Canadian singer Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga

Canadian singer Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga
Canadian singer Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is american singer, designer, producer and actress. Today is a world famous star popular author and performer of works in the genre electronic music.

American is ready to please fans with new compositions, as well as unique images.

Childhood and youth

Lady Gaga was born on March 28, 1986 in New York. The full name of the singer - Stephanie Joan Angelina Jermanotta. The symbol of Aries became a patronage sign of the zodiac of the future artist.

Stephanie - the first child of the family of entrepreneurs of Cynthia Bissset and Joseph Jermanotte, Italians by nationality. The singer has a sister, which is under 6 years old. When Stephanie turned 4 years old, she chose the melodies and independently studied the game on the piano. Future Lady Gaga began singing songs and Cindy Loper. Recalling your voice to a cheap tape recorder, felt like a pop star.

At 11, Stephanie entered the private Catholic school "Monastery of the Holy Christ", where he attended open evenings and participated in theater scenes, Performing the main roles. The girl performed songs in the school jazz orchestra. Teachers noted that Stephanie was much smarter than peers and had a firm character. Therefore, already at the age of 17, there was ahead of time to hand over the program of the Clea Davis at the Art School of Arts at the New York University. Only 20 students managed to pass the necessary testing.

At the same time, the girl tried to express himself. Stephanie often differed in extraordinary actions. It could be seen more than once in extravagant clothes, as well as notice in Transgender and Transvestites in the Society and music events. In 2016, even was announced mental disorders The singer, but these rumors were not confirmed.

The celebrity suffers in innate development anomalies associated with a small body size. Due to low growth (155 cm) above the future star, they often laughed at school. In addition, the figure of the singer and today the source of problems for designers, fashion designers and directors who have to adapt to the size of the American.


Immediately after school, his father found an apartment for his daughter, provided Stephanie starting capital, but wished that for the year it would achieve concrete success, justified hope. Soon the girl began independent life.

In a team with young music teams Mackin Pulsifer and Sgband, the singer began to perform in the clubs of East Harlem, where he was surrounded by musicians and singers who developed the direction of electronic music. During this period, Stephanie decided to become a shock singer, and already in 2006 began to cooperate with producer Rob Fuzari.

With Fuzari, the singer wrote the first musical compositions - Beautiful Dirty Rich, Dirty Ice Cream and Disco Heaven. At that moment, a pseudonym appeared Lady Gaga.taken from the song of the group called Radio Ga Ga. Since then, Lady Gaga asked no longer to call her Stephanie.

In 2006, at the initial stage of the career, Lady Gaga meets the Lady Starligh artist, which influenced the holistic style and corporate handwriting of her image. A rapper also played a significant role in the formation of a creative career of Fric-singer.

Lady Gaga appeared before the public at Music Olympus in 2008, when The Fame album, including Just Dance and Poker Face hits, became superpopular. Today, the record is already three times platinum, sold more than 4 million copies.

Lady Gaga - Poker Face

Lady Gaga is the owner of an impressive list of awards: 6 Grammy Awards and 30 MTV premiums in different countries. For 10 years, the full career of the singer released 6 music albums, the last of which were Cheek to Cheek discs created in a duet with Tony Bennetom in 2014, and appeared two years later Joanne. Lady Gaga became the winner of American Music Awards, one of the most significant music ceremonies.

In September 2009, the American singer officially announced the "queen of download" (Queen of Download), after the list of the 40 most downloaded songs of all times of the British Official Charts Company turned out to be two singles from the first album of the performer. A huge circulation of Just Dance and Bad Romance compositions. In addition, clips on the songs "Poker Face", "Alejandro", "Paparazzi", "Phone" and "Judas" received recognition of listeners. Video of these hits are typing today thousands of views on the network.

Lady Gaga - "Alejandro"

Separate attention deserves the composition Bad Romance, well accepted by critics. Music, plot clip, as well as the concept of single and video rated experts. The singer itself is pleased with such a result, and the fans consider this song as best creative biography Singer.

Fans often pay attention to the appearance of the singer, and even Hollywood stars envy the manner of reincarnation of the American performer. I wonder what shooting singer Slightly did not become the first artist who gave a concert in space. The flight was scheduled for 2015, but did not take place for technical reasons.

Concerning bright images - Lady Gaga loves to appear in public in an unusual form. A similar desire is expressed in every costume. Special attention was paid to the image "meat dress".

Lady Gaga always tried to stand out with the help of unusual clothes, be it a wig half of her growth or a mesh outfit, practically nothing hovering. But the emergence of a celebrity at the 27th ceremony of musical awards in 2010 was called strange: the dress, on the view made entirely of pork meat, along with a hat and a bag-clutch was made by an individual order, she was proteinous to the pulp and processed by a special composition.

At the same time, Lady Gaga's company constantly arise problems because of the photo of the singers. So, in the summer of 2016, a scandal with compromising photographs of the star happened. The story was hushed up, but I had to pay large sumsTo stop a provocative program.

Ladies Gaga and her own spirits called Lady Gaga Fame. Perfumery water is different from the traditional pyramidal structure, having obtained Push-Pull technology, where all notes have the same severity.


Lady Gaga starred in several film projects with varying success. For example, the third cup of chameleon - the role of American in the film "Machete kills" - waited for a full failure. But the success and recognition of the star received in the series "", in the seasons "Hotel" and "Roanok".

Now the US citizens find out the actress on the roles of the Countess Elizabeth and Skats, the actress has received major fees for these shootings, some of which are given to orphanages and shelters. Lady Gaga Presents The Monster Ball Tour: AT Madison Square Garden about the life and activities of the singer was also shot. The creators of the film used documentary films confirming the memories of the singer. Critics called the picture with objective and high-quality memoir.

The hits of the American performer sounded even in American animation film "Alvin and the Chipmunks". Cartoon characters sang already famous song Bad Romance.

Success singer provokes people to create parodies and twins. Around the world, people create its copies, often similar to it as two drops of water. For example, Alexandra Guseva lives in Russia, the only official twin Miss Jermanotte.

Social activity

Lady Gaga occupies an active position regarding the rights of LGBT movement, is engaged in charity and participates in various promotions. The singer struggles with the spread of AIDS, telling young people about the danger of this disease. Combined with Cindy Loper and Mac Cosmetics, Lady Gaga has established the release of Viva Glam Lipstick lipstick. Profit from the sale of a product company purposefully distributes on projects to combat HIV spread.

In 2010, Lady Gaga became an administrator and coordinator social network Little Monsters. Users have the opportunity to communicate with the queen of Phantaja in the local chat.

A large number of songs that are popular, provide the singer profits, which is distributed by different areas: for charity, campaign to combat HIV infection, support for medical funds.

Lady Gaga without a grima

Today, Lady Gaga is known as an ardent defender of the rights of the LGBT community, which includes all sexual minorities. The celebrity joined the initiative to cancel the law on the ban of homosexuals to serve in the US Armed Forces, the rights of such people were expanded. In 2010, the singer participated in supporting rallies and meetings, agitated for the resolution of same-sex marriages.

Also, the celebrity holds a program to inform young women about the danger of AIDS and other venereal infections, due to which, according to the Disease Control Center (CDP), the percentage of infections fell by 5-7 points.

In 2012, Harvard opened a special foundation for the support of representatives of the LGBT community, vaccinating respect and tolerance to representatives of sexual minorities.

Personal life

Despite the age, Lady Gaga is already a wealthy woman who can live as it will do, leaving funds for work and public life.

Personal life of the singer is constantly interested in the public. Since 2005, the star of American pop for 3 years has met with a musician Lyukar Carl. Also in the press, it was reported that from 2008 to 2009, the singer met with his producer Robr Fuzari, and from 2009 to 2010 it was passionated by the creative director of Matthew Wilas.

In 2011, the star twisted the novel with the model and actor. The environment of the couple said that soon Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney would play a wedding. Due to the employment, the pair did not pretend to the relationship, but for the day of lovers in 2015, Kinny made a favorite official proposal of his hand and heart. In the American media, there was soon information that Lady Gaga is pregnant, but the singer commented on such rumors, saying that he would simply become old and gained extra kilograms (singer's weight - 53 kg).

In July 2016, the American executor stated that with Taylor. Six months later it turned out that civil husband The artists became its manager Christian Carino, and in the summer the engagement took place and preparations for the marriage ceremony began. But the triumph was postponed due to the exacerbation of the disease in the bride. Will young people become spouses and whether children will appear in the family, will show time.

Lady Gaga now

In February 2017, Lady Gaga surprised the fans at the Grammy ceremony. At the concert, the singer made a Metallica metal group. In addition, it appeared on a red carpet, barely adhesion with black jacket-bolero.

An unfeute event in the creative career of the artist was her performance at the Eurovision Song Contest 2018, which was held in Kiev. Negotiations ended in a positive decision, but due to the cost of the Rider of the singer, who was supposed to be $ 200 thousand, the organizers of the show refused to an American. Instead, the singer Ruslana spoke as a chadliner.

Lady Gaga and Metallica

In February 2017, Lady Gaga spoke brightly on the superbound, using 300 drones. This Land Is Your Land ("This Earth is your Earth") - Popular folk song The United States, which performed the singer when quadcopters over the football field shaped in the sky the United States flag.

Lady Gaga on the cables descended on the stage, where he performed hits, among which the compositions of Bad Romance and Poker Face. National Football League (NFL) published a complete speech of celebrities in the Microblogging Service "Twitter" final game for the title of champion.

Lady Gaga on Superboau

Fans were delighted with the performance of the American performer. Nevertheless, the room liked not all. Supporter of the theory of conspiracy and founder of the INFOWARS project Alex Jones before the start of the concert stated that Lady Gaga participates in the creation of a "new world order", calling the citizens not to watch the show.

Jones noted that performance american singer On the super-dark ritual, during which the celebrity will be dressed in a suit from the flesh. According to Jones, the event organizers decided to desecrate America, break the will of citizens, to force people to worship with dark forces.

Some Facebook and Instagram users even supported a supporter of the conspiracy theory and called on the Americans to resist "evil witches." The singer itself called accusations in Satanism and the global conspiracy of schizophrenia.

Lady Gaga - life before fame

In March 2017, Lady Gaga told the press representatives about chronic thigh pain. An American gave interviews to representatives of the British Medical Journal Arthritis Magazine.

In an interview, the performer explained that in the 2013th received a fracture of the hip and was forced to transfer operation. After the surgical intervention of the singer and began to feel pain. Lady Gaga said that he tried to ignore the unpleasant feelings, but such an attitude to his own health did not give specific results. The disease, diagnosis of the singer, is called fibromyalgia. About her manifestations of Lady Gaga told fans in documentary film "Gaga: five feet and two inches", which came out in 2017.

"Be that as it may, the pain in the hip will not stop me," said American.

Another disorder that overtakes the actress still in his youth - Bulimia. By gaining weight, the girl was forced to resort to strict diets, which, in turn, turned around anorexia. Fans noted the ability of the singer in a short time to change weight. Now the figure of the artist looks harmonious. It has developed a special power mode, which allows you to recruit only muscle mass.

In June 2017, Lady Gaga stood behind the chamber of the coffee shop in Los Angeles. Such performances took place within the Born This Way charity project. The celebrity wished people to be kinder to others.

"Does anyone want a pink drink with Ombre?", Signed Lady Gaga his picture in the Instagram network.

The organizers of such an initiative said that in the framework of the action in Starbucks, they decided to sell drinks called "kindness cups", which were developed in conjunction with the American executive.

At the beginning of the fall of 2018, Lady Gaga, in collaboration with, actor and director, presented the music drama "The Star was born" at the 75th Venetian Film Festival. In new acting The singer appeared as a young performer who became a muse for an elderly musician. During the filming of Gaga and Cooper, they became so closely that they were suspected of a novel, and Bradley's girlfriend - Beauty - to break parting with the chosen one.

Lady Gaga - Film Trailer "Star Born"

To appear at the Vocalist Film Festival, chose a dress from pink feathers and chopard jewelery decoration. Fans rated the efforts of the star, noting that such lovely Lady Gaga has never appeared before the cameras.

The star would not be the same without clutch. In August 2018, she posted pictures on the social network, which appeared practically in nude. Post instantly scored several million views. Fans divided into opinions. Some admired the perfect figure of the artist, others complained that it was necessary to prove the talent by creativity, and not calling photos.

The singer does not pay attention to criticism and recently introduced Selfie in an orange tight dress, on which the torture star fans discovered the skin defect in the neckline zone. And before the reporters of the American edition ENTERTIAINMENT WEEKLY starred in the original suit-coat of leopard fabric.


  • 2008 - The Fame
  • 2011 - Born This Way
  • 2013 - Artpop.
  • 2014 - Cheek to Cheek
  • 2016 - Joanne.


  • 2011 - Lady Gaga Presents The Monster Ball Tour: AT Madison Square Garden
  • 2011 - A Very Gaga Thanksgiving
  • 2013 - "Machete kills"
  • 2014 - "City of Sin 2"
  • 2015 - " American history Horror: Hotel »
  • 2016 - "American Horror History: Roanok"
  • 2018 - "Star Born"

At birth, the girl received the name Stephanie. Both her parents have Italian roots. Father - a rather successful musician in the past, learning that the family is expected to replenish, it has been extended and began to do business. As an entrepreneur, he earned no less, but at the same time could devote the time to his daughter and see how it grows.

In childhood

It was from him Stephanie inherited one hundred percent hearing and excellent vocal data. And from the mother - charming appearance. Therefore, successful musical career Baby refer to S. early years. By four years, repeating the chords behind the Father, and later, picking up a ringtone on a rumor, perfectly performed on the piano songs of your beloved singer.

A little later, she began to try to write songs. She recorded his work on the tapes and distributed their friends, imagining themselves with a popular performer. She was never afraid to dream and believed that even the most bold dreams come true if you believe in them. Well, in her life it happened.

Although at first not everything was going smoothly. Parents gave it to an elite private board, where such rich hereno became her co-figures as Caroline Kennedy and. Ambitious and arrogant girls never liked Stephanie. And those constantly mocked her for her love for extravagant images and good academic performance.

School Stephanie began to speak with amateur groups and participated in school music productions. And already at the age of 14, for the first time, a steep nightclub was released on the scene. A year later, she became a real club star and chose an empty image for himself. It was then that she first appeared on stage in bikini and tiny shorts.

Naturally, parents were not delighted with this, especially since the school began to suffer in high schools - it simply did not have time and strength to study. Day Stephanie rehearsed, and at night - performed in clubs. But she finished school yet. And immediately after that he left the parent house.


By this time Stephanie had previously understood what he wanted to become famous singer. And to get a normal musical educationShe entered the school of art and moved to the university hostel. However, she studied there for only two years - the career of young artist was rapidly developed.

In 2006 Stephanie meets the successful producer Rob Fusari. He gave her nickname Lady Gaga, which became derived from the name of the radio station, which Stephanie often listened. He selected some of the most successful songs written by her, helped make modern arrangements and made a speech with such a small repertoire in the best nightclubs.

The first success of Stephanie was a contract with a serious record brand in the Intercope Records. But she was interested in as the author, and not as a performer. And for some time Stephanie wrote songs for Britney Spears, which in those years was at the peak of popularity. It was beneficial financially, especially considering the fact that Stephanie lived herself, and her parents did not support her. But she dreamed of a solo career.

Fortunately, working at the studio she met with a successful rapper akon, who offered her help in the debut album record. They made it less than a year and in 2008 a presentation took place. Several compositions, including Just Dance and Pocker Face, instantly flew to the tops of prestigious charts, and Stephanie finally felt like a star.

A few months later, Lady Gaga had already gave her first solo concert accompanied by a steep Rock band New Kids on the Block. The performance passed with great success and in such a composition it was decided to go to the tour tour of the United States. And a year later, Lady Gaga was toured separately, with his own team of musicians and received its first Grammy Prize.

In the same 2009, the singer presented her new fans, the second album, which became even more successful than the debut. According to the results of the year in 2010, Lady Gaga was recognized as one of the most successful performers and received several premiums from MTV at once. She became a real queen of Podatage, and the rollers with her participation in a matter of hours were typical on the Internet over a million views.

At the same time, Stephanie tried himself on the acting easier. This is not surprising - such an original character could not not attract the attention of Hollywood directories. But the first is full-length film With her participation, the story about drug dealers "Machete" was failing - he did not even cover the cost of production.

However, this did not prevent another director Frank Miller to invite her to shoot the second part of the horror movie "City of Sins". Alas, and this film failed. And only work in the series "American Horror History", where Lady Gaga appeared mainly in the fifth season "Hotel", was recognized as successful. With the artist even signed a contract for the shooting of the sixth season "Roanok".

Lady Lady Gaga

Stefani diligently hid his personal life from Paparazzi until 2011, until she met the film actor Taylor Kinny on the set of one of his own clips. After their completion, the combination of young people continued, and soon they began to meet and first openly appeared in public.

After about a year later, the couple declared his gap, but very soon they were re-seen in each other's company. So went on long three years, while Taylor in early 2015 did not decide to make his beloved proposal of his hand and heart. But before the wedding, it did not come. In 2016, the pair broke up again, this time already finally.

With Taylor Kinny

However, Lady Gaga does not suffer too much from loneliness. All free of creativity time she devotes charity and public activities. In the field of its interests - support for the LBGT movement, campaigns in the fight against AIDS, as well as support for the teachings of the OSHO.

In 2012, Gaga Lady founded a charity foundation that helps young people with unconventional orientation and promotes the attitude to them in society. Periodically, she directs funds collected from concerts and to other charitable programs. For example, to help the victims of earthquakes.

Lady Gaga (English Lady Gaga) In record-lasting deadlines, it turned out to be among the most popular stars of foreign show business. She became the winner different competitions and premiums. And many editions are recognized as one of the most successful girls in the world. The press constantly writes about the singer Lady Gaga. And her personal life is constantly discussed on the Internet.

  • Real Name: Stephanie Joann Angelina Jermanotta
  • Date of birth: 03/28/1986
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Height: 155 centimeters
  • Weight: 51 kilograms
  • Waist and thighs: 66 and 94 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 38 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Kare-green, brown.

Lady Gaga, whose biography is considered in the media with enviable regularity, appeared in the center of New York. The name of the future star was given to her in memory of the aet. Stephanie early began to be interested in music, being a four-year-old, already performed songs of great composers, accompanying themselves. And in thirteen she has already composed and their works.

At eleven years, in 1997, parents gave our heroine to the local school. Its classmates were the future actress Peris Hilton, the writer Caroline Kennedy. However, they did not speak. The future world famous Lady Gaga in life is diligent and diligent, adored catchy bizarre outfits and hairstyles.

Often, journalists are wondering: "How many years old Lady Gage was when she began his singer's career?" In 2000, a fourteen-year-old girl made his debut in a small club solo and with Regis Jazz Band. Then the girl played in the student productions. She later sang with the SGBAND ensemble. Also, the young performer was invited to sing in clubs. And in 2003, the girl left his studies and devoted himself to the scene.

The beginning of a creative career, the appearance of a pseudonym

An interesting story of the emergence of the fictional name of the celebrity "Lady Gaga", whose year of birth - 2006. The first producer and director of her concerts Rob Fusari, who believed that the girl grimaches is like Freddie Mercury in the Radio Ga-Ga clip. This nickname had to like it and became a scenic pseudonym.

Later it works with the American Def Jam brand, which included the leader of the sound recordings, Universal Music Group. But the agreement was dissolved. The new singer's contract signs in 2 years, but already with the organization Interscope Records. At this stage, a career girl helped a talented Shoebiz-producer Vincent Herbert. Together they recorded a few songs, but the singer worked only by the merchant composer of the company, wrote music for stars songs. Later, the starting Gaga will get acquainted with the Referre Eikon, approved trial disks with the songs of the girl. Then a favorable agreement was signed to record album.


International recognition collapsed on a young singer in 2008, when she created her solo album "The Fame". He became best Release World. Two singles loved listeners: "Poker Face" and "Just Dance".

In 2009, the "The Fame Monster" album was replicated. After the singer went to his first independent tour "The Monster Ball Tour", which became more profitable for the rest of the recent years. And the second album "Born This Way" was leading in all tops popular performers In the 2011th.

In 2012-2014, especially popular singles were issued. The songs "Judas", "Hair" were executed by the singer at the successful meeting of Born This Way. In the winter of 2013, Gaga released the album "Artpop", overtaking the remaining performers in the tops of America.

Until now, the performer Lady Gaga is popular. It is now working on writing fresh albums. In 2016, the girl received an Oscar for the spiritual composition "Til It Happens to You".


The singer is easy enough to create an image that can be seen from her clips. Many talk about talent actress girl Lady Gaga. Biography, personal life is largely related to the scene.

The first role - chameleon in the painting "Machete kills", having failed in the box office. The girl was the apparent antipremia "Golden Malina". In 2014, the actress received a role in the "city of sins 2", where she played Berth. In 2016, Elizabeth Johnson was introduced by the audience, the young countess from the successful multi-suraling horror horror story. It was for this role that she received the Golden Globe.

Personal secrets

Until 2011, Paparazzi was vainly followed the popular Lady Gaga star. Biography, personal life of the girl hid from curious journalists and cameras, and the facts were replaced by speculation. A couple of months after the premiere of "You and I" Lady Gaga began relationships with the artist Taylor Kinny. And in 2015, on Valentine's holiday, he suggested her marriage. The singer agreed. In July 2016, it became known that the lovers broke up. At the beginning of 2017, information about the relationship of Lady Gaga with its agent Christian Karino appeared. In the summer of 2017, the couple announced the engagement, but due to the deterioration of the health of the singer, as well as its dense touring schedule Preparation for the wedding decided to postpone.

Incredible success achieved singer Gaga. Its age does not relate to popularity last years, so many are interested in: "How old is Lady Gaga now?" Girl on this moment 32 years old and she continues to conquer the world with their talent and bright extravagant appearance, write real hits.

Lady Gaga has become a real idol of modern dance pop music. She is the owner of the most prestigious musical awards and premiums. But, perhaps, the most important indicator of success is the love of fans.

And their singer - millions around the world. Concert tours she turns a present show, in which the shine, glamor, sex and the whole sea of \u200b\u200bclockwork rhythms reign.

Every time I have my own image, she never ceases to amaze the public. But where does the singer draw his inspiration? Let's try to find out together.

Since childhood in music

The musical talent of the future Lady Gaga opened another 4 years. She was able to master the piano on their own, playing unnecessary motifs.

Her father was an Italian by origin, and the mother is American. In addition to her daughter, three more children were brought up in the family, so the parents often experienced financial difficulties.

As a child, the future celebrity was the name of Stephanie Joanni Angelina Jermanott. It combined in itself both father's roots and mother's reference line. The girl studied in a Catholic school.

FROM young years She opened not only a tendency to music, but to acting. She often performed in school productions and simultaneously played in the jazz orchestra.

At the end of the middle school, the girl moves to New York and enters the school of arts.

There she exhibits fantastic abilities and gives a course externo. In the history of the school, this managed to do just two dozen people.

"I always wanted something original."

Stephanie begins his own creative career Together with little-known groups.

They perform in nightclubs and are trying to somehow earn money. But all this was a little girl. Her soul demanded something brighter, rich and unusual.

The first producer of the future star will be Robert Facari. He tells the girl, in which direction you need to work and helps her give two singles. Also, the singer is determined with his stage name - Lady Gaga.

It has a hidden promise to songs queen groups - "Radio Ga-Ga". But no attitude towards the work of the legendary British, nor to rock music in general, Lady Gaga did not have.

Lady Gaga in Paparazzi clip

An iconic performer has become an acquaintance with the singer Eikon. They work together on demo versions of several songs, as well as signed a contract with a sound recording company Kon Live.

At this time, the performing style of the singer was formed. He included the elements of Urban, pop music and rock and roll.

But the "visual" part of the show, helped to issue a good familiar Lady Gaga - Di Jay Lady Starlight.

Together they made a few concerts in the style of the 70s, where they were crazy and unclosed, they launched pyrotechnic effects in the audience and hit the imagination with their outfits.

In 2008, the light saw the debut recording of the singer - "Just Dance". The song immediately headed the charts of Canada and the USA. So started star Career Float Lady Gaga.

Next year, she gets the title of "the most downloaded singer", and several songs receive differences in the nomination "Best Dance Song".

After the release of the clip on the song "Paparazzi", Stephanie recognized the most provocative pop singer.

And in 2010, Lady Gaga receives 8 awards at the MTV fastening ceremony and enters the Guinness Book of Records, as the most popular singer in the Internet. On this, the star did not stop.

Since 2010, it constantly stays in the world tour and parallel publishes new albums. It seems to surpass the success of Lady Gaga at the moment no one can.

Life besides music

Personal life Stephanie was filled with men. In 2009, she met with Williamson, creative workers who worked in her team.

Relationships did not exist and years. Then the girl tried to restore the former connection with Lyuk Karl, but also unsuccessfully.

Back in 2011, the singer got acquainted with his current chosen one. They became the actor Taylo Kinn. The pair fell 4 years, and only after that they declared the possible design of relations.

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Biographies of celebrities


28.03.15 12:44

This is the case when almost circus stunts on the stage at the time of the performance of the song and shocking outfits (like dresses from meat trimming) - only a piquant addition to a huge talent. In the biography of Lady Gaga, there was already so much unusual (despite her young age), which seems to be surprised and shocked with nothing already. But she managed to do it!

Biography Lady Gaga

In honor of Mercury

A few years ago, her name was inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records - Lady Gaga turned out to be the most popular lady on the Internet (by queries). Its strange stage name is explained very simply - one of the idols of the singer was and remains Freddie Mercury. In the compositions of "Queen" she drew inspiration, and the Pseudonym borrowed from the popular song "Radio Ga Ha".

In fact, her name is pretentious and pretentiously - Stephanie Joann Angelina Jermanotta. She was born in the family of Americans with Italian roots living in New York. In addition to Stephanie, Joseph and Cynthia raised another daughter, Natalie. Stephanie appeared on March 28, 1986, younger sister - six years later.

From the earliest years, Stephanie was not to occupy a character, and she also fell in love with music - already in preschool age Las the piano. The baby performed the composition of the Kumiir of the 1980s Cindy Loper and Michael Jackson and recorded himself at the cassette. Apparently, she got her father's genes - that in his youth, too, "sinned" participation in music groups. School biography Lady Gaga developed not just - she fell into an elite educational institution (Sippers of Hilton and Girls from Clan Kennedy) went there. And since Stephanie from his youth was characterized by a "special look" of the fashion and wardrobe of the young lady, ridicule were inevitable.

Already then the future star sang in groups speaking into clubs, and allocated from the total mass of extravagant costumes and frightening make-up and hairstyles. She became a student of the New York University (local art school), but still shocked her dad work in dubious shows next to the "exotic" dancers and transvestites.

"God's spark" + theatrical style

The early stage of the creative biography of Lady Gaga is connected with Rob Fusari, a producer who looked at the girl behind all the external "Misceliness" "God's Spark". For the same period (2006-2007) there are also the birth of a loud pseudonym of the artist. She learned a lot from creativity bright representative Glam Rock David Bowie and the already mentioned British from Queen, so formed a special theatrical-booty singer style, a mixture of pop and rock music and scenic extravagania.

At the end of 2007, Lady Gaga settled in Los Angeles and worked on his first disk "The Fame", wrote to him and words, and music. The album came out in the summer in Canada and took the 2nd place in the Canadian charts and the 7th - in Australia. In the States, he appeared at the end of October and went to the first week of 24-thousand edition. The Single "Just Dance" became very popular - it was completely twisted on all radio stations. In January, he headed British charts, and there the singer instantly dubbed the "New Madonna".

Listening triumph

The warmer reception was waiting for Lady Gaga in her debut round North Americastarted in mid-March 2009. The composition "Paparazzi" almost repeated the success of "Just Dance", and then boiled work on the next disk, and everyone just heard the song "Bad Romance". In 2010, the American was handed two Grammas, and three Brit Awards premiums. In September of the same year, it was waited simply a deafening triumph - 8 (!) Wins to "MTV VMA".

Becoming the most popular person in the World Wide Web, soon Lady Gaga put another record: her video clips on YouTube looked more than 1 billion times! The album "Artpop" was born in November 2013 and immediately took the first position in the American "Billboard 200".

Also film actrix

Of course, the cinema could not pass by such a bright performer. And if for a microscopic role in the parody trash militant "Machete kills" the actress almost received "Golden Malina", then in the sequel "the city of sins" of the same Rodriguez she was gorgeous. Interestingly, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who performs the main male role in this project, did not really want to work with the singer, apparently, having heard myths about her dip. But as soon as he saw the level of skill Lady Gaga, was fascinated by the talent of this woman.

Our heroine fell into the number of lucky who appeared in the fifth season of the high-tech show "American Horror History". In the season called "Hotel" she played the main heroine, beautiful Elizabeth, who cannot live without human blood.

Lady Lady Gaga

Successful in all respects February

February 2015 was very successful for the singer. First, she struck everyone with her charming number at the Oscars ceremony, secondly, the star became bride. So Lady Gaga's personal life will change very soon. Her groom is Taylor Kinny, an artist. With him, she first met in 2011 on setting his own clip. True, happiness did not last so long: in the middle of the summer, the 2016 singer and actress reported that he ruined the engagement. It is still free!

"Golden heart

Contrary to stereotypes about the "Events Gaga", composer, actress and singer - a man with a "golden" heart. She is a benefactor who does not care for donations, actively protects the rights of sexual minorities and is included in the organization of the fight against AIDS. Lady Gaga was one of those who actively protested after the presidential elections: she does not suit the conservative tramp. So, it comes out, her "mask" is applied, the waters of the soul lies behind it, who knows how to sympathize and empathize.