Who is a century current. "Century of the current and age of the past" (the main conflict in the comedy "grief from the mind")

Who is a century current. "Century of the current and age of the past" (the main conflict in the comedy "grief from the mind")

The comedy "Mount from the mind" A.S.Griboyedov was written in the first half of the 19th century and is a satire to the views of the noble society of that time. Two opposing camps face in the play: a conservative nobility and a young generation of nobles with new views on the device of society. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, the main hero of "grief from the mind", called the arms of the "century of the current" and the "century past". Also presented in the comedy "grief from the mind" dispute dispute. What represents each of the parties, what their views and ideals will allow to understand the analysis of "grief from the mind."

The "century passed" in the comedy is much more numerous than the camp of his opponents. The main representative of the conservative nobility is Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, in the house of which all the phenomena of the comedy occurs. He is manageing in a government house. His daughter Sophia since childhood was brought up with them, because her mother died. Their relationship reflects the conflict of fathers and children in the "grief from the mind."
In the first action, Famuses cares of sofya in the room with a silent, his secretary living in their home. He does not like the behavior of his daughter, and Maglov begins to read her morality. In his views on the upbringing, the position of the entire noble class is reflected: "These languages \u200b\u200bgave us! We take a bortal, and to the house, and on the tickets, so that our daughters have learned everything. " For foreign teachers, there is a minimum of requirements, the main thing is that they were "the number of more, the price of cheaper."

However, Famuses believe that the best educational impact on the daughter should have an example of her own father. In this regard, the problem of fathers and children becomes more sharper. Famusov says about himself that he is "monastic known leaders." But whether he is good example To follow the imitation, if in a second before he began to give moraling Sophieus, the reader watched how he frankly flirt with the servant Liza? For Famousov, it is only what they say about him in the world. And if the noble society does not see him love adventuresSo, the conscience of his pure. Even Lisa, imbued with the nravami, reigning in the house of Famusov, warns his young hostess not from night dates with silent, and from public overwhelms: "Sin is not trouble, the rumor is not good." This position characterizes Famousov as a morally laid man. Does an immoral person have the right to reason about morality before his daughter, and even reckon with an example for her?

In this regard, the conclusion suggests that for Famousov (and in his face and for the entire Staromoshkovsky noble society) is more important to seem worthy of a person, and not be such. Moreover, the desire of representatives of the "century past" is distributed only on rich and noble people, because communication with them contributes to the acquisition of personal gain. The people who do not have high titles, awards and wealth are honored only to contempt by the noble society: "To the need: the ambassadors, they are in dust, but those who are above, flattery, like a lace spill."

This principle of passage with people of Magovs tolerates and family life. "Who is poor, you are not a couple," he says his daughter. The feeling of love has no power, it despises this society. Calculation and benefits are dominant in the life of Famusov and his supporters: "Be it's bad, but if a thousand thousand people have two tribes, both fiance." Such a position generates the absence of freedom of these people. They hostages and slaves of their own comfort: "Yes, and to whom in Moscow did not hold the mouths of dinners, dinners and dancing?"

The fact that for progressive people of the new generation is humiliation, for representatives of the conservative nobility the norm of life. And this is no longer just a dispute of generations in the work of "grief from the mind", but a much deeper discrepancy in the views of the two opposing parties. With great admiration, Magazov recalls his uncle Maxim Petrovich, who "before everyone knew," had a "a hundred people to services" and was "all in orders." What did he deserve his high position in society? Once at the reception at the Empress, he stumbled and fell, hurts with a population. Seeing a smile on the face of the dealers, Maxim Petrovich decided to repeat his fall several times to enjoy the empress and the courtyard. Such an ability to "be sympathized", according to Famusov, worthy of respect, and the younger generation should take an example from him.

They will be read by his daughter in the grooms Colonel Scalozub, which "words smart will not expand this." He is only good because "the signs of darkness gathered", and after all, "like all Moscow", "wish the son-in-law ... with stars and ranks."

The younger generation in the society of the conservative nobility. The image of silence.

The conflict of the "century of the present" and the "century of the past" is not determined and is not limited to the comedy "grief from the mind" the theme of fathers and children. For example, Molchanin, belonging to the age of the young generation, adheres to the views of the "century past". In the first phenomena, he appears in front of the reader as a modest beloved Sofya. But he, like Magovyov, is very afraid, no matter how ills a bad opinion in society happened: " Gossips terrible pistol. " As the operation of the play is revealed by the true face of Molchanlin. It turns out that with Sofia he "by position", that is, in order to please her father. In fact, he is more passionate for the servant Liza, with which he behaves much much more than with the daughter of Famusov. Under the littleness of Molchalin is hidden by its dowel. He does not miss the opportunity at the party in the evening to express his help before influential guests, because "it is necessary to depend on others." This young man lives according to the rules of the "century past", and therefore "silent bliss in the world."

"Summer Century" in the play "Mount from the mind." The image of the khatsky.

The only defender of other views on the problem affected in the work, the representative of the "century of the current", is Chatsky. He brought up with Sofia, between them was the youthful love hero and at the time of the events of the play kept in his heart. Chatsky for three years was not in the house of Famusov, because Wood on light. Now he returned with the hopes for the mutual love of Sofia. But here everything changed. The lover meets him coldly, and his views in the root disagree with the views of the Famow Society.

On the call of Famusov "Soda-tip)!" Chatsky replies that he is ready to serve something, but only "the case, not to persons," but "to serve" in general "nausea". In the "century last", Chatsky does not see freedom for the human person. He does not want to be a jerk for society, where "he was famous, whose neck was more often bent," where a person is not evaluated by personal qualities, but by the material benefits that he possesses. And indeed, how can you judge a person only by its ranks, if "the ranks are given by people, and people can deceive"? Chatsky sees enemies in the Famovsky society free Life And does not find samples in it. The main character in his accusatory monologues in the address of Famusov and his supporters is opposed to serfdom, against the slave love of Russian people to the whole foreign, against chinoplochy and careerism. Chatsky is a supporter of the Enlightenment, the creative and seeker who can act in agreement with the conscience.

The "century century" is inferior in the play "Aveth last" in terms of numbers. Only therefore, Chatsky is doomed to defeat in this battle. Just until the time of Chatsky came. The split in the noble environment only outlined, but in the future the progressive views of the main hero of the Comedy "Mount from Wit" will give magnificent shoots. Now Chatsky declared crazy, because the accusatory speech is not terrible. The conservative nobility, supporting the rumor about the madness of Chatsky, only for a while they fence themselves from the changes they are so afraid, but which are inevitable.


Thus, in the comedy "grief from the mind", the problem of generations is not the main and does not disclose the entire depth of the conflict between the "century of the current" and the "century last". The contradictions of two camps lie down in the difference of their perception of life and the device of society, in different methods Interaction with this society. This conflict cannot be solved by verbal battles. Only time and a series historical events Naturally will change the old on the new one.

Conducted comparative analysis Two generations will help students 9 classes describe the conflict of the "century of the current" with the "century last" in its essay on the topic "Century of the current" and the "century past" in the comedy "grief from the mind" Griboyedov "

Test on the work


1. Introduction

a) representatives of the "century past";

b) representatives of the "century of the present".

2. Main part:

a) the point of view of Chatsky;

b) the point of view of the Famusov;

c) resolution conflict.

3. Conclusion.

In the comedy "" A.S. Griboedov shows the conflict of the "century of the present" in the face of the Chatsky and the "century of the past" in the person of the "Famus society". This is the main conflict that the whole play is devoted; No wonder Goncharov B. critical article "Millon Torzany" writes that "Chatsky begins new century - And this is all his meaning and his whole "mind." Thus, even the name of the work indicates that primarily Griboedov wanted to show the collision of the two centuries.

The "century passed" is, of course, the Famuses. Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, an elderly nobleman and an official with money, and his daughter, Sofia Pavlovna Famusov, an educated and pretty young girl. This should also write down a, colonel of the scalosis, and almost all secondary characters Comedy: Chet Thuguhovskiy, Mrs. Gleztov and others. All together they form "Famusovskoe society", the personification of the "century past".

"The century of the current" -. Mimolently mentioned by others, as if at the thinking heroes similar to him: cousin Skalozuba, Prince Fedor - these young people also seek to live another life other than the life of the "Famus society". However, between them and Chatsky there is a significant difference: Chatsky is an intettier and an irreconcilable fighter, while these characters do not impose their point of view.

Famusov's collision and Chatsky inevitably leads to the collision of the centuries to which they belong. According to Pavel Afanasyevich, Chatskomu should have done the service - Mizhov sees in young man Good makings for the brilliant career, besides, Alexander Andreevich is the son of his friend, so the Magazov is tuned to him extremely benevolently. Chatsky is also happy to return home, not yet suspecting how this return will end; He is glad to see Famusov, but not ready to divide his views: "It would be glad to serve it sick."

The young nobleman after traveling around Europe too clearly sees all frightening flaws of the homeland: destructive for human souls serfdom, imitation of foreigners, "smallest", stupid and ridiculous "love for the uniform" ... Each of these flaws raises sincere protest in it, and Chatsky develops the next flames. His famous monologues "And for sure, began to fool light," I do not understand ... "," And who are the judges? " - Desperate attempt to make people see what false ideals they follow like own hands Enter windows from the rays of a bright future. Pharmuses are disappointed in Chazkom. "Small head" refuses to follow the generally accepted traditions, acts as an accuser and even an offender of the values \u200b\u200bof the "Famus society". "There are all its laws," and the Chatsky diligence of these laws violates, and after it mocks them.

Of course, a decent representative of the Moscow Society cannot be sacrificed, and then the case asks Chatsky to climb for his own good. Oddly enough, still the worst, the decisive collision is not going between Pavle Afanasyevich and Chatsky. Yes, they develop a conflict of centuries, demonstrating different views on orders in society, but the point in the conflict will not give the Magazus, and his daughter. , Until the last hotly beloved Chatsky, not only hesitated him on helpful hypocritical silence, but also involuntarily became the guilty of his expulsion - it was because of her Chatsky began to consider crazy. Or rather, she only wanted to put the rumor to take revenge on his ridicule over silent, but "Famovskoy society" too willingly picked up and believed: because the madman is not dangerous, all his accusatory, the scary "century last" speech can be written off for turbidity ...

So, the "century century" and the "century past" could not not to join the conflict because of too different, contrary to each other views on the right structure of society and the behavior of people in it. And although in the comedy Chatsky runs from Moscow, recognizing his defeat, " famovsky society" Not long left. Goncharov writes about it like this: "Chatsky is broken by the number of old strength, causing her fatal blow to the quality of the strength of freshness in turn."

Characteristics Century current Century passed
Attitude to wealth, to the ranks "The protection against the court as a friend was found in Rodality, the magnificent co -work of the Chamber, where they bloom in feasts and the merchant, and where the clients of foreigners of the last life of the underlying features are not resurrected," and those who are above, flattering, as a lace. "Be cool, yes if you want, the shower thousands of two generic, that and the groom"
Attitude to service "It would be glad to serve nauseous", "Mundir! One uniform! He in the former life once shelled, embroidered and beautiful, their weak, poverty; And we have a happy way for them! And in the wives, daughters - the same passion for the uniform! I myself have been recking for it for a long time?! Now I'm not going to make me the guys ... " "And I have that the matter is that it is not the case, the custom of my such: signed, so with the shoulders of one
Attitude to foreign "And where they do not resurrected foreigners' clients of the last life of the desired features." "As you used to believe, we are having to believe that we have no salvation without Germans." "Outlet door for called and unwanted, especially for foreign."
Attitude to education "What, now, just as ancient times, cotton to recruit the teachers of the shelves by a number on more, with the price of cheaper? ... everyone is vended to admit as historian and geographer." "To take all the books would be to burn," "Hours - here is a plague, a scholarty - this is the reason that now the way than when, insane people and deeds, and opinions"
Relationship to serfdom "That nestor of the villains of noble, crowd surrounded by servants; Treaty, they are in the watch of wine and fighting and honor, and his life has been saved more than once: suddenly, he endured the tricky three dogs !!! " Pharmuses are the defender of the old century, the flourishing time of serfdom.
Attitude to Moscow Nravam and pastime "Yes, and to whom in Moscow did not pour mouths, lunches, dinners and dancing?" "To Praskovye Fodorovna in the house on Tuesday, I'm on trout", "On Thursday, I'm called for the burial", "maybe on Friday, and maybe on Saturday I should have a widow, doctors to baptize."
Attitude to the courtyard, protection "And who are the judges? - For the antiquity of the years to the free life of their entity irreconcilate ..." "With me, employees of others are very rare, more and more nursing, the presenters of kids"
Attitude to freedom of judgment "Pour, we do not guys with you, why are the opinions of others only holy?" Learning is the plague, the scholarship is the reason. What is now the forest than when, insanely divorced people and affairs, and opinions
Attitude towards love Sincerity of feeling "Be bad, but if the shower of a thousand people are two generics, - that and the groom"
Ideals The ideal of Chatsky is a free independent person, alien to slave gods. Ideal Famusov - Welject of the Catherine Century, "Hunters in abiding"
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    • After reading the comedy A. S. Griboedov "Mount from the mind" and articles of critics about this play, I also thought about: "What is he, Chatsky"? The first impression of the hero that he is perfection: smart, kind, cheerful, wounded, passionately loved, faithful, sensitive, who knows the answers to all questions. He for seven hundred luxurious rushes to Moscow to meet with Sofia after a three-year separation. But such an opinion arose after the first reading. When we disassembled a comedy in the literature lessons and read the opinion of different critics about [...]
    • The image of Chatsky caused numerous disputes in criticism. I. A. Goncharov considered the Hero of Griboedov "sincere and hot figure", superior to Onegin and Pechorina. "... Chatsky is not only smarter than all other persons, but also positively smart. Speech boils by mind, witty. He also has a heart, and moreover he is immaculately honest, "the critic wrote. Approximately the same responded about this image of Apollo Grigoriev, who considered the Chatsky with a real fighter, honest, passionate and truthful nature. Finally, such an opinion was adhered to himself [...]
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    • In the comedy "Mount from the mind" A. S. Griboedov depicted noble Moscow on 10-20s XIX century. In the society of that time bowed to the uniform and rank, rejected books, enlightenment. About the person was judged not by personal qualities, but by the number of fortress shower. Everyone was striving to imitate Europe and worshiped someone else's fashion, language and culture. For the "century of the past", presented bright and full in the work, is characterized by the power of women, their great influence on the formation of tastes and the views of society. Moscow [...]
    • Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" consists of a number of small episodes-phenomena. They are combined into larger, such as the description of the Bala in the Famous House. Analyzing this stage episode, we consider it as one of the important stages of the authority dramaturgical conflictwhich lies in the confrontation of the "century of the present" and "century of the past". Based on the principles of the writer's attitude to the theater, it is worth noting that A. S. Griboedov represented it in accordance with the traditions [...]
    • Rarely, but still happens in the art that the creator of one "masterpiece" becomes a classic. That is what happened with Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov. His only comedy "grief from the mind" became national Treasure Russia. Phrases from the work entered our daily life in the form of proverbs and sayings; We do not even think about who they are put into the light, say: "That's not enough, you note you note" or: "Friend. Is it possible for walking // To choose the shock? " And such winged expressions in comedy [...]
    • Chatsky - Hero Comedy A.S.Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" (1824; In the first edition, writing the name - Chadsky). Probable prototypes of the image - P. Sadayev (1796-1856) and V.K-Kyhehelbecker (1797-1846). The nature of the actions of the hero, his statements and relationships with other people of the comedy give extensive material to disclose the topic declared in the title. Alexander Andreevich Ch. - One of the first romantic heroes of Russian drama, and how romantic hero He, on the one hand, is categorically not a consecutive plane, [...]
    • The name of the comedy is paradoxically: "grief from the mind." Initially, the comedy was called "Mount Human", from which Griboedov was subsequently refused. To some extent, the title of the play is "flourishing" of the Russian proverb: "Fools happiness." But isn't Chatsky surround alone fools? Look, is there much fools in the play? Famusov recalls his uncle Maxim Petrovich: a sharper look, the temper. When it is necessary to rely, and he bended backward ... ... and? How do you think? In our opinion - it is silent. And himself [...]
    • The famous Russian writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov said the wonderful words about the work of "grief from the mind" - "There would be no comedy without Chatsky, there would be a picture of morals." And it seems to me that this is a writer right. It is the image of the main character of the comedy Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich "Mount from Wit" is determining the conflict of the whole story. Such people like Chatsky - always turned out to be incomprehensible society, they carried progressive ideas and views to society, but the conservative society did not understand [...]
    • The comedy "grief from the mind" was created in the early 20s. XIX century Chief conflictwhere the comedy was built, - the confrontation of the "century of the current" and "century past". In the literature of that time, the classicism of the era of Catherine is also power. But obsolete canons limited the freedom of playwright in the description real lifeTherefore, Griboedov, taking as the basis of a classic comedy, neglected (as needed) by some laws of its construction. Any classic work (drama) had to [...]
    • Great Woland said that manuscripts are not burning. The proof of this is the fate of the brilliant comedy Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov "Mount from the mind" - one of the most ambiguous works in the history of Russian literature. The comedy with a political bias, continuing the traditions of such Masters of Satira, like Wings and Fonvizin, quickly became popular and served as a precursor of the coming take-off of Ostrovsky and Gorky. Although the comedy was written back in 1825, but they came out only eight years later, surviving her [...]
    • In the comedy "grief from the mind" Sofya Pavlovna Famusov is the only character conceived and fulfilled, close to Chatsky. Griboedov wrote about her: "The girl herself is not stupid, prefers a fool smart man... ". Griboedov refused to farce and satire in the image of Sophia. He introduced the reader female character Big depth and strength. Sofye "Not lucky" in criticism for quite a long time. Even Pushkin considered the failure of the author the image of the Famusa; "Sophia is nottening unclear." And only in 1878 Goncharov in his article [...]
    • The famous comedy of AS.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" was created in the first quarter XIX. century. Literary life This period was determined explicit signs The crisis of the autocrete-serf system and the ripening of the ideas of noble revolutionism. The process of gradual transition from the ideas of classicism was performed, with his addiction to " high genres, to romanticism and realism. One of bright representatives and Rhodonarchists critical realism And A.S.Griboyedov became. In his comedy "grief from the mind", successfully combining [...]
    • Molchanin - specific traits: The desire for a career, hypocrisy, the ability to sympathize with a little climb, the poverty of the lexicon. This is explained by his fear to express his judgment. Says mostly short phrases And he picks up words depending on who he says. There is no language foreign words and expressions. Molchanin chooses delicate words, adding adorable "-C." To the Famowov - respectfully, to the chleerstorm - flattering, ingratiatingly, with a sofa - with special modesty, with Liza - it is not shy in expressions. Especially [...]
    • In the work of Griboyedva "Mount from the mind" Episode "Ball in the house of Famusov" is the main part comedy, because it is in this scene the main character Chatsky shows the true face of Famusov and his society. Chatsky is a free and free-live character, he was disappeared by all the morals, which I tried to fit as much as possible. He is not afraid to express his point of view different from Paul Afanasyevich. In addition, Alexander Andreevich himself was without ranks and not, which means that he was not only a bad party [...]
  • "Century of the current" and "century past" in the comedy Griboedov "grief from the mind"
    1. Entry.
    "Woe from the mind" is one of the most topical works in Russian literature.
    2. The main part.
    2.1 Collision of the "century of the current" and "century past".
    2.2. Famusov is a representative of the old Moscow nobility.
    2.3 Colonel Scalozub - representative of the Arakshev army environment.
    2.4 Chatsky is the representative of the "Century of the present".
    3. Conclusion.

    The collision of two eras gives birth to change. Chatsky is broken by the number of old power, applying to her, in turn, the fatal blow quality of the strength of fresh.

    I. Goncharov

    Comedy Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" can be called one of the most topical works in Russian literature. Here the author touched upon the acute problems of the time, many of which continue to occupy the minds of the public even many years after the creation of the play. The content of the comedy is revealed through the collision and the change of two epochs - the "century of the current" and "century past".

    After Patriotic War 1812 in Russian noble society There was a split: two public camps were formed. The camp of the feudal reaction in the face of Famusov, the scaloveb, other people of their circle embodies the "century past". New time, new beliefs and positions of advanced noble youth Presented in the face of Chatsky. The collision of the "centuries" of Griboedov expressed in the struggle of these two groups of heroes.

    "Century Low" is represented by the author of different positions and age. These are Magazov, Molchanin, Scalosub, Countess Herustov, Guests on the ball. The worldview of all these, the characters were formed in the "golden" Ekaterininsky age and has not changed since then. It is this conservatism that the desire to preserve everything so, "how the fathers did," unites them.

    Representatives of the "century past" do not accept novelty, and in enlightenment see the reason for all the problems of the present time:

    Hours - here is the plague, the study is the reason
    What is now, in the forest than when,
    Madly divorced people, and cases, and opinions.

    Famusova is called a typical representative of the old Moscow nobility. He is a convinced serf, does not see anything reprehensible in order to achieve young people to achieve success in service, to be "bending. Pavel Afanasyevich categorically not accepting new trends. He bowed in front of the uncle, who rod "on gold," and reader perfectly understands how his numerous ranks and rewards are obtained - of course, not thanks to the faithful service of the Motherland.

    Near the Famine Colonel Scalozub - "Golden Bag and Metit to Generals." At first glance, his image caricature. But Griboedov created quite truthful historic portrait Representative of the Arakcheev army environment. Scalozub just like Magovsov, guided in the lives of the ideals of the "century past", but only in a coarsest form. The purpose of his life is not in the ministry of Fatherland, but in achieving the ranks and awards.

    All representatives of the Famus Society - Egoists, hypocrites and korestolyubtsy. They are only interested in their own well-being, secular entertainment, intrigue and gossip, and their ideals are wealth and power. Griboedov exposes these people in passionate monologues of Chatsky. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky - Humanist; He protects the freedom and independence of the person. In an angry monologue "And the judges who?" The hero denounces the hatedness of the serf system, highly appreciates the Russian people, his mind, freedom. Low-alphabone in front of all foreign causes a sharp protest from Chatsky.

    Chatsky is a representative of the advanced noble youth and the only hero in the comedy, embodying the "century century". The fact that Chatsky is a carrier of new views, says everything: his behavior, lifestyle, speech. He is confident that the "age of humility and fear" should go into the past along with his ingratias, ideals and values.

    However, the traditions of the past days are still stronger - in this, Chapsky is convinced very quickly. The society sharply puts the hero in place for his directness and audacity. The conflict between Chatsky and Famine only at first glance is seen by the usual conflict of fathers and children. In fact, this is the struggle of minds, views, ideas.

    So, on a par with the Magazov, the peers of Chatsky - Molchanin and Sophia belong to the "century of last". Sophia is not stupid and maybe in the future her views could still change, but it was raised in the society of the Father, on his philosophy and morality. And Sophia, and the Magineuses are complaining of silence, and let "there are no of this mind, / which is a genius for others, and for other plague" ..

    He, as it should be, modest, helpful, silent and no one offends. They do not notice that behind the mask of the perfect groom hid a falsehood and pretense aimed at achieving the goal. Molchanin, continuing the tradition of the "century past", is badly ready to "please all people without withdrawing" to achieve benefits. But it is it, and not Chatsky, chooses Sophia. The smoke of the fatherland "Sweet and pleasant" Chatsky.

    After the lapse of three years It returns to B. native home And at first set up very good. But his hopes and joys are not justified - at every step he rests on the wall of misunderstanding. Chatsky alone in his opposition to the Famovsky society; Even his beloved girl rejects him. Moreover, the conflict with society is closely intertwined with personal tragedy Chatsky: After all, it is from the filing of Sophia in society begins to talk about his madness.

    "Century of the current" and "century past" Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" was completed in 1824. It was created during the change of one worldview to others. The rebellion of the Decembrists in 1825 was the bright completion of this process. The main problem of the work is the confrontation of two epochs, the problem of two worldviews: the "century of the past", protecting the old rules, and the "century of the current", which advocates decisive changes.
    Representatives of the "century past" are Famuses and the faces of his circle. They live in the old manner, support old orders. And the "century century" is Chatsky. He is like a representative young generation Supports the change in order and is not afraid to tell the truth in the face. Chatsky returns to Moscow to his beloved Sophier, but sees that she began to support the views of her father, which he was an opponent. The collision of Chatsky with the Famusov society occurs in the House of Famusov, where they are accidentally found. Between them passes the conversation in which they both exchange their views on life. Chatsky expressed Famusov everything that he thought about him and people of his circle. This began the struggle of the "century of the current" and "century of the past" in the comedy "grief from the mind." Their first contradictions take place about the relationship to the service. Magovyov considers the main income service, you need to have a high title and rank and it does not matter how you will get it. This means that in order to be rich, you need to be able to serve, especially since the pleasing and low-planness in the Famine society is considered to be honorable. Chatsky has such an opinion: "It would be glad to serve it sick." The people of the Famówovsky circle did not love him and because of such worldviews and considered him crazy. Moreover, the cause of madness according to their words was the enlightenment, the formation of the main character. Because They themselves did not strive for education. For example, this is spoken by Hersion:
    "And really crazy from these, from some
    From guest houses, schools, lyceums, how you mean them;
    "Yes from Lancut Mutual Training"
    She loves power, like other members of the Famus circle, thanks to her (authorities) they have fortress peasants, and they do what they want with them:
    "... and honor, and life has been saved more than once: suddenly
    On them he endured the Brozy Three Dogs !!! "
    Chatsky condemns their serfdom, kindness, ignorance, worship before all foreign, insignificance of interests ... He criticizes the education system accepted in society and speaks with condemnation about ignorant foreigners teachers. Raising children in the spirit of contempt for people, to national culture, I indignant it to the Russian language. All the passion of the soul, he invests in the glory of "empty, slave, blind hypiems."
    According to the events in comedies, we see that in the words of the Chatsky, the author denounces all the vices of the nobility, i.e. The views of Chatsky are Griboedov's views.
    "Century of the current" and "century past" in the comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"