This is what the shocking singer Zhanna Aguzarova is doing now. Zhanna Aguzarova - biography, information, personal life Biography of Zhanna Aguzarova personal sat

This is what the shocking singer Zhanna Aguzarova is doing now.  Zhanna Aguzarova - biography, information, personal life Biography of Zhanna Aguzarova personal sat
This is what the shocking singer Zhanna Aguzarova is doing now. Zhanna Aguzarova - biography, information, personal life Biography of Zhanna Aguzarova personal sat

Zhanna Aguzarova (born 1962) is a Soviet and Russian singer, ex-soloist of the popular group "Bravo". The general public is well aware of her hits "Wonderful Country", "Old Hotel", "Yellow Shoes" and many others. Aguzarova is a well-known master of outrageousness, who repeatedly shocked viewers with her images and statements. The eccentric demeanor has always allowed to remain in the spotlight, sometimes overshadowing the excellent vocal abilities of the talented singer.

The childhood of the singer

Zhanna Aguzarova was born on July 7, 1962 in the small village of Turtas in the Tyumen region in a Russian-Ossetian family. Her mother, Lyudmila Savchenko, worked as a pharmacist. Father, Khasan Aguzarov, according to some reports, left the family early, leaving his daughter in the care of her mother. After the divorce, Zhanna moved to her mother's small homeland in the village of Kolyvan, Novosibirsk Region.

From an early age, the girl, who had the nickname Hasanchik, loved to be in the spotlight and amazed those around her with bright images. The appearance on the streets of a Siberian village of a girl with a chic belt and a green wallet could not leave anyone indifferent. Zhanna took an active part in amateur performances and once sang a song of her own composition in English, the text of which she composed, poorly understanding its content.

The protracted search for oneself

After graduating from high school, Jeanne's artistic nature prevailed and the girl entered the theater school in Sverdlovsk. However, due to illness, she lagged behind the program and could not catch up with her fellow students, so she moved to a similar educational institution in Rostov-on-Don. But even here Aguzarova did not stay long, soon moving to the capital. Here she tries to enter the famous Gnesinka and fails the entrance tests. A strict commission issued a verdict on the girl's lack of vocal abilities.

Admission to GITIS was also unsuccessful, where Aguzarova was again shown the door. Taking a short pause, Zhanna decided not to waste time and in 1983 she entered one of the Moscow vocational schools to study as a painter. In addition, the educational institution provided a hostel free of charge. The working profession did not particularly attract the creative nature of the girl, and she decided to plunge headlong into the world of music. In 1984, Aguzarova entered one of the capital's music schools at the faculty of folk singing. The obstinate character also played a role here, and the singer was expelled from the educational institution three times for persistent unwillingness to learn solfeggio.

The beginning of a musical career

During this period, she met many performers and was included in the musical get-together, in which she was known under the name of Ivanna Anders. She used this pseudonym, correcting other people's documents, since she did not have her own. To many, she was presented as a citizen of a foreign state (Swedish or Danish). It was difficult not to notice the owner of such a wide imagination, and soon the founder and permanent leader of the Bravo group, Yevgeny Khavtan, invites Aguzarova to try her hand at the Postcriptum collective, in which the musician was then working. However, he soon left this project and in 1983 created his own brainchild - the Bravo group, where he called Zhanna Aguzarova as a soloist. And he did not lose, since the appearance of a talented vocalist made everyone immediately start talking about the birth of a bright team.

Flip flop

Powerful energy, shocking, gravitation towards the underground and life under a fake passport in the pre-perestroika times could not go unnoticed by the authorities. During one of the first Bravo concerts, Zhanna is arrested and charged with forgery. Even then, the singer's behavior raised certain doubts about its adequacy, so a psychological examination was carried out, which established the artist's complete sanity. As a result, she was convicted and spent a year and a half in a settlement at the Tyumen timber industry enterprise, working as a receptionist.

Sharp turns of fate did not break Aguzarova, and after serving her sentence, she returns to music. Moreover, in 1986 she came to the attention of A. Pugacheva, who provided the Bravo group with certain patronage. Having successfully performed at the "Rock Panorama", the team of musicians embarks on a large-scale tour, which turned Jeanne into a real star. It is becoming very popular, as evidenced by the joint album with the group "Night Prospect".

In 1987, through the mediation of the Prima Donna, who actually performed the functions of a producer, the Bravo group organized a big concert at the Olimpiyskiy, and its soloist appeared on the screens of Central Television. Following the deafening success, the team finds itself in a period of deep creative crisis, which gave Aguzarova a reason to leave the group.

For the first time, the audience saw the new songs of the shocking singer in 1989 on the air of the musical ring. A year later, the first solo album, entitled "Russian Album", was released. It can be safely called author's, since Jeanne created the main material for it herself. He will remain her only full-fledged solo album. Before leaving abroad, the singer managed to get a diploma from a music school and even worked in the theater of A. Pugacheva.

Life in exile

After the collapse of the USSR, in the wake of great popularity, Aguzarova moved to the United States. But she failed to become as popular as at home. For 5 years, she sings in a California restaurant, the owners of which could hardly bear her outrageous antics and penchant for improvisation. As a result, she was simply fired, but the singer would later say: “Professionally, it has tempered me for many years.”

Then Jeanne leaves music and gets a job as a limousine driver at the International Celebrity Center. But the creative nature took its toll and soon she came up with a new pseudonym Nineteen Ninety "s, under which she performed with a group of American musicians. Together with them, she even came on tour to Russia. In the same period, a joint project Aguzarova with V. Shumov ( group "Center"), which resulted in the creation of two albums - Nineteen Ninety "s and" Tektonikak ".


In 1996, Zhanna reappears in Russia. The spectrum of her interests is very wide - from politics and cinema to club music, in which the queen of rock and roll felt very confident. During this period, she increasingly shocks the public with statements about Martian life and travel across the universe. From time to time, new tracks are released, which ensured a surge of interest in the mysterious person of the shocking singer, but it never came to a full-fledged album.

In 1998 Zhanna took part in the anniversary concert "Bravo" and even gave several joint concerts. In the early 2000s, she collects a musical group that performed the famous hits of the early "Bravo" and "Russian Album". New musical material practically does not appear, and Aguzarova attracts attention in an eccentric way, scandals and even fights.

In 2003, the singer's promising return to the stage was planned, in support of which she wanted to organize a tour of the country, but again everything remained only on paper. In 2008, rumors spread about the release of the new album "Rainbow", but the singer's representatives quickly cooled the heads of the fans, announcing that the songs that appeared on the worldwide Web were fake.

Rarely appearing on television, Aguzarova in 2015 came on the air of the program "Evening Urgant", striking outright with a new image. Instead of a "Martian", a gorgeous brunette in an evening dress and long curly hair appeared before the audience. In this image, nothing resembled a familiar alien from space. Perhaps external changes will affect the singer's creativity, and we will be able to appreciate the new facets of her talent. As they say, wait and see.

Personal life

Aguzarova is very sensitive to the facts of her own biography, not particularly spreading about her personal life. Nevertheless, it is known that her first husband was an ocean scientist. "There are people of science around me and everyone is much older than me"- Jeanne will say. But the marriage was short-lived, and she leaves for the USA with her new husband, producer Nick Poltoranin. She is credited with an affair with T. Murtuzaev, and at one time the artist's boyfriend was even the Hollywood actor M. Rourke, but he failed to lead the obstinate down the aisle. Perhaps because she is convinced that she will never marry an earthling again. However, this does not prevent her from regularly asserting: "Like most earthly people, my personal life is in order."

Zhanna Aguzarova has long ceased to flicker on our TV screens. Her videos and songs are not shown on well-known music channels. It was as if she had gone to the sidelines, giving way to young talents. But despite this, she is still recognized on the streets, and her songs are played in the players of many people. Zhanna Aguzarova is associated with creative insanity and constant shocking. Jeanne's songs are immortal hits that will exist at any time. In the nineties, Jeanne put the whole musical party on her ears. Then she disappeared and no one knew where. Someone came up with fairy tales that Zhanna Aguzarova flew into space and lives on Venus or Jupiter, and maybe Mars. The reasons for these rumors were the recognition of the singer herself about the connection with aliens. Well, where was Zhanna Aguzarova? Biography, personal life, children, about all this in this article.

Zhanna Aguzarova's childhood

Zhanna was born in a village in the Tyumen region. But as is known from official sources, she spent her childhood in the village of Kolyvan, Novosibirsk region. They moved there because her mother was offered a job there as a pharmacist. Zhanna for a very long time carefully concealed all information about her personal life. The singer's dad did not live with them. Jeanne was raised by her mother. After graduating from school, Jeanne was haunted by failure, she could not enter any theater university. Without losing hope, she traveled to many educational institutions. She tried to take entrance exams in the following cities:

  • Rostov-on-Don;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Sverdlovsk;

And now, finally, one of the theatrical universities in the city of Novosibirsk accepted the singer's documents. But despite all these difficulties, Jeanne did not stay there for long. Having become ill at the beginning of her studies with severe pneumonia, she skips a significant part of her studies, and then leaves the school of her own free will. In one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two, Zhanna Aguzarova moved to Moscow. This time she came to enter Gnesinka, and again she failed. The examiners did not take her due to the fact that the singer lacks an ear for music and a voice.

And so Jeanne decides to forget about the singer's career and decides to become a painter. She enters a vocational school. Fate brings Zhanna together with many famous rock musicians, thanks to useful acquaintances, the singer easily joins the Moscow bohemian get-together. Jeanne's acquaintance with Yevgeny Khavtan carried a fateful character. In the future, he will help her to qualify for the Bravo group. In one thousand nine hundred and eighty-fourth, the first concert of the "Bravo" collective took place. The group is gaining popularity very quickly. The singer will be recognized anywhere in Russia. But the popularity was short-lived. All the fault is forged documents. She is taken from the concert and sent to prison. After serving in the labor camp, Zhanna returns to the Bravo group again. In the eighty-sixth year, the brava group takes part in the Musical Ring program. The unusual singer attracts everyone with her manner of performing songs, behavior on stage. She becomes a feature of the group.

Solo career of Zhanna Aguzarova

But, unfortunately, the group fell as quickly as it rose. In the eighty-seventh years, a creative crisis ensues in the group. During this period, Jeanne decided to leave the team. She begins a solo career. A year later, Jeanne released her first album. The listeners liked the album and was rapidly gaining popularity, but Aguzarova, for unknown reasons, left for permanent residence in the United States of America. But the miracle did not happen and Jeanne's career in a foreign country did not go as she would like, so she decides to become a DJ. However, this profession did not work out either. As a result, Zhanna worked as a driver.

Zhanna Aguzarova's life now

In one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six, Zhanna Aguzarova moved to live in her homeland. And after a couple of years she went on tour with the Bravo group. But she does not succeed in returning to the wide stage. Currently, Jeanne still amazes everyone with her extravagant style. Jeanne no longer needs a large stage, now she performs on small stages of clubs.

Who, with their magical voice and eccentric appearance, “blew up” the musical Russian world of the nineties? Whose songs, although she rarely sings them now, are still recognizable by middle-aged people and young people? What singer are rumored to have disappeared from the stage because she flew into space as Earth's musical ambassador? Zhanna Aguzarova, although she rarely appears on stage now, is still loved by the public and is in demand as a performer of solo concerts.

The official facts of the biography of the singer

  • Full surname, name and patronymic: Aguzarova Zhanna Khasanovna;
  • Date and place of birth: 1962, July 7, pos. Turtas of the Uvatsky district of the Tyumen region (formerly the RSFSR, now the Russian Federation);
  • Parents: Savchenko Lyudmila (mother), Aguzarov Khasan (father);
  • Height and weight: 162 cm, about 50 kg;
  • Citizenship: dual, USA-Russia; honorary citizen of the city of Cernusco sul Naviglio in Italy;
  • Professional activity: singer, composer, poet-songwriter, producer;
  • Musical achievements: "singer number three" according to a poll by the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" (1988) after A. Pugacheva and S. Rotaru; more than 5 million discs sold, 10 albums released;
  • Awards: North Korean Gold Medal “For Contribution to Peace”; section "Zhanna Aguzarova" in the Russian Musical Encyclopedia;
  • Marital status: divorced, no children.

About childhood and adolescence

The future goddess of shocking and kitsch was born in a small village in the Tyumen region. Zhanna grew up in an incomplete family: her father, Ossetian by nationality, did not enter into an official marriage with the girl's mother, did not live with them, but gave his daughter his last name. Zhanna's mother moved from Turtas to Kolyvan (a village in the Novosibirsk region) when her daughter was still little, and there the girl went to first grade. Ossetian by her father, Zhanna from a young age had an unusual and bright appearance, which was slightly spoiled by a large nose with a hump. But he did not become the reason for the ridicule of peers, as often happens:

“I didn't have a nickname in my childhood, they would try to call it somehow,” the singer later answered in an interview when asked if her classmates were teasing.

There is very little information about whether the girl studied singing as a child, whether she went to a music school. It is known for sure that even then, in music lessons, attention was paid to her bright, beautiful voice with a large range. They say she argued with her classmates that someday she would sing in Moscow on the big stage and become a star.

1977, when Jeanne graduated from high school, was devoted to attempts to enter a music school. The girl did not try to enter the university because of the great competition, three attempts were made to enter the schools of Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Novokuznetsk. And everywhere there is a refusal: there is no voice, a complete lack of artistry! These were music schools, but she went to the theater according to a competition (in Novosibirsk). Alas, she did not study there for a year - she fell seriously ill with pneumonia in winter, missed more than a month, and she was expelled.

Almost with the last money taken from her mother, Zhanna buys a ticket to Moscow and goes to conquer the capital. "Gnesinka" also did not accept the future rock star into its ranks. The girl, in order to somehow catch hold of in Moscow, goes to study at a technical school as a painter.

Acquaintance with the Bravo team, the beginning of success

The end of the 70s and the beginning of the 80s in the USSR is the rapid development of the "underground". Like mushrooms after rain, rock bands were created, concerts were held on spontaneously created venues, and cassettes and records were recorded in large quantities. Zhanna, as they say, "fell into her element": she was happily accepted into its ranks by the musical "get-together" of the capital, she already began to dress in her eccentric manner, she sang with pleasure.

A separate story is about her first artistic pseudonym. Zhanna was introduced to everyone not by her first and last name, but as Ivanna Anders. According to one version, her passport was stolen in Moscow, she bought documents of a Swedish citizen Ivan Anders from some huckster in Belorussky and added the second "n" and "a" to the name. Another version is more prosaic: she really took someone else's passport somewhere, but she was ashamed of her “usual” name and surname in her opinion, and then there was such a chance to get a beautiful pseudonym! One way or another, she called herself Ivanna Anders when she talked with Moscow rock musicians and moved in the near-musical "bohemia".

Aguzarov (so far Ivanna Anders) tried to join the Crematorium group, but was not taken. Then there was an audition for the "Poskriptum" ensemble, again a refusal. It was at that time that Evgeny Khavtan, one of the members of this group, decided to leave the team and create his own. Even at the audition, he drew attention to a girl with an unusual appearance and a unique voice, and invites her to his place. Moreover, he immediately approves her as a soloist, despite the fact that the composition of the group was not yet fully formed. So Zhanna begins to perform in the Bravo collective, which opened the era of conceptual rock and roll in the USSR.

The first video "Bravo" with the participation of Aguzarova, about 20 minutes long, immediately became incredibly popular, it happened in 1984. Havtan took the first record very responsibly: he began to collect the group in 1983, and for a whole year they rehearsed, “rubbed in” with each other. After a resounding success, concerts began all over the country: "Yellow Shoes", "I Believe", "Wonderful Country" - millions of people danced to these songs, knew the words by heart. The songs, as Khavtan and Syutkin later said, were almost always written for a particular singer, and these three songs were created precisely “for Aguzarov”.

Group "Bravo" 1986

Already being an all-Union famous musical "diva", Zhanna (attention - so far Ivanna Anders!) Decided to enroll in a musical college again. The choice fell on the Ippolitov-Ivanov School. The singer came there, dressed in her "kitsch" style, and the rest of the applicants were horrified: they would not even be allowed to enter the exam like this, let alone wiretapping! The girls, who were also going to take the exams, dressed Jeanne in an awkward blouse and skirt, and in this guise she entered the audience.

No one knows what thoughts swarmed in the head of the "Martian" (as they called Jeanne in the underground circles), what exactly she was going to sing before the entrance committee. She suddenly began to sing ... the folk song "Precious stones". The miraculously preserved record shows that the members of the examination committee held their breath and were surprised to listen to a strange girl with disheveled hair, obviously dressed from someone else's shoulder. She was unconditionally accepted, not even knowing that for two years now she has been singing at the largest music venues in the country, gathering an audience of thousands.

Butyrka, "durka", a quarrel with Pugacheva, departure to the USA

The mid-80s is not only the takeoff of the Bravo, Crematorium, Nautilus and others like them. These are also large raids at large concerts: they were looking for drugs, checking documents, under the guise of trying to "close" popular, but such "inconvenient" musicians. The group "Bravo" also falls into one of these raids, and how delighted the representatives of the law were when they saw fake documents for Ivanna Anders on its soloist! During the arrest, Zhanna put up such fierce resistance that she was sent to "lonely" in Butyrka prison.

She continued to squabble there, demanding ambassadors of "interplanetary friendship", argued that she was not a dugout at all, but an inhabitant of Mars, and that she should be immediately released as a representative of another civilization. As a result, she was sent to the Serbian Institute of Forensic Science: the prison doctors firmly decided that the singer was simply "going crazy." No, she was not crazy, and the institute could not prove her abnormality. They found another way to get rid of the singer for a while: she was forcibly sent to the Tyumen region, to a correctional labor institution. For a year and a half Aguzarova could not perform, but worked in a special "sanatorium" at the timber industry enterprise.

“Having rewound the term”, Aguzarova again comes to Moscow and begins to sing in her native “Bravo”, where everyone has been waiting for her with impatience for these one and a half years. The documents were already given to her in her real name and surname, a new creative take-off begins, concerts, recordings. She still dresses “oddly” for concerts, but on the recordings she comes in a more decent form, so as not to irritate the “official” musical elite. For example, in the video for "Roses" Zhanna looks more than decent: a modest hairstyle, an ordinary coat, almost no makeup.

But on TV in "live" performance, and not in recording, Aguzarova first appeared only in 1986. Moreover, Alla Pugacheva herself presented it at the then popular "Musical Ring"! This fact became a sign that Aguzarova (and "Bravo" for the company) was officially recognized as a "permitted" artist. Several records of the group are released on "Melodiya", the legendary "Russian Album" is being recorded, new tours all over the country begin.

How many destinies were broken, how many people found themselves at the edge of poverty, how many citizens of the former USSR suffered for nothing after the collapse of the mighty state! This "cup of sorrow" has not spared many musicians, including the group "Bravo". People all over the country, which had already disintegrated into separate "pieces", had no time for concerts: somewhere a civil war had begun, in other former republics people were thinking how not to starve to death. Zhanna decides to try to perform "solo", since the ensemble hardly tours. She begins to work at the Alla Pugacheva Theater, but the strangeness in behavior and intractable character did not give her the opportunity to stay there for a long time - she leaves the team with a scandal.

By that time, Zhanna finally graduated from the Ippolitov-Ivanov school, received a diploma. She studied, by the way, at the "folk" department - she was sent there after performing the song "Kamushki". As Aguzarova recalls about her studies at the school: “I will always be grateful to them! There I was taught stage movements, the ability to "hold" the diaphragm. From a butterfly girl in school, I turned into a professional. " She also recalls: “I studied at the folk, but they constantly tried to drag me to the opera. The teachers lamented that such a rich voice would not make it into the opera. "

Inspired by the fact that she already has a large supply of popular songs and a musical diploma, Zhanna decides to try her hand at abroad, and travels to the USA. There she is taken to sing in the Russian restaurant "Black Sea", where she has been working for about two years. And I wanted more than humming old hits to the sound of forks and glasses! Aguzarova goes to DJ courses, but no one needs a Russian-speaking DJ, and even a girl. She meets in America with the famous avant-garde producer Vasily Shumov and records two albums under his supervision - "Tectonica" and "Nineteen Ninety's". Alas, these albums did not become popular with the American public, and harsh everyday life begins: the singer works as a saleswoman in a mall, then as a taxi driver.

Homecoming. Zhanna Aguzarova in the early 2000s and now

But in Russia they remembered and listened to her! She sat at the wheel in America, and at home they constantly played the film "Assa", where she sang "Wonderful Country" in 1987. In 1992, Zhanna decides to return to Russia and again try to cooperate with Bravo. For the "seed" the ensemble travels to Israel, where they give successful concerts in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Then - a big tour of the former republics of the CIS, and they are welcomed everywhere with a bang. Then - again Jeanne's flight to America, a new attempt to become popular there, and again failure. In 1996, Zhanna finally returned to Moscow, took part in Yeltsin's election campaign, starred in the New Year's project "Old Songs about the Main - 2".

"Old songs about the main thing - 2"

Participation in the tour "Bravomania" in 1998, then performance at the rock festival "Maksidrom" - these were the last, in fact, Zhanna's appearance on the big stages. The paradox: everyone knows and listens to her "Old Hotel", "Cat", "Martian", they admire her, and she goes into the shadows! Plus - a conflict with Syutkin, who, probably out of banal jealousy, regularly spoke in an interview about the singer's unbearable character and her "ability" to create conflict situations from scratch. In addition, Zhanna behaved a little strangely when concluding contracts for concerts: she could abruptly disappear, before that she announced that “she needs to rest and she is going to her native Mars”.

Like an exotic butterfly, like an extraterrestrial ethereal creature, Jeanne in 2015 flew onto television in the program of Ivan Urgant. A chic red dress with a translucent train, long hair in a neat hairstyle, graceful snow-white gloves and stylish sandals with heels - where did the “outrageous princess” go? And the nose became noticeably smaller, and in general it was visible: obviously Jeanne had recently been under the knife of a cosmetic surgeon.

Slightly nervously fingering the hem of the dress and straightening her hair, the singer answered the question when she was last on TV: "In the last century!" Urgant all the time tried to embarrass the guest with tricky questions, such as "Are plastic cards accepted on Mars?" or "Lady Gaga is your daughter?" and he succeeded. But as soon as the offer to sing was received, the embarrassment vanished as if by hand: Aguzarova enters the stage in a spectacular suit made of a short top and a pink skirt, and the real magic begins! In her "fifty dollars in a ponytail" Zhanna showed that she can perfectly present herself on stage, she still sings magnificently. "You only you!" - the admiring spectators picked up.

frame from the program "Evening Urgant"

Aguzarova now performs at closed concerts in small clubs. Her past popularity allows her to charge a rather high price for performances: it was rumored that for less than 3 million she did not agree to go on stage, and she was paid! Significant concerts in the XXI century: in the St. Petersburg club "A2" (2015), "Bag Arena" and "Volta" in Moscow (2015), in 2016 again in Moscow she performs in the "Glav Club-e". According to friends of the singer, she gives about five concerts a year, which allows her to live comfortably and travel for her pleasure.

Personal life

Now the singer is not married. The first official husband from "life in the USSR" worked as an oceanologist, his name was Ilya. When Zhanna was arrested and placed first in Butyrka, and then sent into exile, he immediately filed for divorce. According to mutual friends, he argued his act like this: "In prison, something happened to her psyche."

Aguzarova left for the USA together with Timur Murtazaev (former bassist of "Bravo"). There, their paths parted, and they have not maintained a relationship since then. Gossip reached Jeanne already in the USA that the “former”, Ilya, sighed with relief: “This abnormal one has left”.

The man with whom Zhanna lived intermittently for almost ten years in a civil marriage is Nick Poltoranin. The artist later admitted in an interview that he and Zhanna sometimes met before her departure to America, but they really got together already there, in San Francisco. While things were going smoothly (they hired a producer for 2,000 dollars, recorded test songs), Jeanne's love for Nick knew no bounds. But as soon as the money ran out and it became clear that no one needed a couple of Russians, Zhanna began to get nervous, blaming Poltoranin for the failures. Aguzarova blamed him that he did not take her tapes from Russia - there is nothing supposedly to show to the producers, because everywhere is a fiasco.

Once, according to Poltoranin, the couple accidentally met Khavtan in the USA - the Bravo group came on tour. As if not noticing Nick, Havtan said to Jeanne: “What did you miss at home? Get out from here". From that moment on, every day Aguzarova began to persuade Nick to return home, and in the end she left alone. He came to Moscow several times, offered to register a relationship and fly away to the United States together. Zhanna did not want to, and he "could not give up a normal life for her sake" (words of Nick himself).

Poltoranin managed to achieve some success in America: he began acting in films, was a partner with Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie, received a second higher education. Sometimes he called Zhanna, asked: "How is it in Rashke?", But the conversation did not go well. He waited for her for many years and considered himself her husband, albeit unofficial, even dreamed of children ... Then he met another woman who agreed to marry him and gave birth to a daughter, Nicole. This is how his ten years with the "Martian" ended ... When he is asked: "How is your Jeanne?" - he says: "She flew away from me to the stars ..."

  1. Zhanna Khasanovna's favorite cartoon is "Thumbelina", filmed during the Soviet era. Favorite book - "Pushkin's Tales".
  2. The singer's dream is to organize a benefit concert and gather her idols there: Gramsy, O'Connor, Bjork.
  3. She speaks condescendingly about Lady Gaga: “She must have attended my concert as a child. Now Gaga is as professional as I am. "
  4. She does not like social networks and when asked how often she looks there, she replies: "Well ... sometimes."
  5. According to rumors, in addition to a three-room apartment in Moscow, she also has real estate in the United States. She probably stays in these apartments when every birthday flies to America.
  6. "Martian" loves to travel, often visits Bali, Tibet. There Zhanna, in her words, "meditates, rests spiritually and does yoga."
  7. Aguzarova does not like alcohol, but she cannot quit smoking. When she lived in the United States, she quit smoking herself and forced Poltoranin to do it, but as soon as she returned to Russia, the bad habit returned.
  8. Her hobby is drawing, but she only shows her paintings to close friends. And then he sells them under different fictitious names!
  9. In the credits of the cartoon "Mystery of the Red Planet", you can see that the Martian Key is voiced by Zhanna Aguzarova.
  10. She is a very kind person. Earning a lot, she constantly donates money to various charity events. She sent substantial sums to the fund of victims of the earthquake in Spitak, to the fund of the Chernobyl disaster, she regularly makes transfers to the Children's Fund of Russia.

Zhanna Aguzarova- Soviet and Russian singer, queen of rock and roll, former vocalist of the Bravo group, who made a solo career. Zhanna Aguzarova known for shocking and extravagance.
According to the most likely version, Zhanna Aguzarova was born in the village of Turtas, Uvat district, Tyumen region. She spent her childhood in the village of Boyarka, Kolyvan district, where her mother, Lyudmila Savchenko, worked as a pharmacist. Father - Khasan Aguzarov (Ossetian by nationality).
Zhanna Aguzarova graduated from high school in 1977 in the village of Kolyvan, Novosibirsk region. At the behest of the singer herself, she diligently hides the details. biographies of Zhanna Aguzarova, therefore, different versions can be found in different sources.

Zhanna Khasanovna Aguzarova
Date of birth 7 July 1962
Place of birth Turtas, Tyumen region, RSFSR, USSR
Years of activity
1983 - present
Country USSR, USA, Russia
Genres rock music, pop rock, beat, glam rock, rockabilly
Aliases Ivanna Anders, Ninthin Ninthis
Bravo teams

Zhanna Aguzarova unsuccessfully tried to enter several theater schools (in Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Sverdlovsk). For a while Zhanna Aguzarova lived in Rostov-on-Don.
In 1982 Zhanna Aguzarova came to Moscow and entered the technical school to train as a painter. However, soon Aguzarova entered Moscow bohemian circles, where she was known under the pseudonym Ivanna (later - Yvonne) Anders (according to herself Zhanna Aguzarova, had to live under a pseudonym due to the lack of her own passport, in the forged one she changed the name from "Ivan" to "Ivanna", posing as the daughter of diplomats).

Zhanna Aguzarova tried to get a job as a soloist in the group "Crematorium". In 1983 she joined the group "Bravo" (then still called "Postscript"). Already the first twenty-minute tape recording of the Bravo group with a new soloist was a great success.
In 1984, during a campaign of persecution of rock musicians by the Soviet authorities, she was detained right at a concert (March 18) with the group. Due to the discovery of Aguzarova's passport in a false name, she was first placed in the Butyrka prison, then in the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry named after V.I. Serbian, where it is recognized Zhanna Aguzarova sane, and sent to forced labor in the timber industry in the Tyumen region for a year and a half.

Upon returning to Moscow Zhanna Aguzarova continued to work in the Bravo group. In 1986 the group was introduced Alla Pugacheva on Leningrad television, in the Musical Ring program. Since this year, the popularity of the group "Bravo", and especially the strong vocalist Aguzarova, began to grow (especially after performing at the "Rock-Panorama-86" in May and the subsequent tour of the country); in 1987 the firm "Melodia" released the first disc of the group "Bravo".
In 1986 Aguzarova she also collaborated with the Night Prospect group, took part in a concert in support of the victims of Chernobyl (sang the song “I Believe”), in the recording of the song “Closing the Circle”.

As part of the Bravo group she took part in the Lituanika-86 music festival. Among the most famous songs related to the time of participation Aguzarova in the group "Bravo" - "Yellow Shoes", "I Believe", "Wonderful Country", "Old Hotel", "Cats". Song "Wonderful Country" Aguzarova is present on the soundtrack to the film "Assa".
By the end of 1987, Bravo's popularity began to wane, and in 1988 Zhanna Aguzarova left the group to pursue a solo career. In 1989 Zhanna Aguzarova performed with new songs in the Musical Ring program.
In 1990 Zhanna Aguzarova graduated from the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School, recorded a solo "Russian Album" and worked for a short time at the Alla Pugacheva Theater.

In 1991 Zhanna Aguzarova moved to Los Angeles (USA), where she worked at the Black Sea restaurant, from where she left two years later due to disagreements with the management - during her performances Zhanna Aguzarova often improvised, which did not suit the owners of the restaurant.
In America in 1993 Zhanna Aguzarova together with Vasily Shumov, she recorded an album of remakes of the songs of the Center group called “Nineteen Ninety’s” (and before that, in 1992, she participated in the recording of Shumov’s album “Tectonika”).
In 1993 she took part in the tour of the group "Bravo" in the countries of the former Soviet Union, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the group. Details of life Zhanna Aguzarova little known in the USA; it is known, however, that for some time she worked there as a DJ, then as a driver at the International Celebrity Center.

Publicist and writer Igor Svinarenko confirms this version:
“I remember in the dashing 90s, when I was visiting California for the Oscars, I met there quite by accident a couple of times. Zhanna Aguzarova, the owner of a magic voice, who, nevertheless, worked as a "limodriver". They say she did come back to us here and sings, tired of turning the steering wheel "

Zhanna Aguzarova returned to Russia on May 25, 1996. Zhanna Aguzarova took part in Boris Yeltsin's election campaign "Vote or Lose".
Zhanna Aguzarova starred in the musical film "Old songs about the main thing 2". In 1998 she went to the next anniversary tour of the group "Bravo", but, having performed only in 5 concerts, Zhanna Aguzarova suddenly left for Moscow. Currently (2006) gives concerts, mostly in clubs. The basis of the concert repertoire Aguzarova composes material for "Russian Album" and songs of the group Bravo of the 1980s; performs Zhanna Aguzarova also several new songs - "Maya", "You, only you" and others, - reminiscent of the style of performance of the song of the group "Bravo" and differing from them mainly in the arrangements.

Zhanna Aguzarova She behaves very shockingly, unpredictably on stage (which is why journalists call her "the goddess of shocking"), she dresses extremely eccentrically - on the verge of kitsch. In his few interviews, he often talks about his extraterrestrial origin and "internal connections" with the Martians.

Creative achievements of Zhanna Aguzarova

Zhanna Aguzarova released 10 albums.
Zhanna Aguzarova starred in 10 clips.
5,000,000 discs sold Zhanna Aguzarova.
Singer number 2 after Alla Pugacheva according to the survey "MK" 1986-88.
Zhanna Aguzarova- the best singer in 1996 according to the poll of the magazine "OM".
She has toured in Finland, Czechoslovakia, Korea, Sweden, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Israel, America (in the USA).
Zhanna Aguzarova starred in the films "Bravo" and "Zhanna in Israel".
Soundtrack for the films "Disc Jockey", "Assa", etc.
Gold Medal in Korea for Contribution to Peace.
Honorary Citizen of Cernusco (Italy)
Participant of charitable actions - to the fund of victims of the earthquake in Armenia, to the Children's Fund, to the fund of victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, etc.
The musical encyclopedias published in Russia include a section dedicated to Zhanna Aguzarova.
On the stage since 1983, she began her creative career as part of the Bravo group. The first concert took place in December 1983 at a disco in Krylatskoye.

1986 - First appearance on television in the Musical Ring program with the assistance of A. Pugacheva.
1986 - Performance on the Rock Panorama.
1987 - Concerts, festivals. This year the first solo concert took place at the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex. The disc "Bravo" is released on "Melodiya".
1989 - The beginning of a solo career and the release of the legendary "Russian Album". In the same year, the Polish singer M. Ostrovsku won the Musical Ring program with the Russian Album. He toured the cities of the Soviet Union, starred on TV, recorded on the radio.
In October 1990 - leaves for America (USA, Los Angeles). She starts working as a soloist of the musical ensemble of the Black Sea restaurant.
1992 - Reunites with the Bravo group to participate in a tour of the cities of Israel (Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, etc.)
In October 1993 g. Zhanna Aguzarova participates in the jubilee tour "Bravo 10". This tour triumphantly, despite the paramilitary situation in the country, 32 concerts in the cities of the CIS.
1996 year Zhanna Aguzarova returns to Moscow and takes part along with other stars in the presidential election round "Vote and Win".
2011 - dubbed the character of the Martian Key in the animated film The Mystery of the Red Planet.

Discography of Zhanna Aguzarova

Zhanna Aguzarova with the Bravo group:
1987 - BRAVO
1987 - Ensemble Bravo
1987 - Group Bravo
1993 - Zhanna Aguzarova and Bravo 1983-1988
1994 - "Bravo" Live in Moscow
1995 - BRAVO "Songs of different years"

Official solo albums

Zhanna Aguzarova

1990 - Zhanna Aguzarova "Russian Album" (First edition, published in violation by the Publisher of copyright)
1993 - Zhanna Aguzarova "Nineteen Ninety's" (with Vasily Shumov)
1999 - Zhanna Aguzarova "The Best"
2000 - Zhanna Aguzarova "Russian Album" (Second edition, released with the full participation of Zhanna Aguzarova and under her control, the album was reissued in 2003 and 2004, contains various bonus tracks)
2003 - Zhanna Aguzarova"Back2Future"

Unofficial albums and joint projects

Zhanna Aguzarova

1985-1986, 1996 - Night Avenue (featuring: Zhanna Aguzarova & Natasha Borzhomova, Humanitarian Life)
1999 - Zhanna Aguzarova and Stalker "Martian"
1999 - Pavel Kuzin "Bravo, Zhanna!"
2003 - Happiness will come

Songs in compilations and soundtracks

Zhanna Aguzarova

Soundtrack to the film "Assa" (1987): the song "Wonderful Country". The same song sounds on the final credits of the film "Zhmurki".
Song Aguzarova"The Old Hotel" is played on the radio in the movie "Good Bye, Lenin!"
Aguzarova's song "Ray" sounds in the film "One Love in a Million".

"Zhanna Aguzarova is 55 years old" - sounds incredible, but it's true. The queen of outrageousness, an alien guest and the owner of an amazing voice was born on July 7, 1962, and this fact is one of the few absolutely accurate facts of her biography, the rest is fiction that defies the laws of logic. We are publishing excerpts from the book by our music reviewer Alexei Pevchev "Authorized biography of the Bravo group, published this spring by the Eksmo publishing house, and we offer you to get acquainted with several stories from the singer's life told by her friends and colleagues.

Swedish Yvonne Anders

The future queen of rock and roll was born in the village of Turtas (the Yunost Komsomolskaya railway station) in the Uvat district of the Tyumen region, and grew up in the village of Kolyvan, the Novosibirsk region. The village of Kolyvan had not the slightest chance of being designated on the rock and roll map of the world, but it was from there that a young girl named Zhanna Aguzarova came to conquer Moscow. In her native school, she was definitely a super prima, aiming at least to take the place of Alla Pugacheva, but as a maximum, to become the queen of rock and roll.

The upbringing of young Zhanna Khasanovna Aguzarova was taken care of by her grandmother Praskovya Pavlovna, who did a lot for her granddaughter to reveal herself as a talented vocalist. Grandma would sit her down in front of the TV and say, "Sing with them." It is interesting that it was Praskovya Petrovna who instilled in Zhanna a passion for exotic outfits, who created new, truly exotic outfits from old clothes.

Staying at home after school was out of the question. Moreover, the initial goals were also very clearly indicated: GITIS, the workshop of Pyotr Fomenko or the opera director Boris Pokrovsky. After all the admissions committees, shuddering en masse, unanimously voted against the potential student, Zhanna became thoughtful. Going home and admitting defeat? This was out of the question. Hastily enrolled in the first vocational school that came across so as not to get out for the 101st kilometer, the failed actress began to master the profession of a painter, simultaneously looking at Moscow. She prepared her blitzkrieg slowly.

Video: YouTube / Zhanna fan

It is difficult to say what Zhanna was counting on and what prospects she built at first. Nevertheless, the letters that came to their homeland were full of optimism and faith in a bright future.

"Drop everything and come! I am very glad that I got to this city. Let the people here are spoiled by money, huckstering and debauchery, but there are great guys and a theater ... How can you live there? Do you really want to be a simple philistine, a bourgeoisie, who will meet her agronomist, and they will live, drink and make a car? "- Zhanna wrote to her friend Tamara Gorbunova.

Somehow miraculously, the young painter made acquaintance with the bright Moscow informal Garik Assa, a charismatic guy, punk and avant-garde, a friend of the underground metropolitan fashion designer Petlyura. Khabarovsk resident Garik fit into Moscow life easily and freely. The port city, which gives material values ​​along with spiritual ones, is not always easy, but it made you feel like an advanced dude even among the Moscow bohemians. However, there was no question of entering such a company for a girl from a distant village. But what is surprising: Jeanne, who came from the Siberian hinterland, had absolutely no provincial dialect! Well, in order to document her worthy origin, her passport had a name - Yvonne Anders. In the companies, she reported that her parents were employees of the Swedish diplomatic mission in Moscow. How Aguzarova managed to forge her passport so that, despite frequent checks of documents, no one ever doubted the true origin of the "Swedish subject" is unknown.

Moscow parties

The first band that Yvonne Anders met was "Crematorium", at that time performing port-wine-lyrical acoustic rock, aimed at a student audience who was drinking, sympathetic to hippies, but not only. Would Yvonne Anders have become if everything had worked out then with the "Crematorium", a sort of Russian Janis Joplin? Who knows.

The party environment in which Yvonne constantly revolved was immense. Meetings and discoveries took place every day, but one of the most important meetings of that time for Yvonne was clearly a meeting with Peter Mamonov. The "Sounds of Mu" group did not yet exist, and Pyotr Nikolaevich was content with performing his terrible two-chord psychedelic songs with a 12-string guitar. The rest was completed with the help of facial expressions, gestures and plastics. Supplement this with a permanent alcoholic trance, incompatible in duration with an adequate perception of reality, and the picture will be eerie and true. Yvonne and Peter immediately appreciated each other's potential, and dancing together on the piano - perhaps the most innocent fun they have ever started - cemented their friendship.

Metropolitan rock and roll bohemia lived a full life. Yvonne and the company fit in with the same enthusiasm both for underground rock sessions, underground fashion shows and performance exhibitions, and for private secular theater and film premieres. We talked, gained experience, changed records, shared fresh information, hung out, sparing no time and effort. Many years later, TV presenter Yevgeny Dodolev said that he met Yvonne Anders on the steps of the Bolshoi Theater, where a future employee of the revolutionary TV program Vzglyad, who is also a master of political investigations, and later a biographer of Alexander Gradsky, met a girl of unusual appearance. Yvonne in all seriousness showed Dodolev a blurry photo in which she was captured in the company of David Bowie. It is not known for certain whether Dodolev believed in this then, but one thing was obvious to him - such a girl should not be missed. One way or another, but the Moscow bohemia took Yvonne Anders for her - instantly and unconditionally. There was no need to check for "conformity".

Meeting with the group "Bravo"

Photo courtesy of Eksmo Publishing House

The musicians of the future "Bravo" later described their first meeting in different ways, but only recently Yevgeny Khavtan voiced the version that seemed the most plausible. The girl called him obscenely late in the fall of 1983. Since there were more than fifteen years left before the era of mobile phones, the call to the apartment where Eugene lived with his parents seemed somewhat strange to him.

Having picked up the receiver, he found on the other end a loud-voiced young lady who claimed that she really wanted to sing and that she was exactly what his young group needed. Later Aguzarova claimed that in a telephone booth near the Zvezdny cinema her fan club had installed a sign "From here Zhanna called Zhenya for the first time, and he invited her to his group." Of course, no one was going to invite anyone to any group on the move.

The intrigued leader of the group made an appointment for the next day, in the center of the VDNKh metro hall. In order not to arrange a rock-and-roll bride ten times, and simply not wanting to be bored while waiting, Khavtan took Pavel Kuzin with him. And he did the right thing - he had to wait more than forty minutes. Such delays later became quite common. At the moment when the friends decided that the next batch of workers leaving the carriage was definitely the last, Jeanne appeared from the door.

As Pavel Kuzin states: "We waited for a very long time and were about to leave. We stand and look - it seems, here she is! I ran back and forth, to one, to another, she was still stooping like a hedgehog grandma. We finally found it.".

With her, Zhanna had a pretty friend Natasha and a large plastic bag with the letters TATI. Extravagant appearance, Jeanne's attire, the external data of a friend and a package with foreign letters (the fact that Tati is a French sales store, young people learned a little later) were conducive to acquaintance.

We decided to take a taxi to the base of the Mosenergotechprom recreation center, where saxophonist Stepanenko and bassist Konusov languished in anticipation of their colleagues. On the way, Khavtan and Kuzin watched with some apprehension Zhanna, who, already in the taxi, spilled half a bottle of kefir on the uniform railway tunic given to Khavtan as a future transport engineer. The taxi driver got it too. When a girl appeared, in whose presence chairs and doors were broken, multi-kilogram structures fell, the old walls shuddered, but the musicians immediately asked to demonstrate what everyone had gathered so solemnly for.

"Zhanna sang, and it was so great that everything was immediately determined. We decided that we didn't need any guy. The girl is original. She was great at giving out blues and rock and rolls even without words. I was such performers before that. I just didn’t see it. There is energy in the presentation. There is a thrill in what she does. And all this is very sincere. We began to make the program. Rehearse. Meet twice a week. Zhanna brought verses by William Jay Smith, Arseny Tarkovsky. Music I have was already ready, and we began to select what would suit our mood, "- Evgeny Khavtan said in an interview with the "Student Meridian" magazine.

Now, in addition to a ticket to a fashionable get-together, a prison sentence loomed quite clearly. In addition, Iva, who has regained her real name Zhanna Khasanovna Aguzarova, turned all court sessions into satirical shows. The word "trolling" did not exist yet, and the place was not chosen very correctly, so what was happening was not appreciated at its true worth.

Alexander Stepanenko: “At the trial, she put on such a show that everyone, even the judges, laughed. Any question was answered with an unrealistic answer. Apparently, she was taught this way. Then the judge stood up and said:“ Due to the defendant’s insanity, the trial is postponed. ” I burst into tears. I still have goosebumps. They took our girl away. "

In the Butyrskaya Prison Museum, at the stand dedicated to the celebrities who served their sentences in this place, there is a photograph of Zhanna Aguzarova, but the current employees did not find her, and the old ones are unlikely to remember anything. Moreover, almost immediately Jeanne was transferred to the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbsky, from where experts in the field of "prison rock" sent her to forced labor in the timber industry in the bowels of the Tyumen region. Very soon letters were sent from there. Zhenya and Zhanna discussed the future of the group, exchanged ideas for future songs.