The scenario of a charitable concert for children with disabilities "from the heart to heart!". Scenario of the concert charitable program "Children-Children"

Scenario of a charitable concert for children with disabilities
The scenario of a charitable concert for children with disabilities "from the heart to heart!". Scenario of the concert charitable program "Children-Children"

Scenario of the charity concert "Create Good
Amounted to Hasanova Hatim Temerbeekovna,
Class teacher class 9,
MKOU "SOSH P.Krasnozerozen"
Goals and objectives:
Promoting the formation of the students of kindness and mercy, to expand knowledge about their role in the life of every person.
Develop cooperation skills, communicative skills; Feeling mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Bring up a feeling of kindness, sensitivity, compassion, goodwill; Skills of culture of communication.
Formation of tolerance skills; Aesthetic taste, creative abilities.
(Video "Mercy" Words of Mary Teresa) Host 1. Good afternoon, our dear friends, dear educators and Clara Shamratovna!
In life, you can live in different ways -
It is possible in trouble, and you can - in joy,
On time there is to drink on time
In time to make nasty.
And so possible:
At dawn, get up -
And, thinking about the miracle,
Hand, burnish sun get
And give it to people.
Today we have an unusual meeting. We gathered to talk to you about the most valuable thing, which is in man, about his good heart and good deeds. Mercy, kindness, sincerity, compassion, empathy ... Recently, we often began to contact these words. As if Narrev, we began to realize that we were the most acute deficit of our human warmth and care of the neighbor. "Create good" so called our visit to you.
Leading 2. Having come to this room today, each of us contributed to our big common good business - they held a campaign "Let's help", "Timurovsky Movement" and today came to you.
Being kind and responsive is sometimes difficult, but it is vital, because this feeling makes us stronger, kinder!
Student. We are still in a hurry somewhere
Postponement, good deeds,
Not noticing nor sunrise or sunset
And time rushes like an arrow,
Sent to the target, skillfully hand.
It seemed that Meli blizzards were just
But they have already changed the rains in the spring,
And we solid: then, then ...
As if eternity ahead!
And so goes day after day,
But do not wait for mercy on time!
For good deeds
Should not be missed
So that the world has become less evil.
And with joy anyone could make friends.
Create good strangers and loved ones!
Lead 1.
Good people, as always, lacking,
Good people, as always, deficit.
Good people do not always understand
The heart hurts good stronger.
Good - generously patients help,
Good - give warm and comfort,
Good - keep up with the weak stepping
And no spa-c-bo is waiting.
Lead 2.
I really want to believe that when our students grow up, they will become worthy, good and just good people.
Lead 1.
And most importantly, that their school friendship remains in the hearts and memory of each, because it is more expensive than a real friend in a person's life not to find
Student. Friends do not choose - they are met,
They are saved - they give their lives.
And with them time often flies,
And with them - joy, happiness and comfort.
When sad - they help me,
I will go far - letters come to me.
They suffer for me, worry -
And there are no friends or rather on Earth!
Lead 2.
Comprehending the sacrament of creativity
Happiness Understand, the essence of love,
man with a birthday
Must believing their thoughts.
Should live he a peaceful clear world
Caress and pay Darim,
Rejoicing the heavens of deep width
And the stronger rainbow earth!
Lead 1.
Love - above the storm raised lighthouse,
Shining in darkness and fog
Love - Star, who is sailor
Determines the place in the ocean.
Student. Love - not a doll pathetic in his hands,
In time erasing roses
On fiery lips and on cheeks,
And it's not terrible to her threat time.
And if I'm wrong, and lies my verse -
That is no love and no poems of my!
Lead 2.
So spoke Great Shakespeare about the very precious feeling on Earth - love. But love is different, love for neighbor, to parents, to the motherland, to the girl
Lead 1.
Or to the guy, but the most important thing is that your love would always be mutual
Lead 2.
Continuing the topic of love, the following lines were remembered: where does the homeland begins? Probably not only from the picture in the tank, and the love of a person to his house, to its beginning.
Lead 1.
And we are sacred believe that it is love that our world will save our world from any adversity, and the grain of kindness will be seen, whom we are sometimes so missing.
Schoolgirl. We must joy to each other to give
So that our days have become lighter
Without her, like without the sun, you can not live
Even in a fierce frost with her people warmer.
In every house, let the joy live,
Like a song, knocks on the heart.
If the laughter does not die on earth,
So life will not end.
Lead 2.
After all, it is not for nothing that there is a laughter, prolongs life, and a smile gives hope.
And in turn, give our speech grade 9
Scene: "At the apartment"
Lead 1.
Create good -
There is no greater joy.
And life sacrifice,
And hurry
Not for the sake of glory or sweets,
And at the order of the soul.
Schoolgirl. When you kit, the fate is humiliated,
You are from Besame and Shame,
Do not allow the soul of offended
This is a minute trial.
Lead 2.
Today, speaking of such feelings as kindness, friendship, it is impossible not to recall such a concept as tolerance, which, in my opinion, includes a lot of feelings.
Student. Tolerance is not a simple feeling
You will not get it in times:
How much do you need to show nobility and sympathy,
Only then will understand all this.
Tolerant to be art,
We are firmly convinced of this:
In friendship and harmony, we must live:
Russians and Ukrainians, Bashkirs and Tatars
Answer each other with a sense of high
And we can save a fragile world.
Scene: in the tram
Leading 1. Each person should have a dream, because dreaming, we, we make our life more interesting, more fascinating, more expedient.
Schoolgirl. Life without a dream, like a day without light,
Life without dreams at night is similar.
The whole world of dreams are made,
Find answers to questions!
And only who is looking for, he finds
Only who wishes, he will receive
But who wanders without the road,
Everything from this life he will miss.
Lead 2.
Life is given only once and need to live it so that there is no disappointment from the last day, month, year. Bird born for flight, and man for happiness. Each of us wants to be happy. People's wisdom reads "Happiness reaches the one who seeks to make the others of others." If you want people to treat you well, it means that you yourself should be honest, attentive, merciful, kind.
Lead 1.
In each of us there is a small sun. This is the sun - kindness. A kind person loves nature and guards her. A kind person is the one who loves people and helps them. The kindness of weak makes strong, strong generous, and the whole world is cleaner and brighter. The kindness, in the first place, should live in your hearts. The cooked hearts are gardens. Common words - roots. Comedy thoughts - flowers. The coals are fruit.
Lead 2.
So take care of your garden, do not let him overgrow
Dance: "Zhorga"
Lead 1.
As a holiday, like happiness, like a miracle
There is a kindness on the ground.
And I will not forget about it,
How I forget about evil.
Lead 2.
You can talk about kindness for a long time and let good walks on our planet, warming human souls and hearts faith, hope and love.
Schoolgirl. As if life did not fly -
Days no regret
Do good things
For the sake of people's happiness.
Lead 1.
So that the heart is burning,
Not tortured in the MGL
Do a good deed -
Those - we live on earth.
Lead 2.
Suitable by the end so unusual, such a bright and kind holiday.
We are very grateful to you for your kindness ... Thank you all participants, all guests for their responsiveness, kindness and warmth, whose particles they gave us! And I sincerely wish you a great mood, fun and joy. Be always good, responsive and happy! Bye! To new meetings!
Song: "We wish you happiness!"
Lead 1.
All of you are the rays of one big friendly family and live in this bright, a cozy house, which every year becomes better, good, more modern. In this big merit, your own and your director her word ...
Lead 2.
What is your mood?
Was it changed during the time we were with you together?
We and I gave each other, in my opinion, pleasant moments of communication. We thank you for your attention, climb each other

Scenario of a charitable concert "We love life"
together with DF « ӘNshі - Balapan »

for children with OVD

Purpose: Cancel attention, compassion, give good, joy to children with OVD

Facilitate the suffering of children with ABS, to instill hope in them, self-confidence

A banner with the inscription hangs on the back: "We love life," with photos of children with OVD

Translated video "Country of Miracles" DF« Әnshі -balapan "

Sounds merry song "Holiday", 1 and 2 leading scene


We will be honest to you:

Live in the light of interest!

For us, the country is full of miracles,

Let your children's laugh sound in it!

Sun shines always in that country

Live in her wonderfully and joyfully me!

In childhood, the whole world is kindness will be warmed,

Childhood does not know either grief or troubles!

Master2:Hello, dear friends! We are very happy to meet, and welcome you at a charity concert "We love life" In which children of DDI and guests of the city of Aktau, Zhanaozen, Fort Shevchenko take part.

Everyone who is now in this room came here to give the joy to children who need our attention and participate. All those

who is ready to do good, did not turn around the soul, thank you for it.

Our artists are looking forward to the opportunity to give you pleasant impressions and emotions. So, we begin the concert by the video "We are solar races", in which the main characters are our children, looking at the screen.
Projected video"We are solar races"


For good people there is such a golden rule:

Love in another heart clean,
You want you to love!
Lit up to other good rays
If you want, so that you shine!

Man, smiling, radiates good, carries a charge of positive emotions.

And now, the owner's rights of this beautiful children's temple welcomes you

good director of DDI Buranov S.R.
The director comes, congratulates all the participants of the concert

Master2:Invite Trifonova V.V.- Advisor Akim area

social issues

Trephonov V.V.

Children are a miracle, kindness of the message,
Sunrise rays, love droplets.
Children are caressing, sincerity and friendship.
Childish eyes see all through.

So let's pay more often to our small inhabitants of the planet - children, give them joy, warmth and love, so that on their faces, there are always smiles. I would like to invite for a good word Kalmuratov G. M.- Head of the Department of Employment Center.


Do not stand aside indifferent,

When someone has trouble.

Rush to revenue need

Any minute always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and hand

That day was not in vain was lived,

So you live not in vain.

Invite Bektubayeva R.F. - Chief of the region.

It turns out, says good words.

How many good words on the blue planet:
Peace, Motherland, Love, Educator, Children!
Today, I want to bow and say a lot of thanks to the administration,

service personnel, teachers, DDI teachers, those who

believes and does everything possible so that our children laughed and rejoiced

we became competent, and were happy.
I wish you good,

Good night until the morning
I wish you good dreams

Good deeds and good words.
I wish you with you

Children were fun
To good eyes

You looked at the children!

Xs.DTHS "Solar races", cigarette song"Kindness"


We sing the song with gestures,

And meaning and feelings express

Melody soul Society

I'm glad to hand!

The world is kinder will be waiting for miracles,

Even the angels descend from heaven;

The world will become kinder, you want to believe in a dream,

Angels come in appearance

Xs. DTHS "Solar races", sigger "Angels of Hope"


"Kindness is an amazing thing. She brings together people like nothing else, she is the language on which everyone wants to talk to you. Kindness eliminates us from

loneliness, mental wounds and unreared offense.

I want, so that happiness in the world reigned,
And smiled children again and again
So that all the good things are worked
Let all misfortune defeat love!

Your speech is given our guests with Fort Shevchenko, Aula Kzyl-Uzen

Orazbekov Elbrus - composer, poet, performer.

We meet applause. Song "Shevchenko Shatyugy"


I want to shout to people:

Be generously on your affection,
The path of man is difficult

Little looks like a fairy tale.
In the world without caress, know

Tears, rains, frosts.
Adults and children know

Look needed, not threat.

Xs.Poem pro soldier Nikita Reads Russu Nikita


The most important thing is my desire, it so that all the children were healthy

and loved life. Childhood, this is a special country with its traditions,

values, finds and victories, where everyone can realize themselves,

and develop your creative abilities. And our dyi contributes to this.

Dance is a movement, energy and lifestyle!

Beautiful dance! This is magic.

To themselves rapidly and tenacious

Movement, Rhythm and Music Rodation

We intertwined with a bright backlight.

Here beauty gives rise to beauty

What? That in which there is no rest

And the heart again seeks height

It is subject to dance, music and ranks.

Meet the scene of DTMS "Solar races", dance "Mamba"


As if life did not fly, there are no sorry for his days,

Do a good deed for the sake of children's happiness.

So that the heart is burning, and not in the darkness,

Do a good deed, those living on earth.

Like a sunny day like a wonderful fairy tale

Let life in the boarding house be beautiful!

Be funny, kind, nice.

Love life and be happy.

№ЕСС. Popure "Heart to Heart "DTMS" Solar races "


it became a little more. And this is perhaps the most important thing. And now, I invite

Izesbaev A.H. - permanent director of DF "Ensi Balapan",

It turns out, congratulates children, guests

Xs breshus ashhat, song "Aigolak", "The roof of your house"



So our charitable concert "We love life," I am sure that you really liked it and presented joy and good and showed that we, children and adults really love life.

And now we invite all amateur artists to the scene,

thanks to which a charitable concert took place.

And in conclusion, let's all together together song "Solar circle"

All participants rise to the scene, sing a song with balls, flags in hand


I would like to thank our sponsors and guests:

    Aktau info, Production Center "Artist"

    Mukhambetyar N.A. - region Healthy lifestyle management

    Picture gallery director "Martha"

4. Charmany Dina - Volunteer, Director of the Mangal Cafe

5. Creative group: video operator and director


I hope that the concert united us and took closer, and therefore friends.


Goodbye, dear friends, hope for a further meeting with you!


Be healthy, kind, and love life!

Leading 1 and 2:

After all, it is so beautiful!

The background sounds the final song "If a friend went into the way"

DTMS "Solar races »)

Charity Week of Mercy "Good Meaning Children"

Venue: DK of Hamzina

Time: 11.00

Date: 28.05.2013

2 Veds: Қyyrly Kүn Kymbatti Sew, Mұғalіmder, Okushylar Zhәna ұұrmettі онаққTar! BүGIN SІZDER "Kazakhstan" CorporationSynsң Polytechnical College ұyimdastrғan "Mairіmdіk - Balalarғa" Atta қайyrymdyyқ Aptalyңғң ңoretynda ActionSyna қosha Keldіңіңіздер!

1-y. leading : Good afternoon, dear teachers, students, employees and respected guests! We are glad to see you in this cozy room and thank you for the fact that you came here.

Ayrymdylk Aktzyna үles қosap, meiіrіmderіізді БаларғАА Арнанан Нетеріңіз үшін өП Rakhmet Aytyp, RizashylyyyMymda Bildіremіz!

1 -y. leading : The final evening of the week of mercy "Good bear children" is a worrying and long-awaited moment. We all came here to once again talk about mercy, charity - and therefore not everyone is lost, it means that we are not so sick indifference, as it seems to us at first glance.

2 Veds: Әrin, әr әашан, әрірімділік дееген тақ әрірап бріміміздің ұлағяғмділік Kөrsetkene Adam өzі өzіn өт тамаш сетінеді, өytkenі ol Adamzattiң қанна сіңген қайта.

1 -y. leading : After all, only a healthy society does not forget about his weak, sick and disadvantaged, about old men and children. Today, the biggest rarity, a miracle of miracles was ordinary happiness. Happiness is life, work, health, laughter of children, creativity, love, mutual understanding, peace on earth ...

2 Veds: BJNIN Bізга ONққA KELIP SYRUAN ZHүREGI ZHққYN, қayrymaj mall AzamattaryMizda Atap өTkіmіz Kelіp Ody:

1 Ved: At our charity event there is a box for charitable donations. At the end of the event, we from among those who wish to create a counting commission and all the money collected will be transferred to the Voluntary Society, which provides targeted assistance to children's homes and children in need of urgent medical care. And you are still awaiting a charitable auction, the money from which will also be put in the donation box and they will also be added to the total amount. And before you came to this room, you all bought lottery tickets, which will also be drawing small prizes.

2 Veds: Bүgіngі ayrymdylқ Mekemіzda Sakhnad Mairіmdіlіk Zhәshіigterі Tұr.r. йissilaryңyz KөMEK KөRSET Aluғan Zhaғdaylaryңyz Bolshes Osse Zhәsіkterg Aoshalaryjda Sala Alalasdar. Bұl Aoshalar Sanalyp, Osa Merekemіzdің Sosyand Balarar үyіnің Schotna Salnada. Jәne de Usa Baydarlamamam Meirіmdіlіk Auctionman of the stingyasada. Auctionan Shyққan Aoshalar Da Balalar үYіne Billaby. Lottery Testrіңizden de Oyun Oinatalyp Kisі-Gіrim Sylyyқ ұTyp Alasyzdar.

1 -y. leading : Today we want to reach every heart, before every soul, we want you to look around around: is it worth it with you who does not ask for help, but needs it. Who hopes for you, but can not say about it.

I want to have more light,
Good and beauty around us all
So that all year round in the shower shone the summer,
Heat gave the joy of good eyes.
I want, so that happiness in the world reigned,
And smiled people again and again
So that all the good things are worked
Let all misfortune defeat love!

1 Ved: The word is provided to the director of the Polytechnic College of Corporation "Kazakhmys" Syzdykova Aigul Shhayakhmetovna

MUZ Number: Rinat Conakbaev " District »

2 Veds: Taulardan өzen AғP Sarқyraғan,

Aynadai Sәule Birp Zhankyraғan.

Jack Schosa, Soca, Bіr қuliput,

Aralap Tau Men Tasta Argeraғan.

Kөңіlің Syun Іshseң, Ashylad,

Denje Bar Derttіdі asyrada.

Өxіgen Ottay Zhanp Zhanuarlar,

Zennen Rakat Tauq, fasteners.

1 Vedas The word is provided to the head of the domestic policy department of urban akimat

Tokyebeek Aigul Tokenovna

MUZ Room

1 Ved: There was a moment of drawing lottery tickets. Please prepare your lottery and be careful.

(Drawing lottery tickets)

2 Veds:

Үmіt Etken Kөzіmnің Nұry - Balam,

Janyuңa Zhrdem Bersіn Hat Thalam.

Ataң Mұnda Anamen Esen-Aman,

Sүyp Slag Zazada Bүgіn Sauan.

Ataңda Sauyndem Deposi Assa

Nadan BOP B_LMEY қальсаң, һ ұрарсиң.

Shiraғom, Mұnda Zhrshң not Etero,

Kyuңa ұұryқ Alyp Keter Esің.

Tent_P. Eki Auldyң Aurand

Zhergenmen, not Mұratқa Zheter eating?!

1 Ved:

Not for yourself trees fruit,

And the rivers of clean water do not drink their

Do not ask bread for yourself

Houses are not kept for themselves.

We will not compare yourself with them,

But everyone knows, this life is loving,

What kind of generous give you to people

The joy you live for yourself.

The word is provided ...................

MUZ Room

1 Ved: The word is providedperformer oMA Director w. Association of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of the Balkhash region Alavarw. Alexander w. Olegovych w.

MUZ Room

In the Middle Ages, charity was one of the main activities of fraternity. Bratsk shelters were intended for those who did not have the opportunity to live their own labor.

2 Veds:

1-y. leading : The initiative of creating such societies has proceeded at the beginning of the XIX century from the members of the imperial family. The archives store numerous documentary evidence of widespread development of charity movement.

3rd leading : A characteristic feature of the Soviet period of the modern Russian history was the proclamation by the state of full responsibility for the decision of all social problems that, no matter how excuses, the need for social charitable organizations. At the same time, there was a Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, among whose functions was the preparation of nurses for first aid victims. Instead of collecting donations, this society collected membership fees almost from the entire adult population of the country, along with state subsidies.

1-y. leading : During the Great Patriotic War, there was a revival of the custom of voluntary donations (for the needs of defense), however, these donations came to state bank accounts. Meanwhile, in all countries with a market type economy, where property inequality, charity and, mainly through charitable organizations, has become one of the noticeable ways to solve many social problems of the population.

2-y. leading : During the years, called the restructuring period, the leadership of our state recognized the need to provide the opportunity to citizens initiative to participate in social mutual assistance, seeing this not only the way to partial liberation of the state budget from social spending, but also one of the funds of civil society. The creation of several funds was proclaimed, which should have covered their activities throughout the territory of the state: the Culture Foundation, the Children's Fund and finally. Foundation of Mercy and Health. According to the charters adopted by their constituent conferences, these were charitable organizations.

3rd leading : Currently created the Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia, which unites about 3 thousand charitable organizations and funds. Also in Russia there are about 70 major foreign charitable foundations.

Our generation needs to strengthen the charity by all possible ways. We live in an era, quite prosperous in a material relation, whereas in the spiritual plan we are more poor than ever. Even the most protected of us need love and friendship.

1-y. leading : The goal of our evening is to introduce as many people as possible to the real problems of disadvantaged, call for mercy, help understand that the efforts spent on good deeds will be paid.

3rd leading : We talked a lot in our time about humanism, but today Humanism costs money - big money! And only then humanism - humanism, and not a chatter about him. And now I will ask for a scene Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Charity Week of Mercy __________ and tell about what is done by the Organizing Committee.

He is chairman of the organizing committee. Hands gifts and donations to the representatives of the orphanage.

The response word of the representatives of the orphanage.

2-y. leading : Childhood is the environment that should survive. Childhood remains for us a great mystery. But in childhood there are a deposit to our adult life. Watch young clean faces and think - what is more expensive in life and more beautiful? As you want them to be happy!

4th room of the concert program:

5th room of the concert program:

6th issue of the concert program:

3rd leading : For many years, we talked about all the best, which is done in our country for children. And often at the same time, photographs of happy children's faces hid the true, very disturbing state of affairs. It turned out that the most "privileged class" needs protection, support and assistance, and the health of children is in serious care of the whole society.

Reader 3. :

A person transfers any trouble.

He burns in a painful, hot delusion.

And lies his distraught laughter -

Still transfers trouble man:

But how difficult how hard it happens then

If the trouble happens next to

If someone suffers from you in sight

And, the soul penetrate into someone else's misfortune,

You are unable to go through the side and away,

But unable to help a person ...

2-y. leading : Mercy ... It is impossible to call it to him, it is impossible to impute him. But in the most difficult troubles, it remains hope that it did not go out of human souls.

Reader 2:

I believe

Blessed and cursed.

I believe

Alternating everything.


As a slave

To his gallery

I continue to believe in good.

Reader 4:

I took out a heart from the chest.

It burns, pulsates like the sun.

Tired traveler, come,

I give you on a saucer without a diahead.

In the palms of heart carefully hold.

It will warm you in the evil stru

But I only tell me a reward

That I warmed you, and ... Sorry,

I don't need words.

D. Transonica

7th number of the concert program:

8th room of the concert program:

Reader 3. :

Do not let the soul are lazy!

So that the water is not thrilled,

The soul is obliged to work

Drive her home to home,

Turning from stage to stage,

On the wasteland, on Berelo,

Through a snowdrift, through a bump!

Do not allow her to sleep in bed

With the light of the morning stars,

Keep lazy in black body

And do not remove the udes from her!

Kohl give her up to the congestion,

Free from work

She is the last shirt

With you without pity, sill.

And you grab her shoulders,

Teach and teach the dothemna,

To live with you in humans

She studied again.

She is slave and queen,

She is a worker and daughter,

She is obliged to work

And day and night, and day and night!

N. Zabolotsky.

1-y. leading : To compassion - it means to suffer along with another person. But people who loved the depths of suffering want others to be happy. We yourself need help, they are able to bear the light and kindness to others.

2-y. leading : Our guest in this room is a chairman of the district committee of the Russian Society of the Red Cross ______________ who has been developing a charity for many years. Dear ____________, you word.

He is chairman of the district committee of the Russian Red Cross Society.

3rd leading : Did you think about the problem "give" and "take"? Why are one since childhood to deep old age are in a state of offended, humiliated, asking, boring, envying, and other, regardless of the material level of welfare, life circumstances, physical and mental load, on the contrary, are always ready to give, help, support. And this is their normal state, they do not feel deprived of the fact that they shared the last, I spent our own strength and time, helping others.

Reader 1. :

Conscience, nobility

and dignity -

Here it is, the Holy Our Military

Longing his palm

For him is not scary and in the fire.

His face is high and amazing.

Devy your brief age.

Maybe you will not become a winner.

But you will die as a person.

B. Okudzhava

2-y. leading : The church has always served as an example of good and mercy. The church did not remain aside and from today's charitable evening. Our guest _____________

Speech of the clergy of a local temple .

2-y. leading : Charity enriches us not only financially, in a financial aspect, - it enriches the thousandthly our mind and heart. Doing charity (even if for this you have to sacrifice an hour or whole day, and you believed that you cannot afford it), you will find that thanks to the additional blessing they received much more than expected in the absence of "time loss". And you will understand how important it is always a generous everywhere, in any situation assist. Not obligation, but from the desire to be generous, godlike.

Reader 4. :

He who with eternal love

Rewarded for evil good -

Beaten, covered by blood,

Vedenn Ternovin -

All with them suffering from more closer,

In life, the fraction of offended,

Oppressed and humiliated,

Massed his cross.

You whose best aspirations

Gift is dying under the yoke,

Believe it, to get rid -

We are breeding to God's Tvette!

You, kruchino bent

You, dragged chains,

You, Christ cooked,

SoviSuskres with Christ!

A. Tolstoy

10th room of the concert program:

11th room of the concert program:

Reader 4. :

I went around the galaxy on foot,

Waving red threads to the dress.

I am full of premonition.

There, in the middle of the universe, between stars,

Hanging my sparkling heart

And every accepted his unique

To other immeasurable directed hearts.

E. Södergan

Reader 3. :

Live. Do not complain, not numbers

not years past nor planets,

and slender thoughts

in response, one: there is no death.

Be mercy. Kingdoms do not require.

Thanks to everyone.

Pray - a cloudless sky

and cornflowers in Wavy rye.

Not despising dreams experienced

try the best to create.

In birds, in trembling and small

learn, learn to bless!

V. Nabokov

1-y. leading : We finish our charitable decade of Mercy "Good bear children", but we think that charity will continue in our lives.

2-y. leading : We think that the hearts will emerge to meet someone else's misfortune, and that we will take care of each other, think about others!

I want to shout to people:

Be generously on your affection,

The path of man is difficult

Little looks like a fairy tale.

In the world without caress, know -

Tears, rains, frosts.

Adults and children, know, -

Look needed, not threat.

Strive to open at least once

Human Star in Each.

And if someone helps

Your kindness, your smile,

That day was not in vain was lived,

So you live not in vain.

Joy - if the sun shines,

If there is a month in the sky.

How much joy in the world

Do not measure and do not read.

Only joyful hear

Wind song from height,

Lead 2.

How quietly herbs breathe

Flowers ring in the meadows.

Only one who loves greatly

Believes in a bright dream

Will not spoil, will not destroy

In this world beauty.

1 -y. leading : Our charity event began long until today. The organizers of this evening were treated for all students of our college, to all those who did not get out of the soul, did not order the heart, help everyone who needs your help.

Perhaps, the most reasonable only to be merciful and not think about the reasons for this, as, however, many come. However, if we better understand the true essence of charity, we will be able to educate it in yourself, your family, friends. Conscious attitude to the problems of mercy and charity will help to see the true meaning of our lives.

During sponsors

Good - it is so multifaceted, and the history of charitable activities is so rich in traditions that every movement, every step, every act, every thing, committed in the name of good, has its definition and there are many names of noble deeds. But no matter how we call you - benefactors, patrons, trustees, philanthrops, benefactors, sponsors - you do everything good, and it's great! "

From the heart to the heart of good flies,

Like a bird.

Knocks on the heart to wake

And come back

To come back and give

All people joy

Over gray day to seal -

Not a little.

We have the task so simple:

Give good heart to heart

And in your heart you are kindness open the door!

: It does not go cheap
Happiness of difficult roads.
What did you do good
What did you help people?
This measure is measured
All earthly works,
Maybe the village raised
Ile cleared ponds?

Maybe build a rocket?
Hydrostation? House?
Wear a planet
His peaceful labor?
Ile under the Snow Powder
Life save to someone?
Do people good -
Good yourself.

And if someone helps
Your kindness, your smile,
That day was not in vain was lived,
So you live in vain.

Zhylytada Zhүrekti.

Zhaysylқ BioPo Gold Tes,

Oyatada II Tіlecti.

Bіreuga Bіreu Zhaysylқ,

Tіles әrkza Zhana Ashp

Usa bіr shyryn-tәttіlіk,

Tұrmai Ma Jean Troops?!

Barshaғa Kerek Zhaysylқ!

Zhaysylқ Swer Zhanyz,

Barshaғa Zheter Zhaysylқ!

Kyzғanbai Bөlіp Ayңyz!

"SIZ", "Bіz" Degen Zhyle Sөz -

Zhayluyuyң Mairі.

Bіr-bіrіna bibield kөz,

Keң Bolsin Adam Peіlі!

Otan - DOS, Dostost Alayimin.
Bayt, Bailyқ, Bereke - Yantimaku.
Dostostқ BұZSA KIM DE KIM, Ayamaimin,
Tattules Ardaқtap, Sayalaymin.

Unfortunately, there are children who are deprived of all the joys of life. It is possible to include orphans, boys and girls with disabilities and those who are seriously ill. For such kids, it does not matter what the scenario of a charitable concert will be. For them, the most important thing is that they are not forgotten and not abandoned. The scenario of the charity concert should include a variety of plots: songs, dances, scenes, contests.

A proper well-thought-out program will help organize an unforgettable holiday for disadvantaged kids.

How to organize a charitable concert

For a holiday for children to be held at the highest level, it is necessary to ensure the right organization. This will help:

  • Properly distributed roles.
  • Thoughtful decorations decorated.
  • It is also important to consider the age of children for whom a holiday will be held.
  • Proper attention is worth paying the choice of space for the event. If the scenario of the charity concert "Alien trouble does not happen" is prepared by children with disabilities, then it is best to hold it on the territory of the institution in which they are.

These seemingly minor details will help you correctly organize a concert event.

Selection of a place for a charity concert

Where will the event be held, largely depends on what children a holiday is organized. If children can move independently, the event can be carried out in the following surroundings:

  • The park.
  • Concert hall.
  • House of culture and creativity.
  • On the territory of the institution where children are located and live.

If the audience of the audience consists of patients with complex ailments or from the disabled, the charity concert is best done in the walls of the hospital or the social center. After all, the most important thing for such children is comfort and the usual atmosphere, then the whole holiday will be held in one breath.

What to make accents by organizing a concert

In order for the scenario of the charity concert, justified expectations, the priorities in the festival should be properly exposed. For this you need:

  1. Take into account the age category of the audience.
  2. Think about which presents to hand the kids after watching that this event is remembered for them forever.
  3. The choice of proper musical accompaniment is very important for the fullness of the holiday. An ideal solution will be a living orchestra. After all, each musical instrument heals and gives a mass of positive emotions.
  4. It is also worth considering the time of the concert. If the audience is mostly small, it is better to organize a holiday early in the morning or in the evening, after a quiet hour.
  5. Depending on whether the scenario of the event "from the heart to the heart" is considered for healthy or for sick children, it is worth determining the duration of the concert. If kids are sick and it is difficult for them for a long time to sit, it is better to make a short, not occuparing a lot of time, concert.

Stripping from this, you can organize an ideal concert that will open the heart and will give the opportunity to believe that good in the world is and it will win everything misunderstandings.

Scenario of a charitable concert for children with disabilities

Two leading comes on the scene.

The first leading: "Today we are not just like that, we want to see the joy in the children's eyes. You know, the goodness of the world is filled, about it more than once today we will remind you. Let the happiness sparkle the eyes, in your life there will be everything, as in a fairy tale. Be positive crowded and bathe in joy and affection. "

The second lead: "Everything is shining in this light, that is why we are with you now. Joy to fill everyone want, the holiday is beginning to surprise in a hurry. "

At first adults go on the stage, then children of school age, then the smallest speakers.

The second lead: "Our first gift today is a wonderful ballroom dance."

Several couples overlook the scene and dance waltz.

The first lead: "Thank our dancers. And now meet the magician, he will surprise you with its skills. "

A man with a hat comes to the scene and shows various tricks with a hare, handkerchief, pigeons.

The second lead: "Meet our vocal ensemble" Good "with the song" Winged swing "."

First presenter: "Probably, you are a little tired? I suggest a little to warm up. "

Air balloons fly from the ceiling, children try to catch them. If someone did not succeed in catching, then leading personally in hand presents airborne childhood happiness.

The second lead: "Now meet our orchestra. They will play wonderful compositions. "

The first leading: "The solemn part of our holiday went to the final. Now let me give gifts to each of you. We really hope that you liked the speech, and our presents will always remind of today's meeting. "

Such a scenario for children with disabilities may well have their place. Joy and provided. But it is for this that such events are held.

Scenario concert for kids from orphanage

In the orphanage kids are devoid of parental heat and affection. Therefore, a charitable concert "Children - Children will please them without a doubt. The holding of such an event will remind the boys and girls that they are not alone in this world that they are important and needed by society. For an example, you can take the following idea.

Leaves under fun music. Behind him are children who will show a concert.

Host: "Hello the boys and girls will shine a song today, dancing will show you our children, it will be very fun, believe me."

Girls come out in beautiful swimsuits and dance with ribbons.

Host: "Now meet our vocalist that will sing you" if good you "from the cartoon about Leopold. Who knows the words, singing. "

Host: "So that you do not bounce, we have prepared entertainment for you. Your task is to collect balls in the pool. "

Balloons fly from the ceiling, and on stage put an inflatable pool. Several children are chosen to participate, the winner is offered to sit in the pool filled with balls. Then everyone else participants are invited to the pool.

Host: "Now the acrobats are acting for you. Meet them with applause. "

Host: "For you today, the holiday was brought. We hope he liked you. Let in your heart will be a kindness that give you today. Let never tend you from the way the moments that sadness we call. Today, "goodbye" say, and tomorrow, tomorrow we will come to you again. On this, our surprises do not end for you. From the pure heart and with love for younger generation we give a gift to each of you. "

Such a scenario will appeal to small and older children. Therefore, you can safely take it into account.

Scenario of the charity concert "Creation Good" for sick children

Those who defeated the disease, it is very important to have the strength to fight and recover. Therefore, the scenario of the concert "Creation of Good" from the heart to the heart should convey love, strength and inspiration. For an example, you can take the following idea.

The presenter starts his speech behind the scenes to calm music on the background: "The greatest happiness is when the kids are near. After all, the fact that their lives presented to us is an invaluable reward. Let the strength of them will appear, will arrive. Let the prayers of their relatives are healthy, will be alive. Let no aid, the trouble will never shift. Let the inspiration attend, smiles of life joy gives.

The curtain opens, on stage at this time there are all participants in the event. The presenter comes out of the Kulis: "Meet our actors and musicians, our singers and other talents. Today, these children will share with you a part of the soul, warm and will give you a bright sunshine, which lives in their hearts. For you with your poems, our poets are. "

The first boy: "In order for the forces to always be strong, you just need to rejoice at the kids. After all, good emotions are needed in order for the diseases not met on the way. "

The second boy: "Each of us has a lot of good, spring lives in us and autumn sometimes. But the main thing is that not Gus in the soul Fire Hope. Hope in the world is easier to live. Because it is important to be friends with it. "

All together: "We give you a ray, we warm so that your heart warmed. We wish joy, good, to be able to be every person. "

Host: "And now for you, dear viewers, our dancers will show the incendiary and beautiful dance" cha-cha cha "."

Leading: "Meet our vocal ensemble with the song" fun together "."

Leading: "Our acrobat with its own production is coming for you. Meet. "

Leading: "Unfortunately, our holiday approached an end. But on this surprises do not end, we still have gifts for each of you. Children, be kind, frank and open soul. With a big heart, which distributes sunlight around others, live is much easier. Before new meetings, dear friends.

Such a concert will certainly like the children. The most important thing is that the speech is in one breath and filled with notes of positive emotions.

Holiday script for orphans

For children-orphans it is quite possible to use any of the above scenarios. And it is also possible to include in the program poems that will fill with confidence in yourself and coat a good mood. You can pay attention to such short poems:

The most important in the world are children.

Each of us for them is responsible.

We are a celebration of spiritual rush to bring,

So as not to take eyes away.

Children around the world the most important

After all, they are clean, kind, glorious.

Let it be luck,

And our kids never cry.

Such poems boldly can be included in the scenario of the charity concert "Give Life".

Christmas holiday scenario

On the eve of Christmas celebrations everyone is waiting for miracles, especially kids. Therefore, the scenario of the charitable Christmas concert should be thought out to the smallest detail. Only then everything will turn out perfectly. For an example, you can take such an idea.

The lead is leading on the stage and says: "Today we didn't just meet you, today is a magical and fabulous day. In our presentation, you will get acquainted with the interesting traditions of Christmas. And you can plunge into a fairy tale with your head. Meet our first participants. "

Children in the headers of Santa Claus and on the saucepans, spoons are overlooking the scene and on the saucepans, spoons, cups.

Host: "And now we will see how Santa Claus helpers work before Christmas and Happy New Year."

On the stage the actors in and quickly pack gifts. At the same time, saying: "This is Andrei, it is for Ira, and this is for Nastya. And this for Viti, only he did not obey mom at all, maybe you should not pass a gift to him? Children, what do you think? ".

Here, Vitya comes to the stage and says: "I behaved myself, I didn't do it sometimes, I didn't have listened to my mother, so what is the case. I promise that I will correct, I'll take it for my mind and I will listen to my mother, I will not hurt the kids and I will eat well. I so wanted a gift this one like nothing in the world. "

At the same time, Vitya shoots out of the slingshot, picks up in the nose and shows the language of the audience.

Elf: "What do you think, children, are it worthwhile to give a gift?"

Children say no.

Elf: "Well, I don't even know, Vitya, I don't want to deprive you joy in such a holiday. You will have to work. "

Vitya: "Eh, I agree. Speak what to do. "

Elf: "You need to distribute gifts to all children who are in this room. When you cope with the task, we will give you and your gift. I agree?".

Vitya: "Without problems, this task is easier than simple!".

Then Vitya looked into the hall and says: "I just noticed that the spectators are very much, I can't cope until next year."

Elf: "Then I will give you they will help you cope with any work. And the cap, as we, too, put on. Well, everything, now you are ready to be a real wizard. Guess what you want. "

Vitya: "I want candy. No, changed. I want an ice cream. Also not that. Oh, invented. I want all the children in the hall are happy and presented us with our fun. "

Elf: "Well done, Vitya, this is the best wish. After all, when we give people good, it will definitely return to us. Take a magic wand and wave it, then your wish will be fulfilled. "

When Vitya waved the magic wand, brilliant serpentine and confetti fell from the ceiling. And then all the children brought dance dance around the Christmas tree. Vitya each distributed gifts. Santa comes to the scene.

Santa: "Vitya, you pleasantly surprised us today. You made so many good things that I want to give you not only what you ordered from me. Take your gift and acceptance applause from the audience. Happy Merry Christmas! ".

Such a scenario will certainly plunge the public into the atmosphere of this holiday and good mood.

Scenario of the New Year holiday

In the new year, kids are waiting for miracles no less than Christmas. Therefore, for this holiday, the same scenario is ideal as the Christmas holiday. The only thing, Santa Claus needs to be replaced with Grandfather Moroz, and add funny contests from the main hero of the holiday.

Than please kids

The disadvantages or sick kids will certainly be glad to any gift and performance. Be sure to include cheerful music, dances, poems, focuses and, of course, gifts for viewers.

What gifts can be handed to disadvantaged children

Children who have no mom and dad, or guys who have faced serious diseases, first of all appreciate attention to themselves. They do not have something from ordinary children. That is why such boys and girls will be glad to any gift that will be presented. For example, you can give:

  • Toys.
  • Stationery.
  • Furniture.
  • Clothes.

And most importantly - pour the soul into the scenario of the speech to convey a piece of heat to those who are so lacking.

Scenario of a charitable concert

"The sun should shine for all"

Music sounds - 1 tr - Track 20-1 (SEN PR)

The curtain opens. Twilight. The light is gradually enhanced


I will pose someone


To your way begins

Medium people!

Be a piggy bank, be a warehouse

All sorrow

So that you have opened the way

To their hearts.

Ocean become expected


So that you hold all the pain

Their hearts ...

    Vocal number

Music sounds - 2 tr - S._Hrakhmaninov - vocalization


Hello. Today we gathered again here to support those who had trouble. It was so happened in our usual life that we arrive at work every day and return home, strive to successes, build a career, listen to music, laughing and do not notice that someone is writhing from pain next to us.

And then the moment comes when we have, it seems, everything, but for some reason we do not feel happy. Why? I think one old parable will help you figure it out.

"Once a good man talked with God and asked him:
- Lord, I would like to know what paradise is and what is hell?
The Lord led him to two doors, opened one and spent a good man inside. There was a huge round table, for the middle of which a huge bowl, filled with food, which smelled very tasty. A kind person felt that he drove salons. People sitting around the table looked sick and dying from hunger. They had spoons with long-long handles attached to their hands. They could get a bowl, filled with food, and dial food, but since the handles of the spoons were too long, they could not bring them to their mouths. A kind person was shocked by the view of their misfortune.

The Lord said: "You have just seen hell." Then the Lord led a good person to the second door and challenged her. The scene that man saw was identical to the previous one. The same huge round table, the same gigantic bowl with a delicious smelling food. People sitting around the table held the same spoons with long handles. Only this time they looked satisfying, happy and immersed in pleasant conversations with each other. A kind person told the Lord: "I do not understand."
"It's simple," the Lord replied him, "these learned to feed each other." And those think only about themselves. Hell and paradise are designed equally. The difference is inside us. "

And indeed, remember how you begin to glow your eyes happily, seeing that someone has become good from your participation, or if someone has dried tears in our eyes, because you stretched your hand help. Only from bright thoughts and acts, we become happy, and every bit of happiness donated to the neighbor, makes us smile in the morning, just like that. With no reason.

Truth What is: To be happy - you need to help your neighbors and make happy others. And we try to get closer to happiness, and thank you for being together with us. The word is provided to the director of the Gymnasium No. 3 S.S. Ilyina, who supported our initiative.

Speech S.S. Ilyina.

    Vocal number - "Happiness"

    Tool number - Right

Not for yourself trees fruit,

And the rivers of clean water do not drink their

Do not ask bread for yourself

Houses are not kept for themselves.

We will not compare yourself with them,

But everyone knows, this life is loving,

What kind of generous give you to people

The joy you live for yourself.

    Dance number - "Seeds"

    Vocal Room - Popourry RNP

3 TR - Track 1-1 (SEN PR)


Every year about 70 cases of cancer and hematological diseases in children are revealed in the Samara region. When the diagnosis is voiced by a child, the family is experiencing a strongest shock, the financial situation of the family is worse. In the process of treating and rehabilitating a patient, families face a lot of problems, which are very difficult to solve themselves, and sometimes it is impossible. Therefore, in 1999, parents of sick children and treating doctors united in the struggle for children's lives. And so there was a lot of help to children with oncohematological diseases "Victoria".

I give the floor to the Chairman of the Victoria Regional Public Organization Tatiana Viktorovna Zitieva.

Speech by Tatiana Viktorovna Zitieva.

Sounds Toccat Baha

    Poem "Mercy"

    Vocal number "Song of Good"

3 Tr - Track 1-1 (Paul Moria)


In the separation of hematology, two sick children account for each bed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to save all sick children and solve the problem in the root, but we are able to help someone alone. We decided that it would be a Zhenya Trifonov. Her family is very much supported.

And my mother just does not find a place.

You can't even imagine how much mom is falling out, the child of which is sick. She is assets for the child, she has to work with a nurse, nurse and nurse. Mom takes the test tubes for genetic analysis, brings donor blood. Often, mom should still find donors. Man simplycould not cope with this alone. Therefore, it is very important when there are people who are ready to help, support, instill hope and faith.

And at that moment, when a person begins to feel someone else's pain, showing mercy and concern for people, he becomes better. Giving another part of your soul, heartiness and participation - we get themselves. Because everything that we would do, certainly returns to us.

    Vocal number - "Mom" - Choir "Inspiration"

    Dance number "Mistel"

4 Tr - Track 17. (SEN PR) Light Full

Leading:Today in this room, the organizers of the action - students 7 in class, their cool leader O.E. Okulovskaya, and guests of the evening - Natalia Yuryevna Maslova, the inspirer and the head of the gymnasium charity project, which was implemented in the past academic year, and Tanya Maslov, which in the most difficult period was always in touch with Olya Voronina. Olya was also going to come to us in the gymnasium, but now she is in the clinic - she has a complication after the operation. Natalia Yurievna, we are glad to see you and provide you with the Word.

Speech by N.Yu. Maslova

5 TR - the topic of dreams - A. Rubnikov. Full light.

Vocal number "Road to Sky"

Music Track 6 Tp - Morning in the Forest


I believe

Blessed and cursed.

I believe

Alternating everything.


As a slave

To his gallery,

I continue to believe in good.

Leading:Now Zhenya, together with the dad in Moscow, was hospitalized today, and tomorrow she will have a surgery. God forbid that everything ended well.

And I want to finish our evening with a quote from the famous cartoon: "Do good and throw it into the water. It will not disappear - it will return good to you. " Large hearty thanks to everyone who was today with us.

If you have the opportunity and desire, then you can make a donation to the piggy bank, which is located on the reception.

And we will hope that in the future, our gymnasists will be able to change the situation in the root. And then the children will not die from diseases, and doctors will be able to calmly treat them. It should be.

The scenarios uses the materials of the regional public organization of assistance to children with oncohematological diseases "Victoria";

And poems:

"I believe" Y. Martinquinavichus from the poem "Homo SAM";

"Not for yourself trees are fruiting" L. Tatytyyevaya;

jewish parable "Hell and Paradise".