Transmission of Julia Little "alone with everyone", all the best issues, reviews. Channel Channel explained why it closes "alone with all" less than a little less

Transmission of Julia Little
Transmission of Julia Little "alone with everyone", all the best issues, reviews. Channel Channel explained why it closes "alone with all" less than a little less

All issues of the transfer of Julia Little "alone with everyone", using the audience the greatest popularity. List of series, reviews, online view. Best moments, shocking, revelations, provocations. Unknown details from the lives of famous people.

Yulia's transfer to Julia "alone with all"

In October 2013, a new program of Julia was launched on the first channel "alone with everyone." All the best issues "alone with everyone" can be found online on our resource (the popularity of issues is determined based on the discussion of the transfer on the forum of our portal, as well as internal data).

The format of the transfer of Julia Little "alone with all" - an interview that the host takes the guests. It can be said that this is a talk show without using the auditorium. Julia Menshova creates a psychological portrait of a guest, reveals his identity, discussing the most important events of his life.

All issues of the transfer of Julia Little "alone with all" is an interesting communication with famous people who wears and informational, and entertaining, and even philosophical character.

Yulia's transfer to Julia "alone with all", reviews

Reviews of the transfer of Julia Little "alone with all" are characterized categoric: someone finds the transfer of interesting and meaningful, someone expresses about non-professionalism of the leading and one-sided submission of the material. We adhere to the opinion that the transfer of Julia's little "alone with everyone" is not only a popular current show, but also a sample of high-class journalism.

List of the best broadcasts of Julia's transmission less "alone with all", their summary

List of the series is given in order of their first channel broadcast.

The transfer of Julia Little "alone with everyone", release of 14.10.2013: Valery

The first release of a new talk show. Almost all members of the Valeria family will appear in the studio - Husband Joseph Prigogin, daughter Anna and the younger son of Arseny; They will frankly answer Julia's questions about the career and personal life of Valeria. Most of the conversation - about marriage singer with Alexander Shulgin, about his attitude to Valeria and their three children.

"Alone with all" with Valeria

The transfer of Julia Little "alone with everyone", the release of 11/14/2013: Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan

The leitmotif of this issue is about all the sides of the marriage of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan: the audience can see the marriage of the famous secular lioness and the actor dispensed sharply sharpened scalpel. Meshsova will begin with what people "say": Sobchak, they say, married, because it's already time, and Vitorgan married love. To her money ...

"Alone with all" with Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan

The transfer of Julia Little "alone with everyone", the release of December 16, 2013: Anastasia Volochkova

Visiting Julia Little - Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. On one side of the life of Anastasia - she herself: Beautiful, bright, naive and trusting (from her own words), and on the other - uncompatible, greedy to sensations of people with cameras. Photos from the rest Anastasia Volochkova and Nikolay Baskov in the Maldives flew around the Internet, however, Julia Menshov will not be in the transfer to raise the question of the sexual orientation of Baskov and will generally refrain from any "spree."

"Alone with all" with Anastasia Volochkova

Yulia's transfer to Julia's "alone with everyone", release of 18.12.2013: Alexander Shirvindt

Alexander Shirvindt will tell Julia Little about how they filmed the scene in the film for the film "The Irony of Fate or with a Light Steam!" - On the substitution of butt phal vodka on the present and inclusion of episodes, where all the actors (except Georgy Burkova) are really drunk, in the film.

"Alone with all" with Alexander Shirvindt

Transmission of Julia Little "alone with all", release from 01/15/2014: Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Visiting Julia Litzova - the Russian ballet star Nikolai Tsiskaridze, an artist who has dancing from 1992 to 2013 leading parties in the Bolshoi Theater (which is not surprising for a person with the last name "Tsiskaridze", translated from Georgian this word means "First Star").

"Alone with all" with Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Transmission of Julia Little "alone with all", release from 01/22/2014: Lyme Vaikule

Visiting Julia Little - the most extraordinary and bright singer of the Soviet and post-Soviet space - Lyme Vaikule.

A tendency to extravagant outfits and a special artistic performance of songs for some reason create an image of an exalted and even lazy Lyma Vaikule. During the conversation with Yulia, a little viewer will be able to see Light Vaikule outside the scene - the singer is absolutely natural and organic.

"Alone with all" with Lime Vaikule

Transmission of Julia Little "alone with all", release from 04.03.2014: Natalia Arbasarova

Visiting Yulia Litzova - Actress Natalya Arinbasarova, known to the eldest generation as a performer of the role of Altynai in the film "First Teacher", and younger - as the mother of Director Egor Konchalovsky.

The program tells about the history of love Natalia Arinbasarova and Andrei Konchalovsky, how Konchalovsky had to turn to the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU in Kazakhstan in order to marry Arinbasarovar, as well as many other interesting stories.

"Alone with all" with Natalia Arinbasarova

The transfer of Julia Little "alone with everyone", release from 03/20/2014: Oleg Basilashvili

Visiting Julia Litzova - everyone's beloved, unsurpassed Woland - Oleg Valeranovich Basilashvili. In 2014, Basilashvili marks 80 years old, and despite this, the actor impresses the abilities of the view and the clarity of thought. Julia Menzhova, as usual, will try to create a psychological portrait of his guest, show Oleg Basilashvili. That she sees himself: shy, excessively delicate man and even a little podcast. However, Oleg Basilashvili will create his portrait in this gear.

One of the best release issues "alone with all".

"Alone with all" with Oleg Basilashvili

Yulia's transfer to Julia's "alone with everyone", release from 04/01/2014: Alexander Vertinskaya

Another famous guest of Julia Menaskova is an artist Alexander Vertinskaya, better known viewers as a leading program "Remove this immediately!".

Alexander Vertinskaya without a shadow of the jewelry compared his mother and aunt with Hollywood beauty, and Nonna Mordyukov - with a militant and a collective farmer. Probably, thus speaks the same pride for his unique family, which also tells about Alexander Vertinskaya.

"Alone with all" with Alexandra Vernets

Transmission of Julia Little "alone with all", release from 05/29/2014: Valentin Gaft

Valentin Gaft: frankly about theatrical and cinema, about Eldar Ryazanov, who "opened" the Soviet viewer of the Actor Gafta, about family happiness, which the actor has gained 60 years with actress Olga Otrumova, about how one day he played a female role and what one day he played a female role There was a success.

In the transfer of Valentin Gaph, I read the epigram dedicated to Julia Little ...

"Alone with all" with Valentina Gaft

Yulia's transfer to Julia "alone with everyone", release from 11/17/2014: Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as the most removed artist - the actor over 250 roles in the cinema. In the transfer, Armen Borisovich will ask a provocative question, why Andrei Merzlikin and other artists left from his theater. Armen Borisovich, I need to say, I was not confused ...

The program will also be discussed in the personal, about wisdom, about the favorite cat of artist fillet ...

"Alone with all" with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

The transfer of Julia Little "alone with everyone", release from 18.08.2015: Dmitry Malikov

"Alone with everyone" with Dmitry Malikov - Singer, a musician and an eternal boy, going through life with a smile.

According to the daughter of Dmitry Malikova Stefania, her father is sentimental and regularly crying when watching television programs. "Tears are a sign of spiritual purity," says Dmitry Malikov.

"Alone with all" with Dmitry Malikov

Transmission of Julia Little "alone with everyone", release from 09/03/2015: Tatyana Dogleva

Inerture literally dishes offensive posts to Tatiana Dogileva - they say, alcoholic, crazy and traitor to the Motherland. Meanwhile, Yulia Menshov, in his program, "alone with everyone" presented the public to Tatyana Dogilev - sober, healthy and bold.

"Alone with everyone" with Tatiana Dogileva

Yulia Menshova announced the closure of the program "Alone with all" on the first channel

Yulia Meshsova announced the closure of the program "Alone with all", the leading of which became back in 2013. On his page in Instagram, she confirmed that the show would really no longer go on the air, but dispelled rumors that he leaves the first channel.

Of course, I would like to prolong the intrigue, but stupid rumors crawled, you will have to split a little earlier. Yes, this is true: the program "Alone with all" is closed. But it is not true that the program closed the channel management. It was solely my desire and a strong request,

Meshvova reported, noting that he made such a decision, because it did not want the program "turned into a routine":

For 4 years, we took 600 issues on the air, and it was a very difficult job, although it is infinitely interesting. I did not want this program to turn into a routine and reduced my quality. In this regard, we, together with the management of the Channel, decided to close the project. I understand that you will regret and even express me complaints, list potential heroes and so on. But I am sure that television today should be, more than ever, dynamic, and you need to be able to finish projects in time, leaving good memory about them.

Julia Menshova in the program "Alone with all"

Meshshova noted that it remains to work on the first channel, where new projects will appear soon with its participation:

I'm not going anywhere from the first channel! We agreed on new projects that are currently under development. The editors of the program is not dissolved, but works on a full coil. And we hope for new meetings with you in the new season, with new forces and new ideas!

Moscow, August 16 - RIA Novosti. Yulia Menshova invited the leadership of the first channel to close the program "Alone with all". RIA Novosti reported this in the press service of the TV channel.

Announces that the presenter decided to complete the project before he had time to get bored with the audience. "We supported her decision and now we work with Yulia over two new projects that the audience will see on the first in the new season," they spoke in the press service.

Earlier, the closure of "alone with everyone" was reported to Menzhov. "It was solely my desire and urgent request. For 4 years, on the air, we shot 600 issues, and it was a very difficult job, although it was infinitely interesting. I did not want this program to turn into a routine, and reduced my quality. In connection With this, we, together with the management of the Channel, decided to close the project, "wrote the TV host in his Instagram.

Closing "While all at home"

On Tuesday, it became known about solving the leadership of the first channel. Close the transfer "While all at home", first released on screens in 1992. According to media information, the television program has fallen in a rate for several years, while its authors refused to change the format.

It is also reported that the leadership of the TV channel refused to purchase the next season "While all at home" after checking sources of funding from the heading "You will have a child", for which the so-called video edom of orphans were shot on a permanent basis. At the same time, the funds on the account of the transfer listed not only the state and the television channel, but also private investors.

The leading transmission of Timur Kizyakov denied the information that the funds from the sponsors came to the program account. According to him, the money was immediately headed to the guardianship bodies, and the managers "While all at home" led strict reporting. At the same time, the publication in the media he called slander. Kizyakov also stressed that many firms offering intermediary services in the field of adoption were interested in closing the program.

"Okay, if it were rumors of a yellow press. This is purposeful, because companies that engaged in this work and saw this interest financially, they see us a competitor in us, and they see our business in us. I can't call any That names. Methods are absolutely raiders in these structures that are engaged in children, "the situation was commented on the situation.

New presenter "Let them say"

In early August, the media and social networks have information that the leading program "Let them say" Andrei Malakhov leaves from the first channel. Later this information was confirmed by the showman himself, explaining that she intends to take a "maternity leave."

The leading new season show became Dmitry Borisov. The first release of the TV program was dedicated to the career of Andrei Malakhov on television, as well as media reports on his likely caring from the program.

The previously informed source told RIA Novosti that, together with Andrei Malakhov, the project will leave a number of employees, the statements about their dismissal already signed. The television house team is expected to go to the program "Direct Ether" on Russia-1.

Andrei Malakhova, the closing of the transfer "While all at home", and now Julia's programs are "alone with everyone".

It turned out that Julia herself insisted on closing the transfer. It is not going to leave the first channel of Meshsov, according to her, she prepares two new projects for the exit.

"Yes, this is true, the program" Alone with all "is closed. But it is not true that the program closed the channel management. It was solely my desire and urgent request. For 4 years, we took 600 issues on the air, and it was a very difficult job, although it is infinitely interesting. I did not want this program to turn into a routine, and reduced my quality. In this regard, we, together with the management of the Channel, decided to close the project. I understand that you will regret and even express me complaints, list potential heroes and so on. But I am sure that television today should be more dynamic today, and you need to be able to finish projects on time, leaving good memory about them. But I'm not going anywhere from 1 channel. We agreed on new projects that are currently under development. The editors of the program is not dissolved, but works on a full coil. And we hope for new meetings with you in the new season, with new forces and new ideas! " - Written Julia in Instagram (spelling and punctuation of the author. - Approx. ed.).