Drawing in the older - preparatory group "Rowan Branch". Step-by-step master class with photo

Drawing in the Elder - Preparatory Group
Drawing in the older - preparatory group "Rowan Branch". Step-by-step master class with photo

Legends and myths about Ryabin.
In one of the old English legends there is a story about how a young hero who went into a long sailing for a long time can not return to his native castle, captured by the sorcerer, for that evil magician every time he learns the storms on the way of his ship. And only then you manage to break through the magical obstacles and free the castle when a wise person tells him to replace the keel of the ship with Oak on Ryabin, because the evil witchcraft dissipates where the wood appears by the wood of this beloved by many people ...
According to another legend, a wife turned to Ryabin, at the foot of which her beloved spouse died. Evil people wanted to separate them, but could not achieve this with gold, nor with the help of power and weapons, nor even with the help of death. Beautiful was their life, the death was beautiful. Kissing the last time the husband, I appealed the faithful wife to the Lord, so that he defended her from the murderers' power, and at the same moment became Ryabina on his grave. The fruits of it became red as blood shed in the name of love.
There is an Irish tale of Fraut in which the Magic Rowan berries that the dragon wakes can replace nine meals, and besides were an excellent means for healing wounded and added an extra year to human life. If we refer to the legend about Diarmomade and Grain, then there is more, it is said that Ryabina berries, as well as apples, and nuts, were considered the food of the gods.
They tell the legend about the goddess Frey (the goddess of love and beauty among the inhabitants of Asgard), who had a necklace made of rowan fruits, which defended it from various evilles and spanking.
Northerners attached their dwellings and temples Ryabina, thus protecting the construction from the impact of lightning. And almost everywhere, the tree itself was dedicated to the local god-throat. In the Slavs, she was a tree of Perun, Scandinavian Tor also did not bete row. For the same Scandinavians, Ryanka protected not only from lightning, but also from hostile magic. The Karelian-Finnish deity of Tara, the same stume, as well as a consonant torus, also received a dedication to Ryabin. Celts Ryanka was considered an analogue of Greek ambrosia. Her red berries, sophisticated by the green dragon, called food gods.
There is a holiday rowan - this is the day of the Holy Cross, or "Ryabin Day". Celebrated on May 3 or May 13. On this day, the branches of Ryabina introduced into the house to protect the house from all sorts of adversity. Also in some areas the rowan names were celebrated. These holidays took place four times a year: in the spring, when the end of the plowing and the disclosure of the rowan sheet was celebrated; In the summer, when the sowing and blooming rowan ended; In the fall, when the harvest fee was completed and the new year was celebrated, at the same time ripen rowan; And in winter, when they were preparing for the new season. All these holidays were accompanied by a special bell tongue ringing, which in the people was called - "rowan ringing".

Zoya Grigorievna, your master class on drawing rowan branches in detail and available outlines all stages of work. Failed interesting material about this plant. Use in your work different techniques that are easy to repeat for children. Proof of your professionalism are children's work. Creative success and my voice is +1!

Tatyana Zhigintsev
Abstract Node on drawing from nature in the preparatory group "Rowan Branch"

Topic: "Rowan Branch" (from nature)

Software content: Learning to decorate a paper sheet with a large branch with curls; Use various familiar elements to decorate the branch; Exercise in painting with watercolor, brush (all pile and its end, unconventional way (printing of berries with fingers).

Integration: Educational Region "Cognition"; Educational region "Reading fiction literature".

Materials and equipment: Demonstration material: Easel, illustrations of "Ryabina", Rowan twig. Distribution: landscape sheet, watercolor paint, simple graphite pencil, tassels, rags.

Structure occupation


Guys, today we will get closer to an amazing and unusually beautiful tree. It decorates the streets of our city.


Spring green

In the summer sunbathe

In the autumn, put on the ones

Red corals.

What kind of tree? (Children's responses). That's right, it is rowan.

But one folk sign associated with Ryabina: a lot of rowan in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if there is little dry. Whether you guys have guys that the rose-like, which grows on our site, this fall there are a lot of ripe trunks that decorate the branches of trees. And rains, remember, there was a lot. True sign. Yes guys? Can you explain why, what do you think by Ryabina Beauty? What do you think beautiful in this tree? (Children's responses).


Guys, consider the rowan branch. What color is the berry? What are they forms? And what are the form of the leaves? How are the berries arranged? (Children's responses)

And now listen to the poem of V. christmas:

I knew you, my rowan,

You are on the village of Slah,

Over gray roofs

Under the sky of Northern grew.

You are trepal bad weather,

And you have called all the chases

Grew and fastened a year from year to year,

Looking into the lake glass.

Educator: In our city there is a lot of rowan. In the fall of the streets, yards and squares dress up in rowan beads. But whether for beauty in our city, people planted Rowan? (Children's responses). Birds feed on the rowan berries (namely the cinemas, starlats and even crows). Love berries and bears, moose. With all the rowan is friendly, it tries to feed everyone, and if someone is sick, and to be treated. And although the fruits of rowan on the taste of bitterness, but still good.

Berries are not sweetness,

But the eye is joy

And gardens decoration

And friends treat friends.


And now we are guys, let's try to draw a sprig of Rowan. Think about the arrangement of rowan sprigs on a sheet of paper. Where are we depicting it? (Children's responses). Yes, right, in the center of the sheet.

And before starting work, let's get out of our fingers and at the same time rest.

Fingering gymnastics (winter walk):

(Canceling your fingers one by one)

One, two, three, four, five

("Walk" on the table with index and middle fingers)

We came to the courtyard to walk.

("Lepim" lumps with two palms)

Baby snowy lepi

(Crumbling movements with all your fingers)

Bird crumbs fed,

(We keep the right hand on the palm of your left hand)

From the slides, we then rode,

(Put the palms on the table then one side, then another)

And in the snow they were lying.

(Shake the palm)

Everyone in the snow came home.

(Movement of an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheeks)

Ate soup and went to bed.

So, well, now we proceed to work.

Explanation and showing the order of drawing on a pedagogical sketch.

Stage 1. We carry out a pencil the main branch diagonally diagonally. On the branch will hold the leaves and bunch of rowan.

Stage 2. At an angle from the branch in one direction from above and below, we carry out the lines on which the leaves will be. Do not draw the leaves.

3 stage. From the branch vertically, we spend the line - a branch with berries. Berries are kept on a branch-tassel. Suggest children to lower your brush hands down with your fingers and see how fingers are attached to the palm. Compare with rowan brush. Draw a rowan brush. Berries do not draw.

4 stage. Color drawing. Draw leaves.

5 stage. We print berries with a tassel.

Independent work of children. Help children with difficulty. Correction of posture.

Outcome. Analysis of finished work.

Questions: What tree branch did we draw today? Do you like your drawings?

Educator: Tired guys? Let's get differently our handles and legs. We get up, sip.

Fizkultminutka "Ryabinka"

On the hill stands a ripper, siping - hands up.

Holds straight, smoothly back.

She is not easy to live in the world - the rotation of the body to the right and left.

The wind turns, turns the wind.

But ripper only bends, slopes to the sides.

Will not be sad - laughs.

Fresh wind blowing the children makes hands, depicting the wind.

The young ones.

Children admire painted rowan twigs. The educator reads the poem.

Out of our poor garden crept on

Leaves yellowed in the wind fly;

Only in the distance they bang, there, at the bottom of the valley,

Brushes bright red dried rippers.

Educator: Well done, guys, you coped perfectly with work. It seems that the autumn itself visited our guest and left her multi-colored trail. Yes, and Ryabinka you got like a real!

Drawing: Breaks of Ryabina Purpose: - Selecting ways of image and visual material depending on the transmitted image. Tasks: - We have children to transfer the characteristic features of the rowan branches: the form, structure of branches and sheets, berries, their color and shape; Secure the ability to beautifully place a branch on a piece of paper; introduce a new reception drawing a tych; continue to develop finger drawing skills; Rail a aesthetic taste and accuracy in performance.

Prior work: observation of autumn phenomena in nature; The viewing of bushes and trees painted in the fall, viewing rustic rowan. Materials for work: gouache, tassels, sheets of paper, stumps, napkins, cups with water, glue -Andash, picture with rowan branch. WORDAL WORK: BREATING RYABIN, WATER BAINS.

The occupation begins the poem: in the forest of autumn, I invite you to go for a walk. Interesting adventure to us, guys, do not find each other. Become hard for your hands, you will walk along the paths in the forest. Maybe we are in the forest with the autumn, do we collect leaves?

Didactic game "Good-bad" didactic game "Good-bad" autumn good bad-painty multicolored leaves; -list; -harvesting; -Solation of the gifts of nature; -Nextful birds stay to winter and please us with their singing, chirping - they pour rains; -Horod; -Soy are preparing for winter; Holder become bare; -Birds fly south

Figure sequence: Figure sequence: 1. Draw a twig; 2. Drawn leaves symmetrically each other; 3. Draw the bunch on which the berries hold; 4. Drawn berries, lowering the index finger in the gouache, and then on a sheet of paper; 5. Introducing the "eyes" the berries; 6. Draw the reverse side of the twitch of the bodies of the leaves; 7. Cancel bullfiner near the berries.

Date: _________________________.

Subject:Autumn motifs. (Autumn rowan branch).
purpose: Perform drawing in mixed drawing technique: adjusting, stick, drawing brush tip, drawing with finger.
1. Create an environment of a comfortable psychological climate.
2. Learn to portray watercolor paints on a sheet of paper Rowan branch using different drawing techniques: adjusting, pitch, drawing brush tip, drawing with finger.
3. Develop the ability to mix paint on a sheet of paper, on the palette.
4. Rail the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the picture.

During the classes.


Radets about Rowan.:

Many berries - lights
It will be autumn on it.
And will give for Marina
Red beads ... ( Rowan)

I look at my window,
I see the tree one.
The bunches are red hanging
Birds to eat them want.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Beauty of Earth Ryabinushka ...
In Ryabinushka Ladoshki
Kissed rains.
Berry flame crumb
On the branches and under their feet.
Ryabinushka walkway.
Who will pass - thanks to say.
For heat and temper good.
There is no more beautiful today.

Rowan - Great Forest Decoration. This is an elegant church, fabulously beautiful at any time of the year.
Early spring rowan is put on the outfit from gentle-green lace leaflets, and in the end of spring, in May, blooms with lush white clusters.
Letom Ryabina gives us a coolness, protecting against the hot sun.
And in the autumn days, this village becomes magical beautiful. Sun, saying goodbye to Ryubinsky until Spring, gives her her most beautiful paints. Like a fabulous princess in a lace yellow sundress with bright red borders grinding rowan. But this decoration is short-lived. Cold ruthless wind will soon sill a wonderful outfit, and only the red borders of the berries will be thawing the gentle memories of summer and warm.
Then winter comes, and white sparkling snow will decorate the branches. But it does not have to be sad and miss ripping in winter. After all, useful and delicious rowan berries will save feathered from hunger with a long frosty winter.
In the folk calendar there is a day, Peter-Pavel Ryabinnik, coming at the end of September, the time of ripening the fruit of rowan. On this day, the Rowan branches were associated in bundles and saw under the roofs of houses, sheds, various household buildings. This custom is associated with ideas about Ryabina as a tree that can protect against all sorts of trouble.
Rowan was considered a symbol of happiness and peace in the family, so I always tried to plant a rowan tree near the house.

3. Increased new material.
Folk signs associated with rowan:
Late beabine flourishing - to a long autumn.
If rowan is erupted - rye will be good.
In the forest, many rowan - autumn will be rainy, if there is little - dry.

Sequence of work.

    Work will be started with toning sheet of paper. For this we need watercolor paints, foam tampon, water. I soak the tampon with water, excess water is pressed. We recruit the desired watercolor shade, we apply a flat layer on a sheet of paper. You can tint the sheet with one color, or mixing gradually on a sheet of paper, smoothly moving from one color to another.

    We recruit watercolor brown and diagonally apply a pattern of rowan branches.

    Machine technique draw rowan leaves.

    To draw rowan berries, we will use the filtic technique. I lower the pad of one finger in the Red Gouache (as if we gain paint on the finger).

    So that the berries are completely similar to the real, draw the tip of a small tassel on one black point on each berry.

    Draw sloating branches, make it thorough

4. Practical work.

5.Tell .Feflexia.

Bright berries burn,
They look at me!
What is the wonderful picture? -
This is a tree - rowan

Competition Nomination: An abstract classes.
Author: Elena Vyacheslavna Elena Vyacheslavna.
Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 398 of the combined species" of the Soviet district of Kazan.

Software: Educating creative imagination, interest in drawing, accuracy in working with watercolor, develop a fine motility of fingers, memory, logical thinking, attention, connected speech, to learn to answer questions with a full answer, develop the ability to plan the location of the subject on a piece of paper, transmit characteristic in the figure Features of the rowan, fasten the ability to properly hold the brush, apply watercolor by adjusting, tonchom, intensify the dictionary.

Preliminary work: Pictures depicting various trees, Outdoor Wooden Tree Rowan, Rowan fruits, reading poems about autumn, trees, riddling mysteries, memorizing poems, conversations, observations of nature phenomena.

Wordwork:gaying mysteries, conversation, listening of poems, questions.

Demonstration material: Pictures depicting various trees, outdoor woodwashed tree rowan, rowan fruits, music.

Handout: Watercolor, sheets of paper, tassels, a glass of non-breaking, stands for brushes, napkins.

Educator: Guys, guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.
Children: Hello.
Children guys, look outside the window, what time of year is it?
Children: autumn.
Educator: Why did you decide that this is autumn, not another season?
Children: Because on trees yellow and red, green leaves.
Educator: Good, and leaves only on trees
Children: still on earth a lot of leaves.
Educator: What happened to the trees?
Children: leaves wishes and false.
Educator: What trees do you know?
Children: Birch, Maple, Oak, Lipa.
Educator: Guess the riddles:
Adhesive kidneys
Green leaves.
With White Korea
Stands under the mountain.
Children: (Birch) BUILDING Picture with rice.

And do not even go out -
Immediately, we immediately call,
If only who tell me
What is goning on it!

Children: (oak) BUILDING Picture with rice.

Spring green
In the summer sunbathe
In the autumn, put on the ones
Red corals.
What kind of tree?
Children: (children's responses). That's right, it is rowan. BUILDING PLACE FIG.
Educator: (verse)
"Ryabinushka - Beauty,
Stands in the forest thick,
Beautiful and slim!
In the gold jacket.
Ryabinushka - Beauty,
You are very good
Decorated Ryabinushka Autumn time
Educator (makes a moisture tree rowan)
Educator: Ryabina came to visit us. Let's look carefully for the tree?
Children: trunk, branches, leaves, berries.

Educator: What color is the trunk? What color and shape of the leaflet of our rowan? And also, what is clearly visible?
Individual responses of children. A brown love, oval leaflets elongated, very well visible berries
Educator: What color?
Children: Red.
Educator: What form? As located
Children: Round, hang.
Educator: Right rounded shape berries are kept on a brush-tassel. Suggest children to lower your brush hands down with your fingers and see how fingers are attached to the palm. Compare with rowan brush
Educator: Guys, what do you think, what benefit is Rowan?
Children: for beauty, and birds feed the birds in winter.
Educator: That's right, Rowan is a very beautiful tree and useful. Birds feed on the rowan berries (namely the cinemas, starlats and even crows). Love berries and bears, moose. For people, the rowan is also useful, berries and rowan leaves have healing properties, contain vitamins, kill the microbes, they are dried, boiled jam, add to tea, compote.
Fizkultminutka "Ryabinka"
On the hill stands a ripper, (sipping - hands up).
Holds straight, smoothly back.
She is not easy to live in the world - (rotation to the torso right-left).
The wind turns, turns the wind.
But the ripper only bends, (tilting to the sides).
Will not be sad - laughs.
Wolly wind blows both (children make hands, depicting the wind).

The young ones.
Summer bitter, and in the frost - sweet.
What is this berry? (Rowan)
Educator: Guys, Rowan asks us to draw, a lot of berries, so that both birds and animals and people have enough her fruits for the whole winter. Consider the branch that we will draw today
Explanation and showing the order of drawing on a pedagogical sketch.
Stage 1. We carry out a pencil the main branch diagonally diagonally. On the branch will hold the leaves and bunch of rowan.
Stage 2. At an angle from the branch in one direction from above and below, we carry out the lines on which the leaves will be. Do not draw the leaves.
3 stage. From the branch vertically, we spend the line - a branch with berries. Berries are kept on a branch-tassel.
Draw a rowan brush. Berries do not draw.
4 stage. Color drawing. We draw a branch, then leaves with the taking of adjustment to the whole pile of brushes, berries draw a tych method.
Independent work of children. Help children with difficulty. Correction of posture.
Educator: Guys, what did we meet with the tree?
Children: with rowan.
Educator: What do you think, what benefit does it bring?
Children: Food for birds, animals, useful for a person.
Educator: The drawings turned colorful, bright. We will definitely organize the exhibition. (Ryabina thanked children for good drawings, now her fruit is enough for all winter, and promised to return to the next year and rejoice again with his beauty).