Masha analysis. The style of sentimental prose Karamzin and the reform of the Russian literary language

Masha analysis. The style of sentimental prose Karamzin and the reform of the Russian literary language

V. Nabokov - one of the brightest emigrant writers of the first wave. He was a writer unusually hardworking and versatile. He created nine novels in Russian, eight - in English, approximately fifty stories, about three hundred poems. His prose is complex and originally, the warehouse of his thinking is ironic and paradoxal.

The memory of the initial, ideal state of the world, the memory of the "lost paradise" and the desire to return there is one of the cross-cutting topics of the Romanov V. Nabokov. Roman "Masha", written in 1926, is the first one attempt.

The conflict of the novel is built on the contrast of exceptional and ordinary, genuine and fake. The main character - Ganin - a person is really outstanding. V. Nabokov shows how his "peculiarity" is reflected in the perception of other characters. For example, the hostess of the Russian Pension Ganin seems not at all like all Russian young people who have overdone from her. But the hero himself perfectly knows about his exclusivity, which is expressed primarily in the fact that he has a memories of the past. This is the past and there is a "lost paradise", whose symbols become "Dedovsky Park Alleys" and first love.

The hero of the outstanding opposes the hero of the vulgar - Alferov. Everything went in it: the word ("brisk and corporal voice, pretentious banalities), the smell (" warm, sluggish pan is not quite a healthy, an elderly man "), finally, appearance (" there was something cheerful, sweet-gospel in his features ").

Having learned that Masha Liva, Ganin literally wakes up from sleep: "It was not just a memory, and life, much more valid, much more" more intensive, "- as they write in newspapers - than the life of his Berlin shadow. It was an amazing novel, developing with genuine, tender care. "

The hero takes a decisive attempt to find a "lost paradise" - he is going to kidnap Masha in Alferov, her present husband. To achieve its goal, he makes an unethical act (drove up the opponent on the night before the arrival of Masha, rearranged the arrow of the alarm, so that Alfers could not meet his wife, and himself rushes at the station). Ganin does not feel any remorse and does not even recognize the opponent of the right to cause him to duel to satisfy an offended feeling.

In the world of Berlin emigration, where events are deployed, his conscience is sleeping - this is the world of shadows, the world of mirages.

However, in the end, Ganin turns out to be "Dog in Seine": he also did not meet Masha, realizing in last momentThat the past is not to return: "He fully exhausted his memories, I was sat down to the end, the image of Masha remained ... in the House of Shadows (guesthouse), which he himself became a memory." After passing the past, the hero goes to another station, leaving for the future.

The final of the novel should sound optimistic, but in this optimism there are escalate. The first attempt to find the "lost paradise" was reduced to the abandonment of paradise, the feeling of the exhaustion of memories of the beloved and, besides this image, there is no other Masha and can not be.

Roman "Masha" is a completely special world, imbued with pain and nostalgia in the homeland. "We must remember," V. Nabokov wrote once, - that the work of art is certainly the creation of a new world, and the first thing that we should do is to study the created as close as possible, approaching it, as something completely new not having any connections with worlds known to us. "

/ / / The image of Masha in the novel Nabokova "Masha"

The work of Vladimir Nabokova is a lot of ambiguous judgments among readers. At the same time, he does not cease to be one of the most interesting Russian writers of the twentieth century. "" The first novel writer, which makes it incredibly fascinating and interesting for study.

In this work, many impressions and experiences of Vladimir Nabokov himself appeared. The main character is an emigrant. He was in love with a girl who remained far in Russia. Later, the main character He learns that the girl he loved with all his heart is now his wife, his neighbor and antagonist on the plot of the novel. Measher's memories are captured by the soul of the main character entirely. Thoughts about his long-standing love make him start living and dreaming.

The conflict of the novel is peculiar and interesting. The contradiction in the work is built on opposition. Dreams of Russia are becoming more realistic for the main character than life itself in emigration. In this conflict special meaning It has the image of Masha, the girl, which Lev Ganin loved with all his heart while in Russia. She becomes a symbol of a distant homeland for him.

The image of Mashenka passes through all the memories of Ganin. He represents it beautiful girl With burning eyes, dark skin and with a "chestnut braid in black velvet." He remembers her cheerful, remembers her laughter and joy. Memories of the image of his sweetheart help him experience that longing native countrywhich he is experiencing in the guesthouse.

So, Mashane in the novel is associated with the brightest memories, which made the main character happier to emigration. The girl merges with the way the homeland lost, and with her and happiness. Masha does not appear on the pages of the novel herself, only through the memories of the main character, which shows the unattainableness lost Paradise. The image of Masha is transmitted only by passages of memories. Unfortunately, more for emigrants is not available. Meeting with a distant beloved was to become a miracle for Ganin, the opportunity to return to old worldwhere he was happy. Unfortunately, this did not happen.

The author paints a whole story of life in his novel. On the eve of the return of Masha to her husband, Ganin will send his neighbor of Alferov on the festival. The main character builds plans to meet Masha at the station and wants to go along with her far to be happy together. In the morning the character says goodbye to the guesthouse and travels to the station. Over time, Ganin is beginning to attend the thoughts that the novel with his beloved ended in a long time, in distant Russia, which is no longer returned. Roman Vladimir Nabokova is completed by the fact that the main character of the work does not wait for a woman's arrival at the station. He decides to fall alone.

Thus, it can be concluded that the image of Masha is becoming something ephemeral, vague and unattainable. Masha, like Russia herself, becomes in the eyes of the main hero of the past, which is no longer returned. The fact that the heroine itself does not appear on the pages of the novel, only confirms this theory.

The work refers to the period early creativity writer and is the first prosaic creation of the author, the test of the writer pen.

The basis of the novel makes the memories in the absence of a fabul of the work, and the narrative content unfolds by using the characters' dialogues, internal monologues of the main character, as well as the author's descriptions of the places of occurring events and actions.

The story in the novel is carried out on behalf of the third person and is built in the form of memories of the main character of Leo Glebovich Ganin about the past life in the country, which he is forced to leave because of the accomplished revolution.

The main character is represented by a writer in the image of a person who is in a state of twilight, which, hitting the emigration environment, loses human qualitiesInherent personality, feeling your closure and lost. Memories of the past, illuminating light feelings, become the only consolation of Ganin.

The storyline of the novel is set out in the form of the hero's memories of his first love for the girl Masha, the photo of which he accidentally sees the neighbor on the guesthouse in Berlin. It turns out that Masha is the wife of Mathematics Alferov and will soon have to come to Germany.

Arrival former beloved contributes to the manifestation of the revival in the soul of Ganin, filling it poetic worlds Heat, love, summer sun and driven by a heavy longing on an abandoned homeland. In the upcoming meeting, Ganin feels a divine miracle, gives hope of returning to a happy and quiet life. However, an hour before the arrival of the train, Ganin understands that all feelings remain only in the past and refund is impossible, so leaves hope for happiness and leaves the station.

The writer characterizes the main character of the novel by describing its deep psychological experiences, transmitting the feelings of the lost happiness of his youth, playing the special construction of narrative text in the form of escorting leitmotifs and images. As a means artistic expressiveness In the novel there are a method of detail, saturating the contents of smells and colorful shades, repeats and comparisons, illusions and reminiscence, as well as numerous metaphors having each separately symbolic meaning and creating an atmosphere of the reality of what is happening.

A distinctive feature of the novel is the application by the author of an unusual color feeding of the narration using a variety of shades of paints, reinforcing plot climax, in the form of yellow, purple flowers, yellow-violet combination, as well as light, gold tones.

The sense load of the work is combined in the image of two artistic spaces, expressed in the real Berlin existence of Ganin in an adult Russian guesthouse and his imaginary world memories, which personifies in Masha, his lost paradise and happiness, about the meaninglessness of his own destiny.

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German guesthouse for Russian emmigrants. 6 rooms numbered by leaves from the old tear-off calendar - the first few of April. Each of the tenants once lived in Russian expanses, and now it is forced to be crowded here, among solitude, memories and hopes. It seems that even the old building is forgiving by the place where it has never been. "You can not at all and imagine how much a person needs to rearrange to get the right to leave here," the words of the old russian poet Pillagina reflects everything severe condition "Prisoners". Through the whole century you feel how gray, poverty and meaninglessness fit on the pages. "Well, everything is not so sad!", "You think." Indeed, the next page is filled with a soft and warm light - the main character unexpectedly learns in the photo, this neighbor, his first love is Masha. A cute girl is the wife of the unloved Alphera and comes in a few days. As if the saving circle, this news wants Ganin and plunges into sweet dreams. Despite the fact that it is already in relations with Lyudmila - also unloved, - a young man builds their cloudless future in his head with Masha. "He did not know what impetus from the outside should happen to give him the strength to break three-month communication with Lyudmila, as well as did not know what exactly it should happen so that he could get out of the chair." - There was not just a push, and the blow of such power that Ganin was able to leave not only Lyudmila, but all his last life. The fatalist inside the faded, the pretentious man believed that fate gave them a chance. Four days before her arrival, he did not find his place, anticipated them to the meeting and lived with one - memories. Only here is not so simple - Masha showed him in his head not beautiful loneliness, and together with the native Russia. Being a happy ghost of the past, she was no longer a beloved girl, and his beloved homeland, which Ganin was irretrievably lost. Four days It was enough for the protagonist to coordinate the feelings that arose among the hopeless emptiness and shook him, and looked at the situation with a sober look. For an hour and a half before the car arrival, he changes his decision, realizing that he loves only the image, memories. Masha and Russia have ever changed equally and let them better stay happiness in the past than disappointment in the present. Ganin goes to another station and leaves Berlin forever.

V.V. Nabokov is famous for the fact that he began his creativity without a debrity, reflecting his personal feelings and experiences. The accuracy and brightness of the details enslaves and attracts the look. Each subject has feelings as the characters who are both the main and secondary, are experiencing serious takeoffs and falls. "Masha" was only the beginning of the path born from problems, barriers and longing. But it was this that would prejudice a talented author to a successful literary future.

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In 1926, the first prose art Nabokova - Roman "Masha". On this occasion, the magazine "Niva" wrote: "Himself and his destiny in different variations of Nabokov, having fun, tirelessly embroiders on the canvas of his works. But not only your own, although it's hardly someone interested Nabokov more than he himself. This is also the fate of the whole human type - Russian intellectual emigrant. Indeed, for Nabokov, life in a foreign land turned out to be quite severe. The consolation was becoming the past, in which there were bright feelings, love, a completely different world. Therefore, the novel is based on memories. Fabules as such, the content unfolds as a stream of consciousness: Dialogues acting persons, internal monologues of the main character, the description of the place of action is mixed.

The main hero of the Roman, Lev Glebovich Ganin, being in emigration, lost some essential properties Personality. He lives in a guesthouse, which he doesn't need and is not interesting, his inhabitants are pity, he is miserable, and he himself, like other emigrants, do not need anyone. Ganin jeeping, sometimes he cannot decide what to do: "To change the position of the body, to get up to go and wash your hands, hand over the window ...". "Twilight Navaynie" is a definition that gives the author of his hero. Although the novel refers to early period Creativity Nabokova and is perhaps the most "classic" of all the works created by him, but the game characteristic of the writer with the reader is present here. It is unclear what he serves the root cause: whether the spiritual experiences deform the outside world, or, on the contrary, the ugly reality defams the soul. There is a feeling that the writer put two curves of the mirrors in front of each other, the images in which the ugly refracted, double-minded and tripling.

Roman "Masha" is built as a member of the hero about the former life in Russia, a torn revolution and Civil War; The story is conducted from a third party. In the life of Ganin before the emigration was one significant event - His love for Masha, who remained in his homeland and is lost with her. But completely unexpectedly Ganin learns in the woman depicted in the photo, the wife of a neighbor in the Berlin Guest House of Alfere, his Masha. She must come to Berlin, and this expected arrival revives the hero. Grave melancholy Ganina passes, his soul is filled with memories of the same: the room in the St. Petersburg house, country manor, three toplands, barn with painted window, even flashing the spokes of the bike wheel. Ganin again seems to be immersed in the world of Russia, preserving the poetry of the "noble negle" and the warmth of the kindred relations. There were many events, and the author takes the most significant of them. Ganin perceives the image of Masha like "Sign, Call, the question abandoned in the sky," and this question he suddenly receives a "self-auctor, delightful answer." Meeting with Masha should become a miracle, returning to the world in which Ganin just could be happy. Having done everything to prevent his neighbor to meet his wife, Ganin turns out to be at the station. At the time of stopping the train, on which she came, he feels that this meeting is impossible. And leaving at another station to leave the city.

It would seem that the situation of the love triangle is supposed in the novel, and the development of the plot pushes to this. But Nabokov casts the traditional finale. The deep experiences of Ganin for him are much more important than the nuances of the relationship of heroes. The refusal of Ganin from a meeting with his beloved has no psychological, but rather philosophical motivation. He understands that the meeting is not needed, it is not even impossible, not because it is involved in the inevitable psychological problemsAnd because you can't turn the time ago. It could lead to submission to the past and, therefore, the abandonment of oneself, which is generally impossible for the heroes of Nabokov.

In the novel, "Mashenka" Nabokov first turns to themes, which will then repeatedly appear in his work. This is the topic of Russia lost, serving as the image of the lost paradise and happiness of youth, the topic of memories, simultaneously opposing everything by destroying time and ending in this vain struggle.

The image of the main character, Ganin, is very typical for creativity V. Nabokov. In his works all the time, unrelated, "lost" emigrants appear. Dusty Pension is unpleasant Ganin, because he will never replace his homeland. Living in the guesthouse - Ganina, Mathematics Teachers of Alfere, the old Russian poet of the palty drug, Clara, Mixted dancers - unites, some kind of off life. The question arises: why do they live? Ganin is removed in cinema, selling his shadow. Is it worth living in order to "get up and ride in a typography every morning," how is Clara doing? Or "Search for an Anguzhent", how to seek his dancers? Humiliate, poke a visa explaining on the bad german languageHow is it forced to do it tightened? Objectives that would justify this miserable existence, no one has any of them. They all do not think about the future, do not seek to get a job, establish life, living in the afternoon. And the past, and the estimated future remained in Russia. But confess to yourself in this - it means to say to yourself the truth about yourself. After that, you need to make some conclusions, but how then to live, how to fill boring days? And life is filled with small passions, romance, bustle. "Tightened in the household room of the guesthouse, stroking the black affectionate dachshum, pointed her ears, wart on a gray face and told about his Starikovskaya, painful illness and that he had long been bitten about a visa to Paris, where very cheshev pins and red wine "

Ganin's connection with Lyudmila does not leave the feeling that we are talking about love. But this is not love: "And striking and string, he felt like a meaningless tenderness, - the sad warmth, which remained there, where love very fleecely, - forces it to press it without passion to the purple rubber of her lips ..." Was Ganin true love? When he met the boy at all, he loved not her, and his dream, who was invented by the ideal of a woman. Masha turned out to be unworthy. He loved silence, privacy, beauty, looking for harmony. She was frivolous, pulled him into the crowd. And "He felt that he was faded from these meetings true love" In the world of Nabokov happy love Impossible. She or is associated with treason, or heroes do not know what love is. Individual pathos, the fear of submission to another person, the fear of the possibility of his trial make the heroes of Nabokov forget about it. Often based on the plot of the works of the writer love triangle. But the glow of passions, the nobility of feelings in his works is impossible to find, the story looks vulgar and boring.

For the novel "Masha" characteristic features, manifested and in further work Nabokova. This is a game of literary quotes and building text on slipping and newly manifested leitmotives and images. Here, they become independent and meaningful sounds (from nightingale singing, meaning natural principle and past, to the noise of the train and tram, personifying the world and present), odors, repetitive images - trains, trams, light, shadows, comparisons of heroes with birds. Nabokov, speaking of meetings and partings of heroes, undoubtedly hinted the reader to the plot "Eugene Onegin". Also attentive reader can be found in the novel of the images characteristic of lyrics A.A. Feta (nightingale and rose), A.A. Block (dates in a blizzard, heroine in the snow). At the same time, the heroine, whose name was made in the title of the novel, did not appear on his pages never, and the reality of its existence sometimes seems doubtful. The game with illusions and reminiscence is constantly being done.

Nabokov actively uses traditional receptions for Russian literature. The author appeals to the peculiarization peculiar to Chekhov, saturates the world by smells and paints like Bunin. First of all it is connected with a ghostly main heroine. Modern critics called "Masha" "narcissistic novel", assumed that the author is constantly "self-relocating" in his heroes, putting a person in the center of the narration, endowed with non-Running intelligence and capable of a strong passion. No nature development, the plot turns into a stream of consciousness. Many contemporaries did not accept the novel, since it did not have a dynamically developing plot and a happy conflict resolution. Nabokov wrote about the "furnished" space of emigration, in which henceforth had to live him and his heroes. Russia remained in memoirs and dreams, and with this reality should be considered.