Detailed map of the Fairy Czech Republic with cities in Russian. Map of the Czech Republic

Detailed map of the Fairy Czech Republic with cities in Russian. Map of the Czech Republic
Detailed map of the Fairy Czech Republic with cities in Russian. Map of the Czech Republic

Czech Map from the satellite. Explore the Czech Satellite Card online in real time. A detailed map of the Czech Republic is based on high resolution satellite images. In the maximum approximation, the Czech satellite map allows you to study the streets, individual homes and sights of the Czech Republic. The Czech Map from the satellite easily switches to a normal map mode (scheme).

Despite the fact that the Czech Republic is a relatively small country of Europe, she managed to attract the attention of residents of many countries of the world. A large number of people wishing to see the capital of the Czech Republic with their own eyes are departed on a trip to Prague. This interest is clear, because only worth a walk through the night European city!

Prague is the historical value of all of Europe, the trip to the capital of the Czech Republic is impossible without visiting its main attractions. This is a medieval Prague Castle, Grand Charles Bridge, a small country, a lace Cathedral of St. Vita, Treasury Loretta. In addition, Prague is the main cultural and tourist center of the country. It looks like a conversational fabulous city with small, as if by gingerbread houses and cathedrals,
Decorated towers decorated.

Special flavor of this amazing place inspired many of the greatest writers and musicians. Milos Foreman, Franz Kafka, Yaroslav Gashek, Antonin Dvarak - these names are inscribed in the history of Prague. Here still have Mozart Street, on
Which is the composer museum.

Journey to Prague may well be pleasantly complemented by Czech cuisine and the famous beer in the world. The Czech Republic is proud of its old traditions of beer manufacturing, a variety of its varieties. This tourist destination is widely popular thanks to the fact that the cost of the trip does the Czech Republic with one of the most affordable European states.

Prices are distinguished by democraticness even in peak dates, for example, in New Year's holidays. New Year in the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague - will become a real move in time. Medieval city with cathedrals and turrets, decorated with colored lights and garlands, similar to a large scenery for magic cinema.

Journey to Prague for the New Year is a great vacation option with children, as the fabulous atmosphere reigning here will surely be interesting and will remember for many years. The traditional symbols of the New Year in Prague, as in the whole Czech Republic, are traditional for winter Europe Mulled wine, Czech beer, colorful salute, Christmas fairs.

Analogue of Red Square in Moscow is the Prague Old Town Square. It is here that it is necessary to go for the meeting of the New Year. After that, many usually continue to have fun on the Karlovy Bridge, where everyone is asking for the fulfillment of the desire from the statue of Yana Razdutsky. Give an unforgettable holiday to yourself and close by going to Prague.

Czech Republic - A small state that opens the diversity of opportunities for fascinating recreation before tourists. Many holidaymakers go to this country to get acquainted with the most beautiful architecture of the Middle Ages, get rid of ailments to world-famous health resorts or try traditional national cuisine.

Czech Republic on the world map and Europe

Incredible popular For tourists, and an easy way to get to the country in many ways allows you to rest here at any time of the year.

Year-round recreation is available, because such a thing as "not the season", in this country simply does not exist.

Where is?

The Czech Republic is easy to find on the world map, it is located in the very center of Europe. The fact that such a country exists, it became known at the end of the IX century, when these lands occupied the ancestors of the modern population under the ledity of Cech.

Who borders?

The nearest neighbor of the Czech Republic is Eastern European, located near the northern border of the country. Also with the state borders on the North-Western and Western border - in the south and Slovakia - in the East.

How to get from Russia?

To the Czech Republic you can get in any convenient way, of which the fastest The flight is considered. Flights follow every day from major cities in Russia (Moscow, and), staying not only in the capital of the Czech Republic, but also to other popular cities.

You can find a ticket online ticket right now by using this convenient search form. Enter cities Mestim and Arrival, date and number of passengers.

From Moscow to the Czech Republic are recovered buses Ecolines company. Time in the way takes about 40 hours. Many tourists prefer to get by the aircraft to the capital or Moldova, and from there on comfortable buses to Prague.

A very convenient way to get to the Czech Republic is to go. by train from the Belarusian station in. Compositions run on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Time in the way takes about 22 hours.

Czech Map with cities

At a relatively small territory of the Czech Republic, there are many cities that are interested in a tourist point of view.

Due to the fact that the message between cities is excellent, for a short time you can have time to visit each of them.

Administrative division

Czech Republic consists of 13 regions And the capital, and those, in turn, are divided into 77 districts and 204 communities.


The main city of the Czech Republic is a unique place in which every tourist seeks to visit. The capital attracts, thanks to the abundance of the most interesting, as well as mysteriousness and fabulousness, which is attributed to this city.

Big cities

In addition to the capital, other famous cities in the Czech Republic are worth visiting, which present a huge number of historical and architecture monuments. Residents of the country managed to keep not only locks and vintage authentic at home, but also aurura Middle Ages.

Compact Czech Republic ahead In terms of attractions and the number of interesting places, many other countries. For this reason, the country is so attractive for tourists.

See this video Interesting facts about the Czech Republic:

The official name of the Czech Republic is the Czech Republic. This state is located in Central Europe. The state does not have access to the sea. The land border of the Czech Republic is 1990 km. A detailed map of the Czech Republic gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with small cities, villages and even streets.

From other countries, the Czech Republic is distinguished by abundance of lakes (more than 15 thousand) and mineral sources (more than 2 thousand). In the north-west of the Czech Republic there are ore mountains, and its southwestern part occupies the Czech forest.

Czech Republic on the World Map: Geography, Nature and Climate

The Czech Republic on the world map is right in the Geographic Center of Europe. More than half of the country are located on Bohemian plateto. Czech Republic borders with such European countries as Germany, Slovakia, Austria and Poland.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Czech Republic is 78.9 thousand km 2.

The highest point of old old - mountain Snow (Sudetening Mountains). Its height is 1602 meters.

The largest lake of the country - Lipno, artificial water, whose area is 4870 hectares.


On the map of the Czech Republic in Russian, the landscapes are clearly highlighted, which are very diverse: the West and the center of the country are located on the Czech array, presented by hills and hills (also there is snow), and the eastern part of the Czech Republic, Moravia, is littered with hills and middle mountains (Carpathians ).

On the territory of the Czech Republic (namely in Western Bohemia) there is a volcano: extinct volcano Komorni-Khurka, as well as mud volcanoes, which instead of lava throw out mineral waters.

Karst cave complex Konprussian caves, which are located near the town of Beroun, goes underground at least 70 meters. The average temperature in the caves is 10 degrees.

Nature of Czech Republic (Flora and Fauna)

About 30% of the entire territory of the Czech Republic is occupied by forests (mainly coniferous rocks). The largest Czech forest is located in the south-west of the Czech array. Thanks to the forests, the Czech Republic became one of the largest European producers of wood materials.

In the Czech Republic, there are also many reserves. The most famous is in the West of the country - this is the Sumava Park. It takes 125 km at the borders of Germany and Austria. Not far from the city of Znojmo, there is a bordic forest park, in which, besides the trees, there are mountains, rocks and water streams.

The largest rivers of the Czech Republic - Vltava and Laba (Elba). Elba, moreover, is the lowest height in the country - 115 meters. East of Czech Republic is famous for the River Moravoy, the length of which is 329 km. Several rivers, who originate in the Czech Republic, fall into the Baltic, Black and North Sea.

In the south of the country there are many ponds. The most popular of them are carp ponds. Not far from the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, there is a famous artificial water branch of Lake Makhovo.

The most common in the Czech Republic are such animals like hares, cunits, wild boars, otters. A little less often there are brown bears, wolves, herons.

Climate Czech Republic

Czech climate moderate. It creates air masses, which move towards the state from the Atlantic Ocean. The lowest temperatures are observed in January: at this time the thermometer column can be lowered up to -4 degrees. The average temperature in the spring is 0 degrees. In the summer in the Czech Republic there is no strong heat, maximum temperatures - 30-35 degrees. In October, an approximate temperature is 10-15 degrees, and snow starts to fall in November. The lowest temperature threshold in the Czech Republic is about -17 degrees.

Czech Map with cities. Administrative division of the country

The Czech Republic with cities in Russian will allow to see the capital - Prague and 13 edges (regions), Each of which has its own administrative center and its own management system. Moreover, there are several districts in each edge. In total in the Czech Republic 77 districts.

The Czech Republic is divided into three historical areas: Czech Republic, Moravia and Silesia. Each centers are such cities as Prague, Brno and Ostrava (respectively).

  • Prague - Capital and the largest city of the Czech Republic. The city is located in the northwestern part of the country and divided by the Vltava River into two parts (West and East). For all the time of its existence, the river was created by seven islands right in the capital of the Czech Republic. Prague consists of fifteen districts.
  • Brno City Located in the South Krai (in the south of the country). About 370 thousand people live in it. In its area, this city is in second place after the capital of the Czech Republic (230 km 2). A little further, the features of the city are the large rivers of the oven and switue. Location Brno - Dongy region.
  • Ostrava - This city is located in the north-east of the Czech Republic, not far from the Polish border (15 km). A little more than 300 thousand people live in the city. The area of \u200b\u200bthe third in the sizes of the Czech city is 214 km 2. In Ostrava there is an intersection of rivers such as Ostravita, Opava and Odra.

Czech Republic or Czech Republic - a state in Central Europe. The Czech Map shows that the country borders with Germany, Slovakia, Austria and Poland. Country Area - 78,866 square meters. km.

Today, the Czech Republic is the most development of post-socialist countries. The main sectors of the economy are mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, food, light and chemical industry. Recently, the meaning of the metallurgical industry and foreign trade is actively developing. The country's national currency is Czech Crohn. Czech Republic is part of Osire, NATO and the EU.

The Czech political map shows that the state is divided into the capital (Prague) and 13 edges. The largest cities of the country are Prague, Brno, Plzen, Ostrava.

Historical reference

The territory of the modern Czech Republic was combined in the IX century, the prejudils as the protectorate of Charles Great. Hence the claims of German rulers for these lands. The Bohemia (Kingdom of the Czech Republic) was formed on this territory. In 1041, the Czech Republic became part of the Sacred Roman Empire. In the XV century, the Gusite wars were raged in the country. In the 18th century, the Czech Republic joined the thirty-year-old war, after which he passed under the power of the Austrian Dynasty of the Habsburgs.

In 1918, Slovakia, the Carpathian Russia and the Czech Republic in Czechoslovak occurred. In 1938, Slovakia came out of Czechoslovakia. In 1939, the country was occupied by German troops, and after World War II, turned into a Czechoslovatsky SSR. The Prague Spring of 1968 (the fight against the Soviet regime) led to the fact that Soviet troops were introduced into the country, and the struggle was brutally suppressed. In 1989, the velvet revolution occurred, as a result of which the Czech Republic was formed in 1993.

Must Visit.

On the detailed map of the Czech Republic from the satellite you can see the main cities of the country, full sights: Prague, Brno, Karlovy Vary, Pilsen and Pardubice.

It is recommended to visit Prague Castle with the Cathedral of St. Vita, Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, Visegend and Jewish Quarter in Prague; Spielberg, Church of St. Yana and the old Town Hall in Brno; Church of St. Bartholomew and Beer Tractors in Plzen; Medical mineral resorts in Karlovy Vary; Castles Karlstein and the Children's. It is worth visiting the ancient cities of Kroměříž, Kutna Mountain and Czech Krumlov.

The Czech Republic is famous for his beer, so it is worth trying such beer varieties like Krušovice, Gamrinus, Pilsner Urquell, Velkopovický Kozel, Budweiser and Staropramen.