you know? If not, then you will find all the necessary information about it in the article. We wish you a pleasant reading!

Alexander Sheps: Biography

Famous psychics appeared on November 26, 1986. His hometown is Samara. The obstetres were very surprised at the form of a boy. As you know, kids at birth leather has a reddish tint. But Sasha was an exception. It was white as an ivory.

A family

In what environment, Alexander Sheps was brought up? The biography of our hero indicates that there were psychics in his family. A bright example is Sasha's mother, Lyudmila Shepp. In Samara, it knows as a plate, spirit and clairvoyant. Father, Oleg Grigorievich, works at the local cemetery. A man is responsible for the electricity and water supply of land plots. He does not have such abilities as a wife and son. Therefore, the world of the dead is indifferent.

In addition to Alexander, there are four children in the family. Each of them has their own hobbies, character and life priorities. Sasha is the 4th child. It is said that his youngest brother also began to manifest extraordinary abilities. The guy is shot by the prophetic dreams. He can predict the future on Tarot cards. It is possible that Sheps Jr. will soon appear on the "battle of psychics".


Up to grade 5 Sasha considered himself an ordinary boy. But at the age of 13, he felt an extraordinary tide of strength and energy. He had the abilities that were not before. The boy began to talk to dead people.

In adolescence, our hero was carried away by Gothic. Sasha wore only black clothes, beents, as well as bracelets with spikes and turtles. He composed fantastic stories and hoped for them to ever publish.

Once a boy dreamed of a strange dream. He saw himself standing next to Grandmother's coffin. On his index finger sparkled ring. At that time, Grandma Sasha was alive. But literally a few days after the sinister sleep did not become. Before this, an 87-year-old old woman managed to pass his own ring. His Alexander wears so far and never takes off.

Find yourself

In 2003, Sheps graduated from school. He was not going to leave from his native Samara. The guy easily entered the local academy of culture and art. 5 years later, Sasha received a diploma of the university. From now on he could consider himself a professional actor.

The graduate of the Academy got a job in the Samara Theater "Molot". A talented guy was involved in almost every play. At first, Alexander got tiny roles. But in a short time he was able to trust the director directors.

Salary in the theater young guy categorically lacked. After all, Sasha did not live with his parents, but removed the apartment. Therefore, Sheppos had to think about additional sources of income. He began organizing events - corporate events, weddings and club parties. Alexander signed up for DJ courses. Soon he demonstrated the surveyed skills. The guy performed in the nightclubs. Samara Tusovka knew him as DJ Alex Energy.


Alexander Shepps so fascinated by the music and the organization of the holidays, which was completely forgotten about his abilities. However, soon he paid for it.

In 2007, attempt was made on Sheps. The guy along with the friend came out of the club, sat in his car and started the engine. But he failed to move from the spot. Due to the corner, unknown on motorcycles appeared. They started shooting. Friend flew by a light fright. And Alexander was wounded in the neck.

It was then that Sheps understood that it was a sign. He stopped engaged in organizing events and act as a DJ. Our hero was seriously carried away by psychic. At first, Sasha engaged in learning a certain literature, then began practicing practices.

Participation in the "Battle of Psychics"

In just a few years, Alexander managed to develop supernatural abilities. Parents strongly supported him. They repeatedly advised the Son to participate in the famous television program on psychics. But Sasha was not confident in his abilities.

In 2012, Sheps got acquainted with the finalist of the 7th season of the "Battle" of Ilona Novoselova. This girl saw in him a strong sorcerer. Ilona insisted that Sasha showed his abilities at the whole country.

In 2013, Sheps went to the casting show "Battle of Psychics" (14 season). People crowded before entering the shooting pavilion. They were about three hundred. A thin guy in black clothes practically did not stand out among them. But it was he who was fortunate enough to be among the 12 participants in the transfer.

Test passage

Each series of the show "Battle of Psychics" is an investigation. Alexander Shepsvech understood what task the program administrators in front of him. He demonstrated his knowledge and skills, and also tried something new.

"Battle of psychics" (14 season) allowed Alexander Sheppos to declare his abilities for the whole country. He managed to position not only viewers, but also the heroes of the transfer.

How was the test in the show "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Sheps? Just brilliantly. For example, in the third issue, our hero said that halftergeist appears in the apartment. Looking at the owners of housing, he described their deceased relatives.

Fourth release took place in a rustic house. Sheppa coped with the test. The guy determined the main cause of the worry of the owners of the house. This is evil. The sorcerer conducted a ritual to exile entities.

Throughout the "battle" Sasha showed brilliant results. He did not have a single mishah.


Who reached the final of the 14th season of the show "Battle of Psychics"? Alexander Sheps, Ekaterina Ryzhikova and Merlin Kerro. When Marat Basharov's leading program announced the results of the audience voting, many simply did not believe their ears. The fact that the winner of the 14th season will be the sorcerer whis, no one had any doubts. Another surprised - 88% of the audience voted for him (145,020). Second place was taken by Mary. 9% of the audience gave their voices for it. In the rustling of feelings, Alexander wanted to give the main award ("Crystal Hand") of his beloved. But Merilin refused. The girl recognized the fact that Sheps was the best of the best psychics. It was this evening that a couple declared his relationship to the whole country.

Prediction for Russia from Alexander Sheps

Our hero sees not only the past, but also the future. In this regard, many Russians have a question for him: "What awaits our country in the coming years?" Now everyone will learn about everything.

What information wants to convey to us Alexander Sheps? Prediction 2016 are as follows:

Personal life

After the appearance of Alexander on the "Battle of Psychics", unknown people in began to lay out on the network of his joint photos with a participant of the 7th season of the show - Ilona Novoselova. The guy argued that they were associated exclusively friendly and working relationships.

The real novel from our hero started during participation in the "battle of psychics". And Alexander Shepss first glance was liked each other. At first they were afraid to manifest their feelings. As part of the show Mary and Sasha were rivals. And outside the cameras, the guy and the girl became close people. At some point, personal life and television show mixed together. The Estonian Witch and Samara sorcerer ceased to hide their relations from the participants of the transfer and audience.

At the end of the filming of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics", Sheps offered Kerro to live together. The girl answered agree. Alexander has already managed to introduce a beloved with his family. Parents, brothers and sisters warmly accepted red-haired beauty.

A few months ago, a photo with the signature "Julia Wang and Alexander Shepps meet" was published on one of the Internet portals. But these are just the misties of the representatives of the yellow press. The winners of the 14th and 15 seasons "Battle of Psychics" accidentally met at the secular event. They exchanged a pair of phrases and photographed into memory. Nothing more. In addition, Estonian Merilin Kerro also attended there. Just she was on the side of the cameras.


Today, Sheps and Kerro practically do not part. They conduct various magic rituals together, take customers and travel around the world. Fans of their couple are waiting for Sasha will make Mary's hand and heart. In an interview with the print editions, Sheps repeatedly said that he sees Kerro his wife and mother of his children. Couple very happy. The guy and the girl do not want to hurry with the wedding. After all, the stamp in the passport is just a formality. The main thing is love and mutual understanding. There are no guys with these problems.


We told about where it was born, I studied and how Alexander Sheps was found in her supernatural abilities. The biography of this guy is filled with mystical events. One thing can be said: it is not like that. Sasha gained his soul mate. We wish him and a happy future!

»On the TNT channel.

Biography Alexander Sheps

Alexander Sheps Born on November 26, 1986 in Samara, he studied at an ordinary school, after the end of which he entered the Saratov State Academy. Alexandra has a younger brother Oleg Sheps, who went in the footsteps of the elder brother.

Shepsa-senior has always selected creative activity - he worked as an organizer of the holidays and various celebrations in Samara, tried himself as leading local news programs, worked as a DJ on the nickname DJ Alex Energy in Samara night clubs, tried himself in a model business.

Alexander Sheps: "I was a kid, my grandmother took me to the grave of his grandfather. And suddenly we both heard a voice that demanded immediately go away. There was no one, we were frightened, ran, and at that place where we just stood, hit lightning. Then I understood: there is something over the edge available to me. "

Interest in the entire Schper appeared not immediately. Lost time was fond of gothic , even wrote relevant stories. A little later, Alexander began to passion isotheric and magic. Seeing this not only the passion, but also the calling, began to develop extrasensory abilities. Gradually, a new awareness of the surrounding world came to him. From now on, he considered the meaning of his life to help people and self-improvement.

Alexander Sheps: "None of the psychics never looks at himself! But there are extreme situations when all receptors are reflexed. For example, one day the car in which I was driving, fired. During the situation, the guys who kicked with me are remembered - I shouted: "Calmble, everything will be fine!". If I gave a little left, I would be absolutely right, but the people who attacked us would simply be killed. Imagine: the track, on both sides of the cuvette, these on the motorcycle. If I hit them, they would like their heads. Yes, in fact, I would be right: they had a weapon, they attacked, any expertise would easily show it. But at that moment I clearly saw the outcome. And this vision, despite panic and turmoil, allowed me to drive a car and not to take any action, which would then bring such irreparable consequences. Thank God, did not even wounded anyone, everything cost. "

Alexander Sheps in the show of the battle of psychics Season 14

One of the most popular television competitions of psychics is considered the "battle of psychics". Alexander Sheps took part in the 14th season of this project and spoke brilliantly. Unlike most competitors, for the passage of tests, Alexander used various techniques - Tarot cards, pendulum, artifacts, road characters and much more. However, according to the psychic itself, to find the right answers to the questions posed by him help the souls of the dead people who go with him to communicate. In the fight against strong competitors, Alexander managed to win "Crystal Hand" - the main prize of the show.

Alexander Sheps: "I had a dream that I was walking in the forest and heard the voice:" Yes, when you finally decide?! " When I woke up, the first thought was about the "battle of psychics". I do not know, maybe my brain somehow acted to fit. After all, I was called many times, they said: "Go, participate!" But I always treated it. And then the thought was covered in the head, and decided to call, and then went to the casting. It was not for the struggle, but to help those who need this help. I watched almost all the issues of the "battle of psychics". I allocated several participants for myself: Elena Galunov, Ilona Novoselov and Hiberta. "

After participating and victory in the "Battle", Alexander Sheps became one of the permanent participants of the show "Psychics lead an investigation" on the TNT channel. Together with other participants in the program with which the winners and the Finalists of the "Battle" Sheps were investigated by mysterious stories in the framework of this project. So, for example, in the show "Psychics. The battle of the strongest "(2018) along with Swami Dasha and he went to Khanty-Mansiysk to investigate the death of the eight adolescents burned down in the bath.

Personal life Alexander Sheps

Alexander Sheps Met me with Ilona Novoselovaya - Participant of the program "Battle of Psychics. Season 7. " On the set of the program "Battle of Psychics. Season 14 "Alexander met Merilin Kerro. There was a sympathy between them, which soon turned into a novel.

Sheps supported his beloved when she took part in the 17th season of the "Battle of Psychics". In the final of this season, the television viewers remembered the slamming kiss of lovers on the camera.

In January 2018, Kerrow said that she broke up with Shepps, and in June of the same year there was an official statement: "Dear friends! I bring to your information that we are not a couple with Sasha. I have already spoken about it several times on this, but, apparently, a formal application is required. Here it is: We are not a couple with Sasha, and now I have no relation to the "workshop of magic" in Samara. This does not mean that something happened. All right. Each of us has its own life, and I very respect Sasha. If I take pictures with him - this proves once again that we are not enemies. All love and good !!! "

Alexander Sheps - Psychic, winner of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics". Right from Samara, where the fourth of five children was born on November 26, 1986 - White, like an ivory, which seemed to his mother already very strange. Actually, it was from Mom that he inherited his abilities, which in his city is known to abnormal abilities.

Future psychic was a student of an ordinary school. As a child, he spoke out loud with invisible entities, which was noticed by his relatives. Only aged 12-13 years old, Alexander realized - only he can observe those who contact him.

After school, he became a student of the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts by choosing the acting department with a degree of dramatic theater and cinema. But the higher education did not receive, as he left the training not finished. Creative activity insurmountably Manila Shepps. He was engaged in the organization of holidays and a variety of events in Samara, worked as an actor at the "Hammer" theater, was the leading local news, I also participated in the reality show as the lead (including with the participation of show business stars), was DJ Under the pseudonym "DJ Alexenergy", tried himself as a model. In addition to all wrote songs and scripts.

Interest in mysticism, Alexander Shepps occurred gradually, initially he was passionate about the "Gothic". At the time when he was a student - wrote terrible medieval stories with an obviously gothic bias. He does not particularly like to talk about himself and about his abilities.
In what period of the life of Alexander, the gift of Nekromantia was discovered - it remains not known. Although on some resources on the Internet, it is suggested that he since childhood saw the ghosts of dead, spiritual entities and other similar mystical phenomena, and with age immersing in the study of magic achieved such results that we see now. At the same time, on other resources they write that the young psychic has yet found a paranormal ability, at that moment, when because of a unfortunately written story, he almost left his life with his friend he took a prototype of his history. As you can guess, then, the story written by him, materialized in real life.

His extrasensory abilities admire, amaze and even suggest fear for people, which speaks of their strength, which he continues to develop. He came to the "battle of psychics" to become a winner, as a powerful black magician-necromancer. Therefore, he applied for the whole battle to its strongest parties - necromancy, the ability to read on the runes and tarot cards. Alexander magic attributes - knife, mascots, flames, black candles, land from the cemetery, pendulum and cane.
In 2007, he became a victim of the attempt. Two guys on the motorcycles made shots along the car Alexander and his acquaintance, after which the future participant of the "battle of psychics" was injured in the neck. According to Alexander himself, an accident occurred that time. According to his assumptions, bikers were under the influence of narcotic substances, and he became their random victim.
At the moment is idle. Although there were rumors about his love connections with Ilona Novoselova, who advised him to take part in the project "Battle of Psychics". Also noticed in relations with Marilyn Kerro.

Alexander Sheps - Winner of the battle of psychics 14 seasons.

White envelopes were obtained: , .

A young participant in the new season of the "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Sheps during the qualifying tests attracted the attention of the public. Clairvoyant without difficulty answered the tricky questions of the leading and completely accurately guess the details of the events that occurred.

The way Alexander behaves in front of the TV game, makes it clear that the extrasens on the shooting is not for the first time. And indeed, living in Samara, Sheps has already managed to try on the role of TV presenter, and the role of DJ. The above view, spent speech and extravagant style in clothing - all this is the component of the mage, which causes genuine interest among the audience.

Biography Alexander Sheps

Alexander's path to magic can be called long. It all started with the fact that psychics had an interest in gothic culture. It was this hobby that became the basis of the style in the clothes of the magician. Having accustomed to the profession of the actor, the organizer of the holidays, the scenario and Vi-Jey, Alexander realized that esoteric and magic attracts him more stronger. So, the young psychic began to develop his abilities.

Since then, Alexander Sheps decided to devote his own life to people. In his work, he uses the help of the spirits of the elements, tarot cards, the inhabitants of the world of the dead and, of course, their own experience. However, due to the sharply increased stir around his person, Alexander temporarily closed access to his contact data. His pages on social networks are already filled with requests for help solving problems.

Currently, Alexander Sheps is the undisputed favorite of the fourteenth season of the Television Program "Battle of Psychics". But many more tests are still ahead and leaders can change several times. Nevertheless, the fans of young clairvoyant with confidence look into the future and prophesy to victory Alexander.

Photo by Alexander Sheps