Japanese female names and their meaning. Secrets and mysteries of Japanese female names

Japanese female names and their meaning.  Secrets and mysteries of Japanese female names
Japanese female names and their meaning. Secrets and mysteries of Japanese female names

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Japanese names

Japanese female names and their meaning

Modern Japanese names can be compared with names in many other cultures of the world. All Japanese have last name and first name(no patronymic), with the exception of the Japanese imperial family, whose members do not have a surname. Surname (generic name) and given name (personal name) is a common practice in East and Southeast Asia, including Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, and some other cultures.

Names in Japan often create independently from existing signs, so the country has great amount unique names. Surnames are more traditional. Names in Japanese much more than family names.

Male and female names differ due to their characteristic components and structure.

Before the Meiji Restoration surnames were only among aristocrats and samurai. The rest of the population of Japan used only personal names and nicknames. Women of aristocratic and samurai families also usually did not have surnames, since they did not have the right to inherit.

Personal names of aristocrats and high-ranking samurai formed from two kanji (hieroglyphs) of noble meaning.

Personal names of samurai servants and peasants often given according to the principle of numbering. The first son is Ichiro, the second is Jiro, the third is Saburo, the fourth is Shiro, the fifth is Goro, and so on.

At the end of the names of girls from noble families the suffix "-hime" (princess) was added. It was used in relation to all noble girls.

For the names of the wives of the samurai the suffix "-gozen" was used. Often they were called simply by their husband's surname and rank.

personal names married women practically used only by their close relatives.

For the names of monks and nuns from the noble estates, the suffix "-in" was used.

Most Japanese female names end in "-ko" ("child") or "-mi" ("beauty"). Girls are usually given names associated with everything beautiful, pleasant and feminine. Some modern girls do not like the ending "-ko" in their names and prefer to omit it. For example, a girl named "Yuriko" might refer to herself as "Yuri".

After death, the Japanese gets a new one, posthumous name(kaimyo), which is written on a special wooden tablet (ihai). This tablet is considered the embodiment of the spirit of the deceased and is used in funeral rites. Kaimyo and ihai are bought from Buddhist monks, sometimes even before the person dies.

During the Meiji Restoration, all Japanese were given surnames.

The most common Japanese surnames are:

Watanabe, Ito, Kato, Kobayashi, Kudo, Kuroki, Murakami, Nakamura, Saito, Sato, Sasaki, Suzuki, Takahashi, Tanaka, Oonishi, Higa, Yamaguchi, Yamamoto.

Japanese female names

Azumi- safe place to live

Azami- thistle flower

Ai- Love

Aki- autumn, bright

Akiko- autumn child or smart child

Akira- bright, clear, dawn

Amea- evening rain

Arisa- majestic

Asemi- morning beauty

And I– colorful, woven silk

Izumi- fountain

Yoko– ocean child, confident child

Yoshi- fragrant branch, good bay

Kam- turtle (symbol of long life)

Kay- respectful

Kiku– chrysanthemum

Kimi is an abbreviation for names beginning with "Kimi"

Kimiko- beautiful child, dear child, reigning child

kin– golden

kyoko- child of the capital

Koheku– amber

Kumiko- beautiful, long-lived

Miwa– beautiful harmony, three rings

Midori– green

Mizuki- beautiful moon

Miya- quiet

Mika- beautiful scent

Mikibeautiful tree, three trees

Miko- beautiful child, blessing

Minori- beautiful harbor

mineco- beautiful child

Miho- beautiful bay

Michi- trail

Michiko- the child is on the right track

Mommo- peach

Momo- a hundred blessings, a hundred rivers

Momoko– baby peach

Moriko- forest child

May– dance

Meiko- child's dance

Maine- true

Marikotrue reason

Mesa– shorthand for names beginning with "Maes"

Naoki- tree

Naomi- beauty

Nobuko- devoted child

Nori is an abbreviation for names beginning with "Nori"

Noriko- child of principles

Neo– honest

Neoko- an honest child

Ohara- thoughtful

Ran- water lily

Ray- polite

Ren- water lily

rica– rated fragrance

Rico– jasmine

rioko- good child

Ruri- emerald

Sake– cape

sora- sky

Suzu- call

Sacker– cherry blossom

Tomiko (Temiko)- rich

Tomoko- friendly, wise child

Toshi– emergency

Toshiko- priceless child

Thacker- treasure

fuji– wisteria

Fumiko- a child who kept beauty

Hideko- gorgeous baby

hikeru- light, bright

Hiro- widespread

Hiroko- generous child

Hiromi- beauty

Hoshi- star

Hena- favorite, or flower

Chica– wisdom

Cho- butterfly

Shizuka- quiet

Shika- gentle deer

Eika- love song

Eiko- beloved child, child of love

Aimee- the beauty of love

Amy- smile

Emiko- smiling child

Erie- lucky prize

Yuka– fragrant, friendly sunrise

Yuki- snow

Yukiko- snow baby

Yuko- helpful child

Yumi bow, useful beauty

Yumiko- a beautiful, useful child

Yuri– lily

Yuriko- little lily, dear child

Yasu- calm

Yasuko- an honest child, a peaceful child

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Japanese names. Japanese female names and their meaning

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Nowadays, cartoons from Japan - anime - are very popular. The names and surnames of the characters in these cartoons attract many fans of the specific atmosphere of Japanese animation and the culture of the country. rising sun. What do all these beautiful Japanese surnames and names of heroes mean? This question is asked by many people who have looked at the masterpieces of Hayao Miyazaki at least once in their lives.

Japanese names consist of the family name and own name. They are usually written using hieroglyphs, although since 1985 other characters have been allowed to write names. Most Japanese names mean rural landscapes, for example, Yamamoto - mountain + base, Matsumoto - pine + base.

Ancient surnames can mean belonging to a place at the court of the emperor or speak of merit to the country and the ruling dynasty. More recently, until 1867, ordinary Japanese did not have surnames. They could add their place of birth or the name of their trading company to their name.

After 1867, the government, trying to bring the customs of the West to Japan, ordered everyone to invent family names. This circumstance gave rise to many troubles associated with the incorrect spelling of a particular name.

Features of surnames in Japan

According to rough estimates, there are more than 100,000 different surnames in the Land of the Rising Sun. The most common are: Sato (two hieroglyphs meaning the words helper and wisteria), Suzuki (bell ringing + tree) and Takahashi (high bridge).

Cultural differences between Yamato and Okinawa have led to specific surnames common only in Okinawa. These include such rare surnames as:

Writing and reading Japanese surnames not as difficult as naming. Japanese surnames and their meaning are often lost next to given names, which are often difficult to spell and pronounce due to their diversity. This does not apply to classical names, but after 1990, characters began to appear in the names of young Japanese that cannot always be read unambiguously.

Nominal suffixes

In the tradition of Japan, there are nominal suffixes -chan and -kun. With their help, diminutive names are formed. The full name or an abbreviated one can be taken as a basis, depending on the proximity of the relationship between the bearer of the name and the speaking person.

In any conversation, one or another nominal suffix is ​​added to the name. Without it, treatment is considered rude. The Japanese often use the following suffixes:

Surname types

It is known that in Japan there is still one family that does not have a last name. This is the imperial family. With the name of the emperor, too, not everything is simple. The emperor is not usually called by name. In childhood, he has one name, after accession to the throne - another, and after death - a third.

All Japanese surnames are divided into Kun, On and mixed. Kunny - surnames consisting of wago, that is, traditionally Japanese words. Onny - consisting of kango - words borrowed from the Chinese dictionary.

The most common type of surname is kunny, about 80% of them.

Women's names in Japan

As in many cultures, in Japan, names are most often given in the hope that the child will have the qualities that the name indicates. Therefore, female names often contain hieroglyphs meaning beauty, love, intelligence, calmness, tenderness, truth, and other features necessary for any girl.

There are names with hieroglyphs meaning animals and plants. If the animals in the name are considered old-fashioned, except for the hieroglyph crane, then the plant theme is very relevant now. In popular female names, you can find the hieroglyphs rice, flower, chrysanthemum, bamboo, willow and peach.

In ancient families, there is a tradition to name a girl in the order of birth, so noble Japanese women can have numerals in their names. But there is also a tradition to include a hieroglyph in the spelling of the name, indicating the season or weather conditions during which the girl was born.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to call girls foreign, more often European names , for example, Anna or Mary. Such names are accompanied by beautiful Japanese surnames of girls, for example, Sato or Ito, Watari or Cho.

Until 1868, the hieroglyph -ko (child) in the name of a girl could only be found in the imperial family. But after the Meiji Restoration, this prefix was very popular, until 2006, when simple names came into fashion.

An indicator of belonging to the female sex is also -mi (beauty). It can occur in any part of the name.

The Japanese education and publishing company Benesse Corp. conducts a study every year to find out which names were popular among newborns. Popular among female names are Yui (bind + clothes), Aoi (geranium) and Yua (connect + love).

Male names in Japan

Some male names after 1990 received a new reading to the old spelling, for example: 大翔 - used to be read as Hiroto. Now this name is also read as Haruto, Yamato and even Daito.

Often male names include:

Popular male names now are: Hiroto (large + flying), Ren (lotus), and Yuma (calm + honest).

Due to the difficulties of spelling and reading, Japanese surnames in English do not always accurately convey their meaning. After all, many names are written in paired hieroglyphs, and any Asian language has little in common with English, Russian or any other European language. Sometimes it is almost impossible for Europeans to understand the meaning attached to the names of the Chinese or Japanese. After all, in Russia a couple of letters is a set of 2-4 sounds, and in Japan - a whole sentence.

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Japanese surnames

Japanese surnames

On the other hand, if the name is common, Juan, Pedro, Alejandro, Susana or in English Jennifer, Susan, Mike, we will have to work more on the identity, but the advantage is that the names will be more common and many readers will be able to feel identified with a character.

We can also use aliases or names of things. When he needed a name, he would watch TV and the first thing that came out would be the name. In Naruto we also find such names, Naruto is a type of ramen with a spiral in the center, Neji is a screw in the shape of his attacks, and Orochimaru is a monstrous snake. A couple of links so you can see the meanings of these series names.

Japanese full name, as a rule, consists of a generic name (surname), followed by a personal name. Traditionally, in Japan, the surname comes first, and then the given name. This is a common practice in East and Southeast Asia, including Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai and some other cultures.

Modern Japanese often write their names in European order(personal name, and then family name), if written in Latin or Cyrillic.

At first, this way of choosing names may seem strange to us, but the reality is that we do it too. In Japan, a person's family name or family name precedes the given name. Most Japanese surnames are made up of two separate Chinese characters called kanji. Many of these symbols refer to elements found in nature, such as geographic elements. Japanese surnames usually refer to clans or families that lived in ancient times near certain geographical features.

The Japanese surname Akiyama means "autumn mountain". The Japanese surname Fujimoto means "the base of Mount Fuji". This surname is commonly found in eastern Japan. People with this surname are usually descendants of the Fujiwara clan. The Japanese surname Fujioka means "a person who lives near Mount Fuji". It also mentions the city of Gunma, in Japan.

All Japanese people have a single last name and a single given name. no patronymic, except for the Japanese imperial family, whose members do not have a surname.

The first law on Japanese names and surnames appeared at the beginning of the Meiji era - in 1870. Under this law, every Japanese was required to choose a surname for himself. Most of the surnames created at that time come from the names of the place of residence. And many Japanese surnames mean different rural landscapes.

The Japanese name Oshiro means "great castle", the great castles that formed the previous kingdom of Okinawa. In the United States, the family name makes up 791 of the 799 common family names. The Japanese name Hashimoto means "base of the bridge". Hashimoto's also refers to an autoimmune system disorder in which T cells attack thyroid cells. This disease is named after the Japanese doctor who discovered it, Hakaru Hashimoto.

The Japanese surname Takahashi means "little bridge". It also belongs to the ancient family of Kyushu. It is one of the 10 most common surnames in Japan. There are many names 4 letters, more than 10% of the total, although not the category that you have, there are many more than 5 or 6 letters. Having so many of all layers: Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Germanic, Slavic, Kurdish, Arabic, etc. etc.

Japanese surnames (list)





















Japanese language family Japanese-Ryukyuan languages, of uncertain origin. Its alphabet is completely different from ours, so Japanese names are romanized here so they can read and write with our alphabet. Names for Japanese children are not very long, and the meaning of Japanese names refers to the important objects in them, like the sun, flowers and plants, typical islands, moral values and physical meaning.

Number of letters - All up to 3 letters with 4 letters with letters 5 6 7 letters with letters with letters 8 9 10 letters with letters 11 letters 12 letters. Great to be brave, friend of her friends. It is also the name of the month in Russian. The name of the girl, which means beautiful letter.






















The name of a woman, of Japanese origin, which means "fast" arrow. Hak of this boy's name is of Japanese origin and means "pure". This means that the time of spring, the sun. True for both sexes. "I myself." "Three arrows" temple. At the beginning of the Meiji era, their use was expanded. the entire population. The fact that in Japan the surname is mentioned before the given name. and the discrepancy between Japanese names and those used between us. sometimes it makes it difficult for a westerner to distinguish what is a given name and what is a surname, unless his studies or long. permanence in Japan to be confirmed.






















An additional complication is pseudonyms, as well as the names of Buddhists, which are used to designate some of the outstanding masters of others. once. It is also surprising that some characters in Japanese history, literature, and art are known by their first names rather than their last names.

The approximate percentage of families with one of these surnames is: Kim. as in the case of Mongolia. we rewrite them. Abe. and after the various transformations ended up being extinguished, or rather diluted, at the beginning of the tenth century by new usages and norms in names or denominations. Bulletin of the Spanish Association of Orientalists. Uji was the title or surname of the upper classes. This wealth of surnames contrasts sharply with the case of Korea. Hayashi. banking and insurance companies. about fifteen years ago they started discussing whether it would be convenient to have surnames.






















Uji was granted by the Emperor in essence. in which almost 50% of the population was nicknamed in one of three ways: Kim. they were not missed. Something similar happened recently in Cambodia. it seems like the last name doesn't exist properly. the names that were added to uji stayed for a couple of centuries. Watanabe. and telephone directories. Kobayashi. we can say that the most common surnames among these twenty-five: Sato. and kakibe or being subordinate workers at the behest of the clan. During the Edo period. 3rd drop.

Swedish or Danish. following this order. many people adopted the surname for the first time. Sakamoto. Anglo-Norman Fitz. As for the meaning of surnames. village. This will more or less mean our name Barquero. Fine. many attempts at genealogical explanation remain up in the air. high. The vast majority of current surnames refer to elements of nature or landscape. very clearly refers to those who. bridge.






The most common Japanese surnames

Suzuki (Wooden bell)

Watanabe (Walk in the neighborhood)

Tanaka (Midfield)

Yamamoto (Foot of the Mountain)

Takahashi (High Bridge)

Kobayashi (Little Forest)

These mixtures have often come up over the centuries. Kawamoto. a cloak or tongue of land that goes out to sea. There is also the surname Oribe. lake. naturally. Montalto. in Spanish and other languages ​​nearby. Kobayashi. bamboo. Dubois. we will finish this work by providing some very common examples of surnames currently in use. Because the subject is incomprehensible. pear or pear. Sato, Suzuki, Takahashi, Tanaka, Watanabe, Ito, Yamamoto, Nakamura, Kobayashi, Saito. Are these names familiar?

You should probably know someone who carries one of these. This is because they are incredible. Japan is one of the countries with the largest number of surnames in the world. In total, there are about 100,000 registered family names in the country. So, on the other side of this huge list, what will be the most unusual and unique names?

Murakami (Head of the Village)

Nakamura (Village center)

Kuroki (Ebony)

Oonisi (Greater West)

Hashimoto (bridge)

Miura (three bays)

Takano (plain)

Our new book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Let's take a look at the rankings and the somewhat curious values ​​of some of them. People with last name: 300 Meaning: 50 villages. According to a study by Myoji Yuraj Chita, this country has approximately 300 people. When written with different characters, "ikari" can also mean "anger" or an anchor.

To clarify this name, initially do not return to the word "salt". However, it is written and pronounced exactly like "shio", the Japanese word for table salt. People with this last name: 920. People with this last name: 850 Meaning: 99. People with this last name: 700 Meaning: first waterfall, first shallow water.

Japanese surnames

GACKT and some Yaoi...

People with last name: 440 Meaning: Japanese ginger. Myoga is the first in a series of farming surnames on the list. This highlights how much of Japan's population was associated with agriculture before the end of the feudal era. People with surname: 270 Meaning: red grandfather.

Reference to people is quite rare, let alone a specific color. People with last name: 240 Meaning: root. People with this surname: 230 Meaning: the plain of harmony. People with this last name. Tree references are common in Japanese surnames. For example, Matsuda means "field of pines" and Sugimoto means "source of cedar". However, flowers appear less frequently, especially when the letter exactly matches the name of the flower.

Japanese names and their meanings

Japanese given names (人名 jinmei?) these days usually consist of a family name (surname) followed by a personal name. This is a very common practice in East and Southeast Asia, including Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai and some other cultures.

Names are usually written in kanji, which are different occasions can have many different pronunciations.
Modern Japanese names can be compared to names in many other cultures. All Japanese have a single surname and a single given name without a middle name, with the exception of the Japanese Imperial Family, whose members do not have a surname.
In Japan, the surname comes first, and then the given name. At the same time, in Western languages ​​(often in Russian), Japanese names are written in the reverse order of first name - last name - according to European tradition.
Names in Japan are often created independently from existing characters, so the country has a huge number of unique names. Surnames are more traditional and most often go back to toponyms. There are more names in Japanese than surnames. Male and female names differ due to their characteristic components and structure. Reading Japanese proper names is one of the most difficult elements of the Japanese language.

People with last name: 130 Meaning: planting rice. People with a surname: 120 Meaning: honorary lake Bodisatva. People with last name: 120 Meaning: teacher. People with this surname: 110 Meaning: water wheel, mill. People with last name: 90 Meaning: Kyoto, the former capital of Japan.

People with this last name: 90 Meaning: one hundred hundred. People with last name: 80 Meaning: harmonious bedroom. People with last name: 60 Meaning: hours. People with this last name: 50 Meaning: Agricultural products. People with last name: 40 Meaning: Blacksmith's mansion. People with last name: 30 Meaning: May.

Ancient traditions, Japanese surnames contain important information about families, their way of life or their main characteristics. To give you an idea of ​​how vast the world of surnames is, it is estimated that over 100,000 of them are used in Japan today. To understand why their meanings and the reasons why each family chose each denomination, it is necessary to understand the entire historical context surname formation. According to Maria Fusako Tomimatsu, director of the Center for Japanese Studies at Londrin University, the study of surnames is still emerging in Brazil. “This is a vast area of ​​research, but one that has not yet been developed in the country,” he muses.

From the tables below, you can see how preferences have changed when choosing names over the past almost 100 years:

Japanese names

Ai - F - Love
Aiko - F - Beloved child
Akako - F - Red
Akane - F - Sparkling Red
Akemi - F - Dazzlingly beautiful
Akeno - M - Clear morning
Aki - F - Born in autumn
Akiko - F - Autumn child
Akina - F - Spring Flower
Akio - M - Handsome
Akira - M - Smart, quick-witted
Akiyama - M - Autumn, mountain
Amaya - F - Night rain
Ami - F - Friend
Amida - M - Name of the Buddha
Anda - F - Met in the field
Aneko - F - Older sister
Anzu - F - Apricot
Arata - M - Inexperienced
Arisu - F - Yap. form of the name Alice
Asuka - F - The scent of tomorrow
Ayame - F - Iris
Azarni - F - Thistle flower
Benjiro - M - Enjoying the world
Botan - M - Peony
Chika - F - Wisdom
Chikako - F - Child of Wisdom
Chinatsu - F - A thousand years
Chiyo - F - Eternity
Chizu - F - A thousand storks (longevity is implied)
Cho - F - Butterfly
Dai - M/F - Great
Daichi - M - Great first son
Daiki - M - Great tree
Daisuke - M - Great Help
Etsu - F - Delightful, charming
Etsuko - F - A delightful child
Fudo - M - God of fire and wisdom
Fujita - M/F - Field, meadow
Gin - F - Silver
Goro - M - Fifth son
Hana - F - Flower
Hanako - F - Flower Child
Haru - M - Born in Spring
Haruka - F - Far
Haruko - F - Spring
Hachiro - M - Eighth son
Hideaki - M - Brilliant, excellent
Hikaru - M/F - Light, shining
Hide - F - Fertile
Hiroko - F - Generous
Hiroshi - M - Generous
Hitomi - F - Doubly beautiful
Hoshi - F - Star
Hotaka - M - The name of a mountain in Japan
Hotaru - F - Firefly
Ichiro - M - First son
Ima - F - Gift
Isami - M - Courage
Ishi - F - Stone
Izanami - F - Attractive
Izumi - F - Fountain
Jiro - M - Second son
Joben - M - Loving purity
Jomei - M - Carrying light
Junko - F - Pure child
Juro - M - Tenth son
Kado - M - Gate
Kaede - F - Maple Leaf
Kagami - F - Mirror
Kameko - F - Child of the turtle (symbol of longevity)
Kanaya - M - Zealous
Kano - M - God of water
Kasumi - F - Fog
Katashi - M - Hardness
Katsu - M - Victory
Katsuo - M - Victorious Child
Katsuro - M - Victorious son
Kazuki - M - Joyful World
Kazuko - F - Cheerful child
Kazuo - M - Sweet son
Kei - F - Respectful
Keiko - F - Adorable
Keitaro - M - Blessed
Ken - M - Big Guy
Ken`ichi - M - Strong first son
Kenji - M - Strong second son
Kenshin - M - Heart of the sword
Kenta - M - Healthy and bold
Kichi - F - Lucky
Kichiro - M - Lucky Son
Kiku - F - Chrysanthemum
Kimiko - F - Child of noble blood
Kin - M - Golden
Kioko - F - Happy child
Kisho - M - Having a head on his shoulders
Kita - F - North
Kiyoko - F - Purity
Kiyoshi - M - Quiet
Kohaku - M/F - Amber
Kohana - F - Small flower
Koko - F - Stork
Koto - F - Jap. musical instrument "koto"
Kotone - F - Koto sound
Kumiko - F - Forever beautiful
Kuri - F - Chestnut
Kuro - M - Ninth son
Kyo - M - Consent (or red)
Kyoko - F - Mirror
Leiko - F - Arrogant
Machi - F - Ten thousand years
Machiko - F - Lucky child
Maeko - F - Honest child
Maemi - F - Sincere smile
Mai - F - Bright
Makoto - M - sincere
Mamiko - F - Baby Mami
Mamoru - M - Earth
Manami - F - The beauty of love
Mariko - F - Child of Truth
Marise - M/F - Endless
Masa - M/F - Straight (human)
Masakazu - M - First son of Masa
Mashiro - M - Wide
Matsu - F - Pine
Mayako - F - Child Maya
Mayoko - F - Baby Mayo
Mayuko - F - Baby Mayu
Michi - F - Fair
Michie - F - Gracefully dangling flower
Michiko - F - Beautiful and wise
Michio - M - Man with the strength of three thousand
Midori - F - Green
Mihoko - F - Baby Miho
Mika - F - New Moon
Miki - M/F - Stalk
Mikio - M - Three woven trees
Mina - F - South
Minako - F - Beautiful child
Mine - F - Brave Protector
Minoru - M - Seed
Misaki - F - Bloom of Beauty
Mitsuko - F - Child of Light
Miya - F - Three arrows
Miyako - F - Beautiful baby March
Mizuki - F - Beautiful moon
Momoko - F - Peach Child
Montaro - M - Big guy
Moriko - F - Child of the Forest
Morio - M - Forest Boy
Mura - F - Rustic
Mutsuko - F - Baby Mutsu

Until the end of the Edo-era, only nobles and samurai had the right to bear a surname. Until feudal times, the names of the Japanese clans were prominent figures in the history of the archipelago. The names of each member were marked by following scheme: clan name in name. No? between the designation of the clan and the name of the person means "from".

Although nobles and samurai already used surnames, common people only used surnames. If necessary, they included the designation of their places of birth in the first name. For example, a Taro born in Asano Village, Shimotsuke Province would be a Taro from Asano Village in Shimotsuke.

Japanese names and their meanings

Nahoko - F - Baby Naho
Nami - F - Wave
Namiko - F - Child of the Waves
Nana - F - Apple
Naoko - F - Obedient child
Naomi - F - "Beauty First"
Nara - F - Oak
Nariko - F - Sissy
Natsuko - F - Summer child
Natsumi - F - Beautiful summer
Nayoko - F - Baby Nayo
Nibori - M - Famous
Nikki - M/F - Two Trees
Nikko - M - Daylight
Nori - F - Law
Noriko - F - Child of the Law
Nozomi - F - Hope
Nyoko - F - Jewel
Oki - F - Mid Ocean
Orino - F - Peasant Meadow
Osamu - M - Firmness of the law
Rafu - M - Network
Rai - F - Truth
Raidon - M - God of Thunder
Ran - F - Water lily
Rei - F - Gratitude
Reiko - F - Gratitude
Ren - F - Water lily
Renjiro - M - Honest
Renzo - M - Third son
Riko - F - Jasmine Child
Rin - F - Unfriendly
Rinji - M - Peaceful forest
Rini - F - Little Bunny
Risako - F - Child Risa
Ritsuko - F - Child of Ritsu
Roka - M - White wave crest
Rokuro - M - Sixth son
Ronin - M - Samurai without a master
Rumiko - F - Baby Rumi
Ruri - F - Emerald
Ryo - M - Superb
Ryoichi - M - First son of Ryo
Ryoko - F - Baby Ryo
Ryota - M - Strong (fat)
Ryozo - M - Third son of Ryo
Ryuichi - M - First son of Ryu
Ryuu - M - Dragon
Saburo - M - Third son
Sachi - F - Happiness
Sachiko - F - Child of happiness
Sachio - M - Luckily Born
Saeko - F - Baby Sae
Saki - F - Cape (geographical)
Sakiko - F - Baby Saki
Sakuko - F - Baby Saku
Sakura - F - Cherry blossoms
Sanako - F - Baby Sana
Sango - F - Coral
Saniiro - M - Wonderful
Satu - F - Sugar
Sayuri - F - Little lily
Seiichi - M - First son of Sei
Sen - M - Spirit of the tree
Shichiro - M - Seventh son
Shika - F - Deer
Shima - M - Islander
Shina - F - Worthy
Shinichi - M - First son of Shin
Shiro - M - Fourth son
Shizuka - F - Quiet
Sho - M - Prosperity
Sora - F - Sky
Sorano - F - Heavenly
Suki - F - Favorite
Suma - F - Asking
Sumi - F - Purified (religious)
Susumi - M - Moving forward (successful)
Suzu - F - Bell (bell)
Suzume - F - Sparrow
Tadao - M - Helpful
Taka - F - Noble
Takako - F - Tall child
Takara - F - Treasure
Takashi - M - Famous
Takehiko - M - Bamboo Prince
Takeo - M - Like Bamboo
Takeshi - M - Bamboo tree or brave
Takumi - M - Artisan
Tama - M/F - Jewel
Tamiko - F - Child of abundance
Tani - F - From the valley (child)
Taro - M - Firstborn
Taura - F - Many lakes; many rivers
Teijo - M - Fair
Tomeo - M - Cautious person
Tomiko - F - Child of Wealth
Tora - F - Tigress
Torio - M - Bird's tail
Toru - M - Sea
Toshi - F - Mirror reflection
Toshiro - M - Talented
Toya - M/F - House door
Tsukiko - F - Child of the moon
Tsuyu - F - Morning dew
Udo - M - Ginseng
Ume - F - Plum Blossom
Umeko - F - Child of Plum Blossoms
Usagi - F - Rabbit
Uyeda - M - From the rice field (child)
Yachi - F - Eight thousand
Yasu - F - Calm
Yasuo - M - Mirny
Yayoi - F - March
Yogi - M - Yoga Practitioner
Yoko - F - Child of the sun
Yori - F - Trustworthy
Yoshi - F - Perfection
Yoshiko - F - Perfect child
Yoshiro - M - Perfect Son
Yuki - M - Snow
Yukiko - F - Snow Child
Yukio - M - Cherished by God
Yuko - F - Kind child
Yumako - F - Baby Yuma
Yumi - F - Like a bow (weapon)
Yumiko - F - Arrow Child
Yuri - F - Lily
Yuriko - F - Child of a lily
Yuu - M - Noble blood
Yuudai - M - Great Hero
Nagisa - "coast"
Kaworu - "to smell sweet"
Ritsuko - "science", "attitude"
Akagi - "mahogany"
Shinji - "death"
Misato - "beautiful city"
Katsuragi - "fortress with walls entwined with grass"
Asuka - lit. "love-love"
Soryu - "central current"
Ayanami - "strip of fabric", "wave pattern"
Rei - "zero", "example", "soul"
KENSHIN name means "Heart of the sword".

As a result, many families used elements of nature as surnames or established relationships with what they did or where they lived. How to find out the meaning of your last name. In many families, the meaning and origin of these words have been lost to generations. And in order to name with confidence the meaning of a surname, you need to know its composition in Japanese. If none of the oldest generations of your family can reproduce the surname in Japanese, should you resort to the koseki family? family registry in hometown Japan? in which you can see the original composition of the surname in Japanese, that is, in kanji, characters of Chinese origin are also used in Japanese writing.

Japanese names and their meanings

Akito - Sparkling Man
Kuramori Reika - "Treasure Protector" and "Cold Summer" Rurouni - Wandering Wanderer
Himura - "Burning Village"
Shishio Makoto - True Hero
Takani Megumi - "Love Sublime"
Shinomori Aoshi - "Green Bamboo Forest"
Makimachi Misao - "Ruling the City"
Saito Hajime - "The Beginning of Human Life"
Hiko Seijuro - "Justice Triumphed"
Seta Sojiro - "Comprehensive Forgiveness"
Mirai is the future
Hajime - boss
Mamoru is a protector
Jibo - earth
hikari - light
Atarashiki - transformations
Namida - tears
Sora - the sky
Ginga - the universe
Eve is alive
Izzy is a doctor
Usagi is a rabbit
Tsukino - Lunar
Ray is the soul
Hino - fire
Ami - rain
Mitsuno - water
Corey - ice, icy
makoto is true
Cinema - air, forest
Minako - Venus
Aino - loving
Setsuna - Guard
Mayo - castle, palace
Haruka - 1) distance, 2) heavenly
Teno - heavenly
Michiru - the way
Cayo - sea
Hotaru - light
Tomo is a friend.
Kaori - soft, affectionate
Yumi - "Perfumed Beauty"
Hakufu - Noble Sign

Japanese names names surnames and their meanings
How to name a child?

For future parents in Japan, they release special collections of names - like ours in general - so that they can choose the most suitable for their child. In general, the process of choosing (or inventing) a name comes down to one of the following ways:
1. A keyword can be used in the name - a seasonal phenomenon, a shade of color, a precious stone, etc.
2. The name may contain the wish of the parents to become strong, wise or courageous, for which the hieroglyphs of strength, wisdom and courage are used, respectively.
3. you can also go from choosing the hieroglyphs you like the most (in various spellings) and combining them with each other.
4. Recently, it has become popular to name a child, focusing on hearing, i.e. depending on how pleasant the desired name is to the ear. Having chosen the desired pronunciation, they determine the hieroglyphs with which this name will be written.
5. It has always been popular to name a child after celebrities - heroes of historical chronicles, politicians, pop stars, TV series heroes, etc.
6. Some parents rely on various fortune-telling, they believe that the number of features in the hieroglyphs of the first and last name should be combined with each other.
Most frequent endings Japanese names:

Male names: ~aki, ~fumi, ~go, ~haru, ~hei, ~hiko, ~hisa, ~hide, ~hiro, ~ji, ~kazu, ~ki, ~ma, ~masa, ~michi, ~mitsu , ~nari, ~nobu, ~nori, ~o, ~rou, ~shi, ~shige, ~suke, ~ta, ~taka, ~to, ~toshi, ~tomo, ~ya, ~zou

Female names: ~a, ~chi, ~e, ~ho, ~i, ~ka, ~ki, ~ko, ~mi, ~na, ~no, ~o, ~ri, ~sa, ~ya, ~yo
Nominal suffixes

In Japanese, there is a whole set of so-called nominal suffixes, that is, suffixes added to colloquial speech to names, surnames, nicknames and other words denoting an interlocutor or a third person. They are used to indicate the social relationship between the speaker and the one being spoken about. The choice of a suffix is ​​determined by the character of the speaker (normal, rude, very polite), his attitude towards the listener (usual politeness, respect, fawning, rudeness, arrogance), their position in society and the situation in which the conversation takes place (one on one, in the circle of loved ones friends, between colleagues, between strangers, in public). What follows is a list of some of these suffixes (in ascending order of "respectfulness") Japanese names and their meanings Japanese given name Japan surnames given names green yaponiya live and their usual meanings.

Tyan (chan) - A close analogue of the "diminutive" suffixes of the Russian language. Usually used in relation to the younger or lower in the social sense, with whom one develops a close relationship. In the use of this suffix, the element of "lisping" is felt. Usually used when referring to adults to children, boys to their beloved girls, girlfriends to each other, small children to each other. The use of this suffix in relation to people who are not very close, equal in position to the speaker, is impolite. For example, if a guy refers to a peer of the same age with whom he does not “twist an affair”, then he shows incorrectness. A girl who addresses a fellow peer with whom she doesn’t “twist an affair” is, in fact, rude.

Kun (kun) - An analogue of the appeal "comrade". Most often used between men or in relation to guys. Indicates, rather, some "official", however, close relations. Say, between classmates, partners or friends. It can also be used in relation to the younger or lower in the social sense, when this circumstance does not need to be emphasized.

Yang (yan) - Kansai analogue of "-chan" and "-kun".

Pyon (pyon) - Children's version of "-kun".

Tti (cchi) - Children's version of "-chan" (cf. "Tamagotti" Japanese names and their meanings Japanese name Japan surname names green yaponiya live.

Without suffix - Close relationship, but without "lisping". The usual address of adults to teenage children, friends to each other, etc. If a person does not use suffixes at all, then this is a clear indicator of rudeness. Addressing by surname without a suffix is ​​a sign of familiar, but "detached" relationships (a typical example is the relationship of schoolchildren or students).

San (san) - An analogue of the Russian "mister / madam". A general indication of respect. Often used to communicate with strangers, or when all other suffixes do not fit. Used in relation to elders, including older relatives (brothers, sisters, parents).

Han (han) - Kansai equivalent of "-san".

Xi (shi) - "Sir", is used exclusively in official documents after the surname.

Fujin (fujin) - "Lady", is used exclusively in official documents after the surname.

Kohai (kouhai) - Appeal to the younger. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are younger than the speaker.

Senpai (senpai) - Appeal to the elder. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are older than the speaker.

Dono (dono) - Rare suffix. Respectful address to an equal or superior, but slightly different in position. It is now considered obsolete and almost never occurs in communication. In ancient times, it was actively used when samurai addressed each other.

Sensei (sensei) - "Teacher". Used in relation to the actual teachers and professors, as well as to doctors and politicians.

Senshu (senshu) - "Athlete". Used in relation to famous athletes.

Zeki (zeki) - "Sumo wrestler". Used in relation to famous sumo wrestlers.

Ue (ue) - "Senior". A rare and obsolete respectful suffix used for older family members. Not used with names - only with designations of position in the family ("father", "mother", "brother" Japanese names and their meanings Japanese name Japan surnames names green yaponiya live.

Herself (sama) - highest degree respect. Appeal to gods and spirits, to spiritual authorities, a girl to her lover, servants to noble masters, etc. It roughly translates into Russian as "respected, dear, venerable."

Jin (jin) - "One of". "Saya-jin" - "one of the Sai".

Tachi (tachi) - "And friends." "Goku-tachi" - "Goku and his friends."

Gumi (gumi) - "Team, group, party." "Kenshin-gumi" - "Team Kenshin".

Japanese names and their meanings
Personal pronouns

In addition to nominal suffixes, Japan also uses many different ways to address each other and refer to oneself using personal pronouns. The choice of a pronoun is determined by the social laws already mentioned above. The following is a list of some of these pronouns.

Group with the meaning "I"
Watashi - A polite option. Recommended for use by foreigners. Usually used by men. Infrequently used in colloquial speech, as it carries a connotation of "high style".
Atashi (Atashi) - Polite option. Recommended for use by foreigners. Usually used by women. Or gay. ^_^ Not used when communicating with high-ranking personalities.
Watakushi - A very polite female version.
Washi - Obsolete polite variant. Does not depend on gender.
Wai (Wai) - Kansai analogue of "washi".
Boku (Boku) - Familiar youth male version. It is rarely used by women; in this case, “non-femininity” is emphasized. Used in poetry.
Ore (Ore) - Not a very polite option. Purely masculine. Kind of cool. ^_^
Ore-sama (Ore-sama) - "Great I". A rare form, an extreme degree of boasting.
Daikou or Naikou (Daikou/Naikou) - An analogue of "ore-sama", but somewhat less boastful.
Sessha - A very polite form. Usually used by samurai when addressing their masters.
Hisyo (Hishou) - "Insignificant." A very polite form, now practically not used.
Gusei (Gusei) - An analogue of "hisyo", but somewhat less pejorative.
Oira (Oira) - Polite form. Commonly used by monks.
Chin (Chin) - A special form that only the emperor has the right to use.
Ware (Ware) - Polite (formal) form, translated as [I / you / he] “himself”. It is used when it is necessary to especially express the importance of "I". For example, in spells (“I conjure” Japanese names and their meanings Japanese name Japan surnames names green yaponiya live. In modern Japanese, it is rarely used in the meaning of “I”. It is more often used to form a return form, for example, - “forgetting about yourself” - "ware in wasurete" [Speaker's name or position] - Used by children or when communicating with them, usually in the family. Let's say a girl named Atsuko might say "Atsuko is thirsty." Or her older brother, referring to her, might say “Brother will bring you juice.” There is an element of “lisping” in this, but such an appeal is quite acceptable.

Group with the meaning "We"
Watashi-tachi - A polite option.
Ware-ware (Ware-ware) - A very polite, formal option.
Bokura - An impolite variant.
Touhou - Common variant.

Group with the meaning "You / You":
Anata (Anata) - General polite option. Also, the usual address of a wife to her husband ("dear" Japanese names and their meanings Japanese name Japan surname names green yaponiya live.
Anta (Anta) - Less polite option. Usually used by young people. A slight hint of disrespect.
Otaku (Otaku) - Literally translated as "your home". Very polite and rare form. Due to the arrogant use of Japanese informals in relation to each other, the second meaning was fixed - “fan, crazy”.
Kimi - A polite variant, often between friends. Used in poetry.
Kijo (Kijou) - "Mistress". A very polite way of addressing a lady.
Onushi (Onushi) - "Insignificant". An obsolete form of polite speech.
Omae (Omae) - Familiar (when referring to an enemy - insulting) option. Usually used by men in relation to the socially younger (father to daughter, say).
Temae/Temee (Temae/Temee) - Offensive male version. Usually towards the enemy. Something like "bastard" or "bastard".
Onore (Onore) - Offensive variant.
Kisama - Very offensive. Translated with dots. ^_^ Oddly enough, it literally translates as "noble lord."

Japanese names

Modern Japanese names consist of two parts - the surname, which comes first, and the given name, which comes second. True, the Japanese often write their names in "European order" (first name - last name) if they write them in romaji. For convenience, the Japanese sometimes write their last name in CAPITAL letters so that it is not confused with the name (due to the above-described inconsistency).

The exception is the emperor and members of his family. They don't have a last name. Girls who marry princes also lose their last names.
Ancient names and surnames

Before the Meiji Restoration, only aristocrats (kuge) and samurai (bushi) had surnames. The rest of the population of Japan was content with personal names and nicknames. Women of aristocratic and samurai families also usually did not have surnames, since they did not have the right to inherit. In cases where women did have surnames, they did not change them upon marriage.

Surnames were divided into two groups - the surnames of aristocrats and the surnames of samurai. Unlike the number of samurai surnames, the number of surnames of aristocrats has practically not increased since ancient times. Many of them date back to the priestly past of the Japanese aristocracy.

The most revered and respected clans of aristocrats were: Konoe, Takashi, Kujo, Ichijo and Gojo. All of them belonged to the Fujiwara clan and had a common name - "Gosetsuke". From among the men of this kind, regents (sessho) and chancellors (kampaku) of Japan were appointed, and wives for emperors were chosen from among women. The following in nobility were the Hirohata, Daigo, Kuga, Oimikado, Saionji, Sanjo, Imaidegawa, Tokudaiji, and Kaoin clans. From among them, the highest state dignitaries were appointed.

So, representatives of the Saionji clan served as imperial stables (meryo no gogen). Then came all the other aristocratic clans. The hierarchy of nobility of aristocratic families began to take shape in the VI century and lasted until the end of the XI century, when power in the country passed to the samurai. Among them, the clans of Genji (Minamoto), Heike (Taira), Hojo, Ashikaga, Tokugawa, Matsudaira, Hosokawa, Shimazu, Oda enjoyed special respect. A number of their representatives in different time were the shoguns (military rulers) of Japan.

The personal names of aristocrats and high-ranking samurai were formed from two kanji (hieroglyphs) of a "noble" meaning.

The personal names of samurai servants and peasants were often given according to the "numbering" principle. The first son is Ichiro, the second is Jiro, the third is Saburo, the fourth is Shiro, the fifth is Goro, and so on. Also, in addition to "-ro", the suffixes "-emon", "-ji", "-zo", "-suke", "-be" were used for this purpose.

Upon entering the samurai during his youth, he chose a different name for himself than what he was given at birth. Sometimes the samurai changed their names and throughout adult life, for example, to emphasize the onset of her new period (promotion or moving to another duty station). The lord had the right to rename his vassal.
In the event of a serious illness, the name was sometimes changed to the name of the Buddha Amida in order to appeal to his mercy. According to the rules of samurai fights, before the fight, the samurai had to give his full name so that the enemy could decide whether he was worthy of such an opponent. Of course, in life this rule was observed much less frequently than in novels and chronicles.

At the end of the names of girls from noble families, the suffix "-hime" was added. It is often translated as "princess", but in fact it was used in relation to all noble young ladies. For the names of the wives of the samurai, the suffix "-gozen" was used. Often they were called simply by their husband's surname and rank. The personal names of married women were practically used only by their close relatives.
For the names of monks and nuns from the noble classes, the suffix "-in" was used.
Modern Japanese names and surnames

During the Meiji Restoration, all Japanese were given surnames. Naturally, most of them were associated with various signs of peasant life, especially with rice and its processing. These surnames, like those of the upper class, were also usually composed of two kanji.
The most common Japanese surnames today

Suzuki, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Watanabe, Saito, Sato, Sasaki, Kudo, Takahashi, Kobayashi, Kato, Ito, Murakami, Onishi, Yamaguchi, Nakamura, Kuroki, Higa.

Names often contain the same hieroglyphs as surnames, and the same phonetic and word-formation patterns apply to names. However, there are much more components included in names than for surnames, although there are certain patterns here too. Names include established components or combinations of components. Names often use hieroglyphic readings, nanori readings, which are rarely used in the modern language, and often there is no pattern in this.
There is a group of hieroglyphs that are stably read in names by one on or kun (among them, the most common are those that have only one reading):
準 jun 準吉 Junkichi
謙 ken 謙蔵 Kenzo:
鉄 tetsu 鉄山 tetsuzan
鋼 ko: 鋼治 koji
諸 Moro 諸平 Morohira
Another, more numerous group of hieroglyphs in names uses two or three reading options (1-2 for kun and 1 for on), and the choice of reading often depends on the position of the component in the name. For example, the characters 政、光、盛、信、宣 in the position of the second component are usually read in kun, and the characters 一、七、十、六、吉、作、三郎、太郎 in combination with them are also read in kun. In combination with hieroglyphs, these signs are read on it.
Consider now the structure and types of Japanese male names
There are many fairly typical one-component names related to vago. They come from the old written final form of the predicative adjective (which ended in si), either from the third (dictionary) stem of the verb, or from the noun. At the same time, variable endings are not written in the names, only the root hieroglyph is written.

For example:
博 Hiroshi, 実 Minoru,
正 Tadashi, 薫 Kaworu,
武 Takeshi, 東 Azuma,
雅 Masashi, 登 Noboru.
均 Hitoshi,

There are few simple names related to kango with onu readings.

For example:

竜 Ryu, 順 Jun.

Compound names with two components often include as second (third) elements the characters 郎, 夫, 男, 志, 人, 士, 彦, 司 meaning "man", "husband", "warrior", "outstanding person", as well as many other second elements.

Second stable components of two-component names
a) Japanese origin
…雄 o “strong, brave, superiority, male” (from osu), ….男o from otoko “man”, …夫 o from otto “husband”. Read in kuna
和夫 Kazuo
信夫 Nobuo
…哉 i This hieroglyph is found only in male names and previously denoted the exclamation of delight “ah!”. Names with this component are read by kun
澄哉 Sumiya
只哉 Tadai
… 彦 hiko. In ancient times, it meant "prince" and could only be included in the names of noble people. Names with this component feel old-fashioned and lack popularity. Names with this component have a coon reading
紀彦 Norihiko
勝彦 Katsuhiko
…助,…介, …輔 suke. In ancient times, all the hieroglyphs that denote this component meant "assistant" and served as a designation of the position. Names with this component are read by kun
直助, 直介 Naosuke
…之, …行, …幸 yuki. Names with these components are read in kun and are considered euphonious, although the yuki component is omitted in everyday communication. The first two hieroglyphs are read non-standard yuki: the first hieroglyph means an indicator of the genitive case in Chineseisms, the second is the auspicious meaning of “happiness”, and the third “going through life”
直之 Naoyuki
…人, …仁 hito. They have the meaning "man" (the second hieroglyph is read non-standard, and usually has a different meaning and reading - "philanthropy, humanity"). Names with this ending have a noble connotation, as emperors wear them. All names with this component have a coon reading.
康人 Yasuhito
…樹 ki "tree" second component of names with kun reading
直樹 Naoki
茂樹 Shigeki b) of Chinese origin (read from onu)
…器 ki “ability”,…機 ki “loom”, …毅 ki “courage, courage, fortitude”, …記 ki “chronicle”, …騎 ki “horseman”. All components and, accordingly, the names with them are read by it.
光記 Ko:ki
春機 Shunki
誠器 Seiki
明毅 Meiki
…朗, …郎 ro: "young man". It mainly follows the hieroglyphs-numerals, which reflect the order of the birth of sons in the family. Names are mostly read by it.
太郎 Tarot,
二郎 Jiro

... 也 is the on reading of the hieroglyph, which in the old written language also meant the bunch of nari "to be". Names with this component are read by it.
心也 xingya

...吾 go - one reading of the hieroglyph with the meaning "I", "our", names with it are read according to it
健吾 Kengo

...平, …兵 hei. the second character was part of the names of military positions during the Nara period, and now names with this endings look like archaic. Names with this component are read by it.
隼兵 Junpei

…太 ta “fat, big”. Names with this component are read according to it and were often used in the classical works of Japanese writers, belonging to the characters of servants, peasants and conveying the image of a good-natured fat man.
権太 Gonta

...志 si ("will, aspiration"), ...史 si "history", ...士 si "samurai", ...司 si "govern". Names with these components are read by it, but there are also names with kun readings of the first components, and have very "masculine" meanings.
強志 Tsuyoshi
仁志 Hitoshi
雄司 Yuuji

...一 ichi "unit". Being in the second position in the name, this hieroglyph means "first (in something)" All names with this component are read by it
英一 Eiichi
雄一 Juichi

...二 ji "second", "next", 治 ji "to manage", 次 ji "next", 児 ji "child". All these components are probably related to the order of the appearance of sons in the family, some of them are matched in sound to onu ji - next. Names with these components have the same reading
研次 Kenji
...蔵,..., 造, ...三 zo: This ending is common among two-syllable names. It is more often used in names that read it, but it can also appear in the names of the Japanese root.

A significant part of male names from two components does not belong to any of the categories listed above. Among them are the names of the Japanese and Chinese roots. The names of the Japanese root are formed by adding the stems of nouns, nouns with an adjective or verb, adjectives with verbs. The components themselves often have a benevolent meaning.
貫之 Tsurayuki
広重 Hiroshige
正則 Masanori
There are much fewer Chinese root names of this type, and they are additions of hieroglyphs read by onons. moreover, the hieroglyphs used in such names and in male names in general have a benevolent meaning
勇吉 Yukichi
啓治 Keiji

There are few three-component names, and most of them are names with stable combinations of two components

Persistent components of three-part names
…一郎 itiro: "first son"
憲一郎 Kenichiro

….太郎 taro: "eldest son"
竜太郎 Ryu: taro:

…次郎、….二郎 jiro: "second son"
正二郎 Sho:jiro:

…司郎、…志郎、…士郎 Shiro:
恵司郎 Keishiro:

…之助, …之輔, …之介、….nosuke (see suke component)
準之助 Junnosuke

Another category of three-component names are names with one stable component 雄, 郎, 彦, 志, etc. from those listed at the mention of two-component names, but forming a complex of two components written in ateji - hieroglyphs in sound (i.e., the Japanese word is written in hieroglyphs readable according to her)
亜紀雄 Akio
伊智郎 Ichiro:
賀津彦 Katsuhiko
左登志 Satoshi

There are few names with four components, mostly names with stable final combinations …左衛門 zaemon, …右衛門 emon

Most Japanese female names end in "-ko" ("child" Japanese names and their meanings Japanese name Japan surnames names green yaponiya live or "-mi" ("beauty" Japanese names and their meanings Japanese name Japan surnames names green yaponiya live. Girls are usually given names that are related in meaning to everything beautiful, pleasant and feminine.Unlike male names, female names are usually written not in kanji, but in hiragana.

Some modern girls do not like the "-ko" ending in their names and prefer to omit it. For example, a girl named "Yuriko" might refer to herself as "Yuri".

According to the law passed during the time of Emperor Meiji, after marriage, the husband and wife are required by law to take the same surname. In 98% of cases, this is the husband's surname. For several years now, an amendment to the Civil Code has been discussed in parliament, allowing spouses to leave premarital surnames. However, while she can not get the required number of votes. After death, the Japanese receive a new, posthumous name (kaimyo), which is written on a special wooden tablet (ihai). This tablet is considered the embodiment of the spirit of the deceased and is used in funeral rites. Kaimyo and ihai are bought from Buddhist monks - sometimes even before a person's death.

The surname in Japanese is called "myoji" (苗字 or 名字, "uji" (氏 or "sei" (姓.

The vocabulary of the Japanese language has long been divided into two types: wago (jap. 和語?) - native Japanese words and kango (jap. 漢語?) - borrowed from China. Names are divided into the same types, although it is now actively expanding new type- gairaigo (jap. 外来語?) - words borrowed from other languages, but components of this type are rarely used in names.

Modern Japanese names are divided into the following groups:

Kunny (consisting of vago)
onny (consisting of kango)

The ratio of Kun and Onn surnames is approximately 80% to 20%.

The most common surnames in Japan are:

Sato (Japanese: 佐藤 Sato:?)
Suzuki (jap. 鈴木?)
Takahashi (Japanese: 高橋?)
Tanaka (Japanese: 田中?)
Watanabe (jap. 渡辺?)
Ito (Japanese: 伊藤 Itō:?)
Yamamoto (jap. 山本?)
Nakamura (Japanese: 中村?)
Ohayashi (Jap. 小林?)
Kobayashi (Jap. 小林?) (different surnames, but spelled the same and have roughly the same distribution)
Kato (Jap. 加藤 Kato:?)

Many surnames, although they are read according to the on (Chinese) reading, go back to ancient Japanese words and are written phonetically, and not in meaning.

Examples of such surnames: Kubo (jap. 久保?) - from jap. kubo (jap. 窪?) - a hole; Sasaki (jap. 佐々木?) - from the ancient Japanese sasa - small; Abe (jap. 阿部?) - from the ancient word ape - to connect, mix. If we take into account such surnames, then the number of native Japanese surnames reaches 90%.

For example, the hieroglyph 木 ("tree") is read in kun as ki, but in names it can also be read as ko; The hieroglyph 上 ("up") can be read in kun as both ue and kami. There are two different surnames Uemura and Kamimura, which are written the same - 上村. In addition, there are dropping out and merging of sounds at the junction of components, for example, in the surname Atsumi (Japanese 渥美?), the components separately are read as atsui and umi; and the surname 金成 (kana + nari) is often read simply as Kanari.

When combining hieroglyphs, the alternation of the ending of the first component A / E and O / A is typical - for example, 金 kane - Kanagawa (jap. 金川?), 白 shiro - Shiraoka (jap. 白岡?). In addition, the initial syllables of the second component often become voiced, for example 山田 Yamada (pit + ta), 宮崎 Miyazaki (miya + saki). Also, surnames often contain the remainder of the case indicator no or ha (in ancient times it was customary to put them between the given name and surname). Usually this indicator is not written, but read - for example, 一宮 Ichinomiya (ichi + miya); 榎本 Enomoto (e + moto). But sometimes the case indicator is displayed in writing in hiragana, katakana or a hieroglyph - for example, 井之上 Inoue (and + but + ue); 木ノ下 Kinoshita (ki + katakana no + sita).

The vast majority of surnames in Japanese consist of two characters, surnames of one or three characters are less common, and four-digit or more surnames are very rare.

One-component surnames are mainly of Japanese origin and are formed from nouns or medial forms of verbs. For example, Watari (jap. 渡?) - from watari (jap. 渡り crossing?),  hata (jap. 畑?) - the word hata means "plantation, vegetable garden". Onn surnames consisting of one hieroglyph are much less common. For example, Cho (Jap. 兆 Cho:?) - means "trillion", Ying (Jap. 因?) - "reason".

Japanese surnames consisting of two components, the majority, are called numbers in 60-70%. Most of them are surnames from Japanese roots- it is believed that such surnames are the easiest to read, since most of them are read according to the usual kuns used in the language. Examples - Matsumoto (jap. 松本?) - consists of the nouns used in the language of matsu "pine" and moto "root"; Kiyomizu (Jap. 清水?) - consists of the stem of the adjective 清い kiyoi - "clean" and the noun 水 mizu - "water". Chinese two-component surnames are less numerous and usually have a single reading. Often Chinese surnames contain numbers from one to six (excluding four 四, since this number is read the same as "death" 死 si and they try not to use it). Examples: Ichijo: (Japanese 一条?), Saito: (Japanese 斉藤?). There are also mixed surnames, where one component is read by on, and the other by kun. Examples: Honda (jap. 本田?), hon - "base" (on reading) + ta - "rice field" (kun reading); Betsumiya (jap. 別宮?), betsu - “special, different” (on reading) + miya - “temple” (kun reading). Also, a very small part of the surnames can be read both by ons and by kuns: 坂西 Banzai and Sakanishi, 宮内 Kunai and Miyauchi.

In three-component surnames, Japanese roots are often found phonetically recorded by onami. Examples: 久保田 "Kubota (probably the word 窪 kubo "hole" is written phonetically as 久保, 阿久津 Akutsu (probably the word 明く aku "to open" is written phonetically as 阿久. However, the usual three-component surnames consisting of three kun readings are also common. Examples: 矢田部 Yatabe , 小野木 Ōnoki There are also three-component surnames with Chinese reading.

Four or more component surnames are very rare.

There are surnames with very unusual readings that look like puzzles. Examples: 十八女 Wakairo - written in characters "eighteen-year-old girl", and read as 若色 "young + color"; The surname denoted by the character 一 "one" is read as Ninomae, which can be translated as 二の前 ni no mae "before the deuce"; and the surname 穂積 Hozue, which can be interpreted as "gathering ears" is sometimes written as 八月一日 "the first day of the eighth lunar month" - apparently on this day the harvest began in ancient times.
Russian female names in Japanese:

Alexandra - (protector) - Mamoka
Alice - (from the noble class) - Yoizokumi
Alla - (other) - Sonota
Anastasia - (resurrected) - Fukkatsumi
Anna - (mercy, grace) - Jihiko
Antonina - (spatial) - Sorariko
Anfisa - (blooming) - Kaika, - Sakura
Valentine - (strong) - Tsuyoi
Barbara - (cruel) - Zankokumi
Vasilisa - (royal) - Joteiko
Faith - (faith) - Shinkori
Victoria - (winner) - Seri
Galina - (clarity) - Tomei
Daria - (great fire) - Ohiko
Evgenia - (noble) - Yoyidenko
Catherine - (purity, cleanliness) - Koheiri
Elena - (light) - Hikari
Elizabeth - (worshiping God) - Kaikanna
Zinaida - (born of a god) - Kamigauma
Zoya - (life) - Sei - Inochi
Inna - ( torrential stream) – Hayakawa
Irina - (peace or anger) - Sekai, - Ikari
Karina - (darling) - Kawaimi
Kira - (Mistress) - Fujinka
Claudia - (limping) - Rameyo
Xenia - (stranger, stranger) - Khoromi
Larisa - (seagull) - Kamome
Lydia - (sad song) - Nageki
Love - (love) - Ai, - Ayumi
Lyudmila - (dear to people) - Tanomi
Margarita - (pearl) - Shinjuka, - Tamae
Marina - (marine) - Maritaimi
Maria - (bitter, stubborn) - Nigai
Hope - (hope) - Nozomi
Natalya - (born, native) - Umari
Nina - (queen) - Quinmee
Oksana - (inhospitable) - Isonaku
Olesya - (forest) - Ringyoko
Olga - (light) - Hikari
Polina - (destroying, destroying) - Hakaina
Raisa - (heavenly, light, submissive) - Tenshimi
Svetlana - (light) - Hikaru
Seraphim - (flaming snake) - Honooryumi
Snezhana - (snowy) - Yuki, Yukiko
Sofia - (wise) - Kasikomi
Tamara - (palm tree) - Yashimi
Tatyana - (mistress) - Joshiko
Ulyana - (righteous) - Tadashimi
Julia - (wavy, fluffy) - Hajouka, - Nami
Yana - (God's grace) - Jihiri

Feminine endings of names: -i, -mi, -ko, -ri, -yo, -e, -ki, -ra, -ka, -na.
An article about this list of names, with another list of Russian names in Japanese.

Russian male names in Japanese:

Alexander - (Defender) 守る - Mamoru
Alexey - (assistant)  ―助け - Taske
Anatoly - (sunrise) 東 - Higashi
Andrew - (courageous, brave) - 勇気 オ Yukio
Anton - (competitor) -力士 - Rikishi
Arkady - (happy country) - 幸国 - Shiawakuni
Artem - (intact, impeccable health) 安全 - Anzen
Arthur - (big bear) 大熊 - Okuma
Boris - (wrestling) - 等式 - Toshiki
Vadim - (proving)  ― 証明 - Shomei
Valentine - (strong, healthy) - 強し - Tsuyoshi
Valery - (peppy, healthy) - 元気等 - Genkito
Basil - (royal) - 王部 - Obu
Victor - (winner) - 勝利者 - Shorisha
Vitaliy (vital) - 生きる - Ikiru
Vladimir (lord of the world) - 平和主 - Heiwanushi
Vyacheslav (famous) - 輝かし - Kagayakashi
Gennady - (noble, well-born) - 膏血 - Koketsu
George (farmer) - 農夫 - Nofu
Gleb (block, pole) -ブロック- Burokku
Gregory (awake) - 目を覚まし ―Meosamashi
Daniel ( God's judgment) - 神コート - Kamikoto
Demyan - (subjugator, pacifier) ​​- 征服 者 - Seifuku
Denis - (life force of nature) - 自然 力 - Shizenryoku
Dmitry (earth fruit) - 果実 - Kajitsu
Eugene (noble) - 良遺伝子 - Ryōidenshi
Egor (patron of agriculture) - 地 主 - Jinushi
Emelyan - (flattering, pleasant in a word) - 甘言 - Kangen
Yefim (blessed) - 恵まろ-Megumaro
Ivan - (God's grace) - 神の恩寵 - Kaminooncho
Igor - (army, courage) - 有事路 Yujiro
Ilya - (fortress of the Lord) - 要塞主 - Yosaishyu
Cyril - (lord of the sun) - 太陽の領主 - Tayonoryoshchu
Constantine (permanent) - 永続 - Eizoku
Lion (lion) - 獅子オ - Shishio
Leonid (son of a lion) - 獅子急 - Shishikyu
Maxim (great) - 全くし - Mattakushi
Michael (Godlike) - 神図 - Kamizu
Mark (hammer) - Tsuchiro
Nikita (victorious) - 勝利と - Shorito
Nicholas (victory of the people) -人の勝利 - Hitonoshiori
Oleg (light) - 光ろ - Hikaro
Pavel (small) - 小子 - Shoshi
Peter (stone) - 石 - Yishi
Roman (Roman) -ローマン - Roman
Ruslan (hard lion) - 獅子 ハード - Shishihado
Stanislav (to become famous) - 有名なる - Yumeinaru
Stepan (crown, wreath, crown) - 花輪ろ - Hanawaro
Yuri (creator) - やり手 - Yarite
Yaroslav (bright glory) - 明る名 - Akarumei

Masculine name endings: -o, -go, -hiko, -ro, -ru, -si, -ki, -ke, -zu, -ya, -ti, -iti, -mu, -to, -hei, - boo, -n, -ta, -sa, -give.

How to determine your Japanese hipster name

Today I saw a funny version of how you can define your Japanese name. True, there is some point, this is not just a name, but a hipster name. And if you read yourself deep down, or on the outside as a hipster, you'll be interested in knowing your name.

Open the picture in full size, find the month of your birth and date. Add up the resulting words and here it is your Japanese name.

These are Japanese names with Russian translation :-)* :-D*

Ai - W - Love
Aiko - f - Beloved child
Akako - W - Red
Akane - w - Sparkling Red
Akemi - f - Dazzlingly beautiful
Akeno - m - Clear morning
Aki - w - Born in autumn
Akiko - w - autumn child
Akina - w - Spring Flower
Akio - m - Handsome
Akira - m - Smart, quick-witted
Akiyama - m - Autumn, mountain
Amaya - w - Night Rain
Ami - w - Friend
Amiko - m - Pretty girl
Amida - m - Name of the Buddha
Anda - f - Met in the field
Aneko - f - older sister
Anzu - W - Apricot
Arahsi - Storm, whirlwind
Arata - m - Inexperienced
Arisu - w - Jap. form of the name Alice
Asuka - w - Flavor of Tomorrow
Ayame - W - Iris
Azarni - w - Thistle flower
Benjiro - m - Enjoying the world
Botan - m - Peony
Chika - w - wisdom
Chikako - W - Child of Wisdom
Chinatsu - w - Thousand years
Chiyo - W - Eternity
Chizu - w - Thousand storks (longevity is implied)
Cho - w - Butterfly
Dai - W - Great
Daichi - m - Great first son
Daiki - m - Great Tree
Daisuke - m - Great help
Etsu - f - Delightful, charming
Etsuko - f - A delightful child
Fudo - m - God of fire and wisdom
Fujita - m/f - Field, meadow
Gin - w - Silvery
Goro - m - Fifth son
Hana - w - Flower
Hanako - w - Flower Child
Haru - m - Born in the spring
Haruka - W - Distant
Haruko - w - Spring
Hachiro - m - Eighth son
Hideaki - m - Brilliant, excellent
Hikaru - m/f - Light, shining
Hide - w - Fertile
Hiroko - W - Magnanimous
Hiroshi - m - Generous
Hitomi - f - Doubly beautiful
Hoshi - W - Star
Hotaka - m - The name of a mountain in Japan
Hotaru - W - Firefly
Ichiro - m - First son
Ima - w - Gift
Isami - m - Courage
Ishi - W - Stone
Izanami - w - Attractive
Izumi - w - Fountain
Jiro - m - Second son
Joben - m - Loving purity
Jomei - m - Bringer of light
Junko - w - Pure child
Juro - m - Tenth son
Yachi - F - Eight thousand
Yasu - F - Calm
Yasuo - M - Mirny
Yayoi - F - March
Yogi - M - Yoga Practitioner
Yoko - F - Child of the sun
Yori - F - Trustworthy
Yoshi - F - Perfection
Yoshiko - F - Perfect child
Yoshiro - M - Perfect Son
Yudsuki - M - Crescent
Yuki - M - Snow
Yukiko - F - Snow Child
Yukio - M - Cherished by God
Yuko - F - Kind child
Yumako - F - Baby Yuma
Yumi - F - Like a bow (weapon)
Yumiko - F - Arrow Child
Yuri - F - Lily
Yuriko - F - Child of a lily
Yuu - M - Noble blood
Yuudai - M - Great Hero
Kado - m - Gate
Kaede - W - Maple Leaf
Kagami - w - Mirror
Kameko - w - Child of the turtle (symbol of longevity)
Kanaya - m - Zealous - And you thought I took this name out of my head?
Kano - m - God of water
Kasumi - w - Fog
Katashi - m - Hardness
Katsu - m - Victory
Katsuo - m - Victorious child
Katsuro - m - Victorious son
Kazuki - m - Joyful world
Kazuko - w - Cheerful child
Kazuo - m - Dear son
Kei - W - Respectful
Keiko - W - Adored
Keitaro - m - Blessed
Ken - m - big man
Ken`ichi - m - Strong first son
Kenji - m - Strong second son
Kenshin - m - Heart of the sword
Kensiro - m - Heavenly son
Kenta - m - Healthy and bold
Kichi - W - Lucky
Kichiro - m - Lucky son
Kiku - w - Chrysanthemum
Kimiko - w - Child of noble blood
Kin - m - golden
Kioko - w - happy child
Kisho - m - Having a head on his shoulders
Kita - W - North
Kiyoko - w - Purity
Kiyoshi - m - Quiet
Kohaku - m/f - Amber
Kohana - w - Small flower
Koko - w - stork
Koto - w - Jap. musical instrument "koto"
Kotone - w - The sound of a koto
Kumiko - f - Forever beautiful
Kuri - W - Chestnut
Kuro - m - Ninth son
Kyo - m - Consent (or redhead)
Kyoko - W - Mirror
Leiko - w - Arrogant
Machi - w - Ten thousand years
Machiko - W - Lucky Child
Maeko - w - Honest child
Maemi - w - sincere smile
Mai - W - Bright
Makoto - m - Sincere
Mamiko - w - Baby Mami
Mamoru - m - Earth
Manami - w - The beauty of love
Mariko - f - child of truth
Marise - m/f - Endless
Masa - m/f - Straight (human)
Masakazu - m - First son of Masa
Mashiro - m - Wide
Matsu - w - Pine
Mayako - w - Child of Maya
Mayoko - w - Child Mayo
Mayuko - w - Child of Mayu
Michi - W - Fair
Michie - f - Gracefully hanging flower
Michiko - w - Beautiful and wise
Michio - m - A man with the strength of three thousand
Midori - W - Green
Mihoko - w - Baby Miho
Mika - W - New Moon
Miki - m/f - Stalk
Mikio - m - Three woven trees
Mina - W - South
Minako - w - Handsome child
Mine - w - Brave Protector
Minoru - m - Seed
Misaki - w - The Blossom of Beauty
Mitsuko - w - Child of Light
Miya - w - Three arrows
Miyako - w - Beautiful baby March
Mizuki - W - Beautiful Moon
Momoko - W - Child-Peach
Montaro - m - big guy
Moriko - w - Child of the Forest
Morio - m - Forest boy
Mura - w - Rustic
Muro - m - Runaway - I chose this name not at all because of the meaning
Mutsuko - w - Baby Mutsu
Nahoko - w - Baby Naho
Nami - W - Wave
Namiko - w - Child of the Waves
Nana - W - Apple
Naoko - f - obedient child
Naomi - f - Above all beauty
Nara - W - Oak
Nariko - w - Sissy
Natsuko - w - Summer Child
Natsumi - W - Beautiful Summer
Nayoko - w - Baby Nayo
Nibori - m - Famous
Nikki - m/f - Two Trees
Nikko - m - Daylight
Nori - w - Law
Noriko - w - Child of the Law
Nozomi - w - Hope
Nyoko - w - Jewel
Oki - W - Mid Ocean
Orino - w - Peasant Meadow
Osamu - m - Firmness of the law
Rafu - m - Network
Rai - W - Truth
Raidon - m - god of thunder
Ran - f - water lily
Rei - W - Gratitude
Reiko - f - Gratitude - Most likely there was "Child Rei"
Ren - w - Water lily
Renjiro - m - Honest
Renzo - m - Third son
Riko - f - Child of Jasmine
Rin - w - Surly
Rinji - m - Peaceful forest
Rini - w - Little Bunny
Risako - w - Child of Risa
Ritsuko - w - Child of Ritsu
Roka - m - White wave crest
Rokuro - m - Sixth son
Ronin - m - Samurai without a master
Rumiko - w - Baby Rumi
Ruri - w - Emerald
Ryo - m - Superb
Ryoichi - m - First son of Ryo
Ryoko - w - Baby Ryo
Ryota - m - Strong (obese)
Ryozo - m - Third son of Ryo
Ryuichi - m - First son of Ryu
Ryuu - m - Dragon
Saburo - m - Third son
Sachi - W - Happiness
Sachiko - w - Child of Happiness
Sachio m - fortunately born
Saeko - w - Child of Sae
Saki - w - Cape (geographical)
Sakiko - w - Baby Saki
Sakuko - w - Baby Saku
Sakura - w - Cherry blossoms
Sanako - w - Baby Sana
Sango - W - Coral
Saniiro - m - Wonderful
Satu - W - Sugar
Sayuri - W - Little Lily
Seiichi - m - First son of Sei
Sen - m - Spirit of the tree
Shichiro - m - Seventh son
Shika - w - Deer
Shima - m - Islander
Shina - W - Worthy
Shinichi - m - First son of Shin
Shiro - m - Fourth son
Shizuka - w - Quiet
Sora - W - Sky
Sorano - W - Heavenly
Suki - f - Favorite
Suma - f - Asking
Sumi - f - Purified (religious)
Susumi - m - Moving forward (successful)
Suzu - w - Handbell (bell)
Suzume - w - Sparrow
Tadao - m - Helpful
Taka - w - Noble
Takako - w - Tall child
Takara - w - Treasure
Takashi - m - Famous
Takehiko - m - Bamboo Prince
Takeo - m - Similar to bamboo
Takeshi - m - Bamboo tree or brave
Takumi - m - Artisan
Tama - m/f - Jewel
Tamiko - f - Child of abundance
Tani - w - From the valley (baby)
Taro - m - Firstborn
Taura - w - Many lakes; many rivers
Teijo - m - Fair
Tomeo - m - Cautious person
Tomiko - w - Child of Wealth
Tora - w - Tigress
Torio - m - Bird's tail
Toru - m - Sea
Toshi - W - Mirror Reflection
Toshiro - m - Talented
Toya - m/f - House door
Tsukiko - w - Child of the moon
Tsuyu - f - morning dew
Udo - m - Ginseng
Ume - w - Plum Blossom
Umeko - w - Child of Plum Blossoms
Usagi - W - Rabbit
Uyeda - m - from the rice field (child)
Yachi - w - Eight thousand
Yasu - w - Calm
Yasuo - m - Peaceful
Yayoi - W - March
Yogi - m - Practicing yoga
Yoko - W - Child of the Sun
Yori - W - Trustworthy
Yoshi - W - Perfection
Yoshiko - w - Perfect child
Yoshiro - m - Perfect son
Yudsuki - m - Crescent
Yukiko - w - Snow Child
Yukio - m - Cherished by God
Yuko - w - Kind child
Yumako - w - Child of Yuma
Yumi - f - Like a bow (weapon)
Yumiko - W - Child of the Arrow
Yuri - w - Lily
Yuriko - w - Child of a lily
Yuu - m - Noble blood
Yuudai - m - Great hero

Gods and deities


Yarila (legend)
God of rage, youth and beauty and vitality: from earthly fertility and human sexuality to the will to live. Wild animals, nature spirits and lower deities obey him (or her).

Yard see [Wyrd]
Yar-Khmel God of intoxicated honey, beer, wine, fun and winemaking.
Yan-di God of the Sun and fire.
Yama God of the realm of the dead.
Jupiter (legend) God of the sky, daylight, thunderstorms. Having thrown his father, the titan Kronos, into Tartarus, he became the lord of the gods and people.
Eya see [Oanne]
Etheria Daughter of the sun god Phoebe and the oceanides Clymene.
Ereshkigal Lady of the realm of the dead.
Eos Goddess of the sun, dawn. "with purple fingers Eos".
Enlil see [Ellil]
Enki see [Eya]
Ellil Enlil. god of air and earth
Ellie Ellie. As, goddess of old age.
Air Air. As, the patroness of doctors, the goddess who bestows love.
Eya Enki. god of the world fresh water, wisdom, patron of people.
Shamash God of the Sun.
Chur (legend) God of protection of property rights, protection, patron of borders, integrity, protection, protection from damage and evil spirits.
Number God God of time and astrology, letters, numbers, calendar.
Zhuan Xu God of waters.
Chernobog (legend) (Black Serpent, Kashchey) Lord of Navi, Darkness and Pekelny kingdom. God of cold, destruction, death, evil; God of madness and the embodiment of everything bad and black.
Tsukuyomi God of the Moon.
Hyuk Hjuke. The growing moon, one of the three goddesses, along with Bil and Mani.
Huang Di "Lord of the Center". supreme deity.
Khors God of the Sun, brother of the Moon.
Hops God of hops and drunkenness. Husband of Surica.
Hlin Hlin. Ace, Frigga's messenger who takes care of those her mistress wants to protect.
Hitzliputzli see [Hitzilopochtli]
Hitzlaputzli see [Hitzilopochtli]
Hermod Hermod. Messenger of Asgard. His name is mentioned in connection with an unsuccessful attempt to bring Balder back from the realm of Hel.
Hoenir Hoenir. As, god of priestly functions. He is often referred to as the Silent God.
Hel Hel. Daughter of Loki, ruler of the underworld, queen of the dead. Above the belt is an ordinary woman, and below is a skeleton.
Heimdall (legend) Guardian of the Bifrest Bridge, son of Odin, "Wise Ace". He sleeps less than a bird, sees a hundred days' journey in any direction, and can hear the growth of grass and wool.
Khed (legend) Hoder. Son of Odin, "Blind Ace". He has great power, but never leaves Asgard. He is one of the twelve main gods.
Heidrun A goat that lives in Asgard and feeds on leaves from the top of Yggrasil. Everyone in Asgard feeds on her milk, strong as honey, and there is enough for everyone.
Fulla Fulla. As, Frigga's servant.
Frigg (legend) As, goddess of marriage and procreation, wife of Odin. Frigg rules over the goddesses living in Asgard.
Freya (legend) Goddess of love, her heart is so soft and gentle that she sympathizes with the suffering of everyone. She is the leader of the Valkyries.
Freyr (legend) God of fertility and summer. He is subject to sunlight, he is beautiful and powerful, he is a van, sending wealth.
Fortune Roman goddess of happiness, chance and good luck. It was depicted on a ball or wheel (a symbol of the variability of happiness), sometimes with a blindfold.
Forseti Forseti. As, son of Balder, god of justice and victory in disputes.
Phoebus (legend) God of the sun.
Faetusa Daughter of the sun god Phoebe and the oceanides Clymene.
Phaethon The son of the sun god Phoebus and the oceanides Clymene.
Ushas God of the dawn.
Adoption One of the three giant brothers, assistants to Perun (Gorynya, Dubynya and Usynya).
Usud (legend) God is the arbiter of fate. Determines who is born rich or poor, happy or unhappy.
Usins Latvian "horse god".
Ouroboros (legend) "Eating his own tail". A snake biting its tail, "beginning at the end of its tail", encircling the whole world.
Uranus Son of the sky god, husband of Gaia, father of Tetis.
Ull (legend) Patron of archers and skiers, god of fertility and law.
Ulap (legend) The patron of the Chuvash, the god-bogatyr, who threw the sun and moon far from the earth.
Huitzilopochtli (legend) Hitzliputzli, Hitzlaputzli, "Hummingbird of the left side". Sacrificed to this god human hearts.
Wyrd A silent goddess who rules over immortals and mortals.
Tian-di God of the sky.
Tyr (legend) As, god of war, son of Odin and sister of the sea giant Hymir, the third of the aces after Odin and the bravest among them.
Tiermes (legend) Udmurt god - thunderer. When he defeats the god - the deer Myandash, the end of the world will come.
Trojan the Three-Headed Lord of the Three Kingdoms. One of Troyan's heads devours people, the other - cattle, the third - fish, he travels at night, as he is afraid of sunlight.
Triton Sea deity, son of Poseidon and Nereid Amphetrite.
Triptolemos Lord of the realm of the dead.
Triglavs Great Triglav: Rod - Belobog - Chernobog. Small Triglav: Svarog - Perun - Veles.
Triglav (legend) In the mythology of the Baltic Slavs, a three-headed deity. They symbolize power over the three kingdoms - heaven, earth and the underworld.
Tochi see [Tlazolteotl]
Thor (legend) As, the god of thunder, the son of Odin and the goddess of the earth Yord. Considered the most powerful god after Odin.
Tlasolteotl Ishkuin, Tochi, Teteoinnan. Goddess of fertility, sexual sins, repentance, devourer of dirt and excrement.
Tetis Daughter of Uranus and Gaia, wife of Oceanus. She was Phaeton's maternal grandmother; Clymene was her daughter.
Teteoinnan see [Tlazolteotl]
Tezcatlipoca (legend) "Smoking mirror". Forever young, omnipotent, omniscient god of evil, rival of Quetzalcoatl.
Thaumant Father of the rainbow goddess Iris.
Tarkh, see [Dazhbog]
Tammuz see [Dimuzi]
Tamamo-no-mae One of the evil gods.
Xiong Syn. As, the goddess who protects people's houses from thieves.
Sjövn Siofn. As, a goddess, striving for people to live peacefully and amicably.
Syvlampi "Rosa". Daughter of the Sun and his wives: morning and evening Dawn, the sister of man.
Susanoo God of the wind and water element, later a hero who saved people from the eight-headed serpent.
Suritsa Suritsa - the solar Goddess of joy, light (surya drink (drinking honey)). Khmel's wife. Daughter of Dazhbog.
Stribog (legend) The supreme god of the wind. He can call and tame a storm, he can turn into his assistant, the bird Stratim.
Stix Stux (Greek) - "Hateful". Goddess of the river of the same name in the realm of the dead.
Srecha Goddess of happiness and good luck.
Snotra Snotra. As, goddess of wisdom and courtesy.
Sif (legend) Sif. As, goddess of fertility, wife of Thor. The beauty of Sif is second only to Freya.
Siva (legend) Siva is the god of sowing, harvest and cattle.
Si-wanmu Goddess, mistress of the country of immortality.
Semargl (legend) Simargl, Fire God. God of fire and moon, fire sacrifices, home and hearth, keeps seeds and crops.
Selena Goddess of the moon.
Svyatovit (legend) God of light, fertility, harvest, autumn sun, grain. The god of war and victory, represented in the form of a warrior - horseman.
Sventovit (legend) The highest deity of the Western Slavs, called in the Middle Ages Wends, and Rugs.
Svarog (legend) God of fire, blacksmithing, family hearth. Heavenly blacksmith and great warrior. There are quite conflicting reports about this god.
Saraswati Beautiful goddess of eloquence.
Saga Saga. As, goddess of stories and genealogy.
Ren Ran. Van, wife of Aegir, goddess of weather and storms, requiring regular soul sacrifices.
Rudra One of the main Indian gods, many-armed and three-eyed. The son of the creator of the universe Brahma.
Rodov Triglav see [Big Triglav]
Radogost (legend) The essence of the punishing face of the Almighty, the judge of human souls.
Proteus (legend) The sea god, is able to take on the appearance of different creatures and move into various properties of matter - fire, water, wood.
Poseidon God of the sea, father of Triton and Proteus.
Whistle Elder wind, god of the storm. Son of Stribog.
Midnighter God of the wind at midnight, son of Stribog.
Noon God of the noon wind, son of Stribog.
Polel God of love and spring fertility, brother of Lelya and Lelya.
Podaga God of the hot, withering wind, living in the desert in the south. Son of Stribog.
Weather Warm, light breeze, god of pleasant weather. Son of Stribog.
Perun (legend) "Striking". Red-bearded god of thunder, thunder and lightning, patron of warriors and knights. One of the main trinity of gods. His attribute is an axe.
Pereplut (legend) Pereplut - God of the sea, navigation. Watermen obey him. Data about it are insufficient to accurately determine its functions.
Ohhurs A class of gods in India and Iran.
Osiris Usyr. God of fertility and king of the underworld.
Ora Goddesses of the changing seasons and hours.
Ocean Husband of Tethys.
Odin (legend) Supreme god of Scandinavia, ace, ruler of Asgard, god of warriors.
Fiery Magus Guardian of the way to the Iry garden, god of war and courage. Lely's husband.
Ovivi see [Kokopelli]
Oanne (legend) Eya. Babylonian god of the sea, the oldest of the sea gods.
O-Kuni-Nusi God, who grew grass and trees on earth, taught people to heal diseases.
Nui-wa Goddess - the creator of mankind.
Njord (legend) Njord. Van, the patron of navigation, fishing and shipbuilding, he is subject to the winds and the sea. Njord is richer than all aesir and, like all Vanir, very kind.
Ninurta God of war.
Nintu The goddess who created people, the patroness of women in childbirth.
Nereus God of the calm sea. Lives in a palace at the bottom of the sea.
Nergal Lord of the realm of the dead, husband of the goddess Ereshkigal.
Nemesis Goddess of deserved punishment.
Nedolya Goddess, together with Dolya and Makosh, spinning the thread of human life on earth.
Nanna God of the Moon.
Nanna Nanna. As, goddess of fertility, wife of Balder, who did not survive his death.
Namtar "Destiny" God, who appears to the dying and takes him to the realm of the dead.
Naboo God is the patron of sciences.
Morrigan (legend) In Irish mythology, one of the three goddesses of war. She is also called the Mighty Queen and is seen as the Triple Goddess or the death form of the Triple Goddess.
Morok God of lies and deceit, ignorance and delusion. But he is also the guardian of the paths to the Truth, hiding the Truth from others behind an empty mundane toil.
Frost (legend) God of winter and cold weather. A short old man with a long gray beard. In winter, he runs through the fields and streets and knocks - from his knock, bitter frosts begin and the rivers are encased in ice.
Modi (legend) Modi. As, son of Thor and Sif, sometimes referred to as the patron of berserkers.
Mitra Ancient Iranian deity, incarnation: bull. His cult was very widespread in the Roman Empire in the first centuries of the new era, as the "Soldier God".
Mictlantecuhtli Lord of Mictlan, the underworld of the dead.
Month Month Mesyatsovich, brother of the Sun. "Perun was angry with him and cut him in half with a damask axe. Since then, the month has not become round, but the way we see it in heaven."
Mother Earth Cheese (legend) People revered the Earth not only in pagan times, but also now. The earth is called holy, mother, she is the embodiment of health and purity. The wife of the sky, which fertilizes her with rain.
Martsana (legend) Goddess of death of all living beings except humans, goddess of hunting, fishing and hunting.
Marena (legend) Marana, Morena, Marzhana, Marzhona. Goddess associated with the embodiment of death, with the seasonal rituals of the death and resurrection of nature, and with the rituals of bringing rain.
Marduk Originally the god of the city of Babylon, later - the supreme deity, "the lord of the gods."
Mara (goddess) (legend) Morana, Morena, Marena, Mora. The mighty and formidable goddess of Winter and Death, the wife (daughter) of Kashchei and the daughter of Lada, sister Alive with Lelya. Her symbol is the Black Moon, piles of broken skulls, and a sickle with which she cuts the Threads of Life.
Mani Mani. The moon as a deity, one of the three goddesses, along with Hyuk and Bil.
Mamon (legend) Mamon Slavic black deity of wealth and gluttony, opposed to light gods.
Small Triglav (legend) Svarog - Perun - Veles.
Makosh (legend) Makosh - the Goddess spinning the Threads of Fate - in Heaven, as well as the patroness of women's needlework - on Earth.
Magura (legend) Daughter of Perun, cloud maiden - beautiful, winged, warlike. Her heart is forever given to warriors, heroes. She sends the dead warriors to Iriy.
Magni (legend) Magni. As, son of Thor, god of physical strength.
Lub (legend) Lub is the guardian spirit of the marriage bed. He appeared as a big-eared, shaggy, golden-haired cat with an arrowhead stalk in his teeth. Lyuba had to be appeased in every possible way so that he would drive Nelyub away from the bedroom - the same cat, only black and vicious, with a branch of henbane in his mouth.
Lei-shen God of thunder.
Loki (legend) Giant, god of fire, brother of Odin, accepted by the Asami as an equal.
Summer Olympian goddess.
Lelya (legend) Spring, the goddess of girlish love, the youngest Rozhanitsa, the patroness of lovers, beauty, happiness. Lada's daughter. Wife of Semargl.
Lel (legend) God of youthful love, passion, son of Lada and brother of Lely. Sparks ignite the fire of love from his hands.
Lahmu Lahmu and Lahamu - the oldest pair of gods, generated by primitive chaos.
Lampetia Daughter of the sun god Phoebe and the oceanides Clymene.
Lakshmi A beautiful white-robed maiden born of the ocean, the goddess of beauty and happiness.
Lada (legend) The female hypostasis of the Family, the wife of Svarog and the mother of the Svarozhich gods, the elder Rozhanitsa (Rozhanitsa - Mother), family deity.
Lad God of reconciliation and harmony, in a sense, order.
Löwn Lofn. As, the goddess who sanctifies marriages between people.
Kyldysin (legend)
Bathing suit Goddess of the night. Mother of Kostroma and Kupala, whom she gave birth to from Semargl.
Kupala (legend) Kupala (and his twin sister Kostorma): children of the Goddess of the Night Bathing Suit and Semargl.
Kubera God of wealth, living in the heavenly city of Gandharvaranagara ("mirage").
Kuaz (legend)
Kruchina see [Karna]
Kostroma (legend) The daughter of Semargl and Kupalnitsa, who by mistake married her brother Kupala and committed suicide by drowning herself and turning into a mermaid.
Kokopelli (legend) Ovivi. Small Indian god.
Clymene Nymph (Oceanis), wife of the sun god Phoebus.
Kvasura (legend) Originally the god of intoxicated honey, beer, wine, fun and winemaking, almost the same as Yar-Khmel.
Yord Goddess of the earth.
Ishtar see [Inanna]
Ishkuin see [Tlazolteotl]
Itzamana Mayan god of healing, fair-skinned bearded man. His symbol is a rattlesnake.
Isis Goddess of the moon.
Irida Rainbow goddess, daughter of Thaumant.
Inmar God, ruler of the upper, heavenly world - the world of the gods.
Indra (legend) "Lord". The main god of the Indian Vedic pantheon. In the Book of Veles, he is mentioned as the supreme heavenly god.
Inari One of the good gods, benevolent and wise.
Inanna Ishtar. Goddess of fertility and love
Isis see [Isis]
Idunn see [Iddun]
Izanami Goddess, wife of Izanaki, later - the mistress of the kingdom of the dead.
Izanaki Izanaki - god, creator of the earth and people.
Iddun (legend) Idunn. As, goddess of eternal youth and healing.
Zimtserla (legend) Lady of the beginning of the day, goddess of the dawn. It comes out at night to frolic over the forest-fields, and then they call it Zarnitsa.
Zeus Supreme Olympian god.
Zevana (legend) Goddess of the beasts and the hunt. In the temple, she holds a bow and a trap in her hands, at her feet lies a spear and a knife.
Zhurba see [Jelly]
jelly see [jelly]
Zhivana see [Alive]
Alive (legend) the Goddess of Spring and Life in all its manifestations: Life-giving Forces of Nature, spring bubbling waters, the first green shoots; patroness of young girls and young wives.
Zhelya (legend) Zhlya, Zhurba. Goddess of mortal sorrow, pity and funeral lamentation, messenger of the dead, escorting to the funeral pyre. Even the mere mention of her name relieves the soul.
Yrd Yord. As, mother of Thor, goddess of the earth.
Dyy (legend) The name of the god, mentioned in the Old Russian insert in the South Slavic text "The Virgin's Passage through the Torments". Sometimes - the general designation of the middle gods.
Dubynya One of the three giant brothers, assistants of Perun (Gorynya, Dubynya and Usynya).
Dorida Sea goddess, wife of Nereus, mother of Nereids.
Share (legend) Heavenly spinner, spinning a good, fertile thread of human life. Nedoli's sister, Makoshi's assistant.
Dodola (legend) Thunder goddess of spring. She walks over fields and cornfields with her retinue, and they are pursued in noise spring thunderstorm Perun and his companions.
Dogoda (legend) God of a quiet, pleasant wind and clear weather. A ruddy, fair-haired young man in a cornflower blue wreath, in silver-blue clothes, with semi-precious wings behind his back.
Dimuzi Tammuz. God of spring fertility, patron of cattle breeders.
Dimu-nannyan Goddess, personification of the earth.
Did (legend) The third son of the goddess Lada, after Lelya and Polely, the god of conjugal love. Forever young Didid patronizes strong unions, is revered as a symbol of ageless, inescapable love.
Divia (legend) (Diva) Goddess of nature, mother of all living things. The paramount goddess, equal in size to Dyu.
Diverkiz (legend) Hare god, once revered by the Slavic and Baltic tribes.
Diva (legend) Virgo, Divia, Dina (Valakh), Devana (Czech) Goddess of hunting, protected forests, animals, maidens (women's secret hunting communities).
Di-jun God, father of heavenly bodies.
Danai Father of the nymph Amimone.
Dana (legend) Goddess of water. She was revered as a bright and kind goddess, giving life to all living things.
Dazhdbog Svarozhich (legend) Dabog, Dazhbog, Dabusha. "Giving God", "Giver of all blessings". God of the Sun, son of Svarog.
Gullveig (legend) Gullveig. Wang, one of the main opponents of the aces. Ases speak of her as a witch and a sorceress.
Horus The bird-headed god of the sun.
Gna Gna. Ace, a servant and messenger of Frigga, who travels around different worlds, fulfilling the instructions of her mistress.
Gaia Goddess - Earth, wife of Uranus, mother of Tetis.
Gefun Gefju. As, goddess of gardening and the plow
Hephaestus God of flame, blacksmith.
Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice the greatest). The patron of magic and esotericism.
Hermes "Messenger", "Thief", "Psychopomp" - the driver of souls to the kingdom of Hades.
Helia Daughter of the sun god Phoebe and the oceanides Clymene.
Helios God of the Sun of Olympus, son of the titans Hyperion and Feya, brother of Selene and Eos.
Geladas Daughters of the sun god Phoebus and oceanides Klymene: Faetusa, Lampetia, Helia and Etheria.
Hekate Goddess of dark forces, the underworld and the night, three-faced and snake-haired.
Garuda (legend) Bird of paradise, half eagle half man, symbol of speed and power, child of heaven and king of all birds. Phoenix.
Vjofn Vjofn. As, the goddess of harmony and reconciliation, who resolves differences among mortals.
Vulcan The Roman god of the blacksmith, and also the god of the cleansing flame, protecting from fires.
Vritra Demon from the myth of Indra.
Wotan Mayan god, fair-skinned bearded man. His symbol is a snake
Vor. As, goddess of curiosity and the solution of mysteries
Water strider A small Indian god.
Vishnu The second god of the trinity, head of the Brahminist pantheon. Depicted as blue, with four arms, holding a club, a conch, a disk, and a lotus.
Vili search As, son (daughter) of Bor, brother (sister) of Odin and Ve.
Vidar (legend) Silent Ace, the son of Odin and the giantess Grid, is almost as powerful as the thunder god Thor.
Evening Goddess of the evening (she corresponds to Vechernik). Sister of Midday, Bathing and Dawn - Zarenitsy.
We are wanted by As, son (daughter) of Bor, brother (sister) of Odin and Vili.
Varuna God of the Ocean.
Varma-ava Goddess of the wind in Mordovia.
Var Var. As, goddess of truth. He listens and writes down the oaths of people.
Vaner vans. A kind of gods in Scandinavia, at enmity with the gods - Asami.
Vanadis see [Freya]
Vali (legend) As, one of the twelve main (after Odin) gods.
Storm (legend) Goddess of the wind, wife of Stribog. "Required as Stribog."
Storm Buri. Ace, freed from the ice by the cow Audumla, father of Bor.
Bulda One of the gods. wanted
Bragi (legend) "Long-bearded". As, god of poets and skalds, son of Odin, husband of Idunn.
Bor Bor. As, son of Storm, husband of Bestla, father of Odin, Vili and Ve.
Big Triglav or Rodov Triglav: Rod - Belobog - Chernobog.
Bozhich (legend) Bozhik (maked.), Mares (lat.). One of the heroes of the caroling ritual, a symbol of the new year. Bozhich patronizes the family and the hearth.
Bogumir (legend) Son of Dazhbog and Morena. He married Slavun and from him came all the people on the Russian land, the tribes from his children. Therefore, they say that the Rus are Dazhdbozh's grandchildren.
Bill Bill. The waning moon, one of the three goddesses, along with Hyuk and Mani.
Belobog (legend) Embodiment of Light, Good, Good Luck, happiness, goodness, personification of the daytime spring sky. Collective image of all bright gods.
Barma (legend) God of prayer. This good god, but if he goes into a rage, at that moment it is better not to get in his way.
Balder (legend) As, god of spring, joy and happiness. With his death, the world became gray and dull, as it is now.
Aushra Lithuanian god of dawn.
Aesir Aesir. Kind of gods in Scandinavia.
Aster "Star". One of the names of Veles.
Aslati God of Thunder.
Artemis Goddess of the hunt.
Apollo Olympian god of the sun, son of Zeus and Leto, brother of Artemis.
Anu God of the sky.
Andrimnir (legend) A cook in Valhalla.
Amaterasu Amaterasu is the Goddess of the Sun.
Hades Lord of the realm of the dead.
Azovushka Wife of Veles.
Aegir (legend) Van, the god of the sea, who controls the mood of the sea surface.
Aditya The supreme spirit, the essence of the universe in the Rigveda.
Aditi Father of all gods.
Adad God of thunder, rain and storm.
Agunya (legend) God of Earth Fire, the youngest of the Svarozhichs. It represents the Power of the Gods of Heaven on Earth - cleansing and protecting from all evil spirits.
Agrik Legendary bogatyr who wielded a treasure-sword, mentioned in The Tale of Peter and Fevronia.
Aurora Goddess of the dawn.

A Japanese given name (Japanese jinmei?) these days usually consists of a family name (surname) followed by a personal name. This is a very common practice in East and Southeast Asia, including Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai and some other cultures.

Names are usually written in kanji, which can have many different pronunciations on different occasions.
Modern Japanese names can be compared to names in many other cultures. All Japanese have a single surname and a single given name without a middle name, with the exception of the Japanese Imperial Family, whose members do not have a surname.
In Japan, the surname comes first, and then the given name. At the same time, in Western languages ​​(often in Russian), Japanese names are written in the reverse order of first name - last name - according to European tradition.
Names in Japan are often created independently from existing characters, so the country has a huge number of unique names. Surnames are more traditional and most often go back to toponyms. There are more names in Japanese than surnames. Male and female names differ due to their characteristic components and structure. Reading Japanese proper names is one of the most difficult elements of the Japanese language.

Ai - F - Love
Aiko - F - Beloved child
Akako - F - Red
Akane - F - Sparkling Red
Akemi - F - Dazzlingly beautiful
Akeno - M - Clear morning
Aki - F - Born in autumn
Akiko - F - Autumn child
Akina - F - Spring Flower
Akio - M - Handsome
Akira - M - Smart, quick-witted
Akiyama - M - Autumn, mountain
Amaya - F - Night rain
Ami - F - Friend
Amida - M - Name of the Buddha
Anda - F - Met in the field
Aneko - F - Older sister
Anzu - F - Apricot
Arata - M - Inexperienced
Arisu - F - Yap. form of the name Alice
Asuka - F - The scent of tomorrow
Ayame - F - Iris
Azarni - F - Thistle flower

Benjiro - M - Enjoying the world
Botan - M - Peony

Chika - F - Wisdom
Chikako - F - Child of Wisdom
Chinatsu - F - A thousand years
Chiyo - F - Eternity
Chizu - F - A thousand storks (longevity is implied)
Cho - F - Butterfly

Dai - M/F - Great
Daichi - M - Great first son
Daiki - M - Great tree
Daisuke - M - Great Help

Etsu - F - Delightful, charming
Etsuko - F - A delightful child

Fudo - M - God of fire and wisdom
Fujita - M/F - Field, meadow

Gin - F - Silver
Goro - M - Fifth son

Hana - F - Flower
Hanako - F - Flower Child
Haru - M - Born in Spring
Haruka - F - Far
Haruko - F - Spring
Hachiro - M - Eighth son
Hideaki - M - Brilliant, excellent
Hikaru - M/F - Light, shining
Hide - F - Fertile
Hiroko - F - Generous
Hiroshi - M - Generous
Hitomi - F - Doubly beautiful
Hoshi - F - Star
Hotaka - M - The name of a mountain in Japan
Hotaru - F - Firefly

Ichiro - M - First son

Ima - F - Gift
Isami - M - Courage
Ishi - F - Stone
Izanami - F - Attractive
Izumi - F - Fountain

Jiro - M - Second son
Joben - M - Loving purity
Jomei - M - Carrying light
Junko - F - Pure child
Juro - M - Tenth son

Kado - M - Gate
Kaede - F - Maple Leaf
Kagami - F - Mirror
Kameko - F - Child of the turtle (symbol of longevity)
Kanaya - M - Zealous
Kano - M - God of water
Kasumi - F - Fog
Katashi - M - Hardness
Katsu - M - Victory
Katsuo - M - Victorious Child
Katsuro - M - Victorious son
Kazuki - M - Joyful World
Kazuko - F - Cheerful child
Kazuo - M - Sweet son
Kei - F - Respectful
Keiko - F - Adorable
Keitaro - M - Blessed
Ken - M - Big Guy
Ken`ichi - M - Strong first son
Kenji - M - Strong second son
Kenshin - M - Heart of the sword
Kenta - M - Healthy and bold
Kichi - F - Lucky
Kichiro - M - Lucky Son
Kiku - F - Chrysanthemum
Kimiko - F - Child of noble blood
Kin - M - Golden
Kioko - F - Happy child
Kisho - M - Having a head on his shoulders
Kita - F - North
Kiyoko - F - Purity
Kiyoshi - M - Quiet
Kohaku - M/F - Amber
Kohana - F - Small flower
Koko - F - Stork
Koto - F - Jap. musical instrument "koto"
Kotone - F - Koto sound
Kumiko - F - Forever beautiful
Kuri - F - Chestnut
Kuro - M - Ninth son
Kyo - M - Consent (or red)
Kyoko - F - Mirror

Leiko - F - Arrogant

Machi - F - Ten thousand years
Machiko - F - Lucky child
Maeko - F - Honest child
Maemi - F - Sincere smile
Mai - F - Bright
Makoto - M - sincere
Mamiko - F - Baby Mami
Mamoru - M - Earth
Manami - F - The beauty of love
Mariko - F - Child of Truth
Marise - M/F - Endless
Masa - M/F - Straight (human)
Masakazu - M - First son of Masa
Mashiro - M - Wide
Matsu - F - Pine
Mayako - F - Child Maya
Mayoko - F - Baby Mayo
Mayuko - F - Baby Mayu
Michi - F - Fair
Michie - F - Gracefully dangling flower
Michiko - F - Beautiful and wise
Michio - M - Man with the strength of three thousand
Midori - F - Green
Mihoko - F - Baby Miho
Mika - F - New Moon
Miki - M/F - Stalk
Mikio - M - Three woven trees
Mina - F - South
Minako - F - Beautiful child

Mine - F - Brave Protector
Minoru - M - Seed
Misaki - F - Bloom of Beauty
Mitsuko - F - Child of Light
Miya - F - Three arrows
Miyako - F - Beautiful baby March
Mizuki - F - Beautiful moon
Momoko - F - Peach Child
Montaro - M - Big guy
Moriko - F - Child of the Forest
Morio - M - Forest Boy
Mura - F - Rustic
Mutsuko - F - Baby Mutsu

Japanese names and their meanings

Nahoko - F - Baby Naho
Nami - F - Wave
Namiko - F - Child of the Waves
Nana - F - Apple
Naoko - F - Obedient child
Naomi - F - "Beauty First"
Nara - F - Oak
Nariko - F - Sissy
Natsuko - F - Summer child
Natsumi - F - Beautiful summer
Nayoko - F - Baby Nayo
Nibori - M - Famous
Nikki - M/F - Two Trees
Nikko - M - Daylight
Nori - F - Law
Noriko - F - Child of the Law
Nozomi - F - Hope
Nyoko - F - Jewel

Oki - F - Mid Ocean
Orino - F - Peasant Meadow
Osamu - M - Firmness of the law

Rafu - M - Network
Rai - F - Truth
Raidon - M - God of Thunder
Ran - F - Water lily
Rei - F - Gratitude
Reiko - F - Gratitude
Ren - F - Water lily
Renjiro - M - Honest
Renzo - M - Third son
Riko - F - Jasmine Child
Rin - F - Unfriendly
Rinji - M - Peaceful forest
Rini - F - Little Bunny
Risako - F - Child Risa
Ritsuko - F - Child of Ritsu
Roka - M - White wave crest
Rokuro - M - Sixth son
Ronin - M - Samurai without a master
Rumiko - F - Baby Rumi
Ruri - F - Emerald
Ryo - M - Superb
Ryoichi - M - First son of Ryo
Ryoko - F - Baby Ryo
Ryota - M - Strong (fat)
Ryozo - M - Third son of Ryo
Ryuichi - M - First son of Ryu
Ryuu - M - Dragon

Saburo - M - Third son
Sachi - F - Happiness
Sachiko - F - Child of happiness
Sachio - M - Luckily Born
Saeko - F - Baby Sae
Saki - F - Cape (geographical)
Sakiko - F - Baby Saki
Sakuko - F - Baby Saku
Sakura - F - Cherry blossoms
Sanako - F - Baby Sana
Sango - F - Coral
Saniiro - M - Wonderful
Satu - F - Sugar
Sayuri - F - Little lily
Seiichi - M - First son of Sei
Sen - M - Spirit of the tree
Shichiro - M - Seventh son
Shika - F - Deer
Shima - M - Islander
Shina - F - Worthy
Shinichi - M - First son of Shin
Shiro - M - Fourth son
Shizuka - F - Quiet
Sho - M - Prosperity
Sora - F - Sky
Sorano - F - Heavenly
Suki - F - Favorite
Suma - F - Asking
Sumi - F - Purified (religious)
Susumi - M - Moving forward (successful)
Suzu - F - Bell (bell)
Suzume - F - Sparrow

Tadao - M - Helpful
Taka - F - Noble
Takako - F - Tall child
Takara - F - Treasure
Takashi - M - Famous
Takehiko - M - Bamboo Prince
Takeo - M - Like Bamboo
Takeshi - M - Bamboo tree or brave
Takumi - M - Artisan
Tama - M/F - Jewel
Tamiko - F - Child of abundance
Tani - F - From the valley (child)
Taro - M - Firstborn
Taura - F - Many lakes; many rivers
Teijo - M - Fair
Tomeo - M - Cautious person
Tomiko - F - Child of Wealth
Tora - F - Tigress
Torio - M - Bird's tail
Toru - M - Sea
Toshi - F - Mirror reflection
Toshiro - M - Talented
Toya - M/F - House door
Tsukiko - F - Child of the moon
Tsuyu - F - Morning dew

Udo - M - Ginseng
Ume - F - Plum Blossom
Umeko - F - Child of Plum Blossoms
Usagi - F - Rabbit
Uyeda - M - From the rice field (child)

Yachi - F - Eight thousand
Yasu - F - Calm
Yasuo - M - Mirny
Yayoi - F - March
Yogi - M - Yoga Practitioner
Yoko - F - Child of the sun
Yori - F - Trustworthy
Yoshi - F - Perfection
Yoshiko - F - Perfect child
Yoshiro - M - Perfect Son
Yuki - M - Snow
Yukiko - F - Snow Child
Yukio - M - Cherished by God
Yuko - F - Kind child
Yumako - F - Baby Yuma
Yumi - F - Like a bow (weapon)
Yumiko - F - Arrow Child
Yuri - F - Lily
Yuriko - F - Child of a lily
Yuu - M - Noble blood
Yuudai - M - Great Hero

Nagisa - "coast"
Kaworu - "to smell sweet"
Ritsuko - "science", "attitude"
Akagi - "mahogany"
Shinji - "death"
Misato - "beautiful city"
Katsuragi - "fortress with walls entwined with grass"
Asuka - lit. "love-love"
Soryu - "central current"
Ayanami - "strip of fabric", "wave pattern"
Rei - "zero", "example", "soul"
KENSHIN name means "Heart of the sword".

Japanese names and their meanings

Akito - Sparkling Man
Kuramori Reika - "Treasure Protector" and "Cold Summer" Rurouni - Wandering Wanderer
Himura - "Burning Village"
Shishio Makoto - True Hero
Takani Megumi - "Love Sublime"
Shinomori Aoshi - "Green Bamboo Forest"
Makimachi Misao - "Ruling the City"
Saito Hajime - "The Beginning of Human Life"
Hiko Seijuro - "Justice Triumphed"
Seta Sojiro - "Comprehensive Forgiveness"

Mirai is the future
Hajime - boss
Mamoru is a protector
Jibo - earth
hikari - light
Atarashiki - transformations
Namida - tears
Sora - the sky
Ginga - the universe
Eve is alive
Izzy is a doctor
Usagi is a rabbit
Tsukino - Lunar
Ray is the soul
Hino - fire
Ami - rain
Mitsuno - water
Corey - ice, icy
makoto is true
Cinema - air, forest
Minako - Venus
Aino - loving
Setsuna - Guard
Mayo - castle, palace
Haruka - 1) distance, 2) heavenly
Teno - heavenly
Michiru - the way
Cayo - sea
Hotaru - light
Tomo is a friend.
Kaori - soft, affectionate
Yumi - "Perfumed Beauty"
Hakufu - Noble Sign

Japanese nominal suffixes and personal pronouns

Nominal suffixes

In Japanese, there is a whole set of so-called nominal suffixes, that is, suffixes added in colloquial speech to names, surnames, nicknames and other words denoting an interlocutor or a third person. They are used to indicate the social relationship between the speaker and the one being spoken about. The choice of a suffix is ​​determined by the character of the speaker (normal, rude, very polite), his attitude towards the listener (usual politeness, respect, fawning, rudeness, arrogance), their position in society and the situation in which the conversation takes place (one on one, in the circle of loved ones friends, between colleagues, between strangers, in public). What follows is a list of some of these suffixes (in ascending order of "respect") and their usual meanings.

Tyan (chan) - A close analogue of the "diminutive" suffixes of the Russian language. Usually used in relation to the younger or lower in the social sense, with whom one develops a close relationship. In the use of this suffix, the element of "lisping" is felt. Usually used when referring to adults to children, boys to their beloved girls, girlfriends to each other, small children to each other. The use of this suffix in relation to people who are not very close, equal in position to the speaker, is impolite. For example, if a guy refers to a peer of the same age with whom he does not “twist an affair”, then he shows incorrectness. A girl who addresses a fellow peer with whom she doesn’t “twist an affair” is, in fact, rude.

Kun (kun) - An analogue of the appeal "comrade". Most often used between men or in relation to guys. Indicates, rather, some "official", however, close relations. Say, between classmates, partners or friends. It can also be used in relation to the younger or lower in the social sense, when this circumstance does not need to be emphasized.

Yang (yan) - Kansai analogue of "-chan" and "-kun".

Pyon (pyon) - Children's version of "-kun".

Tti (cchi) - Children's version of "-chan" (cf. "Tamagotti").

Without suffix - Close relationship, but without "lisping". The usual address of adults to teenage children, friends to each other, etc. If a person does not use suffixes at all, then this is a clear indicator of rudeness. Addressing by surname without a suffix is ​​a sign of familiar, but "detached" relationships (a typical example is the relationship of schoolchildren or students).

San (san) - An analogue of the Russian "mister / madam". A general indication of respect. Often used to communicate with strangers, or when all other suffixes do not fit. Used in relation to elders, including older relatives (brothers, sisters, parents).

Han (han) - Kansai equivalent of "-san".

Xi (shi) - "Sir", is used exclusively in official documents after the surname.

Fujin (fujin) - "Lady", is used exclusively in official documents after the surname.

Kohai (kouhai) - Appeal to the younger. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are younger than the speaker.

Senpai (senpai) - Appeal to the elder. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are older than the speaker.

Dono (dono) - Rare suffix. Respectful address to an equal or superior, but slightly different in position. It is now considered obsolete and almost never occurs in communication. In ancient times, it was actively used when samurai addressed each other.

Sensei (sensei) - "Teacher". Used in relation to the actual teachers and professors, as well as to doctors and politicians.

Senshu (senshu) - "Athlete". Used in relation to famous athletes.

Zeki (zeki) - "Sumo wrestler". Used in relation to famous sumo wrestlers.

Ue (ue) - "Senior". A rare and obsolete respectful suffix used for older family members. Not used with names - only with designations of position in the family ("father", "mother", "brother").

Sama (sama) - The highest degree of respect. Appeal to gods and spirits, to spiritual authorities, a girl to her lover, servants to noble masters, etc. It roughly translates into Russian as "respected, dear, venerable."

Jin (jin) - "One of". "Saya-jin" - "one of the Sai".

Tachi (tachi) - "And friends." "Goku-tachi" - "Goku and his friends."

Gumi (gumi) - "Team, group, party." "Kenshin-gumi" - "Team Kenshin".

Personal pronouns

In addition to nominal suffixes, Japan also uses many different ways to address each other and refer to oneself using personal pronouns. The choice of a pronoun is determined by the social laws already mentioned above. The following is a list of some of these pronouns.

Group with the meaning "I"

Watashi - A polite option. Recommended for use by foreigners. Usually used by men. Infrequently used in colloquial speech, as it carries a connotation of "high style".
Atashi (Atashi) - Polite option. Recommended for use by foreigners. Usually used by women. Or gay. ^_^ Not used when communicating with high-ranking personalities.
Watakushi - A very polite female version.
Washi - Obsolete polite variant. Does not depend on gender.
Wai (Wai) - Kansai analogue of "washi".
Boku (Boku) - Familiar youth male version. It is rarely used by women; in this case, “non-femininity” is emphasized. Used in poetry.
Ore (Ore) - Not a very polite option. Purely masculine. Kind of cool. ^_^
Ore-sama (Ore-sama) - "Great I". A rare form, an extreme degree of boasting.
Daikou or Naikou (Daikou/Naikou) - An analogue of "ore-sama", but somewhat less boastful.
Sessha - A very polite form. Usually used by samurai when addressing their masters.
Hisyo (Hishou) - "Insignificant." A very polite form, now practically not used.
Gusei (Gusei) - An analogue of "hisyo", but somewhat less pejorative.
Oira (Oira) - Polite form. Commonly used by monks.
Chin (Chin) - A special form that only the emperor has the right to use.
Ware (Ware) - Polite (formal) form, translated as [I / you / he] “himself”. It is used when it is necessary to especially express the importance of "I". Let's say in spells ("I conjure"). In modern Japanese, "I" is rarely used. It is more often used to form a return form, for example, - “forgetting about yourself” - “vare in vasurete”.
[Speaker's name or position] - Used by or with children, usually within a family. Let's say a girl named Atsuko can say "Atsuko is thirsty". Or her older brother, referring to her, can say "Brother will bring you juice." There is an element of "lisping" in this, but such an appeal is quite acceptable.

Group with the meaning "We"

Watashi-tachi - A polite option.
Ware-ware (Ware-ware) - A very polite, formal option.
Bokura - An impolite variant.
Touhou - Common variant.

Group with the meaning "You / You":

Anata (Anata) - General polite option. Also the common address of a wife to her husband ("dear").
Anta (Anta) - Less polite option. Usually used by young people. A slight hint of disrespect.
Otaku (Otaku) - Literally translated as "your home". Very polite and rare form. Due to the arrogant use of Japanese informals in relation to each other, the second meaning was fixed - “fan, crazy”.
Kimi - A polite variant, often between friends. Used in poetry.
Kijo (Kijou) - "Mistress". A very polite way of addressing a lady.
Onushi (Onushi) - "Insignificant". An obsolete form of polite speech.
Omae (Omae) - Familiar (when referring to an enemy - insulting) option. Usually used by men in relation to the socially younger (father to daughter, say).
Temae/Temee (Temae/Temee) - Offensive male version. Usually towards the enemy. Something like "bastard" or "bastard".
Onore (Onore) - Offensive variant.
Kisama - Very offensive. Translated with dots. ^_^ Oddly enough, it literally translates as "noble lord."

Japanese names

Modern Japanese names consist of two parts - the surname, which comes first, and the given name, which comes second. True, the Japanese often write their names in "European order" (first name - last name) if they write them in romaji. For convenience, the Japanese sometimes write their last name in CAPITAL letters so that it is not confused with the name (due to the above-described inconsistency).
The exception is the emperor and members of his family. They don't have a last name. Girls who marry princes also lose their last names.

Ancient names and surnames

Before the Meiji Restoration, only aristocrats (kuge) and samurai (bushi) had surnames. The rest of the population of Japan was content with personal names and nicknames.
Women of aristocratic and samurai families also usually did not have surnames, since they did not have the right to inherit. In cases where women did have surnames, they did not change them upon marriage.

Surnames were divided into two groups - the surnames of aristocrats and the surnames of samurai.
Unlike the number of samurai surnames, the number of surnames of aristocrats has practically not increased since ancient times. Many of them date back to the priestly past of the Japanese aristocracy.

The most revered and respected clans of aristocrats were: Konoe, Takashi, Kujo, Ichijo and Gojo. All of them belonged to the Fujiwara clan and had a common name - "Gosetsuke". From among the men of this kind, regents (sessho) and chancellors (kampaku) of Japan were appointed, and wives for emperors were chosen from among women.
The following in nobility were the Hirohata, Daigo, Kuga, Oimikado, Saionji, Sanjo, Imaidegawa, Tokudaiji, and Kaoin clans. From among them, the highest state dignitaries were appointed.

So, representatives of the Saionji clan served as imperial stables (meryo no gogen). Then came all the other aristocratic clans.
The hierarchy of nobility of aristocratic families began to take shape in the VI century and lasted until the end of the XI century, when power in the country passed to the samurai. Among them, the clans of Genji (Minamoto), Heike (Taira), Hojo, Ashikaga, Tokugawa, Matsudaira, Hosokawa, Shimazu, Oda enjoyed special respect. A number of their representatives at different times were the shoguns (military rulers) of Japan.

The personal names of aristocrats and high-ranking samurai were formed from two kanji (hieroglyphs) of a "noble" meaning.

The personal names of samurai servants and peasants were often given according to the "numbering" principle. The first son is Ichiro, the second is Jiro, the third is Saburo, the fourth is Shiro, the fifth is Goro, and so on. Also, in addition to "-ro", the suffixes "-emon", "-ji", "-zo", "-suke", "-be" were used for this purpose.

Upon entering the samurai during his youth, he chose a different name for himself than what he was given at birth. Sometimes samurai changed their names throughout adulthood, for example, to emphasize the onset of her new period (promotion or moving to another duty station). The lord had the right to rename his vassal. In the event of a serious illness, the name was sometimes changed to the name of the Buddha Amida in order to appeal to his mercy.
According to the rules of samurai fights, before the fight, the samurai had to give his full name so that the enemy could decide whether he was worthy of such an opponent. Of course, in life this rule was observed much less frequently than in novels and chronicles.

At the end of the names of girls from noble families, the suffix "-hime" was added. It is often translated as "princess", but in fact it was used in relation to all noble young ladies.
For the names of the wives of the samurai, the suffix "-gozen" was used. Often they were called simply by their husband's surname and rank. The personal names of married women were practically used only by their close relatives.

For the names of monks and nuns from the noble classes, the suffix "-in" was used.

Modern names and surnames

During the Meiji Restoration, all Japanese were given surnames. Naturally, most of them were associated with various signs of peasant life, especially with rice and its processing. These surnames, like those of the upper class, were also usually composed of two kanji.

The most common Japanese surnames now are Suzuki, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Watanabe, Saito, Sato, Sasaki, Kudo, Takahashi, Kobayashi, Kato, Ito, Murakami, Onishi, Yamaguchi, Nakamura, Kuroki, Higa.

Men's names have changed less. They also often depend on the "serial number" of the son in the family. The suffixes "-ichi" and "-kazu" meaning "first son" are often used, as well as the suffixes "-ji" ("second son") and "-zo" ("third son").
Names containing "shin" are generally considered unfortunate and unlucky because "shin" is Japanese for "death".

Most Japanese female names end in "-ko" ("child") or "-mi" ("beauty"). Girls, as a rule, are given names that are connected in meaning with everything beautiful, pleasant and feminine. Unlike male names, female names are usually written in hiragana instead of kanji.

Some modern girls do not like the "-ko" ending in their names and prefer to omit it. For example, a girl named "Yuriko" might refer to herself as "Yuri".

According to the law passed during the time of Emperor Meiji, after marriage, the husband and wife are required by law to take the same surname. In 98% of cases, this is the husband's surname. For several years now, an amendment to the Civil Code has been discussed in parliament, allowing spouses to leave premarital surnames. However, while she can not get the required number of votes.
After death, a Japanese person receives a new, posthumous name (kaimyo), which is written on a special wooden tablet (ihai). This tablet is considered the embodiment of the spirit of the deceased and is used in funeral rites. Kaimyo and ihai are bought from Buddhist monks - sometimes even before a person's death.

The surname in Japanese is called "myoji" (or), "uji" () or "sei" ().

The vocabulary of the Japanese language has long been divided into two types: wago - native Japanese words and kango - borrowed from China. Names are divided into the same types, although a new type is now actively expanding - gairaigo - words borrowed from other languages, but components of this type are rarely used in names.

Modern Japanese names are divided into the following groups:

* kunny (consisting of vago)
*on (consisting of kango)
* mixed

The ratio of Kun and Onn surnames is approximately 80% to 20%.

The most common surnames in Japan are:

1. Sato
2. Suzuki
3. Takahashi
4. Tanaka
5. Watanabe
6. Ito
7. Yamamoto
8. Nakamura
9. Ohayashi
10. Kobayashi (different surnames, but spelled the same and have roughly the same distribution)
11. Kato

Many surnames, although they are read according to the on (Chinese) reading, go back to ancient Japanese words and are written phonetically, and not in meaning.

Examples of such surnames: Kubo - from Japanese. kubo - hole; Sasaki - from the ancient Japanese sasa - small; Abe - from the ancient word ape - to connect, mix. If we take into account such surnames, then the number of native Japanese surnames reaches 90%.

For example, the hieroglyph (“tree”) is read in kun as ki, but in names it can also be read as ko; The hieroglyph ("up") can be read in kun as ue and kami. There are two different surnames, Uemura and Kamimura, which are spelled the same. In addition, there are falling out and merging of sounds at the junction of components, for example, in the surname Atsumi, the components are separately read as atsui and umi; and the surname (kana + nari) is often read simply as Kanari.

When combining hieroglyphs, the alternation of the endings of the first component A / E and O / A is typical - for example, kane - Kanagawa, shiro - Shiraoka. In addition, the initial syllables of the second component often become voiced, for example, Yamada (pit + ta), Miyazaki (miya + saki). Also, surnames often contain the remainder of the case indicator no or ha (in ancient times it was customary to put them between the given name and surname). Usually this indicator is not written, but read - for example, Ichinomiya (iti + miya); Enomoto (e + moto). But sometimes the case indicator is displayed in hiragana, katakana or a hieroglyph - for example, Inoue (and + but + ue); Kinoshita (ki + katakana no + sita).

The vast majority of surnames in Japanese consist of two characters, surnames of one or three characters are less common, and four-digit or more surnames are very rare.

One-component surnames are mainly of Japanese origin and are formed from nouns or medial forms of verbs. For example, Watari - from watari (jap. crossing), Khata - the word hut means "plantation, vegetable garden." Onn surnames consisting of one hieroglyph are much less common. For example, Cho (jap. Cho) - means "trillion", Ying (jap.) - "reason".

Japanese surnames consisting of two components, the majority, are called numbers in 60-70%. Of these, most of them are surnames from Japanese roots - it is believed that such surnames are the easiest to read, since most of them are read according to the usual kuns used in the language. Examples - Matsumoto - consists of the nouns used in the language matsu "pine" and moto "root"; Kiyomizu - consists of the basis of the adjective kiyoi - "clean" and the noun mizu - "water". Chinese two-component surnames are less numerous and usually have a single reading. Often Chinese surnames contain numbers from one to six (excluding four, since this number is read in the same way as the “death” of si and they try not to use it). Examples: Ichijo, Saito. There are also mixed surnames, where one component is read by on, and the other by kun. Examples: Honda, khon - "base" (on reading) + ta - "rice field" (kun reading); Betsumiya, betsu - "special, different" (on reading) + miya - "temple" (kun reading). Also, a very small part of the surnames can be read both by ons and by kuns: Banzai and Sakanishi, Kunai and Miyauti.

In three-component surnames, Japanese roots are often found phonetically recorded by onami. Examples: "Kubota (probably the word kubo "hole" is written phonetically), Akutsu (probably the word aku "open" is written phonetically). However, the usual three-component surnames consisting of three kun readings are also common. Examples: Yatabe, Ōnoki. There are also three-component surnames with Chinese reading.

Four or more component surnames are very rare.

There are surnames with very unusual readings that look like puzzles. Examples: Wakairo - written in hieroglyphs "eighteen-year-old girl", but read as "young + color"; The surname denoted by the hieroglyph "one" is read as Ninomae, which can be translated as no no mae "before the deuce"; and the surname Hozue, which can be interpreted as "gathering ears" is sometimes written as "the first day of the eighth lunar month" - apparently on this day the harvest began in ancient times.