Picture gallery in D Polenova Golden autumn. Description of the painting "Golden Autumn" Polenova: admire and dream

Picture gallery in D Polenova Golden autumn. Description of the painting
Picture gallery in D Polenova Golden autumn. Description of the painting "Golden Autumn" Polenova: admire and dream

Golden autumn

In the picture of the Russian artist Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov depicts the beauty of nature in the autumn time. The picture fascinates the diversity of paints and splendor of autumn nature.

On canvas depicted sunny, calm day, possibly warm sunny rays please the land in last time this year. Snow-white, occasionally gray, fluffy clouds float. Grass and trees wishes and acquired an incredible, golden autumn color, but there are still green paints of the outgoing summer. Foliage of trees, it would seem to have all the colors of the rainbow: green, yellow, crimped, red, brown, orange color. In the midst of a thick carpet from the autumn grass of the Protoptan, a small path leading the distance in the forest.

Along the trees dressed in colorful, juicy and multicolored outfits, the blue, smooth river. Her smooth bends entail, they are magic, they don't end. Cloud floating across the sky are reflected in transparent waters pure river. High, slender trees throw their diverse shadows on the river.

On the other side of the river can be seen sandy bank. The landscape awakens the desire will be located on the banks of the river, soaring in the sun and enjoys the last, warm days. Behind the shore, in the background paintings, wide, endless, autumn fields spread out, among them occasionally overlook the lonely trees.

The artist in his picture skillfully conveyed all the variety of colors and paints of autumn. Admiring the painting admire and inspire autumn nature, the soul is filled with warm, peaceful and joyful memories. The picture allows you to distract from the urban fuss, fully immerse yourself in the world of nature and enjoy its magnificence.

Essay in the picture Golden Autumn Polyenova

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov in his workded much attention Russian nature, however, the landscape "Golden Autumn" is depicted with some special love. It was written several years after the polenov settled in his estate in the estate of Boehovo. Favorite the image of the September nature, the mighty Oki, the spectacular mountains appear before us in the best design. All work reflects the thoughts of the author, his mood towards native places. With some special care and trepidation, he draws this landscape.

River Blue ribbon, loop, moving towards the horizon. Water is calm, and it reflects quietly rusting trees on the shore. The foliage just started shrouded, staining all the fishing lines in excellent shades. Slender birch trees are slowly falling into golden clothes, while mighty oak still pegs in the wind dark green leaves. Surely, he will still stand stubbornly, but someday a sheet takes place and with its powerful branches.

The grass did not have time to change his emerald color. Small bushes are growing dark stains in the glade in the shade of trees. A neat narrow pathway runs through the forest glade, which, as you suggest, is sent to the next village, which belongs to a small wooden church, standing in the background. Above the huge wide hills that dissolve in the distance, the gray-blue sky was hung with lazily floating clouds. It is very low to such a softly defined horizon line, which is not clear where the land begins, and where heaven. Autumn timidly stands on the threshold, as it were, waiting for summer care. It seemed not yet decided by the power hand to remove joyful hot revival and waits something.

Nature has always impressive and inspired man. She was a muse not only for artists, but also for writers and poets. And if the poet invests the beauty of the world around the world with epithets and metaphors, the artist uses color. Color - soul painting. He carries not only a description of the painting of the subject or some secret meaning, but also a psychological description, emotions. How much can pass the palette, and not every artist is able to be controlled with color. V.D. The lounges are the master of his case, he wonderfully conveys an autumn mood, with gentle strokes draws an image of mysterious sadness and pacification in the picture. Light tones prevail in his work, which seems to make it almost weightless. Everyone can be breathing with a transparent black.

The painting is also vividly, as well as the real nature captivates each of each amazing beauty. The real Russian soul so rushes to get into this serene and calm corner, where a person can gain true peace, harmony with the world, and most importantly with himself. For hours, you can consider this landscape: Graceful trees, small bushes, a wide free river, endless blue Dali and the same blue sky. I would like to feel the affectionate touch of the breeze, which is gently trepal crown, forcing the leaves aging in front of something amazing voices.

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Golden autumn - Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov. 1893. Canvas, oil. 77x124 cm

Born landscape officer, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov, made a huge contribution to the development and evolution this genre. Wonderful picture "Golden Autumn" refers to the second period of the landscape creativity of the painter. The thing is that all the landscape works of Polenov critics are divided into two stages - until the mid-1880s and after.

Having lunched by the scenery in the creative expedition, which the Polenov spent together with C, the wizard had already demonstrated an individual approach to this genre - the widest plenuer, freshness of color saturation, naturalness, clear clear pattern and verified composition. Later, the author refused a deliberate assignment, creating poetic masterpieces, full of love for nature and admiration to the outside world. This is the "Golden Autumn" canvas, written in 1893.

Why is this picture so attractive even after more than a hundred years since the creation? Perhaps the answer to this question lies in the author's personal preferences. As you know, the beloved at a time of the year for Polenova was autumn, and even to the Oka, which is depicted in the picture, the author had a special attitude - on the shores of this river the author lived for more than twenty years, without ceasing to admire and admire it. Back in 1890, the artist moves into the estate of "Bores" in the village of Boehovo, and three years later this picture will appear.

The composition of the picture is subordinate to the geometric line - the space is organized using an arc. Such an arcuate image of the river is a characteristic Polenovsky reception forming the composition. The author refused to compare two plans, far and front, leaving only wide space. The audience presents himself standing on top of some hill, and from this point in front of him, the magnificent colorful September landscape is helpful. And local residents Easy learned this place - the master portrayed truthfully and realistic. The view of the OKU opens from the opposite side from the spectacular mountains, and in the upper right corner you can see the white bell tower, flashing in the sun.

The wide panoramic turn does not immediately "reveal" all the cards - Rather, our view follows the river, rushing farther and further, deep into the picture. Submitting to the author's intricate trajectory given by the author, the viewer gradually comprehends all the delights of the opening view, which demonstrates us the riot and variety of autumn paints.

With all its saturation and diversity, coloring the paintings is surprisingly harmonious. In itself, "Multicolored" Autumn finds a talented poetic implementation within the canvas, thanks to the genius of the author. The kind of color is yellow in all its tonal variations: from soft oath to the solemn gold. Slender rows are overtaken by the River Yellow Birch, but through their thickness, the thrust outfit is breaking the dark green foliage of some other tree with splashing branches. Most likely, it is an oak, which will not be touched, not painted the autumn sometimes, and it carries another echo irretrievably outgoing summer. Dilute ocher flavor and green young Christmas trees, dissolved unevenly on an open meadow along the trotted path, and a gentle sandy bank on the opposite side of the river.

The noble mapping of yellow and green is asked by a blue color. He and in the bend of Oka, and in the sky, covered with small isons of lush clouds, and in the fine smoke line of the horizon, giving a picture of airiness, weightlessness.

The sky in this work deserves separate attention and detailed parsing. The artist managed to "catch" here all shades and transfer their flicker - from the gray tones of the clouds to the light of the blue lights of the sky and pink lines born of the sails of the sun. All this is subordinated to its rhythm, and it seems that the sky is deprived of statics, and that's the eyes will begin to notice a smooth movement.

Interesting is the image of the stroy of the river. A mirror ribbed surface was able to imagine all the paints of the canvas. Here and the noble blue of the river itself, and the reflection of the yellow leaves of trees, and the duplication of the sky, which thereby "holshes" the composition.

Polenov walked out the creator of the "intimate" landscape, in that concept that all the natural beauty, which opens in his paintings, some close heart, native and understandable. It seems that any viewer, visiting the work of Polenov, will remember his story - everyone, for sure, in life was her favorite shore, birch Grove, dusty path, wrapped in rises, yellowed meadow, rustic church, such a sun-floated day, which we carefully keep in the shower.

It is this warm feeling that is born from the contemplation of the Landscapes of Polenov, and makes his work as attractive and even hypnotizing. And the unconditional genius of Polenov-painter and his sincere limitless love for Russian land.

Essay - Description in the picture V.D. Polenova

"Golden autumn"

Class: 3 "A"

purpose : The formation of the ability to perceive artistic image images.

Tasks :

    introduce the work of V.D. Polenov

    to form the ability to analyze fine expressive means Pictures

    learn to perceive the beauty of nature and emotionally respond to it

Keywords :

    artist- landscape


    color spectrum

During the classes

1. Preliminary work

The teacher reads an excerpt from the poem of I.A. Bunin (the text itself is written on the board):

As a musical accompaniment is used by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the cycle "Seasons".

Forest, exactly led painted,

Purple, gold, crimped,

Cheerful, a pedestrian wall stands

Above light polar.

Today is so light around,

Such a dead silence:

In the forest and in blue embroidery,

What can be in this silence

To hear the leisters of the Churchnier ...

- What time of year is it talking about this poem?

2. Conversation in the content of the picture.

On the board opens the reproduction of the painting V.D. Polenov "Golden Autumn". Pupils carefully consider it.

- What name would you give this picture?

Choose the most suitable name from the board offered on the board.

Comment on your choice.

    "Autumn River"

  • "Sunny day"

    "Golden autumn"

- The picture is called "Golden Autumn".

Story about the artist

This picture was written by Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844-1927) - one of the prominent Russian artists. He was born in St. Petersburg, in the cultural noble family. Systematic painting began for him in 12 years. Performing the will of the Father, the Polenov entered the University of Petersburg, received a legal education, but at the same time he worked at the Academy of Arts, which he also finished successfully .. Since 1882, the artist taught in the Moscow School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture, His students were acuters , Korovin, Levitan. Engaged in educational activities, created decorations in the theater. Many of his paintings had big success and got fame ("Moscow courtyard", "Babushkin Garden")

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov was one of the first painters who received the title of a folk artist. (1924)

-Why is the picture called "Golden Autumn"?

The picture is called so because the artist chose the time when the trees are multicolored, mostly yellow, red. Therefore, in color, they resemble the color of gold. It is the middle of autumn. Polenov wanted to show the beauty of this time

- What attracted your attention in this picture?

What feelings and desires are you when looking at this picture? (joy, I want to hug the whole forest, run on the edge, silent, etc.).

Let's try to understand why the picture causes exactly such a mood. What day did the artist depicted? (Warm day, sunny, calm)

With the help of what the artist seeks the appearance of our feelings of joy? What paints (tone) chose Levitan to show the "gold" autumn? (The artist chose clean, bright paints: blue, yellow green, red, orange, brown)

- What trees do you see in the picture?

What color is the birch outfit? (She's all gold). - Are your trees dressed in a golden outfit? What trees remain green? Prove that the day depicted in the picture, sunny and warm. (Sky is clear, there is no wind, in the forest quiet, sunny bunnies on the grass, on the river).

3. Wise work

- Remember what epithet is, comparison. - Pick the epithets that you will use in writing.



mood, good, warm, autumn


clear, Blue, Light, Azure

light, Air, White, Fluffy

yellow, gold, multicolored, autumn, beautiful, elegant


slender, flexible, whitewens.


yellow, green

blue, mirror, blue, winding, shiny.

The sun

playful, autumn, radiant.

- Select comparisons.

4. Compilation of an essay plan

Children make a plan collectively under the guidance of the teacher.

1 . About the artist and his picture. What time of year is depicted in the picture?2 . What day, how is the sky, the sun is depicted?3. River.4. Outfit trees5 . Land. 6. What feelings cause a picture. - Why would you start an essay in the picture? From entry. You can write about the artist and its paintings. With the fact that Polenov portrayed a beautiful time - autumn. - What would you write after joining?

(Would like to describe trees, river, sky, etc.)

- What would be the conclusion in your essay? (Necessarily wrote about what beautiful time of the year - autumn, and how the polenov was well depicted. I really liked this picture)

The artist with the help of paints and brushes handed over immeasurable beauty native land, autumn nature, and you are trying to use the rich opportunities of the Russian language when describing the picture.

5. Writing an essay and its check.

Students once again consider the structure of the composition, the teacher helps them with the issues.

What should I start?

What to write in the main part?

What is the ending?

Students write writing- Description Pictures. The operation of testing the composition from the point of view of spelling, the structure and completeness of the disclosure of the topic.

5. Homework. Write an essay in the picture V.D. Polenova "Golden Autumn", adhering to the laws of building text.

Exemplary text of the composition.

On the picture of the artist V.D. Polenov depicted golden autumn.

It is worth the autumn day. Shines radiant sun. According to a clear sky, like a pack of white swans, fluffy clouds float.

In the center of the picture Blue ribbon river goes. In it, as in the mirror, reflected the azure smooths of heaven and trees, dressed in multicolored outfits.

Lush bright carpet, spread over the banks of the river autumn forest. The yellowed leaves are shine in the sun rays, like golden. White-tv birchings woven bright orange ribbons into their braids. They seemed slim girls, drive a dance on the sunshine. In the circle of birchings, proud slim pines rise. They admire the magic gold outfit birch and make them their fluffy green handkerchiefs.

The land also put on a golden outfit, only some of the small islets of still green grass flashes. Forest path Manit and calls for this multicolored fairy tale.

Picture joyful, magical. Wonderful time - Golden autumn. The artist of the Polenov very accurately handed her beauty. I really want to find yourself in this place: listen to the noise of the river, admire the autumnal outfit of trees, to warm up under the rays of affectionate and playful sunshine.

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov is a famous artist. It can be called the painter of nature. He created a lot of landscapes, which I also want to admire. One of the most artists dedicated to the painting "Golden Autumn" Polenov can be started with small story About him, to understand why he loved the nature so much.

Biography of painter and his love for nature

Vasily Dmitrievich was born on May 20, 1844 in an enlightened large nobility family in the estate of Borog under Tula. The child was available with early years The beauty of the surrounding nature, which, of course, influenced his artistic taste. His mother also drew himself well, although he was a writer. Father was an archaeologist. Big role In the formation of the artistic taste of the boy played his grandmother Vera Nikolaevna Voyenkov. She came up with interesting contests For their grandchildren. Per best painting Grandmother distributed her medals to children. Polenov remembered his whole life bright impressions From the virgin nature of the Olenetsky region, where he went along with his grandmother. All this and dating helped to form this great artist.

Description of the painting "Golden Autumn" Polenova

This work painter created in 1893. The picture is attracting the look from the first seconds of contemplation. Can be seen with what love artist portrayed native nature At the very beginning of autumn. Many people art loved this time and devoted her masterpieces. For example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Golden autumn was his favorite sometimes. He chased her in his poetic works. And Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov could not not capture the natural charm.

Description of the painting "Golden Autumn" Polenov made experts from his painting. They note that the painting of the artist created in his manner. He organized space on the canvas using such a reception as an arc. In her roles here protrudes along her channel grow grass and trees. In the left bank, the endless fields extend, trees were found on the right. Mostly it is birch. The yellowness of their foliage shall with the magnificent whose color has a green color. Against the background of this proudly giant, which is widely spread of the branches, the whittle birks look even more graceful and slimmer.

What dreams of looking at the masterpiece

Description of the painting "Golden Autumn" Polenova can continue the story about the blue sky. It is very harmony with the eye. Same gentle blue. The clouds are slightly yellowish and riquis on the water have the same shade. Picture as if impregnated sunlight. He is everywhere. The sun gilded crowns of trees, grass and even clouds. This splendor created the polenov. "Golden Autumn" - a picture that awakens dreams. Looking at her, I want to be in this edge, go along the path, which stretches along the birches. I want to go down to the river, look at her water and breathe fresh air. When looking at the hills that are contacted by soft lines, the desire to stick to their silk grass is awakened, breathe her fragrance and substitute the face of the rays of another bright sun.

These dreams and desires awakens the painting "Golden Autumn". At the time of writing the picture lived in these parts 22 years, had happiness to admire such beauty and leave them for descendants, imprinted on canvas.

Picture famous artist V.D. Polenova "Golden Autumn" demonstrates us a beautiful view of the coast of the Oka River towards the spectacular mountains.

The place is quite concrete. Not far from him in the estate of Boehovo, at one time and lived by the author of the "Golden Autumn", Vasily Polenov.

V. Polenov "Golden Autumn"

About the artist

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov was born in 1844 in a large nobility family. The family lived in St. Petersburg. The artist's father was quite famous in his archaeologist, and his mother was painting and writing books for children.

When Vasily Polenov turned 12 years old, the parents saw the artist's talent in him and hired a teacher from the Academy of Arts for him. Pavel Petrovich Cleanikov, who had a lot of influence on the work of Polynov, was a very big influence.

From 1861 to 1863, the polenov studied at the Petrozavodsk gymnasium, and then entered the University of St. Petersburg at the Physics and Mathematics. At the same time, he is studying at the Academy of Arts.

In 1867, Vasily Polenov ends the Academy of Arts with a Silver Medal.

The artist's creativity begins to enjoy high popularity. After graduating from the Academy of Arts, Vasily Polenov travels a lot, which gives it inspiration for new works. He visits Vienna, Naples, Venice, Munich and other cities. For quite a long time he lived in Paris.

In 1876, Polenov participates in the Russian-Turkish war, and a year later moves to Moscow, where the many visits art exhibitionsAnd also demonstrates its works with the general public. In those days, the artist's creativity begins to enjoy great success, to a greater extent thanks to the painting "Moskovsky Dvorik", which was drawn in Arbat Lane. Vasily Polenova Many contemporaries begin to call the master of the epic landscape.

In the early 80s of the XIX century, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov goes on a trip to the Middle East: to Palestine, Egypt, Syria and other countries to search for inspiration.

The artist died in 1927 in his estate, having lived 83 years old. Over the grave of Vasily Dmitry Polenov, according to the will of the artist, depicts the Olonetsky cross.

V. Polenov's grave in Behov

Painting V. Polenova "Golden Autumn"

The painting "Golden Autumn" Vasily Polenov wrote in 1890, after he acquired himself vacation home In the Tula province on the bank of the Oka River, thereby carrying out his long-standing dream. The house was in a quiet and place.

It is worth noting that in this moment In this house there is a historical and art museum of V.D. Polenov, which survived the interior and the situation created by the artist.

Museum-Manor "Polenovo"

In the picture, we see the majestic and at the same time calm autumn motif. "Golden Autumn" is made in yellow and green colors. On the foreground We are watching a path in which people probably go, however we do not see where and where she leads from. The yellowed leaves on some trees are already going to fall to the ground. For them are three high and old pines, which their dark-green color is highlighted among all other trees.

Clouds are visible on the bright blue sky, but the clouds are not visible, so nothing foreshadows bad weather. The relatively narrow river Oka reflects the whole surrounding landscape. It is also reflected in the trees that grow close to her, and the sky with clouds. On the left side of the river shore was covered with sand. The river leaves the distance of the horizon, so we do not see her end.

Land on the horizon a small rural church.

It is easy to see that the entire landscape is drawn from the height, which means that Vasily Polenov was looking for a suitable place for a long time to portray her picture from the best angle.

Vasily Polenov knew how to convey extraordinary in ordinary, and in this and the artist's skill is.