Interesting contests for teenagers. New Year's contests for children and adults: interesting, funny and fun, movable

Interesting contests for teenagers. New Year's contests for children and adults: interesting, funny and fun, movable

1. Check artistic abilities.

Picture: Heavy chewing gum, boiled kettle, box from cake and written handle, torn book, broken cup, empty plate, broken pencil, delicious cake, expensive ring, proven dictation, crumpled paper, hanging phone, dirty frying pan, cold shower, spring In the mattress, paper clips on paper, loud music.

2. Pretting the rope

For the game you need a rope with a beautiful bow in the middle. Competition can be both team and individual.

3. Assistant

Players are divided into 2 teams, each of which receives on a bag with things. According to the leading sign, the first players of each team run up to the bag. Get all the clothes and put on yourself. Dressed, clap your hands, quickly remove everything and fold back into the bag, then run back to the team. The next participant runs to the suitcase and performs the same thing. That team wins, whose players will be the first to have to cope with the task.

5. Santa Claus

The lead divides those present for 3 commands, each calls one of three syllables:

1 - "Oki", 2 - "Achi", 3 - "cartilage". The signal is simultaneously and very loudly - syllables are pronounced. It turns out ridiculous, and it seems like Santa Claus sneezed, for example.

6.Thang with snow balls

Prepare a few balloons in advance and distribute them to pairs that will take part in the competition. Dancing must stand back to each other, place the balls with each other and dance, without holding the balls with your hands. But as soon as the music is over, the couple should get closer to each other so that the ball burst. A couple, which will be able to be the first, wins.

7.Things in the new year

We offer participants to lines in one line. Then they must "jump" in the New Year. Wins the one who jumped on all. The winning receives a prize.

8. The most deft.

Each participant of the competition is given a deployed sheet of newspaper. The task of each of the participants is to keep the right hand behind the back, only with the help of one left, taking the newspaper for the corner, assemble it into a fist. Wins the fastest and clever.

9.Thetant marathon

The dance marathon will be revived by a reproach to the music of inflatable Santa Claus. At the time of stopping the music, everyone who in his hands was Santa Claus, says the words of wishes to all guests of the holiday and transfers to other participants of the dance New Year Marathon.

10. Using the prediction in the box.

You need to try to raise the boxes of matches from the table using only two matches. Matches need to be kept each fingers each finger, rested them from different sides to the center box and thus raise it. After several attempts, it usually succeeds. Next, propose to complicate the task. At the time when the boxes are already raised and holds on the elongated hands, offer the subject to the foot spent several times. If the boxes at this point falls, you can try to repeat. As soon as everything turned out, playing open boxes and get predictions for the next year.

11.Who already drank champagne?

Participants are divided into two teams. The presenter shows the first position: the right hand holds the lobe of the left ear, and the left hand is the tip of the nose. By teammate - a blow to your hands - everyone should change the position on the second: right hand - the tip of the nose, the left hand is the right ear. The pace of cotton is gradually increasing. The team wins that the longer all will be correctly performed.

Pair participate. Both tying eyes. Then five difficulties are hanging on both (clothespins). They should get rid of them as quickly as possible. The last pair tie their eyes, but "forget" to attach on the fifth clove. They find four clothespins, while all those present help them, counting loudly: "one, two, three ... four!" But the fifth cannot find anything. Will be very funny!

13. Dr. Santa Claus.

The presenter causes two or three pairs of players. Players of each pair sit down at the table next to each other. The eyes tie into one, lay a sheet of paper in front of him and give a pen or pencil in hand. The challenge to draw Santa Claus. A player in each pair, whose eyes are not tied, carefully monitors what he draws his neighbor and tells him where to lead a handle, in which direction. He listens and draws what he is told. It turns out very funny. Wins a couple that faster and better draw a picture.

14. Currentes at midnight

In the competition participate in turn of the pair from each team. One participant is worn on the wrist a long rope with a fisted frying pan, and another rope with a tied habit. A pair needs to strike as quickly as possible 12 times in a pile in a frying pan, imitating the fight of the chimes. The team wins, whose pair will fulfill the task.

15. Most of breathing.

Before each participant on the table, the snowflake carved from paper is quite large enough. The task is to blow your snowflake so that it fell from the opposite edge of the table. It is carried out until everyone is blowing out their snowflakes. After the last snowflake falls, declare: "There was no one team that the first poked his snowflakes, and the one who has a snowflake fell on the floor, because it is such a frosty breathing that the snowflake" approached the table. "

16. "Who will be able to catch up with good luck?"

For him, it is necessary to prepare Chinese hands-spin items that are strengthened on a long color tape and are attached to the belt of participants. With the help of these devices, players need as quickly as possible without the help of their own hands "Break" for luck, customizing, promoting the Christmas ball to a certain place.

17.Nogo names

The presenter pre-prepares leaves on which the new names of the players write. Then the leaflets are folded into the tube or fold several times and thrown into the winter cap-ear. Players take turns pull the leaves and read their new names:

Icicle, cracker, lollipop, garland, needle, hat-tap, confetti, wool, rain, tinsel, champagne, clock, gift, bag with candy, new year costume, mittens. (16 pieces)

The lead explains the participants the rules of the game: all questions players must answer only by their name, inclining it accordingly.

The game. The lead in a circle appeals to each participant with the question:

- Who are you?


- What is the holiday today?


- What's your nose?


Questions: (16pcs)

-What did you have for breakfast?

-Who's your best friend?

-What are you like?

-What do you have in the refrigerator?

-What do you wear with yourself to school?

- How do you go to bed?

-This favorite garment?

-Who are you?

-What is the holiday today?

-What do you have on your nose?

- What do teachers love you?

- What do classmates respect you?

-What is not afraid to get to the uninhabited island?

-What do you know how to cook delicious?

- What helps you to dance well?

- You are beautiful, like ....

18. "Snowballs"

You need:two large boots (buckets, pots), at least 10 pieces of snowballs from watts (they can be made, for example, from balls for table tennis and wool, and if there is no time, you can simply be limited to ping-pong balls).

Participants each in their boots throw 5 "snowballs". Who threw more "Snezhkov", he won. If there are many participants, this contest can be turned into a real tournament: first everyone competes, then only the best players from each pair continue the game. You can complicate the task, pushing the boots farther and farther.

19.Samoletics with Santa Claus

Santa Claus rides not only on sleigh, but also flies on airplanes. Who will send the most aircraft from its airport?

Prepare airplanes from paper (the sheets of the A4 format are suitable as it is impossible by the way). Form two teams from the guys. In the middle of the room, place a high separator. It may be a rope stretched from one wall to another. Both teams are located on both sides of the separator. By teammate, each team begins to transfer airplanes to the other side. You can raise and move only one airplane at a time. The game takes 3-5 minutes. At the end of the game, count up to 10 and stop the game. All children must immediately stop throwing airplanes. Now count the airplanes on each side. The team, on the side of which the least aircraft, wins. Have a good game!

20.Din in a bottle

This game is designed primarily for the discharge of children before something more ambitious. Before each child, put on the bottle. The waist of each player is tied with a rope or thread with a pencil hanging on one end. The task of the guys: by team of the lead, as quickly as possible to try without the help of hands, legs or third-party items to put a pencil through the neck of the bottle inside. Who will do it faster - he won.

It is necessary to premise with two rooms. Leading two. One in the same room, the second - to another. All participants in the same room along with one of the leading. The players are invited to another room one by one. When the first goes into the room, it is proposed to put out a candle cry. You can believe the word - those who wait outside the door are terribly starting to be nervous when the sound of the first screams! :)) And so one in the room is all.

Then you can say that everyone has passed samples to shoot a horror movie.


There is such a deodorant air for the Christmas tree car, sold in all parts of spare parts and has a very strong smell (not necessarily Christmas). The competition is to first sniff one of the two "Christmas trees", and then find a predicted second "Christmas tree" by smell. Task: The first player is the "Dragon Head" - I must catch the last "tail" player.

The caught "tail" drops out of the game. If the chain interrupted, leaves the player who let the participant standing in front of him. The game continues until two players remain.

Selecting the games for adolescents, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden should remember that the teenagers do not agree to the inequalities characteristic of children's age. The guys consider themselves quite adults, although, getting involved in the game, they forget about it. They require adult friendly and tactful support, which helps to accomplish independence, independence. Children of this age are contact with both peers and adults, try to show themselves and get a high appreciation of adults. Girls and boys actively protect their views, especially for hobbies, fashion, tastes, leisure activities, so it is best to organize a New Year evening for them in a cafe.

It is necessary to take into account that at this age, much attention should be paid to personality. Therefore, I recommend Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to pick up such games where it is possible to prove yourself. You can spend the knightly tournament, at this age you want to like girls and assert yourself in our eyes. Positively, they perceive and willingly play the Miss and Mr. Party Competition, which has the "most charming" nomination, "Superman", "Missulibka", "Mr." Missobayania, Mr. Mr., Missing, "Gentleman " etc.

Intellectual games are well accepted, especially if there are tasks that require non-standard thinking and presence of a sense of humor. It may be questions with a double meaning or a cheerful crossword. In short, some solid dances can very much and get bored very soon. The warm-up is needed not only for the feet, but also for the mind.

"Hoody" company

The hoop should fit as many people as possible. It is also desirable that the guys are too involved - the hoop is still not rubber.

Circle, Square, Triangle

Two teams of 12 people are involved, both arbitrarily dance. According to the team in the dance, players are rapidly rearranged in the circle, then in a square and triangle.

Dance marathon

Fast musical works are played in a row (it is best to take the most popular). Participants of the game should dance without stopping. Wins the most hardy.

Familiar melodies

Invite one person from the team, there are plates with the names of famous performers (composers). A fragment of any musical work sounds, players must raise the sign with the surname of the artist (composer) or title. You can use the works of a certain topic or a specific direction (classic, modern lumps).


For the game you need two or more participants. They are issued by the roll of toilet paper. This is the crib. The task of the participants is to hide the paper in pockets, for the collar, in trousers, in socks, breaking it into small pieces. Who will do it first, the winner.


From toilet paper will be magnificent "mummy". Call two or more pairs of volunteers. One of the players in each pair of "mummy", and the second - "Mumiator". The "Mumiator" should wipe the "mumia" "bandages" from toilet paper as quickly as possible.


The lead calls proverbs of a particular country, players indicate a Russian proverb, similar in meaning. For example, the Arab proverb says: "Fight from the rain, got under the shower," and Russian: "From the fire and in the human".

1. Iranian: "Where there are no fruit trees, the beets will come for an orange."

Russian: "On the unbearable and cancer fish."

2. Vietnamese: "A leisurely elephant earlier reaches the goal than a frolite stallion."

3. Finnish: "He won't get lost who asks."

Russian: "Tongue to Kiev will bring."

4. English: "In every flock there is its own black sheep."

Russian: "In the family is not without a freak."

5. Indonesian: "The protein is very severely jumping, and sometimes it breaks down." .

Russian: "Horse about four legs, and he stumbles."


10 people participate: 5 girls and 5 young men. The rest form a big circle, holding hands. Players tie their eyes so that nothing can be seen. First, everything is chaotic moving inside the circle, trying not to push each other. Then, at the team of youth, you are trying to form your circle, and the girls are yours. Here you need intuition because it is impossible to talk. It is allowed to touch each other and to the touch to determine who is your own, and who is someone else's.

Change hand

Players are invited to try to draw or paint something, but only with your left hand, and who is left-handed right.

Guess the state

Two teams are required for 6 people. Each player of two teams in the envelope give a picture, which depicts a face with an expression of anger, thoughtfulness, fright, joy, irony, sorrow, fear, boredom, surprise, admiration. Alternately participants in two teams read quadruses:

Guests came to us

Expensive came,

We are not in vain the table was covered,

Cakes treated

And read with the same expression that in the picture. The player comes forward, becomes before the team so that everyone seen his drawing, and the gaying team is not. If the opponent's team guess, she is counted 1 point. Whose team scored more points, she won.

Dance with orange

2 pairs are involved. Each pair is given on an orange. As soon as the music sounds, they should dance, holding an orange between the cheek partner and partners. That couple wins, which will be able to keep orange during dance.

Capricious apple

The number of participants is 4 people. One person keeps an apple on the weight, which is tied to a short-lived ribbon, and the second participant is trying to eat this apple without help hands.

Christmas tree

A team of 7 people should, while music sounds, dress up "Christmas tree". "Christmas tree" is any person from the company. Dress up the Christmas tree is necessary with the help of subwoofers. That team wins, which will decorate the "Christmas tree" with a large number of "toys".

Orange boom

The team has 12 people. They become in a row. The first player holds an orange, clinging to his chin. On the team, players without help hand over each other. That team will win that does not drop orange.

Strange dances

Two people hold a thick cord with a length of 1.5 m at altitude into a human height. Those who want to play in turn pass under the cord, performing dance movements. Gradually, the cord is lowered even below. The game continues until the most flexible player remains.

Name fourth

Call three words, and the fourth (the same subject) call the participants of the game. This game can be held between players sitting at the tables. That team wins, which will call the best words. For example:

1. Dnipro, Don, Volga ... (Yenisei).

2. Plum, pear, apple ... (orange).

3. "Opel", "Mercedes", "Moskvich" ... (Ford).

4. Masha, Olya, Luba ... (Natasha).

5. "Spartak", "Lokomotiv", "Zenit" ... ("CSKA").

6. Poplar, pine, maple ... (birch).

7. "Goldenbank", "TriPorosenka", "Tsarevna-Frog" ... ("Snow Queen").

8. Chair, bed, table ... (chair).

9. Gymnastics, volleyball, tennis ... (football).

10. Pencil, pen, notebook ... (line).

11. Cream, perfume, powder ... (lipstick).

12. Chocolate, marmalade, candy ... (cookies).

13. Goal, penalty, offside ... (corner).

14. Boots, shoes, boots ... (sandals).

Collect snowballs

The game is designed only for two people. Each player is given on a basket. Snowballs cut off from the foam rubber. Ties players of the eye, and they begin to collect snowballs on the team. Win the one who will bring more snowballs.

"Dissolious boots". Two teams, the number of players unlimited. Requisites - 2 pairs of row of large size. Players are built up with each other. On the team, the first player puts on boots and, quickly having fallen around the Christmas tree, returns to the team. Having removed the boots, transmits them with the following, and so, while all players do not pass the distance.

That team wins, whose players will cope with the task.

Wonderful leaf of calendar

Each guest gets a leaf of a cake calendar. The young men are distributed to the odd numbers of the calendar, and the girls are even. In the course of the evening, guests are offered several tasks:

1. Find "Yesterday".

2. Build a team from one "Tuesdays" or from some "Thursdays".

3. Gather for months.

4. Collect in the first week of each of the 12 months.

5. Collect all the environments of one of the months.

According to the numbers of the received leaflets of a cake calendar, be sure to indicate what month the number is a new year's lot with non-standard prizes.

We are looking for a couple

Again, on calendar leafs you need to find a pair for dance. The game is carried out during the dance. Snow Maiden calls any number from 3 to 61, and the players must be gathering into a pair so that the sum of their numbers on the calendar sheet corresponded to the named number. The one who fulfilled the task first wins.


Very popular, very simple and at the same time scarcely funny game. Requisites - two bags. Two teams are opposite the Christmas tree. The first player of the team give a bag. He put him on his feet and holding hands over the edge of the bag from two sides, he jumps around the Christmas tree and returns to the team. Removes the bag and transmits the next player. That team wins, the last player which has risen to the team first.

Score Goal Santa Claus

Two little chips indicate the gate. Santa Claus - Goalkeeper. Players take turns try to score a goal. Who fell into the gate, he passes into the second round. In the second round there are 2 attempts to scoring a goal. In the third round, players who scored 3 goals are published. And so, until one player remains, the winner.

It is important not to tighten the game. If there are a lot of guests, limit the number of players.

Fight Petukhov

Game for real men. Two young men become a gymnastic hoop. Take a cock fighter rack: Hands behind the back, bend one leg in the knee. The challenge is hovering back, gaining the power of push, push the opponent shoulder in the chest or in the opposite shoulder. And so until someone from the players pouches the opponent from the circle.

What holiday is the most important thing for every person? What holiday everyone is looking forward to: and adults and children? Of course this holiday is a birthday. And every child dreams of an unforgettable holiday in this particular day for him. Each parent tries to make this very day so special and unforgettable.
So that his child's birthday is remembered to him, and guests for life, you need to carefully plan it. It's not so difficult to choose a place and treats, it is much more difficult to come up with how to entertain guests. This will help you with a list of the most original and fascinating contests submitted below.

Competition № 1. "Home Theater".

All those present guests can take part in this competition. Guys need to be divided into 4 teams. The presenter chooses any patron or poem that everyone knows by heart. The task of each command to choose a specific theatrical genre. It can be a comedy, drama and the like. And then each team tells the poem in the chosen genre. That team will win, who, according to the lead or parents, coped to all. Competition is very funny and funny.

Competition No. 2. "Apples in Tazu."

For this contest, you will need two people, 10 apples and 2 basins filled with water. Both basins should stand on 2 chairs. In each basin floats in water 5 apples. The task of the guys catch more apples from water than a rival. But at that time, the hands of children should be behind her back. So caught apples will have tooths. The one who first caught all the apples won.

Competition № 3. "Who am I?".

This is one of the most beloved youth competitions. All those present can participate. You need as many sheets of paper, how many people play the game. On them the lead should write the names of famous personalities or names of any objects. Each player is cling to the forehead sheet, so that he does not see what is written there. Then the first participant sets questions to which you can answer "yes" or "no". The task of the participant guess what is written in his forehead. Questions can be like: "I object?", "I am an animal?" etc. After the first participant guess who he was, begins to guess the second, and so in a circle. This is a very fun game for a large company.

Competition number 4. "Find a couple of yourself."

For this contest, there will be 5 girls, 4 boys and one mop. Music turns on, the guys are divided into pairs and start dancing. He, who has no pair, dancing with a chair. When the music turns off, the couples are broken, and the one who had a chair behind him aside. When the music turns on again, everyone should again find a couple, and the one who does not have time is dancing with a chair. The competition is very funny, since in a hurry no one will deal with a couple of boy or a girl. Already after the second song, the boys dance with boys, and girls with girls.

Competition No. 5. "Unusual Football".

This game is suitable for those who celebrate the birthday in nature. Everything, as in ordinary football. Children are divided into 2 teams. That team that will score more goals into the opponent's gate - won. But the snag is that all children in both teams must be broken over the pairs and are connected. That is, the couples should be connected on one leg with each other. Watching such football will be very funny, and players such a game will undoubtedly like it. The main thing is careful, and do not worship.

Competition number 6. Light bulb.

For this contest, you need one boy and one girl. The presenter displays a guy from the room, and explains that when the guy enters back, he should pretend that it is going to screw the light bulb. The girl will discourage him, but he must explain to her what it needs to be done. Then he returns, the girl comes out, and her leads says that the guy gathered to hang around, and this could not be allowed. The girl returns, and guests are watching the fun picture.

Competition number 7. "Lopni all balls."

For this contest, you will need five or six boys. The presenter binds to the right foot of each of them a balloon. Task is very simple. Wins the one who will be the first to burst his ball, without hands. Believe me, it will not be so easy to do.

Competition No. 8. "Boxing gloves."

Guys and girls can participate in this competition. Participants should be four. Each is a pair of boxing gloves and sweets. The challenge is that in gloves to deploy candy faster than its rivals.

Competition No. 9. "Dance on the newspaper".

For this contest you need 3 boys and 3 girls. 3 newspapers put on the floor. Each couple becomes on his newspaper. When music turns on, they begin to dance. It is very important to dance, without going beyond the new chaff. Then the music stops, the presenter folds the newspaper twice. Couple dancing again. If the pair went beyond the newspaper, it drops out. So everything continues, as long as the winner is defined.

Competition number 10. Mafia.

Mafia is one of the most favorite games not only in children, but also in adults. It can be bought in the store, but if you have such a game, you can do it yourself. You take the same paper leaves, the number of which is equal to the number of guests. Write on one leaf word "mafia", and on all other "peaceful residents". Then turn the leaves so that no one saw that they are written on them. Issue to each player on the leaflet except the lead. Players carefully watch what is written on their leaves, but so that no one else can see it.

The presenter says the words: "The city falls asleep." After these words, all players close their eyes. Then the host says: "wakes up Mafia." That person who had a leaflet with the inscription "Mafia", opens his eyes. The lead says: "Mafia makes my choice." A man who opened his eyes quietly shows on any player leading. This means that he killed this civilian inhabitant. Then the presenter says: "Mafia falls asleep", and then "the city wakes up." The presenter says who of the civilians were killed, and everyone starts to think who Mafia. In this game you need to be able to bluff well. If everyone thought that the mafia was you, you need to be able to convince all players. You can play for hours into this game. The main thing is to remember the more players, the more fun to play.

Despite the fact that adolescents are trying to seem like very adults, they still still have children who love fun and noisy games and contests. The country of tips suggests new Year's competitions for childrenwhich are quite suitable for the school holiday or a party of teenagers.

New Year's contests for children: games for teenagers


For this contest, you need to divide players for two commands (or more - if there are too many players). Each team becomes a circle. One of the participants in each team is solemnly handed a cube of ice. According to the signal of the leading players, they begin to transmit ice floe in a circle as a rapid pace as possible. The ice plant should not stay for a long time in some hands! The winner is the team that the first ice goes.

Different options for this game are possible. You can simply give each team (or each player, if the company is small) iceclock, and they will have to melt it as soon as possible in any available way (the only condition is not to use batteries and any other heating devices, as well as sources of fire). For the game to go more dynamic, you can put in the background of cheerful vigorous music.

Mandarine courier

One of the symbols of the new year is a round red mandarin. Using these citrus, you can spend many fun contests. One of them is the competition "Mandarine Courier".

The presenter breaks the players to two teams. Each team gets a chair on which the tray is full of mandarins. On the opposite side of the room there is an empty chair with a tray for each team (the distance must be the same for all participants). This game is a relay. At the signal of the host, the first participant of each team must transfer one mandarin on an empty tray without assisting. As soon as he does this (or will not do, dropping Mandarin on the road) and returns to the team, the next participant starts. That team wins, which first will transfer all tangerines to his empty tray.

Ice sculptures

Participants are divided into pairs. The lead calls some letter, and each pair should make a sculpture as quickly as possible, the name of which will begin with the named letter and have any attitude with the new year. The couple that fulfilled the task of the latter or did not cope with it at all, dropping out of the game. The presenter calls the letters until a winner is defined.

Snowball game

For this contest, you need to prepare in advance as many "snowballs" - crumpled napkins, newspapers, or simply sheets of paper - and chairs in the number of participants. Players are divided into two teams that are built into the ranks opposite each other on the chairs. Each team chooses sniper. He gets snowballs and begins to throw them in the players of the opposite team, and those, in turn, should be diluted from the "shells". The presenter considers the amounts of hits. After a certain time, the commands are changing places. The team wins, the "sniper" of which hit the snowballs to a greater number of opponents for the allotted period of time.

Hard path to the Christmas tree

This competition is no longer a team, but single. For this game you need a fairly spacious room in which the Christmas tree is worth. On the Christmas tree, there is a prize to which several intersecting "paths", drawn on the floor with colored shallow. The more difficult and longer paths, the more they intertwine - the better. At the beginning of each path, you need to put a card on which ways of movement in the "path" will be written - squatting, crawling, scraping on one leg, back forward, without feet, etc. Each player must choose a "path" (naturally , not seeing what is written on the card). At the signal of the leading players begin to move on a given route in a certain way. The one who managed to finish first is considered the winner and takes a prize from under the Christmas tree.

New Year artists

For this contest requires at least eight people. Players are divided into two equal teams that become a column in the back of their heads. The first person in each column leads the handle (or feltster) and paper, and the last player shows a picture with the New Year's plot (it should not be too complicated, but not too simple). By the leading signal, the last player in each team draws a finger on his back ahead of the player who saw a picture. This "drawing" is transferred forward on the principle of the relay, increasingly distorting with each player. The task of the first person in each column is to reproduce the drawing on paper that has reached it. That team wins, whose image will be closest to the original.

Basket, painting, cardboard ...
During the break between treats and dances, offer guests a little play a little. For example, coming up in the ability to fold the maximum number of things in a backpack or box. The competition not only makes up the participants, but also will bring fans.

We divided the orange!
Several pairs are given the opportunity to check the speed of interaction and show erudition on the knowledge of the "orange" biography. The winners will deservedly receive a big orange as a prize.

Fate binder thread
Ten participants must unravel the ribbon tapes, keeping their ends. Players help each other advice, at first not knowing who with whom the tapes are coupled. Winches a couple from a silk captivity faster than the rest.

At the youth party, this pleasant game will be appropriate for lovers. Guys kiss their girlfriends in those places that fall out on the edges of the playing cube. Six different grates of the cube - six passionate kisses.

Defects Dictation
Guys are invited to the competition. They have to prone text with candy behind the cheek. The longer the text, the more candies should be in the mouth. The winner will be the one who boasts good diction.

Smart fashionista
This competition allows fun and clever girls to demonstrate their sense of humor and artistry, acting as a fashion designer and supermodels at the same time.

Call me!
This competition requires accuracy and speed in the work. The participant wins the most important number of telephone numbers correctly by learning them from those present at the party. The winner is borrowed by the account replenishment card.

In the competition, everyone participates to predict the future to the guests present at the party. The lead and his assistants write down all the predictions and seal into the envelope. And you can read writing many years later.

Fashionable sentence
Create a creative outfit is not any designer. And when the material for him serves old newspapers, cope with only a young initiative team. Therefore, the conquered prize is divided at all!

With friends Paradise and in the slash
If you go to the campaign of a friendly large company, if the enthusiasm and energy overwhelm you, the competition of two teams will help you have fun. Before the teams there is a challenge - quickly and high qualityly build a sludge from the subwoofers found in the forest.

Connected by one chain
Merry company and logical thinking - the main thing that is needed for success in this game. The leading must be broken in a strange ball thread. In the role of naughty string - the remaining participants of the game, holding hands.

Halloween: Hoping Kikimor
For fashionable adolescent Halloween holiday need unusual contests. Choose two kimikoms and try to feed them with something delicious from the festive table. Giving unusual treats to them best blindly, blindfolded.

Find on a partner and remove with closed eyes all to a single clothespin - the goal of this fun competition. Laughter and good mood viewers are guaranteed. Clothes must be attached so as not to injure players.

Hand scissors
On the rope on the threads are suspended different minor items. The task of contestants - with tied eyes, cut the thread with scissors, on which the prize hangs. Yeah, extracted in the struggle of trophies serve the prizes of those players who managed to cut.

Sweet Metelitsa
The competition is simple, and all guests parties can participate in it. Believe me, the requisition is enough for everyone. The player wins the player who can longer hold the lightweight mushkin-snowflake in the air.

One two Three! Kiss Odari!
Going in a circle, not difficult. And led in this fun is also nice, because you can rip the kiss. It is only necessary to choose which way to turn your head. After that, the presenter takes the player's place and the game continues.

The moment of glory
Artistry and ability to portrait objects, animals and popular artists will help the participants to fulfill the creative miniature tasks. And the true talent in this competition will sill storming of admiring spectators and earned a prize.

School of young actor
This game for a friendly cheerful company can be played anywhere - in the apartment, park, club. All participants are in turn, like County Mimes, are depicted by the words, the rest are trying to guess them.

Artist and Muse
Several pairs are offered to draw a simple story. One participant is handed a pencil and tie their eyes. The second player can help the artist only by tips, which will guide hand with a pencil in the right direction.

Well, repeat!
Seving in a circle, participants repeat the funny movements shown by the lead. Looking, how do the neighbors try, it is impossible to stay from smiles, it is still difficult to correctly fulfill the task and save your place among the players. The participant concerned longer than all.

Star Gates
Move muscles, waging all those present at the holiday will help jump into the future through the "Star Gate". Participants jumping from place and answering questions will demonstrate their good physical form, sense of humor and fantasy.

Sphlee, Svetik, do not get together!
In this collective game you need to guess the song that the selected players will sound. This must be done by an unusual way invented by himself or the proposed leading. The game combines the players and the audience, because the prize can be obtained and voicing the song, and guessing it.

Dance relay
Paired dances attract a grace and beauty. This fun passes in the form of a dance relay with a magical subject. She not only check the skill of the participants to move synchronously, but also wishes all guests of the parties.

Fishing my fish
Try to catch your favorite, like a fish on the fishing rod, the task is not simple. The ordinary forks hang on the guys and girls to the belt on a thread. That a couple wins, which earlier everyone will be able to "catch" each other, clutching the cloves of the forks.

Tornado named love
Why Tornado and Hurricanes are assigned women's names? Probably, they and women have something in common! In this competition, the couple will win, which will suit the most spectacular tornado, rewinding the silk ribbon, which was wrapped in a waist girl, on the torso guy.