Like the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives .... Whether they see us dead after death: the connection of the soul and living person

Like the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives .... Whether they see us dead after death: the connection of the soul and living person
Like the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives .... Whether they see us dead after death: the connection of the soul and living person

Even the interpreted materialists want to know what happens after death with a close relative, as the soul of the deceased says goodbye to their relatives and whether the living should help her. In all religions, there are beliefs tied to the burial, the funeral can be carried out according to different traditions, but the essence remains common - respect, reverence and concern for the other way of man. Many are wondering if they see deed relatives. There is no answer in science, but folk beliefs, traditions are replete with advice.

Where is the shower after death

For centuries, humanity tried to understand what was happening after death, it is possible to contact the afterlife. Different traditions give different answers to the question, see the soul of the deceased man of their loved ones. Some religions are talking about RAE, purgatory and hell, but medieval views, according to modern psychics and religious scientists, are not true. There is no fire, boilers and devils - only Naitaria, if close to remember to remember the deceased good word, and if the closest remembers the deceased - they are in the world.

How many days after the death of the soul is at home

Relatives of dead loved ones are asked: Can the soul of the deceased come home, where she is after the funeral. It is believed that during the first seven-nine days, the presumptive comes to say goodbye to the house, with family, earthly being. The souls of the deceased relatives come to the place that they consider to truly - even if an accident occurred, the death was far from his home.

What happens in 9 days

If you take a Christian tradition, then the souls are in this world until the ninth day. Prayers help to leave the Earth easily, painlessly, do not get lost on the road. The feeling of the presence of the soul is especially felt in these nine days, after which they remember the deceased, blessing him to the final forty-day path to heaven. The grief pushes close to find out how to talk with a deceased relative, but during this period it is better not to interfere that the Spirit does not feel confused.

After 40 days

After this period, the Spirit finally leaves the body in order to no longer return - the cemetery remains, and the spiritual component is cleared. It is believed that on the 40th day the soul says goodbye to loved ones, but does not forget about them - heavenly stay does not prevent the deceased to follow what is happening in the life of relatives, friends on earth. The fortieth day marked the second commemorations, which can already occur with the visit of the grave of the supposedly. It is impossible to excessively come to the cemetery - it is disturbing the buried.

What sees the shower after death

The near-mercury experience of many people gives an exhaustive, detailed description of what is waiting for each of us at the end of the way. Although scientists subjected evidence of the clinical death of doubt, making conclusions about the hypoxia of the brain, hallucinations, the emission of hormones - the impressions are too similar to completely different people, unlike religion, nor the cultural background (belief, customs, traditions). There are frequent mention of the following phenomena:

  1. Bright light, tunnel.
  2. Feeling heat, comfort, security.
  3. Reluctance to return.
  4. Meetings with relatives who are far - for example, from the hospital "looked" to the house, apartment.
  5. Own body, manipulations of doctors are seen from the side.

When the question is asked as the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives, it is necessary to keep in mind the degree of proximity. If the love between the presumptive and remaining mortals in the world was great, then after the end of the life path, the connection will continue, the deceased can become an angel keeper for living. Dislike softened after the end of the worldly path, but only if you pray, ask for forgiveness from the one who left forever.

How dead people are forgiven with us

After the death, the closest never cease to love us. During the first days, they are present quite close, they can appear in a dream, talk, give advice - especially parents come to their children. The answer to the question is always affirmative, whether the deceased relatives hear - a special connection can be maintained for many years. The deceased forgive with the Earth, but they do not say "goodbye" close, because of the other world they continue to watch them. Alive should not be forgotten about relatives, to remember them every year, to pray for that in the world they were comfortable.

In the first nine chapters of this book, we tried to state some major aspects of an Orthodox Christian view of life after death, opposing them to a widespread modern look, as well as appeared in the West views, which in some respects moved away from ancient Christian teaching. In the West, a genuine Christian doctrine about the angels, the air kingdom of fallen spirits, about the nature of people's communication with spirits, about the sky and hell was lost or distorted, as a result of which the time of the time "posthumous" experiments receive a completely wrong interpretation. The only satisfactory answer to this false interpretation is the Orthodox Christian teaching.

This book has too limited volume to set out the fully Orthodox doctrine of the past world and posthumous life; Our task was much more narrow - to state this teaching to the extent that it would be enough to answer the questions raised by modern "posthumous" experiments, and to specify the reader to those Orthodox texts, where it is a teaching. In conclusion, we specifically give a summary of the Orthodox teaching about the fate of the soul after death. This presentation consists of a article written by one of the last outstanding theologians of our time, Archbishop John (Maksimovich) a year before his death. His words are printed by a narrower column, and explanations for its text, comments and comparisons are printed as usual.

Archbishop John (Maksimovich)

"Life after death"

The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century.

(Nicene Symbol of Faith)

It would be limitless and unsuccessful our grief along the dying close, if the Lord had not given us eternal life. Our life would be aimless if she ended the death. What benefit would be then from the virtues and good deeds? Then there would be right speakers: "We will eat and drink, for tomorrow I will die." But the person was created for immortality, and Christ opened the gates of the kingdom of heaven, eternal bliss for those who believed in His Resurrection for those who believed in him and lived righteously. Our earthly life is a preparation for the future life, and this preparation ends with death. The people should die once, and then the court (Heb. IX, 27). Then a person leaves all his earthly care; The body disintegrates him to rebel again with the general resurrection.

But the soul continues to live, not stopping his existence for any moment. Many phenomena of the dead was given to us to know partly, which happens to the soul when she leaves the body. When a vision is stopped by bodily art, the spiritual vision begins.

Addressing in a letter to his dying sister, Bishop Feofan The rejupping writes: "After all, you will not die. Your body will die, and you will go to another world, live, remembering yourself and the whole world recognizable" ("delete reading", August 1894).

After the death of the soul is alive, and its feelings are exacerbated, and not weakened. Sv. Amvrosiy Mediologan teaches: "Since the soul continues to live after death, it remains good, which is not lost with death, but increases. The soul is not held by any obstacles that have death, but more actors, because it acts in their own sphere without any connection with The body that she, rather, the burden than the benefits "(sv. Ambrose" Death as good ").

Prep. Avva Dorofey summarizes the teachings of early fathers on this issue: "For the souls remember everything here, as the fathers say, and words, and things, and thoughts, and nothing can forget then. And it is said in Psalm: on that day All the distillation of it will die (Ps. 145, 4); This is said about the thinking of the century, that is, on the structure, property, parents, children and any act and teaching. Everything about how the soul comes out of the body, dies. .. and what she did relatively virtue or passion, everything remembers everything and nothing of this does not die for her ... And nothing, as I said, does not forget the soul from what I did in this world, but everything remembers everything from Bodies, and moreover, it is better and clearer, as liberated from earthly body "(Avva Dorofey. Partition 12).

The great devotee of the V century prep. John Cassian clearly formulates the active state of the soul after death in the response of heretics, who believed that the shower after death is unconscious: "There are no souls after separation from the body, do not remain without any feeling; this proves the gospel parable about rich and Lazar (onions. XVI, 19-31) ... The souls of the dead not only do not lose their senses, but do not lose both their arrangements, that is, the hopes and fear, joy and grief, and something of what they expect themselves on the Universal Court, they begins to anticipate ... they are even more alive and rustle to the glorification of God. And indeed, if, considering the testimony of the Holy Scripture on the nature of the soul itself as we mean, somewhat intelligent, it will not be, I don't say, I don't say much nonsense, but Madness - even slightly suspect that the precious part of the person (i.e. the soul), in which, according to the blissful apostle, is the image of God and the similarity (1 Cor. XI, 7; count III, 10), on the depositing of this debit of bodily in which she is on It goes in the present life, as if it becomes an intensely - the one that contains all the power of the mind, even a silent and insensible substance of the flesh makes sensitive? It follows from this, and the property of the Mind itself requires that the spirit for the addition of this carnal debit, which is currently weakened, its reasonable forces led to the best condition, restored them cleaner and more subtle, and not lost them. "

Modern "posthumous" experiments made people amazingly aware of the consciousness of the soul after death, about greater sharpness and speed of her mental abilities. But this awareness itself is not enough to protect those in such a state of manifestations of the endless sphere; To own all Christian teachings on this issue.

Beginning of spiritual vision

Often, this spiritual vision begins in dying even before death, and still seeing others and even chatting with them, they see what others see.

This experience of dying was observed during the centuries, and today there are similar cases with dying - not news. However, it should be repeated here above - in ch. 1, Part 2: Only in the graceful visits of the righteous, when saints and angels appear, we can be sure that it was really a creature from another world. In the usual cases when the dying begins to see who have had a friend and relatives, it can only be a natural acquaintance with the invisible world, in which he must enter; The genuine nature of the images that appear at this moment are known, perhaps alone only God, - and we do not need to delve into it.

It is clear that God gives this experience as the most obvious way to inform the dying that the otherworldly world is not a completely unfamiliar place that life there is also characterized by love that man feeds to his loved ones. Pre-Secretary Fauofan touchingly sets out this thought in the words addressed to the dying sister: "They will meet the father and Mother, brothers and sisters. Booked in them and our passions, - and ask you about us. You are surrounded by your children with your joyful brings. There It will be better for you than here. "

Meeting with spirits

But on the outlet of the body of the soul, it turns out among other spirits, good and evil. Usually it stretches to those who closer to her in spirit, and, if being in the body, she was influenced by some of them, then it will remain dependent on them and on the exit of the body, whatever the disgusting they find themselves when meeting.

Here we again seriously remind that the otherworldly world, although it will not be completely someone else for us, but it will not be just a pleasant meeting with your loved ones "in the resort" of happiness, and will be a spiritual confrontation that experiences our soul during life - whether she led More than the angels and saints through the virtuous life and the obedience to the commandments of God or, by non-irregularity and disbelief, made themselves more suitable for the society of fallen spirits. Pre-Secretary Feofan The Navdnik said well (see above the end of ch. VI) that even the test on air solarms may be, rather, by testing temptations than the accusation.

Although the fact of the court in the afterlife itself is beyond any doubt - both the private court immediately by death and a terrible court at the end of the world, - the external sentence of God will only answer the internal location that the soul has created in itself towards God and spiritual creatures .

First two days after death

During the first two days, the soul enjoys relative freedom and can visit the places on Earth that the roads to her, but on the third day it moves to other spheres.

Here, Archbishop John simply repeats the doctrine, the famous church from the IV century. Tradition reports that an angel accompanied in the desert prep. Makariya Alexandrian, said, explaining the church remembrance of the dead on the third day by death: "When an offering is happening in the church on the church, the soul of the deceased receives from the energies of her angel to relieve in grief, which feels from separation from the body, it receives because the gloriousness and The offering in the Church of God for it was committed, which is born in her good hope. For the soul is allowed to continue two days, together with the angels that are with her, walking on the ground, where she wants. Therefore, the soul, loving body, sometimes wanders near the house, in which was separated from the body, sometimes near the coffin, in which the body is laid; and thus holds two days, like a bird, looking for a nest for yourself. And a virtuous soul goes to the places in which we used to create the truth. On the third day, the one who Risen from the dead, commands, in imitation of His resurrection, ascend every soul of Christian to heaven to worship all sorts "(" Words of St. Makaria Alexandrian on the outcome of the shower of the righteousness and sinful and sinful "," Christ. Reading ", August 1831).

In the Orthodox, the burial of the deceased prep. John Damaskin brightly describes the state of the soul that fearful with the body, but still on earth, powerless to communicate with the loved ones, whom she can see: "Alas to me, a yoke feat, to blame the soul, separating from the television! Alas, then picks up a prayer Yu! To the angels of the eyes of the Variants, loosely prays: to the people of the Ruta stretch, do not blame helpingly. The same, my beloved of my brotherhood, a thoughtlessly, our brief life, the supposed restraint from Christ, please, and the souls of our Grace, Veliki, " self-grade, voice 2).

In a letter to her husband mentioned above his dying sister Sv. Feofan writes: "After all, the sister will not die itself; the body is dying, but the face of the dying remains. It passes only to other orders of life. In the body lying under the saints and then I am not carried out, it is not hiding it in the grave. She is in another the place is also alive as now. In the first hours and days it will be near you. - And just will not say, - Yes, it is impossible to see it, and then ... Sete this in thought. We, remaining, And they are immediately easier: the state is Otradnaya. Those who were burned and then they were introduced into the body, they found it very uncomfortable housing. The same sister will feel and sister. She is better there, and we are killed, as if I did not care what happened. She looks And, right, it is divided into this ("delete reading", August 1894).

It should be borne in mind that this description of the first two days after death gives a general rule that in no case covers all situations. Indeed, most of the passages quoted in this book are not suitable for this rule, - and according to quite obvious consideration: the saints that were not at all tied to worldly things, they lived in the incessant waiting for the transition to another world, not even attached to the places, Where they did good deeds, but immediately begin their climbing on the sky. Others, like K. Ikskul, begin to climb earlier two days according to a special enactment of God's providence. On the other hand, all modern "posthumous" experiments, no matter how fragmentary, are not suitable for this rule: there is only the beginning of the first period of the infertility of the soul to the places of its earthly attachments, but none of these people stayed in a state of death Long enough to even meet two angels that should accompany them.

Some critics of Orthodox teachings about the posthumous life are found that such deviations from the general rule of "posthumous" experience are evidence of contradictions in Orthodox teaching, but such critics understand everything too literally. The description of the first two days (as well as the subsequent) is by no means some kind of dogma; It is just a model that only formulates the most common order of the "posthumous" experience of the soul. Many cases both in Orthodox literature and in stories about modern experiments, where the dead were instantly alive on the first day or two after death (sometimes in a dream), serve as examples of the truth that the soul really remains near the Earth for some short time. (Genuine phenomena of the dead after this brief period of the soul freedom are much more rare and always happen to God for some kind of special purpose, and not on someone's own will. But by the third day, and often before, this period is coming to an end. .)


At this time (on the third day), the soul passes through the legions of evil spirits, which block her path and accuse in various sins, in which they themselves were involved. According to various revelations, there are twenty such obstacles, the so-called "Nataris", at each of which one or another sin is expected; After passing one, the soul comes to the following. And only successfully passing all them, it may be a shower to continue his way, not being immediately plunged into Geenna. How terrible these demons and solarms can be seen from the fact that the Mother of God, when Archangel Gabriel informed her about the approach of death, prayed to his son to save her soul from these demons, and in response to her prayers the Lord Jesus Christ himself came from heaven Take the soul of the most preching mother and take her to heaven. (This visimo is depicted on the traditional Orthodox Assumption icon.) Truly terrible for the third day for the soul of the deceased, and for this reason it is especially needed by prayers.

In the sixth chapter, a number of patristic and agiographic texts are given about Naitaria, and there is no need to add something else here. However, here we can note that the descriptions of Naitaria correspond to the definition models that the soul is exposed after death, and individual experience can differ significantly. Unconscious details of the type of Number of Nuclear States, of course, are secondary in comparison with the main fact that the soul really soon after death is subjected to a court (private court), where the result of that "invisible brahi", which she led (or did not led) on earth against fallen spirits .

Continuing the letter to her husband of a dying sister, Bishop Feofan Relappen writes: "The pilot of the transition is started soon. There is help her! - Become in this thoughts, and you will hear her cry to you:" Help! "- That's what you need All the attention and all love for her should be asked. I think - the most really testing of love will be - if from the minute of waste of the soul, you, leaving the troubles about the body, will remove yourself and, alive, where you can, immerse yourself in the prayer about her in the new it state, about her unexpected needs. Beginning so, be in the urgent crying to God - it's about help, in the continuation of six weeks - and then. In the tales of Theodore - Meshets, from which angels were taken to be separated from Mytari, were prayers Her elder. The same will be your prayers ... Do not forget to do so ... se and love! "

The critics of Orthodox teaching often misunderstand the "bag of gold", from which the Angels were "paid for the debts" of the Blessed Feodora; Sometimes it is mistakenly compared with the Latin concept of "ultra-voltage merit" of the saints. And here such criticism too literally read Orthodox texts. It means nothing to do with the prayers about the departed churches, in particular, the prayers of the holy and spiritual father. The form in which it is described is unlikely to eat even the need to talk about it - metaphorical.

The Orthodox Church considers the doctrine of Naitaria as important that he mentions them in many worship services (see some quotes in the chapter on Naitaria). In particular, the church emphasizes this teaching with all his dying children. In the "Canon to the Exodus of the Soul", readable by the priest of Odra dying a member of the Church, there are the following Troparies:

"The airway prince rapberry, the tormentor, the terrible ways of the attendant and is in advance of the fact that it is impossible to properly extend from the Earth" (Song 4).

"Saints Angel with a sacred and honest hand in the grandfather, Vladychitsa, Yako and those Krila who are covered, I see no dishonest and smradnago and mrachnago demons of the image" (Song 6).

"Taking the Lord of the Almighty, Gorish Names of the Chief of Miriorja Non-Merya, fragile the worst, and the Slavs, the Holy Virgin" (Song 8).

So the dying Orthodox Christian is prepared by the words of the Church to the upcoming tests.

Forty days

Then, successfully passing through Najaria and bowing to God, the soul for another 37 days visits the heavenly monastery and hellish abyss, not yet knowing where it will remain, and only on the fortieth day it is appointed to her place until the resurrection of the dead.

Of course, there is nothing strange in the fact that, having passed by Nataria and ending forever with earthly, the soul should get acquainted with the real other world, in one part of which it will be forever. According to the revelation of Angel Pub. Makaria Alexandrian, the special church remembrance of the deceased for the ninth day after death (in addition to the general symbolism of nine Angelic Chins) is due to the fact that until now the soul showed the beauty of Paradise and only after that, during the rest of the forty-day period, she shows the torment and horror of hell, Before the fortieth day, she will be appointed where it will expect the resurrection of the dead and the terrible court. And here these numbers also give the general rule or model of the sampling reality and, undoubtedly, not all the dead completes their path according to this rule. We know that Feodorus really completed his visit to hell exactly on the fortieth - on earthly time standards - day.

Soul condition to a terrible court

Some souls after forty days turn out to be in a state of anticipation of eternal joy and bliss, while others are in fear of eternal torment, which will fully begin after a terrible court. Prior to that, changes are possible in a state of souls, especially due to the bringing bloodless victim for them (reconciliation on liturgy) and other prayers.

The teaching of the church on the state of the souls in the sky and in hell to the terrible court in more detail in the words of St. Mark Efesse.

The benefits of prayer, both public and private, about the souls in the hell, are described in the lives of holy devotees and in St. Scriptures.

In the life of the martyr Perpetua (III century), for example, the fate of her brother was open to her in the image of a water-filled reservoir, which was located so high that he could not reach him from that dirty, unbearably hot spot where he was concluded. Thanks to her diligent prayer for the whole day and night, he was able to reach the reservoir, and she saw him in a bright place. From this she realized that he was delivered from punishment ("Life of Saints", February 1).

There are many such cases in the lives of Orthodox saints and devotees. If someone is inclined to excessively concluded in relation to these visions, it should probably say that of course, the forms that take these vision (usually in a dream) - not necessarily "photographs" of what the soul is in another The world, but rather, images transmitting the spiritual truth to improve the condition of the soul on the prayers of the remaining on Earth.

Prayer about Usophest

As it is important to remel by liturgy, you can see from the following cases. Even before the glorification of St. Feodosia Chernigovsky (1896), Hieromona (the famous old man of Alexy from the Goloseevsky Skece of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, who died in 1916), revenue his power, was tired, sitting by the relics, referred and saw the saint, who said to him: "Thank you for your work for me. I also ask you when you will serve as a liturgy, mention my parents"; And he gave their names (Ieria Nikita and Maria). Before the vision, these names were unknown. A few years after canonization in the monastery, where St. Feodosius was igumen, his own dyfulness was found, which confirmed these names, confirmed the truth of the vision. "How can you, the saint, ask my prayers, when you yourself stand in front of the heavenly throne and serve people of God grace?" - asked Ieromona. "Yes, it's right," answered St. Feodosius, "but the offering on the liturgy is stronger than my prayers."

Therefore, the memorial and home prayer about the departed is helpful, like good deeds, creative in their memories of alms or donation to the church. But it is especially useful for them to remeite on Divine Liturgy. There were many phenomena of the dead and other events confirming how it is useful to remember the deceased. Many who died in repentance, but failed to show him during his lifetime, were liberated from torment and gained rest. The church constantly raises prayers for the rest of the departed, and in the cranked prayer in the evening on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit there is a special petition "about the izh in the hell."

St. Gregory Great, answering his "interviews" to the question, "there is something that it might be useful to souls after death," teaches: "Holy Sacrifice of Christ, our saving victim, gives great favor to souls even after death, provided that their sins can be forgiven in the future life. Therefore, the souls of the deceased sometimes ask for them to serve the liturgy ... Naturally, it is more reliable to do what we hope, others will do about us after death. Better make an outcome to free than to look for freedoms, being in chains. Therefore, we must despise this world from the bottom of my heart, as if His glory had already passed, and daily bring God the victim of our tears when we sacrificed his sacred flesh and blood. Only This victim has the power to save the soul from eternal death, for it mysteriously represents us the death of the only society "(IV; 57, 60).

St. Gregory cites several examples of the phenomenon of the dead alive with a request to serve the liturgy about their rest or thanks for it; One day, one twenty, whom the wife considered dead and on whom she ordered Liturgy on certain days, returned from captivity and told her how he was freed from chains in some days - it was in those days when Liturgy (IV; 57, 59).

Protestants usually believe that church prayers for the deceased are incompatible with the need to gain salvation in the first place in this life: "If you can be saved by the church after death, then why bother yourself to fight or look for faith in this life? We will eat, drink and have fun" ... Of course, none of those who adhere to such views never reached salvation in church prayers, and it is obvious that such an argument is very superficial and even hypocritical. The prayer of the church cannot save one who does not want salvation or who never had no effort to do this for this. In a sense, it can be said that the prayer of the church or individual Christians about the mustache is another result of the life of this person: he would not have prayed if he didn't do anything that could inspire such a prayer after his death.

St. Mark Efesse also discusses the issue of church prayer for the dead and relief, which it delivers them, leading to the example of the prayer of SV. Gregory Dvoyeslova about the Roman Emperor Traian - Prayer, inspired by the good matter of this pagan emperor.

What can we do for the dead?

Anyone who wanted to show his love for the dead and file real assistance to them, can best make it a prayer for them and in particular the commemoration on liturgy, when the particles seized by living and the dead are immersed in the blood of the Lord with the words: "Omoe, Lord, sins I have fallen from the blood of the blood honestly, the prayers of the saints of yours. "

We can't do anything better or more for the deceased, than praying for them, remembering on liturgy. It is always necessary for them, especially in those forty days when the soul of the deceased follows the path to the eternal villages. The body does not feel anything: it does not see those who gathered loved ones, does not smell the smell of flowers, he does not hear tomb speeches. But the soul feels the prayer, brought for it, thanks to those who attract them, and spiritually close to them.

Oh, relatives and close deceased! Do them what you need and what is in your power, use your money not to the outer decoration of the coffin and grave, but to help those who need, in memory of their deceased loved ones, on the church, where prayers are asked for them. Be merciful to the departed, take care of their soul. The same path lies both in front of you, and how we will then want to remember us in prayer! We will also be merciful to the departed.

As soon as he died, immediately call the priest or tell him that he could read the "prayers for the outcome of the soul", which should be to read over all Orthodox Christians after their death. Try, as far as possible, so that the funeral is in the church and that the psalmir is read over the departed before the funeral. The funeral should not be carefully furnished, but it is absolutely necessary that it is complete, without a reduction; Think not about your convenience, but about the dead, with which you forever part. If there are several dead in the church at the same time, do not refuse if you are offered that the funeral is common to all. It is better that the funeral can be stopped at the same time about two or more dead when the prayers of the gathered loved ones will be more hot than that several fans and services can be served consistently, due to the lack of time and strength, they were reduced, because every word of the prayer about the dead is like A drop of water for thirsty. Immediately take care of the fortiest, i.e. daily commemoration on liturgy for forty days. Usually in churches where the service is performed daily, the deceased, which they fought, are coming up for forty days or more. But if the funeral was in the temple, where there are no daily services, the relatives themselves must take care and order a forty store where there is a daily service. It is also good to send a donation to the memory of the deceased monasteries, as well as in Jerusalem, where in holy places the unceasing prayer is asked. But forty-day obunimening should begin immediately by death, when the soul is especially needed by prayer assistance, and therefore remelations should be started in the near-place where there is a daily service.

We will take care of those who have left in the other world to us to make everything we can, remember that Blignii of the Milostivia, Yako Tii Pädovani will (Matt. V, 7).

Resurrection of body

One day, the whole of this cold world will come to an end and the everlasting kingdom of heaven will come, where the souls redeemed, reunited with their resurrected bodies, immortal and non-rented, will forever be with Christ. Then partial joy and glory, which the souls know even now in the sky, will change the completeness of the joy of a new creation, for which a person was created; But those who did not accept the salvation brought to Christ to Earth will suffer forever - along with their resurrected bodies - in hell. In the final chapter of the "accurate presentation of the Orthodox faith" prep. John Damaskin well describes this final state of the soul after death:

"We believe in the resurrection of the dead. For it will be true, there will be a resurrection of the dead. But, speaking of the resurrection, we imagine the resurrection of tel. For the resurrection is the secondary upstream of the fallen; soul, being immortal, how will he be resurrected? For, if death Determine as the branch of the soul from the body, the resurrection is, of course, the secondary connection of the soul and body, and the secondary erection of the resolved and deceased living being. So, the body itself, which is determined and permitted, it will resurrect the imperishable. For the one who at the beginning produced him From the ashes of the earth, he may resurrect him again, after it again, to say the Creator, was allowed and returned back to the ground from which it was taken ...

Of course, if only one soul practiced virtues in the exploits, then only she will be crowned. And if one only she was constantly in pleasure, then by justice it would only be punished. But since neither a virtue, nor to the pork of the soul did not seek separately from the body, then in fairness and the other will receive and reward together.

So, we will be resurrected, as the souls will again be connected with the bodies made by the immortal and crossing themselves, and will appear to the scary judges of the Sedal; And the devil, and the demons of him, and his man, that is, the antichrist, and unholy people, and the sinners will be betrayed in the fire of eternal, not real, what is the fire, which is, but such about what God can know. And the creation of an angels in the life of eternal, together with the Lord, with our Jesus Christ, always looking at him and being visible to them, and enjoying the continuously arising from him having fun, glorifying him with his father and the Holy Spirit in the endless eyelids of centuries . Amen "(p. 267-272).

Find out if the soul sees his funeral and where the souls of the dead are. Here you will find user opinions, whether children see the soul, can the soul of the deceased come to visit, can you see the soul of the deceased.


Recently, quite a few stories have appeared that small children see their relatives who have already left our world some time ago. Mystics often claim that animals and children are really capable of seeing the other world better than any of us. Do children see the souls of the dead in fact? The share of truth in this is definitely there.

You can meet adults who preserved the ability to see the world deeper than the rest. But mainly it is typical of young children. Until certain age, their world is different from what everyone else see. But over time and it passes.

There were already a lot of evidence in this area. Children simply fully enjoy the fact that their nature awards. When they grow up, it is largely losing the ability to this. Who comes to the cemetery, probably also came across such. If there is something and see, then it is usually children. In fact, each person has extrasensory abilities at birth. But, if you do not pay time for their development and training, then we just stop believing and see what should. Animals are also susceptible to the manifestations of other worlds, not less than children.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit?

Many people are interested in whether the soul of the deceased come to visit? According to the stories of many people, you can understand that it is permissible. After all, sometimes we see in a dream those who left us some time ago. Some think about whether it happens really, or is only the fruit of the tired brain, for example, after long and tedious work.

There is an opinion that in dreams we are visited by residual phenomena after the death of a person. But they do not have much strength, because they communicate with us not with the help of words. Does the soul sees us at such a moment? Separate question, and rather controversial.

Many relatives come on the 40th day after their funeral. And they are trying to talk about something to warn. Again, children and animals to such phenomena are more susceptible than ordinary adults. But sometimes they appear some connection with the otherworldly world. Especially if there is a clear desire. Folk wisdom says that it is better to order a clock service for forty days. Especially if after the visit of a relative, a sense of guilt appears. The main thing when performing any rituals is to maintain deep respect for those who left life.

Can I see the soul of the deceased?

In fact, you can answer a positive question, can I see the soul of the deceased. They sometimes even roam apartments if left uncountable. Surely they observed their funeral. But for some reason, remained here. It is usually believed that 40 days after the funeral of the soul on Earth should no longer be. After this period, it is attached to the sky.

On the third day, the soul is still tied to the body of the deceased. And is located next to him. On the ninth day, the connection is weakening, it becomes possible to be in the previously seen places. During this time, as it were, farewell to his earthly life, with the past experience. But unacceptable souls are not needed anywhere. It is them that can be seen most often, they roam around the ground.

Simple gaze to recognize this can not. It is necessary to have the ability to see and understand exactly the thin world. Most often, ordinary people can notice something only inside the anomalous zones. Especially, where there is a large concentration of negative energy. Inviting an experienced medium, you can check how real vision is if they are present. In the apartment you can see unacceptable if death happened here recently. Or some misfortune happened. Although sometimes it all turns out to be only our fantasies caused by sensitivity and irritability.

There are a lot in our world there is an inexplicable. For example, after the death of the soul goes into another world, but continues to participate in the lives of living people.

Dead people hear and see living. Give signals. It can be felt in different ways: animals can behave strange, turn on / off light, objects may fall, etc. Can help in solving complex life situations.

Where are the souls of the dead see if they are alive: theories regarding the afterlime world

There are two theories about what happens to a person after death:

The first one suggests that after a person dies his eternal life in "a different place";

The second talks about the rebirth of the soul and a new life.

In both options it is said that after death, the dead can observe alive. They can come in dreams. There are special practices that allow you to travel to other worlds in dreams.

There is a worldview that the souls of the dead are moving to the ephemeral world (Nirvana). And since it is connected by emotions, experiences and goals with those who stayed alive, he can communicate with them, see and try to help somehow. There are many stories about how dead relatives warned their loved ones about the dangers and advised solving complex situations. There is a theory that this intuition makes itself felt.

Where are the souls of the dead see if they are alive: a man's soul after death

There is such a version that a person falls into another world and gracious while he remembers about him, but when the last relative is dying, who recalled him, then man is reborn to start a new life and create a new family and acquaintances.

After the death of a man's soul should return to the Creator. The more soul is developed, the faster it will return home. But the soul can get stuck on the astral plan, for her everything remains the same, only no one sees her - such souls are called ghosts, they can live among people for decades.

The presence of otherworldly people can feel as if someone hugs them or strokes. Also, the souls can enjoy in pets, birds. They can put different items. They can be felt in a strange smell. They can give signals including songs. Can show the same numbers. Tell us thoughts. They like to play with electricity.

Vladimir Streletsky. The life of the human soul after death is scientifically proven!

For a long time, I, like all the normal people belonging to the average, soberly thinking to the majority, did not believe in the existence of the soul after the death of the body. Religious legends on paradise and hell did not perceive because of their fabulousness and naivety. To the results of the experiments of Dr. Mudody, who was spent at one time, was skeptical: it is difficult to name the vision of a dying person at the moments of the death agony of posthumous experience. The experience of the death of a loved one and scrupulous work on Michael Newton's books turned over all my ideas about life and death.

They come to us in dreams to show the world.

December 31, 2005, in the evening, on the eve of the New Year, my father died in the hospital from severe illness. The next morning, our family gathered in a large room of a two-bedroom apartment behind a sorrowful table with a lit candle, a portrait, a mourning ribbon, to discuss the upcoming funeral.

I think it makes no sense to describe the hardest on the hearts and the souls of the situation and circumstances. But me, unlike other people present, minutes after 2-3 minutes after everyone gathered together, began to overcome sensations and feelings, in no way corresponding to the spirit of grief, hiding in the room. Strange, but I was amazingly calmly in my soul, light and easy. At the same time, I could not get rid of the impressions that my father was here, together with us that he was very pleased with the fact that his big relatives were finally gathered at one table and that finally painful physical pains left, the last month. I even looked up the angle of the room several times a few times up, for some reason, it's confident that it is from there on all of us - happy and joyful ...

Then he began to come to me in dreams. I remembered these dreams well. At first I saw my father on the same hospital bed, in the same chamber, where he died. Only he was healthy, pinkish, smiling. He told me that he recovered and left the chamber.

The next time I was sitting next to him for a large, festive table, covered with a white tablecloth. There was a lot of treats and vodka in green announcements - such as he loved to see in his mother's house. At the table, as I remember, the former colleagues and friends of the Father were sitting, and his birthday was celebrated.

The third dream was amazingly a born and accompanied by sounds. We stood with the Father in the Big Room, reminding the waiting room. There were many doors from the audience. Around us stood with small groups, people who discussed something visible. And I remember that each group went into the hall through its doors. "Where do I go?" - Father asked me.

And finally the last dream. The father was sitting in a large, spacious class, like a school, over a wide table and showed me a hand on the men and women of older age. "This is a class, and this is my friends with whom we learn at the school" he said.

At first, I, of course, thought that all these dreams were a consequence of the experience of the loss of a native person. But then I had to think: not everything is so simple here. For two years, who passed after the death of the Father, I had to talk about three dozen people who lost their relatives and loved ones. All of them, as one, in the first day after the death of expensive people, they clearly felt their presence nearby. They all saw them in dreams, recovered after a disease or a tragic accident. Approximately half of the people with whom I communicated well remembered the dreams, where they sat with the dead at one table and celebrated some funny event with them. Four people, like me, remembered the meetings with the lessed relatives in the lecture halls and some curriculum.

Gradually, I started to form at the beginning of a guess, and then the conviction that the subconscious part of the psyche of many people, especially clearly manifested in their dreams, keeps in many ways similar and typical information about meetings with expensive for them. As if they are forever who left the earth, take us for a short time in a kind of amazing, the paradoxical world to convince us that this world really exists, and there is really no death.

But I could not even assume that the feelings of the deceased in the first day after death, as well as the motives of dreams, with the participation of the dead: Recovery after illness or tragedy, festive feasts, halls with groups of people, training classes and Audience, as well as a lot that we did not dream, are remarkably described in the books of the American Hypnotherapeutor of Michael Newton. Reading these books after all I experienced after the death of the father became a real shock.

Who are you, Dr. Newton?

Ph.D. Michael Newton is a certified hypnotherapist of the highest category in California, as well as a member of the American Association of Psychologists-Consultants, practicing for 45 years. He devoted his private hypnotherapeutic practice to the correction of the cancellation of deviations in behavior, as well as the help of people in the race of their highest spiritual Ya. Developing its own age regression technique, Newton found that patients can be placed in intermediate periods between their pro - Thereby confirming and demonstrating in the practical examples of the real, filled with meaning to the extent of the immortal soul between physical incarnations on Earth. In order to expand its research, the scientist founded the "Society of Spiritual Return" and the Institute of Life after Life. Currently, Newton and his wife live in the mountains of Sierra Nevada in the north of California.

The move and the results of their experiments Newton outlined in the books "Travel Souls" (1994), "Purpose of the Soul" (2001) and "Life between Lives: Past Lives of the End of Soul" (2004),in which he clearly and consistently described the course of events after physical death. The filing by the author was conceived as a visual journey over time using real stories from practical sessions with researcher patients who described in detail their experiences in the intervals between past lives. Newton's books have become not so much the next devows about past lives and reincarnation, how much is a new breakthrough in scientific Research of the worlds permeans, which were not previously investigated using hypnosis.

It should be especially emphasized that in his studies M. Newton went much further than R.Mudy - the author of bestseller "Life after life" (1976). If Moody described in detail the vision and sensation of the soul after clinical death (exit from the body and a walker over it, entering the dark tunnel, watching the "film" of the departed life, meetings and conversations with a luminous creature), then Newton in the course of their experiments on hypnotic regression not Only confirmed the results obtained by its predecessor. As a conscientious and meticulous researcher, he managed to look at the edge of biological death and see the following stages of the soul travel: meeting and conversations with a latter, as well as with the embodied energies of dead relatives; rest and restoration of forces; study in the group of related souls; Mastering during the ability to manipulate subtle energies; Working with files and archives of memory in Library Libraries; visiting the meeting of the Council of the oldest; Inspection of the mirror hall of the options for future fate.

The world of Souls Michael Newton was not only in a definitely structured and organized, but also managed by the formation of a fine matter in the world. The scientist does not give answers in his books to the question of whom this amazing and so not like biblical paradise and hell was created. But it can be assumed that it was created in an antiquity of one of the earthly civilizations, mastered after the technological stage of development of subtle energies.

It is quite obvious that the sensational results of Newton's experiments were celebrated not only the admiration of the grateful readers who beat once and for all after reading his books fear of death, but also the desperate resistance of apologists of the primary scientific paradigms today, which thoughts do not allow that the human subconscious is not A less powerful tool of scientific knowledge than notorious telescopes and hadron colliders.

And criticism does not withstand criticism.

What arguments use modern critics of Michael Newton?

1. The results obtained by Newton during its experiments, unscientific and cannot be considered as evidence of human soul life after death.

Well, let's turn to philosophy and science methodology. What are the results of experiments are scientific? First, these are the results obtained by scientific methods. But let me: Is the method of immersion of a person in a hypnotic state, which is successfully used in psychotherapy for at least the last 100 years nonsense? And what are the bad methods of statistical sample of the results that Newton enjoyed?

Secondly, the criterion for learning obtained results is their reproducibility in similar studies. So with this, everything is in order: Newton and his followers around the world held thousands of experiments of the hypnotic immersion of people into a posthumous state. And they all gave similar results.

Thirdly, the results and course of experiments must be fixed by the appropriate devices and technical devices. Correctly: All Newtonusseans of hypnotic immersion in the posthumous world were recorded by audio equipment, and after their completion, patients listened to the description of the description of the description by internal vision to the hypnotherapist.

So, the thesis of badges, the resulting results, to put it mildly, is incorrect.

2. Makel Newton came up with and inspired paintings and images of the afterlife.

Most of us believes that the human imagination is alimileally and can wonder anything. In fact, this is not so. Psychologists know that all fantasies that are born in our head are due, first of all, specific cultural, national and religious traditions that are existing within one or another society. This is clearly visible on the examples of fantasies about the afterlife obtained in the framework of the mystical experience of religiously oriented thinkers (E.Sedovenborg, D.andreyev, etc.) and devotees of various religious denominations. In the case of descriptions of the shower after death, which are contained in Newton's writings, we have something completely different. And to inspire this other religious people is almost impossible. But about it is slightly lower.

Here is a typical example of a critical material on Michael Newton's activities, placed Nasaite "" (, the author of which is Fedor Pneummatics from Krasnodar (most likely, the surname is pseudonym - auth.)

"In the country (USA-aut.) There are areas where the softening of the brain goes with an accelerated pace. And South California initially assumed the maximum exploitation of all over the American intelligence. California has never been under the coul of the "biblical belt". And after the well-known social transformations of the 50-60s, it was actively achieved to work out new meanings intended for reactualization of the middle class self-identification space. Buddhism, psychotropic drugs and hypopractors became the material from which the general background of what is happening. And the complexity here lies in the fact that a number of deepest problems associated with the study of unconscious processes and changed states of consciousness turned out to be the most involuntaryly associated with the neo-language, transpersonal and occult camp. "

So, it is some kind of real California: God's forgotten edge, who has been nursed to the spill of nursing Mysteries, addicts and hypnotherapeutors! Where is it not here to split back with a short-headed screw Newton? Only now it is worth reminding Mr. Pneumatikov and others like him that California, which has unique scientific and intellectual potential, gave the world of 31 laureate of the Nobel Prize. It is here that the world famous California Institute of Technology, founded in 1920, six years later, was created here the first Faculty of Aeronautics, where he worked Theodore background pocket , organized a laboratory of reactive movement. In 1928, the University founded the Faculty of Faculty under the auspices of Thomas Morgan, the chromosome discoverer, and began to build a world famous Palomar Observatory .

From the 1950s to the 1970s, the Institute worked two of the most famous physics of elementary particles of that time, Richard Feynman and Murray Gelle Mann . Both received the Nobel Prize for the contribution to the creation of the so-called. " Standard model »Physics of elementary particles.

We read the following "revealing" Newton thesis: "Of course, Newton reports nothing about the methodology of sessions."

After such a "kill" withdrawal, it is necessary to simply be awarded to the degree of competence of the respected critic, who did not even give himself a little labor gave himself to read the first chapter "Purpose of the Soul", where literally the following is written:

"As for the methodology, I can devote an hour or so long visualization by the subject of forest images or the sea coast, then I return it in orphanages. I asking him in detail about such things as the furniture in his house when the subject was twelve, his favorite clothes are ten years old, the favorite toys in seven and the earliest memories belonging to age from three to two children. We all do all this before I immerse the patient during the period of intrauterine development, I ask some questions and then send it to his last life for her brief review. The preparatory stage of our work is completed by the time when the patient already passing through the scene of death in that life reaches the gate to the world of shower. Continuous hypnosis, deepening during the first hour, enhances the release process, or removing the subject from its earth's environment. He also has to respond in detail into numerous questions about his spiritual life. It takes another two hours ».

We read a respected critic further: "The fact is that if you are subjected to some unorthodox regression hypnosis, then first of all, you think about the problem of actualization in the patient's consciousness of affectively saturated meaning. Already in itself, faith in the afterlife itself, being a hoped from any occult sources can lead the patient in the hypnosis session to the corresponding hallucinator reacts. Existentially painted theme of death ( having a weak level of workout even at the semantic level) In the psyche of the most significant number of people turns into fireworks of ecstatic and sinister hallucinations ... "

Have you understood something in this verbal abracadabe, dear reader? So do I. Newton, I dare to assure you, everything is simple and understandable, even despite the special terminology:

"People under hypnosis see no dreams and no hallucinations. In this case, in a state of controlled trance, we do not see dreams in their chronological sequence, as it usually happens, and we do not hallucine ... Being in a state of hypnosis, people transmit their exact observations - paintings that they see, and conversations they hear In his unconscious mind. Answering questions, the subject cannot lie, but it may incorrectly interpret what he sees in an unconscious mind - also as we do it in a state of consciousness. In a state of hypnosis, people are difficult to accept what they do not believe in the truth.

Among my patients who participated in these sessions were both very religious men and women, and those who did not have special spiritual beliefs at all. Most have accumulated somewhere in the middle, having a set of their own ideas about life. In the course of its research, I found an amazing thing: as soon as the subjects were immersed by regression into the state of their soul, they all demonstrated a wonderful sequence in responses to questions about the spiritual world. People even used the same words and visual descriptions when they discussed their lives as a soul. "

In general, when you read quite a few distinguished critics of Dr. Newton, unwittingly remember the words of Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya: "ignorant Sold prejudices even not allowing you to read the book."

The world of the shower of Michael Newton.

So what exactly researched and opened Newton? Let's consider the results of its hypnotherapeutic experiments in detail.

Transition. At the time of death, our soul comes out of the physical body. If the soul is old enough and has the experience of many past incarnations, she immediately understands that he was freed, and go home. These advanced souls do not need someone to meet them. but most of the shower with which Newton worked, their conductors were found outside the astral plan of the Earth.The young soul or soul of the deceased child can feel a little disoriented - while someone will not meet it at the level close to the earth. There are souls that decide for a while staying on the site of their physical death. But the pain-tire wishes immediately leave this place. Time does not matter in the world of shower. Souls who left the body, but those who want to calm down in a mountain of loved ones or having some other reasons to remain unbearable time near the place of their death, do not feel the flow of time. It becomes simply a real time for the soul - in the opposition of linear time.

As the souls are removed from the ground after death, they notice more and more effortless radiance of light around them. Some for a short time see the gray tones of the MGLU and describe it as passing through the tunnel or some gates. It depends on the speed of leaving the body and move the soul, which, in turn, is associated with its experience. The feeling of the injection force emanating from our conductors can be soft or strong - depending on the maturity of the soul and its ability to be rapid changes. In the first moments after exiting the body, all souls fall into zone "fine cloudiness", Which soon raised, and the souls can see around over long distances. At this moment the usual soul notices the shape of a thin energy - a spiritual creature approaching it. This creature can be her loving spiritual friend, or there may be two of them, but most often it is our pro-vodnik. If we meet the spouse (spouse) or a friend who died earlier, our conductor is nearby, so that the soul can carry out this transition.

For 30 years of research, Newton has never come across any subject (patient), which would meet Takierligiosis creatures as Jesus or Buddha. At the same time, the researcher notes that the love of the love of the Great Earth teachers comes from each personal conductor who is attached to us.

Restoration of energy, quarrels with other souls and adaptation. By the time the souls return to the place they call the house, the earthly aspect of their being changes. They will no longer call people in the sense in which we usually imagine a human being with specific emotions, character and physical characteristics. For example, they are not flawed about their recent physical deaths as they worry about their close. It is our soul that makes us people on Earth, but outside our physical body we are no longer Homo Sapiens. The soul is so majestic that it is not amenable to a description, because Newton has determined the soul as reasonable, radiant energies. The soul immediately after death suddenly feels a change, because she is no longer burdened by the temporary body. Someone gets used to a new state faster, and someone slower.

The energy of the soul can be divided into identical parts, like a hologram. It can simultaneously live in different bodies, although this is less common than written about it. However, thanks to this ability of the soul, part of our light energy always remains in the world of shower. Therefore, it is possible to see your mother, returning there from the physical world, even if she died thirty-terrestrial years ago and has already embodied on Earth in another body.

Transitional period (period of energy recovery), which we spend together with your conductors before joining our spiritual community or group, differs from different souls and at one and TOEW soul between its different lives. This is a quiet period when we can get some recommendations or express our experiences about just ending life. This period is intended for initial viewing accompanied by a soft sensing of the soul, the test, which is carried out by very insightful and caring conductors teachers.

The discussion meeting may be more or less long, which depends on the specific circumstances - from what was or not for the soul is made according to its life contract. Special karmic questions are also viewed, although they will be discussed later in a detailed way in the circle of our spiritual group. The energy of some returned shower is not immediately sent back to their spiritual group. These are the souls that were contaminated in their physical bodies due to participation in acts of evil will. There is a difference between misconduct or crimes committed without a conscious desire to cause pain to someone, and actions, knowingly evil. The degree of damage caused to other people as a result of such unkind actions, ranging from some small misconduct and ending with malicious crimes, is visible and calculated very carefully.

Those souls that were involved in evil deeds are sent to special centers that some patients call "intensive care centers." Here, as they say, their energy is reconstructed or dismantled and is going to one whole again. Depending on the nature of their misconduct, these souls can be fairly quickly returned to the ground. They can make a fair decision to become victims of the evil actions of other people in the next life. But still, if their criminal actions were in the last life long and especially cruel in relation to many and many people, this may indicate the presence of a certain model of malicious behavior. Such souls for a long time are immersed in a lonely existence in the spiritual space - perhaps per thousand earthly years. The leading principle of the world of souls is that the brutal offense of all souls, conscious or unintentional, must be divided into one form or another in the future life. This is not considered a punishment or even a fine, but rather the possibility of karmic development. For the soul there is no hell - except on earth.

Some people's lives are so difficult that their souls are returned home very tired. In such cases, for the newly arrived soul, there is not so much a joyful greeting, how much vacation and solitude. Indeed, many souls who want to relax have such an opportunity before reunited with their spiritual group. Our spiritual group may be noisy or quiet, but she respects it to what we have passed during the latter incarnation. All groups are waiting returning your friends - every one in its own way, but always with deep love and frantic feelings. Therefore, noisy feasts are organized, which sometimes see in their dreams with the participation of the dead.

This is what Newton told one subject on how he was met: "After my last life, my group arranged a magnificent evening with music, wine, dancing and singing. They did everything in the spirit of the classical Roman festival with marble halls, altogether and with all the exotic scenery, which pre-possessed in many of our joint lives in the ancient world. Melissa (the main spiritual girlfriend) expected me, recreating the century that could mostly remind me of her, and, as always, looked brilliantly. "

Meeting with a group of related souls, studies. Group of spiritual like-minded people consists of 3 to 25 members - on average, about15. Sometimes the souls of vicious groups can seize the desire to establish contacts among themselves. Often it refers to older souls that had many friends from other groups with whom they had communication for hundreds of their past lives.

In general, the return home can occur in two ways. The returning soul can immediately meet several shower right at the entrance and then provide a conductor who helps her pass through the preliminary coordinating training. Most often, the relative group expects the soul to truly return to it. This group can be in a certain audience or on the steps of the temple, or settled in the garden, or the returning soul can meet with many groups. Souls, passing by other communities along the way to their destination, often noted that other souls with whom they communicated in past lives will recognize them and greet them, smiling or maneing.

The way the subject sees its group surrounding the environment depends on the state of promotion of the soul, although memories of the reigning atmosphere of the school class are always very distinct. In the world of shower, the student status depends on the level of development of the soul. One fact that the soul was embodied from the time of the Stone Age, does not yet mean that it has reached a high level. In their lectures, Newton often gives an example of his patient who needed 4 thousand years of embodiments, so that in the end to overcome the feeling of envy.

Making a classification of shower, Newton highlights three general categories: beginners, medium and advanced. Basically, a group of souls consists of an existence of one level of development, although each can have its own strengths and weaknesses. Etocticity provides a certain equilibrium in the group. Souls help each other to understand the information and experience gained in their past life, as well as to see how, being in that physical body, they used feelings and emotions directly related to setimopite. The group critically disassembles every aspect of life, up to the fact that some episodes are played by members of the group - for a clearer understanding. By the time the souls reach the mid-level, they begin to concentrate on the major areas and interests in which certain skills were demonstrated.

Another very significant moment of Newton's research was the establishment of the color of different energies that show the souls in the shower world. Colors are related to the level of advisability of the soul. Using this information that was gathered gradually for many years, one can judge the promotion of the soul, as well as what the souls surround our subject at a time when it is in translate. The researcher found that a purely white color indicates a younger soul as the energy of the soul is promoted more saturated color - turning into orange, yellow and, ultimately, in blue colors. In addition to this main color of the aura in each group there is a slight mixed radiance of various shades characteristic of each soul.

For the development of a more convenient Newton system, the stages of the development of the soul, starting with I levels of beginners, through various stages of training - to the VI level of the wizard are distinguished. These highly developed souls have a saturated color of indigo.

During hypnosis, being in a state of superconsciousness, many submersible in hypnosis told Newton that in the world of souls, they do not look at one soul as less developed or less valuable than any other soul. We all are in the process of transformation, gaining some more significant and high than now, the state of enlightenment. Each of us is considered to be a unique qualifications that can contribute to the whole - it does not matter how hard we fight, mastering our lessons.

We are usually inclined to judge the existing system of authorities on Earth, for which the struggle for power, suits and the use of a system of hard rules inside the hierarchical structure is characterized. As for the world of souls, there is a structure, but it exists in the depths of the sublime forms of compassion, harmony, ethics and morality, which are absolutely not similar to the fact that we practice on Earth. In the world of shower there is also an immense kind of "centralized personnel department", taking into account the tasks, tasks and purpose of souls. However, there is a system of such values \u200b\u200bas incredible kindness, tolerance and absolute love. In the world of souls, we are not forced to bring us again or participate in group projects. If the souls want to retire, they can do it. If they do not want to take on more and more complex tasks, this is also respected by their desire.

Feeling of violet presence and the council of the oldest. Newton was repeatedly asked if his subjects saw the source of creation during their sessions. Responding to this question, the researcher usually mentioned the scope of intense violet light or the presence, which, as a view, and invisibly boil over the world of shower. Presence is felt primarily when we appear before Council of the Eldest. Once or two between the lives, we attend this group of higher beings, which are an order of magnitude or more, above our conductors teachers. The Council of the oldest is neither a meeting of judges nor a court session on which the souls are interrogated and sentenced to this or other punishment for misconduct. Council members want to talk to us about our mistakes and what we can do to send negative behavior in our next life. It is here that the discussion of a suitable body begins for our next life.

Hall viewing future lives and new incarnation. When the time of the new birth is approaching, we go to the space that resembles a mirror hall where there is a certain number of possible physical forms that could best approach us to implement our goals. Here we have the opportunity to look into the future and check the various bodies before making the final choice. Souls voluntarily choose less perfect bodies and more difficult life to work out karmic debts or work on other aspects of the lesson with whom they did not quite cope in their past. Most souls take the body that they are offered here, but the soul can also refuse, and even postpone their reincarnation. Then the soul may also ask to go to some other physical planet during this period of time. If we agree with our new "distribution", we are usually sent to the preliminary preparation class to remind us of certain key rules, signs and signs in the coming life, especially for those moments when we meet with our important soul souls .

Finally, when the term of our return is suitable, we commemorate your friends and we are transmitted to the space, where the souls go to their next journey to Earth. The souls enter the body appointed by him in the womb of their future mother about the fourth month of her pregnancy, so that their disposal already has a fairly developed brain, which they can use until the moment of their appearance. Being in a pose of an embryo, they are still capable of thinking as immortal souls, habitual to the peculiarities of the brain and to their new, second, I. After birth, the memory is blocked, and the soul connects its own qualities with a transient human mind, which generates a combination of a new person.

Participants of Newton's experiments, leaving the state of the trance after they mentally visited "at home", in the world of souls, always had an expression of special reverence on the face, and the state of the soul after the regressive hypnotherapy session was described as follows: "I found the indescribable feeling of joy and freedom By learning about your true essence. It is amazing that this knowledge was in my mind all the time. Meeting with my teachers who did not judge me in any way, immersed me in the amazing state of rainbow light. The discovery I did was that the only thing that is truly important in this material world is the image of our life and how we treat other people. Our life circumstances and position have no importance compared to our compassion and the adoption of others. Now I have knowledge, and not just a feeling about why I am here and where I will go after death, "...


Is there any life of the soul after death, there is no life of the soul after death - this modern science does not know. Yes, and can not know: After all, neither a microscope, nor a telescope, nor other super-preizing the only value in the Universe-Soul soul-not to insert. But the science of the future, which recognizes this soul status of the most advanced device and means of knowledge of the world, life after death will be considered a fundamental axiom, without which the knowledge of the objective world, its devices and its laws are generally a matter of any purpose and meaning.

Vladimir Streletsky, writer, journalist, Kiev.