Canned peaches: recipes for every taste. Canned peaches in syrup - healthy harvest options

Canned peaches: recipes for every taste.  Canned peaches in syrup - healthy harvest options
Canned peaches: recipes for every taste. Canned peaches in syrup - healthy harvest options

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

I have always loved to open a jar of fruit compote in winter and enjoy its summer aromatic taste, and then eat sweet pears or peaches, which my mother put in a jar and poured syrup. Mother often used such fruits for making desserts and fillings to please us with wonderful taste on cold winter days.
And more recently, I began to make peaches in syrup for the winter without sterilization. This is very important for me, because this year our beloved tree in the country gave the first full harvest of fruits, and we want to preserve it as best as possible by winter.
For a long time I did not like peaches until I tasted the sweet juicy fruits straight from the tree during my vacation at the sea, since then I had the idea to acquire such a tree in my country house. I will say right away that it was not easy, because peaches are thermophilic southern trees and they simply froze out several times in the harsh winter, despite the fact that we carefully covered them. But, finally, we have found a zoned variety that suits our latitudes and temperature regimes as best as possible, and we are already enjoying the taste of juicy sweet peaches.
To preserve their taste as much as possible, I pick the fruits straight from the tree a little unripe, boil them in sugar syrup and quickly transfer them to jars, and then bring the syrup to a boil and pour it into the peaches. After that, as usual, I close the jars with lids, and in the winter we have a ready-made dessert.

So, how to cook peaches in syrup without sterilization for the winter (recipe with photo)

- peach fruits - 1 kg,
- granulated sugar - 200 g,
- water - 1 l,
- citric acid - 1 tsp

Recipe with photo step by step:

The most time consuming process is to prepare the fruit. To do this, we harvest the fruits from the trees a little earlier, so that the peaches are slightly hard. Or we buy fruits so that they are ripe, but still such that they can lie down and mature for a couple of days.
Then we thoroughly rinse the fruits to wash off the white bloom, and then wipe them dry.
After that, cut the peaches in half and remove the seeds from them.

Now we cook the syrup, this is a simple process, you need to pour sugar and crystals of citric acid into boiling water. And then just stir and the syrup is, in fact, ready.

Gently lower the peach fruits into the bubbling syrup, mix with a spatula and bring to a boil. It is important that the peaches are not boiled, but only soaked in syrup.

After that, we transfer the fruits with a slotted spoon to clean sterilized jars. Moreover, we fill the cans to the very top. If the peel starts to peel off, then you can safely remove it.

Bring the remaining syrup in the saucepan to a boil and immediately pour it over the peaches.

We close the cans with lids (you can use cans with a twist-off system). And be sure to wrap it up warmly in order to keep warm in conservation for as long as possible.
When the cans are cool, we take them out for storage in the basement.

Bon Appetit!

Let us remind you that last time we prepared

One way to preserve a wonderful summer fruit harvest is to make peaches for the winter, the recipes for which are very varied. These fruits have a delicate, juicy texture, amazing taste, and a special aroma. It is best to use them for winter storage, because fresh they are not stored for long.

What to cook with peaches for the winter?

You can make delicious peach blanks for the winter using different methods:

  1. From peaches, you can create a wonderful compote, curls in the form of syrup or peaches in their own juice.
  2. Jam is made from fruit, which includes mouth-watering slices, or jams.
  3. You can make a puree that is suitable even for baby food.
  4. An organic addition to meat dishes will be peach sauce.
  5. You can make candied fruits from the fruits or store them frozen.

Canned peaches for the winter - a recipe

Canning peaches at home for the winter is very popular with many housewives. It is recommended to disassemble them into halves and peel them; they must be dense and without damage. Such a preparation can be eaten neat or combined with different types of dough, baking aromatic pies.


  • peaches - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • citric acid - 2 tsp


  1. Remove the peels from the peaches, divide them into halves and place them tightly in sterilized jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over the fruit, cover and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, add sugar and acid to it, boil and cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Pour the syrup into jars, cover the peaches for the winter with lids.

Peaches in their own juice for the winter

Peaches for the winter are especially popular among housewives, the recipes of which include the canning process in their own juice. With this method of cooking, the fruit pulp will remain juicy, tasty and aromatic. With the help of this preparation, it is possible to replenish the supply of essential vitamins, which are so difficult to obtain in winter. The components are given per 1-1.5 liter can.


  • peaches - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Place pitted peaches tightly in a jar, sprinkle with sugar, add water.
  2. Place the jars for sterilization in a pot of water for 25 minutes.
  3. Peaches, canned for the winter, close the lids.

Whole peaches in syrup for the winter

Those who want to experience the aroma and warmth of summer during the cold season can cook whole canned peaches in syrup for the winter. This fruit is rightly considered a healing product due to the presence of organic acids, vitamins and pectins in the composition. Using a minimum of components, you can get an unsurpassed dessert in taste.


  • peaches - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g per 1 liter of water.


  1. Place the whole peaches in sterilized jars. Pour water over them to the rim of the jar and drain it to calculate the required amount of sugar for the syrup.
  2. Pour sugar into the water, bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. Pour the syrup over the fruit, cover with lids and leave to cool completely.
  4. Drain the syrup and boil it again, pour it back into the jars. Repeat the process one more time.
  5. Preserving peaches for the winter ends by rolling them up with lids.

Peach jam for the winter

Preparations such as peaches for the winter, recipes for which include the canning process, have many advantages. Fresh fruits are very quickly served to spoilage, therefore, when preserved, they will become very useful, aromatic and tasty. The vitamin product can be served in the form of jam. Before you start cooking it, you need to soak the fruit for 10 minutes, which is good to wash out all the dirt.


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 600 g


  1. Chop the peaches and mix with 200 g of sugar, stir and leave at room temperature for several hours.
  2. Put the mass on fire. When the pulp becomes liquid, transfer it with a slotted spoon to a metal sieve, pour the juice into a separate container.
  3. Rub the pulp through a sieve, add 400 g of sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Cover peach jam for the winter.

Peach jam in slices for the winter

The classic option will be cooked in slices. It turns out to be fragrant with a transparent component, which adds to the desire to taste it. The flavor of the treat may vary depending on the type of fruit. Some fruits are juicy and have a sweet taste, while others are dense with a more sour taste.


  • peaches - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - ½ pc.


  1. Divide the fruits into slices, cover with sugar, squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Leave for 2 hours, then fish out the wedges.
  2. Put the mixture on fire, bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes.
  3. Pour the slices with hot syrup, bring to a boil again, cook for 5 minutes. Insist for a couple of hours.
  4. Boil again and cook for about an hour.
  5. Pour the jam into jars, close.

Candied peaches for the winter - a simple recipe

You can make peaches for the winter, the original recipes of which consist not only of making jam, but also other types of delicacies, for example, candied fruits. Fruits that are unripe, but fallen from a tree, are especially suitable for this option, they can be used very rationally. The result will be a product that can be consumed on its own or added to baked goods.


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • icing sugar - for sprinkling.


  1. Wash and peel the peaches, separate the seeds.
  2. Dissolve sugar in water and boil.
  3. Dip slices of peaches in hot syrup, bring to a boil. Insist for several hours until the peaches are soft.
  4. Take out the slices, dry them in the open air (3-4 days) or in an electric dryer (6 hours on medium mode).
  5. Sprinkle candied peaches with icing sugar for the winter ..

Peach compote for the winter - recipe

If you have a good harvest of fruits, they can be used not only for making jam, but also to make a delicious compote. In this way, you can cook peaches for the winter, the original recipes of which include only these components or additional berries or fruits. In the latter case, you get an assorted version.


  • peaches - 900 g;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Remove seeds from peaches, divide them into slices, put in a jar.
  2. Top with sugar and acid.
  3. Pour boiling water into the jars to the brim.
  4. Simple roll up lids.

Peach sauce for meat for the winter

You can use an extremely original recipe and make peaches for the winter without sugar in the form. By adding spicy ingredients to its composition, it will acquire incredibly piquant notes and become a highlight of any meat dish. It can be used in combination with kebabs, fried or smoked ribs, chops.


  • peaches - 1.5 kg;
  • apple cider vinegar - 170 ml;
  • mustard powder - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Dijon mustard - 80 g;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • mustard seeds - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Chop the peaches together with the skin.
  2. Mix the rest of the ingredients and boil.
  3. Add peaches to the mixture, cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Kill the mass with a blender, simmer for half an hour until the sauce thickens.
  5. Pour the sauce into the jars, cover with lids, sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up.

Peach puree for the winter

There is a recipe that will help you prepare an incredibly tender delicacy that is suitable even for baby food - this is for the winter. It is necessary to pre-rinse the fruits well, this can be done using a soda solution (1 tsp. Soda per 1 liter of water). With its help, you can get rid of the cannon characteristic of these fruits.


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Peel the peaches, remove the seeds.
  2. Add water, boil, simmer for 20 minutes. Sugar can be added at the request of the hostess.
  3. Grind the mass in mashed potatoes using a blender. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. Close the puree in sterilized jars.

How to freeze peaches fresh for the winter?

For busy housewives, such an option as freezing peaches for the winter is perfect. This process requires a minimum of effort. An additional advantage is that the fruits retain the maximum amount of nutrients. After defrosting, they can be added as a filling for baking, cook compote from them.

Honey fragrant peaches in syrup for the winter without sterilization are tender and juicy. Thanks to the addition of citric acid, they will not only last well, but also will not be sugary. This preservative also preserves the bright, appetizing color of the fruit and the syrup remains light. You can harvest fruits with or without skin. The taste practically does not change, only the density of the finished peaches can be different. This dessert can be eaten without anything at all, or you can invent different combinations with it - pour ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate topping. Or prepare different compotes from peach halves, decorate pastries with them, including holiday cakes. This is a fairly simple and quick recipe for making canning. We also advise you to cook and

Ingredients for 1 three-liter can:
- 1.3-1.5 kg of peaches,
- 1.6-1.8 liters of water,
- 200 g granulated sugar,
- 1 tsp citric acid

You can twist everything in one bottle or divide it proportionally into three liter jars. We wash the peaches, rubbing them well with our fingers to remove as many lint as possible. We dry them by placing them on a paper towel. If you want to curl the fruit without the skin, then blanch it quickly. To do this, boil water in a small saucepan. Let's put the fruits in there for a few seconds - about ten. And immediately take out with a scoop to transfer them to a bowl of cold water. Now the skin is removed with one finger movement. You just need to pull it along the barrels with a sliding gesture.
Divide each peach into two halves. It is most convenient to do this with a sharp knife, making an incision along the groove. This will keep the edges smooth and neat. We carefully take out the bone.

Fill them with boiling water and cover them loosely with lids. In this form, the jars should stand for about half an hour.

After that, we pour the water into a container where we will cook the syrup. Add sugar and citric acid there. Heat over high heat until boiling.

And again we fill the (already sweet) jars with water. Roll up tightly and set to cool. Peaches in syrup should be cooled upside down. We build a thermal bath for them from a warm blanket or towel. When the jars are cold, they can be moved to a pantry shelf or balcony. The main thing is that the place should be dry and direct sunlight should not fall there. No less aromatic and tasty are obtained and

Peach fruits taste good, improve appetite, increase gastric secretion, improve digestion, and normalize cardiac activity.
The pulp of peaches contains 85.5 percent water, 0.6 - ash, 0.9 - protein, 10 - carbohydrates, 0.9 - fiber, 0.7 - percent organic acids, as well as trace elements - potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus , iron, vitamins C, PP, carotene, in small amounts vitamins B1 and B2.
The calorie content of 100 g of peaches is 44 kilocalories.

Suitable for jam are dense, ripe, fruits with a separating stone. Rinse the peaches, let the water drain, immerse them in boiling water, stand for 3-4 seconds, then immediately immerse them in cold water and peel them. Cut the peeled peaches into halves along the groove, remove the seeds, cut the large ones into 4-6 parts along the length. Pour the prepared fruits with boiling sugar syrup and stand for 4 hours, then bring to a boil, boil a little, stand again for 4 hours, repeat one or two more times. Pack hot jam in heated dry jars, cover with prepared lids, seal and cool.
Ready jam can also be spread hot in heated dry jars, covered with lids, loosely sealed, put in a saucepan with water heated to 70 ° C and pasteurized at a water temperature in a saucepan of 90 ° C: half-liter jars - 10 minutes, liter - 14 minutes. After sterilization, seal and cool the jars.
For 1 kg of peaches - 1.2 kg of sugar, 1.5 glasses of water.

Pierce not very ripe peaches in several places with thin wooden pins, dip in warm water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, put on a sieve after 10 minutes. Put the water in which the peaches have boiled in a cold place. The next day, boil the peaches in it again, remove from heat, put the peaches on a sieve. When they dry a little, weigh. Prepare the syrup in the water in which the peaches were cooked, boil the syrup, remove the foam, set it aside for a while and put the peaches in warm syrup, then cook them over low heat. If after a while it turns out that the syrup is liquid, drain it and boil 2-3 times, adding sugar.
For 400 g of peaches - 800 g of sugar, 1 glass of water.

To prepare a compote from whole peaches, you should take fruits with a non-separating bone, dense and peeled from the stalks. Rinse sorted raw materials, put in prepared jars and pour boiling sugar syrup. Then cover the jars with prepared lids, put them in a saucepan with water heated to 55-60 ° C and sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 10 minutes, liter jars for 12 minutes. After sterilization, immediately seal the jars and turn upside down until they cool.
For syrup: for 1 liter of water - 250-350 g of sugar.

Select peaches according to the degree of ripeness and color, peel from the stalks. Rinse the sorted fruits, cut them into halves along the groove, remove the seeds, and put them tightly in prepared jars. Pour jars with boiling sugar syrup, cover with prepared lids, place in a saucepan with water heated to 55-60 ° C and sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 10 minutes, liter jars for 12 minutes. After sterilization, immediately seal the jars and turn upside down until they cool.
For syrup: for 1 liter of water - 400 g of sugar.

Sort out ripe or overripe fruits, remove the spoiled ones, rinse, let the water drain, cut into halves, remove the seeds and cut out the damaged areas. The amount of raw materials should not exceed 10 kg, otherwise burn-in is inevitable. Put the selected fruits in a bowl, pour in a little water and boil with constant stirring. When the jam thickens a little, add sugar in small portions and boil until tender with constant stirring. Pack the jam hot in heated dry jars, immediately seal with prepared lids and cool.
For 10 kg of peaches - 1 glass of water, from 1 to 5 kg of sugar (depending on the degree of ripeness and sweetness of the fruit and the taste of the consumer).

Sort the peaches, remove damaged fruits, rinse, let the water drain, cut into halves, remove the seeds, put in a bowl, pour in a little water and boil over low heat with constant stirring until tender. Check the readiness of the jam by cooling the drop. Put a drop of jam on a cold plate, let it cool. If the drop has thickened and does not spread, the jam is ready. Pack the jam hot in dry heated liter jars, filling them 2 cm below the top of the neck.

Rub ripe peaches with gauze, but do not wash, divide into halves, free from pits, finely chop and grind with a porcelain or wooden pestle. Then add sugar, wine to the peach mass, mix everything thoroughly, put on high heat and, with continuous stirring, cook to the required density, then rub through a rare sieve. If the color of the marmalade is faded, you can add blueberry or blackcurrant juice. After that, put the marmalade on the fire again and cook until it slips off the spoon. Put hot marmalade in small jars, cover and sterilize 350 g jars - 20 minutes, half-liter jars - 30, liter jars - 50 minutes. After sterilization, roll up the hot jars immediately.
For 1.2 kg of peaches - 800 g of sugar, 1 glass of wine.

Peaches selected according to the degree of ripeness and color, peel the stalks, rinse, cut into halves along the groove, remove the seeds, put them tightly in prepared jars and pour boiling water. Cover the jars with prepared lids, place them in a saucepan with water heated to 55-60 ° C and sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 9 minutes, liter jars for 10 minutes. After sterilization, immediately seal the jars and turn upside down until cooled.

Put beautiful, strong, without stains, not overripe peaches in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, peel, divide in half, remove seeds and put in water to which citric acid is added (1 g per 1 l of water), in order to so that the peaches do not darken. Put peaches in jars, pour sugar syrup and sterilize half-liter jars - 25 minutes, liter - 35, three-liter - 45 minutes. After sterilization, immediately seal the jars.
For 400 g of peaches - 200 g of sugar, 250 ml of water.

Select ripe, but hard fruits, peel off the stalks, put them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, peel them, cut them into halves along the groove, remove seeds, put them in water with citric acid, rinse again with water, dry them. Place tightly in prepared jars. Place the jars in a saucepan with warm water, bring to a boil and sterilize half-liter jars for 30 minutes, liter jars - 40 minutes. Roll up the jars immediately after sterilization.

Peaches are very healthy and deliciously delicious fruits. The pulp of these fruits is soft, juicy and has a sweet taste. Peaches are recommended for people with impaired digestion, young children, and those who have problems with appetite. These fruits contain many useful vitamins and microelements: vitamins of groups C, B, E; phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc. Peaches cannot be stored for a long time, so it is very important to make blanks out of them, for example, peach compote for the winter. The most popular ways to preserve vitamins for the winter is to prepare peaches for the winter: compotes, preserves, jams, dried fruits.

The advantage of this drink is its quick and easy preparation. In order to prepare a deliciously delicious cocktail, preserve useful vitamins and minerals, and please the whole family, you only need peaches, water and sugar. It will not take much time, but you will get a lot of pleasure.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • 15 peaches
  • 2-2.5 l of water
  • 250 grams of sugar

Peach compote recipe for the winter:

  1. We sterilize the jars. To do this, you need to wash them thoroughly (even if you bought new ones). Then, while still wet, place in an already preheated oven (160 degrees). It is necessary to sterilize the vessels until the droplets of moisture dry out. You need to take it out of the oven carefully, as the container can be hot. There is another way of cleansing: using a microwave. To do this, the jars must be filled with water up to about 1 cm and placed in the microwave. This will clean the containers with steam. Naturally, the first method is more practical, since the second is not suitable for three-liter engines.
  2. We need to sort out the fruits. In no case should rotten fruits be used. This can lead to deterioration of the drink or even poisoning. Choose peaches that are ripe, but not too hard. Overly soft ingredients work well for jam, but not for compote. The fact is that soft fruits will turn the drink into porridge, which is not quite that. What do you need. This peach compote with pits. therefore, there is no need to peel the fruit.
  3. Cooking syrup. It does it very simply, but it needs to be careful. Boil water and gradually add sugar or granulated sugar. Cook until the mixture is completely dissolved and boiling. Sugar should not burn, for this you constantly need to stir with a wooden spoon.
  4. Put fruits on the bottom of the container and fill them with ready-made syrup.
  5. We roll up the cans, turn them upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket or blanket and leave them until they cool completely.
    Store the drink in a cool, dark place. A pantry or basement works well.

Peach and grape compote "Aroma of summer"

Peaches are incredibly tasty and sweet fruits. They contain more sugar than strawberries. To balance the taste, add spice and sour notes to the drink, you can prepare peaches and grapes compote.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • 10 medium peaches
  • Grapes 200 grams
  • 2-2.5 liters of water
  • Sugar - 250 grams

Peach compote recipe:

  1. We sterilize the jars. This can be done in a conventional oven heated to 160 degrees, or in a microwave. There is another way to cleanse it: steam. To do this, pour water into a wide saucepan and bring to a boil. Put a sieve (not plastic) or a colander on top of the pan. We put the cans upside down. Thus, with the help of steam, we completely sterilize the container. The lids also need to be cleaned, for this you can simply pour boiling water over them.
  2. We clean the grapes. You can choose to taste: it can be green or black grapes, with or without seeds. Of course, it is better to give preference to the Kishmish variety, it does not have to be peeled for a long time, and bones will not float in the drink. You can use sour grapes, only the amount needs to be reduced to 150 grams. All branches and excess debris must be thrown away, the berries must be removed from the main branch.
  3. We clean the fruit, cut it in half and remove the seeds. There are several secrets on how to choose the best peaches. When buying, the fruit should spring a little in the palms when they are squeezed. The pulp should be white or pink - it is the sweetest. The yellow flesh is not so tasty, but it smells very good. If wasps, bees or bumblebees are circling next to the fruit, this is a very good sign. If you accidentally bought an incompletely ripe peach, leave it for a couple of days at room temperature (but do not allow direct sunlight), so the fruits will ripen.
  4. First put the peaches and then the grapes on the bottom of the dish. Fill all this with boiling water. You need to pour it carefully, slowly so that the container does not crack. Close the lid and wait 15 minutes.
  5. We drain the water from the container into the saucepan. We put on a small fire and bring to a boil. Add sugar slowly and gradually. Mix thoroughly, do not allow sticking. After complete dissolution and boiling of the mixture, wait another 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the prepared solution to the rest of the ingredients.
  7. We roll up the cans, turn them over, put them in a dark place for a day. Banks should be wrapped in a warm blanket. Store the drink in a cool, dark place.

If after cooking you have grapes left, then you can prepare or from it, the instructions for the production of which we have also included in our collection of recipes on the site.

Peach and ginger compote "Summer Spice"

Ginger is incredibly healthy. It helps people with impaired digestion and overweight. It uses ginger root in various forms: pickled ginger, fresh, in the form of powder, etc. This product has a pungent taste, so it will give the drink exceptional notes. Ginger has a specific taste, it has a warming property, which is very convenient in winter cold conditions. Peaches and ginger go well together. The excessive sweetness of the first product is balanced by the piquancy of the second. You need to drink such compote chilled.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • 15-10 medium peaches
  • 1 small root of fresh ginger
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • Vanilla - one pod
  • 2-2.5 l of water
  • Sugar - 300 grams

Peach compote for the winter:

  1. We sterilize the jars. In addition to the simple method of cleaning in the oven, it can be sterilized in the microwave. You can also get rid of bacteria in a double boiler. To do this, the cans are turned upside down and placed in the machine for 15 minutes.
  2. Peel the ginger root. You can chop the root very finely, or you can pass it through a grater. As a result, we need 2 tablespoons of grated ginger. If you like a spicier taste, then the amount can be increased, but not much. Ginger should be chosen golden rather than dark, with a strong smell. Fresh ginger crunches when you break it. It should be firm and smooth. It is best to choose a large ginger, as this is the one that contains the most nutrients.
  3. Rinse fruit thoroughly. Then place them in boiling water for one and a half minutes. This can be done with a colander and rinsed with cold water as quickly as possible. Then you need to remove the skin from the fruit. Cut the fruit into 8 pieces, removing the seeds.
  4. At the bottom of the pan (you need to choose the one with a thick bottom) pour sugar, zest, ginger and vanilla. Pour all these ingredients with water and put on low heat.
  5. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. When the sugar is completely dissolved, you need to cook for another 5 minutes. Then add peaches to the syrup and cook until boiling for about 5 minutes.
  6. Cool the mixture slightly and place in a container. Roll up, wrap with a blanket or blanket, turn over and put in a dark place. Drink cold.

Peach compote with "Merry Peaches" wine

For true gourmets wondering what to make from peaches, such an interesting and sophisticated drink as peach compote with wine is suitable. Wine will add sophistication and amazing notes to the drink. In addition to the main ingredients, citric acid is added to such a cocktail. Such a drink will not be overly sweet, but rather spicy.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • Peaches (kilograms 2)
  • Citric acid (tablespoon)
  • Dry or semi-sweet wine (2-3 tablespoons)
  • Sugar 250-300 grams

Peaches compote for the winter:

  1. We wash and sort out the fruits. Peaches are often treated with chemicals to make them ripen on the way and look attractive.They should not be eaten fresh or given to children. They are suitable for compote or jam, since they are carefully processed before, but it is better to give preference to good and healthy fruits. If a peach looks attractive, but it has a dry and shriveled pit, it means that you overdid it with chemicals.
  2. Place washed peaches in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, remove with chintz, place in cold water. Then remove the skin, cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds.
  3. In the water in which the fruits were, gradually add sugar (everything is on low heat). Then throw in the seeds from under the fruit. Cook for another 5-7 minutes until boiling. Strain.
  4. Put peaches in a saucepan and pour over the prepared syrup. Add citric acid. Bring to a boil and cook for a few more minutes.
  5. Add wine to the finished drink. Its amount can be reduced or, on the contrary, increased to taste.
  6. We sterilize the jars. The oven is the most common way. Just place the container there (in a preheated oven to 160 degrees) and wait 15 minutes. The lids also need to be cleaned by simply spraying them with hot water.
  7. Pour the compote into a bowl. Peaches in syrup are ready for the winter!

Peach and apple compote "Fruit flavor"

Apple compote is a classic. Such blanks were made by our grandmothers, great-grandmothers many years ago. Now this process has become much easier, you do not need to fill the cans with fat, you can simply roll them up with lids, use ovens, not ovens. However, one thing remains unchanged - this is the benefits and taste of this delicious drink. The peculiarity of the drink is that you get pitted peach compote.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • Apples - 15 pieces
  • Peaches - 10-15 pieces
  • Sugar - 250 grams

Cooking process:

  1. We clean the apples, cut them into 4 parts. Sweet and sour apples should be preferred to balance the sweetness of the peaches.
    We sort the peaches, wash them and cut them into 4 slices. The bones are no longer needed.
  2. Then we "bathe" the peaches in syrup, the recipe provides for the preparation of the syrup. Boil water and gradually add sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon. After complete dissolution, cook for a few more minutes.
  3. We put fruits in pre-sterilized jars. They must fill one third of the container.
  4. Fill the ingredients with the prepared syrup.
  5. We roll the compote. We wrap it with a blanket, turn it over, put it in a dark cool place. The seedless peach compote for the winter is ready!

Peach compote for the winter will delight the whole family. Unlike carbonated sugary drinks, the compote is not only very tasty, but also brings great benefits. The main thing is to choose sweet and fresh fruits, do everything right, and do not forget to sterilize the jars and lids.