How to play friends at school: the main rules of a good joke.

 How to play friends at school: the main rules of a good joke.
How to play friends at school: the main rules of a good joke.

Appeal to friends:
"We argue, none of you can repeat 3 after me simple phrases?».
In response, friends are called.
Further throwing a challenge to society to say: "Well, let's try! It rains in the forest. Today is Friday" . Friends repeat it.
Further, the master says sharply: "And here you have lost."
Everyone in response is starting to be resent. And the presenter: "I said that you could not! That was the third phrase. "


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Choose narrowed

Draw for close friends.
IN big company You can play someone trusting, who is looked in search of a husband or wife. Play like this: We offer the victim to predict the name of the narrowed in the matches. We give it the boxes of matches, please choose an arbitrary number of matches and break the heads very carefully and accurately.
Then pickyly inspect and even pick up poorly broken matches. Please repeat the procedure. Then we ask the victim to insert the broken matches between the teeth, behind the ears, in the hair and other places at will. After that, we sum up the sacrifice to the mirror and declare: "And to whom you need such (such) a terrible need?!"
At this moment, hold on to the sacrifice at a distance of 1-1.5 meters, the reaction can be unpredictable.

Draw friends

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Talking microwave

So I played my friend who looked at the "glass" of tea.
For this draw, you need 2 cell phone and scotch. One phone with scotch, you need to attach the back of the microwave, put a loud connection and call another phone. Wait a victim ...
When the victim puts into the microwave (know in advance!) Well, let's say the soup, say on the phone: "ATTENTION !!! A cockroach was found in the soup!", Or "Self-destruction of the microwave is launched! 10 9 8, etc.". When the playback opens the microwave - "the door is close, the fool blows !!!" My surprise was changed to laughter, after removing the cell phone from the microwave and the flight to the window.


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The machine is wrong

I came up with me new draw And I thought, as it were, it would be more humbered, and it turned out! ...
I stand in the subway and waiting for the train. Fits my friend to the nearby machine to put money on the phone. Selects the operator, dials the number - on the screen it is huge numbers output and shoves into the machine 500r. At this time I will pull out the phone and for the last money I send the following SMS to this number:
"Thank you for throwing us on beer. Five hundred rubles received. Admins Beeline :)"
Would you see his face ... When I went to him, he was powdered like a shoemaker, threatening to break the machine


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Drawing with tomato

Play friends in such a way can be infinite, but the main "victim" of the draw,
must be not knowing his man.
Selects the "victim", which is invited to determine to the touch with closed eyes Any part of the body. In advance, tomato cradled in half should be prepared. You take one half (flat face to the face of the "victim"), send an index finger directly to the core of the tomato and shout: "Tykay!" As soon as the "victim" stifles his finger in the tomato, your assistant who is not far from you, starts wild, yell: "Oh, you ... you squeezed me!" You understand what the reaction from the "victim" ... And the company is lying on the floor, as a rule on the floor, from laughter.


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Dummy matches

Performing 100% draw, is taken with pleasure.
Any gullible comrade and two matches takes. Comrade is aware of explanatory work that only those who are very well developed by the Mimic are taken to the artists. Such artists become pets of the public, enhance a bunch of money ... And when Comrade will donate, he is invited to pass the "theatrical exam". The exam is the following. The list of the subject "sticks" (simply mentioned, strongly pressed) the match and it is proposed to reset it without help, i.e. Only facial female. Well, if you yourself try to spend such an operation on yourself, then notice that the match drops after 3-4 seconds and there is nothing difficult in it. This is at first glance. See the condition of the task. If you read carefully, you can see that there is written "two matches". Now they guessed? If not, I will explain. Comrade shows both matches and declare that both will be glued to the forehead. And actually glued alone! Which through the same 3-4 seconds fall off! The most important thing is not to split in advance and all the time to encourage the comrade, talking to him a bunch of compliments about his developed facial expressions, etc. You can torment it up to 5 minutes, under the general laughter of those present.

Draw friends

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Are you bold?

Friends who come to our party for our party always check for courage. Correct and funny jigshaw With tied eyes: a man with a bandage in his eyes put on a chair, offering to hold for the head of the assistant, after which the chair is raised by several centimeters, but due to the fact that the assistant is squatting, the participant it seems that the chair raised the meter on one and a half. The leading offers him for the corresponding remuneration to make a risky jump from a high height. Many risk do not want to risk, so the laughter of the whole company is provided.


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Hold reins

Funny draw, famous in the circle of my friends called
"Keep reins!". Characters: "Sacrifice" - a man who fell asleep after a rapid fun or simply "filled" from fatigue, and even better if he tends to often talk in a dream and in general in every way "Lunatit", 1-2 playing and how old spectators. The painting is as follows: Forgetting deep and, perhaps, a restless man is selected by insidious intruders. In the hands of one of them, it is necessary to have any belt, belt, rope, towels, or something similar to the reins. Different sleeping is necessary immediately, in one sharp push or scream like "Get up!", And while he does not think about him, suck him "Reaches" and the voice of the Commissioner of the Great October Revolution to order: "Keep the reins!". Experience shows that approximately 80% of the "victims" cling to the "reins" by the dead grip of a second for three, until they come to themselves, while the expression of the face is the most picturesque. The subsequent reaction is unpredictable, but more often complacent, because "everything is ridiculous, then I am fun" .Vostorg from this competition 100% in all viewers.


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As a rule, play a friend is only part of the festive event program. Here is one old simple draw. Returning to the company home after a party (preferably in a crowded street), a dispute is started - which is the most sober company members. The chosen victim of the draw is invited to do flat (it is necessary to emphasize that even) swallow (I hope that this figure is understandable). After the victim diligently makes something that you need to declare that he (she) is absolutely drunk. In response to the inadvertent exclamations of the victim, explain that a sober person will never make such a goal place. I myself spent this draw many times, there was always fun, noisy, cool. The way the wishes are many, everyone wants to determine their degree of intoxication and prove that he is sober than others.


Break down to wake up before others and turn the shower suspended over the bathroom in the side of the washbasin with such a calculation so that the water from it hit the person to the person who will come to brush his teeth in the morning. Do not forget to switch water from the washbasin on the shower ...

The very telephone

Don't forget about telephone drawsAt least because they are the simplest performed. How to play a person in a similar way? For example, select the number and ask not to answer calls for 10 minutes, because the wizard works on the line and it can be powder. After some time, call back along the same number and, if the phone is raised again, I will make horrific cries.

The funniest

So you can play, for example, your chef. In his office, choose a wardrobe above human growth and put the box on it. But not a simple. She must have an open top, but there should be no bottom. Fill in a box of confetti or in a fortune, and outside glue is a bright, noticeable afar and at the same time causing an inscription, for example, "condoms" or "Mediterranean quail eggs". The chef comes into the office, sees a sort of indecent box and naturally removes it from the closet ...

Most harmless

Buy two completely identical pairs of home slippers. One pair to give a girl (wife, mom, brother, matchmaker, etc.), and another straighten up to the best times, which, for example, will come on April 1. It was on this day that you hide two right sneakers in the morning, and at the bed put two left (or vice versa). So it turns out that yesterday your victim had normal, and today it will be able to move around the apartment only a gait of frightened mantis. The main thing here is not to buy your shapeless sneakers with minimal differentiation on the left and right.

Most smart

Take a three-liter jar, pour into it water and close the sheet of paper from above. Then turn the jar upside down and put on the table or better smooth floor and pull out the paper. Water does not follow. Naturally, the bank in the middle of the table or on the floor will interfere with someone. But the object of the draw will have to break his head long over how to get rid of it with minimal victims. Immediately, it is not necessary to remove the jar from the floor much harder than from the table. Another option is to do the same with a saucepan or a cup. Only in this case the water will not be visible, so someone will have to actively run with a sex cloth.

The most foam

Standing with hot water basin, shampoo and dry ice. Pour the shampoo into hot water and throw the ice there. We walked the chemistry at school, but familiar chemists said that foam would be very, very, really very much. So much that you can fill the neighbor's room, which at night is overnight loudly turns on the disk.

Most Chumazy

For this draw, you will need no less cunning than you are an accomplice. To begin with completely burning 10-15 matches, and you rub them in the palms. Palms become black, but it is impossible to show them the object of the draw. Then find this very object in some crowded place and propose to show him focus. Speak that you can push his knee with a match, but you need to prepare something else for focus, so it must close the eyes. To prevent the victim, you close your eyes with your hands. Then the assistant tries in vain to pierce the knee by match. He does not work out, the match breaks, and you inform you in the upset feelings that the focus did not work. At the same time, the victim's face remains fairly to chumazum.

The most toilet

Draw a sign "Toilet M / F" and hang it in some crowded institution on the door of a completely different room. If you completely freeze, you can make pointers and arrows leading to pseudo. The less often the workers of this premises will go out, the longer your plate will be providing and the longer the employees will observe people rapidly running towards them, colliding on the spot and plunder away from the run away.

The most computer

To turn this draw, you need to buy a transparent nail polish and a fluid for removing it, in order not to check the traces after the deadly disgrace. The greatest difficulty lies in the fact that the office will have to come before all its inhabitants, which is unlikely towards its body. At work, take out the plug from the computer's system unit from the socket and thoroughly smear the metal part of the fork with a transparent varnish. We are waiting until the lacquer dries, and insert again into the outlet. Since the lacquer is not an electricity conductor, the chances of the fact that the victim's computer will earn more than speculative. Calling sysadmins and electricians is provided.

The most on the spores

At work, collect colleagues and propose to argue that none of them can put a glass with water on the outside of the palm. Make it can anyone who does not suffer from Parkinson's disease. Naturally there is someone who agrees to demonstrate it. Then say that the second glass on the second palm will definitely not hold. Naive victim with the words "there is nothing simpler" agrees to the second glass. After that, you are disappointed: "Yes, I, in principle, did not doubt you and go to my office. The chip is that it is not difficult to remove both glasses without any help, it is extremely difficult. It will take a lot of time before the unfortunate playful appealing to help, guesses that one glass you just need to drink.

We hope that now you know how you can play a person: a loved one or a colleague on work, chief or friend. Successful than you draw!

The first of April is nearing - the traditional day of laughter, jokes and drawing. On this day they play all: parents - children, and children - moms and dads, subordinate to be swallowed over the boss, schoolchildren and students - over teachers. All even the most evil and sharp jokes are not taken to be offended, you just need to laugh together with everyone!

All jokes, we already seem to be in line, but I want to still present some kind of special, colleague, households, classmates.

Approaching the holiday, symbolizing fun and smile, gives us positive emotions in the form of laughter, humor, positive.

Laughter prolongs life

In this article we tried to collect all the old and new, familiar and unknown jokes. What else did you hear about someone in the same way played last year, and maybe there is something new, just for you? You will be able to please our relatives, friends or employees at work and give them vivid impressions, positive emotions to them and personnel.

It turns out that there is even a special list of famous world propellegian jokes And the draws - "The Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time" applied by joker of all peoples and generations. It includes a message about the fall of the Pisa Tower, an announcement of landing an unidentified flying object in London, the appearance of flying penguins, the application of a decimal system to measure the time, the new value of the number PI - 3.0 and much more.

The basic rule on this day is not to forget that all the jokes must match the sense of humor of what you are going to laugh. Do not forget about the sense of measure! Do not overdo in your zeal, because in theory, it should be laughing not only you, but also your victim.

Planning colleagues

A little positive and fun in the office will never hurt!

Play a colleague is especially pleased for the reason that this person is close to you, you spend daily with him great amount time, and probably he has already prepared some special joke for you. But the first to be always better!

"Box (box, package, container) without bottom"

"And what inside?!"

This primary draw is suitable for those who always need to look at all angles and you need to know about everything. In place, for example, on the closet (on rack or open mezzanine), placed above the growth of a person, a small box is set (or what you have prepared), but without the bottom. This subject should be bright noticeable for all a sticker causing curiosity - for example: for sex, personal belongings, do not touch hands, open on April 2 or similar to it, but relevant in your team. The box is filled with small non-heightened objects: confetti, feathers, flies from foil, etc. As soon as the object, the object will enter the room, everyone needs to go out, so as not to interfere with it to curl about the contents of the mysterious box. Removing the subject from height, he will not suspect that there is no bottom in it, and it will be messed up with its heads to the head. You can enter and give him a broom prepared by you and scoop for curious.

We play trusting secretary

Match over the Secretary Boss - Cute Case!

If a secretary girl in your office is a naive and trusting special, call her from the phone in a nearby office and with all seriousness and severity, inform the employees of the telephone cable cleaning telephone exchange. To do this, allegedly drive hot ferry on the wires and immediately need to pack all the phones in polyethylene or tissue, as a last resort, put all the tubes on the floor. If you convinced the victim in what is happening, do not interfere with it to bring to " safe mode Works »All office handsets.

Drawing those who do not understand anything in computers (only for those who are friendly with a sense of humor)

"Something he does not work!"

1. Take the place behind the computer colleagues in its absence.
2. Press "Printsrceen" or abbreviated "PRT SC", that is, you make a photo of the screen.
3. Open: Start\u003e Standard programs \u003e Paint graphic editor.
4. Insert a photo taken or when using the SHIFT + INSERT keys it inserts itself.
5. Save the address C: Windows joke. BMP and close the editor.
6. Find the "screen properties" and make a "joke. BMP" background picture on the desktop.
7. Remove from the desktop all the icons beyond the screen. There can also be sent "Taskbar".
After returning your unfortunate colleague will not be able to click on the icons or open folders. It will not help him and restart the computer. Only you will know what to open "ordering icons by .." and restore the main background. If you do not want to get a catch from the bosses after the complaint of the unlucky colleague and the call of the IT service, the main thing is to confess on time.

Play friends

What could be more pleasant friendly joke?

Old proven drawing "Hot water"

We call a friend or girlfriend, better later, and we are interested in: " Hot water flow? - Yes! - My legs and put to sleep! "

For a nervous girlfriend

During a joint reception of coffee and a calm conversation, make an extremely frightened expression of the face and, showing on the hair, shout: "Tarakan (spider, caterpillar, bee)!" The success of the joke will depend on your acting abilities and the surprises of the moment.

Do not overdo the girlfriend then not to be played to you!

For friend

Take a trip with a friend to the gas station and during the refueling of his car or after you ask: "You, of course, fuel winter diesel fuel?". Before you understand that this is a draw on the first of April, it is at least a little, but it is scared. If you ask this question to the girl - getting one hundred percent. In this way, by the way, you can get acquainted with you like you young special.


Despite the fact that this joke is very old, it has a striking effect. The main condition remains that the played must smoke. We offer him to try a new grade of cigarettes, brought by supposedly relatives from abroad. Under the contract with friends, through a short time After the friend was lit, make any special effects - turn on quiet music, release from the cockroach box, open a jar with paint so that the smell filled the rooms, anything. All those present must maintain a calm appearance without showing that something happens, "not seeing and not hearing" what the smoking comrade says. The expression of the face of your playful, I assure you, will remember you for a long time!

"Reliable comrades"

Early in the morning, call close friends and anxiously in my voice ask to immediately bring you a declined bucket (with water or empty - no matter).
The draw will be discovered only on arrival to your yard dozen cars and people with vendors and disturbing persons. Surprisingly, believe me, and the reaction of the neighbors on this sight, some also jump out on the street with the vendors.

Raffle relatives

In the family, not without ... joke!

"Who will milk goat?"

If you have the younger kids school age And you live in an urban apartment, this joke can remember for a long time. The breakfast of the whole family, make a serious expression of the face and strict tone to contact one child, reporting that you have decided to purchase a goat. Describe all the utility you will receive from its content, and responsibly entrust the son (or daughter) to milk the animal. Cleaning and feeding, by the way, also enters her or his duties. Despite the reaction of the child, try not to confess in the draw, hold out as long as possible. If a child has doubts about the truthfulness of your words, pretend that you can negotiate how the goat can be delivered home.

Moody draw: "Woman driving"

"Cute, I have small problems ..."

Go by car husband or guy shopping. Agree with his friends, let one of them contact her husband on the phone with an unfamiliar number and inform with the Caucasian accent that you broke a very expensive car (the more expensive, the better). With your health, it is allegedly all right, but he takes you in the hostage and requires money for damage. The unreal than the amount, the better. The rest of the friends of the husband who should also be aware of what is happening can control the condition of her husband, helping him to get out of the situation.

"Congratulations, you are homeless!"

This draw is suitable if you are going to change the locks in entrance doors. Change - and at the same time play your half. Before the wife must come, agree with unfamiliar manThat opens the door after unsuccessful attempts to your wife to make it with your keys. A stranger at the entrance to his own apartment, naturally, at first, puzzles your spouse. And his question: "What did you want?" In general, put it in a dead end. On all questions " new owner"Must answer that he bought an apartment today and can show documents. How long to play on the nerves, you define the state of your beloved, better, of course, do not wait that it will cause the police or fall unconscious at the door. Everyone will be fun later when the passions pass and everything calms down.

Jealous draw, but removal husband

Sultious passions can flared up from your joke!

It is imperceptible to her husband or boyfriend sign your phone number in his contacts by another name, it may be a neighbor, a work colleague, familiar. Before leaving a husband from home let him suspect that you are wrapped. After some time, call and change the changed voice that his wife is visiting pretty manAnd you saw him gave her flowers and champagne. You can quickly cover your favorite sweetheart treats on the table, for it will arrive faster than wind. Cold: You started this joke, you are for it and answer. If your husband is the second Othello, we do not recommend joking this way, try something easier.

Children's draws

Baby laughter is the most valuable gift!

"Talking horse"

Call children and quickly say: "Good afternoon, is it a circus? Do you need a horse that knows how to talk? Do not put the tube, dial the number with the help of the hoof is very difficult! "

"Wet holiday"

You dial water into a plastic bowl, with the help of a staircase or a staircase climb the ceiling, and lean the bowl of it. Scream: "Flood!", Call the one who was planned to play. Appears, ask to hold a little mop bowl (which you previously set nearby). Leave the room, leaving unhappy with a mop in hand and a bowl under the ceiling. The resulting further can be removed by the camera on the camera. So that you do not confuse after that, prepare the wet "helper" a gift.

"Items on threads"

This joke will work if the door to your brother or sister's room opens out. Thread connect more items in the room among themselves. They should be not important, suitable, for example, handle, book, toy, vase and what else there is in the room. Get out and attach the end of the thread to a dutched door. Close it. The one who opens the door will cause teleportation of objects in it. It is better to immediately take mom in the accomplices, so as not to flew from it after.

Joke with newspaper sheet

If you share the bedroom with your little sister or brother, put a newspaper sheet under them. Lying on the "Victim" bed will hear a lung rustling and its reaction will be very funny.

Joke "With good in the morning!"

Now your brother or sister will have an hour in stock to come up with a response joke for you!

In the evening, when the playable falls asleep, rearrange all the hours an hour earlier. In the morning, maybe nothing will be discovered, but near the closed school or the institution of your brother or sister will wait a surprise. By the way, you will also have an hour in stock, it is quite possible to go after him and enjoy success.

"Pan of water"

Water poured into the pan, covered with a paper sheet, the saucepan turns upside down and placed on the table. Paper is pulled out, the water should not run away. The "victim" of the draw will be the one who decides that the saucepan is not where she needs and not as needed. The same focus can be done with a three-liter bank, leaving a played family member with thoughts on how to remove all this.

"Propelle Clapper"

The clap is tied on the railing of the stairs, and the rope from her - to the door of the neighbors. Call the door and hide in the apartment. Further observation can be carried out through eye in the door. We do not recommend laughing loudly - fall. The usual reaction of the neighbors after that - checking the entrance every three to five minutes with a hot desire to catch the joker "at the crime scene."

"Magic Drive"

Man, weakly understanding what is a computer, let me know what exists email And you should soon come remittance. Then you can solemnly get money, covered in advance in the drive.

Drawing classmates and classmates

Student jokes at all times are remembered for a long time

"Mop on the ceiling"

The note in which is written: "On the ceiling of the mop," is transmitted in the class in time of the lesson. But there is also assigned: "Pass on!". Each, who received a note, automatically look at the ceiling. When a chain reaction appears from looking up, together with them there will also be a teacher.
"I'm skiing"


Tell a classmate that you will show the focus and ask him to become exactly in the middle of the class with an elongated hand. Insert him between big and index fingers on the match on both hands (sulfur head). The same matches apply to him under the socks of the boot. Ask loudly: "What is the month now?". Naturally, he will say: "April". Your replica: "Why are you skiing?" That's all will be happy!


Your joke can come "to taste" not all

This is a draw on an amateur, as they say. People with a weak stomach are better not to experience. It turns out only if you rest on nature on this day.
We are imperceptibly not far from friends doing a bunch of Kabachkova caviar on Earth, make up a piece of toilet paper and with a scream: "Flusher!" - You begin to eat caviar with a spoon pulled out of your pocket. We warn you, many your joke can be across the throat in the literal sense.

"Impossible possible"

Declare "victim" in the presence of viewers that you possess extrasensory abilities And you can make that the "victim" will climb on the wall. Make him in this any way and words by using all sorts of "scientific" terms: aura, chakra, subconscious, etc. After your unfortunate friend agrees to participate in this experience, put it with the wall, propose to focus and try the strength of contact Bodies with a wall - sliding movements with hands, legs, elbows. At the same time, he must repeat the text for you (it's like a "mantra, overcoming earthly attraction"), without stopping movements. Approximate text content: "In me strength! In me dexterity! I can do it! I am sure about that! I'm not afraid of any barriers! My brain is ready for any loads! No one will hold me! But on the wall I still climb! "
If you have certain acting abilities you have chosen "Victim" automatically repeat the last line, I'm not suspected anything!

Video draws on April 1

In terms of the number of drawings, this day is a record holder in a year. By the way, it is considered a bad tone to be offended by the firstaaprel draws.

Sputnik Georgia prepared a selection of "jokes" for those who wish to play on the day of laughter of their households, friends, colleagues, classmates and raise the mood to others - relatives, close or just passersby.

How to play households

Waking up early to put adult children's things, and parents' parents, replace slippers for more or smaller size. You can put slippers different sizehide one sock from different couple Or strain sock and so on.

If you are not too lazy to spend some time on the preparation of the draw, you can on the eve of late in the evening to sew a thin, easily joining thread, sleeves or trousers in our household clothes. You can also sew a sleeve for the trousers or sew the neck. Such innocent jokes will turn the dressing process in the game and configure all family members to the major fluid.

You can recall the jokes that we have not done more than once in childhood - to paint the face of sleeping toothpaste, ketchup or another quickly washing the mixture, and soap covers with colorless varnish so as not to be foaming.

You can also squeeze toothpaste, Instead, a syringe fill the tube with milk, sour cream or mayonnaise. By the way, milk will be funnier.

And also, the crane divider can be squeezed with a liquid dye - blue or red, a blue or red water is cleaned from the tap. By the way, the last is terrible.

You can pour into the toilet a washing agent, which is well foaming, or put dry pasta under the toilet seat, and when someone sits on it - it will crack as if it broke.

© Photo: Sputnik / Ruslan Krivobok

You can conduct different manipulations with cosmetics. For example, replace the face cream or deodorant creamy oil.

In the kitchen, traditionally, you can replace sugar salt, add pepper into coffee - this drink is very close in the morning, especially on April 1. But it will be funnier to prepare the glazing from sour cream and halves canned peach And give jelly instead of juice.

Listed the various jokes can be infinitely, and it doesn't matter how you will play your relatives per day laughter. The main thing, remember that this is a wonderful reason to have the whole family.

How to play friends

There are many jokes associated with the phone. For example, call a friend from an unknown phone number and say the following text: "Hello, is it a corner of the Durov? Do you need a speaking horse? Just do not throw the phone, you know how difficult to pick up hoofs!"

Or, call a friend and ask him not to answer calls within a few minutes, as the telephonist works on the line, and it can be powder. After some time, call back, and if your friend takes the tube - make a writhing cry. This draw is not for the faint of heart, so you joke so as not to harm my native person.

For next draw need to mobile phone Include redirection to any number - for example, state institutions, hairdresser, bath or holiday home. The surprise of the people's caller will not be a limit when, instead of your greeting, they will hear an unfamiliar voice, pronounceing the name of the organization.

You can play a friend by putting a fading pillow. To the pad it is harder to notice, it is better to put it under the seating pillow. Just check that the air is where to go.

It can be successfully told by offering an ice cola. Only now the ice should be with a filling of chewing candy Mentos. After the ice is melted and the cola comes into the reaction with the menthos - this fountain is guaranteed.

The girlfriend can be played by the next way, called the "secret fan". You should order a chic bouquet and put an anonymous note in which you specify the place and time of the meeting, and the request to bring this most bouquet with you.

To meet with a girlfriend you need to send a man unfamiliar to her, but he must come with his companion. Going to your girlfriend, he must take a bouquet from her and give it a solemn companion. But not to bring native man Before the handle, you need to immediately appear and give flowers to be destined to her.

If you work with a friend in one office or without interference to get to his workplace, you can enclose it with stickers on which you will post confessions in love, good wishes etc. Or just throw it workplace Toys, such as frogs, various rats and so on.

By the way, you can arrange a party with friends and ask each of them to prepare several comic competitions for the evening, and before the end of the holiday, we take the results and hand the prize for the most successful draw.

How to play colleagues

The simplest in the performance of the draw is to stick the mouse with scotch and watch the perplexed colleague or colleagues. You can draw or write something cool: "I will after dinner, your mouse".

© Photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Vyatkin

Gala show "Congress Fools" takes place in Moscow

Or generally hide the mouse by placing a note with drawn tracks and words: "I do not look for me, I found a more caring dash." You can also stick to the table colleague bilateral scotch all that is on it - handles, pencils, keyboard, notepad, mouse, telephone, and so on.

The explosion of laughter in the office guarantees the fan beep under the colleague chair.

Wait until the colleague comes out for a while of the office, and change the birthday on his Facebook page on April 1, and look at his (her) reaction when you fall asleep congratulations.

Want to play all employees at the same time? Bring to work a box of delicious cakes or candies with the inscription on April 1. At the same time, so in passing, tell me that you do not want something. We guarantee that no one will touch these goodies, as everyone will guess what you did with them.

You can also bring a box of sweet pads to the office, such as "crushing", pre-replacing the contents on the "Whiskas" pads and observe the response of colleagues on the "sweet" pads.

You can print the order of the head of the change in the vacation schedule and post it on the bulletin board. Or say that half of the salary of each employee will be listed in the organization Foundation.

If your chef has a sufficient sense of humor, you can play it or it or it, and maybe them. For example, to the whole team to write statements about dismissal own willing And bring to the signature at the same time. True, there is a danger that these statements will really sign.

You can also compose statements with a request to provide material assistance in the amount of 10 salaries in connection with the birth of five, flight in Venus, arriving aliens and so on, it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

How to play teachers and classmates

For Teachers on April 1, he was always a difficult day, because at every step the figures of young leankers are waiting, which this day brings indescribable joy.

Schoolchildren have greater ingenuity than adults. The spectrum of their jokes and the drawing is quite extensive, and their fantasies can only be envied.

The most common school drawers include gluing stickers to the back of classmates with inscriptions of various content, such as "pumping with a breeze" or "Who has no horse, he sit on me."

Old joke, "And where it is so stupid" always works. You can also offer to someone soda, having shook the bottle in advance.

A simple draw, which always works. Write on the leaflet "on the ceiling of the broom" and let the class. That of classmates who will read, necessarily raise her head up, then the next and so on. And with them and the teacher begins to look at the ceiling, trying to understand what is happening.

If you are not afraid of the righteous anger of the teacher, you can apply the old trick and grasp the cool boards with dry soap. In this case, chalk on the board will not work. But keep in mind that yourself will have to wash the board later.

Nowadays, almost every student has a mobile phone, so you can come up with different jokes associated with the phone. Or just smear a lipstick phone phone and call him. His ear will be all in the lipstick, after he takes the handset.

To implement the next joke, take a big cardboard box And cut the bottom. Put the cardboard on the closet, so that the bottom fit tightly, fill it with confetti and cover on top.

By the way, that the box attracts the attention of the teacher, you need to write something with a bright sticker with a bright sticker to write something attractive attention, such as sex paranuha. When the teacher goes into class and sees a box, he will try to remove it or ask someone from the disciples. In any case, the victim will be shrouded in confetti.

Teachers can be played saying that the director calls him. But it is necessary to have time to hang on the doors of the directors Cabinet poster with the inscription: "Nobody believes to anyone!"

Propelle draws will give you a lot bright impressions, positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time. So turn your fantasy to have fun and have fun people around you.

Just remember that the draws should be an adequate sense of humor for whom you have prepared jokes on April 1, and in all observe the sense of measure in order to not offend someone in anyone.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

How to breed on April 1 of his loved ones, friends and just acquaintances? The relevance of this issue increases as this amazing holiday approached, referred to as the "Day of Fool".

History of the appearance of the day of the fool - April 1

  • The first vague hints to the existence of this custom can be found in literary works french poetsdating from the beginning of the XVI century.
  • There is a historical certificate describing the actions of one Flemish Velmazby, who walked on April 1, 1539 of his servant, forcing it to perform joking orders.

For the first time on the existence of the festival fools mentioned english writer John Owy in the distant 1686.

  • A decade later, several residents of London attempted to draw a draw, Obesting Londoners, that on April 1, a public procedure for washing Lviv will take place on April 1 in Tower.

Muscovites first encountered the first-air drawing in 1703. Having come to the place of mass guides at the invitation of streets called to watch the "extraordinary representation", the people saw the stage with the launched curtain.

At the expected hour, the curtain was open, and after him, all the cloth with mocking text: "First April - no one believes." No presentation followed by this.

Despite the centuries-old tradition propelle Raffle, the leading positions in the arsenal of traditional jokes continue to occupy the phrases about the fueling milk and whom the backs whom. The most striking is that these jokes continue to act to this day.

How to play a husband?

  • Wife loving to poke out over his beloved husband can cover the toilet with the subtlest food film . As a rule, nothing about anyone does not notice anything and sends natural needs. As far as this joke is, both spouses decide, eliminating its consequences. IN best case Joallers will hear a few not too flatter expressions in their address. At worst - there will be a scandal. Arrange such a draw or not - to solve you.
  • In a family having a child, you can organize such a joke: in advance putting a fairious portion of the Kuccachkaya caviar in pure pampers, wait for the moment when the husband goes into the kitchen and in the eyes of an amazed spouse start eating ... You know what you know. It is necessary to do this with an appetite. When a husband comes to himself, to offer him and try unusual delicacy.

A fairly standard joke is considered to substitution of the contents of sugar bowls and solonks: salt and sugar are peeping from one tank to another. As a result, the husband makes himself either a sweet scrambled eggs, or salty tea, and with a particularly "successful" coincidence - both.

  • Quite often, his wives are fooling over the sleeping husbands, staining with a green nails on their legs. Those who choose this option, give a hint in advance: hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with green.

How to play a wife on April 1 - video

Curly, but spectacular draw for a wife with a sense of humor.

How to swing over your parents? Or how to dilute parents on April 1?

How to play friends? Or how to dilute a friend on April 1?

How to breed friends on the first day of April?

How to play friends on April 1 - examples in video:

How to dilute and play classmates at school on April 1?

For a drawing of classmates on the first day of April there are many ways to have become traditional. Let's remember them:

With the appearance in our shopping centers Departments of jokes Odnoklassniki received a way to play their comrades at school. Especially for the first-herrial draws, they can purchase there:

  1. Chewing gum with disgusting taste (for example, dichlorofos).
  2. Candy with insects inside them. Completed from food plastic, they will not cause the slightest harm to health, although they produce a rather repulsive impression.
  3. Pipe with eyepiece, leaving around the eye, resembling quite natural bruises.
  4. Handle with sprinkling ink. Demonstrately splashing themselves too elegant classmates and enjoying a rapid reaction from her side, with no less pleasure to monitor the process of disappearance of the stain (these inks disappear after drying).

Curly draws of colleagues

Employees of offices have a huge number of ways to play each other, because everything you need is on any desktop.

Raffle with scotch in the office - Video:

  • Printing on the xerox image of the stationery clips, put it under a transparent tray: someone will certainly try to get them from there.
  • Computer mice of all employees are glued to the table with double-sided scotch.
  • On the doors of the toilets (preferably on the pair of floors) the announcement is postponed that they are repaired.
  • Boxes of writing tables are covered with double-sided scotch so that they opened at the same time.

How to dilute the boss on April 1?

Before divorcing the boss, it is necessary to think carefully, and will not have to regret it later. If he does not have any problems with a sense of humor and chloride, he does not suffer, it can be started to prepare the firstaaprel draw.

How to breed a favorite guy on April 1? Or draw a loved one

How can you joke on the Internet

Ways of harmless draw - a great set, and as we need information technologies The number of ways to easily transmit comic disinformation increases. Nowadays, it became possible to breed their loved ones on the Internet and SMS.

Methods of primary payments on the Internet may be as follows:

  • In secret from someone from the loved ones (parents or guy, with whom they live together) change the password from your favorite computer toys. Imagine their annoyance when they will make several attempts to go to it.
  • You can play a loved one in contact by sending it a special link by going on which he will be confused by a sudden change of language on his page. Information on how exactly this is done can be obtained using the search string of your browser.
How to play a friend in Vkontakte, sending a celebrity message - Video:

  • Publish your boyfriend in VC, you can simply change the status or marital status. Sometimes you can create intrigue by opening and closing access to different blocks personal information. In this case, not only he, but also just familiar people begin to show interest in the personal life of the user's mysterious page.

Propoarel SMS

The texts of the firstacial SMS may be approximately such:

  • Dear, as soon as you come: the husband has already set off, and the child is still sleeping. I kiss gently, waiting ("by mistake" is sent to her husband).
  • Hello! I - dusted SMS. On the way, you met the friends and ordered to whom it went. Send me again to anyone. Certainly in advance.

April 1 - a rare day when you can inform the truth with impunity, because no living soul believes in it.

  • If on the day of the fool you became a victim of the draw, you feel the last nervous, and if you play someone I could be the first.