Summary Description of the painting of Grabar Martov Snow (description). Essay Description Painting and

Summary Description of the painting of Grabar Martov Snow (description). Essay Description Painting and
Summary Description of the painting of Grabar Martov Snow (description). Essay Description Painting and


Description of the painting of Igor Grabar " Martov Snow»

"Martov Snow" came out from under the brush of Igor Grabar in 1904, when he was located at the artist N.V. Meshcherina, his friend, in the village of Churilkovo. Snow writing is a whole art, so here the words of Grabar are heard here that in the "March snow" he simply "spoiled paints on canvas", as it sometimes makes nature, sending them from the sky. The picture was already almost discharged when a grain saw a girl with a rocker and two buckets on the waterproof path. Ten minutes later her figure in a pink skirt and a blue jacket had already decorated the picture. Speaking about the style of execution, it can be said that this artist's work is made in the style of divisionism - decomposition of the color characteristic of impressionism. Snow and even dirt on a monstering path are made of pure smears merging in the eyes of the viewer into one, and becoming white.

March day in the village will be clone in the evening, so the shadows are so long from the trees stretching almost through the whole picture. The tree itself is not visible, it's as if behind the viewer. Nozzled loose snow under the rays of the spring sun becomes more darker, rich water, heavy. It was just like that of his grain, which found a real symphony of paints in the snow tones under the rays of the sun. But he has snow not only in blue and blue tones. Here you can find many pink and yellowish paints. On the roofs of those visible in the distance of villagers and on the snow trees no longer left. Everything indicates that spring stands on the threshold, waiting for its o'clock. Russian Nature, continuing to admire Igor Grabar, helped to create him another portrait of his simplicity and perfection. No wonder the "Martov Snow" is called "symphony of paints" - the music of our unique and beloved is really heard in it.

/ / Essay-description in the picture I.E. Grabar "Martov Snow"

March is the first month of spring. He is the most capricious and indefinite, because today the sun can shine behind the window, and tomorrow the weather will spoil and everything around will be gray and cloudy. However, without looking at it, we perfectly understand that soon warm time Years - Spring - will enter their full ownership and everything around for a long time will forget about fit and cold.

Talented artist I.E. Grabar noticed the moment when the Earth still extended in the snow, however, he is no longer such a formidable and cold. Snow can easily be called loose and shut down. It will take some more time, and this snow peel will hide from the face of the earth, native land with thawed waters!

In the center of the "March snow" picture shows a woman. She carries a bucket with water. I think they are filled to the top, because the silhouette of the heroine is clear how difficult and inconvenient its cargo. It seems to me that the girl wishes as soon as possible to convey his burden and get rid of gravity. Most likely, her house is located near the water source. Otherwise, frequent water trips would be an unbearable test.

I.E. Grabar passes the landscape of the real Russian village in his canvas. main character Dressed in warm and practical things that will be able to warm it even in the most severe frosts. In the background, small village houses are depicted, which are shrouded from all sides with limitless natural expanses. On the foreground Pictures Our attention attracted shadows from trunks and branches of trees. The artist masterfully plays with light, with shades, which are depicted in the snow.

Looking at the picture, I would be transferring to TU Poland, I feel cool, more frosty air. However, the first warm sunshine rays make it clear that spring is not far off. And very soon it will change the created landscape, solvent snow and awakens life.


Description of the painting of Igor Grabar "Martov Snow"

"Martov Snow" came out from under the brush of Igor Grabar in 1904, when he was located at the artist N.V. Meshcherina, his friend, in the village of Churilkovo. Snow writing is a whole art, so here the words of Grabar are heard here that in the "March snow" he simply "spoiled paints on canvas", as it sometimes makes nature, sending them from the sky. The picture was already almost discharged when a grain saw a girl with a rocker and two buckets on the waterproof path. Ten minutes later her figure in a pink skirt and a blue jacket had already decorated the picture. Speaking about the style of execution, it can be said that this artist's work is made in the style of divisionism - decomposition of the color characteristic of impressionism. Snow and even dirt on a monstering path are made of pure smears merging in the eyes of the viewer into one, and becoming white.

March day in the village will be clone in the evening, so the shadows are so long from the trees stretching almost through the whole picture. The tree itself is not visible, it's as if behind the viewer. Nozzled loose snow under the rays of the spring sun becomes more darker, rich water, heavy. It was just like that of his grain, which found a real symphony of paints in the snow tones under the rays of the sun. But he has snow not only in blue and blue tones. Here you can find many pink and yellowish paints. On the roofs of those visible in the distance of villagers and on the snow trees no longer left. Everything indicates that spring stands on the threshold, waiting for its o'clock. Russian Nature, continuing to admire Igor Grabar, helped to create him another portrait of his simplicity and perfection. No wonder the "Martov Snow" is called "symphony of paints" - the music of our unique and beloved is really heard in it.

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Hike to "Museum House" Today we will look at the reproduction of the painting of the famous russian artist Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar "Martov Snow", which is currently located in the exposition of the State Tretyakov Gallery, as if the harbinger of spring. Picture writing time 1904. Grabar Igor Emmanuilovichi. E. Grabar - an outstanding Russian artist and cultural figure, the author of many famous paintings. It was born in 1871, but died in 1960 Grabar lived long life And a lot had time to do for people, bring a lot of joy to people. Questions for the student's time of year is shown in the picture? (Spring.) What month? (The first days of March.) What mood does it come from the picture? (Joy from the onset of heat, abundance sunlight.) Where is the snow yet bright white and untouched? (Where people do not go.) Where - with large quantity Traces, darkened from thaw? (On the road.) Where is the attached and governing from the ground? (On paths.) Is it possible, looking at the snow, come to the conclusion that the sun shines brightly on the street? (Yes, in the foreground, the shadows from the trees are visible; in different ways, the objects depicted in the picture are illuminated.) With what kind of reception the artist helps us see it? (With the help of contrast.) After what trees (coniferous or deciduous) selack goes for water? What age is Selyanka: this is a young girl or elderly woman? (She is young, as it is going to bring two buckets of water, goes fast, and she has a figure of a young girl.) What can you say about the seller's walk: she goes slowly, stepwise or quickly, rapidly? (She goes quickly and rapidly.) What do you think the buckets are empty or full? (They are still empty, as the young lady goes quickly.) Do you help the pictured buckets see what day is dazzling bright and sunny? (Yes, on them bright solar glare.) Description Painting Picture I.E. Grabar depicted March day. it rural landscape. In the foreground, a young girl rushing in the water, carrying a rocker with two buckets on one shoulder. Despite the fact that on March street, winter is not in a hurry to take positions - the girl is dressed enough warmly: a kerchief, a skirt to the floor, on the head of the handkerchief. Not in vain in the people they say that when March has come, it is necessary to wear two points. After all, despite the fact that it becomes warmer, especially in the sun, on the street still damp. And it is especially felt in the evening. It is possible to understand what the evening, it is possible on the blue shadows of trees in the buckling snow. Such a shadow can only turn out in the red rays of the sunset. On the tracks the snow has already become. The path goes somewhere in the distance, and the girl to gain fresh water, you need to do more big way To the well. Seen several wooden huts. Right - trees, they have already thrown off warm snow caps and waiting for heat. Only the earth is not in a hurry to lose down a down blanket snow. We see in the picture all this snowstock, which will not soon give away the rays all the arriving march Sun.. But the snow has already become nozzled, with ice, melted by the sun, with a lump top. But this aged snow is represented by an artist with something wondering. Grabar caught TU slipping snowworm, which can be seen only in a certain time A day, more precisely, when the day is about to replace the twilight. On the street - a peace, so quietly and calmly, and only hear how the girl steps, breaking a thin ice crust formed on the track. Only this crunch is distributed in silence. It smells in the air in the air, and to show it, the picture is written softly and easily. The viewer painting attracts the simpleness of the plot, harmony and the beauty of rural life. The artist depicted ordinary weekdays of the villagers. But he saw the inimitable beauty in them. Grabar admires the awakening nature, admires the upcoming spring, seeking to show what else hidden the power of melt water, which is about to break the streams in the rustic landscape.

Martov Snow

"Martov Snow" - Painting I.E. Grabar, on which a young girl with a rocker is depicted against the background rustic landscape. The author created his creation for all the rules of impressionism.

On the painting, Grabar depicted a spring rustic landscape. The girl goes behind water and carries a rocker with two buckets on the shoulder. "Martok came, put on seven debros" - this folk proverb Very relevant, because in Russia March month is pretty cool and raw. Here and the girl in the picture is dressed in Martov: on it a tag ray, a long skirt, and on the head of the shawl from warm material.

Evening. The shadow of trees can be seen on the snow. Snow slowly melts. Nearby is a well to which a path leads. The girl goes to the well to fill the buckets of fresh water.

Visible rustic huts. The trees threw off the snow from their branches and looking forward to the arrival of warm spring days. The earth is still covered with a snow-white blanket and does not yet think to part with him. Despite the fact that the yard stands the calendar spring, winter is still not going to discharge authority. However, the breath of spring and the snowy stratum gradually surrenders under the onslaught of the March Sun, whose rays warm more and more.

Looking at the picture, the beauty of nature, as well as peace and calmness, is felt. It's very quiet around, and only the steps of the girl are heard: it goes on the lifting side of the snow, which crumbs under her legs. The painting transmits the beauty and harmony of a rustic landscape. The author depicts the life of ordinary village residents of the Russian depth.

At the viewer, the picture causes only positive emotions, as it is written easily, uncomplicated, sincere. It can be seen that the author loves nature very much and through his talent transmits the viewer all the charm and beauty of the countryside.

The painting "March snow" was written in 1904. Today it is stored in Tretyakov Gallery.. The maritov day depicted by the author on the backdrop of a village landscape leaves exceptionally pleasant impressions of the viewer. Looking at the work of Grabar, the viewer seems to feel the nature of the hibernation and enjoy the harmony of nature.

Description of the picture Martov Snow

The author of the painting "Martov Snow" I. E. Grabar chose a simple plot for his canvas rustic life. The usual rural landscape, supplemented wooden houses And a girl with a rocker. The artistic manner is unusual in this canvas, which creates expressive, snow texture. Confident, generous steps of brushes, drawing multicolored shadows and bright glare, immediately give to understand the viewer who is here the main character.

March snow surrounded all the space with his luxurious, light mood. Cold, winter whiteness has already retreated. A timid, spring sun stains a fragile carpet into many expressive shades. Beautiful selylanka in bright clothes marching on the dark, lifting the path. Daily bustle swallowed it, she cannot stop and admire the beautiful Martov snow.

All landscape elements constituting the plot of the paintings are directed beyond the perimeter of the canvas. In the foreground, a small part of the tree is visible, the shadow of which creates an interesting pattern on the embossed snow space. Dark paths are hidden behind the scenes. And, it seems that the girl is about to come out of the painting to leave the audience alone with this beautiful "March snow".

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