Lesson on reading on "Fox-sister and Gray Wolf". SUMMARY Classes for reading a fairy tale "Fox-sister and wolf course of organized educational activities

Reading lesson on the topic
Lesson on reading on "Fox-sister and Gray Wolf". SUMMARY Classes for reading a fairy tale "Fox-sister and wolf course of organized educational activities

GKS (K) OU PM "Saranskaya Special (Correctional) Secondary school boarding schoolI. andII. kind

Abstract lesson of extracurricular readingRussian folk fairy tale "Fox-sister and Wolf"

Prepared Kiushkin S. V.


Abstract of an open lesson of extracurricular reading "Russian folk fairy tale" Fox-sister and wolf "

Purpose: Systematization and summarization of students' knowledge about the content of the Russian folk tale "Fox-sister and Wolf"

Tasks: the formation of the skills of the correct, conscious reading;

correction of the sound-proof side of speech, auditory perception, the development of verbal coherent speech;

enrichment of the dictionary;

education of morality through the analysis of the tale content

Equipment: Computer, Projector, Film Film "Fox-sister and Wolf", Schemets with speech material, a series of pictures for the content of a fairy tale

During the classes

I. . Organizing time

The bell rang for us.

All came quietly into the class.

Easy to go beautifully,

Speaking taught.

Quietly sat down, the backs are straight,

See, our class is at least where!

We will start a lesson, friends.

II. . Speech charging

Read the characters


In Vol

You've got

Julia, repeating syllables (syllables voiced behind the screen)

Read verses, talking clearlyin

Wolf all evening crashed and shed,

He was afraid of sharp.

What is the number today? (behind the screen)

What lesson is now? (behind the screen)

What is the time of year now? (behind the screen)

What time of year will come after autumn? (behind the screen)

What weather happens in winter? (behind the screen)

III . Message Topics lesson

The topic of our lesson of extracurricular reading is the Russian folk fairy tale "Fox-sister and Wolf".

Have you read the fairy tale "Fox-sister and Wolf"?

Did you like the fairy tale? (behind the screen)

Who is the main characters fairy tales? (behind the screen)

IV . View Filter "Fox-sister and Wolf"

Guys, let's remember the content of the fairy tale "Fox-sister and Wolf" and let's see Filter

(using ICT)

V. . Wordwork

Guys, when you read a fairy tale, you met hard words, whose value we will look at you now.

Drub - Hole, cut into ice on the river.

Rocker - item for carrying two buckets on the shoulder.

Pretended - accepted some kind (dead) to fool.

Malegonk y - slowly, carefully

VI . Working with a series of pictures

- Consider drawings on the board. They are located consistently, according to the content of the fairy tale?

Who saw an old man on the road?

Find an excerpt in the text.

As you can find this passage, select from the proposed tables (the grandfather saw the fox)

This is the first point of the plan. Attach the sign.

Look at the second drawing. What does Fox do?

- Find an excerpt in the text.

- How can you be entitled this passage (Fox threw out a fish)

- This is the second point of the plan. Attach the sign.

- Who do you see in the following picture?

- Read the wolf dialog and foxes on the roles.

- Cover the passage (Fox asks the Wolf fish)

- Attach the sign.

- What happened to the tail of the wolf?

- Cover it. (Wolf's tail Looks like)

- Attach the sign.

- Who do you see in the following drawing?

- Read the passage.

- Write a read excerpt. (Baba began to beat the wolf.)

- Attach the sign.

- What happened to the fox in the meantime?

- Find and read the passage.

- Choose the next plan item. (Fox worsled in the test)

- What do you see in the following drawing?

- Read the passage.

- Attach the last point of the plan. (Wolf lucky fox)

- We have a plan. Zhenya, read the plan (behind the screen)

VII . Fizkultminutka

Exercises for the removal of visual fatigue

1. Movement with eyeballs to the right and left.

2. Movement with eyeballs up and down.

3. Rotating the eye clockwise and counterclockwise.

4. Looking at the tip of the nose.

5. Frigration.

6. Close your eyes, relax (30-40 minutes)

VIII. . Retelling fairy tales with a layering on the plan and a series of drawings.

IX . Fairy Tale Content

- Guys, is this fairy tale cheerful or sad? (behind the screen)

- What do you think fox did well in a fairy tale?

- Is it possible to be so gullible and soothed like a wolf?

- Choose signs with words that characterize the fox.

- Select signs with words that characterize the wolf.

X. . Work in tetrajes

Write down in a notebook in two columns of words characterizing wolves and foxes.

XI . The results of the lesson

- What did we do today in the lesson?

- Today everyone worked well. Well done

Used Books

1. Commons K.V. Methods of learning Russian language at school for hearing impaired children. - M.: 000 "Publishing House" Onyx 21st Century ", 2005.

2. Krasikovova O. A. Training to read schoolchildren with hearing impairment: studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. studies. establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005

Abstract lesson in literary reading in grade 1

Section: Fairy tales.

Subject: Russian folk tales. "Fox - sister and wolf."

Type of lesson: An lesson to familiarize yourself with the new material.

The purpose of the lesson:systematize knowledge of students on the topic "Russian folk tales"; Learning to evaluate the character of the characters, their actions, mood.

Planned Result:systematization of students' knowledge of fairy tales; The ability to evaluate the heroes in their actions.


- development of independence;

Development of cooperation skills.


Oral speech development; figurative and logical thinking, articulation apparatus;

ability to analyze and summarize


Personal Wood:

The formation of educational motivation, adequate self-assessment, awareness of the meaning of teaching and personal responsibility for the future result; Readiness to openly express your position in the lessons.

Regulatory Wood:

The formation of the ability to perform a sample action; Evaluation of the process and result.

Cognitive Wood:

Summarizing on the basis of the allocation of essential signs; implementation of semantic reading; search and selection of necessary information from the text; Filling proposed schemes with a support for reading text; Work with two sources of information

Communicative Wood:

Formation of the ability to hear and listen to the teacher, classmate; conduct oral dialogue; reading on roles; cooperate with other people in solving educational tasks; Adequately evaluate yourself, the work of other students.

Tasks lesson:

    formation of educational skills (skills work with text, with a table, find the main, significant); Learning to evaluate characters in their actions and speech features

    the development of communicative skills (the ability to communicate, interact with each other);

    bring up respect for the origins of the culture of their people; morality through the analysis of the content of the artwork;

The basic concepts of the lesson:tale, character.

Equipment: E.E. Tutorial "Literary reading", projector, computer,

Stages lesson, time

Teacher's activities

Student actions

I. . Self-determination to activities and Staging a learning task.

(Organizing time)

Purpose: inclusion of students in activities on a personal meaningful level; Propricing the themes and objectives of the lesson in the form of questions.

Methods: Topic dialogue.

The sounds rang again.

We begin our lesson.

Curious in class children

All of all want to know in the world.

Good morning!

Started day.

The first thing is to drive lazy.

In the lesson, do not miss,

Today, in the lesson, we will not only begin to get acquainted with the new product, but also recall the classification of fairy tales, as well as work on enrichment of the vocabulary stock. Throughout the lesson you will be not just listeners, but attentive, thinking readers and researchers.

What does it mean to be attentive readers?

II. . Actualization of knowledge.

Purpose: consolidate knowledge of students about the classification of fairy tales.

Method: dialogue.

Productive task: Supplement scheme

Motivating reception: puzzles.

Before you, illustrations for your friends. What genre of literature do they relate?

What is the difference between a fairy tale from other genres of literature?

Look at what two big groups can all the fairy tales be divided?

Name folk tales.

Complete the proposed scheme.

Fairy tales ask:

And now you, friends, learn us!

1. And the road is far away

A basket is not easy.

I would sit on Penos,

Eat the pup's ...

2. Forest, on the edge,
Three live in the hut.
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three cribs, three pillows.
Guess without tips,
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

3. There is no river nor a pond.

Where to get drunk?

Delicious water

In the hole from the waters! ...

4. Baby yes kolotil

On a plate nose -

Nothing was swallowed

And stayed with the nose.

Think what kind of fairy tale will be "superfluous" and why?

It's all fairy tales.

Always all unusual, magical, there are beasts, birds, and things are able to talk, wear clothes. There are still different magic things: a carpet-aircraft, a magic mirror, a self-bacon and others. In fairy tales there are unusual creatures: Baba Yaga, Dwarves, Koschey Immortal, etc.

- "Dr. Aibolit", "Tale of Tsar Saltan"

- "Repka", "Kolobok", "Cat, Fox and Rooster."

Fairy tales about animals, household fairy tales and magical.

"Masha and the Bear"

"Three Bears"

"Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka"

"Fox and Zhuravl"

"Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka," because it is a magic fairy tale, and the rest about animals.

III . "Opening a new knowledge"

Methods: Dialogue, steam work.

Motivating reception: quiz

Guess the rebus and you will learn the name of the hero of the fairy tale, about which we will talk about. Fox is one of the most famous heroes of Russian folk fairy tales.

Let's draw a small quiz. Tip: In all fairy tales, the main heroine - Fox.

1) There is a fox-sister.

Knocked in the window and asks: Terem-teremok! Who lives in Terema?

2) And she is from the furnace: how to jump out how to emphasize, the shoes will go on the Cakolem! Dogs were frightened and ran away!

3) let her go. A fox layered on a bench, a tail under a bench, a ringer for a stove.

4) The hare ran to the fox. And the bear and the wolf began to think where to hide.

The bear says: I will climb on the pine.

And what should I do? - asks the wolf. Hide me, Mikhailo Ivanovich, somewhere! The bear piled a wolf with dry leaves, and he himself got into pine.

Today we will get acquainted with one fairy tale, whose heroes will be fox and wolf. This is the Russian folk fairy tale "Fox-sister and Wolf".

Open a tutorial on page 66.

But at the beginning, they carry out the vocabulary.

Word Warming:

suitable Software


How do you understand the words: "Cut out the cutter"?

Find the meanings of the words in the dictionary: cut off, impede the time, flighting.

We met new words and their meaning that we need to remember for further work.

This is a fox.


"Zyushkina Hut"

"Fox with a rill"

"Kotofey Ivanovich"

To shrink, bend legs in the knees, closely press your head.

IV . Primary fixed.


Methods: Frontal work.

4th grade

2 compartment 1 option

Theme: "Russian folk fairy tale" Fox and Wolf "."

Objective: to promote an understanding of the content of the fairy tale, to develop oral speech in the process of theatrical activity.


    remove the knowledge of the content of the read fairy tale in the process of action with dolls.

    corregulate memory, attention, thinking, speech in the process of conducting special exercises.

    rail the moral qualities of the person.

Equipment: Presentation, Shirma, Puppet Theater, Finger Dolls, Book, Pictures, Masks, Plates, Music, Box with a Secret, picture with fish.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. - Hello.

Let's get acquainted.

My name is [Nadezhda Gennadevna.]

(sign with the name of the teacher)

Tell me, what is your name? [What's your name?]

(children call names)

Now we will have [the lesson of extracurricular reading].

Repeat, [Vika]. - Lesson of extracurricular reading.


(Slide 2.)

Read. - Lesson of extracurricular reading.

In the lesson we will:

work with pictures, play].

anwser the questions,

work with pictures


(Slide 3.)


Read, [Katya], what we will do in the lesson.

Today you will and

readers, and artists.

2. Speech charging with elements of phonetic rhythm.

Artists are performing

in the theater on the stage. Here is our scene. Come here.

- [Will talk].

Repeat, [Vova]. - Will talk.

We will talk like artists.

Speak emotionally, expressive!

Let's imagine that we are wolves.


С_ А_ С_А_ С_А_ Лis

Let's say together.

С_ А_ С_А_ С_А_ Лis

Repeat, [Vitya].


Sa-co-sous fox in the forest.

Let's say together.

Repeat, …

Now imagine that we are foxes.


С_ А_ С_А_ С_А_ Лis

Let's say together.

С_ А_ С_А_ С_А_ Лis

Repeat, [Vitya].


Sa-co-sous fox in the forest.

Let's say together.

Repeat, …

Well done, talked well as real artists.

Sit in place.

3. Message Topics lesson.

The topic of our lesson: "Russian folk fairy tale" Wolf and Lisa "."

(Slide 4.)


Did you read this fairy tale? - Yes.

Did you like the fairy tale? - Yes.

Yes very.

Name the heroes of the fairy tale. - Grandfather, Baba, Wolf,

a fox.

4. Exercises with dolls.

Music sounds.

(Slide 5.)

An inscription appears on the computer: "Surprise ...".

Where is a surprise? Look under the desk. Maybe under the table

behind the cabinet?

Inscription: "Scene Surprise"

Run, bring a surprise.

The guys take the box.

Put the box on the table.

Box set on the table.

Open? Let's see a surprise? - Yes.

Open! What lies here?

On the box inscription "Puppet Theater".

Guys, it is toys for the puppet theater.

Choose a doll and put on your hand.

Come on the scene.

We will tilt the head. Like this.

Fiberate only the index finger.

Let's call your hero in turn and make a bow.

Maxim, start, call your hero. Worship. - Dog.

Well done. Katya.

Children in turn call the heroes of the fairy tale.

Connect the hands of heroes. It turned out a dance. Screw.

On the "times" connect your fingers, on "two" - in line.

To go to the doll, the actors are moving small

steps. Hand moves so. Try.

Now let's try to walk behind the screen.

Look at how I will do it.

(Music sounds. The teacher shows the exercise and gets up on the edge of the screen, and the students repeat the exercise in turn and get into place, look at the exercise by other students.)

Guys, who have heroes from the fairy tale "Wolf and Fox"? - I have.

Put them on the table and sit in place.

Heroes of other fairy tales put in the chest and sit in place.

Well done, played well.

5. Working with a book (1 episode). Theatrical activity.

a) reading a fairy tale

- [Maxim], read out loud, and listen carefully and watch

based on the book.

Everyone takes turns read a fairy tale.

- Well done, read well.

b) answers to questions

- [We will answer questions].

Repeat, [Vova]. - We will answer questions.

Where fled fox? - On the way to.

What did the fox wanted? - Fish.

Who saw she? - Grandfather.

What did Fox do? - stretched out

on the road.

What for? - To fool


Why did the grandfather took the fox? - On the collar for his wife.

Brought grandfather to go home? - Not.

Why? - Lisa has thrown all the fish

with sled.

Well done, answered questions correctly.

c) viewing and setting etude

- [We will play.]

Repeat, [Vika]. - We will play.

See what Lisa did when Santa saw.

(Slide 6.)

Who will be fox? Who is grandfather?

Come here. Put on a doll.

Go for shirma.

Children show the etude "like a fox deceived grandfather."

Well done, played well, sit in place.

d) work with pictures

Guys, you have pictures on the desk.

Select a picture that is suitable for an excerpt,

which you read.

Do you agree with your opinion ...?

Stick it.

6. Phys. Minute for eyes

We will play.

(Slide 7.)

Watch your eyes behind the fox.

Well done.

7. Working with a book (2 episode). Theatrical activity.

Vika, read.

Listen carefully, then we will

anwser the questions.

Well done.

b) answers to questions

We will answer questions.

Who met on the road? - Wolf and Fox.

What did the wolf ask the fox? - Fish.

How many fish give fox wolf? - Not at all.

What answered Lisa? - flawed itself.

c) finger theater

We will play.

Guys, you have toys lying on the table.

This is a finger theater.

Put on the fingers of the toy.

Show fox. Wolf hide.

There is a fox on the way and collects fish.

Towards a wolf.

The wolf says: "Hello, Lisa".

Lisa replies: "Hello, Wolf".

The teacher comes to the disciples and pronounces the words of the wolf

d) reading on the roles

(Slide 8.)

Teacher children puts on masks. Sounds music for fox.

- [Vika], go to the scene, like Fox.

What a fox is beautiful! Satisfied fox, she has a lot of fish.

- [Maxim], go to the scene, like a wolf.

Wolf music sounds.

Wolf hungry. Looking for food.

You are artists, read expressively, emotionally!

Well done, sit down.

e) work with pictures

Do you agree with your opinion ...?

Stick it.

8. Working with a book (3 episode). Theatrical activity.

a) reading a fairy tale

Maxim, read out loud, but listen carefully and watch.

b) answers to questions

We will answer questions.

How did the wolf catching the fish? - tail.

Where did you catch the wolf fish? - in the hole.

Here is the cut

(Slide 9.)

What words did the wolf say? - catch, catch, fish,

large and small!

Let's say like a wolf.

Repeat, …

- ..., Say loud.

c) viewing and demonstrating etude

We will play.

Guys, see how wolf catches fish.

(Slide 10.)

Who will be wolf?

Come here. Put on a doll.

What words will you talk for the wolf?

(sign with words, if the child has forgotten the words)

How do you need to say? - Loudly.

The child shows the Etude "Wolf Catch Fish."

Well done, sit.

d) work with pictures

Select a picture that comes up to this passage.

Stick it.

9. Working with a book (4.5 episodes).

a) reading a fairy tale

Read, ....

b) answers to questions

How many fish caught a wolf? - The wolf did not catch the fish.

Why did the wolf can't catch the fish? - He caught his tail.

On tail fish

catch it is impossible.

How do fish catch? - rod.

What happened to the wolf? - Wolf broke,

he broke his tail.

Why did the tail of the wolf? - The tail frozen.

(Slide 11.)

What happened to the fox? - She drew a dough.

What did Lisa told the wolf? - I have a brain of foul.

Lisa said the truth? - Not. Deceived.

Wolf punished fox? - Not.

(Slide 12.)

How ended the fairy tale?

(Slide 13.)

Choose the correct answer.

    Lisa asked for forgiveness from the wolf.

    Lisa regretted the wolf and suffered him on his back.

    The wolf regretted the fox and carried her on his back.

10. Understanding.

We have discussed a fairy tale. And now think

what a fox?

Fox greedy and tricky.

This is a fairytale. There are also such people in life: greedy,

cute. Such be impossible.

As you would do if you had a lot of candies and

And you?

Well done.

Vika, go here. Here are candy. You can eat them myself,

and you can treat the guys. What do you do? - Share.

Well done, treat guys.

(Slide 14.)

Be kind, generous!

11. Outcome lesson - Guys, our lesson came to an end.

What did we do today in the lesson? - played, answered

on questions

read, worked

with pictures.

Yes, we discussed the fairy tale, played, pasted pictures in

book. I give these books. Read this fairy tale

your parents.


Abstract lesson in literary reading in grade 1

Section: Fairy Tales.

Subject: Russian folk tales. "Fox - sister and wolf."

Type of lesson: An lesson to familiarize yourself with the new material.

Time spending: April

The purpose of the lesson: systematize knowledge of students on the topic "Russian folk tales"; Learning to evaluate the character of the characters, their actions, mood.

Planned Result:systematization of students' knowledge of fairy tales; The ability to evaluate the heroes in their actions.


- development of independence;

Development of cooperation skills.


Oral speech development; figurative and logical thinking, articulation apparatus;

ability to analyze and summarize


Personal Wood:

The formation of educational motivation, adequate self-assessment, awareness of the meaning of teaching and personal responsibility for the future result; Readiness to openly express your position in the lessons.

Regulatory Wood:

The formation of the ability to perform a sample action; Evaluation of the process and result.

Cognitive Wood:

Summarizing on the basis of the allocation of essential signs; implementation of semantic reading; search and selection of necessary information from the text; Filling proposed schemes with a support for reading text; Work with two sources of information

Communicative Wood:

Formation of the ability to hear and listen to the teacher, classmate; conduct oral dialogue; reading on roles; cooperate with other people in solving educational tasks; Adequately evaluate yourself, the work of other students.

Tasks lesson:

  1. formation of educational skills (skills work with text, with a table, find the main, significant); Learning to evaluate characters in their actions and speech features
  2. the development of communicative skills (the ability to communicate, interact with each other);
  3. bring up respect for the origins of the culture of their people; morality through the analysis of the content of the artwork;

The basic concepts of the lesson:tale, character, cluster.

Equipment : E.E. Tutorial "Literary reading", signals, cards with tables, animal images, projector, computer,

Stages lesson, time

Teacher's activities

Student actions

I. Self-determination to activities and Staging a learning task.

(Organizing time)

Purpose: inclusion of students in activities on a personal meaningful level; Propricing the themes and objectives of the lesson in the form of questions.

Methods: Topic dialogue.

The sounds rang again.

We begin our lesson.

Curious in class children

All of all want to know in the world.

Good morning!

Started day.

The first thing is to drive lazy.

In the lesson, do not miss,

Today, in the lesson, we will not only begin to get acquainted with the new product, but also recall the classification of fairy tales, as well as work on enrichment of the vocabulary stock. Throughout the lesson you will be not just listeners, but attentive, thinking readers and researchers.

What does it mean to be attentive readers?

II. Actualization of knowledge.

Purpose: secure students' knowledge about the classification of fairy tales.

Method: Dialogue.

Productive task: Supplement scheme

Motivating reception: puzzles.

Before you, illustrations for your friends. What genre of literature do they relate?

What is the difference between a fairy tale from other genres of literature?

Look at what two big groups can all the fairy tales be divided?

Name folk tales.

Complete the proposed scheme.


Fairy tales ask:

And now you, friends, learn us!

1. And the road is far away

A basket is not easy.

I would sit on Penos,

Eat the pup's ...

2. Forest, on the edge,
Three live in the hut.
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three cribs, three pillows.
Guess without tips,
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

3. There is no river nor a pond.

Where to get drunk?

Delicious water

In the hole from the waters! ...

4. Baby yes kolotil

On a plate nose -

Nothing was swallowed

And stayed with the nose.

Think what kind of fairy tale will be "superfluous" and why?

It's all fairy tales.

In fairy tale it is always all unusual, magical, there are beasts, birds and things know how to talk, wear clothes. There are still different magic things: a carpet-aircraft, a magic mirror, a self-bacon and others. In fairy tales there are unusual creatures: Baba Yaga, Dwarves, Koschey Immortal, etc.

- "Dr. Aibolit", "Tale of Tsar Saltan"

- "Repka", "Kolobok", "Cat, Fox and Rooster."

Fairy tales about animals, household fairy tales and magical.

"Masha and the Bear"

"Three Bears"

"Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka"

"Fox and Zhuravl"

"Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka," because it is a magic fairy tale, and the rest about animals.

III. "Opening a new knowledge"


Methods: Dialogue, steam work.

Motivating reception: Quiz, "Magic Cabinet", listening to a fairy tale performed by actors.

Guess the rebus and you will learn the name of the hero of the fairy tale, about which we will talk about. Fox is one of the most famous heroes of Russian folk fairy tales.

Let's draw a small quiz. Tip: In all fairy tales, the main heroine - Fox.

1) There is a fox-sister.

Knocked in the window and asks: Terem-teremok! Who lives in Terema?

2) And she is from the furnace: how to jump out how to emphasize, the shoes will go on the Cakolem! Dogs were frightened and ran away!

3) Lisa looked at the attic and up to half of the honey. Again and lay down and lay down, and I ask her and asks her: Kuma, and Kuma, as they called?

4) let her go. A fox layered on a bench, a tail under a bench, a ringer for a stove.

5) The hare ran to the fox. And the bear and the wolf began to think where to hide.

The bear says: I will climb on the pine.

And what should I do? - asks the wolf. Hide me, Mikhailo Ivanovich, somewhere! The bear piled a wolf with dry leaves, and he himself got into pine.

6) And the chanterelle gathered the whole scattered fish in a pile, sat on the road and eats himself. Gray wolf comes to it.

Now you will get acquainted with one fairy tale, whose heroes will be fox and wolf. This is the Russian folk fairy tale "Fox-sister and Wolf".

But at the beginning, they carry out the vocabulary.

Word Warming:

suitable Software


How do you understand the words:"Cut out the cutter"?

Find the meaning of the words in the dictionary: cut off, impede time, flighting, hole, rocker, resourceful.

All these words we will lower our magic box.

And now we will listen to the first part of this fairy tale performed by a wonderful actress T. Peltzer.

This is a fox.


"Zyushkina Hut"

"Fox and Bear"

"Fox with a rill"

"Kotofey Ivanovich"

"Liser-sister and wolf"

To shrink, bend legs in the knees, closely press your head.

IV. Primary fixed.


Methods: Frontal work.

Funds: Commenting, summing up the discovery of knowledge dialogue.


Purpose: Health Saving, Activation.

Methods: Work in pairs.

Tell us what made chanterelle to get a fish?

And why did her grandfather need?

What do you think felt grandfather whenhelded to the house?

Did his feelings change when he discovered empty WHO? If so, how?

What do you think, what feelings felt fox when he deceived his grandfather?

Which of the heroes of this part of the fairy tale is sympathy? Why?

Guys, come up with the name to this part of the fairy tale, justifying your decision.

Only in the forest we entered,

Mosquitoes appeared.

And ahead because of the bush
Watching the tricky fox.
We are changing
On the socks run.

The wolf is growing quickly in the field,
He is very slightly on the will.

We imitate Wolchish

Fidget children.
But the game ended
And it's time to learn.

And now we work in a pair. On page 66, find the dialogue of the grandfather and women, prepare it on the roles.

Fatigue, joy, fear, anger.

Anger, resentment.

Joy, celebration


Cotton overhead

Running on tiptoe.

Imitate wolf.

Sit down per desk.

Children independently distribute roles and read dialogue

V. Independent work with self-test on the standard.

Purpose: Everyone must conclude that he is already able to do.

Methods: Self-control, self-esteem.

And now look at the slide. Here are illustrations made by different artists to this fairy tale. Find the words in the text that accurately convey what the artist depicted. (p.66 - 67)

I coped - I did not cope

Children independently find words in the text, say them, and then compared with the standard (on a slide) and evaluate their work with the help of signals (red - coped, blue - not coped).

Vi. Homework.

Today we met only with one of the main characters of this fairy tale. In the next lesson, we will continue to work on the fairy tale. And at home you will need to read this fairy tale to the end and note the words whose value is incomprehensible to you.

Recording homework

VII. The outcome of the lesson. Reflection.

Purpose: awareness of students of their study activities, self-esteem of the results of their activities.

Methods: Performing productive tasks.

What traits of character are endowed with folk fairy tales?

Now you will need to independently fill in those signs that you have on the desks (compilation of the cluster).

If you were able to add 4-5 words to each column, then burn a red flashlight, if 2-3 words, then green, if 0-1, then blue.

You have two pictures in your desktops: smiling chanterelle and crying wolf. If you were interested in the lesson, then lift the fox, and if sad, uninteresting, then the wolf.

Guys, today I want to pat (F.I. Aglenka) for a good job in the lesson. (Name), and whom do you think?

There was a call for us.

Thank you all for the lesson.

Double, greedy, lazy, buying, affectionate, kind, attractive, redhead, evil.
- deceiving, stealing, runs away, sings, dancing, lucavit, flatters, pleases, pretending.

Magic fairy tales Household tales Tales about animals

Fairy tales ask: - And now you, friends, learn us! Fairy tales ask: - And now you, friends, learn us! Fairy tales ask: - And now you, friends, learn us! Fairy tales ask: - And now you, friends, learn us!

"Fox - sister and wolf" (1 lesson)

Word Warming: Self-Self-Self-Self-Given-H-th, how do you understand the words: "Cut out the cutter"? Find the meaning of words in the dictionary: Responsive, cut out, Implement the time, Malegonka, Drub, Rocker

And the chanterelle immediately impeded the time and began to throw it away from the war, everything is fish and fish, everything is fish and fish.

Baba went to Vasu: no collar, nor fish, and began to scold her husband.

Grandfather tears from the war, came up to a chanterelle, and she won't walked, lies like a dead.

lynonya Schittitis Cheat - Lischik - sister ... ... ... ... ... ...

There was a call for us. Thank you all for the lesson!

The abstract of the lesson in the Russian language

"Liser-sister and gray wolf"

prepared educators Margieva Rezmir Uruzhmagovna

Moscow 2014

Objectives class : Continue to teach children emotionally perceive the figurative content of the fairy tale, to comprehend the characters and actions of the characters; clarify the submission of children about genre features of the fairy tale; Exercising in expressive words.

Educational regions : "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "physical development".



    Expand and clarify the presentation of children about good and bad deeds;

    Expand and enrich children's knowledge about tales characters.



    Enrich the speech of children with nouns, adjectives;

    Consolidate the ability of children to pick antonyms;

    Improve the dialogic form of speech;

    Forming the skill is connected, consistently and expressively retell small fairy tales.



    Teach children to transfer the intrinsic nature of the acting persons;

    Continue to develop interest in theatrical game. Wish

    try yourself in different roles;

    Educate artistic qualities, disclose the creative potential of children;

    Educate friendly relationships between children.

"Reading fiction"


    Continue to develop the interest of children to the artistic literature;

    Learn carefully and interested in listening to fairy tales;

    Promote the formation of an emotional attitude to literary works;

    To help expressively, with natural intonations to participate in reading the text on the roles, in dramatitations.

"Physical development"


    Preservation and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

    Form the right speech breathing;

    Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: Pictures with various fabulous characters, masks.

Preliminary work : Reading the fairy tale "Fox-sister and gray wolf".

Travel course:

1. The organizational moment.

Game "Sanding Fox" Purpose. Learn is argued, to speak, focus on the actions of a partner. Politely express disagreement (if necessary).

Material. Pictures: Dog, Hare, Fox; boots, wheels, chairs, leaves, bushes, plums (6 pictures depicting groups of items, in the names of which there is sound [s]); umbrella, vase, asterisk, rose, birch, goats (5 pictures with objects in the singular and one group in multiple, in the names of which there is sound [s]).

Gaming actions . Group items on different bases: one - a lot; The title is the sound [s] or [s].

2. Development of the ability to select antonyms.

Educator: - Guys, you already know a lot about different qualities of fabulous animals and you can call them. Let's try to choose antonyms, assessing the actions of different fabulous animals.

Fox - Sunya

Bunny - freakty

Also the hare is cowardly

Petushok - brave

Wolf - evil

Square - kind

Owl - Smart

Baran - stupid

Educator: - All the right answered, well done.

3. Lexical game "PREPARE ACTION"

Educator: Offers children, call actions that beasts in the forest can perform at different times of the year:

Educator: - Bear

Children: - In winter, he sleeps and sucks the paw.

Educator: - Owl

Children: - Owl does not sleep at night and watching everyone in the forest.

Educator: Wolf

Children: - Wolf and ruffles all year round, looking for me impregnation.

Educator: - Birds

Children: - Fly, sing, extract food.

Educator: Belochka

Children: collects nuts, jumps from branches on a branch.

4. Respiratory gymnastics .

Exercises: "Ladoshki", "Ravers", "Pump".

5. Samomassage

Our smart head

Thought today deftly (stroke yourself on the head).

Ears everyone heard (stroke the ears),

Eyes looked (stroking eyelids),

Handles all performed (stroke palms),

And the legs sat (stroke the legs).

6. Conversation on the fairy tale.

Educator: Children, and tell me what fairy tale these heroes: "Fox, Wolf, Children, Baba"? And why is it called a fairy tale?

Children: "Fox-sister and Gray Wolf". The fairy tale - because in her, the animals behave like people, make actions, talk.

Educator: - That's right. Now I will read this fairy tale to you, and then you retell it in the roles.

After the role distribution, children begin to stage a fairy tale.

7. Staging a fairy tale.

Educator: Lived, were grandfather da Baba. Grandfather says Baba:

Baby grandfather - you, Baba, Peka Pies, and I will go for fish.

Educator: I caught fish and drove a whole WHO. Here he is going and sees: the chanterelle rolled out with a camber and lies on the road.

Grandfather tears from the war, walked over to the chanterelle, and she will not get drowned, lies herself as the dead. Another child depicts a fox.

Grandfather's child: - That will be a gift to his wife, took a chanterelle and put on WHO, and he himself went ahead.

The tutor comments on the actions of the fox: - And the chanterelle has suffered time and began to throw away from the Vozha, everything is fish and fish, everything is fish and fish. Threw all the fish and jumped himself.

Baby Fox performs actions silently.

Baby grandfather: - Well, the old woman, see what I drove you! Full WHO Fish and a coastal collar!

Baby Baba: - Where?

Baby grandfather: - There, on the car - and the fish and collar.

Educator: Baba approached WHO, I was looking for, I was looking for, I did not find anything there and let's scold her husband:

Baby Baba: - Where is the collar? Where is the fish?! Oh, you! .. such a fucking!

Educator: Here the grandfather saved that the chanterelle was not dead, he was blinded, he was blinded, but there is nothing to do.

Baby grandfather: under the words of the educator depicts a bad mood.

Educator: - And the chanterelle gathered the whole fish scattered on the road in a pile, sat down and eats themselves. The wolf is suitable for it:

The fox child depicts the actions for the tutor's comment.

Baby Wolf: - Hello, Kumushka!

Fox child: - Hello, Kumaneuk!

Baby Wolf: - Give me fish!

Fox baby: - \u200b\u200bNaoul himself, and eat.

Baby Wolf: - And I do not know how.

Fox child: - Eka, because I caught. You, Kumanes, go on the river, put the tail in the hole - the fish itself on the tail and joining. Yes, look, Sit is longer, but do not cause.

Educator: I went to the wolf on the river, lowered the tail in the hole, and it was winter. I was sitting sitting, I spent the whole night, the tail of it and boosted. I tried to lift: it was not there.

Baby Wolf: - Eca, how many fish adopted, and do not pull out! - He thinks.

Educator: Looks, And Baba go beyond water and shout, seeing the wolf:

Baba children: - Wolf, wolf! Bate him! Bate him!

The teacher: came running and began to bang a wolf - who is a rocker who is a bucket, who has fallen. The wolf jumped, jumped, tear off his tail and got started to run away.

Children depicting wolves and women mimic the action of beating the wolf.

Baby Wolf: - Well, "thinks," I will repay you, the bitterness!

Educator: - And a fox-sister, rooted fish, wanted to try whether something else would be able to pull something. He climbed into one hut, where the women baked pancakes, but got his head in a punch with a dough, worsled all and runs. And the wolf towards it:

Child-Wolf: - So you teach you? I felt all myself!

Child-chantech: - Eh, Kumanes, you are before the blood, and I have a brain out. I broke me with your babies, I will rush.

Baby Wolf: - And then the truth, where you, a naughty, can go. Sit on me, I will take you.

Educator: - chanterelle sat on his back, he is her and led. Here is a dead sister sits, yes slowly and says:

Fox child: - Bathy Nebitutic lucky, broken unbound lucky.

Baby Wolf: - What are you, Kumushka, say?

Child-chantech: - I, Kumanes, I say: the broken battle is lucky.

Child-Wolf: - So, the bitter, so! ...

8. Outcome classes. Children share impressions. They say about who some hero liked more. They give estimates to the actions of heroes. Called grandfather Santa. Lesu - cunning. Wolf - stupid. Express emotions. They are a little sorry for the wolf. Also, children regret grandfather and grandmother, who remained hungry.

The educator offers children to make drawings on a fairy tale.

List of references:

1.Ushakova O.S. ; Gavrish N.V. "I know preschoolers with literature"Creative center "Sphere" Moscow 2008
2. Development of speech and creativity of preschoolers. Edited byUshakova O.S. Creative Center "Sphere" Moscow 2009
3. Development of the speech of children 6-7 years old Ushakov O.S.Creative center "Sphere" Moscow 2011
4. Russian folk tales from the collection of A.M. AfanasyevPublishing House "Pravda" Moscow 1982