Anna Netrebko and Yusif Euvazov: Page accompanies the queen. Opera Div Anna Netrebko told about the life of the Son with the features of development Civil husband Anna Nalrebko - Erwin Schontt

Anna Netrebko and Yusif Euvazov: Page accompanies the queen. Opera Div Anna Netrebko told about the life of the Son with the features of development Civil husband Anna Nalrebko - Erwin Schontt

Netrebko Anna Yurevna is the most famous and most popular opera singer whose velvet voice is possible to hear on the scenes of the opera theaters of the whole world. Soprano Anna still amazes and admires millions of her fans, who are increasingly acquiring discs with the opera batches of Nalrebko in order to light them as often as possible.

Among the devotees of the talent admirers, Anna can be both ordinary people, well-known football players, and businessmen, and the strengths of this world. She is incredibly public, not in his will man, but in the life of the opera diva full of white spots.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Anna Netrebko

Anna Netrebko talent fans constantly want to receive reliable information about the opera diva, including its growth, weight, age. How many years Anne Netrebko can be calculated independently, if you wish, finding the date about the date of birth on the expanses of the Internet.

Anna Netrebko was born in 1971, so she was forty-five full years. According to the sign of Zodiac Anna is a shy, creative, domic, creative, indecisive, friendly virgin.

According to the Eastern Horoscope, Netrebko received all the character traits that are inherent in the pig, including good nature, sociability, curiosity, lovingness, simplicity.

Anna Netrebko's growth is a meter and seventy-three centimeters, and weight reaches no more than sixty eight kilograms.

Biography and personal life Anna Netrebko

Anna Nesrebko's biography and personal life were always filled with creativity, love and understanding. Little Anguka not only went well at school, she sang perfectly and musitized.

For a long time, Anna performed as part of the Kuban Cossack Choir Kuban Pioneeria, which was located in the local house of culture. A talented girl appeared in the "Miss Kuban - 88" contest, which took second place, having received a new TV. Beauty contest led Ingenious Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

After receiving secondary education, Anna entered the famous Leningrad Conservatory. To secure a little less worthy accommodation, the girl settled in Mariinsky with a cleaner.

Already in 1993, a talented girl won in a prestigious competition and was invited to several parties to the same Marinka, where they were heard by foreign guests. Since 1994, tour from Europe and America began, Netrebko was invited to fulfill opera parties in Riga, San Francisco, Salzburg, a number of Italian cities, Munich, Vienna.

Netrebko periodically appears in the center of scandalous stories, for example, when she gave money to restore the famous Donbass Opera theater and photographed against the background of the flag of Novorossia. In 2012, Anna became the trustee of the candidate for the president of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Anna Netrebko's personal life has always been very violent, because the beauty adored since the kindergarten and school. At the same time, she never talked about her novels and never clarified the causes of separation. Anna did not like to appear on the scandalous talk show, and if he came, for example, on the show "Evening Urgant", he told exclusively about his family and the upbringing of the sins.

An exception to the rules was a novel and scandalous parting with a talented dancer Nikolai Zubkovsky.

Anna Netrebko family and children

Anna Netrebko's family and children are her joy and reliable protection. Anna's family was very friendly, her members took place from the Cossack Kuban kind, so there were strong traditions in it.

Father - Yuri Netrebko - was the Kuban Cossack, he worked as an engineer-geologist.

Mother - Larisa Netrebko - worked in the sphere of communication, where he held the position of engineer. At the same time, she managed to engage in the upbringing of a little Annushka and her senior sister Natasha.

Natalia Netrebko lives in Denmark, she is very tied to his sister, so often supports it and visits almost all concerts. The girl is married, but he has no children, so I am pleased to communicate with your favorite prechion.

Anna Netrebko had a strange attitude towards children, as she did not want to start them because of career growth. She believed that the kids would need to surround care and love, as well as to ensure their proper upbringing and creative development. Anna was not ready to leave his career, but after he learned about his pregnancy from his beloved man, she was at the seventh place from happiness.

It is because of great love for the baby, Netrebko could, remaining without a loved one, put his child to his feet, literally healing his love.

Anna Netrebko's son - Thiago Arua Slott

Anna Netrebko's son - Thiago Arua Slott - appeared in 2008, and his father became a civilian husband of Opera Diva Erwin Slott.

The boy developed in accordance with age, however, soon his parents noticed some problem sides in his behavior. After all the tests were conducted, it turned out that a three-year-old Thiago has autistic behavior.

It is because of his beloved silence, as she calls a son, Anna Netrebko went to the United States. She did everything to develop her son correctly. He went to the Specialized School of Integration Type and practically overcame his autism than pleased Mama and the new Father.

Thyago is talking in English, but at home perfectly communicates with her mother in Russian. He did not know how to talk completely to four years, but the Claims on the ABA technique helped develop this skill. The guy loves to play calm games and do something alone with himself.

At the same time, Thiago - the boy is very self-sufficient and very neat, because in his entire life he did not scatter and did not break the toys. He is a very talented guy, because he plays the guitar, sings, draws, makes gorgeous flowers from tapes and paper, loves to visit the opera.

Anna Netrebko civil husband - Erwin Slott

Anna Netrebko civil husband - Erwin Schontt - originated in the life of a woman in 2007. At the same time, Anna immediately said that it was not ready for serious relationships and to start children.

The guys were not ready to finish their relationship, but they lived in the same apartment, soon the fruit of their love appeared. After the child appears to the light, the fans again spoke about a possible marriage, while the engagement was announced.

Then it happened unexpected, because in 2013 Anna Netrebko and Uruguayan tenor began talking about the fact that their relationship is no longer. The reason for the breaking of relationships may be problems with the development of their common son.

Anna Netrebko's husband - Yusif Eyvazov

Anna Netrebko's husband - Yusif Euvazov - met back in 2014 in one of the Italian cities, they had a novel, but the opera singer was not ready to make a serious relationship. She was busy with her career and care about the development of a small son.

Azerbaijan Opera Tenor was incredibly persistent, so Anna surrendered, and in 2015 the couple entered into a lawful marriage. When Euvazov did a proposal, he clarified that he wants to live with the Netrebko all his life, making it incredibly happy.

The wedding was incredibly luxurious and took place in the famous Vienna Town Hall.

They have success, fame and money. And taste? Whom of the stars want to take for the sample, and who - send to change clothes? Today, the outfits of the stars assessed Asya Razankina, fashion expert, General Director of Russian Fashion Roots and the House of Russian Fashion.


Star Opera Couple lives Vienna, but soon promises to come to Russia: for February next year, Anna and Yusif have been planned a large solo concert. In the meantime, spouses can enjoy in the summer. So, the other day they visited the premiere of the opera Shostakovich "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" in Salzburg. And in July Euvazov, Netrebko and her son from the first marriage of Thiago, from where the opera diva shared by beach pictures. Anna may well afford - for the last couple of months she. As well as the 45-year-old singer abandoned the dark hair color in favor of the blond, thanks to which.

Expert comment:

Expert in fashion asya Razankina *.

* The opinion of the expert may not coincide with the position of the magazine.

Fashion for 3D prints is gaining momentum. You can see that our opera divides depart from crinolines and corset outfits and choose dresses created by modern technologies. But there are nuances that should be avoided. The relevant Ryushi and Ruffles should not be so rare - they look at the Anna dress as a random addition. If you want to visually enlarge the chest, choose clothes with a waist at the top - in the chest area or shoulders. The framing of pione looks romantic, but again, on such a bright personality, it looks like a poor, unplanned.

Yusif Euvazov, Anna's spouse, is always distinguished by a special approach to choosing combinations in clothing. As the Page he accompanies the queen. But you need to remember that the selected trouser length visually shortens his legs. Classic shoes, and on a boss, I would have done the image stylish. But here shiny silver slips with black socks are not very tied with a common view. Informal, Country Style shirt with sunbathing sleeves gives the singer of brutality, not not attractiveness. Bored and not very to the place ... Jumpsuit of such a cut - too bold a choice for visiting the theater. There is an opinion that if you wear a worker's uniform (and jumpsuit just from this "Opera"), you will look sexy and just at the same time. I want to upset - the rule works extremely rarely.

Total: Anna and Yusuf are dressed too contrast. Before going out, they clearly did not agree, in what to go to fit each other.

Anna Netrebko (in Instagram - Anna_Netrebko_YUSI_TIGO) - the famous opera singer, laureate of awards of awards. In this article we brought the focus on the photo Anna Netrebko in Instagram. Anna was born in Krasnodar, September 18, 1971. Her parents from the Kuban Cossacks, the mother worked as an engineer, and his father was a geologist. Music began to study in childhood. Already in school years, she became the soloist of the Kuban Pioneer's Choir. After graduation, he entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory in the class of Tamara Novichenko.

In 1994 he participated in the competition. Glinka, where she won, and she was invited to speak Mariinsky Theater. The conductor was Valery Gergiev. Literally a year later, the abroad was already invited to San Francisco. The work chose the Russian - "Ruslan and Lyudmila", and the young singer got the role of the main character. In addition, this was the many other operas - "Magic Flute", "Seville Barber", "War and Peace", "Rigoletto" and others. The girl gradually conquered the world capitals. In 2002 in New York, it was waited for her in the Metropolitan Opera to fulfill the role of Natasha in the "War of War and the World", then in 2003 in Munich and Los Angeles.
Woman has double citizenship. Second, Austrian, she received in 2006, as she was going to live in Salzburg and Vienna. And at the moment it lives alternately in New York and Vienna.

Personal life

In total, the singer has two experiences of a serious relationship. The first last 6 years and brought her son, Thiago Arua. The father of the child was Bariton Erwin Slott from Uruguay. The son was born in 2008, and in 2013, parents decided to part. After 2 years, in the 2015th, the singer marries the tenor of Yusif Evazov. Her second husband is from Azerbaijan. Anna Netrebko and Yusif Evazov constantly together, judging by the instagram.


Official site Instagram Anna Netrebko - a solid pleasure for lovers of classical music, operas and museums. The owner of the account not only likes to stroll along the sights of Europe and Russia, she will be happy to share this with subscribers. In addition, the fans have a rare opportunity to see and hear fragments from singer's speeches on stage. And not only this.

Cooking, fitting costumes and selection of jewelry for role in all details, rehearsals - all this also becomes the property of the public due to instagram. But in Instagram Anna Netrebko Yusif Thiago is not only this. People close to it often appear, especially the Son and Husband. The son is walking together with mom, then with burning eyes try to play on the instruments of the opera orchestra.

When the world found out about the relations of Anna Netrebko and Yusif Evazov, many people reacted skeptical. People did not believe in the sincerity of the feelings of the not too well-known opera artist who decided to tie fate with the global substitute. But the man achieved professional success (the very exciting point of which was the performance in La Scala), still next to Anna, became a real father for her son Thiago with a diagnosis of autism. In the transfer of "2 Vernik 2", Yusif said how hard it was for him family happiness.

"I had a very big admiration. She remained alone with this misfortune, not knowing how to live with it. Not knowing perfectly, from which end to approach this child who had serious problems<...> Today, after six years, we argue, he tells us everything, he is a completely different person. But at that moment, when the child just hysteriate, and you do not know what to give him, and there is no one near, who could help, it was terrible. Now everything, fortunately, remained in the past, "said Evazov, noting that the boy became much more positive and sociable. "He is very talented if he takes it, he will be," said Yusif Talent Boy to the game on the piano.

The man managed to earn the confidence of the "special" child and become a second father for him. "This is my child, this is my son," says stepfather. Mom Thyago emphasized that with the advent of a man in the house he became better: "He became happy when I realized that he had a real family."

Difficulties were waiting for emotional yusif and communicating with his wife. "I never have written love poems for my 40 years of life. At the beginning, I wrote romantic poems, a few pieces, five pieces. Why did you stop you know? Because she doesn't need it, "he told.

"For four years, that together, Anya did not write me a single poem, she does not admit to love and does not like to openly express their emotions.<...> I got up somewhere with it. I know that she loves me, but she will never prove it, show, "- somewhat sad stated a man who mostly appreciates the satellite softness and comfort.

"I still remember that it was wearing on the first day when we met in Rome. I still remember what she said. I still have a storage of the Male, which we exchanged, "the Yusif admitted.

However, joint photos with which the couple shall be divided into Instagram, prove: Love, tenderness, mutual understanding reigns between them. And this is more important than words and recognition. "I never show some kind of dram or life<...> I generally such a person - do not keep anything in myself. Surface. I probably not a deep man, there is no depth in me. If I want, I can find it in myself, but she bothers me. Why do I need feelings that I torment?<...> If I have some disadvantages, I will not affect them, "Anna admitted.

The tour of Anna Netrebko is scheduled for a year ahead. Singer with a magnificent voice and just a luxurious woman look forward to fans in different cities of the world.


Anna was born on September 18, 1971 in Krasnodar in the family of Kuban Cossacks. Her mother worked as an engineer, and Dad was a geologist. Ani has an older sister Natalia.

Netrebko from childhood was fond of music. Being a baby, she gladly sang for relatives and guests of the parents. At school, Any took into the "Kuban Pioneer" ensemble, and soon the girl became his soloist. The team spoke not only in Krasnodar, but also toured around the country.

In the school years, Anya was an active and moving girl. She sent her energy to the right direction. Netrebko has a degree of candidate in the masters of sports on acrobatics, as well as discharges for athletics.

Anna differed not only by magnificent vocals and sports achievements, but also spectacular appearance. High, statical and beautiful girl attracted the attention of men. In 1988, the girl even took part in the regional beauty contest "Miss Kuban". Netrebko occupied the honorable 2nd place.

In adolescence, Anya firmly decided to tie his fate with music. Having received a certificate, she went to Leningrad and entered the music school. After 2 years, the girl realized that she had to move on. Netrebko threw the school and entered the Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Creative way

In 1993, Anna won the International Glinka Vocalists Competition. At this event, a talented girl noticed the opera singer Irina Arkhipov. Thanks to her, Netrebko was invited to audition in the Mariinsky Theater.

The voice and charisma girls conquered the director of the theater Valery Georgiev. He immediately gave Anna the main role in the formulation of the "Figaro wedding". Soon she was involved in the performances "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Tsarist Bride", "Seville Berber".

In the composition of the Teply Theater Netrebko first went to the overseas tour. Soprano beginner singer conquered European and Western opera theaters. In 1994, Anna was invited to Riga to participate in the play "Magic Flute". A year later, she spoke to Lyudmila's party from the Opera Ruslan and Lyudmila in San Francisco.

The singer acquired even greater fame in 2002. She spoke on the famous Metropolitan Opera scene, fulfilling Natasha's party from the Opera "War and Peace". In the same year, Anna triumphantly performed at the prestigious Salzburg festival. She sang a batch of Donna Anna (Opera "Don Juan"). Netrebko became a world-class star. I was looking forward to it in the best opera house theaters.

Currently, the singer is actively toured. Her voice can be heard at theaters of Russia, Italy, France, Austria, the USA and other countries. Netrebko annually releases new discs with masterpieces of Russian and foreign classical music, as well as with modern, ethnic and jazz songs.

Personal life

For many years, Anna has been actively actively advocated and touring around the world. However, work has never interfered with her to build a personal life. For some time, the singer met with the soloist of Mariinsky Nikolai Zubkovsky. Roman ended quickly, because the guy raised her hand on her.

For a long time, Anna met with the Italian singer Simon Albergini. They met on tour in Washington. After a couple of Movie Netrebko and Alberginy felt a strong attraction. They even planned to buy a house in Italy and live together, however, due to work, plans failed. Lovers saw about once a month. The sluggish relationships ended in 6 years.

In 2007, Netrebko began to meet with Bariton from Uruguay Erwin Slott. After 2 weeks, they lived together. A year later, the son of Thiago was born. For several years, Anna and Erwin were happy together, but did not manage to keep love.

The singer was more demanded than her man. On this basis, they often swore. When Thiago turned 3 years old, the doctors set him a diagnosis of Autism. Anya spent a lot of time with her son, and Erwin traveled on tour. Gradually, they moved away from each other and in 2013 finally broke up.

In 2014, it became known about the novel of the Netrebko and the opera singer of Yusif Evazov from Baku. They became acquainted in Rome in February 2014. Anna and Yusif together sang in the production of Manon Lesko. They talked warmly a few weeks, and after the premiere left home. Anna lived in Vienna, and Yusif - in Milan. Soon they realized that they would like to be together. Euvazov made an outreach proposal, and she answered consent.

In December 2015, Netrebko and Euvazov got married. Yusif found a common language with Thiago. The family often travels together and looks very happy.

Social networks

Opera singer is registered in many popular social networks:

Anna has long bought fate with music and never regretted it. For several years she made a rapid career and won the world with his charming soprano. Netrebko rightly called the Queen Opera, and she does not intend to give this title to anyone!