Pictures in Art House art. Modern Painting - Art Art

Pictures in Art House art. Modern Painting - Art Art
Pictures in Art House art. Modern Painting - Art Art

Looking through movies at home on TV or in cinema, do we reply aware that we demonstrate for the product? With regard to cinema, there is the concepts of "mainstream" and "art house". What is it and what are their difference?

Who is this product and who is behind its creation? Is an art house with elements of a popular cinema, will he be interested in the usual viewer? This small article will give answers to all questions.

Cinema entertainment and cinema "To think"

Who does not like movies? For a couple of hours you can experience extraordinary impressions, strong emotions, rage, passion and love. Most of us watching films quite often. After all, it is not necessary to go to the cinema - now new items are shown shortly after the rental on TV. But did you think what kind of movie do you look? This is not about the genre, but about the appointment of the film. From the end of the last century, the director began to produce films, focusing not only at the requests of the viewer.

Mainstream and art house - what it is

Movies can be divided into two categories. Most viewers usually watching a movie of an entertainment nature, that is, mainstream (Mainstream is the main flow).

The genre does not matter here, it can be a comedy, drama, action movie or horror. The main goal of the film creators is to collect funds by the interest of the audience for the picture. If the movie is shown on a big screen, it almost immediately hangs the label "Mainstream". The more people look at the film, buy discs with him after the premiere, the better for the creators of the tape. Therefore, the author tries to make a picture of interesting, he works on the viewer and for his pleasure.

The art house films are not designed for a wide audience, and their goal is to give the viewer most often the authors do not crave commercial benefits. They remove the cinema for the sake of cinema and for the sake of thoughtful viewer. However, the author is not adjusted to the expectations of who will watch his work.

Why is Arthaus not represented in most cinemas?

From the foregoing it follows that art house films are created for the audience. So why are they not shown in the cinema?

The fact is that such a product does not possess the entertainment looking. Present two dishes: a delicious huge steak with a portion of Frey potatoes and a dobl cheese plate with a glass of weathered dry wine. If the first is aimed at thickening hunger and cause appetite to almost everyone, then the second version of the treats is designed for gourmets. Not everyone likes right? It is not quenched hunger and taste is very peculiar.

With Arthaus's films, it is also the case. These are creations for "gourmets of cinema", people who are indifferent to the entertainment picture. Almost all commercial films show the audience some story, the famous actors are involved, expensive special effects are used. Films in Arthaus style, rather, ask the viewer questions to which he must find the answers. The paintings of such a plan play most often little-known actors, although the director can be quite famous.

Who and why does Art House produce?

What it is, we have already figured out, but who is profitable? It must be recognized that not all in the modern world is done for money. There are authors who write books for themselves, and after readers to the court over the Internet, free. There are the same directors who love art and do not seek enrichment. They remove a truly high-quality product, in which the main thing is the thought, promised to the viewer.

It should be noted that very often such films make their creator known. But this may occur in the event of a great popularity of the painting, which, in principle, contradicts the idea of \u200b\u200bArthaus. After all, thinking people can not be a lot. For this reason, it is impossible to say that one or another picture, according to connoisseurs, is the best art-house film. Can there be some kind of philosophical teaching the best? Is there the best theorem? In this case, the quality of quality is not quantifiable. If you didn't like the film, it means that you most likely did not understand it.


So, Art House - what is it? Copyright, designed for a specific circle of viewers. The director does not wait and not crave for the benefits and glory, he works in the name of art. The film from this category does not face worldwide glory, as the plot can be strange or difficult, the actors are unknown, and there are few special effects in it. At the same time, such a movie is the reflection of our world, something real and forcing it to think, among the sea of \u200b\u200bgoods designed to satisfy the needs of a person.

British wall coverings are traditionally associated with elegance and style, arthouse wallpaper brand is no exception. Under this brand, incredible collections of eco-friendly paper or vinyl coatings are available for walls.

ARTHOUSE Wallpaper Design Benefits

Among the collections represented by the Arthaus brand catalog, you will find stunning solutions for any room in your apartment or cottage. Brand features - in its versatility and innovation. Among the buildings developed by English designers, there are those that decorate the house as much as possible, and there are those that are pleasing to the muffled color and conciseness.

You can choose stylish spectacular canvases with classic or oriental notes for the design of the living room or bedroom, and you can stay at the original design concepts and large drawings on vinyl - for example, realistic images of flamingo or elegant ornaments, trees silhouettes or an authentic Scottish cell.

In each collection, Arthow presented a special style, and it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. Similar impressions you will experience browsing. Using such wallpapers, you can arrange a classic style room, Victorian style, glamor or ar-deco - English elegance will be traced in each decision.

Coatings arthouse. Performance features

It is worth noting the technical characteristics of the wallpaper. So, they differ:

    quality of execution, density;

    resistance to ultraviolet, mechanical effects;


    immunity to friction;

    hypoallergenicity due to completely safe raw materials for making walls for walls;

    light fixation on the walls: Wallpaper is excellent, not stretching and not firing;

    durability: Coatings are capable of listening for a very long time, without changing the initial properties.

Those who are looking for how to issue the interior will enjoy the price of arthouse wallpaper, where they can be bought on the official website "Oboi-Store". It fully corresponds to the middle class and additionally indicates high quality material. You will also like the excellent detail of texture and patterns in each canvas.

If you want to buy an interesting picture made by a modern artist in a particular style, it is worth paying attention to those sites where art directories of painting are presented. In such directories, modern painting is classified according to certain criteria that help to find exactly the picture that you need. In addition to the distribution of picturesque cavetles by genres (landscape, still life, portrait, and so on), often in such directories there is a more detailed classification, such as: animals, flowers, seasons, children's themes and many other types of images. It is possible that viewing numerous art directories, you could not stop your choice on a certain finished job. In this case, it is worth contacting the painting art studios who provide such a service in the network as a picture to order. Here you can order modern picturesque work in many styles, such as pop art, art nouveau, expressionism and many others.

Genre Art Nouveau in painting

Gentle smooth lines, magnificent plant ornaments, plastic shapes and clarity of contours of the pictures of the elements brightly characterize painting in art nouveau style. This style, well acquainted with the wide mass of the spectators in the pictures of Alphonse Fly, became something new and unusual in various types of art art. Art nouveau in painting was widely involved in promotional products, ranging from labels for Papile and ending with theatrical posters. In large picturesque works, such a style also developed and was introduced by the artists-postimipressionists.

Bright pop art genre in painting

Unlike Art Nouveau, Pop Art style is more modern, bright and schematic. The shafts of these two directions of painting are some posterity performed and decorative images. Pop Art in painting appeared in the middle of the 20th century, but in recent years has become among almost all segments of the population. Many painting art studios perform a picture to order in this style in the shortest possible time.

Look at video how to make a pop art portrait yourself

Modern genre of painting Art House

This style of painting is the full opposite of pop art, understandable to all and popular among the wide masses. Both in cinema and modern painting art house - art is not for everyone. Mysterious, strange, incomprehensible images - the main feature of such picturesque canvases. An artist painting, working in the style of Art House, invests a certain meaning in every work, solve and understand which is not given to everyone.

Arthaus is a genre that is not designed for a wide audience. But some films shot in this genre not only deserve attention, but also forced to think, and sometimes you just explode imagination. Want to be surprised? Find out which of these paintings are the best.

The best arthow paintings

We bring to your attention the best films in the genre Arthaus:

According to the plot, the main character of William Blake (his unique Johnny Depp was played), which is a simple account, after the death of his parents moved to the Wild West in order to find a job and continue his modest life. The young man does not receive work, but kills a man and gets a bullet in the chest.

Fortunately, Indian named Nobody, who accepts the young man for his beloved poet, is found on the path of William, who takes him with his potions. As a result, Blake woke up and felt the strength in his body, but a remuneration was scheduled for his head due to the accusation of murder.

Nobody and William hide from three thugs sent for Blake. William himself suddenly discovers that it's incredibly strong, deft and cunning. And yet it is wounded. By this time, no one and Blake get a tribe forgotten by God, whose leader agrees to conduct William on the last path. The dying Blake hears two shots, one of which was intended for his Indian friend.

2. The list includes the film "Dogville". Events unfold in the 30th year of the last century. The young and attractive Grace girl, fleeing from Gangsters, falls into the rocky mountains and finds himself in the tiny forgotten people and God town called Dogville, in which only 7 children and 15 adults live.

One of the residents agrees to shelter Grace, but other residents are tuned unfriendly. The girl has to work for the inhabitants of the town. At first, she fulfills a simple job and even gets a salary, as a result, due to the cruelty and greed of the residents of Dogville, literally turns into a slave. Grace understands what was in the lair of sadists and begins to revenge.

The film was removed in 1971, it is told about the vices of modern society and the most disgusting qualities of a person. In the plot, the main character is an unfavorable teenager Alex, who rapes girls, mocks people and kills them and listens to classical music. At one fine moment, friends betray Alex, and he is in prison.

There he is in return for freedom to undergo a course of treatment. The experimental method was supposed to suppress the desire for violence in the adolescent, but after leaving prison, Alex becomes a real monster. The victims begin to revenge the young man, and the side effects of treatment make it be thrown out of the window. The guy survives, but the essence does not change. This film is with elements of violence, so it's not particularly impressionable to watch it.

The picture is dedicated to the Turks emigrated to Germany. According to the plot, the forty-year-old Turk Jahit after the death of his wife is trying to forget about the past and get rid of all Turkish, but in the end hesitates and begins to use drugs. After the accident, a man miraculously remains alive. The second heroine is a twenty-year-old Sibel.

She is trying to hide from the custody of the conservative parents-Turk and start living a normal interesting life. The girl is even trying to commit suicide, but he gets to the hospital and gets acquainted with Jahit. To escape from parents and, finally, break out from under their guardianship, the girl offers a new friend fictitious marriage. But over time, friendship develops into love.

By chance, Jahite enters jail, Sibel leaves, and the paths of lovers diverge. But the man after liberation decides to find his wife. Sibel has to make a choice that will be very and very difficult.

5. "Green elephant". If you love Russian author movies, rate this picture. According to the plot, the two main characters serve in the army and go to Humupwacht for the provinity. Both punished are younger lieutenants. Once in a closed space, the soldiers begin to discuss social problems, arguing about the psychology of people and immerse themselves in topical topics.

But one of the lieutenants begins to talk about how stormy his youth was. And stories from life seem to be so nasty that he comes into rage. The film is so shot by scenes that turn into shock and manifestations of aggression and sometimes wild madness, which is not allowed to show the picture, naturally not allowed. But this did not prevent the director to get a few premiums for her "brainchild."

- True classics of arthow cinema. The basis of the film was the stories of Irwin Welsh. It consists of a picture of three independent parts. Each of them is a wilder story about how a narcotic passage can blow up imagination. In the first history of the main character, the girl throws, drive out parents from home and exclude from the football team.

For the sins, God, who turns out to be a drunkard from the pub, turns the guy in the fly. In the second story, the wife of the mummy and the rebelnik settle on the second floor of his own house with a gangster. The third story about the hooligan, which, after receiving LSD, it turns out in the body of a newborn baby from a secured family.

- This is a whole collection of eleven parts, each of which is a short black and white film. Above the picture, the director worked about seventeen years old, and filmed such famous actors as Bil Murray, Steve Bushemi, Kate Blanchet and others.

In each part there are invariably there are cigarettes and coffee, which combine people behind the conversations and make each other's learning better. Heroes tell fascinating and sometimes crazy stories, share secrets and argue with each other. Just, boldly, briefly, but very interesting and fascinating.

Angels are flying along the separated Wall of Berlin, numerous angels. Two of them are Cassiel and Damiel, which are the main characters of the painting, read thoughts of ordinary mortals and sometimes envy their recklessness, passion and secret desires. The angels themselves are immortal, but in their world there are only the thought and spirit, sensations and feelings of them alien.

Damiel falls in love with the earthly beauty of Marion, which works in the circus acrobat. Angel's love is so strong that he is ready to abandon immortality and life in heaven, choosing an earthly existence, in which so many emissions, imperfections, sins and weaknesses. A little crazy, but a romantic love story of a simple mortal and angel.

9. The top includes a movie. Erica is a forty-haired pianist, which is a professor of the Vienna Conservatory. She is sure that he has unique knowledge in the field of music. But in fact, Erica is a real monster of the modern world, in whose head the complexes, envy, vulgarity and secret desires pianic.

All this woman hides all all. But one day a young student meets with her. When the young man tried to master Erika, she humiliated him and even provided a list of erotic desires. The amazed young man learns that the teacher has sadistic inconsistencies, and she has a whole arsenal of sadomasochist objects.

10. "Time". Girl Si-Hee and the guy of Zhi Wu have been found for two years. But Si-Hee is so jealous of his beloved, which is constantly satisfied with the scenes of jealousy. As a result, the guy is so tired of the second half, which can deal with her love only after she proposes to present another woman.

Si-Hee wishes to keep Ji-Wu and thinks how to surprise her beloved. How to make Ji Wu stay nearby, but at the same time experience new emotions? Plastic surgery can help this. But how to find out the girl in the crowd?

The plots of all the listed films are surprised, affect and sometimes make it think. But such pictures are worth watching!