Billets from viburnum for the winter are the best recipes. Blank viburnum for the winter: the best recipes

Billets from viburnum for the winter are the best recipes. Blank viburnum for the winter: the best recipes

Kalina matures at the end of autumn, then goes on sale. Not even doubting her utility, we fear to buy a product in a lot of quantities, the reason is simple - we really do not know how to store Kalina, what billets can be done from it. We believe that many proposed recipes will be useful to those who buy or grows Kalina in the country.

  1. About the benefits of Kalina
  2. Proper cleaning
  3. Kalina with sugar
  4. We harm Kalina's juice
  5. Cooking vinegar from viburnum
  6. Recipe drying

About the benefits of Kalina

Its berries possess unique healing properties. They will help get rid of colds and cough, use them useful to people suffering from hypertension. This is the perfect product that is recommended to be taken in preventive purposes - it is able to saturate the body with vitamins, valuable mineral substances and amino acids.

Apply Kalina:
If necessary, restore the tone of the heart muscle

  • as a prophylactic agent from colds and atherosclerosis
  • when skin problems: treat acne rash and deprive
  • in the treatment of gastrointestinal bodies
  • as auxiliary means for the treatment of the nervous system
  • to strengthen immunity
  • as a means of edema with kidney disease
  • as a means against anemia
  • to combat insomnia

Knowing the recipes of viburnum harvesting will allow you to use a valuable berry not only seasonally, but also throughout the year.

Proper cleaning of berries

The best time for cleaning is the end of autumn, it is desirable to choose a doubt day. The influence of the low temperature, which is subjected to berries during frosts, will remove the bitterness, give them fresh flavor and sweet taste. So that the berries do not lose juice, remove their brushes.

For transportation, the crop is placed in a thick layer, the skin on the fruits is rather durable, not inclined to cracking.

How to save Kalina Fresh for the winter

The easiest method of storage of viburnum is fresh, in the brushes. They will be needed to be put into the ventilated capacity and place in the refrigerator.

But a large amount of product will not be able to preserve in this way, therefore the viburnum brushes are suspended in the ventilated cold rooms, for example - on the unheated glazed balcony. For several months, the product will not lose its freight look and save the beneficial properties.

Storage in the warm room, for example, in the kitchen will slightly reduce the shelf life.

Even more useful information on the topic will learn when viewing the video:

How to store Kalina for winter without sugar, frozen

There is another version of the storage of viburnum - do not remove it in the fall, but leave on the bush for the whole winter. Any frosts it will be fine, taste will not lose. But the option is possible that delicious berries will be discovered and eaten by birds.

The presence will not allow the flow of juice. Dry fruits fall asleep in packets or containers. They will retain the crumbly state, it will allow you to calmly extract the right amount.

Before placing a viburnum in the freezer, it is not washed, it is done directly before use.

Frozen Kalina:

  • used when cooking compote or jelly
  • used for the preparation of therapeutic tea or infusion

Kalina storage with sugar

The recipe for the workpiece is very simple:

  • berries are dispersed, remove the pitched or damaged
  • wash in cold water and dried on a towel
  • then crushed, meat grinder, blender, passing through a sieve
  • stirred with sugar, it takes twice as much as the fruit
  • lay into cooled sterilized banks, closed tightly

You can store in the cold cellar or basement, in the refrigerator. Especially grieved if the juice in the banks separated from berries, it is not worth it, this will not affect the quality and utility of the product. Vitamins, acids and minerals will be perfectly preserved throughout the winter.

Useful advice: To eliminate the loss of bone bone from processed berries, it is not worth removing.

The second version of the preparation of fruits with sugar is that the product unfolded in the banks is sterilized, the cans filled with a sweet mixture sterilize:

  • lithing - 20 minutes
  • floor Lithing - 10

Gray banks are closed and placed in a cold cellar.

This method allows you to use less sugar, 1 kg per 1 kg of berries.

You can also fall asleep with sugar whole fruits. By 1 kg, up to 800 g of sugar may be needed. Berries wash and dried, fall asleep in banks, alternating varinatous layers with sugar. It must be the top, the layer should be thick. Banks are closed with dense covers, placed in the refrigerator.

How to store Kalina's juice

To obtain Kalin Sok, you will need to go through, rinse and dry the fruits. With the help of juicer, press juice. As a preservative, sugar is used, the proportion for mixing 1: 1.

Spill ready-made juice in sterile bottles or banks, retain in the refrigerator.

How much cavalina with honey

For the treatment of colds throughout the winter, such a tasty drug can be prepared.


  • 500 g Kalina
  • 200 g of MEDA May or Akacia
  • 300 g of Limonov
  • 150 g of ginger root

My Kalina and we succeed, we chose poor-quality fruits. Then we carry through the sieve.

Ginger clean and mine, dried, chop finely. My lemons, we jump boiling water, cut them and remove bones.

Prepared products are laid in a blender, we add overhead berries, honey. We bring all the components to a homogeneous consistency. If desired, the procedure can be done with the help of a meat grinder.

We decide the finished mixture into clean dry banks and close the lids. Under the refrigerator, the product can be stored for several months.

You can also throw the berries and mix with honey in the ratio of 1: 1, stored in the closed jars in the refrigerator.

Useful information about the storage of viburnum with honey, watch the video:

Cooking vinegar from viburnum

The usefulness of this product can be compared with apple vinegar.

Cooking technology as follows:

  • cooking three-liter bottles
  • i fall asleep 0.5 kg of fruits and 0.2 kg of sugar
  • add 2 l of water
  • for smell we put a couple of black currant sheets and several sheets of cherry
  • put the bottles in the dark place, the temperature should be room

The readiness of the product is determined by the degree of its transparency. Cooking will need about 2 months.

How to recycle Kalina: Cooking liquor, cook jam

Lovers of strong drinks can prepare a kalin tincture.

For cooking stock:

  • 200 g of pure kalin juice
  • 200 g sugar
  • 200 g of water
  • 1 l vodka

All components thoroughly mix, withstand in the bank at room temperature for 2 days. Next, we taste the drink if his taste suits - we cloculate in the bottle. Store throughout the year at room temperature.

To cook jam prepare 1 kg of berries. The syrup of 300 g of water and 1, 4 kg of sugar. Pour the fruits well-boiled syrup, let it brew for 12 hours. Next, proceed to cooking, be sure to remove the foam formed on the surface. We decompose into hot sterilized banks and ride.

To prepare a shelter cook until a complete readiness of 1 kg of ripe fruits in 200 g of water. Then they dislike the resulting mass through the sieve, it is boosted to the state of a soft dough. After the pastile, lay on wooden cutting boards and peel in the oven.

Sorshest Yagoda

It is useful in winter and dried product, you can make excellent vitamin tea from it. For drying, you can use an electric or gas oven or a special dryer for fruits.

The optimal temperature in the oven + 60 C. The door of the oven should not be tightly close. Dry fruits hripany at room temperature in a tightly closed glass container.

How to cook and apply oil

Do not rush to throw out the cake after cooking juice. By skipping through the meat grinder - get a well-chopped mass. Place it in a glass jar, fill with sunflower oil. Recommended proportion: 1 measurement of ground oil meals will need 4 oil measurements. The mixture is withstanding 20 days in a dark place, then pressed.

The resulting oil is not inferior to the famous sea buckthorn, applies the same way.

Note that Kalina is not useful not to everyone. It is not recommended for receiving people with blood diseases and those who have reduced pressure. With caution, pregnant women should relate to it.

But for all other benefits of the use of berries in any kind of indisputable. Knowing how to store Kalina properly, you can use delicious fruits and billets from them throughout the year.

From a long time, the Kalina was considered and considered a revered berry. Since with the help of its healing properties you can get rid of many diseases or prevent them. In traditional medicine there are many recipes for cooking, both the berries and its components. The miraculous fruits are rich in many vitamins, most important of which is vitamin "C". Therefore, in winter, with a cold and flu, you can not do without such a "doctor" like Kalina.

Kalina Red recipes for the winter of viburnum should be prepared in advance and in advance to have enough for treatment to all family members. When collecting fruits there is one important nuance, namely, if Kalina is assembled after the first frost, then the bitterness of the berries will be much smaller. Even the fruit has a bone, which in shape resembles a heart. The bone can be removed or used with the berry itself. Kalina Red for the winter recipes and kalin syrups are sometimes prepared together with a bone, then the taste of cooked masterpieces will be special with mustard.

If you cook the Kalina in Sugar with a cold way, then a sufficient amount of berry syrup appears. Berries slowly dissolving sugar, isolated juice, which is an invaluable vitaminized drink. With such a billet, no thermal treatments occurs, therefore, all valuable substances, vitamins and trace elements are preserved at the maximum. For such an energy drink, stroke viburnum should be washed out in cold water, decompose on the prepared towels so that they dry. Then specking sugar to put into banks and close the lids tightly. Tar before using boiling water to avoid microorganisms.

Kalina is stored pretty well. In the refrigerator in a leakage packaging, the berry is capable of flight up to 3 months absolutely without changing its condition, and the sugar is off-sugar can lie until the next harvest. Sugar and berries are taken in equal proportions. But it should be followed by such a condition that when they bring up with sugar berries, closer to the neck, approximately a centimeter should be completely filled with sugar, and then close.

Kalinic jelly:

1. Prepare a berry.
2. Throw boiling water (delete bitterness).
3. Wipe through fine sieve.
4. Mix mix with sugar (the same proportions).
5. In slow fire to bring to a boil.
6. Dispatch on banks and close.

Often, the readiness can be determined by the bins to the edges, that is, when the jelly begins to pester to the walls of the dishes, it means it is ready. Banks before launching jelly should be boiled, and covers too.

If plastic covers are used and take less sugar to cooking jelly, then it should be stored only in the refrigerator. Some boost puree for about an hour, but with proper proportion and use of dense tightness, this option is not required.

Jelly from viburnum cooked with a cold way

This method is good because it does not require any additional thermal processing, and, of course, makes it possible to preserve more vitamins and useful organisms of substances.

To do this, the blade and puree juice is stirred with sugar in the same volumes and bottled in storage tanks. Store such jelly is only in the refrigerator, otherwise it can be worried.

Frozen Vibina

For this, the miraculous fruits are rotated, washed, decomposed into one layer on the towels and dried. Next fold berries, for example, in plastic food dishes, or containers, and frozen. Freezing will retain the entire value of viburnum. Cooking using berries satisfied with wide. Mors, syrups, bake pies, and much more are preparing.

Kalina in its own juice

To prepare this recipe, you will need salary, berries and sugar. Through the juicer skip part of the berries. Conduct on low heat to boil and turn off. Spilled in the prepared sterilized container and remove storage.

Kalina and Honey

Kalina Red recipes for the winter billets with honey are very popular with its healing force. The most common way is considered the freshest puree viburnum puree, mixed with honey in the same proportions. The prepared mass fit into pasteurized banks and removes cold.

As you know, Kalina and Honey has long been a miraculous means in combating many diseases. Moreover, the healing effects of this berry are safe and useful. But, like any means, and Kalina has contraindications, so before applying it is best to consult with the doctor.

Useful berry properties are capable of:

Enhance immunity;
- strengthen vessels;
- stop the bleeding;
- reduce blood pressure.

Kalina with honey can help in treatment:

- epilepsy;
- anemia;
- eliminate insomnia;
- neurasthenia.

The main contraindications and caution primarily under treatment are pregnant women, those who have individual intolerance, or poor blood clotting.

Berries and honey:

Kalina and honey is an effective means when coughing appears. In order to prepare the necessary remedy, it is necessary to warm up honey on the water bath and add berries there, after which they leave for a couple of hours in order for the tool;

Kalina Red with honey Cooking recipes are not very complex, and used even with female diseases, if you need to make the necessary tool correctly, then you can get rid of the cyst, for this, the berries need to be suppressed, grind over the sieve and mix with fresh not covered honey, should be taken on an empty stomach on a teaspoon.

As you know, Kalina in cosmetology is an indispensable assistant, especially for smoothing wrinkles or when pigmentation appears. Typically, berries and honey are included in the masks, which are then used as intended. Sometimes fruits together with the bones are grinding in a blender, stirred with honey and used as scrubies.

The fruits of viburnum are widely popular in everything. And, of course, the highest quality drink is considered to prepare a sea of \u200b\u200bmiraculous berries. For its preparation, a portion of berries is taken, half are distilled through the juicer, and the other half is listed through a sieve. It turns out the juice and mashed potatoes, all this is connected to sugar and bring to a boil, but do not boil, they immediately turn off. Such a drink is endowed with useful substances and retains maximum vitamins.

Currently, Kalina is widely used in cooking and medicine. Some gardeners - lovers specially digged bushes of forest viburnum and transfer to themselves to the plots to grow in their miraculous berry, and then prepare infusions, drinks and other blanks from it.

Busta bushes usually reach three meter and differ in abundant fruiting. After ripening, berries can be saved all winter right on the branches. At first frosts, berries become sweet and more pleasant to eat. It is during this period that you can cook drinks to those people who do not like bitterness. The juice of their such fruits is priceless and has a bactericidal action.

Everyone knows such unpleasant diseases as an angina or throat disease. With these colds, an indispensable assistant will perform info viburnum to rinse the throat and oral cavity. So, any billets of this miraculous berries will help and get rid of unpleasant diseases, which is why first of all you should make reserves as possible for the winter from Kalina.

With such valuable information on the properties of viburnum, it is possible now without feasible to make billets for the winter, because the magic power of nature will never be compared with pharmacy preparations prepared on the chemical bases. The only criterion in any application is considered to be a mandatory advice with the attending physician.

Berry Kalina: distribution, types, composition, medical properties, benefits and harm. When to collect, how to store Kalina and what can be prepared from it.

Kalina is a red berry, the fruit of the eponymous plant, which is a shrub with gentle pink or white flowers. According to one of the versions, its name is owned by a bright color of the fruits that are ridicked by a hot metal. But the berries of other varieties can be painted in pink-orange, and black.

In the fall, the viburnum bushes become a decoration of parks and gardens, they are planted in school yards, grow in country and garden sites. But even more the tree is transformed in winter, when bright-carmine borders dress up in white hats from snow.

Types and distribution

In nature, about 140 types of viburnum grows in nature, but only one has the healing properties - Ordinary (Kalina Red). The plant is unpretentiously: it easily adapts to the cold, and to the heat, without any difficulties, tolerates summer drought, and winter frosts. But the most common viburnum in a temperate belt is in Central and Asia, Europe, North Africa, in the Caucasus, Andes, Siberia and Madagascar. The moisture and shadowerous tree grows mainly in deciduous, pine and mixed forests, on the shores of rivers and lakes, among marshy shrubs, in birchings, in glades, defores and forest edges. In the warm districts of Ukraine and Russia, Kalina is found almost everywhere, the most common types are Kalina red, bare-haired, extended, Buryat, Berezolistic, cylindrical, Bureinskaya. In Russia, artificial landings can be found even in the north - in Ussuriysk, Arkhangelsk, Solikamsk, Kollas and Solovetsky Islands.

History and application

Kalina berries are used to prepare juices, horses, jelly, jelly, jams, marmalade and raw jam. As a filling, it is added to pies, meat and poultry dishes. Kalina has long been used in the peasant house: from the young flexible branches, the folk craftsmen of the wreaths, baskets, vases, barrels, boxes and other homework.

In Russia, Kalina was an indispensable participant of wedding rites, no folk walk did not do in ancient without it. Viburnum branches were decorated with maiden wreaths and wedding karavai, and a bouquet of fire-red strokes put on the table in front of the young - as a symbol of a happy married life. Interestingly, Kalina is the only berry that bones have the shape of the hearts. At different nations, this is a pretty tree of maternal love, maternal love, the warmth of the parent hearth. Previously, Kuste Kalina landed near the house so that his inhabitants live in good and prosper.

Composition and calorie berry

Kalina has a rich useful composition. Its fruits relate to diabetic products, they contain tubyl substances, pectins, essential oils, phytoncides, organic acids, vitamins C, E, K, A, R. As part of valerian acid, there are folic acid, and vitamin C (ascorbic Acids) in this berry 2 times more than in raspberry: This allows you to attribute Kalina, along with blueberries and rosehip, to the best means for renewing blood among wild plants.

Little red berries are also rich in minerals: potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc, chrome, copper, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, iron, cobalt, etc. But the most valuable in viburnum - glycoside viburnin: it gives berries a bitter taste and provides them with berries healing properties.

Calorie viburnum fresh - 26 kcal, dried - 200 kcal per 100 g.

Benefit and medicinal properties

About the beneficial properties of berries Kalina people knew with deep antiquity. The healing power of the plant is enclosed in its crust, berries and flowers. Kalina fruits are one of the best natural antibiotics. The brazers cooked from them are useful for angina, cough, bronchitis, hypertension and heart disease. The abundance of tubyl and pectin substances makes Kalina useful for normalizing the operation of the digestive tract, and a variety of vitamins and minerals is a wonderful medicine from psychological and mental injuries. It is enough to eat on one dessert spoonful of fresh berries daily to prevent problems with digestion and protect against depression.

To strengthen the immunity, the berries of viburnum are peathed with honey - this castice will supply the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements. Kalina is shown in stress, depression, avitaminosis, ulcers, gastritis, atherosclerosis, edema and kidney disease. Compresses from the juice of fresh berries are used to treat acne rash, removal of freckles and pigment spots.

Kalina - how and when to collect?

Kalina is collected after the first frosts - then obvious bitterness disappears, the berries acquire a pleasant tanning taste, sweet, with a slight mustard. In addition, in such berries and the concentration of nutrients above. But if it is not possible to wait for frost, use the way. Collect Kalina as soon as the berries become a saturated red, and put a while in the freezer - the effect will be exactly the same. And then you can proceed or leave the berries frozen.

Kalina - how to store a useful berry?

You can store Kalina in a frozen form along with the clusters, or separating the berries from the twigs. Kalina must be washed under running water, to dry. So that the berries occupy less space, they are separated from the twigs, pour out to the tray, put in the freezer and freeze. Then refer to packages.

You can store Kalina and without freezing. In this case, the collected berries are not necessary. The bunches of viburnum bind into small bundles and hang in a cool place - on the balcony, in the attic. But the balcony should be glazed, otherwise the birds decide that they organized a feeder.

For longer storage, Kalina can be knocked out. For this, the berries are first bringe (they are not separated from the fruits), then peel in the oven at a temperature of 40-55 degrees. After drying, separated from the twigs and stored in a linen bags in a cool place.

Kalina - what can be prepared from it?

Recipe 1. Kalina, rubbed with sugar. Cooking is somewhat troublesome, but as a result you will get a delicious jelly, very, very useful. Kalina must be washed out, separate from the twigs, fold into the pan and suppress the pushing. Now put a colander on a high saucepan, overlap the viburnum in small portions and wipe with a wooden spoon. The pulp and juice will be fluffing into a saucepan, and the cake will remain. Do not throw it away! When all the berries wipe, add sugar to taste. Usually, 500 grams of sugar are enough on a liter of a puree from Valina, but this is a matter of taste. Give the sugar to dissolve, spread Kalina by banks, clean the refrigerator. Cake pour with water, add sugar and weld the compote.

Recipe 2. Jelly from viburnum. A kilogram of berry pour for five minutes with boiling water. Throw back on the colander to the glass water and shift to the enameled dishes. Pour heated water (30-40 degrees), wait until the berries become soft. After that, wipe the berries in the same way as in the previous recipe. Berry puree mix with sugar (1: 1 proportions) and boil on low heat for about an hour. Dispatch by banks, roll. In jelly less vitamins, but you can keep it for a very long time.

Recipe 3. Syrup from viburnum. On a kilogram of berries you need 500 grams of sugar and liter of water. Berries wipe through the sieve, pour boiling water liters and strain. Connect the liquid with a berry puree, heat, add sugar and boil on low fire for five minutes. Pour bottles and add to tea to taste.

Special attention is paid to the first recipe where the berries are not exposed to heat treatment. You spend no more time than other recipes, but with this method of cooking Kalina retains all its useful and therapeutic properties.

Contraindications and harm vanity

Most types of viburnum have poisonous fruits. But even edible berries can harm their health if there are their grievances without a sense of measure.

Kalina is contraindicated with pregnant women, hypotoniki, people suffering from increased acidity of gastric juice, sick gaunt, arthritis, thrombophlebitis, having stones in the bladder and ducts. It is also impossible to use this natural medicine in serious diseases of the kidneys and a tendency to increased blood coagulation.

Valina Ordinary - Unusual berry. In the spring, we admire it with white, enjoy an extraordinary aroma, and in the dull autumn days, bright red borders raise us the mood. We believe that Kalina personifies beauty, love and welcome. We are preparing a healing drug from it, because in addition to aesthetic pleasure, the plant bears great health benefit.

- Natural leakage, folk healer, and for many families - also overlap. Let this miracle bush decorate and your garden will give joy and health to loved people, will bring peace and wealth to your home!

Billets from viburnum - Vitamin charge for the winter. In the article, the recipes of juice, compote, jam, jam and jam from useful berries.

The berry viburnum, which nature gives us in the fall, very specific taste, suicide with mustard. Taking truth, few adults love them.

And to force the child to eat viburnum - generally a huge achievement. But Kalina has a huge benefit, only vitamin C is more in it than in lemons. There is a way out - make a jam or other sweet blank for the winter.

Kalina Red: Useful properties. Preparation for the winter

About how not only viburnum berries, but also other parts of the plant, can be found in the article:

Obviously, the season of municipal berries can not be called short, and you can have time to eat fresh berries or treat one of the folk remedies based on them. But how to be in winter and in the spring, when the body is in dire need of vitamins?

Kalinic berries can be prepared in various ways:

  • to freeze
  • shove
  • frame with sugar
  • make jam, jam, jumped
  • make jelly
  • prepare syrup or sauce

Important: When choosing a method of workpiece, you need to understand how it will be used, medicines or delicacies. In the first case it is important to maintain the maximum of their useful properties in the berries. In the second, even if even some vitamin collapses in the process of heat treatment, it will not be very scary.

How to freeze Kalina for the winter?

Frozen Kalina in winter can be used in the same way as fresh:

  • for food
  • as a filling for baking
  • for cooking juice, morse, tea, decoction, infusion

This type of workpiece has many advantages:

  • maximum benefits of berries persist
  • sugar and any other preservatives are not used
  • conveniently freeze viburnum in portion bags
  • freezing eliminates berries from bitterness
  • the method of workpiece is very fast and requires a minimum effort from the hostess

  1. Everything about everything is necessary about 2 hours, with direct participation of not more than 30 minutes.
  2. Prepared colander, trays or dishes, kitchen paper or textile towels, packages or freezing containers.
  3. Kalina was carefully wash, remove the twigs.
  4. Berries lay on towels so that they can dry.
  5. After 10-15 minutes shift them on trays or dishes and sent to the freezer for 1 hour. Then later, in the packages, they will not stick.
  6. Scroll of frozen berries in containers or packages for freezing.

IMPORTANT: Some hostesses do not wash Kalina before freezing, but do it later, before its direct eating.

How to dry Kalina at home?

Dried viburnum is not as wide as frozen. It can be eaten as a dried fruit, cook from the berries compote, make info, add to baking. The drying process is also simple enough, he has two options:

  • dry the berries in the oven
  • use a special dryer for fruits and berries

  1. From the washed berries remove branches and frozen.
  2. In one layer lay them on the baking sheet or the grille of the electric car.
  3. The temperature of the brass cabinet must be 50-60 degrees, while it will begin to dry and wrinkle.
  4. If the dryer is used, it should be simply turned on.

Important: Kalina berries, usually dried 6-8 hours.

You can also drown them outdoors. Choose a secluded place where the straight rays of the sun are not beaten, they say clean white paper in it, the washed berries of vibrations without branches and fruits are poured onto it, cover them with gauze. So they will dry 7-14 days, while some of the berries can be spoiled.

Vote blank for winter, rubbed with sugar: recipe. Kalina - jam without cooking: recipe. Jelly from viburnum for winter in the cold way: recipe

  1. For the preparation of "vitamins" you need to take only kalin berries (2 parts) and sugar (1 part).
  2. The berries are separated from the twigs, they move (for the workpiece only ripe not crushed), wash under the jet of cold water, dried on kitchen towels.
  3. Prepare berry puree. The way can be any convenient: to the thrill in a tonfucker, wipe the spoon through a fine sieve, skip through a meat grinder or use a blender.
  4. Bones are not separated.
  5. Mix a mysterious puree with sugar.
  6. Unlock "Vitamins" into sterile banks and send them to be stored in a refrigerator or cellar.

Important: To make jelly from viburnum, which does not need to cook, berries and sugar need to be taken equal to quantity. Moreover, we take into account the volume of the berries themselves, but the puree obtained from them.

VIDEO: Kalina with sugar (cold blank for winter)

Valentine jam for winter: benefit and harm

In the form of jam, even after thermal processing, viburnum berries retain the mass of the useful substances in the composition:

  • slow sugar
  • amino acids
  • ascorbic acid and other vitamins
  • tannins
  • essential oils
  • potassium, Zinc, Iron and Other Minerals

Uses in winter, can extract significant benefits for health and well-being:

  • enhance immunity, reduce the incidence of colds, viral infections
  • clean the liver and improve her work
  • improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • improve skin condition
  • commemorate depression
  • solve problems with sleep
  • prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys (if the jam is prepared with bones)
  • get rid of heartburn

It is important: so that the benefits of Kalin jam are even more, as a preservative advise not sugar, and honey.

Valina jam five-minute: recipe

Jam "Five minutes" from viburnum is a quick way to prepare berries, but, of course, it takes time more than 5 minutes.

Required products:

  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 1 kg of viburnum berries
  • 350 ml of water

  1. Berries should be sorted out, washed and dried.
  2. The water is adjusted to a boil, sugar sugar and cooking 5 minutes.
  3. Kalinic berries are suited in syrup, they cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. Give the workpiece to cool, it takes about 5 hours.
  5. Re-bring the blank to boil and boil 5 minutes.
  6. Lay out five-minute permanent jams in sterile jars and closed them.

Important: You can add 10 g of vanilla sugar in this recipe to sugar.

VIDEO: Jam from Kalina

Pooked out of viburnum for the winter: recipe

Dense homogeneous jumped, beautiful vitamin dessert, prepare from:

  • 1 parts of viburnum berries (for example, 1 kg)
  • 0.8 pieces of sugar (800 g)

  1. Berries for junior need to take the best, bulk, not reversed.
  2. They are folded into enameled dishes and poured with water so that Kalina was covered, but there was no extra.
  3. When water boils, you need to drop fire and tomorrow the berries is about a quarter of an hour.
  4. They will get soft enough to hand over them through a sieve.
  5. Water is not poured. Return to it cake from berries and insist hours. After filtered through gauze. Syrup will boil on this water.
  6. Sugar is added to the rigged berry decoction, 3 minutes are boiled.
  7. Surride in the syrup of a berry puree, boil until it becomes the desired thick durable consistency.
  8. Hot jumpers unfolded in advance sterilized, closed, stored in the dark and coolness, but do not allow freezing.

Jam from viburnum without bones: recipe

Make a jam from kalin berries without stones is very simple.

  1. On 1 kg of berries take 0.75 kg of sugar.
  2. Berries are removed from the twigs, they remove the fruits from them, wash carefully.
  3. The dried berries are folded to the tray or in the tray and ship for 30 minutes in the freezer, then they will not be pattering.
  4. Wash berries under a warm jet of water, lay out into enameled dishes.
  5. Pop carriage with sugar and starts the process of fat: in the syrup from sugar and its own juice, the berries must boil for 20 minutes.
  6. They are laid out in a metal colander with a mesh and wipe with a spoon. Bones and peel remain on the grid.
  7. The rubbed Kaliny Jam is already boiled free of 5 minutes, after which it can be preserved.

VIDEO: Berry Kalina for the winter. How to cook Jem

Compote from Valina: recipe for the winter

To close 1 liter jar of compote for the winter, take:

  • 500 g berries viburnum
  • 500 g of sugar
  • 500 ml of water

  1. Washing, selected and snow dried berries viburnum laid out on the bottom of the banks.
  2. Syrup from water and sugar are boiled: sugar is poured into the water, they slowly bring to a boil, after the boils are stirred so that sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Pull hot syrup into a jar with viburnum.
  4. At the bottom of the big pan, they prose the towel, top there are a jar with a kalin compote. Water is poured so that it is not covered by about a quarter of jars.
  5. Conduct water to a temperature of 90 degrees and maintain at this level 10 minutes.
  6. Run the can with a chamber compoter with a sterile lid.

VIDEO: Compote from viburnum for the winter

Compote for winter from viburnum with apples: recipe

Apples and Kalina in compote is a very tasty and useful combination. On 1 l take:

  • 300 g of viburnum berries
  • 300 g shredded apples
  • 250 g of sugar

  1. Sugar syrup is boiled for 5 minutes.
  2. Enclosed in sterile liter banks apples cut by slices or cubes, and selective washed berries of viburnum.
  3. Syrup poured into banks.
  4. Pasteurize compote for a quarter to an hour.
  5. Round banks with sterile covers.

Valina sauce for winter: recipe

The sour-sweet sauce from viburnum serves meat and poultry dishes. For the billet for the winter you need:

  • 250 g puree from berry viburnum
  • 5 stars carnations
  • 2 garlic teeth
  • 0.5 h Coriander Seed Spoons
  • 3 Pot Pepper
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 100 g of vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon bite

  1. Washed, separated from branches of viburnum berries blanched for 2-3 minutes. Make my puree.
  2. In the mortar, peat carnations, pepper peas and coriander.
  3. Mix the berry puree with seasonings, vegetable oil, sugar and passed through the press garlic. They put a lot of fire, she boils and boils, spruce burly, 10 minutes.
  4. Add vinegar to sauce.
  5. Split it on jars. For sauce it is better to sterilize mayonnaise jars or baby jars.
  6. Close banks and, after they are cooled, send stored in a storage room or refrigerator.

VIDEO: Skilled sauce from viburnum

Valina Vidnaya for the winter: recipes

In order to prepare the uroin canine, take:

  • 1 kg of berries without twigs and fruits
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1 h. Spoon salt
  • 1 l of water

  1. Syrup is boiled out of water, sugar and salt.
  2. Kalina is laid out on jars when syrup will cool down slightly, poured them.
  3. Golley can be closed with marley cans, leave the workpiece at room temperature for 21 days, after you can already close it with covers and move it into the refrigerator.

Juice from viburnum for winter without boiling through the juicer

Kalina's juice through the juicer is made without sugar, it turns out to be concentrated. Use it in winter for sauces, add to tea, diluted with water and drink with honey, so on.

  • berries are passed through the juicer
  • juice is poured into sterile banks and pasteurize 20 minutes
  • roll up banks
  • if the juice is stored for less than a month in the refrigerator, in pasteurization it does not need

Syrup from viburnum for the winter: recipes

For a kalin syrup you need a lot of sugar - 2 kg per 1 kg of berries. They can be seasoned ice cream, fruit salads, strudel, pancakes, other desserts.

  1. From the blanched berries blender make mashed potatoes.
  2. Put the mashed potatoes from riban berries in enameled dishes, fall asleep with sugar and slowly bring to a boil.
  3. 5 minutes after boiling, the syrup is bottled on the washed rods, they give cool and hide in the refrigerator.

Video: Kalin juice

Not many are aware of the benefits of red viburnum berries, which contain many necessary trace elements and vitamins to maintain health. Fruits act strengtheningly, improve the work of the heart, soothe at neurosis. There are many recipes for cooking viburnum for the winter: jams, tinctures, jams, compotes, syrups, jelly. The decoction of fruits helps with hypertension, the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, cold, hemorrhoid, bronchial asthma, restores the metabolism.

Tincture Valina for the winter

This tincture is cold jam. When contacting the berries with sugar, syrup is obtained. With this method, almost all useful substances are preserved.


  • kalina red on branches - 1200 g;
  • sugar Sand - 1000


  1. Prepare banks, sterilize in advance.
  2. Layers lay out berries.
  3. Each layer is suspended with sugar.
  4. The last layer of berries should not reach 2 centimeters to the edge of the container.
  5. The remaining space is covered with sugar.
  6. Scream with boiling water covers, spin.
  7. Put in the cold.
  8. Two weeks later, the tincture will be ready. Use without heating. You can mix with cold water or is a spoon. In this case, vitamins are preserved.

Recipe cooking jam

Valina jam is a light billet, but taste quality and the beneficial properties of jam remain at a high level. Correct Kalina immediately after the first frost, thanks to this it becomes sweet.


  • melissa - 25 g;
  • kalina - 420 g;
  • sugar - 840 g;
  • mint - 25 g;
  • ginger - half a part of the spoon;
  • timyan - 25 g.


  1. For cooking, you need to choose only whole berries. Damaged fruits use for a compote or freeze.
  2. Berries flip blender. To fall asleep with sugar.
  3. Grind fresh greens.
  4. Sprinkle with ginger, mix.
  5. Cook the mass for a minute, put on the gauze, squeeze.
  6. Stir the greens with berries.
  7. It turned out raw jam, which must be placed in jars and cover with covers. Keep refrigerated.

Blank viburnum in Sahara without cooking

If you collect berries before frosts, they will be bitter. Therefore, it is necessary to wait for the first frost, then the blank of viburnum will turn out to be delicious.


  • kalina - 750 g;
  • sugar - 750


  1. When berries are weighed, it is necessary to take into account the net weight of viburnum, without branches and garbage. Leave only strong, beautiful berries.
  2. Rinse. Place in a colander for draining liquid.
  3. Shuffle in dishes, grind. Pour sugar rate, connect the components.
  4. Set up for an hour to prevent.
  5. Sterilize the container.
  6. Share a berry mass.
  7. Cover covers.

With honey

Kalina with honey is a very useful delicacy. If you want to get a daily rate of vitamin C, it is enough to use 35 g of this sweet mass every day.


  • honey - 300 g;
  • berries Kalina - 600 g.


  1. Remove berries with twigs, damaged fruits. Rinse, dry, use paper towel or napkins to speed up the process.
  2. Mature berries in any convenient way, wipe the mass through a sieve, flat bones remove.
  3. Measure the amount of the resulting mass, pour the same honey. Stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  4. Share the prepared composition in advance pasteurized banks.
  5. Store in a cold place.