The crew of the Pike submarine found in the Black Sea fought for life for four days. A complete list of the dead. Pike submarines

The crew of a submarine found in the Black Sea
The crew of the Pike submarine found in the Black Sea fought for life for four days. A complete list of the dead. Pike submarines

For a long time they have been the main striking force of our fleet and a means of countering a potential enemy. The reason for this is simple: our country has historically not worked out with aircraft carriers, but missiles launched from under the water are guaranteed to hit any point on the globe. That is why, even in the Soviet Union, great importance was attached to the development and creation of new types of submarines. At one time, Project 971 became a real breakthrough, within the framework of which multipurpose low-noise ships were created.

New "Pikes"

In 1976, a decision was made to design and build new submarines. The task was entrusted to the notorious Malachite enterprise, which the country's nuclear fleet has always counted on. The peculiarity of the new project is that during its development, the developments on the "Barracuda" were fully used, and therefore the stage of preliminary design and many calculations were skipped, which significantly reduced the cost of the project itself and accelerated the work carried out within its framework.

Unlike the “ancestors” of the 945 family, project 971, at the suggestion of engineers from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, did not involve the use of titanium in the production of cases. This was due not only to the enormous cost and shortage of this metal, but also to the monstrous laboriousness of working with it. In fact, only Sevmash could pull such a project, the capacities of which were already fully loaded. The first components had already been sent to the stocks ... as intelligence provided information about a new American submarine of the Los Angeles type. Because of this, the project 971 was urgently sent for revision.

It was already fully completed in 1980. Another feature of the new "Shchuks" was that most of the work on their design and creation was carried out in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Prior to that, the Pacific shipyards were in the position of a "poor relative" and performed only the functions of slaves.

Other features of the project

Few people know about this historical fact, but at the very beginning of the 80s, our country purchased Toshiba products from Japan - especially precise machines for metal processing, which made it possible to make new screws that produce a minimum of noise during operation. The deal itself was highly secret, but the United States, which by that time had practically "colonized" Japan, found out about it almost immediately. As a result, the Toshiba company even came under economic sanctions.

Thanks to the propellers and some other design features, the 971 project was distinguished by an amazing sailing silence. This is largely the merit of Academician A. N. Krylov, who for several years worked to reduce the noise level of submarines, being involved in the creation of the "Barracuda". The efforts of the honored academician and the whole team of the research institute headed by him did not go unrequited: the boats of Project 971 "Pike-B" were noisy several times less than the newest American "Los Angeles".

Appointment of new submarines

The new submarines were able to adequately meet any enemy, since their strike weapons and its variety amazed even seasoned Moremans. The thing is that "Shchuk-B" had to destroy surface and submarine ships, lay mines, conduct reconnaissance and sabotage raids, participate in special operations ... B "".

Innovative solutions and ideas

As we said, the initial design of this type of submarine had to be significantly corrected. The only weak link of our submarines in comparison with their American counterparts was the lack of a digital noise filtering complex. But in terms of general combat characteristics, the new "Pike" still greatly outnumbered them. For example, they were armed with the latest anti-ship missiles "Granat", which, if necessary, made it possible to severely thin out any enemy surface naval grouping.

But already after the "file refinement" in 1980, the Pikes still received the Skat-3 digital jamming complex, as well as the latest guidance systems that allowed the use of the most advanced cruise missiles. For the first time, the means of control of the battle and the weapons themselves were achieved, a special pop-up capsule was massively introduced into the design to save the entire crew, which was successfully tested back on the Barracuda.

Design features

Like all the main submarines of the USSR of this class, Project 971 submarines used the now classic two-hull scheme. For the first time in the history of "underwater" shipbuilding, the experience of block articulation of submarine fragments was widely used, which made it possible to perform most of the work in the comfortable conditions of the workshop. Zonal units of equipment were also widely used, which, after completion of installation, were simply connected to centralized data buses.

How did you reduce the noise level?

In addition to the special screws, which we have already mentioned many times, special damping systems are used. Firstly, all mechanisms are installed on special “foundations”. Secondly, each zonal unit has another depreciation system. Such a scheme made it possible not only to significantly reduce the volume of noise generated by the submarine, but also to additionally protect the crew and equipment of the submarine from the action of shock waves generated during the explosions of depth charges. So our fleet, for which submarines were almost always the main striking force, received a weighty "argument" for deterring a potential enemy.

Like all modern submarines, "Shchuki" have a well-developed keel tail with a prominent boule, which houses the towed antenna of the radar complex. The peculiarity of the plumage of these boats is that it is made, as it were, a single whole with the power elements of the main hull. All this is done in order to minimize the number of eddies as much as possible. The latter can lead the enemy's hydroacoustics to the trail of the vessel. These measures have borne legitimate results: "Pike" are considered the most inconspicuous submarine ships today.

Submarine dimensions and crew

The surface displacement of the ship is 8140 tons, the underwater displacement is 10,500 tons. The maximum length of the hull is 110.3 m, the width does not exceed 13.6 m. The average draft on the surface is approaching ten meters.

Due to the fact that various solutions for the integrated automation of its control were massively applied in the design of the boat, the crew was reduced to 73 people in comparison with the American 143 crew members (on the Los Angeles). If we compare the new "Pike" with the previous varieties of this family, then the living and working conditions of the crew have been significantly improved. Due to the reduction in the number of the latter, it also became possible to place people in the two most protected compartments (residential).

Power point

The heart of the ship is a 190 MW reactor. It has four steam generators and one turbine, the control and mechanization means of which are repeatedly duplicated. The power delivered to the shaft is 50,000 hp. with. The propeller is seven-bladed, with a special section of the blades and a reduced rotation speed. The maximum speed of the ship under water, if translated into values ​​understandable by "land", exceeds 60 km / h! Simply put, a boat can move in dense environments faster than many sports yachts, not to mention heavy combat ships. The thing is that the hulls of the boats were developed by a whole "battalion" of academicians with numerous works in the field of hydrodynamics.

Enemy ship detection tools

The real highlight of the new "Pike" was the MGK-540 "Skat-3" complex. He is able not only to filter out interference, but also to independently detect the bearing of noise from the propellers of any ship. In addition, the "Skat" can be used as a conventional sonar when passing unfamiliar fairways. The detection range of enemy submarines has tripled compared to submarines of previous generations. In addition, "Skat" determines the characteristics of the pursued targets much faster and provides a forecast for the time of combat contact.

A unique feature of any project 971 submarine is the installation that allows you to detect any surface ship by the wake it leaves. The equipment calculates the waves diverging from it even several hours after the passage of the ship in this square, which makes it possible to covertly track enemy ship groupings at a safe distance from them.

Weapon characteristics

The main striking force is four 533 mm torpedo tubes. But four more installations of caliber 650 mm TA look much more impressive. In total, the submarine can carry up to 40 missiles and / or torpedoes. "Pike" can fire missiles "Granat", as well as "Shkvalami", equally effective in the submerged and surfaced positions. Of course, it is possible to shoot with conventional torpedoes and release automatic mines from torpedo tubes, which are independently placed in a combat position.

In addition, with the help of this submarine, you can set conventional minefields. So the range of weapons is very wide. When cruise missiles are launched, their guidance and tracking occurs in a fully automatic mode, without distracting the crew's attention from other combat missions. Alas, but in 1989, after the conclusion of agreements with the Americans that were extremely unfavorable for our country, Project 971 submarines went on alert without the "Grenades" and "Whirlwinds", since these weapons can carry a nuclear charge.

Significance of "Shchuk" for the domestic shipbuilding

As we said, these submarines became the first independent project of the shipyards of the Far East, which for the first time received a state order of such complexity and importance. The K-284 boat, which became the flagship of the series, was laid down in 1980 and entered service with the fleet four years later. During construction, minor corrections were promptly made to the design, which were routinely used in the creation of all subsequent submarines.

Already during the first tests, sailors and members of the Ministry of Defense were delighted with how quiet the submarine turned out to be. These indicators were so good that they made it possible to speak with full confidence about the entry of Soviet shipbuilding to a fundamentally new level. Western military advisers, who recognized the Pike as a weapon of a new class and assigned them the Akula code, were in full agreement with this.

Due to their features, Project 971 submarines can penetrate deep-echeloned anti-submarine defense, equipped with standard acoustic detection equipment. Given the powerful armament, the submarine may well stand up for itself even if it is discovered.

Even in the zone of enemy domination, quiet and invisible nuclear submarines of Project 971 can inflict sensitive losses on the enemy, up to the shelling of coastal targets by means of nuclear destruction. "Pike" are quite capable of surface and submarine ships, as well as the destruction of strategically important command centers, even if located at a considerable distance from the coastal zone.

The significance of the Schuka-B project for our country

The appearance of the Project 971 nuclear submarine confused the Americans with all the cards. Before that, they quite rightly considered their offensive surface forces to be the strongest in the world, and the Soviet fleet, which had significantly fewer surface ships, was rated quite low by their experts. Pikes have reached a completely new level of play. They can work calmly even deep behind enemy lines, going beyond the lines of anti-submarine defense. In the event of a full-scale war, not a single command center is immune from a nuclear strike from under the water, and there is no need to talk about a full-scale cut of sea routes.

Any offensive operation of a potential enemy in such conditions turns into an analogue of a dance, and you can forget about the surprise of an attack. The US leadership "Pike" (especially the modernized ones) is very worried. Already in 2000, they repeatedly made attempts to legally break through an agreement on a strong restriction of their use, but the interests of the Russian Federation in such "mutually beneficial" agreements do not have.

Modifications and further development of the project

Subsequently, "Shchuka" (project 971) has been repeatedly improved, especially in terms of sonar stealth. They are especially different from other ships "Vepr" and "Dragon", built according to the individual project 971U. They are immediately noticeable by the changed contours of the hull. The latter was lengthened by four meters at once, which made it possible to nominally place additional equipment for direction finding and apply new design solutions aimed at reducing the noise level. The displacement in the surface and submerged positions increased by more than one and a half tons.

The power plant, which is powered by the OK-650B3 reactor, has also changed significantly. The changes were so obvious that the new nuclear-powered multipurpose submarine was immediately dubbed Improved Akula in foreign media. According to the same project, four more submarines were supposed to be built, but in the end, only two of them were laid down and created at the shipyards. The first of them, the K-335 "Gepard", was generally built according to the special project 971M, which provided for the use of the latest achievements of the radio-electronic industry in the design.

This boat generally became known to Western sailors as Akula II, since its differences from the basic design were striking. The second completed submarine, aka K-152 "Nerpa", was also created according to a special project 971I, originally intended to be leased to the Indian Navy. Basically, "Nerpa" differs from its "brothers" in the most simplified radio-electronic stuffing, in which there are no secret components.

The continuity of generations

Initially, all boats of this series had only an index, not designated by proper names. But in 1990, the K-317 received the name "Panther". It was given in honor of the submarine of the Russian Empire, which was the first to open a combat account. Subsequently, the project 971 nuclear submarine Tiger became the "birthday girl". Soon, all submarines of this family also received their own names, echoing the designations of the ships that were part of the Imperial and Soviet Navy. The only exception that has project 971, "Kuzbass". Previously, this ship was called "Walrus". At first it was named after one of the first submarines of the Empire, but later they honored the memory of Soviet sailors.

But the most significant were the nuclear submarines produced at Sevmash. Their entire series was codenamed "Bars". For this, all the submarines of the project received the nickname "cats" in the west.

"Semi-combat" work

During the NATO aggression against Serbia in 1996, the K-461 "Wolf" was on alert in the Mediterranean Sea. American hydroacoustics managed to detect its location during the passage of the Strait of Gibraltar, but our submariners managed to get away from them. It was possible to re-find the "Wolf" only directly off the coast of Yugoslavia. In this military campaign, the nuclear submarine covered the domestic aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" from potential aggressive actions of "Western partners". At the same time, the "Wolf" conducted covert tracking of six NATO nuclear submarines, including one submarine of the "rival" class "Los Angeles".

In the same year, another "Pike-B", which was under the command of A. V. Burilichev, was on alert in the waters of the Atlantic. There, the crew discovered the US Navy SSBN, and then covertly accompanied the ship throughout its combat duty. If it was a war, the American missile carrier would go to the bottom. The command understood all this perfectly, and therefore Burilichev immediately after the "business trip" received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. This is another evidence of the high combat qualities and stealth of any Project 971 boat.

About cases of appendicitis at sea ...

At the end of February of the same 1996, an anecdotal incident took place. At that time, large-scale exercises of the NATO fleet were being carried out. The order of anti-submarine ships just managed to get in touch with the command and report on the absence of potential enemy submarines along the course of the convoy ... A few minutes later the commander of the Russian submarine contacted the British ships. And soon the "hero of the occasion" herself emerged in front of the crazed British sailors.

The crew reported that one of the sailors was in serious condition due to bursting appendicitis. Under the conditions of the submarine, the success of the operation was not guaranteed, and therefore the captain made an unprecedented decision to communicate with foreign colleagues. The patient was quickly loaded onto an English helicopter and sent to the hospital. It is difficult to imagine how the British sailors, who had just reported about the absence of enemy submarines, felt at this moment. What's even more interesting, they were unable to locate the old series Project 971 boat at that time! Since then, Project 971 "Shark" has been deeply respected by

Current state of affairs

Currently, all submarines of this series are in service, serve in the Pacific Ocean and the above-mentioned "Nerpa" is in service in and, under the terms of the contract, will stay there until 2018. It is possible that after that the Indians will prefer to extend the contract, since they highly appreciate the combat qualities of the Russian submarine.

By the way, the Indian Navy called the Nerpa Chakra. It is interesting that earlier the boat 670 "Skat" had exactly the same name, which also served India on lease terms in the period from 1988 to 1992. All the sailors who served there have become real professionals in their field, and some officers from the first "Chakra" have already managed to rise to the rank of admirals. Whatever it was, but the Russian "Pike" today is actively used in the difficult task of carrying out combat duty and serve as one of the guarantors of the state sovereignty of our country.

Today, when the fleet begins to gradually recover after the 90s, there is already talk that the fifth generation nuclear submarines should be based precisely on the developments of Project 971, since the ships of this series have repeatedly proved their promise. Themselves "Pike" correspond in their parameters to the fourth generation submarines. An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that they repeatedly deceived the SOSUS hydroacoustic detection system, which at one time created many problems for Soviet sailors.

The development of a preliminary design for a series III submarine of medium displacement with torpedo-artillery armament, called "Pike", was carried out at NTMK with the participation of submarine specialists BM Malinin and KI Ruberovsky. By the end of the work, S.A. Basilevsky joined it.

The main tactical and technical elements of the submarine "Shchuka" were approved at a meeting held under the leadership of the chief of the Navy R.A. Muklevich, November 1, 1928. The development of the project by the Technical Bureau No. 4 was completed by the end of 1929.
A one-and-a-half-hull (with boules) submarine riveted design was intended for mass construction. Therefore, during the development of the project, much attention was paid to its every possible reduction in cost. It was supposed to replace the block assembly of submarines in the shop, in the most favorable conditions for increasing labor productivity and reducing costs.

The first version of the design assignment provided for the division of the strong hull of the Pike submarine into 5 compartments. The strength of all lightweight flat bulkheads was designed for only 2 atm. Submarine in case of flooding of any compartment would remain afloat, tk. its buoyancy reserve (22%) exceeded the volume of the largest of them - the bow. At the same time, calculations showed that when the bow compartment is flooded, if the adjacent main ballast tank is filled, a trim of more than 80 degrees is formed. Therefore, the bow compartment was divided into two by an additional bulkhead installed between the torpedo tubes and spare torpedoes. The calculated trim then decreased by about 10 degrees, which was considered satisfactory.
A simplified form of a lightweight body was adopted. Unlike the submarine of the "Leninets" type, it covered only two-thirds of the length of the robust hull. In the boules passing along the sides (hemispherical attachments) were located the main ballast tanks, and at the ends of the light hull - the bow and stern tanks. Only the medium, equalizing and fast diving tank was inside a solid hull. This provided a simpler technology, a larger width of the main ballast tanks, and facilitated their assembly and riveting.

However, the boolean form of the light hull of the middle submarine had both advantages over the two- and one-and-a-half-hull submarines of the "Decembrist" and "Leninets" types, as well as disadvantages (worsened the speed). Tests of the head submarine of series III showed that at full speed it formed two systems of shear waves: one was created by the main contours of the hull and extremities, the other - by boules. Therefore, their interference should have increased the resistance to movement. Therefore, the shape of boules for submarines of this type of subsequent series was improved. Their nasal end was pointed and raised up to the level of the waterline. By this, the entire system of transverse waves, formed by boules, was shifted somewhat towards the nose, farther from resonance with waves from the main body.
For series III submarines, a straight stem was adopted. In subsequent series of submarines of this type, it was replaced by an inclined, curved model of the submarine of the "Decembrist" type.

In the final version, the sturdy hull of the "Shch" type submarine of the III series was divided by flat bulkheads into 6 compartments.
The first (bow) compartment is a torpedo compartment. It housed 4 torpedo tubes (two vertically and two horizontally) and 4 spare torpedoes on racks.
The second compartment is battery. In the pits, covered with a removable flooring made of wooden panels, 2 groups of AB were located (56 elements of the "KSM" type each). In the upper part of the compartment there were living quarters, under the accumulator pits there were fuel tanks.
The third compartment is the central post, over which a solid wheelhouse was installed, closed by a fence with a bridge.
The fourth compartment housed 2 four-stroke compressorless diesel engines of 600 hp each. with their own mechanisms, systems, gas valves and devices.
The fifth compartment was occupied by 2 main rowing electric motors of 400 hp each. and 2 electric motors of the economic course of 20 hp each, which were connected to two propeller shafts by a belt elastic transmission, which contributed to the reduction of noise.
In the sixth (aft) compartment there were 2 torpedo tubes (located horizontally).
In addition to torpedo armament, the submarine had an anti-aircraft 37-mm semi-automatic gun and 2 machine guns of 7.62 mm caliber.

During the construction of the first submarines of the "Shch" type, sufficient attention was not paid to the phenomenon of compression of the hull by external water pressure. Insignificant on the Bars-class submarines with their shallower immersion depth and large reserves of rigidity, it caused serious trouble on the submarines under construction. For example, during the first deep-sea diving of the "Shch" -type submarine, the fillet of the aft torpedo loading hatch was deformed. The resulting leak was a continuous veil of water, gushing under great pressure from behind the lining square that connected the fillet lining to the strong body. Truth. The thickness of the water sheet was no more than 0.2 mm, but the length exceeded 1 m.Of course, such a leak did not create a threat of flooding the 6th compartment, but the very fact of its appearance testified to the lack of rigidity of the structure, which compensated for the elliptical cutout in a strong body of a rather long length (cut several frames). In addition, the occurrence of a leak had a negative psychological effect on the personnel. In this regard, it is appropriate to quote the words of one of the most experienced Soviet submariners: “Apparently, even a person who is far from underwater service can easily imagine what a powerful jet of water means, rushing under enormous pressure into a submarine located at a depth.
Either stop her at any cost, or die. Of course, divers always choose the first one, whatever the cost to each of them. "

The structure in the area of ​​the fillet connection with the robust body was reinforced with additional removable beams.
Even in the process of testing the submarine "Decembrist" attention was drawn to the strong burying of the submarine's nose into the oncoming wave at full surface speed. There were no deck tanks on the "Sh" type submarines, as well as on the "L" type submarines, and this further increased their desire to bury. Only later did it become obvious that such a phenomenon is inevitable for all submarines on the surface and is caused by their low buoyancy. But when creating the submarines of the first series, they tried to fight this by increasing the buoyancy of the bow end. For this purpose, a special "buoyancy tank" was installed on the "Shch" type submarine, filled, like the entire superstructure, through scuppers (holes with gratings), but equipped with ventilation valves for the bow tank of the main ballast. However, this only led to a reduction in the pitching period and an increase in its amplitude: after a sharp emergence on a wave, the nose of the submarine also fell sharply downward and buried itself in its sole. Therefore, later on, on the "Shch" type submarine, the bow "buoyancy tanks" were eliminated.
The main ballast tanks were filled with seawater by gravity through the kingstones located in special enclosures in the lower part of the light hull. They had only manual drives. The ventilation valves of these tanks were controlled by both pneumatic remote drives and manual drives.

Excessive simplification and the desire to reduce the cost led to the decision to abandon the blowing of the main ballast tanks with turbochargers on the series III submarines, replacing the blowing by pumping with centrifugal pumps. But this change was unsuccessful: the duration of the process of removing the main ballast increased to 20 minutes. This was absolutely unacceptable, and turbochargers were again installed on the "Sh" type submarines. Later, on all submarines of this type, for the first time in domestic submarine shipbuilding, the blowers were replaced by blowing the main ballast with exhaust gases from diesel engines (low pressure air system). Diesels in this case were driven by the main propulsion motor and served as a compressor.

So 3 submarines of series III - "Pike", "Okun" and "Ruff" were laid down on February 5, 1930 in the presence of a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, chief of the Navy R.A. Muklevich. He spoke about the "Sh" type submarine in the following way: "We have the opportunity for this submarine to start a new era in our shipbuilding. This will provide an opportunity to acquire skills and prepare the necessary personnel for the deployment of production."
The builder of the submarine "Pike" and "Okun" was M.L. Kovalsky, the submarine "Yorsh" - K.I. Grinevsky. The responsible supplier of these three submarines under construction in Leningrad was G.M. Trusov, the commissioning mechanic - K.F. Ignatiev. The State Admissions Committee was headed by Y.K. Zubarev.

The first 2 submarines entered service with the Baltic Sea Forces on October 14, 1933. Their commanders were A.P. Shergin and D.M. Kosmin, mechanical engineers I.G. Milyashkin and I.N.Peterson.
The third submarine "Yorsh" was commissioned by the Baltic Fleet on November 25, 1933. A.A. Vitkovsky took command of it, V.V.Semin became a mechanical engineer.
The fourth submarine of series III was supposed to be called "Yaz. But at the beginning of 1930, the country's Komsomol members took the initiative to build one submarine by the 13-1 anniversary of the October Revolution and call it" Komsomolets ". They raised 2.5 million rubles for the construction of the submarine. the solemn laying on February 23, 1930 was attended by the Deputy People's Commissar of Military Affairs and the Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR S.S. Kamenev and the secretary of the Komsomol S.A. Saltanov.The builder of this submarine was P.I.Makarkin, overseeing the construction from the Navy - mechanical engineer G. Pakhomov On May 2, 1931, the submarine was launched, and then delivered through the Mariinsky water system to Leningrad for completion.
On August 15, 1934, the Komsomolets submarine was taken over from the industry, and on August 24, it was enlisted in the Baltic Fleet. Its first commander was K.M. Bubnov, mechanical engineer G.N. Kokilev.


Displacement surface / underwater 572 t / 672 t
Length 57 m
Breadth overall 6,2 m
Surface draft 3.76 m
The number and power of the main diesel engines 2 x 600 hp.
The number and power of the main electric motors 2 x 400 hp.
Full surface speed 11.5 knots
Full underwater speed 8.5 knots
Cruising range surface at full speed of 1350 miles (9 knots)
Cruising range above water economic speed 3130 miles (8.5 knots)
Cruising range underwater economic speed 112 miles (2.8 knots)
Autonomy 20 days
Working immersion depth 75 m
Maximum immersion depth 90 m
Armament: 4 bow and 2 stern torpedo tubes, total ammunition of 10 torpedoes
One 45 mm cannon (500 rounds)

In accordance with the decision of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Government of the USSR, in 1932, construction began on 12 submarines of the "Sh" type for the Pacific Ocean. The first 4 submarines ("Karas", "Bream", "Karp" and "Burbot") were laid down on March 20. First, the new series began to be called the "Karas" submarine of the III series, then the "Pike" submarine - bis and, finally, the "Pike" submarine of the V series (in November 1933, the "Karas" submarine was named "Losos").

On series III submarines, the strength of the bulkhead between the first and second compartments was calculated, like other bulkheads, for an underwater accident. But the method of approximate calculation, which was used in this case, did not take into account the possible deepening of the submarine when moving with a trim. Therefore, one more transverse bulkhead (on the 31st frame) was added to the V-series submarine of the "Sh" type, dividing the second compartment into two. As a result, the groups of batteries were isolated from one another, which increased the survivability of the battery. At the same time, the aft bulkhead of the bow compartment was moved 2 spacing to the bow (from the 24th to the 22nd frame).

It should be noted that electric welding was used in the manufacture of inter-compartment bulkheads. It was also used in the manufacture of some tanks and foundations of individual mechanisms inside a strong case. Electric welding was persistently introduced into submarine shipbuilding.
The total number of compartments of V-series submarines increased to 7. However, they had to go to storage in the second compartment of spare torpedoes without charging compartments, to assemble them before firing from the port side torpedo tubes (No. 2 and No. 4), use an oval bulkhead door, of the starboard apparatus (No. 1 and No. 3) to make the corresponding hatches in the new bulkhead.
The middle tank was moved into the inter-board space, which made it possible to lighten its design, increasing the test pressure threefold.
These design changes were also dictated by the need to transport the "Shch" type submarine to the Far East. Therefore, at the same time, the cutting of the skin and the set of a strong hull were changed, which was made of eight sections that corresponded to the railway dimensions.

The length of the V-series submarine was increased by 1.5 m, resulting in a slightly increased displacement (592 t / 716 t). This was also facilitated by the installation of a second 45-mm gun and a doubling of ammunition (up to 1000 shells).
G.M. Trusov was the main builder of the "Sh" type submarine of the V series. The idea of ​​delivery to the Pacific Ocean in sections with subsequent assembly on site belonged to the engineer P.G. Goinkis. The production and shipment of the sections was ensured by K.F. Terletsky, who went to the Far East and led, together with P.G. Goinkis, the assembly of the submarine.
The first train echelon with sections of V-series submarines was sent to the Far East on June 1, 1932. By the end of the year, 7 V-series submarines were in service. Their appearance in the Pacific caused serious concern to the Japanese government. Japanese newspapers launched the following information: "The Bolsheviks brought several unusable old submarines to Vladivostok."

In total, by the end of 1933, the Pacific Fleet received 8 submarines of the "Shch" type of the V series (the acceptance certificate of the eighth submarine "Trout", later "Shch-108", was approved on April 5, 1934). The shipbuilding industry has fulfilled the tense plan of putting them into operation by 112%.
G.N. Holostyakov became the commander of the lead submarine "Salos" of the V series (later "Shch-101"), which became part of the MSDV on November 26, 1933, and V.V. Filippov, a mechanical engineer. The permanent commission for its testing and acceptance was headed by A.K. Vekman. On December 22, an act of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Naval Forces of the Far East was signed on the completion and overfulfillment of the submarine commissioning program in 1933.

Submarines of the V-bis series (originally series VII), V-bis 2, X and X-bis were a further modification of the "Sh" type submarines. Separate design changes were made to them, which improved survivability, the interior of mechanisms and devices, and somewhat increased the tactical and technical elements. More advanced electronic navigation devices, communications and hydroacoustics were installed.
Of the 13 submarines of the V-bis series, 8 submarines were built for the Pacific Fleet, 2 submarines - for the KBF, 3 submarines - for the Black Sea Fleet. Of the 14 submarines of the V-bis series, 2 to 5 submarines received the KBF and the Pacific Fleet, 4 submarines - the Black Sea Fleet.
By the time the V-bis submarine was designed, it became possible to increase the power of the main diesel engines by 35% practically without changing their weight and dimensions. Together with the improvement in the shape of the boules, this gave an increase in the surface speed of the submarine by more than 1.5 knots. The head submarine of the V-bis series "Militant atheist", built on the funds of voluntary contributions from members of this society, was laid down in November 1932 (the builder and the responsible deliverer - IG Milashkin). When the KBF submarine entered service on July 19, 1935, the submarine was given a new name "Lin" ("Shch-305"). The second submarine of the V-bis series was the submarine "Salmon" ("Shch-308").

On the submarine type "Shch" of the V-bis 2 series, the bow contours were slightly improved by lengthening the boules. For storing spare torpedoes in the assembly, the aft bulkhead of the second compartment (on the 31st frame) was made unusual - along the profile, not vertical, but stepped, its upper part (above the battery pit) was moved one spacing to the stern.
The strength of the bulkheads of the central post, now located in the fourth compartment, was designed for 6 atm.
5 V-bis 2 submarines - Cod (head, Sch-307), Haddock (Sch-306), Dolphin (Sch-309), Belukha (Sch- 310 ") and" Kumzha "(" Shch-311 ") were laid down on the eve of the 16th anniversary of the October Revolution - November 6, 1933. The first two of them were commissioned by the KBF on August 17, 1935, the third - on November 20, 1935 The commander of one of the V-bis 2 submarines described his submarine in the following way: and in the ocean.
Possessing powerful torpedo armament, as well as systems, devices and instruments that provide a covert exit to a torpedo attack, the submarine was able to act against large enemy warships, to detect them in a timely manner - this allowed its surveillance equipment. The submarine radio station guaranteed stable communication with the command at a great distance from their bases.
Finally, the expedient location of instruments and mechanisms in the submarine ensured not only the successful use and preservation of its survivability, but also the rest of the personnel in their free time.
The submarine's strength and reliability were tested in the harsh battles of the 1941-1945 war. The commander of the same submarine "Shch-309" wrote about him from the fierce pursuit of his submarine by enemy anti-submarine ships in 1942: letting a single drop of water inside, she continued to carry out military service. And this is a great merit of the submarine builders. "

Before the creation of the X-series submarine (first V-bis 3), the industry began to produce improved diesel engines "35-K-8" with a capacity of 800 hp. at 600 rpm. As a result, the surface speed of the new "Shch" -type submarines increased by 0.5 knots in comparison with the V-bis submarines. A slight increase in underwater speed was facilitated by the installation on them of the so-called limousine form, characterized by the inclination of its walls to the bow and stern. However, when sailing on the surface, especially in fresh weather, this shape of the cabin made it possible for the oncoming wave to easily roll along the inclined wall and fill the navigating bridge. To eliminate this, on some submarines of the X series, visors-reflectors were installed, which diverted the oncoming wave towards the side.
The measures taken to increase the surface and submarine speed of the "Shch" -type submarine, nevertheless, did not give the desired results: the X-series submarine had the highest speed - 14.12 knots / 8.62 knots. "Pike are good for everyone, only their move is too small. Sometimes it leads to distressing situations when the detected convoy has to be accompanied only by strong expressions - the lack of speed did not allow reaching the point of the volley", - this was the opinion of the Hero of the Soviet Union I.A. Kolyshkin, a veteran of the Northern Fleet, in which submarines of the "Sh" type of the X series were operated during the war years.

One of the most serious problems in submarine shipbuilding has always been the provision of submarines with fresh water supplies, because this directly affected its autonomy. Even during the construction of the D-type submarine, the question was raised of creating an electric desalination plant capable of satisfying the crew's need for fresh water for drinking and cooking, as well as distilled water for refilling batteries. For a long time, the solution to this problem was difficult due to insufficient reliability of heating elements and high power consumption. But in the end, both issues were resolved: firstly, by improving the technology and quality of thermal insulation, and secondly, by introducing a more complete recovery of heat from waste water and steam. At the same time, methods were found to give desalinated water the desired taste and supply it with those trace elements, without which the normal functioning of the human body is impossible. The first sample of an electric desalter that met the requirements was installed on a submarine of the "Shch" type of the X series.
The lead submarine of the X series "Shch-127" was laid down on July 23, 1934. It was built for the Pacific Fleet. On the same day, construction began on another X-series submarine ("Shch-126"). The first 4 submarines of this series entered service with the Pacific Fleet on October 3, 1936.

In total, the industry gave the USSR Navy 32 submarines of the "Sh" type of the X series, which were distributed among the fleets as follows:
KBF - 15 submarines, Black Sea Fleet - 8 submarines, Pacific Fleet - 9 submarines.
Before the start of the war, 75 submarines of the "Sh" type of series II, V, V - bis, V - bis -2 and x were commissioned. There were 13 submarines of the X-bis series under construction, of which 9 submarines were enlisted in the Navy until the end of the war.
In total, of the 88 submarines that the industry was building, 86 submarines were included in the USSR Navy, two submarines were dismantled after the war for ship repair.

Despite some shortcomings, submarines of the "Shch" type had higher tactical and technical elements than foreign submarines of similar types, differed in simplicity of design, reliability of mechanisms, systems and devices, and had a large margin of safety. They could submerge and emerge with a wave of up to 6 points, did not lose seaworthiness during a storm of 9-10 points. They were equipped with Mars-type noise direction finders and Vega-type sound communication equipment with a range of 6 to 12 miles.
"With 10 torpedoes, a 60 m long submarine of the Shch type could sink a battleship or an aircraft carrier in the ocean. Due to its relatively small size, the Shch submarines were very agile and almost elusive for submarine hunting boats."
For submarines of this type of different series, an extremely eventful fate was characteristic, in which the definition common to many of them - "the first", is most often repeated.

The first submarines of the Naval Forces of the Far East (since January 11, 1935, - Pacific Fleet) were submarines "Losos" ("Shch-11", from 1934 - "Shch-101") and "Bream" ("Shch-12", since 1934 - "Shch-102") series V, which raised the naval flag on September 23, 1933. Subsequently, the lead submarine of the Pacific Fleet under the command of D.G. Chernov took first place according to the results of combat and political training and was awarded an honorary title by the Central Committee of the Komsomol Komsomol badge. Its enlarged image, cast in bronze, was reinforced on the submarine's wheelhouse. Not a single warship has received such a distinction.
At the beginning of 1934, the submarine "Bream" (commander AT Zaostrovtsev), leaving the bay for combat training, was the first to sail under the ice, having covered about 5 miles. In the same year, the submarine "Karp" ("Shch-13", later "Shch-103") and "Burbot" ("Shch-14", later "Shch-104"), which were commanded by N.S. Ivanovsky and S. S. Kudryashov, were the first to make a long-distance training campaign along the coast of Primorye. During the long voyage, the equipment worked flawlessly.
In March - April 1935, she was in autonomous sailing submarine "Shch-117" ("Mackerel") - the lead submarine of the V-bis series, the commander of which was NP Egipko.
In August - November she performed a long cruise of the submarine "Shch-118" ("Mullet"), commanded by A.V. Buk.
In the second half of the same year, the submarine "Shch-103" ("Karp") series V under the command of E.E. Poltavsky made a continuous 58-hour scuba diving, passing more than 150 miles under the electric motors of an economical course, which significantly exceeded the design norm.

In 1936, the People's Commissar of Defense K.E. Voroshilov set the task for the submariners to work out the navigation of the submarine to their full autonomy. Among the submariners, a movement of innovators has developed to increase the standards of autonomy established during the design. For this, it was required to find opportunities to increase the supplies of fuel, fresh water, food on the submarine in combination with training in the habitability of personnel.

Practice has shown that the "Shch" type submarines had large hidden reserves. Submariners of the Pacific Fleet, for example, managed to increase their autonomy in comparison with the norm by 2 - 3.5 times. Submarine "Shch-117" (commander NP Egipko) was at sea for 40 days (at the norm of 20 days), setting also a record of being under water on the move - 340 hours 35 minutes. During this time, "Shch-117" has covered 3,022.3 miles, of which 315.6 miles under water. The entire personnel of this submarine was awarded orders. This submarine became the first ship in the USSR Navy with a fully order-bearing crew.

In March - May of the same year, the submarine "Shch-122" ("Sayda") of the series V - bis-2 under the command of A.V. Buk was on a 50-day autonomous cruise, in April-June - the submarine "Shch-123" ("Eel") of the same series under the command of IM Zainullin. Her cruise lasted 2.5 months - one and a half times longer than the Shch-122 submarine and almost 2 times longer than the Shch-117 submarine.
In July - September, the submarine "Shch-119" ("Beluga") of the V-bis series and the "Shch-121" ("Catfish") of the V-bis-2 series made a long voyage.
In August - September 5 submarines of the Shch type, accompanied by the Saratov floating base, carried out a long joint voyage under the command of Captain 2nd Rank GN Kholostyakov. They were the first in submarine history to visit Okhotsk, Magadan and other settlements in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

In the period from September 14 to December 25, 1936, the submarine "Shch-113" ("Sterlet") of the V-bis series, commanded by MS Klevensky, completed a 103-day cruise. The same submarine was the first to sail under diesels at periscope depth for an hour. The air for diesel engines was supplied through a corrugated hose (its upper end was fixed at the head of the anti-aircraft periscope, and the lower end was brought to the external ventilation valve of the equalizing tank) through the internal ventilation valve of the tank. This curious experiment was carried out to find out the possibility of scuba diving with diesel submarines without wasting energy reserves.

The autonomy of the "Sh" type submarine of the X series in the Baltic fleet was increased to 40 days (on average).

In 1936, a division of such submarines under the command of Captain 2nd Rank N.E. Eikhbaum spent 46 days on the march. The new terms of autonomy of the most numerous in the Soviet Navy submarines of the "Shch" type, doubled in comparison with the previous ones, were officially approved by the People's Commissar of Defense.

In 1937, the submarine "Shch-105" ("Keta") series V under the command of Captain 3rd Rank AT Chebanenko was first used in the Far East for scientific voyages. While sailing in the Sea of ​​Japan and Okhotsk, she performed gravimetric surveys - determining the acceleration of gravity on the earth's surface.
Among the first submarines of the Northern Fleet were "Shch-313" ("Shch-401"), "Shch-314" ("Shch-402"), "Shch-315" ("Shch-403"), "Shch-316" ("Shch-404") series X, which arrived in 1937 from the Baltic to the North. The following year, the Shch-402 and Shch-404 submarines took part in the rescue operation of the first ever Arctic research station, the North Pole.
Submarine "Shch-402" (commander Lieutenant Commander B.K. Bakunin), "Shch-403" (commander Lieutenant Commander F.M. Yeltishchev) and "Shch-404" (commander Lieutenant Commander V.A. Ivanov ) were among the first four Soviet submarines, which were the first to sail from the Arctic to the North Sea in 1939. In the Barents Sea, they withstood a severe storm (wind force reached 11 points). On the "Shch-404" submarine, waves tore off several metal sheets of the superstructure of the light hull and the underwater anchor, but none of the submarine's mechanisms failed.

Submarines of the "Sh" type successfully withstood a severe battle test during the Soviet-Finnish war in the winter of 1939-1940. They were the first of the Soviet ships to use their weapons. The battle score was opened by submarine "Shch-323" series X under the command of Art. Lieutenant FI Ivantsov, sinking the transport "Kassari" (379 brt) with artillery shells on December 10 in stormy conditions. At the end of the same day, the crew of the Shch-322 submarine under the command of Lieutenant-Commander V.A. Poleshchuk won. The torpedo sunk the transport "Reinbeck" (2804 brt), which did not stop for inspection in the Gulf of Bothnia. Successfully operated in the Gulf of Bothnia submarine "Shch-311" ("Kumzha") series V - bis-2 under the command of Lieutenant Commander F.G. Vershinin. On December 28, on the approaches to the port of Vasa, she damaged the Siegfried transport in the consolidated ice, and a few hours later she destroyed the Vilpas transport (775 brt) with shells and torpedoes.
Submarine "Shch-324" series X, commanded by Captain 3rd Rank A.M. Konyaev, when leaving the Gulf of Bothnia on January 19, for the first time in a combat situation, forced the Sorda-Kvarken Strait (South Kvarken) under the ice, breaking 20 miles.
On February 7, 1940, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the submarine Shch-311 with the Order of the Red Banner. She was (along with the S-1 submarine) one of the first Red Banner submarines in the USSR Navy.
The third Red Banner submarine was on April 21, 1940, "Shch-324". This submarine of the X series made in the period from August 5 to September 9, 1940, the first in the history of scuba diving, the transition by the Northern Sea Route from Polyarny to Priveniy Bay (Bering Sea). It was commanded by captain 3rd rank I.M. Zainullin, military technician 1st rank G.N. Soloviev was a mechanical engineer. On October 17, the Shch-423 submarine entered Vladivostok. She passed through 8 seas and became the first submarine to sail along the northern and eastern maritime borders of the USSR along their entire length.

It should be noted that the Shch-212 and Shch-213 submarines of the Black Sea Fleet were the first Soviet submarines equipped in 1940 with bubbleless torpedo firing devices (BIS). At the same time, after the exit of torpedoes from the TA, an air bubble did not appear on the sea surface, as it was before, unmasking the torpedo attack and the location of the submarine.
The first of the Soviet submarines in the Great Patriotic War was the combat success of the "Shch-402" submarine of the X series (commanded by senior lieutenant N.G. Stolbov) of the Northern Fleet. On July 14, 1941, she sank the enemy transport, having penetrated into the roadstead of the port of Honningsvåg. The first result in anti-submarine warfare was achieved by the crew of the Shch-307 submarine of the V-bis-2 series (commander Lieutenant Commander NI Petrov) of the KBF. On August 10, 1941, in the area of ​​Soelazund Strait, she sunk the German submarine "U-144".
From the Black Sea Fleet submarine, the first to succeed was the X-series submarine Shch-211 (commander Lieutenant-Commander A.D. Devyatko), sinking the Peles transport (5708 brt) on August 15, 1941.

Painting by Oleg Yudin: Submarine "Pike" X-series

The first ships of the Soviet Navy in the war to be awarded a state award - the Order of the Red Banner - were two. One of them is the submarine "Shch-323" (commander Lieutenant-Commander FI Ivantsov) KBF.
In 1942, the Red Banner Baltic Fleet submarine for the first time had to break through the enemy's powerful anti-submarine line in the Gulf of Finland. The first to successfully accomplish this task was the submarine "Shch-304" ("Komsomolets"), commanded by Captain 3rd Rank Ya.P. Afanasyev. This last submarine of the III series showed high combat resistance under the blows of various types of anti-submarine weapons. She broke through a minefield, she was repeatedly attacked and mercilessly pursued by enemy ships. "Shch-322" 22 times crossed the lines of enemy mines, 7 times was attacked by aircraft and three times fired by coastal artillery, had 7 encounters with enemy patrol ships, two - with German submarines. It was pursued 14 times by enemy anti-submarine ships, dropping over 150 depth charges. Submarine "Shch-304" returned from the campaign with a victory, having sunk on June 15, 1942, near the Porkallan-Kalboda lighthouse, the floating base of MRS-12 motorboats (former transport ship "Nuremberg" with a displacement of 5635 brt. In the same year, submarine "Shch- 101 "(" Salmon ") series V of the Pacific Fleet was equipped with an onboard mine device, which made it possible to receive 40 mines of submarines. At the same time, it retained its torpedo armament.

Of the three submarines of the KBF, awarded the Guards rank on March 1, 1943, 2 submarines of the "Shch" type - "Shch-303" ("Ruff") series III and "Shch-309" ("Dolphin") series V-bis -2 ... On the same day, the first guards submarine of the Black Sea Fleet became the submarine "Shch-205" ("Nerpa") of the bis-2 series.
In 1943, the first to overcome the enemy's anti-submarine defenses in the Gulf of Finland was the Shch-303 guards submarine. She reached the Nargen-Porkallaud position, where the enemy additionally installed 2 lines of steel anti-submarine nets, along which ship patrols were deployed, and underwater sonar stations operated on the flanks. Submarine "Shch-303" stubbornly tried to break through the anti-submarine network obstacle, which the German command gave the name "Walros". She was repeatedly entangled in nets, subjected to fierce attacks by enemy ships and aircraft. Berlin radio hastened to report on the sinking of the Soviet submarine, but she returned safely to base. During the military campaign, more than two thousand depth charges were dropped on it. Many times the submarine corps touched mine mines. Average stay under water - 23 hours a day.

The submarine "Shch-318" of the KBF X series, commanded by Captain 3rd Rank L.A. Loshkarev, also had a chance to withstand the test of the structural strength in extreme situations.
At about 4 o'clock in the morning on February 10, 1945, off the coast of Courland, at the time of an urgent dive, she was rammed by a German ship, which suddenly appeared from the snowy haze. The blow fell on the stern of the left side of the submarine. The stern horizontal rudders were jammed, a trim appeared at the stern, and the Shch-318 began to sink rapidly. Its fall after emergency blowing of the main ballast was stopped at a depth of 65 m. The submarine practically could not move under water - the vertical rudder was also disabled. It was possible to maintain the given depth only with the help of the bow horizontal rudders, and the course - by changing the operating mode of the rowing electric motors. An hour later, when the hydroacoustician reported that the "horizon" was clear, "Shch-318" floated to the surface. The water around the submarine, the upper deck and the bridge was covered with a layer of solarium. The damage received as a result of the ramming strike was significant: the drives of the aft horizontal rudders and the vertical rudder were interrupted, and the latter was jammed in the position to the left on board, the stern ballast tank was punctured, the left stern TA was damaged. Troubleshooting at sea was out of the question. Returning to the base, the submarine could only be on the surface, continuously exposed to the risk of meeting in the enemy's anti-submarine forces. Subordinates of the commander of the BC-5, Lieutenant-Commander N.M. Gorbunov, kept the submarine on a given course by changing the rotational speed of each of the two diesel engines. On February 14, "Shch-318" independently arrived in Turku, where the Soviet submarines of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet were based after Finland's withdrawal from the war. "Shch-318" withstood the test of strength, while the German transport "August Schulze" ("Ammerland - 2") with a displacement of 2452 brt, which rammed it, sank from the received damage on the same day.

During the Great Patriotic War, the "Sh" type submarines sank 99 enemy ships with a total displacement of 233488 brt, 13 warships and auxiliary vessels, damaged 7 ships with a total displacement of 30884 brt and one minesweeper. On their combat account 30% of the sunk and damaged tonnage of the enemy. Soviet submarines of other types did not have such a result.
The most successful were:
Submarine "Sch-421" series X (commanders 3rd rank captain N.A. Lunin and lieutenant captain F.A. Vidyaev) of the Northern Fleet sank 7 transports with a total displacement of 22,175 brt;
Submarine "Shch-307" ("Cod") - the head submarine of the V series - bis-2 (commanders Lieutenant Commanders N.O. Momot and M.S. Kalinin) of the Baltic Fleet sank 7 ships with a total displacement of 17,225 brt;
Submarine "Shch-404" series X (commander Captain 2nd Rank VA Ivanov) of the Northern Fleet sank 5 ships with a total displacement of 16,000 brt;
Submarine "Shch-407" series X-bis (commander Lieutenant-Commander PI Bocharov) of the Baltic Fleet sank 2 ships with a total displacement of 13,775 brt;
Submarine "Shch-402" series X (commanders Captain 3rd Rank NG Stolbov and AM Kautsky) of the Northern Fleet sank 5 ships with a total displacement of 13482 brt;
Submarine "Shch-309" sank 13,775 brt;
Submarine "Shch-402" series X (commanders 3rd rank captains IS Kabo and PP Vetchinkin) of the Baltic Fleet sank 4 ships with a total displacement of 12457 brt;
Submarine "Shch-211" series X (commander Lieutenant-Commander A.D. Devyatko) Black Sea Fleet sank 2 ships with a total displacement of 11,862 brt;
Submarine "Shch-303" ("Ruff" _) series III (commanders Lieutenant-Commander IV Travkin and Captain 3rd Rank EA Ignatiev) of the Baltic Fleet sank 2 ships with a total displacement of 11844 brt;
Submarine "Shch-406" - the lead submarine of the X-bis series (commander Captain 3rd Rank E.Ya. Osipov) of the Baltic Fleet sank 5 ships with a total displacement of 11,660 brt;
Submarine "Shch-310" series V-bis-2 (commanders 3rd rank captains D.K. Yaroshevich and S.N.Bogorad) of the Baltic Fleet sank 7 ships with a total displacement of 10995 brt;
Submarine "Shch-317" series X (commander Lieutenant-Commander NK Mokhov) of the Baltic Fleet sank 5 ships with a total displacement of 10,931 brt;
Submarine "Shch-320" series X (commander Captain 3rd Rank IM Vishnevsky) of the Baltic Fleet sank 3 ships with a total displacement of 10,095 brt.

Were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of the submarines "Shch-307", "Shch-310", "Shch-320", "Shch-323", "Shch-406" KBF, "Shch-201", "Shch-209" of the Black Sea Fleet , "Shch-403", "Shch-404", "Shch-421" of the Northern Fleet.
Awarded the guards rank of the submarine "Shch-303", "Shch-309" of the Baltic Fleet, "Shch-205", "Shch-215" of the Black Sea Fleet, "Shch-422" of the Northern Fleet, and the submarine "Shch-402" of the Northern Fleet became Red Banner Guards ship.

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In July 1976, to expand the production front of third-generation multipurpose submarines, the military leadership decided to develop a new, cheaper nuclear submarine based on the Gorky 945 project, the main difference from the prototype was to use steel instead of titanium alloys in hull constructions. Therefore, the development of the submarine, which received the number 971 ( code "Pike-B"), they carried out the TTZ as before, bypassing the preliminary design.

A feature of the new nuclear submarine, the development of which was entrusted to the Malakhit SKV (Leningrad), was a significant reduction in noise, which is approximately 5 times less compared to the most advanced Soviet torpedo boats of the second generation. It was supposed to reach this level through the implementation of the early developments of the SLE designers in the field of increasing the stealth of boats (an ultra-low-noise nuclear submarine was developed in the SLE in the 1970s), as well as research by specialists from the Central Research Institute. Krylov.

The efforts of the submarine developers were crowned with success: the new nuclear-powered submarine in terms of stealth for the first time in the history of submarine shipbuilding of the USSR surpassed the best analogue of American production - the third-generation multipurpose nuclear submarine of the Los Angeles type.

The project 971 submarine was equipped with powerful strike weapons, which significantly surpassed (in terms of missile and torpedo ammunition, caliber and number of torpedo tubes) the potentials of Soviet and foreign submarines of a similar purpose. The new submarine, like the ship of the 945th project, was designed to combat enemy ship groups and submarines. The boat can take part in special operations, mine laying and reconnaissance.

09/13/1977 approved the technical project "Schuki-B". However, in the future, it was subjected to revision, caused by the need to increase the technological level of the SAC to the level of American submarines (the United States in this area again took the lead). The submarines of the Los Angeles type (third generation) were equipped with the AN / BQQ-5 hydroacoustic complex, which has digital information processing, which provides a more accurate selection of the useful signal against the background of interference. Another new "introductory", which necessitated the introduction of changes, was the requirement of the military to install strategic missile launchers "Granat" on the submarine.

During the revision (completed in 1980), the submarine received a new digital sonar system with improved characteristics, as well as a weapon control system that allows the use of Granat cruise missiles.

Submarine Shch-139 and its crew

By the mid-30s of the XX century, the Soviet Union was making every effort to create a modern Navy, capable of reliably covering the sea and ocean borders of the state. The lack of funds and the unpreparedness of the domestic industry to create a powerful surface fleet forced the USSR leadership to launch a massive construction of submarines in order to use them to threaten the fleets of a potential enemy. Particularly topical was the issue of the defense of the ocean borders for the Far East, where at that time we had practically no surface warships. In addition, there were no shipyards in the Far East. That is why it was decided to make submarines the basis of the combat power of the Pacific Fleet. New submarines were energetically built at the factories of Leningrad and Nizhny Novgorod, then they were disassembled by special trains delivered to Vladivostok, where they were reassembled. The process is costly and dreary, but there was simply no other way out. In total, in 1932-1940, 86 submarines of various projects were transported by echelons to the Pacific Ocean. This was a truly titanic event, which, however, made it possible to create a powerful submarine fleet in a short time on the Far Eastern borders.

The submarines of the new X series, which were being rapidly built in the mid-30s, absorbed all the best that Soviet ship designers had achieved by that time. The "pike" also belonged to the new series, which received the name Shch-315. This submarine is the main character of our story, and therefore we will get to know her better.

The surface displacement of the new submarine was 592 tons, underwater - 715 tons. With a length of 58 meters and a hull width of 6 meters, the "pike" had a draft of 4 meters - Shch-315 armament included 3 45-mm guns, 4 bow and 2 aft torpedo tubes with a stock of 10 torpedoes and 2 machine guns to protect the boat from enemy aircraft. Maximum surface speed is 12 knots, underwater speed is 8 knots. The working depth of immersion is 75 meters, and the limiting depth is 90 meters. The estimated autonomy of stay at sea was 20 days. However, it was at this time that the Pacific submariners on "pikes" began to significantly overlap the calculated standard by two and three times. The crew of the new submarine was 37 people. In general, the new boat met the requirements of the time, although the speed left much to be desired.

The boat was laid down on December 17, 1934 at the plant number 112 "Krasnoe Sormovo" in Nizhny Novgorod under the serial number 85 and was built mainly from parts manufactured at the Kolomna machine-building plant. On April 27, 1935, a new "pike" was launched. At first, the Sch-315, like many of its predecessors, was also supposed to be sent in sections to the Far East, but then plans for the submarine changed. The fate of Shch-315 was decided differently.

On April 5, 1937 (according to other sources, in May 1937 or April 17, 193 on the 5th), the submarine was launched. On December 5, 1937, the naval flag was raised on Shch-315, and she became part of the training submarine division of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. Senior Lieutenant V.A.Egorov became the first submarine commander.

On July 17, 1938, in connection with the introduction of a new numbering of submarines in the Soviet fleet, Shch-315 received a new designation - Shch-423. By the beginning of 1939, the boat had successfully completed the entire course of combat training and completed the crew.

At that time there was an intensive development of the Northern Sea Route in order to possibly check the inter-theater transfer of ships. The first successes of through voyages along the Northern Sea Route in both directions prompted the Navy leadership to think about overtaking a submarine in this way to the Far East. Of course, there were certain doubts whether the boat would come or be crushed by ice? But the foreign policy situation dictated that it was imperative to check the possibility of such a faster and more efficient way of transferring submarines to the Pacific Ocean. To carry out this risky mission, Sch-423 was chosen. There was also a change in commander, instead of the departed V.A.

On May 9, 1939, the submarine began crossing the White Sea-Baltic Canal from the Baltic to the North, and on June 21, 1939, it became part of the Northern Fleet. Here senior lieutenant Aleksey Matveyevich Bysgrov took over command of the submarine. However, it was not possible to immediately begin preparations for the hardest crossing of the Arctic seas. War began with Finland, and Sch-423 was left in the fighting Northern Fleet. Now she was part of the 3rd division of the submarine brigade of the Northern Fleet.

Information on the participation of Sch-423 in the war varies. According to some sources, the boat was being repaired, so it did not take part in hostilities, according to others, Sch-423 still went on a military campaign and patrolled off the coast of Norway, between the port of Vardo and Cape Nordkin, however, to no avail, since the Finnish ships never appeared in this area.

On May 20, 1940, immediately after the end of hostilities in Finland, a resolution was adopted by the Defense Committee under the USSR Council of People's Commissars on the transfer of one Northern Fleet submarine to the Pacific Ocean by the Northern Sea Route, which had never been done before. The choice of the commander of the Northern Fleet, Rear Admiral Drozd, fell on Sch-423. This was no coincidence. The friendly and close-knit crew of the Sch-423 had extensive experience in sailing in the cold Barents Sea in difficult weather conditions and in ice. The young commander of the ship, Senior Lieutenant A. Bystroe, steered it competently and confidently. The entire personnel consisted of Komsomol members and communists. The military commissar was the senior political instructor V. Moiseev, the mechanical engineer - military technician of the 1st rank G. Soloviev. The divers understood the difficulties and risks of the upcoming campaign, but were proud of the important task. The command did not begin to "strengthen the crew" with experienced specialists from other ships, breaking the connections and relationships that had developed in it, which, of course, had a positive effect on the mood of the people. Nobody needed to be reminded of responsibility, quality of inspection and repair of mechanisms and devices.

Since May 25, the sailors, together with the workers of the Murmansk shipyard, have worked 14-16 hours a day in order to timely and thoroughly fulfill the work stipulated in the plan. The work on preparing the boat for the difficult sailing was supervised by the ship engineer A.I.Dubravin, while the preparation of Shch-423 was supervised by the commander of the Northern Fleet, Rear Admiral V.P. Drozd, who repeatedly visited the submarine, delving into all the little things.

The military engineer of the 2nd rank A. Dubravin, appointed as an engineer of the special purpose expedition (EON-10), rendered great practical assistance to the submariners. The constructive solutions proposed by him for additional protection of the hull, rudders and propellers were adopted and tested in the ice of the Arctic. The hull of Shch-423 was sheathed with a mixed wood-metal "fur coat" 150-200 mm thick, the bow horizontal rudders were removed, and instead of the standard stern rudders, removable ones were installed on a shortened stock, which made it possible, if necessary, to shoot and set them without entering the dock. Bronze propellers were replaced with steel ones of smaller diameter, with replaceable blades. At the upper bow and stern torpedo tubes, instead of wave-cutting shields, specially made ones were installed, which could be easily and quickly removed by shipborne means. At the end of the work, the upper torpedo tubes were shot with torpedo blanks, making sure that they could be used in the presence of a "fur coat".

Considering the complexity of ice navigation, poor knowledge of some areas along the route, the need at the final stage of knowledge of the Pacific Theater, during the Arctic voyage, the crew of Shch-423 was headed by an experienced submariner, Captain 3rd Rank I. Zaidulin, and Senior Lieutenant A. Bystroe became his backup. ... The fate of Izmail Matigulovich, naval and human, still awaits its researchers.

From the memoirs of IM Zaidulin's nephew, retired captain I. Chefonov: “There are very few reliable information and archival documents about IM Zaidulins. Tatar by nationality, a native of Adjara forever linked his life with the sea, with the navy, in 1922 he entered the school named after M.V. Frunze. He knew both submarine and surface fleets. After college he commanded torpedo and patrol boats, was a signalman on the destroyer "Frunze", and then passed all the steps, from navigator to commander on submarines. Simple and dignified in communication, he was an excellent storyteller, possessed a well-aimed and sharp word, spoke about everything directly, even when it could affect his service and, apparently, was reflected. I think that as a submariner, he can be fully characterized by the fact that until 1940 he already commanded four types of submarines - "M", "Sh", "L" and "D". In 1936, commanding Shch-123, he more than three times exceeded the established norm for autonomous navigation for this type of ships, for which the entire crew was awarded orders, and Zaidulin was awarded the Order of the Red Star. But tragic years followed for the command staff of the Red Army and Navy. Together with the commander of the 5th naval brigade G. Kholostyakov, some submarine commanders were arrested. But even that unjust court was forced to admit that they were not guilty of sabotage, espionage, terrorism and treason, that “Buk, Zaidulin, Bauman and Ivanovsky were not guilty of sabotage, but only allowed official negligence ... , since now all the brigades are swimming like that. We were just the first ... ". After the release of Izmail Matigulovich, who had not lost faith in justice and the triumph of truth, in October 1939 he was appointed as the acting commander of the D-2 submarine of the Northern Fleet, and only after a little over 7 months was approved in this position. Perhaps these events influenced the fact that none of the submariners was awarded for the historic trip in 1940. Zaidulin in a short time won the authority of a competent, decisive and courageous commander, and like no one else was suitable for this difficult transition. "

On July 22-24, in Motovsky Bay, they tested all mechanisms and devices of the Shch-423 submarine, checked the controllability in the underwater (at a depth of 45 meters) and surface, stability, and maneuverability, which turned out to be quite satisfactory. After completing the training, the crew was given a three-day rest. It was August 5, 1940. The ship arrived to carry out Rear Admiral Drozd, who had just been dismissed from the post of Commander of the Northern Fleet, and Rear Admiral Golovko, who had been newly appointed to this post. At 13 hours 15 minutes the boat departed from the Polyarny pier. The ice campaign has begun.

The Barents Sea greeted the submariners unfriendly - it was stormy, at times the boat fell into strips of dense fog. The difficult situation immediately demanded maximum attention from people in the maintenance of mechanisms and control of the ship. On this segment of the route, the submarine repeatedly sank and surfaced - it was necessary to preserve the diving skills of the crew while navigating through the ice.

According to ice reconnaissance data, there was solid ice in the southwestern part of the Kara Sea, and therefore the "pike" went through the Matochkin Shar Strait, where it met the icebreaker "Lenin" (since 1965 "Vladimir Ilyich") and the transport "L Serov", also included in the EON-10. The ships had 250 tons of various cargo and fuel for the expedition, including in case of forced wintering. On L. Serov "also housed an emergency repair party, headed by junior military technician N. Fedorov. Here, the aft horizontal rudders were removed on the submarine, and it took 12-16 hours to install them in place if diving was necessary.

The expedition was headed by the 1st rank military engineer I. Sendik, who knew the Northern theater well. To study the conditions of sailing in the Arctic seas, analyze and generalize his experience on the ships of the detachment there were a teacher of the naval academy, captain 1st rank E. Shvede, later professor, doctor of naval sciences, and a student of the Naval Academy, lieutenant commander M. Bibeyev.

In the Kara Sea, submariners received ice baptism. On August 12, the ice situation became more difficult to 8-9 points. We even had to stop the movement. When forcing coarse ice, the roll sometimes reached 7–8 °, and the trim up to 5–6 °. For many hours on the bridge, open to the wind, scalding the face, the commanders had to carry their difficult watch. It was impossible to either turn away or hide from it - it was necessary to carefully monitor the icebreaker's maneuvers, prevent a dangerous approach with it, fit into its wake, dodge the ice floes that suddenly appear from under the stern of the icebreaker so that they do not fall under the submarine's propellers ... In such a situation, the skill of the commanders was tested, the coherence of the actions of the mechanics, who quickly worked out the commands of the machine telegraphs. When viewed at Dikson, there were no special comments on the submarine, which is the main indicator of its skillful management in the ice. But the transport found a breakage of one blade of the propeller.

We continued to move eastward on August 17 - first in clear water on our own, and from Tyrtov Island through the Vilkitsky Strait, under the guidance of icebreakers, we entered the Laptev Sea. On this part of the way, the ice thickness reached 3-4 meters. When compressed, ice blocks crawled onto the hull of the submarine, creating a roll of up to 10 °. All sailors free from watch more than once cleared the narrow icy deck and each time emerged victorious in the fight against the icy element. The low temperature of the air and sea water, high humidity in the compartments worsened the living conditions on the ship, demanded a lot of physical exertion of the sailors, but even here they found a way out - from the icebreaker "F. Litke ”was supplied with steam for heating through a hose and all the compartments were dried.

In this difficult situation, the transport "Serov" lost 2 more propeller blades. It was necessary to reload the expedition's property in the Tiksi Bay onto the Volga motor ship, which then followed as part of the EON. The flight was resumed on 31 August.

Left behind the Novosibirsk Islands, and the boat is already in the East Siberian Sea. After the Bear Islands, the heavy perennial ice became more and more cohesive, reaching 9-10 points. I had to use the help of the icebreaker "Admiral Lazarev". A particularly difficult situation has developed between the Shelagsky and Billings capes. In some areas, icebreakers escorted the submarine and the Volga in a short tug one by one. But these obstacles were also overcome, and the pike entered the Chukchi Sea by the Long Strait. The experience of the route traveled in the ice had an effect - the commanders were better oriented in the ice situation, carried out maneuvers in a timely manner, and acted more in concert with the captains of the icebreakers. Soon the EON-10 ships reached the Bering Strait. The personnel of Shch-423 were built on the deck, shots from its cannons were fired - a salute in honor of the conquest of the Arctic.

At the new theater, the northerners were met by a detachment of submarines of the Pacific Fleet under the command of Captain 2nd Rank F. Pavlov: L-7, L-8 and L-17. By the way, in 1938-1939 L-7 was commanded by I. Zaidulin ... And such a meeting with his own ship! Behind Cape Dezhnev, Sch-423 again had to take a serious exam of maritime training - the ship was caught by a severe storm. The roll reached the 46th, sometimes the wave completely covered the wheelhouse, but both people and equipment passed the test. On September 9, the expedition arrived at Provideniya Bay, completing the passage by the Northern Sea Route.

The personnel were given rest, the sailors finally washed in the bath. Aft horizontal rudders were installed on the boat, its signboard and trimming were made, it covered one mile at periscope depth. On the seventh day they went to sea. The hike continued. After calling at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and a short rest, Shch-423 entered the Sea of ​​Okhotsk through the 1st Kuril Strait. Soon the submariners were warmly greeted in Sovetskaya Gavan.

Finally, the last section of the route was passed, and on October 17, 1940, at 7:59 am, Sch-423 dropped anchor in the Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok. The task of the Motherland was fulfilled with honor. Eight seas and two oceans remained astern, 7227 miles, of which 681 were covered in ice conditions. An evening dedicated to this heroic passage took place at the Saratov floating base. Ahead was service in the Pacific Fleet. From now on, Sch-423 has forever entered the annals of the history of the Russian fleet. Subsequently, as a result of the transition, it was decided to transfer the cruiser boats K-21, K-22 and K-23 in this way from Leningrad to the Pacific Ocean, but the Great Patriotic War prevented this, and the Katyushas were left to fight in the north.

The command of the Pacific Fleet congratulated the crew on the completion of this historic voyage. The People's Commissar of the Navy declared gratitude to the entire crew of the ship and awarded the participants of the cruise with the badge "Excellent worker of the RKKF". There is information that the captain of the 2nd rank Zaidulin was allegedly nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, then they changed their minds and awarded ... with the same badge "Excellent worker of the RKKF".

How did the fate of the participants in this legendary transition develop in the future? Captain 2nd Rank I. Zaidulin in the Great Patriotic War served in a submarine brigade, was the senior naval commander in Gelendzhik and the commander of the OVR of the Kerch naval base. In 1943, he became chief of staff of the training division of submarines of the Northern Fleet, preparing commanders for sailing and combat activities in the difficult conditions of the Arctic. It was not without reason that the famous submariner, Hero of the Soviet Union I. Fisanovich considered him his senior friend and mentor. In 1943-1944. Zaidulin is already in the Red Banner Baltic Fleet - first in the diving department, and then in the OVR. During the landing operation in the Vyborg Bay, the cover detachment under his command sank 3 enemy ships “… with very limited forces of our own and especially firepower in the face of strong artillery resistance from enemy ships and coastal batteries. Personally, Comrade Zaidulin himself showed himself in this military operation as an experienced and brave naval officer ... "On August 26, he tragically died at sea on a boat mistakenly attacked by our aviation, never learning about the conferment of the rank of captain of the 1st rank and the awarding of the order World War I 1st degree. The same order of the 2nd degree and also posthumously awarded to Lieutenant-Commander A. Bystrov, who died a heroic death in the Black Sea Fleet. On the Red Banner Guards submarine D-3 of the Northern Fleet, Captain 3rd Rank M. Bibeyev was killed, and on trawler No. 118 in the Kara Sea, Sergeant Major of 2nd Class N. Nesterenko.

But back to Sch-423. Upon arrival in the Far East, Sch-423 entered the 33rd division of the 3rd submarine brigade of the Pacific Fleet based on Nakhodka.

On the day of the beginning of World War II, June 22, 1941, Sch-423 was transferred to the 8th division of the 3rd submarine brigade of the Pacific Fleet of the Pacific Fleet based in Sovetskaya Gavan. And on April 17, 1942, the submarine once again changed its name. From now on, it became known as Shch-139.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Pacific Fleet was considered the rear fleet, since it did not conduct hostilities. However, he suffered losses. In 1942, one after the other, two "babies" disappeared without a trace during their trips to the sea. Presumably, both fell on our own defensive minefields. Then another tragedy. On July 18, 1942, a powerful explosion thundered on the Sch-138 stationed in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. The reason for this was the detonation of the charging compartments of spare torpedoes in the 2nd compartment. The ship sank instantly, taking the lives of 35 crew members.

Shch-118, which stood next to it, also suffered. The suspicion that a sabotage had taken place on the submarine intensified after it was found out that the assistant to the commander of the boat, Lieutenant PS Yegorov, who was on the shore at the time of the explosion, had committed suicide. This gave reason to believe that it was he who committed the sabotage and blew up the submarine. On September 29, the "pike" was raised with the help of the rescue vessel "Telman", but, taking into account the large volume of destruction, it was not restored.

On August 31, 1943, during night torpedo firing in the Gulf of America, due to a gross violation of navigation rules by the commander of Shch-128, his boat struck a ram attack on the side of Shch-130, which sank at a depth of 36 meters. Three days later she was lifted by the rescue ship "Nakhodka". The personnel, with the exception of two killed in the collision, miraculously remained intact. The ship was repaired and commissioned in less than six months.

By the beginning of 1945, Shch-139 was part of the 2nd separate submarine division of the Pacific Fleet and was based at the Vladimir-Oltanskaya naval base. The division was commanded at that moment not by anyone, but by one of the most legendary submariners of the Soviet Union, Captain 1st Rank A.V. Tripolsky. Tripolsky's name thundered throughout the country back in 1940, when he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for military affairs during the Soviet-Finnish war. During the Great Patriotic War, Tripolsky's experience was used to the full. In 1942, it was he who commanded the most difficult passage of a detachment of Pacific submarines across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans to the Northern Fleet. Before that, our submariners had never made such ocean crossings. Then another, no less important mission was entrusted to Tripolsky. He supervised the acceptance and transfer from England to Polyarny of the B-class submarines transferred to us by the British, and after that he successfully commanded a battalion of these boats, personally going on military campaigns, and sank enemy ships.

In the spring of 1945, Captain 1st Rank Trypolsky is not by chance again in the Pacific Fleet, in the position of commander of the "pike" battalion. There was simply no other second submariner with such a vast ocean experience at that time in our fleet. Who, no matter how Tripolsky, should take our submarines out to the ocean for battles with the Japanese fleet!

The chief of staff of the 2nd separate division was a "native Pacific" and an experienced submariner, captain of the 2nd rank MI Kislov. Shch-139 itself was commanded by that time by Lieutenant Commander I.A.Pridatko. But things on one of the most famous boats of the Pacific Fleet were no longer so brilliant than in its best served, as they say, "slipshod".

From the testimony of the former battalion commander, Captain 2nd Rank Mironov: “Shch-319 before the arrival of Pridatko was one of the best boats in the battalion, the personnel were soldered, the discipline on the ship was quite satisfactory, the organization of service was good. With the arrival of Pridatko, the discipline and organization of service on the ship deteriorated noticeably. The personnel and officers were opposed to him. He did not conduct educational work with the personnel. His activities on the shore undermined the authority of the officer - he sent personnel to collective farms "to earn money for the commander." He himself went with his subordinates "to earn money" on collective farms. When dividing the earnings, he argued with the personnel and almost got into fights. He spread gossip about superior commanders. He did not enjoy authority with the personnel and officers of both his own boat and other submarines. Pridatko's personal discipline was low, in 1944 he had 8 disciplinary sanctions, and many offenses were limited to verbal instruction and instruction. Basically, all penalties were for poor organization on the ship. The ship was kept dirty, there was no struggle for the cleanliness of the ship ”.

From the special report of the special department of the NKVD for the Pacific Fleet: “The ship had serious shortcomings in the maintenance of the materiel, especially the engine and hold groups, as well as torpedo and artillery weapons. Precise equipment was not wiped with alcohol for 5–6 months, while when alcohol was supplied to the boat for these purposes, Pridatko wasted it for other purposes. The stern horizontal rudders were wedged by 15 degrees, as a result of which there were several cases of unacceptable trim of the submarine up to 30 degrees, which helped to lead to the death of the ship. Knowing this, Prydatko did not take any measures to eliminate defects.

Witness Korneev testified on this issue: “Once I remember a case, commander Pridatko did not dispense alcohol to wipe the batteries for a month and a half. Sergeant Major Samarin was forced to write about this in the accumulator journal. When checked by divisional specialists, it was found that the commander spent alcohol on the submarine for other purposes. "

Being in the next dock repair in December, Pridatko, despite the demands of the commander of the warhead-1, Senior Lieutenant Cheremisin, about a thorough check of the acoustic equipment installed by Svyazmortrest, did not provide such a thorough check of the installation, rushing to leave for his family in the Rakushka Bay. Subsequently, it turned out that Svyazmortrest had installed faulty acoustic equipment, and the acoustics' readings were incorrect, which was one of the reasons for the collision of a submarine with a boat during an exercise in 1944.

In March 1944, due to the fault of Pridatko, there was a collision with the MO boat, as a result of which the boat and the boat were out of order for a long time, and the material damage to the state was determined in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

In October 1944, Prydatko, having invited specialists from factory # 202, foreman Silchenko, builder Dorenko and senior foreman Morozov, to the boat, organized group drunkenness in the battery compartment of the boat. During the booze, they smoked and burned matches, which could also lead to the death of the ship.

Witness Silchenko on this issue testified: “When we got on the boat, we went to the 3rd compartment, sat down to eat. Pryadatko brought a can of alcohol and poured us alcohol in a mug, 300 grams each. Then they diluted the alcohol and drank it. Soon Pridatko poured two more mugs for us. While drinking, Pridatko gave me a pack of cigarettes, then took out a second pack and began to treat us. I, as well as the mechanic Uvarov, noticed Pridatko that it was forbidden to smoke on the boat, to which Pridatko said: “Who is the boss here? If I give permission, smoke. ”The mechanic then ventilated the boat.

Pryadatko lit matches and gave us a light. I smoked, Pridatko, Dorenko and the paramedic. The booze took about four hours, Pridatko got drunk until he felt insensible. "

On December 3, 1944, on a submerged ship, as a result of a short circuit due to insulation failure, a fire broke out in the battery compartment, which could lead to the death of the ship, only due to the fact that the fire was quickly detected and eliminated, the loss of the ship was prevented. During the investigation of this fact, it was established that the insulation violation occurred as a result of the battery batteries being poorly fixed, loose, the square with insulating rubber touched the battery case. Pryadatko, as the commander, knowing about this, did not take measures to eliminate it. The outbreak of the fire was also facilitated by the systematic leak of diesel fuel from the pipelines in the area of ​​the 3rd compartment. To eliminate the leak, 144 sq. see plantar skin. Addendum, despite repeated requests from the boat's electricians, he did not take any measures to eliminate this serious malfunction during the year. They went out to sea with a faulty pipeline system, hanging a can of canned meat at the place of the diesel fuel leak. Pridatko hid the case of the fire from the command, did not submit an extraordinary report on the emergency.

Pryadatko at the investigation on this issue showed: "I did not present an extraordinary report, so as not to show an extra case of emergency on the boat and the battalion."

On the issue of the fire, witness Panarin testified: “When a fire broke out from the 3rd compartment, things began to be transferred to us in the 4th compartment, and we began to transfer them to the 5th compartment. The fire lasted for 10-15 minutes. There was a lot of smoke, especially in the control room, and the smoke spread to other compartments. After extinguishing the fire, the submarine surfaced and ventilated. I personally know that solar oil was leaking from the solar main and the 3rd compartment, and under the drops of solarium they put a tin can of canned meat, approximately in the area of ​​the 33rd frame, that is, in the immediate vicinity of the battery. "

Before taking command of the ship, Pridatko Shch-319 was one of the best in the division. Prydatko, during his command, ruined the discipline and organization of service on the ship, drank, violated disciplinary practice, the ship's personnel used in a number of cases for personal purposes, putting personal interests above state interests.

Witness Patskov testified on this issue: “Pridatko put personal affairs above the official ones, and many times the personnel removed them from boat work and, by order, forced them to carry firewood to the apartment and cut them. I personally had to carry and cut firewood on several occasions in Pridatko's apartment. In addition, in 1944, in the spring, by order, Pridatko forced me, Pechenitsyn, Klyuev, Morozov and others to dig a garden with uprooting for him. The personnel did not want to serve under the command of Pridatko, expressed a desire to write off the Shch-319. Prydatko often drank on the ship, I remember the incident in October 1944 at the factory number 202. Pridatko invited the workers of Dalzavol to the 3rd compartment, drank, drank to the point of insensibility, smoked, burned matches and made a row. By this, Pridatko lost his authority with the personnel. "

Needless to say, the commander of Sch-319 looks like an unsympathetic person. Any weak and ill-trained ship commander is a huge flaw in his direct superiors. Still, after all, expensive equipment and military weapons fall into the hands of a random person, the fate of dozens of people depends on him! In such a situation, which had developed by the spring of 1945 on Shch-319, something had to happen, and it did.

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  • 4 533-mm bow torpedo tubes; 2 533 mm aft torpedo tubes; 10 533 mm torpedoes.


  • 2 - 45/46 artillery mounts "21-K"; 1000 45 mm rounds.

Ships of the same type

Sch-121 (Catfish), Sch-122 (Sayra), Sch-123 (Eel), Sch-124 (Halibut), Sch-125 ( "Muksun"), "Sch-204" ("Lamprey"), "Sch-205" ("Nerpa"), "Sch-206" ("Nelma"), "Sch-207" ("Orca"), " Shch-306 "(" Haddock ")," Shch-307 "(Cod)," Shch-309 "(" Dolphin ")," Shch-310 "(" Belukha ")," Shch-311 "(" Kumzha ")

Submarines of series III "Pike" - the first type of medium-sized submarines built in the USSR. 1935-1936. - V-bis-2 series (14 units),

General information

Submarines of series III "Pike" are the first type of medium-sized submarines built in the USSR. The design of four submarines of this series was carried out in parallel with the design of the submarines of Project I "Decembrist".

"Pike" is a medium-sized one-and-a-half-hull submarine, the solid hull of which has been divided into 6 compartments. Main distinctive features: increased maneuverability, great survivability.

History of creation

The project was developed in the design bureau, which was headed by B. M. Malinin. The performance characteristics of submarines of this type varied slightly from series to series towards an increase in diesel power and a slight decrease in the cruising range, as well as an increase in the underwater speed. Armament (four bow and two aft torpedo tubes, two 45-mm guns) remained unchanged.


In 1933, submarines of the Shch type ("Pike") began to enter service with the fleets, and by 1941 there were already 84. "Pike" were built and handed over in series - 1933 - III series (4 units), 1933 -1934 - V series (12 units), 1934-1935 V-bis series (13 units), 1935-1936 - V-bis-2 series (14 units), 1936-1939 - X series (32 units) and 1941 - X-bis series (9 units + 2 units after the war).

Prerequisites for creation


The new series of boats of the "Sh" type was named the V bis-2 series and had a number of significant differences. Once again, the theoretical drawing and the shape of the wheelhouse were revised, which finally raised the surface speed by 0.5 knots. and improved seaworthiness. The aft bulkhead of the second compartment was made stepped - this made it possible to store the torpedoes assembled. The torpedo loading device was redesigned, which, on the one hand, reduced the clutter of the compartments, and on the other, reduced the loading time to 12 hours, against the previous 25-30. The bulkheads of the central post were reinforced (now they could withstand a pressure of 6 kg / cm.) The main ballast tanks No. 3 and No. 4 were adapted to receive additional fuel. The transmission of the electric motor of the economic movement was changed from a gear to a belt, which made its operation silent. The electric motors of the bow and stern horizontal rudders were transferred to the end compartments, leaving only manual control in the central post. The system for blowing the main ballast with diesels became standard. Some of the submarines received Som net cutters. Thanks to the introduction of all these innovations, the V-bis-2 series boats have earned high marks from sailors. On boats of the V bis-2 series, the main ballast was blown through by a diesel engine that worked as a compressor. On the submarine type "Shch" of the V-bis 2 series, the bow contours were slightly improved by lengthening the boules. For storing spare torpedoes in the assembly, the aft bulkhead of the second compartment (on the 31st frame) was made unusual - along the profile, not vertical, but stepped, its upper part (above the battery pit) was moved one spacing to the stern. The strength of the bulkheads of the central post, now located in the fourth compartment, was designed for 6 atm. 5 V-bis 2 submarines - Cod (head, Sch-307), Haddock (Sch-306), Dolphin (Sch-309), Belukha (Sch- 310 ") and" Kumzha "(" Shch-311 ") were laid down on the eve of the 16th anniversary of the October Revolution - November 6, 1933. The first two of them were commissioned by the KBF on August 17, 1935, the third - on November 20, 1935 The commander of one of the V-bis 2 submarines described his submarine in the following way: Possessing powerful torpedo armament, as well as systems, devices and devices that provide a covert exit to a torpedo attack, the submarine was able to act against large enemy warships, detect them in a timely manner - this allowed its surveillance equipment. command at a great distance from their bases. Finally, the expedient arrangement of instruments and mechanisms in the submarine ensured not only the successful use of weapons and the preservation of its survivability, but also the rest of the personnel in their free time. The submarine's strength and reliability were tested in the harsh battles of the 1941-1945 war. The commander of the same submarine "Shch-309" wrote about him from the fierce pursuit of his submarine by enemy anti-submarine ships in 1942: letting not a single drop of water inside, she continued to carry out military service. And this is a considerable merit of the submarine builders "

Build and test

In total, 14 units were built in 1933-1936:

Description of the structure


The strong hull of submarines of the "Shch" type with a length of 43.0 m was located between 14 and 75 sp., The distances between which were not the same: from 14 to 16-500 mm, from 16 to 64-750 mm, from 64 to 75-500 mm ... From 22 to 63 sp. it was a pipe with circular sections. In the region from 14 to 22 and from 63 to 75 shp. the sections of the sturdy hull were elliptical, with the bow sections with a vertical main axis, the stern sections with the horizontal one. The largest diameter of a strong hull at the mid-frame is 4.38 m. The sturdy hull was plated with 13.5-mm thick steel sheets, imposed in the longitudinal direction and connected along the grooves in close, and at the joints connected by strips. There was a three-row staggered rivet seam along the grooves, and a two-row seam along the joints.

The robust hull was designed for an external pressure of 9 atm, corresponding to a depth of about 90 m. However, during the war years, "pikes" sank to great depths. So, Shch-405 in August 1941 accidentally "dived" to a depth of 125 m, Shch-402 in October of the same year - to 115 m. From the bow and stern, a strong hull was limited by waterproof flat bulkheads of riveted structure 16 mm thick. The tubes of the torpedo tubes were connected to the bulkheads of the trim tanks and formed part of the structure of the robust hull.

Six welded bulkheads divided the robust hull into seven compartments. Lining squares were riveted to both its skin and bulkheads; fastening of beams to the sheathing - by welding. Bulkhead 22 sp. - from 44-mm sheets in the middle and 11-mm at the edges - reinforced with uprights and a chain box. The rest of the bulkheads were 11 mm thick (designed for a pressure of 2 atm), and those forming the central post - 14 mm (designed for 6 atm on both sides).

The unsinkability of boats in the surface position, for cases of sailing without fuel, in the side ballast tanks were provided by 7 watertight compartments. If any compartment of a strong hull with an adjacent side tank was damaged from one side (with the exception of the sixth compartment), as well as if one of the end tanks was damaged, the boat could remain on the surface with positive stability and keep running. Unsinkability in an accident in a submerged position was not provided. A solid deckhouse was located between 40-44 shp. and was made of low-magnetic steel in the form of a cylinder with an inner diameter of 1700 mm. The hull of the wheelhouse was made up of two 12-mm sheets, interconnected by squares with spacers between them made of canvas on red lead. The roof of the wheelhouse is spherical, with a sphere radius of 1770 mm made of sheets with a thickness of 16 mm; it had an opening with a diameter of 650 mm for the entrance hatch coaming. The superstructure ran along the entire length of the boat; its maximum width is 1750 mm, its height in the area of ​​the cylindrical part of the robust body is 750 mm. The thickness of the side plates and the upper deck of the superstructure is 3 mm, the distance between the frames is 500 mm. For quick filling of the superstructure with water when its side is immersed from 22 to 31 shp. in the bow and from 58 to 70 shp. in the stern, they did not reach a strong hull by 5 mm, forming something like permanently open longitudinal scuppers. The superstructure was ventilated when it was filled with water through a large number of drilled holes in the deck.

The wave-cutting shields of the bow torpedo tubes (the upper ones are 3040 mm long, the lower ones are 2790 mm) were made of 8-mm steel. Due to the design features of the bow, the wave shields on "pikes" broke down more often during the war years than on boats of other types. It happened that because of their jamming it was necessary to leave the position ahead of schedule. On Pacific and North Sea boats, the shields were removed, as a result, the surface speed dropped by about 2 knots, and the underwater speed by 0.5.

The keel of a box-section of 10-mm sheets, riveted to a strong hull with angles, was located in the middle part of the hull (14-69 sp.) And served to strengthen its longitudinal strength, as well as to set the boat on keelblocks when docking. To increase the stability of the submarine, a portable solid ballast (usually cast iron ingots) with a total weight of up to 37 tons was placed in the keel. In order to reduce the water resistance during underwater passage, the strong deckhouse had a light fence made of 3-mm steel sheets. The deck of the fence, arranged at the level of the coaming of the conning tower, served as a navigation bridge during surface navigation - a magnetic compass and a vertical rudder control post were installed there.

In the stern of the deckhouse, a surface latrine and a room for boatswain's equipment were located in the enclosure. Free filling and drainage of the enclosure during submersion and ascent was provided by openings in its side walls and in the deck. In the area where the stern gun was located, the bulwarks of the fence had parts that could be reclined with a manual winch. In the lowered position, they served as a platform for the gun crew. On some boats, during the war, they were removed and replaced with a round platform with handrails or with permanent tubular railings. The underwater and surface anchors were selected by an electric spire. Hall's surface anchor weighed 600 kg, underwater mushroom-shaped -1000 kg.

Dive and ascent system

Inside the solid hull there were tanks: trim bow (between 14 and 15 shp.) And stern (73-75 shp.), Torpedo-seat (17-20 shp.), Provision (20-22 shp.), Fuel No. 1- 4 (24-31, 31-37, 45-49, 49-55 sp., Respectively), equalizing (41-44 sp.), Fast immersion (43-45 sp.), Fresh drinking water (39-42 and 69 -73 shp.), Replacement shells (37-39 shp.), Oil main (55-60 shp.), Consumable (51-53 shp.), Waste (49-51 shp.). Most of the main ballast tanks were located in boules. Deck tanks (for 33-39 and 47-57 shp.) In the process of major repairs were eliminated.

For the ascent, a system consisting of high (emergency blowing) and low pressure air ducts with red copper fittings served To combat this phenomenon, zinc protectors began to be inserted between copper and steel, but this was not always possible. In general, the service life of red-copper tubes did not exceed 1.5 years.). The normal surfacing of the submarine was carried out as follows. At a sea state of up to 4 points, the middle tank was first completely blown through with high pressure air; at the same time, the wheelhouse with a hatch came out of the water almost entirely, and the entire upper deck was about 0.5 m from the water surface; the conning tower hatch was sufficiently high from the water level. In a sea state over 4 points, simultaneously with the blowing of the middle tank, end ballast tanks No. 1 and 6 were partially blown with HP air. The rest of the main ballast was blown with LP compressed air supplied by a diesel engine, which in this case served as a compressor and was driven by the main electric motor. The commander of the submarine judged about the complete blowing of the tanks by the release of air bubbles in the area of ​​the location of the kingston enclosures of the corresponding ballast tanks. A rapid ascent of the submarine was carried out only in case of accidents and in other extreme situations. In this case, all the main and middle ballast tanks were blown through with HP air.

The high pressure air on the boat was intended for the following purposes; emergency blowing of ballast tanks, firing torpedoes from torpedo tubes, supplying air to compartments for rescue purposes, starting diesel engines and to turn off Bamag couplings, blowing through the grids of receiving kingstones of the ballast main, obtaining medium pressure air. The full supply of VVD was 4758 liters at a pressure of 200 atm; it was stored in 61 cylinders with a capacity of 78 liters each. To replenish the air flow on the boat, there were two high-pressure compressors of the K-7 type with a capacity of 6 liters per minute at a pressure of 255 atm. But in operation, they turned out to be very unreliable and often failed. The medium pressure air line served mainly auxiliary devices. It was assembled from red copper pipes with bronze fittings and originated in the fourth compartment from the VVD mainline.

The operational characteristics of the ascent system can be judged by the test results of the Shch-204 U-bis-2 series submarine. Engine mode: rpm - 200, roll during blowing - up to 6 ° on both sides, blowing time - 11 min (side ballast tanks No. 3 and 4 with fuel were not subject to blowing). At 300 rpm (both engines): roll up to 2 °, blow time -4 min. At 320 rpm (both engines): no roll was observed, the time was 3 minutes. Increase to 415 rpm (both engines): no roll was observed, blowing - about 2 minutes. It follows from this that when blowing the ballast at a low number of revolutions, the possibility of a large roll was not excluded. In fresh weather, blowing through the ballast of the submarine, even at high engine speeds, was difficult without a stroke. In such cases, this procedure was carried out on the move: one electric motor was driven by a propeller (the submarine was moving against the wave), and the other rotated the diesel engine at high speeds and blew through the ballast. A blowing mode is also possible, when the main propeller motors, with the Bamag clutches turned on, worked on the propeller and the submarine went against the wave. At a speed of about 200 rpm, the blowing proceeded with almost no roll and took about 10 minutes.

Desiccants on U-bis-2 series boats with a total capacity of 280 t / h consisted of two TP-15 three-piston pumps from the Borets plant (total productivity 15 t / h at a back pressure of 9 atm). Drainage means - one turbopump R-130, installed in the central station (productivity - 250 t / h, with parallel connection of the impeller and a back pressure of 9 mWC and 25 t / h, with a series connection of the impeller with a back pressure of 9 atm). The filling time of the main ballast tanks was 32 s. The time for blowing them with LP air during ascent from the positional position to the surface position is 4 minutes at 340 rpm of the diesel engine. According to wartime estimates, the immersion system for submarines of the "Shch" type (except for the X-bis series) did not provide a quick sinking under the water due to the small volume of the fast immersion tank. The commanders had to take ballast into the equalizing tank.

Power plant and driving performance

Submarines of the "Shch" type were equipped with two non-compressor eight-cylinder four-stroke diesel engines 38-V-8 built by the Kolomna machine-building plant. The normal (and maximum) power of each engine is 685 hp. at 600 rpm. Bore - 280 mm, piston stroke - 380 mm, fuel consumption at full power per 1 hp / h - 175 ... 185 g. A characteristic feature of the engine was a low specific weight - 16 kg / hp. Its disadvantages include excessive sensitivity to the quality of lubrication of the head bearings (if this requirement is not observed, the pistons of the cylinders will quickly scuffed) and severe corrosion of the working bushings. Depending on the problem being solved, the boat could have a normal or increased fuel supply. The amount of fuel in the tanks of a solid hull was considered normal - 29.6 cubic meters. m, which approximately corresponded to the weight of 26 tons. Reinforced - the amount of fuel taken into the side ballast tanks No. 3 and 4 plus the normal stock, that is, 70.9 cubic meters. m, or 62-64 tons. With a normal supply of fuel, the highest surface speed was 12.3 knots. Cruising range without charging 1280 miles. With an economic surface speed of 9 knots. the cruising range without charges reached 2280 miles. Each full charge of the battery reduced the cruising range: in the first case, by 55 miles, in the second, by 90. With an increased supply of fuel, the maximum surface speed decreased to 12 knots, the economic speed to 8. The cruising range (without charges) was 2880 and 5250 miles respectively. The average submerged speed for one hour was 8 knots, the cruising range was 8 miles. Economic submerged speed - 2.55 knots. provided a cruising range of 104 miles.

The main propulsion DC motors of the PGV brand of the Electrosila plant are single-armature, reversible, with an hourly power of 400 hp. at 450 rpm. They worked on a propeller, served as generators to charge the storage battery and rotated diesel engines while blowing ballast. The storage battery consisted of 112 cells of the KSM-2 type, divided into two groups. Elements in each group were connected in series; the groups themselves, when the boat was parked in the base, were connected to each other in parallel, and to give full speed - in series. The ventilation of each battery is individual. During the war years, this system, as it did not justify itself, was converted into a common one. Charging time: from a fully discharged state - 12-14 hours, from a moderately discharged state - 9 hours. The desire of boat commanders to sail with a fully charged battery led to numerous recharges, in which the battery was constantly overheating, and its service life was shortened. The propeller is three-bladed, bronze. Its diameter is 1260 mm, pitch is 970 mm, weight is 225 kg. During operation, it turned out that the edges of the blades are too thin, bend easily, get cracked and break. A vertical rudder of a semi-balanced type (feather area 4.2 sq. M.) And two pairs of balanced horizontal rudders (bow 4.14 sq. M., Aft rudder 4.52 sq. M.) Were used to control the boat along the course and depth. The first control is from the Davis screw drive, rotated by an electric motor, or manual from the seventh compartment. The largest transfer angle is 35 °. The greatest transfer angles of the latter are 20 ° (bow) and 25 ° (aft). Transfer from electric motors - roller, manual control - from the central station. It should be noted that the electric drive of the horizontal rudders turned out to be very noisy, and the manual drive required a lot of effort for shifting. Often this forced the personnel to abandon the use of a manual drive, even in those cases when the boat was pursued by the enemy. The diameter of the circulation at full surface speed is about 295 m. The stability of keeping the depth at any speed, starting from 2 knots, is 0.3 m. The boats of the "Sh" type could float in finely broken ice. The time for shifting the rudders at full speed with electric control from the middle position to any extreme: for a vertical rudder - 15 s, for horizontal rudders - 10 ... 13 s. The reverse was carried out only by the main electric motors.

Auxiliary equipment

Submarines of the "Sh" type were equipped with two periscopes: commander (PA) and anti-aircraft (PZ), which initially had a length of 7.5 m. Starting with the X series, 9-meter periscopes were used. They were also received in the course of major repairs and boats of earlier releases. The height of the periscope heads from the waterline was 7.3 m and 9.45 m, respectively. Observation was carried out only from the central post; lifting and lowering was carried out by a very noisy electric winch or manually. The following navigation devices were installed on the submarines: Sperry gyrocompass (or GU M-1 model 2), three 127 mm magnetic compasses (main, track and conning tower), GO M-3 model 2 electric log, EMC-2 echo sounder and manual lot ... Illumination of the surface at night was provided by an MSPL-l4.0 floodlight.

Crew and habitability

Initially, the crew of the "Sh" -type submarine included 7 "medium" commanders (commander, commissar, assistant commander, commanders of BCH-1/4, BCH-2/3 and BCH-5, military assistant), 6 junior commanders and 25 Red Navy men. In wartime, the number of the crew increased to 40 people (7 middle and 15 junior commanders, 18 Red Navy men). Autonomy with a normal supply of fuel, oil, fresh and distilled water was 20 days, in some cases it increased to 45-55. The supply of fresh water was from 2.5 to 6.7 tons. The air was purified by 10 electric fans or 9 regeneration machines with special RV-2 cartridges (total supply - from 900 to 1920 pieces) filled with caustic soda. A special system of 12 steel cylinders with a capacity of 38-40 liters with oxygen compressed to 150 atm was used for the same purposes. The time of the longest continuous stay under water with full use of the entire regeneration system is 72 hours, without use - 12 hours. A single cabin for the boat commander, a wardroom, and easily removable bunks (30 pieces) were arranged for the personnel. On board there were permanent and portable heating pads, a steam heating pipeline fed from the coastal base to maintain the temperature in the compartments with closed hatches not lower than +14 ° C at an outside temperature of up to -20 ° C, an electric galley for cooking, electric dishes, two pneumatic underwater latrines and one surface in the wheelhouse enclosure, shower pipe in the wheelhouse enclosure. The boat was equipped with rescue and lifting means: eyebolts for lifting the boat by means of the base, reinforced with scuppers in the superstructure (for lifting the boat with EPRON soft pontoons), external and internal equipment for blowing out compartments and tanks using diving hoses, two signal buoys, four underkeel belts. For the exit of personnel from the sunken submarine, airlock hatches, tubes and a rescue wheelhouse served; it was also possible to exit through torpedo tubes.


Auxiliary / anti-aircraft artillery

The initial artillery armament of the Pike was two 45-mm 21-K semi-automatic rifles. The horizontal angle of fire for each gun is 280 °, the descent is 10 °, the elevation is -85 °, the weight of the high-explosive projectile is 1.41 kg, the muzzle velocity is 760 m / s. Firing range: horizontal - 50 kbt, in height - 4500 m. Rate of fire - about 25-30 rds / min. Ammunition - 500 rounds per barrel. For the first shots, a sealed fender for 15 rounds was installed near the semiautomatic device. In the middle part of the bridge there were two swivels for removable machine guns M-1 "Maxim" (stock of cartridges for them and for five Mosin rifles - 24,000 pieces). In addition, the boat had 27 revolvers. The artillery armament of the "pike" initially aroused criticism from sailors. Converted from the famous 45-mm anti-tank gun, the 21-K semi-automatic as an anti-aircraft gun was distinguished by extremely low combat characteristics. And his capabilities in the fight against surface targets were very modest. So, for example, during the Soviet-Finnish war, to sink the 379-ton Estonian ship Kassari Shch-323 in almost range conditions, 152 shells were spent, Shch-311 to destroy the 484-ton Fenris ship - 127. The fact is that The 45-mm high-explosive projectile had only 360 g of explosive and could not cause fatal damage to the ship. It is curious that, returning from a military campaign at the beginning of June 1942, the commander of Shch-214 V.Ya. Vlasov (sank three Bulgarian schooners) suggested replacing the 45-mm guns ... with ordinary knapsack flamethrowers! Firing armor-piercing incendiary shells had somewhat better results, but overall the 45-mm gun demonstrated completely unsatisfactory combat qualities. Therefore, it is no coincidence that even before the start of World War II, some "pikes" of the X series of the Black Sea Fleet began to receive a 12.7-mm DShK machine gun instead of the 45-mm stern gun. The search for a new artillery system for "pikes" has been going on since the late 1930s. In November 1939, headed by V.G. Grabin, OKB No. 92, on its own initiative, began to develop the 76-mm non-universal boat gun F-35. Its swinging part was borrowed from the F-22 divisional gun with a barrel length of 50 (actually 51.3) calibers. The maximum elevation angle of the barrel is 36 °, the weight of the projectile is 6.2 kg, the muzzle velocity is about 700 m / s, the rate of fire is 12 rds / min; the total mass of the gun mount is 0.79 tons, the calculation is 4 people. The only copy of the F-35 was installed on the Black Sea Sch-204, was successfully tested in early 1941 and died with it. According to the version set forth in the memoirs of V. G. Grabin, the decision to abandon the new gun was made by Marshal G.I. Kulik, who tried not to load the artillery factories with the fulfillment of "extra" naval orders.

Mine torpedo armament

The main armament of the submarine is six steel torpedo tubes installed in planes parallel to the diametrical one. The total length of the apparatus is 7520 mm, the inner diameter of the pipe along the guides is 536 mm. The distance between the axes of the bow apparatuses is 1350 mm, the stern apparatus is 1240 mm. The shooting was carried out with compressed air. The time for accepting torpedoes is 4.5-5 hours, for preparing a second salvo - from 3 hours 20 minutes to 4 hours. Since 1939, boats began to be equipped with a bubbleless torpedo firing system (BTS). The principle of its operation consisted in the automatic bypass of high-pressure air pushing the torpedo inside a solid body after the torpedo passed 2/3 of the length of the torpedo tube. When the pressure in the pipe dropped to the value of the outboard, the water completely filled the pipe, and through it the torpedo replacement tank. In combat conditions, this overly complex system often failed. If the appearance of an air bubble on the surface, as a rule, could be avoided, then the filling of the torpedo replacement tank and the restoration of normal buoyancy usually took place after the bow or deckhouse of the boat appeared on the surface. On German submarines, torpedoes were pushed out with a special piston, which was set in motion by compressed air etched from the pipe into the boat. With such a system, there was no threat of air escape to the surface. "Pike" were armed with 10 torpedoes: 6 in vehicles and 4 spare on racks in the second compartment. Initially, these were 533-mm torpedoes of the 53-27 type (the first number is the caliber in cm, the second is the year of adoption), developed at Ostekhbyuro. Depending on the type, they had a weight of 1675 or 1725 kg (explosive weight 200 or 250 kg), a speed of 43.5 knots. and a cruising range of 3700 m.The main drawback of torpedoes 53-27 is poor tightness and non-maintenance of the mode of movement in depth, therefore, with the beginning of the war on the Black Sea Fleet, they were completely banned from use, and on other fleets they were used very limitedly (when the depth was set at least 3 m) ... They were replaced in 1938 by the 53-38 torpedo, which was a copy of the 53F "Fiume" torpedo purchased in Italy in 1930. The new torpedo, with almost the same length as 53-27 (7200 and 7150 mm, respectively), had a weight of 1615 kg (explosive weight 300 kg) and a speed of 44.5 knots. at a range of 4000 m (there was also a mode of 34.5 knots - 8000 m or 30.5 knots - 10,000 m, but it was practically not used on submarines). It was this torpedo on "pikes" that was the main one during the Great Patriotic War. The 53-38U, 53-39 torpedoes and the ET80 electric torpedo, which entered service during the war, were not used on the Shch-type boats due to dimensional limitations. Since the production of torpedoes 53-27 was deployed practically simultaneously with the construction of the first "pikes", the designers provided for the possibility of firing old torpedoes of the 45-10 / 15 type - for this, grilles installed inside the torpedo tubes served. Soon torpedoes of this type were removed from service, but in 1936 they were replaced by others - type 45-36N, also designed on the basis of the Italian prototype: length 5700 (6000 mm) compartment), weight 935 (1028) kg, weight of explosive 200 (285 kg) and speed 41 knots. at a distance of 3000 m; there was also a 32-node mode - 6000 m. At the beginning of the war, torpedoes of the 45-36Н type were used on "pikes" to a limited extent, but then they began to be used more and more often. By the beginning of 1945, the normal ammunition load of the Baltic submarines III-V series consisted of eight 53-38 torpedoes and four 45-36N torpedoes. Despite the increase in ammunition, the diversity of torpedoes made it difficult to use them, since, due to the difference in speed characteristics, they could not be used in one salvo. In addition, due to the lack of torpedoes since 1944, the "pikes" had to take the unsuccessful 53-27 again.

Communication, detection, auxiliary equipment

The radio equipment for external communication consisted of a long-wave transmitter "Shkval-Shch" and a short-wave transmitter "Bukhta". Subsequently, they were replaced, respectively, by "Okun" (60-75 W, operating range 200-1200 m, transmission range with a boat antenna 80-100 miles) and "Pike" (500-650 W, range 30-120 m, transmission range up to 2000 miles). The long-wave "Dozor" and the short-wave KUB-4 were used for reception. During repairs, the latter was replaced by the "Blizzard" or 45-PK-1 with increased sensitivity. All devices worked as a radiotelegraph and a radio telephone through a microphone. For intra-squadron communication and communication with the landing parties, there was a VHF transceiver station "Reid" (power 4-6 W, transmission range up to 15 miles). On some of the boats the direction finders "Burun" and "Passat" were installed. Since 1939, submarines began to be equipped with Mars-12 type sound direction finding stations with an elliptical base of 12 receivers (receivers were located in the forward permeable tip). Depending on the hydrology of the sea, the station could take the bearing of the noises of a large ship at distances of 12.5-30 kbt, with a bearing accuracy in the direction of 1 ° to 3 °; she did not determine the distance to the target. It should be noted that even this primitive, relatively foreign level, equipment by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was equipped with only 159 out of 213 submarines. work in both passive and active ("echo") mode, determining the distance and bearing to targets distant by 12-18 kbt with an accuracy of 2.5 ° -3 °. Shch-403 was the first of the "pikes" in the middle of 1942. It was mainly used to detect anchor mines, which posed the main threat to submarines in all theaters. For communication with submarines on "pikes" there was a two-gun installation of sound-underwater communications "Vega" or "Sirius". Her upper sword was located on the deck between 9 and 10 sp., And the lower - in a special enclosure between 45-46 sp. The Som net cutter installed on some of the boats was a system of cutters (four on the stem, two on the tank with a linear elevation and one on each side), as well as a system of braces that protected the protruding parts of the boat from getting caught by the cables of the net barriers. Practice did not confirm the usefulness of this device, and it was gradually dismantled, covering the saw on the stem with metal sheets.

Modernization and refurbishment

In 1947, TsKB-18 was developing a project to modernize the remaining V and X series submarines. It was supposed to install the RDP (snorkel) device during major repairs, remake the wheelhouse, following the model of new series boats, lower the gun platforms to the level of the upper deck, install more modern periscopes and equipment, and increase the fuel supply. Due to a lack of funds, a lack of production capacity and the clearly low combat value of boats in the new conditions, these plans were abandoned. "Pikes" were left to live out their days in the same form.

Service history


  • Submarine Sch-309 "Dolphin"(commander - Lieutenant Commander S.S. Veseloye) left the base on the night of November 29, 1939. Its route ran through the Gulf of Finland to the area of ​​the small island Fore, located northeast of Gotland. The main tasks at such a relatively remote position from the coast of Finland were to be a long-range blockade and observation of the Swedish fleet. Only Finnish ships were allowed to attack, and the commander was required to strictly observe the laws of naval warfare and prize rights. The very first days of patrolling showed a complete cessation of the movement of enemy ships on the open sea. In fact, only German ships sailed in the area of ​​operations of Shch-309, which were not ordered to be inspected. On the evening of December 5, when Sweden's neutrality was no longer in doubt, the submarine was ordered to return to Tallinn. She arrived there the next day, and on December 12, not having time to go through the required repairs, she was transferred to Libau along with the entire division. Obviously, this was dictated by the fear of leaving the boats in the port, where they could be blocked by ice in the conditions of the unprecedentedly harsh winter of 1939/40. Despite the difficult weather conditions, on January 14, Shch-309 went to sea to secure the blockade southeast of the Aland Islands. By the time it arrived at the position, the boat looked like a small iceberg. The Red Navy men, sent to break the ice, were twice washed overboard by the wave and it was with difficulty that they could be pulled onto the deck. The patrol threatened to end in disaster at any moment. Realizing this, the command recalled the boat to Tallinn on 17 January. She never went out to sea again.
  • Shch-310 "Belukha"(commander - Senior Lieutenant N.M. Ovechkin) left Kronstadt at the same time as Shch-309 to perform the same tasks, but the area of ​​its operations was to be the western approaches to the Saarema Island. Not meeting an enemy, she returned to Tallinn on the morning of December 7, but on the same evening again set off for a position in the area of ​​the Swedish Landsort lighthouse (southern approaches to Stockholm). The second voyage also turned out to be unsuccessful - the Finnish ships did not need to go in this area, which was quite remote from the coast, since the Swedes who sympathized with the Finns provided them with their own territorial waters for the movement of transports. On December 16, the position at Landsort was abolished, and in the evening of the next day, Shch-310 entered the Libau raid, and this was the end of her campaign.
  • December 6 Sh-311 "Kumzha"(commander - Lieutenant Commander F.G. Vershinin) left Kronstadt for a new base - with the outbreak of hostilities, the 21st division was to be based in Tallinn. The passage was carried out in conditions of poor visibility, and after a couple of hours the boat ran aground in the area of ​​Demannstein banks. The destroyer "Karl Marx" called for help removed the submarine and escorted it back to Kronstadt, where they inspected its underwater part. Fortunately, there was no serious damage, and on the 9th the submarine arrived in Tallinn. Here Shch-311 was waiting for the order to go to Libau, where she arrived on December 12. Since Shch-311 was the only one from the division that did not make military campaigns, and the readiness of its mechanisms did not cause concern, the command sent the submarine to the Gulf of Bothnia for action.

On the morning of December 24, the boat left the base (the cruise was provided by the division commander, Lieutenant Commander A.E. Orel, the famous submariner and in the future the commander of the Baltic Fleet) and immediately fell into a nine-point storm. Despite this, the "pike" reached the Aland Sea the very next day without incident, where it lingered, passing the S-1 South Kvarken Strait. On the same evening, her first meeting with the enemy, the gunboat Karjala, took place, which, having found the Kumzha that had surfaced by the light of the moon, gave its identification marks from a distance of 15 kbt. Realizing that it would not be possible to get close to a salvo range in such conditions, Vershinin decided to leave on the surface. The Finns began to chase, but soon the opponents lost each other in the darkness. The next day, the boat crossed South Kvarken in a submerged position (while it hit the ground and briefly jumped to the surface) and on December 28 took up a position near the Finnish port of Vasa. Previously, Soviet submarines did not appear here, and therefore the enemy felt rather calm - all the regular beacons were on fire. Shortly before midnight Vershinin discovered a transport crossing the course of the "pike", going to the shores of Finland without lights. The boat increased its speed and after 8 minutes from a distance of 10-12 kbt opened fire from the bow cannon. After the first shots, the vessel, which by that time had already crossed the course of the boat, “pointed to the stern” and headed for the Norrscher lighthouse. From the bridge of the submarine, numerous hits were observed, some kind of white flashes and even the descent of boats. It was all the more surprising that, passing by the lighthouse, the ship again turned sharply to the east and entered the zone of floating ice. The submarine passed behind its stern, continuing to fire from two guns (in just the time of the battle, which lasted almost an hour, the submarine fired 67 45-mm shells). Despite the apparent list, the transport kept afloat and moved on the same course. Vershinin continued his pursuit, maneuvering between the ice floes, but soon interrupted the pursuit. He never saw the ship wreck, but considered his fate a foregone conclusion. Whom did Sch-311 attack? It is believed that the German transport "Siegfried" was fired upon. However, the German historian J. Rover clarifies that the ship was actually called "Sigrid" and had a tonnage of 1224 brt. Such a ship did exist, but not in the German, but in the Finnish merchant fleet (this is confirmed by the observations of Vershinin, who saw the Finnish flag over the ship) and was classified as a motor tanker. There is no doubt that Sigrid did not die, but the information of Yu. Rovera's idea that he did not receive any damage at all is highly doubtful. No sooner had the Kumzha's cannons cooled down after the battle than a new transport was discovered in the west. Shch-311 quickly lay on a parallel course and opened fire on December 29 at 4.48. Hits soon followed (in this battle, the boat fired 140 shells). After about 45 minutes, the ship reduced its speed and, turning to the Norrscher lighthouse, threw itself onto the coastal rocks. A precisely fired torpedo shattered the target in half. Only the bridge and forecastle of the Finnish steamer "Vilpas" (775 brt), which transported wheat from the Swedish port of Malmo to Vasu, remained above the water. In the following days, there were no meetings with the enemy. The steamers that broke through to the Finnish ports easily bypassed the small Kumzhi position. But on January 5, in conditions of heavy snowfall, Vershinin discovered another ship, heading for the Finnish coast. It was outside the blockade zone, and the commander decided to wait for the steamer to enter the zone where weapons were allowed to be used without warning. Since the submarine was clearly visible white stripes applied across the hull and meant belonging to the Swedish merchant fleet, as well as the name on the stern and even barrels standing on the deck, it can be assumed that the distance between the "pike" and the ship was small. According to Vershinin's version, the steamer suddenly turned north and increased its speed. In fact, if the ship changed course, it was very insignificant - the Swedish steamer Fenris (484 brt) made a voyage from one Swedish port to another, but due to poor visibility it was too far from the western coast of the bay. Seeing that the target went into separation, Vershinin at 14.40 ordered a shot at the ship's course. After that, it seemed to have stalled the move, but as soon as “Kumzha” began to converge, it again increased its momentum. Then our submariners opened fire to kill. According to the version of the "Fenris" who escaped in full crew, the steamer was suddenly attacked and immediately stopped. While the crew was boarding the boat, an unknown submarine without a flag quickly turned the ship into a blazing fire. Meanwhile, Shch-311 launched a torpedo at the target. After walking several meters in a straight line, she turned sharply to the side and walked in front of the Fenris's nose. Soon the badly injured coaster landed on a sandbank near the Zuiderostbrotten lighthouse, but at least another hour passed before the Kumzha finished the shelling (127 shells were fired). On January 7, the boat was recalled to the base, in the evening of the next day it crossed South Kvarken and on the 10th arrived in Libau. The transition was carried out in the conditions of a storm, the strength of which is evidenced by the fact that thick glasses were knocked out by the shock of a wave in the wheelhouse. Shch-311 turned out to be the only KBF submarine that sank Finnish transport during the entire war and achieved two confirmed victories. February 7 F.G. Vershinin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and "Kumzha" was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.


  • "Shch-121" ("Catfish") Laid down on December 20, 1933 in Leningrad at plant number 194, plant number 214. In 1934, in sections transported by rail to Vladivostok to plant number 202 (Dalzavod), where it was launched on August 26, 1934. On April 30, 1935, she entered the Pacific Fleet. On August 9, 1945, she met 4 submarine brigades in Nakhodka under the command of Lieutenant Commander Yailo Andrei Georgievich as part of the 11th division. She did not participate in hostilities.
  • "Shch-122" ("Saira") Laid down on December 22, 1933 in Leningrad at plant number 189 (Baltic shipbuilding plant), plant number 251. In 1934, in sections transported by rail to Vladivostok to plant number 202 (Dalzavod), where it was launched on August 29, 1934 ... On April 30, 1935, she entered the Pacific Fleet. On August 9, 1945, she met 4 submarine brigades in Nakhodka under the command of Lieutenant Commander Ivan Dmitrievich Kuznetsov in the 12th division of the division. With the outbreak of hostilities, she took up a designated position in the Sea of ​​Japan, but did not meet with the enemy.
  • "Shch-123" ("Eel") Laid down on December 20, 1933 in Leningrad at plant number 194, plant number 215. In 1934, in sections transported by rail to Vladivostok to plant number 202 (Dalzavod), where it was launched on August 26, 1934. April 30, 1935 She entered the Pacific Fleet. On August 9, 1945, she met in the 12th division of the 4th brigade of submarines in Nakhodka under the command of Captain 3rd Rank Mikhailov Boris Mizaylovich. With the outbreak of hostilities, it took up its assigned position in the Sea of ​​Japan. On August 19, while in a positional position, she was attacked by two torpedoes from an enemy submarine. A volley was found in an air bubble at a distance of 4-5 cabs and "Shch-123", plunging into circulation, managed to evade torpedoes.
  • "Shch-124" ("Halibut") Laid down on December 22, 1933 in Leningrad at plant number 189 (Baltic shipbuilding plant), plant number 252. In 1934, in sections transported by rail to Vladivostok to plant number 202 (Dalzavod), where on December 29, 1934 it was launched to water. On November 23, 1935, she entered the Pacific Fleet. On August 9, 1945, she met 4 submarine brigades in Nakhodka under the command of Lieutenant Commander Adolf Evseevich Reznikov as part of the 12th division. She did not participate in hostilities.
  • "Shch-125" ("Muksun") Laid down on December 20, 1933 in Leningrad at plant number 194, plant number 217. In 1934, in sections transported by rail to Vladivostok to plant number 202 (Dalzavod), where it was launched on August 26, 1934. May 23, 1936 entered the Pacific Fleet. August 9, 1945 met in the 1st division of the 1st submarine brigade in Ulis Bay under the command of Lieutenant Commander Nazarenko Panteley Konstantinovich. She did not participate in hostilities.
  • "Shch-204" ("Lamprey") Laid down on June 15, 1934 in Leningrad at plant number 194, plant number 216. In 1934, in sections transported by rail to Nikolaev to plant number 200 (named after 61 Communards), where on December 31, 1934 it was launched under plant number 1040. On January 9, 1936, she entered the Black Sea Fleet. June 22, 1941, under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Ivan Mikhailovich Gritsenko, as part of the 3rd division of the 1st submarine brigade in Sevastopol. On November 25, she took a position near Varna, did not get in touch and did not return to the base at the appointed time. There is an assumption that on December 6, 20 miles from Varna, it was discovered by the Bulgarian patrol boats "Belomorets" and "Chernomorets". Having received heavy damage from depth charges dropped by Bulgarian boats, "Shch-204" surfaced and was sunk by artillery fire. The duration of combat service was 5.5 months (June 22, 1941 - December 6, 1941). 3 military campaigns (43 days).
  • "Shch-205" ("Nerpa") Laid down on January 5, 1934 in Nikolaev at plant No. 200 (named after 61 Communards), serial number 1029. Launched on November 6, 1934. On December 24, 1936, it entered the Black Sea Fleet.
  • June 22, 1941, under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Pavel Sevastyanovich Dronin, in the 3rd division of the 1st submarine brigade in Sevastopol. On June 23, it took up a position off the coast of Romania. The entire trip was on the easternmost edge of the designated area, i.e. as far as possible from the coast and from coastal communications and, naturally, had no meetings with the enemy. Upon arrival at the base, the ship's commander was removed from office, put on trial and shot. On July 17, Lieutenant Commander (later Captain 3rd Rank) Pavel Denisovich Sukhomlinov was appointed the ship's commander. On December 4, in the next campaign, floating up from the ground near Varna, she was blown up by two mines and received heavy damage to the solid hull and a number of mechanisms. Despite this, she managed to return to the base, where she was delivered for repairs. May 18, 1942 to the north of Cape Karaburun, the Turkish transport "Duatepe" (128brt) was sunk by artillery fire. In June, she made one flight to besieged Sevastopol, delivering 29 tons of ammunition, 1.5 tons of food, 17 tons of gasoline and taking 50 people to the mainland. From the autumn of 1942 she did not participate in hostilities. March 1, 1943 awarded the title "Guards"
  • The term of combat service is 38.8 months (June 22, 1941 - September 16, 1944). 6 military campaigns (94 days). 3 torpedo attacks as a result of which 1 ship (683 brt) was sunk and 1 more ship was damaged. artillery fire sunk 1 ship (128 brt).
  • "Shch-206" ("Nelma") Laid down on January 5, 1934 in Nikolaev at plant No. 200 (named after 61 Communards), serial number 1030. On February 1, 1935, launched. On October 1, 1936, she entered the Black Sea Fleet. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Karakai Sidor Alekseevich as part of the 3rd division of the 1st submarine brigade in Sevastopol. In the first days of the war, she went on a military campaign and on June 23 was supposed to take a position at Mangalia. I did not get in touch and did not return to the base at the appointed time. There are several versions of the possible reason for the death of "Shch-206". So, according to Romanian data, on July 9, the Romanian destroyer "Naluka", 8 miles east of the port of Mangalia, attacked a submarine with depth charges, observed a large oil slick and air bubbles. On the same day, 5 cabs from that place, two Romanian torpedo boats Vitelia and Viskulul again attacked the submarine with depth charges. Finally, there is some likelihood of the sinking of "Shch-206" by the Soviet destroyer "Soobrazitelny" on June 26, when he accompanied the leader of "Kharkov" after the shelling of Constance, in any case, the destroyer bombed some unknown submarine, and there could only be "Sh -206 ". The term of combat service is 4 days (June 22, 1941 - June 26, 1941). 1 military campaign.
  • "Shch-207" ("Killer Whale") Laid down on January 5, 1934 in Nikolaev at plant No. 200 (named after 61 Communards), serial number 1031. On March 25, 1935, launched. On December 18, 1936, she entered the Black Sea Fleet. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Senior Lieutenant (later Lieutenant Commander, Captain 3rd Rank) Nikolai Alekseevich Panov as part of the 3rd division of the 1st submarine brigade in Sevastopol, was under repair. From the spring of 1943 she did not participate in hostilities. On April 12, 1944, Lieutenant-Commander Vasily Vasilyevich Stetsenko was appointed commander of the ship. The term of combat service was 38.8 months (June 22, 1941 - September 16, 1944). 11 military campaigns (194 days). 4 torpedo attacks.
  • "Shch-306" ("Haddock") Laid down on November 6, 1933 in Leningrad at plant number 189 (Baltic shipbuilding plant), plant number 250. On August 1, 1934 launched. On August 17, 1935, she entered the Baltic Fleet. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Senior Lieutenant (later Lieutenant Commander) Nikolai Ivanovich Smolyar as part of the Separate Training Submarine Division in Orienbaum. From June 27, it was in position in the Kalbodagrund lighthouse, the Gulf of Finland, where it was repeatedly attacked by anti-submarine boats, which dropped more than 200 depth charges on it. Without attacking a single target, on July 6, she left the area and safely returned to the base. October 20, 1942 left Kronstadat on a military campaign. During his stay at sea, the commander did not make a single report and only on November 12 reported that he was starting to cross the Gulf of Finland to return to the base. Since she did not arrive at the meeting point with the escort forces, it can be assumed that "Shch-306" died as a result of a mine explosion in the area of ​​the Nargen mine position. According to post-war data, during the actions of "Shch-306" in this area, the transport "Elbing IX" (467 brt) was lost and two more ships were damaged. The duration of combat service is 16.8 months (June 22, 1941 - November 16, 1942 .). 2 military campaigns (37 days).
  • "Shch-307" (Cod ") The lead boat in the V-bis-2 series. Laid down on November 6, 1933 in Leningrad at plant number 189 (Baltic shipbuilding plant), plant number 249. On August 1, 1934 launched. On August 17, 1935, she entered the Baltic Fleet. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Nikolai Ivanovich Petrov as part of the Separate Training Submarine Division in Orienbaum. From July 24, she was in position in the Libava area, where on July 30 she tried to attack an enemy submarine and sank it. In August she took part in the Tallinn Passage as part of a cover detachment. In December, the commander of the ship was appointed Lieutenant Commander (later Captain 3rd Rank) Momot Nikolai Onufrievich September 23, 1942. left Kronstadt on a military campaign and on September 27 took a position in the area of ​​about. Hoofudsher. She repeatedly found ships there, but due to the fact that they were sailing in Swedish territorial waters, she refused to attack. Therefore, on September 30, "Shch-307" was moved to the Aland Islands. In this military campaign, as it turned out after the war, the Finnish submarine Iku-Turso was engaged in a targeted search for "Shch-307", starting it on October 11. Already on October 12, the Finnish submarine discovered a Soviet one due to the noise of diesel engines, however, by a happy coincidence , "Shch-307" plunged, not even suspecting that they had already launched an attack on it. "Iku-Turso", having lost contact, again discovered the Soviet submarine only at 20.44 on 26 October and tried to attack it with artillery fire, but the flashes of its own shots blinded those on the bridge, "Shch-307" was again lost. On October 27, a Soviet submarine was again detected by diesel noise. This time "Iku-Turso" attacked "Shch-307" with torpedoes, and then opened artillery fire. BUT. Momot spotted the enemy in time, dodged torpedoes with an energetic maneuver and made an urgent dive. The commander of the Finnish submarine, observing this dive, considered the Soviet submarine sunk. February 24, 1944 Lieutenant-Commander (later Captain 3rd Rank) Mikhail Stepanovich Kalinin was appointed as the ship's commander. On November 5, the vertical rudder control failed and on November 7, the boat arrived in Turku ahead of schedule. On January 17, 1945, during the refilling of the batteries, an intensive release of chlorine began (it turns out that the base was given not distilled water, but contaminated water), "Shch-307" was forced to return to the base. On March 6, she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The duration of combat service is 46.5 months (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945. ). 4 military campaigns (126 days). 11 torpedo attacks, as a result of which 3 ships (6541 brt) and 1 ship were sunk, in addition, possibly 3 more ships were sunk and 3 ships were damaged.
  • "Shch-309" ("Dolphin") Laid down on November 6, 1933 in Gorky at plant number 112 (Krasnoe Sormovo), plant number 550/3. Launched on April 10, 1934. On November 20, 1935, it became part of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. She took part in the Soviet-Finnish War. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant Commander (later Captain 3rd Rank) Kabo Isaak Samoilovich in the 6th division of the 2nd submarine brigade in Tallinn. From June 25, unsuccessfully acted on the approaches to the Stockholm skerries. Due to the indecision of the commander and the low training of personnel, all opportunities for an enemy attack were missed. On September 27, it moved to a position to the west of about. Maly Tyuters in case of an attempt to break through to Kronstadt a squadron of German ships. On November 9, she went to sea in the Memel-Vindava area, where she could not make a single attack, and on November 26 arrived at Surküla Bay to meet with the escort. The wait stretched out for ten days and, taking into account the ice situation, arrived in Kronstadt only on December 11. March 1, 1943 awarded the title "Guards". On March 26, Lieutenant Commander (later Captain 3rd Rank) Filov Nikolai Aleksandrovich was appointed the commander of the ship. In the summer of 1944. for a month she worked out the tasks of combat training on Lake Ladoga. On October 4, she went on a military campaign, but the commander was diagnosed with an eye disease ("night blindness"). Therefore, the boat lay on the ground during the day and floated up at night only to charge the batteries. ON. Filov reported a loss of sight and on October 21, "Shch-309" was returned to the base. On October 27, Captain 3rd Rank Pavel Petrovich Vetchinkin was appointed commander of the ship, and on October 31 the boat put out to sea a second time. On November 21, she unsuccessfully attacked two enemy destroyers and refused to attack a detachment of warships as part of a cruiser and destroyers due to shallow depths and uncertainty about the training of personnel. On February 22, 1945 she arrived at the position near Libava, having on board the commander of the brigade Rear Admiral S. B. Verkhovsky, who was ordered by the People's Commissar of the Navy to personally teach submarine commanders to act more effectively. On February 23, she sank the Götingen transport, but later the campaign did not go well and, having spent all the remaining torpedoes in three unsuccessful attacks, the Shch-309 returned to base long before the autonomy expired. March 30 again goes to sea, where it was repeatedly attacked by anti-submarine forces, so "Shch-309" operated only at night, and lay on the ground during the day. Due to the failure of one diesel engine, on May 6, she left the position and arrived in Turku on May 10. The term of combat service is 46.5 months (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945). 8 military campaigns (230 days). 14 torpedo attacks, which sunk 4 ships (12357 brt) and possibly damaged 2 ships.
  • "Shch-310" ("Belukha") Laid down on November 6, 1933 with Gorky at plant No. 112 (red Sormovo), serial No. 550/4. Launched on April 10, 1935. On August 21, 1936, it became part of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. She took part in the Soviet-Finnish War. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant Commander (later Captain 3rd Rank) Yaroshevich Dmitry Klemetyevich in the 6th division of the 2nd submarine brigade in Tallinn. From June 24 to July 10, she was in position in the Baltic Sea, she had no meetings with the enemy. When returning to the base on July 11, on the campaigns to Soela-Väin, at night, she discovered a submerging enemy submarine. Instead of attacking her, the chief on board the battalion commander, Captain 2nd Rank M.V. Fedotov ordered to dive and lie down on the ground. Returning to base, he was removed from his post and appointed commander of the submarine. From September 21, she was at about. Gogland in order to prevent a sudden breakthrough to Kronstadt of a squadron of German ships. September 30, 1942 one of the torpedoes fired began to circulate, and the submarine had to evade it. On October 3, she discovered an enemy submarine working out the tasks of combat training in supporting the destroyer. At the time of the attack, the horizontal rudders jammed and the submarine was thrown to the surface. The launched torpedo, and the Shch-310 itself, were spotted, the enemy submarine dodged by diving. On October 9, when returning to the base, it was blown up by a mine. The explosion severely damaged the bow, a number of instruments and mechanisms, water began to flow into the first compartment - the submarine lay on the ground. Having eliminated the main damage, she independently reached the base, where she got into a long repair. March 15, 1944 Lieutenant Commander (later Captain 3rd Rank) Bogorad Semyon Naumovich was appointed as the ship's commander. In the summer, for a month, she worked out the tasks of combat training on Lake Ladoga. The Dragon-129 hydroacoustic station has been installed. March 6, 1945 awarded the title "Guards". The term of military service - 46.5 months (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945). 5 military campaigns (149 days). 22 torpedo attacks, which sunk 6 ships (10,334 brt), possibly 4 more.
  • "Shch-311" ("Kumzha") Laid down on November 6, 1933 in Gorky at plant number 112 (Krasnoe Sormovo), plant number 550/5. Launched on April 10, 1935. On August 21, 1936, it became part of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. She took part in the Soviet-Finnish War and on February 7, 1940. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Pyotr Antonovich Sidorenko in the 6th division of the 2nd submarine brigade in Tallinn. On June 25, she took up a position in the Norrkoping Bay area, where within 10 days she detected targets 13 times, but only once tried to attack, and even then it was unsuccessful - the commander forgot to give the order to prepare the torpedo tubes and remembered this only at the moment of the command "Pli! ". September 27 was sent to a position west of about. Gogland in case of an attempt to break through to Kronstadt a squadron of German ships. On November 9, she left Kronstadt for operations in the area of ​​the Elandsrev lighthouse. On November 15, I discovered first running lights, and then a single vehicle. Having approached at a distance of 2 - 2.5 cab, she unsuccessfully performed four torpedo attacks. After that, fire was opened from both 45-mm guns from a distance of 3 - 5 cab., Only then the transport turned off the running lights and turned towards the coast. Soon she came under fire from the coastal battery and lay down on the withdrawal course, using up 20 45-mm shells and achieving several hits. In the future, she did not have any contacts with the enemy. Upon arrival at the base, Captain 3rd Rank Anisim Antonovich Pudyakov was appointed as the ship's commander. October 10, 1942 left Kronstadat for operations in the Baltic Sea. however, on October 15, near Porkkala, she was sunk by depth charges from the Finnish patrol boats VMV-13 and VMV-15. The duration of combat service was 15.7 months (June 22, 1941 - October 15, 1942). 4 military campaigns (60 days). 4 torpedo attacks.


  • Sch-122, from 10.6.1949 - S-122. From 02/12/1947 to 04/23/1953 it was part of the 5th Navy. 06/26/1954 expelled from the Navy in connection with the delivery to the OFI for dismantling and implementation and 10/1/1954 disbanded.
  • Shch-123, from 10.6.1949 - S-123. From 02/12/1947 to 04/23/1953 it was part of the 5th Navy. 06/26/1954 expelled from the Navy in connection with the delivery to the OFI for dismantling and implementation and 10/1/1954 disbanded.
  • Sch-124, from 10.6.1949-S-124. From 02/12/1947 to 04/23/1953 it was part of the 5th Navy. 06/26/1954 expelled from the Navy in connection with the delivery to the OFI for dismantling and implementation and 10/1/1954 disbanded.
  • Shch-125, from 10.6.1949-S-125, from 15.9.1953-KBP-32, from 12.1.1957-UTS-62. From 02/12/1947 to 04/23/1953 it was part of the 5th Navy. On 08/17/1953 withdrawn from service, disarmed, reorganized into KBP and put on lockdown, 01/12/1957 assigned to the TCB subclass, and on 09/17/1971 excluded from the lists of naval ships in connection with the delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale and 12/31/1971 disbanded ...
  • Shch-205, from 16.6.1949-S-205. 9/11/1954 expelled from the Navy due to delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale, 12/31/1954 disbanded and subsequently cut into metal in Inkerman.
  • Shch-207, from 16.6.1949 - S-207, from 6.10.1954 -KBP-43, from 12.1.1957-UTS-36. 09/11/1954 withdrawn from service, disarmed, reorganized into KBP and put on lockdown, 01/12/1957 assigned to the TCB subclass, and on 07/16/1957 excluded from the lists of the Navy in connection with the transfer of the Naval Air Force special training ground in the Caspian Sea for use as a target when performing combat exercises.
  • Shch-307, from 16.5.1949 - PZS-5. 04/23/1948 withdrawn from service, disarmed, reorganized into PZS and put on lockdown in Liepaja, and on 08/04/1957 excluded from the lists of naval vessels in connection with delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale, 07/07/1957 disbanded and cut into metal in Liepaja ... Until 1994, the submarine felling stood as a memorial sign on the territory of the submarine brigade in Liepaja, and on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Victory it was installed as an exhibit of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Gora in Moscow.
  • Shch-309. 03.03.1949 excluded from the Navy in connection with the delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale, 01.10.1949 disbanded and subsequently cut into metal in Liepaja.
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