Who is the Cheshire Cat? Character quotes. Magic quotes from Alice in Wonderland

Who is the Cheshire Cat? Character quotes. Magic quotes from Alice in Wonderland

Please tell me why your cat smiles so much? Alice asked, slightly Robust.
"This is Cheshire Cat," said Duchess, "That's why."

Since in 1865, "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll was published, a lot of people thought about the origin of the Cheshire Cat, who put forward a number of assumptions. But the riddle has not yet been solved - perhaps Carroll inspired a real cat, possibly the coat of arms with the image of a cat, and for one of the versions, the prototype served as a family by the name Katt (CATT).

It seems only one thing does not cause doubt - this is what the expression "broke into a smile, like Cheshire cat" does not belong to Carroll himself. Smile Cheshire Cota For the first time, it is found in the work of Peter Pyndara "Lyrical Messages" (Lyric Epistles), which contains the phrase "Our court will smile like Cheshire Cat." Under the pseudonym Peter Pindar hid a poet Satir John Walcot (Wolcot or Wolcott), who died in 1819.

What was the original source for the appearance of Cheshire cat?

Here are just a few more or less likely versions:

Cheshire cat appeared, thanks to cats from Chester.

In Chester, a city located in Cheshire County, in the former times of the port on the banks of the di river, there were warehouses in which cheese and other dairy products were stored. The port cats were going to the pier, waiting for rats and mice leaving the ships, loaded with Cheshire cheese. The abundance of food made their happiest kingdom cats, it seemed that they were pretty smiling!

Some sources claim that on the site of a cheese warehouse, earlier there was even a monument to Cheshire cat. However, no official documents were preserved about this, and the existence of the monument remains a mystery as the origin of the Cheshire Cat.

Correct feeding of cats begins with the competent feed of the feed https://www.acana.ru/katalog-kormov.

Cheshire cat is a generalized image of British blue cats.

The opinion is very common that the breed of British blue cats, known for the "smiling" expression of the face, originated from cats, has long been lived in Cornwell, gradually ran into Cheshire county along with people. This fascinating idea was nominated by David Hayden, who suggested that Lewis Carroll at one time was undoubtedly familiar with these cats and their "smiles."

Cheshire cat is an image inspired by Cheshire cheeses.

Lewis Carroll (real name - Charles Lutvijd Dodjon) was born and grew up to 11 years in a small village of Dersbury in Cheshire County. Undoubtedly, he often saw local cheeses, which were produced in the form of various animals, one of which was a grinning cat.

Cheshire cat is a heraldic symbol.

Cheshire cat could be derived from early Cheshire Heraldry. For example, a lion was engraved on the coat of arms of the first Chester. The lion is an ordinary heraldic symbol, from medieval artists, its image often required. Naturally, in the drawings, the animal, whom artists never seen in the eyes, turned into cats. The image of an imaginary lion, while, often it turned out noticeably smiling.

Cheshire cat came from signs.

For reasons similar to the stirred in the heraldic version, the Cheshire Cat could come with signs depicting lions. On the signs of the British pubs, a lion was very often depicted, to meet, in reality, few of the artists were made. Signs over pubs appeared centuries ago, and Lviv and Leopards shown on them were often called cats.

Cheshire cat and church carved figures.

Perhaps the image of the Cheshire Cat was formed at Carroll under the influence of the figure of a smiling cat, adorned by the Church of St. Wilfrid (Twelfth Century), located in the Cheshire Village of Grapanhall. Father Carroll, Vicar, often preached there, and the boy probably noticed the cat during his visits to the church.

In the east of County Cheshire, there is a small village of Pott Shrigley, where in the Church of St. Christopher (the thirteenth century) on one of the inner walls, next to the department, also carved the head of the cat, very reminiscent illustration in the book. Perhaps the young Lewis Carroll could also notice her too?

At the age of 11, Carroll moved from Cheshire to Croft-Onu-Tis in the northeast of England. His father was then a priest in the Croft Church and the Richmond archigitalon (from 1843 to 1868). In the place allotted in the church for the clergy, on the one hand the stone face of the lion was carved. When looking at him with one of the bench, it seems that the lion is smiling widely; But if you look at him standing, the smile disappears, exactly, like the Cheshire Cat.

Okay, I often saw the cats without a smile, thought Alice, but a smile without a cat? This is the most curious thing I have seen in my life!

When the hinges of the priest's house were opened, in about 1950, some artifacts of the Victorian era were found, which could well belonged to the Dodjon family. Among them was a white glove, and after all she could belong to the White Rabbit!

Later, Carroll lived in Guildford for several years, Surrey's county, and often visited the nearby village of Cranleigh, where in the church of St. Nicholas there was a figure of Gargoyle, resembling a cat. Who knows, maybe Cheshire Cat was born in the imagination of Carroll thanks to her?

Cheshire Cat - Crested Jester.

There is a suggestion that at one time the court was a jester named Cat Kaitlin, who arrived from Cheshire. Since people would like to be just as happy as the images showed by him, expression broke into a smile like Cheshire Cat Could be born as a tribute to his art. The author of this version recognizes however, that all efforts spent on proving the existence of this jester did not give results. Therefore, perhaps, this explanation is the least likely.

The childhood of each of us was absolutely "spoiled" with fairy tales. What are the stories that we heard. And how often they represented that they would fall into this very story. But did we imagine that we can move in all the fairy tales? And that not all their heroes and plots will be good? We grew up, and it's time to learn the truth. This will help the quotations from Alice in Wonderland. Their magic did not die over the years. On the contrary, they gained strength and experience and now easily and shamelessly fascinating us.

What made the journey Alice so fascinating, and for us useful and interesting: the most unexpected acquaintances; The world of fairy tales surprised the girl; Rules that Alice came up with; The wisdom of a cat who can smile.

And, despite the fact that Lewis Carroll his "intestinal" history presented as a dream of his tiny niece, so I want to believe in it. And it seems that this fairy tale is more designed for more adults. There are so many secrets in it that you can solve them infinitely. Many phrases became covered and accompany us all their lives. All quotes of Alice in the Wonderland are well acquainted and often meet. That's just their magic is still obviously, because at different ages they are perceived in a new way.

Quotes and the most unexpected dating

Little girl gets into a strange country in which confusion lives? Like this? Yes, it's very simple, all who will meet Alice in the castorgal, possess extraordinary talents to ruin the illusion of magic, forming a new charm of the miracle around themselves.

We expect some of them to minimize that there are in all children's fairy tales: the brother knows how to talk, plants sing songs. But everything is different here! All with an incredible fantasy game is represented. And that is why each character is colorful, and his words and actions are striking by the accuracy and wisdom, why and go to.

If everything is meaningless in the world,- Alisa said, - What prevents from to invent any meaning? Changes are not "good" and not "bad." It simply means "something else." Few people find out Some do not see it, even if they find, and many are not even looking.

- And where can I find someone normal?
"Nowhere," the cat replied, "there is no normal." After all, all such different and unlike. And this, in my opinion, is normal.

Snow, probably, loves trees and fields, Since he is so gently kisses them. Threats, promises and good intentions - Nothing from this is actions.

Only fools think that tea soothes nervesThey simply were not on the present tea party ... tea mug - as an adrenaline injection in the very heart.

Rabbit. He seems to be "calling" the girl into an incredibly fabulous world of absurdity for its clock. Indeed, that unusual in it is the most for children who are accustomed to the fairy tales to hear how rabbits speak. But his gloves, hours and concerns, which is somewhere late, immediately excites interest: and where is it so running?

Caterpillar. The winged sayings were replenished with the stunning council of the wise caterpillar-philosopher.

Hatter. This hero and words, and the affairs are one of the picturesque fairy tale characters. Quotes of the hat, his conclusion and riddles about time - the valuable pearl of our collection. At the same time, funny and instructive.

Humpty Dumpty. I wonder, but it was this philosopher of the country of the Castercalian gave birth to the day of Risen!) His statements did not lead to the fact that this holiday became official, even though, probably, all residents of the Earth would not refuse to receive gifts and congratulations not 1 day a year, and 364! It is not by chance that such a bright thought has become so popular that it is used by the authors of the same name film project. Many who watched this film will remember these bright Alice in Wonderland.

Cat. About the smile of Cheshire Cat everyone knows. Probably, each of us since he heard or read it, tries to find it on his familiar homemade fluffs ... Suddenly, some of them will turn out to be magical!

What is the world of fairy tales surprised the girl? Alice fell not just a story about good and evil. Where it was, everything came to life and acquired forms, gave a different, unusual for us, an idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves. Animals, plants, houses, games, sayings and even traditions appeared before the girl in an unusual image. And in parallel, quotes from Alice in the Looking Gala, who became popular and beloved.

Cat's wisdom that can smile and rules that Alice came up with

This image is especially sealed in our mind. And the point is not only in a smile, but also his words are forced to admire the skill of the storyter. So many expressions belong to the cat, and they are all so beautiful that they involuntarily read. For example, quotes about miracles that happen. Never consider yourself not soWhat others do not consider you, and then others will not find you not as you like to seem to them. The best way to explain - This is done yourself! She will come into rage if I'm late!She will come there!

It would be interesting to look atthat it will remain from me when I won't be left.

All that is said three times becomes true. Fools called techWho chooses a difficult path. If the head is empty, Alas, the greatest sense of humor will not save you. Isn't it equal to askingif you still won't get the answer, right? - We must say what you think!
- I always do it! - Alice blurted out, and then, who thought, honestly added: - Well, in any case ... in any case, what I say, I think. In general, this is the same thing! I just do not know who I am now.No, I, of course, about knowing who I was in the morning, when I got up, but since then I have been such a thing all the time, then Syakaya - in a word, some kind of not so. - I did not write this letter. There is no my signature there.
- Essently! So you thought something thin, otherwise it would be signed! The world is open before us But you need to act quickly.

The most remarkable is that the heroine was not confused. She immediately began to decorate everything in the rules. These Alice in Wonderland are shown as far as we can all be children. They are paraphrased, they think about them, they argue about them. But these simple and naive words are so cute that they are striking with their purity and subtle, English approach to humor.

"Do not be sad," Alisa said. - Sooner or later, everything will become clear, everything will be in place and put out in a single beautiful scheme as lace. It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right.
- And what are these sounds, there? Asked Alice, nodded on very secluded thickets of some kind of pretty vegetation on the edge of the garden.
"And this is miracles," Cheshire cat explained indifferently.

And .. and what are they doing there? - The girl asked, inevitably blushing.
"As it should be," the cat yawned. - Happen ...

Our world seeks to be rational and very correct. Such correct thing is that it is hard to survive.

Quotes of Cheshire Cat are wise crazy recipes in order not to go crazy in this right world.

I collected for you quotes. Total 34 quotes from a variety of works in which Alice lives and the Cheshire cat is wise.

Quotes of Cheshire Cota

How do you understand?
- Understand me optional. Be sure to love and feed on time.

Only madness can measure success by suffering.

Any road begins with the first step. Banally, but right.

He who is looking for, will definitely find ... But exceptions are also found.

Those who learn from their mistakes are called a bad word.

No matter why much has become insignificant. It became, and that's it.

When miracles become delirium, the mind turns into madness.

And what is the sounds, won there? Asked Alice.
"And this is miracles," the Cheshire cat explained indifferently.
- And what are they doing there? - The girl asked.
"As it should be," the cat yawned. - happen.

Forest words often encourage the goal to action, learn these importance.

Joy and slavery do not get along with one roof

Who is looking for, he will always find ... if it is looking for correctly.

You have two choices: one will lead you to happiness, the other - to madness. My advice to you is not wrong.

I heard that you hope this wisely ... Now you have been assisted.

Guess the riddle: when a hammer for a crocket looks like a stanchoker? The answer is obvious: when you please.

I'm not crazy, just my reality is different from yours.

She behaves so that I sometimes regret that I was taken torturing the water of this quiet pool ...

Some do not see the output, even if they find. Others just do not seek ...

Serious attitude to whatever in this world is a fatal mistake.
- And life is serious?
- Oh yes, life is serious! But not very ...

They say, look for, and you will find, but no one says that you will find.

Everything is possible in our world.
- Amendment: in your. In my - everything is in my rules.

Collect everything you find useful. In addition to indifference and ignorance. And then you may survive.

Sometimes the reflection in the mirror is more realistic than the object itself ...

If you don't know something - find out ... or die!

Threats, promises and good intentions, nothing of this is an action.

At times in her madness I see glimpses of this talent.

When someone's head hovers in the clouds, whose heartocks the heart.

Destroy what can destroy you.

Who says that there is nothing better to calm the nerves than a cup of tea, they really did not try real tea. It is like an injection of adrenaline directly in the heart.

Protective walls can interfere with you, but the most impassable walls in the world are those that surround our hearts.

Sometimes before you ask for help from a person, you should think well than this help you can turn to you.

Stupid does not mean unwise.

Ways that lead to trouble, end in the same way, just how do they behave?

Who would not say that too much good is bad, he lies.

If Cheshire Cat smiles, then it's necessary to someone

In world literature there are a lot of original and memorable characters, but one of the most intriguing can be called Cheshire Cat. This mysterious lump of wool first appeared in the works of Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" in the distant 1865, and recently he turned 150 years old. But, despite such a "solid" age, Cheshire Cat remains the subject of adoration of millions of readers worldwide.

Walk, gave a character

On July 4, 1862, Professor Charles Dodzhson went to a picnic in Robinson Dakworth, Henry Liddell and his three daughters. And none of them assumed what impact will their little journey on world literature. Liddell's daughters have long known that Johnson can tell incredible stories, and this time they asked the professors to surprise them with a story. Charles could not refuse them and quickly came up with a fairy tale about Alice's girl who went to find adventures into a fantastic country.

This story liked this middle daughter Liddell, which, by the way, called, as well as the main character that she asked Johnson to record it for her. Charles took up the manuscript the day after the picnic, and in November 1864, the first version of Alice's adventures, which he gave his young fan, appeared.

Johnson so excited this story that he decided to publish it. For this, the professor took the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, and in addition, increased the volume of the fairy tale twice and added a new character to it. So the chisir cat appeared on the pages of the literary work.

Riddle of origin

In those distant times in England, one of the popular expressions was the phrase "smile of Cheshire Cat." And perhaps she pushed Carroll to create a character. This theory is confirmed by the fact that the phrase meant a sarcastic and an ironic smile characteristic of only the "Cheshire" cat. It is noteworthy that such a breed of domestic animals never existed. Where did everyone know about them from? Historians have several theories of the origin of the "Cheshire" cats:

  • In Cheshire County, from where Carroll came, it was fashionable to draw on signs Taverns Lviv and Leopards. But since none of the artists have never seen these predators, they obtained their big smiling cats.
  • According to the second theory, the phrase appeared due to the fact that the little Cheshire was always proud of his title, even the cats "laughed."
  • According to the third theory, the expression has become common due to cheese heads that sold the county of all England. They were round with big holes resembling a cat's muzzle.

That is, then no

Cheshire cat, whose photo you will find in the article, is famous not only to his smile, but also to disappear and appear in the most unexpected moment. According to historians, this ability appeared from the character because of the author's tendency to mysticism. Lewis Carroll was a famous fan of different legends, and he embodied one of them on the pages of his book. We are talking about the Conglon Cote. Next, we will tell about this story.

In prisons Conglonsky Abbey was a favorite - handsome cat. But one day, this all adored lump wool did not return home. A few days later, the prisons heard a familiar scratch. Opening the door, the woman saw her cat, but after a few moments a pet seemed to be melted in the air. And over the years, this ghost appeared and disappeared every night in front of surprised spectators. This legend undoubtedly impressed Carrolla, so Cheshirek has learned the same ability.

Character description

In the Wonderland, Cheshire Cat plays the role of simultaneously mentor and friend of the main heroine. From the first of their meeting in the kitchen of the Duchess, the character began "in his own way" to explain orders and morals in this fantastic kingdom. The cat almost constantly accompanied the girl and helped find a way out of difficult and ridiculous situations. And let his answers did not give the main heroine of special joy, but soon annoyed, thanks to them Alice could carry out difficult tasks.

And still phrases and expressions told by the character, produce an almost magical impression on readers. They have long disassembled quotes that use to emphasize the absurdity and absurdity of the situation.

Character character

Country of Cheshire Cat is a mysterious and not quite understandable kingdom. Here and its resident produces a completely unequivocal impression. He seems kind and sweet and has a damn charm, despite the fact that she chose a lonely life. By nature, the cat is an optimist and the train and will always assist in a difficult moment.

But at the same time, the character is endowed with egoism and incredible stubbornness, because of which does not recognize his mistakes. It is pretty irritable and impulsive and can not make not quite good deeds, which will regret in the future.

The character is pretty vain and can discuss when it is profitable for him, although the lie itself "does not tolerate the Spirit." Perhaps such a contrasting palette of positive and negative qualities and makes it so inimitable.

Cheshire Cat in Culture

The character has long become a cult, and his image is happy to use other authors on the pages of their works. Cheshire cat appeared in the novels of Jeff Nuna, Jasper Ffiffe, Angeya Sapkovsky, Franca Hoodor and others. Comics and short stories were produced about his adventures. And even the tattoo with the image of this character enjoyed rabid popularity.

But most often the cat is used in various animated and artistic screen vesicles. At the same time, each director and the director sees this character in its own way. So, in the cartoon of 1951, released by the world-famous studio "Disney", the cat appeared as an intellectual with an extremely harmful character. In this interpretation, he looks more like a villain than on the assistant to the main character.

No less noteworthy the character we saw in the amazing film adaptation of the book from Tim Berton. The cat, created with the help of computer graphics, made an indelible impression. His smile, charm, calm and ability to find a way out of a difficult situation struck the audience to the depths of the soul. And most likely, this particular character provided such success a picture.

The hero of the fairy tale "Alice in the Wonderland" of authorship. A cat that shows unusual for an animal ability - he knows how to talk, smile and slowly dissolve in space, so in the end one smile remains, which hangs in the air. Can also teleport. Entertains conversations the main character - Alice, and at times bored with that philosophical fabrication.

History of creation and image

In the original version of the fairy tale about Alis Cheshire Cat was not. The hero first appears in 1865. The image of Cheshire cat grows from the English saying "smiles, like Cheshire Cat" ("Grin Like a Cheshire Cat") in the meaning of "grin sardonically". There are two versions where this expression came from, and why it affected the formation of the cat's image at Carroll.

Carroll comes from Cheshire's county, where images of smiling cats were concerned about the doors of the Kabaki. In theory, these drawn animals were to be noble lions and leopards, grinning grazing. But in English county, few people were lucky enough to see a real lion, so these images have more like ordinary domestic cats with an uncharacteristic face for cat expression. And this image was a sign writer since childhood.

Another explanation binds the origin of the image of the Cheshire Cat with famous cheeses that were manufactured in County Cheshire. It is believed that these cheeses were attached to the shape, similar to the cat's head, which smiles.

On the films released a computer game where you can play for the Cheshire Cat. There hero has the ability to hide things and, on the contrary, make a hidden visible.

In the first film of Burton, Cheshire Cat together with Alice is present on the insane tea party, where the hatchnik and the March hare tell the heroine about the "bloody witch" of the Red Queen, which arranged terror in Wonderland. Later, Cheshire Cat saves a hatter that is going to execute the cut-off of the head.

The cat replaces the halter on the plate and disappears from under the falling ax at the last moment, after which it appears again - in the form of one head hanging in the air. In the final, Cheshire cat relieves the crown from the head of the defeated Red Queen and gives the White Queen.

In 2013-2014, the series "Once in Wonderland" - Spin-Off the series "" was published on the American TV channel "ABC". There the character looks sinister black cat with red eyes, but takes a neutral position. Jumping Cat actor Kit David.

  • The image of the Cheshire cat widely divided in culture, in particular, in the literature. Writers "borrowed" and played it to their own way. For example, at, the author of Fantasy Sagi "The Witcher", there is a story "Golden afternoon", where the story is conducted from the face of Cheshire cat, and the cat itself is depicted by a cat's God and the lord of cats.
  • The image of Cheshire cat also arises in the book "Automatic Alice" Jeff Nuna, where explains how the hero can disappear and appear.

  • The character appears in the novels of the British writer Jasper Ffiffe. There Cheshire Cat serves as a librarian in the Great Library of the Bookomierry.
  • Some authors make Cheshire cat with a negative character. Such a hero appears in the series of books "War of the Warmhouse" of the authorship of Frank Hoodor. There the cat is a cruel killer, which looks like a terrible cat-made humanoid, but knows how to take the appearance of a black kitten. The character has nine lives, but eight of them the killer loses the end of the first book.

  • Another brutal version of Cheshire Cat is a tattoo covered, skinny and bony - appears in the American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns video games. There the character appears as a guide and satellite of a game character - Alice. Cheshire cat is depicted by a maniac sadist with huge claws that look like a razor, in Zenescope comics.
  • In the series of novels "Chronicles of Amber" among the enormous number of existing worlds describes the universe of the Carrollovian country wonders, where the Cheshire cat appears among other residents. There, the hero becomes a specialist in magical knowledge.


"- What am the madness? - Alisa said.
"You can not do anything," the cat objected. "We are all here not in your mind - and you and me."
- How do you know that I am not in my mind? Asked Alice.
"Of course, not in my own," the cat replied. - Otherwise, how would you come here? "